Showing 72 items
matching plaster cast
Federation University Historical Collection
Annual Report, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report, 1923, 1923
... . * Plaster cast purchase... report ballarat school of mines plaster casts Printed annual ...Printed annual report from the Ballarat School of Mines. * Plaster cast purchaseannual report, ballarat school of mines, plaster casts -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
... plaster cast... plaster cast R.W. Richards anniversary jubilee White stapled ...The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
... plaster cast... plaster cast R.W. Richards anniversary jubilee White stapled ...The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Drawing - Artwork - Drawing, Edith Alice Watson, 'Drawing the Human Figure from Casts' by Alice Watson, 1931 and 1932
... plaster cast... ballarat technical art school plaster cast artwork alumni drawing ...Edith (Alice) WATSON (1914–2010) Murtoa | Australia Alice Watson studied at the Ballarat Technical Art School (at the School of Mines, Ballarat) from 1930 until 1933. Watson sat several departmental exams, including drawing and painting plant forms from nature, lettering, Composition of Form and Colour and advanced General Design, as well as dressmaking and embossed leatherwork. Her folio applies many Australian native floral elements to design. Upon graduating, Watson taught at the Murtoa High School, living with her parents until their deaths in 1972 and 1988 when she was 74 years old. Alice Watson died in Ballarat, aged 95, having conserved her beautiful student folio, which was generously gifted to the Federation University permanent Historical Collection by the Watson family.Twelve drawings undertaken for the 'Drawing the Human Figure from Casts' class at the Ballarat Technical Art School. The works were undertaken by Edith Alice Watson. The full folio of work undertaken while Alice Watson was a student at the Ballarat Technical Art School is held by Federation University Australia.most are signed A.Watson 1932.edith alice watson, alice watson, ballarat technical art school, plaster cast, artwork, alumni, drawing the human figure from casts, visual arts -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Reports, Large Cats, Thylacenes and Large Predators Sigtings, 1975-1985 and 2002-2011
... plaster cast... peter hall lyn sellens south gippsland plaster cast foot cast ...The folder of correspondence is the result of a Freedom of Information request made to the Department of Sustainability and Environment in 2011. The folder was collected for research being conducted by David Waldron.Folder of correspondence and newsclips relating to "Big Cats" and other large predators. Please note: sections of this file are closed to protect the privacy of correspondents.australian mythical animals collection, david waldron, brian waters, moonambel, joyce collins, ian smith, thylacene, marrarkuli, burragorang, m.g. hornocker, mt bepcha, billywing upland, john a. henry, bryan wlaters, ken bodinnar, harcourt, kevin farley, fowlers bay, carolyn hodges, puma, macarthur, paynesville, john aldreson, animal damage control, mountain lion, bryan walters, cougar, big cat, maryborough, joan kirner, bernard mace, tasmanian tigers, d.g. willey, calder highway sightings, kevin phelen, mt richmond national park, feral cat, felis catus, lancefield, pyalong, broadford, pyalong pantherleopard, porsche park, dick shaw, big cats in victoria, peter hall, lyn sellens, south gippsland, plaster cast, foot cast, unidentified wildlife, john seeback, michael moss, carnivores, halls gap, halls gap puma scats, kooreh, ballan, ballan large cat, a.g. kerr, south gippsland tasmanian tiger sightings, central victorian puma, otways, wilsons promontory, john higgins, tasmanian wolf, j.k. depmster, vermin, lion, cooper's creek, warrego river, dingo, thylacinus cynocephalus, mirboo north, newham, operation puma victoria, australian skeptics, kangaroo ground, rare fauna, black wildcat, pyalong panther, bob warneke, black puma, maryborough puma, creswick panther, cape bridgewater, pyrenees panther, footprints, daisy hill, bung bong, phantom puma, geranium springs, maurice hornocker -
Federation University Art Collection
Drawing - Pencil on paper, Nye, H.N, [Fruit] by H.N. Nye, 03/11/1899
... plaster cast... ballarat technical art school unframed alumni fruit plaster cast ...This work is an example of "Drawing from cast in light and shade". This item was probably undertaken at the Ballarat Technical Art School, a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. It is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Drawing from cast art, artwork, h.n. nye, ballarat technical art school, unframed, alumni, fruit, plaster cast -
Federation University Historical Collection
Sculpture - Plaster Drawing Prop, Cast of Woman's Head
... White plaster cast of a woman with closed eyes. The cast... the Human Figure from Cast Drawing from the Antique White plaster ...The Ballarat Technical Art School boasted a well-stocked Antique Room replete with plaster copies of classical, Renaissance and Gothic sculptural examples, which were used as drawing props by students. The school inherited some casts from its predecessor institutions, and further consignments were purchased during the 1920s, including full length, bust and relief figures, as well as dozens of ornamental and architectural casts. Unfortunately, much of the collection was lost or destroyed in the late 1950s. This is one of the few surviving pieces, with TAFE students reportedly drawing from it into the twenty-first century. It was removed to the University's Historical Collection in 2012.White plaster cast of a woman with closed eyes. The cast is hollow, with an opening at the back. There is a metal wire at the back so it can hang on the wall.ballarat technical art school, ballarat school of mines, art, drawing, plaster, drawing the human figure from cast, drawing from the antique -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Plaque, Dhurringile, 1940
