Showing 1639 items
matching ormond road
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White Methethodist Childrens Home Cheltenham , Dolls Tea Party 1935, 1935
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne A typical ...A typical leisure activity for children of this era was a doll's tea party. The Methodist Children's Home in Cheltenham was founded c1880 to provide housing for neglected children from the inner city. The Founders aimed to provide regular nourishment, a stable environment and integrate the children into the local community thereby improving their education and lives. However new settlers to Cheltenham area who were seeking a healthier and more respectable lifestyle for their families were not happy to share Church and School with the Home's Children. (see 00561) 1950's saw a new direction for the support of children and families in poor and difficult situations . The new Burwood Homes Facility opened in 1951 and children were transferred from Cheltenham in 1952. The land was sold to the St John of God, Catholic Order in1953 who maintained an orphanage until Myer Pty Ltd bought the site in 1967 and constructed the Southland Shopping Centre c1892-1953 The Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham was founded to provide safe accommodation and education for neglected children from the inner city slums. Black & White photograph of Methodist Children's Home and Cottages combined 'Dolls Tea Party' Cheltenham 1935Back Handwritten informationmethodist childrens home cheltenham 1892-1953, dolls, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham Boys & Briquettes 1935, 1935
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Boys from ...Boys from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham collecting Briquettes from the shed. Briquettes, made from Brown coal, were an economical source of heating for the Home The Methodist Children's Home in Cheltenham was founded c1880 to provide housing for neglected children from the inner city. The Founders aimed to provide regular nourishment, a stable environment and integrate the children into the local community thereby improving their education and lives. ( see 00561) 1950's saw a new direction for the support of children and families in poor and difficult situations . The new Burwood Homes Facility opened in 1951 and children were transferred from Cheltenham in 1952. The land was sold to the St John of God, Catholic Order in1953 who maintained an orphanage until Myer Pty Ltd bought the site in 1967 and constructed the Southland Shopping Centrec1892-1953 The Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham was founded to provide safe accommodation and education for neglected children from the inner city slums. Black & White photograph of some boys in the Briquette Shed at Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham 1935Back Handwritten informationmethodist children's home cheltenham 1892-1953, briquettes, heating, yallourn brown coal mine, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White, Crofts Grocery 395 Centre Rd Bentleigh c1937, c1937
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne After ...After the extension of the Railway line from Caulfield to Mordialloc 1880's the shopping centre moved from the Tucker Rd end to around the East Brighton (Bentleigh) Station area of Centre Road. A variety of shops, forges, estate agents, Coles' and Fossey's variety stores, a Hoyts picture theatre, butchers, traded in Centre Rd. Crofts was one many grocery stores along the strip. Crofts Stores was established by Archibald Crofts (1875-1942) as a single grocery store in South Melbourne. It eventually expanded to include 137 branches throughout Victoria, trading as Crofts Stores. The Lees family had established a Seedling Nursery in Thomas St that has continued until the land sold 2018 for housing development.Crofts Grocery Store was one of the shops in the Centre Road Bentleigh shopping strip that were established after the arrival of the train line 1881Black & White photograph of 3 men outside Crofts Grocery Store 395 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1937 Mr Jack Lees is centre.Handwritten informationcrofts grocery store bentleigh, lees jack, mordialloc railway line, centre road bentleigh, smith j l, smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph , Black & White Opening McKinnon Progress Hall c 1925, c1925
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne McKinnon ...McKinnon was a small community in East Brighton settled mainly by market gardeners but it had a State School, Churches, a hotel opened by Thomas Bent's father, Post Office and some shops. After WW1 land close to the railway line began to be sold and new homes and various shops were built. A Progress League was well supported and new hall built. McKinnon Rd Shopping precinct did not prosper as expected and some attribute this to the failure to secure the Hoyts picture theatre c 1925. Hoyts instead built the theatre in Centre Rd Bentleigh and this took a lot of trade away from the shops in McKinnon Rd.McKinnon was settled by market gardeners and after the train line arrived more houses and shops were built so that the small community developed through the 20thCBlack & White photograph showing the crowd of local residents celebrating the opening of the McKinnon Progress hall c1925mckinnon progress league, mckinnon railway station, ormond state school, hoyts picture theatres, centre road bentleigh, wyles jim, mckinnon hotel, gardeners arms