Showing 2236 items
matching 1921
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Unveiling of the Memorial Cross in Surrey Gardens, 1921, 1921
The Memorial Cross was unveiled by the Governor of Victoria, the Earl of Stradbroke on 11 September 1921. Norman Carter took many photos of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert from the 1920s; in particular of events and activities associated with the Church of England.Black and white photo of a large crowd gathered in part of Surrey Gardens. The Memorial Cross is the focus of the photo. The Surrey Shrine can be seen in the background.surrey gardens, monuments and memorials, surrey shrine, governors, earl of stradbroke, norman carter -
Lorne Historical Society
Photograph, First cars to enter Lorne from Aireys Inlet Dec 1921
Photo taken from near Stirling Street of the decorated road at Lorne for the arrival of the first three cars into Lorne from Aireys Inlet December 1921. g.o.r. lorne: aireys inlet: 1st cars arriving. stirling street. -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - CD-ROM, Death Index Victoria 1921-1985, 2000
Death Index Victoria 1921-1985. Copy of one disc in CD case with white paper insert. Small picture oif hearse and bill for funeral.Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages . VicHeritage Department of Justice Victoriastatistics, deaths -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Badge - Fundraising Button, Deepdene & Balwyn Alfred Hospital Appeal 1921, 1921
Frances Rigg was a local business identity in Kew, at one stage managing the local branch of the English, Scottish and Australian (ES&A) Bank at 175 High Street from c. 1920 until the 1940s. After Francis Rigg’s death, the collection of buttons and medallions was inherited by his son, Ken Rigg (1922-2014). The collection was subsequently donated to the Kew Historical Society in 2015 by Francis' grandson, Adrian Rigg, at the time of the Gallipoli & Beyond Commemoration in 2015. The collection covers a period of almost 40 years. The majority of the buttons are patriotic buttons, issued and sold during and immediately after the First World World War (1914-1918) to raise funds for national and overseas causes. The collection also includes a number of locally significant sporting event buttons and sporting club medallions, issued in the 1920s and 1930s.Patriotic and other pressed tin buttons and badges were produced in large numbers in the first decades of the twentieth century. By nature, insubstantial and ephemeral, they have not always survived. The collections of badges, buttons and medallions in the Kew Historical Society collection is homogenous and yet diverse, ranging from buttons sold to raise funds for the war efforts in 1914-18 and 1939-45, to those used at festivals and sporting events. Because of the manufacturing process, many surviving buttons and badges have been affected by inadequate storage, suffering from oxidisation and physical damage. These survivors are now historically and socially significant artefacts, revealing much about the attitudes and values of the period in which they were produced. Their widespread distribution means that they are frequently significant at a local, state, national and international level.A button designed to raise funds in Deepdene and Balwyn for the Alfred Hospital Appeal of 1921. The central image on the button is of cricket bats, ball and a wicket, all designed in red. The Argus was to report that ‘Yesterday on behalf of the Deepdene and Balwyn committee who organised the event, Constable F. Kloster and Mrs. F Quin handed in a cheque for £150/3/9, representing the proceeds of a fete at Deepdene on behalf of the appeal fund’.deepdene, alfred hospital, fundraising buttons, badges -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Thomas Kennedy Cortege, Linton, 1921
Black and white copy of original photograph.thomas kennedy cortege, theo nelson, linton cemetery, 1921 -
Bendigo TAFE
Invitation, 1921
An invitation sent to J. R. V. Anderson by the Mayor of Bendigo, Cr. J. E. Holland, in 1921 to attend a luncheon to celebrate the opening of the Soldier's Memorial Hall at the Bendigo Town Hall on Tuesday,15th November, 1921 at 1 pm. This Soldiers' Memorial Hall still stands today in Pall Mall, Bendigo. It is now called the Bendigo RSL Memorial Military Museum.Celebrates the opening of the Soldier's Memorial Hall in Bendigo, as well as indicating the importance of J. R. V. Anderson in the Bendigo community at that time. This significance has been assessed in-house.Personal invitation to Mr. J. R. V. Anderson from the Mayor of Bendigo (Cr. J. E. Holland) to attend a luncheon to celebrate the official opening of the Soldiers' Memorial Hall, Bendigo on the 15th November 1921. Rectangular card in blue print, with the person's name