Showing 132 items
matching saw mills
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Side Bead Single Box moulding plane J Moseley & Sons maker also stamped Healy 188 High Street Poplar Surrey (retailers) marked (owners A Bowen & J W Gower Size 9/16"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Smoothing wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A smoothing plane is a wood plane used for making a smooth surface to wood surfaces traditionally, these planes were blocks of wear resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape or size required. The blade, or iron was likewise formed to the intended flat or level profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding and smoothing planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings or smoothing plane surfaces required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other worker to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by an unknown maker, that was made commercially for firms and individuals who worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a flat or level finish to timber. These types of planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve the required finish to timber surfaces used in cabinet making. This item is a significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools only. Smoothing Plane Coffin typeMaker J Moseley & Son London and 2¼" also has OS stamped on side (probably an owner)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - First Aid Case, Thomas Urquhart & Son Pty Ltd (Thos. Urquhart), 1930-1939
This small, portable 1930s Sanax First Aid Case has been strongly constructed, with corners reinforced with metal to take knocks and bumps, so it could be quickly transported to the site of an emergency. Having these supplies organised into a kit made them easily accessible and reduces time to take them to the site of the accident. It was possibly designed for use in factories because the booklet in the case states that the kit complies with “Part 1, Victorian Factories Regulations”. The text of the printed brand “Sanax First Aid Case” is right-way up when the case stands vertically on its hinged side. In modern times people are well aware of the importance of quick treatment when accident and injury occur. However, before the first commercial First Aid Kit was made by Johnson & Johnson in 1888, people had little knowledge about treating injuries and lacked information about suitable supplies to keep on hand for emergencies. They were often unaware of how to help in that critical time before the doctor or other assistance arrived, a particularly important time for the many people living in remote areas. A quote from Johnson’s & Johnson’s 1888 price list explains “It is a fact, which is everywhere being recognized, that many lives are lost and much suffering entailed in such accidents on account of the lack of the simple but necessary articles required to afford prompt assistance to the wounded.” One example of the value of First Aid assistance to community groups is shown in an article from the Weekly Times, 29th November 1930. It records a report from the Annuello Branch of the Younger Set (a Country Women’s Organisation), telling that on Armistice Day their president Mrs Jamieson, presented the Annuello School with the gift of a Sanax Red Cross First Aid outfit, which was accepted as being “of great practical use to the scholars.” (Annuello is a remote wheat growing area in the Mallee region of North Western Victoria, which became a soldier settlement area after World War I. There is a strain of wheat named ‘Annuello’ due to its suitability for that area. ) The Sanax Case in our Collection contains instructions, equipment and medical items suitable for use in emergency situations. The Case was one of 42 patterns available from Sanax that conformed to ‘Part 1, Victorian Factories Regulations’. It includes items made by Sanax Company and by Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd., Sydney, NSW. A quote at the back of the First Aid Emergency Instructions booklet says: “Sanax products are made in Australia by or under the supervision of qualified chemists, from the highest quality materials. They are dependable for the purposes written on labels.” BOOKLET included in First Aid Case: “SANAX” First-Aid Emergency Instructions has orange cover and white pages, joined in the centre by two staples. Booklet contains First Aid Instructions for general events listed in alphabetical order. It also contains an indexed sections headed “Poisoning, and what to do” written by S.A. Burrows, Ph.C., Vuc and N.Z. There are instructions and diagrams on how to perform Artificial Respiration. There are advertisement for Sanax products throughout the booklet that include; - Sanax Ambulance Stretcher for timber mills, mines, ships and quarries - Saw dust masks (porous rubber) for workers in dust, paint or duco sprayers Inside cover lists Sanax’s Australian made products including - tablets and powders for headaches, neuralgia, influenza, colds - snuff for Catarrh that is “quite harmless” - First Aid Cases that come in a range of 42 patterns - sunburn preventatives and treatments - healing salve for carbuncles, pock, pimples, boils, varicose ulcers etc. - snake bite outfits and kits LEAFLETS included in First Aid Case: (1) Tannafax Tannic Acid Jelly. Tannafax should be kept at hand in every home. It should be applied direct from the tube and used with neither oil nor grease. Where a large area has to be covered the clamped end may be torn or cut off to give a wider mouth to the tube. Collapsible tubes of different sizes. Made in Australia. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd. (Incorporated in England). Sydney, NSW. Assorted Houses, London, New York, Montreal, Cape Town, Milan, Bombay, Shanghai, Buenos Aires. Copyright A. 1817, J. 9463 (2) Tabloid. The strong thing is the just - - . Tabloid marks the wor - - Burroughs Wellcome & Comp. The use of the word is to enab – the prescriber, dispenser and patient to get the right thing with one short word, instead of the firm’s long name. If another maker apply the word to his product, the act is unlawful. Tabloid is our trade mark and brand. If a vendor disregard it in dispensing or selling, the act is unlawful for the same reason. We prosecute both offenders rigorously, in the interest of prescribers, dispensers, patients and the owners of the trade mark. Please inform us of any instance of either offence. