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matching g. smith
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Victorian Deaf News January 1936
Published by the Deaf Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria'The Victorian Deaf News' Newsletter is a significant publication as an historical record giving and insight into the people, activities and events of the Deaf Community in Victoria.Vol. 1 (New Series) January 1936; Size 24.5cmHx18.5cmW; 24 pagesedgar h. peacock, warwick ashby, rev j. h. frewin, theo frewin, fred frewin, freda connolly, iris connolly, lord mayor's queen carnival campaign, mrs abraham, alice graham, victorian deaf and dumb institution, jim johnston, douglas abraham, w. h. crush, henry w. gladwin, j. boortz, dorothy johnston, charlie buck, colin johns, w. mcmillin, h. r. gillet, i. boast, s. nielson, f. sandon, willie hately, joe unsworth, rivers, a. sutherland, m. reiffel, w. durston, j. boal, deaf tennis club, adult deaf cricket club, lacrosse, deaf chess, w. donnelly, willie smith, les sutton, lydia sanders, melby allsop, ruth peters, mortimer, e. r. e. noble, c. graham, l. smiththelma whateley, thomas newton, roy white, mra and mrs white, h. blackmore, e. raines, elsie denman, g. mccaffrey, ethel dow, james frame, muriel smith, ray cornell, w. grant, john mcgonigal, thomas tonkin, john cardwell, william kent, richard hann, annie secombe, winnie henry, g.g. mercy, -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Victorian Deaf News June 1937
Published by the Deaf Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria'The Victorian Deaf News' Newsletter is a significant publication as an historical record giving and insight into the people, activities and events of the Deaf Community in Victoria.Vol. 2 No. 5 (New Series) June 1937; Size 24.5cmHx19cmW; 16 pagese. r. noble, w. a. waterstrom, w.a. paterson, r. h. luff, ed johnson, h. mckenzie, reiffel, mcdonald, hunt, j. stewart, maurice mark, e. russell, r. cornell, g. b. mortimer, g. oakley, colin johns, mrs m. thompson, w. nancarrow, g. mahoney, ambrose moloney, collins, stokes, sturcke, kitty burke, johns, stewart, o. quinton, ruskin's motor body works, underwood, e. johnson, taylor's timber mills, jennings, williams, eric johnston, gibson, hately, jim walters, roy windridge, ferguson, mona stevens, gersch, doney, moore, w. durstan, northey, allen, mrs f. johnson, iris wouda, g. mortimer, willie hately, torr, robb, cecil and vernon griffiths, c. lyfield, w. utber, w. chapman, d. jones, howe, smith sandon, f. owen, hood, j. gibson, allan salmon, j. stewart, r. bogan, nancy newton, brenda jean ashby, donald johnson, burnie higgie, ruby may mcdonald, charles ernest wesley hunt, fred lynas, margaret gibson, walter bladier, winifred gladman, mary thomson -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Urban Fire Brigade
Stawell Urban Fire Brigade BACK ROW L-R : Ted Welsh, ern Dickens, B. Smith. ?.Brown, A.Oliver, ?, ?, C. Prosser. N. Parsons SECOND ROW L-R: J. Grainger, C. Richardson, F. Crouch, H. Chapman, Ray Maddocks, R. Ledger, ?. Dunn, K. Floyd THIRD ROW L-R: ?, ?, ?, G. Hughes, R.K. Chapman, P. Fenwick, ?, Ray Rickard, B. Thompson FRONT ROW L-R: ?, ?, ?, Reg Nicholls, L. Egginton, H. Ridgewell, T. Mills, ?, Black and white photograph of a large group of men in uniform. All have hats except for the front row. Taken in a studio that has a curtain behind the group.nonestawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Fire Brigade 1955, 1955
Group Portrait of Stawell Fire Brigade Members in Dress Uniform 1955 Framed: Back Row: (L to R) E. Walsh, E. Dickens, A. Smith, J. Miatke, A. Oliver, J.Hall, H. Dunn, C. Prosser, A. Parsons. Centre Row: J. Grainger, C. Richardson, F. Crouch, H. Chapman, R. Maddocks, R. Ledgar, A. Dunn, K. Floyd. Front Row: R. Phillips, S. WHelan, F.Court, G. Huse, R.Chapman, P. Fenwick, I. O'Neil, R. Rickard B.Thompson.B/W Photo: Three rows of males in dress uniforms; mix of navy and red uniforms with caps: Backrow standing in front of curtain and end wall, remaining two rows seatedStawell Fire Brigade 1955 Chapman's Studios Stawellstawell -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Canterbury Football Club Berries to Cobras - A History 1881-2013, 2013
74p./ This history is more about the people that have been through this club than the statistics. It is about the larrikins, characters, the bad boys, the fun times, the friendships forged over a lifetime, the comedians, the stalwarts and the snake oil salesmen.74p./ This history is more about the people that have been through this club than the stats. It is about the larrikins, characters, the bad boys, the fun times, the friendships forged over a lifetime, the comedians, the stalwarts and the snake oil salesmen.canterbury football club, australian foortball teams, (mr) brian coleman, shrublands, balwyn road, canterbury, malone's hotel, (mr) brendan allen, (mr) don allsop, (mr) don alsop, (mr) glen archer, (mr) nicholas ardley, (mr) r ashton, (mr) w j atkinson, (mr) a austin, (ms) sue bach, (mr) bob bailey, (mr) ted bailey, (mr) lindsay baillie, (mr) - bakaitis, (mr) s bakaitis, (mr) d banks, chris barras, (mr) p bates, (mr) s bates, (mr) steve bates, (mr) n bell, (mr) a beveridge, (mr) k blandthorn, (mr) bill blezard, (mr) a blood, (mr) b boag, (ms) eileen bogan, (mr) r bogan, d bradley, (mr) a briggs, (mr) e brown, val brown, (mr) j byrne, (mr) a callaway, (mr) alan callaway, (mr) m carroll, (mr) m clark, (mr) c clarke, (mr) r coleman, (mr) ron coleman, l connaughton, (mr) l coultard, (mr) peter curran, (mr) n dartnell, (mr) d dell, (mr) david dell, (mr) m demko, (mr) m dosser, (mr) alec dowling, (mr) m dowwer, (mr) w dundas, (mr) r eade, (mr) n eddy, (mr) noel, (mr) gary evans, (mr) d fleming, (mr) m fleming, p fleming, (mr) j foote, (mr) john foote, (mr) l foote, (mr) les foote, (mr) t fraser, (mr) basil gibson, (mr) i gibson, (mr) gary giles, (mr) l giles, (mr) k gill, (ms) m gill, (mr) bob goode, (mr) w a gordes, (mr) m gordon, (mr) mark gordon, (mr) r gracie, (mr) mark gray, (mr) k griffiths, (mr) b gwynne, (mr) peter gwynne, (mr) dick hamer, (mr) a hams, (mr) wayne handley, (mr) rocky hanrahan, (mr) mick harper, (mr) john harris, (mr) don harrop, (mr) george harrop, (mr) keith harvey, (mr) - hasset, (mr) n henderson, (mr) neil henderson, (mr) c herz, (mr) c higgins, (mr) k higson, (mr) ken higson, (mr) k hodgson, (mr) keith hodgson, nugie holland, (mr) p holland, (mr) peter holland, (mr) terry holland, (mr) h honner, (mr) henry honner, (mr) g hopkins, (mr) glen hopkins, (mr) j horner, (mr) g hoskin, (mr) george hoskin, (mr) p hoskin, (mr) peter hoskin, (mr) p hughan, (mr) paul hughan, (mr) k james, (mr) keith james, (mr) f jenkins, s jenkins, (mr) w jenkins, (mr) brian johnson, (mr) j johnson, (ms) lorraine johnson, (mr) p johnson, (mr) rex johnson, (mr) darren kappler, (mr) c kennedy, (ms) h kennedy, (ms) n kennedy, (mr) richard kent, (mr) harold kinder, (mr) richard kingwell, (mr) j kitson, (mr) john kitson, (mr) andrew lamb, (mr) j lambert, (mr) doug langham, (mr) jim langham, (mr) b latimer, (mr) bruce latimer, (ms) belinda leigh, (mr) ian leith, (mr) lloyd, (mr) r lyons, (mr) a mack, (mr) a macpherson, (ms) d madden, (mr) b maguire, (mr) barry maguire, (mr) leo maguire, (mr) s manzie, (mr) s mcdonald, (mr) al mcdonnell, (mr) al mcdonell, (mr) i mckenzie, (mr) r mckenzie, (mr) rhett mckenzie, (mrs) tina mckenzie, (mr) t mcmahon, (mr) j mcnamara, (mr) r mcnamara, (mr) ray mcvilly, (mr) w mcwaters, (mr) warren mecca, (mr) g mihalidis, (mr) euan miles, (mr) r morse, (mr) ray morse, (mr) j mullalley, (mr) bill munn, (ms) elsie munn, (mr) p murphy, (mr) g