hotel, bent james, smith j l; smith , chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White Horse drawn scoops earthwork in Moorabbin Shire c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne The, horse ...The, horse drawn metal scoop ,guided by a man, was used to clear earth for road making. Well before the introduction of motorised, mechanical graders and trucks the painstaking, labour-intensive work was undertaken by large teams of sturdy men using strong horses such as the draught horse. Roads were needed by the market gardeners to transport their produce to market. Later as the heavy wagon loads continually caused ruts and general degradation of the roadways a Plateway system was installed so that the wagon wheels could roll along the rails thus protecting the roadways. August 31st 2021 Ron Nash, from WA, informs us "The men and horses pulling earth scoops in the photo are not moving earth for road making - they are excavating an "earth tank", or dam, as described in common nomenclature today. This skill was known as "tank sinking", and tank sinkers were active in many rural and remote areas in the 1800's and early 1900's, establishing sizeable dams for important water reserves for community and farm and railway use. With the advent of mechanised equipment such as bulldozers, the trade of tank sinking was still carried out, but on a faster basis. I am a former tank sinker and earth moving contractor, now long retired." Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire had to build the roads, plateways, drains, as the settlement of the land, in Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton, spread and market gardeners need to transport their produce to market. Their most valuable possession was the draught horse that was used for ploughing, drawing carts and these scoops.Black & White photograph showing many horses pulling metal scoops guided by men to move earth for road making in Moorabbin Shire c 1900Back Handwritten Informationplateway, roadworks moorabbin shire, draught horses, metal scoops, paviers, box alonzo, smith j l; chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J.Redmore "God Cottage' Bentleigh c1890, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne 1890 ...1890 - 1950 This little cottage was located near the corner of Centre Road and Jasper Road East Brighton ( now Bentleigh) between where the Bentleigh RSL and Woolworths Supermarket now stand. Rev.B.Redmore, and his wife, were early members of the Salvation Army Corps, and they went to unusual lengths to proclaim their faith. Texts were hung along the veranda to catch the attention of passers-by and on the iron roof was painted a large sign ' PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD O' ISRAEL' ( The apostrophe is not a misprint.) The Cottage became known locally as The "God Cottage" and was demolished c1950 ( H.Stanley 2005)The 'God Cottage ' with its Biblical texts and large roof sign was an unique feature in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) 1890 - 1950 Black & White photograph showing a small cottage with a large sign painted on the roofBack Handwritten informationredmore reverend b, salvation army, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White Postcard, Cheltenham Church of Christ 40th Anniversary Invitation, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne On his ...On his arrival from Scotland c 1857, James Keir commenced a communion service in his home on the Nepean Road. By 1859 the group-which included such other names as Allen, Brough, Cameron, Fairlam, Holdsworth, Le Page, Meeres, Monk, Organ, Penny, Perry, Potts, Sears and King-had built a small chapel near the corner of Wickham and Chesterville Roads. During 1858, a group had also begun meeting in the Charman family home on the corner of Charman and Balcombe Roads. Names associated with this group included Bodley, Charman, Fisher, Hayes, Hilliar, Judd, Moysey and Ruse. In 1860 they built a chapel on the corner of Charman Road and Patty Street. It was enlarged in 1866 and it became the meeting place of the two groups when they came together around 1870. They were able to buy land near the corner of Chesterville and Nepean Roads, and erected a new brick chapel on the site in 1878. This chapel, of course, continues to be an integral part of the life of the Southern Community Church and was one of the three worship venues for the 150th Anniversary celebration in 2007. The Southern Community Church was formed by the amalgamation of the Cheltenham, East Bentleigh and Hampton Street Churches of Christ in 1993, and a comprehensive new facility was designed and built to accommodate the ever-increasing activity of the amalgamated church. It was opened on 30th November 1997. ( Southern Community Church website 2019)c1878 - continuing The Church or Christ Cheltenham was one of the first places of worship established in Cheltenham by the early settlers. The settlers came together, in private homes at first, to support each other spiritually and physically and later built brick Churches for Sunday services and established social and sporting clubsBlack & White photograph as a postcard invitation to the 40th Anniversary of the Church of Christ corner Chesterville Rd and Nepean Highway Cheltenham ( ? 1900)Front Printed ; Church of Christ Cheltenham Back Printed ; POST CARD / One Penny Postage within Commonwealth / The address only to be written here/ One penny Stamp/ Sunday School Anniversary, / OCTOBER 27TH & OCTOBER 30TH / TO WHICH YOU ARE / CORDIALLY INVITED Handwritten in ink ; H.W. got the cramps in the pants. He took some pills then ran over the hills undatedearly settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, were j.b., o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, keir james, lepage frank, lepage everest, holloway josiah, bruton henry, keys robert, judd clarence, fairlam percy, meeres william, southern community church, cheltenham, cheltenham church of christ -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Cheltenham Mechanics Institute,Library, Temperance hall, c1960