... Green painted plaster cast wall hanging of Dhurringile..., Tatura. dhurringile plaque pow K Green painted plaster cast wall ...Made by POW at Dhurringile Internment Camp, Tatura.Green painted plaster cast wall hanging of Dhurringile (mansion) Internment Camp Tatura. Shows the mansion, a hand to the left and trees on right. wording on bottom.Kdhurringile, plaque, pow -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Alan Marshall in his bungalow studio, Park Road, Eltham, c.1977
... face - EDHS_05003 See also plaster cast model of sculpture... face - EDHS_05003 See also plaster cast model of sculpture ...See audio recording of Alan Marshall and Joh Ebeli made by Joh Ebeli at this time whilst he was modelling Alan Marshall's face - EDHS_05003 See also plaster cast model of sculpture - EDHS_02441Colour photographalan marshall, alan marshall bungalow, joh ebeli, sculptures -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - Diorama, Turkish Charge, pre 2019
... Quinns post in June 1915. Plaster cast of a landscape (Brown.... Plaster cast of a landscape (Brown) showing models of Turkish ...Based on a charge led by Major Hugh Quinn of 15th Battalion killed leading a charge against Turkish Forces who had gained a foothold on the ANZAC lines. This diorama was made to celebrate this event.Artistic representation of the Turkish soldiers charging Quinns post in June 1915. Plaster cast of a landscape (Brown) showing models of Turkish soldiers charging at allied emplacement. Includes plants and barbed wire placement. Placed on a black metal stand with gold colour label with inscription,Label has inscription "Turkish Charge, Quinns Post, Gallipoli 1915". diorama, "maj hugh quinn" -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Audio - Audio Compact Cassette Tape, Audio Recording; Alan Marshall sitting for Joh Ebeli in his bungalow, Eltham 1977 with introduction by Joh Ebeli 2002, 1990s
... photo of Alan taken by Joh Ebeli and EDHS_02441 photo of plaster... photo of Alan taken by Joh Ebeli and EDHS_02441 photo of plaster ...Dubbed from original recording with introduction by Joh Ebeli 2002 General chit chat and banter between Joh Ebeli and Alan Marshall on various current affairs, matters of the past and artists and Joh's method of sculpture production. Topics include gold prospecting, Smith's Gully, Politician Jim Cairns, artists Neil Douglas and Pablo Picasso. See also EDHS_00666 colour photo of Alan taken by Joh Ebeli and EDHS_02441 photo of plaster cast modelCompact audio cassette TDK D60 IEC I/Type I Converted to MP3 file; 33.8MB, 0:32:19 Case labelled "Alan Marshall talks while Joh Ebeli is sculpting his face in #1977 - in his bungalow in Eltham"alan marshall, alan marshall bungalow, artists, audio cassette, audio recording, eltham, joh ebeli, sculptures, gold prospecting, smiths gully, sculpting -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newsclip, Ballarat Courier, Big Cats May Roam Area, 2012
... David Waldron considered plaster casts of the paw print... David Waldron considered plaster casts of the paw print ...Dr David Waldron has spent years trawling through government documents and speaking to old farmers and policemen trying to gather as much information as possible for a book on the subject of giant cats. In 2013 his book, co-authored with Simon Townsend, "Snarls from the tea-Tree: A History of Victorian Big cat Folkore" was published.Half a page from an undated Ballarat Courier with information relating to big cats in the Australian bush. It also includes an image of Dr David Waldron. The article is a response to the findings of Noel Judd of Smythesdale who reported the death of a Shetland pony , and found paw prints of a large cat nearby. Dy David Waldron considered plaster casts of the paw print and concluded they were almost certainly not made by a cat.australian animal folklore collections, big cats, smythesdale, waldron, judd -
Vision Australia
Sculpture - Object, Louis Braille bust, 1929
... Braille. Copied from the plaster cast. Made & Donated by G.D... the Centenary of Louis Braille. Copied from the plaster cast. Made ...A bust of Louis Braille was gifted to the Victorian Association of Braille Writers in 1929 by the sculptor Guilliame Daniel Duprat. The bronze bust sits upon a blackwood plinth, with an inscribed nameplate below the chest, and a revolving medallion at the base of the stand.Sculpture of man on wooden plinth with inscribed medallion on axis and base plateOne side of medallion: Offert par le Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres (curved edge) Louis Braille Centenary Presented by French Government to The Victorian Association of Braille Writers Melbourne 1929 Reverse side: Republique Francaise Baseplate: Presented by Mrs George Swinburne to commemorate the Centenary of Louis Braille. Copied from the plaster cast. Made & Donated by G.D. Delprat Esq. 1929 victorian association of braille writers, guilliame daniel duprat -
Orbost & District Historical Society
calliper, Dunlop
