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Federation University Historical Collection
Work on paper - Fashion Illustration and Commercial Art, Alice Watson, Ballarat Technical Art School folio of Alice Watson, 1931,1932 and 1933
Edith (Alice) WATSON (1914–2010) Murtoa | Australia Alice Watson studied at the Ballarat Technical Art School (at the School of Mines, Ballarat) from 1930 until 1933. These works include commercial art, advertising and catalogue illustrations as well as figure construction and fashion-plate designs. Watson sat several departmental exams, including drawing and painting plant forms from nature, lettering, Composition of Form and Colour and advanced General Design, as well as dressmaking and embossed leatherwork. Her folio applies many Australian native floral elements to design. Upon graduating, Watson taught at the Murtoa High School, living with her parents until their deaths in 1972 and 1988 when she was 74 years old. Alice Watson died in Ballarat, aged 95, having conserved her beautiful student folio, which was generously gifted to the Federation University permanent Historical Collection by the Watson family. Commercial artA folio of Fashion Drawing by Edith Alice Watson of the Ballarat Technical Art School. .1) Two women dressed in fashionable clothing- lhs tan ensemble and hat; rhs fuschia ensemble with black and white accessories plus fur stole. Signed lrs A.Watson. 1933. .26) The image with three women wearing a hats. This appears to be an example of ticket writing. Signed lrs "A Watson- 2nd term. 1932." .35) The image with a woman wearing a hat appears to be an example of ticket writing. Signed lrs "A Watson--11th-7-32." .23) female figure drawing. Signed lrs A.Watson. 1st Term. 1932 .21) female figure drawing. Signed lrs A.Watson. 2nd Term. 1932 .17) drawing of lips, side view. Signed lrs A. Watson. 1931 .18) drawing of lips,three-quarter view. Signed lrs A. Watson .37) Paper is embossed with 'Windsor & Newtons Bristol Board' stamp.(Griffin depicted in centre)alice watson, ballarat technical art school, art, drawing, figure drawing, alumni, costume drawing, fashion drawing, ticket writing, 1930's fashion, indian ink, edith alice watson, figure construction, advertising, commercial art -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. W Pianta Baby Megan Cooper & Rickard Ararat Trots Janet Evans John Shalders 40th Val Wortley 80th Birthday Great Western Cup 1984 Dianne Freeberg & David Wortley Caffrey Family Stawell Motel Dunn Bros New Reservoir Aug 1983 McCanns Val & Max Kennedy & Family Bigmore Family Coopers Cars Walters Wedding Bauer Girls Watchom Leigh McClure Coopers Car Middleton Reunion Carol Cunningham & Rodney Clarke Sue Dunmore Sisters RSL Baby Show 1983 Della Bessingham 4-11-83 Stawell Show 1983 Chas Mangle Cousins Grave Delzotta Car Whelan Pigeons Sharon Hustler & Cliff Naeff Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. Byron & Raitt Showgirls 1985 Stawell Show 1985 Glen Dever Pert Funeral & Watkins Grave Football presentation Mine Views of Wonga Cooper Cars Elsie copies of twins Grampians Halls Gap Flower Show Oct 1985 Art Exhibition Old Court House Paul Cooper Car Catherine & David Timms Seppelts Long Service Pam & Ron Matthews Trevor Larkin Motor & Car Lewis McGregor copy H & D Panels Family at 70th Warriors Football Club 85 Flag Raising First Communion 1985 Sonya Stevens & Mark Sullivan Caravan Park Jones Family Heather Streets & David Thomas Car Ian McIntosh Helen Traynor & Eddie Osborne Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Melbourne Legacy
Magazine, Aussie. The Australian Soldiers' Magazine, 1919
An issue of 'Aussie. The Australian Soldiers' Magazine.' printed by the A.I.F. Printing Section for the soldiers and cost 10 centimes. This edition is Issue No. 13 April 1919. Comprised of stories, poems, drawings. Often of humorous nature. The whole of it's contents are written or drawn by members of the A.I.F. in the field. This was the final edition as Phillip Harris was being demobbed and he thanks the readers for their contributions. Was with other World War 1 memorabilia that has come from Private John Basil McLean, 2nd Reinforcements, 37th Battalion, A.I.F. J.B. McLean (Service No. 13824) was from near Maffra, Victoria and enlisted on 22 January 1916. He embarked on 16 December 1916 for Europe. His full war record is available from AWM. He spent time with the Australian Field Artillery (Pack Section). At the end of the war he worked for a year at the A.I.F. Headquarters in London before returning to Australia on the 'Ceramic', arriving in Portsea in 1920.A record of publications made for the troops in World War 1.A copy of 'Aussie' a field newspaper published for the troops in World War war one, souvenir -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Price warung - Barry Andrews, 1976
