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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Newspaper Article - Tawonga School Centenary 1980 x2, Alpine Courier incorporating The Hydro Courier, 1980
This newspaper article was produced at a time when newspapers were the main source of local information. The period before the explosion of mobile communication technology and the cost effectiveness of communication by "texting" and internet "social connections, eg. facebook and other social media networkings" The newspapers were the main links between and within large regions. The Hydro Courier was first printed in 1950 as a YMCA community service publication by Mr. Albert Clarke YMCA Officer and Mr. Alex McCullough a State Electricity Commission employee. This paper was one very important publication that provided relevant community information to all and was the major contributer to the "Valley" cohesive fibre and unity. This article not only records the celebration (centenary) of the Tawonga School but also presents the history of the school and important events such as various relocations of classrooms and how the region was settled and developed from the 1870's onward. The yawonga school opened in 1880 on 8 acres of land. It consisted of one large wooden building (22 ft x 11 ft). It had two windows, one brick chimney, bare wooden floor and a shingle roof. This article also presents the time when Mount Beauty area was likened to an island and occasionally school children could not attend school because of a flooded Kiewa river. The article also covers the changes brought about by the increased employment opportunities from SEC Kiewa Works(1935), the Sawmill(1946), the Gold mine(1949) and the Tobacco Industry (largest growing area in Australia).This item is a one page (original) article of the centenary celebrations for Tawonga Primary School came from the Alpine Observer and incorporated the Hydro Courier. It covers the arrangements for the celebration of the 100 years of the school's existence. The printed layout is typical of the typeset in use in 1980's. There are seven distinctive type collumns separated by a printed line. Three photographs are published with one photograph of a demountable classromm ,circa 1980, and the other two of student class photos of 1899 and 1914. Teacher and student names are listed below each photograph. On the back of this page are "specials" for "Sam's Cut Price Stores", specifically the Myrtleford store. Of interest is the advertisement of "Cartons of Cigarettes at cut prices". The page was produced as part of a "run" with "telltale" holes at each corner for stabilising the page in the printing process."Centenary Celebrations For Tawonga Primary School" below this in an enclosed heading "ALPINE OBSERVER" underneath in smaller print "WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED" below this in larger print "THE HYDRO COURIER" and below this from left to right, "No. 719 (Vol. 3) THURSDAY, 23rd OCTOBER, 1980" next "in smaller print Recommended Price Single Copy, 20c "(cents)rural school development, tawonga school centenary, kiewa valley development 1880 to 1980 -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Hat Child's Felt, Circa mid 1900's
This brown wool felt hat with a broad brim was, by its style, used by a adolescent child for church services. This was worn in a period where church services on Sunday was an important weekly ritual by the whole family. Special (church only) dresses and hats were worn not only to show respect to the church but also part of expected community mores relating to religious beliefs. This behavioural pattern was more entrench in the rural communities than within larger cities. The closeness of smaller rural communities is the main factor regarding social norms. The visible standing within the community was uppermost. The period pre 2000 was a more coheasive family environment ( due to greater intra family activities) which provided better communication and family activities.This "church styled" hat is very significant to the rural lifestyle and its mores. It clearly demonstrates the coheasive force that religion has on the Valley population. The closeness that the semi isolation (at this time) brought about by the Valley's physical land formation and the poor roads within the valley brought families closer together. Not turning up for important social functionsw was duely noted by all (and frowned upon). Mrs E. Fisher lived at Mongan's Bridge in the Kiewa Valley.Brown child's all felt hat size 6 1/4. A broad brim with a lighter brown velvet ribbon head band. Head band has a crossover to the left front with 100 mm extension flowing over the brim. The top of the inside of the head pocket is lined with a soft silk fabric.6 and one quarter (size tag). Unreadable crest / monogramchildren's head wear, social head dress, church hats -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Bucket Ice, circa mid 1900's
This mid 1900's ice "bucket" was used during the first major "American" (fashion invasion) of merchandise for the "new " social set. This was a form of release, coming after the tight money restrictions during the "Great Depression" and from World War II.This item is an example of the change of direction in regards to household cutlery and crockery which the Australian rural environment slowly progressed through. This progression was due to a closer alliance with the USA after World War II and and increase push in marketing by USA manufacturers of their Australian partners and the closer alliance between the two nations. The American service men and women on recreational leave during the "South Pacific war" front brought both nations closer together and the requirement of American industries to find new markets resulted in "cheaper" mass produced silverware onto the Australian scene, which at that time were mainly sourced from the UK and Europe. This silver plated "ice bucket" with lid and handle has "pot belly" shape. A smaller circumference top, bulging center and smaller bottom. The lower inside shape of the "bucket" allows for a "grate" to be placed 40mm from the bottom (this grate would separate the "solid" ice cubes from the melted ice water). There is a "U" shaped "swiveled" handle with "art deco" type leaves(grape) reinforcing the cross section. There are two bands of "grape leaf" motifs, one smaller one at the top rim and a larger one on the bottom at the point of furthest bulge.At the outside base is the manufacturers logo "K" and encircled in small print are "KNICKERBOCKER MFG CO. QUADRUPLE PLATE"silver plated ice "bucket", bottle cooler -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Towel Tea CWA, circa mid to late 1900's