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd. (Incorporated in England). Telephone Number - M 4184 (4 lines) All communications to G.P.O. Box No. 1185 DD. Copyright Sy. 20. & J 9894. Medicines and Equipment included in First Aid Case: - Absorbent Cotton, Sanax, for absorbing blood or drying a wound. As a swab for washing wounds; to place above a compress to keep the heat in: or as a pad to protect wounds or fractures. The Sanax Co. Manuf. Chemists, Melbourne. Regd. Office: 5 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. N.6. - ACHE tablets, Sanax, for all aches, pains, fevers etc. Dose: 2 to 3 tablets with a draught of water, every 3 hours. Children in proportion. For influenza or colds, take the bedtime dose with a hot lemon drink or toddy. Recommended for Headaches, Colds, Influenza, Fevers, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Nerve Pains, Sleeplessness, and Seasickness. Three Sanax Ache tablets equals one Sanax Ache powder. Each tablet contains 1.75grs. each Phenacotinum and Acety acSzilcyl, and .75grs Ammon Brom. Etc.. Sanax brand specialties are prepared by highly qualified pharmaceutical chemists and may be accepted as safe and effective for the purpose indicated on the label. The Sanax Co. Melbourne - Eye lotion, Sanax, “in eye bath full strength or diluted with equal parts of water. Sanax Co. Brunswich St, Fitzroy, Melbourne. - Iodine, Sanax, POISON, with instructions for what to do if swallowed. - Kuraburn, Sanax, Applied to the burn and allowed to dry, the pain and heat instantly disappear, and blistering is prevented. If necessary, apply again in an hours. To safeguard against burning when sunbathing, apply before exposure to the sun. If already sunburnet, use Kuraburn as directions above. Safe and harmless. Sole makers, The Sanax Co. Brunswick St. - - Vic. - Sal Volatile, Sanax, - - stimulant for - - nervous aches - - or as smelling salts Dose - - - - Solution of A- - - 5%, . The Sanax Co. Brunswick St, Melbourne. - Tannafax, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Australia Ltd. Sydney, N.S.W., 20gm. Approx., Tannic Acid Jelly, (Tannic Acid with 0.5% Phenol in a water-soluble base) for burns and scalds. A.N. 15050, p188, logo of a unicorn. Apply lightly, allow to dry, and bandage loosely. Do not apply oil or grease. - bottle wrapped in brown paper, unknown contents, paper adhered to bottle. - dish, kidney shaped, metal, white enamel with black rim - eye bath, green, plastic or Bakelite SANAX COMPANY The Sanax Company was at the address of 5 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy [Melbourne] at least as early as November 1924, as shown by its advertisement of Ache Powder in the Weekly Times, 8th November 1924. It was still at this address in September 1951, when it advertised First Aid outfits and components in the Post Master General’s section of the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. REFERENCES: Annuello, Victoria; Wikipedia,,_Victoria Annuello Younger Set, Branch Activities and Local Reports, Country Women’s Organisations, Weekly Times, 29 November 1930, Trove Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Issue 32, 24th April 1915, [Johnson & Johnson Price List, September 1, 1888, p. 20. From our archives], Celebrating the 125th Birthday of the First Aid Kit , The Story of Johnson & Johnson, , Post Master General’s section of the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, Issue No. 73, Thursday 27th September 1951 Sanax First Aid Emergency Instructions, by S.A. Burrows, publisher Sanax Ltd. Fitzroy, Victoria, 1930-1939 English, book, Illustrated edition, Trove Access to emergency medical help in early settlement days of Victoria could take quite some time, especially in remote areas. From 1888 First Aid Kits and instructions became available for work sites, offices, community groups and individuals, helping to bridge the gap between the accident and the arrival of medical assistance. This portable Sanax First Aid Case is an example of portable medical equipment made in Melbourne, Australia, in the 1930’s and available to the public. It contains a range of items plus information to be used in a variety of injuries and emergencies in in factories, households, businesses and local communities, and instructions on their use. First Aid Case, portable, Sanax First Aid Case. First Aid kit in strong black cardboard carry case with metal reinforced corners, metal hinges on lid, metal catch and leather carry handle. Inside lid is a vertical strap with narrow gap behind it. Base is divided into two compartments. Manufactured by Sanax, Fitzroy, Melbourne, C. 1930-1939 Contents include "Sanax" First Aid instructions booklet, 2 leaflets, metal kidney dish enamelled in white with black trim on edge, green plastic or Bakelite eye bath, eye lotion, Tannafax tannic acid jelly, Sal Volitile, Kuraburn, Iodine, Argyrol, ACHE tablets, absorbent cotton in cardboard box, gauze bandage, and UNKNOWN wrapped bottle. Printed in gold on lid of case “SANAX” FIRST AID CASE. Most of the contents, as well as the case, show the “SANAX” brand. Some contents are inscribed Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (Australia) Ltd., flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, first aid items, first aid kit, emergency first aid, medical emergency kit, home emergency kit, industrial emergency kit, sanax company fitzroy melbourne, burroughs wellcome & co. (australia) ltd, thos. urquhart & son pty. ltd. melbourne, sanax first aid case, sanax first-aid emergency instructions, part 1 victorian factories regulations, tabloid medical supplies -
Greensborough Historical Society
Award - Trophy, Thomastown Golf Club, Thomastown Golf Club. C Grade Perpetual Trophy 1980-1991, 1980-1991
... ; 1981 S. Sia; 1982 Darrell Mills; 1983 L Saw; 1984, 1988... by: 1980 D. Roberts; 1981 S. Sia; 1982 Darrell Mills; 1983 L Saw ...Golf trophy awarded by the Thomastown Golf Club. The C Grade Perpetual Trophy 1980-1991 was won by: 1980 D. Roberts; 1981 S. Sia; 1982 Darrell Mills; 1983 L Saw; 1984, 1988 and 1990 Bob Jones; 1985 D. Graham; 1986 Gerorge Stewart; 1987 Graem McRobbie; 1989 Bruce Banks; 1991 Rodney McDonald.Thomastown Golf Club was a social club formed in 1976. This is part of the Robert (Bob) Jones collection of Club memorabilia.Golf trophy, plastic golfer on plastic trophy on timber base."Thomastown Golf Club. C Grade Perpetual Trophy 1980-1991" engraved on plaque, winners' names on base.thomastown golf club, golf trophies, bob jones -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
This timber mill was moved from Halls Gap to Mt William soon after the rush began. Those pictured (from left to right) are: E Evans, J Smith, D Patterson, Mr Chandler (the owner), J Delley, G Folkes and J Chamings.The photo shows seven men grouped around a large saw, which is driven by a traction engine. There arethree large logs and wood scraps in the foreground and a pile of sawdust can be seen behind the saw.timber industries, logging, sawmilling -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W, C 1910
Unknown timber mill in the Grampians.The photo shows an open sided building. In the building there is cut wood stacked on a trolley to the left with further, further cut wood in front of it. A steam engine can be seen in the far side of the building. Off-cuts and saw dust are visible in front of the building.timber industries, logging, sawmilling -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Magazine, Sun News-Pictorial, Bush Fires: A pictorial survey of Victoria's most tragic week, January 8-15, 1939, 1939
