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Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Work on paper - Drawing
Drawing by Sgt Stewart Allan Chambers VX77754 Born 23/7/1902 at Toongabbie Enlisted 11/3/1942 at Caulfield at the age of 39 years 7 months He served in the AIF from 11/3/1942 to when he was discharged on 14/2/1946 He was attached to the 2nd Ambulance Car Coy and 3rd Australian Air Maintenance Coy. Sgt Chambers was posted to Wangaratta prior to embarking on 14/8/1942 for New Guinea during World War Two.Victoria's 2/24th Infantry Battalion was raised in Wangaratta in July 1940. They were welcomed with open arms by the local community as they rapidly built up their numbers. The people of Wangaratta adopted the Battalion and they became known as "Wangaratta's Own" because of the time the battalion spent in the town during its formative period prior to deployment overseas. Many of the soldiers maintained life long friendships with the people of Wangaratta. Even though the Battation was disbanded in 1946 members and their families return each year, in November, for a commemorative service at the 2/24th Battalion Memorial Wall at the Wangaratta Cemetery.Cream paper with drawing by hand in pencil of soldier looking up at plane and parachutes attached to boxes falling to ground with palm trees and hills in backgroundChristmas Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year To Mrs McDonald From Stewart Drawing - verse on box Rear - VX77754 S A Chambers 3rd Aust Air Maint Coy Australia stewart a chambers, vx 77754, ww2 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Opening of clock tower by Mayor W. Mackinlay in August 1928
Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Monday 6 August 1928, page 9 ________________________________________ RINGWOOD WAR MEMORIAL CLOCK TOWER UNVEILED A CIVIC CEREMONY. The people of Ringwood have erected a beautiful stone clock tower at a cost of £1797, as a memorial to those who served in the war. The unveiling ceremony was performed by the mayor of Ringwood (Cr. W. Mackinlay) on Saturday. “Bleak conditions with showers intervening prevailed at Ringwood on Saturday afternoon, when the unveiling ceremony of the soldiers' memorial clock tower, performed by the mayor (Cr. W. Mackinlay) took place in the presence of a Iarge and representative gathering. The ceremony was solely a civic one. A majority of members of the local branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. had wished that Sir John Monash be invited to take a prominent part in the proceedings, but the trustees elected otherwise. The Salvation Army band from Box Hill rendered suitable music, while Sergeant E. P. Taylor (37th Battalion, A.I.F) sounded the Reveille and The Last Post impressively. Among those present were Mr. Edgar, M.L.C., the vicar of Ringwood (Rev. E. E. Robinson), Rev. G. McLaren (Methodist), the memorial trustees (Cr. J. B. McAlpin, Messrs, J. W. Barrett, A. H. Locke, J. A. Williams and A. G. Ashley). The last two mentioned are president and honorary secretary respectively of the local branch of the R.S.A. Soldier delegates from Camberwell and Mitcham were also present. At the outset the mayor said a few words would not be amiss concerning why the memorial had been so long delayed in being erected. In September, 1919, a public committee was formed, with Mr. A. V. Greenwood as chairman, to consider the erection of a suitable memorial to the soldiers. Among the more important suggestions had been the building of a hall and clubrooms on land generously offered by Mr. R. W. Dawes. This project had been abandoned, also the proposed erection of a huge memorial building, at a cost of £5000, on the site of the present town hall. As two years had passed without anything of a definite nature eventuating it was decided to elect five trustees, comprising three citizens and the president and secretary of the Returned Soldiers' Association with full power to act. In all propositions the trustees had been faced with financial difficulties, but about the time of the completion of the plans of the memorial tower Ringwood became a borough, and the new council was appealed to, and provided £500 to make the erection of the memorial possible. The architect, (Mr. H. Norris) had refused to take anything beyond out-of-pocket expenses (£16), while the engineer (Mr. Lucas) had saved a goodly sum by supervising the work. The total funds at the disposal of the trustees, including the council's donation, was, in round figures £1807. The tower complete would cost £1690; honor roll, £77, and fees paid for various designs had amounted to £30. The total expenditure was £1797, leaving a credit balance of £10. Before the unveiling the mayor, in again addressing the citizens, said he deemed it