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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Artwork, other - Stained glass window, Brooks Robinson & Co, Jervis Bay, 1947
This window, in memory of the crew of the ship Jervis Bay, was unveiled on the 14 December 1947 by Mrs Johnson, wife of the Bishop of Ballarat. As mentioned on the plaque below the window, it was a gift of the Ballarat branch of the HLG and the Lucas Girls from Ballarat. E Lucas & Co was a textile company in Ballarat. The "Lucas girls" are known Ballarat-wide for their commitment to philanthropic work during the period of the Great War. From Bronwyn Hughes report: The window was designed and made by Brooks, Robinson & Co. Melbourne, from an old cartoon that was ‘touched up’. The size (24 1⁄2 x 17 1⁄4 inches) precluded the inclusion of any ornamental borders or other decorative features. The order was not received until 1947. Below this window is the plaque from the donors: the Ballarat Branch of the Harbour Lights Guild and Lucas Girls. On the same occasion the mallet, used to launch the ship Manunda was donated to the Mission. (AR1947) Unfortunately it is lost. Arched stained glass windows depicting Jesus floating on the surface of the sea holding out his right hand to seamen who on a raft, their ship sinking in the background.To the Glory of God and in loving memory of the heroism of the Captain and Ship’s Company, of the Armed Merchant Cruiser ‘Jervis Bay’ and the Men of the Merchant Navy November 5th 1940.altar, st peter chapel, flinders street, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, mission to seamen, st peter, sailors, seamen, anchor, stained glass windows, win, memorial chapel, hope, jervis bay, crew, lucas girls, ballarat branch, hlg, jesus -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Illawarra images
Illawarra was the name given to the Geelong office of the Association for the Blind. These physical photographs were unfortunately too damaged to be retained in the collection, so a digital image was taken. 1. 1977 - Unnamed people undertaking carpentry at Illawarra. 2. 1970 to1980's - The Illawarra building in Pakington Street, Newtown. 3. 1970 to 1980's - A seascape mural with raised sea animals and corals was presented by the Embroiders Guild for the benefit of AFB members. An unknown female is feeling the mural. 4. 1970 to 1980's - A fragrance garden at Illawarra completely maintained by the Geelong Pelargonium Society, enables AFB members to enjoy the plants by their distinctive perfumes of lemon, lime, nutmeg and peppermint. A female stands in front of a garden bed and smells a pelargonium leaf. 5. 1982 - To encourage independence from costly and impersonal health services, diabetics attend Illawarra to learn self-management of their condition at home. A dietitian speaks with diabetics on treatment. 6. 1976 - The Geelong office of the AFB at Illawarra.6 digital images of Illawarra and the people involved with itillawarra (geelong), association for the blind -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
An assortment of ephemera in a plastic bag. (I) A handwritten list of concert items relating to W.W.I. (II) A Christmas gift card sent to the Pethard family. (III) Pte. W.H. Pethard A.I.F. Name tag. (IV) Lucerne post card with an unknown family message. (V) 2 empty envelopes. One has been sent from the front to Miss Lydia Pethard and has a censor stamp on it. (VI) A small cream sports meeting programme for the 2nd Aust. Inf. Brigade dated 11-6-17. (VII) A small map of Bendigo for attendees of the Independent Order of Rackabites Annual Conference held in Bendigo on March 13th to 16th, 1916. (VIII) An airgraph letter sent to Mrs. L. Chancellor from Wilf. Leech, RAAF Base, London 1944 thanking her for a hamper she sent him - through the ACF -the Australian Comforts Fund . (IX) An empty book titled 'Golden Square Methodist Girls Guild.' (X) A small brown 'Cole's Pocket Spelling Guide.'lydia chancellor, collection, ephemera, world war 1, entertainment, concert, music, australian infantry force, lucurne, post card, correspondence, communication, australian infantry brigade sports programme, independent order of rackebites, map, bendigo, airgraph, hamper, world war ii, australian comforts fund, spelling guide, education -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article, A Woman's Melbourne Letter
A detailed description of the Mission and its activities written by a woman: Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Friday 13 December 1918, page 34 A WOMAN'S MELBOURNE LETTER. Melbourne, Dec. 4. There is an idea abroad, which as regards Melbourne, at any rate, is quite erroneous, that our sailors are not as well looked after as our soldiers, and that the noble men of the Mercantile Marine are much neglected ! For once, perhaps, my readers will pardon a letter dealing with only one subject, but the steady, unostentatious work done by the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild, in connection with the mission to seamen in Melbourne could not be adequately explained if dismissed in the usual short paragraph. Some of the most prominent names in Melbourne are associated with this guild and with the Mission Chaplain, and Mrs. Gurney Goldsmith, the members have made the Seamen's Institute a real home for those sailors of the Mercantile Marine, who touch our port. What we as a community owe to those men by their heroism in recent hostilities is certainly more understood by this band of enthusiastic workers than by the community generally. By using their unflagging energies, and influence on the sailor's behalf they endeavour to discharge a debt to which in some way or other we could and should all contribute. Even the most casual person can, if he thinks at all, sum up a few of the things our sailors - other than those belonging to our glorious navy - have done for us. On the spur of the moment we remember that those of the Mercantile Marine, are the men who manned our transports, who carried our wheat and wool, to oversea markets; who kept us in touch with our loved ones abroad; who kept the fires going in the furnaces of the great leviathans, bringing our wounded soldiers home again; who never flinched when self-sacrifice was demanded; who cared, with that tenderness, innate in all sailors, for the women and children, when the passenger ships were struck a dastardly blow by the wicked enemy; who, mocking death, gave up life with a heroism all the more heroic because it was always taken as a matter of course! Is it any wonder, then, that the members of the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild make it their business to provide a bright, homelike, spot in Melbourne, where the sailors are always certain of a cherry welcome ashore? The members of the guild are admirably drafted! The 360 non-workers each pay £1 1s. per annum. The workers, of whom there are between 700 and 800, donate 2s. 6d. and school members - it is confidently hoped that gradually all the schools will take an active interest in the mission - 1s. a year. The knights of the guild - as the men members are designated - are responsible for any sum they wish to name, from 5s. a year upwards. Everything is paid for out of these revenues, with the exception of a small grant from the Home Mission Fund - and such is the organisation, and management, that the entire concern is quite free from debt. The Seamen's Church and Institute, where the "Harbour Lights" gleam so brightly, is situated right in the midst of all the bustle and turmoil of the wharves, at the end of Flinders-street. The building, comprising chapel, and institute under the one red tiled roof, is grey stuccoed, with a small tower, from which flaunts the flag of 'The Flying Angel" - the badge of the guild. A visit to the institute makes one fully appreciate the boon the place must be to the voyage worn, weary, sailor. The atmosphere is eminently social in its best sense. While the architecture imparts an elegance, and quiet dignity which soothes by the very subtlety of its charm. With its comfortable furniture, its wealth of flowers, and the happy, wholesome, feminine influence which prevails everywhere, the quality which stands for the magic word "home" abounds. The Chaplain in the course of conversation said: -"We try to make this really a free club for sailors." But the habitues would probably tell you it was far more than that to them. The Institute