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matching l. mills
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph, Black & White Mrs J.L.Smith & Butcher, 1915
The Butcher Mr Bill Ellin delivering meat to Mrs J.L.Smith in front of the house Law Muir Den 510 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1915. Groceries, Ice, Milk, Bread, Eggs, Poultry were delivered to housewives by the traders in horse drawn carts, Also Hawkers and Pedlars plied their wares by visiting the cottages. John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.A Black and white photograph c 1915 showing the Butcher delivering meat to Mrs J.L Smith Bentleighsmith j l, smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, bent thomas, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, william ellin, butcher -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Washing Day at 'Law Muir Den' Mrs J L Smith c1910, c1910
Mrs J.L.Smith and Ada Smith in the backyard of the house Law Muir Den 510 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1910. . The early settler women usually devoted a whole day to washing as it was very labourious. A fire was lit in a stone pit and a large tub of water boiled. Soap that had been made, usually in the previous Autumn, from fat drippings and caustic soda, was flaked into the tub to form suds. The clothes were moved around in the tub with a long wooden paddle that was also used to lift the clothes out of the tub into another tub of cold rinsing water..Stains were removed by scrubbing soap on the cloth against a scrubbing board. Clothes were wrung by hand or a mechanical wringer and hung on the clothes line to dry. Mary Ann Smith was married John Logan Smith 1860-1932 who at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Photograph, Black & White, showing 2 women washing clothes in a large tub, set over a fire in a stone pit, in the back yard. Clothes are hanging from a rope line strung between 2 trees and held up with a wooden 'prop' -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White J. L. Smith Hay & Grain Store Bentleigh c1910, c1910
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Black & white photograph of the Hay & Grain Store of John Logan Smith 1860-1932 on the corner of Jasper Rd and Centre Rd Bentleigh ( East Brighton) c1910. A Horse drawn cart loaded with hay and another outside the first building used by J L Smith -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J.L.Smith Hay & Grain Store c1916 Bentleigh, 1916
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Black & White photograph of J L Smith Hay & Grain Store and Crushing Mill Jasper Rd / Centre Rd Bentleigh 1916. A veranda has been added to the store, new signage attached and a Gas light and hitching post are in foreground. 3 Horse drawn carts loaded with grain bags and drivers sitting on top of loadV. Smithgas street light, hitching posts, smith vic, photography, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J L Smith, H Higgins Overloaded Ford Truck at Chaff & Grain Store and Mill Bentleigh c1926, c1926
J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations. Herbert John Higgins ran a dairy farm with 40 cows on some acres fronting Jasper Rd ( Higgins Rd today ) he grew corn crops to feed his herd and also bought grain from J L Smith.Herbert Higgins , Dairy farmer, along with the Allnutt, and Long families were members of the Methodist Church Bentleigh from 1880s and involved in community organizations, J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Black & White photograph showing an upended Ford truck that has been overloaded with bags of grain with Herb Higgins and 2 men and a boy. They are outside J L Smith Chaff & Grain Store Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1926 higgins,herbert, dairy farmer, allnutt victoria (queenie), smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, methodist church bentleigh, milk, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x 2 ,Black & White, F Smith Horse drawn cart loaded, Baled Straw, Grain, c1920
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 J L Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.2 x Black & White photographs showing horse drawn carts loaded with (a) Hay and (b) bags of grain outside J.L.Smith Grain & Chaff Store Centre Rd Bentleigh c1920smith frank, smith arch, smith tom, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph Hay & Corn Store, Before 1910, Smith's Hay & Corn Store, Cnr. Centre and Jasper Roads, Bentleigh, Late 19th to early 20th Century
The first photograph was taken prior to 1910. The location is at the corner of Centre and Jasper Roads, East Brighton, (now known as Bentleigh). It is an early view of John L. and "Minnie" Smith's Hay and Corn Store, situated on the South West corner of those two roads. The first photo was taken prior to the introduction of electricity in the area. A gas lamp and horse "hitching post" can be seen "in shot". There are several loaded wagons waiting in line to have their hay milled to chaff. Farmers came from places as distant as Carrum to have their loads of hay milled into chaff. John Smith was born in 1860 in Point Nepean Road, Brighton, and Minnie was born in Patterson Road, Moorabbin, in a wattle and daub cottage with earthen floor and butter muslin over the windows. The couple married in 1884, Minnie was a devout Methodist and the family became very involved in the development of the local Methodist church. The couple had four children and during the 1890s Depression their first child died, they lost all their possessions, and John's family struggled to survive. Finally in the late 1890s JL Smith was able to rent a shed from Mr Henry Box on the corner of Centre and Jasper Roads, and he later purchased that property. With the gradual improvement in the economy, and the development of the successful market gardening industry in the Shire of Moorabbin, JL Smith's produce store became quite prosperous. Over some years the little "shed" developed into a thriving Hay and Corn Store. JL Smith went on to become Moorabbin Shire President in 1914. He and his wife were active in