Showing 221 items
matching h. marks
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photograph of the Golden Square Primary School No. 1189 Grade 5/6 H 1996 classes and their Teacher Mrs. Merrill Harvey. The names of the children are:- Back Row, L to R: Craig Lockwood, Cassie de Colling, Shaynie Hercus, Sammi Wallis, Katie Scoble, Jacklyn Owen, Danielle Kline, Gemma Ruschmeyer. Middle Row, L to R:- Andrew Rice, Matthew Bateson, Brett Smith, Shane Barker, Nerida Hyett, Sara Anderton, Faye Allchin, Susan Markis, Kylie Martin, Mrs. Merrill harvey (Teacher). Front Row, L to R:-Matthew Goodwin, Cale Bryan, Steven Cumming, Mark Noulton. Absent:- Rosie Sutton, Matthew Peacock, Kelvin Tognolini. On the right of the names is an oval sketch of the, primary, golden square laurel st p.s., golden square laurel street p.s. collection - golden square primary school no. 1189 grade 5/6 h 1996, craig lockwood, cassie de colling, shaynie hercus, sammi wallis, katie scoble, jacklyn owen, danielle kline, gemma ruschmeyer, andrew rice, matthew bateson, brett smith, shane barker, nerida hyett, sara anderton, faye allchin, susan markis, kylie martin, mrs merril harvey (teacher), matthew goodwin, cale bryan, steven cumming, mark noulton, rosie sutton, matthew peacock, kelvin tognolini -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
a/ Re-Dedication of the Bendigo Temple, View Street, Bendigo. By M. Wor. Bro. Major General, Sir Robert Risson, C.B.E., D.S.O. O.St.J., E.D. Grand Master and Grand Officers. Saturday, October 19th 1974. Bendigo Lodges A. F. & A. Masons of Victoria. Golden & Corinthian No. 7, Zenith No. 52, Sandhurst No. 194, Corona No. 195, Composite No. 314, Bendigo City No. 714. Re-Dedication Team Presiding Officer: M.W.Bro. Sir. Robert Risson, G.M. Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. C. R. B. James, D.G.M. Grand Master of Ceremonies V.W.Bro. L. Retchford, G.D.C. Senior Grand Warden R.W.Bro. L. G. Grant, S.G.W. Junior Grand Warden R.W.Bro. A. J. L. W. Greenwood, J.G.W.Grand Chaplain V.W.Bro. Rev. J.R. Lawton, G.Chap. Grand Supt. Of Works V.W.Bro. F. C. Galbraith, G I.Wkgs. Grand Secretary R.W.Bro. G. W. Jackson, P.D.G.M., G.Sec. Grand Deacons for Dedication Wor.Bro. B. A. McMillian, S.G.D. and Wor.Bro. D. E. Plaisted, J.G.D. Grand Sword Bearer Wor.Bro. J. R. Evans, G.Swd.B. Gand Organist Wor.Bro. J. N. Cowan, G.Org. Grand Pursuivant Wor.Bro. A. A. Eagle, A.G.Purs. Grand Herald Wor. Bro. P. J. Grenfell, P.G.Std.B., G.Her. Censer Stewards Wor. Bro. H. J. Blunden, G.Stwd. And Wor.Bro. B. D. Cross, G.Stwd. Historical, Brief History on Bendigo Masonic Temple, View Street, Bendigo, 1874-1974. Local historian, Bro. J. N. Macartney, in his book had this to say:- ''The Masonic Hall is by far the grandest building in Sandhurst (Bendigo), and a fitting and right noble home for such an Order to place their ark in. The building is one on the pure Corinthian order, lofty without, and spacious within; therein is the finest Assembly Hall out of Melbourne Town Hall. What an imposing façade, with its tapering columns rearing the graceful acanthus-leaf capitals 40 feet. . . . With the growth of Freemasonry in Bendigo, new Craft Lodges were established, as were lodges of higher degrees. At present the following lodges use the Temple and hall facilities:- Golden & Corinthian Lodge No. 7. Zenith Lodge, No. 52. Sanhurst Lodge, No. 194. Corona Lodge No. 195. The Lodge Composite, No. 314. Bendigo City Lodge, No. 714. The Bendigo Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 12. Royal Golden Chapter, No. 3. The Bendigo Royal Ark Mariner Lodge, No. 12. The Bendigo Conclave, No. 143. Bendigo Masonic Lodge of Instruction, No. 14. Bendigo Sovereign Council, No. 16. Bendigo Sovereign Chapter No. 32. The National Trust of Australia has done much to preserve our heritage for the succeeding generations. In 1972 the Masonic Temple and Hall Received their ''D'' Classification. . . Program. Toasts and Harmony. Bro. C. Phillips. Wor. Bro. D. L. Killian, P.J.G.D. Bro. R. D. McPherson. b/ (letter) 3 Brodie St. Bendigo 3550. 