handwritten in black ink.Inscribed on card bearing City of Bendigo emblem is the following: "On the occasion of the Opening of the Soldiers' Memorial Hall / by / His Excellency, The Governor of Victoria, The Earl of Stradbroke, / K.C.M.G., C.B,, C.V.O., C.B.E., A.D.C. to His Majesty the King, / The Mayor of Bendigo, (Cr. J. E. Holland,) / requests the pleasure of / Mr. J. R. V. Anderson's / company at Luncheon at the Town Hall, Bendigo, on Tuesday, / the 15th November, 1921, at 1 p.m. / R.S.V.P. TO TOWN CLERK BEFORE INST." (Last line crossed out in black ink).anderson, j. r. v., bendigo school of mines and industries, soldier's memorial hall, bendigo, 1921 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Auction Sale Brochure - Adjoining Weatherboard Villas, Albert Street and Thanet Street, Ringwood - circa 1921
Single page advertisement with black and white photographs of two adjoining timber villas fronting Albert Street and Thanet Street, Ringwood for auction on Saturday, 7th May (1921?).Under instructions from E.W. Smail, esq., Public Accountant, 31 Queen Street, Melbourne. Two well constructed timer villas, each containing 5 rooms, electric light, bath and laundry, good position, land to each 66ft x 258 ft., made road. These well-built homes, so nicely situated in this charming district, only 6 minuts to Ringwood Station, Churhes, Shops, etc., are for positive sale, and are specially suitable for homes and in estments. Terms at sale. J.C. Adams & Son, Auctioneer, 364 Burke Road, Camberwell. J.B. McAlpin, Ringwood, Local Agent. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Blood Bros. store in Bedford Road, Ringwood, opposite Greenwood St. 1921
Typed below photograph, "Blood Bros. store in Bedford Rd. opposite end Greenwood St. 1921". -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne High School Hockey Team 1921
B/W Studio Portrait: .2 rows of Girls in Hockey Uniform. white lace up 'sailor tunics with dark scarfs, dark skirts, stockings, lace up shoes. Girl in the centre in the front row is holding two (2) crossed hockey sticks Falma & Co 119 Swanston Street Melbourne On Reverse Melbourne High school Hockey Team 1921huttley, martin, sport, education -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Syllabus, Education Department, Victoria, Syllabuses, Technical Schools, 1921 and 1924
Syllabuses produced by the Education Department of Victoria. They are for Technical Schools and outline requirements for various subjects. They were produced at the beginning of each year. .1, .2, .3 are for 1921. .4 to .22 are for 1924. .1: Mechanics and Mechanics Applied to Mining (1921) .2: Mechanics and Heat (1921) .3: Graphics (1921) .4: Hydraulics (1924) .5: Civil Engineering (1924) .6: Electrical Technology (1924) .7: Electric Wiring (1924) .8: Sheet Metal Work, Pattern Cutting for Tinsmiths, Galvanized Iron Workers and Sheet Copper Workers (1924) .9: Metal Work (Machine Shop Practice) (1924) .10: Farm Irrigation and Irrigation Engineering .11: Food Analysis .12: Theory of Aircraft Design and Construction (1924) .13: Iron, Steel and Engineering Alloys (Special Course for Aeronautical Engineers) (1924) .14: Civil Engineering (1924) .15: Diploma Students - Iron, Steel and Engineering Alloys (1924) .16: Aerodynamics (1924) .17: Electrical Engineering (1914) .18: Mechanical Drawing, 2nd Year Students - Junior Technical Schools (1924) .19: Mechanical Drawing, 3rd Year Students - Junior Technical Schools or Preparatory Evening Course for Technical School Students (1924) .20: Mathematics (1924) .21: Diploma Courses in Engineering - Electrical, Mechanical, Marine, Civil, Aeronautical (1924) .22: Civil Engineering (1924) 22 items, A5 in size. Some are folded sheets of A4 paper.sylabus, education department, victoria, technical schools, 1921, 1924, mechanic and mechanics applied to mining, mechanis and heat, graphics, hydraulics, civil engineering, electrical technology, electric wiring, sheet metal work, pattern cutting for tinsmiths, galvanised iron workers, sheet copper workers, machine shop practice, farm irrigation, irrigation engineering, food analysis, theory of aircraft design and construction, aeronautical engineers, diploma students, aerodynamics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanical drawing, junior technical schools, evening course for technical students, mathematics -
Duldig Studio museum + sculpture garden
Drawing, Slawa Horowitz-Duldig, Head of a woman (with eyes closed) by Slawa Horowitz-Duldig c. 1921, c.1921
The influence of Symbolist art is clear in Slawa's early folios of drawings and paintings where familiar themes of dream-like states, apparitions and mythological creatures are used. Later drawings such as Head of a Woman with closed eyes, c.1921 show a boldness and psychological intensity reminiscent of notable member of the Vienna Secession, painter Egon Schiele whose final exhibition took place in Vienna in 1918. Signed Slawa Horowitzsymbolism -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mont Albert Central School Grade 1, 1921, 1921