This tea towel was manufactured in 1978 in Ireland and shipped to Australia. This was in a period when the C.W.A. was the major women's organisation which had the greatest influence amongst rural women (especially in isolated areas). This was a period when broad based communications were mainly by radio,women orientated magazines and the telephone. The relay of television to "remote" rural areas was not yet established. The CWA was therefore a very important organisation that catered exclusively to women's needs. The C.W.A. motto "Honour our God, Loyalty to the throne, Service to the country, Through country women, For country women, By country women." The atmosphere was one of "sisterhood" and covered nearly all the needs of rural based women. This one organisation incorporated knowledge and learning targeting women who physically may be isolated but not mentally. On the tea towel are portrayed all the activities that would be beneficial to rural women.This tea towel with its respective motifs is very significant to the Kiewa Valley as it related especially to women who felt the limitations of social interactions within a rural area. This tea towel represents a era where communications was relatively based on radio, magazines, books and limited telephone access. Within these restrictive interactive communication levels, the isolation of a "back o' Bourke" location applied tremendous mental fatigue on women more than on men.This CWA Victoria Golden Jubilee (1928-1978) tea towel is made from Irish flax at the Blackstaff Flax Spinning and Weaving factory. It is therefore of high quality and very durable. The major colours projecting from a light blue background are red, yellow, green, orange and black. The motives portrayed the activities of the CWA in 1978. These activities are embroidery, crocheting, dress making, knitting, cooking, art, macrame, drama, music, patchwork, toy making and community relief, pennies for friendship, emergency relief and welfare, residential club flats, the thanks giving and Papua New Guinea.The main or central theme of this tea towel is presented in the central area within three rings. "1928" on the left and "1978" on the right. On the top part "GOLDEN JUBILEE" and at the bottom "COUNTRY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA" There are various shapes representing the activities listed above.cwa promotional material, cwa golden jubilee, women only organisations, country women's association -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Document files, Papers of Major General Greg Garde AM RFD QC, CO 4/19 PWLH Regiment, 1984-6 and to 1987, 1987 (exact); 1977-1987
These papers of the then Commanding Officer of the Regiment provide a valuable account of training, organisation, administration, manning and social activities during the period 1984-1987.Documents and papers relating to service of General Garde when CO of 4/19 Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment. In 5 x A4 Lever Arch binders. Vol 1: June 1977 - September 1984 Vol 2: October 1984 - May 1985 Vol 3: June 1985 - February 1986 Vol 4: March 1986 - October 1987 Vol 5: Undated unit history, 4/19 prince of wales's light horse regiment, unit records, unit document, general greg garde -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Posters - "Tawonga Remembers" x 4
The town of Tawonga is in the Kiewa Valley surrounded by farmland. It is adjacent to Mt Beauty (built in 1946), an SECV town built for the workers on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme which was being constructed from 1911 to 1961. Tawonga consisted of essential amenities including a store, school, butter factory, sporting facilities, post office, hall and hotel. Activities involved sport, social get togethers eg. dances, fundraising, CWA etc.The posters are a collection of historical photos, documentation and information regarding the history of the town of Tawonga,which is the centre of a farming community in the Kiewa Valley.Poster framed with thin black plastic strip, covered, by glass. Each one has a title re "Tawonga Remembers" and includes print and phtots in black and white. Black background. 1. Tawonga SEC Depot; 2. Tawonga Service Station circa 1940s; 3. George Johnston's Taxi Service; 4. Tawonga Motors 1950-60stawonga, photos of early tawonga, kiewa valley, tawonga remembers, transport -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photos - Mt Beauty Progress Association Activities x2
The Mt Beauty Progress Association was an important community service group that raised an enormous amount of money to buy equipment etc. for local community activities ie. kinder, schools etc. It supported the community with projects and events. It was formed in 1957 and was discontinued in 1978. See: "Below Bogong - A History of Mount Beauty" compiled by Di Edmondson. Chapter 8. Pages 239-240. and "The Story of Kiewa" by Alex McCulloughMt Beauty Progress Association was formed by employees of the SECV working on the KHES. This activity is of historic and social significance and can be compared with activities of today especially as Mt Beauty was built as a construction town for the Keiwa Hydro Electric Scheme and is now a small town with the added influence of tourism.1. 15cm x 10 cm black and white reproduction of members of the Progress Association inspecting the kindergarten. Jean Mc Cullough painting. 2. 10cm x 10cm Reproduction of members of the Mt Beauty Progress Association outside Mt Beauty Kindergarten with KHES General manager HHC Williamsmt beauty progress association, community service group -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Invitation - UKV Lions Club 50th Anniversary