musker, (mr) l nelson, (mr) leigh nelson, (mr) snowy nicolas, (mrs) myrtle nicolas, (mr) b o'brien, (mr) k o'connor, (mr) d o'sullivan, (ms) emily o'sullivan, (mr) s ogden, (mr) kevin tipping, (ms) dot pacey, (mr) pop pacey, (mr) a v paul, (ms) carol pearce, (mr) danny pearce, (mr) roger pearce, (mr) john peck, (mr) k peterson, (mr) a pickering, (mr) - pieper, (mr) k piper, (mr) j post, (mr) bob pratt, (mr) r a proctor, (mr) - reynold, (mr) l reynolds, (mr) laurie reynolds, (mr) t rigzin, (mr) - rimes, (mr) b rimes, (mr) s rosman, (mr) j ross, (mr) david rowe, (mr) tony rowe, lou salvas, (mr) geoff scash, (mr) james schulz, (mr) kenny schwind, (mr) - scuttles, (mr) stan self, (mr) a sharp, (mr) j sherwell, (mr) - simmons, (mr) k simmons, (mr) n simmons, (mr) n smith, (mr) p smith, (mr) m stals, (mr) marty stals, (mr) a stapleton, (mr) l stephenson, (mr) w taylor, (mr) j thomas, (mr) m thomas, (mr) l tipping, (mr) lindsay tipping, (ms) beryl tory, (mr) ossie tory, (mr) j tsetsenekos, (mr) george veale, (mr) a wadsworth, (mr) b walder, (mr) bud walder, (mr) rohan walmsley, (mr) j watson, (mr) jack watson, (mr) o watson, (mr) c weaver, (mr) r a williams, (mr) w g williams, (mr) geoff wilson, (mr) t wilson, (mr) - wishart, (mr) b wishart, (mr) brian wishart, (mr) r wishart, (mr) j wood, (mr) k woodford, (cr) (mr) - woodhouse, (mr) k wright, (mr) frank yarman, (mr) theo zaharopoulos -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, The Gunyah: a centenary of Scouting in Canterbury 1915-2015, 2015
Gunyah (aka The Surrey Hall) used in 1889 and after that for Masonic Lodge functions until they built the Emulation Hall in Rochester Road for local functions. There were many local dances both at Surrey Hall in mid 1930s, 1934 and 1935. Also on Saturday night at the Holy Redeemer. Foreword by the Honorable Wendy Baden-Powell.(Lord Baden-Powell's grand-daughter. Dedicated to Mr Jim Richards who followed in the great footsteps of "Rainbow" Simpson. History of scouting in Canterbury beginning with 1st Canterbury Scout Group. Includes many references to local Surrey Hills people.History of scouting in Canterbury beginning with 1st Canterbury Scout Group. Includes many references to local Surrey Hills people.Title Page: (signed by the author) James Nicolas17th camberwell, st paul's anglican church troop, surrey hall, gunyah, rainbow simpson, (mr) toby rechner, (m r) jim willis, (mr) jim richards, (mr) john wilson, (mr) c hammond, (mr) k smith, (mr) d hadaway, (mr) j mason, (mr) - fawcatt, (mr) g burmeister, (mr) george thomas, (mr) charles p middleton, (mr) w mccallum, (mr) h wilks, (mr) robert macfarlane, (mr) john moffat, (mr) gary everitt, (mr) peter milburn, (mr) bruce manks, (mr) wilfred o darby, (mr) - buscombe, (mr) - buchanan, (mr) j sinclair, (mr) f edwards, (mr) ray underwood, (mr) jack sinclair, (mr) don pittard, (mr) don webster, (mr) gerard van veenendaal -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, A Pocketful of Acorns - This History of Canterbury Primary School : 1908-2008, c 2008
Purchased in memory of Sue Slonek, Secretary of Surrey Hills Historical Society, volunteer with the Surrey Hills Neighborhood Centre Heritage Collection (Surrey Hills historical Society Collection). A history of Canterbury Primary School written to celebrate the school's 100 year anniversary - 1908-2008A history of Canterbury Primary School written to celebrate the school's 100 year anniversary - 1908-2008canterbury primary school, primary schools, (ms) judy stewart, (mr) ian phillips, (miss) gabriela aloisio, (mrs) marjorie pitt, (miss) joan eltham, (mr) - shannon, (mr) - besant, (mrs) anne bialecki, (ms) diane western, (ms) margaret mason, (miss) hilary barr, (mrs) hilary praetz, (ms) vicki eddison, (miss) margaret kidd, (mr) don kerr, (miss) sarah pitman, (miss) linda summers, (mr) jack tanner, (miss) kate dale, (mr) strapper tanner, (ms) neva rossi, (miss) margot harris, (miss) lauren eddison, (mr) eric alway, (miss) jean alway, (miss) betty alway, (mr) thomas rule, (miss) diane fuller, (ms) barbara chapman, (ms) judy bridges, (ms) julie vango, (ms) judy pitman, (ms) joan le grand, (ms) anne lamborn, (mr) warren walsh, (ms) margaret lee, (ms) barbara gunn, (ms) christine hallman, (mr) murray haby, chris roth, (ms) sue de araugo, (ms) leslie brewer, (ms) judy jordan, sam paterson, (ms) debbie-jane andrews, (mrs) hazel young, (ms) ilse murrihy, (ms) linda summers, (mrs) georgia karatzas, (mrs) sylvia clarke, (mr) eddie clarke, (mrs) - willoughby, (mr) - hopkins, (mrs) - hopkins, (mr) graham salter, (ms) andrea thompson, (miss) - stent, (miss) - mcdonald, (mr) neville daynes, (mr) bruce margetts, (miss) doris thomas, (miss) hazel macdonald, (miss) annette mccoy, (mrs) - feldt, (miss) arwen summers, (miss) grace cameron-muller, manon merakis, terry poulton, (mr) david tolstrup, (ms) sue broadbent, (miss) florence rayment, (miss) yvonne wray, (miss) hazel jarvis, (mr) graham scott, (miss) june smith, (mrs) margaret anderson, (miss) margaret ginn, (miss) kelly jane, (mrs) patricia wion, (miss) patricia lewis, (miss) - edgoose, (mr) john merton, (ms) pauline flynn, (ms) lynne timms, (ms) marilyn taylor, (mrs) anne tonkin, (mrs) flo wilkinson, (miss) flo davies, (mr) jack hardy, (mr) john a bayford, (miss) marion greenwood-smith, (miss) - mcevitt, (miss) - ballantyne, (miss) - riseborough, (ms) (dr) kim dray, (miss) dorothy ambrose, (mrs) - lethbridge, (mrs) - le couteur, (mrs) margaret senior, (miss) margaret macgibbon, (mrs) - briggs, (mr) (major) - moloney, (mr) - poulton, (mr) adrian penniston-bird, prospect hill road, surrey hills, canterbury, canterbury road, molesworth street, highfield road, leeds street, salisbury street, (mr) patrick moloney, (mr) thomas rule, (mr) richard armitage, (mr) frank l oswell, (mr) walter g w webb, (mr) edward bright, (mr) george a allison, (mr) albert r coppin, (mr) william a lucas, (mr) alan g legg, (mr) ralph holden, (mr) dorothy ambrose, (mr) robert storey, (mr) tom neal-williams, (mr) effie miniati, (mr) geoffrey swift, (mr) - baddeley, (mrs) helen mcmillan, (miss) helen mcgibbon, (mr) don walker, (mr) howard hallo, (miss) jean cowen, (miss) felicity coleman, (miss) amanda colahan, (miss) caitlin sum, (miss) brooke webster, (miss) bridget hall, (miss) alison thompson, (mr) andrew lovitt, (mrs) barbara mihan, (miss) barbara prest, (mr) john webster, (mrs) lorna whalley, (mr) stuart margetts, (miss) elaine robinson, (mrs) nonie holman, (miss) nonie lovitt, (mr) brian webster, (mrs) alison cutter, (miss) alison horwell, (mrs) jaqueline lublin, (miss) jacqueline levy, (mrs) gilliam bell, (miss) gillian craig, pinus radiata, the secret garden, lych gate, (mr) geoff swan, talbet oaks, bedford oaks, significant trees, burgundy ash, allepo pine, golden ash, southey oaks, poulton oaks, (mr) (sgt) keith mcdowell, wattle park, (ms) caroline habgood, (mr) henry rotherham, j b cohen, (mr) (major) patrick moloney, (miss) dorothy ambrose, architects, wurundjeri william territory, (mr) - sachse, d kinnaird, builders, danks foundation, (dr) desmond gibbs, 1908, sue slonek, catherine cato, catherine charles, june smith, jenny flynn -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mr Charles Ansell Smith and family