28.10.1974. The Secretary, Bendigo Branch, RHSV, Bendigo. Dear Miss Parry, Bendigo Masonic Hall, The enclosed programme contains a short history of the above, and comes to your Society with the compliments of the Board of Management of the Bendigo Masonic Hall. Yours sincerely, Alex M Stone.a/ re-dedication of the bendigo temple, view street, bendigo. by m. wor. bro. major general, sir robert risson, c.b.e., d.s.o., e.d. grand master and grand officers. saturday, october 19th 1974. bendigo lodges a. f. & a. masons of victoria. golden & corinthian no. 7, zenith no. 52, sandhurst no. 194, corona no. 195, composite no. 314, bendigo city no. 714. re-dedication team presiding officer: m.w.bro. sir. robert risson, g.m. deputy grand master r.w.bro. c. r. b. james, d.g.m. grand master of ceremonies v.w.bro. l. retchford, g.d.c. senior grand warden r.w.bro. l. g. grant, s.g.w. junior grand warden r.w.bro. a. j. l. w. greenwood, j.g.w.grand chaplain v.w.bro. rev. j.r. lawton, g.chap. grand supt. of works v.w.bro. f. c. galbraith, g i.wkgs. grand secretary r.w.bro. g. w. jackson, p.d.g.m., g.sec. grand deacons for dedication wor.bro. b. a. mcmillian, s.g.d. and wor.bro. d. e. plaisted, j.g.d. grand sword bearer wor.bro. j. r. evans, g.swd.b. gand organist wor.bro. j. n. cowan, grand pursuivant wor.bro. a. a. eagle, a.g.purs. grand herald wor. bro. p. j. grenfell, p.g.std.b., g.her. censer stewards wor. bro. h. j. blunden, g.stwd. and wor.bro. b. d. cross, g.stwd. historical, brief history on bendigo masonic temple, view street, bendigo, 1874-1974. local historian, bro. j. n. macartney, ''the masonic hall the grandest building in sandhurst (bendigo), corinthian order, finest assembly hall. golden & corinthian lodge no. 7. zenith lodge, no. 52. sanhurst lodge, no. 194. corona lodge no. 195. the lodge composite, no. 314. bendigo city lodge, no. 714. the bendigo lodge of mark master masons, no. 12. royal golden chapter, no. 3. the bendigo royal ark mariner lodge, no. 12. the bendigo conclave, no. 143. bendigo masonic lodge of instruction, no. 14. bendigo sovereign council, no. 16. bendigo sovereign chapter no. 32. national trust of australia preserve our heritage. in 1972 received their ''d'' classification. . . program. toasts and harmony. bro. c. phillips. wor. bro. d. l. killian, p.j.g.d. bro. r. d. mcpherson. b/ (letter) 3 brodie st. bendigo 3550. 1974. bendigo branch, rhsv, bendigo. miss parry, programme short history board of management of the bendigo masonic hall., alex m stone. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Art Exhibition, Bendigo Easter Fair Society presents The Annual Art Exhibition. Painting Section. Artists: Gordon Allen, Mrs D Allender, 'April', Bruce Barklamb, Thomas R W Benkendorff, Christine Berkman, Mrs J A Blakey, James E Bowman, Darryl Brown, Malcolm H Cannon, R L Carless, Pamela Caswell, Bett Cheek, Mrs Betty Cooper, Peter Costello, Jennifer Cottrell, Stephanie Cottrell, Dorothy Dempsey, Noelene Edmunds, Emma J., Ruth Epps, Mrs Jean Ferguson, Mrs Margot Flood, Lorraine Fraser, Maureen French, Neil Friswell, Ian Glanville, Sheryl Gregory, Mrs Valmai Hill, Mr A B Hocking, Ivy Jeffrey, George Kendall, Mrs Joan Kerr, Miss Jillian Locket, R McKenzie, Mrs J E McLean, Mrs Coral Manfield, Meenah Marchbank, Lillian B Mark, Ian John Mark, T Matthews, Mrs Judy Maxwell, Margaret Metcalf, Jean Morrissey, Mrs E Noble, I Osborne, Max Paull, R Paynter, Anthony N Penno, Norman William Penrose, Mark Phillips, Janice Pinder, Yvonne Pocock, Jennifer Reilly, Mrs S Reed, R J Ritter, Roma Robbins, Faye Roberts, Frank S Saunders, Jeanette Skrokov, Mrs C A Slootjes, John Spink, Ruth E Stewart, Mrs W Tebb, Gerard Terpstra, Stan Thomas, Pat Frewin, Dominic Tuohy, Peter Tyndall, Neil G West, Tony Wilson, Wilma Wilson, Pam Wright, A McGregor and R Pearce, T A Solbig. World Prints. List of various world print available for sale and prices, for the first time in Australia. World Prints Pty. Ltd. Copyright. Aztec Graphics, Moorabbin.