Lions Clubs aim to give community service and improve the lives of others. To promote the principals of good government and good citizenship. To take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community. To unite the clubs in the bonds of friendship good fellowship and mutual understanding The UKV Lion's Club started in 1964. They celebrated their 50th Anniversary on March 14th 2014 at the Tawonga Hall.The Upper Kiewa Valley Lion's Club started in 1964. They celebrated their 50th Anniversary on 14th March 2014 at the Tawonga hall.Yellow cardboard folded in half. Lion's logo on the front surrounded by the 0 in the number 50. 'UKV Lions' is printed in green inside the circle in the number 5. The invitation is printed in black on the inside of the card on page 3. ukv lions club, community service, upper kiewa valley -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Ron White's Collection - 1920 - 2019
The State Electricity Commission of Victoria constructed the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme.See KVHS 1282Ron White was the Principal Hydro Engineer 1966 - 1985 on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme. See KVHS 12821. Booklet "Rules of the Kiewa Hydro Co-operative Distribution Society Limited" and Ron's 'Share Certificate' dated 12th /4/1957 2. Book "Inside Information" explaining the ins and outs of a car for the motorist. 3. Black and White negatives 4. Ron's La Trobe Valley Health Services Membership card x2 5. State Savings Bank of Victoria Kiewa Operations social club 1962 x2 6. The Association of Professional Engineers, Victorian Branch receipts 1956 7. Upper Kiewa Valley Uniting Church list of members 1969-1970 & Financial Statement for 1970 8. 4 Bogong Village coloured postcards 9. Folded Plan of 'Kiewa Area Planimetric Map' 10. Large Photos sent to Ron by "Bill Greenaway / Y.T.S. Lab./ 11-5-66" 1) Football Team x2, 2) Mt Beauty Switchyard, 3) McKay Power Station, 4) Clover Power Stationron white -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Church Collection Receptacles, circa1900s
This church collection bag is quite unique in that it has three grip handles, not the usual two. Why three. It may represent the holy trinity of, the father,the son and the holy spirit. Historically this might be used to reinforce the holy trinity belief which at the time of this item's construction was under threat. The threat came from splinter Christian sects such as the Church Of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints which have a Godhead of a council of three deities and there are other christian religions of only one deity covering the father,the son and the holy spirit.This collection bag for offerings, was the main method available towards the upkeep of the church and its parish during this era. Broadcasting of religious services was not as prolific as in the late 1900s and into the 2000s. It was a time when visualisation of the support of religion(especially in rural ares) was an important social factor. The God "fearing" beliefs within society of this period, provided the strong moral fabric which permitted settlements that did not have a strong law enforcement section to prosper and develop without fear or "favour". The collection bag was, and is still, a physical endorsement of support towards the church and what it stands for. This was a time when it was a social requirement to be seen in the church building and supporting fellow parishioners. The ingrained Australian psyche of supporting anyone that needed help, was a result of this period.Church collection/donation bag. Simple construction of two round frames with three opposing handles nailed together to hold firm a small dark blue cloth pocket/bag. All fastened by nails to the handle/frame and the large pocket allows for a reasonable amount of coin or notes to be offered.religion, collection receptacles, christian offerings, church protocols -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Shire of Eltham, The Shire of Eltham - A Perspective, July 1981
This report was produced by the Shire of Eltham (Planning Department) following a population study of the Shire. It also includes other areas of general interest. The Document contents includes Present and Future - Population - Housing - Residential Lands - Social Characteristics - Development and History. Includes maps, tables and diagrams. Part 1: The Existing situation - introduction, the Shire of Eltham, physical characteristics, historical development, population growth. Characteristics of the population - size and distribution, age / sex, natural increase, migration. Socio-Economic Factors: socio-economic status, employment/workforce, education, other social factors. Housing/ building statistics: characteristics of Housing stock, current residential trends, other types of building activity. Residential Land: existing vacant lots, estimated additional lots. Part 2: The Future. Land availability, the future population.The Shire of Eltham Council resolved on publication of this report "to commend it to the ratepayers as a most valuable resource document". It provides a comprehensive statistical review of the Shire of Eltham, Victoria in 1981 with some population and development predictions for the future.Spiral bound, soft cover, includes indexBarcode and identification markings including stamped "WITHDRAWN" from Heidelberg Regional Library Serviceshire of eltham, planning, population -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Nillumbik Shire Council, Celebrating Nillumbik Women 2008-2013, 2013
