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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph - Folder of Photographs – Photocopied set of black and white photographs (pages 49 -58) from the display folder put together by KVHS to document life on the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric Scheme
Although the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme was first proposed in 1911, construction did not commence until 1938. As part of the push to cut electricity costs and diversify supply, the Victorian Government (circa 1930) initiated the conversion from primarily brown coal supply to hydro – electricity. Field investigations during the 1940’s resulted in a new proposal for a scheme that had more than double the capacity of the 1938 scheme. The Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme became the largest scheme of its kind in the State Of Victoria and the second largest scheme in Australia. The number of personnel involved in the planning and construction of the scheme increased dramatically. During the late 1940’s, most activity centred around the construction of the West Kiewa Power Station, Rocky Valley Reservoir, McKay Creek Power Station and the Bogong Creek Aqueduct.A common thread across all the larger hydro scheme constructions was the need for workers, both qualified and unqualified who came from around the world seeking a new life for themselves and their families. New accommodation and facilities were required for the army of workers engaged in construction in often remote and wild areas. The SEC had a high demand for timber, and set up the first of a number of sawmills at Bogong Creek in 1939 and set up the first hardwood logging in the headwaters of the Kiewa River. These new ‘towns’ such as Mt Beauty and Bogong, survived, serving the needs of operational personnel and their families, and expanding with growth of new industries. Mount Beauty, and to a lesser extent Bogong, are among these places. Large A3 size spiral bound display folder containing photocopied black and white photographs of various aspects of the early days of the Kiewa Valley Hydro-electric scheme including equipment, various work sites and photographs of workers and their families. 1-Workmen working inside one of the tunnels. 2-Workman drilling in West Kiewa Tunnel 3-Junction Dam wall construction 4&5-2B&W photographs Kiewa House residents ready to go to a ball in Mt Beauty 6-Workmen warming up in front of a fire at No 1 bench 7-Workmen being hauled in at No 4 P.S Shaft 8-No 4 Power Station – Drilling 9-Workmen eating a hot meal in the tunnel. 10-2 photographs (a)Pretty Valley camp showing workman’s huts and construction materials & (b)Worker in Langford Gap Basalt Hill Tunnel face 11-Tunnel entrance (unlabelled) with rail tracks in foreground 12- Workmen drilling at No 1 Head race tunnel-Drilling face 13- No 1 Power Station 14-Workmen at the entrance to one of the SECV tunnels under construction 1-SECV number at bottom of picture Half obscured possibly K8461 Page number 53 2-In West Kiewa Tunnel Page number 54 3- Construction of Junction Dam wall – approximately 1941 Page number 55 4&5- Residents of Kiewa House at Bogong ready to go to the ball at Mt Beauty-1946. Handwritten on a copy of the photo on opposite page Mrs Lorna Crosset filled out the names *Dad was Des Crossett – his daughter is Gael Petcopoulis Greta engaged to John broke it off. Charlie, Rosalind, Bill, Priscilla, Max Lawrence-Dad’s Boss, Mary & Max married, Mary, Kay, Gwen McPherson Mum’s boss, John McCluskey (c) At No. 5 Bench Page number 56 6- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 27.2.51 Time:2.15pm No K6373 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 4 P.S. Shaft – Haulage of men in buckets (b) As above Handwritten at top of photo Appendix 4 page number 57 7- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 6.6.52 Time:… No K7122 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 4 POWER STATION – DRILLING page number 58 8-No markings page number 59 9-(a)Handwritten under photograph Approx. 1948/49 (b) STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 28.10.54 Time:.. No K7860 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works LANGFORD GAP BASALT HILL TUNNEL FACE Page number 49 10-(a) No markings 11- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA Date: 20.3.52 Time: No K6979 Kiewa Hydro Electric Works No. 1 HEAD RACE TUNNEL – DRILLING FACE (E.E.E. CONTRACT) ‘The Frenchies’ (E.E.E) as they were affectionately known Page number 50 12-31.5.56 No. 1 Power Station Aggregate Stock Piles. Page number 51 13&14-No markings Page number 52 secv; kiewa hydro electric scheme; bogong; mt beauty; construction area -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photograph – Black and white photograph of an unidentified piece of equipment (possibly projection equipment) presumably used by SECV Hydro