assisting soldiers returning injured from the 1st WW, in the local Methodist Church and other early community projects. Smith was a typical example of the majority of the early settlers in the Shire of Moorabbin, being god-fearing and devoted to the idea of service to the community. The photographs demonstrate the primitive conditions and early development of what is now a bustling and well-recognised area of Bentleigh, (known as east Brighton before 1907). The photo shows a gas lamp in use before the introduction of electricity in 1916. The Smith's story is representative of the many early pioneering traders, who elected to "set up shop", who suffered the adversity of the 1890s depression, but who survived and made their living in the largely undeveloped area of East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) district. Two black and white early photographs both of the same location. The photos are of the corner of Centre and Jasper Roads, Bentleigh. (Prior to 1907 this area was known as East Brighton.) Both photos show J.L Smith's General Merchant Produce store. "Steam Chaff Cutting and Corn Crushing Mills" and the surrounding area at differing stages. In the first photo taken prior to 1910, we can see there are several horse-drawn carts loaded with hay waiting to be milled, a gas lamp and a horse "hitching post". The store is just a single unadorned, shed. The later, second photo of the same area, shows improvements and the further development of that site. On the back of the photo "Hay and Corn Store -/ not later than 1910."/"Photographer /Victor C Smith,/ Phone Number XL1472"/hitching post, methodist church, smith minnie, moorabbin shire president, gas lamp, east brighton district, 1890s depression, wattle and daub cottage, centre road, jasper road, box henry, smith john l -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of a photo by Vincent Kelly of the Hanro Staff and Workers taken on the steps of Bendigo Post Office appros 1933. Names on the back are: Allan Crossley, G Evely,T Hall, M ?sen, M Owens, I Hutchinson, L Ash, C Tyers, L Thornton, R Dixon, I Newson, Phill Ipson, E Kent, L Comte, D Pinnell, M Thomas, C Washington, K Bowman, M Kelly, M Tussup, R Shaw, ? Henson, C Washington, E Rodgers, S Brown, P Pearce, D Thornton, L Rielly, L Truscott, R Brereton, P Taylor, Norris, D Miller, C Enderlin, D Harward, J Lockyer, D Butters, Marc Curnow, B Organ, E Lindsay, L Smart, E Ogilvie, G Crossley, M Newwand, Newmand, Truscott, C Ildae, O Richards, B Richards, C Kingsley, ?, F Mylon, Z Wallen, J Thom, P Trehair, E Crawford, F Chandler, E Hogan, G Blandthorn, J Thom, L Henson, E Stephens, J Gerrand, L Doney, M Williams, C Brauman, R Shaw, L Rushmeyer, R F Wr, L Wright, L - R, A McCormack, S Swalling, I West, J Bolger, L Swalling,B Patterson, T Williams, M Shepherd, J Aitken, A Phillips, M Smith, M Williams, S Ross, J Punch, S Dunne, P Warren, E Keck, J Pinder, W Stock, V Akers, J Neate, M Doyle, M Neate, M Marchingo, C Collard, Iris Dobie, M Irvine, D Nalder, M McPherson, Marg, Alma Rank, D Edwards, Z Excell, M McGuiness, A Christie, ? Beer, Male R. J Preston, J Mueller, F Harris, T Robertson, R Hiscock and T Lund. Names by Moreen Betts (Marchingo). Two pages are the same and one only has part of a photo on it. Written beside it is: Hanro Mills, Bendigo. Photo of Staff & Employers. Approx 1933 - 34. Picture with Allan Crossley. x On last page is Alans Sister.Vincent Kellybendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - photo hanro staff & workers approx 1933, vincent kelly, hanro mills bendigo, allan crossley, g evely, t hall, m ?sen, m owens, i hutchinson, l ash, c tyers, l thornton, r dixon, i newson, phill ipson, e kent, l comte, d pinnell, m thomas, c washington, k bowman, m kelly, m tussup, r shaw, ? henson, c washington, e rodgers, s brown, p pearce, d thornton, l rielly, l truscott, r brereton, p taylor, norris, d miller, c enderlin, d harward, j lockyer, d butters, marc curnow, b organ, e lindsay, l smart, e ogilvie, g crossley, m newwand, newmand, truscott, c ildae, o richards, b richards, c kingsley, ?, f mylon, z wallen, j thom, p trehair, e crawford, f chandler, e hogan, g blandthorn, j thom, l henson, e stephens, j gerrand, l doney, m williams, c brauman, r shaw, l rushmeyer, r f wr, l wright, l - r, a mccormack, s swalling, i west, j bolger, l swalling, b patterson, t williams, m shepherd, j aitken, a phillips, m smith, m williams, s ross, j punch, s dunne, p warren, e keck, j pinder, w stock, v akers, j neate, m doyle, m neate, m marchingo, c collard, iris dobie, m irvine, d nalder, m mcpherson, marg, alma rank, d edwards, z excell, m mcguiness, a christie, ? beer, male r. j preston, j mueller, f harris, t robertson, r hiscock, t lund, moreen betts (marchingo), bendigo post office -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Copy (2 pages) of a Bendigo Advertiser Feature dated Thursday, April 13, 1972 titled Bendigo Says. Good-bye to the Trams. Article contains photos of trams, a photo of a conductor assisting an elderly lady with a shopping jeep and a photo of trams and people at the Alexander Fountain. The article mentions Four Eras of Trams, a poem titled 'The Trammies' by R L Harrowfield, some men who worked on the trams and tasks they did, some accidents, local identities, and some of Tom Griffiths memories.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - bendigo says good-bye to the trams, the electric supply company of victoria, state electricity commission of victoria, cr d e elliott, the city council, bendigo trust, sandhurst and eaglehawk tramway company, bendigo tramway company, battery trams, steam trams, electric trams, r l harrowfield, tom griffiths, baby health centre, miss tavenor's sweet shop, needle mine, the robbie burns hotel, eaglehawk wine saloon, town hall hotel, hooley's dress fabrics, kevin anstee, bert knight, bendigo curtain service, graham o'donahoo, john henderson, the english electric traction company, princess theatre, upper reserve, five lions, hercules mine, needle loop (needle mine), jim collins, arch robinson's seat, st liborius church, virginia mine, upper reserve (qeo), bendigo tram history, gibson's, blum's, powney's, view point newsagency, city offices, hopetoun hotel, ?ob & dorothy mills' concern, gillies bros pty ltd -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from 2002. A winning bunch: Bendigo (8.14) defeated Echuca (5.11) on October 17, 1948. The winning football team was: back row: E. Anderson, I. Connell, L. Raynor, L. Ross, W. McGrath, K. Swatton, R. Southcombe, T. Harrington, D. Evans and E. Thompson. Centre row: F. Kyne, J. Elvey, H. Tobin, W. Mills, N. Coleman and M. Bulger. Front row: V. Hussey, W. White, A. McDonald, D. McHardy and A. Stewart. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