This is a biography of Price Warung by Barry Andrews. Price Warung (1854-1911), whose real name was William Astley, has a place in Australia’s history as a journalist, writer and campaigner for Federation. He worked for a great number of newspapers throughout Australia and began an association with the Sydney ‘Bulletin’ in 1890. At this time he wrote the powerful works for which he is best remembered – ‘Convict Days’, four volumes of stories about Australia’s convict period. The major theme of these stories is the sordid nature of the convict system. Astley became heavily involved with the Federation campaign, firstly as the Secretary of the Bathurst Federal League and then as the organizing Secretary of the 1896 Bathurst Convention. This convention is considered by historians to have given the Federation campaign a new and vigorous vitality. In 1898 Astley wrote most of the official articles publicizing the ‘Yes’ vote in the Federation referendum. Astley lived and worked in Warrnambool in 1883/4 (for about twelve months) as a journalist for the Warrnambool ‘Standard’. This book is of great interest as it documents the life of Price Warung (William Astley) who features in the history of Warrnambool journalism as an Australian writer of note who also wrote for the Warrnambool Standard. Examples of Astley’s journalism can be found in the Warrnambool Standards of 1883/4. He wrote lengthy articles in a free-flowing and attractive but verbose style. His two articles on the well-known horse stud and hop farm called ‘Bryan O’Lynn’ appeared in the Standard in October 1884. This is a hard cover book of 197 pages. It has a dark green cover with an image of a world globe and a Pegasus on the front. The printed title, the author’s name and the images are in gold print. The cover has a plastic overlay and a library label had been mostly removed from the bottom section of the spine. The book has notes on the author, a photograph of Price Warung, a Preface, Acknowledgements, Chronology, eight chapters on Price Warung, Notes and References, a Bibliography and an Index. Inside front page: ‘Jane Carpenter’ Stamp: ‘Withdrawn from Library’ price warung (william astley), warrnambool and federation, federation movement in australia, history of warrnambool, warrnambool standard -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Plaque at Locarno Springs, Hepburn Mineral Springs, 24/09/2019
Plaque at Locarno Springs, Hepburn Mineral SpringsHEPBURN SPRINGS Where reverent gum trees gray-leaved aroming stems Enshrine the greem 'tween walls of slanting slate, Run waters, sihones from some buried grate, In drops more precious than deep mined gems. The elements are liquid in that stream and bursting bubbles charge the atmosphere The breath of nature moves the grasses here, and all is tranquil as a midday dream. The alchemist did set a mighty task, to list an learn the components of life, To change and find some radiant power new from atoms boiled in baking tube ad flask, and now we fear colossal human strife with things the caldrons of the Earth Eschew W.H.S. 1962hepburn springs, whs, mineral springs reserve, locarno spring -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s - set of 2, 1905
B&W photograph of the one of the ESCo California Combination tramcars at the time of the opening of the service, photographed most likely in Wendouree Parade, near the dept. Shows bracket arm in background, trolley pole and head. Also shows the nature of the road surface at the time, c1905. The print for this photograph made from a copy negative of page 454 of the Australasian, August 19, 1905 in 1993. Print includes caption "ORDINARY CAR, WITH CLOSED CENTRE AND OPEN ENDS" See Reg. Item No. 763. Photo has been mounted onto a styrene card with card sides and Velcro strips on the top edge for display purposes. Mounted Oct. 1993 for the CHHA Exhibition, theme "Made in Australia". 762.1 - added 6/12/2004. Same print with details of source written on the rear. ARHS Vic. Div. Photo Number 771/23, ex Latrobe Library. Not as good as print as above. Cropped at base - does not have caption. See Alan Bradley, draft Chapter 3 of the history of Ballarat Tramwaystrams, tramways, esco, tramcars, ballarat -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Negative - Colour negatives, Plant Materials, 1996-1997
Miscellaneous rolls of negatives. (1) Plant materials and some students. (2) Dip. Semester 2 Wk 5 Drought Tolerant Plants, Evergreen Trees-Sally R, Ornamental Plants-Indoor Plants 1st Yr, Native Trees 3.5.96, Ferns & Grasses Ruth 2nd negs, Degree/Diploma Coastal Plants Wk 2, Plant Materials II 1997 Wk 9 Cut Flowers. (3) Late Autumn Winter, Aust Shrubs 1, Landscapes-Excursion?, Eucalypts 1, Weeds. (4) Aust Trees & Shrubs, Nature-like landscapes. (5) RMIT Year 1 Semester 1 Plant Materials Week1 Shade Tolerant, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 Drought Tolerant, Week 5 De-oxygenated Soils, Week 6 De-oxygenated, Week 7, Week 9, Week 10 Ferns & Grasses, Week 11 Exotic Evergreen trees & shrubs, Week 12 Australian Trees.plant materials, students, drought tolerant plants, evergreen trees, ornamental plants, indoor plants, native trees, ferns, grasses, coastal plants, eucalypts, weeds, australian trees, australian shrubs, shade tolerant plants, de-oxygenated soils, exotic evergreen trees -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 20. No. 7 September - October 1954
Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski industry in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Cover - Features a photo of Skeleton Snowgum at Mt. Hotham Page 233 - Lower image taken by W. L. Godfrey "On the slope of Mt. McKay, Bogong High Plains, showing Mt. Bogong in the background." Page 234 Top image Photo: H. S. Gibbs On the road to Falls Creek, Mt. Arthur in the background. Lower image: Photo- L. Coote SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE, ROCKEY VALLEY, BOGONG HIGH PLAINS. This structure, well known to skiers who frequent the Plains, has now collapsed, having succumbed to the ravages of many years of use. The structure was erected by Joe Holston with the aid of a few simple tools. It's rustic craftsmanship has always been admired and served to remind skiers of the kindliness and good nature of Joe, who befriended many skiers who visited the High Plains in past years.schuss journal, the ski club of victoria, mt kckay, bogong high plains -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Australasian Grebe, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
The Australasian Grebe is a small duck-like bird with a hyperactive nature. These birds reside in small, shallow, freshwater lakes and ponds, small waterways or sheltered caves and bays. They can be found throughout Australia and the Pacific region and New Zealand. The Australasian Grebe eat mainly small freshwater fish, crayfish, shellfish and leeches which they catch by diving underwater. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.This Australasian Grebe is in a standing position on a wooden platform with identification tags tied to the right leg. It has dark glass eyes and pale grey bill and legs. The plumage of this specimen consists of dark greys and browns on the rear with lighter colours on the underside. These colours align with those of the non-breeding season. This species has rufous red colouring on the chest and neck and darker colouring on the head during the breeding season. Paper tag: "34a Dabchick Catalogue, page, 64" Metal Tag: "4496"taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, bird, grebe, australasian grebe, dabchick -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Painting, Hopkins River - Mary Norman - Clifton Banks
Clifton Banks is the name given to a bank on the Hopkins River Estuary, about one kilometre upstream from Proudfoots Boathouse. It is at the foot of the property, Clifton, which dates from 1850s. There are several works of art and photographs of Clifton Banks dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mary Norman (later known as Mary Norman=Bail) came to Warrnambool in 1901, residing with Canon and Mrs McGeorge. She studied art with Samuel Pearce Fuller and later taught art at Fuller's studio and at a local private school. She produced several seascapes and landscapes while she was in Warrnambool, leaving the town in 1905. She devoted the rest of her life to art as an artist and teacher. In 1922 she married Jess Bail. This art work of Clifton Banks won first prize at the 1902 Annual Ararat Art competitions. It was reported at the time that the work was not a copy but had been drawn from nature. The Warrnambool and District Historical Society has five of Mary Norman-Bail's art work.This is a most significant item as it is one of Mary Norman's art works and she was known in the early 20th century as a competent artist and a member of the Victorian Artists' Society. This art work also has historical significance as one of a number of Clifton Banks representations still surviving. Mary Norman also had an impact on the cultural life of Warrnambool during her short stay in the town. She also returned to teach in the town several times for short periods during the summer vacation times.This is a water colour mounted on art board and with a gilt framed and three outer layers of wooden gilded ornamental frames. The sides of the frames are broken in places and the guided material is somewhat discoloured. There are Les O'Callaghan handwritten notes and some typed material on the back giving information on Mary Norman and the art work. The back is sealed with pasted paper and there are both string and wire attached for hanging the pictureBack of art work: 'Diamond Bros, Photo Enlargers, Importers of Mouldings, Mounting Boards, Albums, Mirrors etc, Picture Framers. Mount Cutters and Plush Workers, Studio - 27 Bridge Road, Melbourne, Factory- 45 and 47 Duke Street, Richmond, Armstrong Street, Ballarat, Pirie Street, Adelaide, Brisbane, & Freemantle W.A.'mary norman, clifton banks, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Citation Award, British Empire Medal Citation awarded to Mrs Joyce Thora Hagon Hayward, 1981
The Order of the British Empire was formed in 1917 to reward service to the British Empire in the United Kingdom and abroad. Originally having only a civil division, a military division was added in 1918 to acknowledge distinguished military service of a non-combative nature. The Order has five classes of appointment in each division and a medal of the Order. In descending order, the classes are: Grand Cross (GB); Knights and Dames Commander (KCB and DCB); Commanders (CBE); Officers (OBE); Members (MBE), and Medal (BEM). Mrs Joyce Hayward along with her husband Cyril, had a 30 year association with the Warrnambool Theatre Company. They acted, directed and produced a number of works from the 1950’s through to the 1980’s. Mrs Hayward taught drama and speech at Warrnambool High School and St Ann’s College. They both worked towards reviving the Warrnambool Arts Council.. They were involved in Christ Church choir, readings for the blind, Probus and Penguin club. They retired to Bribie Island in 1985. Joyce Hayward died aged 97 in 2007. Joyce Hayward played a significant role in the development of the performing arts in Warrnambool. The British Empire medal is an award of some importance and recognizes the contribution Mrs Hayward made to the Warrnambool Community. Both Mrs Joyce Hayward and her husband Cyril were awarded the British Empire Medal. Cream paper with black typed text. Navy blue seal at top. Framed in black and gold plastic frame. Governor General Commonwealth of Australia printed at top. warrnambool, joyce hayward, cyril hayward, british empire medal, joyce thora hagon hayward -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat Junior Technical School at Dana Street, c1913, c1913