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...The Mechanics Institute, built c 1890, was the focal point for the Cheltenham area's social activities, public meetings, adult education, etc. until its demolition 1960 when a new Cheltenham Hall was erectedThe early settlers erected this Mechanics Institute prior to 1900 as a public meeting place, library, temperance hall and it was used for social eventsBlack & White photograph in the Moorabbin News c 1960 showing the Mechanics Institute, c1900 Nepean Highway Cheltenhamcheltenham mechanics institute, cheltenham temperance hall, cheltenham church of christ, keys robert, lepage everet, moorabin news, leader newspapers, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Harry Hale 1861-1937 and House, Cheltenham c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Harry Hale ...Harry Hale 1861-1937, a silk spinner, builder, migrated from England c1890 and built his house using 2nd hand material from the old Mentone Baths, old Co-op Stores, and some windows from the old St Matthew's Church Cheltenham .Harry with wife Frances raised 9 children. Following an accident Harry lost his leg and dissatisfied with the artificial limb he found a 'peg- leg ' more comfortable. Harry built many houses in Cheltenham unhindered by his 'peg-leg' . Harry also worked as an Insurance Agent. \ The house was demolished 1962. ( T. Sheehy, Moorabbin News 1962 H. Stanley )Harry Hale was a typical resourceful early settler who courageously worked with disability as he established his family in Cheltenham c1900a) Black & White photograph of the Harry Hale's House c 1930 North Cheltenham b) Sepia photograph c1906 of Harry Hale 1861 - 1937, Builder, Insurance Agent Cheltenham a) Handwritten information b) Mount ; TALMA, PARIS PANEL , 119 Swanston Street Melbourne and at Sydney hale harry, st matthews church of england cheltenham, talma photographers melbourne, photography, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, x2 Cheltenham State School No.84 Charman Rd c 1910, c1910-20
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Stephen ...Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The enrollment was 36 pupils with Mr Frederick Meeres as Teacher. 1863 the school is called Beaumaris Common School No 84 with 70 pupils and Walter Meeres as Teacher. 1869 another 2 acres in Charman Road were granted by the Education Board and brick building built . 1872 State School 84 Beaumaris was increasing enrollments and 1878 a new brick school was built to accommodate 174 pupils and the name changed to Cheltenham State School No.84 1894 Mentone State School No.2950 amalgamated with Cheltenham SS No.84. 1910 the buildings were in disrepair, overcrowding was increasing and renovations were made 1912 with further additions in 1925 and 1937. Post WW11 extra prefabricated Classrooms were added as enrollment increased to 1038 in 1955.. Cheltenham East State School 4754 was opened as housing development spread over the City of Moorabbin . (J.Larson Sandringham HS) The boys wearing round collars are from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham 1892-1953 that was situated on land now Southland Shopping Centre 1855 Stephen Charman donated land to the Methodist Church so that a School could be established to educate the children of the early settler market gardeners and farmers in the Cheltenham area . Education was valued by the general community and as well as schools they established mechanics Institutes and Libraries in Moorabbin Shire. Cheltenham State School No. 84 was among the first schools in Melbourne2x Black & White photographs of pupils at Cheltenham State School Charman Rd. c 1910-1920 a) Cheltenham State School No 84 c 1910 b) Cheltenham State School No.84 c 1910-1920 Grade 6a) Handwritten Cheltenham ( Charman Rd ) School / probably about 1910 b) " Charman Road School / taken probably between 1910 & 1920cheltenham primary school, methodist children's home cheltenham 1892-1953, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, cancel -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Fruit & Vegetable display Float Easter Parade c1917, c1916
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...The Friendly Societies Carnival at Mentone 1916 during WW1 was arranged to showcase the local activities and raise funds for the 'Discharged Wounded Soldiers Fund' = £140 was raised. As elsewhere in Australia most of the local young men had enlisted in the AIF and some were coming home wounded - many were killed on overseas battlefields. This Parade was led by the Cheltenham Brass Band with the following Friendly Societies AOF, IOR, HACBS, PAFS, and ANA. The PAFS - Protestant Alliance Friendly Society - had 2 entries 'Fruit & Vegetable Display' and 'The Murder of Nurse Edith Cavell' both floats won their category. The Carnival gave prizes for sports events on the Mentone Oval and a concert was held at night at the Mentone Ice Skating Rink.World War 1 1914-1918 had a devastating impact on many early settler families whose sons had volunteered to serve in AIF. 1916 many of these young men were returning injured or had been killed overseas The Community rallied around to support these men and their families by holding fund raising events like the CarnivalBlack & White photograph of a horse drawn wagon displaying Fruit and Vegetables for a procession c 1916Handwritten ; Decorated wagon possibly part of a procession of market gardeners cartsfriendly societies cheltenham 1916, nurse edith cavell, cheltenham brass band 1916, ww1 1914-1918, wounded soldiers fund, allnutt ella, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Cycling Group Cheltenham c1908, c1908