a privilege to perform such a task in connection with so splendid a memorial. The citizens had erected it as an expression of heartfelt gratitude in memory, first of all, of those heroes who gave not only their services, but their lives, when the call came in the common cause of right and liberty, upon which the British Empire was built. This memorial was also the tribute of the citizens in a degree of appreciation to those men who so un-selfishly and ungrudgingly volunteered their services in the Great War. The memorial, while commemorating the glorious deeds of Australian manhood, was not intended, in any sense, as a glorification of war. The memorial would tend to bring to one's mind the blessing of peace in contrast to the curse of hostilities. They were gathered there that afternoon to do honor to all those who volunteered for service to the Great War, but they wished to assure the friends and relatives of those who paid the supreme sacrifice of their sincere sympathy and trust. If ever in the future this fair southern land of ours was threatened by an invader he felt sure that Australian manhood would not hesitate to rally to the call to duty and defend the freedom of their country. Following prayer by Rev. G. McLaren (Methodist), the memorial clock tower was unveiled, the acting mayoress (Mrs. Mackinlay) cutting the cord, after which the making over of the memorial to the borough council took place, the president of the local branch of the R.S.A. (Mr. J. A. Williams) stating he had pleasure in accepting the key on behalf of the trustees. As the council was the permanent governing body the key would be handed back to the mayor, the memorial being given into the safety and custody of the council. During the proceedings the hymns O God, Our Help in Ages Past and Lest We Forget were rendered, the choirs of various denominations joining in the singing. Benediction was pronounced by the vicar of Ringwood (Rev. E. E. Robinson).” Written on backing of original, 'Opening of clock tower by Mayor W. Mackinlay, 4.8.1928'. Typed below black and white copy, 'Mayor Mackinlay dedicating Ringwood clocktower in original position at end of Warrandyte Rd. Maroondah Hwy on right. 1928.' The second black and white copy states the date as 1924, that is incorrect. -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mt Bute Woolshed, late 1890s
The photograph was dated to the late 1890s based on the ages of the two boys in it - Henry Francis Junior was born in 1884 and Robert Mitchell in 1885.Black and white copy of original photograph which shows shearers outside the shearing shed at Mt Bute Station. People identified are: Henry Francis Senior, looking out the window; Henry Francis Junior, kneeling centre front with arms folded; Jack Francis, standing under window; Jim Francis, standing third from right; Robert Mitchell, boy in front row, second from left; -?- Shields, man with white beard directly under the window. The Terry family from Illabarook, and Tom Jones, are also said to be in the photograph, but where they are is uncertain.woolsheds, shearing sheds, rural activity, shearing, shearers, mount bute [pastoral station], henry francis senior, henry francis junior, jack francis, jim francis, robert mitchell, terry family, tom jones, shields [shearer] -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1877-1881, Circa 1877
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1920 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Blue, tan, yellow and white patterned cover with maroon binding. Fawn pages inside front and back covers. Pages are all handwritten. Sticker inside front cover: J Hider Opposite the Post Office Warrnambool.1/9. A Bostock Coomite Diary for 1877 warrnambool, augustus bostock, gussy bostock, marramook hawkesdale, bostock brothers -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1871-1873, Circa 1871
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1918 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Brown, blue, yellow and white wavy pattern cover with black binding. Edges of pages have a multi coloured pattern. Entries are handwritten in black ink.G. Bostock, Coomite Jan 1st 1871 warrnambool, augustus bostock, marramook hawkesdale, bostock brothers, pioneers warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1873-1876, Circa 1873
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1920 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Maroon, blue, white and yellow patterned cardboard cover with black binding on spine. Pages written in black pen apart from entries for August and September which are written in blue ink. Coomete 16th June 1873. C/N 2/- inside front cover.bostock, augustus bostock, vaucluse warrnambool, warrnambool -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Wycliffe Centre, Graham Road, Kangaroo Ground, 2008