140 Loose pages titled The Bendigo Saleyards Economic Viability Study. Report written by Kate Millard on behalf of the Bendigo Development Committee Inc. Contents include: Chapter 1 - Background Information, Chapter 1 - Present Operations at the Saleyards, Chapter 3 - Economic Factors, Chapter 4 - Environmental Factors, Chapter 5 - Selling Techniques, Chapter 6 - Employment Study, Management and Sundry Issues, Chapter 7 - Survey of Farmers and Saleyard Users in the 'Catchment Area', and Chapter 8 - Recommendations of the Report. Includes diagrams and maps. Recommendations printed on dark yellow paper.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - the bendigo saleyards economic viability study, bendigo development committee inc., kate millard, loddon campaspe planning authority, street, ryan and associates, bendigo city council, strathfieldsaye shire council, department of industry technology & resources, national library of australia, meldrum burows & partners, core wilson sayer, town planning appeals panel, ces, victorian farmers and graziers association, stock agents association, department of agriculture, department of industry technology & resources, department of conservation forests and land, cr jock comini, rca depot, wellsford rifle range, bendigo airport, bendigo field naturalists club, mr david kennedy, mr john brumby, mr john radford, neil o'keefe, bendigo east progress association, bendigo east traders, trades hall council, mr tom uren, mr frank wilkes, mr bruce reid, mr k i m wright, mr e t ebery, bendigo pastoral council of the vfga, victorian meatworks association, bendigo stock & station agents association, rutlands transport, mr don pickles, country abattoirs & wholesalers association association of victoria, meat and allied trade federation of australia, bendigo saleyards advisory committee, bendigo residents & ratepayers association, a h & n graham, mrs p unmack australian bureau of statistics, mr lloyd houlden, cr c rodda, mr jolly, mr tony milanese, dr robert carter, university of melbourne, bendigo college of tafe, t matthews, a s & r d rutland, john kerr, j talbot, g l o'sullivan, penney & lang pty ltd, graeme pickering, pickhall j w & sons, r a plant, w k schmidt, t j vick, k & j wignall, a e wright, g chapman, a j gillies, p g & m m harris, ian r hollingsworth, b kennedy, s letcher, s & d k letcher, p m llewellyn, l g mason, boyer r t, connally m f, kennedy & mortlock, nevins j p, r w johnstone, w j keith, b d kelly, notman r, pitts a j & c a, pitts mervyn l & co, rowe w o, warren k m, associated stock & station agents, dalgety farmers ltd, elders dsm estates, ellis nuttall & co, gallagher g d, hamilton real estate, mcgregor ralph h & co, mckean w & co, miller turner livestock co, vains e m & co, victorian producers, hill m j & co, bennetts meats, comell bros, davis b & d, hardwick g f & v c, penney & lang p/l, tendercut meats, northern seed supply co, bendigo fertilizers, agri business pty ltd, agrilink consulting group pty ltd, acil aust pty ltd, mcgowan & associates, chapman w c, talbot e j, mcculloch w & sons pty ltd, k v equipment, commercial egg producers assoc co-op, monsanto aust ltd, balmer bryan r, barry i j, bath l, clarke b j, treacy k m, turner j m, bendigo mower serv pty ltd, everlast concrete tank tyltd, wicks bros, canvas goods, don mcarthur, bendigo communications, transcom, emdell pty ltd, epsom pharmaceutical supplies, sandhurst fencing pty ltd, arnolds gates & fencing, r furniss, carne neville, awa & unicla, ajm refrigeration, bendigo concrete sawing service, hamilton r j, hearpes t w, j e brown, campey dr a r, fyffe j j, kangaroo flat vet clinic, ottrey k e, bendigo sprinkler installations, milnes irrigation, onga pumpshop, barastoc products, bush's produce stores, epsom produce, k m m pty ltd, bendigo grain co, eaglehawk chaff mills, grain elevators board dept, bonneys pest control, knights pest control, brown wk & l d, bendigo sewerage authority, bendigo water board, aci computer services, leham donald, a e hueffer & associates, wolmoke planners, p langley, mr ken strachan, mr evan jones, mr peter byrnes, mr wayne street, street ryan & associates -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
White, four fold, John Brown Industries Limited Official Opening of New Mill by the Minister for Decentralisation The Hon. A. J. Fraser, M. C., M. L. A. on Tuesday, 4th September, 1956. On the inside is the Menu and Toasts and on the back is a green and black coloured aerial perspective of John Brown Industries - Bendigo. The Builders were John D. Booker Constructions Pty. Ltd and the Architects were Stephenson & Turner. Includes two round John Brown Industries Ltd name tags, two invitations to the Official Opening Dance on 4th September, 1956; a Souvenir Programme United Charities Cabaret Ball at John Brown Industries Ltd on 7th Sept., 1956 and a thank you card.document, invitations, john brown industries, john brown industries limited, official opening of new mill, the hon a j fraser m c mla, alec brown, maurice cohen, harry g tredinnick, norman de w robinson, neville s reid, walter j simpson, cr a s craig, cr r poulston, john d booker constructions pty ltd, stephenson & turner, welmar industries proprietary limited -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - DELL CAFÉ, RE-UNION DINNER, 29 March, 1947
