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Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Adze, Mid-20th century
An adze is an ancient and versatile cutting tool and has been in use for thousands of years. Adze are similar to an axe but with the cutting edge perpendicular to the handle rather than parallel. They have been used since the Stone Age. Adzes are hand tools used for smoothing or carving wood.The adze has been used for centuries for cutting and shaping wood. It is a maritime tool, as well as being used in other trades. This adze is an example of that tool.Tool; long wooden curved handle with a heavy shaped head, similar to an axe. Inscriptions are on the blade. Made in England.Stamped; "38" & "2" " Made in England"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, axe, adze, ship's adze, tool, hand tool, wood working tool, cutting tool -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Plant Stand, Late 19th Century (1898)
During the years 1869-1935 there were well over 250 registered bamboo furniture producers in Britain. The earliest recorded firm was Hubert Bill of 14 Little Camden St, London N.W., who claimed to have been established in (1869) while Daniel Jacobs & Sons of Hackney Road, London, were still in business in 1915, after 45 years of production. Design, quality, price and methods of construction were fairly consistent throughout the whole period, but it was the imaginative and often eccentric choice of subject matter that marked differentiation between the various firms. While most produced standard tables, stands and fire-screens, the more adventurous offered for sale items such as corner shelve units, charcoal barbecue grills and musical tea tables. Shelves were often covered with embossed leather paper designs, at first imported from Japan and then later produced in England. Some firms incorporated the knobbly roots of the bamboo stems into their designs, generally to form feet. Occasionally handles to drawers and cupboards were made with these roots although they were more commonly carved as imitations. Handles were mostly of cheap metal or brass. The ends of the bamboo canes were capped with stamped metal or turned bone, ivory or wooden discs. Methods of construction fell into three categories. First and most common is that of pegging. Bamboo stems being hollow, thick dowels can easily be glued into the joints. Some firms farmed out this work of `plugging' the ends of the canes to part-time workers at home. The second method, that of pinning, was far less satisfactory as bamboo tends to split lengthwise and therefore the jointed pieces eventually disintegrated. The most efficient method was that patented in 1888 (patent No 2383) by the firm of W. F. Needham in Birmingham. It consisted of metal shoes and covers for all joints which were made by wrapping a metal strip around the stems and soldering the overlapping ends. Some joints were further strengthened by a small pin or screw. Needham was by far the largest and most successful manufacturer and their individual and superior method of construction undoubtedly gained them their reputation. A. Englander & Searle of 34 Gt Eastern St and 31 Mare St, Hackney, London, were a firm particularly concerned with methods of construction. Although they seem to have entered the bamboo furniture market at a comparatively late date, about 1898, they produced inexpensive' bamboo, aimed particularly at the export trade. Stating in their catalogue that bamboo furniture “can be exported in one piece or it can be exported in pieces and put together again. The fixing up is much facilitated by a system of marking and numbering. Further, no glue is required for putting together as the screw system only is applied”. This method of construction best fits the Etagere and this item in the flagstaff collection and it is believed to have been made by A Englander & Searle, exported in a knock down form to Australia, purchased in kit form from a dealer here and put together by the purchaser. The bamboo plant stand is a significant item as it highlight furniture fashion of the late Victorian era. This item was highly sort after in its time and although mass produced, not many examples remain because the item is so fragile so this example is a valuable addition to the Flagstaff collection. It is believed,the construction method used is by a notable and respected maker in England of bamboo furniture that was aimed specifically at the export market and probably came to Australia in kit form to be assembled by the purchaser.Bamboo plant stand with octagonal top edged with tortoise shell bamboo the top is of wood and supported by four tortoise shell bamboo legs joined at the base by a square cane covered shelf. The tortoise shell appearance is brown lacquer. Item is part of the Giles Collection. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, furniture, plant stand, bamboo furniture, etagere, victorian furniture, simulated bamboo, tortise shell, a englander & searle, domestic furniture, giles collection, henry giles, cooramook, mailor’s flat, wangoom, 19th century household goods -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Certificate of Competency, Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade, 1883-1894
Fifteen year old Albert Edward Gill was born in Poplar, Middlesex, in 1868. He volunteered in May 1883 as an Apprentice Ordinary Seaman with the Merchant Services under the London shipping company James P. Corry & Co., owner of the Star Line. The shipping company by this time had a fleet of both clipper and steam cargo ships that sailed as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Gill’s apprenticeship was a four year unpaid term, with only his food, drink, lodgings, washing and medical needs provided for him. The contract had many conditions but it was a wonderful opportunity for a young man. His father James Gill signed the papers as his guarantor. In December 1887 Gill completed his apprenticeship and qualified as an Able Seaman. He served for another seven years with James P. Corry & Co. and earned his Certificate of Competency as a Master in the Merchant Service in April 1894, having passed the Ordinary Examination. (The transcription of Gill's two certificates is provided further down this page.) JAMES P. CORRY & CO. - The Belfast Company was formed in 1826 by Robert Corry, and imported timber from Canada to Ireland. In 1859 the company expanded to import timber from Calcutta, and relocated its offices to London. In the 1880s the company had a fleet of 13 tall clipper ships and included ports in Australia and New Zealand in its destinations. It continued to expand trade even further and by 1908 the Star Line had seven cargo steamers trading with the East and Far East (the ships were named Star of Australia, Star of Japan, Star of England, Star of New Zealand, Star of Ireland, Star of Scotland and Star of Victoria). In 1912 the Star Line ships added an emigrant service to Australia. TRANSCRIPTION OF CERTIFICATES - = = = = = = = = = = = = “Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture” Transcribed:- (Printed form with printed logo of the Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade. Sanctioned by the Board of Trade, May 1855. ) Registered at the Port of London, Sixteenth of May, 1883, and signed for the Registrar General. Stamped in blue ink “REGISTERED IN LONDON, MAY 16 1883” “RECORD OF THE REGISTER GENERAL OF SEAMEN” “This Indenture, made the SIXTEENTH day of MAY 1883 between ALBERT EDWARD GILL aged FIFTEEN years, a native of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX of the first part JAMES P. CORRY & CO. OF 9 & 11 FENCHURCH AVENUE in the CITY of LONDON of the second part, and JAMES GILL, of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX, of the third part, WITNESSETH, That the said ALBERT EDWARD GILL hereby voluntarily binds himself Apprentice unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executers, Administrators and Assigns, for the term of FOUR years from the date hereof; And the said Apprentice hereby covenants that, during such time, the said Apprentice will faithfully serve his said Master, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, and obey his and their lawful commands, and keep his and their secrets, and will, when required, give to him and them true accounts of his or their goods and money which may be committed to the charge, or come into the hands, of the said Apprentice; and will, in case the said Apprentice enters Her Majesty’s Service during the said term, duly account for and pay, or cause to be paid, to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, all such Wages, Prize Money and other Monies as may become payable to the said Apprentice for such service; and that the said Apprentice will not, during the said term, do any damage to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor will he consent to such damage being done by others, but will, if possible, prevent the same, and give warning thereof; and will not embezzle or waste the Goods of his Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor give or lend the same to others without his or their licence; nor absent himself from his or their service without leave; nor frequent Taverns or Alehouses, unless upon his or their business, nor play at Unlawful Games : IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, the said Master hereby covenants with the said Apprentice, that during the said term he the said Master, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, will and shall use all proper means to teach the said Apprentice or cause him to be taught the business of a Seaman, and provide the said Apprentice with sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodgings, Washing, Medicine, and Medical and Surgical Assistance, NO WAGES, the said Apprentice providing for himself all sea-bedding, wearing apparel, and necessaries (except such as are herein-before specially agreed to be provided by the said Master): AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, that if, at any time during the said term, the said Master, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, provide any necessary apparel, or sea-bedding for the said Apprentice, he and they may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him or them from the sums so agreed to be paid to the said Apprentice as aforesaid: And for the performance of the Agreements herein contained, each of them, the said A.E.GILL and JAMES P CORRY & Co., doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executors and Administrators, unto the other of them, his Executors and Administrators, in the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said Apprentice herein contained, the said JAMES GILL as surety, doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & Co., his Executors and Administrators, the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; Provided, that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any Justice or Justices of the Pease may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said Apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been therein contained. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of - - Weston, 9 & 11 Fenchurch Avenue Signed, James P. Corry (Master) Signed, Albert Edward Gill (Apprentice) James Gill (Surety) NOTE – This Indenture must be executed in duplicate, both copies must be taken to the Registrar General of Seamen; or if in the Outports to the Shipping Master; one copy will then be retained and recorded, and the other returned to the Master with the necessary endorsement. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of the Indenture, Transcribed:- “This is to certify that the herein mentioned Alfred Edward Gill has served the full term of the Indenture in our employ during which time he has conducted himself satisfactorily. According to the Captain’s report he has been strictly sober during the last – years [? from his failure?] Signed: James P. Corry & Co., Owner, Star Line 9 Fenchurch Avenue St, 13 Dec. ‘87 = = = = = = = = = = = = Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- (Board of Trade logo and printed text of the certificate, with hand written details filled in) By the Lords of the Committee of Privy, Council for Trade Certificate of Competency as MASTER to Albert Edward Gill Whereas it has been reported to us that you have been found duly qualified to fulfil the duties of MASTER in the Merchant Service, we do hereby, in performance of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, grant you this Certificat6e of Competency. By Order of the Board of Trade, this 19th day of APRIL, 1894 Signed INGRAM B WALKER (one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Board of Trade) Countersigned -, Regulator General. Registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- No. of Certificate - 020886 Address of Owner - SUNNY LAWN, WALLWOOD ROAD, LEYTONSTONE Date and Place of Birth – 1868, POPLAR Signature – A E GILL. This Certificate is given upon an Ordinary Examination passed at LONDON on the 17th day of APRIL 1894 Every person who makes, or procures to be made, or assists in making any false Representation for the Purpose of obtain for himself or for any other Person a Certificate either of Competence or Service, or who forges, assists in forgery, or procures to be forged, or fraudulently alters, assists in fraudulently altering, or procures to be fraudulently altered, any such Certificate or any Official Copy of any such Certificate, or who frequently makes use of any such Certificate, or copy of any such Certificate, which is forged, altered, cancelled, suspended, or to which he is not justly entitled or who fraudulently lends his Certificate to, or allows the same to be used by any other person, shall for each offence be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanour, and my be summarily punished by imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding Six Months or by a penalty not exceeding 100 pounds, and any Master or Mate who fails to deliver up a Certificate which has been cancelled or suspended is liable to a penalty not exceeding 50 pounds. N.B. – Any person other than the Owner thereof becoming possessed of the Certificate is required to transmit it forthwith to the Register General of Shipping and Seamen, Custom House, London, E.C. Issued at the Port of LONDON on the 20th day of APRIL 1894. Signed J I-, - Supt. = = = = = = = = = = = = These certificates are significant as a record of the process required to qualify as a ship’s Master, which was required by the vast number of merchant ships that crossed the world to Australia with cargo and passengers, all contributing to the early settlement and development of Australia as a Colony and a Nation. The certificates are also significant for their association with James P. Corry & Col. owner of the Star Line shipping company that provided trade and passengers to Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Set of two documents from the Board of Trade, printed on cloth and wax paper, each relating to achieving the standard of Master Seaman, and belonging to Albert Edward Gill. They are dated 1883 to 1894. The forms have been stamped, signed, dated, details completed and sealed with three red wax seals. The certificate number has been stamped onto the document is such as was as to deter forgery. The forms relate to Albert Edward Gill and James P. Corry & Co, Star Line Merchant Services and show his registered number as a Master Seaman. 245.1 – Front: Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture, printed certificate, with spaces completed and signed by hand, and sealed with three red wax seals. Signed and dated 16 May 1883 Reverse: Handwritten statement, signed and dated 13 Dec 1887. 245.2 – Front: Certificate of Competency, Master in the Merchant Service, printed and completed by hand, registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen, dated 19 April 1894. Reverse: Certificate, Ordinary Examination Passed, printed and completed by hand, dated 17 April 1894Signatures and other handwritten details. Stamped with security lines, Registration Number "020886"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, albert edward gill, certificate of compentency, apprentice's indenture, education, employment, 1880's, ordinery examination, able seaman, master seaman, james p. corry & co., star line, timber merchant, emigrant ships -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Literary work - Book, Macmillan & Co, The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1892
This book of poetry was a Prize Awarded for Botany and Physiology an unidentifiable recipient who was Dux of Form V, it was presented by James Scott B.A., Warrnambool College. Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson FRS (6 August 1809 – 6 October 1892) was a British poet. He was the Poet Laureate during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular British poets. In 1829, Tennyson was awarded the Chancellor's Gold Medal at Cambridge for one of his first pieces, "Timbuktu". He published his first solo collection of poems, Poems Chiefly Lyrical in 1830. "Claribel" and "Mariana", which remain some of Tennyson's most celebrated poems, were included in this volume. Although decried by some critics as overly sentimental, his verse soon proved popular and brought Tennyson to the attention of well-known writers of the day, including Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Tennyson's early poetry, with its medievalism and powerful visual imagery, was a major influence on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.This book was awarded to a student of Warrnambool College as an end of year prize is an example of how it was the custom to award prizes as scholastic encouragement to students for exemplary work during the school year in the late 19th to early 20th centuries.Book “The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson” poet laureate. Spine of book says “Tennyson’s Works”. Published 1892 in London and New York, by Macmillan and Co. Cover is read with gold border. Prize label book presented by James Scott BA "Form V/Dux/Botany Physiology to Master … / James Scott B.A. / Dec 18th 1893"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, alfred lord tennyson, poetical works, james scott b.a., warrnambool college form v prize 1893 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Literary work - Book, G. Sidney, Book of sermons by The Right Reverend Beilby Porteus Vol 2. Additional notes on authors life by Rev. Robert Hodgson, A.M.F.R.S, 1811 Published