Wycliffe translates the Bible for people around the world. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p171 The peace and beauty of Australia’s Wycliffe Centre reflects what it aims to bring to thousands of people around the world. Kangaroos calmly feed, accompanied by bird song, near the mud-brick buildings set amongst Kangaroo Ground’s rolling hills. On 11 hectares off Graham Road, the centre aims to transform people’s lives by giving groups around the world, with no written language, help with literacy and Bible translation into their own tongue. Associate Director, Harley Beck, says reading the Bible (probably history’s most influential collection of books), in one’s own language, provides a strong moral basis, helping people withstand exploitation and escape poverty. One of Wycliffe’s field partners, SIL (formerly Summer Institute of Linguistics) Papua New Guinea, has won two UNESCO awards, and SIL branches in many other countries have won international and national awards. The translators are modern heroes. They undertake hardships, forsaking for years, sometimes decades, a salary and the soft western lifestyle, to face loneliness and primitive conditions that most of us would not even contemplate. No staff is paid a salary. An example is the first Australian Director and former International President, David Cummings, who for 50 years has depended on donations from supporters and churches. Students of all ages at the EQUIP Training School on the site come from all walks of life. They train in linguistics and learn how to communicate in a way that is sensitive to other cultures. Spiritual resilience is encouraged, enabling people to persist until the job in the field is done, which takes on average ten to 15 years. Courses range from a few weeks to a year. The Wycliffe concept was born in the 1920s when American missionary, Cameron Townsend, found a Spanish Bible was inadequate to evangelise the Cakchiquel people of Guatemala. When a Cakchiquel man challenged: ‘If your God is so great, why doesn’t he speak my language?’ Townsend decided to translate the Bible into all languages! He founded a linguistics training school in 1934, naming it after 14th century theologian John Wycliffe, the first to translate the Bible into English. The first Wycliffe Bible was completed in 1951 in the Mexican San Miguel Mixtec language. In May 2007 after 30 years of work, Wycliffe Australia, with other organisations, completed the first Bible for indigenous people in the Kriol* language, for about 30,000 people in northern Australia. Wycliffe Australia began in 1954 in the Keswick Bookshop basement, Collins Street, Melbourne. As the organisation grew, its quarters became so cramped that Director Cummings at times interviewed potential recruits in his car! The development of the Kangaroo Ground property is a story of faith and generosity. In 1967 Cummings proposed moving to a larger property despite having no funds. Within a month Wycliffe received a $20,000 donation and a gift of land towards a national centre. An earlier owner of the Kangaroo Ground property, Mrs Elsie Graham, would have been delighted, as she had wanted her land to be used for ‘God’s service’. Mud-brick architect and Christian, Alistair Knox, offered to design the centre at no charge. Despite a drought, straw was donated to make bricks. Many volunteers helped with the building, including church youth groups who made mud-bricks. Volunteers planted thousands of native plants, watered by recycled water from the site’s dam. Building began in 1968 and in 1983 the South Pacific SIL School (now EQUIP Training) followed. Wycliffe, the world’s largest linguistic organisation, and other organisations, have translated the Scriptures into more than 2000 languages. But another 2000 languages still lack any portion of the Bible. However translations are now completed more quickly, because of new computer programs and as education spreads, more speakers of the local language can assist. Despite the growth of secularisation, Beck says support for Wycliffe Australia, which has offices in all states and the ACT, is stronger than ever. * Kriol is a Pidgin language, which has become a speech community’s prime language.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, graham road, kangaroo ground, wycliffe centre -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Article - Business Opportunities At Falls Creek Tourist Area