... Walking calliper for use with a plaster of paris leg cast... gippsland Walking calliper for use with a plaster of paris leg cast ...Walking calliper for use with a plaster of paris leg castThis item is an example of an early medical aid used at Orbost Hospital.Walking calliper - small metal frameBottom-underneath - Dunlop, Aust 1 7/8-1 7/8calliper medicine-nursing orbost-hospital -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Report Register, Ballarat School of Mines Monthly Reports, 1918-1929, 1918-1929
... Plaster casts from Victoria & Albert Museum... (Spanish Flu). 1922 * Page 146 Plaster casts from Victoria ...Ledger monthly reports from the Registrar to the Ballarat School of Mines Council. Information includes student numbers, new enrolments, financial reports, reports of Council member and staff deaths. 1915 World War One Staff Enlistments. 1916 Advertisement for Teaching Positions 1917 Enlistment of Colin C. Brittain to the 'Miners' and Engineers'. 1919 Pg 75 - Low student numbers due to the influenza pandemic (Spanish Flu) Pg 76 - Ruby Lonie suffering from influenza (Spanish Flu). 1922 * Page 146 Plaster casts from Victoria & Albert Museumplaster casts, letter, letterbook, ballarat school of mines, monthly reports, principals reports, world war one, student involvement in world war one, aboriginal male skeleton, ralph g. moore, robert a. clinton, ralph ingram moore, japanese warship officers visit, c.h. vale, g.d. evans, geoffrey ballantyne tundbridge, w.j. paterson, new guinea, mica smith schola, mica smith scholarship, nolrfolk island pine, primock mineral specimen donation, e. duncan, e.j. mcconnon, j.r. gordon, j.c. molloy, j.c. molloy death, c. fenner, h.h. smith, w.h. collyer, a.f. tweedie, colin brittain, australian mining corp, w.h. clutterbuck, a.l. ronaldson, thomas hurley, j.c. hurley, alan t. perry, wolfrey henry clutterbuck, miss abrams' commercial classes, norman barker, australian flying corps, l.h. vernon, h.c. smith, rowland c. valentine, repatriation department, returned soldiers, t.h. shattock, returned soldiers league, ina smith, john keith, caledonian society, w.g. coates, percival j. ripper, s.h. mayo, fees in arrears, j.b. robinson, bannerman, stenotype machine, influenza, ruby lonie, pharmacy, ballarat, e.g. vawdry, annie a. jones, lancelot austin, l. stg. p. austin, spanish flu, rubie lonie, pandemic -
Federation University Art Collection
Drawing, Williams, Albert E, 'Drawing Human Figure from the Cast', 1931
... Unframed pencil drawing of a plaster cast of a human...." Unframed pencil drawing of a plaster cast of a human figure known ...Albert E. WILLIAMS (1899-1986) Victoria, Australia Albert E. Williams first studied art under Fred Foster after being awarded a scholarship to the Ballarat East Art School. In 1913 he became one of the first intake of 83 students to study the Merit Certificate at the newly opened Ballarat Junior Technical School. Williams was the second person to receive a certificate from that institution. He then studied under H.H. Smith for the Art Teachers’ Certificate at the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School between 1915 and 1920. Williams joined the staff of the Ballarat Junior Technical School in 1921, teaching sign writing, ticket writing and house decoration. He taught in other technical schools between 1923 and 1928, returning to Ballarat in that year to fill a vacancy left by John Rowell . Williams continued his teaching career at both the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School and the Junior Technical School until 1942. He taught in various other technical schools from 1943, retiring as Headmaster of the Brighton Technical School in 1964. Albert E. Williams continued producing artwork throughout his career, and was responsible for the education of generations of artists and art teachers. In 1937 he was living at 302 Drummond Steet South, Ballarat. This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 2000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007. Unframed pencil drawing of a plaster cast of a human figure known as the Dancing Faun, a marble sculpture first recorded in 1665, when Albert Rubens listed it as in the collection of the Grand Duke of Tuscany in Florence (probably long owned by the Medici). By 1688 the sculpture was held by the Uffizi in Florence. In September 1800 the sculpture was sent to Palermo along with other treasures to avoid plunder by the French army, but it was returned to the Florence in 1803. By the 18th Century the Dancing Faun gained a reputation as one of the finest ancient sculptures in existence. A faun makes music by simultaneously playing the ‘crotala’ (similar to cymbals) in his hands and the ‘scabellum’ or ‘croupezion’ under his right foot. In Victorian Education Department examinations, this sculpture was sometimes called the "Clapping Faun".Written on the mount board below the drawing "Drawing Human Figure from the Cast. for art Teacher's Certificate 1931 by Albert E. Williams. Tech. Art School, Ballarat."art, artwork, albert e. williams, williams, ballarat technical art school, art teacher's certificate, a.e. williams, alumni, drawing from the cast, drawing from the antique, drawing the himan figure from the cast, dancing faun -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Regent Street, 57, Elsternwick
