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Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Alexander Wright (Navarre)
Alexander Wright was born on 25 August, 1898 in Smeaton He was the brother of musician Frank Wright. Alex Wright was killed whilst performing at the Birmingham Empire as the result of a German air Attack in October 1940. The theatre had a direct hit. According to Frank Wright Alex was a great impersonator with a unique range Bass - tenor with many accents (not unlike Peter Dawson) "AUSTRALIAN CARUSO Smeaton Boy's Fame Andre Navarre, who left Australia about three years ago to study opera in Europe, bids fair to take a place among the world's great tenors. A few months ago Navarre sang for Melba for the first time, and she immediately acclaimed him to be a finished artist, describing his voice as the nearest approach to the immortal Caruso she had ever heard, writes the Ballarat "Courier." Andre Navarre is, however, only a stage name adopted by Alexander Wright, a son of Mr. and Mrs. William. Wright, of Armstrong street North, Ballarat, and brother of Mr. Frank Wright and Mrs. William Ritchie, of that city. Born at smeaton 31 years ago, in what may be termed a musical atmosphere; Alex. Wright showed a definite desire to sing at a very early age, and in his boyhood figured as soloist at school concerts, etc. His youth was spent around Smeaton, working at home and at various farms in the district until he was about 19 years of age, when he secured a position at the Dunlop rubber works, Melbourne. Up to this period Wright had no vocal training whatever, but being the possessor of a good resonant baritone voice, was persuaded by some of his friends to "have a go at the stage.'' Securing a position in the chorus of "Maid of the Mountains," which was at that time showing at the Theatre Royal, he soon made his voice heard to advantage, and also commenced to take lessons from Signor Robottaro. It was about this time that Wright was invited by a fellow musician to a musical evening at which a member of Rigo's grand opera company, then performing at " The Playhouse," was also present. Hearing Wright sing, the musician immediately said : ' You're a fool to waste your time in a chorus with that voice. Rigo is looking for a singer like you for the role of 'Figaro' in 'Barber of Seville'." Alex, however, did not take the remark seriously, and it was only after the numerous persuasions of friends who obviously knew the real value of his voice that the modest young man was eventually induced to meet Rigo. The Italian maestro was so delighted with the voice that without hesitation he was given the principle role of "The Barber" to study. Many singers having previously been tried and rejected for the part, Wright was astonished at his success in being chosen, and awakened suddenly to the fact by the maestro that a world voice, if properly trained, would surely develop in the young artist, Alex at once settled down to study, and all day long in his boarding house at St. Kilda could be heard rehearsing his new role. In less than a month he had completely mastered the part, and on the opening night, in the exacting role of "The Barber," he was an outstanding success. Later, he toured Australia with many leading artists, including Elsa Stralia and Harry Lauder, and spent his last two years in Sydney, where he was engaged as soloist in the biggest picture house. Realising that a training in Italy and on the Continent was essential for a successful operatic singer, the young artist decided to go overseas to continue his studies. He did not leave Australia, however, before he gratuitously gave a concert in his little home town to the obvious delight of all his old friends, who flocked from all parts of the district to hear him. The hall was packed to overflowing , and so pleased was Alex with the tumultuous reception he received that he sang fewer than 20 songs. Once in Italy, he lost no time in placing himself under the tuition of Cottone, and it was at the studio of this maestro that he met Toti dal Monte, a former protege of the same master. Two years were spent in Italy, when "Navarre" learned to speak the Italian language fluently, and acquired a wide knowledge of the operas. He sang in Milan about a year ago, and was paid some glowing tributes by the Italian Press critics, who likened his voice to that of Caruso. From Italy he went to Paris, where he met John Brownlee and many other famous singers. The critics on the Continent are unanimous that Andre Navarre-the unassuming Smeaton boy, whom his schoolmates still affectionately call "Hock"--is destined to become one of the luminaries in music history. It is interesting to recall some facts concerning the remarkable family from which this artist springs. Four other members have won championship honors in the musical world. Mr. Frank Wright has the Australasian cornet championship to his credit ; Mr. Norman Wright, of Sydney, has won a tenor championship of New Zealand, and has recorded for the Columbia Gramophone Company ; Mrs. Wm. Ritchie ( formerly Miss Laura Wright) won the A.N.A. contralto championship in Melbourne; whilst the oldest member, Lydia (Mrs. C. Cane, now in N.Z.) won the violin championship at South Street when 17 years of age. Last year Mrs. and Mr. Wright celebrated their golden wedding. Both of the old folk are intensely musical, and it has been said that the voice of the mother, although entirely untrained, showed in her earlier days glimpses of the beautiful quality which made Melba famous. Andre Navarre does not propose leaving the Continent for some time. Recently he was offered a 12 months' contract to sing in London for £2500 but on the advice of Melba and his coach, it was refused on the grounds that yet another 12 months' French study was necessary to ensure absolute perfection. That "Alex " has lost none of his school-boy wit is evinced by his own jocular remark that he has "a top C sharp that will crack every window in the Sydney Town Hall!" (Horsham Times, 20 February 1931) "AUSTRALIAN KILLED An Australian, Alexander Wright, radio variety star, who toured Europe and Australia under the pseudonym of Navarre, was killed during a recent air raid in a Midland . town. His broth-er, Frank Wright, is musical director for the London County council."(Border Morning Mail, 22 Oct 1940) Black and white image of Smeaton born Alexander Wright whose professional name was Navarre "Prince of Mimics". alexander wright, alec wright, navarre -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Regalia, Methodist Order of Knights Degree of Sincerity
The white of this shield is Degree of Sincerity and the green collar is Degree of Service and with the blue triangle being for the Degree of Sincerity. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Shite cotton shield with a green collar. This shield has dark and blue satin ribbons forming a cross. At the intersection of the cross there is a blue satin triangle with a red heart inside it. methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards
Prerequisite for The Gold Spurs Award: Attaining 2nd Class Merit badge; 1st Class Merit badge; Silver Spurs and Efficiency Awards for Interest, Service and Special. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK243.1 - MOK243.2 Pink coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for the Gold Spurs Award. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a runner on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Methodist Order of Knights Junior efficiency awards
Prerequisite for the Gareth Award: Attaining 4th Class Merit badge; 3rd Class Merit badge and Efficiency Awards for Interest, Service and Special. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK244.1 & MOK244.2 Yellow coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for the Junior Efficiency, Gareth, award. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a youth with billy cans on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 1st Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 1st Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK245.1 - MOK245.3 - green coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 1st Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a runner on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 2nd Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 2nd Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK246.1 - MOK246.3 gold yellow coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 2st Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and there is a sketch of two jousting knights on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 4th Class merit badge
Four badges must be attained for the 2nd Class merit badge: Devotional; Physical; Educational; Social. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK248.1 - MOK248.3 pink coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights handbook for passing the 4th Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and there is a sketch of a jousting knight on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric. methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Book - Handbook, Court Loyal Crusader, Methodist Order of Knights passing the 3rd Class merit badge
Prerequisite for attaining 3rd Class Merit badge; 4th Class Merit badge. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.MOK247.1 - MOK247.3 Pale blue coloured cover Methodist Order of Knights efficiency awards handbook for passing the 3rd Class merit badge. The book has typed, unnumbered pages and a sketch of a jousting knight on the cover. The book is held together with three staples and the binding is of adhesive fabric.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Work on paper - Methodist Order of Knights, Page's Degree symbol
