Showing 32133 items
matching orbost-agricultural-show-event
Greensborough Historical Society
Ephemera - Ticket - Digital Image, VicRail, Train ticket: Watsonia to Show, platform only, adult [no date c1970s], 1970s
Digital image of "Watsonia to Show, platform only, adult" [no date c1970s]". This ticket for travel only, admission to Showgrounds paid at gate to Show.Part of a collection of miscellaneous historical images with a connection to the local area.Digital image of train ticket. Cream with black text and red cross.train tickets, watsonia station, royal melbourne show -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Booklet - Guide to Fruit & Vegetable preserving, Preserving fruits & vegetables, C 1940's
Marked 'D M Smith 1944'A booklet from the Victorian Dept of Agriculture detailing 'Preserving fruits & vegetables'.Dept of Agriculture, Victoria Bulletin No 43. 'Preserving fruits and vegetables'. Price 1 shilling.instructional preserving cookbook -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Programme, Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club, Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club Schedule for the Annual Autumn Show, 1971, 1971
Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club Schedule for the Annual Autumn Show, 1971.12 page booklet- typed Schedule.Front Page Ringwood and District Horticultural and Garden Club Schedule for the Annual Autumn Show To be held in the Assembly Hall, Ringwood High School, Bedford Road, Ringwood Saturday, March 6, 1971. (Doors Open at 2 p.m.) Entries close: 9 p.m. Thursday March 4th, 1971. Admission: Adults: 30 centsChildren: 5 cents Next Page OFFICE BEARERS LIFE MEMBERS: Mrs.Lord, Mrs.W.McDowell, Mr.B.J.Hubbard, Messrs.W.Gillespie, E.Bennett, G.W.Burns, E.T.Kearsley, Les.Ingram, W.McDowell. PRESIDENT:Mr.J.Roberts 39 Warrandyte Road Ringwood, Telephone: 870-1483 VICE-PRESIDENTS: Mrs.D.Hutchinson Mr.V.H.Wilson MENS' COMMITTEE: Mr.G.W.Burns, Mr.W.McDowell, Mr.E.Frame, Mr.V.H.Wilson, MR.J.Percival LADIES COMMITTEE: Mesdames: W.McDowell, D.Hutchinson, A.Mabu, D.Wilson, Miss Isbester TREASURER: Mr.D.Puckey Summit Crescent Ringwood North SECRETARY: Mrs.V.H.Wilson 38 William Street Ringwood, Telephone: 870-7458 ENTRIES CLOSE ON THRUSDAY MARCH 4TH 1971 AT 9 P.M. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THIS SHOW. PROGRAMME Staging of Exhibits 8.30 a.m. till 12 Noon Judging Commences 12.30 p.m. Show Opens 2.30 p.m. Removal of Exhibits 9.00 p.m. Admission: Adults: 30 centsChildren: 5 cents Page One EXHIBITORS MAY MAIL OR TELEPHONE ENTRIES TO THE UNDERMENTIONED:- MRS.V.H.WILSON,38 William Street, Ringwood870-7458 MRS.D.HUTCHINSON, 48 Caroline Street, RINGWOOD 870-8577 ENTRIES CLOSE THURSDAY MARCH 4TH AT 9 P.M. RULES FOR COMPETITORS All Exhibits must be stages by 12 Noon and must not be removed before 9 p.m. Exhibitors must apply on moring of Show to the Secretary for Cards which must be placed in front of Exhibit in the allotted space. All Exhibits, except Floral Art, must be grown by the Exhibitor. Awards will be made by the Judges whose decision is final. Prize Money available at 8 p.m. and if not claimed within one month will revert to the Society. Exhibits should be names. In a close finish this counts. No Exhibitor allowed in Hall whilst Judging is in progress. Any Protest shall be in writing accompanied with a 50 cent deposit lodged with the Secretary before 7 p.m. on day of Show. Protest must be limited to non-accordance of an Exhibit within the Schedule. The Committee is empowered to determine and protest to be forfeited if it deems such to be frivolous. BOWL:- The width of the vessel must be greater than its height. VASE:- The height of the vessel must be greater than its