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Vision Australia
Document - Text, The Constitution and Rules of the Blind Bowls Victoria Inc
To become an incorporated association, a constitution and rules for members is required under the act. This copy was dated with the original document date of 1 February 2001.8 double sided pages of the Blind Bowls Victoria constitution and rulesnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, blind bowls victoria -
Vision Australia
Pamphlet - Text, Glen Waverley Bowls Club (Inc.) Club Newsletter June 2002 Indoor Bias Bowls Section
Small article on the Regional Vision Impaired Finals which were held at the Glen Waverley Bowls Club on the 17th and the State finals on the 24th of May 2002.1 double sided page folded in halfnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, blind bowls victoria -
Vision Australia
Booklet - Text, A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Marjory Lilian Lane O.A.M 26.8.1921 - 27.2.2001
Order of Service and prayers offered in memory of Marj Lane, a long time Association for the Blind volunteer who also inaugurated the Audio Description service for theatre.3 double sided pages folded into a bookletnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, marjory lane, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Booklet - Text, A Service of Thanksgiving: Harold Hugh Jeffrey, 17th September 1917 - 1st February 2001
Order of Service and prayers offered in memory of Hugh Jeffrey, scholar and teacher of music at RVIB and St Pauls School for the Blind.8 pages with picture of Hugh Jeffrey on covernon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, hugh jeffrey, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, Hedge fight off by Mike Bruce
Newspaper article about complaints raised by a lobby group regarding 90 hedges that overhung footpaths and were dangerous for the vision impaired. Council implemented a new policy and the group dropped its equal opportunity complaint against Stonnington Council.1 newspaper article cut from a newspapernon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, stonnington council, advocacy -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, Heed those with a cane newspaper article
Newspaper interview with Neil Maxwell about his white cane and attitudes towards it, and information about White Cane day and what others can do.1 newspaper article cut from a newspapernon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, white cane day -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, Neil's helping the city to see newspaper article
Newspaper article about Neil Maxwell and his involvement with Malvern's Disability Access and Information Services (DIAS). The work of the group, which includes approaching the council about the change rooms at Harold Holt pool and need to upgrade Malvern footpaths, and details on when the first meeting will be held for 1995.1 newspaper article cut from a newspapernon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, stonnington council, advocacy -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, The blind crusaders by Belinda Watson
Newspaper article (Aussie Post, February 21, 1998) about Neil Maxwell and his involvement with Malvern's Disability Access and Information Services (DIAS), including issues with overhanging hedges. Article also includes quotes from Murray Mountain, as a consultant with Access Australia.1 newspaper article cut from a magazinenon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, stonnington council, murray mountain, advocacy -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, Braille on the bill by Claudelle Shaw
Newspaper article about Neil Maxwell and the need for Yarra Valley Water to provide Braille water bills for residents who are vision impaired.1 article photocopied from a newspapernon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, yarra valley water, advocacy -
Vision Australia
Card - Text, 100th Annual General Meeting invitation
Invitation card reads as follows: The President John Moule and Board of the Association For The Blind have pleasure in inviting Mr & Mrs N Maxwell to the 100th Annual General Meeting to be held at the Camberwell Centre 340 Camberwell Road Camberwell on Friday 20th September 1996 at 11.00am Book launch of No Sight - Great Vision 100 year history of the Association for the Blind Guest Speaker: Rt Hon Sir Zelman Cowan former Governor-General of Australia Facing the Future Lunch 12.30pmInvitation card for Mr and Mrs Maxwell to 100th Annual General Meetingnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Card - Text, Centenary Garden Party
Invitation card for Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell to the Centenary Garden Party. The card includes both the invitation itself and the programme of events during the party and served as an entry card. Held at Government House, the Garden Party was designed to recognise the 100 years of volunteering that has been undertaken by those present and in the past.Invitation card for Mr and Mrs Maxwell to Centenary Garden partynon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Kooyong Blind Indoor Bias Bowls club Certificate of Appreciation to Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell
Certification of appreciation for Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell, and their contributions during their involvement between 1991 and 2015, including Neil's role as Club President. A list of deceased members and helpers is also printed on the certificate.Certificate of appreciation to Neil and Elizabeth Maxwellnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, kooyong blind indoor bias bowls club -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Invitation to attend the laying of the foundation stone at Kooyong