- Design R H Bultows 72Aztec Graphics, Moorabbinevent, easter fair, bendigo easter fair society, art exhibition, bendigo easter fair society annual art exhibition. artists: gordon allen, mrs d allender, 'april', bruce barklamb, thomas r w benkendorff, christine berkman, mrs j a blakey, james e bowman, darryl brown, malcolm h cannon, r l carless, pamela caswell, bett cheek, mrs betty cooper, peter costello, jennifer cottrell, stephanie cottrell, dorothy dempsey, noelene edmunds, emma j., ruth epps, mrs jean ferguson, mrs margot flood, lorraine fraser, maureen french, neil friswell, ian glanville, sheryl gregory, mrs valmai hill, mr a b hocking, ivy jeffrey, george kendall, mrs joan kerr, miss jillian locket, r mckenzie, mrs j e mclean, mrs coral manfield, meenah marchbank, lillian b mark, ian john mark, t matthews, mrs judy maxwell, margaret metcalf, jean morrissey, mrs e noble, i osborne, max paull, r paynter, anthony n penno, norman william penrose, mark phillips, janice pinder, yvonne pocock, jennifer reilly, mrs s reed, r j ritter, roma robbins, faye roberts, frank s saunders, jeanette skrokov, mrs c a slootjes, john spink, ruth e stewart, mrs w tebb, gerard terpstra, stan thomas, pat frewin, dominic tuohy, peter tyndall, neil g west, tony wilson, wilma wilson, pam wright, a mcgregor and r pearce, t a solbig. world prints. list of various world print available for sale and prices, for the first time in australia. world prints pty. ltd. copyright. aztec graphics, moorabbin.- design r h bultows 72 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - MY FAIR LADY, CAPITAL THEATRE, BENDIGO, 14 November, 1973
My Fair Lady, Capital Theatre, View Street, Bendigo. Commencing Wednesday, 14th November, 1973 for an eight night season. Souvenir Program for 50th Production. Bendigo Operatic Society, President: Mr J M Cannon, Vice President: Mr F Trewarne, Honn. Secretary: Miss A Ball, Hon. Treasurer: Mr L Spencely, Hon. Subscription Secretary: Mrs P Lyon. Committee: Mesdames I Brown, J Cannon, Misses P Speedy, M Welch, Messrs. J Beamont, J Boquest, G Daws. Photographs of Mr J Cannon, Max Collins, Carol McKenzie, John Beamont, Kathie Farn, Ralph Watkins, Patricia Lyon, Peter Pritchard, John Boquest, Russell Baxter, Max Rule, David Daenke, Gwen Grose, Diana Chon. Article on: Max Collins, Carol Mckenzie, John Beaumont. Synopsis of Scenes. Bendigo Operatic Society presents by arrangement with J C Williamson Theatre, Ltd., and Tams-Witmark Music Library of New York ' My Fair Lady.' Adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Play and Gabrial Pascal's Motion Picture 'Pygmalion'. Music by Frederick Loewe. Book and Lyrics by Alan J Lerner. Musical Director: Gwen Rose, Stage Manager Malcom Cannon, Wardrobe Miss M Welch, Choeography Miss M Welch & Mrs A Ball. Cast: Carol McKenzie, Max Rule, Kathie Farn, Ralph Watkins, John Beamont, Gary Burns, John Boquest, Russell Barter, Peter Pritchard, Patricia Lyon, Pauline Speedy, Jull James, David Daenke. Synopsis of Story. Bendigo Concert Orchestra from the following:- Violins: Mrs R Wheldon, Mrs A Boulton, Mrs M Robbins, Mrs C Messer, Mr C Gill, Mr P Phillips, Mr J Jordan. Violas: Mr E Jarratt, Mr J Werry. Cellos: Mrs C Bubb, Miss D Nankivell. Bass: Mr Chester White, Mr Tom French. Flute: Mr C Bubb. Clarinets: Mr R Holyoake, Mr G Ellul. Trombones: Mr W Neuman. Bassoon & French Horn: Mr Stuart Anderson. Trumpets: Mr D Aitken. Pianoforte: Miss Diana Cohn. Female Chorus: Marion Alcock, Wilma Baldwin, Mary Barbour, Valerie Barter, Gwen Cox, Shirley Dawson, Jo-anne Edgar, Dorothy Field, Valerie Griffith, Lorraine Hatch, Julie Howbert, Faye Hughes, Ruth Iredale, Sue