In February 1913 the Ballarat Junior Technical School opened its doors to its 86 pupils. The old bluestone building in the grounds of the Dana Street Primary School became their temporary for eight years. In its early years the school offered only a two-year course. The first year was of a general nature giving a thorough grounding in Mathematics and Instrumental Drawing, and introducing students to the various branches of trade work. The second-year students studied for the Junior Technical Certificate and specialized in a course of their choice - either a trade (Woodwork or Fitting and Turning) or a course leading to higher studies at the School of Mines. The photograph shows the students outside the school building. Musical instruments, trophy and shield are shown. When World War 1 began, the school formed a 16 piece Bugle Band. A squad of Junior Cadets led by Mr A Williams and later Mr H Wakeling competed at the South Street contests. Mr A Steane (the Headmaster) is shown to the right of the bass drum.Black and white copy of original photograph that is mounted on brown card. Photograph shows the students and staff outside the bluestone building at Dana Street Primary School - first location of the Ballarat Junior Technical School. Drums, a shield and a trophy are located in the foreground. The Headmaster, Albert E. Steane is seated in the centre front row. ballarat junior technical school, bass drum, steane, drum, dana street primary school, bluestone, albert steane, a steane, dana st, world war 1, south street contests, junior cadets, williams, wakeling, bugle band, junior technical certificate, mathematics, instrumental drawing, woodwork, turning and fitting, dana street state school -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. Parish family Dalgetty Sheep Train Jean Holmes Family Kath Banfield & Col Petch Ridd Family Joel Fire Brigade Joel Joel Girls Fire Brigade Ryan Grandchildren Walter Boothey Shalder Grandchildren Hodgetts Silver Wedding Geoff Robertson Family Prue Spittle & Bill Moorshead Elaine Feldman & Maurie Stewart Pamela Barber & Howard Cooper Helen David & Scott Grainger Barry Henderson baby Pickford Baby, Donna Smith & Wayne Reddrop Val Morris & John Kennedy SFC Coaches 1978 Mr & Mrs Robyn Smith halls gap Rosemary Spriggs & Robin Smith Walker Family Bill Dunmore Baby Mr & Mrs C Woodman Greg Holmes Baby Bartholomew & Coughlan Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. Graeme Wilson Family Glenys Lyle Family Rene Committee 80th Di Russell Win & Nev Morris Family Marge Cox Virginia & family Glenys Fraser Ivy Boag 80th Guides 6/83 Ted Bowden Norm McIntosh Healy Celebrations Wendy Perry & John Grellet Vikki Cameron & Bill Walker Great Western Hotel 1983 Stawell Bowling Club Ladies 1983 Losis Gaylor & Graham Kelm Leithhead Big Car Morgan Copies Janet Evans Presentation Janet Evans 83 Sandra Martin Copies John & Mavis Scaletti Virginia Family Lynda Rae & Jeff Moore Jenine Feilding & Mark Sparrow Clementson Garden Martin McGregor Child Photo Great Western Races 1983 Lyndyl Matthews & Tony Humphrys Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Unions Ballarat
Book - Politics in Australia (3rd ed.), Smith, Rodney
Structure of Australian politics and parliamentary process and associated issues. Chapter titles: Introduction: Using this book and finding other resources on Australian politics / Rodney Smith 1. The nature of politics / Helen Pringle 2. Power / Rodney Smith 3. Democratic theory and practice / Michael Jackson 4. Public policy-making / Martin Laffin 5. Australian political thought / Ian Cook 6. The Constitution / Elaine Thompson 7. Parliament / Marcus Haward 8. Cabinet / Barbara Page 9. The public service / Elaine Thompson 10. The party system / Rodney Smith 11. Elections / Martin Painter 12. Federalism / Martin Painter 13. State politics / Helen Nelson 14. The structures of inequality / Michael Hogan 15. Gender and patriarchy / Vanessa Farrer 16. Interest groups / Trevor Matthews 17. Business and politics / John Ravenhill 18. Trade unions / Marian Simms 19. The news media / Rodney Smith 20. The Australian voters / Ernie ChaplesRelevant to democracy, politics and the trade union movement in Australia.Book; paper.Cover: editor's name and title. Cover page: in blue ink, "David Cadby". (Includes postal address and telephone number.)btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, politics and government, trade unions -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Slide - Peter Ellis Collection, the Whipstick and Eucalyptus Oil Production, Solomon Gully Reserve Quarry Hill, Quarry Hill Golf Course Extensions Some history of the Whipstick, 1970-1990