is excellently appointed, and every little corner seems to have its particular history. It was built after the model of one of the old mission churches in California, and retains something of the old world attraction, while yet it combines all the advantages of modern, practical, conveniences. On entering the door the first thing, one notices is a huge compass, inlaid upon the floor, evidently to indicate one's proper bearings for it points due north - to the chapel! Only one other seamen's mission in the world boasts such a compass. As the sailor swings through the entrance he finds the office on his right, and there is, here, always a smiling face to welcome the shy, or timid, new comer. Quite a real post office is staffed by members of the guild, and all the letters received are listed alphabetically. Therefore, the expectant sailor has just to run his eye down the list, and he can immediately see whether there is a letter for him or not. If he is fortunate, he comes up to the member in charge, who unlocks the box, and produces the longed for missive. The boys are always encouraged to answer letters - and to write them. Often a few words about their mother, and their own home, will provoke a sleeping memory into activity. The writing room is well stocked with paper, envelopes, pens, and ink. The tables are so divided to ensure the utmost privacy, and through a calculated chain of circumstances, many an anxious mother receives a letter from her sailor lad, who, perhaps, might not have written but for these kindly inducements. The central hall - where social evenings are held every other night besides two special concerts a week - is inviting in the extreme. A handsome piano affords opportunity for those musically inclined. The tables are strewn with papers. The walls are bright with pictures, and here, and there, is a carved model, of a ship. One, of especial interest, is a model of "The Roon" carved, and presented by a French sailor. This German vessel will always be remembered in Australia. For it was across her bows that the first hostile shot was ever fired in Australian waters. In the corner is the canteen. It was fitted up entirely from the proceeds of a quotation calendar compiled by one of the members. The sailors may at any time, get a teapot of tea, or a tray of eatables, at a nominal cost. Before the canteen was in existence they had to go out for refreshments! - and sometimes they did not come back! Groups of sailors sit chatting at the tables. Half a dozen Swedes laugh and talk among themselves, for the simple reason they know no other language than their own. Several British sailors cluster about a dark-eyed Welsh lad - a perfect Celtic type - who, although only about twenty years of age, has been the victim of the Hun five times. Mines and torpedoes sank the ships he was in, either in the Channel or off the English coast, four times; and it is to his fifth experience, when the Inverness was wrecked, that everyone is eagerly listening. "We were in the boats eight days," he was saying, "I was pretty well mangled when they picked me up. The sufferings we endured were awful. At last we managed to reach Rapa, a Hawaiian island. The natives thought we were Germans, and came at us with spears. When they found we were British, they were awfully good to us. They even cried when we left, and the day before the rescue boat arrived they begged us to go into the hills and hide." At another table a Canadian lad - once a sailor - then a soldier, who trained at the Broadmeadows camp - was telling his experiences : - "The voyage which will always stick in my memory," he said, "was to a place which must be nameless. We left the United States not knowing whether we were bound, or what we were going to do. After some weeks we sighted a group of wonderfully beautiful islands, and we headed for the most remote and most lovely of them all. Then, and only then, we learned our mission from the skipper. We were taking their year's supply to a leprosy station! Oh no! I don't blame the skipper for not telling us ! Someone has to do these things, you know. A naval guard saw they didn't come near - and we all got sixty dollars extra. When the job was over we were quarantined on another island for two months, and one little chap - the baby of the crew, not eighteen - developed leprosy, and died before we left. Yes! I'll never forget that voyage, mates! Sometimes, I seem to see Leper's Island yet, with its lavish tropical vegetation and the gorgeous sunsets which stained all the water with blood. Then, too" - here the voice deepened - "there was an English girl - a leper - there. We heard she used to be an actress, and she contracted the disease somehow or other. She was always alone, and always watching us. In the distance we could see her come to the water's edge, and from there she would watch. Just watch . .. . watch . . .watch. ..." "Here come a couple of North Sea chaps," broke in an elderly man after pause. "One of them wounded, too, poor lad." It is not strange that all the sailors flock to the Institute. It is so comfortable, and essentially inviting, besides being full of human interest. The men's quarters comprise reading, writing and dressing rooms - hot and cold baths are always available - billiard room, and a special baggage room, where any sailor may leave his kit for as long as he likes. The payment of 3d. covers its complete insurance. Upstairs are the officers' quarters. These also have their own billiard room, writing and reading rooms, bath and dressing rooms. Just close are the apprentices' quarters - "The Half Deck," as popular parlance has it! The lads also have a billiard room of their own, and indulge in an easy armchair - amongst others - which was a donation from the Milverton School branch of the Guild. It is hoped by the committee to some day utilise the huge empty rooms, which run the length of the whole building. Their ultimate intention is to fit them up as cubicles, or "cabins," as they are to be called. They trust these "cabins" will be donated, either in memory, or in honour, of someone dear to the donor. Another forward movement soon to be put in hand, now that materials are available, is the establishment of "Norla Gymnasium." In a sailors' club such facility for exercise is absolutely essential. The men both need, and miss, exertion. As one boy, who had been backsliding, once said pathetically : -"If only there was something to do to get me into a good sweat, I would be all right." Soon such an one will be helped to swing from the trapese of the Norla Gymnasium into the right track! Sunday is always a fete day at the Institute, for 40 or 50 sailors generally come into tea. The up-to-date kitchen, which is fitted with every labour-saving appliance - all paid for out of working members' half crowns - is then a hive of animation, and methodical order. A formidable row of teapots await filling. Mrs. Goldsmith -, the chaplain's wife - rightly thinks it is far more homely to pour out the tea from a pot, than to serve it straight from the urns. So tea is poured out by a member, who sits at the head of a table gay with flowers, and chats to the guests. These latter are of all nationalities. But the French, the Spanish, Scandinavian, Norwegian - or any other sailor is equally welcome with the British. Two enthusiasts belonging to the Guild actually learnt Norwegian, so that men of this nation would have someone to talk to, and so be less lonely when they reached this, to them, foreign port ! The members of the Guild have their own private suite where they arrange the flow-err and do other necessary odds and ends undisturbed. No one appreciates flowers like a sailor, and the earliest and most beautiful may always be seen adorning the tables and rooms. Teas are served and lectures are held in the "Celia Little Hall," one of the most beautiful portions of the institute. It was erected by the chaplain in memory of his aunt from whom the hall takes its name. The Gothic windows open upon the cloisters, where, in the hot weather, the sailors enjoy their meals out of doors. The cloisters, indeed, form an exquisite spot. They are between a series of sweeping arches which lead to the chapel, and are sheltered by the open balcony of the chaplain's quarters. Grace of contour marks the architecture on every turn. Just around the corner is the chaplain's garden - a patch of green and colour, transformed from a desert waste, by a