This book was conceived by the Nillumbik Women's Network as a way of writing women into local history. When seeking nominations for the 2010 editon, the press release stated: Nillumbik Shire’s official histories don’t reflect the important but often unacknowledged contribution of local women to the development of the area. To redress this, the Nillumbik Women’s Network (NWN) initiated a small project, Celebrating Nillumbik women in late 2007.( For details of the Nillumbik Women’s Network refer to attachment) The NWN sought nominations of local women who had made, or continue to make, a significant contribution to the social and cultural life of our community. The brief profiles of the nominees were published in a booklet, which was launched at an International Women’s Day celebration in March 2008, and a second publication was produced in 2009. We continue to be inspired by the quality and activism of our local women. Many of the biographies tell of women’s contribution to the building of the ‘social’ infrastructure of the Shire. These stories complement the official historical accounts which primarily document men’s role in building the physical infrastructure of the Shire. One begins to develop a clearer picture of how women went about developing the services which we take for granted today, from the small kindergartens operating out of church halls to the wide ranging network of occasional and long day childcare care to the development of home based services for older frail and disabled residents of the area. They also tell of the bravery and resilience of women in their response to the devastating impact of the Black Saturday bushfires. This volume includes profiles of 23 women, 2013 Nominees in addition to those included since the project was launched in 2008. The 2008 nominations are: Wendy Alexander, Jane Ashton, Sharon Banner, Janet Boddy, Catherine Cervasio, Belinda Clarkson, Helen Coleman, Cathy Dean, Judy Duffy, Gwen Ford, Jenny Graves, Cath Giles, Meera Govil, Ona Henderson, Jill Jameson, Vicki Kaye, Mrs Kimber, Nerida Kirov, Jane Lauber, Pam Lawson, Anne Manne, Chris Marks, Elizabeth Marshall, Dawn McDonnell, Jenny Millar, Grace Mitchell, Jenni Mitchell, Michelle Molinaro, Joy Murphy, Rosie Murphy, Barbara Murray, Tracey Naughton, Josephine Norman, Pamela Pederson, Mary Robertson, Vicki Ruhr, Geraldine Sanderson, Dawn Shaw, Fiona Sievers, Myra Skipper, Selina Sutherland, Barbara Talbot, Marjorie Taylor, Julie Tipene-O’Toole, Susie Walker, Donna Zander. 2009: Jan Aitken, Rosemary Aitken – OAM, Edith Apted, Betty Anderson, Thelma Barkway, Diana Bassett-Smith, Jenneke Bateman-Korteweg, Amy Bryans, Sabi Buehler, Jenni Bundy, Audrey Cahn, Linda Cornelissen, Janice Crosswhite, Elean Dansey, Christine Durham Claire Fitzpatrick, Ailsa Fitzmaurice, Lucinda Flynn, Sheryl Garbutt MP, Fran Gronow, Ev Hales, Irene “Rennie” Harrison, Ena Jarvis, Heather Kaufmann. 1948-2007: Helen Kenney, Margot Knox – Pederson, Lois Loftus-Hills, Nina Mikhailovna Christesen AM (nee Maximov), Penny Mullinar, Gwayne Naug, Nanette Oates, Lisal O’Brien, Stella Reid, Laura Rohricht, Meg Russell, Sonia Skipper, Bronwyn South, Pauline Toner MP, Lisa Walton, Diana Warrell, Rachel Watt. The 2013 nominations are: Roslyn Addison, Sue Aldred, Lucy Anderson, Sue Arnold, Mary Avola, Anna Foletta, Morag Fraser, Danielle Green MP, Colleen Hackett, Pam Hayes, Barbara Joyce, Carol Leeson, Sandra and Bruce Poloni, Many Press, Carolyn Royse, Hannah Sky, Lorna Smith, Lynlee Tozer, Kilanthi Vassiliadis, Kerry Wailes, Gale Weiss, Irma Winton and Alexis Wright.This book is a significant in the recording of the contribution of local women to the development of the Shire of Nillumbik, especially for the time frame 2008 -- 2013. Historically women's stories generally have not been told at all, let alone their contributions acknowledged. This book profiles and documents women's stories that otherwise may not have been told.women, nillumbik women's network -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Emergency Operations Centre, S.E.S., Kangaroo Ground
In 2017 known as the Kangaroo Ground Operations Centre a facility for hire managed by the Shire of Nillumbik. On 7 February 2009 (Black Saturday) the CFA Incident Control Centre (ICC) was located here. Described in "Worst of Days: Inside the black Saturday firestorm" by Karen Kissane (access via Google books): "..the ICC is part of a mud brick complex built in the 1980s as an emergency operations centre for several agencies, including the State Emergency Service. It is also home to the headquarters of the CFA's Lower Yarra Group. A small office with a whiteboard would be the incident controller's office throughout the office, but a larger central room, with data projectors, "smart boards" and maps would house the rest of the team.."Statement of Significance From the Victorian Heritage Database (2010) What is significant? The 1988 emergency operations centre and the surrounding site to the title boundaries. How is it significant? The emergency operations centre is architecturally, aesthetically, socially and historically significant to the Shire of Nillumbik. Why is it significant? The emergency operations centre is architecturally and historically significant as a good and rare example of a large public building constructed in a 1980s version of the 'Eltham style', and as a rare attempt to adapt the 'Eltham-style' aesthetic to meet the changing demands of the Shire in the 1980s (Criteria B, D & E). The emergency operations centre is architecturally and aesthetically significant because it is constructed of mud brick and features: a central entry with a tile mural (Criterion E). The emergency operations centre is socially significant because it is a focal point for the community and has played an important role in protecting the community since 1988 (Criterion G).Two colour photographs of mud brick Emergency Operations Centre building, Kangaroo Groundbuildings, mud brick, emergency centre, kangaroo ground -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Australian Army Statement of Service, C 1976