Bob Hymans Collection Bob (Herman) Hymans (a former member of the Royal Netherlands Navy) was born in Bloemendaal, Holland on 30th September 1922. During World War II he fought against the Japanese in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) and was imprisoned in Changi and on the Burma Railway. After gaining qualifications as a Ski Instructor, Bob arrived in Falls Creek in July 1950. Working as an Instructor and Supervisor at Bogong Lodge, Bob decided his future was in accommodation. He was successful in negotiating an indenture for land from the State Electricity Commission (SEC). It took Bob two years to build his Grand Coeur Chalet but, tragically, it was burned down in August 1961. Bob also built the first Chairlift in Australia. This was a single chairlift and the structure was built from wooden electricity poles. He was constantly full of new ideas and proposals for the village. Bob Hymans died on 7th July 2007. This Collection of documents and letters tells the story of Bob's endeavours to develop Falls Creek into the ski village it is today.This document is significant because it outlines plans for the development of the Falls Creek Tourist Area.A newspaper advertisement and transcript aimed at people to apply to establish new businesses in Falls Creek. Businesses being sought were a General Store with postal and telephone services; Cafe; Ski hire and repair centre and ski lifts and/or tows. Proposals for other types of businesses would be considered. THe advertisement was to be placed in the Melbourne Age and Sydney Morning Herald.falls creek tourist area management committee, development plans, falls creek businesses -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1862-1870, Circa 1860
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1920 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Physical Description: Dark grey stippled cloth hard cover with tan leather corners and spine. Brown and gold coloured paper inside front and back covers. Pages written in black pen.Title page has A Bostock Grasmere. Diary from June 10th 1862.warrnambool, bostock, augustus bostock, bostock diary, augustus bostock 1862 -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1881-1890, Circa 1881
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1920 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Brown stippled cloth cover with brown corners and spine in leather. Purple and green patterned paper inside front and back covers. Pages are handwritten in black ink. Sticker inside front cover: J Hider Opposite the Post Office Warrnambool. M/R 6/- Augustus Bostock Coomite Diary 1881 warrnambool, augustus bostock, gussy bostock, vaucluse warrnambool, bostock brothers -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1896-1904, Circa 1896
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1920 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Grey cloth cover over card with maroon leather binding. Blue pages inside front and back covers. Pages are all handwritten with dates in margin. Edges of pages orange blue and yellow. Label on front cover has Minute Book printed on cream label. Marramook Diary 1896 hand written in pen. 286 pages.Marramook Sept 15th 1896 Augustus Bostock. diary of augustus bostock 1896-1904, warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Journal - Diary, Diary of Augustus Bostock 1890, Circa 1890
Augustus Bostock was the 9th child of Robert & Rachael Bostock of Vaucluse Epping Forest, Van Diemen’s Land. He was only 4 years old when his mother died. He was inspired by his father to seek his fortune in the Western District of Victoria. He arrived around 1850. He married Margaret Aitkin in July 1865. Augustus owned several properties in the district and leased others. He sat on the court of Warrnambool, Mortlake or Hexham as required. He resided at Marramook in Hawkesdale and later moved to Vaucluse in Hopetoun Road Warrnambool, where he died in 1920 at the age of 87. He was involved in many aspects of life in the Western District, racing, cricket, and social activities to name a few. This diary shows the daily entries over a long period of time with activities ranging from fencing, visiting neighbours and weather details. It mentions many local people and many properties he visited. Augustus Bostock along with a number of his brothers was one of the earliest pioneers in the Western District of Victoria. This diary sheds considerable light onto the life of Augustus and people of his era. There is a wealth of information on a range of topics relating to early life in Warrnambool and district.Blue cloth, water wave cover with maroon binding.Maroon, blue and white patterned pages inside front and back covers. Pages are all handwritten. Coomete 1890.diary of augustus bostock 1890, warrnambool -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor containing 86 post cards. See 1400 Colour photo of Hay St and Town Hall, Perth, W.A 2 horse-drawn vehicles parked at side. People walking on road and pavement. Sign advertising 'Pollard's Comic Opera Co' Addressed to Miss A. Stapleton, Arcade, Bendigo, Victoria Sender - Emmie PO Dated 5 July 1905 postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards. See 1400. Colour photo of a beach scene 'On the Sands at St Kilda'. 3 clothed people lying on the sand in foreground. People on donkeys at right. Undated. No addressee or sender. postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Age, C.B. Luffmann, 1907-1908
