Showing 166 items
matching j. herbert
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, October 1931
... , Lance Herbert, Rupert Mosley, J. McKeown, Sam Lynn, T. Bartold..., Lance Herbert, Rupert Mosley, J. McKeown, Sam Lynn, T. Bartold ...This is a photograph of the first committee and members of the Orbost Bowling Club in 1931. L-R: Rev. Montgomerie, Ab Trewin, Dave & Dick Pardew, Jack Cameron, Harry Cameron, Carl Dreverman, Lance Herbert, Rupert Mosley, J. McKeown, Sam Lynn, T. Bartold - Geo. Haymes. The first meeting was held on 23/3/1922, then the Orbost bowling Club was formed in 1929 when the funds for the construction of the green were issued by debentures of five pounds each. These were all taken up and a six rink green was laid down. Inaugural President, Sam Lynn and Secretary T. Bartold, the first Club Champion was M. Rothberg. It was not until 1951 that women were admitted as associates albeit restrictions.Associate members were not to exceed 25 and ladieswere to be of good character with preference to be given to wives of male members. Ladies had tot be off premises by 4pm. It was not until 1935/1936 that Orbost became a member of the Central Gippsland Bowling Association. Bowling clubs play a significant role in community recreation needs. The Orbost Bowling Club plays an important role in the Orbost community.A small black / white photograph of a group of men wearing lawn bowling uniforms. In front of them are two balls.on back - handwritten - "Opening Orbost BC Committee Oct 1931" -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Ship's Wheel, 1871 or earlier
The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built many ships that had wheels with the same decorative, starburst pattern on them as this particular wheel segment, including the Eric the Red. The wheel was manufactured by their local Bath foundry, Geo. Moulton & Co. and sold to the Sewall yard for $100, according to the construction accounts of the vessel. Eric the Red was a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn". “The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse.“ (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA) Segment of a ship's wheel, or helm, from the wreck of the sailing ship Eric the Red. The wheel part is an arc shape from the outer rim of the wheel and is made up of three layers of timber. The centre layer is a dark, dense timber and is wider than the two outer layers, which are less dense and lighter in colour. The wheel segment has a vertically symmetrical, decorative copper plate inlaid on the front. The plate has a starburst pattern; six stars decorate it, each at a point where there is a metal fitting going through the three layers of timber to the rear side of the wheel. On the rear each of the six fittings has an individual copper star around it. The edges of the helm are rounded and bevelled, polished to a shine in a dark stain. Around each of the stars, front and back, the wood is a lighter colour, as though the metal in that area being polished frequently. The length of the segment suggests that it has probably come from a wheel or helm that had ten spokes. (Ref: F.H.M.M. 16th March 1994, 239.6.610.3.7. Artefact Reg No ER/1.)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ship's-wheel, eric-the-red, helm, shei's wheel, ship's steering wheel -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Decorative object - Sword, 1871 or earlier
This wooden sword is said to “possibly be the only remaining part of the figurehead from the sailing ship Eric the Red.” It was previously part of the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum and the entry in its inventory says “Wooden sword, portion of the figurehead, held by “Eric the Red” at the bow.” A large part of the ship’s hull was found on the rocks and a figurehead may have been attached or washed up on the shore. The shipping records for E. & A. Sewall, the builders, owners and managers of Eric the Red, are now preserved in the Maine Maritime Museum. There is no photograph on record of Eric the Red but photographs of other ships built around that time by the same company show that these did not have figureheads, and there is no record found of a figurehead for Eric the Red being ordered or paid for. Further research is being carried out. The ship building company E. & A. Sewall, from Bath, Maine, USA, built Eric the Red, a wooden, three masted clipper ship. She had 1,580 tons register and was the largest full-rigged ship built at Bath, Maine, USA in 1871. She was built and registered by Arthur Sewall, later to become the partnership E. & A. Sewall, and was the 51st ship built by this company. The annually-published List of Merchant Vessels of the U.S. shows that Bath was still the home port of Eric the Red in 1880. The vessel was named after the Viking discoverer, Eric the Red, who was the first European to reach the shores of North America (in 980AD). The ship Eric the Red at first traded in coal between America and Britain, and later traded in guano nitrates from South America. In 1879 she was re-metalled and was in first class condition. On 10th June 1880 (some records say 12th June) Eric the Red departed New York for Melbourne and then Sydney. She had been commissioned by American trade representatives to carry a special cargo of 500 exhibits (1400 tons) - about a quarter to a third of America’s total exhibits - from America for the U.S.A. pavilion at Melbourne’s first International Exhibition. The exhibits included furniture, ironmongery, wines, chemicals, dental and surgical instruments, paper, cages, bronze lamp trimmings, axles, stamped ware, astronomical and time globes, samples of corn and the choicest of leaf tobacco. Other general cargo included merchandise such as cases of kerosene and turpentine, brooms, Bristol's Sarsaparilla, Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, Wheeler’s thresher machine, axe handles and tools, cases of silver plate, toys, pianos and organs, carriages and Yankee notions. The Eric the Red left New York under the command of Captain Z. Allen (or some records say Captain Jacques Allen) and 24 other crew including the owner’s son third mate Ned Sewall. There were 2 saloon passengers also. On 4th September 1880 the ship had been sailing for an uneventful 85 days and the voyage was almost at its end. Eric the Red approached Cape Otway in a moderate north-west wind and hazy and overcast atmosphere. Around 1:30am Captain Allen sighted the Cape Otway light and was keeping the ship 5-6 miles offshore to stay clear of the hazardous Otway Reef. However he had badly misjudged his position. The ship hit the Otway Reef about 2 miles out to sea, south west of the Cape Otway light station. Captain Allen ordered the wheel to be put ‘hard up’ thinking that she might float off the reef. A heavy sea knocked the man away from the wheel, broke the wheel ropes and carried away the rudder. The sea swamped the lifeboats, the mizzenmast fell, with all of its rigging, then the mainmast fell and the ship broke in two. Some said that the passenger Vaughan, who was travelling for his health and not very strong, was washed overboard and never seen again. The ship started breaking up. The forward house came adrift with three of the crew on it as well as a longboat, which the men succeeded in launching and keeping afloat by continually bailing with their sea boots. The captain, the third mate (the owner’s son) and others clung to the mizzenmast in the sea. Then the owner’s son was washed away off the mast. Within 10 minutes the rest of the ship was in pieces, completely wrecked, with cargo and wreckage floating in the sea. The captain encouraged the second mate to swim with him to the deckhouse where there were other crew but the second mate wouldn’t go with him. Eventually the Captain made it to the deckhouse and the men pulled him up. At about 4:30am the group of men on the deckhouse saw the lights of a steamer and called for help. At the same time they noticed the second mate and the other man had drifted nearby, still on the spur, and pulled them both onto the wreck. The coastal steamer Dawn was returning to Warrnambool from Melbourne, its sailing time different to its usual schedule. Cries were heard coming from out of the darkness. Captain Jones sent out two life boats, and fired off rockets and blue lights to illuminate the area. They picked up the three survivors who were in the long boat from Eric the Red. Two men were picked up out of the water, one being the owner’s son who was clinging to floating kerosene boxes. At daylight the Dawn then rescued the 18 men from the floating portion of the deckhouse, which had drifted about 4 miles from where they’d struck the reef. Shortly after the rescue the deckhouse drifted onto breakers and was thrown onto rocks at Point Franklin, about 2 miles east of Cape Otway. Captain Jones had signalled to Cape Otway lighthouse the number of the Eric the Red and later signalled that there was a wreck at Otway Reef but there was no response from the lighthouse. The captain and crew of the Dawn spent several more hours searching unsuccessfully for more survivors, even going back as far as Apollo Bay. On board the Dawn the exhausted men received care and attention to their needs and wants, including much needed clothing. Captain Allen was amongst the 23 battered and injured men who were rescued and later taken to Warrnambool for care. Warrnambool’s mayor and town clerk offered them all hospitality, the three badly injured men going to the hospital and others to the Olive Branch Hotel, then on to Melbourne. Captain Allen’s leg injury prevented him from going ashore so he and three other men travelled on the Dawn to Portland. They were met by the mayor who also treated them all with great kindness. Captain Allen took the train back to Melbourne then returned to America. Those saved were Captain Z. Allen (or Jacques Allen), J. Darcy chief mate, James F. Lawrence second mate, Ned Sewall third mate and owner’s son, John French the cook, C. Nelson sail maker, Clarence W. New