... was acquired. This document is an official statement of his service ...He served from December 1941 to July 1942 in the Citizen Military Forces and from July 1942 to September 1944 in the Australian Imperial Forces. His reason for discharge was reserved occupation. He held the rank of corporal in 26th Motor regiment. He was born in Colac 19/11/1919 to Ernest Swan and Daisy Johnson. He died 04/08/2009 and is buried at the Warrnambool cemetery. During his life he farmed a soldiers’ settlers block in the Grasmere area, north of Warrnambool. The soldiers' settlement program was instigated after both world wars whereby land was made available to returning soldiers. Some of the land was Crown land and some was acquired. This document is an official statement of his service.This document has social significance and interest as it is representative of thousands of local men who served in World War 2. It is a link also to the Soldiers' settlement programCream paper with black text. Personal details of Ernest Henry Swan have been typed into fields. text in the centre of the reverse.Signed E H Swan. date of issue is 11/08/1976.Army number VX88010.warrnambool, e h swan, e h swan statement of service -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Plate name, Tribute Egbert John Connell, C 1930
Doctor Egbert Connell worked as an Honorary Medical Officer at the Warrnambool General Hospital and benevolent Asylum from around 1901 and continued until his death on 4th April 1928 from pneumonia. he had a private practice at his house " Ambleside" in Koroit Street Warrnambool opposite the Baptist church. He was highly regarded as being kind and sympathetic towards his patients. His practice was subsequently bought by Dr A E Brauer another of Warrnambool's well known doctors. This glass plate accompanied a stain glass window which was once in the Warrnambool hospital. It was moved to the chapel at Flagstaff Hill. A link to one of Warrnambool's long serving doctors who was involved in the community and as such has social and historical importance.Green glass plate with black text and mounted on particle board and secured with metal clips.A tribute to Egbert John Connell MBBS who for 30 years rendered devoted and valuable service to this institution Obiit April 4th 1928 A Dwarrnambool, egbert connell, doctor egbert connell -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Army Uniform, lanyard, Fletcher Jones & Staff, 1990s
Worn as part of a uniform, attached to the right shoulder of a jacket with the loose end in the right breast pocket. This jacket was worn by Bernie Farley, of the 8th/7th Battalion, Royal Victorian Regiment. This lanyard has social significance, being owned and worn by Secretary of the Warrnambool RSL, Bernie Farley. The lanyard was donated as part of a uniform set by Bernie Farley after 30 years of service in both the Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force. Though worn in the 1990s, this uniform is in excellent condition as a representative example of an Infantry uniform of the period.Red cord lanyard with two loops knotted at either end; one knot has been looped around the lanyard to form an arm hole. The red colour signifies membership of the Australian Army.military uniform, ex-service, lanyard, army uniform, warrnambool -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Army Uniform, lanyard, Fletcher Jones & Staff, 1990s
Worn as part of a uniform, attached to the right shoulder of a jacket with the loose end in the right breast pocket. This jacket was worn by Bernie Farley, of the 8th/7th Battalion, Royal Victorian Regiment. This lanyard has social significance, being owned and worn by Secretary of the Warrnambool RSL, Bernie Farley. The lanyard was donated as part of a uniform set by Bernie Farley after 30 years of service in both the Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force. Though worn in the 1990s, this uniform is in excellent condition as a representative example of an Army uniform of the period.Brown and white candy-striped cord lanyard with two loops knotted at either end; one knot has been looped around the lanyard to form an arm hole. The striped colour signifies membership of the 8th/7th Battalion, Royal Victorian Regiment.military uniform, ex-service, lanyard, army uniform, warrnambool -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Army Uniform, belt, Fletcher Jones & Staff, 1990s
Worn as part of a uniform, this belt is to be worn around the waist with the tongue section on the wearer's right hand side. This jacket was worn by Bernie Farley, of the 8th/7th Battalion, Royal Victorian Regiment. This belt has social significance, being owned and worn by Secretary of the Warrnambool RSL, Bernie Farley. The belt was donated as part of a uniform set by Bernie Farley after 30 years of service in both the Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force. Though worn in the 1990s, this uniform is in excellent condition as a representative example of an Army uniform of the period.Light khaki coloured woven belt with a pressed metal tip on one end and an autogrip style metal buckle on the other. Stamped into belt buckle "Lion Metal Goods"ex-service, military uniform, army uniform, warrnambool, belt -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Army Uniform, tie, Fletcher Jones & Staff, 1990s
