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matching horse shows
Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch - RSL Victoria Listing id: 27511
Photograph - Photo, Moving Up The Lines
A Black & White photo mounted on dark card in a light wood frame. Image shows WW1 soldiers walking along a muddy track wearing full kit. Packhorses can be seen in the background, and landscape is littered with debris of war. 2nd Div. HQ Troop Moving Up The Line Somewhere in Belguim inscribed in white ink on mat boardbelgium, cart, second division headquarter troops, horses, ww1, australian soldiers -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Heritage Troop Yarrawonga
A mounted Heritage Troop was formed during the 1980s and 90s and performed a number of royal and vice-regal escorts as well as performing at local agricultural shows. The Troop consisted of serving members of A Squadron 8/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles; Heritage Troop and was extra-curricular to normal duty.Fine example of extracurricular activity undertaken by soldiers of a citizen soldier regiment of Victoria.Framed coloured photograph of a section from 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Heritage Troop at Yarrawonga Show. Section includes one Womens Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) member.8/13 victorian mounted rifles, heritage troop, yarrawonga -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Tent-pegging
Trooper C. Ellison, a member of the 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles Heritage Troop participating in a display of tent-pegging at a local show. The Heritage Troop of 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles was a very public face of the regiment during the 1980s and early 1990s. It conducted one royal escort, several vice-regal escorts and numerous VIP escorts in the border, north-east and wider Victorian locations. The royal duty was at the opening of Hopkins Barracks, Puckapunyal by HRH Prince Charles accompanied by HRH Princess Diana, 31 October 1985. The troop was an extra curriculum activity of serving members of 8/13 VMR. Framed black and white photograph of light horseman engaged in tent-pegging. military, light horse, tent-pegging, cavalry, ellison -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Certificate - 20th LH certificate
... Horse at Royal Agricultural Show. light horse prize Royal Show ...20th Light Horse competed at the RAS in the period prior to WW11. The 20th Light Horse (Victorian Mounted Rifles) was raised in 1920 as part of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Division, Citizen Military Forces, with Headquarters at Seymour and depots along the Goulburn Valley from Mansfield to Tocumwal in southern NSW. In December 1941, 20th Light Horse (Victorian Mounted Rifles) converted from horse to mechanised, initially as 20th Motor Regiment. In 1943 the Regiment was deployed to Merauke, Dutch New Guinea. Upon its return in April 1945, the Regiment was redesignated 20th Pioneer Battalion. It was disbanded following the end of the war. 20th Light Horse was the only light horse regiment to serve overseas in WWII.Rare examples of prizes awarded to Light Horse at Royal Agricultural Show.Colour certificate from the Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria awarding Third Prize to 20th Light Horse Regiment entry in Rescue Race, 1938light horse, prize, royal show, melbourne, 20th -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Marching past
The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948 with Headquarters in Melbourne and squadrons in Sale, Benalla/Wangaratta and Albury. In 1955 Regimental Headquarters moved to Wangaratta and a second squadron was located at Albury. The Sale squadron transferred to 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse. In 1977 8/13 VMR Regiment was reduced to an independent squadron A Squadron 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles and in 1991 was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse forming the VMR Squadron of that regiment.Shows soldiers on parade at annual camp.Colour photograph of soldiers marching past an officer on saluting dais." Hand-over parade Puckapunyal 1982. September Courses Camp March Past for out-going OC Major G f Cole ( D & S Course)military, uniform, parade, vmr, camp, citizen soldiers -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