Rev Robert Hodgson: His father was Robert Hodgson Snr, of Congleton, and Mildred (née Porteus) in early 1773. He was baptised on 22 September 1773 at St Peter's Church, Congleton. Hodgson was a close relative (by marriage on his father's side and by blood on his mother's side) of Beilby Porteus, Bishop of London of whom Hodgson wrote a biography of Porteus. On his mother's side, he was a descendant of Augustine Warner Jnr., who presided as the Speaker of the Virginia House of Burgesses during the time of Bacon's Rebellion (Warner served before the Rebellion in 1676, and after the Rebellion in 1677.) Hodgson was educated at Macclesfield School and Peterhouse, Cambridge, where he graduated with a BA as 14th Wrangler in 1795. He was appointed rector of St George's, Hanover Square for over forty years, from 1803 until his death in 1844. Bishop Beilby Porteus: Beilby Porteus 8 May 1731 – 13 May 1809), successively Bishop of Chester and London was a Church of England reformer and a leading abolitionist in England. He was the first Anglican in a position of authority to seriously challenge the Church's position on slavery. Porteus was born in York on 8 May 1731, the youngest of the 19 children of Elizabeth Jennings and Robert Porteus ( 1758/9), a planter. Although the family was of Scottish ancestry, his parents were Virginian planters who had returned to England in 1720 as a result of the economic difficulties in the province and for the sake of his father's health. Educated at York and Ripon Grammar School, he was a classics scholar at Christ's College, Cambridge, becoming a fellow in 1752. In 1759 he won the Seatonian Prize for his poem Death: A Poetical Essay, a work for which he is still remembered. He was ordained as a priest in 1757, and in 1762 was appointed as domestic chaplain to Thomas Secker, Archbishop of Canterbury, acting as his assistant at Lambeth Palace for six years. It was during these years that it is thought he became more aware of the conditions of the enslaved Africans in the American colonies and the British West Indies. He corresponded with clergy and missionaries, receiving reports on the appalling conditions facing the slaves from Rev James Ramsay in the West Indies and from Granville Sharp, the English lawyer who had supported the cases of freed slaves in England. In 1769 Beilby Porteus was appointed as chaplain to King George III. He was also Rector of Lambeth (a living shared between the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Crown) from 1767 to 1777, and later Master of St Cross, Winchester (1776–77). He was concerned about trends within the Church of England towards what he regarded as the watering-down of the truth of Scripture and stood for doctrinal purity. He was, however, happy to work with Methodists and dissenters and recognised their major contributions in evangelism and education. In 1776, Porteus was nominated as Bishop of Chester, taking up the appointment in 1777. He was Renowned as a scholar and a popular preacher, it was in 1783 that the young bishop was to first come to national attention by preaching his most famous and influential sermon. In 1787, Porteus was translated to the bishopric of London on the advice of Prime Minister William Pitt, a position he held until his death in 1809. As is customary, he was also appointed to the Privy Council, and Dean of the Chapel Royal. In 1788, he supported Sir William Dolben's Slave Trade Bill from the bench of bishops, and over the next quarter-century, he became the leading advocate within the Church of England for the abolition of slavery, lending support to such men as Wilberforce, Granville Sharp, Henry Thornton, and Zachary Macaulay to secure the eventual passage of the Slave Trade Act in 1807.Beilby Porteus was one of the most significant, albeit under-rated church figures of the 18th century. His sermons continued to be read by many, and his legacy as a foremost abolitionist was such that his name was almost as well known in the early 19th century as those of Wilberforce and Thomas Clarkson but 100 years later he had become one of the 'forgotten abolitionists', and today his role has largely been ignored and his name has been consigned to the footnotes of history. His primary claim to fame in the 21st century is for his poem on Death and, possibly unfairly, as the supposed prototype for the pompous Mr. Collins in Jane Austen's novel ”Pride and Prejudice”. But, ironically, Porteus' most lasting contribution was one for which he is little-known, the Sunday Observance Act of 1781 (a response to what he saw as the moral decay of England), which legislated how the public were allowed to spend their recreation time at weekends these laws continued for the following 200 years until the passing of the Sunday Trading Act of 1994.Book of sermons cover is brown with gold border and decoration Beilby Porteus (or Porteous; 8 May 1731 – 13 May 1809), successively Bishop of Chester and of London, was a Church of England reformer and a leading abolitionist in England. He was the first Anglican in a position of authority to seriously challenge the Church's position on slavery. The Works of The Right Reverend Beilby Porteus Vol 2” . Spine has “Porteus’ Works, Vol. II Sermons”. The works of the Right Reverend Beilby Porteus, D.D., late Bishop of London; with his life, by the Rev. Robert Hodgson, A.M.F.R.S. and one of the Chaplains in Ordinary to His Majesty. A New Edition in Six Volumes. Vol. II – Sermons. Published in 1811 for T. Cadell and W., Davies, in The Strand, London. Printed by G. Sidney, Northumberland-street. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, right reverend beilby porteous, sermons, london reverend -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Ceramic Bottle (Chinese Style), Minton Potteries, Late 19th century
The subject item is believed to be a "Chinese style stoneware liquor bottle used to store "Tiger Whiskey" (rice wine). These Chinese liquor jugs are made of glazed pottery known as brown stoneware and have been made throughout the centuries by many makers until well after American Prohibition. Later varieties from the mid 20th century are commonly found in the USA with the raised lettering "Federal Law Forbids Sale Or Re-use of this bottle" a sure sign of post-1934 manufacture. This example is interesting as it has a British Minton mark of two triangles on the base indicating a date of 1879 and was likely exported to Australia by Minton. These ceramic bottles virtually always have irregularities and flaws which indicate a product has been hastily manufactured, in any event, this is a fine example of a relatively common item that may have been copied by Minton and sold as a decorative domestic item for display or mass produced for storing liquor. Giles Family: The pair of ceramic bottles were given to Vera Giles by Jim Thompson and are just many 19th century items of furniture, linen and crockery donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by, Vera and Aurelin Giles. The items are associated with Warrnambool and the Giles Family history. Items donated by the family have come to be known as the “Giles Collection”. Many items in the Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage were donated by Vera and Aurelin Giles and mostly came from the home of Vera’s parents-in-law, Henry Giles and his wife Mary Jane (nee Freckleton) who married in 1880 and whose photos are on display in the parlour. Henry was born at Tower Hill in 1858, and was a labourer on the construction of the Warrnambool Breakwater before leaving in 1895 for around seven years to build bridges in NSW. Mary Jane was born in 1860 at Cooramook and she attended Mailor’s Flat State School and where she eventually was to become a student teacher. After which she became a governess at “Injemiara” where her grandfather, Francis Freckleton, had once owned land. Henry and Mary’s family consisted of six, some of the children were born at Mailor’s Flat and later some children at Wangoom. They lived with their parents at Wangoom and Purnim west, and this is where Henry died in 1933 and Mary Jane in 1940. A significant item of lead-glazed ceramic with the possibility it was made by the Minton potteries in England who were renowned for making quality pottery. The item style is in all probability a copy of a Chinese liquor bottle that was in common use throughout the British colonies and America up until the mid 20th Century. The Giles family collection has social significance at a local level, because it illustrates the level of material support the Warrnambool community gave to Flagstaff Hill when the Museum was established.Chinese liquor bottle one of a pair, lead glazed ceramic, dark brown and blue/black. Part of the Giles Collection.Mark of a double triangle, apex touching, on base, (Minton mark for 1879).flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, vase, pottery, ceramic ornament, domestic ware, late 19th - early 20th centuy ornament, giles collection, henry giles, tower hill, cooramook, warrnambool breakwater, mailor’s flat, wangoom, 19th century household goods -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Letter, 10/07/1854