The Victorian Government took control of power generation in 1921, forming the State Electricity Commission (SEC). Construction approval on a grand scheme to build five power stations with a combined capacity of 289 megawatts was received in 1938, and the Clover Power Station was completed by 1945. The original scheme was dramatically pruned after World War II and only two more power stations were built. The Junction Dam and Clover Dam Power Station, stages of the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme, were needed to meet the increased power demands of the wartime industry in Victoria. Clover added 26 megawatts to the grid. Junction Dam was completed and ready to hold water by September 1943, but was emptied in December 1943 and not filled again until May 1944. Construction of Clover Power Station commenced in July 1941 and both turbines were in service by May 1945.Clover Power Station and Junction Dam were part of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme constructed by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria.Black and white photograph of an unidentified piece of equipment (possibly projection equipment) presumed to be used in one of the power stations ie: Clover Power Station or Junction Dam as part of the Kiewa Hydro Electric Schemeprojection equipment; -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS 1946 - 1947, 1946-1947
The photos were taken over approx. 3/5 months during mine and bomb clearance in the Darwin area, 1946-47. The photos were supplied by C. C. Parish RAN No.32690 who worked on the clearance. All photos were written on the back in blue pen: .1) Old Blitz wagon we carried the mines out of Darwin area to blow up 50 miles away. .2) Mines to blow up Darwin 46-47. .3) Smoke plume from demolition of mines approx 6 miles away 46-47, 200 ton in one go. .4) Stack of mines and bombs ready to blow up Darwin 46-47. .5) Mines & bombs for demolition Darwin. .6) 2000lb mines & 1000lb bombs to be blown up Darwin 46-47..1) Photo, black & white, two trucks and six men. .2) Photo, sepia, stack of bombs with three men in front. .3) Photo, sepia, forest in front with smoke plume from bombs. .4) Photo, black & white, stack of bombs, with loader behind and vehicle. .5) Photo, black & white, large stack of bombs. .6) Photo, black & white, large stack of bombs, loader behind.photographs, disposal, bombs -
Orbost & District Historical Society
drawing book, Whitcombe's progressive Drawing Book No.1, 1920's
This book belonged to Roma Cameron. In the 1920's most of children's school work was done in copy books. Drawing as a subject generally began in Year 2. Each day's work was carefully dated and checked by the teacher, always ready for an inspector's visit. Roma Cameron was the daughter of Harry Purchase Cameron and Lilian Gladys (nee Harding). Roma married Ronald Richard Smith in 1944 and is the mother of Lorraine (Mrs Peter Coulton) and Margaret Smith. Harry's father, James Cameron, came to Bellagoogan on Majors Creek in 1882. Bellagoogan was on Majors Creek near Orbost and was the site of the first race course. Like many others at the time, the Camerons bred race horses.Harry died in 1964 aged 75. Roma was the youngest of three siblings: Jean (Mrs John Gavin (Jack) Ralston) and James (Jim) (m. Joan Hosack). This book is an example of school work in the early 20th century. The Cameron family are prominent members of the Orbost community. A small book with a grey cover. Inside are simple shapes to be copied.inside cover: Roma Cameron 1928education book-drawing cameron -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Seal Embossing Press
The Corona Paint Company Pty. Ltd. Bendigo was formed in November 1920 with £10,000 capital, in £1 shares. By July 1921, the Company had completed its factory and plant at Bendigo East, ready to begin the manufacture of paints. The Corona Paint works were opened on Saturday 28 January by the Prime Minister (Mr. Hughes) during a visit to Bendigo. Many new manufacturing industries were opened during this time after calls to address the decline of mining in the region. The factory of the CORONA PAINT COMPANY, BENDIGO, was advertised for sale in The Argus on 5 October 1923. It consisted of a “building on a railway siding, plant and machinery, including dry grinding plant, kalsomine mixer, paint mill, furnace, electric motor, etc., large stores of raw and finished material, kalsomine with range of 21 colours, oil paints, &c.”A cast iron embossing press. It's painted black with gold coulered floral decorations. The base is 18 centimetres long, nine centimetres wide and one and a half centimetres thick. A curved protrusion rises from the base that is eight centimetres by four centimetres which narrows to four centimetres by two and a half centimetres with a three-quarter centimetre wide slot. Inside the slot is a lever action with a ten centimetre by two and a half centimetre wooden handle. There is a removeable die on the end of the lever and an opposite removeable die the base. A small oval metal disc with paten no 3965 on is attached. The seal is The Corona Paint Company proprietary Limited seal embossing press, corona paint company -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Painting - MV Surriento, Dacre Smyth, Surriento
Like so many ships that were used during WWII, she was laid up and remained idle for several years, until finally in 1948 the US Government sold her at auction and the highly decorated USS Barnett, ex MS Santa Maria was officially purchased by the well known Italian Multi Millionaire ship owner Mr. Achille Lauro on April 13, 1948. Soon she headed for a Baltimore shipyard where she received some work to ensure that her engines that had been shut down for a considerable time, were back in full working condition. When the work had been completed she was certified for her delivery voyage to Italy! The delightful all white MS Surriento was ready to depart Genoa on her very first voyage to Australia in her brand new passenger/migrant liner role. A framed oil painting of the migrant ship MV SurrientoSurrientoms surriento, migrant ships, emmigration -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Pictures and Facts - "How Do You Ride A Pomalift?"