... Street. Peer Gary Elsternwick Regent Street Verandahs Cast iron ...Three items about this property: 1/Feature article from a newspaper with date noted as 16/03/2001 detailing the period features and other property information. One exterior and one interior black and white photos. 2/One newspaper advertisement dated 16/03/2001, source unknown, advertising the forthcoming auction on 24/03/2001 of 57 Regent Street, Elsternwick. Gives details of house interior and exterior. Includes photograph of the house exterior. Also an advertising postcard with the same details. 3/Research note by Claire Barton, dated 12/06/2012, referencing Sands and McDougall editions, 1923, 1948, 1960 and 1970, giving names of previous tenants at 57 Regent Street.peer gary, elsternwick, regent street, verandahs, cast iron work, plaster moulds, ceiling roses, real estate agents, victorian style, boyd k, williamson chas g, lalas x mrs, prividenic a -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Archibald Street,|4,|Elsternwick
... . Hooker Leadlight Cast Iron Work Plaster Moulds Article Archibald ...Newspaper article, giving details of forthcoming sale of property at 4 Archibald Street, Elsternwick. It includes a small coloured photograph dated 18/02/05. Two Melbourne Weekly articles on the forthcoming sale of 4 Archibald Street. Details renovation details and reproduced Victorian additions, including modern state of the art facilities. Dated 22/02/06 and 15/02/06. Property Review Weekly dated 10/02/2006, on 4 Archibald Street, Elsternwick. Article has two coloured photographs and gives brief details regarding home renovation, includes leadlight windows, cast iron fence, slate roof, cast iron lace work and tessellated tiles.michelson’s, estate agents, archibald st, elsternwick, timber houses, victorian style, flamm alex, michelson mike, architectural features, penama developments, rossini, flamm oren, l.j. hooker, leadlight, cast iron work, plaster moulds -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School, c2008, 29/07/2020
The former Ballarat Circuit Court Building, later the first building of the Ballarat School of Mines, was demolished to make way for a new custom built Art School building. Sir Alexander Peacock opened the Ballarat Technical Art School in July 1915. It cost 10,000 pounds and was constructed by the Public Works Department from plans drawn by the then Art School Principal, Herbert H. Smith. The building contractors were Messrs Gower and Eddards. According to the SMB Annual Report of 1914 'the internal upholstering and fittings have all been carried out in Australian timbers, with Queensland maple largely used throughout.' Before this building was constructed art and craft classes were held in various buildings around Ballarat. The building could be described as federation-art deco in style. It features sandstone insertion with sandstone string coursing. The base of the building is rusticated sandstone. The relief stone panel on the front with the words "Technical Art School" features stone pilaster brackets and corbels. In the centre front can be seen rectangular sandstone pediment with decorative stonework incorporating the date of construction. The windows in the lower floor feature five supporting keystones whereas the upper windows have sandstone lintels. The building also features decorative cast iron downpipes. The entrance on the northern side has attractive leadlight glazing in an art deco style. Above the door a miner's lamp and pick are featured in the design. The building is functional in design with large metal windows in the south wall to ensure good light into the studios. The northern wall has standard double hung windows. The interior of the building features a carved wooden staircase and cast iron ceiling vents. The rear drawing studios can be made into one large studio by opening panelled timber doors. This opening features classical plaster pilasters with a pediment above.Colour photograph of a sandstone detail on a double storey, red brick building - the Ballarat Technical Art School, a division of the Ballarat School of Minesballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, architecture, art, gribble building -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Nithsdale now Five Way Hill, Kambrook Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan (1996) by Andrew Ward and Associates - Vol 3 "Nithsdale", built for J.S. Crouchin 1858 and extended in 1885 with a tower and associated rooms, survives as testimony to the nineteenth century occupation of the vicinity of the Kambrook/Glen Eira Road intersection. Caulfield's Building Heritage by Dr Geulah Solomon, Vol 1 p49 records it as a small Victorian mansion home on bluestone foundations of Italianate style with a tower. Built for J S Chambers circa 1860, it was built in stages and then the land subdivided in the 1920s. Other owners include Adolph F Brockhoff (of Brockhoff Biscuits company). Names used besides Nithsdale have been Bundoora and Five Way Hill. Page 102 of Photograph Album with four photographs (three landscape and one portrait) of Nithsdale, now known as Five Way Hill. Three views of the tower and one of the house.Handwritten: "Nithsdale" now "Five Way Hill" Kambrook road [top right] / CNR KAMBROOK AND GLENEIRA ROADS [under bottom right photo] / 102 [bottom right]trevor hart, north caulfield, victorian, mid victorian, late victorian, tower, j.s. crouchin, 1850's, 1880's, italianate, rendered, five way hill, nithsdale, slate roof, plaster arches, ornamental columns, triangular pediment, ornamental parapet, cast iron balconies, kambrook road, glen eira road, t crouch, j s crouchin, mansions, j s chambers, bluestone foundations, land subdivision, adolph f brockhoff, bundoora, house names -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Bureel (Kooyong Road), Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From: Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan 1996 by Andrew Ward In 1856, John Allee, a builder from Brighton, purchased C.A. 37 on the south-west corner of Glenhuntly and Kooyong Roads. The land comprised just over 45 acres. By 1863, Francis