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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 8 Vol. 4 August 1964, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No. 8 Vol. 4 August 1964, 1964
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Topic ...Topic; Junior Citizens; Moorabbin CC Mayor Cr David Blackburn; Mordialloc Mayor Cr. H.R. Ward; CMHS AGM; The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No.8 Vol. 4 of the CMHS August 1964 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL / SOCIETY / (Affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria ). / Vol. 4 No. 8 August 1964 city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, moorabbin, mordialloc, junior citizens, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 10 Vol. 4 October 1964, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No. 10 Vol. 4 October 1964, 1964
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Topics ...Topics; Bushfire 1907; Library; Historian Report The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 10 Vol. 4 of the CMHS October 1964 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 Foolscap L34cm x W 21cm paper printed on both sides folded for 4 pages CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER / Vol. 4 No. 10 October 1964 / / (Affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria )./ PRESIDENT R.Ashley SECRETARY Mrs L Harvey HISTORIAN T.A.Sheehy city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, library, beaumaris bushfire 1907; -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 11 Vol. 4 November 1964, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No. 11 Vol. 4 November 1964, 1964
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Topics ...Topics; CMHS Report N. Blackman; progress in Moorabbin 1964; The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 11 Vol. 4 of the CMHS November 1964 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER / Vol. 4 No. 11 of 1964 / PRESIDENT R.Ashley SECRETARY Mrs L Harvey city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, blackburn nance, blackburn david, moorabbin -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No.12 Vol. 4 November 1964, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No.12 Vol. 4 November 1964, 1964
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Topics ...Topics; CMHS ; C. Grimes Expedition; ' Moorabbin News'; Mitchell Library; List of Items in Volume 4 The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 12 Vol. 4 of the CMHS November 1964 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages CITY OF MOORABBIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER / Vol. 4 No. 12 (1964) ( final paper in the fourth volume series) city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, moorabbin news; grimes charles; -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Issue 10 April 2017, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Newsletter Issue 10 April 2017, 2017
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...This is Issue 10 of the Moorabbin Mirror produced by CMHS members Fran & Holger Bader , Geoffrey Paterson, April 2017 The Moorabbin Mirror reflects the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. Topics ; AGM July 30th 2017 ; GECC Joyce Park Landscape Concepts feedback forums close April 30th ; AIF memorabilia WW1 and WW2 Groundsheet / raincape; Volunteer Ellie - ACU History student - assisting Fran Bader with Rietman preparations and Social Media innovations; GECC Community Information; GECC Groove and Graze April 1st 2017 , BCM open for Visitors including lorikeets; Original Newsletter Digitisation proceeding; Rietman Exhibition preparations proceeding; Victorian ANZACS - Eric Ray Smith, Patterson Rd Bentleigh; AIF headgear; WW1 Monuments and Memorials; WW1 Peace Monuments and Memorials; Lone Digger Memorials ( August Rietman); AANS - Nurses- Sister Elsie Grace Dobson, Moorabbin,; Kingston Ceramic Artist - Wendy Reiss Sculptures 1974; Heritage Queries - 'Clee House' McKinnon; Orange Street East Bentleigh; Elster Creek Tributary; Origins of Local Street Names; Diary; membership details. This is Issue 10 of the Moorabbin Mirror, Newsletter of CMHS April 2017A4 x 4 paper folded to A5 x 8pp with colour photographs. Moorabbin / Mirror / APRIL 2017 Issue 10moorabbin mirror, bader fran, bader holger, patterson geoffrey, smith eric ray; dobson elsie grace, reiss wendy, rietman august, elster creek, moorabbin, bentleigh, mckinnon, ormond , kingston, cheltenham, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, City of Moorabbin Historical Society No. 9 Vol. 3 October 1963, City of Moorabbin Historical Society Newsletter No. 9 Vol. 3 October 1963, 1963