Mont Albert State School was officially opened on 23rd April 1917. The school became Mont Albert Central School in 1918, taking in Forms 1 and 2. The school remained a Central School until 1964, when the secondary years formed the basis of a new High School, the Box Hill North High School, later to be named Koonung Secondary College. This is part of a large collection of material related to the Deakin, Mair and Young families, all with connections to Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Ernest Lance Young was the son of Ernest Augustus Young (1891-1985) and Ruby Nichell Whitby (1892-1984). Lance was born 24 March 1915 in Surrey Hills. The family lived at 5 York Street, Surrey Hills. Electoral roll for 1937 gives the house name as 'Whitby Lodge'. He married Beryl Mair in 1939 and died on 5 October 1999 at Mont Albert. Electoral rolls list him as a manufacturer. His address after marriage was 11 York Street, Mont Albert. He is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (M-*-0867) along with his father. He served in WW2 (Service Number - VX104733 enlisting at St Kilda) and after returning took over his father's business. Young's Motor Products have manufactured products for the automotive and other related industries, including chemical trades, since 1920. Business history: Young's commenced trading in 1917 when Mr Ernest Augustus Young started selling paint brushes. At this time the company was known as E.A.Young & Co. with business premises in Queen Street Melbourne. Ernest soon expanded into paints and other products for the rapidly growing automotive trade and by 1920 was well recognised as a leading supplier. At this time canvas hoods were the norm and Ernest produced a "Canvas Hood Dressing" which gained acceptance as 'the one to buy'. This product was exported throughout the world. By 1930 Young's range had expanded and the product range included items like distilled water, gasket cement, vulcanising heat patches, rust prevention and many more diverse products. Young's name then, was so well known in Australia and the world, that a letter could be addressed just "Young's Melbourne" and it would reach the company. Young's survived the great depression, but in 1939 the Australian government commandeered the factory with all plant and equipment, thus closing Young's for the duration of the WW2. Ernest continued to make products at home for the war effort. When his son, Lance, returned home from overseas war service in Singapore, the Young's factory was re-established at 405 Canterbury Road, Canterbury near Chatham Station and worked to regain markets lost in the 1940s. By 1980 Lance Young wished to retire, his immediate family didn't want to continue the business and Lance believed Australia would lose a great asset if he just closed the company. He sought to find someone within the motor trade who would uphold the Young's principles of product and service and in 1981 Allan Kennedy & Sons bought the business.Lance Young was retained as an active consultant until his death in October 1999, aged 84. Products: Superseal for radiators, tyre dressing (tyre black), car shampoo, hood dressing, leather and vinyl cleaner. The factory was later elased to B&D Rollerdoors. REF: Personal communication (Laurie Newton, nee Young) and Black and white class photo taken outside the school building. The class of 18 girls and 22 boys is flanked by a male teacher of the LHS of the photo and a female teacher on the RHS. Children are wearing a variety of clothing indicating the absence of an official school uniform.REAR: Possibly 4 different hands as follows: 1. In black ink faded to brown: "January 1921 / Mont Albert State School" 2. "ERNEST" in black biro; looks to be a later insert to "Lance Young" in blue biro or ink. 3. "2nd on left / FRONT ROW legs crossed" in blue biro. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Tennis Club compilation photographs including Arthur Broben, Lindsay Travers, Fred Dawes, Jim Broben, 1921
Names on back of postcard read, "Ringwood Tennis - Arthur Broben, Lindsay Travers, Fred Dawes, Jim Broben, 1921". -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, A View Over Mountain Grange 1921, 1921
A view of Mountain Grange Homestead built by Thomas Hand with buildings and ground covered in snow. The photograph has historical information on the back handwritten by John Lundy-Clarke in 1976.1921 A view over “Mountain Grange” from the side of Mt Kalorama above where Grange Road is now. On the left of the homestead is the avenue of pine trees under which the annual Sunday School picnic was held. On the right is the giant pine that still stands (1976) and the great barn. The separate kitchen of the homestead can be clearly seen. mountain grange, snow, john lundy-clarke, thomas hand -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Book, The Golden Years The Royal Australian Air Force 1921-1971, 1971