well-known woman horticulturist. The book room is a department especially valued by the sailors. There are two secretaries, one for home and the other for foreign literature. Books in French, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Norwegian, and German may be found on the shelves. Each week about 36 convenient parcels of reading stuff are made up. These contain illustrated papers, books in various languages, and magazines. These parcels are eagerly accepted by the sailor with a long monotonous voyage before him. But complete as is every corner of the institute, no part is so well equipped as the memorial chapel erected by the Ladies' Harbour Light Guild, in memory of the officers and men, who have lost their lives during the war. St Peter's - for it is called after the sailor's patron saint - with its hallowed gentle dignity is a veritable sanctuary of peace, perhaps all the more so because it sprang out of war. The fittings are entirely of Australian wood. The pews, given in memory of some loved one by one of the members, are of Tasmanian hardwood. The reredos and altar chairs of carved blackwood. The rich carpet was provided by the members' magical half-crowns. Already this chapel holds memorials of peculiar historical interest. The altar lectern was given in memory of Commander Elwell, who, it will be remembered, was killed at Rabaul, in the early part of the war. The font commemorates two heroes - Nigel Hockley and Fred Hyde, who lost their lives at the hands of the Germans, although they survived the actual torpedoing of their ships, the Galgorn Castle off the coast of Ireland. The mother of one of them wrote out that her son had died as an Englishman should - fighting for the right. This noble sentiment is suitably paraphrased upon the inscription engraved upon the font. Practically every-hing enshrined in the chapel has its own sentimental value. The alms salver of beaten copper, studded with agate, is fragrant with the memory of a saintly woman.The eye of the sailor is caught and held by the pulpit, which is fashioned like a ship's hull and only a twist of rope guides the chaplain up the steps. For the last 13 years the Rev. A. Gurney Goldsmith, M.A., has acted as chaplain to the Seamen's Mission in Melbourne. Before that he and his wife worked in China. Mr Goldsmith visits all the boats and gets in touch personally with the sailor, over whom he has great influence. He is not only their chaplain and friend, but, amongst a wide range of other things, their banker besides. An exchange system exists between the various Missions, and the sailor who has "banked" his money with the chaplain, upon going away, receives a cheque which is cashed - minus exchange - by the chaplain of the next port. Mr. Goldsmith will tell you he has a soft spot in his heart for on old sailor he calls "Paddy." This ancient mariner has been wrecked ten times. It was a long time before the chaplain prevailed upon "Paddy" to partake of the spiritual and secular advantages afforded by the institute. He would not come, he said, until he could do so "with a good heart." Finally he frankly admitted that he had no "friends like those of 'the Flying Angel,' " and that he eventually proved his own "good heart" will be shown in this story. One day he came in to the chaplain and said bluffly, "Well, sir, I've been payin' off some old scores up Carlton way, an' I tells yer, plain, sir, not one of 'em would have seen a penny of their money but for the Mission." The Ladies' Harbour Light Guild has over thirty working suburban branches, and the excellent results achieved at the Institute now will no doubt be considerably augmented in the future. The practical actions of the members do more than anything else to convey the subtle meaning of the name of the Guild. To the visiting sailors the word "ladies" signifies the bread givers; "harbour" safety ; "lights" welcome; "guild" the welding of fraternity, and they one and all tell you the ideals thus embodied are unselfishly carried out by all the ladies who have banded together to care for the sailors' welfare.The article describes the Mission and the use of several spaces a year after its opening and gives details about the daily activities.Digital copy of an article published in the Western Mail on the 13th of December 1918. 717 flinders street, seamen's mission, norla dome, lhlg, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, celia little room, garden, frederica godfrey -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Furniture - Sanctuary chairs, pair, Gladys Hawkey (1886-1974), c. 1917
William Scott Purves Godfrey (1872-1953) designed the chairs and Miss Gladys Hawkey (1886-1974) carved them. W.S.P Godfrey was born in Toorak on 6 April 1872. He was was the cousin of Ethel Godfrey. Educated in Brussels and at Melbourne Grammar, he studied Architecture at the University of Melbourne. He and Henry Howard Spowers established the architectural firm Godfrey & Spowers, known for the design of the Argus building, around 1901. W S P Godfrey retired from practice in 1944. He died in August 1953, aged 81. He's buired in the St Kilda Cemetery with the Godfrey family. Gladys Hawkey was a member of the Guild. (photographed during the Norla Fete). She was born in Sandhurst, Bendigo and is buired in the Bendigo Cemetery. Little is known about Gladys Hawkey. She may have been a student of Robert Prenzel. Another mention of her work is made in an article in 1915 where her escritoire is offered in a raffle to raise funds for the Australian sick and Wounded. The chairs were donated in 1919 when the Flinders Street mission was open. In a style of Robert Prenzel with Australian Flora, the chairs are in the typical Arts and Crafts style. Like many women from the early 1900s, she was likely to have been inspired by the Australian exhibition of women's work and other female woodworkers of the time.Handcarvedgladys amy hawkey (1886-1974), william scott purves godfrey (1872-1953), lhlg, ladies harbour lights guild, chapel, flinders street, mission to seafarers, seamen's mission, wood carving, godfrey and spowers, heritage listed, arts and crafts, gifts-1917 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, Mr and Mrs Gurney Goldsmith, Resting, Easter Monday, Heatherbrae, 12 April 1909
Alfred Edward Clarke was a member of the Stock Exchange. He married a niece of Reverend Kerr Johnston, Margaret Helen Gowan (daughter of John Denovan Gowan, himself brother of Eliza Denovan Gowan) in 1886. His first wife, Caroline Long, died in 1884. One of his daughter, Linda Clarke (later married to John William Begg) was secretary of the Malvern branch of the Ladies' harbour Lights Guild. Article in the Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Saturday 17 April 1909, page 3 "SAILORS ENTERTAINED. Picnic at Glen Huntly. A very enjoyable picnic was held on Monday in connection with the Victoria Mission to Seamen, at Mr. Clarke's grounds, 'Heatherbrae,' Glen Huntly. About 90 sailors from ships in the Bay and river were entertained, and a happy time was spent. Tea was provided by ladies connected with the Mission, and cricket, football, and other sports were arranged and carried out with great zest. At the close of the day cheers were given for Mr. and Mrs. Clarke and family, the Mission workers, and all who had helped to make the outing a success."Small monochrome photograph depicting outdoor scene of a small number of men resting. Photograph somewhat faded, particularly on right side heatherbrae, easter, picnic, lhlg, caulfield, alfred edward clarke 1840-1913, margaret helen gowan 1863-1937, linda begg nee clarke 1877-1954, eliza johnston nee denovan gowan, john denovan gowan -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Document - ticket, 1896