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Topics ...Topics : CMHS AGM; Mr R Ashley Pres. ; new Mayor Cr Brian Stuart-Jones; Moorabbin News - Local newspaper; East Brighton Hall 1894; St Peter's Hall 1862; removal of 'South Brighton' signs replaced with 'Moorabbin" This is Newsletter No 9 Vol . 3 produced in October 1963 by Mr T. A. Sheehy CMHS for members and visitors The Aims of the CMHS are ‘to record the history of the City, and register something of the Australian Atmosphere, which the necessary speed-up in post-world-war two (WW11) immigration has caused to be lost; to produce a magazine at regular intervals, featuring the work of pioneers and the changing Australian scene; to work constantly with a long range view towards building a hall where records and exhibits can be housed’ (1961) The Original Newsletters reflect the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Newsletter No. 9 Vol. 3 of the CMHS October 1963 CMHS obtained a Kingston City Council Community Grant 2016 for the digitization and preservation of these Original CMHS Newsletters commenced in 1961 1 x Foolscap paper printed on 2 sides folded for 4 pages NEWSLETTER / City of Moorabbin Historical Society. / Vol. 3 No. 9 OCTOBER 1963city of moorabbin historical society 1961, sheehy t.a., newsletters, east brighton, south brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Issue 11 July 2017, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Newsletter Issue 11 July 2017, 2017
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Topic ...Topic; Notices for AGM July 23rd and Open House Melbourne 2017 July 29th a& 30th ; RHSV History week in October, Elster Creek; Clee Hill;Leonard.A. LePage; Cheltenham Church of Christ 160th; Pennydale Post Office; Cheltenham; Ross St & Smith St Bentleigh; This is Issue 11 of the Moorabbin Mirror produced by CMHS members Fran & Holger Bader , Geoffrey Paterson, in July 2017 The Moorabbin Mirror reflects the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash This is Issue 11 of the Moorabbin Mirror, Newsletter of CMHS in July 2017A4 x 2 paper folded to A5 x 4pp printed on both sidesMoorabbin / Mirror / Newsletter City of Moorabbin Historical Society (CMHS) Inc . / operating Box Cottage Museum / July 2017 Issue 11moorabbin mirror, bader fran, bader holger, patterson geoffrey, cheltenham chhurch of christ, lepage a.l.; clee hill estate; elster creek, sir ross smith, aviators, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, brighton, market gardeners, early settlers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Issue 12 October 2017, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Newsletter Issue 12 October 2017, 2017
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...This is Issue 12 of the Moorabbin Mirror produced by CMHS members Fran & Holger Bader , Geoffrey Paterson, October 2017 Topics; August Rietman Exhibition Roving Curator Program; OHM; Le Page family Travel Trunk; The Moorabbin Mirror reflects the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. This is Issue 12 of the Moorabbin Mirror, Newsletter of CMHS October 2017A4 x 2 paper folded to A5 x 4pp with B/W photographs. Moorabbin / Mirror / Newsletter City of Moorabbin Historical Society Inc. A0020547E (CMHS) / operating Box Cottage Museum (BCM) / OCTOBER 2017 ISSUE 12moorabbin mirror, bader fran, bader holger, patterson geoffrey, rietman august, rennick stefanie, rietman william, le page everest; open house melbourne 2017, world war 1 memorials, lone digger memorials, resin jewellery, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Issue 13 February 2018, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Newsletter Issue 13 February 2018, 2018
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...This is Issue 13 of the Moorabbin Mirror produced by CMHS members Fran & Holger Bader , Geoffrey Paterson, February 2018 The Moorabbin Mirror reflects the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. Topics: Vale Mr Laurie Lewis; Street Names Files; KCC Tribute for Dr G Whitehead 20years ; Local heritage 'What House is that?'; Sands & McDougal 1860-1974 digitized by State Library Vic.;Alan Clarke donated in 2016 handwritten S&M copies of residents ; 1818 1st Australia Day Gvnr. Lachlan Macquarie;1858 Foundation Stone St Patrick's Cathedral laid by Bishop J.A. Goold; 1882 Assassination attempt on A/Bishop Goold in Brighton; 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights; Census Victoria 2016 results; Plateways by Phil Rickard Light Rail HS;Flooding at BCM Dec./Jan. ; August Rietman Exhibition Report & Photos; This is Issue 13 of the Moorabbin Mirror, Newsletter of CMHS February 2018A4 x 3 paper folded to A5 x 6pp printed both sides with colour photographs. Moorabbin / Mirror / Newsletter City of Moorabbin Historical Society Inc. A0020543 (CMHS) / operating Box Cottage Museum (BCM) / ISSUE 13 FEBRUARY 2018moorabbin mirror, bader fran, bader holger, patterson geoffrey, lewis laurie;street name files; whitehead dr g.; sands and mcdougal; clark a; archbishop gool j.a.; st. patrick's cathedral melbourne; governor macquarie l.; plateways; rickard phil.; ohm 2017; reitman august, rietman stefanie; rietman william; lone digger memorials wwi; -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Newsletter, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Issue 14 April 2018, CMHS Moorabbin Mirror Newsletter Issue 14 April 2018, 2018