Dell Café, Re-Union Dinner. Employees of the Old Firm D Whyte & Co. First Annual Re-Union Dinner, Saturday, 29th March, 1947. Dell Café, Hargreaves St. Bendigo. President: T D Cairns, Hon. Sec: J Swatton. Program includes singing and music. Record of Service, name and years of service of employees. R F Gray, T D Cairns, Geo Bennett, H Kerr, F Owen, W McCoy, W Hampton, W Chapmon, G Glover, J Guidice, P Williams, T Mills, K Swift, G O'Donnell, T Chalkey, C Lee, J Swatton, P Read, A Keast, L Rowe, J Richards, T Thompson, Clem Hicks, J Ash, M McDonald, P Burns, W Durwood, P Gouglin, S Clarke, H Colee, J Cox (Jack), S Davey, J Cox (Joe), H Francis, D Grant, E A Hargreaves, H Heggie, J Hicks, R Johnson, H Maybury, J Mead, J Murphy, Gus Lynch, R Nankervis, W Webster, F Wittscheibe, C Watson, R Veal, H Shuttleworth, T Edwards, P Seeber, W Beckerleg, R Huillier, Geo Hall, Les Maher, H Sims, B Patterson, M Clarke, H Robotham, T Lansell, W A McCawley, J Boland, W Gardiner, J Graham, B Stephenson, A Rowe, Geo Nevinson, J Loddington, V Thomas, F Swatton, C Eddy, D Sterry, A Warren, J Lych, Miss Liddy, Miss L Guest. 4 pages.Cambridge Press, Bendigoevent, social, dell café, dell café, re-union dinner. employees of the old firm d whyte & co. first annual re-union dinner, saturday, 29th march, 1947. hargreaves st. bendigo. president: t d cairns, hon. sec: j swatton. program includes singing and music. record of service. r f gray, t d cairns, geo bennett, h kerr, f owen, w mccoy, w hampton, w chapmon, g glover, j guidice, p williams, t mills, k swift, g o'donnell, t chalkey, c lee, j swatton, p read, a keast, l rowe, j richards, t thompson, clem hicks, j ash, m mcdonald, p burns, w durwood, p gouglin, s clarke, h colee, j cox (jack), s davey, j cox (joe), h francis, d grant, e a hargreaves, h heggie, j hicks, r johnson, h maybury, j mead, j murphy, gus lynch, r nankervis, w webster, f wittscheibe, c watson, r veal, h shuttleworth, t edwards, p seeber, w beckerleg, r huillier, geo hall, les maher, h sims, b patterson, m clarke, h robotham, t lansell, w a mccawley, j boland, w gardiner, j graham, b stephenson, a rowe, geo nevinson, j loddington, v thomas, f swatton, c eddy, d sterry, a warren, j lych, miss liddy, miss l guest -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Australian Blue Book1942 - contains reference material about Australia . Published by Blue Star Publishers P/L; Editor, Arthur Moorhead. Inside front cover is the stamp of ''Hanro (Australia) Knitting Mills Pty Ltdaustralia, history, general item of interest -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Letter naming the members who received Medical attendance during the past fortnight. They are Hoffman, Abraham, Sampson, Rowe, Nicholas, Trevarton, Peters, Brown, Stoops, Redpath, Wilcox, Duncan, Schlemm, French, -oldsworthy, Mill, Charles, Stopelbein, Grey, Mueller, Dillon Jno, Skeats, Murray, Marquand, Gleeson, McNamara, Howard and three illegible. Signed by H L Atkinson and dated Octr 3/66.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - correspondence, hoffman, abraham, sampson, rowe, nicholas, trevarton, peters, brown, stoops, redpath, wilcox, duncan, schlemm, french, -oldsworthy, mill, charles, stopelbein, grey, mueller, dillon jno, skeats, murray, marquand, gleeson, mcnamara, howard, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sepia photograph of views of Sandhurst, looking east from reserve. Inscriptions: (on card) 'Views of Bendigo, No 1, Sandhurst East, with a portion of the City Reserve, N J Caire, Photo, Sandhurst, JW Forbes, Agent' (key to buildings in photo L to R) 'Jewish Synagogue, Buckley's Flour Mills. Oddfellows Hall, City Town Hall, Shamrock Hotel', 'Welch, Typo'N J Caire, Sandhurstprevious acc. no. 'mp134'. see also 2001.392.01 and 2001.390.01 see 'views of bendigo' by n.j.caire -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Hand written list on names on Hanro (Aust) knitting mills ltd paper. Names include: L. Ansett, E. Bryan, L. O'Mara, R Gibbs, G. Thompson, M. Boyle, G. Donaldson, E. Thompson, J. Onico, R. Pell, F. Arthur, R. Miles, M. Glenn, M. Robertson, B. Kelly, F. Moroni, H. McCaig, W. Leed, T. Cahillhanro, clothing, stationary -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
One hand written and four typed copies of notes on the Garden Gully United Mine and a spare last typed page. Notes include depth of shafts, locality, early history,plant, leading mine, gold production, references on typed copies. One typed copy, with Typed at Mines Dep't written at the top has a number of corrections/inclusions and a hand drawn locality map attached to the back.mine, gold, garden gully united mine, garden gully united mine, garden gully line of reef, paddy's gully line, economic now crestknit knitting mills, roberts & sons, ladam's reef, tribute companies, possum shaft, rainbow shaft, gold production, leading mine, pandora reef, rosalind park, dr h l atkinson, i e dyason, w hunter, g lansell, e mueller, bendigo amalgamated company, bendigo city council, w h taylor, mines dept booklet 'bendigo goldfields' geo brown 1936, annals of bendigo 1873 & 1874, annals of bendigo dividend records from 1873 to 1935, a richardson, bendigo minicipal library booklet 'healthy golden bendigo' -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Aerial view of J Kitchen & Sons site, Port Melbourne, C D Pratt Airview, 21 Mar 1939