Gordon Hall was the first public building in Buchan. European settlement first entered the area in October 1838 and Buchan station was established in January 1839. Free selection after 1868, and a township was proclaimed in 1873 taking its name from the station. The Grand ball was held on race night, Monday 28th December 1896 in the Gordon Hall at Buchan. From the estate of Elsie Cooke. Elsie Cooke was a librarian in Orbost for many years. She was the daughter of John Cooke early Brodribb settler. Elsie Cooke lived all her life in Gippsland,. She was born at Brodribb in 1895 and died in 1970, Elsie Cooke lived at Bruthen for a short time and, in 1937, moved to live with her aunt, Miss Jean Munro. Miss Cooke was Librarian at the Mechanics Institute for many years. Kindness and consideration for other were Miss Cooke’s attributes and she endeared herself to all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a stalwart of the Ladies’ Guild, an energetic worker for the Municipal Auxiliary and a member of the Red Cross. (ref. Mary Gilbert)This item reflects the recreational / social activities of a remote rural community. A public event such as a grand ball would have been a significant event on the calendar.Small, cream-coloured rectangular card with rounded edges and blank ink. Evidence of pin holes in each four corners and folds/signs of wear. Card is foxing and has small vertical tear in lower left quadrant.+ GORDON x HALL, x BUCHAN. + / Race Night! - Race Night! / A GRAND BALL / Will be held in the Gordon Hall, Buchan, on / Monday, : 28th : December, : 1896. / ADMISSION : / +- SINGLE, THREE SHILLINGS -+grand ball, 1896, gordon hall, buchan, elsie cooke -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Centenary Committee in conjunction with the National Theatre Movement present State Service Orchestra. Conductor: Dr. Schildberger. Rosalind Park, Sunday, October 14th 2.45pm, 1951. Program 1/-. Dorothy Deegan, H Fisher, Beryl Jones, Ernest Marzaus, Robert Simmons, Michael Walker, Orchestra. Official Opening of Three-Arts Festival by His Worship the Mayor (Cr. G A Pethard). Accompanist Dr H Schildberger. Flautist Eugene Aumann. Program for Three Arts Festival, Oct. 14-20. Sunday, 3pm State Service Orchestra Rosalind Park. Monday-Ballet and Song: Melbourne Ballet Guild and Mr E Michelson. Tuesday-Drama: Bendigo Branch: The Linden Tree. Wednesday-Orchestral, Bendigo Orchestra Society. Thursday-Vocal and Instrumental Concert. Friday-Shakespeare Festival (in conjunction with Bendigo Shakespearian Society). Saturday- Drama: Swan Hill Branch: Within These Walls. Bookings at Allans. Advertisement on rear cover: Marshall's Fruit Supply, Charring Cross, Bendigo. Open- Mon to Sat, 8.30am to 9.30pm. Sun 9am to 6pm.Cambridge Press, Bendigoprogram, theatre, state service orchestra, the centenary committee in conjunction with the national theatre movement present state service orchestra. conductor: dr. schildberger. rosalind park, october 14th 2.45pm, 1951. dorothy deegan, h fisher, beryl jones, ernest marzaus, robert simmons, michael walker, orchestra. official opening of three-arts festival by his worship the mayor (cr. g a pethard). accompanist dr h schildberger. flautist eugene aumann. melbourne ballet guild and mr e michelson. drama: bendigo branch: the linden tree. orchestral, bendigo orchestra society. vocal and instrumental concert. shakespeare festival (in conjunction with bendigo shakespearian society). drama: swan hill branch: within these walls. bookings at allans. marshall's fruit supply, bendigo. open 7 days a week -
Orbost & District Historical Society
ticket, 1888
This ticket was for a grand ball to celebrate the second anniversary of the Loyal Orbost M.U.I.O.O.F. Lodge. It was held in the Mechanics Institute hall on Friday 20th July, 1888. The cost of a single ticket was 5/-. The secretary of the lodge was John Rowe, the first teacher of the state school in Orbost. From the estate of Elsie Cooke. Elsie Cooke lived all her life in Gippsland,. She was born at Brodribb in 1895 and died in 1970, Elsie Cooke lived at Bruthen for a short time and, in 1937, moved to live with her aunt, Miss Jean Munro. Miss Cooke was Librarian at the Mechanics Institute for many years. Kindness and consideration for other were Miss Cooke’s attributes and she endeared herself to all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a stalwart of the Ladies’ Guild, an energetic worker for the Municipal Auxiliary and a member of the Red Cross. (ref Mary Gilbert) Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows (MUIOOF) had its origins in Manchester, England. It was established in Melbourne on 7 December 1840 when Augustus Greeves, a member of the MUIOOF in England, migrated to Australia and formed the first friendly society. In 1840 Manchester Unity IOOF was founded in Victoria. Friendly Societies were founded in the Australian Colonies in the mid-19th Century by immigrants from England who had been members in Societies which dated back to the 18th Century. Like all working people these immigrants experienced sickness, accidents, unemployment, death and burial. They needed help of like fellows to tide their families over these times. So they formed a branch of one of the Friendly Societies back in the mother country. The idea was to make fixed contributions to a fund and when they were off work they would receive a payment. When they died funeral benefits would be paid and the widow and children would be cared for. It was a form of local insurance for hard times. This was a time of 'look after yourself' as the Colonial Governments did not provide pensions or benefits. This item reflects those times.A small white rectangular paper ticket with black print. It is for the Loyal Orbost Lodge M.U.I.O.O.F. Grand Ball.front - "Dancing to Commence at 8pm."public-event-orbost document-ticket m.u.i.o.o.f -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Textile - Crocheted Sauce Bottle cover
This crocheted sauce bottle cover was made and used by Esther Elizabeth Hore at the Bogong Hotel. She was the wife of John Richard Hore who owned the Bogong Hotel from the early 1890s. In 1925 their daughter Myrtle Anne Hore (Dolly) moved to Tawonga with her husband Rod Barton. Rod worked to rebuild the hotel by constructing a series of bungalows behind the existing building. The next generation of the Hore Family continued to operate the hotel until the early 1950s. Rod and Dolly Barton later moved to the family dairy farm "Kent Meadows” in Gundrowing on land which had been selected in the 1860s by Rod’s father. Here they raised a family of six sons and six daughters through the hard years of the Depression and World War II. Dolly and the older children carried on the work on the farm whilst Rod was away on active service, as well as being actively involved in the Red Cross, Church Guild, CWA and Fire Brigade. Dolly passed away on 28th February 1991. This item was donated to Wodonga & District Historical Society by Betty Barberis nee Barton, a recognised artist both locally and internationally, one of Dolly’s 12 children.This item is significant because it is representative of traditional crafts in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was owned by a prominent Wodonga and District family.A crocheted cotton cover designed to be placed over a sauce bottle. It has been made for decorative purposes only.traditional crafts, handcraft, barton family of gundrowing -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation and menu card, Joint Installation of Bros. K.J. Fullerton and W. F. Creeth, 1909
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of two Lodge Brothers. Half fold design printed in gold, brown, light blue, dark blue and black ink on white card. Front and back cover decorated with masonic symbols. Menu listed inside. Front cover: Zenith & Golden Corinthian Lodges,/ No. 52 & No. 7./ Joint / Installation / of / Bros. K. J. Fullerton / and W. F Creeth / Masonic Hall / Wednesday, June 30th , 1909 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo events, city of greater bendigo community groups -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation and menu card, Joint Installation of Bros. R.T. Trembath and L. A. Sonnenberg, 1910
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of two Lodge Brothers. Horizontal fold printed in black ink on blue card. Embossed cover with scalloped edging. Front and back cover decorated with masonic symbols. Menu listed inside. Front cover: golden & Corinthian & Zenith Lodges / No. 7 and Mo. 52 / joint Installation / of / Bros, R. T. Trembath and L. A. Sonnenber / Masonic Hall, Bendigo / Wednesday, June 29th, 1910. bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, brockley printers bendigo, making a nation exhibition, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups, city of greater bendigo events -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation and Menu Card, Joint Installation, 1905