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...This is Issue 14 of the Moorabbin Mirror produced by CMHS members Fran & Holger Bader , Geoffrey Paterson, April 2018 The Moorabbin Mirror reflects the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin — derived from Mooroobin, ‘a resting place’ in the Bunurrung spoken language. In 1994, the City of Moorabbin was integrated into the Cities of Bayside, Glen Eira, Kingston and Monash. Topics : ANZAC display, Alonzo Box, 1914 HMAT A20 HORORATA, B Company 6th Battalion 2nd Brigade; Box Cottage grounds flooded by leaking tank Bowls Club 26th Dec ; Barn repairs, Barn storage; Filing Cabinets Inventory; GECC International Women's Day Biographies of 3 local women; GECC Alnutt Park March 18th promotion BCM; Welcome new BCM Volunteer Guides; KCC Network HS meeting; KCC Award Dr G Whitehead; KCC farm machinery preservation; FAHS funding; CMHS meeting dates This is Issue 14 of the Moorabbin Mirror, Newsletter of CMHS April 2018A4 x 1 paper folded to A5 x 4pp printed both sides Moorabbin / Mirror / Newsletter City of Moorabbin Historical Society Inc. A0020543 (CMHS) / operating Box Cottage Museum (BCM) / April 2018 Issue 14moorabbin mirror, bader fran, bader holger, patterson geoffrey, box alonzo, 1914 hmat a20 hororata; b company 6th battalion; gallipoli landings 1915; glen eira historical society, glen eira city council, kingston city council, whitehead dr g. farm machinery, international women's day; -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Personal Effects, chamber pot, white enamel, c1950
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne A chamber ...A chamber pot is a portable toilet, meant for nocturnal use in the bedroom. It was common in many cultures before the advent of indoor plumbing and flush toilets. A typical chamber pot used in City of Moorabbin c1950White enamel chamber pot c 1950chamber pots, toilets, nightcarts, iron maidens, septic tanks, sewerage, sandringham, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b. bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, early settlers, pioneers, post world war 2 estates, plateway, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Sewing Equip, 'Singer ' treadle machine
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne 'SINGER ...'SINGER' -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Farm Equipment, Horse Collar medium 20thC, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne A horse ...A horse collar is a part of a horse harness that is used to distribute the load around a horse's neck and shoulders when pulling a wagon or plough. The collar often supports and pads a pair of curved metal or wooden pieces, called hames, to which the traces of the harness are attached. The collar allows the horse to use its full strength when pulling, essentially enabling the animal to push forward with its hindquarters into the collar. It is a padded appliance that conforms well to the shape of the horse's body and is constructed so that at all points of contact with the body of the horse it avoids the air passage.The early settlers in Moorabbin Shire depended on the draught horse to pull the equipment need to plough the fields, grade the roads, pull their wagons of produce and small carts for transport as they developed the land after the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841Horse Collar, 20thC mediumearly settlers, pioneers, draught horse, ploughs, farm equipment, saddles, leatherwork, blacksmiths, cheltenham, sandringham, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, horse drawn wagons, plateway, vegetables, poultry farms, dairy farms, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Farm Equipment, Horse Collar small, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne shoulders ...shoulders when pulling a wagon or plough. The collar often supports and pads a pair of curved metal or wooden pieces, called hames, to which the traces of the harness are attached. The collar allows the horse to use its full strength when pulling, essentially enabling