width. Page Two Continuation of: RULES FOR COMPETITORS... The Rules of the Royal Horticultural Society of Victoria will apply. Dahlias will be judged under the Rules and Standards laid down by the National and Royal Dahlias Society of Victoria. A VASE consists of 3 to 6 stems (in Cut Flowers) unless otherwise stated. AWARDS: Bronze Medal of the National Dahlia Society for Best Dahlia Exhibit. BLUE RIBBONS MAY BE AWARDD FOR:- BEST VASE OF CUT FLOWERS BEST DAHLIA OVER 6 INCHES BEST VASE DAHLIAS UNDER 6 INCHESBST FLORAL ART EXHIBIT BEST SEEDLING DAHLIA CERTIFICATES OF MERIT:- GIANT DAHLIA OVER 8 INCHESBEST SHRUB MINIATURE CACTUS DAHLIA BETWEEN 4 1/2" TO 6" BEST POT PLANT CHARM DECORATIVE BETWEEN 6' AND 8' BEST VEGETABLE BEST SINGLE ROSE UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ENTRY FEE PER SCHEDULE CLA CLASS - 5 CENTS PER ENTRY. PLEASE NOTE THAT ENTRY FEE FOR ITEMS NO. 1 AND 2 IS 25 CENTS IN EACH SECTION ENTRIES CLOSE: THURSDAY MARCH 4TH, 1971 AT 9 P.M. Page Three VICTORIANCHAMPIONSHIPSECTION 1 SCH.NO: FIRST 1DAHLIAS UNDER 8 INCHES 12 Vases (3 of each) Distinct Varieties TROPHY VALUED AT $5.00 29 Giant Dahlias, Distinct Varieties (SPONSORED BY AMETCO TRAVEL AGENCY, RINGWOOD) To be won Three Times - Trophy valued at $20-00 DAHLIAS OPEN SECTION 2 39 Dahlias 3 Medium Cactus, 3 Miniature Cactus, 3 Charm Cactus, Distinct Varieties, Shown separately $2-00 44 Giant Decorative, Distinct Varieties 50c. 51 Giant Decorative 30c. 63 Giant Cactus, Distinct Varieties 50c. 71 Giant Cactus 30c. 86 Medium Garden Cactus N.N.D. 50c. 93 Medium Garden Cactus, Distinct Varieties 50c. 10 3 Medium Decorative Distinct Varieties 50c. 11 1 Medium Decorative 30c. 12 6 Vases Miniature Cactus, Distinct Varieties - 3 of each - 75c 13 3 Vases Miniature Cactus, Distinct Varieties - 3 of each - 50c 14 3 Vases Miniature Decorative, Distinct Varieties - 3 of each 50c 15 1 Vase Miniature Dahlias - 3 Blooms Distinct Variety 30c 16 3 Vases Charm Cactus, Distinct Varieties - 3 of each - 50c 17 3 Vases Charm Decorative - Distinct Varieties - 3 of each 50c Page Four Continuation of: SECTION 2 - DAHLIAS OPEN. SCH.NO. FIRST 18 1 Vase Charm, 3 Blooms, Distinct Variety30c 19 Seedling Dahlia Over Six Inches30c 20 Seedling Dahlia Under Six Inches 30c 21 3 Vases Pompones, Distinct Varieties, 3 of each50c 22 1 Vase Pompones, N.N.D, 50c 23 3 Exhibition Cactus Distinct Varieties 50c 24 1 Exhibition Cactus30c 25 1 Miniature Dahlia20c 26 1 Charm Dahlia 20c 27 1 Vase Dahlias Under 8 Inches, 10 Stalks, N.N.D. 75c SECTION 3: RINGWOOD AND DISTRICT AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP DAHLIAS - AMATEUR 28 6 Giant Dahlias, Distinct Varieties $1.00 29 9 Dahlias Distinct Varieties (Shown Separately) 3 Medium Cactus; 3 Miniature Cactus, 3 Charm Cactus $2.00 30 3 Giant Decorative Distinct Varieties 50c 31 1 Giant Decorative30c 32 3 Giant Cactus, Distinct Varieties 30c 34 3 Medium Decoratve Distinct Varieties 50c 35 1 Medium Decorative 30c 36 3 Medium Cactus Distinct Varieties50c 37 1 Medium Cactus 30c 38 3 Vases Miniature Cactus Distinct Varieties (3 of each) 50c 39 1 Vase Miniature Cactus 3 Blooms N.N.D. 50c 40 1 Vase Miniature Decorative 3 Blooms N.N.D.50c Page Five Continuation of: SECTION 3 - AMATEUR DAHLEA CLASS SCH.NO: FIRST 413 Vases Charm Cactus, Distinct Varieties - 3 of each -50c. 421 Vase Charm Cactus, Distinct Variety - 3 Blooms - 30c 433 Vases Charm Decorative, Distinct Varieties, 3 of each50c 441 Vase Charm Decorative 5 Blooms N.N.D. 30c 451 Vase Miniature, 3 Blooms, N.N.D.20c 461 Charm 471 Vase Pompones 5 Blooms N.N.D.50c 481 Vase Show or Ball Dahlias 3 Blooms N.N.D. 50c. SECTION 4: DAHLIAS - NOVICE 491 Giant Dahlia 30c 501 Medium Dahlia 30c 511 Vase Miniature Dahlias, 3 Blooms, N.N.D.30c 