Mr Charles Ansell Smith of 3 Vincent Street with his family – Roy, Stan and Frank Smith and Dorothy (Mrs Cromwell). Photo is without Kenneth or Harold so possibly taken during WW1; Kenneth enlisted in 1914, Harold in 1915 and killed in 1917. The boys went to Surrey Hills State School and Dorothy to Milverton Girls School, first at 192 Union Road, it later moved to ‘Nilgard’, 221-223 Union Road. Helen Malvira Mackenzie (1865-1956) married Charles Ansell Smith (c1861-1934) in 1891. He was baptised 23 April 1861 in Tintinhull, Somerset - son of William Maxwell & Louisa Claudina Smith (nee Ansell). His father was curate of the church at the time. Helen Malvira (or Malvena) MacKenzie, known as Nellie, was the second daughter of the John Mackenzie J.P., of Westernport, and Wilcannia, N.S.W., and great granddaughter of the late Admiral Pasco, R.N. They lived at 'Devon', 3 Vincent Street from at least 1910 but perhaps earlier until 1915. Charles Ansell and Helen Malvina Smith’s children: 1. Kenneth Ansell – b 1892 d 3 May 1977 at Lancefield SERN 819 Enlisted AIF on 17/8/1914 giving his occupation as book seller Assigned to 8th Battalion, G company Enlisted 17 August 1914 Embarked A24 Benalla on 19 October 1914 Returned to Australia on 23 October 1918 Obituary describes him as eldest child of the late Charles Ansell & Helen M Smith of Surrey Hills and Lancefield. 2. Stanley Charles – b 1893 (Carlton) - lived Surrey Hills 3. Dorothy Louisa – b 1894 - 1988 4. Harold Maxwell Pasco – b 1897 Oakleigh SERN 3268 Educated Surrey Hills State School Religion Cof E Occupation: Clerk Served with 48th Infantry CMF, Kooyong Enlisted 23 July 1915 – parents living at Vincent Street at the time Assigned to 24th Battalion, 7th Reinforcement Embarked HMAT A73 Commonwealth on 26 November 1915 KIA 4 October 1917 at Passchendaele, Ypres No known grave. Parents at ‘Cloverdale’, Lancefield 5. Francis W D (Frank) – b 1898 – 1972 Obituary: Frank (FWD) Smith on Feb 14 (suddenly) Francis Wm Douglas Smith, son of Charles Ansell & Helen M (Surrey Hills & Lancefield) and brother of Kenneth (Lancefield), Dorothy (Mrs Cromwell), Harold (KIA) Roy & Stanley. 6. Roy MacKenzie – b 1901 – 1988 m Ruby Olive Laity in 1931 So, the children were all born before the family came to Surrey Hills but Vincent Street was where they grew up. Charles and Helen are buried in Box Hill Cemetery (CE-NS-1266) Stan Smith was most helpful to the History group of the S.H. Neighbourhood Centre with his research into S.H. History and in particular for the vast amount of detail he gave on people and happenings. His observations have been very accurate and he has very precise recollections of the old days. A black and white photograph of 3 young men, a lady and an older man. The men are dressed in suits and the lady in a below-the-knee dress. The young men are carrying hats whilst the older one is wearing his.(mr) charles ansell smith, (mr) roy smith, (mr) stan smith, (mr) frank smith, (mrs) dorothy cromwell, (miss) dorothy smith, milverton girls school, union road, surrey hills, nilgard, francis william douglas smith, stanley charles smith, roy mackenzie smith -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Wedding portrait of Mrs Helen M Smith, 1891, 1891
Helen Malvira Mackenzie (1865-1956) married Charles Ansell Smith (c1861-1934). He was baptised 23 April 1861 in Tintinhull, Somerset - son of William Maxwell & Louisa Claudina Smith (nee Ansell). His father was curate of the church at the time. Helen Malvira (or Malvena) MacKenzie, known as Nellie, was the second daughter of the John Mackenzie J.P., of Westernport, and Wilcannia, N.S.W., and great granddaughter of the late Admiral Pasco, R.N. They lived at 'Devon', 3 Vincent Street from at least 1910 but perhaps earlier until 1915. Charles Ansell and Helen Malvina Smith’s children: 1. Kenneth Ansell – b 1892 d 3 May 1977 at Lancefield SERN 819 Enlisted AIF on 17/8/1914 giving his occupation as book seller Assigned to 8th Battalion, G company Enlisted 17 August 1914 Embarked A24 Benalla on 19 October 1914 Returned to Australia on 23 October 1918 Obituary describes him as eldest child of the late Charles Ansell & Helen M Smith of Surrey Hills and Lancefield. 2. Stanley Charles – b 1893 (Carlton) - lived Surrey Hills 3. Dorothy Louisa – b 1894 - 1988 4. Harold Maxwell Pasco – b 1897 Oakleigh SERN 3268 Educated Surrey Hills State School Religion Cof E Occupation: Clerk Served with 48th Infantry CMF, Kooyong Enlisted 23 July 1915 – parents living at Vincent Street at the time Assigned to 24th Battalion, 7th Reinforcement Embarked HMAT A73 Commonwealth on 26 November 1915 KIA 4 October 1917 at Passchendaele, Ypres No known grave. Parents at ‘Cloverdale’, Lancefield 5. Francis W D (Frank) – b 1898 – 1972 Obituary: Frank (FWD) Smith on Feb 14 (suddenly) Francis Wm Douglas Smith, son of Charles Ansell & Helen M (Surrey Hills & Lancefield) and brother of Kenneth (Lancefield), Dorothy (Mrs Cromwell), Harold (KIA) Roy & Stanley. 6. Roy MacKenzie – b 1901 – 1988 m Ruby Olive Laity in 1931 So, the children were all born before the family came to Surrey Hills but Vincent Street was where they grew up. Charles and Helen are buried in Box Hill Cemetery (CE-NS-1266) Comment: An early example of a 'traditional' wedding dress.B&W bridal studio portrait of Mrs Helen Malvira Smith in a traditional wedding dress. weddings, wedding dresses, helen malvira mackenzie, helen malvira smith, kenneth ansell smith, stanley charles smith, dorothy louisa smith, harold maxwell pasco smith -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mr Charles Ansell Smith, c 1891
Charles Ansell Smith (c1861-1934) lived at 'Devon', 3 Vincent Street from at least 1910 but perhaps earlier until 1915. Baptised 23 April 1861 in Tintinhull, Somerset - son of William Maxwell & Louisa Claudina Smith (nee Ansell). His father was curate of the church at the time. Married Helen Malvira MacKenzie. Charles Ansell and Helen Malvina Smith’s children: 1. Kenneth Ansell – b 1892 d 3 May 1977 at Lancefield SERN 819 Enlisted AIF on 17/8/1914 giving his occupation as book seller Assigned to 8th Battalion, G company Enlisted 17 August 1914 Embarked A24 Benalla on 19 October 1914 Returned to Australia on 23 October 1918 Obituary describes him as eldest child of the late Charles Ansell & Helen M Smith of Surrey Hills and Lancefield. 2. Stanley Charles – b 1893 (Carlton) - lived Surrey Hills 3. Dorothy Louisa – b 1894 - 1988 4. Harold Maxwell Pasco – b 1897 Oakleigh SERN 3268 Educated Surrey Hills State School Religion Cof E Occupation: Clerk Served with 48th Infantry CMF, Kooyong Enlisted 23 July 1915 – parents living at Vincent Street at the time Assigned to 24th Battalion, 7th Reinforcement Embarked HMAT A73 Commonwealth on 26 November 1915 KIA 4 October 1917 at Passchendaele, Ypres No known grave. Parents at ‘Cloverdale’, Lancefield 5. Francis W D (Frank) – b 1898 – 1972 Obituary: Frank (FWD) Smith on Feb 14 (suddenly) Francis Wm Douglas Smith, son of Charles Ansell & Helen M (Surrey Hills & Lancefield) and brother of Kenneth (Lancefield), Dorothy (Mrs Cromwell), Harold (KIA) Roy & Stanley. 6. Roy MacKenzie – b 1901 – 1988 m Ruby Olive Laity in 1931 So, the children were all born before the family came to Surrey Hills but Vincent Street was where they grew up. Charles and Helen are buried in Box Hill Cemetery (CE-NS-1266)B&W head and shoulders portrait of a bearded man in formal attire. charles ansell smith, box hill cemetery, helen malvira mackenzie, helen malvira smith, harold maxwell smith, harold pasco maxwell smith, stanley charles smith, dorothy louisa smith, francis w d smith -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Papers read before the Box Hill Historical Society: together with research notes and contributed items, Vol. II 1969-71, 1972