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Early ...Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire came together for social, religious, sporting and entertainment. This group is probably from the Cheltenham area, possibly a Church Group , and are preparing for a day of riding.Community Groups with Church or Sporting associations were integral to the spiritual well being and social life of the early settlers in Moorabbin Shire.Black & White photograph of a large group of male cyclists with their bicycles c1908, bicycles, moorabbin, cheltenham, dendy henry, dendy's special survey 1841, assisted emigrants early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, marigold flowers, pharmacy, charman stephen, gettens mary, charman harriet, methodist church cheltenham, primitive methodists, box william, box elizabeth, state schools, education, moorabbin shire, moorabbin roads board, city of moorabbin, kingston city council -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Cheltenham State School No 84 Woodworking Class c1910, c1910
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Stephen ...Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The enrolment was 36 pupils with Mr Frederick Meeres as Teacher. 1863 the school is called Beaumaris Common School No 84 with 70 pupils and Walter Meeres as Teacher. 1869 another 2 acres in Charman Road were granted by the Education Board and brick building built . 1872 State School 84 Beaumaris was increasing enrollments and 1878 a new brick school was built to accommodate 174 pupils and the name changed to Cheltenham State School No.84 1894 Mentone State School No.2950 amalgamated with Cheltenham SS No.84. 1910 the buildings were in disrepair, overcrowding was increasing and renovations were made 1912 with further additions in 1925 and 1937. Post WW11 extra prefabricated Classrooms were added as enrollment increased to 1038 in 1955.. Cheltenham East State School 4754 was opened as housing development spread over the City of Moorabbin . (J.Larson Sandringham HS) The boys wearing round collars are from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham.1855 Stephen Charman donated land to the Methodist Church so that a School could be established to educate the children of the early settler market gardeners and farmers in the Cheltenham area . Education was valued by the general community and as well as schools they established mechanics Institutes and Libraries in Moorabbin Shire. Cheltenham State School No. 84 was among the first schools in Melbourne.Faded and cracked Black & White photograph showing pupils and teacher in the wood working class at Cheltenham State School No 84 c1910 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White x 2 Cheltenham State School 1913, 1913
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Stephen ...Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The enrolment was 36 pupils with Mr Frederick Meeres as Teacher. 1863 the school is called Beaumaris Common School No 84 with 70 pupils and Walter Meeres as Teacher. 1869 another 2 acres in Charman Road were granted by the Education Board and brick building built . 1872 State School 84 Beaumaris was increasing enrollments and 1878 a new brick school was built to accommodate 174 pupils and the name changed to Cheltenham State School No.84 1894 Mentone State School No.2950 amalgamated with Cheltenham SS No.84. 1910 the buildings were in disrepair, overcrowding was increasing and renovations were made 1912 with further additions in 1925 and 1937. Post WW11 extra prefabricated Classrooms were added as enrollment increased to 1038 in 1955.. Cheltenham East State School 4754 was opened as housing development spread over the City of Moorabbin . (J.Larson Sandringham HS) The boys wearing round collars are from the Methodist Children's Home Cheltenham1855 Stephen Charman donated land to the Methodist Church so that a School could be established to educate the children of the early settler market gardeners and farmers in the Cheltenham area . Education was valued by the general community and as well as schools they established mechanics Institutes and Libraries in Moorabbin Shire. Cheltenham State School No. 84 was among the first schools in Melbourne.Faded, Black & White photograph x 2 of pupils at Cheltenham State School No. 84 1913 1st Group & 2nd GroupFront 1913city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist chapel cheltenham, methodist school cheltenham, methodist children's home cheltenham 1892-1953, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, education, early settlers, cancel -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White, Mr F. Guumes 1884-1950 & Hand made Harness outfit c1947, c1947