521 Vase Charm Dahlias, 3 Blooms, N.N.D. 30c 531 Miniature Dahlia20c 541 Charm Dahlia 20c SECTION 5:R O S E S-O P E N 55Roses, 3 Blooms in Separate Containers, (Distinct Varieties)40c 56Roses, 3 Blooms, 1 colour shown separately 30c 57Roses, 3 Blooms, Bud to Full Bloom 30 c 58Roses, 3 Vases, Distinct Varieties 75c 59Roses, 1 Vase Full Bloom showing stamens 30c 60Roses, 1 Vase C.V.A. 20c Page Six Continuation of: SECTION 5 - R O S E S-O P E N SCH.NO:FIRST 611 Rose in Bloom20c 62Rose, 1 Vase of Floribunda or Grandiflora 30c SECTION 6 - R O S E S - A M A T E U R 63Rose, 1 Bloom20c 64Rose, 1 Vase, C.V.A. 30c 65Roses, 3 Blooms, Distinct Varieties35c 66Roses, 3 Blooms, Bud to Full Bloom 35c 67Roses, 1 Vase Floribunda or Grandiflora30c SECTION 7C U T F L O W E R S -O P E N 683 Vases Cut Flowers, Distinct Kinds, C.V.A. 50c 691 Vase Cut Flowers, Distinct Variety, C.V.A. 25c 701 Vase Cut Flowers, Red Shades, Distinct Kind 25c 711 Vase Cut Flowers, Pink Shades, Distinct Kind25c 721 Vase Cut Flowers, White Shades, Distinct Kind 25c 731 Vase Cut Flowers, Cream or Yellow Shades25c 741 Vase Cut Flowers, Blue Shades 25c 751 Head Hydrangeas25c 763 Vases Geranium or Pelargonium, N.N.D. 25c 771 Vase Asters, C.V.A.25c 781 Vase Zinnias, Distinct Variety, Dahlia Flowered25c 793 Vases Zinnias, Distinct Colours, Dahlia Flowered 25c 801 Vase Lilliput Zinnias, C.V.A. 25c 811 Vase Marigolds. C.V.A. 25c 821 Vase Cut Flowers, not shown in this Schedule 25c 831 Vase Decorative Chrysanthemum, C.V.A., A.N.S.25c Page Seven Continuation of: SECTION 7:CUT FLOWERS - OPEN - SCH.NO: FIRST: 841 Container phlox, C.V.A.25c SECTION 8C U TF L O W E R S - AMATEUR 853 Vases Cut Flowers, Distinct Kinds, C.V.A. 40c 861 Vase Cut Flowers, Distinct Variety, C.V.A. 25c 871 Vase Cut Flowers, Red Shades, Distinct Kinds25c 881 Vase Cut Flowers, Red Shades, Distinct Kinds 25c 891 Vase Cut Flowers, Blue Shades, Distinct Kinds 25c 901 Vase Cut Flowers, White Shades, Distinct Kinds 25c 913 Vases Fuchsias, C.V.A.25c 923 Vases Geraniums or Pelargoniums (N.N.D.) 25c 931 Vase Aster, C.V.A.25c. 941 Vase African Marigolds, Distinct Variety 25c 951 Vase Zinnias, Dahlia Flowered, C.V.A. 25c. 961 Vase Cut Flowers not stated in Schedule 25c 971 Flower not stated in Schedule 25c 981 Vase Geranium, Distinct Variety25c 991 Container Phlox25c Page Eight SECTION 9 - C U T F L O W E R S - N O V I C E SCH.NO:FIRST: 1001 Vase Asters 25c 1011 Vase Snap Dragons C.V.A.25c 1021 Vase Marigold C.V.A.25c 1031 Vase Zemias, Dahlia Flowered, C.V.A. 25c 1041 Vase Zemias, Lilliput, C.V.A. 25c 1051 Container Phlox 25c SECTION 10 F L O R A L A R T O P E N FIRST SECOND 106Arrangement of Flowers for the Home50c 20c 107Table Centre Piece of Mixed Flowers 50c 20c 108Bowl of Dahlias 50c 20c 109Arrangement of Autumn Tones (Any Foliage Allowed)50c 20c 110 Arrangement of Flowers (Dahlias to predominate - May include any plant material and accessories)$1-00 50c 111Dry Arrangement 50c 20c 112Church Arrangement 50c 20c 113A Basket of Fruit 50c 20c 114Line Arrangement (May include any Plant Material) 50c 20c 115"AS I LIKE IT" (May include any Plant Material and Accessories) 50c 20c 116Arrangement, Tall and Stately 50c 20c 117Bowl of Floating Flowers (FLOWERS MUST FLOAT)35c 15c Page Nine SECTION 11 F L O R A L A R T - A M A T E U R SCH.NO: FIRST:SECOND: 118Arrangement of Dahlias35c 15c 119Miniature Arrangement 50c 15c 120Harvest Arrangement of Flowers and/or Vegetables 40c20c 121Arrangement of Gladioli 35c 15c 122One Flower Spray30c 15c 123Arrangement of Five Dahlias 35c 15c 124Presentation Basket50c 20c 125Arrangement in Pink and Gray on Silver 40c 20c S P E C I A L N O T I C E PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHEDULE NUMBERS 106, 118 AND 120, TO BE