THE WEEK REVIEWED (Article; Bush Fires: A pictorial survey of Victoria's most tragic week, January 8-15, 1939. Published in aid of the Bush Fire Relief Fund by the Sun News-Pictorial in co-operation with its newsagents, pp2-3) THE fiercest bush fires Australia has known since its discovery are quiescent at the moment, and Victoria, in the comparative coolness of the change which came with rain on Sunday night, has begun·to count its losses. In the fiery eight days, from Sunday to Sunday, at least sixty-six men, women and children have lost their lives in forest fires, or have succumbed to burns and shock; many others have died from heat; and several serious cases of burns are being treated in hospitals. Two babies in Narrandera district have died, and ten others are in hospital, because of milk soured by the record temperatures of those eight days. Forest damage totals at least a million pounds, and incalculable damage has been done to the seedlings which were to have been the forests of the future. Water conservation will be seriously affected by the silting-up of reservoirs and streams from which protective timber has been taken by the all-engulfing flames. More than a thousand houses have been destroyed, and these, with 40 mills, and schools, post-offices, churches, and other buildings, represent a loss of at least half a million. At least 1500 are homeless. For their aid, money raised in appeals has now passed the £50,000 mark, and the biggest relief organisation ever set up in peace time has swung into operation. The First Hint Victoria's first hint of what was to come appeared on Sunday, January 8, when most parts of the State awoke to find a blistering day awaiting. At 12.20 p.m., when the thermometer reached its highest for the day, 109.6 degrees, the first fire victims were at that moment going to their death on a bush track five feet wide off the main road to Narbethong. They were the forestry officers Charles Isaac Demby and John Hartley Barling, who went to warn Demby of his danger when he parted from his companions, and was himself surrounded by the treacherous fire. It was not until 8 o'clock next morning that the tragic news was flashed throughout the State. Searchers found the two charred bodies close together, one seeking protection in the nook of two logs. Barling's watch had stopped at 1.20. In the meantime, tragedy was spreading its cloak. By Monday, big fires were raging at Toolangi, Erica, Yallourn, Monbulk, Frankston, Dromana, Drouin South, Glenburn, and Blackwood, with smaller outbreaks at many other centres. In the ensuing week, while women and children were evacuated as fast as the flames would permit, Erica-scene of the 1926 fire disaster-thrice escaped doom by a change of wind. Indeed, those who have been in the fire country these past days say that the numbers of times a change of wind has saved towns from destruction is amazing. In the towns they speak of miracles. Monday's Miracles The escapes from Monett's Mill at Erica and from the Hardwood Company's Mill at Murrindindi, near where Demby and Barling went to their death, were Monday's miracles. Twenty came out alive from each mill. At the first a 60ft. dugout provided an oven-like refuge; at the second, 12 women and children survived in the smoke-filled gloom of a three-roomed cottage while their eight men, their clothes sometimes afire, poured water on the wooden walls. Three houses out of ten remained when the fire had passed. Record Temperatures Sunday had been the hottest Melbourne day for 33 years; Monday dropped to a 76.1 degree maximum; but Tuesday dawned hotter than ever, the mercury reaching 112.5. By now rumor was racing ahead of fact; whole towns were being reported lost; the alarm was raised for scores of missing persons. But fact soon overtook rumor, and within a few days the staggering toll began to mount to a figure beyond the wildest imaginings of the panic-stricken. Six died from heat on this torrid Tuesday, and the fires spread in a wide swathe from south-west to north-east across the State. Fish died in shallow streams. A curtain of smoke hid the sky from all Victoria, and hung far out to sea. It alarmed passengers on ships. On the Ormonde, on the voyage to Sydney from Burnie, women ran on deck, believing fire had broken out in the hold. Days later the smoke reached New Zealand. In Melbourne thousands of fire-volunteers were leaving in cars: vans, motor-buses-anything reliable on wheels-to aid the country in its grim fight. In the fires at Rubicon and. Narbethong, seventeen were facing death this day. But not till Wednesday, when Melbourne breathed again in a cool change, while the country still sweltered in temperatures up to 117 degrees, did the news come through the tree blocked roads. A woman and her little daughter, trapped on the road, were among those who died. Their bodies, and those of menfolk with them, were found strewn out at intervals along the road, where the furnace of the surrounding fire had dropped them in their tracks as they ran. Twelve died at a Rubicon mill, five on the road at Narbethong. At Alexandra, not far distant, a baby was born while the fires raged, and stretcher-bearers brought in the injured. On Thursday the State Government voted £5000 for the relief of fire victims. The Governor (Lord Huntingfield) and the Lord Mayor (Cr. Coles) visited some of the stricken areas, and dipped into their pockets personally. Later, the City Council, too, voted £5000. Friday, The 13th Friday, the Thirteenth, justified its evil name. A blistering northerly came early in the morning, presaging destruction, and forcing the mercury to a new record of 114 degrees. Racing fires killed at least ten in those terrible 12 hours. Four children were engulfed in the furnace at Colac. Panic drove them, uncontrollable, into the smoke-filled road when the fire raced down behind their home. They choked to death. In other parts fires were joining to make fronts of scores of miles. Kinglake was being menaced on two fronts, £60,000 worth of timber was going up in smoke in Ballarat district. Warburton was surrounded. Residents at Lorne, favoured resort, were being driven to the sea-front by a fire which destroyed at least 20 homes. Healewille. with flames visible from the town at one stage, was in a trough between two fires which burned four guest-houses, seven homes and left its surrounding beauty-spots wastes of bowed-over, blackened tree-fern fronds; with its famous Sanctuary, however, intact. Most of Omeo was destroyed this black day: Noojee. while 200 residents crouched in the river, was being reduced to a waste of buckled iron and smoking timber; Erica was once again saved by a change of wind. Beneath a pall of smoke, the Rubicon victims were buried at Alexandra. Friday night and the early hours of Saturday saw the streets of beleagured towns strewn with exhausted fire-fighters. Their flails beside them, ready for the next call, they lay where exhaustion overtook them-on footpaths, beside lamp-posts, in gutters, in cars, under trucks. Saturday's dawn brought clear skies and lower temperatures in many parts, and from the burnt-out areas came a great rush of tragic reports. The death-roll rushed past the fifty mark with incredible speed. Some had been trapped on roads, others at mills; some, after burying their treasures, had clung too long to the places they had made their homes for many years. Four men lost their lives because one went back for his dog. By Sunday, when the first of the saving rain came, nearly another score of names had been added to the list.Newspaper magazine, 48 pages (incl. covers). Fully digitised and searchable PDFPublished in aid of the Bush Fire Relief Fund by the Sun News-Pictorial in co-operation with its newsagents.bushfires, 1939 bushfires, black friday, warrandyte -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sawing timber at Hurstbridge
Workmen working with cut logs and a circular saw blade in an outdoor setting at Hurstbridge. In 1920 the Hurstbridge sawmill site was situated on 6 acres and was advertised for sale. This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, hurstbridge, timber mill, logs, lumber trade, timber, sawmill -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cutting timber for Browns Mill, Kinglake District