A collection of papers presented at meetings of the Box Hill Historical Society detailing history of local families, churches, schools and other significant histories.A collection of papers presented at meetings of the Box Hill Historical Society detailing hsitory of local families, churches, schools and other significant hill, balwyn, (mr) andrew murray, parer family, fulton family, brock family, surrey hills, r. smith, w. a. rolfe, box hill artists' camp, lutheran cemetery, doncaster, box hill art group, box hill ballet group, (mrs) m de f bishop, (mrs) p. reichl, (mrs) d. woodford, (mr) k. g. mcintyre, box hill horticultural society, (mr) william deveraux harbert, (mrs) jean uhl, h. white, b. j. blanchen, e. b. scott, g. f. broomhead, (mrs) marjorie morgan, (mrs) mona webster, (mr) frank bamford -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Box Hill Historical Society, Papers read before the Box Hill Historical Society: together with research notes and contributed items, Vol. II 1969-71, 1972
A collection of papers presented at meetings of the Box Hill Historical Society detailing hsitory of local families, churches, schools and other significant hill, balwyn, murray, andrew, parer family, fulton family, brock family, surrey hills, smith, r., rolfe, w. a., box hill artists' camp, lutheran cemetery, doncaster, box hill art group, box hill ballet group, bishop, m de f, reichl, p. (mrs), woodford, d. (mrs), mcintyre, k. g., box hill horticultural society, broomhead, g. f., morgan, m, webster, m., bamford, f. -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, The Dickinson Honour Board
This board was created to honour the work undertaken to administrate the Foundation by it's board and voluntary members. It is inscribed as follows: "The Queensland Foundation for Blind People Inc, (formerly the Queensland Placement & Training Centre for the Blind Inc) est. 1956. The Dickinson Honour Board. Foundation Director - H.C. Dickinson M.B.E. Presidents: H.W. Thiele, T.M.Bryce, K.W. Hooper MLA, B.T. Turnley OBE, D.M. Cameron MP. Vice-Presidents: K.W. Hooper MLA, A. Hartshorn AM, K.M. Dickinson AM, T.M. Bryce, S. Cliffe, M. Dickinson AM. Secretaries: M.M. Bird, J. Maclean, J. Cummins, L. Smith, M. Orr, I. Bauman, W. Hooper, L. Eadie, C. Guthrie, R. Pearl, R. Stevens, D. Donaldson, P. Caulley, J. Mitchell. Treasurers: G.E. Ross, M.N. Solomon, J. MItchell. Meritorious Service: C. Alroe, J, Ball, E. Bebb, T. Blackford, C. Boyle, T. Boyle, E. Brown, B. Coleman, S & L Cowen, T. Davidson, D. Drake, V. England, F. Feint, S. Granata. G. Hannam, S. Hanarahan, E. Heap, A. Henderson, D. Henderson, A. Horn, C. Hudson, H. Jahoda, J. Johns, E. Laws, M. Loxton, P. Ludlow, E. Morgan, T. Mulroney, T. McLearie, R. Newitt, N. Noad, D. Pauls, B & E Perry, E. Person, M. Persse, M. Porteous, N. Price, R. Prineas, P. Robinson, S. Russ, K. Scells, E. Searle, N. Shannon, E. Squires, I. Stewart, J. Thomas, E. Turnball, J. Vaughan, M. Wilde, J. Warren, J. Shaw, A. Brown, P. Ruhle, R. Mulholland, N. Crossman, E. Power, A. Power, S. Boucat, K. Fitzgerald, A. Hartshorn, D. Cameron. Trustees: M.M. Bird, F.R. Taylor, B.T. Tunley OBE, K.W. Stone OBE, S. Jones BEM, H.C. Dickinson MBE, K.E. Scells, R. Stevens Life Members: M.M. Bird, J. Light, A.J Lobb, A. Hartshorn, M. Dickinson AM, E. Searle, D. Henderson OAM, M. Solomon, D, Cameron Board with rows of etched platesroyal blind foundation of queensland, nameplates -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Built in 1895 in Dunbarton 411 tons Coastal steamer between NSW & Victoria 1902-1935 Used in Port Fairy 1925 SPHENE built by Scotts Bowling, Yard No 115 Engines by Muir & Houston, Glasgow Last Name: DELLIE (1935) Propulsion: steam compound C2cy 1-screw 65nhp Launched: Saturday, 02/11/1895 Built: 1895 Ship Type: Coaster Tonnage: 411grt, 159nrt Length: 142.5 feet Breadth: 25.1 feet Draught: 10.7 feet depth Owner History: William Robertson, Glasgow 1902 B Byrnes Ltd, Sydney NSW 1918 Roy G Cowlishaw, Sydney 1919 Australian Steamships Pty Ltd (mng Howard Smith Ltd), Sydney 1935 A Auland, Sydney 1937 Aulco Pty Ltd, Sydney Status: Wrecked - 24/08/1941 Remarks: ON 105964 Completed: November 1895 Struck reef near Danger Point NSW and beached south of Tweed Heads (Hobart for BrisbaneBlack and white photographship, steamer, ss sphene -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Newsletter, Mrs Mary Way, The Boomerang newsletter, March 1956, March 1956
This was part of a series. Inside on the front page is recorded that this was Vol 2, No 2. The newsletter is a mix of accounts of the activities of the group and more general hints and items of interest. A newsletter in the form of a booklet. The cover is printed on faded light green paper and the other pages in cream. They are secured with one staple. It has been duplicated using the gestetner method. The front cover has a masthead with an inverted boomerang and indicates it is published monthly for the First Surrey Hills Scout Group. Cover illustration is of 2 boys in uniform reading the newsletter.Nilfirst surrey hills scout group, newsletters, rex thompson, graeme ellis, scouts, mr french, miss d stone, mrs d graham, mrs mary way, frei kosterlitz, allan downes, gregor buist, bob o'shea, russ downes, mr holt, jim russel, james (jim) giles, roger thornton, peter ellis, graham rixon, johny crout, ray ellis, r burrows, george lees, arthur greaves, l watson, robert cooper, peter witton, j ellis, ray miles, gordon hoole, neville holt, graeme plaw, geoff young, peter cook,, m young, g grace, m holt, a brounell, r reid, ian pringle, nev burrows, pernil brayshaw, john smith, jimmy chenall, bernie brayshaw, john smith, bobby poynter, morris russell, tony talbot, graeme warden, russell downes,graham chalmers, geoff lowe, ian pringle -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Educating Surrey Hills - School No 2778, 1886-1986, 1986
Donation made on behalf of Surrey Hills Primary School. A second lesser copy was donated at a much earlier date.A 59 page informal history of Surrey Hills State School, No 2778. To quote the authors: "we have not used footnotes, nor a bibliography; and we have used reminiscence without always ensuring that facts and dates are strictly accurate." The book is richly illustrated with photos, excerpts of student work and other ephemera. It is not indexed. Headings are: Beginnings, The Cadet Corps, Head Teacher Bennett, School Days 1900-1925, War Time & Beyond, The Mothers' Club, Childhood Illness, School Days in '30s, Expansion, PWD Problems, Depression and Wartime, Post War Crowding, memories, Mr Wheeler, Migrants, Royal Tours, Pedestrian Crossings, The Canteen, Craft Room, Sports Days, Acquisition of Mr Prior's House, Parents Right to Know, Social Service, School Committee, Concerts & Balls, Mothers' Club to Parents' Club, Library, More PWD Problems, Changes, Camps, Recent Principals. This copy includes a copy of the Centenary Weekend Programme which has been stuck inside the front cover.wekworth, - (miss), reardon, edith, lauchlan, thelma, grant, mavis, higgins, nancy, kellan, coster, joyce, parker, marjorie, dyson, joy, sutton, phyllis, cadmar, gwennyth, mclaughlin, maurine, wendorf, winifred, broadbent, doreen, hawes, hilda, powell, crocker, beatrix, triggs, dorothy, peers, ker, pryde, norma, clemson, kathleen, owen, doris, glasscock, elaine, lovering, w b (mr), dyer, e a (mr), gamble, william, brown, j k (mr), raw, whitfield t, doyle, annie, st stephens presbyterian church, cadets, bennett, george t, brigadier general gordon, cottingham, r v (mr), day, george, greaves, arthur, servan, alice, renkin, anne, lutheran peace memorial home, gourlay, education, schools, doney, - (mr), collins, fyfe, alexander, fire brigades, maypoles, duck, lorraine, hendy, ives, alfred, reaburn, john, walduck, gwyneth, world war, 1914-1918, breeden, horace, horrie, wise, amy (miss), blogg, john kendrick, newington, lily (miss), parents