The International Poma at Falls Creek is a 1,219 metre long Pomalift. Pomalifts are named after their inventor, Polish born French manufacturer Jean Pomagalski. The first poma at Falls Creek was called the International because it serviced the area where a F.I.S. (Fédération Internationale de Ski) international race was held in 1960. It was built over the 1968-69 summer and was ready to operate in 1969, but due to a poor snow season, the 'Inter' didn't open to the public until 1970. The author of this article, Wolfgang Lert, was a pioneer of the ski industry in the USA. He was also editor of Western Skiing, forerunner to Ski Magazine, and a founding member of the International Skiing History Association. The company name on the back of this article is Dulmison (Aust) Pty Ltd. This company was founded in c1961 and played an integral role in development of solutions for power supply problems for the Kosciusko State Park Trust and other ski fields.This article is significant because it outlines procedures for the use of an iconic chairlift used on ski fields throughout the world, including the International Poma at Falls Creek, Victoria. A two page article with images explaining how to use a Pomalift, a new addition to the ski fields in Australia.On bottom Page 2: MADE IN AUSTRALIA UNDER LICENCE BY:- DULMISON (AUSTRALIA0 PTY. LIMITEDpoma ski lifts, international poma falls creek -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Photograph, Hall of Commerce, corner Main and Graham Streets, Bacchus Marsh. 1883
Bacchus Marsh Express of 7 November 1874 reports that this building was designed and erected by Mr Jeremiah Ryan for Mr H. G. Salter, draper. Mr Salter gave the name of "Hall of Commerce" to the building, a term in common usage at the time. The building was of a substantial size. In the Express of January 4 1879 Messrs Basham and Bradley advertised a wide variety of goods including drapery, millinery, ready-made clothing, boots and shoes and furniture. At the front of the building was the first pavement in the township. This photo forms a contrast with the photograph (also taken by Stevenson & McNicoll in 1883) of Timmons Clothier and Draper, but depicting an older building from 1857. This business was on the verge of closure, Mr Timmons conducting his business as a travelling salesman, taking his goods by horse and cart to outlying districts. The image provides an example of the growing scale of retail development in Bacchus Marsh in the late nineteenth century.This photograph is a record of a prominent commercial building that has undergone substantial change. The image shows the original upper floor which was destroyed by fire in 1928.The building retains its usage as a commercial premises.Small sepia unframed photograph on card with gold border framing photograph. Housed in the album, 'Photographs of Bacchus Marsh and District in 1883 by Stevenson and McNicoll'. Photograph of a two storey brick building with a front verandah. Various signage on second storey front and side, and on verandah, including: Hall of Commerce. Boots & Shoes. Men and Boy's Clothing. Furniture and Bedding. J. Carter Outfitter. Basham & Bradley. Milliners and Dressmakers. General Drapers. General Drapery. Warehouse. Latter signage obscures earlier signage. The photographer has captured a young girl sitting on a bench at the front of the store.On the front: Stevenson & McNicoll. Photo. 108 Elizabeth St. Melbourne. COPIES CAN BE OBTAINED AT ANY TIME. On the back: LIGHT & TRUTH inscribed on a banner surmounted by a representation of the rising sun. Copies of this Portrait can be had at any time by sending the Name and Post Office Money Order or Stamps for the amount of order to STEVENSON & McNICOLL LATE BENSON & STEVENSON, Photographers. 108 Elizabeth Street, MELBOURNE. Handwritten: Hall of Commerce. Cr. Main + Graham Sts built 1874 by Jeremiah Ryan. Destroyed by fire 1928. Courtesy Mrs. Jeremeas. Photo 1883.stevenson and mcnicoll 1883 photographs of bacchus marsh and district, shops bacchus marsh vic., bacchus marsh hall of commerce -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Course Guide, University of Ballarat Program Guide 2012/13, 2012
Couloured cover, predominantly in ochre, with a young man's face featuring. Contents include: Applications. Deferring. VTAC, fees, financial assistance, scholarships, TAFE, Campuses, Exchange Universities, Stawell Campus, Camp Street Campus, Arts Academy, SMB Campus, Mt Helen Campus, Ararat Campus, Horsham Campus, UB Tec, Student Experience office, Student Living Skills, Aboriginal Education Centre, Student Learning Skills, Conselling, UB PASS, UB Ready, SMB Fitness Centre, Disability, Helat Services, Alumni, Gold Key Chapter, Student Res, idences, apprenticeships, traineeships, unisports, ceramics, acting, teaching, nursing, human movement, Nick Driden, engineering, geology, mining, equineapplications. deferring. vtac, fees, financial assistance, scholarships, tafe, campuses, exchange universities, stawell campus, camp street campus, arts academy, smb campus, mt helen campus, ararat campus, horsham campus, ub tec, student experience office, student living skills, aboriginal education centre, student learning skills, conselling, ub pass, ub ready, smb fitness centre, disability, helat services, alumni, gold key chapter, student res, idences, apprenticeships, traineeships, unisports, ceramics, acting, teaching, nursing, human movement, nick driden, engineering, geology, mining, equine, courses, handbook -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Diggers & Mining. The Digging - The Diggers. Slide: (Continued) In such a crowd, one half utter strangers to the other and to the colony, met together in a wild tract of broken, forested country, full of secluded hollows, honeycombed with hundreds of thousands ready-made graves, under such strong inducements to cupidity, disorder, and crime, the imagination is free and unrestrained to picture the extent to which crime may prevail in secret without the prospect of discovery; . . . But I can assure our Lordship that what ever crimes may really be perpetuated, no indifference to it on the part of the authorities could have existed, and that no such general disorder and rejection of law and order and rejection of law and constituted authorities has ever been observable . . . Markings: 68 994.LIF:6. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Louise Wetenhall, A Laundry-Work Note Book, 1925