When the numerous gold mines declined in production, the eucalyptus oil industry became an important source of work. The first eucalyptus oil producer in Bendigo was a chemist called Richard Sandner who operated a plant and refinery in Bridge Street from 1876. By 1900, many other distillers operated on the northern edge of Bendigo and in the Whipstick. In 1926, the Forest Commision established a eucalyptus distillery at Gunyah in Wellsford State Forest. See the Wellsford Forest Note for more information. Today, there are just two eucalypt distilleries operating in Bendigo. Most of the world’s eucalyptus oil is now produced overseas. SOLOMON GULLY CIRCUIT WALK - Solomon Gully Nature Conservation Reserve. Rangers say this is a great place to see heaps of Bendigo Waxflowers. A 1.5km, unsurfaced track. It is rough and steep in places, but suitable for families. Closed shoes with a good drip are recommend. The track is popular with families and runners. There is parking available off Burnside St (opposite Quarry Hill / Bendigo Lawn Cemetery).Peter Ellis Collection, t16 slides of the Whipstick and Eucalyptus Oil Production, Solomon Gully Reserve Quarry Hill, Quarry Hill Golf Course Extensions Some history of the Whipstick.history, bendigo, peter ellis collection, whipstick bendigo, bendigo state forests, eucalyptus oil, solomon gully reserve quarry hill bendigo, whipstick hotel shamrock, magetti's wallace reef wine hall, whipstick, frederick the great mine sebastian, quarry hill golf course -
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic - vessel, Woodfired Bulbous Pot by Greg Crowe, c1986
Greg CROWE (1953- ) Born England, arrived Australia 1963 Greg Crowe's intial training was in architecture. In 1980 Greg Crowe established the Hovea Pottery in the hills east of Perth and am constantly firing up new work there 30 years on.In 2008 Greg Crowe undertook a McKnight Residency for Ceramic Artists at the Northern Clay Center, Minnesota, U.S.A., and has demonstrated and exhibited elsewhere in the U.S.A. and Canada, Japan, France, Denmark, Ireland and Singapore. In 1985 he built a wood-fired salt kiln at Hovea with Fergus Stewart, and has specialised in wood-firing and salt-glazing since then, In 1992 he worked with wood firer Sven Bayer in Devon, UK. In 1996-1998 he built an anagama kiln in the south-west of Western Australia. y Texture and the unique, plastic responsive nature of claygre to stretching has been of great interest to Greg Crowe. Greg Crow signs his work with an impressed 'GC'. Thrown bulbous woodfired pot.greg crowe, ceramics, gippsland campus, jan feder memorial ceramics collection, hovea pottery, woodfire 86 -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - North-Eastern Gold Days, 1900
Bethanga was established as a result of the discovery of gold. Gold was first reported in the Bethanga area in 1852. Before 1876 gold mining in the Bethanga district occurred to the north of the town and was known as the 'Talgarno diggings'. Reports of alluvial gold date back to 1852. Early gold fields were worked at Ruby Creek, Gold Creek and Jarvis Creek. The opening of the Bethanga goldfields began with the discovery of a gold-bearing quartz reef on New Year’s Day 1876. The 'Gift' mine site is located southeast of Kurrajong Gap lookout to the west of Bethanga township. The Great Eastern Copper Smelting Works was opened in 1878. Due to the nature of the gold-bearing quartz reef, the gold was difficult to extract, and the discovery of copper led to a change in focus. It was not until the early 1890s that an efficient technique for extracting the gold from the ore was discovered, and once again gold became the focus, with copper as a by-product. Bethanga was removed from the official list of goldfields in 1912, however some mining activity has taken place since.This image reflects an important time in the development of Bethanga and Northeast Victoria.A large mounted and framed image of horse teams and their owners hauling a large boiler to the gold mine near Bethanga, Victoria. On label beneath image: "North-eastern "Gold Days"/ Combined teams hauling a boiler to Bethanga Mines, 1900. Teamsters - Mr. G. Pearce, W. Chapple, G, Bannon." Donated by Ron Saunders and Barbara Cadman"bethanga, gold mining northeast victoria, gold mining bethanga, bethanga history -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Audio - Audio Recording, David Taylor, Dr Andrew Lemon and Irene Kearsey - Public Records Office Victoria, 12 Aug. 2023
EDHS Newsletter No. 271 August 2023 Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) is the Archive of the State Government of Victoria. Established fifty years ago under the Public Records Act 1973, PROV at the Victorian Archives Centre in North Melbourne now holds around 106 kilometres of public records from 1836 to the present day. There are also PROV collections at Ballarat, Beechworth, Bendigo, Geelong and the University of Melbourne. Our next meeting will be about PROV and former PROV staff member Andrew Lemon, will briefly reminisce about his work there, in it’s early days. As Assistant Director Access Services at PROV, David Taylor oversees the management of, and access to, the State collection. David will be outlining PROV’s unique role in Victoria, the nature of the public records it holds and how researchers can use increasingly sophisticated online resources to discover more about their ancestors and Victorian history. Finally, our Society member Irene Kearsey will talk about her experiences as a long-time volunteer at PROV.1:21:12 duration Digital MP3 file; 27.8MBaudio recording, eltham district historical society, meeting, society meeting, eltham, david taylor, dr andrew lemon, irene kearsey, public records office victoria (prov) -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Set of 9 mixed SEC tickets found in Ballarat No. 28, mid 1960's to late 1960's
