Physical description

B&W photo shows Cissy Johns and friend on a motorbike at Glen Park Farm, Selby. The photo shows two women in their 20s or 30s, sitting on a motorbike with the registration number 12169. The woman on the right who is most likely Cissie, is sitting astride the bike, holding the handlebars. She is possibly wearing a peaked cap. She has a long knitted jacket over a pale blouse, and a medium coloured skirt which is rucked up by the bike's petrol tank, showing her right leg from the knee down. She has dark stockings and what appear to be medium-heeled, laced shoes with a high shine. The woman on the left is sitting sideways on the pillion seat, with her arms loosely around the first woman's waist. She is wearing a cloche-style hat, a dark knitted v-necked cardigan or jumper, a light-coloured, mid-calf-length skirt, dark stockings and dark shoes with large buckles. Her legs are crossed at the ankles. Both women are smiling at the camera. The windscreen of a sidecar is visible. They are in a cleared paddock with a wire fence and trees in the background. n.d.