... - Manufacturing J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd Australian Box Mills E L Pinkus ...COPYRIGHT C D PRATT Black and white photograph of J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd. On back "Aerial view looking North East, 21st March 1939". Signs on three middle buildings 'J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd'; 'Pure Velvet Soap'; 'Electrine Candles'. Sign 'Australian Box Mills' on building to left "E L Pinkus' on building to Nort east and behind it 'Petersen & La...'"This photo is copyright" and information on owner - C D Pratt 86 McCracken St, Essendonindustry - manufacturing, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, australian box mills, e l pinkus, petersen -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Nineteen Hanro Australia Financial Statements and Annual Reports 1926-1933. (Insert Attached List). Contained in light weight pale blue card folders. Some stapled and some loose sheets. Hanro Knitting Mills Pty Ltd (Aust) a). Financial Statements 30th June, 1926 b). First Annual Report 30th November, 1926 c). Financial Statements 30th June, 1927 d). Second Annual Report 30th November, 1927 e). Third Annual Report 25th October, 1928 f). Financial Statements 29th February, 1928 g). Financial Statements 30th June, 1928 h). Financial Statements 30th June, 1928 i). 4th Annual Report 30th October, 1929 j). 30th June 1930. 1 k). 30th June 1930. 2 l). Director's Report 30th June, 1930 m). Financial Statements 31st July, 1931 n). Sixth Director's Report 22nd October, 1931 o). Seventh Annual Report 31st July, 1932 p). Balance Sheet and Financial Statements 31st July, 1932 q). Balance Sheet and Financial Statements 31st July, 1933 r). First Annual report (after Company name changed) 13th November, 1933.Includes, H. Longstaff, Charles Handschin, Geo, retail, hanro financial records -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo advertiser from Friday, April 10, 1964. On the front page two photos and an article 'Axedale receives piped water after 19 year struggle' one photo shows the State opposition leader Mr. Stoneham operating a drinking fountain at the opening of the Axedale water reticulation system. At right the Minister for water supply Mr. Mibus. Others in the picture are: from left Councillors T. H. Grigg and J. Mills of Strathfieldsaye Shire and Mr. L. J. Ellison chairman of the Axedale Water trust. The other photo show Minister Mibus meeting with local children.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, axedale -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper supplement titled Bendigo's Century Volume Three: 1920 - 1929. Front page has a photo of The Duke and Duchess of York visit to Bendigo, 1927. Each year has heading of Who's Who, Weather, Sport and Business. First years are 1910 - 1919 titled The way we were. 1920 is titled Prince hailed. 1921 - City racks up a milestone. 1922 - Furore erupts. 1923 - Felons escape from city gaol. 1924 - Bid to finish RSL memorial. 1925 - Foul odour over sewerage plan. 1926 - Lest we forget Bendigo's fallen. 1927 - Royal Visit captures city. 1928 - Four shot in farm tragedy. 1929 - Billie's trip to remember.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - bendigo's century - volume three: 1920 - 1929, bendigo advertiser, duke and duchess of york, cr e m vains, r putnam, a j taylor, j h jackson, w crowley, sandhurst football club, george lansell, st peter's church, bendigo junior technical school, prince of wales, unity mine, mr w wilson, badak tin mining syndicate, mr t w ortonmr h scarborough, mr raleigh, general sir w r birdwood, the soldiers' memorial committee, bendigo city council, rsl memorial hall, captain g c wilson, lietenant r j parer, lieutenant j c mcintosh, cr j p carolin, h k morris, e a morris, turf tavern hotel, rev donald baker, all saints' pro--cathedral, keck's nursery, bendigo amalgamated goldfields, rising sun hotel, leanne mcdonnell, most rev john mccarthy, sir john quick, prime minister billy hughes, state rivers and water supply commission, diptheria, edna stevens, bendigo railway workshops, watson sustenance fund, sir joseph cook, dr lanza, bendigo amalgamated goldfields, bendigo benevolent asylum, miner's phthisis, bendigo gas company, electric light company, bendigo sewerage authority, commonwealth bank, cr curnow, the earl of stradbroke, dame nellie melba, princess theatre, lt-col g hurry, h sw lawson, countess of stradbroke, clunes woollen mills, girton college, mrs polglaise, mrs kennedy, gold discovery memorial, cr m g giudice, victorian co-operative freezing company, bendigo brick and tile company, mr lawson, soldiers' memorial, windermere hotel, toni riley pharmacy, bendigo gaol, mr a a dunstan mla, new red white and blue mine, claude de vere, walter osborne, sir john and lady quick, jonathan smalley, bendigo advertiser, st paul's bells, mr t cambridge, epsom public hall, bendigo school of mines, major lansell, mr h s w lawson, cr david andrew, colonel hurry, mr s bruce, bendigo sewerage authority, eppalock weir scheme, bendigo football league, r s l memorial, major g v lansell, lempriere, mr s m bruce, sandhurst hotel, market square, big hill tunnel, bendigo football league, bendigo united cricket club, south bendigo rex, sacred heart cathedral, hercules mine, gillies, aids & appliance shop, anne caudle centre, fizelle & mulqueen, south new moon mine, bendigo sewerage authority, mr a a kelley, epsom sewerage works, white hills botanical gardens, mr j sternberg mlc, bendigo book of remembrance, bendigo football league, senator general drake-brockman, captain dyett, school of mines, handschin and romus, hanro (aust.) bendigo knitting mills, charles handschin, farmers' union, andrew sunstan mla, country progressive party, john allan, captain g j c dyett, eahlehawk ufs dispensary, data fundamentals, the duke and duchess of york, the hercules mine, cr j a michelsen, lansell family, bendigo agricultural society, huntly shire council, bendigo creek trust, south african war memorial, cr j h curnow, st paul's church of england diamond jubilee, bendigo chamber of commerce, bendigo freezing works, bendigo pottery, bendigo trotting club, new red white and blue mine, the conservatory, cr e g batchelder, hercules mine, billie rigby, bendigo railway station, travellers' aid society, eppalock weir, the state rivers and water supply commission, bendigo railway workshops, frank grove, cr curnow, electric supply company, state electricity commission, australian aero club, bendigo preserving company, jardine, busbridge, feeman, mr h pearce, bfl, fred wood -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper supplement titled Bendigo's Century Volume six: 1950 - 1959. Front page has a photo of Gillies' famous corner, 1954. Each year has heading of Who's Who, Weather, Sport and Business. First year is 1950 titled Gillies: it's a Bendigo icon. 1951 is titled It's party time. 1952 - City mourns King George. 1953 - Mining ceases. 1954 - City thrilled at royal visit. 1955 - Push to save old Joss House. 