Loggers from Brown's Mill, Kinglake use a hand saw to remove bark and split a tree trunk after its felling in the Kinglake forest. Circa 1923.This photo forms part of a collection of photographs gathered by the Shire of Eltham for their centenary project book, "Pioneers and Painters: 100 years of the Shire of Eltham" by Alan Marshall (1971). The collection of over 500 images is held in partnership between Eltham District Historical Society and Yarra Plenty Regional Library (Eltham Library) and is now formally known as 'The Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph Collection.' It is significant in being the first community sourced collection representing the places and people of the Shire's first one hundred years.Digital imagesepp, shire of eltham pioneers photograph collection, kinglake, browns mill, logging, loggers, lumber trade, brown's mill, kingake national park, forest, bush -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, VR Printing Works, 1975
The Donchi family has ben involved in sleeper cutting in the Orbost district since the 1890s. This phootograph , one of a set of six, was taken for the Victorian Railways Magazine, August,1975, a pamphlet produced for Victorian Railways. It contains photographs and an article about Orbost as "Timber Country" and a detailed article titled, " Cutting Sleepers is a Family Business" which tells about the Donchi family.Name Associated with the timber and sleeper-cutting industry in the Orbost Region. Timber sleepers were superceded by concrete sleepers in c. 1970s. Orbost has historically been based on the timber industry, but that industry has declined considerably over the last 20 years. The number of locals involved in the timber industry has declined and many of the mills have closed. This item reflects a time when that industry was a significant contributor to the economy of the district.A black / white photograph of Pat, Ken and Alan Donchi working a large saw at a timber coupe in Orbost.on back - Pr 8767timber-industry-orbost sleeper-cutting-orbost donchi-family -
Orbost & District Historical Society
knife and fork, Joseph Rodgers & Son
The Tabbara Sawmill was located at Brodribb River, at the lower Snowy River estuary. In the early 1900’s bow saws and broad axes were used to selectively log the forest. Ox driven carts pulled the logs to the Snowy River; the logs were floated downstream to the steam powered mill. The PS Curlip steamboat, transported the timber to growing townships, for schools, houses and farms. The mill closed in 1903. Knife and fork with steel blades and bone handles..Knife - Joseph Rodgers & Son Cuttlers to her Majestyknife fork cutlery domestic-item rodgers-joseph -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photographs, 3281.1 : September 1987
3281.1 is a photograph of Terry Martin. "Terry Martin travelled to Melbourne to Melbourne to display his extensive collection of axes and to demonstrate the art of broadaxe cutting. The axe Terry is holding is over 200 years old and is believed to have been used by ship builders in their trade. Terry makes his own axe handles from district timber." (Snowy River Mail 23 September 1987) 3281.2 is of Erasmo Giove. who came to Australia with his wife, Mina. They eventually settled in Orbost where Erasmo worked as a sleeper cutter withn his wife working alongside him. The Gioves lived with their four children, Tina, Rocco, Benodino and Graziela, in Forest Road, Orbost,These photographs are associated with the timber and sleeper-cutting industry in the Orbost Region. Timber sleepers were superceded by concrete sleepers in c. 1970s. Orbost has historically been based on the timber industry, but that industry has declined considerably over the last 20 years..The number of locals involved in the timber industry has declined and many of the mills have closed. This item reflects a time when that industry was a significant contributor to the economy of the district.3281.1 is of a man standing holding a long handled axe. 3281.2 is of a man holding a cross cut saw and holding in the other hand a framed photograph of a swing saw.woodcutting-tools axe saw-cross-cut saw-swing timber-orbost sleeper-cutting giove-erasmo martin-terry -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Mechanics' Magazine vol. 3, 1825 (exact)
Hardcovered book, half leather bound with marbled paper. Formerly book number 4040 from the Ballaarat East Public Library. Contents include: new pit-saw, self-moving carriage (car), Lord Worcestor's steam engine, extinction of fires, Cameron's Soda Water Apparatus, Newton's Lectures on Astronomy, coining at the Royal Mint, mechanical geometry, lifting ships by steam, voltaic-mechanic agent, steam navigation, portable hand-mill, Brown's pneumatic engine, Bell's invention for saving lives from shipwreck, triple pump, cycloidal chuck, potato-washer, sand clock, Galvanic electricity, perpetual motion, Hadley's Quadrent, Wollaston's Night-Bolt, rope bridges, boring machinery, locomotive steam-engines, new London Bridge, naval architecture, steam and water wheel, Spencer's Patent Forge, boat with wings, ivory profile portraits, Jenning's Gas burner, Ramage's Telescope, washing machine, tallow lamp, iron masts, self regulating pendulum, prismatic compass, simple blowpipe. Includes image of Henry Brougham, and many drawings of inventions.non-fictioncar, newton, fire, shipwreck, bell, naval architecture, locomotive, ballaarat east public library, ballarat east public library, ballarat east library, henry brougham, potassium, meridian lines, pit saw, self moving carriage, lord worcestor, steam engine, cameron s, soda water, astronomy, royal mint, mechanical geometry, lifting ships by steam, voltaic mechanic agent, steam navigation, hand mill, brown s pneumatic engine, triple pump, cycloidal chuck, potato washer, sand clock, galvanic electricity, perpetual motion, hadley s quadrent, wollaston s night bolt, rope bridges, boring machinery, steam engines, new london bridge, steam and water wheel, spencer s patent forge, boat with wings, ivory profile portraits, jenning s gas burner, ramage s telescope, washing machine, tallow lamp, iron masts, self regulating pendulum, prismatic compass, simple blowpipe, bookplate -
Bright & District Historical Society operating the Bright Museum
Photograph Bright Pine Mill, Log Truck unloading logs at Bright Pine Mill
... Mill. Sawmill closed in 1974. Photograph Saw milling log ...Log trucks operated by Harry Hargreaves from 1937-1974 under contract to Bright Pine Mill.Sawmill closed in 1974.International log truck unloading from near side. Rear whphotograph, saw milling, log carting, forestry, log truck -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Bench Saw Vice, Henry Disston & Sons, 1910 -1925
... constructed a special rolling mill exclusively for saw blades. Over... constructed a special rolling mill exclusively for saw blades. Over ...The subject item is a saw blade sharpening clamp that attaches to a bench allowing the operator to sharpen the teeth on a saw with a file while keeping the saw blade in an upright position. Henry Disston (1819–1878) began his career as an American saw maker in Philadelphia. He emigrated from England in 1833 and started making saws and squares in 1840. In 1850, he founded the company that would become the largest saw maker in the world the ”Keystone Saw Works” on the Delaware River. Some five years later, Disston built a furnace possibly the first melting plant for steel in America and began producing the first crucible saw steel ever made in the United States. While his competitors were buying good steel from Britain, he was making his own, to his specification, for his own needs. Disston subsequently constructed a special rolling mill exclusively for saw blades. Over the following decade, the Disston company continued to grow, even while dedicating itself to the Union Army's war effort. In 1865, when