clubs, brookes, - (mrs), lancashire, deans, johnson, herbert, -(mrs), travancore, jamieson, welch, mcdonald, harley, mclean, jack, rex theatre, surrey hills progress association, gamer, ernest, southall, ivan, influenza, barbara, ross, poliomyelitis, scott, moroney, daniel, thwaites, jean, constable, oswell, frank, large, gifford, a e (rev), gillies, j (rev), buxton, porter, jill, morgan, jan, 1939-1945, williamson, joan, cargill, jackson, van ernst, cooke, tyrell's milkbar, plaw, graeme, dairies, chenu, a h, rutzou, peter, bowie, heymann, megan, wilson, ritter, alan, martyn, dawson, l (mrs), mcgregor, d (mrs), e (mrs), fiedler, wheeler, lewis, marsh, rhyll, slater, games, gangell, pam, barrow, ford, henry, mcewan, marion, conlon, kathy, canterbury recreation reserve, surrey park, chatham oval, mooney, neil, kitson, surrey dive, monk, kay, saldineri, macqueen, lyndy, thomson, daley, susan, discombe, diane, hanson, robert, mulvey, albers, angela, tucker, david, glover, bright, lynette, mcinnes, jeanette, nethercott, turnball, eric, smith, roberts, chasemore, lyle, chislett, miss, capon program, k n (mr), fuller, i d (mr), henwood, j w (mr), g (mr), veitch, g (mrs), m (mrs), cheetham, j (mr), gardner, l (mr), d (mr), sepitka, lorna, balfe, win, wells, bob, keith, ian, kett, mr, elizabeth, liney, bruce, macarthur, rob, kelly, paula, neil b, sydenham, shirley, dixon, o'hagan, ros, van someren, fred, norman, burns, roberta, harry, christine, barker, henry j t, nutt, ernest h, richards, benjamin, lievesley, john h, knight, gabriel, clough, john s, hepburn, james, tinney, arthur h, blanchen, bernard j, somerwell, elizabeth j, john t, john m, caldicott, howard t -
Carlton Football Club
Team photograph, Under 19 squad 1985, 1985
Under 19 squad 1985, players and officials. Back Row: K. Newman (committee), H. Sternfield (Physiotherapist), G. Zaharakis, B. Comben, A. MacDougall, A. Basset, G. Warry (Development Officer), A. MacKinnon, S. Potter, D. Castledine (Committee). Centre Row: J. Clifton (Trainer), P. Merson, M. Hailes, J. Smith, P. Albon, P. Starbuck, S. McMahon, B. Carter, H. Hetherton, W. Gilbert (Property Steward). Front Row. L. Jones (Head Trainer), R. Skein (Team Manager), J. Vincent (Committee), J. Hullin, B. Whitmore, D. Forbes, W. Burke, C. Thomson, D. Bolzonello (Doctor), J. Baker (Phys. Ed.), A. Espie (Committee), T. McLeod (Trainer), I. Aitken, M. Edwards, J. Dunlop, G. Southby (Coach), M. Hanna (Captain), D. McKay (Assistant Coach), P. Higgins, K. Rainsford, R. Lowrey, R. Walllis (Trainer). Sitting: G. Buck, W. Pepper, J D'Angelo, D. O'Farrell, J. Coburn, J. Cook, K. Lamont. Absent: L. Brunier, A. Dodds, S. Driscoll, D. Fitzgerald, M. Gallagher, G. Hatvani, P. Poursanidis, P. Ricci, A. Scott, D. Zerna, P. Wilkinson, S. Ralph, S. Willox. Note, much of club's correspondence records name as Roger Skien, not Skein as listed above.Includes a number of players who went on to play senior footballColour photograph mounted on cardboard backing. -
Carlton Football Club
Colour photograph, Under 19 team 1984, 1984
From Roger Skien Collection. Back Row: J. Smith, D. Zerna, P. James, B. Whitemore, J. Rainone, P. Albon, J. Baker (P.E. Instructor) 2nd Back Row: G. Warry (Development Officer), J. Stevens (P.E. Instructor), A. McKinnon, G. Hatvani, P. Starbuck, D. Forbes, M. Hanna, P. Cronin, D. Bolzonello (Doctor), K. Newman (Committee). 3rd Back Row: R. Shuttleworth (Trainer), W. Burke, J. Hullin, D. Krittemeyer, R. Lowery, A. Price, G. Evans, P. Muscat, N. Fitzpatrick (Property Steward), H Turner (Trainer) 2nd Row: L. Jones (Head Trainer), D. Nardella, J. Dunlop, P. Higgins, P. Lumicisi (Vice Captain), T. Keogh (Coach), S. Baldwin (Captain), S. Glasscott, I. Aitken, J. Vincent (Runner), R. Skien (Team Manager), A. Lugg (Treasurer, Time keeper). Front Row: P. Wilkinson, P Merson, J. Cook, M. Hailes, S, Gray, S. Potter, D. Fitzgerald, M. Turgut, W. Pepper.Colour team photograph mounted on cardboard -
Melton City Libraries
Newspaper, Melton East end shopping, 1992
TOM COLLINS–from the reel to reel tape recording at Melton 1969 In the years between 1890 and to about 1913 Melton was a quiet little hamlet alongside the Toolern Creek, once called the Pennyroyal Creek, 24 miles from Melbourne on the Ballarat Road. There was a fair amount of woodland left around it, mostly grey and yellow box with sheoak, and golden wattle, which in spring time made a rather attractive setting. Most of the premises were in the main or High Street, with its line of elm and pepper trees on each side. Unitt, McKenzie and Henry streets each contained only a few dwellings. Hotels were four in number, Minns’s, Mrs Hay licencee, now Mac’s, Golden Fleece – Sheblers. The Royal or Ryan’s as it was then called, later Graham had the licence, and the Raglan - Kilpatricks had the licence and afterwards Tom Manning. This was situated about where Mr K. Young had his residence. There was a store attached to the hotel until about 1900. Both the Royal and the Raglan were delicensed, later on the Royal being converted to a green grocery and a boarding house, the Raglan was demolished. The Royal green grocery and boarding house was kept by E Carew and after he retired, E Radford. The Post and Telegraph Office was on the opposite side of the street to the Raglan Hotel about two doors west of the Shire Hall and was kept by Mrs Ferris and Lady Farmer until her retirement, when it was carried on by Miss Lottie Ross. A store was attached to the Post Office and was sometimes used as a store and at one time housed the National Bank. There were two full time banks at Melton, the other being the Commercial which built premises about 1904 and on the corner of High and Smith Streets, which it still occupies. Mr G Egan was the manager of the Commercial and Mr Stradling and later Mr Lee of the National. However as business was not thought good enough they reverted to a part time branch operated from Bacchus Marsh. Grocer shops were Chalmers, with a news agency and drapery now Arnolds, Jongebloeds had the bakery. Mr Fox also a produce merchant, was where Melton Real Estate is now, it was later occupied by Buchanans, Atleys, and Mrs Ross. Not long after the War Mrs Ross built the Post Office, since demolished where Miss Lottie Ross was the Post Mistress and later built the store which she conducted. It was later turned into a factory and in now the barbers shop. McNichols was just west of the Minns Hotel. He travelled as far a Ballan weekly, buying calves and dairy produce for sale in Melbourne. Afterwards he sold the business and bought Minns Hotel and changing the name to Macs. Blacksmiths were three in number. Blackwoods – later James Byrnes next door to Jongebloeds. Alex Cameron who learnt his trade with Blackwoods had his shop about the rear of where Ken Youngs Garage is now he later moved to the north west corner of High and Alexander Street. He was also the Registrar of Birth and Deaths and Electoral Registrar. After his retirement he was weighbridge keeper at Melton South. Two of his sons were engaged in the carpentry trade, but both died at an early age. Whittingtons shop was a few doors east of the Mechanics Hall and it was later occupied by Gordon Macdonald who did business there until about eight years ago. The butchers of the period were George Graham, that is where Mandy Lees hairdressing establishment is now. Euan MacDonald had premises later occupied by Whittingtons blacksmith shop. Later shifting next door. He left here about 1901, he slaughtererd animals at a slaughter house right where Chas Jones now resides, it had previously been a slaughter house and butcher shop of that site. George Spring also operated as a butcher for