Letter handwritten from Henry Thomas and Co. Liverpool, (the Black Star Line) to Mr Samuel Harkin, Ireland, in reply to an enquiry about the vessel "Iowa". Black ink on blue stationery.TRANSCRIPTION: "Henry Thomas and Co, Liverpool. "Black Star" line of Australian Packets. Liverpool, July 10, 1854. Mr. Samuel Harkin (?), Messes Baird and Hardy, London House, Ballymena, Ireland. Dear Sir, In answer to your favor of 7th inst., we beg to say that we have not yet received any official report from the "Iowa" but presume she is doing well - yhe first news we shall forward to your address. We remain, dear Sir, Yours Respectfully, Henry Thomas and Co."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, letter, iowa, henry thomas and co, black star line, ship enquiry, liverpool, australian packets -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Ceramic - Chamber Pot, 1912
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, J. & G. Meakin were important, large-scale producers of good quality, ironstone tableware (‘White Granite’ ware) that met a ready market in the United States, South America, Australia, and other traditional British markets. By the 1890s the company was one of the world’s largest earthenware manufacturers. Although export teaware and tableware was the factory’s staple commodity, Meakin also manufactured toilet ware, kitchen ware and a wide range of fancy earthenware. The company was amongst the first British pottery firms to experiment with modernist designs associated with the art deco period. The Moderne' range was introduced in 1929 consisting of an angular shape decorated design with geometric patterns and often highlighted with silver or gold. This range remained in production through the 1930s. Post 1945 the company introduced the streamlined Studio shape (1953) and Horizon shape (1955) both heavily influenced by the Russell Wright ‘American Modern’ tableware. In 1964 a new Studio shape was released with tall streamlined coffee pots used as the background for many contemporary patterns now associated with the 1950s and 1960s. Designs by Jessie Tate and Eve Midwinter, some originally found on Midwinter shapes, also appear on 1970s Studio ware. The Studio range was one of Meakin’s most successful and continued in production until the late-1970s. The enormous range of floral, geometric, and abstract designs make Studio Ware collectible in its own right. In the 1970s and 1980s as part of the Wedgwood Group Meakin produced contemporary products under the ‘Bull in a China Shop’ and ‘Creative Tableware’ names. ‘Sol’ (c.1912-1963), ‘Studio’ (1953 on) and ‘Royal Staffordshire’ (post 1968) were important J. & G. Meakin Ltd trade names. Meakin marks are numerous, but all include the J. & G. Meakin name. The significance of this item and pottery generally is that often earthenware is portrayed as being a landmark in the evolution of humanity. This is because these items are the few things from the past that have survived in a tangible form. Pottery is an important functional part of society and it has a critical role to play as it helps archaeologists to date other artefacts of the same time period. Also, the decorations on pottery have told much about the beliefs, lifestyles and lives of the people who bought them and used them. In other words it gives us today a snapshot of society from the past and how people used these items in their daily lives, their likes as well as societal and design trends. Earthenware white glazed ironstoneJ & G Meakin Hanley England stamped to base, with white flora designwarrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, pottery, earthenware, iron stone, alfred meakin, james meakin, george meakin, earthenware manufactures, chamber pot -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Glue Pot, T & C Clark, Late 19th Century
T. & C. Clark & Company Limited, based at Shakespeare Foundry, was founded in 1795 by Thomas and Charles Clark and grew to be one of the largest iron foundries in Wolverhampton. The firm was the pioneers of Enameled Cast ironware and the founder Charles Clerk went on to became mayor of Wolverhampton in 1860 after also serving as a Councillor, Alderman, and later Chief Magistrate. The company exhibited many products at the International Exhibition of 1862 at South Kensington, alongside the gardens of the Royal Horticultural Society. The company was also awarded the silver medal for its products at the International Paris Exhibition in 1878. The company's product range included thousands of items, both domestic and industrial. T & C Clark pioneered the use of enameled cast ironware, after taking out a patent in 1839 guaranteed to be free of lead or arsenic. In the late 1940s and 1950s the company produced acid-resisting enameled cast iron boiling pans; steam-jacketed pans; stills; square and rectangular tanks; open and closed mixing vessels; flanged pipes; bends and tees; laboratory equipment; small scale plant; evaporating bowls; beakers; sulphonates; and glass-lined mild steel tanks for beer, mineral water, and food. The company is listed as enameled chemical plant manufacturers in Kelly's 1962 Wolverhampton Directory, but within a few years, the company had ceased trading.An item that was made by a British foundry that was a pioneer and innervated many new processes in the manufacture of enamel ware, producing many items for every day use.Glue pot with inner pot, metal, corroded, both pots have handles."T & C CLARK & Co Ltd, ENGLAND, 55279 RD" and "FIRST QUALITY No. 4/0"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, t& c clarke, cast iron, foundry, sanitary ware, ironware -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Currency - Bank exchange note, Perkins, Bacon and Perch, 14-10--1847
This exchange note was issued by the Bank of Australasia to Mr N A Coleman for one hundred pounds paid n 14th October 1847 at the Sydney branch. The interest rate was three per cent. This exchange note displays the insignia of the Bank of Australasia, which was incorporated by Royal Charter of England in March 1834. The bank began in Australia on 14th December 1835, opening in Sydney. The Acting Superintendent of the bank at that time was David Charters McArthur. He was Superintendent from 1867-to 1876. The Melbourne branch opened on 28th August 1838 in a two-roomed brick cottage on the north side of Little Collins Street, where two huge mastiff dogs were used at night to guard the bank. The government also provided an armed military sentinel. Due to the bank's rapid growth, a new building for the Melbourne branch was opened in 1840 at 75 Collins Street West. By 1879 the bank had been upgraded to a magnificent two-storey building on the corners of Collins and Queens Streets, with the entry on Collins Street. In 1951 the Bank of Australasia amalgamated with the Union Bank to form the Australia and New Zealand Bank, now known as the ANZ. Then in 1970, the ANZ merged with both the ES&A and the London Bank of Australia to form the ANZ Banking Group Limited. The ANZ Banking Group Ltd kindly donated a variety of historic items from the Bank of Australasia. BANK of AUSTRALASIA, WARRNAMBOOL – In 1854 Warrnambool had two banks, the Union Bank and the Bank of Australasia. Later, completely different bank businesses opened; in 1867 the National Bank of Australasia, then in 1875 the Colonial Bank of Australasia. The original Warrnambool branch of the Bank of Australasia was established in July 1854, and operated from a leased cottage on Merri Street, close to Liebig Street. The bank next bought a stone building previously erected by drapers Cramond & Dickson on the corner of Timor and Gibson Streets. Samuel Hannaford was a teller and then Manager at the Warrnambool branch from 1855 to 1856 and the Warrnambool Council chose that bank for its dealings during 1856-57. In 1859 Roberts & Co. was awarded the contract to build the new Bank of Australasia branch for the sum of £3,000. The land was on a sand hill on the northeast corner of Timor and Kepler Streets and had been bought in 1855 from investor James Cust. The new building opened on May 21, 1860. The bank continued to operate there until 1951 when it merged with the Union Bank to form the ANZ Bank, which continued operating from its Liebig Street building. Warrnambool City Council purchased the former Bank of Australasia building in 1971 and renovated it, then on 3rd December 1973 it was officially opened as the Art Gallery by Cr. Harold Stephenson and Gallery Director John Welsh. The Gallery transferred to the purpose-built building in Liebig Street in 1986 and the old bank building is now the Gallery club. Staff at the Bank of Australasia in Warrnambool included the following men but others were also involved: Samuel Hannaford, Teller then Manager from 1855-1856; W H Palmer, Manager from January 1857 until November 1869 when the Teller Basil Spence was promoted to Manager; H B Chomley, Manager from April 1873 and still there in 1886; A Butt, Manager in 1895-1904; J R McCleary Accountant and Acting Manager for 12 months, until 1900; A Kirk, Manager 1904; J Moore, staff until his transfer to Bendigo in December 1908; J S Bath was Manager until 1915; C C Cox, Manager until April 1923; Richard C Stanley, Manager 1923 to April 1928. The bank exchange note has significance through its association with the Bank of Australasia. The early Australian bank was established in 1834 by Royal Charter and opened in Sydney, Australia, in Sydney in 1835. The bank had many Australian offices in November 1877, particularly on the east and south coasts. Victoria