It required considerable practice to camouflage and conceal a vehicle of the M 113 size and shape.Colour photograph of Sergeant R. Ellison, 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles standing on M 113 Light Reconnaince Vehicle ( LRV ) positioning a support pole to hold camouflage netting. second photo shows a completed effort. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
The Dibb Report into mainland defence of Australia,1986, among other things identified the requirement for protection of key assets in Northern Australia and the possibility of involving Army Reserve (Ares) units in this thus releasing regular forces for offensive operations. Dibb also pointed out that this defined role would result in a huge lift in Ares morale. In June 1988, the 3rd Division (3Div) conducted a Tactical Exercise without Troops (TEWT), Exercise ‘Distant Trumpet’ in the Katherine- Darwin area to study problems associated with defence against low level incursions against Tindal RAAF Base. Exercise ‘Northern Explorer’ followed in October of that year when units of the 3Div including A Squadron 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles sent patrol groups to get a first taste of environment and conditions. Post-Exercise reports had to include recommendations re: health, equipment and adaptation of Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) in preparation for the new role deploying to Northern Australia. The first deployment by 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles was in 1988. Deployments continued in following years. In September 1993, 3 Troop (Wangaratta) VMR Squadron 4/19 PWLH commanded by Captain Kelvin Robertson deployed to NT. The training began with airfield defence at Tindal followed by a 1000km recon into Arnhem Land in four Landrovers. The troop reported on the conditions of the roads, airfields, bridges (mainly causeways) resources such as fuel supplies in the towns and infrastructure. Each troop taking different route. 3 Troop had the Northern route through Kakadu National park across the East Alligator River to Oenpelli then to Maningrida and Ramangining and south to the Central Arnhem Road and back to Tindal Air force Base. Two colour photographs of vehicle mishap during VMR Squadron 4/19Prince of Wales's Light Horse annual exercise in Northern Territory 1994.Second photo shows driver receiving medical attention. -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Chauvel and Price
This photograph was probably taken at the opening of the Federal Parliament in Melbourne.Not an original photograph but of interest because it shows together two 'towering' figures in Australian Light Horse history.Black and white photograph of two officers seated being Lieutenant Colonel Harry Chauvel (left) and Colonel Tom Price, May 1901. Chauvel is in light Horse uniform and Price in Victorian Mounted Rifles uniform. Both are wearing mourning bands on their sleeve, possibly mourning the recent death of Queen Victoria (22 January 1901). The photograph is laminated and is possibly an image cut from a publication. chauvel, price, light horse, vmr, melbourne, federation, uniform -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Breen brothers cutting hay at Ferny Creek
... Hill, Ferny Creek, 15-1-16.' and '85.' Photo shows a 3 horse... shows a 3 horse team harnessed to a wagon. A man sits on hay ...Black and White photograph showing 3 men who have been cutting hay. Handwritten in white on the lower edge of the photo is: 'Breen Bros cutting hay 3 ton to the acre with a Deering at Holly Hill, Ferny Creek, 15-1-16.' and '85.' Photo shows a 3 horse team harnessed to a wagon. A man sits on hay on the wagon. He is loosely holding a whip. Beside him are a man and a boy who stand between sheaves of hay. All three are wearing trousers, waistcoats and shirts with sleeves rolled up. The men are wearing hats and the boy is wearing a flat cap. Where they are standing there is hay stubble. Beyond the horse team the crop is still standing 3 trees are in the background. They appear to be dead. 'Breen Bros cutting hay 3 ton to the acre with a Deering at Holly Hill, Ferny Creek, 15-1-16.' and '85' are written in white on the original photo. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - George Beazley, father of Jean Hermon, working at Grandview Farm, Emerald, with Bacon the dog
