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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Certificate of Discharge 1st AIF Alonzo Sheldrake Box 22/5/1917 2pp, 1917
Alonzo Sheldrake Box 1851- 1958 was the nephew of William and Elizabeth Box who migrated from Sussex England 1850 and established a market garden in the area of Henry Dendy's 'Special Survey 1841 Brighton, in the Parish of Moorabbin County of Bourke. Alonzo was a pavier, who laid blue stone for drains, and enlisted in 1914 to serve in Gallipoli, and France . He returned to Bentleigh 1917 and married Mary Louisa Closter 1918 . Alonzo Box was a member of the pioneering Box family who emigrated from Sussex England 1850 and established market gardens in the the Parish of Moorabbin, County of Bourke. Alonzo Box enlisted in the 1st AIF in 1914 and served in Gallipoli and France. Document, Certificate of Discharge No. 1054 Australian Imperial Expeditionary Force 1917, Alonzo Sheldrake Box Sergeant as Printed by Government Printer box george b 1808, box william, box elizabeth avis, box alonzo sheldrake, closter mary louisa, wedding dress box cottage museum, paviers, road building, world war 1 1914-1918, gallipoli, somme battles, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Farm Machinery, Plough, single mull-board, c1900
Circa late 1800's to early 1900s. A horse-drawn furrow plough was the most common type of agricultural implement used by the pioneer market gardeners, in Moorabbin Shire, of the 1800s and continued on into the 1940s when motorised tractors came into use. This plough is an example of a single-mullboard plough which would have been pulled by horse. The long handle was used to lower the silver plate, (mullboard), to the chosen depth of soil. Following 'Dendy's Special Survey' of 1841 and the Crown Land Sale in 1852, land allotments were bought by pioneer settlers who established or rented allotments for market gardens in the area and they supplied produce to the markets in St Kilda and Melbourne. During the gold-rush of the 1850s the rapidly increasing population of Melbourne saw a huge demand and a rise in prices for all foodstuffs, including the vegetables and fruit grown in the Shire of Moorabbin. An "Oliver" single mull-board plough in good condition with faded manufactures markings on shaftsPainted on shaft "MANF'D BY/OLIVER CHILLED PLOW WORKS/Southend Ind. USA/" Engraved on blade " 13 OLIVER"brighton, moorabbin, plough, dendy henry, east bentleigh, market gardens, horse drawn plough, plow, mullboard -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Laundry Equipment, washing machine, c1919
Eduard Lehman, Zurich Switzerland patented a metal barrel shaped hand washing machine with a hand crank to operate a metal plunger in 1919. Such hand washing machines were used by settlers in Moorabbin Shire An 83 year old Visitor on site remembers using this type of washing machine. He had to push the agitator for 5 minutes. Prior to his mother buying the washer, all laundry was hand washed in troughs.Such hand washing machines greatly reduced the workload of the women of pioneer familes in Moorabbin ShireThis hand washing machine c1919 consists of a metal barrel, standing on 4 legs, and has a hand crank to operate a cone shaped metal agitator.THE / LEHMAN/ COMPRESSED AIR AND / VACUUM WASHING MACHINE / Pat. No. 50614/30lehman eduard, hand washing machines, laundry equipment, pioneers, early settlers, market gardeners, moorabbin, brighton, cheltenham -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Electrical, fittings 3 bakelite 1 brass c1930, c1931
As supply of electricity became available in the Moorabbin Shire c 1920 homes gradually changed from Gas lighting to Electrical lighting and bakelite was used for fittings. Bakelite was a safe non-conductor of the electric current. Housewives, who had ironed clothes with flat irons heated on the hearth of open fires, were delighted to be able to stand on a chair and remove the light globe and plug in their new clean and efficient electric iron. The supply of electricity to homes in the City of Moorabbin in the early 20th Century brought many welcome changes to domestic and commercial life 3 Electrical, fittings c 1931 a) a bakelite plug and socket Made in Australia b) a bakelite bayonet fitting Made in England ;c) Bakelite screw type with no markings d) A large brass and porcelain screw type with no markings L8 a) Australian Made / PIMI b) British Made in England c) No marks d) no marks electricity, electric lights, electric irons, bakelite, market gardeners, early settlers, moorabbin shire, mechanics institute cheltenham, postworld war 11 settlers, housing estates moorabbin 1950, bentleigh, ormond, moorabbin, cheltenham, clark judy, reed gladys, reed george -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 20.07.1972
The photograph is taken in the Physiotherapy Department at Mount Royal Hospital. RDNS Sr. Sue Revill is from RDNS Moorabbin Centre and Sr. Helen Watt is from Footscray Centre, They are attending an Education session on Rehabilitation at Mount Royal. Hospital. They are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a V neck tunic style herringbone winter material dress with the RDNS insignia emblazoned on its upper left.