Worn as part of a uniform, by Bernie Farley, of the 8th/7th Battalion, Royal Victorian Regiment. This tie has social significance, being owned and worn by Secretary of the Warrnambool RSL, Bernie Farley. The tie was donated as part of a uniform set by Bernie Farley after 30 years of service in both the Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force. Though worn in the 1990s, this uniform is in excellent condition as a representative example of an Army uniform of the period.Khaki tie with silk lining; tag attached to the reverse of the tie in the first quarter of the tie lenth. Label is sewn into seam on reverse. Label reads "AUSTRALIAN TIE CO./MADE IN AUSTRALIA", "65% POLYESTER/35% VISCOSE/MADE IN/AUSTRALIA", "DRY CLEAN/ONLY P50 [degree]/WARM IRON/USING INSERT."military uniform, ex-service, army uniform, warrnambool, tie, neck tie -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Jacket, Commonwealth Government Clothing Factory (C.G.C.F.), 1970s
This jacket is part of a winter mess dress uniform belonging to Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. Worn in 1978, this jacket style was first developed in the 1950s and continues to be worn as mess uniform in the present day.This item has aesthetic significance and is a representative example of uniform design from the 1950s to present day. This item has clear provenance, having been donated by RSL member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley after its use during Bernard’s service in the Airforce. As a former member of the Australian Airforce and member of the Warrnambool ex-service community, Bernard’s uniform has great social significance, telling a broader story of life after service.Dark navy blue dress jacket with long sleeves ending at waist height. Jacket is double breasted with eight metal buttons; two buttons are larger and held on by safety pins. Buttons are gold in colour and marked with a crown and eagle motif. Lapels on jacket are of a lighter, grey-blue. Jacket is adorned with epaulettes on both left and right shoulder, attached with a cotton loop on each shoulder and held in place with a screw-in gold button. Jacket has synthetic lining in cream colour and an interior pocket on the left hand side; lining is detatched on both the left and right sides at the base. Label on interior collar reads “C.G.C.F” Epaulettes bear three lines in gold embroidered stitching and a badge depicting an eagle underneath a crown, also in gold. dress uniform, airforce, commonwealth government clothing factory, uniform, epaulette -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Trousers, Australian Government Clothing Factory (A.G.C.F.), 1978
These trousers are part of a winter mess dress uniform belonging to Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. Worn in 1978, this trouser style was first developed in the 1950s and continues to be worn as mess uniform in the present day.This item has aesthetic significance and is a representative example of uniform design from the 1950s to present day. This item has clear provenance, having been donated by RSL member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley after its use during Bernard’s service in the Airforce. As a former member of the Australian Airforce and member of the Warrnambool ex-service community, Bernard’s uniform has great social significance, telling a broader story of life after service.Dark navy blue dress trousers with cream coloured lining on waistband and pockets; dark synthetic material rectangles are sewn on interior of pants hem on pressed edge. Seven buttons, coloured black, are present on the interior of the waistband and were likely used as attachments for suspenders; reverse of pants rise into two points either side of the spine. Pants are fastened with a black plastic zip and a hook and eye at the top of the fly. Two pockets are present on both left and right hips and one small pocket on the front right hand side near the pelvic bone. Fabric is pleated twice on the front and has two darts on the reverse. Label on interior collar reads “A.G.C.F./VIC. 1978/(arrow symbol)/NO./NAME” Inscription on interior left hand pocket lining reads “992”dress uniform, airforce, commonwealth government clothing factory, uniform -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Cummerbund, Australian Government Clothing Factory (A.G.C.F.), 1983
This cummerbund is part of a winter mess dress uniform belonging to Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. Worn in 1978, this cummerbund style was first developed in the 1950s and continues to be worn as mess uniform in the present day.This item has aesthetic significance and is a representative example of uniform design from the 1950s to present day. This item has clear provenance, having been donated by RSL member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley after its use during Bernard’s service in the Airforce. As a former member of the Australian Airforce and member of the Warrnambool ex-service community, Bernard’s uniform has great social significance, telling a broader story of life after service.Dark navy blue broad waist sash which forms part of a dress uniform. Elasticised woven fabric in a rectangular shape fastened with two strips of velcro. A label is attached to the interior along the seam attaching the velcro. Label reads: “A.G.C.F../VIC. 1983/(broad arrow)/SIZE. 34/8440.S6.035.3816/NO./NAME”dress uniform, airforce, commonwealth government clothing factory, uniform, cummerbund, belt, sash -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Hat, Hard Yakka, 2015