B&W photo of George Beazley, father of Jean Hermon,working the ground at Grandview Farm, Emerald. Photo shows George, wearing a shirt, trousers and pale, widebrimmed hat, behind two draughthorses. The horses appear to be pulling a scarifier. A medium sized dog, called Bacon, stands beside George. Dated c.1940. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Cissie Johns in jinker, c.1913
B&W photo shows Cissie Johns and another person who may be her brother Percy, sitting in a jinker. A dark horse with a white blaze is harnessed to the jinker. Cissie is seated nearest the camera. She is wearing a pale wide-brimmed hat and pale clothing. Her long fair hair is loose around her shoulders. The other person is holding the reins and is wearing a dark hat and pale shirt. This photo may have been taken at the same time as M0104. The subjects are facing south. The sun is shining. They are on a flat expanse of grass. Beyond them are several cypress trees. These are most likely part of the cypress hedges lining the driveway to Glen Park Farm farmhouse. In the background is the eastern flank of Black Hill. A small shed can be seen beside the driveway, partly obscured by the jinker's wheel. Dated c.1913. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Bringing in potatoes at Glen Park Farm, Selby, c.1913
... B&W photo shows a two-horse team harnessed to a small sled... photo shows a two-horse team harnessed to a small sled which ...B&W photo shows a two-horse team harnessed to a small sled which is laden with bagged-up potatoes. A man wearing dark hat, waistcoat and trousers and a pale shirt is holding the reins of the horses, and two people who could be the Johns children, Percy and Cissie, are seated on the potatoes. The paddock slopes away and another hillside rises in the background. This is most likely Black Hill. dated c.1913. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - The Breen's draught horse, Violet
... The photo shows a large draught horse in profile, standing... The photo shows a large draught horse in profile, standing ...The photo shows a large draught horse in profile, standing in a paddock. Scattered trees stand in the distance beyond the paddock fences. This is the Breens' draught horse Violet, probably at Menzies Creek. -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Reaper and binder at Breen's farm
Photo shows a team of three horses pulling a reaper and binder through a field. A man can just be seen at the back of the machine. The photo has a label "Cutting the hay at Breen farm 30's". -
Australian Army Museum of Western Australia
Diorama, 2015
This diorama is the central feature in the World War 1 Gallery - Middle East Campaigns sequence and shows typical uniforms and accoutrements of the Australian Light Horse and Ottoman infantry.This diorama attempts to convey the conditions experienced and the country traversed during "The Great Ride"1:1 scale diorama showing mounted trooper of 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment in Palestine 1918 and dismounted Ottoman soldiergaza, beersheba, light horse -
Melbourne Legacy
Album - Photo album, A record of comradeship activities, 1970s-1980s
This album of Comradeship activities was compiled by Legatee Fred Holdsworth. It contains photographs, newspaper cuttings and ephemera relating to various “Comradeship” activities (social gatherings) held throughout the 1970s and early 1980s. Items included various events legatees participated in. First few pages had photos from a gathering at Cruden Farm on 15 May 1977. Cruden Farm was owned by Elisabeth Murdoch, the mother-in-law of Legatee Geoff Handbury. It appears there was a kite flying contest. Names are not listed. Three photos were from Queensland where Legatee Wal Escott had retired at Mundoona apartments, Noosa Heads, one photo shows him with Lorna Grimwade on 6/10/1979. There is a black and white photo of Max Armstrong, Rex Hall, Harry Burton, Warren Hardy riding horses in the Anzac Day march. The year is not known but an accompanying newspaper article mentions that they had been riding every year for 13 years on horses loaned by the police mounted branch. The newspaper clipping shows another photo of the four. A photo of seven legatees including David Carter were at the Numurkah Annual meeting in 1978. There are 8 photos of a gathering of Legatees and their