1956 - Olympic fever grips Bendigo. 1957 - State Cabinet visits Bendigo. 1958 - Plan to keep historic mine. 1959 - Water storage woes solved. Back page has the Gillies Story.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - bendigo's century - volume six: 1950 - 1959, gillies' corner, bendigo advertiser, john lienhop mlc, north deborah mine, les gillies, alan gillies, norm gillies, black swan hotel, sir dallas brooks, cr a g weynton, bert mundy, cr poulston, the northern district school of nursing, lister house, the bendigo free library, rev dr c irving, shamrock hotel, sir albert dunstan, the most rev dr john mccarthy, jack davey, 1950 empire games, hercules gold mines, amy castles, ben templeton, cobb & co, cr norman oliver, reg parker, fred amer, les hammer, colonel george victor lansell, john quick, mr l w galvin, mr p j clarey mhr, hanro knitting mills, flooding, bendigo pottery, snow fall, the last lamp-lighter, the north deborah, aids & appliance shop, boardwalk, the late king george vi, the north deborah, beehive building, st paul's, st kilian's, upper reserve, bendigo trades hall, bendigo blackout, bendigo hospital, shamrock hotel, gerald smith, britannia hotel, mr a j harris, william morris (billy) hughes, andrew hampson, deborah anticline, north deborah, central deborah, diamond hill mine, north nell gynne mine, robert ross haverfield, sandhurst commercial courier, arthur moore lloyd, robert ross haverfield, angus mackay, jj casey, james henderson, david stuart, bendigo independent, colonel george lansell, bendigo base hospital, bendigo town hall, victorian electric traction association, the most rev b d stewart, st vincent's memorial college, commonwealth athletic club, south atlas racetrack, harp and shamrock hotel, mr and mrs f drake, cr f w clayton, cr r poulston, j h abbott & co, sir george lansell, clan macleod, bendigo gaol, queen alexandra fountain, belfast hotel, commonwealth bank, st vincent's college, lyric threatre, des duguid, brian cahill, lord's raceway, red white & blue extended gold mining company nl, central napoleon gold miningcompany nl, joss house, harry john, bendigo advertiser, mr leggatt, university of melbourne, anz bank, golden drive-in theatre, bank of australasia, john brown industries, bendigo football league, bendigo trotting club, faith leech, racv, bendigo sewereage authority, bendigo base hospital, bendigo benevolent asylum, henry bolte, jack davey, russell oakley, neville stilwell, channel seven, bendigo's olympic pool, annie caudle centre, strathfieldsaye aerodrome committee, southern airlines, cr d j osborn, cairn curran reservoir, state savings bank, commonwealth bank of australasia, belfast hotel, bennett's arcade, eppalock weir, bendigo cenotaph, sir edmund herring, cr a s craig, bendigo creche, bendigo high school, bendigo pottery, shamrock hotel, the venerable ronald richards, bishop riley, all saints cathedral, mr albert bush, bendigo arcade company ltd, woolworths, bull's head hotel, pike's corner, arcade hotel, upper coliban reservoir, cr tom flood, crystal egg co, sailor's guide, central deborah, central nell gwynne mine, bendigo benevolent home, ron masters, george daniel, eppalock dam, water commission, public works committee, bendigo central victoria telecasters ltd, channel nine, royal princess theatre, sir george lansell, volunteer defence corps, bendigo independent, countess erna cadorin, count ettore cadorin, ernst mueller, sutex pty ltd, dick turner, marco cavasassi -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Broadcasting Station 3CV, Maryborough. A souvenir of the opening of the New Studios and Offices of Central Victoria Broadcasters Pty Ltd. March 2nd, 1956. Established 1956, offices in Burke Street, opening coincides with the stations 21st birthday, March 2 for the former celebration, October 26 for the latter. Coverage included Bendigo, Ballarat, Daylesford, Castlemaine and Maryborough. 3CV plays active part in assisting charities and hospitals at Maryborough, Daylesford, Maldon and Dunolly. Active Women's Radio Club with branches in country centres adds strength to station's charitable efforts. Opening 3CV's new premises will widen the scope of the station's charitable efforts, and stronger link with Australian Commercial Broadcasting stations. Writer Harold V Nunn writes history of district of Mayborough. Manager Ken J Parker, Central Victoria Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. The Souvenir brochure also covers topics such as: deep lead mining. WWI. Houses being pulled down. New settlements of Mildura. Secondary Industries. Bowenvale, Alma, Majorca, Craigie, Amherst, Adelaide Lead, Havelock, Bet Bet, Bently. Primary production and a railway staff of approximately 150. Maryborough a little town without a future. Coal fields at Wonthaggi. 1917 a public meeting was convened in an effort to stem the tide of adversity. Mayor George Frost, M.L.A., decision to form a Progress Association, a policy of secondary industry was decided upon and committees were appointed, James L Drew much credit is due. Maryborough's move for rejuvenation was revolutionary, because apart from Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong, it was regarded as so much presumption that industry could be expected to function with success in a country town. Governments were unsympathetic. Maryborough & district people showed determination to succeed and their faith in their town. Employment and economic security provided by the industries outweighed the debt. Maryborough's general position is that it is no longer dependent upon one particular phase of activity. The first of the industries to be formed in 1918 was the Butter Factory. The nearer dairy companies did not take kindly to the prospect of another opposition company taking supplies from their districts, and in the first few years of establishment completion made the going hard for the management. But adopting a conservative policy and placing all profits to reserve I the first six years of operation headway was gradually made. Thus it was a red letter day for the company in 1925 when the first dividend of 5 percent was