A thin paperback work-book intended as a general guide and ready reminder for those taking a course in laundry work.A damaged faded grey paperback book titled A Laundry-Work Note Book by Louise Wetenhall printed in dark blue letters at the top of the front cover, with the Sir Isaac Pitman emblem below and Pitman printed at the bottom. There are 49p. with black and white photographs and diagrams throughout with blank pages for the student or teacher to write notes. It is intended as a general guide and ready reminder for those taking a course in laundry work. Some pencil notes are written on p 50 and on the last inside endpaper is a small pencil drawing. Included in the book is a beige paper sheet decorated with coloured leaves around the edges with the inscription as to it's history as written below. A small white card has the donation facts written by the owner.A thin paperback work-book intended as a general guide and ready reminder for those taking a course in laundry work. ironing machines, domestic equipment, laundry equipment, laundry irons -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide - Set of 2, Keith Kings, 23/03/1968 12:00:00 AM
35mm Kodak white cardboard colour slide by Keith Kings of 23/3/68 and 6/4/68. .1 - Glenferrie Road Kooyong track renewal showing the first section of completed track. Shows two road crossovers. .2 - ditto, showing one end of the new crossover with temporary track on the right. See Keith's slide notes.Keith Kings stamp and number "20-19" and "20-32", with details of exposure. 23/3/68 and 6/4/68. .1 - "New concrete trackwork in Glenferrie Rd north from Kooyong railway Xing ready to be brought into use. Temporary track still in use at right" .2 - "New design for xover in Glenferrie Rd, near cnr Gardiner Rd Kooyong, Removable sections form the road surface and facilitate maintenance and renewal."trams, tramways, glenferrie road, trackwork, temporary track, kooyong -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrap Book, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook, 21 October 1997 to 31 December 1997, 21/10/1997-31/12-1997
This is the last Ballarat School of Mines (SMB) scrapbook. In 1998 SMB merged with the University of Ballarat, a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. Yellow covered Spirex Sketch Book with news clippings relating to the Ballarat School of Mines. Clippings include Shae McDonald, Women's Lifestyle Expo. 3BBB Ready for big move, last Founders' Day, Founders' Day Cake, Peter Hiscock, Ararat Campus, Geoff Fisken, Peter Bailey wins Skills Olympics, Safeway Food Hygiene Contract, Alison Lanigan, Food handling, Gary Allen, Koala-Catching technique, Andrew Vassiou, Dave Knowles, Fire Protection Australia, Creswick Forestry School, TAFE cute, China links, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Ron Wild, David James, Camp Street revamp, SMB Farewell. Heather Durant, Faye Hunt, Peter Ryan, Ian Pym, Pam Davies, Ann Kerr, HEather Dixon, Bill Gribble, Kaye McFarlaneballarat school of mines scrapbook, ballarat school of mines, time capsule, merger -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph of the 'New Times' building in Pall Mall, next to myer. The top has a rather ornate masonry design. The lower edge of the guttering of the top verandah and the lower edge of the guttering at floor level of the top floor is a very ornate lacework display.Centre bottom is hitching post for horses. Signage on the building reads Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes, Abbott & Co is also faintly displayed. An adult male, and female standing next to the hitching post. A young man has his right arm draped over the hitching post and two other young people to his right. Two other young boys are standing between two posts on the left side. The business to the left is using two posts to support bags that are ready for sale. A male in white is at the very left of the photo.buildings, commercial, abbotts boot & shoe manufacturers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Sculpture - VAHLAND BUST
Bust of William Charles Vahland, architect (1828 - 1915) Donated to the BHS by B. Melrose, Masonic Hall, Bendigo. Letter from BHS to B. Melrose ' We would like to thank your committee through you for their generous offer - that the W.C. Vahland plaster bust remain with this Society for permanent display at Dudley House. We shall see to it that a plaque with suitable wording giving origin, history and date of acquisition is prepared. When this is ready, we shall advise you further. This piece of art work by the celebrated Otto Waschatz is of very great historic interest and we are extremely happy to have it in our care' R.A. Anderson, President, RHSV Bendigo. dated 15 December 1977. Bust is on permanent loan to Masonic Hall, McIvor Road, Bendigo.person, bendigo, william charles vahland -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Instruction, B. Prentice, Motormen! Take No Risks", Jun. 1947