Kemp, Dawn Mackay, Cheryl Marshall, Jull Matthews, Adrenne Nankivell, Fay Olive, Barbara Potter, Lois Semmens, Coral Rivett, Anne Truscott, Kathie Watson, Pamela Wiltshire, Marion Wright. Male Choras: Albert Charlton, David Aaenke, Graeme Dawes, Ken Deutchman, Jim Feteris, Philip Johnston, Hugh Sayle, Bryan Slattery, Len Symons, Fred Trewarne, Ian Unmack,Philip Wilkins. Ballet: Dianne Austin, Annette Bassett, Annette Galvin, Coral Rivett, Pam Sutton, Den Deutschman, Ian Unmack, Brian Slettery, Len Symons, Philip Johnston. Acknowledgements: Bendigo Advertiser, BVC 8, 3BO, 3CV. Publicity Officer: Mrs J Cannon. Scenery Design: Mr Malcom Cannon. Prperties: John Cannon, Jim Moncrieff, Gerard Fullarton, Peter Edgley. Art Work: M Cannon, Geoff Proctor, J Hall, Kerry Noakes, Michael Frayne, Mark Edebone & Pamela Caswell. Prompts: Mrs J Cannon, Mrs H Lindhe. Make-Up: Mrs J Cannon, B Downing, H Coia, Lighting: L Reed, H Bridges & T Vincent. Hairdressing: Ross Coiffure. House Managers: Basil Bennett, Ron Thomas, Bruce Ralph. Advertisments: Powneys Toyland, Golden Hills Motel 'The Inn', Marong Road, Bendigo. Ross Coifure Beauty Salon, Allans Walk, Bendigo. Don Semmens Photographic Studio, Hargreaves Street, Bendigo.program, theatre, bendigo operatic society, my fair lady, capital theatre, view street, bendigo. commencing wednesday, 14th november, 1973 for an eight night season. souvenir program for 50th production. bendigo operatic society, president: mr j m cannon, vice president: mr f trewarne, hon. secretary: miss a ball, hon. treasurer: mr l spencely, hon. subscription secretary: mrs p lyon. committee: mesdames i brown, j cannon, misses p speedy, m welch, messrs. j beamont, j boquest, g daws. photographs of mr j cannon, max collins, carol mckenzie, john beamont, kathie farn, ralph watkins, patricia lyon, peter pritchard, john boquest, russell baxter, max rule, david daenke, gwen grose, diana chon. article on: max collins, carol mckenzie, john beaumont. bendigo operatic society presents by arrangement with j c williamson theatre, ltd., and tams-witmark music library of new york ' my fair lady.' adapted from george bernard shaw's play and gabrial pascal's motion picture 'pygmalion'. music by frederick loewe. book and lyrics by alan j lerner. musical director: gwen rose, stage manager malcom cannon, wardrobe miss m welch, choeography miss m welch & mrs a ball. cast: carol mckenzie, max rule, kathie farn, ralph watkins, john beamont, gary burns, john boquest, russell barter, peter pritchard, patricia lyon, pauline speedy, jull james, david daenke. synopsis of story. bendigo concert orchestra from the following:- violins: mrs r wheldon, mrs a boulton, mrs m robbins, mrs c messer, mr c gill, mr p phillips, mr j jordan. violas: mr e jarratt, mr j werry. cellos: mrs c bubb, miss d nankivell. bass: mr chester white, mr tom french. flute: mr c bubb. clarinets: mr r holyoake, mr g ellul. trombones: mr w neuman. bassoon & french horn: mr stuart anderson. trumpets: mr d aitken. pianoforte: miss diana cohn. female chorus: marion alcock, wilma baldwin, mary barbour, valerie barter, gwen cox, shirley dawson, jo-anne edgar, dorothy field, valerie griffith, lorraine hatch, julie howbert, faye hughes, ruth iredale, sue kemp, dawn mackay, cheryl marshall, jull matthews, adrenne nankivell, fay olive, barbara potter, lois semmens, coral rivett, anne truscott, kathie watson, pamela wiltshire, marion wright. male choras: albert charlton, david aaenke, graeme dawes, ken deutchman, jim feteris, philip johnston, hugh sayle, bryan slattery, len symons, fred trewarne, ian unmack, philip wilkins. ballet: dianne austin, annette bassett, annette galvin, coral rivett, pam sutton, den deutschman, ian unmack, brian slettery, len symons, philip johnston. acknowledgements: bendigo advertiser, bvc 8, 3bo, 3cv. publicity officer: mrs j cannon. scenery design: mr malcom cannon. prperties: john cannon, jim moncrieff, gerard fullarton, peter edgley. art work: m cannon, geoff proctor, j hall, kerry noakes, michael frayne, mark edebone & pamela caswell. prompts: mrs j cannon, mrs h lindhe. make-up: mrs j cannon, b downing, h coia, lighting: l reed, h bridges & t vincent. hairdressing: ross coiffure. house managers: basil bennett, ron thomas, bruce ralph. powneys toyland, golden hills motel 'the inn'. ross coifure beauty salon. don semmens photographic studio. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bundle of one hundred and eleven letters from period 1891 - 1893, outward and inward correspondence mostly addressed to E.P. Hastings, Cohn Bros., signed by Magnus Cohn. Other letters include the names of : Clarke, J, Cohen E, Cohen Miriam, Commercial Bank, Roschert Cohn, Cohen Charles, Drake E, Dobie J, Fitzgerald I H, Fink A, Frey Hans, Gibson R G, Greenwood A, Galdwin M B, Iser Henry, Kennons J S K, Lawrence M B , Landeshut Elle, London Chartered Bank Melbourne, London Chartered Bank Ararat, Levy W, Lehmann M J, Meudell G D, Matteran Hyett, Marks B, McWhae & Co, Fryer S, Nomen's & Scheel, National Trustees, Queally Ino, Robertson Geo, Registrar General, Marcus Sievwright, Somerton C F & Co, Scheel C, Smith B D , Tankard M, Trustees Executors, Wyman Sbendigo, industry, cohn bros brewery -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - F.H. Stevens in uniform, Bendigo Fire Squad
Frederick Henry Stevens (1861 - 22/1/1931) Frederick was the son of Thomas and Margaret Wiseman. He was a cooper at the Kent Brewery Company in Bendigo. He was an early member of the City Fire Brigade and was their lieutenant in 1886 when the brigade presented him with a crockery set to mark the occasion of his recent marriage to Elizabeth Jane Hills. He competed successfully in various fire brigade competitions. When he died at the age of 69 he was living in Northcote.Two photographs of F. H. Stevens in uniform of the Bendigo Fire Squad, undated. To photos 1 x B&W and 1 x hand coloured. Photograph taken by Bartlett Bros. View Place, Bendigo, Photographers, miniature Portrait & Painters.early fireman in bendigo, fire squad, uniform, f h stevens -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Small book for Ceremonial Presentation of Colors of 38th Battalion Australian Imperial Force by His Excellency the Right Hon. Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, P > C. G. C M. G. On behalf of The Citizens of Bendigo on Sunday, 11th June, 1916 at 3 p. M. Printed by Bolton Bros, Bendigo. The program outlines Presentation of Colours Ceremonial, names of Regimental Staff, Duties, Companies and the names of Officers and the Consecration of Colours. On the front is the Rising Sun Badge with Australian Commonwealth Military Forces and two crossed flags. On the right is the Union Jack and on the left is the green 38th Battalion flag. The letter is from Allan Wilkie who has sent $10 to cover his subscription to the Historical Society and he enclosed the 38th Battalion AIF booklet on the Presentation of Colors. Two copies of this, bendigo, 38th battalion aif, book, 38th battalion aif presentation of colors, allan wilkie, bendigo historical society, william henry wilkie, sir ronald munro ferguson, lady helen munro ferguson, c h davis, r o henderson, a fraser, j m mccusker, r m marks, w n gunson, p s spark, p j telfer, h w joseph, j j code, a runting, f e fairweather, j h moore, g v lansell, r e trebilcock, l lipshut, w j collins, c h peters, l l smith, e f moore, h dench, e w latchford, f c morrison, f r b martin, g hurry, j akeroyd, r d tyers, j l whitehead, w maxwell, h mccoll, a j a maudsley, h f selleck, w l bogle, w williams, a l reid, w h orchard, j b o'donnell, t e green -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Whitish card with red and silver border 2cm from the edges. Inside the border are some yellow sunflowers behind a grey