had 45 percent of all Offices. The object is locally significant for its association with the Warrnambool Bank of Australasia, which was established in 1854. It was Warrnambool Council’s first bank. The bank continued to operate until the organisation's merger in 1951 when it became the ANZ Bank Group today. The Bank was an integral part of the growth of local commerce and the community.Bank exchange note for the Bank of Australasia, Sydney, manufactured by Perkins, Bacon and Perch, printed in brown. Insignia depicts a heraldic shield with a lion and unicorn on either side and another insignia with "B of A". Exchange note paid on 14th October 1847. Issued for one hundred pounds and paid to Mr N A Coleman.. Inscriptions include the document number, the date, the amount paid, the receiving person, signatures and a stamp with the interest rate.Handwritten number "15101" "One hundred pounds" "14th October [18] 47" "Mr N A Coleman" Black stamp "ISSUED AT 3 PR CENT PREMIUM" Signatures of [Manager] and [Accountant].flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, banknote, currency, exchange note, commerce, banking, finances, bank of australasia, n a coleman, 1847, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, boa, union bank, australia & new zealand bank, anz bank, david charters mcarthur, d c mcarthur, sydney, new south wales, legal tender -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Barometer, 1952
Mr John Wilson Gillie was born on the 31st of March 1864. On the 31st of July 1880 he was apprenticed for four years to J.J. Wilson and Sons, Nautical Instrument Makers of Sunderland. Following the apprenticeship he spent six months to a year as an ‘improver’ in Glasgow, and then started a new company ‘Wilson and Gillie’ in North Shields. At this time sail had just given way to steam and wooden ships to steel, and the railways were competing with colliers for the carrying of coal from the North East of England to London and the South. In 1858 only seven out of 44 shipyards on the Tyne were using iron, but by 1862 there were ten, employing around 4,000 men. These changes had a significant effect on nautical instrument manufacturers, as the magnetic compass for a wooden sailing vessel was very simple and required little in the way of compensation. For steel vessels much more was required and this was a period of great development, both in the compass bowl and the binnacle in which it was housed. In 1870 Sir William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) designed his dry card standard compass, which completely replaced all previous designs. Wilson and Gillie started as agents for the Thomson compass, but later J.W. Gillie, using similar principles, redesigned the compass suspension and patented the ‘UNIT’ standard compass. It became popular with local shipowners and shipbuilders. In 1910 the firm of John Lilley and Son (which had been established in London in 1812), found themselves in financial difficulties and were saved with the help of John Wilson Gillie, who established, on the 8th of August 1911, a new firm of John Lilley and Son Limited. John Lilley and Son had been the sole London agents for Sir William Thomson, a very enviable position during this period, when the Thomson compass led the field. Unfortunately, Mr. Lilley had quarreled with the Glasgow company, who withdrew the agency and established their own branch in London (later to become Kelvin White and Hutton). On November 7th 1913, the firm of John Lilley and Son Limited of London amalgamated with Wilson and Gillie of North Shields, and after this date instruments manufactured by the two companies bore the name John Lilley and Son Limited of London and North Shields. During the 1930s many of the London nautical instrument makers were in difficulties, including John Lilley and Son Limited and Reynolds and Son, Dobbie and Clyde Limited, and Mr. J.W. Gillie arranged an amalgamation between these two companies. The new firm became Lilley and Reynolds Limited. In 1943, with estate duties in mind, the North Shields company was reconstituted and took the name of John Lilley and Gillie Limited, although the shareholders, directors and personnel remained unchanged In the early 1970s Lilley and Gillie developed close links with Observator in Rotterdam, who manufactured one of the first fully reliable transmitting magnetic compass systems. The Observator shareholders, Holland America Line, bought the share capital of John Lilley and Gillie Limited., but retained all the personnel and the directors. Tug Melbourne: The barometer was salvaged from a 496-ton tug that had been built in 1952 and had sunk in Port Philip Bay on the 9th of August 1972 after a collision with the SS Nieuw Holland, in 1973 it had been raised and scraped at this time the barometer was salvaged. The tug had been renamed from the Howard Smith to the “Melbourne” after the Adelaide Steamship Co was taken over by Howard Smith& Co, who were heavily involved in towage, salvage and the stevedoring industries in 1961.The significance is that the item was on a vessel that was evolved in a serious collision in Port Philip Bay in 1972. It is linked with the activities of the Port at that time and helps to form a picture of what the maritime industries that operated from Port Melbourne were like and the activities that stevedore and towage companies underwent.Ship Barometer, in brass caseInscribed "Compensated" , "John Lilley & Gillie Ltd London & North Shields." and "Millibars".flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, barometer, ship's barometer, weather instrument, john lilley & gillie ltd, shipwreck artefact, the tigboat melbourne, north shields, howard smith, the melbourne, salvage -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Atlas, George Philip & Son Ltd, The London Geographical Institute, Philips' Mercantile Marine Atlas, 1904
Philips' Mercantile Marine Atlas of the World contains a series of 30 plates containing over 100 charts and plans, with tables of over 8,600 distances between ports, national and house flags, lists of British & United States Consulates and a complete index of 20,000 ports. Specially designed for merchant shippers, exporters and ocean travellers, and for general use. The atlas is significant as a record of the status of world statistics in 1904, of interest to travelers, merchants, and world traders. "Philips' Mercantile Marine Atlas of the World". Dark blue hardcover, gold embossing and trim. Edited by George Philip, F.R.G.S. Second edition. Published in London by George Philip & Son, London, Date: 1904 Inscription on a purple stamp on the fly page."Please - - - / HARDY GILLARD / - - / - - LONDON"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, atlas, marine atlas, philip's mercantile marine atlas, ports, flags, consulates, ocean travellers, shipppers, merchants, 1904 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Shelves, A. Englander & Searle, Late 19th Century (1898)
This music stand set of shelves is one of many 19th century items of furniture, linen and crockery donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by, Vera and Aurelin Giles. The items are associated with the Giles Family and are known as the “Giles Collection”. Many of the items of furniture, linen and crockery in the Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage were donated by Vera and Aurelin Giles and mostly came from the simple home of Vera’s parents-in-law, Henry Giles and his wife Mary Jane (nee Freckleton) whose photos are in the parlour. They married in 1880. Henry, born at Tower Hill in 1858, was a labourer on the construction of the Breakwater before leaving in 1895 to build bridges in N.S.W. for about seven years. Mary Jane was born in 1860 at Cooramook. She attended Mailor’s Flat State School where she was also a student teacher before, as family legend has it, she became a governess at “Injemiara” where her grandfather, Francis Freckleton, once owned land. Henry and Mary’s family of six, some of whom were born at Mailor’s Flat and later children at Wangoom, lived with their parents at Wangoom and Purnim west, where Henry died in 1933 and Mary Jane in 1940. THE SHELVES During the years 1869-1935 there were well over 250 registered bamboo furniture producers in Britain. The earliest recorded firm was Hubert Bill of 14 Little Camden St, London N.W., who claimed to have been established in (1869 the first bamboo furniture maker), while Daniel Jacobs & Sons of Hackney Road, London, were still in business in 1915, after 45 years of production. Design, quality, price and methods of construction were fairly consistent throughout the whole period, but it was the imaginative and often eccentric choice of subject matter that marked the differentiation between the various firms. While most produced standard tables, stands and fire-screens, the more adventurous offered for sale items such as Corner shelve units, charcoal barbecue grills and musical tea tables. Shelves were often covered with embossed leather paper designs, at first imported from Japan and then later produced in England. Some firms incorporated the knobbly roots of the bamboo stems into their designs, generally to form feet. Occasionally handles to drawers and cupboards were made with these roots although they were more commonly carved as imitations. Handles were mostly