passenger, and the able seamen Dickenson, J. Black, Denis White, C. Herbert, C. Thompson, A. Brooks, D. Wilson, J. Ellis, Q. Thompson, C. Newman, W. Paul, J. Davis, M. Horenleng, J. Ogduff, T. W. Drew, R. Richardson. Four men had lost their lives; three of them were crew (Gus Dahlgreen ship’s carpenter, H. Ackman steward, who drowned in his cabin, and George Silver seaman) and one a passenger (J. B. Vaughan). The body of one of them had been found washed up at Cape Otway and was later buried in the lighthouse cemetery; another body was seen on an inaccessible ledge. Twelve months later the second mate James F. Lawrence, from Nova Scotia, passed away in the Warrnambool district; an obituary was displayed in the local paper. The captain and crew of the Dawn were recognised by the United States Government in July 1881 for their humane efforts and bravery, being thanked and presented with substantial monetary rewards, medals and gifts. Neither the ship, nor its cargo, was insured. The ship was worth about £15,000 and the cargo was reportedly worth £40,000; only about £2,000 worth had been recovered. Cargo and wreckage washed up at Apollo Bay, Peterborough, Port Campbell, Western Port and according to some reports, even as far away as the beaches of New Zealand. The day after the wreck the government steam ship Pharos was sent from Queenscliff to clear the shipping lanes of debris that could be a danger to ships. The large midship deckhouse of the ship was found floating in a calm sea near Henty Reef. Items such as an American chair, a ladder and a nest of boxes were all on top of the deckhouse. As it was so large and could cause danger to passing ships, Captain Payne had the deckhouse towed towards the shore just beyond Apollo Bay. Between Apollo Bay and Blanket Bay the captain and crew of Pharos collected Wheeler and Wilson sewing machines, nests of boxes, bottles of Bristol’s sarsaparilla, pieces of common American chairs, axe handles, a Wheelers’ Patent thresher and a sailor’s trunk with the words “A. James” on the front. A ship’s flag-board bearing the words “Eric the Red” was found on the deckhouse; finally those on board the Pharos had the name of the wrecked vessel. During this operation Pharos came across the government steamer Victoria and also a steamer S.S. Otway, both of which were picking up flotsam and wreckage. A whole side of the hull and three large pieces of the other side of the hull, with some of the copper sheathing stripped off, had floated on to Point Franklin. Some of the vessels yards and portions of her masts were on shore. The pieces of canvas attached to the yards and masts confirmed that the vessel had been under sail. The beach there was piled with debris several feet high. There were many cases of Diamond Oil kerosene, labelled R. W. Cameron and Company, New York. There were also many large planks of red pine, portions of a small white boat and a large, well-used oar. Other items found ashore included sewing machines (some consigned to ‘Long and Co.”) and notions, axe and scythe handles, hay forks, wooden pegs, rolls of wire (some branded “T.S” and Co, Melbourne”), kegs of nails branded “A.T. and Co.” from the factory of A. Field and Son, Taunton, Massachusetts, croquet balls and mallets, buggy fittings, rat traps, perfumery, cutlery and Douay Bibles, clocks, bicycles, chairs, a fly wheel, a cooking stove, timber, boxes, pianos, organs and a ladder. (Wooden clothes pegs drifted in for many years). There seemed to be no personal luggage or clothing. The Pharos encountered a long line, about one and a half miles, of floating wreckage about 10 miles off land, south east of Cape Otway, and in some places about 40 feet wide. It seemed that more than half of it was from Eric the Red. The ship’s crew rescued 3 cases that were for the Melbourne Exhibition and other items from amongst the debris. There were also chairs, doors, musical instruments, washing boards, nests of trunks and fly catchers floating in the sea. Most of the goods were saturated and smelt of kerosene. A section of the hull lies buried in the sand at Parker River Beach. An anchor with chain is embedded in the rocks east of Point Franklin and a second anchor, thought to be from Eric the Red, is on display at the Cape Otway light station. (There is a photograph of a life belt on the verandah of Rivernook Guest House in Princetown with the words “ERIC THE RED / BOSTON”. This is rather a mystery as the ship was registered in Bath, Maine, USA.) Parts of the ship are on display at Bimbi Park Caravan Park and at Apollo Bay Museum. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village also has part of the helm (steering wheel), a carved wooden sword (said to be the only remaining portion of the ship’s figurehead; further research is currently being carried out), a door, a metal rod, samples of wood and a medal for bravery. Much of the wreckage was recovered by the local residents before police and other authorities arrived at the scene. Looters went to great effort to salvage goods, being lowered down the high cliff faces to areas with little or no beach to collect items from the wreckage, their mates above watching out for dangerous waves. A Tasmanian newspaper reports on a court case in Stawell, Victoria, noting a man who was caught 2 months later selling tobacco from the wreckage of Eric the Red. Some of the silverware is still treasured by descendants of Mr Mackenzie who was given these items by officials for his help in securing the cargo. The gifts included silver coffee and tea pots, half a dozen silver serviette rings and two sewing machines. The wreck and cargo were sold to a Melbourne man who salvaged a quantity of high quality tobacco and dental and surgical instruments. Timbers from the ship were salvaged and used in the construction of houses and sheds around Apollo Bay, including a guest house, Milford House (since burnt down in bushfires), which had furniture, fittings and timber on the dining room floor from the ship. A 39.7 foot long trading ketch, the Apollo, was also built from its timbers by Mr Burgess in 1883 and subsequently used in Tasmanian waters. It was the first attempt at ship building in Apollo bay. In 1881 a red light was installed about 300 feet above sea level at the base of the Cape Otway lighthouse to warn ships when they were too close to shore; It would not be visible unless a ship came within 3 miles from it. This has proved to be an effective warning. The State Library of Victoria has a lithograph in its collection depicting the steamer Dawn and the shipwrecked men, titled. "Wreck of the ship Eric the Red, Cape Otway: rescue of the crew by the Dawn".The Eric the Red is historically significant as one of Victoria's major 19th century shipwrecks. (Heritage Victoria Eric the Red; HV ID 239) The wreck led to the provision of an additional warning light placed below the Cape Otway lighthouse to alert mariners to the location of Otway Reef. The site is archaeologically significant for its remains of a large and varied cargo and ship's fittings being scattered over a wide area. The site is recreationally and aesthetically significant as it is one of the few sites along this coast where tourists can visit identifiable remains of a large wooden shipwreck, and for its location set against the background of Cape Otway, Bass Strait, and the Cape Otway lighthouse. (Victorian Heritage Database Registration Number S239, Official Number 8745 USA)This carved wooden sword, recovered from the Eric the Red, is possibly the only portion of the figurehead recovered after the wreck. There are spirals carved from the base of the handle to the top of the sword. The hilt of the sword is a lion’s head holding its tail in its mouth, the tail forming the handle. The blade of the sword has engraved patterns on it. Tiny particles of gold leaf and dark blue paint fragments can be seen between the carving marks. There are remnants of yellowish-orange and crimson paint on the handle. At some time after the sword was salvaged the name of the ship was hand painted on the blade in black paint. The tip of the sword has broken or split and the remaining part is charcoal in appearance. On both the tip and the base of the handle are parts made where the sword could have been joined onto the figurehead There is a white coating over some areas of the sword, similar to white lead putty used in traditional shipbuilding. The words “ERIC the RED” have been hand painted on the blade of the sword in black paint sometime after it was salvaged.flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, sword, wooden sword, eric the red, carved sword, figurehead, snake head on sword -
Bendigo Military Museum
Postcard - POSTCARDS, PHOTOGRAPHIC WW1, Edgar Dawson collection : Battalion comrades, 1915-1919
This six-postcard group is the third in a series of records of items in the collection of Edgar Dawson DCM. Dawson was the Regimental Sergeant Major of 57th Battalion, AIF. The 57th had a company of men largely from Bendigo and Eaglehawk. These postcards are from his personal album. Many are annotated in Dawson's hand with explanatory notes on the subject. Refer to Cat No 893 for his service details. Items originally in album cat. no. 207P Service details available through the NAA. Physical description Collection of six photo postcards B+W 1. Portrait of Richards, John 3593 57th Btn 2. Portrait of Moore, Charles 4593 57th Btn 3. Portrait of Mitchell, Leslie Fenen 4854 57th Btn 4. Portrait of Hutson, Herbert Spence 3540 57th Btn 5. Portrait of Steele, Leslie William 2737 57th Btn 6. Portrait of Spinks, William Edward 2239 57 Btn1. On verso "L.Cpl J Richards, St Killians Road, White Hills Bendigo Victoria 6-10-17" 2. On verso, "Chas Moore, 9-9-17" 3. On verso "Pt L.F. Mitchell, No 4854, 13th reinforcements, 29th Battalion, AIF Abroad" 4. On verso "This is one of our gallant runners France 1917" "Herbert S. Hutson, Lemon Grove, Heathcote Victoria" 5. On verso "With best wishes L Steele 10-2-18", "L. Steele, Balmoral Street, Essendon, Melbourne Australia" 6. On verso "W.E.Spinks, Templeton Street, Euroa, Victoria, Australia"postcards, 57th battalion, edgar dawson dcm -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Bechervaise, John Mayston