wives at Stanhope in 1979. A photo of a Christmas party at Chaucers in 1979 was missing from the page, it has shown Choirmaster Reg Thomson and Choristers; Rob Allison, Bruce Hall, Les Patch, Bill Seager, David Syme and Ron Austin; with the M.C. being Fred Holdsworth. There was a trip to a trout farm in Alexandra Yea area in February 1978. At a comradeship evening there a photos showed the Comradeship committee of Harold Berg, John Cooper and Fred Holdsworth. Also photos from Anzac Night in 1980 and 1981. Plus other gathering at people's homes. A black and white photo of men in formal black tie, is from a night at the Windsor Hotel to farewell Sit Thomas White to become Australia's High Commissioner in London. Left to right are Sir Archie Michaelis, Sir John Latham, Sir Thomas White, Lt Col Donovan Joynt and Sir Stanley Savige. At the 1981 comradeship Christmas party, the held a 'this is your life' tribute to President Ken Green.The Comradeship photo album was put together by the Comradeship committee and records events that Legatees did and places they lived or visited. Some appear to be trips to visit other Legatees living overseas and social occasions held in different places. It shows the bond that Legatees have with each other.Brown vinyl photo album. The front cover is embellished with a double gold border. The album contains thirty pages bearing both colour and black and white photographs as well as newspaper clippings from various “Comradeship” events during the 1970s and 1980s.Inside cover - “A record of Comradeship activities / Fred Holdsworth” ? First page - “AT CRUDEN PARK / 15 May 1977” Third page - “CHAMP THE KITE MAN” Fourth page - “THE SHRINE 1977” / “THE CHAMP” / “REX” Fifth page - “Lorna Grimwade/ + Wal Escott/ at Noosa Heads, Q. / 6/10/79” Sixth page - “Max Armstrong, Rex Hall, Harry Burton, Warren Hardy” Seventh page - “Numurkah Annual 1978” / “ANZAC Night 1973” Eighth page - “STANHOPE 1979” Ninth page - “THE CHRISTMAS CHORISTERS at CHAUCERS CANTERBURY 1979.” / “FEARLESS FREDS FAMOUS FOLLIES. CHOIRMASTER. Reg Thomson. CHORISTERS. Rob Allison. Bruce Hall. Les Patch. Bill Seager. David Syme. Ron Austin. / M.C. Fred Holdsworth.” Tenth page - “ALEXANDRA YEA / ~ / FEBRUARY 1978” Eleventh page - “COMRADESHIP HIERARCHY 1979 / HAROLD BERG / DEP CHAIRMAN / JOHN COOPER / CHAIRMAN / FRED HOLDSWORTH / TREASURER” Twelfth page - “ANZAC NIGHT / ~ / 1980” Eighteenth page - “ANZAC NIGHT - 1981” Nineteenth page - “ANZAC NIGHT -1981” Twenty Second - “THIS IS YOUR LIFE / 1981 comradeship/ christmas party” comradeship, events, legatee event -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, Rose Stereograph Co, c1895?
Yields information about the appearance of the intersection of Grenville and Bridge St following the introduction of the horse trams and the terminal arrangements.Digital image from the State Library of Victoria website image No. H92.291/24, a Rose series stereo photograph showing a horse tram just after off loading at the Grenville St terminus. Shows the view along Bridge St with the Nicholl and Allan store, Bucks Head hotel, Reed Chemist and C. Morris Hatter sign. C1895? Has a number of people in the view. The horses are being "run around the tram". Tram has the destination of "Convent", could be No. 6 or 5. See image btm7019i2.pdf for the SLV link - correct as of 31-12-17. See image i3 for a more detailed photograph.trams, tramways, bridge st, grenville st, sturt st, horse trams, stereo photograph, tram 5 of 6? -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, Charles Rudd, c1890?
Yields information about the appearance of Sturt St following the introduction of the horse trams.Digital image from the State Library of Victoria website image No. H39558/12, a Charles Rudd photograph showing a view from the Nicholl and Alan building looking west along Sturt St. Shows the buildings along either side of Sturt St and a horse tram descending the hill. Very little other traffic in the photograph. Has signs for "C. Huck - The Queen's studio photo" and "Morrey and Murray", the Cash Drapers on the Ballarat Mechanics Institute building. Note the caption of the photograph is incorrect. See image btm7019i2.pdf for the SLV link - correct as of 31-12-17. See image i2 for a more detailed photograph.trams, tramways, grenville st, sturt st, horse trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, Charles Rudd, c1890?