two or three years about the 1900 or so. Ted Simpsons shop was where John Kontek now has his Estate Agency, he used it as an branch shop from Bacchus Marsh bringing meat from there by a two horse lorry. Jimmy Butler the manager was well known and loved, his son was later a steeplechase jockey. The Court House and Police Station would be built sometime before 1900. The Constables at the time were McGuire, later Wade, Riely and McKenzie after that Robert Wilson and Seinfort were here, they were a bit later on. The Mechanics Hall was first opened by Ryan of the Royal Hotel who sold it to the Hall Committee. It was on Unitt Street and it was moved by McLellans the house shifters from Unitt Street to its present site. Bluestone premises formerly occupied by the bootmaker Carew, were later demolished and replaced by the brick frontage to the Hall. Keith Orensini [?] the local bricklayer built brick portion to the Hall. In the cottage adjoining the Hall a Frenchman named Baudin, had a boot repairing business.This cottage was the later residence of J Hill, a local carpenter and builder from whom I learnt my trade. Granny Watts was the well known local nurse and operated the Mid-Wifery Hospital in Yuille Street on the Sherwin Street corner. Mrs Nissen was on the opposite side of Yuille Street a short distance nearer the township. She conducted the laundry. Carew had a greengrocers shop next door to the Post Office in the High Street for some time before transferring to the Royal Hotel site. He also bought [?] calves for killing. W Cecil was a tank maker and also had a produce round, he lived on Pyke and Sherwin Street. Later Gus Shebler, builder and carpenter engaged in tank making being well known for good workmanship. Shebler was very energetic in forming the Gun Club which met for a good number of years where the golf course now has its headquarters. Of the four churches only three are in use, Christ Church, Scots and St Dominics. The Methodist closed down but later transferred to Melton South. Monthly stock sales were held at the yards in Unitt Street at Minns Hotel by McPhail Auctioneers, later held by McCarthur and McLeod. After the Council built the pound and sale yards they transferred sales to these premises, but lack of patronage caused them to be abandoned. A familiar sight in the district was blind Bob Nixon, who lived in a tumbled down cottage in Centenary Road near W Coburns, being led by his dog down the road to Melton, that is Palmerston street, to the Post Office, butcher and baker for his supplies and then back home. He was able to do his own cooking and other chores. Sundays he would come down Raleighs Road to the back of the church and tie his dog to a tree. Someone, mostly one of the boys would guide him into the church and out again after the service, when the dog would lead him home again. State School 430, a two roomed bluestone building it was the only school in the district, none at Melton South. The nearest would be Rockbank and Toolern Vale. Scholars had a fair distance to walk in most cases. The teachers were Mr T Lang Headmaster. I put a query here, Miss Winters, I’m not certain of the name, Mrs Skinner and Miss Silke as Assistant Teachers. Miss Augusta Cecil and Miss Maud Lang were Junior teachers. One boy who attended the school about the turn of the century was Hector Fraser who resided with his parents in Keilor Road, where Jim Gillespie now lives. He was an excellent gun shot and at the age of about 17 years his father took him to France or Monaco where he won the Gran Prix for pigeon shooting and became the champion boy shot of the world. However he died there from pneumonia. He shot under the name of “Parvo”. The Melbourne Hunt Club used to meet in Keilor Road north side just east of the Toolern Creek on what was originally Pykes Run. This was also the place where the races were held and the Sports Meetings. Dave Murphy, employed at Clarke’s Rockbank Station usually provided the fox which he liberated for the Club. Greyhound coursing was usually held on Moylans property Mt Kororoit, or Mt Misery as it was known then. Later it was held at Melton Park, Mr Matt Carberry was the judge and Percy Cook the slipper. Early in the 1900’s the Recreation Park was created and the Caledonian and the ANA sports meetings were held there, they were annual events. L Paterson from Melton South was a successful competitor in all the cycling events as a young man. He later in life became the Deputy Chief Officer of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade. The present Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade is John Paterson, nephew of his, and spent his early life in Exford where his father was manager of the Exford Estate. Notes Tom Collins was born c 1895. He lived on the south side of the Ballarat Road near the intersection of Keilor Road.Historical image of Palmerston Street in Meltonlocal architecture, landscapes of significance -
Kilmore Historical Society
... Smith, W. G...., F. W. Lawson. C. G. Potts, G.B. Small, W. Smith, W. G ...Faded brown cloth loose cover with embossed pattern and gold inscriptions Missing spine viii ; 480 pages ; 25cm ; IllusHandwritten inscription on front page '190' Stamp on various pages 'Kilmore Mechanics Institute'kilmore mechanics institute library., british magazine -
Kilmore Historical Society
... Smith, W. G..... Smith, W. G. Slinger, F. J. Taylor, Louisa ...Hardboard cover with leather spine and corners Gold embossing on spine ' Cassell's Magazine Vol. 2N.S. Kilmore Mechanics Institute' viii ; 480 pages; 25cm ; IllusHandwritten inscription on front page '125' '050 R.63' Stamp on various pages 'Kilmore Mechanics Institute'kilmore mechanics institute library. -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Photograph - Photograph: Company's Dam and Flour Mill, Tarnagulla, c. 1880 - 1920
Williams Family Collection. On the 20th December 1873 it was reported in the Tarnagulla Courier that arrangements were being made for the erection of a steam flour mill at Tarnagulla. Mr Bristol had purchased the necessary plant which would be erected with as little delay as possible. The site chosen was the premises occupied previously by Mr John Pierce, grocer and wine and spirit merchant, at the corner of King and Commercial Road. These premises were incorporated in the mill building. Suitable buildings for receiving and storing grain and flour had been erected already. On 10th January, 1874 an advertisement in the Courier called for tenders from masons, bricklayers and carpenters for the erection of a flour mill at Tarnagulla for H. C. Bristol, Esq. with all enquiries to be made from G. Minto, Engineer. In December 1881 the proprietors made a request to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay pipes to the Municipal Dam, which was generally known as the Company's Dam, and to obtain water from the dam for milling purposes. This was granted. Steam was got up for the first time on 30th of March, 1882. A large quantity of wheat was stored ready for milling. Just prior to 29th of April 1882 the boiler at the mill burst, as the result of which two men, J. H. Smith and W. Hargreaves died and H. Joyce Bousfield, senior and junior, were seriously injured. The mill commenced operations on 13th June, 1882 with Mr W Fitzgerald as manager. The price offered for wheat was thirty-seven pence per bushell. It operated with grinding stones until considerable renovations were done in the early part of 1899 when new rollers and more up to date equipment installed. The mill was then known as the Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., with Thos. Comrie as proprietor, Mr Fitzgerald