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginning in local guilds of stonemasons which from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of unnamed Brothers. Half fold printed in gold and red ink on cream coloured card. Embossed cover with plain edging. Front and back cover decorated with masonic symbols. Menu listed inside. Front cover: The Zenith and Golden and Corinthian Lodges ? Joint Installation / Masonic Hall, Bendigo / Wednesday, June 28th, 1905 / Bro J.O.R Milburn Caterer bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, james printer eaglehawk, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation, Joint Installation of Bros. R.O. Henderson & T. L. Sargeant, 1906
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of Brothers Henderson and Sargeant. Half fold printed in red ink on grey / mauve coloured card with plain edging. Menu listed inside on left, toasts listed on inside right. Front cover: Banquet / at the / Joint Installation / of / Brox, R. O Henderson & T. L. Sargeant / as / Worshipful Masters / of the / Golden and Corinthian & Zenith Lodges / Masonic Hall / Wednesday, 27th June 1906 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, brockley printers bendigo, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo community groups -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Memorabilia - Invitation, Joint Installation of Bros. H. Lee, 1907
Freemasonary or Masonry has its beginnings in local guilds of stonemasons who from the end of 13th century regulated the qualification of stonemasons. Modern Freemasonry uses scriptures which include ritual practices and ethical conduct as part of its foundation and every member must profess a belief in a Supreme Being. Women are not allowed to be admitted and discussion of religion and politics is not to take place within the lodge. Freemasons meet in local Lodges which are supervised at a regional level by a Grand Lodge. The degrees of Freemasonry retain the three grades of medieval craft guilds, those of Entered Apprentice, Journeyman or fellow (now called Fellowcraft), and Master Mason. The candidate of these three degrees is progressively taught the meanings of the symbols of Freemasonry and entrusted with grips, signs, and words to signify to other members that he has been so initiated. The degrees are part allegorical morality play and part lecture. Candidates for Freemasonry will usually have met the most active members of the Lodge they are joining before being elected for initiation. ( The Golden Lodge of Sandhurst was established as the first Masonic Lodge in Bendigo in 1854. Many prominent men including City Councilors were lodge members at it was a popular way for men to socialise. As the masonic movement expanded further lodges were established in Bendigo and the surrounding Boroughs and Shires. The Golden and Corinthian Lodges purchasing two blocks of land in a prominent position in View Street in 1866 with the intention of erecting a new temple and after amalgamating in 1872 appointed architects Vahland and Getzschmann to design the building. The Bendigo Masonic Hall (now the Capital Theatre) was built in 1873 -74 for both public and private use and contained lodge rooms, a public tavern anda concert hall. The Masonic section occupied the northern side of the building at ground floor level and included a lodge room at the rear, a library and reading room, and other affiliated rooms. Walls of the entry hall and lodge room were decorated with classical columns and panels ornamented with Masonic emblems. The upper level of the building contained a large hall with balcony at the north end and removable stage at the south end. Elaborately decorated with Masonic emblems, this hall was used for Masonic purposes as well as being available to the wider community for social events. The tavern, which became known as the Masonic Hotel, occupied the basement and the ground floor of the southern side of the building and included a sitting room, parlours, billiard room, bedrooms, kitchen, cellars and servants' rooms. It appears that two public entrances were provided for this section, one directly from street level into the basement, the other from the public entry hall. Invitation for the Installation of Brother Lee. Half fold printed in blue ink on cream coloured card with plain edging. Menu listed inside on left, toasts listed on inside right, officers listed on back cover. Front cover: Sandhurst Lodge / No 194 / Banquet / to celebrate the / Installation / of / Brother H. Lee / in the / Masonic Temple, Bendigo / Thursday, 20th June 1907 bendigo masonic hall, capital theatre bendigo, milburn catering bendigo, making a nation exhibition, bendigo masonic lodge, city of greater bendigo events, city of greater bendigo community groups -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionTyped 2 page document detailing the residents who lived at Diamond Hill in late 1920's, 1955 and 1981. Names include: Bush, James, market gardener Busyh, Mrs Elizabeth Day, Mrs Ellen Guild, Mrs Dorothy Holiday, James, Hocking, Mrs Rebecca Richards, David H Riley, James, Rower, Miss Sopghie Rushmeyer, Mrs Gertrude Weseloh, Mrs Augusta, Post Mistress Residents in 1920's Ändrews, Mary 9grandmother of Mrs Crawford, McIvor Road, Tweo sisters and their brother are Bill Rowe and ophy Rower. Le Clare, Miss Deason, Zephyr Mulqueen,Mrs Peter, Deason, Leaflet, Mulqueen, Mrs Ruityh Mrs and Miss Mabel Budgte Bidstrip Teasedale, Brookfield, Schrunck Andy Brookfield lived in the tent on the new road. Brookfield lived in the big storehouse on the east side of the road Dempster Bush Herbel, Miss Rose ( Mrs Luke Murphy) Dean, Herman Erwin, Andy Holidays ( 3 families) Wescloh, ( partly indecipherable) Augusta ( post mistress) Mrs Day Schilling, Roy Rushmeyer. (Ruschmeyer) 1981: Bush Rushmeyerbendigo, mining, diamond hill -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, George Schutze, Ship Carnarvon Bay wrecked King Island 15 September 1910 - R.J.N Filkin apprentice, c. 1910
The ship Carnarvon Bay bound from Liverpool to Sydney with a general cargo struck rocks off Stokes Point on the coast of King Island on Thursday 15 September 1910. On the day the crew used two lifeboats but were separated. One of them with Captain W. Griffith and 17 men was rescued by the SS Taracoola and brought back to Melbourne. Apprentice, R.J.N Filkin was amongst them (his name is listed on the Argus article relating the event (Monday 19 September 1910). In the article called "Welcome Shelter" it seems it was the first sea voyage for the young Filkin. The other boat with 15 men was lost for several hours. There was no casualties but the 3000 ton cargo was lost. The seamen were received at the Sailors Home then welcomed at the Mission by Reverend Haire as shown on a photograph publish in the Punch (22 September 1910). Reverend Gurney Goldsmith was in England at the time. The crew was invited to an evening of entertainment organised by artist Violet Teague at the Masonic Hall on the 19th of September. According to the article "Welcome Shelter" she was painting the "tableaux" at the Mission when the seamen were present, interviewed by the journalist. This evening organised by the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild was planned to raise funds for the Mission.Sepia photograph depicting the ship Carnarvon Bay at sea with a written inscription in black ink.Ship Carnarvon Bay wrecked King Island 15 September 1910 - R.J.N Filkin apprenticeshipwreck, apprentice, king island, carnarvon bay, captain griffith, violet teague, masonic hall, ss taracoola, crews and ships -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, New Year 1923 - Jules Michelet, 1923