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Mr Francis ...Mr Francis Guumes1884-1950, was born in the Cheltenham district and later bought land in Heatherton Rd, Heatherton, where he and his two sons developed a market garden. Mr Guumes , a self taught leather worker, made every piece of this harness. He entered this outfit in the Royal Melbourne Show c1947 and was awarded 1st Prize in his section. ( H. Stanley 2005)Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire had to be resourceful and self sufficient as they developed market gardens and farms. The community learned to make, repair and invent tools and equipment that was needed on their properties. Black & White photograph, enlarged, showing Mr Francis Guumes, with the rig and leather work that he entered and won 1st prize in the Royal Melbourne Show c 1947guumes francis, royal melbourne show 1947, leatherwork, saddles, harness, draught horses, horse drawn carts, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, , chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Nurse A Watt , Cheltenham Nursing Home c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Nurse ...Nurse A. Watt was a registered Nurse who owned the Cheltenham Nursing Home, located up on the hill, at 200 Charman Road Cheltenham c1900. With Dr. Fleming Joyce, she brought many local identities into the world. Len Allnutt recalls that his brother, Ray, was born there in 1924. Nurse Watt had an excellent reputation for her care and ability in the local area. One recorded event was when in November 1910 Constable Edwards was shot by his son David, at his police house, after an episode of domestic violence involving Constable Edwards long suffering wife - the mother of David. Const. Edwards was first taken to the Police Station, but later taken by Shire ambulance to Nurse Watt's Cheltenham Nursing Home. At 8pm, Edwards was operated on by Dr. Joyce and Dr. Weigall. Despite the surgery, Edwards died the next day of haemorrhage and shock. David was convicted of manslaughter. Dr A Fleming Joyce was the Shire Medical Officer c1914 - 1930. Nurse Watt bequeathed her Estate to the Methodist Church. ( H. Stanley CMHS)c1900 Nurse A Watt had an excellent reputation for her care and ability in the Cheltenham area where Medical, Surgical and Midwifery Cases were received at her Nursing Home in Charman Road. She also accommodated convalescent cases. She worked with Dr A.Fleming Joyce and Dr Weigall.a) Advertisement / Leaflet for Nurse A.Watt c1900 b) Black & White photograph of the Cheltenham Nursing Home, 200 Charman Road Cheltenham c1900watts nurse a, joyce dr. a f., cheltenham nursing home c1910, charman road cheltenham, nursing, medicine, midwifery, victoria police force, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen,, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, John Morey House Cheltenham c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Mr John ...Mr John Morey, was a pioneer settler in Cheltenham where he developed a market garden on his property in Weatherall Rd. Dick Morey, John's son died in WW1. John Morey jnr., another son, inherited the property and eventually moved to Bay Rd Sandringham, Descendants of John Morey lived in the area John Morey was an early settler in Cheltenham and established a market garden in Weatherall Road Cheltenham.Faded Black & White of John Morey with 2 children outside his home in Weatherall Rd. Cheltenham c1900Hand written information / Hayward ........morey, john, weatherall road cheltenham, sandringham, world war 1 1914-1918, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, cheltenham state school no.84, methodist school cheltenham, beaumaris west state school, meeres frederick, meeres walter, early settlers, cancel -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, 'Oak Bank' later 'Whitehouse' Ann St. McKinnon c1920, c1960
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne 'Oak Bank ...'Oak Bank ' , in Ann Street McKinnon, was originally owned by Mr Robert Smith. The house was later renamed 'The Whitehouse' and was still in use as a General Hospital in the 1950's, known as the Ann Street Hospital.. This small hospital handled some Surgery, Midwifery and general Medical cases from the fast growing Bentleigh / McKinnon area. As time progressed the Hospital became too small, and was unable to meet new medical standards When Moorabbin Community Hospital opened c1974 in Centre Road East Bentleigh, the Ann St Hospital closed. The Moorabbin Hospital is now a campus of Monash Medical Centre Clayton. 'The Whitehouse' was used as a general Hospital for the residents of McKinnon, Bentleigh, and Ormond for many years during the 20thC.Colour photograph showing Mrs John Marriott ( nee Ann Smith) , her son Fred Marriott standing outside 'The Whitehouse' undated ? c1960Back ; Handwritten informationoakbank house mckinnon, whitehouse mckinnon, ann street general hospital, moorabbin community hospital, monash hospital clayton, smith robert, lees seedling growers ltd. thomas street mckinnon,mith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Black & White East Bentleigh State School No 2083 c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Early ...Early settlers established market gardens, farms and business in the East Brighton ( East Bentleigh) area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton. The small communities established Churches and Schools. The Church of England opened St Stephen's Common School c 1850 in Tucker Road with 26 pupils. When the Government School opened 1878 the pupils were transferred to the new Centre Road building