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses) who trained through the Hospital training system were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in this In-service Education and established the MDNS, later called RDNS, Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. Many programs were run at RDNS, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to Student nurses from Hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin did a Post Basic Course in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Registered Nurses. Black and white photograph depicting, on the left, a side-on view of a Hospital Physiotherapist with her long hair drawn back in a pony tail, and wearing a grey V neck dress over a white blouse and a dark cardigan who is facing right. She has her left hand on the arm of a standing lady and her right hand on the lady's hand which is on a walking rail. To the right rear of the Physiotherapist is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Sue Revill who has shoulder length dark hair and is looking at the lady. To her right the elderly lady who is wearing glasses; has wavy white hair and is wearing a light grey frock, is standing in front of a wheelchair with her right hand on the walking rail. Her left arm hangs loosely by her side. To her right is a walking rail and standing to its right is Sr. Helen Watt who is looking towards the lady. She has short dark wavy hair, and has her right arm around the back of the lady and her left hand is on the walking rail. In the background of the photograph, the lower section of several 4 prong walking stick are seen hanging on the wall. Barry Sutton photographer's stamp. Quote KY 78rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns education, sister sue revill, sister helen watt -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, Receipt 1950, c1950
Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original paper receipt, dated 25/6/1950, for solicitors fees regarding the purchase of the house a 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott. Melbourne 23-6- 1950/ Received from Mr. J. Herron / the Sum of – Sixteen Pounds / nineteen Shillings and three Pence / being costs & fees re Marriott / per letter 10/5/50 / £16.19.3 signed N Boothby Boothby / stamp in left corner dated 23/6/50 / along left side Cook & Heathcote Pty. Ltd., 404 Collins St., Melbournepioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, cook and heathcote pty ltd -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, letter of costs 1950, c1950
Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original letter, dated 10th May 1950, from solicitors Boothby and Boothby requesting settlement of costs involved with purchase of house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott Attached is a Statement of Adjustments cat 00053.4 * Boothby & Boothby Imperial Chambers / Solicitors etc. 408 Collins Street/ B>B Boothby / N.B Boothby / - BBB/VP Melbourne C 10th May, 1950/ and at / Korumburra / Loch and / Poowong/ Telephone M 1275 ( 2 Lines )/ Mr. J. Herron, / 4 Vickery Street, / Bentleigh / re Marriott signed N Boothby solicitors, pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, boothby and boothby -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, statement of fees 1950, c1950
Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852 An original, paper, Statement of Adjustments attached to previous item 00053.3 for purchase of the house at 4 Vickery Street, Bentleigh by Mr John Herron from Miss M Marriott in 1950 Heading - HERRON & ANOR. From MARRIOTT / Adjustment of Rates, Taxes, etc., as at 12th May 1950 / list of costs/ typed in left hand bottom corner – E. & O.E, / Melbourne, / 10th May 1950 pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, boothby b b, boothby n b, solicitors, land sales, house sales 1950, real estate -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document - Document, deposit receipt 1950, c1950
Mr John Herron and his wife Isa Mary Herron purchased the house at 4 Vickery Street Bentleigh in 1950 from Miss M Marriott. He was a descendant of John James an early settler dairyman in Moorabbin Shire and Miss M Marriott was a descendant of the early settler market gardeners Marriott family. Mr Herron lived there until 1989 and the house was then demolished and turned into a carpark for the busy Shopping precinct of Centre Road, Bentleigh.The Marriott family were early settler market gardeners from 1878 in the area of Dendy’s 1841 Special Survey and John Herron was a descendant of Philip Jones , a chair-maker, who settled in the area of East Brighton, now Bentleigh, in 1852An original paper statement of receipt issued by William Meldrum for £100 deposit paid on March 28th 1950 by Mr John Herron for purchase of the house at 4 Vickery Street BentleighBENTLEIGH ESTATE AGENCY TAXATION & INSURANCE / WILLIAM MELDRUM / ESTABLISHED / 1908 Incorporating W.H.Wood & Co., Next Railway Station,/ SWORN VALUER and GOVERNMENT / APPROVED VALUER 367 a Centre Road / Bentleigh / Telephone XU 1404 / Fellow of the Real Estate and Stock Institute of Victoria / Associate of the Commonwealth Institute of Accountants/ Fellow of the Commonwealth Institute of Valuers Stamp in left bottom VICTORIA STAMP DUTY 3d with signature initials / Letter dated 28th day of March 1950 and signed SP W Meldrum / C Raveand pioneers, early settlers, brighton, moorabbin, bentleigh, market gardeners, dairyman, dairy farmer, jones james, jones mary ann, jones martha, jones elizabeth ann, dendy henry, dendys special survey 1841, elster creek, melbourne, jones ethel may, herron isa mary, herron john, tram conductor, marriott m, solicitors, valuers, taxation, meldrum w, real estate -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Caulfield Contact Monthly, 1990
The Caulfield Contact was the official newspaper of the City of Caulfield from 1976-1994. The City of Caulfield was the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. It was renamed the Caulfield Contact Monthly in September 1989. Following Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Caulfield Contact was followed by the Glen Eira of caulfield, caulfield, caulfield contact, caulfield contact monthly -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Caulfield Contact Monthly
The Caulfield Contact was the official newspaper of the City of Caulfield from 1976-1994. The City of Caulfield was the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. It was renamed the Caulfield Contact Monthly in September 1989. Following Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Caulfield Contact was followed by the Glen Eira of caulfield, caulfield, caulfield contact, caulfield contact monthly -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Caulfield Contact Monthly