sundial. Behind the sundial the sun is setting behind the hills. The rays of the sun, plants and sundial are edged in silver. At the bottom of the sundial is a yellow banner with 'I mark but Sunny Hours' printed in black red and silver. Under the frame is 'Happiness betide thee' printed in black with a red capital H on a green background with a black & sliver edge and silver scrollwork. Car & insert held together with pale green cord.Raphael Tuck & Sonsperson, greeting cards, malone collection, malone collection, greeting cards -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue, watermarked, printed Doctor's Certificate certifying that James Bryant was unable to follow his employment. Signed by H. L. Atkinson and dated Sept 10th 1864. Attached to the certificate is a note from James Bryant claiming the funds of the Court being unable to attend his usual employment.. Signed James Bryant, Mark X. Dated 10 Sept 1864.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - correspondence, court king of the forest, james bryant, h l atkinson, bro clarke -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue printed Doctor's Certificate certifying that W H Bridgeman was unable to follow his employment. Signed by H. L. Atkinson and dated Sept 12th 1864. Attached to the certificate is a note from W. H. Bridgeman claiming the funds of the Court being unable to work. Signed with his mark and witnessed by Jas. Thos. Holl. Dated 12 Sept 1864.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - correspondence, court king of the forest, h s bridgeman, h l atkinson, jas thos holl, bro clarke -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue Doctor's Certificate dated Sep 6 1876 certifying that C Weip of A? Ck was able to follow his usual employment and signed by H (unreadable). Signed at the end by ? Weip declaring himself off the Sick Funds. Written on the back is Mrs Weip Mark - an X.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no 3770 collection - doctor's certifacate, court king of the forest, c weip, j brockley -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Nov. 30th 1870. I hereby Certify that Joseph Herz of Iron Bark is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. Also signed at the end Joseph Herz, his -- mark declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, joseph herz, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Dec 19th 1871. I hereby Certify that ? Schrader of Iron Bark is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. Also signed at the end ? Schrader, his X mark, declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - medical cetificate, court king of the forest, ? schrader, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Novr 24th 1867. I hereby certify that Jeremiah Dillon of New Zealand Gully Is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. M.D. Also signed Jeremiah Dillon, his mark X declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, jeremiah dillon, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Oct 31st 1867. I hereby certify that Richd Luke of Long Gully is able to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. M.D. Also signed at the end Richd Luke, his mark X, declaring himself off the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, richd luke, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue Doctor's Certificate dated Aug 17 1865 certifying that Pat Minogue of Sandhurst was unable to follow his usual employment. Signed by H. L. Atkinson, Court Surgeon. Printed by Bro. Clarke, Printer, 84, Moor Street, Fitzroy. Attached are two notes, the first, declaring himself on the Sick Fund and signed with his mark. The second is a note declaring himself off the Sick Fund and has his mark on it.