and it served the developing East Bentleigh Community until 1990. East Bentleigh State School no. 2083, Centre Road 1878 was closed c1990 due to the dwindling number of pupils enrolling following development of Valkstone SS East Bentleigh, Ormond East SS ( now McKinnon SS) and Tucker Road SS East Bentleigh Names of Pupils inscribed on back of original photograph show the children of the early settler families in Moorabbin Shire Back Row -Bessie long, Ruby Marriott, Irene Peterson, Jessie Gebuer, Grace Reid, Ella Marriott, Daisy Arnold, Lucy Hosking 2nd standing - Edie Roberts, Daisy Marriott, Elsie Strack, Ida Gouruly, Ephanie Bruce, Emma Thompson, Evelyn Marriott, Sarah Jackson, Lola G. 3rd kneeling - Lily Moore, Lizzie Sharman, Mag. Scotland, Em Ray, Elsie Claydon, Lily Marriott, ?? Day, ,Bessie Brewster, Eva Lindberg Front- Florrie D......ieson, Florrie ...i....ade, Ruth Goodrich, Lily Boles, Ettie Arnold, Bessie Marriott, Amie Jackson, Eileen Hosking The Government School opened 1878 in the new Centre Road building near Tucker Road, and it served the developing East Bentleigh Community until 1990. East Bentleigh State School no. 2083, Centre Road 1878 was closed c1990 due to dwindling number of pupils following development of Valkstone SS East Bentleigh, Ormond East SS ( now McKinnon SS) and Tucker Road SS East Bentleigh all situated along or near Tucker Road. Black & White photograph, reproduced c2005., of girl pupils at East Bentleigh State School 2083 c 1900east bentleigh state school no.2083c1900, marriott john, box jessie, pederson vic, long bessie, wong george, shephard hilda, mcneil annie, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, V Peterson E Boundary Rd E Bentleigh market garden c1925, Original c1925
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...The Peterson family were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire and established a market garden in East Boundary Road East Bentleigh. Vic Peterson - waistcoat, with Dick Marriott seated - ( brother in -law ), 2 unknown men and 7year old Geoff Peterson - Poliomyelitis as a baby- sitting in front with his walking sticks. The crop is cabbages that would be harvested and sent to the Melbourne markets.The early settlers like the Petersons and Marriotts, in the Parish of Moorabbin County of Bourke after Henry Dendy's Special Survey Brighton 1841, established market gardens, fruit & flower gardens, poultry & dairy farms, vineyards as well as shop businesses, blacksmiths, chemists, nursing homes and schools & Churches.Black & White photograph of Vic Peterson and 3 men & boy on his market garden in East Boundary Road East Bentleigh c1925 re-digitised 2005back ; handwritten information unsignedwagons, vulcan trucks, draught horses,, peterson vic, marriott dick, cabbage crops, vegetable crops, poliomyelitis epidemics 20thc , elster creek, plateways moorabbin shire, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, V Peterson East Boundary Rd East Bentleigh loaded wagon c1900, original c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...The Peterson family were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire and established a market garden in East Boundary Road East Bentleigh. Vic Peterson and family loaded the crop - cabbages - onto the horse drawn wagon and set off to the Melbourne market using the Plateways that ran along Centre Road and Nepean Highway. The early settlers like the Petersons , in the Parish of Moorabbin County of Bourke after Henry Dendy's Special Survey Brighton 1841, established market gardens, fruit & flower gardens, poultry & dairy farms, vineyards as well as shop businesses, blacksmiths, chemists, nursing homes and schools & Churches.Black & White photograph showing Vic Peterson beside the horse drawn wagon loaded with 35dozen ( 12x 35) cabbages setting off to market c 1900 Original re-digitised by H Stanley 2005Back Hand written informationwagons, vulcan trucks, draught horses,, peterson vic, marriott dick, cabbage crops, vegetable crops, poliomyelitis epidemics 20thc , elster creek, plateways moorabbin shire, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, V Peterson, loaded Vulcan Truck 1929, c1929
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne ...The Peterson family were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire and established a market garden in East Boundary Road East Bentleigh. Horse drawn wagons traveled along Plateways to take their crops to the Melbourne Markets . With the advent of the motorcar the market gardeners gradually purchased trucks to transport their crops. Roads were being surfaced but ruts and flooding caused upsets and bogging of these trucks. The journey was quicker but unlike the Horses, these trucks could not drive themselves back to the farm.The early settlers like the Petersons and Marriotts, in the Parish of Moorabbin County of Bourke after Henry Dendy's Special Survey Brighton 1841, established market gardens, fruit & flower gardens, poultry & dairy farms, vineyards as well as shop businesses, blacksmiths, chemists, nursing homes and schools & Churches.Black & White photograph of a Vulcan truck driven by Vic Peterson, loaded with Cauliflowers from his market garden in East boundary Road East Bentleigh c 1929.Back Handwritten information unsgnedwagons, vulcan trucks, draught horses,, peterson vic, marriott dick, cauliflower crops, vegetable crops, poliomyelitis epidemics 20thc , elster creek, plateways moorabbin shire, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Mr Moore's 1st Chemist Shop Centre Road, Bentleigh c1930, c1930