Set of 9 mixed SEC tickets found in Ballarat No. 28, behind the north side sandboxes No. 2 end 6/1/1999. Tickets have been used and have varying degrees of dirt. The image file shows the nature of the damage. Tickets have not been individually numbered with the Registration Number, but can be identified by their ticket number and denomination. All SEC decimal tickets with one SEC pre decimal issue. All on white paper unless otherwise noted. 3d - 45 004131, black ticket with 3d in blue on pink paper, plain back 4c - B 177166 - red ticket, SEC logo on back 5c - B 271063 - yellow ticket, SEC logo on back 7c - B251545, turquoise ticket, SEC logo on back 7c - B385254 - turquoise ticket, SEC logo on back 7c - B447403 - turquoise ticket, SEC logo on back 10c - B873852 - black ticket, SEC logo on back 10c - B995920 - black ticket, SEC logo on back 15c - A202245? - brown ticket, tartan back trams, tramways, tickets, used tickets, secv, ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket/s, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (SECV), Set of 11 mixed MMBtu, mid 1960's?
Set of 11mixed Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board tickets donated to the Museum. Tickets have been used and have varying degrees of dirt. The image file (btm1771i1) shows the nature of the damage. Tickets have not been individually numbered with the Registration Number, but can be identified by their ticket number and denomination. All have a Stamina Self supporting trousers advertisement on rear, same style but with differing thought for the month - see image btm1771i2. All MMTB pre decimal tickets with all ticket number other outfit letter number in black ink. 4d - C Tg 039562 and 039563 black printing on buff paper. 6d - B Kb 283748 red printing on off white paper 7d - B O 709900 green printing on off white paper 7d - C H 023894 black printing on orange paper 8d - A G 317522, purple printing on off white paper, B J 552170 and A J 528021. 9d - B E 364846, black printing on white paper, D E 899478 and D E 863509. trams, tramways, tickets, used tickets, mmtb, melbourne -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Chris Wurr, early 1970's
Yields information about the appearance of Bendigo Birney trams early 1970's and the Charing Cross area.Black and White Photograph of Bendigo No. 11, Birney, stored in the Bendigo tram depot, early 1970's following an accident. See Bendigo Tramways excerpt re this tram, ex their web site 9/6/2009. Has another, possibly stored tram along side. Photo shows the damaged end panel removed, distorted bumper bar and broken life guard tray. Photo Chris Wurr, early 1970's. "In 1968, the SECV assessed damage to the tram after an accident with an automobile. Upon inspection, it was found that the side bearers of the tram body had spread, and the centre bearers had been severely distorted because of the impact. Repairs of this nature required costly engineering work and with the closure of the tramway being imminent, it was decided to place Car 11 in storage on 6 road until the cessation of SECV services in 1972. Work commenced on the restoration of this tram in 1975 and it returned to service in 1986, being painted in the SECV livery of the 1950s." See Bendigo Tramway web site, accessed 9/6/2009 for notes re accident damage."Photo by Chris Wurr" stamped on the rear. On rear in pencil "B'go 11"trams, tramways, bendigo, depot, tram 11 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Diggers & Mining. The Diggings The Diggers. Slide: MEMS FROM THE MOUNT (From the special correspondent) I mention the following circumstance with the sincerest pleasure, as showing in a strong light the nature of the class of men we have around us as diggers. A poor fellow lately arrived on the diggings of the name of John Jones became ill of a rheumatic fever this week. Having no money to obtain medical assistance, and being unable to work, he was, of course, in a sad dilemma; however, a neighbour came over to me to draw up a subscription paper for the poor man, stating his distress. Next day at noon the same man came back and told me that he had collected 16 pounds 1shilling and sixpence among his neighbours for Jones and had also obtained an order to get him into the Melbourne Hospital; so the invalid went down to Melbourne I a cart this morning. Such an instance as this speaks volumes. (Melbourne Morning Herald, May 29, 1852) Markings: 76 994.LIF:4. Used as a teaching aid.hanimounteducation, tertiary, goldfields -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Hilda Hill Collection.Black & White Photos. 