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no 3770 collection - doctor's certificate, court king of the forest, pat minogue, h l atkinson, bro clarke -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated May 13th 1870. I hereby Certify that Adolph Witte of Victoria Hill is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. Also signed at the end A. Witte, his X mark declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, a witte, h l atkinson, j brockley -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated February 9th 1871. I hereby Certify that Joseph Kelteur of California Gully is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. Also signed at the end Joseph Kelteur, his X mark, declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, joseph kelteur, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Feby 20th 1868. I hereby certify that John McNamara of Dead Horse is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. M.D. Also signed at the end John Mcnamara, his X mark declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, john mcnamara, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Feby 10th 1868. I hereby certify that Hy. Ballman? Of Short St. is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. M.D. Also signed at the end Hy. Ballman, his X mark.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, hy ballman?, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated March 29th 1868. I hereby certify that ?mond Ruff of Long Gully is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. M.D. Also signed at the end - ?mond Ruff and X, his mark, declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, ?mond ruff, h l atkinson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Blue paper dated Sept 22nd 1867. I hereby certify that Geo. Catterson Smith of Iron Bark is unable to follow his usual employment. Signed H. L. Atkinson. M.D. Also signed at the end - Geo. Catterson Smith, his mark X, declaring himself on the Sick Funds of the Court.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - medical certificate, court king of the forest, geo catterson smith, h l atkinson -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Cough Mixture, 1906-1990 (ref. Trademark registration)
'Honeybrom' Trade mark 205, was first registered by F H Faulding in Australia ( Class 5: Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy), on 2 July 1906 and removed from the register on 2 July 1990. URL Rectangular clear glass bottle for screw top, but with only cork lining of top remaining, with a yellow label printed in dark brown and red, containing a dark brown viscous liquid.One base to one side 'A121' and on the other side '1960' or '19, symbol,0'. Paper label : 'Honeybrom REGD. TRADEMARK FAULDING'S COUGH ELIXIR An effective and agreeable preparation for the treatment of Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, and all Affections of the Chest and Lungs. DOSE: Adults : 1 teaspoonful every three or four hours. Children - Seven to Twelve Years : 1/2 of a teaspoonful every three or four hours. Two to Seven Years : 1/4 of a teaspoon every three or four hours. One to Two Years : 5 to 10 drops every three or four hours. Contents : 3 Fl. Ozs. F.H. Faulding & Co Ltd. Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane'.bottle, moulded glass. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Bottle, glass, post 1856
Henry Francis was previously in business at the goldfields at Ballarat, before coming to Melbourne in 1856. TROVE : Advocate (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868 - 1954), Saturday 19 July 1879, page 11. H. F R A N C I S & CO (Late FRANCIS & SWIFT) DISPENSING AND FAMILY CHEMISTS, M , 31 BOURKE ST. EAST, Melbourne. IMPORTERS OF Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical Instruments, And Surgical and Medical Appliances generally, H, FRANCIS & Co. solicit attention to their large and complete stock of WATER AND AIR-PROOF GOODS, Beds, Cushions, Mattresses. Pillows, Hot Water Bottles, Bed