paid.1955 dividend of 10 per cent. Operating it's own trucks the dairy serviced local dairymen up to 40 miles. Maryborough Knitting mills est. 1923, having transferred from Clunes. Out bid Ballarat and Bendigo to the industry. The mill has what is probably the largest circular underwear plant in the Commonwealth, which is conservatively valued at 198,913 pounds. It produces between four and five million garments each year, worth over one million pounds. The company has established subsidiary mills at Dunolly, Talbot and Avoca. The company also assisted in the establishment of the Interknit Hosiery Co. Ltd., Clunes. The Maryborough Flour Mills is the second oldest of Mayborough's industries. It was built by Mr Cadwallader over 70 years ago. It was later sold to Mr. A Land and then to Jas. Minifie & Co. It had a somewhat 'in-and -out' existence until purchased in 1923 by Messrs. Willersdorf and Forbes, of Eddington. In 1939 the firm began to build silos for the storage of bulk wheat and the present storage capacity is 100,000 bushels. 1944 power was changed from steam to electricity. The mill has an out put of 20 sacks an hour. 1938 a chaff mill was built, and now is regarded as one of the best in Victoria. Its output in one year of approximately 6,800 tons is a State record for a single cutter. During this 30 year period Patience and Nicholson Limited has grown with Maryborough and is now one of the major key industries of Australia. The P&N brand covers precision tools - taps, dies and twist drills - indispensable to the country's economy, and quality is acknowledged equally by an air craft factory in Canada, a dockyard in Thailand, a railway workshop in New Zealand, no less than by our own Australian industries. Maryborough can be proud of the part played by P&N in war when, geared to the needs of the times, it poured countless millions of tools into defence factories and to the armed forces of the Allies, and now in peace when it is providing, hydro-electric undertakings and the manufacture of cars and tractors. From 1858, W Phelan & Sons Pty Ltd has made phenomenal and spectacular growth, becoming incorporated as a private company in 1929. It is without doubt the greatest private development in the history of Maryborough. 1940 joinery manufacture was commenced. The company entered the Ready Built Housing field in `950 - and in 1951 established a factory at Cairns, Northern Queensland to overcome the manufacturing difficulties being experienced due to the shortage of plywood in Victoria. Present activities include: Ready Built Housing Factory, on-site building, a modern joinery, timber yard, drying kilns, etc., and plumbing & electrical & engineering services, a door and panel factory at Cairns, retail hardware store, Melbourne Sales Depot. Hedges & Bell Pty Ltd were est 1945, with a staff of 40 employees are the largest printing firm outside the metropolitan area. The branch of Premier Wireworks is a contribution made by the decentralisation policy of the State.event, official, celebration, broadcasting station 3cv, maryborough. a souvenir of the opening of the new studios and offices of central victoria broadcasters pty ltd. march 2nd, 1956. established 1956, offices in burke street, 21st birthday. coverage bendigo, ballarat, daylesford, castlemaine maryborough. assisting charities and hospitals maldon and dunolly. women's radio club opening 3cv's new premises australian commercial broadcasting stations. writer harold v nunn writes history of district of mayborough. manager ken j parker, central victoria broadcasters pty. ltd. souvenir brochure: deep lead mining. wwi. houses pulled down. new settlements. primary production railway staff. coal fields wonthaggi. 1917 a public meeting was convened in an effort to stem the tide of adversity. mayor george frost, m.l.a., form a progress association, policy of secondary industry, james l drew rejuvenation was revolutionary, employment and economic security. the first of the industries to be formed in 1918 was the butter factory. thus it was a red letter day for the company in 1925 when the first dividend of 5 percent was paid.1955 dividend of 10 per cent. operating it's own trucks serviced local dairymen. maryborough knitting mills est. 1923 largest circular underwear plant in the commonwealth. established subsidiary mills at dunolly, talbot, avoca. interknit hosiery co. ltd., clunes. the maryborough flour mills it was built by mr cadwallader. mr. a land jas. minifie & co. messrs. willersdorf and forbes, build silos for wheat storage capacity is 100, 000 bushels. 1944 power was changed from steam to electricity. 20 sacks an hour. 1938 a chaff mill was built, best in victoria. patience and nicholson limited the p&n precision tools - taps, dies and twist drills. war, geared to the needs of the times, countless millions of tools into defence factories the armed forces of the allies, hydro-electric undertakings and the manufacture of cars and tractors. from 1858, w phelan & sons pty ltd, incorporated 1929. 1940 joinery manufacture. ready built housing field in 1950 - 1951 established a factory at cairns, northern queensland to overcome the manufacturing difficulties being experienced due to the shortage of plywood in victoria. present activities: ready built housing factory, on-site building, a modern joinery, timber yard, drying kilns, etc., and plumbing & electrical & engineering services, a door and panel factory at cairns, retail hardware store, melbourne sales depot. hedges & bell pty ltd were est. 1945, with a staff of 40 employees are the largest printing firm outside the metropolitan area. the branch of premier wireworks is a contribution made by the decentralisation policy of the state. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Typed and handwritten notes. Mentioned are: - Some Notes Concerning The Eaglehawk Logs, Damaging the Stormwater Channel, where some Chinese were digging away the Creek, the cutting down of the giant gum tree which gave One Tree Hill its name, How Anthony Trollope saw Bendigo in the 1870's, A Proposed Horse Tramway to Golden Square, Society’s' Trip to Bridgewater Flour Mill, A talk on a trip to Malaya by Mr D Hester, Society News and Happenings, Old Bendigonians and Safety Cages,document, various notes, eaglehawk logs, bendigo advertiser 19/10/1858, damaging the stormwater channel, bendigo advertiser 11/8/1872, harneys bridge, gas works, constable rogers, constable james bradley, joch, john o'c hattam, one tree hill, ryan, trollope's fabulous bendigo, anthony trollope, 'trollope’s australia', nelson press, alex h stone, bendigo advertiser 5/7/1897, mr peter ellis, cr hoskins, horse tramway, historical society, water wheel flour mill, june parry, mr pat wodetzki, mr leo wodetzki, neil murray, mr k hester, mr wes harry, mr i hendry, mr henry jackson, mr connelly, mr irons, mr harney, dr smith, dr hoyle, rev dr bachaus, rev dr nish, rev joseph dare, hon angus mackay, mr haverfield, mr j k robshaw, w p neal, mr george lansell, hon j h abbott, m l c, mr j casey, dr james boyd, dr atkinson, dr easie, mr t h henderson, old beehive, francis brothers, mr john crowley, mr jacob cohn, art gallery, mr hugh mcdevitt, mr alexander bayne, mr f sciallero, camp reserve, hon w i winter-irvine, mr george avery fletcher, great central goldfield of victoria, safety cages, bendigo advertiser, j h seymour, mr horwood, new chum and victoria tribute company, james watson, seymour's patent safety cage, londerry tribute, national show sandhurst, h banfield, mr a llewllyn, 'dear old bendigo', thomas bracken, mr william heffernan, mr edward (ned) ryan, mr samuel bastard, mr charles bird, mcpherson and co, fern hill club, mr george tolhurst, tolhurst brothers, union bank, mr lawrence ryan, mr shadrack jones, charley armstrong, armstrong brothers, mr abraham solomen, mr bladiere mr r t wheeler -
Dutch Australian Heritage Centre Victoria
tourists bicycle pennants, mid 20th century
TourismHow people went on holiday. A memento of simple holidays. The tradition of camping as the holiday of choice.calico, triangular pennant. One edged in blue, the other in red.4089.R1 - blue edged pennant, showing the tourist sites around a place called Epen in the southern part of the province of Limburg. This is known because the name of the town is in large red letters. Three locations shown 1. Kamper Boerderij - A farm providing camping grounds. 2. Kasteel Beusdael - The Beusdael Castle 3. Wingbergermoelen - Wingberger Mill Also a little tent beneath the name of the town, with refers to the camping holiday. Also a maker's mark on the pennant, a small triangle with the letters L, A & B within it. 4089.R2 - red edged pennant, showing the area around Vaals in Limburg province, the name is in large red letters. The scene shows the meeting point between the Netherlands, Germany & Belgium - "Drie Landen Punt" (Three Country Meeting Point) Also shows the height of the viewing point (193m), as well showing other features including: - Hotel Bellevue - Uitzichttoren - viewing tower - Panorama Aken - Panorama of Aachen, Germany - Spoorbrug-Moresnet - Railwaybridge-Moresnet in Belgium. Small makers mark. Black triangle, possible the same as that shown in the other pennant, though obscured. -
Wangaratta Urban Fire Brigade
photograph - auxillary members
Black and white photograph of auxillary members at Ely Street fire station. Taken in the meeting room in front of concertina doors. TOP L - R Karen Bell, Maxine Webb, Angela Sheetz, Dianne Mills, Sue Kayler Thompson, Linda Young, Lorraine Grenfell FRONT L - R Pat Briese, Pat Prendergast, Tess Haynes, Joan Rosser, Dorothy WiseBlack and white photograph of auxillary members at Ely Street fire station5, Ladies auxiliaryauxillary, karen bell, maxine webb, angela sheetz, dianne mills, sue kayler thompson, linda young, lorraine grenfell pat briese, pat prendergast, tess haynes, joan rosser, dorothy wise -
Wangaratta Urban Fire Brigade
photograph, auxillary members
Black and White photograph of auxillary members. Taken at Ely Street Fire Station in the meeting room in front of the concertina doors. BACK L - R Karen Bell, Maxine Webb, Dianne Mills, Dorothy Wise, Aileen Sanders, Pat Prendergast, Jean Brown, Joan Rosser FRONT L - R Tess Haynes, Jan Marshall, Gayle Humphries, Jan Baytala, Angie Scheetz, Tracey CollierBlack and White photograph of auxillary members.No 6, Ladies auxiliaryauxillary, karen bell, maxine webb, dianne mills, dorothy wise, aileen sanders, pat prendergast, jean brown, joan rosser, tess haynes, jan marshall, gayle humphries, jan baytala, angie scheetz, tracey collier -
Wangaratta Urban Fire Brigade
Photograph - auxiliary
Black an white photograph of auxiliary members at Ely st fire station meeting room in 1984. back row L-R: Jean Brown, Pat Briese, Pat Prendergast, Aileen Sanders, Dorothy Wise, Sharon Prentice, Annette Norley, Angela Sheetz. front row: __?__, Lyn Philp, Dianne Mills, Pat Stephens, Joan Rosser, Elaine Graham, __?__, Lorraine Grenfell.Black an white photograph of auxiliary members.auxiliary, 1984, ely st, jean brown, pat briese, pat prendergast, aileen sanders, dorothy wise, sharon prentice, annette norley, angela sheetz, lyn philp, dianne mills, pat stephens, joan rosser, elaine graham, lorraine grenfell. -
Wangaratta Urban Fire Brigade
4x photograph - auxiliary
2 x colour photographs of the auxiliary members making lamingtons at the Ely St fire station meeting room and kitchen. Photo 1 L-R: unknown person at sink, Dianne Mills(in kitchen), Pat Prendergast, Beryl Nolan, Annette Norley, unknown person on right edge. Photo .2 L_R: Dianne Mills, Annette Norley, Pat Prendergast. .3 - front L to front R around table - Pat Prendegast, Dorothy Wise, ? , ? , Pat Briese, Jean Brown back table L-R - , ? , Sue Read( half a head showing), ? , .4 - front L to front R around table - Pat Prendegast, Dorothy Wise, ? , ? , Pat Briese, Jean Brown back table L-R - Sue Read, ? , ? ,2 x colour photographs of the auxiliary making lamingtons. 2 x black and white photographs of the auxiliary making lamingtons. lamington drive - top left .3 and .4 have "lamington drive Ladies Aux 1985 on back in the middle in penauxiliary, dianne mills, pat prendergast, beryl nolan, annette norley, dorothy wise, pat briese, jean brown, sue read, lamington drive