his son Hamilton Disston rejoined the business after serving in the Civil War, Disston changed the company's name to Henry Disston & Son. Henry Disston and his sons set the standards for American saw makers, both in terms of producing high-quality saws and developing innovative manufacturing techniques. Disston also started making files in 1865. In September 1872, Henry Disston and two other men dug a part of the foundation for what was to become the largest saw manufacturing facility in the world: Disston Saw Works. This was in the Tacony section of Philadelphia. Having previously moved his expanding business from near Second and Market Streets to Front and Laurel Streets, Disston sought to establish his business away from this cramped area. It took over 25 years to move the entire facility to Tacony. This Philadelphia neighborhood seems to have been the only company town in the United States established within an existing city. At its peak of operations, Disston Saw Works employed 8,000 people and the factory covered 300 acres. The company, known as Henry Disston and Sons, Inc by the early 20th century, cast the first crucible steel in the nation from an electric furnace in 1906. The firm's Armour plate building near Princeton Avenue and Milnor Street contributed tremendously to the World War II effort. But the company's innovation and industriousness would not last forever. In 1955, with mounting cash-flow problems and waning interest on the family's part to run the firm, Henry Disston and Sons were sold to the H.K. Porter Company of Pittsburgh. Porter's Disston Division was sold in 1978 and became the Henry Disston Division of Sandvik Saw of Sweden. This division was then sold in 1984 to R.A.F. Industries of Philadelphia and became known as Disston Precision Incorporated, a maker of specialized flat steel products. In 2013, R.A.F. Industries sold Disston Precision Inc. in a private sale. Although the company has ceased making Disston handsaws, the Disston brand name still exists in this firm. A significant American company that pioneered the making of high-quality steel and saws along with other tools and accessories. The subject item is significant as it was made at a time when the company was in its hay day. Adjustable Ball & Socket Saw Sharpening vice, cast iron, with clamp to attach to a workbench. Made by Henry Disston & Co. No 1 painted greyflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, saw clamp, henry disston & sons, saw sharpening, tool accessories, wood saws -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Wood Plane, Late 19th to early 20th century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers' shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will named his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard's estate when he died in 1856. From John's will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool-making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield.A vintage tool made by a well-known company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could remove large amounts of timber. These jack or dressing planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a flat and even finish to timber surfaces and came in many sizes. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that is still in use today with early models sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other finishes were created on timber by the use of cutting-edged hand tools. Tools that were themselves handmade show the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative or even finish that was needed for the finishing of timber items.Jack Plane metal body with rose wood filler.Mosley & Sons London No 2flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, john moseley & son, jack plane, woodworking tool, carpenders tools, cabinet makers tools -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Saw gauge, Henry Disston, 1890-1920
... : Henry Disston (1819–1878) began his career as an American saw...: Henry Disston (1819–1878) began his career as an American saw ...Disston Saw Works of Philadelphia was one of the better known and highly regarded manufacturers of handsaws in the United States. During the Machine Age, the company was known as Henry Disston & Sons, Inc. a supplier of industrial saw blades. History: The story of handsaws in the United States mirrors the technical and development of steel in Sheffield, England, which was the center of handsaw production during the 18th century and through most of the 19th century. England's political and economic lock-on steel making in the colonies held American saw makers at bay until well after the Revolutionary War. American steel producers were unable to compete until the US government introduced import tariffs to level the playing field in 1861. Henry Disston: Henry Disston (1819–1878) began his career as an American saw maker in Philadelphia. He had emigrated from England in 1833 and started making saws and squares in 1840. In 1850, he founded the company that would become the largest saw maker in the world, the Keystone Saw Works. Some five years later, Disston built a furnace—perhaps the first melting plant for steel in America and began producing the first crucible saw steel ever made in the United States. While his competitors were buying good steel from Britain, he was making his own, to his specification, for his own needs. Disston subsequently constructed a special rolling mill exclusively for saw blades. Over the following decade, the Disston company continued to grow, even while dedicating itself to the Union Army's war effort. In 1865, when his son Hamilton Disston rejoined the business after serving in the Civil War, Disston changed the company's name to Henry Disston & Son. Henry Disston and his sons began to set the standards for American saw makers, both in terms of producing high-quality saws and files in 1865 through his development of innovative manufacturing techniques. In September 1872, Henry Disston and two other men dug a part of the foundation for what was to become the largest saw manufacturing facility in the world: Disston Saw Works. This was in the Tacony section of Philadelphia. Having previously moved his expanding business from near Second and Market Streets to Front and Laurel Streets. It took over 25 years to move the entire facility to Tacony. Henry Disston was renowned for having one of the first industries that exhibited environmental responsibility, as well as a paternalistic view towards his employees. For example, he had thousands of homes built in Tacony for his workmen. Funds to purchase these homes were made available through a building and loan association set up by the Disston firm. His caring influence on the community was evident in everyday life. To meet employees' cultural needs, a hall and a library were built with Henry Disston agreeing to pay a fixed sum towards its maintenance. The Tacony Music Hall was erected in 1885, also with the assistance of Disston money. Henry Disston had fallen ill by 1877 and never truly recovered; he suffered a stroke and died the next year. This came only one and a half years after seeing his products receive the highest honors at the great Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of 1876. His vision of a working-class community and the completion of the transfer of his enormous saw plant was carried out by his wife and his sons. The company, by the early 20th century, cast the first crucible steel in the nation from an electric furnace in 1906. The firm's armor-plate building