This hat is part of a General Purpose Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was developed in 2014 and replaced camouflage as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments. Although a camouflage pattern, this design is not intended for use as camouflage. This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of current Airforce General Purpose Uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating GPU uniform design from the Army alongside the colours and motifs of the Australian Airforce. General Purpose Uniform (GPU) hat in Airforce colours of blue and grey in camouflage pattern. Broad brim hat with black plastic cord end fastener on a blue cotton cord. Plastic tag on interior of hat lining with printed inscriptions.Inscription on tag: “Hard Yakka/AUSTRALIA/AUGUST 2015/PO No: CC2XZ8/LAY No: 10609/SQNCOR FARLEY/(broad arrow)/[Mobile Phone Number]/NSN: 8415-66-161-4051/SIZE: M 56cm/NAME:” Inscription on reverse of tag: “PM KEYS No:/75% COTTON/25% POLYESTER/CARE INSTRUCTIONS/HAND WASH IN COLD/WATER WITH MILD/DETERGENT RISE/WELL DO NOT WRING/TUMBLE DRY OR/DRYCLEAN (X)/DRIP DRY IN SHADE”camouflage, airforce, uniform, general purpose uniform, australian defence force -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Shirt, C 2015
This shirt is part of a General Purpose Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was developed in 2014 and replaced camouflage as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments. Although a camouflage pattern, this design is not intended for use as camouflage. This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of current Airforce General Purpose Uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating GPU uniform design from the Army alongside the colours and motifs of the Australian Airforce. General Purpose Uniform (GPU) shirt in Airforce colours of blue and grey in camouflage pattern. Long sleeve with 6 buttons up the front, two chest pockets with zippered verticle openings along the button seam; two button down pockets on both the left and right shoulder with velcro patches sewn to outside flap for attachment of patches. Above the chest pockets are two patches with embroidered inscriptions in white thread on navy backing. Shirt cuffs have adjustable velcro fasteners.Inscription on interior label is worn and illegible, halfway down the tag reads “PM KEYS NO.” Throughout (on shoulder seams, above left pocket and on back of collar) is the Australian Airforce badge/motif which features a circle with the words ‘Royal Australian Air Force', the Imperial Crown, and a Wedge-Tailed Eagle in flight though this detail is inferred not physically visible. Two embroidered patches above the chest pockets read “AIR FORCE” and “FARLEY.”camouflage, general purpose uniform, airforce, uniform, australian defence force -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Trousers, Australian Defence Apparel, 2015
These trousers are part of a General Purpose Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was developed in 2014 and replaced camouflage as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments. Although a camouflage pattern, this design is not intended for use as camouflage. This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of current Airforce General Purpose Uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating GPU uniform design from the Army alongside the colours and motifs of the Australian Airforce. General Purpose Uniform (GPU) trousers in Airforce colours of blue and grey in camouflage pattern. Long pants with elasticised drawstring fastener at ankle and velcro adjustment fasteners at the waist. Pants take a straight leg style and bears several pockets: two thigh level pockets with zippered horizontal opening, two open hip pockets on the front, one open pocket on the reverse right hand side with blue plastic button fastener. Five large belt loops encircle the waist and there is a zippered fly, secured at the top with a blue plastic button.Label on interior front right of trousers reads: “A193/ADA/MADE IN AUSTRALIA/JUL 2015/ PO: CC2X91/NSN: 8415 66 161 4017/SIZE: 95 R/(broad arrow)/NAME:............/PM KEYS NO:............./75% COTTON 25% POLYESTER/WARM MACHINE WASH 40*C/RINSE WELL, WARM IRON/DO NOT IRON OVER HOOK AND PILE/DO NOT BLEACH/DO NOT STARCH/MAY BE TUMBLE DRY 40*C/DRYCLEANABLE (P)”camouflage, general purpose uniform, airforce, uniform, australian defence force -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Jumper, Calcoup Knitwear, C 2015
This jumper is part of a General Purpose Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was developed in 2014 and replaced camouflage as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments. Although a camouflage pattern, this design is not intended for use as camouflage. This woolen jumper was presumably a winter addition to the GPU.This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of current Airforce General Purpose Uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating GPU uniform design from the Army alongside the colours and motifs of the Australian Airforce. Navy blue ribbed knitted jumper with stitched navy cotton elbow patches, rectangular in shape. Similar rectangular shaped patches on the left and right shoulder, bearing two epaulettes, stiched at one end and fastened with velcro and the other. The left shoulder carries an Airforce embroidered patch at the top of the arm. Arm cuffs have external seam for approximately 100 mm from the end, indicating that the jumper may have been worn with cuffs folded over. Synthetic strip of black fabric on the interior collar behind a cream coloured label.Label on interior of collar reads: “CALCOUP KNITWEAR/291083/ 06/01 / 8405/661468799 / SIZE: 115cm-125cm/SERVICE No........./ NAME........../MACHINE WASHABLE GENTLE CYCLE/Fasten shoulder straps before/washing. Warm machine wash,/inside out on medium cycle./Do not bleach./Warm rinse. Normal spin./Doi not tumble dry./Dry in shade. Warm iron./ Dry Cleanable A/80% Wool 20% Nylon”camouflage, general purpose uniform, airforce, uniform, australian defence force -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