EXHIBITED IN 2FT.6IN. NICHE.. SECTION 12 F L O R A L A R T - INTERMEDIATE SCH.NO: FIRST: SECOND: 126A Dry Arrangement 30c15c 127Presentation Basket40c20c 128Tall Arrangement 30c15c 129Line Arrangement Five Flowers40c20c ENTRIES CLOSE THURSDAY MARCH 4TH, 1971 AT 9 P.M. Page Ten SECTION 13 F L O R A L A R T - N O V I C E SCH.NO:FIRST: SECOND: 130"My Choice" 30c 15c 131Dry Arrangement 30c 15c 132One Flower Spray 30c 15c 133Presentation Basket 40c 20c 134Arrangement, "AS I LIKE IT"30c 15c SECTION 14V E G E T A B L E S SCH.NO:FIRST: 135Collection of not more than 8 Vegetables $1.50 136Brace (2) of Apple Cuccumbers25c. 137Brace (2) of Long Cuccumbers 25c 138Plate of 4 Tomatoes, smooth, (eith Stalks) 25c. 139Plate of 4 Onions25c 140One Vegetable Marrow25c 141One Pumpkin 25c 142One Lettuce25c 143Plate of Peas - 12 Pods - 25c 144Plate of Climbing Beans - 12 Beans25c. 145Plate of Dwarf Beans - 12 Beans - 25c 146Bunch of Three Carrots with Tops25c 147Bunch of Three Parsnips 25c 148One Head Silver Beet25c 149Plate of 4 Potatoes25c 150Bunch of 3 Red Beet with Tops 25c 1513 Sticks of Rhubarb with Leaves25c 152Vegetable not otherwise specified 25c 1533 Cobs Sweet Corn25c. Page Eleven SECTION 14 - F R U I T SCH.NO: FIRST: SECOND: 154A Dish of 4 Culinary Apples 25c 155A Dish of 4 Dessert Apples 25c 156A Dish of 4 Lemons 25c 157A Dish of 6 Passion Fruit 25c 158A Fruit not otherwise stated 25c SECTION 15 - FLORAL ART - CHILDREN 11 TO 14 YEARS 159Floral Mat 12 inches by 9 inches 75c25c 160Arrangement of 3 Flowers (Any Foliage) 20c10c 161Decorated Saucer of Flowers20c 10c 162Flower Arrangement in Egg Cup 20c10c 163Novelty of any Horticultural Material20c 10c 164Boquet of Flowers 20c 10c 165Miniature Arrangement not to Exceed Three Inches 20c 10c. 166Arranged Vase of Flowers 20c 10c 167Arranged Vase of 6 Dahlias20c 10c. SECTION 16SPECIAL FUCHSIAS SECTION 168Single, 3 Distinct Variety 169Single, 6 Distinct Variety 170Single, 3 C.V.A. 171Single, 6 C.V.A. 172Double, 3 Distinct Variety 173Double, 6 Distinct Variety 174Double, 3 Distinct Variety 175Double, 6 C.V.A. Page Twelve Fuchsias Florets to be displayed on collar in a container (Small). Containers and Collars will be supplied by the Club, PRIZE-CARDS - FIRST, SECOND, WILL BE AWARDED ALSO MERIT CARD. A TROPHY WILL BE AWARDED TO THE BEST EXHIBIT IN SPECIAL FUCHSIAS SECTION SPECIAL OPEN CLASS - POT PLANTS.... SCH.NO:FIRST: 1761 Pot Plant, Foliage30c 1771 Pot Plant, Orchid In Bloom 30c 1781 Pot Succulents 30c 1791 Pot Geranium in Bloom 30c 1801 Pot Geranium Foliage 30c 1813 Indoor Plants - Different Varieties 30c 1825 Pots, at least 3 in Bloom 30c 183Container of Mixed Plants 30c 1841 Pot Plant in Bloom 30c Back Page G A R D E N C O M P E T I T I O N G A R D E N C O M P E T I T I O N sponsored by RINGWOOD CITY COUNCIL (Entries close Thursday February18th) (JUDGING SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27TH, 1971) ENTRIES MAY BE LEFT WITH: MRS.D.HUTCHINSON MRS.V.H.WILSON 43 Caroline Streetor38 William Street RINGWOOD RINGWOOD 870-8577870-7458 JOIN THESOCIETY Our MONTHLY MEETINGS are held on the THIRD MONDAY at 8 p.m. on each month in the PUBLIC LIBRARY, Warrandyte Road, RINGWOOD. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION: ONE DOLLAR ($1-00) C H R Y S A N T H E M U M S H O W SATURDAY, MAY 8TH, 1971 WATCH FOR FURTHER DETAILS Sunrise Secretarial Service, 12 Grey Street, Ringwood East Telephone: 870-6871 -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, Wilson, Len G, 1920s