Yields information about the appearance of the intersection of Grenville and Bridge St following the introduction of the horse trams and the terminal arrangements.Digital image from the State Library of Victoria website image No. H39358/11, showing a horse tram departing the Grenville St terminus. Shows the view along Bridge St with the Nicholl and Allan store, Bucks Head hotel, and C. Morris Hatter sign. C1890? Tram has the destination of "Convent", with a number of people on the upper deck. See image btm7019i2.pdf for the SLV link - correct as of 31-12-17. See image i3 for a more detailed photograph.trams, tramways, bridge st, grenville st, sturt st, horse trams -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, John Henry Harvey, c1900
Yields information about the appearance of the intersection of Grenville and Bridge St following the introduction of the horse trams and the terminal arrangements.Digital image from the State Library of Victoria website image No. H86.76/17, a series stereo photograph showing the horse tram track from the Bucks Head Hotel at Grenville and Sturt Streets. Shows the muddy nature of the intersection. Has the buildings on the north side of Sturt St in the view. Photograph by John Henry Harvey, c1900. trams, tramways, bridge st, grenville st, sturt st, horse trams, stereo photograph -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Ballarat Litho & Printing Co, Lydiard St North, 1905
Yields information about the corner of Mair and Lydiard St soon after the Ballarat Electric Tramway opened.Digital Image of and ESCo tram north bound in Lydiard St North, at the intersection with Mair St. Shows the Ballarat Litho and Printing Co Propy Ltd building on the corner. Note the centre poles and the pole in the middle of the intersection. Has a number of horse drawn vehicles. Photo taken soon after opening as the destination sign is on the dash panel. From the Facebook group of old time photographs of yesterday. Titled "Lydiard St Ballarat Victoria"trams, tramways, mair st, lydiard st north, esco, postcards -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Tram 20 -City Centre, c1910
Photograph of Ballarat Summer car No.20 and 3 other tramcars (2 with former double deck horse tram trailers) at City Centre, Nth side of Sturt St at Grenville St Nth. Photo shows the large passenger shelter/ESCO office, several pedestrians, and the commercial buildings of the Eastern end of Sturt St. Prominent in the background are the Mechanics Institute, and the Town Hall. See item 5134 for a digital image and a copy negative.Yields information about SEC tramway operations, and the buildings and layout of the East end of Sturt St.Black and white photograph on plain paperHas details of photograph and year on rear and number "T30". Also, "Ballarat Tramways", "Sturt Street in 1912", "Showing 3 old el types, 2 trailers and No.20 summer car(near band stand), "W.Jack Photo".ballarat, sturt st, tram 20, horse tram trailer -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, J Ewins, "Post Office, Ballarat", 1911
View of the intersection of Sturt St and Lydiard St Nth with the Ballarat Post Office being the primary feature. Has an ESCo tram turning from Sturt St into Lydiard St. Shows the trackwork at this location and has several horse-drawn vehicles in the photograph. Would appear that Lydiard St north has either been watered or is being repaired. On the rear is a message to friends of a lady keeping house on a farm (Coolaban) near Lubeck Vic. It is dated 29/10/1911.Demonstrates postcard printing c1910 and has a strong association with the sender.Postcard - coloured, divided back, published by J. Ewins of Ballarat and printed in England.See image 2 for the letter sent in 1911.tramways, trams, esco, post office, lydiard st nth, sturt st -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard, Valentine & Sons Publishing Co, "Lydiard Street showing George Hotel Ballarat", 1931
Valentine Series postcard of the early 1930s of No. 27 inbound in Lydiard St Nth. Valentine series No. 1492, with the caption "Lydiard Street showing George Hotel, Ballarat". See page 59 of The Golden City and its Tramways and for the photo itself. Photo shows the wooden centre poles, street lighting, tram 27 in ESCo colour scheme, and buildings on the west side of Lydiard St North, including the George Hotel, A.M. Palmer & Co Chemist, Wm Hiscock Dentist and other buildings. A horse-drawn cart and two motor cars parked at the kerb. See 3893 for a digital image and reproduction photograph.Yields information about Lydiard St Nth in the 1930's, the centre poles, traffic and the appearance of the trams.Postcard black and white, divided back. Card No. 1492Has on the rear in pencil "KT" and "to be copied" tramways, trams, tram 27, lydiard st nth, george hotel, centre poles -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Postcard - copy, "Sturt St, Ballarat", c2000