John Sidney Stephen, a lawyer and cousin of J. Wilberforce Stephen, owned most of lot 37. By 1866, Stephen had a built a "small mansion" named ''Burreel". It was a brick house and Stephen lived there until 1882. By 1884, Mrs Buxton of Hillside Terrace, East Melbourne, had purchased the property. Richard Buxton, a gentleman was listed as occupant and the house described as "brick, eight rooms". NAV was £300. Richard Buxton continued residency in 1887 however in 1888, George Allen, music seller, became occupant. At that time the house had thirteen rooms on twenty-three acres of land. Twelve people lived there and NAV was £920. In 1900, Daniel Luxton, stock and sharebroker and the Honourable John Taverner, M.H.A. leased the property. Fourteen people lived there. Mrs Buxton continued as owner. By 1910, ownership had passed to Mrs Mary Neate, who converted the house to a nursing home. The land had been subdivided by 1913 and sold by ''Buxtons Estate". Burreel Avenue, Baxter, Buxton and Hoddle Streets were created. "Burreel" was rated to Burreel Avenue and stood on lot 13 with frontages to Burreel Avenue and Kooyong Road of 198' and 214'. The house had ten rooms. NAV was £60. Mary Neate, a nurse, continued as owner/ operator of ''Burreel" nursing home in 1927. At that time there were sixteen rooms and fourteen residents. NAV was £100. Mrs Neat remained there until 1947. In 1948, the house was turned into apartments. In the 1980's, the Alexander family purchased it and restored it to a private residence.Burreel 331 Kooyong Road, ELSTERNWICK VIC 3185 - Property No B4950 National Trust This is a large and substantially intact example of the grand villas of nineteenth century Melbourne. The bulk of the house most probably was built in 1866-1868 for Francis John Sidney Stephen, a prominent and highly regarded Melbourne solicitor and a member of an illustrious legal family. Stephen conducted a lucrative private practice and in 1845 was appointed first solicitor to the City of Melbourne; a position he held until his death in 1895. He took an active part in the development of Caulfield and was Shire President in 1874 and 1877. He was a resident at Burreel from 1868 to 1882. The house has evolved in stages, the rear wings possibly remaining from a house built during the 1850s. The existing ornate cast iron verandah was probably built between 1882 and 1888 during the residence of Richard Buckhurst Buxted, a notable boom period auctioneer and real estate agent. George Allan, the founder of Allan's music store, was another important occupier from 1888 to 1991. Bureel's essentially residential quality has been retained and the interior has been well preserved. The significance of this building does not rest in any single unusual outstanding architectural feature, or in its association with a particularly prominent member of society in the past, but rather in the consistent integrity of both the interior and exterior, which results in the survival of an outstanding example of this type of residential building and its associations with two notable citizens. Classified:11/08/1990Page 113 of photograph album with 1 photograph of Burreel in its garden.Handwritten: Bureel [top left] / 113 [bottom left]trevor hart, caulfield, caulfield north, kooyong road, thomas king, mansion, 1860's, bureel, burreel, francis john sidney stephen, city of melbourne, shire president, 1850's, verandah, nursing home, john allee, ornamented corner stones, new orleans manner, plaster rendered, mrs luxton, vincent willis, alexander family, victorian architectural style, ornate cast iron work, lawyers, brick houses, richard buxton, richard buckhurst buxton, george allen, george leavis allan, allans music, daniel luxton, john taverner, mary neate, buxtons estate, land subdivision, mary neat, gardens -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Craigellachie, 273 Orrong Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation HO40 Craigellachie 2b & 2c Lynedoch Avenue Caulfield North as at (28/10/2020) Craigellachie" is situated at No. 2B Lynedoch Avenue, Caulfield North, and was built for the noted investor, pastoralist and politician, William Pearson, not earlier than 1864 and possible in 1876, undergoing several substantial and contributory extensions during the nineteenth century. It is historically and aesthetically significant. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie as at (28/10/2020) It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the Melbourne home of William Pearson, MLA, MLC and principal shareholder in Walhalla's Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mining Co. which sustained the township well past the turn of the twentieth century and occupied fifth place amongst Victoria's richest mines. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) for its capacity to demonstrate Pearson's continuing financial success throughout the mid to late nineteenth century, the additions associated with the tower being most noteworthy as an example of the lasting appeal of the Italian Style, popularized in the pattern books of the day. The Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven) is significant as an outstanding example of a species that is rare in cultivation, as well as for its very high aesthetic value. The Araucaria bidwilli is notable as a fine example of a species infrequently planted in Melbourne and rarely found in private suburban gardens.Page 156 of Photograph Album with four landscape photographs of Craigellachie - near views of architectural features. Handwritten: "Craigellachie" 273 Orrong Road [top right] / 156 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, orrong