Yields information about the instructions issued to Motormen in Ballarat by the Electric Supply Co. for driving and operating tramcars.Instruction - 6 quarto sheets stapled in top left hand corner - retyped from an original Electric Supply Co. of Victoria (ESCo) document with a black hand written heading Motormen! Take No Risks", detailing motormen's behaviours, operations, braking, tram car lights, steps, ticketing, recruit motormen, shunting, speed, trolley wheels, changing cars, trailers, controllers, testing magnetic brakes, switches, timetables, fares, tram stops, section staffs, holidays, uniforms, breakdowns, smoking, lost property, headways, gong signals, conductors, whistle signals, instructions to recruit motormen. 7th page - details motors and how to get your car ready for service and how to apply power. (see btm8096i1.pdf) page 8 missing. trams, tramways, esco, training, instructions, motormen, operations -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set 16, John Theodore, 1/02/1975 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the official opening by the BTPS of its operations in Wendouree Parade and tramcar operations afterwards.Set of 16 AGFA blue and white plastic mount 35mm slides of tram running after the official opening day of the BTPS Wendouree Parade tramway operations 1/2/1975. .1 - 14 and 26 in Wendouree Parade ready to carry passengers either way. .2 - 26 at St Aidans Drive .3 - 26 and another tram at St Aidans Drive .4 - 26 at Gardens Loop .5 - 26 Wendouree Parade .6 - 27 ditto .7 - 14 running in onto the access track. .8 - 27 in Wendouree Parade .9 - 40 at depot junction .10 - 27 at depot junction .11 - ditto running in .12 - 14 on access track .13 - 40 running in .14 - ditto .15 - ditto .16 - ditto Various notations by John as to the slide number and the trams in pencil and ink.tramways, trams, btps, opening, wendouree parade, depot, depot junction, st aidans drive, tram 40, tram 26, tram 14, tram 27 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Herald, “New trains, trams hope”, 5/10/1971 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping titled: “New trains, trams hope” – Herald Tues 5/10/71 Photo and text of new tram Experimental new colours, orange, yellow, green Passengers will board through the front door and leave through the centre exit. Driver separated from passengers by a low bulkhead and rails, same style as buses. Conductor will be seated at front entrance. Trams will be heated. Acting chairman of Tramways Board, F D Snell said plans for new trams were complete. “Ready to go as soon as we get the money”. Tram fleet of 700 is planned to be replaced by 600 of improved version. About 900 new trams will be needed by 1985 according to Metropolitan Transport Plan. Each new tram is expected to cost about $65,000.trams, tramways, new trams, livery, metropolitan transport plan, prototype tramcar, 1041, tram 1041 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Medals, Stokes Melbourne, Industrial & Art Exhibition 1886-7, 1896
These are souvenir medals of the Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7. This exhibition organised by a local committee under the chairmanship of the Mayor, Walter Hickford was one of the most important events in Warrnambool's history. It ran for three months and was said to have attracted 70000 visitors. It was held in Liebig Street and utilised both the civic centre buildings and temporary buildings erected for the event. It had several exhibition courts featuring art worksand business exhibition stands, competitions,entertainments and visiting experts in various fields. These medals were made at the exhibition at the stand of Stokes and Son. Visitors to the exhibition were able to get a gold silver or bronze medal made while they watched and the medal was then perforated ready to put on a watch chain or pendant. Thomas Stokes came to Australia in the 1850's and established a successful business in Melbourne manufacturing buttons, medals and tokens. The business was called Stokes and Son following a fire in 1893.These medals are of great significance as a memento of an important event in Warrnambool -The Warrnambool Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1896-7. Medals such as these would have been in the homes of many residents of Warrnambool and district and beyond after 1896..1 This silver circular medal has text around the outer rim and an image of Queen Victoria on the reverse. On the obverse is text and an image of the Warrnambool Exhibition building erected for the occasion. The medal is secured by a red thread , button and clear tape to a piece of card. On the card is a hand drawn sketch the Warrnambool Exhibition building and a hand drawn sketch of a profile of Queen Victoria . .2This silver circular medal has text around the rim and an image Warrnambool Exhibition building on the reverse and on the obverse a stylised coat of arms topped by the rising sun . Inside the field is a sailing ship, a pick and shovel , a sheep and sheaf of wheat .1 on the Reverse : around the rim, Struck at the Exhibition mint. On the obverse : Industrial exhibition 1896 Warrnambool. .2 On the obverse : Industrial exhibition 1896 Warrnambool.warrnambool, great exhibition of warrnambool, 1896 exhibition warrnambool, warrnambool exhibition medal -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, second half 20th century