Yields information about the appearance of Sturt St following the introduction of electric trams in 1905 and has a strong association with the work of Sovereign Hill and Rose Stereograph Co.Postcard reproduction - sepia coloured - of an ESCo tram near the intersection of Doveton St. and Sturt St. travelling west along the south side of Sturt Street. Photo appears to be taken soon after opening of the electric trams, as the tramway is well paved compared to the rest of the street which shows vehicle tracks etc. Small horse drawn vehicle crossing in front of the photograph. Shows buildings along the north side of Sturt St. and the building at the SE corner of Doveton St. ESCo tram has destination board on the front dash of the tram. See Reg Item 834 for a black and white view. Card reproduced for Sovereign Hill Gold Mining Township by Rose Stereograph Co. of Glen Waverley c2000. Divided back type with caption, production and the Rose Co. symbol on the rear.trams, tramways, sturt st, ballarat, esco, rose postcards -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative, Wal Jack, late 1930's
Yields information about Ballarat 's tram operations and the Victoria St terminus.Negative and Digital image of the Wal Jack Ballarat Negative file of No. 20 at the Victoria St terminus. A crewman is about to step from the car. In the distance is a horse drawn cart delivering - possibly bread or milk. The tram has the destination of Gardens via St west. The trolley pole is yet to be turned. Shows the overhead arrangements. trams, tramways, victoria st, horse drawn vehicle, tram 20 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 17, Noel Simons, 20/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
Set of 17 transparencies taken on 20/11/1962 on Kodak mounts. 1187.1 - Bendigo No. 2 at the Quarry Hill terminus, showing destination of Quarry Hill. Has Cohns Drinks and Streets Ice Cream ads on dash panel, a SEC 'electric cooking' roof ad and another roof ad. Shows the Y terminus at this location, but tram standing just before it. Overhead in position. 1187.2 - as above, but closer up. 1187.3 - as above, but from the north side, showing cemetery in the background. 1187.4 - Bendigo No.3 at Eaglehawk terminus. Tram showing destination of Quarry Hill. Has the various buildings at Eaglehawk in the background including the Foodland store. Has Streets Ice cream and White Horse Whiskey ads on the dash panel. 1187.5 - Bendigo No. 18 at Garden Gully crossing loop, in bound, with destination of Eaglehawk. Passengers waiting for an Eaglehawk tram at the stop. Has a white horse whiskey ad on dash panel and SEC roof ads. Conductor standing in doorway looking out. 1187.6 - Bendigo No. 7 inbound in Nolan St. at cnr of McCrae St. showing destination of Golden Square. Has Streets Ice cream ad on dash panel and a Castrol Roof ad. 1187.7 - Bendigo No. 19 at the North Bendigo terminus with railway level crossing in background. Tram has a Cohns Drinks ad and an SEC 'Electric Cooking' roof ad. 1187.8 - Bendigo No. 2 at the Quarry Hill terminus, looking back into Bendigo, showing destination of Eaglehawk. 1187.9 - Bendigo No. 21 in McCrae St, near Nolan St outbound for North Bendigo. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1187.10 - Bendigo Nos. 4 and 26 at Charing Cross in View St. with fountain alongside and the Beehive, Ezywalkin Buildings in the background. No. 26 has a Sandhurst Milk and SEC 'Electric Cooking' roof ad. 1187.11 - close up of 22E maximum traction truck and folded footstep. 1187.12 - Bendigo No. 19 at Charing Cross terminus, after tram has passed photographer, showing destination of North Bendigo, with the Beehive building in the background and passengers boarding tram. 1187.13 - Bendigo No. 11, turning from View St. into Pall Mall, showing Special with the conductor holding point bar. Has the Beehive and Ezywalkin Buildings in the background. 