The number seven enclosed in an equilateral triangle was the General Mark of the Order. The number seven is the perfect number used in scripture. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. Square cardboard and black ink general mark of the order symbols.On the back of MOK214.2: Sticker with the words "FRAMED BY BALLARAT GLASS COY. Glass and Glazing, etc. 54 HUMFFRAY ST. NTH. BALLARAT"methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Card - Methodist Order of Knights, 21st Annual Pages Camp Adekate 1987
Commander Gary Osbourne and Deputy Commander Wayne Jolly. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.White key-shaped card with the signatures of the attendees.methodist order of knights, court satyrane -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Document - Invitation, Methodist Order of Knights Benalla Court Installation of Officers
The Installation of the Benalla Court Officers was held on Saturday 29 May, 1937 in the John Cooper Methodist Hall, Benalla. The ceremony was followed by supper. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Cream folded card with green print. The card has the Order of Knights symbol at the top with the text following. The invitation lists the High Officers, the date, the venue, the Officers for 1937-1938 and Toasts.methodist order of knights benalla court -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Methodist Order of Knights, Charter Court Astolat Pages No 2
This is the Charter of Court Astolat Pages No. 2 dated 22 March 1962. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Card Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights Charter with the MOK symbol at the top and brown decorative border and blue text."Court Astolat Pages No 2" "22nd March, 1962" "Horrie Sedgman" "John W Goodluck"methodist order of knights court astolat pages no 2, horrie sedgman, john w goodluck -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Methodist Order of Knights, Charter Court N.E. Goulburn Valle District Court
This is the Charter for N.E.Goulburn Valley District Court dated 16th November 1957. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Card Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights Charter with the MOK symbol at the top and brown decorative border and blue text."N.E.Goulburn Valley District Court" "16th November 1937" "Paul A Conde" methodist order of knights n.e. goulburn valley district court, paul a conde -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Methodist Order of Knights, Charter The Benalla District Court
This is the Charter for The Benalla District Court, Court No 67, dated 12th February 1937. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Card Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights Charter with the MOK symbol at the top and brown decorative border and blue text."Court No. 67" "The Benalla District Court" "12 February 1937" "Leslie G Payser" "Joseph McIlroy"methodist order of knights the benalla district court, leslie g payser, joseph mcilroy -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Order of Knights, Epworth Press, Charter The Hitchcock Court
The Hitchcock Court, Geelong was named after Howard Hitchcock, 1866-1932, businessman and civic leader. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. Methodist Church of Australasia Order of Knights Charter certificate. The card has the MOK symbol and a decorated border. "The Hitchcock Court 19th Day of May 1931 A. Vincent Ballard"methodist order of knights, order of knights, the hitchcock court, a vincent ballard governor -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Document - Program, Methodist Girls' Comradeship and Methodist Order of Knights: An Order of Service
The service was conducted by Rev Dr D Grierson with the Installing Officer being Rev R F Giese. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Order of Service for a joint service of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship and Methodist Order of Knights for the Installation and Dedication of the Officers of General Grand Council and General Court at Wesley Church on Wednesday, 17th May, 1972 at 8pm. The document has both the MGC and MOK symbols on its cover. methodist order of knights, methodist girls' comradeship, rev dr d grierson, rev r f giese -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Document - Methodist Order of Knights, Methodist Order of Knights: Proposition form
The back of the form has The Knight's Law, The Knight's Pledge and A Brief History. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia.Blank forms in two sizes: E3112.32.1 (FOUR forms) and E3112.32 (five forms). Methodist Church of Australasia Methodist Order of Knights: Proposition forms. "This form, duly completed and signed by the Candidate, his Proposer and Seconder, must be handed by the Page Companion to the Page Commander before the names of the Candidate proceeds to the vote. It shall be the responsibility of the Proposer to see that the completed from reaches the Page Companion in ample time." E3112.32.1 is commercially printed and E3112.32.2 is typed and duplicated.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - Order of Knights Province of Victoria and Tasmania, Order of Knights: Court of the Solitary Knight