Department of Air 'The Golden Years', Royal Australian Air Force 1921-1971. A very comprehensive history of the RAAF from 1921. Outstanding photographs both black and white and colourBlue cover paper front and back cover. RAAF insignia on front page with gold writing 'The Golden Years'. Colour and Black and White photographs,log book entry in original handwriting. Appendices 1-5.Nil -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Warrandyte Road bridge over Mullum Creek, Ringwood. 1921 or 1931
Written on photographs, "Warrandyte Road bridge over Mullum Creek" One photograph is dated 1921 and the other 1931. (3 copies) -
Federation University Historical Collection
Hand written document, Ballarat Junior Technical School Correspondence 1921, 1921
Ballarat Junior Technical School opened in 1913. It was located at the Dana Street State School. As numbers grew a larger building was needed. Plans were drawn and a school built within the grounds of the School of Mines. Students started at this new school in 1921. It was officially opened on 9 September 1921 by Sir Alexander, resident of Creswick, local member for North Ballarat and the Minister for Education. He also opened the School Fair which coincided with the buildings ceremony. This was a fair on a grand scale and lasted two days and nights. Staff and students worked for weeks making articles for sale. A parent's committee led by Mr J Rogerson, a local police detective, had been organizing for months. As part of the ceremony for the opening of the school the Strachan Orchestra was engaged to play. .1 Taxi hire provided transport for the Strachan Orchestra for two visits at a total cost of Five Shillings. This hand written slip shows the date of payment and by whom .2 This item is the receipt N A Strachan sent to Mr Steane, Headmaster of the school, for the payment of Two Pounds, cost for engaging the Orchestra. Money raised funded the dodge-ball court, purchased a typewriter, a second-hand piano, an inter-room telephone system, an epidiascope and film projector.Hand written notes on lined paper. .1 Invoice; .2 Receipt.1 Signature of W. Button .2 Signature of N.A. Strachan.ballarat junior technical school, dana street, ballarat school of mines, minister for education, member for north ballarat, school fair, strachan orchestra, receipt, albert steane, ceremony, taxi, typewriter, piano, telephone system, payment notice, sir alexander peacock -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate February 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published February 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate January 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published January 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate March 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published March 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate April 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published April 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate May 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published May 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate September 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published September 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate November 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published November 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate December 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published December 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate October 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published October 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate August 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published August 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate June 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published June 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Beaufort Historical Society
Newspaper (Item) - Periodicals, Weekly, The Riponshire Advocate July 1921
The Riponshire Advocate Newspapers Published July 1921A weekly recording of news and events of interest to people in the Beaufort and surrounding areas.beaufort, ripon shire, pyrenees shire, raglan, skipton -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mrs Francis Bennett nee Egan & Mr James Bennett from Deep Lead 1921 -- Studio Portrait
Deep Lead Portrait Francis and James Bennett 1921stawell deep lead