8 Family members, one named Jonah and another Gay, on Holiday Point Lonsdale December 1921 & January 1922. Jonah and Maisie sad leave taking Jan 1922, Post in left background, Jonah(left) holding newspaper wearing light coloured bowler style hat White dress, has dark coloured coat on her left arm just visible, short sleeved coloured? Top, Maisie also wearing Bowler style hat jacket, lacy blouse. Long skirt, parasol, and dark coloured coat on her left arm. Exterior of 'The Ranch' 1922 Family Member Cyril is sitting on the steps, to the right is a verandah post and in the background a white chair covered by a white cloth. Photo of two men sitting in a car of the times, two other people standing on the near side, in front of house with medium height picket fence(white), hedge growing on the inside along the fence, tree in nature strip near rear of car.australia, history, hill family life, photographer hilda hill persoanl collection 1921-1922 -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, Barry Sutton, 12.07.1972
The photograph is taken outside the new Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Caulfield Centre. RDNS Sisters left in RDNS Torana vehicles from this Centre each morning to give nursing care to patients in surrounding suburbs and returned to the Centre after their visits. Gradually over the years, Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966 when they received Royal patronage, opened Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area and outer suburbs. In 1972 The Melbourne Centre which was conducted from RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, was relocated to Caulfield and it became the Caulfield Centre. Their Trained nurses (Sisters) left from these Centres each morning to carry out their nursing visits in a specific area (district), taking any sterilized equipment needed with them. They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for re-sterilization, and contact other medical and community personal as necessary. Most of the RDNS cars were housed at each Centre, only a few being driven home by a Sister. This is a black and white photograph of two RDNS two door grey Torana cars parked on the road outside a flat roof, one storey, light coloured brick building. The building is in three sections with the centre section set back. Part of the back of a white car can be seen in the driveway to the left of the set back section. Three large white framed windows can be seen along the end view of the left hand section and even larger windows are seen in the centre section. A small water tank and piping sit on a platform on the roof of both the left and right hand sections of the building. White fascia with dark trim above it edges the roof on each sections of the building. Some pencil shape type shrubs and a bare tree is seen in front of the building and a low light coloured brick fence runs across the property and down either side of the drive, with the footpath and nature strip in front of this. The back of a white car is seen on the road in the far right of the photograph and part of a wooden fence and parts of two large trees with leaves can be seen.Barry Sutton Photographer's Stamp. Quote KY 5rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns centre -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Animal specimen - Snake Skin, Trustees of the Australian Museum, 1860-1880
There is no known information about the species of snake that this skin belongs to. However, generally speaking, Australia has over two hundred known species of snakes. They are elongated, legless and carnivorous reptiles with scaly, textured skin. Snakes are especially important in Aboriginal dreaming, representing one of the great and powerful forces of nature and spirit. In the Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime story, they are considered the great life giver and protector of water, which is their spiritual home. This specimen is part of a collection of almost 200 animal specimens that were originally acquired as skins from various institutions across Australia, including the Australian Museum and the National Museum of Victoria, as well as individuals such amateur anthropologist Reynell Eveleigh Johns between 1860-1880. These skins were then mounted by members of the Burke Museum Committee and put-on display in the formal space of the Museum’s original exhibition hall where they continue to be on display. This display of taxidermy mounts initially served to instruct visitors to the Burke Museum of the natural world around them, today it serves as an insight into the collecting habits of the 19th century. This specimen is part of a significant and rare taxidermy mount collection in the Burke Museum. This collection is scientifically and culturally important for reminding us of how science continues to shape our understanding of the modern world. They demonstrate a capacity to hold evidence of how Australia’s fauna history existed in the past and are potentially important for future environmental research. This collection continues to be on display in the Museum and has become a key part to interpreting the collecting habits of the 19th century.Caramel coloured long snake skin curled around in an oval shape.taxidermy mount, taxidermy, animalia, burke museum, beechworth, australian museum, skin, reynell eveleigh johns, snake skin, snake, reptile -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Plaque- Warrnambool Baby Health Centre, Miss Florence Lake 1927, 1927