near Princeton Avenue and Milnor Street contributed tremendously to the World War II effort. But the company's innovation and industriousness would not last forever. In 1955, with mounting cash-flow problems and waning interest on the family's part to run the firm, Henry Disston and Sons were sold to the H.K. Porter Company of Pittsburgh. Porter's Disston Division was sold in 1978 and became the Henry Disston Division of Sandvik Saw of Sweden. This division was then sold in 1984 to R.A.F. Industries of Philadelphia and became known as Disston Precision Incorporated, a maker of specialized flat steel products. In 2013, R.A.F. Industries sold Disston Precision Inc. in a private sale. Although the company has ceased making Disston handsaws, the Disston brand name still exists in this firm. A tool used to set and sharpen cross cut saws used to fell trees for building construction made by a well known American maker whos firm pioneered the making of saws and their related items including files.combination cross cut saw raker and gauge/jointerDisston USA in the castingflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Moulding wood Plane, Mid to Late 19th Century
A moulding plane is a specialised plane used for making the complex shapes found in wooden mouldings that are used to decorate furniture or other wooden objects. Traditionally, moulding planes were blocks of wear-resistant hardwood, often beech or maple, which were worked to the shape of the intended moulding. The blade or iron was likewise formed to the intended moulding profile and secured in the body of the plane with a wooden wedge. A traditional cabinetmakers shop might have many, perhaps hundreds, of moulding planes for the full range of work to be performed. Large crown mouldings required planes of six or more inches in width, which demanded great strength to push and often had additional peg handles on the sides, allowing the craftsman's apprentice or other workers to pull the plane ahead of the master who guided it. John Moseley & Son: Records indicate that before 1834, the firm is listed at number 16 New Street, London and according to an 1862 advertisement the shop had been established in New Street since 1730, The Sun insurance records from the time show that John Moseley was the possessor of a horse mill in the yard of his premises, which means that some kind of manufacturing was taking place, as the mill would have provided power to run a saw or perhaps a grinding wheel so the probability is that he did not just sell tools, he made them as well. John Moseley died in 1828 and his will he names his four sons: John, Thomas, William and Richard. To complicate matters he also had brothers with the same first names; brothers Richard (of Piccadilly) and William (of Peckham Rye) are named as two of the executors. Brother Thomas is not mentioned in this will, but became a minister and was one of the executors of brother Richard’s estate when he died in 1856. From John’s will, we also learn that, although the shop was in New Street, he resided in Lympstone, Devon. The family must have had a house in that county for quite some time as both sons Richard and William are baptised in Devon, although John and Thomas were baptised in London. In the 1841 and 1851 census records, we just find William in New Street, but in 1861 both William and Richard are listed there as toolmakers. That Richard was staying overnight at New Street was probably just accidental as in 1851 and 1871, we find him with his wife Jane and children in Clapham and Lambeth respectively. In 1851 Richard is listed as “assistant clerk cutlery warehouse” and in 1871 as “retired plane maker and cutler”. Although the actual place of work is not stated, one may assume he worked in the family business. 1862 is a year full of changes for the firm. In that year, William had a new property built at 27 Bedford Street. In the catalogue for the 1862 International Exhibition, 54 Broad Street (later 54-55 Broad Street) is listed for the first time, which may very well coincide with the split of the business into a retail and a wholesale branch. Around the same time, they must have moved from New Street to 17 & 18 King Street because their manufacturing premises had been pulled down to form the New Street from Cranbourne Street to King Street. In January 1865, William died and Richard continued the business. In 1867, the partnership he had with his son Walker and Thomas Elis Hooker, is dissolved. Richard continued tool making at King Street and Bedford Street. Richard retired somewhere between 1867 and 1871, but the business continued. The business is taken over by W M Marples & Sons and tools continued to be made in London until 1904 when manufacturing relocated to Sheffield. A vintage tool made by a well documented company, this item was made commercially for firms and individuals that worked in wood and needed a tool that could produce a ornamental finish to timber. The tool was used before routers and spindle moulders came into use after World War ll, a time when to produce a decorative moulding for a piece of furniture, door trims etc or other items had to be accomplished using hand tools and in particular one of these types of planes. These profiled planes came in various shapes and sizes to achieve a decorative finish. A significant tool from the mid to late 19th century that today is quite rare and sought after by collectors. It gives us a snapshot of how furniture and other decorative finishes were created on timber by the use of hand tools. Tools that were themselves hand made shows the craftsmanship used during this time not only to make a tool such as the subject item but also the craftsmanship needed to produce a decorative finish that was needed to be made for any timber item. Moulding Plane . J Moseley. maker and R Knight & J Heath also stamped stamped (Owners)flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, plane moulding, moulding plane, plane, j heath, moseley -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1949, 1949
School Council, Members of Staff, Principal's Page, Editorial, Magazine Committee 1949, News and Notes, Literary Society, Prize Presentation,The Corbould Travelling Scholarship, The Year's Sport with the Boys, Science School, The Apprentices, The Art School, The Preps and Dressmakers, The Girls' Associations, Commercial Notes, The Junior School, Junior School Sport, List of Full Course Students 1949, Students doing Trade Apprenticeship Courses, Junior Technical School Students 1949, FootballPale green soft covered magazine with purple font, 54 pages.ballarat school of mines, magazine, w. maddox, s. jones, a. fenton, h. tozer, s. ross, j. henderson, j. lyons, g. philpott, b. lette, m. grham, j. ellis, j. w. grove, b. bryan, r. w. richards, l. hillman, c. g. fairbank, j. barker, b. e. pitman, f. hamilton, m. morgan, r. l. cutter, g. w. mainwaring, lindsay pattenden, kevin whiter, bob davis, bruce tippett, geoff. edmonds, lance peach, crom. bray, alf. mckenzie, gwen mcdonnell, betty stafford, c. f. jeffrey, r. r. watson, maureen burt, hugh jeffrey, professor a. mica smith, william henry corbould, ronald g. berlyn, j. carmichael, n. campigli, r. spence, f. savage, d. powell, t. chapman, r. u'ren, a. mccallum, t. sawyer, c. k. mcdonald, c. restarick, j. brokenshire, i. durant, j. ballinger, j. dunstan, k. treloar, w. wray, c. sanos, j. wilson, m. mccarthy, j. boag, j. jopling, j. walton, t. duncan, j. hines, j. bethune, b. flavel, g. hindson, d. durant, b. pitman, r. tantau, g. hetherington, c. hobson, r. campbell, r. sheppard, n. morton, n. ludbrook, g. searle, m. murray, j. swain, j. vernon, g. r. mainwaring, margaret