... 08.02.1908 p14. (7) About People in the Age 18.02.1908 p4... 08.02.1908 p14. (7) About People in the Age 18.02.1908 p4 ...Copies of articles about the resignation of C.B. Luffmann. (1) School of Horticulture: Mr. Luffmann's Farewell in "The Leader" 28.12.1907 p10. (2) Fruit Experts and Politicians: Pinpricks of Ministers in Bendigo Independent 21.01.1908 p4. (3) Resignation of Mr. Luffmann: Friction with the Minister in the Age 04.02.1908 p6. (4) Mr. Luffmann's Resignation: to the Editor of "The Age" from C. Bogue Luffmann 06.02.1908 p6. (5) Mr Luffmann's Resignation: Reply by Mr. Swinburne in the Age 07.02.1908 p5. (6) Mr. Luffmann's Resignation: to the Editor of "The Age" from C.B. Luffmann 08.02.1908 p14. (7) About People in the Age 18.02.1908 p4. Description of farewell dinner.the age, charles bogue luffman, burnley school of horticulture, resignation, c b luffmann, luffmann farewell, mr swinburne, principal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Age, The Burnley Gardens-Protest from lady Students, 1900
... and signed by a large number of people. In The Age 10.03.1900 p.4... of people. In The Age 10.03.1900 p.4. Letter to the Editor ...Copy of Letter to the Editor of "The Age" dated 9th March and signed by a large number of people. In The Age 10.03.1900 p.4. Letter to the Editor of "The Age" dated 9th March protesting the treatment of Mr. Luffmann.the age, charles bogue luffman, burnley school of horticulture, c b luffmann, resignation, principal, protests -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor containing 86 post cards. See 1400. B&W photo of Stationsplein, (bus station?) Arnhem, Netherlands. People waiting for a bus. Another bus in middle ground. Addressed to Mr. G.A. Schinning, 15 Ascotstreet, St Kilda, Dunedin, New Zealand Sender - 9 names given, no surname or address. Dated 1957 postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
City of Kingston
Photograph - Black and white, Kitchen at Melbourne Benevolent Society, c.1912
The Melbourne Benevolent Asylum opened in 1851. Due to a lack of other institutions in the colony at the time it was established, the Benevolent Asylum initially accommodated a wide range of people in need. This included children, until 1857 when children were transferred to the Melbourne Orphan Asylum at its new site in Emerald Hill. As Melbourne established more charitable institutions the Benevolent Asylum focused increasingly on housing the aged poor. It relocated from North Melbourne to Cheltenham in 1911. In 1970 it was renamed the Kingston Centre.A black and white image featuring five men standing in front of a table in the centre. Three of the men are wearing aprons, the other two are in shirt sleeves with vests. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Postcard - Alice McGregor Postcard Collection, 1900 - 1920
Alice McGREGOR Born: 1908; unknown parents. Possibly adopted by the Salter family? Electoral Roll 1936: Highland Terrace Kangaroo Flat. Alice Mary Salter and William Robert Salter living together; presumed to be sister and brother. William Robert Salter was killed in a MVA in Bendigo in 1937 aged 26. In Victoria in 1938, Alice Mary Salter married James Thomas McGregor (born Victoria 1917, died Victoria 1983, buried Fawkner Cemetery) Lived: 1968; 22 Wade Street Golden Square Alice McGregor Died: 1999 aged 91 at Anne Caudle Centre, Bendigo Buried: Kangaroo Flat Cemetery See additional research. Postcard Album of Alice McGregor contained 86 post cards.Postcard Album of Alice McGregor containing 86 post cards. See 1400 Colour image of fish on Cannery Wharf, Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada 4 people overlooking a vast pile of fish. Wharf in background Addressed to Miss A. Stapleton, Arcade, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia Sender - Harold Nation, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada dated Oct 2 '05 postcard, collector, alice mcgregor -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "On the line of duty", 17/12/1999 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping - from The Age, 17/12/1999 with an article on tramway workers and video documentary - Tram People (1999 Norris Media Productions), a 160 minute by Paul Norris. Includes quotes from Graham Jones, Norm Cross, Mario Sirianni. Includes a photo of the front of W7 1008 along with other tramway images.trams, tramways, trams, melbourne, preston workshops, employees, mmtb, tram 1008 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Letter, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board, Tramway Board, Victorian Railways, interface between trains and cable trams at Level crossings, August 1919 to June 1922