was still manager, and Mr T. Leonard was the traveller. Much new equipment was put in and each of the three floors had different processes. The rollers were on the ground floor, the purifiers and elevators reel were on the second floor, plus the clean wheat bin directly over the Ganz rollers. On the top floor was the chop reel, bran reel, inter-elevator reels, brush machine cyclone sack hoist, dirty wheat shaker, clean wheat bin, dust rooms and also double damping rooms. A plant was also erected for the making of an improved quality of wheaten meal, for which purpose special machinery was procured and a pair of stones was left for grinding the meal. A complete plant for the crushing of oats etc was also erected. The driving power of the mill was supplied by a new engine complete with 16 inch cylinder, manufactured and erected by Bousfield & Co. of Eaglehawk. It was fitted with Pickering governors, connected with the cylinder was a super heater. The boiler was tested and all connections etc. overhauled, with much of it being completely renewed. There was a complete network of belts, spouts, elevators etc. all over the building, all conveniently placed. The plans etc for the new plant were drawn up by Mr J. Kilborn, manager of the firm of Bodington & Co., engineers and millwrights of Carlton, which supplied the whole of the machinery, excepting the engine. The work of erection was carried out by Mr Kilborn and his assistants to the entire satisfaction of Mr Comrie, who had gone to considerable expense to bring the mill to a completely up-todate machine, fitted with all of the most modern appliances available. An advertisement on May 6th, 1899 read: "Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., Patent Roller Flour. Also their Digestive Wheaten Meal specially prepared for Porridge or Bread." In January 1901, 6000 bags of wheat were received weekly at the mill and it was a common sight to see the streets lined with wagons. In May 1902 the mill was lighted by gas and in July 1906 an application was made to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay a tram track from the mill to the Railways Station. Council was agreeable to this provided suitable plans were submitted. In 1913, 15,000 bags of wheat were bought at three shillings and four pence per bushell. In January 1914 the mill was renovated. At this time 1500 bags of wheat were coming in daily, with 20,000 bags in storage. On 15th December, 1917 the mill was advertised for sale, to be sold on Friday, 21st December,.1917, on behalf of the Estate of the Late Thomas Comrie, who had died on 4th August, 1910. The Courier at that time recorded him as being responsible for the building of the mill and with being the sole proprietor. The mill was closed, apparently, for a short period. The Courier reported on 13th of September, 1918 that the mill had been sold to Mr O. Albert of Talbot and that it would re-open. An advertisement read: ALBERT. O. & SON, MILLERS. During 1920 the mill was closed and pulled down. It was later re-erected at Mildura where it operated for many years. (by Donald Clark)Monochrome photograph depicting view of Company's Dam and the flour mill in Tarnagulla. Handwritten on reverse: 'J. Caldwell and photographer's stamp 'C. Bock Photo Tarnagulla'.tarnagulla -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Postcard - Photographic postcard: Company's Dam and Flour Mill, Tarnagulla, c. 1880 - 1920
Williams Family Collection. On the 20th December 1873 it was reported in the Tarnagulla Courier that arrangements were being made for the erection of a steam flour mill at Tarnagulla. Mr Bristol had purchased the necessary plant which would be erected with as little delay as possible. The site chosen was the premises occupied previously by Mr John Pierce, grocer and wine and spirit merchant, at the corner of King and Commercial Road. These premises were incorporated in the mill building. Suitable buildings for receiving and storing grain and flour had been erected already. On 10th January, 1874 an advertisement in the Courier called for tenders from masons, bricklayers and carpenters for the erection of a flour mill at Tarnagulla for H. C. Bristol, Esq. with all enquiries to be made from G. Minto, Engineer. In December 1881 the proprietors made a request to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay pipes to the Municipal Dam, which was generally known as the Company's Dam, and to obtain water from the dam for milling purposes. This was granted. Steam was got up for the first time on 30th of March, 1882. A large quantity of wheat was stored ready for milling. Just prior to 29th of April 1882 the boiler at the mill burst, as the result of which two men, J. H. Smith and W. Hargreaves died and H. Joyce Bousfield, senior and junior, were seriously injured. The mill commenced operations on 13th June, 1882 with Mr W Fitzgerald as manager. The price offered for wheat was thirty-seven pence per bushell. It operated with grinding stones until considerable renovations were done in the early part of 1899 when new rollers and more up to date equipment installed. The mill was then known as the Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., with Thos. Comrie as proprietor, Mr Fitzgerald was still manager, and Mr T. Leonard was the traveller. Much new equipment was put in and each of the three floors had different processes. The rollers were on the ground floor, the purifiers and elevators reel were on the second floor, plus the clean wheat bin directly over the Ganz rollers. On the top floor was the chop reel, bran reel, inter-elevator reels, brush machine cyclone sack hoist, dirty wheat shaker, clean wheat bin, dust rooms and also double damping rooms. A plant was also erected for the making of an improved quality of wheaten meal, for which purpose special machinery was procured and a pair of stones was left for grinding the meal. A complete plant for the crushing of oats etc was also erected. The driving power of the mill was supplied by a new engine complete with 16 inch cylinder, manufactured and erected by Bousfield & Co. of Eaglehawk. It was fitted with Pickering governors, connected with the cylinder was a super heater. The boiler was tested and all connections etc. overhauled, with much of it being completely renewed. There was a complete network of belts, spouts, elevators etc. all over the building, all conveniently placed. The plans etc for the new plant were drawn up by Mr J. Kilborn, manager of the firm of Bodington & Co., engineers and millwrights of Carlton, which supplied the whole of the machinery, excepting the engine. The work of erection was carried out by Mr Kilborn and his assistants to the entire satisfaction of Mr Comrie, who had gone to considerable expense to bring the mill to a completely up-todate machine, fitted with all of the most modern appliances available. An advertisement on May 6th, 1899 read: "Tarnagulla Flour Mill Co., Patent Roller Flour. Also their Digestive Wheaten Meal specially prepared for Porridge or Bread." In January 1901, 6000 bags of wheat were received weekly at the mill and it was a common sight to see the streets lined with wagons. In May 1902 the mill was lighted by gas and in July 1906 an application was made to the Tarnagulla Borough Council for permission to lay a tram track from the mill to the Railways Station. Council was agreeable to this provided suitable plans were submitted. In 1913, 15,000 bags of wheat were bought at three shillings and four pence per bushell. In January 1914 the mill was renovated. At this time 1500 bags of wheat were coming in daily, with 20,000 bags in storage. On 15th December, 1917 the mill was advertised for sale, to be sold on Friday, 21st December,.1917, on behalf of the Estate of the Late Thomas Comrie, who had died on 4th August, 1910. The Courier at that time recorded him as being responsible for the building of the mill and with being the sole proprietor. The mill was closed, apparently, for a short period. The Courier reported on 13th of September, 1918 that the mill had been sold to Mr O. Albert of Talbot and that it would re-open. An advertisement read: ALBERT. O. & SON, MILLERS. During 1920 the mill was closed and pulled down. It was later re-erected at Mildura where it operated for many years. (by Donald Clark)Photographic postcard, front image depicting view of Company's Dam and the flour mill in Tarnagulla. Handwritten on reverse: 'A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, E. Bool' and photographer's stamp 'C. Bock Photo Tarnagulla'.tarnagulla -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Document - Annual Report, 49th Annual Report and Balance Sheet of the Kadimah National Library 1960