1187.14 - No. 7 at Charing Cross terminus, in Pall Mall, bound for Golden Square. Has the Beehive and Ezywalkin buildings in the background and passengers waiting at the tram stop. 1187.15 - No. 18 at the Charing Cross terminus, bound for Eaglehawk. Has the Beehive and Ezywalkin buildings in the background and passengers waiting at the tram stop. Also has the 'Safety Zone' sign in the photograph. 1187.16 - No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus, night or dusk photo. Tram showing destination of Depot. 1187.17 - No. 26 at Charing Cross, night photo. Tram has destination of Quarry Hill, but is on the line for Eaglehawk. Photo looks along Mitchell St. Also shows Safety Zone sign. Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1187.1 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus Bendigo" 1187.2 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus Bendigo" 1187.3 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus Bendigo" 1187.4 - "No. 3 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1187.5 - "No. 18 in Mt Korong Road, Long Gully at cnr of Havilah Road (Eaglehawk Route)" 1187.6 - "No. 7 in Nolan St. Bendigo, at Cnr of McCrae St., near lake Weeroona, (North Bendigo Route)' 1187.7 - "No. 19 at North Bendigo terminus" 1187.8 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus" 1187.9 - "No. 21 in McCrae St. Bendigo, near Nolan St. (North Bendigo Route) 1187.10 - "4 and 26 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross Bendigo" 1187.11 - "Truck of Bogie Car, Bendigo Tramways" 1187.12 - "No. 19 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1187.13 - "Birney car No. 11 entering Pall Mall from View St. at Charing Cross Bendigo" 1187.14 - "No. 7 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1187.15 - "No. 18 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1187.16 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus, Bendigo" 1187.17 - "No. 26 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" tramways, trams, bendigo, quarry hill, eaglehawk, north bendigo, maximum traction, night photo, tram 2, tram 3, tram 4, tram 7, tram 11, tram 18, tram 19, tram 21, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, 1906
Black and white photograph of Sturt St. looking west from Town Hall 1906. Shows a ESCo tram hauling an ex-horse trailer (spelt "trailer"). Has some other horse drawn vehicles in photo and a number of pedestrians. Shows the newly formed tramway road surface, poles etc. Has "Snows" store sign on left hand side of photograph and buildings along the north side of the Sturt St. Other buildings shown are William Day & Son, Walter Connell, Anderson & Morse coach builders. See also Reg Item No. 1671 for the same item, but with out the typed note stuck on the top edge.trams, tramways, esco, sturt st., ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Colour Photograph/s, 21/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
Colour print of Bendigo SECV Bendigo tram 17 at Eaglehawk Terminus. On Kodacolor paper with a Kodak red ink stamp on rear. Tram has dash canopy lights, but no large white strip under the drivers windows. Photo not dated but appears to be at about the same time as 977, 21.11.1962. Has Eaglehawk Town Hall and Post office in background and war memorial. Tram showing destination of "Quarry Hill". Photo shows how tram line extended past the town hall with the white posts visible. Tram has White Horse Whiskey ad on front dash panel and two SEC "Electric Cooking" ads.On rear top left hand corner "17".eaglehawk, bendigo, town hall, post office, tram 17 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, early 1960's
Black and White print of an aerial view of Bendigo SECV Bendigo tram 18 at Charing Cross terminus for the Eaglehawk route with another bogie tram and two single truck trams in the background. Trams have dash canopy lights, but no large white strip under the drivers windows. Photo not dated but appears to be at during early 1960's. Tram 18 has White Horse Whiskey ad on front dash panel, SEC Roof ads. Numbers of other trams cannot be determined. All trams have roof ads, including SEC ads and a CASTROL ad. Good view of the fountain and buildings on the north east corner. Has Ezywalkin store, City Club Hotel and other buildings. Shows traffic arrangements for cars to do a right turn from Pall Mall into Mitchell St. On a building in Mitchell St. is an advertisement for "ASTOR Radio"trams, tramways, charing cross, bendigo, mitchell st, aerial views, tram 18