the animal to push forward with its hindquarters into the collar. It is a padded appliance that conforms well to the shape of the horse's body and is constructed so that at all points of contact with the body of the horse it avoids the air passage.The early settlers in Moorabbin Shire depended on the draught horse to pull the equipment need to plough the fields, grade the roads, pull their wagons of produce and small carts for transport as they developed the land after the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841 Horse Collar small 20thCearly settlers, pioneers, draught horse, ploughs, farm equipment, saddles, leatherwork, blacksmiths, cheltenham, sandringham, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, horse drawn wagons, plateway, vegetables, poultry farms, dairy farms, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Farm Equipment, Horse Collar large, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne A horse ...A horse collar is a part of a horse harness that is used to distribute the load around a horse's neck and shoulders when pulling a wagon or plough. The collar often supports and pads a pair of curved metal or wooden pieces, called hames, to which the traces of the harness are attached. The collar allows the horse to use its full strength when pulling, essentially enabling the animal to push forward with its hindquarters into the collar. It is a padded appliance that conforms well to the shape of the horse's body and is constructed so that at all points of contact with the body of the horse it avoids the air passage.The early settlers in Moorabbin Shire depended on the draught horse to pull the equipment need to plough the fields, grade the roads, pull their wagons of produce and small carts for transport as they developed the land after the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841Horse Collar large 20thCearly settlers, pioneers, draught horse, ploughs, farm equipment, saddles, leatherwork, blacksmiths, cheltenham, sandringham, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, horse drawn wagons, plateway, vegetables, poultry farms, dairy farms, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Object, Rabbit trap Austral Box c1930, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Rabbits ...Rabbits were brought to Australia on the First Fleet as a source of food. However the plague of rabbits appears to have originated with the release of 24 wild rabbits by Thomas Austin for hunting purposes in October 1859, on his property, Barwon Park, near Winchelsea, Victoria. This a typical Rabbit trap used by residents of Moorabbin Shire c1930Austral Box Steel Rabbit trap 20thCAUSTRAL -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Personal Effects, canvas water bag, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne The Water ...The Water supply in Moorabbin Shire was from streams - Elster Creek - and wells so that all people , -settlers, market gardeners, and travellers - needed to take a container with them when they were away from the household.. The Canvas water bag was convenient, easy to make and could be hung on a tree branch or carried on the horse, wagon, plough or later on the bumper bar of a car or truck. The canvas water bag allowed any wind or airflow to cool down the water, even on very hot days, 21G could be 21Gills = 5pints= 2Quarts = 1/2 Gallon approx. and suitable for a day working in the field = 4 Litres similar to a mineral water bottle today.The water bag like this was the source of drinking water for market gardeners in Moorabbin Shire either when working in the fields or .travelling to the markets with their wagons loaded with produce.A canvas water bag, with an iron handle and plastic or bakelite drinking spout.H.L. HARDWARE / ...KFITH 21G, water bags, elster creek, horse drawn wagons, early settlers, market gardeners, cooking utensils, castiron cooking pots, blacksmiths, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham, melbourne, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Transport, Bicycle 'Bastide' 1909, c1909