The Court of the Solitary Knight was reformed in the Province of Victoria and Tasmania at an inaugural Meeting held at the Church of All Nations, Carlton on 28th March, 1973, with a foundation membership of 25 companions. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. E3112.12.1 - E3112.12.3: Application form Province of Victoria and Tasmania Order of Knights (Founded at Hurstville Methodist Church, 1914) Court of the Solitary Knight information and application form. Folded white paper with black text and MOK symbol.methodist order of knights, court of the solitary knight -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - Order of Knights Province of Victoria, Join the Order of Knights for a lifetime of adventure
The pamphlets contain information for prospective MOK candidates and includes membership requirements, Christian knigthood, activities, uniform and FAQs. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. E3112.11.1 - E3112.11.5 four-fold white paper information pamphlets with blue ink on the Order of Knights Province of Victoria and Tasmania. The pamphlets have the MOK emblem and four photographs.methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Order of Knights, Epworth Press, Charter Belgrave Court of the Mountains 026
Each Court had its unique name which was its Charter. The Charter was to be displayed at meetings. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. Order of Knights Charter for the Methodist Church of Australasia Order of Knights. The Charter is for the Belgrave Junior Court of the Mountains. It is dated 5th May 1936 and is signed by Leslie G Poyser, Knight Grand Commander and Joseph McIlroy, Governor."Belgrave Court of the Mountains. COURT No 48" "5th May 1936" "Leslie G Poyser" Joseph McIroy"lesie g pyser, joseph mcilroy, order of knights, methodist order of knights -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Order of Knights, Epworth Press, Charter Court Loddon Intermediate 344
Each Court had a unique name and number which was recorded on their Charter. The Charter had to be displayed at meetings. The Methodist Order of Knights was the official youth organisation of the Methodist Church of Australasia. It originated in Hurstville, NSW, on the 4th October 1914 by the then Mr and later Rev Alex Bray. Alex Bray was a Sunday School teacher and spoke to his class of the Knights of the Round Table. In 1917 the Order of Knights was officially recognised by the Sunday School Dept of the NSW Methodist Conference. Courts spread thoroughout Australia. In 1927 the High Court of NSW called for designs for a badge and in 1929 the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Australasia recognised the Order as an approved Organisation. In 1938 the Senior Section was organised into Degrees of Sincerity, Service and Sacrifice; the Junior Section into Pages' Degree with advancement to Esquire. In 1954 the Junior Section was reorganised into two groups: Pages 8 to 11 years and Esquires 12 to 15 years. The Knight's Motto: "Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong, Follow Christ the King, else wherefore born?" Courts of the Order: General Conference Department of the Christian Education - General Court - Provincial High Court - District Court - Local Court - Senior Court - Intermediate Court - Junior Court . Regalia: All members of the Intermediate and Senior Courts wore regalia consisting of a cloth shield superimposed by a cross of light and dark blue ribbons, and supported by a cloth collar. Esquire and Degree of Sincerity regalia: White collar and white shield. Degree of Service regalia: Green collar and shield. Degree of Sacrifice: Scarlet collar and shield. District Court regalia: Blue collar and gold shield. High Court regalia: Gold collar and purple sheild. General Court regalia: Purple collar and shield. Officers of the local courts wore their symbols as part of their regalia. Order of Knights Charter for the Methodist Church of Australasia Order of Knights. The Charter is for Court Loddon Intermediate. It is dated 28th April 1961 and is signed by Horrie C Sedgman, Knight Grand Commander and John W Goodluck, Governor."Court Loddon Intermediate No. 48" "28th April 1961" "Horrie C D Sedgman" "John W Goodluck"order of knights, methodist order of knights, horrie c sedgman, john w goodluck -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Teachers, 1971