The Orbost football club players were known as the Busters and wore green and gold guernseys. An Orbost football team has participated in the East Gippsland League since the early 20th century. In 2003 in response to a dwindling population, the Snowy Rovers and Orbost Football Clubs were driven to merge into the Orbost Snowy Rovers Football clubs, through their many changes, have always been an important social fabric of the community. Sport is often regarded as an important part of life in rural Australia, contributing to community identity, sense of place, social interaction and good health.A black / white photograph of men playing football. Three men are jumping for the ball. The goal posts are on the right side. A large group of spectators are at the rear behind a fence.recreation sport-football orbost-football-club -
National Wool Museum
Awarded at Agricultural show.MALDON & BARINGHUP AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 1970 Champion FEMALE STANDARD HEAVY BREEDagricultural shows, maldon and baringhup agricultural society, maldon, victoria, baringhup -
National Wool Museum
Awarded at Agricultural show.BALLARAT A. & P. SOCIETY - SPRING SHOW 1973 SPRING SHOW 1935 CHAMPION HOMER PIGEON (ADULT)agricultural shows gymkhana competitions, ballarat agricultural and pastoral society, ballarat, victoria, agricultural shows, gymkhana competitions -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, The Victorian Horse Society Amateur Championships -Croydon Horse Show-12.4.1952
Black and white photograph showing horse and rider going over hurdleWritten on back of photo: "Jane Luxton, Lilydale. "Knobby" -Winner of The Victorian Horse Society Amateur Championships.Croydon Horse Show -12.4.52. Ref Ringwood Mail 24.4.1952" -
National Wool Museum
Book, Annual
Small diary or notebook recording names of people and articles to do with agriculture.Small diary or notebook recording names of people and articles to do with agriculture. Small diary or notebook recording names of people and articles to do with agriculture.MEMOS RE D.P.C.W.agriculture -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Photographs: Official opening of PTS Girls School 1959
First photograph shows the Minister for Education the Hon. J.S.Bloomfield, MLA addressing the assembly. The second photograph shows Mr. O.E.Neillson, Inspector of Technical Schools addressing the assembly. Also photocopy of an article from the 1959 school magazine describing the event.Four black and white photographs of the official opening of Preston Technical School Girls School on 15 October 1959. First photograph shows the Minister for Education the Hon. J.S.Bloomfield, MLA addressing the assembly. The second photograph shows Mr. O.E.Neillson, Inspector of Technical Schools addressing the assembly. Also photocopy of an article from the 1959 school magazine describing the event. -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Art Show 1978; 1978
Art Show 1978dovid herman theatre -
Clunes Museum
GROUP OF UNIDENTIFIED MEN, PROBABLY TAKEN AT THE CLUNES AGRICULTURAL SHOWlocal history, photography, photographs, events, celebrations, clunes show? -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, 1907
The Orbost Workers' Band and the Orbost Town Band amalgamated in 1913 to form the Orbost Municipal Band under the conductorship of Mr Charles Spink. This photo, taken in 1907, is probably of the orbost Town Band. In the photo are : Percy Watt, Geoff Beattie, Bill Gluth, Charles Spink, Bert McCay, R. Cotterill, Fred Smooker, George Draffin and Jin Lynn. The various Orbost bands have played a major role in the Orbost community activities as well as providing entertainment and musical experiences for the many members. A black and white photograph of two rows of men,front row kneeling and back row standing. The men are dressed in suits with waistcoats and are wearing hats.Each is holding a brass instrument. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Compact Diskette with CD, David Kemp, "ABC Radio Melbourne Breakfast Show Broadcast from Melbourne Tram Museum on 23rd May 2018", 23/05/2018 12:00:00 AM