of cheap metal or brass. The ends of the bamboo canes were capped with stamped metal or turned bone, ivory or wooden discs. Methods of construction fell into three categories. First and most common is that of pegging. Bamboo stems being hollow, thick dowels can easily be glued into the joints. Some firms farmed out this work of `plugging' the ends of the canes to part-time workers at home. The second method, that of pinning, was far less satisfactory as bamboo tends to split lengthwise and therefore the jointed pieces eventually disintegrated. The most efficient method was that patented in 1888 (patent No 2383) by the firm of W. F. Needham in Birmingham. It consisted of metal shoes and covers for all joints which were made by wrapping a metal strip around the stems and soldering the overlapping ends. Some joints were further strengthened by a small pin or screw. Needham was by far the largest and most successful manufacturer and their individual and superior method of construction undoubtedly gained them their reputation. A. Englander & Searle of 34 Gt Eastern St and 31 Mare St, Hackney, London, were a firm particularly concerned with methods of construction. Although they seem to have entered the bamboo furniture market at a comparatively late date, about 1898, they produced inexpensive bamboo, aimed particularly at the export trade. The company stated in their catalogue that bamboo furniture “can be exported in one piece or it can be exported in pieces and put together again. The fixing up is much facilitated by a system of marking and numbering. Further, no glue is required for putting together as the screw system only is applied”. This method of construction best fits the Etagere in the Flagstaff collection and it is believed to have been made by A Englander & Searle, exported in a knock down form to Australia, purchased in kit form from a dealer hear and put together by the owner. The Etagere is a significant item as it highlight furniture fashion of the late Victorian era. This item was highly sort after in its time and although mass produced, not many examples remain, so this example is a valuable addition to the Flagstaff collection. It is believed that the construction method used is by a notable and respected maker of bamboo furniture and that its production was aimed at the export market and probably came to Australia in kit form.Bamboo shelves: decorative free standing Etagere comprising three large shelves and one small shelf. Shelves are made of wood used to store either orange or bacon boxes (as there are no knots in the wood, imported from South America and cheap to recycle). Shelves are covered with embossed leather paper. Frame is made from tortoise shell bamboo (brown lacquer applied to simulate tortoise shell appearance). Ends of bamboo canes are covered with metal shoes and fixed with a pin. Other bamboo joints are fixed with round head steel screws. This item is part of the Giles Collection.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, bamboo shelves, bamboo etagere, victorian furniture, furniture, bamboo furniture, embossed leather paper, simulated bamboo, tortise shell, a englander & searle, giles collection, henry giles, tower hill, cooramook, warrnambool breakwater, mailor’s flat, wangoom, 19th century furniture -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Music stand, Early 19th Century before 1860
Thomas Sheraton (1751-1806) appears to have been the first to record the written term “Canterbury” music or magazine stand. In his Cabinet Dictionary of 1803 he refers to “a small music stand” with divisions for holding loose sheet or bound volumes of music. The music stand designed to hold sheet music came into fashion in the late 18th Century in England and was often crafted from mahogany, rosewood or walnut. They were seen as status symbols since music was practiced exclusively by the upper classes of society. In a period when printed music was more widely available and disseminated due to more affordable printing techniques, modern sheet music was very popular and therefore storage for such favoured tunes became a luxury and an opportunity for innovative design by cabinet makers. The Classical period of music, from about 1750 to 1820 and the Romantic Period from around 1815-1910 was the golden age of classical music. And it was at this time that The Canterbury often accompanied the piano in the parlour with styles ranging from Georgian simplicity to Victorian exuberance. Social activities of colonial Victoria would have included evening gatherings of family and friends around the piano to enjoy performances or sing along together with from old and up-to-date music sheets. The Canterbury would also be an elegant and practical place to also store newspapers, magazines, posters and drawings from overseas. The news from ‘home’ would be enjoyed by all. THE INSCRIPTION “Jack Morse” Morse. In 2010 Mr Jack Morse was recognised as one of the “people who have contributed to the long term development of Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village”. He was a member of the Flagstaff hill Planning board and a Current Life Member and had been awarded a Certificate of Service and the provision of an Annual Family Membership for life by Flagstaff Hill. The Morse’s family business, Morse’s Engineering, closed in 2010. It was considered “One of Warrnambool’s longest operating businesses with roots dating to 1883 with the design and manufacture of coaches and buggies, progressing to automotive repairs and later specialising in under-vehicle work” The Canterbury appears to have been handmade prior to 1860 as the dovetails are handmade and there are no saw marks on the drawer sides or back as well the sides. Also the back has small nicks indicating a hand plane or drawer knife was used rather than a saw blade to size the material. Additional indications are that the spindles are slightly different in size meaning they were handmade individually not mass produced. From these indicators the writer believes that the item was made before 1860 as machinery was only used after this date to produce furniture. As yet no individual maker can be attributed to this item, however it is a significant piece historically and is quite valuable if a known maker can be associated with the Canterbury. The item highlights a time in our social history when music played an everyday part in people’s lives as the only entertainment families could enjoy together in their own homes. A Canterbury music stand, having three compartments consisting of twenty turned spindles supporting the slat dividers. A drawer, with two turned wooden handles, is fitted below. The music stand has turnip style turned feet. The drawer front and carcass of the stand are veneered rosewood over a mahogany carcass. The underlined words "Jack Morse" are handwritten underneath the drawer bottom.Hand written inscription on underneath the drawer bottom "Jack Morse".flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, canterbury, music rack, magazine rack, music stand, magazine stand, 19th century furniture, occasional furniture, frederick cornwallis, jack morse, morse’s undercar, music, thomas sheraton, regency furniture, music canterbury -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Book, Cambridge University Press, The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, circa 1942
This Bible was presented to the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's St Nicholas Church in Williamstown by Mrs R J Ewart in 1942 according to the inscription on the inside page. She also presented a table desktop, candlesticks and a religious cross. The Bible was part of the original furnishings of St Nicholas Seamen's Church, Williamstown, Victoria. The church was operated by the Missions to Seamen organisation. Within the Bible are three pages of inscriptions and signatures under the heading of NOTABLE EVENTS.. This Bible is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The Bible is historically significant for its connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. The connection of this Bible to the Mission to Seamen highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Book with black textured leather cover, ribbed spine, gold embossed letters, and logo on spine. Titled The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments. The inside section has a list of signatures (after page 872). An inscription is written inside the front opening and three pages of inscriptions within the pages. The book was presented by R.J. Ewart in 1942.Inscribed on spine "HOLY BIBIE" and "CAMBRIDGE" Inscription inside "Presented by R J Ewart in memory of the fallen as sea, 1942" INSCRIPTIONS on the pages within include signatures, names, occupations and ship names: "(-) Service held in St Nicholas Seamen Church" "NOTABLE EVENTS" "MIV "Centaur" " MV Centaur" SS Fort "Pembena" " MV JOLTEN'" "SS Kooringa" "SS Nairana" "SS Hobart" "flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, the holy bible containing the old and new testaments, book, bible, the bible, r j ewart, cambridge bible, holy bible, st nicholas seamen’s church williamstown, centaur, pembena, jolten, kooringa, niriana, hobart -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Book, Novello and Company Limited, The Australian Psalter, Early 20th century