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Early ...Early settlers in the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke, established market gardens and farms in the area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton. Small communities grew near Churches & Schools and shops and businesses were established. Following the opening of the Railway line from Caulfield to Mordialloc 1881 the shops and business moved from the Tucker Road /Centre Road ( East Brighton ) East Bentleigh area to be close to the transport. Shops, businesses and housing developed along Centre Road between Thomas Street and Jasper Road. Mr Arthur Moore established his 1st shop in 395 Centre Road c1930 and later moved along the road to a site next to Coles Variety Store.Following the opening of the Railway line from Caulfield to Mordialloc 1881 the shops and business moved from the Tucker Road /Centre Road East Bentleigh area to be close to the transport. Shops, businesses and housing developed along Centre Road between Thomas Street and Jasper Road. Mr Moore established his 1st shop in 395 Centre Road c1930 and later moved along the road to a site next to Coles Variety Store.Black & White photograph of Mr Arthur Moore's 1st Chemist Shop, 384 Centre Road Bentleigh c 1930 back Handwritten information unsignedbentleigh shopping centre c1930, east brighton, railway line caulfield -mordialloc 1881, chemists, pharmacy, moore's moorabbin shire, smith j l, smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b., bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, Adelaide Bleazby, Frank Box, Daisy c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Frank Box ...Frank Box was descendant of the Box family who migrated from Sussex England c 1850 and established market gardens in the area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton', Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke. Frank married Adelaide Bleazby in 1873 and they are shown here with their daughter, Daisy , at Kilgour Street Geelong Victoria c1900The Box family were pioneer settlers in the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke c 1850 in the area of Henry Dendy's 'Special Survey Brighton 1841'. They established market gardens and raised their children.Faded Black & White photograph of Adelaide Bleazby, Frank Box and daughter Daisy at Geelong c1900Back handwritten information unsignedbox george, box william, box elizabeth, box francis, box cottage museum ormond, city of moorabbin historical society, bleazby adelaide 1873, box frank smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Alfred Amos , Gertrude Emma Box 1941, c1941
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne William ...William and Elizabeth Box migrated from Sussex England c1850 and established a market garden in the area of Henry Dendy's 'Special Survey Brighton 1841' in the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke. William's parents, George & Mary Box followed in 1856 bringing 6 of their 10 children and joined William in East Brighton ( Bentleigh) Gertrude Emma Box is a descendant of this family.The Box family were pioneer settlers in the area of 'Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841' Brighton and established market gardens .Black & White photograph of Alfred Amos and Emma Gertrude Box c1941box william, box mary nee cripps, box elizabeth avis, box george b 1808, box gertrude emma, amos alfred, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, s horse drawn carts,, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Certificate of Discharge 1st AIF Alonzo Sheldrake Box 22/5/1917 2pp, 1917
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Alonzo ...Alonzo Sheldrake Box 1851- 1958 was the nephew of William and Elizabeth Box who migrated from Sussex England 1850 and established a market garden in the area of Henry Dendy's 'Special Survey 1841 Brighton, in the Parish of Moorabbin County of Bourke. Alonzo was a pavier, who laid blue stone for drains, and enlisted in 1914 to serve in Gallipoli, and France . He returned to Bentleigh 1917 and married Mary Louisa Closter 1918 . Alonzo Box was a member of the pioneering Box family who emigrated from Sussex England 1850 and established market gardens in the the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke. Alonzo Box enlisted in the 1st AIF in 1914 and served in Gallipoli and France. Document, Certificate of Discharge No. 1054 Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force 1917, Alonzo Sheldrake Box Sergeant as Printed by Government Printer box george b 1808, box william, box elizabeth avis, box alonzo sheldrake, closter mary louisa, wedding dress box cottage museum, paviers, road building, world war 1 1914-1918, gallipoli, somme battles, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Francis Box 1836 -1912 and Eliza Jane Box(Thompson) c1900, c1900
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Francis ...Francis Box 1836 1912 migrated, from Sussex England 1855, with his father George Box b1808, and joined his brother William Box in the Parish of Moorabbin . he established a market garden and with Eliza Jane Box raised his familyFrancis Box was a member of the pioneer family who migrated from Sussex England 1955 and established market gardens in the parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke.Black & White photograph of Francis Box 1836-1912 who married Eliza Jane Box in 1871 box george b 1808, box francis 1836- 1912, box eliza jane , box william, box elizabeth, box cottage museum ormond, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, John Box 1841-1913 and Document re Will, a) c1900 b) 1928