Sheeting, Portable Baths, Elastic Stockings, Ladies' Abdominal Belts, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, &c., Which, owing to their buying Direct from the Manufacturer, through their London agents, they are now able to supply at much' more reasonable rates than have hitherto obtained. THE GERMAN & FRENCH MINERAL WATERS Hunyadi Janos, Friedrichshall, Carlebad, Vichy, Pullna, Vale, &c., &c., Continually in stock, and supplied in quantities to suit purchasers. DISPENSARY AND RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT: 31 Bourke Street East; Melbourne. Wholesale Laboratory—Dawson Place, Swanston St, MEDICINE CHESTS SUPPLIED & REFITTED. TROVE : Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 17 January 1957, page 9 'ANTINOIS EAR PLUGS Ensure mental rest; soothe the nerves in factories, plane, or train travel 3 pairs, 2/6, post free H. Francis & Co., Box 5Ó2H, Melb.' Aqua tinted clear glass rectangular with angled corners in section bottle for stopper seal, with graduations on two sides for dosage quantities. Embossed text on front , angled sides and base.Embossed on base 'K' over '4616'. On one angled side graduation marks for one tablespoon doses, on other side graduation marks for two tablespoon doses, on front 'H. FRANCIS & Co'. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Terrestrite measuring equipment, 1888 (Approx)
8382.1 - Metal (likely steel) protractor, marked down to 0.5, used mostly in map drafting. 8382.2 - Wooden red velvet-lined case.- Flavelle bros and Roberts, Sydney and Brisbane. - 6692 a s x- similar marks were made and scratched out. - a h x -
Mount Evelyn History Group
Painting St Mark's, St Mark's Church of England, Mt Evelyn
... on the back:: H Hewitt 1927 Label on frame: H Hewitt 1927, St Mark's... Mt Evelyn melbourne Signature in bottom right hand corner: H ...The painting is made with oil on board, framed within a wide dark wood frame and covered with glass. The painting is signed: H Hewitt. There is a label on the frame and another label on the back.Signature in bottom right hand corner: H Hewitt. Also on the back:: H Hewitt 1927 Label on frame: H Hewitt 1927, St Mark's Church of England, Birmingham Road Mt Evelyn. Erected 1925, a building brought by bullock wagon from St. John's Lilydale. Same label on back. -
Coal Creek Community Park & Museum
Advertisement, W D & H O Wills
Small metal advertisement with stand at back. Dark blue background with light blue border depicting a packet of cigarettes with dark blue and white text, back cover is burgundy coloured.Medium Strength Capstan Registered Navy Cut Cigarettes W D & H O Wills Australia Ltd Sydney. Trade mark -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... painted black and red * no manufacturerer's marks * 180 mm H x... and red * no manufacturerer's marks * 180 mm H x 140 mm L x 50 mm ...Pittock collection: small transportable vice * vice painted black and red * no manufacturerer's marks * 180 mm H x 140 mm L x 50 mm W Item stired in Pittock coach builder's box, reference 13000.1. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Coloured photographs, multiple people, multiple photographs, A collection of photos sent by Leisa Alexander to the Bendigo Advertiser with members of the Richmond Cricket Club on them. a. Colour photo of Gavin Holland. b. Colour photo of Mark Simpson. c. Colour photo of David Harris. d. Colour photo of Matthew McLeay. e. Colour photo of Alan Wise. f. Colour photo of Matthew Galbraith. g. Colour photo of Sam Taylor. h. Ian Hewett. i. Colour photo of Jason Arnberger.Leisa Alexanderrecreations, sports, cricket -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Personal correspondence From: F. D. Jones, Hon. sec. LCC (Law Cricket Club), Albion Chambers, Sandhurst To: H. Richards Esq., Bank of Australasia, Shepparton Dated: 26 Nov 1877 written on fine writing paper Cpondition: damaged with rust marks