This book, The Australian Psalter, was part of the furniture and furnishings from the St Nicholas Church, Williamstown. It was used in the worship service there until the church closed. The items from the church and the Missions to Seamen were then donated to Flagstaff Hill and are known as the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. The publisher, Novello & Co., of London, published the book in 1903. One reference noted that "It was printed in response to a desire expressed by the Diocesan Synod of Sydney in 1903" (National Library of Australia Catalogue). THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen was an Anglican charity that served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centres in over 200 ports worldwide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria, the organisation began in Williamstown in 1857 as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’ in an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981, and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. The Australian Psalter is historically significant for its connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. It is an important part to the worship services held at the St Nicholas Seamen's Church in Williamstown. This book is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The connection of this book to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. The Book, The Australian Psalter, was published by Novello and Company, London. Blue fabric-covered book with gold-embossed text, two bands of seven stars, and an emblem of the sun surrounded by stars on the front cover. The book contains the Psalms of David and the Canticles and Proper Psalms Pointed for Chanting. It is stamped with the library stamp Missions and Seamen, Melbourne. The book is now part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection.Embossed text: "THE / AUSTRALIAN / PSALTER" Emblem: [six stars] around [sun] Stamp: "From the Missions to Seamen Melbourne"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church, williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, psalter, hymn book, worship service, songs of worship, novello & co. london, worship music, the australian psalter -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Book, William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Hymns Ancient and Modern, bef. Sept 8th 1884
This book was a gift from Mrs. Cornish to her husband Nefiea, given to him on September 8th, 1884. It became part of the original furnishings of the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria, and was used in services held there. The Church was operated by the Mission to Seamen organisation. The book is now part of Flagstaff Hill's St Nicholas Seamen’s Church collection. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen was an Anglican charity that served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centres in over 200 ports worldwide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria, the organisation began in Williamstown in 1857 as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’ in an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981, and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This hymn book is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The connection of this book to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. The brown leather-covered bound book has an embossed inscription on the spine and an impressed cross symbol on the front cover. It has red leaf pages (681 pages). The music and words were compiled and arranged by editor William Henry Monk, and published in London. This Revised and Enlarged edition was printed in London by William Clowes & Sons Ltd. The book's title is "Hymns Ancient and Modern". The inscription shows it was given as a gift in 1884. It has since been added to our St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. Spine: "HYMNS AND TUNES" Front cover: symbol [cross] Fly Page: "HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN FOR USE IN THE SERVICES OF THE CHURCH WITH ACCOMPANYING TUNES COMPILED AND ARRANGED UNDER THE MUSICAL EDITORSHIP OF WILLIAM HENRY MONK, PROFESSOR OF VOCAL MUSIC IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON." , "Revised and Enlarged Edition", "Young men and maidens, old men and children, praise the Name of the LORD" Inside cover in handwriting: "Nefrea (?d) Cornish from his wife, September 8th 1884"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church, williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, worship service, worship music, hymn book, music book, william clowes and sons, st nicholas seamen's church, london, hymns ancient and modern, revised and enlarged edition, 1884 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Badge - Religious Book, The Book of Common Prayer, 1928-1944
This Book of Common Prayer, with once owned by Florence Harrison. It was part of the original furnishings of St Nicholas Seamen's Church, Williamstown, Victoria. The church was operated by the Missions to Seamen organisation. It is one of a set of similar books. This book is in our St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen was an Anglican charity that served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centres in over 200 ports worldwide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria, the organisation began in Williamstown in 1857 as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’ in an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981, and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This book is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The book is historically significant for its connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. The connection of this book to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Prayer book, cardboard front cover, textured black cover, rice paper pages with gold leaf edges. "The Book of Common Prayer with the additions and deviations proposed in 1928".There is an image on the fly page. Published in Oxford at the University Press London. The book was owned by Florence Harrison. The book is now part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. Logo: [Shield enclosing three crowns and an open book with test, resting on six rods] Inscription: "Florence Harrison"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church, williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, prayer book, the book of common prayer, oxford university press, florence harrison, church service -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Religious Book, James Semple, The Holy Bible: The Old Testament and The New Testament, c. 1875
A Holy Bible of this size and design was a common possession to be brought to Australia with migrating families. Part of family routine in a Victorian home would included the head of the family reading a passage from the Bible to the family. A Bible was a prized possession. It often included inserts of family records, and children would use the text to learn to read.This Bible is of cultural significance, representing part of family routine, religious beliefs and basic life principals.Book, the Holy Bible, has hard brown, heavily bound cover with gold embossing. The book has two brass locking clips on the open side. Pages have gilt edges. Printed in Glasgow by James Semple. The book has additional notes by Rev Gen Leo Haydock. It has been translated from the Latin Vulgate. Published c. 1875flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, the holy bible the old testament and the new testament, bible, book, religion, holy bible, rev geo leo haydock, latin vulgate, family bible -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Iron Roofs: examples of design, 1884 (exact)
Book. Large brown hard cover. Title written in gold on front cover and on spine. Manufacturer name also written in gold on spine. Illustrations, plates (black & white). 37 p. + plates.civil engineering, design, roofing, iron and steel -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Charles Auguste Albert Racinet, Polychromatic Ornament, 1877 (exact)
Monsieur Charles Auguste Albert Racinet was born in Paris on July 20th, 1825. His job was representative of a group of 19th-century industrial draughtsmen, teachers of technical drawing and factory studio manager. He helped in spreading the most significant design of the decorative arts of the time. Racinet learned his trade from his father. He was trained by neo-classical artists in the ambit of Percier and Fontaine. August Racinet was influenced by the Schinkel tendency and supported by architects such as Hittorf and Voillet-le-Duc.Book. Large red leather cover. Title written in gold on spine. Illustrations (black & white), 100 of chromolithographic plates in gold, silver and colours. Various styles of ancient, oriental and medieval art including the Renaissance, the 17th, and the 18th centuries. Subjects are arranged in historical order. Text translated from the original French. The book includes a table of contents, a list of plates, a classified index and an introduction.A book plate inside front cover with a heading "Ballarat School of Art Library No. R/171. Stamped with "Reference","Education Department" and "Ballarat School of Art Library"art, paintings, textile, designs, decoration and craft, ornaments, ballarat technical art school library, bookplate -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, H. Th. Bossert, Peasant Art in Europe, 1927 (exact)