in the early part of the 20th century, Warrnambool's residents had their share of health problems.according to the Annual report by Dr H I Holmes in 1921. Diphtheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, polimyelitis and scarlet fever were common afflictions. The sanitary system or lack thereof was the primary source of much of this illness. The healthcare facilites were much better and the hospital was well run and was further improved by the opening of the baby health centre which was opened in October 1921. The centre was situated in Liebig street at the Town Hall and was open three days a week to offer advice to mothers regarding their babies. and Sister Riley was in charge. Miss Florence Lake who opened the centre was a well known resident of the town and generous benefactor of the Warrnambool base hospital.. Florence along with her sister inherited the Lyndoch estate from George and Annie rolfe in 1920. She was well known around the district for her good nature and humour. As her sister married and moved to Italy, she continued to run Lyndoch as it had always been. She died in November 1946 This plaque has historical and social significance as it notes the time in the history of Warrnambool when health came to the fore of public interest and importance. It also commemorates one of Warrnambool's better known citizens and the beginnings of the maternal health system in the cityThis heavy stone plaque grey in colour, with polished surface, is rectangular, with lettering cut and coloured in gold. all the lettering is in capitals. It is possibly graniteWarrnambool Baby Health Centre. This stone was laid by Miss Florence Lake 1st October 1927. F M Pattison President, C M Merrett Hon Sec.warrnambool, warrnambool baby health centre, sister riley, florence lake -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Artwork, other - Framed copy of engraving, John Ruskin, late 19th century
This framed copy of a sketch of John Ruskin comes from the original steel plate engraving dating from about 1845. John Ruskin (1819-1900) was a notable English writer, philosopher, art critic and polymath in the Victorian era. He was the first Professor of Fine Art at Oxford University and was a prolific writer interested in the connection between nature, art and society, anticipating the more modern interest in environmental and sustainability issues. This framed item is from the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum which was first established in 1871 by the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute under the curatorship of a local policeman, Joseph Archibald. This first museum faded away but was revived in 1883 by Joseph Archibald in his retirement years. The Museum continued as part of the Mechanics' Institute until 1963 as an important and much-admired institution. Most of the collection was lost over the years but some items remain, housed at the Warrnambool Art Gallery, Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and the Warrnambool and District Historical Society, with the John Ruskin item being part of the latter group's collection.This item is of considerable interest, firstly because it comes from the collection of the old Warrnambool Museum and secondly because it shows the local interest in the 19th century of the notable English writer and philosopher, John Ruskin. This is a copy of a steel plate engraving, a black and white sketch of the head and upper body of John Ruskin. It is enclosed in a cut glass frame with a red cardboard backing attached by metal clips. A section of the backing is torn off and there is damage to the bottom part of the glass frame.J. Ruskinold warrnambool museum, warrnambool art gallery, flagstaff hill maritime museum, warrnambool & district historical society, joseph archibald, john ruskin portrait -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Land Conservation Council, Melbourne Area, District 2 Review: Final Recommendations, 1994
Notices showing the boundary of the area of the review and advising that an investigation was to be carried out were published in the Victoria Government Gazette and in local and other Victorian newspapers in May 1987. A descriptive resources report was published in August 1991. Council received 1,425 submissions and letters following publication of the descriptive report. The Council considered these submissions and published proposed recommendations in April 1993. A further 1,993 submissions were received in response to the proposed recommendations. The Council published its final recommendations in July 1994. A change to legislation in 1989 enabled the LCC to make recommendations for public land within a ‘town’, though cities and rural cities remained excluded from the definition of public land. Timber resources and water quality and yield from timbered catchment areas remained significant issues in Melbourne’s catchments. Recommendations for the Yarra Ranges National Park were based around the closed Melbourne water catchments and adjoining state forest. A recommended Phillip Island State Park based around the penguin reserve was ultimately implemented as the Phillip Island Nature Park.Shire of Nillumbik DPE/Enviro