Physical description

B&W photo shows Cissie Johns and another person who may be her brother Percy, sitting in a jinker. A dark horse with a white blaze is harnessed to the jinker. Cissie is seated nearest the camera. She is wearing a pale wide-brimmed hat and pale clothing. Her long fair hair is loose around her shoulders. The other person is holding the reins and is wearing a dark hat and pale shirt. This photo may have been taken at the same time as M0104. The subjects are facing south. The sun is shining. They are on a flat expanse of grass. Beyond them are several cypress trees. These are most likely part of the cypress hedges lining the driveway to Glen Park Farm farmhouse. In the background is the eastern flank of Black Hill. A small shed can be seen beside the driveway, partly obscured by the jinker's wheel. Dated c.1913.