3151.1 is of a water tanker on stand by at Orbost ready for emergency use. Similar suppliers were at Bairnsdale and Nowa Nowa. The two tankers hels about 9,000 gallons (34068.7 litres) - from a news item in "Gippsland" September, 1971. 3151.2 is of Victoria's X class 1,800 H.P general purpose diesel electric locomotive. Si had been ordered for the Victorian Railways and cost about £ 250,000 each. 3151.3 is of several loaded, covered railway trucks on a rail line. 3151.4 was taken at the goods yard at Orbost Railway Station. 3151.5 has some rail wagons with "SHOWMOBILE COUNCIL OF ADULT EDUCATION" on the sides. 3151.6 is of goods wagons (Probably not at Orbost Station) 3151.7 is a goods train 3151.8 shows the loading or unloading of farm produce at Orbost railway Station. 3151.9 shows cattle being loaded at Orbost Railway Station. 3151.10 is of a container N.Y.K. LINE ( a Japanese shipping company) This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost.Ten black / white photographs related to Orbost rail. orbost-railway east-gippsland-railway transport-railway railway-engine orbost-railway-station export-produce -
National Wool Museum
Machine - French Comb, Schlumberger & Cie, 1964
Combing removes the short or broken fibres and draws out the long fibres into even strands suitable for spinning. The process is necessary to produce long and soft strands needed for worsted yarn. These machines remove the short fibres and blend the remaining long fibres together to form the top. The short fibres that are removed, known as the noil, are used in the woollen system. The long fibres are drawn together, ready for spinning. To retain as many of the valuable long fibres as possible, a skilled operator always needed to be on duty in the factory to precisely set the machine. Machine has been completely rebuilt and set up by Nick Sokolov of Comb Research and Development with the help of Bruce Hill and others. NSC Schlumberger Comb PB25L machine No 3953, year of manufacture 1964. A rectilinear version of the Noble Comb, this machine separated long and short fibres. Donated to the National Wool Museum by Port Phillip Wool Processing Pty Ltd in 1993.French comb machine. 1962 Shlumberger and Co, France Model PB 251 NO. 3953.french comb, wool processing, textile industry, factory, machine, comb, restoration, fibres -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Jeweller's order book
MESSRS. PRESCOTT AND DAWE. THEIR NEW PREMISES. Article The Bendigo Independent (Vic. 1891 1918)Thursday 15 December 1910 Page 2 MESSRS. PRESCOTT AND DAWE. Messrs. Prescott and Dawe, jewellers and opticians, established business in Mitchell street, Bendigo, in 1887, and so rapidly did their clients increase that they soon gained a top reptation for introducing the best workmanship in every branch. The firm’s goods are always unique and artistic. They have manufactured endless presents, notable amongst which are the civic gifts presented annually to the mayor and mayoress for the time being, the mayoral chain and the late Mr. George Lansell’s medallion, and presents to leading citizens throughout the State. Their new business premises at the corner of Mitchell and Hargreaves streets are now ready. They make an imposing addition to the architecture of the city. The elevations to Mitchell and Hargreaves street have been well treated in every detail and carried out in the renaissance style. Order book used by Prescott & Dawe, Jeweller's of Bendigo. Black cover. Account book with 66pp with ruled blue lines and red column lines. The book contains handwritten quotes for production of medals and badges. The pages include details of colours, materials and words. Quotes accompanied by hand drawn designs drawn onto the pages or on separate pieces of paper or card pasted into the book. Several loose designs also included. The last two pages include list of suppliers and manufacturers. First entry April 1925 for Quarry Hill Golf Club badges. Last entry 1963 for St Mary's College enamelled badges with brooch pins. Neville King Collectionjewellers, medals, badges, prescott & dawe, designs -
Harcourt Valley Heritage & Tourist Centre
photograph, Cutting timber
Ken Peeler (at head of horse), Ken's father, Ern Peeler and brother Don Peeler (sitting on load) with dray-load of 'five-foot wood'. Peeler's Road, Barkers Creek. Photographed by Alice 'Girlie' Adams, approx. 1942. Families living at Barkers Creek and Woodbrook obtained contracts to supply 'five foot wood' to Thompson's Foundry and Castlemaine Woollen Co. Rows of wood, neatly stacked, 10’ high X 5’ wide covered many acres at each factory, ready for use in firing the boilers. Much bushland was thus cleared for orchard or pasture. The horse depicted is fully harnessed with bridle, eye-winkers and reins, dray collar, hames, shaft saddle with girth & pole straps and breeching straps. Neatly stowed under the dray shafts can be seen the props, used to keep the dray horizontal when the horse was to be taken out of the shafts. The dray was almost entirely constructed of wood, with steel tyres on the wheelsA reminder of the significance of local sources of fuel to some of Victoria’s biggest manufacturing concerns as well as depicting a major source of employment involving minimal capital. A B&W photograph depicting 2 men and a boy with a horse-drawn dray filled with wood. Photograph taken by Alice 'Girlie' Adams in 1942. Ken Peeler, Ern Peeler and Don Peeler appear in the picture along with a horse with no known name. -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Junior legatee outing, Youth Camp at Beaufort 1995, 1995