Four items about John Mayston Bechevaise Newspaper article from the Age, dated 30/07/1998. Describes the life of John Berchervaise (11/05/1910 to 13/07/1998), as a teacher, author, explorer and his contribution to Antartic exploration. Includes a photograph of him. A handwritten article, dated 31/07/1998 by Allan Doble giving brief details and dates of John Berchervaise’s student and early teaching life in Murrumbeena Photocopy of Register of the MurrumbeenaSchool No. 3449 showing enrolment and alternative details for Johnand his brother Herbert, plus family details – 22 students in total shown over period 1918 to 1927. Photocopy of p.18 Murrumbeena Primary School 3449 75th Anniversary showing stafting List 1929. Included in the 22 teachers listed is Art Mr J Bechervaise(JT) who may or may not be John Mayston Bechervaise.bechervaise john mayston, awards, author, law phillip bechervaise lorna murrumbeena primary school 3449 75th teacher melbourne street, explorer, periodicals, anniversary, walkabout, exploration murrumbeena school no. 3449 murrumbeena, teachers, bechervaise herbert doble allan, clerks, lists, registers, students -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Plan - Chinese Community in Glen Eira
Three pages on Chinese in Glen Eira. One hand drawn map of residents living in surrounds of Murton Hall, Chinese Church from SANDS AND MCDOUGALLS 1914 edition by Claire Barton. Printed page from FILE 1234 on Thomson Memorial Church. Hand written Chinese gardeners and related associations from SANDS AND MCDOUGALLS. Page from PROV Book 2013 with a Victorian Garden License.ruby street, reeves william, murton hall, chinese church, malva street, beattie rev. j., ocean street, gould mrs. s., belmont, house names, munn harry, maud street, ormond hall, taylor herbert, raymond rev. h., north road -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St. Georges Road, 68, Elsternwick
Two documents about the history and features of this property. A typed report about the ownership and occupancy from 1906 to 1978 of 68 St. Georges Road dated 21/07/1987 researched by Hailary Bullock and Rosalind Landells with handwritten working notes. Two evaluations, one for the house dated 05/05/1954, and one for the furnishings inside the georges road, george road, elsternwick, frederick sargood estate, sargood f., ripponlea, ring c., wrigley leslie j., belle vue, young stephen, locksley, cutts herbert, robertson david, robertson ada, edwards joseph, cording william, rybajzen jeko szaul, bullock hilary, landells rosalind, brighton historical society, architectural features, houses, land values, furnishings, brick houses, verandahs, cast iron work, edwards mrs -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Hengar, Glen Eira Road, 356, Elsternwick
A copy of two page typed report by Hilary Bullock and Rosalind Landells, dated 18/01/1990, on the history of Hengar, a dower house built for the Langdon family in 1887/1888. The report includes an explanation of the term dower house, outlines the land sale history since 1851 and gives a brief history of the occupancy of Hengar from 1888 to 1989. The file also includes one page of undated, unattributed handwritten working notes.landells rosalind, bullock hilary, hengar, glen eira road, elsternwick, holloway j m, langdon henry j, rosecraddock, beemery park estate, lirrewa, caulfield town hall, langdon family, deanmead a, griffith alfred, langdon e e, langdon h j, langdon laura, langdon henry, langdon bessie, sadler emily amy, brenton v c, herz s, beth riukan girls’ college, happy days kindergarten, florence herald herbert, happy days child minding, manners and customs, preschools -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Long Street, 10, Elsternwick
Two items about this property: A type written letter dated 03/11/1988 from Rosalind Landells and Hilary Bullock regarding the history of the occupants of 10 Long Street Elsternwick from 1889-1974. Included is a handwritten page of working notes, undated and unattributed listing the occupant history. An advertisement unsourced, dated 26/5/2006 for the forthcoming auction of 10 Long Street. The advertisement describes key architectural and other features of the house and includes a copy of a colour photograph.elsternwick, long street, advertisements, victorian style, land sales, architectural features, auctions, depression 1890s, land subdivision, munro john p, reynolds i a miss, bainbridge f f, ebbs william h, hunt harry, turner m c miss, hobbs cecil h, mcgillivray e mrs, bowles james, place thomas e, murray herbert, mcbride george, homeman george e, answerth l. m mrs, newling arthur, swann herbert c, matheson alfred, hannett r e, sullivan j, bullock hillary, landells rosalind -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph - NETTALIE
Various documents about and photographs of Nettalie or Netley House or The Nest on Balaclava Road Caulfield now part of Melbourne Grammar School: 1/The first is an article undated and unattributed accessed from on 14/07/2006 detailing with bibliography the history of Netley House including the owners especially the Shaw family. 2/There are several separately colour-printed photographs of the front facade of Nettalie most undated and unattributed, and one family portrait of the Shaw family circa 1863. All were also accessed from on 14/07/2006. 3/One black and white photograph is inscribed '73 Balaclava Rd Caulfield 3/9/72 Neg 16A'. 4/Two copies of a plan of Nettalie next to The Curragh and Harleston, also in the article and likely accessed from same source on same date. 5/A copy of Dr Cameron’s letter to Herbert Shaw dated 24/05/1949. 6/One copy of a letter from Herbert Shaw to Dr William Cameron dated 25/05/1949. 7/A plan of Melbourne Grammar School with each building dated to when it was built including Netley House in herbert, shaw alfred henry, shaw arthur, shaw amelia, shaw lavinia, forsyth william, blundell mary, fosbery john, bakewell john, hailes george b, blundell miss, stephen george sir, billings richard, ware martha, desailly alfred, cameron william dr, cameron j mrs, nettalie, the nest, netley house, house names, caulfield north, balaclava road, grimwade house, orrong road, harleston, caulfield road district, st kilda east, the curragh, shelford, helenslea, sylliot hall, labassa, o’loughlin street, ormond, hotham street, melbourne grammar school, caulfield conservation study, mansions, teachers, schools, independent schools, hardware stores, business people, lawyers, businesses, brick houses, outbuildings, architectural styles, classrooms, bunya bunya pine trees, trees, orchards, land subdivisions, land sales, doctors -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Glenhuntly Road, Elsternwick
Three three page extracts from Andrew Ward’s 1994 Caulfield Conservation Study on commercial buildings in Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick. The three studies concern Moore’s Buildings 1891 shops at 305-313 Glen Huntly Road, shops at 323-329 Glen Huntly Road and E J Buckeridge’s Buildings 1911 shops at 357-371 Glen Huntly Road. The studies describe the buildings’ architectural features, provide a historical overview and statements of the buildings’ significance, especially in relation to the Land Boom and commercial development between 1890 to the 19020s. All three studies include a black and white photograph (109mm x 152mm; 114mm x 150mm; 110mm x 151mm) of the shop fronts.glen huntly road, moore’s buildings 1891, italianate style, architectural styles, architectural features, verandahs, elsternwick, moore hugh, selwyn street, st georges road, glenmoore, glenmoore estate, corkill french and pugh, jamieson w w, thompson a g, eddy henrietta, valey frank, allen thomas, saddlers, dairy products, green w i, undertakers, delany edward, drapers, herbenstreit huldreich, butcher shops, sincock john, plumbers, allen t, greengrocers, coppel george, painters, dickinson f h, dickinson v, johnson thomas, cole constance, hairdressers, ortner frank, drycleaners, gaffney elodie, ward andrew, long mr, robinson mr, le page mr, byers robert, carter mary, millar c, smythe f c, crook thomas, stancy h, crook’s national stores pty ltd, e j buckeridge’s buildings 1911, kelly walter, staniland grove, buckeridge edward, hannon john, kellett frances, beck miss, armstrong miss, tuck mary, milliners, doherty john, adams herbert, bakeries, perry robert, picture framers, adams clifford, arches, windows, shops, land subdivision, retail trade, property developers, advertising signs -
Glen Eira Historical Society
... Robert W. Arnott John Davis George Payne Charles Arnott Arthur J ...Two items about this property 1/typed copy of a list of occupiers at 73 Regent Street, Elsternwick, with some history of the street name; possibly was Ebden Street. Accompanying are handwritten working notes listing residents 1888 – 1974 2/handwritten file note of research from 1903 Sands and McDougall Directory indicating that Regent Street was previously Ebden Street; by GEHS volunteer Anne Kilpatrick.regent street, elsternwick, wigley arthur l., elston emma, o’brien william, mcconchie robert w., arnott john, davis george, payne charles, arnott arthur j., stewart peter, hart herbert d., clark george, martel kath, mcdevitt charles, mcmurrich r.t., wollaston m.f. mrs, mcinerney d.o., breen g.p. mrs, brown w.l., cox w.h., bullock hilary, landells rosalind, ebden street, ebden charles hotson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook 1921-1924, 1921-1924