In January 1923, 5 years after the end of WWI, the two French cruisers Jules Michelet and Victor Hugo went on a tour in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand consolidating the friendship between the countries. The cruisers arrived in January 1923 and Melbournians were invited to visit the ships. Amongst them the ladies from the Guild. In the "Jottings from Our Log"number 69 dated from January 1923 we can read: Our French Visitors The French cruisers, “Jules Michelet” and “Victor Hugo”, each with a complement of 26 officers and 747 men, paid a visit to this port towards the end of the year. Many of the sailors made good use of our institute, and were supplied with French magazines and papers, and were delighted to find that quite a number of ladies could speak French fluently. Over one hundred men were present at the Institute on one of our special nights during Christmas week, when each French visitor was supplied with refreshments and a cigar. Through the great kindness of some of our ladies, each man aboard the two cruisers was supplied with a packet of cigarettes. These were greatly appreciated by the men, and a warm letter of thanks was received from each of the captains."Reflects strong community and LHLG links via the Mission and as a result of WW1 support and fundraising efforts.Sepia tone blurry photograph with a white frame depicting two French seafarers with their traditional uniform and beret on shore near a pier shed children or women in the far distance at lwr right.Handwritten at the back in pencil: New Year 1923 Jules Micheletfrench cruiser, jules michelet, victor hugo, wwi -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Album (item) - Photographic Album, digital copy, Freda Kathleen Oxley (1882-1969), Album of photographs of a voyage to Australia and visit to the Mission to Seamen, Melbourne [picture] / Freda Oxley, 1925-1928
This is a copy of an album of photographs held at the National Library of Australia. The album was photographed by Reverend's Weller grand daughter. Freda Oxley was a friend of the Wellers. She was born in Windsor in 1882 and Alexina Weller (nee Caley) was born in 1885 also in Windsor. She travelled on the SS Persic from England and arrived in 1925. She stayed at the Mission for several years, and became a host of the many picnics, making friends with the ladies from the Guild, taking photographs of people and events. Page 1 to 3: Outward Bound - SS Persic - September 26th .... November 12th 1925 Page 4: Interiors of the Mission to Seamen Melbourne Page 5: Page 6: Page 7: Page 8: Freda Oxley, the Wellers, Alexina Weller, Xmas Day 1927, Dora Walker and Rev. Weller Page 9: Gardens: the photographs show the garden's plants in its early years / Botanical Gardens / Nellie Melba's gardens in her estate Coombe: Walter Butler, the architect of the Mission had designed some extensions for Nellie Melba's estate and part of the gardens of the property, so it was likely through they acquaintance that the Mission's reverend and friends were invited. Page 10:This album provides photographs of the Mission's interiors, garden, staff, guests and activities during the Wellers stay. It also provides the provenance of the Weller album held in the Mission's collection.The album was donated to the National Library of Australia by Miss Elizabeth Phillips, with her address in England, with a typed note attached that reads: 'These photographs were taken by my aunt Miss Freda Oxley between 1925 and 1928. She went out to Melbourne at that time and stayed at the Mission to Seamen with her friends the Revd Jack Weller and Mrs Weller. The Revd Weller later became Bishop of the Falkland Islands.'freda kathleen oxley 1882-1969, ss persic, gardens, botanical garden, picnics, officers, portsea, sydney, rev. w.m robertson, dora simpson nee walker, wedding, alice sibthorpe tracy, ethel augusta godfrey 1861-1935, royal botanical garden, nellie melba, coombe, zoo, seamen, sailors, walter richmond butler (1864–1949), juan oyarzo, john oyarzo, fern tree gully, kerferd family -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Article - Women, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Anne Stewart; Librarianship Storyteller
Anne completed her secondary education at Presentation College Windsor. She left Melbourne to study Librarianship at Ballarat College of Advanced Education and completed a Graduate Diploma of Librarianship in 1981 and a Graduate Diploma of Education in 1986. During her studies Anne E. Stewart produced weekly shows on 3BBB Community Radio Ballarat, `As the assistant children's librarian at Geelong in 1987 Anne E. Stewart drove the Jolly Jumbuck storytelling van to various local sites, gathered the children and told a story. A keen community player Anne E. Stewart has fulfilled a number of pro bono roles such as the President of the Australian Storytelling Guild (Vic Branch), and Council President of the Daylesford Primary School. Anne E. Stewart is a senior writer for the 'Swag of Yarns' and has worn the prestigious storytellers Cape at Dromkeen, an institution that nurtures and develops children's literature. Returning to her alma mater in 2007 Anne E. Stewart developed a ghost tour through the historic Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) campus. Established in 1870, and incorporating a former gaol, the SMB ghosts came to life as she enthralled numerous groups visiting the campus on Open Day 2007, 2008 and 2009. In 2009 Anne E. Stewart was a principal teller at the Scottish International Storytelling Festival at Edinburgh.women of note, ballarat college of advanced education, anne stewart, presentaion college windsor, librarianship, graduate diploma of librarianship, graduate diploma of education, community radio, geelong library, jolly jumbuck van, storytelling, australian storytelling guild, daylesford primary school, swag of yarns, cape at dromkeen, children's literature, ghost tours, school of mines ballarat -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, 1923
In January 1923, 5 years after the end of WWI, the two French cruisers Jules Michelet and Victor Hugo went on a tour in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand consolidating the friendship between the countries. The cruisers arrived in January 1923 and Melbournians were invited to visit the ships. Amongst them the ladies from the Guild and especially Dora Walker. In the "Jottings from Our Log"number 69 dated from January 1923 we can read: Our French Visitors The French cruisers, “Jules Michelet” and “Victor Hugo”, each with a complement of 26 officers and 747 men, paid a visit to this port towards the end of the year. Many of the sailors made good use of our institute, and were supplied with French magazines and papers, and were delighted to find that quite a number of ladies could speak French fluently. Over one hundred men were present at the Institute on one of our special nights during Christmas week, when each French visitor was supplied with refreshments and a cigar. Through the great kindness of some of our ladies, each man aboard the two cruisers was supplied with a packet of cigarettes. These were greatly appreciated by the men, and a warm letter of thanks was received from each of the captains."Reflects the close links and mutual friendships developed between French and Australian community developed between LHLG members from 1906 onward especially during WW1 and support of the French Red Cross.Black and white photograph jules michelet, victor hugo, french cruiser, ww1, france, dora walker, french sailors, dora simpson, lhlg, navy -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Education kit - Display Board of Knots, Tom Long, DSM (Member of International Guild of Knot Tyers), Before Sept 1986
The Display Board of Konts was handmade in Kings Lynn, Devon, England, by Tom Long DSM, who is a member of the International Guild of Knot Tyers. This display board shows the knots and joins used in ropework performed by a sailmaker and other skilled ropeworkers. It demonstrates the uses of some of the knots, such as for knobs and handles, suspending lengths of wood, reinforcing spliced rope and even for decorative work. The sailmakers travelling as part of the ship’s crew stored their tool kit in a canvas ditty bag. It contained needles, awls, a sailmaker’s leather palmed glove with a heavily reinforced palm - a shuttle to mend and make nets, fids, knives, mallets, brushes, rulers, and rope gauges. Sailmakers used their ropework and knot-making skills for various purposes and chose the type of rope fibre for its particular properties. For example, Italian hemp rope was preferred for the light line used in shore-to-ship rescues because it was lightweight, not easily knotted, and absorbed less water. A supply of various types of rope was a commodity on board a ship and on land in the new colonies. It was flexible, easily stored, and could be worked to create an endless variety of objects on its own or with other materials like wood. An example is a simple rope ladder. Lengths could be combined to make various thicknesses and pieces could be skilfully joined together by splicing. The importance of knots in seafaring cannot be overestimated. When ships relied on only the wind for power and speed, there were a huge number of various ropes in use, particularly with regard to the sails and rigging. Seafarers would be judged on their ability to tie knots speedily and correctly. A mounted display of authentic seaman's knots is on a board covered in blue fabric. Various rope grades and fibres were used to work numerous knots and splices. Some of the uses are familiar, such as the toggle, the pineapple knot, and the Turk’s head. A selection of rope grades and fibres were used to work numerous knots and splices. Some of the uses are familiar, such as the toggle, the pineapple knot, and the Turk’s head. The name or purpose of the knot is on the label below it. Labels below each knot give its name or use.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, knot display, knot making, ropework, marine technology, sailmaker's work, sailor's knots, ship's rigging, seamen's knots, handmade, rope craft, knots, splices -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Painting - Portrait of Dolly Barton for Peoplescape, Betty L. Barberis, 2001