treganowan, w. tooth, j. andrews, s. quick, m. troon, g. george, m. lambert, v. daff, m. baker, j. bulluss, a. nelson, b. robinson, m. treganowan, c. fuller, l. greenbank, m. carroll, b. black, g. williams, p. reidy, b. nice, s. archibald, d. weatherill, h. coad, j. clark, wallace reid, j. sawyer, j. daly, l. regan, w. jenkins, l. mckenzie, c. lockhart, d. irish, m. mclean, r. kennedy, m. rough, g. allen, j. tolliday, r. bawden, w. mckenzie, b. thomas, r. ward, m. coleman, e. mackie, r. furlong, n. silvey, k. adams, j. blain, g. ching, h. saw, g. hannah, j. watts, j. mulrooney, n. andrews, s. hoffman, j. kimber, b. graham, j. boak, a. snell, r. wilkins, s. deans, g. delaland, a. johnston, n. hodder, a. mills, p. mclean, r. bunting, i. parrot, n. shiltz, j. bastin, h. clark, k. cooper, r. carter, l. owen, r. walters, l. whitcher, i. robertson, f. young, c. hay, i. connell, r. riddiford, a. whytes, h. flack, a. aggett, g. stimson, l. fuhrmeister, g. holmes, d. lochead, baseball, football, alfred mica smith, geoff mainwaring, richard w. richards, r.w. richards, dick richards, william corbould, corbould travelling scholarship, alfred mckenzie, geoffrey mainwaring, john vernon -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Tools, large Saw, 2 man, c1900
Early settlers had to clear the land of trees and shrubs to establish and maintain their farms and market gardens. Some settlers worked in the Gippsland region felling timber for transport by bullock wagons to Melbourne. Two-man crosscut saws were primarily important when human power was used. Such a saw would typically be 1 to 4 m (4 to 12 feet) long, and sometimes up to 5 m (16 feet), with a handle at each end. The technique in using a two-man saw involved a sawyer standing at each end and together the sawyers would alternate pulling the saw through the wood. If the kerf -slit- began closing, causing the saw to bind, wedges would be inserted behind the saw blade in order to keep the kerf open.Two-man saws were designed to cut in both directions. Careful tooth design was necessary to clear the sawdust during the cut. This is a typical two-man tree felling saw that was necessary to clear the land when the pioneers were establishing their market gardens and farms in Parish of Moorabbin c1850A long steel blade saw with 2 wood handles c1900tools, saws, axes, early settlers, pioneers, market gardeners, dairy farms, orchards, vineyards, timber mills, bullock wagons, tree felling, timber mills, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, parish of moorabbin, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman stephen, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Photograph, Black & White Mrs J.L.Smith & Butcher, 1915
The Butcher Mr Bill Ellin delivering meat to Mrs J.L.Smith in front of the house Law Muir Den 510 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1915. Groceries, Ice, Milk, Bread, Eggs, Poultry were delivered to housewives by the traders in horse drawn carts, Also Hawkers and Pedlars plied their wares by visiting the cottages. John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.A Black and white photograph c 1915 showing the Butcher delivering meat to Mrs J.L Smith Bentleighsmith j l, smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, bent thomas, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards, william ellin, butcher -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph - Washing Day at 'Law Muir Den' Mrs J L Smith c1910, c1910
Mrs J.L.Smith and Ada Smith in the backyard of the house Law Muir Den 510 Centre Rd Bentleigh c 1910. . The early settler women usually devoted a whole day to washing as it was very labourious. A fire was lit in a stone pit and a large tub of water boiled. Soap that had been made, usually in the previous Autumn, from fat drippings and caustic soda, was flaked into the tub to form suds. The clothes were moved around in the tub with a long wooden paddle that was also used to lift the clothes out of the tub into another tub of cold rinsing water..Stains were removed by scrubbing soap on the cloth against a scrubbing board. Clothes were wrung by hand or a mechanical wringer and hung on the clothes line to dry. Mary Ann Smith was married John Logan Smith 1860-1932 who at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Photograph, Black & White, showing 2 women washing clothes in a large tub, set over a fire in a stone pit, in the back yard. Clothes are hanging from a rope line strung between 2 trees and held up with a wooden 'prop' -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White J. L. Smith Hay & Grain Store Bentleigh c1910, c1910
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Black & white photograph of the Hay & Grain Store of John Logan Smith 1860-1932 on the corner of Jasper Rd and Centre Rd Bentleigh ( East Brighton) c1910. A Horse drawn cart loaded with hay and another outside the first building used by J L Smith -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J.L.Smith Hay & Grain Store c1916 Bentleigh, 1916
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Black & White photograph of J L Smith Hay & Grain Store and Crushing Mill Jasper Rd / Centre Rd Bentleigh 1916. A veranda has been added to the store, new signage attached and a Gas light and hitching post are in foreground. 3 Horse drawn carts loaded with grain bags and drivers sitting on top of loadV. Smithgas street light, hitching posts, smith vic, photography, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, x 2 ,Black & White, F Smith Horse drawn cart loaded, Baled Straw, Grain, c1920
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 J L Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery. J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.2 x Black & White photographs showing horse drawn carts loaded with (a) Hay and (b) bags of grain outside J.L.Smith Grain & Chaff Store Centre Rd Bentleigh c1920smith frank, smith arch, smith tom, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
140 Loose pages titled The Bendigo Saleyards Economic Viability Study. Report written by Kate Millard on behalf of the Bendigo Development Committee Inc. Contents include: Chapter 1 - Background Information, Chapter 1 - Present Operations at the Saleyards, Chapter 3 - Economic Factors, Chapter 4 - Environmental Factors, Chapter 5 - Selling Techniques, Chapter 6 - Employment Study, Management and Sundry Issues, Chapter 7 - Survey of Farmers and Saleyard Users in the 'Catchment Area', and Chapter 8 - Recommendations of the Report. Includes diagrams and maps. Recommendations printed on dark yellow paper.