The clippings in this book relate to the Ballarat School of Mines. Hard covered scrapbook with newspaper clippings relating to the Ballarat School of Mines.ballarat school of mines, scrapbook, ballarat technical art school, clay, ceramics, pottery, native clay, maurice copland, h.h. smith, c.h. beanland, technical schools, albert e. dowling, john dulfer, jenkin swimming shield, r.s. dale, j.y. mcdonald, a.f. heseltine, stained glass windows, amalie feild, richard dale, ballarat school of mines museum, ballarat junior secondary school, war criminal trials, j.f. crichton, repatriation department, w.o.f. close, soldiers vocational classes, world war one, alexander peacock, ballarat junior technical school opening, effie holmes, cornell chemist, w.k. moss, ken moss, obituary, j. vickery, w.d. hill, r.w. richards, shackelton, antarctic exploration, t.h. trengrove, samuel mayo, vera lindsay, bessie robertson, victor greenhalgh, repatriation classes closure, repatriation classes termination, university college, vocational training, arbor day, j.b. corbet, ballarat school of mines procession, ballarat junior technical school honour board, harold herbert, albert steane, a.w. steane, francis davis, tree planting, clyde lukeis, trade classes, old boys association, alfred james higgin, blackill color and oxide company, electric supply company, state school exhibition, state education jubilee, scholarships, clay deposits, james coad, t.a. williams, copland memorial, e.j. mcconnon, alfred mica smith, ponsonby carew smyth, d. maxwell, lena rutherford, dorothy whitehead, examination results, geoffrey nicholls, robert dowling, j.b. robinson, percy trompf, j.c. bush, white flat reserve, rubbish tip, sports ground, broken hill excursion, old boy's association, school of mines procession, white flat improvements, empire exhibition, ballarat school of mines literary society, school reunion, john rowell, d.e. mullins, g. renkin, t.m. shattock, new law courts, supreme court building transferred to ballarat school of mines, buildings, ballarat state offices, ballarat school of mines museum closed, ballarat school of mines and industries, k.b. brown, sir r. garran, alf hannah, macrobertson scholarship, simone fraser, violet hambley, alfred bayley, j. heriot, c.r. pittock, i.r. bradshaw, ballarat exhbition, e. parkin, c.m. harris, mica smith bust, william henry nicholls, daniel walker, paul montford, w.h. corbould, j.w. sutherland, technical training for girls, girls education, amalie colquhoun, ken moss obituary, opening of the ballarat junior technical school, j.s. vickery, j.s. vickery obituary, ida v. johnson, john rowell exhibition, max meldrum, w.g. coates, g.f. fitches, walter white, sewerage plumbing, villers brettonneux school -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS WW1 - WW2, 9) Col H T ALLAN, 1) 11.11.1918; .3) c.Jul-Aug 1940; .4) & .5) c.WWII; .6), .7) & .8) post WWII; .9) - .16) 29.3.1958;
Herbert Trangmar ALLAN, refer Cat No 2755.4 for his extensive service records and awards. .3) Taken during his appointment to Headquarters of the Command & Staff School, 2nd Military District. .7) Col H T ALLAN former commander of the Pacific Islands Regiment. .10) See newspaper articles 3046.52 & 3046.53 a., b., c. .11) - .14) See newspaper articles 3046.52 & 3046.53 a., b., c. .16) The flap staff was donated by the Royal Papua & New Guinea Constabulary. See newspaper articles 3046.52 & 3046.53 a., b., c. Th photos are of various sizes with an average as per the size field. .1) Black & white full length photo of Capt Herbert T ALLAN, 17th Battalion, in Australian Army uniform from WWI, location unknown. .2) Black & white studio portrait of Herbert T ALLAN in suit & tie. Photo is mounted on cream card with a khaki border. Photo is secured in a cream card folder. .3) Black & white photo of a group of Australian Army Officers in uniform. Front row seated, rear / middle rows standing. Herbert T ALLAN seated front row 2nd from right. Headquarters of Command & Staff School in background. .4) Black & white photo of a battalion of soldiers marching down a street with sloped rifles & fixed bayonets. Battalion led by an Officer most likely to be Herbert T ALLAN. Solder on horseback in foreground. Civilian observers line the street. .5) Black & white photo of an Australian Army Officer, most likely Herbert T ALLAN, standing in front of a tent in New Guinea. .6) Black & white photo of Col Herbert T ALLAN seated, taken in New Guinea. .7) Black & white photo of Col H T ALLAN talking to 3 New Guinea natives who are possibly former members of the Pacific Islands Regiment. .8) Black & white photo of Col H T ALLAN & his New Guinean driver in an Australian Base Command jeep. .9) Black & white photo of New Guinean spectators at the opening of the Rabaul Ex-Servicemen's Club. .10) Black & white photo of Col Herbert T ALLAN with a group of PNG Ex-Servicemen. All are wearing medals. To the immediate left of Col Herbert T ALLAN is Raymond Martin, Club President. On wall behind is a rifle donated by Capt R CLAMMER of Rabaul Police. .11) Black & white photo of a presentation table to the Rabaul Ex-Servicemen, by the New Britain Boy Scouts. Club President, Raymond Martin is receiving the table with Colonel Herbert T ALLAN looking on. .12) Black & white photo of Rabaul Ex-Servicemen's Club President, Raymond Martin making a speech at the Club's opening with Colonel Herbert T ALLAN, a Naval Officer & a group looking on. Group is in front of PNG Rabaul Branch of Native Ex-Servicemen's Association building. .13) Black & white photo of the parade of PNG Ex-Servicemen, Boy Scouts & spectators at the opening of the Rabaul Ex-Servicemen's Club. .14) Black & white photo of Colonel Herbert T ALLAN inspecting a parade of PNG Ex-Servicemen at the opening of the Rabaul Ex-Servicemen's Club. .15) Black & white photo of the official party at the opening of the Papua & New Guinea Rabaul Branch Native Ex-Servicemen's Club. .16) Black & white photo of Colonel Herbert T ALLAN raising the Australian flag in front of a parade of PNG Ex-Servicemen, Boy Scouts & spectators at the opening of the Rabaul Ex-Servicemen's Club. .1) Handwritten on back: Armistice Day Nov 11th 1918. Hence the smile. .2) Printed on folder front: Portrait study by Howard Harris. Handwritten on back: Blue Allan. .3) On front: Handwritten 'X' below H T ALLAN. On back: Stamp of S J Hood photographer detailing order No 1. .5) Handwritten in pencil on back: Return to I Marsh Woolgoolga. .6) Stamped in blue ink on back: Photograph No MH 75552 Supplied by Military History Section (SD?) General? LHQ For official purpose ONLY NOT TO BE PUBLISHED .7) Stamped in blue ink on back: Photograph No MH 75553 Supplied by Military History Section (SD?) General? LHQ For official purpose ONLY NOT TO BE PUBLISHED Handwritten in pencil on back: Return to I Marsh Woolgoolga. .8) Stamped in blue ink on back: Photograph No MH 75556 Supplied by Military History Section (SD?) General? LHQ For official purpose ONLY NOT TO BE PUBLISHED photographs, articles, pacific, new guinea -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - COMPENDIUM WW1 - WW2, 4) A H Pettifer, Government Printer et al, 2) 14.2.1946; .3) 1.3.1919; .4) 30.11.1954 .5) 24.11.19? - WWI; .6) 31.10.1917; .7) 12.6.1917; .8) Page 1: 20.12.1915, Page 2: 10.12.1915, Page 6: 19.1915; .9) 10.9.1918; .10) 18.4.1919; .11) c.2.3.19?; .12) 18.9.1920; .14) post WWI; .15) 24.4.1920; .17) 18.4.1942; .18) 19.6.1943; .19) 18.3.1947; .20) 1944; .21) 1944; .23) 22.10.1941; .26) 13.9.1944; .27) 1.1944; .30) 7.3.1950; .31) 31.7.1944; .32) 16.4.1942; .33) 13.6.1946; .34) 6.5.1946; .36) a) & b) 3.11.1947; .37) 24.10.1951; .38) 24.9.1957; .39) 9.10.1957; .40) 19.2.1958; .41) 26.2.1958; .42) 1.3.1958; .43) & .44) 7.3.1958; .45) 25.2.1958; .46) 3.1.1948; .47) 26.2.1948; .48) 22.4.1958; .49) 24.2.1958; .50) 12.3.1958; .51) 6.1958; .52) c.Mar/Apr 1958; .53) 5.4.1958; .54) c.end WWII; .55) a.b. 13.6.1967; .56) 26.5.1967; .57) 18.2.1954
Herbert Trangmar Allan, refer 2755.4 for his extensive service history and wards. .2) Details gifting of a pair of Japanese binoculars to Col H T ALLAN by Pacific Island Regiment. .3) Certificate issued by Winston Churchill, Secretary of State for War (The War of 1914-1918), awarded to Capt H T ALLAN MC. .4) Herbert Trangman ALLAN born 5.1.1895 at Woolwich, NSW. Middle name misspelled, should be Trangmar not Trangman. .6) Congratulating H T ALLAN on receiving the Military Cross award for leading 2 companies which had lost officers during action on Passchendaele Ridge on 9.10.1917. .7) Describes life behind the lines whilst H T ALLAN's battalion has been resting for a month. Daily life consisted of training drills, sport & entertainment. Writer takes time to describe the countryside & weather. .8) Relate to H T ALLAN's military exam results & his promotion to 2nd Lieutenant in 1915. .9) To Herbert Allan's father, Mr P Allan detailing the citation for awarding of the Military Cross to Herbert ALLAN. Original citation appeared in the London Gazette,5.4.1918. .10) Form addressed to Capt H ALLAN MC, 17th Battalion stating his period of enlistment in the 1st AIF was to expire 26.5.1919. .11) Letter from Lord BIRDWOOD (General) to Herbert ALLAN in response to a letter received 19.11.19?. General BIRDWOOD expresses his opinions on difficulties the allied troops face in their fight against the Japanese. .12) Letter to Capt H T ALLAN advising of MID oak leaves sent to him. Details guidelines for attaching oak leaves to both the larger Victory Medal & the small service dress medal. .13) Form details H T ALLAN's WWII Army No, Rank, Unit & Decorations & Medals held. The form has not been signed & dated. .14) Details service record of Lt Col H T ALLAN NX12229. Includes military service from 1912 - 1944, schools & courses attended, decorations, promotions & overseas service. .16) Form issued to H T ALLAN on 15.12.1939 granting permission to leave New Guinea for Australia & return within a period of 12 months. Issued by Customs Office in Salamaua. Lists H T ALLAN's age as 44, height 5' 10" & occupation. .17) Letter from Major General MORSHEAD GOC, AIF (ME) to Major H T ALLAN, OBE, MC congratulating him on being awarded the OBE for outstanding service at Tobruch. .18) Letter from Major General MORSHEAD to Major H T ALLAN, OBE, MC replying to ALLAN's letter of 15.6.1943. MORSHEAD is congratulating ALLAN on his appointment to New Guinea Force, also acknowledges his excellent