road, tower, curved windows, decorative brackets, italianate, mansion, 1870's, william pearson, inkerman street, apartments, spire, decorative plaster work, rendered walls, ornamentation, arched windows, moulded ornaments, 1860's, lynedoch avenue, classical style, caulfield north, craigellachie, cast iron work, victorian style, balaclava, st kilda east, gardens, ailanthus altissima, araucaria bidwilli, porches, trees -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Craigellachie, 273 Orrong Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie 2b & 2c Lynedoch Avenue Caulfield North as at (28/10/2020) Craigellachie" is situated at No. 2B Lynedoch Avenue, Caulfield North, and was built for the noted investor, pastoralist and politician, William Pearson, not earlier than 1864 and possible in 1876, undergoing several substantial and contributory extensions during the nineteenth century. It is historically and aesthetically significant. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie as at (28/10/2020) It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the Melbourne home of William Pearson, MLA, MLC and principal shareholder in Walhalla's Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mining Co. which sustained the township well past the turn of the twentieth century and occupied fifth place amongst Victoria's richest mines. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) for its capacity to demonstrate Pearson's continuing financial success throughout the mid to late nineteenth century, the additions associated with the tower being most noteworthy as an example of the lasting appeal of the Italian Style, popularized in the pattern books of the day. The Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven) is significant as an outstanding example of a species that is rare in cultivation, as well as for its very high aesthetic value. The Araucaria bidwilli is notable as a fine example of a species infrequently planted in Melbourne and rarely found in private suburban gardens.Page 157 - four photographs of Craigellachie - exterior views. Handwritten: CRAIGELLACHIE [top left] / Neg 212 1973 [under bottom right photo] / 157 [bottom left]trevor hart, verandah, orrong road, tower, cast iron lacework, curved windows, decorative brackets, italianate, mansion, 1870's, william pearson, inkerman street, apartments, spire, decorative plaster work, rendered walls, arched windows, moulded ornaments, 1860's, lynedoch avenue, classical style, caulfield north, craigellachie, st kilda east, late victorian style, garages (private), gardens, cast iron work, ailanthus altissima, araucaria bidwilli, trees -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Craigellachie, 273 Orrong Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie 2b & 2c Lynedoch Avenue Caulfield North as at (28/10/2020) Craigellachie" is situated at No. 2B Lynedoch Avenue, Caulfield North, and was built for the noted investor, pastoralist and politician, William Pearson, not earlier than 1864 and possible in 1876, undergoing several substantial and contributory extensions during the nineteenth century. It is historically and aesthetically significant. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie as at (28/10/2020) It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the Melbourne home of William Pearson, MLA, MLC and principal shareholder in Walhalla's Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mining Co. which sustained the township well past the turn of the twentieth century and occupied fifth place amongst Victoria's richest mines. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) for its capacity to demonstrate Pearson's continuing financial success throughout the mid to late nineteenth century, the additions associated with the tower being most noteworthy as an example of the lasting appeal of the Italian Style, popularized in the pattern books of the day. The Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven) is significant as an outstanding example of a species that is rare in cultivation, as well as for its very high aesthetic value. The Araucaria bidwilli is notable as a fine example of a species infrequently planted in Melbourne and rarely found in private suburban gardens.Page 158 of Photograph Album with one image of Craigellachie's exterior. Handwritten: "Craigellachie" 273 Orrong Road [top right] / 158 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, orrong road, tower, curved windows, decorative brackets, rendered, craigellache, italianate, mansion, 1870's, william pearson, inkerman street, apartments, spire, decorative plaster work, rendered walls, ornamentation, arched windows, moulded ornaments, 1860's, lynedoch avenue, classical style, caulfield north, craigellachie, land subdivision, gardens, late victorian style, cast iron work, st kilda east, ailanthus altissima, araucaria bidwilli, trees -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Craigellachie, 273 Orrong Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie 2b & 2c Lynedoch Avenue Caulfield North as at (28/10/2020) Craigellachie" is situated at No. 2B Lynedoch Avenue, Caulfield North, and was built for the noted investor, pastoralist and politician, William Pearson, not earlier than 1864 and possible in 1876, undergoing several substantial and contributory extensions during the nineteenth century. It is historically and aesthetically significant. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO40 Craigellachie as at (28/10/2020) It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the Melbourne home of William Pearson, MLA, MLC and principal shareholder in Walhalla's Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mining Co. which sustained the township well past the turn of the twentieth century and occupied fifth place amongst Victoria's richest mines. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) for its capacity to demonstrate Pearson's continuing financial success throughout the mid to late nineteenth century, the additions associated with the tower being most noteworthy as an example of the lasting appeal of the Italian Style, popularized in the pattern books of the day. The Ailanthus altissima (Tree of Heaven) is significant as an outstanding example of a species that is rare in cultivation, as well as for its very high aesthetic value. The Araucaria bidwilli is notable as a fine example of a species infrequently planted in Melbourne and rarely found in private suburban gardens.Page 159 - four photographs of Craigellachie - three room interiors and along the verandah. Handwritten: CRAIGELLACHIE [top left] / Neg 224 1973 CHINESE SITTING ROOM [under top right photo] / Neg 226 1973 / CHINESE SITTING ROOM [under top right photo] / Neg 214 1973 DINING ROOM [under bottom left photo] / Neg 213 - 1973 [under bottom right photo] / 159 [bottom left]trevor hart, verandah, orrong road, tower, curved windows, decorative brackets, craigellache, italianate, mansion, 1870's, william pearson, inkerman street, apartments, spire, decorative plaster work, rendered walls, arched windows, moulded ornaments, 1860's, lynedoch avenue, classical style, caulfield north, craigellachie, land subdivision, gardens, late victorian style, cast iron work, st kilda east, dining rooms, sitting rooms, furnishings, tiles -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Burreel
This file contains one item. 1. Auction leaflets for two periods of sale, 5 April and 30 April, years unknown, possibly 1990’s. Articles give same photograph of home, sketch of home and interior plan layout. Also includes history of Burreel to 1982/1983.burreel, biggin and scott, auctions, biggin kevin, lawson graeme, elsternwick, victorian style, mansions, stephen francis, glenhuntly road, buxton family, allen george, music, neate mary, nursing homes, alexander enid, cellars, bricks, bluestone, slate, verandas, fireplaces, plaster moulds, cool stores, gas lighting, cast iron works, architectural features, gardens -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Newspaper, Ballarat School of Mines and Industries and Junior Technical School double page newspaper article, 25/08/1934
... drawing drawing assay Drawing from the antique plaster casts assay ...The Ballarat School of Mines was the first school of technical education in Australasia.Double page, double sided, newspaper article from The Weekly Times with 10 images and captions depicting scenes within the School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat Technical Art School and Junior Technical School, Ballarat. Verso: Top Half page: 5 photographs on Callawadda, A pastoral district near Glenorchy Verso Bottom Half page: large photograph of boys attending the Junior technical school at Ballarat Verso Right hand page: 7 "Intersting photographs from England, Scotland and The United StatesSide A: Magazine- Section 8, The Weekley Times, Heading and captions, torn lower left corner to centre, small tears throughout especially left hand side and centre fold, Side B: the weekly times, school of mines and industries, scientific instruments, junior technical school, ballarat, smb, ballarat school of mines, university of ballarat, 1934, callawadda, glenorchy, boys, hutchings, mr j. c. hutchings j.p., state school, bryn avon homestead, broadcasting, mrs hutchings, sheep, xray, cancer treatment, northern belle, loch lomond, oxford college, red lion brewery, aldershot tattoo, siege of namur, battleship, idianapolis battleship, new york, quartz crushing battery, machine shop, pottery, electrical engineering, art department, dressmaking, building, woodwork, assaying, laboratory, architectural drawing, engineering drawing, drawing, assay, drawing from the antique, plaster casts, assay room, ballarat technical art school, bicycles -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Art class photograph, Drawing from the Antique, 1920, c1920
The large plaster Illisos depicted in the back of this image is still held by Federation University Australia. The Ballarat Technical Art School (No. 10) was part of the Ballarat School of Mines and was established in 1907. After conducting classes in various locations around Ballarat a custom built art school was erected on the site of the former Ballarat Circuit Court House, previously used as the initial building of the Ballarat School of Mines. Examples of drawings undertaken by students, as well as some plaster castes are held in the University of Ballarat Historical Collection. The Ballarat Technical art School is the oldest continuous Tertiary Art School in Australia. Sir Alexander Peacock opened the new Ballarat Technical Art School building in July 1915. It cost 10,000 pounds and was constructed by the Public Works Department from plans drawn by the then Art School Principal, Herbert H. Smith. The building contractors were Messrs Gower and Eddards. According to the SMB Annual Report of 1914 'the internal upholstering and fittings have all been carried out in Australian timbers, with Queensland maple largely used throughout.' The building could be described as federation-art deco in style. It features sandstone insertion with sandstone string coursing. The base of the building is rusticated sandstone. The building is functional in design with