Black and white photograph - Teachers, 1971."Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Leslie Emerson, Joy Leslie, Amy Douglas, Martha Celnar, Gwen Whitney, Ann Jacobs, Joan Mathey, Isobel Marshall, Maureen Keogh, Jennifer Molders. Front Row- L to R: Baden Chadwick, Bernadette Martyn, Rae Jacobsen, Jeanette Parks, Alex Enterkin, Miss O'Toole, Randall Smith, Jean Watson, Joan Hallett, Anne Schneider, John Roach. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Laurel Street P.S. Collection - Golden Square Primary School No. 1189 - Grade 2/3 L 1995 classes. Their names are:- Back Row:- Anna Oakes, Hayden Donaldson, Justin Broadbent, Bethany thomson, Alex Lockwood, Laura Connaughjton, Kristey Allen, Jessica Gloster, Elizabeth Lobley, Brendan Bourke, Mitchell Butler, Anna Markis, Danielle Blake. Middle Row:- Mrs. Jenny Levett (Teacher), Lachlan Carter, Kara Braddy, Emma Hazelton, Tara Walsh, thomas Catterall, Dearne Rice, thomas Townsend, Rodney Weeks, Nicholas Van Dalen. Frong Row:- Avril Dolphin, Sarah Oakes, jarrad Hunt, Joshua Skinner, Seb Robins, Joel Clarke. Absent:- Brittany Rice. On the right of the names is an oval sketch of the, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - golden square primary school no. 1189 - grade 2/3 l 1995, anna oakes, hayden donaldson, justin broadbent, bethany thomson, alex lockwood, laura connaughton, kristey allen, jessica gloster, elizabeth lobley, brendan bourke, mitchell butler, anna markis, danielle blake, mrs jenny levett (teacher) lachlan carter, kara braddy, emma hazelton, tara walsh, thomas catterall, dearne rice, thomas townsend, rodney weeks, nicholas van dalen, avril dolphin, sarah oakes, jarrad hunt, joshua skinner, seb robins, joel clarke, brittany rice -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Ephemera - Leighton Collection: Theatrical Scrapbook
Herbert A. Leighton was an actor and elocution teacher known widely in the eastern states of Australia where he perforomed with his wife, Tracy Hamilton. However all was not as it seemed. In 1903 he was arrested in Perth after suspicions were raised when he purchased expensive clothes and jewellery for his wife. Subsequently, six thousand pounds in banknotes was found under his bed. Another fellow from his theatre group was also arrested and charged with bank robbery. Leighton was charged with receiving money knowing it was stolen. Investigations by the Perth police showed that Leighton was really Norman Campbell, born in Gippsland. He had worked as a bank clerk in the Victorian Savings Bank in Melbourne and in the same role at the Sydney Savings bank in NSW. During this time he amassed large sums of money by forgery, a crime he spent 7 years in prison for. He then emerged as the newly minted H. A. Leighton, actor and elocution teacher in Bendigo.Large format scrapbook collated by H.A. Leighton. Contains photographs, flyers, ribbons, banners, programs, invitations, newspaper clippings, posters, promotional photos of performers between 1901 and 1904. The material includes items from theatrical performances and programs from Bendigo and other cities. Includes information about Bendigo performers including Alex J Hamilton. Includes information about performers who visited Bendigo. Many of the items overlap others. The scrapbook has a heavy brown cover with black tape binding on the spine and the corners with brown paper pages. Written on the front cover Musical & Dramatic Notes in red and black ink plus a drawing of a standing woman in a long black dress with arms outstretched. Paper items have been glued onto the pages with several loose items. H A L. Fecit. In One Day. 29.11.00. Bendigo. Written inside the front cover on a drawing of an artist's palette.leighton, theatres, performers, music -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Forty two invoices issued by various companies to H. Abbott. The names are: Walsall, Bickford Smith, Bolton, the New Times Boot Warehouse, J.R. Hoskins, Williams, Thomas Hughes, George Bush, Campbell Connelly, Leslie and Sons, Bendigo Mines, J.F. Warren, Collier and Son, Alex Connell, T. chamberlin, Castles Brothers, Bendigo Gas Company, Roberts Osborne, D. Whyte, The Bendigo Advertiser, Bendigo Sewerage Authority, Bendigo School of Mines, Charlesworth, Bendigo Hardware and Machinery, G.J. Sweeney, W. Anderson and Son, Dalgety and Company, Gibbs-Bright, Caledonian Insurance Company, F. Kitchen and Sons, Thomas Power, The National Explosive Company, Briscoe and Company. Edward Keep, Dodgshun and Sons, McMicking, J.H. Sievers,business, retail, h. abbott -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School Year 5-6/R 2001 class and their teacher. Their names are: Back Row, L to R: Brooke Lynch, Alex Fettling, Daniel Curnow, Matt McKenzie, Phillip Martin, Teika Larkins, Kate Hewett Mr Shane Rodda (Teacher). Middle Row, L to R: Matthew Hope, Michael Lewis, Leah Morris, Amy Allchin, Samantha Wynne, Kirby Adams, Nicole Clayton, Bianca McPherson, Emma Allen. Front Row, L to R: James Logan, Rhiannon Dean, Paora Anderson, Phillip McLean, Nicholas Lancaster, Sarah Harper, Zach Sawyer, Sam Needs. Sitting, L to