service record. .19) Letter acknowledges H T ALLAN's resignation from the Office of Production Member of the Australian New Guinea Production Control Board, effective from 28.8.1946. .20) Major General WINDEYER commanded the 20th Brigade from 1942-1946. .22) Card sent from the CO of the 3rd Australian Anti-Tank Regiment. .23) Menu for Farewell Dinner held in the Officer's Mess of the 20th Infantry Brigade, Tobruch on 22.10.1941. .24) Menu & Toast list for Farewell Dinner to Brigadier J J MURRAY DSO MC VD. Attended by H T ALLAN & held in the Officers Mess, 2/17 Australian Infantry Battalion on 22.12.1941. .25) Invitation to Col H T ALLAN by Lady Gowrie (wife of Governor General Baron Gowrie) to attend a Luncheon at Government House, Canberra, ACT. .26) Letter to Major (T/Lt Col) H T ALLAN from Major W A JENNER advising him of his secondment to 2/17 Australian Infantry Battalion & appointment to command 5 Aust Base Sub Area. .27) Application for Africa Star with Eighth Army Clasp signed by H T ALLAN & approved by Lt Colonel of 2/17 Australian Infantry Battalion. H T ALLAN held the rank of Major (substantive) at the time of qualification, 1.3.1942 - 11.1942. He held the rank of Lt Colonel at the time of application in 2.1944. .28) Detailing changes in command & promotions including that of Lt Col H T ALLAN, dated 1.4.19? .29) For Lt Col H T ALLAN detailing movements required by First Australian Army command. .30) Acknowledgement & confirmation of Col H T ALLAN's application for campaign awards for WWII. .31) Letter addressed to Lt Col H T ALLAN from Lt Gen Stanley Sauige requesting information on New Britain for a forthcoming visit. .32) Certificate was presented to H T ALLAN on 16.4.1942 when he was awarded an OBE by King George VI. .33) Document details H T ALLAN's relinguishing of Command of the HQ of Pacific Islands Regiment. ALLAN also relinguished the rank of temporary Colonel & was transferred to the Reserve of Officers with rank of substantive Lt Colonel. .35) Official letter to Colonel H T ALLAN from Joseph Francis, Minister for the Army. The letter acknowledges Col ALLAN's long & distinguished career during both peace & wartime. .36) a) & b) From H T ALLAN (assumed) to Prime Minister J B CHIFFLEY referring to the production of copra in New Guinea, the actions of the Commonwealth Bank in relation to planters & the collaboration of New Guinea natives with the Japanese. Assumed to be a copy of original. .37) Letter to H T ALLAN indicating he had been placed on the Retired List with the rank of Honorary Colonel. .38) Letter invites H T ALLAN to officially open the State Conference in Lae in late March or early April 1958. Invitation was extended due to H T ALLAN for distinguished service in PNG. .39) Letter to H T ALLAN thanking him for accepting the invitation to open the Papua & New Guinea State Conference in late March or early April 1958. .40) Letter from H T ALLAN to Lt Gen Sir Henry WELLS, Chief of the General Staff, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. ALLAN requests permission to wear his uniform for official engagements during his upcoming visit to New Guinea. ALLAN also offers advice on how to deal with native troops including serving time with them, learning their language & studying their customs. He suggests that this would help quell & dissent & revolt. .41) Reply from Major General DALY to HT ALLAN thanking him for his offer to spend time with the CO of the Pacific Island Regiment to address concerns with that unit. This meeting would coincide with ALLAN's upcoming visit to PNG. .42) HT ALLAN's reply to Major General T J DALY's letter of 26.2.1958. ALLAN requests an opportunity to discuss PIR issues with Major General DALY prior to his visit to PNG. .43) Major General T J DALY's reply to HT ALLAN's request for a meeting to discuss ongoing issues with the Pacific Island Regiment. .44) Letter from HT ALLAN to Brigadier D M CLELAND notifying him that he will be staying in Port Moresby on his way to the RSS&AILA Congress in Lae. .45) Lieutenant Colonel MCGUINN writes to invite Colonel ALLAN to visit the PIR during his visit to New Guinea at the end of March of the beginning of April 1959. .46) Letter of appreciation to H T ALLAN thanking him for his efforts in presenting the case for the Territory of New Guinea during the post WWII transition period. .47) Letter to H T ALLAN from New Guinea Citizens Association, Lae Branch, thanking him for his service on behalf of the people of the Territory of New Guinea. The association offered to send ALLAN a suitable present in recognition of his service. .48) Major General T J DALY's reply to HT ALLAN's suggestions for handling disquiet amongst the native troops in the Pacific Island Regiment. .49) Reply from Lieutenant General WELLS to H T ALLAN granting him permission to wear his uniform on his forthcoming visit to New Guinea. WELLS also notes that he has passed other requests made by ALLAN to Major General DALY. .50) Copy of H T ALLAN's reply to Lieutenant General WELL's letter of 24.2.1958 [.49)]. .51) A written account of Colonel H T Blue ALLAN's visit to New Guinea in 3.1958. Article appeared on p.65 & 67 of the 6.1958 edition of Pacific Islands Monthly. .52) Newspaper account of Colonel H T Blue ALLAN's opening of the Rabaul Branch of the Native Ex Servicemen's Association. Colonel ALLAN spoke of the involvement of the Pacific Islands Regiment during WWII. .53) The Rabaul Times account of Colonel H T Blue ALLAN's opening of the Rabaul Branch of Native Ex Servicemen's Club. Featured on p1, concluded p3. .54) Biographical account of Colonel H T ALLAN's service in WWI & WWII. In addition an account of his success in New Guinea between the wars is included. .55) a.b. Biography of Colonel H T ALLAN written by R W Robson who was the founder of the Pacific Islands Monthly. Article was written following ALLAN's death on 23.5.1967 aged 72. This item is a pre publication copy of Robson's article which appeared in the Pacific Islands Monthly. .56) Text of a valedictory given at the funeral of Colonel Herbert Trangmar ALLAN OBE, MC, ED, NX12229 held 26.5.1967 following his death on 23.5.1967. The speech summarized his life in both wars & civilian life. 57) Invitation issued to Colonel H T & Mrs ALLAN to attend a Garden Party at Government House on 18.2.1954. At this function Colonel H T & Mrs ALLAN were to be presented to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.Herbert T ALLAN Collection. The contents are all of various size, the Album is the size documented. .1) Large teal green album containing 16 plastic pockets each with white card insert. Various documents & photos contained in each pocket. .2) Typed letter, black type on cream paper. .3) Certificate mounted on fawn card backed with dark brown veneer. Presented to Capt H T ALLAN MC for being mentioned in despatches on 7.11.1917. .4) New South Wales Birth Certificate extract, printed on pink paper with watermark. .5) Telegram on tissue paper to a sheet of cream paper. Pin located top L corner. Requests the attendance of Lt Herbert ALLAN, Russell Hotel, Russell Square. .6) Typed letter mounted on grey cardboard. .7) 2 page letter on foolscap paper, secured by pin top L corner. Written from France by Herbert (Bert) ALLAN & addressed to his father. .8) 11 pages secured with a clip top L corner. 1st document typed, 2nd handwritten, remainder printed. Relate to H T ALLAN's military exam results. .9) Typed letter from Department of Defence Base Records Office to P ALLAN. .10) Document, printed form to inform the recipient that their period of enlistment in the 1st AIF had expired. .11) 4 page handwritten letter on 2 sheets of paper. 1st page has a printed letterhead. .12) BR Form No 20. Typed formal letter from AIF Base Records Office to accompany Mentioned in Despatches oak leaves sent to the recipient. .13) Form AAFA36 used for recommending the awarding of an Efficiency Decoration. Form details service record & details of a serving soldier. .14) 1 large / 1 small page, numbered, detailing the service record of Lt Col H T ALLAN. Black type on cream paper. 2 pages are loose but evidence of attachment visible. .15) Bachelor of Arts Degree Certificate (testamur) granted by the University of Sydney, awarded to Herbert Trangmar ALLAN. Printed on cream parchment. .16) Proforma document issued by the Territory of New Guinea permitting leave & return to the Territory. Printed 2 sides, black type on cream paper. .17) Letter on Australian Imperial Force letterhead from Major General MORSHEAD to Major H T ALLAN. .18 Letter on HQ2 Aust Corps letterhead from Major General MORSHEAD to Major H T ALLAN. .19) Typed letter on External Territories letterhead from J R Halligan to H T ALLAN. .20) Cream Christmas card folded in 2, sent to H T ALLAN. On front in black lettering is HQ 20th Australian Infantry Brigade below black Rising Sun emblem. Inside in black lettering is With Best Wishes for Christmas and New Year. Christmas 1944. .21) Cream card folded in 2. Front illustration depicts a devil figure riding a platypus & carrying a pennant with 2/13 on it. The devil is depicted attacking a German & Japanese soldier. Below the devil is a boomerang with Greetings Xmas 1944 printed on it. Illustration is in green & black. Inside on LHS is a message from 2/13 Battalion. On RHS is a list of 2/13 battle honours from 1940-1943. On back in black print is 1944-1945 New Guinea Australia. .22) Cream Christmas card folded in 2. Front illustration in brown with word Greetings in green. RHS inside printing in green & brown letters. Artillery badge on back in brown. .23) Cream card folded in 2. Typed menu on cream paper attached inside. Front cover illustrated with 20th Infantry Brigade colour patch & a rat over a scroll with words - So What? .24) Cream card folded in 2. On front black printing accompanied by 2/17 Battalion colour patch that is black over green diamond shape. Inside a list of Toasts & Dinner Menu printed in black. Back page for autographs. .25) Cream invitation card. Black cursive script printing below gold crown on