Compact Diskette with CD Audio file within a black plastic case with a clear cover. CD titled "ABC Radio Melbourne Breakfast Show Broadcast from Melbourne Tram Museum on 23rd May 2018". Features the ABC Melbourne 774 breakfast show presenters Sami Shah and Jacinta Parsons, along with Kevin Tierney, Adam Chandler, Roberto D'Andrea, Malcolm Just, Colin Tyrus (former ABC Radio newsreader and now does the stop announcements for Yarra Trams) and "The Singing Connies" See Reg item 2839 for associated photographs.trams, tramways, abc radio news, melbourne tram museum, conductors, hawthorn depot, radio stations, music -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, late 19th / early 20th century
This is a photograph of the gravel pit at Newmerella, near Orbost. This pit was used during the construction of the Orbost to Bairnsdale Railway line.This item is associated with the history of the Orbost-Bairnsdale railway line and therefore reflects the role that the rail line played in the social and economic history of Orbost. The Bairnsdale-Orbost railway was opened in 1916 to serve the agricultural and timber industry. Because of the decline in traffic and heavy operating costs, the line was finally closed in August, 1987. A black / white photograph of a small steam engine with open freight wagons at a gravel pit. There are some men watching. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Embroidery, Anderson, Dot (Mrs)
Donor, Mary Gilbert lived in Orbost 1905-1989 and was teacher/headmistress at Orbost High School 1927-1968. A local historian, she collected stories from local families, compiling the book "Personalities & Stories of the Early Orbost District"This item is of aesthetic significance and is an example of the skill and craftmanship of women in early times.A colourful embroidery of flowers, in bloom and bud. Leaves are variegated.Worked on a blue background and framed in a gold-coloured wooden frame. Frame has tiny raised leaves along sides. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
postcard series, 1960s
Included are photographs of the Orbost township, the Snowy River at Marlo, Gypsy Point, Buchan Caves and Bairnsdale. In the 1960s Orbost had a population of 4000 and was a major tourist attraction in Eastern Victoria with sufficient accommodation and facilities. It was the major town close to several national parks with access to either the surf or the snow. These postcards are pictorial records of Orbost in the 1960s. Postcards are very interesting records of places. architecture and transport.A colour postcard series with photographs of Orbost and the district. The cover photograph is of the Snowy River Bridge. There is an information card.Each photograph is labelled. at the bottom.postcards-orbost postcards-east-gippsland -
Yarrawonga and Mulwala Pioneer Museum
Memorabilia - Wool Show Prize cards, Yarrawonga Chronicle, Lions Club Wool Show
The Lions Club has been conducting their Wool Show in conjunction with the Yarrawonga Show Committee since 1985. Proceeds from the sale of fleeces donated by local farmers are donated to worthy causes in the communitySmall Third Prize cards. White card, blue print. Awarded to J.C. and N. C. Thom for fine comeback wool fleecessheep wool, agricultural show -
National Wool Museum
Awarded at Agricultural show.THE GREAT NORTHERN SHOW - ROCHESTER 1963agricultural shows, rochester, victoria -
National Wool Museum
Awarded at Agricultural show.THE GREAT NORTHERN SHOW - ROCHESTER 1964agricultural shows, rochester, victoria -
National Wool Museum