In February 2001 the National Council for the Centenary of Federation called upon Australians to nominate someone whom they felt had significantly affected their lives, their community or our country. Thousands of these heroes and quiet achievers were selected. Betty Churcher, a member of the National Council, chaired the Peoplescape Selection Panel. Nominators then made life size, cutout figures to represent their "hero". The sculptures were installed in alphabetical order, on the hill at Parliament House and down to the Federation Mall in Canberra, each with a plaque at its base outlining the individual's achievement. This portrait was painted by Betty Barberis to represent her mother "Dolly" Barton. Dolly raised 12 children, lived through 2 World Wars and the depression. She kept the family dairy farm running whilst her husband was serving in World War 2 whilst still supporting the war effort through the Red Cross and CWA and the church guild. Betty’s great body of work included landscapes, banners, millinery, ceramics, and a bronze sculpture of her husband Vern Barberis who was a fellow schoolteacher and represented Australia as a weightlifter, winning a bronze medal at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. She was also an art teacher of 22 years. Betty passed away at The Grange, Wodonga on 26 November 2013.This portrait was created by a renowned and highly regarded artist from Northeast Victoria for a national celebration of the centenary of Australian Federation in 2001.A large oil painting depicting a portrait of Dolly Barton, mother of the artist Betty L. Barberis. The painting includes representations of her 12 children, her farming way of life, her commitment to the community and to the war effort. The image was painted on to yellow corflute for exhibition. It has since been covered with perspex to protect the image.betty l. barberis, myrtle ann 'dolly" barton, peoplescape 2001 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - R.S.L. BENDIGO COLLECTION: ANZAC SERVICE 1959, 25th April, 1959
Paper detailing the Morning and Afternoon Service, Wreath Laying, Order of March, Assembly Points and Movement for the Anzac Day Service on Saturday, 25th April, 1959. Mentioned are: Mr W E P Carruthers, Lt Commander Herniman RN, Col L J Lockwood, 38 Infantry Battalion, Lt Col D Scholes, Ex-Navalmen's Club, Airforce Association, Railway Sub-section R.S.L., Bendigo Legacy Club, 6th Battalion Social Club, 38th Battalion Social Club, Rats of Tobruk Association, Ex P.O.W. Association, R.A.A.O.C., T.P.I. Social Club, Interunits Social Club, 105 Anti-Tank Social Club, 4th Aust. Armoured Regt. Social Club, Repatriation Local Committee, Catholic War Veterans Association, Bendigo Dad's Association, Legion of Exservicemen and Women, R.S.L. Women's Auxiliary, War Widows' Guild, S.S. & A. Mothers' Association, Ex-Navalmen's Club Ladies' Auxiliary, Airforce Association Ladies' Auxiliary, 38th Inf. Bn Ladies' Auxiliary, Sea Cadets, Air Cadets, Major T Martin, Mr G Styles, Court House Hotel, Sound Shell, and G F Osborne.event, official, anzac memorial service, r.s.l. bendigo collection - anzac service 1959, mr w e p carruthers, lt commander herniman rn, col l j lockwood, 38 infantry battalion, lt col d scholes, ex-navalmen's club, airforce association, railway sub-section r.s.l., bendigo legacy club, 6th battalion social club, 38th battalion social club, rats of tobruk association, ex p.o.w. association, r.a.a.o.c., t.p.i. social club, interunits social club, 105 anti-tank social club, 4th aust. armoured regt. social club, repatriation local committee, catholic war veterans association, bendigo dad's association, legion of exservicemen and women, r.s.l. women's auxiliary, war widows' guild, s.s. & a. mothers' association, ex-navalmen's club ladies' auxiliary, airforce association ladies' auxiliary, 38th inf. bn ladies' auxiliary, sea cadets, air cadets, major t martin, mr g styles, court house hotel, sound shell, g f osborne -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Plaque - Memorial Plaque, Amy Neville Brown (1882-1974), 1976
Amy Neville Brown (1882-1974) was a longlife member of the Mission to Seafarers ladies' Committees: 1910 - Amy is first mentioned in our records as LHLG branch secretary for Elsternwick. (from diaries written by her and her sister Beatrice during 1909-1913 and held at the Glen Eira Historical Society, Amy tells she attends “kirk” with Miss Godfrey about once a month and each time they go to the “Institute” afterwards.) 1918 - 1922 sees Amy as “Schools secretary” LHLG. 1933 - Miss A N Brown becomes Honorary Secretary of the LHLG. 1946 – LHLG becomes “Harbour Lights Guild”. 1949 – Dora Simpson is president of HLG & Amy Brown is Honorary Secretary. 1957 – Amy retires as Honorary Secretary of the HLG. Other interests: 1933 - Amy founded the Victorian Aboriginal Group along with Valentine Alexa Leeper (1900-2001). She acted as Hon. Sec. to the VAG for 40 years until its winding up in 1971 8 boxes of papers related to their activities are held at the SLV under Amy’s name (with Val Leeper). 1950 - Amy was a member of the YWCA 1963 – she was president of the Agnes Benson Auxiliary of the YWCA. Amy’s parents were Andrew Howden Brown & Catherine Marianne (Kitty) Wight. She had 2 brothers: Charles John Brown, Edward Byam Brown & 3 sisters: Jean Constance Brown (1884-1973), Catherine Philpott Brown (1886-1980), Grace *Beatrice Brown (1889-1984) who was also a member of the Mission's ladies' committee. None of 4 sisters married, they lived all their lives in Elsternwick. Edward Byam Brown was an academic at Melbourne University rising to become Ass. Prof. of Electrical Engineering by the 1950s. He married Vera Scantlebury in 1926 – they had 2 children. Amy’s maternal grandparents were Edward Byam Wight and Catherine Philpott. Both arrived in Melbourne in the early 1840s. Edward Wight is included on Thomas Chuck’s collage of early Victorian pioneers. Anne Jackson has written a short biography of Catherine’s brother, William Philpott, which includes a paragraph on Edward Wight. Catherine’s youngest son, Neville Wight, became a solicitor living at Woodend. He married Grace Rutherford – Mrs Neville Wight was a member of our Executive Committee from 1929 to 1933. Neville Wight’s obituary states that “he served his articles with … the firm of Moule & Seddon”. The principal of this firm was W H Moule, well known judge and cricketer. His son, also W H Moule, was Honorary Secretary of MtSV Executive Committee for 20 years until his retirement in 1958. was a member of the Harbour Lights Guild ( Honorary General Secretary in the 30s) then the Flying Angel League. She passed away in September 1974. A protege and friend of the Godfreys and Ina Higgins she actively assisted in setting up school branches of LHLG and eventually became a leading member in the 1930s.The window made by Tony Hall along with this plaque were dedicated in 1976. Amy Neville Brown had a lifelong association with the Mission and other philanthropic and social causes. Small plaque mounted on wooded board.In memory of Amy Brown For her lifetime of devoted service to the Mission 26th September, 1974amy brown, plaque, memorial, flying angel club, lhlg, amy neville brown (1882-1974), victoria aboriginal group (1933-1971), vag, val leeper, valentina alexa leeper (1900-2001) -
Orbost & District Historical Society
program, Snowy River Mail, 1891