front. .26) Typed letter on cream paper. .27) Typed foolscap application form to claim the Africa Star. .28) & .29) Message form filled with typed orders. .30) Typed letter acknowledging an application for campaign medals & listing eligible awards. .31) Typed letter on bond paper. .32) Certificate on cream parchment. Black print in cursive script. Text details the awarding of an OBE to the recipient. .33) Typed text on Australian Military Forces letterhead. Cream paper. .34) Typed text. Temporary note for H T ALLAN's discharge from AMF. .35) Typed letter on Commonwealth of Australia, Minister for the Army letterhead. .36) a) & b) 2 page letter in black type on cream paper. Pages are loose, letter unsigned. .37) 1 page typed letter on Australian Military Forces letterhead. .38) & .39) 1 page typed letter on Return Sailors, Soldiers & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia, Papua & New Guinea Branch letterhead. .40) 1 page typed letter, unsigned. .41) Single sided typed letter on Australian Military Forces letterhead on cream paper. .42) 1 page typed letter, unsigned on cream paper. .43) Single sided typed letter on Australian Military Forces, Northern Command, Victoria Barracks, Brisbane letterhead on cream paper. .44) Single sided typed letter on cream paper. .45) 2 page typed letter on folded cream paper bearing the letterhead of the Pacific Islands Regiment. .46) 1 page typed letter on cream, lined paper. .47) 1 page typed letter on cream paper. .48) 1 page typed letter on Australian Military Forces, Northern Command Headquarters, Victoria Barracks, Brisbane letterhead on cream paper. .49) 1 page typed letter on Chief of General Staff, Australian Military Forces, Army Headquarters, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne letterhead on cream paper. .50) 1 page copy of an unsigned letter on cream paper. .51) Magazine article: Building a New Nation in New Guinea : Some advice from Colonel Blue ALLAN. Black & white article with a 2nd small section stapled to the main page. Large page features a black & white captioned photo of a group listening to a uniformed Officer deliver a speech. Also features advertising front & back. .52) Newspaper article: Official Opening of Native Ex Servicemen's Club. Black & white typed newspaper article featuring a captioned black & white photo of a uniformed Australian Officer & a group of New Guinea Ex Servicemen. .53) a. b. c. Newspaper article: Master Blue Came Back to the Islands: 4000 Attend Club Opening. 3 Section article cut from a newspaper. One part is the banner of the newspaper with date published. Other sections contain the text of the article. The larger section features a black & white photo of an Australian Army Officer in uniform. .54) Newspaper article, untitled. Black & white typed newspaper article with black & white caricature of an Australian Army Officer featured. .55) a. b. Magazine article: The Story of a Big Man who Loved Soldiering. 2 page black & white typed article with sub headings. .56) Text of a Speech. 2 page typed text written for a valedictory given at a funeral. Pages connected with a staple in the top L corner. .57) Printed, cream card invitation to a Garden Party for the recipient to meet Queen Elizabeth II & The Duke of Edinburgh. Text is in cursive script under the Coat of Arms of Her Majesty. .2) Signature ? Capt S C PIR. .4) Date of issue typed: 30.11.1954 Name of recipient: Herbert Trangman Allan Stamped: T Wells, Registrar General NSW .5) Handwritten: To Lt Herbert Allan, Russell Hotel, Russell Square. Typed: Buckingham Palace OHS. Your attendance is required at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday next the Twentyeighth inst (28.11.19?) at ten o'clock am service dress please telegraph acknowledgement Lord Chamberlain London. Stamped: Central District 24 NO 19. .6) Signed in pencil: W Birdwood. In pencil on back: 15 x 12. .8) p1: Handwritten signature. Copy dated 29.12.1915. p2 Handwritten in ink: P Allan Esq, Mount Hunter Hill. Military Examination. Copy dated 29.12.1915. Handwritten in pencil: Results: H T Allan. Tactics - Distinction 92% HE Barff p3 Underlined in ink: 38th Infantry Herbert Trangmar Allan to be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally). Dated 16 June 1914. p5 Handwritten: Total 139. Lieut Allan tied with 15 others for 20 place. p7, 9, 10 & 11underlined in ink: H T Allan. p8 Underlined in ink: Allan HT. .9) & .10) Signature in black ink. .12) Handwritten signature in black ink: On back handwritten signature in black ink: Clive Wilkinson, Buddong, Robinson St, Chatswood. Also ? Rd, Cremorne Pt. .13) Handwritten in black ink: Details of HT Allan's Commission Service from 16.6.1914 - 18.2.1946. .15) Handwritten signature of the University Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Arts & Registrar. Handwritten name of recipient. Seal of the University of Sydney imprinted bottom LHS. .16) Handwritten in black ink: Details of recipient. Stamped in red ink: New Guinea Customs. Stamped in blue ink: H M Customs, Cooktown, dated 17.12.1939. Handwritten on reverse: Signature. Stamped on reverse in red ink: New Guinea Customs, dated 15.12.1939. .17) & .18) Handwritten signature: Major General Morshead. .19) Handwritten signature in black ink: J R Halligan. .20) Handwritten inside in blue ink: Lt Col Allan. Good wishes from your many friends here. Signed by Major General Windeyer. .21) Inside LHS handwritten in blue ink: Lt Col Allan & an indecipherable signature. .22) Inside RHS handwritten: To Major (Blue) Allan OBE MC from Lt Col? .23) On front handwritten in blue ink: H T Allan?. Inside in black ink & pencil are 19 signatures. .24) On front: 3 signatures in black ink & pencil. On back: 36 signatures in black & blue ink & pencil. .25) On back handwritten in black ink: Colonel H T Allan OBE MC, with 3 ink lines below name. .26) Handwritten in blue/black ink: Signature. Handwritten in blue pencil top R corner: A32/3477. Handwritten in black ink bottom L corner: Cond (?) 15/9A. Handwritten in black ink: Signature. .27) Stamped top R corner: 2/17 Bn Received 9.2.1944. Signature in black ink: H T Allan. Signature in black ink: ? Lt Col 2/17 Aust Inf Bn 10.2.1944 Page bottom in pencil: Blue will keep 1 1/4 for you? .30) Handwritten: Details of eligible medals. Handwritten signature: J C K Miller Capt 7.3.50. Handwritten bottom L corner: Col H T Allan Bottom R corner: OBE, MC, 1914-19, Victory, ED, MID 1914-18, MID 1939-45 On back: Steak & Kidney Morris ) Clark ) Vowood ) 10/- 70215 Maughan ) Allan ) .31) Top of page: Imprinted Coat of Arms Top LHS in black ink: TOP SECRET AND PERSONAL Handwritten signature: Stanley Sauige .32) Embossed top L corner: Seal of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Handwritten: Mary R. .32) Signed: Queen Mary, mother of George VI. .33) Handwritten signature. .34) Handwritten in blue ink: HERBERT TRANGMAR ALLAN 6 MAY 46 Handwritten signature. .35) Handwritten signature in blue ink: Joseph Francis, Minister for the Army. .37) Handwritten signature. .38) & .39) Handwritten signature: J W Knight. .41), .43) & .45) Handwritten signature in blue ink. .46) & .47) Handwritten signature in black ink: Henry G Eckhoff. .48) Handwritten signature in blue ink: With best wishes Yours sincerely T J Daly. .49) Handwritten signature in black ink: Yours sincerely H Wells. .57) Handwritten in black ink: Colonel & Mrs H T Allan.certificates, records, awards, administrative, compendium -
Federation University Historical Collection
Image, "Din" J Front Elevation
... of Mines Teacher Herbert Murphy. "Din" J Front Elevation Image ...Image of Ballarat School of Mines Teacher Herbert Murphy.ballarat school of mines, herbert murphy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Abstracts: Researchers @ UB Making Connections
University of Ballarat is a Predecessor of Federation UniversityA5 sized book with blue cover and white writing university of ballarat, kerry o cox, wayne robinson, joel epstein, trevor hastings, andrew saunders, briony dow, jenene burke, colin donald, heath dunstan, singrayer florentine, martin westbrooke, graeme ambrose, robyn fisher, julie heron, rachel jamieson, david austin, john winkleman, kathleen keogh, zeb leonard, marie purtill, george rafael, travis j richies, michael shiell, andrew warnock, janis webb, dawn whitehead, rebecca wilson, damon aisbett, kristy francis, candice boyd, arunava banerjee, musa mammadov, marcello bertoli, michael tuck, brian chappell, vicki bethall, mark bradby, frank vriesekoop, marcial cano-perez, rob davis, rupert russell, eugene menon, margaret zeegers, strobe driver, liu gang, jennie garnham, elizabeth grylls, simuzar hajilarova, sol hart, john yearwood, jennifer hazelwood, sam henson, julian lowe, sandra herbert, robyn pierce, shamsul huda, ameeta jain, samudra jayasekera, chandramali jayawardana, uma jogulu, larissa koroznikova, cameron klutke, stafford mcknight, steve hall, catherine knox, sally wellard, shahnaz kouhbor, julien ugon, alex rubinov, alexander kruger, dorothy lea, liping ma, john shepherd, yanchun zhang, alyx macfadyen, andrew stranieri, karim mardaneh, adil bagirov, fernando marmolejo-ramos, alexa tatiana jimenez heredia, kathryn martin, garry menz, vivek mishra, mirka miller, nial muecke, karyn newnham, krystal newnham, bahadorreza ofoghi, ranadhir ghosh, jaloni pansiri, patrick prevett, homer rieth, cathy roberts, muhammed saad saleem, gary saunders, sasa ivkovic, natalie saunders, leonie otago, scott mclean, gensheng shen, shivenda singh, shirani gamlath, lara wakeling, helen song-turner, sudaryanto, jerry courvisanos, kiki sugeng, joe ryan, tian feng, chandima tilakaratne, heping pan, cameron hurst, jackie tuck, thi minh thu vuong, david yost, robert watson, john mcdonald, dora pearce, dorothy wickham, paul williams, ruth williams, karolina yeats, nadine zacharias, brad beales, student authors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Honour Board, Herbert Henry Smith, Ballarat Junior Technical School World War I Honor Board, c1921