The Caulfield Contact was the official newspaper of the City of Caulfield from 1976-1994. The City of Caulfield was the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. It was renamed the Caulfield Contact Monthly in September 1989. Following Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Caulfield Contact was followed by the Glen Eira of caulfield, caulfield, caulfield contact, caulfield contact monthly -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Caulfield Contact Monthly, 1993
The Caulfield Contact was the official newspaper of the City of Caulfield from 1976-1994. The City of Caulfield was the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. It was renamed the Caulfield Contact Monthly in September 1989. Following Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Caulfield Contact was followed by the Glen Eira of caulfield, caulfield, caulfield contact, caulfield contact monthly -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Caulfield Contact Monthly, 1994
The Caulfield Contact was the official newspaper of the City of Caulfield from 1976-1994. The City of Caulfield was the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. It was renamed the Caulfield Contact Monthly in September 1989. Following Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Caulfield Contact was followed by the Glen Eira of caulfield, caulfield, caulfield contact, caulfield contact monthly -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St. Kevin’s Primary School
This file contains three items. A colour advertisement for St. Kevin’s Primary School, Ormond in the Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader on 22/05/2012. Includes a colour photograph of the school with new additions and lists the programs and strengths of the school. A colour advertisement for St. Kevin’s in the Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader on 14/04/2011. Also includes information on classes etc. A copy of the 1987 Moorabbin Community Directory Listing for St. Kevin’s Primary kevin’s primary school, ormond, st. kevin’s primary school ormond, school curriculum, school, catholic schools, independent schools, primary schools, principals, cooney m., lundrum s., parents club -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, V Peterson, loaded Vulcan Truck 1929, c1929
The Peterson family were early settlers in Moorabbin Shire and established a market garden in East Boundary Road East Bentleigh. Horse drawn wagons traveled along Plateways to take their crops to the Melbourne Markets . With the advent of the motorcar the market gardeners gradually purchased trucks to transport their crops. Roads were being surfaced but ruts and flooding caused upsets and bogging of these trucks. The journey was quicker but unlike the Horses, these trucks could not drive themselves back to the farm.The early settlers like the Petersons and Marriotts, in the Parish of Moorabbin County of Bourke after Henry Dendy's Special Survey Brighton 1841, established market gardens, fruit & flower gardens, poultry & dairy farms, vineyards as well as shop businesses, blacksmiths, chemists, nursing homes and schools & Churches.Black & White photograph of a Vulcan truck driven by Vic Peterson, loaded with Cauliflowers from his market garden in East boundary Road East Bentleigh c 1929.Back Handwritten information unsgnedwagons, vulcan trucks, draught horses,, peterson vic, marriott dick, cauliflower crops, vegetable crops, poliomyelitis epidemics 20thc , elster creek, plateways moorabbin shire, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, mckinnon, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - sepia photograph, Frazer and Vallance, Sandringham Borough Council, May 1917, 1917
Councillors and the mayor seated at table while attending the first Sandringham Borough Council meeting after severance from the Shire of Moorabbin. Shown L to R: Cr. C.A. Hartsman; Cr. T.G. Farrant; Cr. W.T.C. Kelly; Cr. B. Champion; Cr. B.J. Ferdinando (Mayor) [standing]; Cr. O.R. Snowball Esq. (M.L.A.); Cr. E.L. Belyea; Cr. H. B. Grace; Cr. G.W. Knott; Cr. F.W. Hearnden.councillor, sandringham, local government, municipality, mayor, justice of the peace, cr b.j. ferdinando, borough of sandringham, cr. c.a. hartsman, cr. t.g. farrant, cr. w.t.c. kelly, cr. b. champion, cr. o.r. snowball, cr. e.l. belyea, cr. h. b. grace, cr. g.w. knott, cr. f.w. hearnden, council meeting -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly.glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (series) - Newspaper Digital, Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly.glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda eastglen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the Amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly.glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Newspaper (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira News is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira City Council, Glen Eira News, 2004
The Glen Eira news is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News, 2005
The Glen Eira news is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira news is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Document (Item) - Newspaper (digital), Glen Eira News
The Glen Eira news is the official newspaper of the City of Glen Eira from 1995 to present day. The City of Glen Eira is the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Bentleigh, Bentleigh East, Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Prior to the amalgamation of City of Caulfield and parts of the City of Moorabbin in 1994, the Glen Eira News was preceded by the Caulfield Contact Monthly. glen eira, city of glen eira, bentleigh, bentleigh east, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east