Awarded at Agricultural show.THE GREAT NORTHERN SHOW - ROCHESTER 1964agricultural shows, rochester, victoria -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell & Wimmera District Show 1909
Stawell & Wimmera District Show 1909stawell -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazines, Croajingolong 1961, 1961
This is the fourteenth issue of the Orbost High School annual magazine. The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". 2209.1 belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school. 2209.3 belonged to Brenda Murray, a former mayor of East Gippsland Shire Council and prominent Orbost identity.This is the fourteenth issue of the Orbost High School magazine and is a useful reference tool.Three copies of a cream coloured magazine Croajongolong in dark blue print Vol. 1 No.14 1961.In the centre is the Orbost High School crest of a sheaf of corn inside a double oval with Orbost High School and its motto " acti labores iucundi"croajingolong orbost-high-school -
Orbost & District Historical Society
photographs, mid 20th century
Samuel Lynn (1865-1949) was a farmer and grazier at Jarrahmond. He bred Clydesdales. The 13th Light Horse Regiment was formed at Broadmeadows in Victoria in March 1915; it was the third light horse regiment to have been raised in that state. Its regimental number quickly led to it becoming known as the "Devil's Own" regiment. It left Australia on 28 May and disembarked in Egypt on 29 June 1915. Horses have always been an important part of Orbost's history.A laminated set of photographs on cardboard. it is an arrangement of black / white photocopies posibly for a magazine or display. The photos are of local horses, local people and include Mr S. Lynn, A. Mosely and Orbost No 2 troop 13th Light Horse.photographs-horses lynn-samuel mosely 13th-light-horse -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, M Holding, 1993
Colour photograph of Mavis Smith nee Muir on left and Gladys Scarce nee Legg on right, life time friends since school days at Lakes Entrance taken at Nursing Home Lochial House in Orbost, Victoriaboats and boating, tourism -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Swan Reach v Orbost Hockey, Lakes Post Newspaper, 15/05/1993 12:00:00 AM
photograph taken at hocky match Swan Reach v Orbost Lakes Entrance VictoriaBlack and white photograph taken at hocky match Swan Reach v Orbost Lakes Entrance Victoriasports, events, recreation, clubs -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Art show, Eltham Community Centre, c.1994
Art show held in the Eltham Community CentreRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 1 stripKodak Gold 100-4art exhibition, eltham community centre -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Art show, Eltham Community Centre, c.1994
Art show held in the Eltham Community CentreRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 1 stripKodak Gold 100-4art exhibition, eltham community centre -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Art show, Eltham Community Centre, c.1994
Art show held in the Eltham Community CentreRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 1 stripKodak Gold 100-4art exhibition, eltham community centre -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Art show, Eltham Community Centre, c.1994
Art show held in the Eltham Community CentreRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 1 stripKodak Gold 100-4art exhibition, eltham community centre -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Negative - Photograph, Art show, Eltham Community Centre, c.1994
Art show held in the Eltham Community CentreRoll of 35mm colour negative film, 1 stripKodak Gold 100-4art exhibition, eltham community centre