Red cloth large hardcover book. Title is written on the front cover and on spine in gold. Small gold circle pattern on front cover. The book contains 100 coloured plates, 32 b/w plates with images of peasant handicraft. The book includes table of content, index, bibliography and a library due date card inside back cover, it was borrowed by Donald Ferguson(an art lecturer)on 13 May 1957. Page numbers written in roman numerals. embroidery, europe, ceramics, ornaments, peasant art, h th bossert, folk art, embroideries, handicraft, decorative arts, textile fabrics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Engineering: an illustrated weekly journal, 1884 (exact)
William Henry Maw was a British civil engineer and astronomer. He was born in 1838 and died in 1924 at eighty-five years. Maw worked as an assistant at the workshops of the Eastern Counties Railway before he became a draughtsman in the design office. He designed the first outside cylinder locomotive for use in India. In 1865 he founded the journal Engineering and continued to be an editor for the rest of his life. Maw became a consulting engineer. He was president of the Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Civil Engineers. This book contains a wide range of articles and reviews related to industrial developments such as rail mill engines at the Dowlais iron works (constructed by Messrs. Kitson and Co., engineers, Leeds), cable tramway, Clay-street, San Francisco, U.S.A., road and railway bridge over the river Dnieper, at Jekaterinoslow, Russia (constructed from the designs of Professor N. Belelubsky, St. Petersburg, by the Brjonsk iron works) etc. A book with blue large hard cover. Title and publication date are written on spine in gold. Illustrations (fig., plates, plans, diagrams) in B/W. Includes collection of the engineering weekly journal vol. xxxix-from January to June 1885. This book contains a wide range of articles and reviews related to industrial developments. Page no.712.machinery, tools, engines, engineering, railroad, w h maw, rail, mill engines, cable tramway, clay street, dowlais iron works, twin screw engines, royal italian torpedo ram vessel, messrs r and, w hawthorn engineers, electro plated carriage, the tehuantepec ship railway, otis elevator -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Details of Gothic Architecture, 1852 (exact)
“Details of Gothic Architecture is measured and drawn from existing examples by James K. Colling, author of ‘Gothic Ornaments’.“—Front cover. It contains detailed drawings of parish churches during the 19 century.A large book with blue hardcover and black cloth corners and spine. Illus. with b&w plates of architectual drawings. Vol.1. Title is printed in black and red. This book contains measured drawings of details from parish churches. It includes 8p. table of contents. Inscription on title page "W. H. Piper, architect". A plate inside front cover titled "Ballarat Technical Art School Library No. AD/14".and, architecture gothic, decoration, ornament gothic, james k colling, gothic england, norman, early english, decorated, perpendicular, burnby church, etton church, yorkshire, walsoken church, norfolk, great grimsby church, lincolnshire, bookplate, ballarat technical art school library -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Old England: a pictorial museum of Regal, Ecclesiastical, Baronial, Municipal and Popular Antiquities, 1860 (exact)
Charles Knight is an English publisher and author. He was born at Windsor in 1791, and died in 1873 at Addlestone, Surrey. This book covers the period of English history from pre Roman times to the Industrial age. It shows how life was like in old England in regards to people, places, architecture and fashions, etc. The book contains 1000's of wonderful engravings, hand coloured plates beside 100's of pages of text contained in one volume. A large leather brown/gilt cover book with black leather bound and corners. 392 p. with coloured and b/w illustrations. It includes a table of contents of volume 1, 18 illuminated engraved (colour) plates, indexes to the engravings at the end of the book. 'Old England' gilt decoration on spine. The book shows how life was like in old England in regards to people, places, architecture and fashions, etc. from Roman times through to Industrial age. The book is published in two volumes, the book in hand contains volume 1 only.A plate inside front cover titled "Ballarat Technical Art School Library No. R/170"travel, customs, and, great britain antiquities, old england history, great britain description, the british period, the roman period, the anglosaxon period, regal baronial antiquities, ecclesiastical antiquities, great, britain social, life, charles knight, tomb of mary queen of scots, rochester castle -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Books, Spiers, R. Phene, The Order Of Architecture: Greek, Roman, and Italian, 1902 (exact)
A large brown hardcover book. Title and author's name are written in black on front cover and in gold on spine. This is the 4th ed., containing twenty-seven plates. It includes a preface to 4th and 1st ed., a list of plates, 20 p. of text and a list of references. This book contains a selection of architectural designs of the Orders as employed in ancient buildings.r phene spiers, greek roman italian architecture, the doric order, the ionic order, the corinthian order, the composite order, the temple of theseus athens, the theatre of marcellus rome, temple of vespasian rome, library plate, book plate -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The Engineer and Machinist's Drawing-Book: a complete course of instruction for the practical engineer, Possibly c1887
A large brown cloth hardcover book with black leather spine and corners. Title is engraved in gold on spine. Illustrated by numerous engravings on wood and steel, including select details, and complete machines. Illustrations in b/w. It includes a list of b/w plates, a table of contents, 116 p. of text and 112 p. of plates. This workwork provids instruction on drawing and illustrating heavy machinery including steam engines. It also contains lessons in drawings and examples of approved construction. non-fictionengineer drawings, drawing instruments, the sector, the lines of numbers, drawing of elementary forms, m le blanc, mm armengaud, linear drawing, projection, eccentric curves, machinery sketching, forms of gearing, projections of shadows, spur gearing -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Railway Practice: a collection of working plans and practical details of construction in the public works of the most celebrated engineers, 1847 (exact)
A green cloth hard cover book. Title and author's name are engraved in gold on spine. This is the 3rd edition, first series with black and white illustrations. It describes the engineering practices of the early days of British railroads. The book includes (series 1 to 4)and it contains, roads, tramroads and railroads, bridges, aqueducts, viaducts, wharfs, warehouses, roofs, and sheds, canals, locks, sluices, & the various works on rivers, streams, etc., harbours, docks, piers and jetties, tunnels, cuttings and embankments, the several works connected with the drainage of marshes, marine sands, and the irrigation of land, water-works, gas-works, water-wheels, mills, engines.civil engineering, railway practice, rail constructions, s c brees, western railway great britain, public works, railroads, canals, s.c. brees, samuel brees, samuel charles brees -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects, 1907 (exact)
A brown fabric hard cover book. Title is engraved with gilt letters on front cover and on spine. and gilt circular decoration on cover written on it 'Institution of Naval Architects. Founded-AD - 1860'. Volume XLIX, 334 p. and a number of folding plates. Illustrations in b/w. It includes a table of contents. Frontis picture of 'Sir Edward J. Reed, K.C.B., F.R.S. Honorary vice president who died in 1906'. This book Features, "Merchant Shipping and World Commerce in Relation to Sea-Power, Experiments on Mercantile Ship Models in Waves, Three Steps in Naval Construction, The Tendency of Warship Design as Affected by the War, Stability of Large Ships, Proportions and Block Coefficients of Merchant Steamers", ect. naval architecture, institution of naval architects, r w dana, s j p thearle, sir edward j reed -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Galvonometer, 1930 (estimated)
Galvanometers are an instrument used for detecting and measuring electric current. They had a magnetic needle moved by the magnetic field produced by coils carrying the current to be measured, and the earth's field had to be taken into consideration. They were used to detect current in either direction in telegraphy systems, and to test equipment.Post Office Galvonometer. A hinged polished timber case with three brass terminals at the top, and ring (handle) and a dial (0 to 70) with an indictor needle. The opened box reveals wires leading to the terminals with two compartments covered in blue woven material (possibly silk).telegraph works, galvonometer, scientific instruments