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne John Box ...John Box 1841 - 1913 was a member of the George Box family who migrated from Sussex England 1855 and established market gardens in Parish of Moorabbin, County of BourkeJohn Box was a pioneer settler 1855 in Moorabbin Shire, County of Bourke and established a market garden and raised his family.a)Black & White photograph of John Box standing at his home in North Road East Bentleigh c1900 b) Document - letter regarding the Estate of John Box 1928a) nil b) as printedbox george,b 1808, box john1841 - 1913, box william, box elizabeth smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White,Methodist Youth 'Harvest Festival' East Bentleigh c1910, original c1910
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne Early ...Early settlers established market gardens, farms and business in the East Brighton ( East Bentleigh) area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton. The small communities established Churches and Schools. Stephen Charman, 1821-1906 a market gardener, donated land for the first Methodist Chapel, Cemetery and School in Charman Rd Cheltenham 1855. The East Bentleigh settlers built a Methodist Church in Tucker Road and established the Sunday School and Youth group which organised social and sporting events and picnics.Early settlers established market gardens, farms and business in the East Brighton ( East Bentleigh) area of Henry Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton. The small communities established Churches and Schools. Black and White photograph showing the Bentleigh Methodist Youth Group on Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday c1910 in front of R.Smith's shed in Tucker Road East Bentleigh re-digitised by H.Stanley CMHS 2005Back Handwritten Names on Original photograph Front row Irene Pederson, Ella Marriott, Bessie Long, Jessie Box, Lucy Hosking, Middle row Hilda Sheppard, Emma Marriott, Bertha Sheppard, ? , Edna Box, Annie McNeil Back row Rev. George Wong, John Marriott, Arthur Marriott, Vic Pederson, Eddie Long, ? Marriott,, Tom Marriott, Mr Long methodist youth group bentleigh c1910, marriott emma, marriott ella, hosking lucy, marriott john, box jessie, pederson vic, long bessie, wong george, shephard hilda, mcneil annie, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, B/W, x3 Wedding August & Frieda Rietmann 1910 and Certicicate, 1910,1915
... Cottage Museum) Joyce Park Jasper Road Ormond melbourne August ...August Rietmann (1877-1951) of Lustdorf ,Switzerland, married Maria Frieda Oesschlager (2/21878- 22/7/1942) of Baden Baden, Germany on 6/8/1910 In 1915 August and his wife Frieda migrated to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. They leased Box Cottage, Ormond in 1917 and raised two children, Stefanie (1918 -2006) and William (1920- 1997). 1935 August purchased the property and the family used the Cottage during the day and slept in the Front House. August was a monumental mason, potter and sculptor, and was employed at Corbens Ltd Clifton Hill, to carve war memorials in Victoria post WW1 c 1915-1922. During the 1920's August set up his own business in pressed cement making pot plants, columns,paving slabs and lampstands. He continued to carve headstones and figures and took contract work for Artists eg Paul Mountford. He built a workshop in the Barn and used the Cottage for plaster moulding. His son William joined the business and and the family continued to use the site after August died in 1951. Rietman's Landscaping Ltd moved to Bay Road Highett in 1953 and later to Carrum. The land, containing the Box Cottage, was sold to Lewis Timber Pty Ltd in 1970 and Mr Lewis proposed that Moorabbin City Council should preserve the heritage Cottage. In 1984 the Cottage was dismantled and reconstructed in the adjacent Joyce Park.The Rietman family is an example of the diverse nationalities that lived and worked productively in Moorabbin Shire 1871–1933 , the City of Moorabbin 1934-1994 and continues today in the Cities of Glen Eira, Kingston, Bayside, and Monash. August, a sculptor and stone mason, was employed by Corben Pty Ltd Clifton Hill to carve WW1 Memorials before establishing his own successful masonry business in the Box Cottage during the latter 1920s. After becoming interested in pressed cement casting, he took on apprentices (1930s Depression) and among his products were garden furniture, pots and also street lamp standards, some of which were installed in St Kilda Road. After August’s death in 1951, his family continued the business ‘Rietman’s Landscaping Ltd.’, at Highett and Carrum.a) Photograph Black & White August & Frieda Rietmann Wedding 6/8/1910 in Baden Baden ; b) Passport Photograph August Rietmann 1915; c) Photograph Frieda Rietmann 1915; d) Document Wedding Certificate August & Frieda Rietmann Baden Baden 1910a) b) c) Handwritten information d) Official Document in Germanrietmann august, rietman august, rietmann frieda, rietman frieda, stonnington city town hall, war memorials, world war 1 1914-1918, rietman stefanie, rennick stefanie, francis stefanie, rietman william, rietman ray, mountford paul, malvern city town hall,box cottage museum ormond, box william, box elizabeth, joyce park ormond, rietman's landscaping pty ltd, bay road highett, macrobertson pty ltd, coleraine soldier memorial 1921,