The Ballarat Junior Technical School (BJTS) was the junior division of the Ballarat School of Mines.The honor board was unveiled on 17 June 1922 by Sir Alexander Peacock, the Minister for Public Instruction. it was witnessed by a large gathering of parents, friends, students, past student, Albert Steane (Headmaster) and the president, Council and Staff of the Ballarat School of Mines. At the conclusion of the ceremony the junior Technical School was opened for public inspection and afternoon tea was provided by a ladies committee. The Honour Board contains 28 names and of these only one lost his life on active service. this was Francis G. Davis. After the unveiling his father, A. Davis, planted a tree in the grounds of the Junior Technical School in memory of his deceased son. The following names are on the Honour Board Adair, S.H. Allen, W.I Bennett, H.G Bernaldo, Allan Borradale, Robert Brittain, C.C.. Burge, A.A. Burrow, B.C. Carmichael, N.C. Carnegie, G Collins, H.A. Crick, R.J Cunningham, C Davis, Francis G (killed) Edwards, S.F. Frank, P.C. Gilbert, J.H. James, J.F. Leech, G.J. McGrath, D.G. McNab, J.C. Parkin, R. Paterson, W.J Ronaldson, L.A. Shannon, G.O. Steele, S.L. Terry, W.R. Townsend, S.H. A timber honour board with names written in gold. The board was designed by H.H. Smith, Principal of the Ballarat Technical Art School. A central case holds a copy of the Victorian Education Department War Service Book. The Photorgraph was taken when it was in the SMB A Building. C1923 it was taken to J Building - the former Ballarat Junior Techncial School. world war one, ww1, ballarat school of mines, ballarat junior technical school, alexander peacock, world war 1, world war i, honour roll, hh herbert, francis davis, frank davis, s.h. adair, w.i. allen, h.g. bennett, allan bernaldo, robert borradale, c.c. brittain, a.a. burge, b.c. burrow, n.c. carmichael, g. carnegie, h.a. collins, r.j. crick, c. cunningham, s.f. edwards, p.c. frank, j.h. gilbert, j.f. james, g.j. leech, d.g. mcgrath, j.c. mcnab, r. parkin, w.j. paterson, l.a. ronaldson, g.o. shannon, s.l. steele, w.r. terry, s.h. townsend -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Ballarat School of Mines Rough Correspondence, 1916-1917, 1916-17
The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870, and is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A bundle of rough correspondence from the Ballarat School of Mines. Includes Ballarat School of Mines Letterhead, a list of Trade Students, their address and the fees they paid; Special Grant for Photography Equipment; Building valuations; Annual Staff Social, Ballarat School of Mines Technical School Annual Report, Quarterly Attendance Return, Medical Certificate ballarat school of mines, 45th a.a.m.c., 49th a.a.m.c., camp, f.c. buchanan, e.l. fidge, r.c. valentine, r.c. smith, j.m. turnbull, w.l. carroll, e.w. simmering, f.m. wesley, k. whittle, allan bernaldo, j.b. sutcliffe, e.n.t. henry, f.t. jellett, a.p. doran, e. somerville, t.h. robinson, ballarat school of mines evening trade time table, victorian education department receipt, letterhead, charles graham, h.s. hall, gauge tower, trade fees., trades, f.r. eva, m.a. fiscalini, v. giuliano, walter baxter, humffray, james walker, clemence hill, mcpherson's pty ltd, robinson, telephone account, charles e. bright, plumbing, g.r. king, a.e. anderson, buildings, n.r. worrell, h.v. duncan, ballarat junior technical school, a.w. steane, philately, stamp duty, bhp, broken hill, excursion, broken hill south mining co, g. fenner, wallaroo, moonta, daniel walker, t.h. shattock, j.m. sutherland, myra bolte, nellie grigg, j.a. greenshields, dora gooch, myra howe, mavis mcgrath, charles mcnamara, kath reidy, percy albert trompf, percy trompf, h.g. wakeling, rene hardess, quarterly returns, accounting, sands and mcdougall, travel lists, w. coltman, gladys kitchen, h. beanland, eva betteridge, victor greenhalgh, staff salary, goliath and hercules, cuming smith and co, australian engineering school, e.j. powell, e.w. hurfield, e.j. mcconnon, hilda wardle, dorothy hambly, assay report, north woah hawp, supplementary examinations, hugh m. rowlands, frank b. maxwell, richard buchanan, walter j. ewart, r.f. finnis, f.g. davis, w.g. walker, charles schroeder, k. bailey fisher, robert hutchinson, w. o'halloran, s.j. chambers, a. westcott, m.f. larking, k. jebb, john dulfer, daniel liddy, louis vernon, pharmacy board victoria, scholarships, david cochrane, howard bennett, herbert werner frederick de nully, thomas robinson, john sutcliffe, thomas carmichael, bessie beatrice robertson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines, Examinations Passed by Indentured Students (at the Ballarat School of Mines), c1890s
Indentured students appear to be those enrolled to complate an Associateship at the Ballarat School of Mines.Harcdcovered, charcoal book maroon leather bindingjames gibson, indentured students, watson latham, israel flegeltaub, weston eustace moriaty, herbert r. sleeban, william reid, marcus marks, isodoe g. wittkowski, samuel warrick smith, a. j. coltman, charles burbury, frederick p. paul, solly, john richardson, thomas uthwatt, archibald l. ray, hector g. brickhil, sydney radcliff -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Financial record - Union Membership, Shipconstructiors’ and Shipwrights’ Association et al, From 1941 to 1950
A number of items once belonging to shipwright Norman Desmond McKenzie were donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village. They are related to Norman’s apprenticeship and certification as a Shipwright in Belfast, his Union membership and his employment as a shipwright in Melbourne. One of the items, a union Rules Book inscribed with the name H.B. Thomas and dated 1902, had within its pages Norman’s Indenture of Apprenticeship, dated 1941, Norman Desmond McKenzie was born in Belfast in 1925 and lived at 10 Pansy Street Belfast, Northern Ireland. At the age of 16 years, he began a 5-year Shipwright’s apprenticeship with Harland & Wolff Limited, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Belfast. He became a member of the Ship Constructors’ and Shipwrights’ Association, Belfast (B) Branch 20. His Registration Number was 38748. He completed his apprenticeship on December 16th, 1946, aged 21 years, his address was 26 Connsbrook Drive, Sydenham, N. Belfast. In October 1949 Norman received Clearance from his Union as a financial member to move to another branch. He completed his Apprenticeship on December 16th 1946. Two months later he migrated to Australia, and he arrived in Victoria, and he became a Financial Member of the Victorian branch of the Federated Shipwrights, Ship constructors, Naval Architects, Ships’ Draughtsmen and Boat Builders’ Association of Australia, Victoria branch. One of Norman’s donated books is the Rules of the Shipwrights' Provident Union of the Port of London. It is inscribed on several pages with the name H.B. Thomas and includes the year 1902 and the address of 29 Brickwood Street, Gardenvale. This is a location in Victoria, Australia. The Victoria Government Gazette, February 1959, in the section “Removal from Registration on The Architects Registration Board of Victoria, during the year ended 31st December 1956” lists “Deceased – Thomas, H.B., 29 Brickwood Street, Gardenvale”. The Architects Union includes Naval Architects and Shipwrights and other related trades came under the same union. It seems likely that when he was in Melbourne, Norman worked as a Shipwright for H.B. Thomas and was given the Rules book by Thomas, perhaps as a reference book or maybe as a gift. Around that same time, December 1949, Norman met his wife-to-be, Daphne, in Melbourne. Daphne had migrated from London with her family and her father found work with the Melbourne Harbour Trust. They married in Melbourne in 1953 and went on to have a family of five children. In 2003 Norman and Daphne moved to Warrnambool and then years later they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. Norman passed away on July 28th 2015 at Warrnambool’s South West Healthcare hospital.Norman McKenzie's Rules Book, Union Cards, Indenture of Apprenticeship, and other documents tell the story of a young Irish lad's work and qualifications to become a shipwright and his migration to Australia. The young man found a job and a wife who had also migrated, and they raised a family in Melbourne. He and his wife then retired to Warrnambool to enjoy their later years. The collection of documents relating to Norman McKenzie is significant for its connection with the shipping industry of the early 1900s, the migration of qualified tradesmen to Victoria, and their contribution to the development of Victoria. The collection also shows the role of the Union in the shipping industry. The documents link shipwright Norman McKenzie to the Shipwright's Union in London and in Australia, and to shipbuilder H B Thomas in Melbourne, most likely his employer.Documents owned by Norman Desmond McKenzie, Shipwright: (1) Shipwright's card with a pink cover and record of contributions for 1949 (2) Clearance Certificate from Victorian Branch of the Federated Shipwrights' Ship Constructors, Naval Architects, Ships' Draughtsmen and Boat Builders' Association of Australia, 14-12-1949,4-12-1949 (3) Contribution book with blue cover and stapled in pages with payment records for 1947 (4) Apprenticeship and Employment Reference, typed, from Harland & Wolff Ltd. Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Belfast, dated 9-9-1949SHIPWRIGHT'S CARD - Printed: "SHIPWRIGHT'S CARD" "SHIPCONSTRUCTORS and SHIPWRIGHTS' ASSOCIATION" "8, Eldon Square, Newcastle-on-Tyne 1". "J ALEXANDER, SECRETARY", "38 Sandbrook Park" Stamped "BELFAST (B) BRANCH" . Handwritten "N McKenzie" "221" (Reg.) "38748" "PB" CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: Printed "Federated Shipwrights', Ship Constructors', Naval Architects', Ships' Draftsmen and Boat Builders' Association of Australia" Handwritten "Dec 14 [19] 49", "Norman D McKenzie" ""Victorian [BranchH]" "'til Feb 1st 1950" CONTRIBUTION BOOK: Printed "BELFAST SHIPWRIGHT'S MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION" "CONTRIBUTION BOOK" Stamped "Herbert Taylor" Handwritten "N McKenzie" "415" EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE: Printed "HARLAND & WOLFF Limited, Shipbuilding & Engineering Works, Belfast" Typed "9th September 1949" and "This is to certify that Norman D. MaKenzie, 26 Connstrook Drive, Belfast, served a five-year Apprenticeship with us as a Shipwright, completing this on the 16th December 1946. He continued in our employment, and is now leaving of his own accord. We would state that during the time Mr. McKenzie was with us, he was a good workman and steady timekeeper."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, norman mckenzie, norman desmond mckenzie, belfast shipwright, shipwright's apprenticeship, harland & wolff limited, shipbuilding & engineering works, the ship constructors’ and shipwrights’ association, registered shipwright, victorian branch of the federated shipwrights, ship constructors, naval architects, ships’ draughtsmen and boat builders’ association of australia, victoria branch, shipwrights' provident union, h.b. thomas, architects registration board of victoria, naval architect, daphne, norman and daphne mckenzie, indenture of apprenticeship, 1941, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1953, union card, shipwright’s association card, n mckenzie, certificate of clearance -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Documents, Powlett Express, 1940 - 1960's
A collection of articles all relating to Phillip Islanders.A collection of Press Cuttings relating to people, buildings, wildlife and history of Phillip Island. 358-01: Item relating to the Broadwater homestead being pulled down after 75 years. Mrs Oswin Roberts bought Broadwater in 1912 and made it a famous koala hospital in 1940 after fire swept Phillip Island. Mrs Roberts was given permission to keep a koala as a pet - called Edward who died in 1944. He now resides in the museum. 358-02: A letter to the Powlett Express dated 8/11/1940, from Mr Clarrie Taberner correcting an article that stated it was roughly 65 years since the first settler arrived. Mr Taberner pointed out the his mother-in-law was living on the island over 83 years ago. 358-03: An article (1942) about a table made for the Phillip Island and Westernport Historical Society from the limb of a cypress tree planted by the late J. D. McHaffie about 100 years ago. 358-04: An article in the Powlett Express about the proposed shift of the Speke Figurehead from the Cowes State School. The Figurehead now resides in the museum. 358-05: An article in the Powlett Express - July 6, 1961 - about the funeral of the late Mr Percy Herbert McFee of Rhyll. He died at 79 in the Warley Bush Nursing Hospital. Article tells of part of his life on Phillip Island. 358-06: An article in the Powlett Express - May 5, 1960 - telling about Mr Stan McFee who was at the 90th Anniversary of the Cowes church of England where he had been attending for 65 years. 358-07: An article in the Powlett Express - August 26th 1949 - telling about the life in a year of the "Mutton Birds of our Bass Strait". (Shearwaters) stan mcfee, percy mcfee, mrs oswin roberts, edward the koala, mutton birds, shearwaters, broadwater, st philip's church of england, speke figurehead, margaret rixon -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, HERBERT, George, Poetical works of George Herbert with memoir by J. Nichol ; ed. Charles Cowden Clarke, 1865
... Poetical works of George Herbert with memoir by J. Nichol... with memoir by J. Nichol ; ed. Charles Cowden Clarke Book HERBERT ...Labelled 'Phillip Island Historical Society, Cleeland Bequest'. -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Insurance Policy (copy), Insurance policies belonging to the Partington Family, 1894 and 1912, 04/03/1894
Copies of Insurance Policy issued to Charles Partington (1894) as mortgagee of a rented dwelling in Herbert Street Northcote; and, William J Partington (1912) for an unoccupied dwelling in Greensborough. From the Partington family archives. The Partingtons were Greensborough pioneers.Copies of two Insurance Policies.partington family, william james partington -
Victoria Police Museum
Photograph (police car), Kodak
Wireless Patrol crews often visited the Commercial Travellers Association building in Flinders Street.1939 Ford Mercury with John Nolan, A. Coventry, W. Crowley, G. Cracknell and J O'Connor inside vehicle1939 Mercury 244-45. L to R. John Nolan, Porter, Comm. Travellers Club; Const A. Coventry 9320; Const W. Crowley 9315; Const G. Cracknell, Driver; I/C J. O'Connor 9186police vehicles; transport branch; wireless patrol; motor police branch; motor traffic section; ford mercury car; nolan, john; coventry, allan herbert; crowley, william desmond; cracknell, garth younghusband; o'connor, john -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1900
The first Orbost Presbyterian Church was opened on January 9 1898. It was built by Mr R. P. Cameron for three pounds. The Harvest Festival display was always put together by the church ladies. The Festival was a family friendly festival celebrating the end of summer.This item is reminiscent of the late 19th - mid 20th centuries when church-going was more common.A black / white photograph of inside the Orbost Presbyterian Church decorated with rural produce and flowers for the "Harvest Festival". It is on a white buff card with a blue photographer's stamp in the bottom left hand corner.on front - stamp -" Herbert Sherwood" on back - "M. Gilbert, Orbost" - "Mrs J. Sterling, 6 Marine Parade , Elwood"church-presbyterian-orbost harvest-festival -
Orbost & District Historical Society
advertisement, before 1933
John Tomlinson was the eldest son of Arthur James and Jessie Tomlinson who selected land at Tabbara in 1887. He worked in Temple's , the Herbert's store and for the Butter Factory until beginning his own business in 1906. He remained in business until 1933.A round metal tray with decorated edge. It is an engraved advertisement for J.S. Tomlinson.advertisement tomlinson commerce-orbost -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Caulfield South Bowling Club
This file contains eleven items. Caulfield Bowling Club cashbook 1993-1998. Caulfield South Bowling Club Foundation Opening day programme dated 11/09/1948 in Princes Park, Caulfield South. Caulfield South Bowling Club Opening day programme dated 27/08/1949. Caulfield South Bowling Club Sixth Opening day programme dated 05/09/1953. Caulfield South Bowling Club Seventh Opening day programme dated 04/09/1954. Caulfield South Bowling Club Eighth Opening day programme dated 10/09/1955. Caulfield South Bowling Club Annual Report dated 1950-1951. An article from the Caulfield Port Phillip Leader detailing the Battle of the Bowls event that was held to raise money for the Bowls Disaster Relief Fund dated 12/04/2011. An article from the Melbourne Weekly Bayside on the use of Caulfield Racecourse dated 04/05/2011. Esternwick District Bowling Club and Elsternwick District Ladies Bowlng Club invitation for the combined official opening of the Green Ceremony for the 75th Anniversary of the clubs’ opening, dated 31/08/1984. An article from the Caulfield Leader on the demolition of two Melbourne Racing Club buildings in Glen Eira, dated 05/07/2011.miller elizabeth, southwick david, dodds d.a., norris c.e., gainey j., parton e.m., morris t.w., caulfield, victorian bowling association, sims howard, caulfield south ladies bowls, caulfield south bowling club, joske p.e., caulfield park, caulfield junior citizens band, bowls disaster relief fund, mckinnon, glen eira, elsternwick, murrumbeena park, penhalluriack frank, caulfield racecourse, carnegie, supporters of caulfield reserve, caulfield village, battle of the bowls, pennant competition, house committee, station street, caulfield north, caulfield north tabaret, booran road, caulfield south, glen eira road, dover street, don john, crown land, clubs, associations, societies, sports, recreations, leisure, cultural events, bowling clubs, sports establishments, recreations establishments, cultural structures, sports grounds, playing fields, parks, reserves, sports people, r.b.v.a., caulfield port phillip leader, nation robert, nation bob, caldwell j.s., mccormack garnet, thompson jenny, berriman ann, hird s.j. mrs., fuller robert, knott l.j. mrs., squire george, paton george, dalmon glad, nimon kath, grimwood n., haysey jean, schwartzman mary, bond kay, robinson kath, morris t.w. mrs., williams w., roberts klem, aarons joe, gold roslyn, mcloghlin j., govett y., discombe brian, esakoff margaret, osborne roy, brentwood harry, vickers stan, hogben les, maxwell billy, mccauley j., johannesen a., grieves k., hird s.j., currie w., osborne w.r., ankerson h., herbert c., knott j.l., mclaren j., thornton c., shugg l., williams c., ritchie h., tinkler howard v., bunny d.h., parton e.m. mrs., don j. mrs., sims h.e. mrs., osborne margaret, tinkler pam, tucker joy, bland roy, reynolds alex, simmons harry -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, In Memory of the Gallant Officers and Men of Victoria who Died in Defence of our Empire in Transvaal War, 1899-1900, 1900 (exact)
Neil Grant was from BallaratTwelve page cream, stapled booklet with information and excellent images of the Victorian men killed in the Boer War before 1901. The men include Charles E. Umphelby, George Albert Eddy, Robert Westrup Salmon, William Fleming Hopkins, James Charles Roberts, W.J. Lambie, Neil Grant, Alexander Ross, Arthur Edwin Coulson, Thomas Stock, Charles Edwin Williams and Albert Herbert Willson.c e umphelby, g a eddy, w f hopkins, j c roberts, w j lambie, neil grant, alex ross, a e coulson, t stock, c e williams, r w salmon, a h willson, charles e umphelby, george albert eddy, robert westrup salmon, william fleming hopkins, james charles roberts, alexander ross, arthur edwin coulson, thomas stock, charles edwin williams, albert herbert, willson, boer war, south african war