Annual report produced by Kadimah40 pagess. burstin, f. altman, j. rymer, s. roth, ph. block, n. gryfenberg, l. cherny, i. czyzyk, i. einhorn, b. ezrowicz, j. gettler, g. goldberg, l. gotlib, m. greenberg, u. kozlowski, s. perlberg, ch. rozenbes, h. smith, n. smuzyk, e. tabacznik, m. wilenski -
Kilmore Historical Society
The Littlest One Again, 1926
Children's poetry. From the childhood collection of Monica Turner, nee Smith, descendant of early Kilmore business families, the Morrisseys and Hartnells.Brown paper covered board cover, plastic protective cover secured with yellowed sticky tape. Binding tight and square. Some foxing and stains/marks throughout. 56 pp. Good condition.Nil.children's literature, turner collection -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Buntz - Federal Coach Factory, Wodonga
George Smith came to Wodonga c.1885 and carried on a business as a blacksmith and wheelwright in Hume Street. He subsequently erected the very substantial Federal Coach Factory in High Street. In 1901 the Coach Factory was sold to Mr C. E. Jones, but within three or four years George Smith again found himself in the establishment he had built. In 1907/8 Marcus Buntz partnered by a G. F. Simpson took possession of the Federal Coach Factory. In 1912 Buntz bought out the interest of Simpson and engaged a first-class wheelwright to do the woodwork. In 1912 a buggy could be had from £40 and a sulky £18. The business over many years developed from a shoeing forge and wheelwright business to a more modern day garage, keeping abreast with mechanisation. Marcus Buntz was joined in the business by his three sons, George, an A grade mechanic, Edward an auto-electrician and Henry, a blacksmith’s striker. The sons eventually took over the garage and handled both coach building and general service work. The firm also maintained the Wodonga Water Pump for many years, ensuring the town’s water supply. In 1948 the old established motor garage was purchased by Mr Jack Mylon. In July 1960 the building became Wodonga Market, housing a butcher, snack bar, milk bar, fruit and veg, Bill Dunstan’s Boat Centre and an Auction Mart. These images have local significance as they document a long-standing business in central Wodonga.2 black and white photos depicting Buntz Federal Coach Factory at different stages during its period of operation,Photo 1: Above building: FEDERAL COACH FACTORY/ M.H. BUNTZ/ GEORGE SMITH/ COACH BUILDER & BLACKSMITH On side of coach: DRAPERY/ FANCY GOODS Photo 2: BUNTZ BROS" MOTOR GARAGE / ATLANTIC MOTOR OIL On the window: BUNTZ'S COACH FACTORY/ Rubber Tyres Fitted Below image on mounting: BUNTZ BROS. MOTOR GARAGE L to R. Pop Buntz, George Buntz, Les Easto, D. Zeinert, H. Buntz, Ted Buntz. Doug Zeinert buntz federal coaches, wodonga businesses, wodonga pioneers -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Functional object - Hamilton-Smith Collection Leather Case c. early - mid 1900s
The Hamilton-Smith collection was donated by the children of Grace Mary Hamilton-Smith nee Ellwood (1911-2004) and John Hamilton-Smith (1909-1984) who settled in Wodonga in the 1940s. The Ellwood family had lived in north-east Victoria since the late 1800s. Grace’s mother, Rosina Ellwood nee Smale, was the first teacher at Baranduda in 1888, and a foundation member of the C.W.A. Rosina and her husband Mark retired to Wodonga in 1934. Grace and John married at St. David’s Church, Albury in 1941. John was a grazier, and actively involved in Agricultural Societies. The collection contains significant items which reflect the local history of Wodonga, including handmade needlework, books, photographs, a wedding dress, maps, and material relating to the world wars. This item has well documented provenance and a known owner. It forms part of a significant and representative historical collection which reflects the local history of Wodonga. It contributes to our understanding of social and family life in early twentieth century Wodonga, as well as providing interpretative capacity for themes including local history and social history. Small black leather case with silver lock with gold embossing.On front of case in embossed gold: "Bro. M. G. ELLWOOD/WODONGA LODGE No 156". leather, leather case, wodonga, social history, hamilton-smith, hamilton-smith collection -
City of Kingston
Negative - 35mm, black and white, Percy Fairlam, c. 1910
Image 1a and 1b - Church of Christ, located in Chesterville Road, Cheltenham. Images 2a and 2b - Pioneer Presbyterian Church, Scots Church, located in Charman Road, Cheltenham Images 3a and 3b - Shopping strip located on Charman Road, Cheltenham, c.1918 Images 4a and 4b - A cricket team, located in Cheltenham Images 5a and 5b - Cheltenham Cricket Team, photographed outside St Matthew's Church. Back row: E. McSwain, R. Woff, S. Cullen, F. Bodley, T. Chandler, C. Warne, A. Organ, J Monk. Middle Row: C. Roberts, A. Hewett, S. Chandler, F. Chandler, A. Chandler. Front Row: A. Beulke, F. Groves Images 6a and 6b - Cheltenham Rifle Club Committee Opening Day of the new Butts. Back row: C Irwin, E. W. Proudman (Chemist), F T LePage, Centre: W Lamb Smith (Captain), E T Penny, G. Stayner, One unknown gentleman, Front: John Butler, city inspector, and E C Rippon (Manager of the Cheltenham and District Co-operative). A strip of 35mm black and white negative film of six photographs. rifle club, cricket, cheltenham cricket club, charman rd, church, cricket club, shopping strip, horse, cow, sport, team, cars -
Bass Coast Shire Council - Robert Smith Collection
Artwork, other - Wachet [Tour of Wales and South Coast], J. M. W. Turner [G. Cooke, after]
Engraving -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Conference in Canberra 1930, 1930
A photo of 28 Legatees assembled in Canberra in 1930 for a Conference. The names are written on a paper label attached to the base of the photo. In brackets after the name is an initial, believed to be an indication of where the Legatee came from. (S) for Sydney, (Ad) for Adelaide, (M) for Melbourne, (C) for Canberra, (G) and (Br__) not known. Names include: Carr, Turnbull, Hillman, S Walker, J Freeman, W W Berry, McDonald, C R Carleton, Behan, H W Marshall, Hilmer Smith, E Harding, Seaborn, E J Fairnie, Penfold, Souter, S Rohu, Bastin, J Stewart, Perry, Gargett, E Terry, J Rex Hall, L Backwell, Paul Simonson, Frank Meldrum, Harrison.A record of a conference early in the establishment of Legacy. Black and white photo of the 1930 Canberra Conference delegates.The names of the men are written on a paper label attached to the base of the photo.conference, founding legatee