This shirt is part of a Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was used in base and field activities and was replaced in 2014 by the General Purpose Uniform as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments.This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of previously standard issue Airforce uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating the Disruptive Pattern style of camouflage which has its roots in the 1980s and continues to be adapted into uniform design by the Defence Force.Field shirt in disruptive pattern colours of green, khaki and browns. Long sleeve with 6 buttons up the front, two chest pockets with zippered verticle openings along the button seam; two button down pockets on both the left and right shoulder with velcro patches sewn to outside flap for attachment of patches. Above the chest pockets are two patches with embroidered inscriptions in black thread on disruptive pattern backing. Shirt cuffs have adjustable velcro fasteners.Interior label has been removed. Two embroidered patches above the chest pockets read “AIR FORCE” (left of wearer) and “FARLEY” (right of wearer). Oval patch on left shoulder shows a kangaroo silhouette encircled by a black embroidered circle.camouflage, uniform, australian defence force, disruptive pattern, airforce -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Trousers, Australian Defence Apparel, 2015
These trousers are part of a Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was used in base and field activities and was replaced in 2014 by the General Purpose Uniform as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments.This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of previously standard issue Airforce uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating the Disruptive Pattern style of camouflage which has its roots in the 1980s and continues to be adapted into uniform design by the Defence Force.Disruptive Pattern trousers in five colours of green and brown. Long pants with elasticised drawstring fastener at ankle and velcro adjustment fasteners at the waist. Pants take a straight leg style and bears several pockets: two thigh level pockets with zippered horizontal opening, two open hip pockets on the front, one open pocket on the reverse right hand side with blue plastic button fastener. Five large belt loops encircle the waist and there is a zippered fly, secured at the top with a blue plastic button.Label on interior front right of trousers reads: “A13/ADA/VICTORIA 2008/(broad arrow)/SPECIFICATION ARMY (AUST)6542/NSN: 8415 66 152 1059/SIZE: 95 S/NAME/SERVICE NO/75% COTTON 25% POLYESTER/WARM MACHINE WASH 40*C/RINSE WELL, WARM IRON/DO NOT IRON OVER HOOK AND PILE/DO NOT BLEACH/DO NOT STARCH/MAY BE TUMBLE DRY 40*C/MADE IN AUSTRALIA” The name “FARLEY” is also handwritten on the back interior waist band of the trousers. camouflage, general purpose uniform, airforce, uniform, australian defence force -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
Jumper, Elegant Knitting Co, 1993
This jumper is part of a Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was used in base and field activities and was replaced in 2014 by the General Purpose Uniform as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments.This woolen jumper was presumably a winter addition to the DPCU.This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of previously standard issue Airforce uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating the Disruptive Pattern style of camouflage which has its roots in the 1980s and continues to be adapted into uniform design by the Defence Force.Khaki ribbed knitted jumper with stitched Disruptive Pattern cotton elbow patches, rectangular in shape running the length of the forearm. Similar rectangular shaped patches on the left and right shoulder, bearing two epaulettes, stiched at one end and fastened with velcro and the other. The left upper arm carries a rectangular Disruptive Pattern patch with a seam down the centre, creating two long narrow pockets. Arm cuffs have external seam for approximately 100 mm from the end, indicating that the jumper may have been worn with cuffs folded over. Synthetic strip of green fabric on the interior collar behind a cream coloured label.Label on interior of collar reads: “ELEGANT KNITTING CO./PENRITH, N.S.W. 1993/(047) 32 2491/8405-66-134-9381/SIZE 115cm-125cm XL (broad arrow)/SERVICE No........./NAME.........../“ Reverse of label carries a series of care instructions including “Fasten shoulder straps before/washing/ 80% Wool 20% Nylon”camouflage, general purpose uniform, airforce, uniform, australian defence force -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
This hat is part of a Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform issued by the Australian Airforce to Bernard Farley during service. This uniform type was used in base and field activities and was replaced in 2014 by the General Purpose Uniform as the uniform worn during general base duties and in non-warlike environments.This item has social significance, as an item of uniform worn by Warrnambool RSL community member and Secretary (2019), Bernard Farley during service with the Australian Airforce. The item is a representative example of previously standard issue Airforce uniform and is in excellent condition. As a set, the uniform has aesthetic significance in it’s design, incorporating the Disruptive Pattern style of camouflage which has its roots in the 1980s and continues to be adapted into uniform design by the Defence Force.Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform hat in five colours of green and brown in camouflage pattern. Broad brim hat with black plastic cord end fastener on a beige/brown cotton cord. A band, sewn at 35mm intervals around the crown of the hat may have been used for attachments. Cotton tag on interior of hat lining with illegible inscriptions. Hat lining at front brow and on crown of head is a towel-like material, presumably for absorbing perspiration.The name “FARLEY” can be faintly seen handwritten on the hat on both the left and right interior.camouflage, uniform, general purpose uniform, airforce, australian defence force, disruptive pattern