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - the bendigo saleyards economic viability study, bendigo development committee inc., kate millard, loddon campaspe planning authority, street, ryan and associates, bendigo city council, strathfieldsaye shire council, department of industry technology & resources, national library of australia, meldrum burows & partners, core wilson sayer, town planning appeals panel, ces, victorian farmers and graziers association, stock agents association, department of agriculture, department of industry technology & resources, department of conservation forests and land, cr jock comini, rca depot, wellsford rifle range, bendigo airport, bendigo field naturalists club, mr david kennedy, mr john brumby, mr john radford, neil o'keefe, bendigo east progress association, bendigo east traders, trades hall council, mr tom uren, mr frank wilkes, mr bruce reid, mr k i m wright, mr e t ebery, bendigo pastoral council of the vfga, victorian meatworks association, bendigo stock & station agents association, rutlands transport, mr don pickles, country abattoirs & wholesalers association association of victoria, meat and allied trade federation of australia, bendigo saleyards advisory committee, bendigo residents & ratepayers association, a h & n graham, mrs p unmack australian bureau of statistics, mr lloyd houlden, cr c rodda, mr jolly, mr tony milanese, dr robert carter, university of melbourne, bendigo college of tafe, t matthews, a s & r d rutland, john kerr, j talbot, g l o'sullivan, penney & lang pty ltd, graeme pickering, pickhall j w & sons, r a plant, w k schmidt, t j vick, k & j wignall, a e wright, g chapman, a j gillies, p g & m m harris, ian r hollingsworth, b kennedy, s letcher, s & d k letcher, p m llewellyn, l g mason, boyer r t, connally m f, kennedy & mortlock, nevins j p, r w johnstone, w j keith, b d kelly, notman r, pitts a j & c a, pitts mervyn l & co, rowe w o, warren k m, associated stock & station agents, dalgety farmers ltd, elders dsm estates, ellis nuttall & co, gallagher g d, hamilton real estate, mcgregor ralph h & co, mckean w & co, miller turner livestock co, vains e m & co, victorian producers, hill m j & co, bennetts meats, comell bros, davis b & d, hardwick g f & v c, penney & lang p/l, tendercut meats, northern seed supply co, bendigo fertilizers, agri business pty ltd, agrilink consulting group pty ltd, acil aust pty ltd, mcgowan & associates, chapman w c, talbot e j, mcculloch w & sons pty ltd, k v equipment, commercial egg producers assoc co-op, monsanto aust ltd, balmer bryan r, barry i j, bath l, clarke b j, treacy k m, turner j m, bendigo mower serv pty ltd, everlast concrete tank tyltd, wicks bros, canvas goods, don mcarthur, bendigo communications, transcom, emdell pty ltd, epsom pharmaceutical supplies, sandhurst fencing pty ltd, arnolds gates & fencing, r furniss, carne neville, awa & unicla, ajm refrigeration, bendigo concrete sawing service, hamilton r j, hearpes t w, j e brown, campey dr a r, fyffe j j, kangaroo flat vet clinic, ottrey k e, bendigo sprinkler installations, milnes irrigation, onga pumpshop, barastoc products, bush's produce stores, epsom produce, k m m pty ltd, bendigo grain co, eaglehawk chaff mills, grain elevators board dept, bonneys pest control, knights pest control, brown wk & l d, bendigo sewerage authority, bendigo water board, aci computer services, leham donald, a e hueffer & associates, wolmoke planners, p langley, mr ken strachan, mr evan jones, mr peter byrnes, mr wayne street, street ryan & associates -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Typed and handwritten notes. Mentioned are: - Some Notes Concerning The Eaglehawk Logs, Damaging the Stormwater Channel, where some Chinese were digging away the Creek, the cutting down of the giant gum tree which gave One Tree Hill its name, How Anthony Trollope saw Bendigo in the 1870's, A Proposed Horse Tramway to Golden Square, Society’s' Trip to Bridgewater Flour Mill, A talk on a trip to Malaya by Mr D Hester, Society News and Happenings, Old Bendigonians and Safety Cages,document, various notes, eaglehawk logs, bendigo advertiser 19/10/1858, damaging the stormwater channel, bendigo advertiser 11/8/1872, harneys bridge, gas works, constable rogers, constable james bradley, joch, john o'c hattam, one tree hill, ryan, trollope's fabulous bendigo, anthony trollope, 'trollope’s australia', nelson press, alex h stone, bendigo advertiser 5/7/1897, mr peter ellis, cr hoskins, horse tramway, historical society, water wheel flour mill, june parry, mr pat wodetzki, mr leo wodetzki, neil murray, mr k hester, mr wes harry, mr i hendry, mr henry jackson, mr connelly, mr irons, mr harney, dr smith, dr hoyle, rev dr bachaus, rev dr nish, rev joseph dare, hon angus mackay, mr haverfield, mr j k robshaw, w p neal, mr george lansell, hon j h abbott, m l c, mr j casey, dr james boyd, dr atkinson, dr easie, mr t h henderson, old beehive, francis brothers, mr john crowley, mr jacob cohn, art gallery, mr hugh mcdevitt, mr alexander bayne, mr f sciallero, camp reserve, hon w i winter-irvine, mr george avery fletcher, great central goldfield of victoria, safety cages, bendigo advertiser, j h seymour, mr horwood, new chum and victoria tribute company, james watson, seymour's patent safety cage, londerry tribute, national show sandhurst, h banfield, mr a llewllyn, 'dear old bendigo', thomas bracken, mr william heffernan, mr edward (ned) ryan, mr samuel bastard, mr charles bird, mcpherson and co, fern hill club, mr george tolhurst, tolhurst brothers, union bank, mr lawrence ryan, mr shadrack jones, charley armstrong, armstrong brothers, mr abraham solomen, mr bladiere mr r t wheeler -
National Wool Museum
Carpet Samples, Godfrey Hirst and CO. Pty Ltd, c.1990
Carpet samples created by Godfrey Hirst, a carpet mill whose history spans back to 1865 when the Victorian Woollen and Cloth Manufacturing Company began operations in Geelong and was purchased in the 1890s by the man Godfrey Hirst. Godfrey Hirst’s entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of the industry led to the great success which saw the company expand in multiple forms over the next century and a half. Today, thousands of metres of carpet are produced by Godfrey Hirst every day, and their flooring can be found in millions of homes. These 6 carpet samples date from the early 1990s and each have a unique colour pattern and design.Each carpet sample is made with a pile fibre that is 100% wool. The primary backing of the carpet is a woven polypropylene with a secondary backing a woven jute. Carpet 8102.1's colour name is Slate. It has a dark grey background with a red and blue diagonal stripe. The pattern repeats in a 10cm x 11.5cm block. Carpet 8102.2’s colour name is Terracotta. It is a mostly block pink colour with no repeating pattern. It has occasional flicks of grey. Carpet 8102.3’s colour name is Arctic Night. It has white, light blue and grey colours repeating one after another in a diagonal line. Carpet 8102.4’s colour name is Ivory. It has a brown background with a cream colour diamond. The pattern repeats in a 15cm x 15cm block. Carpet 8102.5’s colour name is Glenwood. It has a thin darker green and lighter green horizontal stripe spanning its entire width. These stripes repeat the height of the carpet. Carpet 8105.6’s colour name is also Ivory. It has a brown background with a cream colour leaf pattern. The pattern repeats in a 92cm x 92cm block.Wording on rear: Numerous. See Media.godfrey hirst, carpet, textile manufacture -
National Wool Museum
Photograph - Valley Worsted Mill, 1923
Photographic postcard depicting the newly constructed Valley Worsted Mill, c.1923.Photographic postcard, black and white. Depicts an aerial view of the newly constructed textile mill. A chimney stack and many saw toothed roofs can be seen.POST CARD / CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS ONLY / KODAK / AUSTRALtextile mills, valley worsted mill foster valley mill pty ltd, aerial photography, factory, wool, industrial building -
Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Near Saw Mill
... Near Saw Mill... and the land looks dry. c.1920. Near Saw Mill Photograph ...Ten or more cattle pulling logs to a sawmill (possibly McLaren's sawmill in Belgrave). The land around the track is cleared and it is heavily treed in the background. There is dead timber lying around and the land looks dry. c.1920.