Series of 14 letters, memos, correspondence, documents regarding the interface between trains and cable trams at Level crossings on the inner circle line - Queens Parade Clifton Hill. Includes a cutting about an accident from the Age 27/6/1922 where people were injured due to the safety bar. Includes discussion about the possibility of cable trams entangled in a broken strand, actions of signalmen, Victorian Railways instructions, correspondence between the MMTB, Tramway Board and the Railways including letterhead, notice to grip men and conductors describing the operation of the bolt or bar that would prevent a grip passing the point when the gates were closed. Correspondence started August 1919. File scanned into a word searchable document.trams, tramways, level crossings, cable trams, queens parade, safety, victorian railways, clifton hill, northcote, mmtb, tramway board, accidents -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Sun, The Herald, The Age, “Smash – right in the middle”, “Trams Hit; 25 People Hurt” "Crowd causes chaos", “Driver out before crash”, 21/03/1968 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping titled: “Smash – right in the middle” The Sun, Thursday, March 21, 1968 The Herald, The Age Photos and text Flinders and Swanston Streets 25 people taken to hospital, St Vincent's, Royal Melbourne, Prince Henry's Accident happened about 12:30 pm when west-bound Flinders St tram crashed into north-bound city tram in Swanston St “Driver out before crash” The Age, Thursday, March 21, 1968 Photos and text Flinders and Swanston Sts Driver, Mr John Middlemo, was knocked semi-conscious two blocks before the collision. He struck his head when a car pulled out in front of him at Exhibition Street. Risson said it was worst accident he had seen in 40 years. Appoints 5 man inquiry committee Tram W2 304 (City Route 6) was crossing Flinders Street when it was hit by tram W2 559 (Spencer St route 28) which failed to stop at the red light. Tram 304 was subsequently scrapped.trams, tramways, collision, accidents, flinders st, swanston st, tram 304, w2 class, tram 559, mmtb -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Trackless and with rubber wheels, it may be our next generation trams", 2/05/2021 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping titled: “Trackless and with rubber wheels, it may be our next generation trams” by Timna Jacks Newspaper clipping from the Age 02/05/2021 Rubber wheels, electric batteries and no overhead wires could be the future for Melbourne’s trams. By 2025, 100 new trams will be designed and built due to a $1.5 billion government injection to fund 100 ‘‘next-generation trams’’, replacing A and Z-Class trams. Two manufacturers have been shortlisted to design and build the trams: French rail manufacturer Alstom and a joint venture comprising Spanish rail maker CAF and UGL. At 25 metres long – about eight metres shorter than the newest E-Class trams – the trams will carry 150 passengers, fewer than the E-Class, which carry 210 people. Despite the smaller size, seating will remain proportionally comparable with the E-Class, with 48 people or a third of passengers getting a seat on the new fleet. The new fleet will be the first in Melbourne to be partly powered by on-board batteries.trams, tramways, yarra trams, keolis downer, caf, rolling stock, e class, z class, a class, ugl, tramcar acquisition, tramcar design, tramcar manufacture -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, “Tram crashes rise on crowded roads”, 3/07/2019 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clippings titled: “Tram crashes rise on crowded roads” Newspaper clipping from the Age 3/7/2019 by Timna Jacks & Rachael Eddie Trams crashing into pedestrians at highest rate for 5 years, up from 35 in 2014 to 51 in 2018 according to Transport Safety Victoria annual safety report. Mobile phones and headphones considered to be major distraction for pedestrians. More than 70% of crashes caused by cars turning or merging onto tram tracks. 15% increase in number of times trams crashed into cars or trucks with 1122 incidents reported. Total number of people falling has nearly doubled from 180 in 2014 to 380 in 2018. Refer to htd3242doc.pdf for the 2018 Transport Safety Victoria statisticstrams, tramways, statistics, annual reports, accidents, rail safety, ptsv -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Hidden disabilities drive transport push", 3/10/2019 12:00:00 AM