Invitation to attend the laying of the foundation stone for the redevelopment of 451 Glenferrie Road by Mr Don Argus AO, Patron of the Vision Australia Foundation and Chairman of the Centenary Appeal, on Monday 27th March 2000.A4 cream coloured page with black writingnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, vision australia foundation -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter accompanying a Certificate of Appreciation and appeal for continued support
Letter from Planned Giving manager Ralph Roath to Neil Maxwell, accompanying a certificate of appreciation thanking him for his past support and urging him to continue to ensure that the "Vision for Tomorrow" is fulfilled. Although part of a mass appeal program, this version includes acknowledgement of offices at the base of the letter and Patronage of the Governor of Victoria.A4 cream coloured page with black writingnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Invitation to pay tribute to John Cook upon his retirement
Letter to advise that John Cook will be retiring shortly after the AGM on 6 October 2000, and that after lunch on that day, there will be a surprise tribute to him. Invitation to attend and to keep the event a secret from him.2 letters on Vision Australia Foundation letterheadnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, vision australia foundation, john cook -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Invitation to the launch of Paterson Hall story: an oral history
Invitation to the launch of the 'Paterson Hall story: an oral history' by Malcolm Daubney on Friday 26th April 2002 at 11am.A4 green page with black writing and lined black bordernon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, vision australia foundation, paterson hall -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letters around Neil Maxwell's retirement from the board of Vision Australia Foundation
Three letters concerning the retirement function held for Neil Maxwell: advisement that the function will be held on 30 August 1993, invitation sent out to the function and thanks for holding the function.3 letters concerning the retirement function held for Neil Maxwellnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Card - Text, Invitation to attend Board Dinner in honour of retiring CEO John Cook
Card inviting Neil Maxwell to a Board Dinner at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club, on Thursday 14th December 2000.Card inviting Neil Maxwell to a Board Dinner at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Clubnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, vision australia foundation -
Vision Australia
Card - Text, Invitation to attend a late afternoon reception to honour volunteers, donors and supporters of Vision Australia Foundation
Card inviting Neil and Elizabeth Maxwell to a late afternoon reception, hosted by the Governor and Lady Gobbo, at Government House, for volunteers, donors and supporters of Vision Australia Foundation.Card inviting Neil Maxwell to a Board Dinner at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Clubnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, vision australia foundation -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, RVIB History
19 pages in table format, of events that occurred and people who were involved with the RVIB, and 1 page showing an aerial view of an unknown area. Possibly used as a base for creating in house history or to assist the foundation of Lighthouse on the Boulevard.19 pages in table format, of events that occurred and people who were involved with the RVIB, and 1 page showing an aerial view of an unknown areanon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, In celebration of David Blyth being admitted as an Officer in the Order of Australia
Collection of tributes for David Blyth, who was awarded an OAM in 2002, together with a brief overview of his life and achievements.Collection of testaments and tributes to David Blyth put together by Blind Citizens Australianon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, david blyth, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Getting a feel for the PM
Collection of articles featuring an image of Neil Maxwell feeling the waxen head of Prime Minister John Howard, during a visit to Madame Tussaud's exhibition. In some images, he is accompanied by Sandra Stevens, who is also feeling the head. One article is from an Association for the Blind newsletter, two pieces from the Age newspaper, and the rear page of an Association for the Blind publication.Collection of images and articles showing Neil Maxwell with the wax figure of PM John Howardnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, sandra stevens, madame tussaud's -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Neil Maxwell 11th July 2001 - tributes
Hand written testimonies to Neil's work at AFB and VAF. The card reads: Dear Neil, Thank you for showing us the way. We look forward to working with you in all the Kooyong Committee's future endeavors. (Signed by) Margaret Deane, Judith Williams, Bette MacSween, Don Lee, Eve Lustig, Greg ?, Mavis ? The paper reads: Neil Maxwell has always been a very special person over the years he has been at Kooyong. He has been on the board of the Association for the blind from 1984-1993 and became a Director. Neil also became a Tour Guide on the 1st February 1989 and he was tutored by Marjory Lane, and he became very adept in learning new information very quickly. He worked with the Guides until the 7th April 1997. He has also joined the Kooyong Committee and became Chairman in 1998. Neil has given a lot of years to Vision Australia Foundation. He has always been a giver not a taker. Thank you Neil from The Kooyong Committee.Collection of cards paying tribute to Neil Maxwellnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Blind bowlers meet the challenge