R: Kyle Owen, Tim Kalms, Lisa Downes. Absent: Hannah, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - photograph - golden square primary school year 5-6/r 2001, brooke lynch, alex fettling, daniel curnow, matt mckenzie, phillip martin, teika larkins, kate hewett mr shane rodda (teacher), matthew hope, michael lewis, leah morris, amy allchin, samantha wynne, kirby adams, nicole clayton, bianca mcpherson, emma allen, james logan, rhiannon dean, paora anderson, phillip mclean, nicholas lancaster, sarah harper, zach sawyer, sam needs, kyle owen, tim kalms, lisa downes, hannah eames -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School year 3-4/W 1999 class and their teacher. Children are wearing school uniform. Their names are: Back Row, L to R: Mr John Wakker (Teacher), Christopher Tout, Kate Hewett, Kyla Melville, Teika Larkins, Samantha Wynne, Garon Freeman, Jade Plane, Eleah Hardwick, Cory Lane, Jenny Mann. Middle Row, L to R: Ryley Flint, Cameron MacLeman, Adam Monti, Brock Lancaster, Michael Garner, Zach Sawyer, Rhiannon Brown, Emma Allen, Philip McLean, Dylan Holliday. Front Row, L to R: Jessika Ruschmeyer, Scott Owen, James Logan, Claire Hudson, Jessie Higgins, Karra Bourke, Alex Stewart, Scott Ricardo, Hannah, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - photograph - golden square primary school year 3-4/w 1999, mr john wakker (teacher), christopher tout, kate hewett, kyla melville, teika larkins, samantha wynne, garon freeman, jade plane, eleah hardwick, cory lane, jenny mann, ryley flint, cameron macleman, adam monti, brock lancaster, michael garner, zach sawyer, rhiannon brown, emma allen, philip mclean, dylan holliday, jessika ruschmeyer, scott owen, james logan, claire hudson, jessie higgins, karra bourke, alex stewart, scott ricardo, hannah apps -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School Year 4-5, 1999 and their teacher. Children are wearing school uniform. Their names are: Back Row, L to R: Mrs Julie Gibson (Teacher), Ryan Needs, Joshua Parsons, Tayla Flint, Adrian Bourke, Matthew McKenzie, Daniel Curnow, Alex Fettling, Caitlin Skinner, Amy Allchin. Middle Row, L to R: Breanna Dawkins, Catrina Preece, Linda Iwaschtjeschin, Brohgan Parmenter, Mike Lewis, Ashlee Ludbrook, Janelle Roberts, Chris Holliday, David Doolan, Toni Kenyon. Front Row, L to R: Lisa Rosos, Chris Hyett, Leah Morris, Toby Apps, Hannah Eames, Bianca McPherson, Sarah Harper, Melanie Donaldson, Anastasia, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - photograph - golden square primary school year 4-5 1999, mrs julie gibson (teacher), ryan needs, joshua parsons, tayla flint, adrian bourke, matthew mckenzie, daniel curnow, alex fettling, caitlin skinner, amy allchin, breanna dawkins, catrina preece, linda iwaschtjeschin, brohgan parmenter, mike lewis, ashlee ludbrook, janelle roberts, chris holliday, david doolan, toni kenyon, lisa rosos, chris hyett, leah morris, toby apps, hannah eames, bianca mcpherson, sarah harper, melanie donaldson, anastasia knight -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School Year 5-6/H 1999 class and their teacher. Children are wearing school uniform. Their names are: Back Row, L to R: Jessica Burton, Nikita Holmes, Adelaide MacLeman, Rachael Simmonds, Elma-Jean Hosking, Nicole Roberts, Emily Boutard, Stevie Blake, Zoe Braddy. Middle Row, L to R: Noni Hyett, Nathan Hunt, Logan Buck, Brendan Bourke, Chris Ohlson, Alex McLean, Ebonee Bryan, Jill Honey (Teacher). Front Row, L to R: Ruby Anderson, Lyndon Barker, Jeff Lewis, Arna Packham, Kimberly Rosos, Daniel Stirling, Matthew Gordon, Joshua Clough, Trent Burchell. Oval sketch of the school on the right of the, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - photograph - golden square primary school year 5-6/h 1999, jessica burton, nikita holmes, adelaide macleman, rachael simmonds, elma-jean hosking, nicole roberts, emily boutard, stevie blake, zoe braddy, noni hyett, nathan hunt, logan buck, brendan bourke, chris ohlson, alex mclean, ebonee bryan, jill honey (teacher), ruby anderson, lyndon barker, jeff lewis, arna packham, kimberly rosos, daniel stirling, matthew gordon, joshua clough, trent burchell -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionBendigo Advertiser '' The way we were'' from Monday, June 2, 2003. Presented: the 1948 Laanecoorie CWA debutant ball. Back left to right: Allan Burrows, Les Pickering, Ted Addlem, Tom Dunning, Alf Holland, Brendan Lyon, Alex Smith and Ron Grimmett. Second row: Charles Bailey, Ernest Stone, Bill Trimmble and Graeme Rumbold.. Third row: Winsome Hawksley, Alma Grimmett, Jean Wicker, Margaret Davies, Audrey Stone, Mavis McLean, Shirley Cain, Audrey Gryllis and Shirley Kennedy. Front: Rita Neivandt, Mary Addlem, CWA group president Mrs Gant, chaperone Mrs H. Grylls and Laura McLean. Flower girl Jenette Grylls and page boy Daryl Monteith. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were