"Hidden disabilities drive transport push" by Nicole Precel An advocacy group, Think Outside the Chair, is campaigning for new public transport signs that acknowledge invisible disabilities to assist people to use disability services when travelling on public transport. Article features Olympia Sarris who has troubling asking for a seat when travelling on trams.trams, tramways, disability services, signs, behaviour -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, “Our courteous commuters”, 21/11/2019 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clippings titled: “Our courteous commuters” Newspaper clipping from the Age 21/11/2019 Letters section Positive feedback from tram user on city trams. Passenger was offered seat by community minded people.trams, tramways, public transport, melbourne, behaviour -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Tram ways to see Melbourne", 8/05/1981 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper - The Age Weekender - Fri 8/5/1981, titled "Tram ways to see Melbourne" looking at various ways and routes to see Melbourne by various Age writers, including Andrew Bolt. Principle item written by Phillippa Hawker. Looks at routes 3, 10, 12, 48, 57, 59, 67, 69, 70, 75 and 88. Has a map of the routes taken in the middle page spread and a cartoon of people on a W and Z class trams.trams, tramways, cartoons, melbourne, tramways, route 3, route 10, route 12, route 48, route 57, route 59, route 67, route 69, route 70, route 75, route 88 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Personal Papers, The Age, Keith Kings, Progress Press, Higgins Teale & Co, Herald Sun, house built using former PMTT tramcars, 1976 to 1983
Collection of Personal Papers regarding a house built using former PMTT tramcars. Comprises: 1 - Auction notice - folded A3 light card, "Moonta 18 School Road Ferny Creek" - giving details of the property, agents, floor plan and auction date of 19/11/1983. Agents R. Woodard and D&S Ham (2 copies held) 2 - Newspaper clipping from the Progress Press with a sketch and article - "Home built from trams" 3 -"Fares please for tram treat" - Herald Sun, 24/9/1983. 4 -Auction notice - 21/11/1983 - property passed in. 5 - hand written note, with plan of the trams and location map - not dated 6 - set of six hand written notes recording conversations with various people regarding a house in Ferny Creek with trams, including the Public Trustee 1976 and 1977. 7 - Auction notice for "Charrawalla" - School Road, Ferny Creek dated 7/5/1977 from The Age. Not all items numbered, See also Reg Item 1356, 1833 and 1518 for related items.trams, tramways, mmtb, pmtt, ferny creek, tramcars, melbourne, houses, sale of land -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, “Is last train out of Melbourne almost gone?” "Crisis as public transport slumps" "New seating rules on buses and trams", 20/03/2020 12:00:00 AM
1.- Newspaper clippings titled: “Is last train out of Melbourne almost gone?” Newspaper clipping from the Age 20/03/2020, by Timna Jacks Victoria's trains, trams and buses are considered an essential service during the Covid-19 pandemic and are being thoroughly cleaned each night to stop the spread of the virus. Transport planners expect services to reduce due to lower patronage. Photo of inside a B class tram. 2.- Newspaper clippings titled: “Crisis as public transport slumps” Newspaper clipping from the Age 28/03/2020, by Timna Jacks Public transport usage down by about 90%. Leaked figures show number of people using Melbourne's trams down by 88% this week with 81,600 passengers compared with an expected 708,300. Previous week about 285,000 passengers used tram network. Yarra Trams was set to make $164M from fares this year. 3.- Newspaper clippings titled: “New seating rules on buses and trams” Newspaper clipping from the Age 24/03/2020, by Timna Jacks Front row of seats on Melbourne's trams will be out of bounds to commuters and inquiry holes on tram driver cabins will be sealed to protect drivers from coronavirus.trams, tramways, public transport, melbourne, cleaning, virus, yarra trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Legal route to access for all”, 28/06/2021 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clippings titled: "Legal route to access for all” by Timna Jacks Newspaper clipping from the Age 28/06/2021 Wheelchair commuters take legal action against Victorian government and Yarra Trams over failure to provide wheelchair access across Melbourne's tram network. Currently 73% of tram stops and 62% of trams are inaccessible to people using wheelchairs, mobility aids and prams. Cost of upgrading remaining tram stops is $2 billion.trams, tramways, yarra trams, safety, accessible transport