large metal windows in the south wall to ensure good light into the studios. The northern wall has standard double hung windows. The interior of the building features a carved wooden staircase and cast iron ceiling vents. The rear drawing studios could be made into one large studio by opening panelled timber doors. This opening features classical plaster pilasters with a pediment above. ( Black and white mounted photograph showing eleven students of the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School drawing from plaster models of human bodies in various poses and of various scales. The students are in a room of the Ballarat Technical Art School which was custom built for teaching art. The image was reproduced in the 1920 Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine. drawing, ballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, art studio, plaster caste, gribble building, illisos, hercules, drawing from the antique, visual arts -
Federation University Historical Collection
Report, Grampians Puma
... karen jeffery plaster casts terry rethus tom schubert Victoria ...The study into the Grampians Puma was undertaken by John A. Henry to settle the question of the existence of a puma population in the mountains. People who believe they have sighted a puma, or have sighted other evidence, were interviewed. The study also looked into records relating to the potential of USA army personal leaving a mascot in the grampians. Also see cat no 14012 - Pumas in the Grampians Mountains: A compelling Case?: An up-dated Report of the Deakin Puma StudyWhite A4 pages laser printed pages related to a study conducted on the possibility of a Grampians Puma (Felis concolor) populations. Australian Animal Foklore Collectionaustralian animal folklore collection, john a henry, john henry, maurice hornocker, grampians, geranium springs, puma, felis concor, mt bepcha, scats, us army, peter morris, hans brunner, mt gambier, raaf, ernst wieher, ellis tucker, halls gap, peter dryden, geoff riddle, snow astbury, robert hiatt, tom schubert, trevor clark, dick saligari, ted saligari, terry zerbst, brian warren, gary middleton, barry henderson, morrie lawson, bill hower, michael harrison, ray kerris, robert east, terry rethus, dougal shilcock, garth rees, ilka rees, harry shrive, ellis tucker, american airmen, mascot, billywing range, sandy mackirdy, mark johnson, john morris, des paulson, feral cat, roses gap, paula odare, gaye beveridge, donald macarthur, karen jeffery, plaster casts, terry rethus, tom schubert, victoria valley, mt talbot, fox, john spencer, ivan bother, neal bother, evan macklay, harry shrive, bill hower, michael harrsion, norma harrison, ellis tucker, gary middleton, barry henderson, joy potter, les becker, john ryan, cam anderson, richardson, shirley farrant, adinsall, max xharles, margaret hurley, linda crawford, don anderson, paddy hynes, barry bell, neal boethe, mark johnson, victoria point, david hamilton, wally smith, mythical, myth, folklore -
Federation University Historical Collection
Documents - Reports, Unidentified Large Cat Sightings in Maryborough
... koo-jat hill cougar hill plaster casts lummis goldsborough Ian ...The folder or correspondence is the result of a Freedom of Informaition request made to the Department of Primary Industries in 2011. The folder was collected for research being conducted by David Waldron. John Higgins, managing editor of the Maryborough Advertiser was interested in sightings of what some suggested to be a puma or mountain lion in Central Victoria. A number of A4 printouts relating to large cat sightings in the Maryborough (Vic) area, many reported by the Marlborough Advertiser. The large cat referred to is often referred to as a Puma or Mountain Lion. (.7) Profile of Central Victorian Cat Australian Animal Folklore Collectionaustralian animal folklore collection, cat, ferral cat, puma, mountain lion, maryborough, maryborough victoria, ds saunders, bryan walters, bernie mall, peter chapple. graham george, australian cougar, felid, pamela parker, alan foskett, daisy hill, panther, john dix, ray elliott, dennis wiley, police sightings, graham hunt, brian douglas, stuart mill, graeme grant, a. venes, avoca, julie hobbs, greg gallagher, taltarni, moonambel, fred beach, majorca, michael rayner, chateau remy, john robb, wayne irvine, brian anderson, peter davies, talbot, joyce davies, tom davies, len farthing, barry rinaldi, edward stone, brian stone, judith tranter, alan poole, shane long, jim smith, lloyd forge, carisbrook, murray henderson, doug grose, john higgins, footprint cast, australian dasyurids, felis concolor, lioness, lion, shane long, wareek, koo-jar hill, american troops, betley cat, daisy hill cat, phelan road cat, amherst cat, john higgin, angus reynolds, betley tiger, tim clark, walters cougar catcher, identification chart, david towler, bob carr, rare fauna research society, lancefield cat, bernie mace, robert pattison, bryan de lacy, romsey, murray henderson, brian collinson, neil grummett, grummett, kenneth lamont, lamont, foskett, hobbs, rinaldi, poole, forge, henderson, grant, elliott, anderson, stone, irvine, douglas, stewart, long, mythical, myth, folklore, australian mythical animals collection, david waldron, land protection, d.s. saunders, judith henke, ravenswood, wedderburn, feral cat, laanecoorie, shellbourne, barru rinaldi, lan poole, dorothy smith, amherst cemetery, graham grant, maryborough advertiser, central victorian cat, st arnaud, kyneton, shane one wareek, lack of fossil evidence, koo-jat hill, cougar hill, plaster casts, lummis, goldsborough, ian lummis, hamilton, swan hill, wodonga