This concert was held in the Mechanics' Institute on Friday, October 16th, 1891 commencing at 8pm. A dance was held after the concert. The secretary at that time was J. McNair. The first Orbost Brass Band was formed in 1889. Around 1908 the town band split and the Orbost Workers' Band was formed. Eventually the two bands merged in 1913 to reform as the Orbost Municipal Band under conductorship of Charles Spink. The band continued for many years but was later disbanded and again reformed. This was to happen a number of times, the last time being in 1961 and continuing through to the late 1970's. Further info and Ref: In Times Gone By - Deborah Hall From the estate of Elsie Cooke. Elsie Cooke was a librarian in Orbost for many years. She was the daughter of John Cooke early Brodribb settler. Elsie Cooke lived all her life in Gippsland,. She was born at Brodribb in 1895 and died in 1970, Elsie Cooke lived at Bruthen for a short time and, in 1937, moved to live with her aunt, Miss Jean Munro. Miss Cooke was Librarian at the Mechanics Institute for many years. Kindness and consideration for other were Miss Cooke’s attributes and she endeared herself to all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a stalwart of the Ladies’ Guild, an energetic worker for the Municipal Auxiliary and a member of the Red Cross. (ref. Mary Gilbert)The various Orbost bands over the years played a major role in community activities providing entertainment and musical experiences for the many members.An orange, paper program with black print. The program and details are inside a black frame. It is for a concert in aid of the Orbost Brass Band.At the top handwritten in black pen is" Donated by Mrs Elsie Cooke".orbost-brass-band-programme cooke-elsie -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 16.7.1956
This photograph shows Nelson Burn reading a telegram from the queen to his grandmother, Mrs Paul Hocking, on her 100th birthday. Her husband, James Hocking, was the first watchmaker in Orbost. He had been a lay preacher at Wangaratta and Yan Yean before coming to Orbost. He was an 1891 Rechabite and an Orbost Shire Councillor. Eliza Ann Hocking (nee Eddy) was born on 16.7.1856 at Blackwater Hall in England, She had arrived in Australia on the sailing boat "Poocia" on 8-7-1880. The voyage following the Cape route took about 7 weeks. For a time, with her husband, she lived at Chewton, on the gold fields, before coming to Orbost. She was a foundation member of the Methodist Ladies’ Guild in 1912. She lived in Salisbury Street, Orbost. She died on 9.4.1957. Colin Nelson Burn, born 7.7.1921, was her grandson, son of Robert Alfred Burn and Edith Jane Hocking. He began Sta-Brite' Painting and Decorating Services in Salisbury Street, Orbost. He served in the forces during World War II. He was a Life member of the Snowy Rovers Football Club. He joined the Orbost Fire Brigade on 1-5-1946. He died 1.2.2015. His son, Peter continues the painting business in Orbost. (info. from John Phillips)This is a pictorial record of an Orbost resident reaching 100 years. A 100 year birthday is a significant milestone. The Hocking / Burn family have been associated with the Orbost district since 1889.A large black / white photograph of an elderly lady standing beside a younger man who is holding a letter and reading to her.hocking-mrs burn-nelson telegram-queen-100th-birthday -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Sepia, Mr and Mrs Gurney Goldsmith, Picnic at Orchard House, Cup Day 1909, 2 Novembre 1909
This photograph depicts a picnic for Cup Day (Tuesday 2 November 1909) organised by the Mission and the LHLG members at Orchard House. The property belongs to Mr George Higgins, engineer and his wife, Beatrice who was the LHLG Malvern branch secretary. Beatrice nee Shuter was the daughter of Charles Shuter. In the Punch published on 11 November 1909, we could read: "The pretty garden of "Orchard House," and the paddock adjoining (kindly lent by Mr. and Mrs. Singleton), was the scene on Cup Day of a most successful sailors' picnic, when Mr. and Mrs. George Higgins and the Malvern members of the Ladies' Harbour Lights Guild entertained some 110 sailors from the Royal Navy and Merchant Service. A football match, sports, and "costume" races were indulged in by the more active members of the party, while others enjoyed the unusual pleasure of sitting on the green grass under the trees. Mrs. MacLeod, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Simon Fraser, Mrs. H. B. Higgins, Mrs. Albert Keep, Miss Ethel Godfrey, the Misses Wollaston, and a number of other ladies assisted to wait on the "tars." One "Jack," from H.M.S. Cambrian, voted it the "nicest day he had had since leaving the Old Country." Hearty cheers for the kind hostesses closed the proceedings. The evening was spent at the Institutes of the Missions to Seamen on the Australian Wharf and at Port Melbourne respectively, where prizes were distributed to the successful competitors. "Small monochrome photograph1909, malvern, cup day, mr george higgins, mce, beatrice elizabeth higgins (nee shuter), h.m.s. cambrian, ethel augusta godfrey, orchard house, ina higgins, rica godfrey, rita godfrey, reverend alfred gurney goldsmith, picnics, social events, frederica godfrey, entertainments, sailors, seafarers, seamen, goldsmith album -
Orbost & District Historical Society
account, 30th June 1891
The first Presbyterian Church service was conducted at the Orbost Station Homestead in 1885, during a visit by Sir William Clarke, who was accompanied by two ministers. The organist was resident Grace Jennings Carmichael. Services were later held in Mr J. W. Borland’s shop and the Mechanics Hall. In 1887 the land on which the church now stands was purchased from Mr James Hossack snr, for £50 ($100). The trustees were Mr John, Peter and Hugh Cameron, Mr John A Watt and Mr James Hossack Jnr. Timber from Richardson’s Tabbara Mill was used by builder Mr R. P Cameron and at a cost of £ 311.3.7 ($622) the church was opened January 9th 1898. This item is from the estate of Elsie Cooke. Elsie Cooke was a librarian in Orbost for many years. She was the daughter of John Cooke early Brodribb settler. Elsie Cooke lived all her life in Gippsland,. She was born at Brodribb in 1895 and died in 1970, Elsie Cooke lived at Bruthen for a short time and, in 1937, moved to live with her aunt, Miss Jean Munro. Miss Cooke was Librarian at the Mechanics Institute for many years. Kindness and consideration for other were Miss Cooke’s attributes and she endeared herself to all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Presbyterian Church and a stalwart of the Ladies’ Guild, an energetic worker for the Municipal Auxiliary and a member of the Red Cross. (ref. Mary Gilbert This item is associated with the Presbyterian Church in Orbost. It is an example of early book-keeping and is also associated with Elsie Cooke.Two white paper accounts. They are typed in black and are statements of receipts and expenditure for the Presbyterian Church in Orbost. On one sheet is an alhabetical list of subscribers for the year ending June 30, 1891. On the other is a general account of receipts and expenditure.presbyterian-church-orbost account-book-keeping -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Programme, Ringwood East Giant Community Fair in 1961
Giant Community Fair organised by the Ringwood East Chamber of Commerce to be held in the Drill Hall Grounds Dublin Road Ringwood East on Saturday December 2nd 1961. All proceeds to aid Local Charities which include: Ringwood East Red Cross Company, Ringwood East Pre-school, Warrawong Holiday Kindergarten, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Maroondah Pre-School Centre, Eastwood Mothers Club, Ringwood East Mothers Club, St. Francis School Mothers Club, Ringwood East Tennis Club, Legacy, Yarra Valley, Police & Citizens Youth Club, Ladies Guilds of District Churches. Events include Dog Competition, Marching Girls, Boxing and Judo Display, Police Exhibition, Cake Stalls and a visit from Father Christmas. Advertising including Spences Foodland, Harry Wiltshire's East Ringwood Hardware, Whytes, Buchanan's Newsagency, Ian E Russell, Barry Hall Chemist, Orleans' Florist - Pet Shop, Sunrise Secretarial Service, Eastwood Cycle & Sports Store, Jenny & John Gift Shop, J.W.F. Sloan Butcher, Bill Patterson Motors, Shir-Vonne Beauty Salon, Eastwood Cake Shop, H.E. & M.D. Burridge, Kellettskornor and Joan's Handy Bar.