Article profiling Ron Jones, who played at the Jerilderie Bowls Club as part of a three day visit and season break up by the Victorian Blind Bowlers Association. Taking up bowling six years ago, he soon competed at the Australian Blind Bowling championships and was awarded the trophy for the most improved. The Bowling Association does not have its own grounds, so throughout the summer its 41 members played on greens all over Melbourne. The article includes a picture of Ron Jones about to release the ball and Jean Sullivan after releasing a bowl.1 photocopied newspaper article with two imagesnon-fictionelizabeth maxwell, neil maxwell, victorian blind bowling association, ron jones -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 67th Annual report 1962 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1981
Articles in annual report include: a short history of the AFB, President's Report, report on Ballarat, Bendigo and Brighton Homes, financial information, the work of the Welfare Service division, opening of two flatlets for aged blind at Ballarat, resignation of Celeste Baird as choirmaster after 17 years and A Williams stepping into the role, need for a better clubhouse which has been little changed since it was built over 30 years ago, students from Ballarat Teachers college read to home residents, publication of 'Courage' magazine to keep everyone up to date on Association events, and a profile on Russian migrant Alex Momot and how the AFB assisted him settle into Australia.1 printed volume with black and white illustrationsassociation for the blind, kelaston home (ballarat), elanora home (brighton), mirridong home (bendigo), alex momot, rosalie tyers, e irvine, l adamson, mrs r clarke, matron e mcleod, a sharry, matron rosewall, mrs s mcenroe, celeste baird, e goulding, mrs a bulluss, mrs a n roach, mrs m macdowell, mrs t carson, mrs j stanley smith, pam barker, mrs l thomas, mrs a mansfield, mrs l rogerson, elsie henderson, mrs murphy, mrs w christian, h h mackenzie, sister b agar, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Fifth Annual Report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1900, 1900
Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including the death of one of the original members Charles D. Taylor, 120 members on the roll, a successful social held at Dr Strong's church, some small loans granted to members, three concerts held in the Western District were not profitable however those around Melbourne were favourably attended, changes to the Constitution to provide for honorary members, 180 visits were made across 12 metro districts, the Tea Agency now has ten members using this service, and the Industrial Depot has been hampered by the war efforts but the Association has agreed to a further trial and thanks the VABW for letting them store some books for members who are unable to travel to the Collins Street office.1 volume of printed material with some illustrationsassociation for the advancement of the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Seventh Annual Report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1902, 1902
Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including the closure of the Industrial Depot due to its inability to break even, loans were made for blind people to learn a calling, employ an instructor and help a young man start a business as a hawker, free postage was granted for Braille and Moon articles through an Act of Parliament, and blind voters being able to vote in Federal elections.1 volume of printed material with some illustrationsassociation for the advancement of the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Ninth Annual Report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1904, 1904
Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including an increase of membership to 150, the unfortunate illness of Mr Holgate, that attendance at meetings has improved due to the possible transfer of them into the city, the Secretary is now paid for their work due to the amount required, a number of goods designed for the blind have been imported by the Association from England and are being sold, some of which (the embossed music) has formed the beginning of a small music braille library, instruction in light handicrafts in the homes of the blind is continuing and now includes a knitting machine, concerts are still being undertaken with the focus on publicity for the Association and covering performing fees rather than as a fundraiser, and there are plans to create a fund scheme for sick workers.1 volume of printed material with some illustrationsassociation for the advancement of the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Tenth Annual Report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1905, 1905
Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including membership of 166, the death of B.W. Holgate who was a most active worker, another order of goods has arrived from England, due to the large increase of work an office has been opened at Oxford Chambers, the Tea Agency has been reorganised, decision to establish an Australian Braille Correspondence club, asking for help in identifying anyone needing the services of the Association and efforts being made to remove the Immigration Restriction Act thus removing the bond required when travelling between states.1 volume of printed material with some illustrationsassociation for the advancement of the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Eleventh Annual Report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1906, 1906
, Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including membership total of 185, loan of 10 pounds to a member to start his own wool and coal business which has been a success, a typewriting machine has been purchased and instruction of this for our members will be made available, and a suggestion was taken to hold a demonstration of what the Association does which resulted in a successful gymkhana at the Glacierium. From this event a total of 223 pounds was raised and will be used as a building fund to help find more employment for blind workers.1 volume of printed material with some illustrationsassociation for the advancement of the blind, annual reports