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne 1891 Paris ...1891 Paris - Bordeaux Cycle Race started in the Place du Pont Bastide in Bordeaux. So the name Bastide was already known to cycle enthusiasts even before the cycle manufacturer made its first iconic bicycle.The Bastide frame was built from top quality English Reynolds tubing with lugs and fittings provided by BSA. (Birmingham Small Arms Company ). Bastide, was based at Boulevard de Clichy, Paris and turned these fittings into a totally superb racer. Leon (Jack) Meredith,UK Olympic Cycling Champion, of the Constrictor Tyre Company, was responsible for importing the first Bastides and displaying them at the 1913 Olympia Cycle show where they were the sensation of the show. The Bastide, though almost as expensive as top range cycles, was fitted with a single brake and gear and no trimmings and was lighter, slimmer and faster Weight 15lb. ( 6.8Kg) Bastide stopped making frames in 1936. Bastide was the bike that changed the style for road bikes in England for ever more after the First World War 1914-18 and this bicycle was used by Mr L Forde in Moorabbin Shire c1910A Racing Bicycle c1909 'BASTIDE"Frame Bastide Frame Stem ; Perfect / BUILT BY / CANADA CYCLES / & MOTOR Gear wheel ; BSAparis-bordeaux cycling road race, bicycles, bastide bicycles paris, birmingham small arms company uk , meredith leon jack , olympic cycling, road races, cycling clubs, cheltenham, moorabbin, victoria, geelong, werribee, whitehead clarice, whitehead eric, world war 1914-1918, early settlers, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Building Equipment, floorboard clamps, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Builders ...Builders used these clamps to lay and secure floor boards when building houses in the Moorabbin area in 20thCThese floor board clamps are typical of the type used by builders in the new housing estates of City of Moorabbin in the 20thC2 Long pieces of wood with space holes, in which steel wedge plates are inserted and large steel screws at the top of wood. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft work, doll, wool chain stitch, 20thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne 20th C ...20th C and probably earlier families could make this simple 'knitting machine' by using a piece of round, hollow wood and knocking 4 nails into one end of the cylinder leaving a protrusion of 2cm. An empty cotton reel was commonly used with left over knitting wool. Children were taught to wind the wool around the nails in loops, figure of 8 and other patterns so that a chain was made which gradually protruded through the base of the cylinder as a knitted chain. The chains could be made to any length and then sewn together to make a usable object eg face washer.Gladys Reed was a member of the Ormond Choral Society c 1950. who performed plays and musicals the City of Moorabbin and she was skilled in hand knitting, crochet and dressmakingGladys Reed was a member of the Ormond Choral Society c 1950. who performed plays and musicals in the City of Moorabbin and this Doll was made and used by her family.c1950A small piece of painted, carved wood with central hollow and 4 nails on top used for making/ knitting a woollen chain.Painted doll featuresknitting, clothing, haberdashery, crochet, doilies, brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, dressmaking, market gardeners, early settlers, craftwork , bentleigh, lacework, moorabbin shire, reed gladys, dairy farms, fruit orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured object, Cigar Box J.Van Maurik c1950, c1950
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...This is an empty Justus Van Maurik cigar box made c1950 by appointment to the House of Lords, London and the cigars were used by George Reed who was a draftsman in City of Moorabbin c1950. c1700 The Dutch East India Company brought spices from South East Asia and tobacco from the New World to Sumatra and Java in Indonesia. 1794 Justus van Maurik Senior established a tobacco factory in the centre of Amsterdam and his son, Justus van Maurik Junior, spread the company’s fame well beyond the borders of (Holland) Netherlands as he travelled the world successfully promoting the family’s tobacco business.Dutch cigars were popular c1950 in the City of Moorabbin and Justus van Maurik Pty Ltd was a quality producer from Amsterdam , Holland (Netherlands) commencing production c1794. George Reed was a draftsman who lived in City of Moorabbin c1950 A plywood hinged cigar box Lid ; JUSTUS VAN MAURIK / BY APPOINTMENT TO / FAMOUS H T/M L SINCE 1754/ THE / HOUSE OF LORDS / IMPERIALES Inside Lid ; as above cigars, justus van maurik pty ltd., holland, amsterdam, netherlands, dutch east india company, redheads safety matches, safety matches, bryant & may pty ltd, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, tobacco, reed george, draftsman, architect, moorabbin shire, city of moorabbin, post world war 2 estates -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Object, Mulga wood bowl, c1950