Photographs of Junior Legatees doing outdoor activities. Melbourne Legacy arranged many events for Junior Legatees to experience. One photo has 12 children on bicycles in a forest. Another has four children in kayaks playing and having a water fight with their paddles. Another photo has a young child with a supervisor getting ready for abseiling. Names are unknown. It was with a group of photos from the 1990's in a folio with paper labels. The article in The Answer explains it was a the annual two week summer camp for Junior Legatees. In 1995 it was held at Cave Hill Creek, near Beaufort and the nearby Mt Cole State Forest. The children were supervised by a team of 12 experienced leaders from the Melbourne Legacy Leadership group assisted by educational instructors. A total of 50 attended the camp (27 boys and 23 girls). Most came from Melbourne but some from country Victoria and 9 from South Australia. A record of events run for Junior Legatees by Melbourne Legacy.Colour photo x 3 of junior legatees on bikes, in kayaks and abseiling and an article in the Answer about the youth camps.White paper label: "Junior Legatees participate in a wide range of recreational activities" in black type.junior legatee outing, answer, camp -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Booklet - Falls Creek Snowsports School Information 2010
Part of yearly marketing and information material promoting the Falls Creek Ski School. This publication includes detailed information about the Falls Creek Snowsport School Program for 2010. An introduction Francis Jackson and the Snowsports team states "Falls Creek Snowsports School is committed to enhancing your skiing and snowboarding experience. Think of our Snowsports School instructors as personal trainers for your snow adventure... they're here ready to elevate you to the next level. With a great attitude, endless patience and always up for fun, our instructors take pride in offering you their very best. From beginner to advanced, whether skiing or boarding, Falls Creek Snowsports School has a program to suit you. Our expert instructors will have you skiing and snowboarding to the best of your ability in no time. Have a great holiday and see you on the slopes!" Corporate Partners in 2010 were Milo, Ten TV and the ANZ Bank.This item is important because it documents seasonal activities at Falls Creek Snowsport School in 2010.A glossy booklet featuring images and information about programs to be offered at Falls Creek in the 2010 winter season. The front cover features a group of downhill skiers and three smaller images. The back cover includes a map showing meeting places, lesson times and contact details.On front cover Snowsport School 2010 creek marketing, falls creek snowsport school., francis jackson -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Photograph, 1933 (Exact)
Rutherglen Shire CouncilPhotograph of shire councillors in front of shire office 1933On bottom of frame beneath photo: "Councillors and Officers - Rutherglen Shire, 1933" On verso: "Back row / Crs. J.L. Jackson, S.P. Diffey, Walter McRae, Percy Lingford (Engineer), S.G. Williams, J. Milthorpe, C. Ricketts (Shire Secretary), L. Tobbon, J. Terril, W.B. McDonald, W. H. Turner (Rutherglen Sun)" "Front row / John Burch, Roy Ready, CH. Morris, Frank Fuge, D.B. Smith, Martin Graham, W.H. Chambers"j l jackson, s p diffey, walter mcrae, percy lingford, s g williams, j milthorpe, c ricketts, l tobbon, j terril, w b mcdonald, w h turner, john burch, roy ready, c h morris, frank fuge, d b smith, martin graham, w h chambers -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photographs and copies of photographs of the pack horses and early horsemen who transported supplies to outposts in the Bogong High Plains, via cattle tracks before access roads were made
In the mid to late 1930’s survey outposts were established to plot the early stages of the Kiewa Hydro Electric System for the SECV in the Bogong High Plains. Before any roads were built, the old cattleman’s tracks were used with packhorses to deliver supplies, wages and mail and collect timesheets and correspondence from the workmen and dam builders living in canvas tents and at the outlying survey posts. The trip up the mountain was long and hard and dangerous for both horse and man Most of the men of the survey teams were not bush-men and were often ill equipped for the harsh weather and living conditions of bush camping, often arriving in their city clothes ready for work. The tent city at Bogong was destroyed by bush fires in 1939 after which an access road was built from Mt Beauty to transport building materials for more permanent dwellings for workmen. Pack horses continued to be used for transporting goods etc. to workers further up the mountain.Without the work of horsemen and their pack horses providing supplies and communications for outlying outposts, surveying and early planning for the Kiewa Valley Hydro Electric scheme could not have gone ahead and the dams and power stations which support the system could not have been constructed. The Hydro-electric scheme, and the workers who planned and built it play a major part in the early history of the Kiewa Valley and many original families still remain living, or have ties with the local area.: Set of 21 black and white photographs and copies of photographs depicting the pack horses and the men who handled them, transporting supplies and correspondence to the outlying camps and survey posts in the Bogong High Plains, via the rough cattlemen’s tracks. Photographs also show the early tent camps of the workers. Some photos mounted on A4 white paper. Some photos enlarged to A3 poster size for display1. Handwritten on back – Max Lawrence 2. -8 No inscriptions 9. Handwritten on back- Packing in supplies for early workers of the Kiewa Hydro scheme. There were no roads in the early days of the scheme 10. Printed on bottom of photo- Roper’s cattle on road below Howman’s Gap 11. Handwritten on back – Roper’s et al about to leave for the high plains 12. Printed under photo- Syd Ryder at the Pretty Valley Cut-Out (JBR) 13-16. No markings 17. Printed under photo- Gwen Talbot visits the Camp area. 1937 18. Handwritten on back- 14/1 Barbara Talbot 19. No markings 20-21. No markings 22. Printed under photo- STATE ELECTRICITY COMMISSION OF VICTORIA. Date: 15-3-45 Time: 8.0pm No: K 1838 Kiewa Hydro-Electric Works, Investigations 1944-1945 – Survey Camp at Young’s Hut pack horses; bogong high plains; survey posts; supplies delivery -