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Mulga ...Mulga, is an Acacia shrub or small tree native to arid outback areas of Australia. It is light, easy to carve and has strength and durability It is commonly used for turned objects or small decorative items. The wood is dark brown with yellow bands and polishes well. Traditional uses included spears, clubs and boomerangs. George Reed was a draftsman who lived in Bentleigh , City of Moorabbin in mid 20th CGeorge Reed was a draftsman who lived in Bentleigh , City of Moorabbin in mid 20th C and used this Mulga wood bowl in his officeA souvenir Mulga wood bowl with metal aeroplane on the lidearly settlers, market gardeners, wood carvers, souvenirs, mulga wood, acacia trees, boomerangs, vases, post world war 2 estates, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,south australia, victoria,reed george, reed gladys, clark judy, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured objects, wood from SS 'Hygea', c1940
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Plate ...Bowl and lid made from the wood of the SS 'HYGEA' Plate ' MADE FROM / THE WOOD OF / THE SS HYGEA -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufacturect Object, Clock, floral brass, electric, c1950
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Metamec ...Metamec was a manufacturer of domestic clocks in the second half of the 20th century, and was based in Dereham, Norfolk, England. The name "Metamec" is derived from "metal-work and mechanics". The company started as an offshoot of the furniture manufacturers Jentique in about 1941, which made boxes for instruments and bombs during World War II.The first Metamec model was a mains-powered mantle clock numbered "701" (approx. 1947). All clocks produced by Metamec were produced to a high standard, The company declined in the late 1980s and went into receivership in December 1984 and sold to FKI of Halifax, West Yorkshire, who continued to use the name until 1993. Now another company is producing clocks under the Metamec name in Derbyshire England Gladys Reed who used this clock was a member of the Ormond Choral Society c 1950. who performed plays and musicals the City of Moorabbin Metamec was a manufacturer of domestic electric clocks in the second half of the 20th century, and was based in Dereham, Norfolk, England Gladys Reed was a member of the Ormond Choral Society c 1950. who performed plays and musicals the City of Moorabbin.Dressing table brass, electric clock with floral pattern.METAMEC / Made in Englandclocks, metamec ltd., norfolk england, reed gladys, clark judy, brighton, moorabbin, furniture, pioneers, clocks, market gardeners, early settlers, mechanics institute cheltenham, ormond choral society, postworld war 11 settlers, housing estates moorabbin 1950, bentleigh, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Buildings, Shingles Original Cottage c1850, c1850
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...The original small, pioneer cottage was built in the late 1840s to early1850s, by an unknown pioneer. It was located on part of a 30 Acre allotment that was originally part of Henry Dendy’s 'Special Survey Brighton' granted in 1841 (5120acres). There is a small display of external cladding shingles from the original pioneer cottage. Wooden shingles were usually thin (3⁄8 to 3⁄4 in or 10 to 19 mm), relatively narrow (3 to 8 in or 76 to 203 mm), of varying length (14 to 36 in or 360 to 910 mm), and almost always planed smooth. The traditional method for making wooden shingles was to rive - hand split - them from straight-grained knot-free sections of logs pre-cut to the desired length known as bolts. These bolts were quartered or split into wedges. A mallet and axe were used to split out thin pieces of wood. The wood species varied according to available local woods, but only the more durable inner section of the log was usually used. The softer sapwood generally was not used because it deteriorated quickly. Because hand-split shingles were somewhat irregular along the split surface, it was necessary to dress or plane the shingles to make them fit evenly on the roof. This reworking was necessary to provide a tight-fitting roof over typically open shingle lath or sheathing boards. These are the original shingles found on Box Cottage by L Lewis 1970 and used in the reconstruction in 19843 x wood Shingles used on roof of Box Cottage c 1850box cottage museum ormond, henry dendy special survey brighton 1841, brighton, moorabbin shire, parish of moorabbin, county of bourke,cottages, pioneers, ormond, colonial, mckinnon, dendy henry, box william, box elizabeth, reitman william, convicts, lewis timber co. ltd., deam h, museums, box alonzo, smith a, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Farm Equipment, Rake, large Hay c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne A hay rake ...A hay rake is an agricultural rake used to collect cut hay or straw into windrows for later collection (e.g. by a baler or a loader wagon). It is also designed to fluff up the hay and turn it over so that it may