J. Ward Museum Complex
Container - First Aid in Accidents Kit, The Sanax Company – Melbourne Vic
This small, portable 1930’s Sanax First Aid in Accidents Kit has been strongly constructed, the case reinforced with metal to take knocks and bumps as it was transported to the site of an emergency. Having these supplies organised into a kit made them easily accessible and reduces time to take them to the accident site. The text of the printed brand “Sanax - First Aid” embossed on the lid. In Aradale Mental Hospital and J Ward, people are well aware of the institutions remoteness and of the importance of quick treatment when accidents occur. However, prior to the first commercial First Aid Kit being produced in 1888 by Johnson & Johnson, there was limited knowledge about treating injuries and about medical supplies to have ready for emergencies. A quote from Johnson’s & Johnson’s 1888 price list states, “It is a fact ... that many lives are lost and much suffering entailed in such accidents on account of the lack of the simple but necessary articles required to afford prompt assistance to the wounded.” [cited Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village]The kit is significance because it illustrates the first aid paraphernalia used in the care of staff and patients at Aradale Mental Hospital and J Ward. Black tin container. Inside lid shows printed instructions regarding treating various ailments. Contains: Absorbent gauze Canister of castor oil Petroleum jelly First Aid dressing Absorbent dressing Salvolatile ointment Gauze bandage x 3 Ache tablets x 25 3 loose metal safety pins The contents are not dissimilar to items used in first aid kits today. Due to its portable nature, the kit contains many dents and scratches. first aid, medical supplies, sanax -
RMIT Design Archives
Textile - Woman's dress, Norma Tullo, Garment Designer, Shirley Lyle, Textile Designer, Woman's Dress
This light woollen evening dress is made from Peppinella, a new fabric Norma Tullo introduced into her range in 1973. The fabric was used exclusively by Tullo, and came from the wool of Peppin Merino (first introduced into Australia in 1858 by the Peppin brothers). According to the papers of the day Tullo’s 1973 winter collection featured ‘St. Trinian’s styles to garments dripping lace, in bold plain colours to floral prints.” Shirley Lyle designed the floral fabric. Norma Tullo (1935-2019) was one of the leading fashion designers of her time, establishing her label in 1956. After establishing a business the Old Metropole Arcade in Melbourne in 1956, with three sewing machines, Tullo's ready to wear fashions for young women became sought after, and her business flourished. In 1966 the Japanese department store chain Isetan Co Ltd began to mass-produce her garments for their stores across Japan. Tullo closed her label in 1977, and later worked for Fletcher Jones. Ann Carew, 2020The dress is historically significant as a dress designed by Norma Tullo, a leading fashion designer of the 1960s and 1970s. During this period the Australian Wool Industry strove to promote wool, and to develop light woollen fabrics to compete with new synthetic fibres such as rayon. The garment is historically significant for the use of a merino wool showcasing its versatility for dress fabrics. Full length woman's dress with full skirt and long sleeves, collared with open neck and pleat work on bodice. Material is predominately red with a repeated pattern featuring posie of blue and mauve flowers.Inscribed, black label on back neck left of zip, 'TULLO/IN/PEPPINELLA/AUSTRALIA MERINO WOOL'; Inscribed, white satin label on back neck right of zip, 'DRY CLEAN ONLY'; Inscribed, white satin label underneath above label, 'SIZE 12/To Fit Bust 34"/To Fit Waistwool, rmit design archives, rmit university, woman's dress, textile design, australian fashion -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Point Ormond Timetable, Last Tram record, 22-10-1960
The MMTB Timetable details the trips from Elsternwick or Point Ormond for each day of the week. The sheet records the time of the last tram, 1036pm, driver G Loft No. 2480, and the tram as X2 677 on 22-10-1960. The donor advised that the MMTB following the practice adopted for the Bourke St changeover in 1940, the MMTB chose to pull the tram service before the last advertised trip for the day. Those present to ride the last started early and rode up and down for quite a few runs, then, on one arrival at Elsternwick Station, the Inspector (known as grasshoppers or Braids) on board instructed the driver to keep going and we rode through to GH Depot without paying another fare. They noted a half-cab bus, destination 'Clifton Hill', lurking ready to take up the running. The donor reported (and as you will see from the endorsements on the timetable) “I circled the time of the last run and got the signature and badge number of the driver. The rubber-stamp impressions were also applied to souvenir tickets (3d).” Yields information about the Point Ormond Service prior to its closure and records details of the last tram service.Foolscap Gestetner duplicated sheet, dated 29/1/1960Marked to show the last tram on 22-10-1960, time, tramcar and driver's name and number.tramways, timetables, tram 677, point ormond, closure, last tram