dry. The next day it is spread again, so that the hay dries more quickly. Early settlers established productive market gardens, poultry,. pig and dairy farms , orchards and vineyards on the land in the 'Henry Dendy Special Survey Brighton 1841' - now Ormond, Bentleigh, East Bentleigh, Brighton, This hay rake is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire c1900Large wooden Hay rake , hand made c1900farm equipment, hay rakes, hammers, early settlers, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, building equipment, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham,ormond -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Machine - Dairy, Milk Separator manual, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...A separator is a centrifugal device that separates milk into cream and skimmed milk. Separation was commonly performed on farms in the past where farmers milked a few cows, usually by hand, and separated by letting milk sit in a container until the cream floated to the top when it could be skimmed off by hand. Some of the skimmed milk was consumed while the rest was used to feed calves and pigs. Enough cream was saved to make butter, and the excess was sold. Manual rotation of the separator handle turns a mechanism which causes the separator bowl to spin at thousands of revolutions per minute. When spun, the heavier milk is pulled outward against the walls of the separator and the cream, which is lighter, collects in the middle. The cream and milk then flow out of separate spouts. Montgomery Ward was founded by Aaron Montgomery Ward in a mail-order business in Chicago, Illinois USA. Rural customers were attracted by the wide selection of items that were unavailable to them locally and were also inspired by the innovative company policy of "satisfaction guaranteed or your money back".This milk separator is typical of the type used by early settlers in Moorabbin Shire where every family owned a 'house cow' to supply their dairy needs. Households also kept a few chickens for eggs and developed a vegetable garden with additional fruit trees. A 'primrose' manual milk separator 'Montgomery Ward', Chicago USA c1900'primrose ' / SATTLEY / MONTGOMERY WARD/ CHICAGOearly settlers, dairy farmers, milk products, dairies, market gardeners, blacksmiths, tools, moorabbin shire, bentleigh, mckinnon, highett, cheltenham, moorabbin -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, large Saw, 2 man, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Early ...Early settlers had to clear the land of trees and shrubs to establish and maintain their farms and market gardens. Some settlers worked in the Gippsland region felling timber for transport by bullock wagons to Melbourne. Two-man crosscut saws were primarily important when human power was used. Such a saw would typically be 1 to 4 m (4 to 12 feet) long, and sometimes up to 5 m (16 feet), with a handle at each end. The technique in using a two-man saw involved a sawyer standing at each end and together the sawyers would alternate pulling the saw through the wood. If the kerf -slit- began closing, causing the saw to bind, wedges would be inserted behind the saw blade in order to keep the kerf open.Two-man saws were designed to cut in both directions. Careful tooth design was necessary to clear the sawdust during the cut. This is a typical two-man tree felling saw that was necessary to clear the land when the pioneers were establishing their market gardens and farms in Parish of Moorabbin c1850A long steel blade saw with 2 wood handles c1900tools, saws, axes, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, dairy farms, orchards, vineyards, timber mills, bullock wagons, tree felling, timber mills, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools Grinder McCormick
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Tools ... -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Furniture - Iron Cot, Belonging to the Box family, 19thC
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne This Cot ...This Cot was used by the family of William 1834-1902 and Elizabeth Box 1835- 1912 who in 1868 purchased 2 Lots of 10acres of the land that was part of the 'Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841' They established a market garden and raised 12 children while living in Box Cottage. William and Elizabeth Box established a flower garden on 2 lots of the 'Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841' and raised their family living in Box Cottage . A wrought iron cot with spaced vertical bars and with clamps on one side to secure when lowering and raising. The steel mesh base can be removed and wheels are attached to the base of the 4 postswilliam box, box cottage, moorabbin