Showing 1233 items
matching soldiers’ memorial
Melbourne Legacy
Newspaper - Document, article, 25,000 Returned Soldiers, Headed By Their Leader, Sir John Monash, Marched Past The Cenotaph On Anzac Day, 05/05/1928
A newspaper photo of returned servicemen and nurses marching past the original First World War memorial during an Anzac Day march in 1928. It was published as a centre page spread on 5 May 1928 in the The Weekly Times. '25,000 Returned Soldiers, Headed By Their Leader, Sir John Monash, Marched Past The Cenotaph On Anzac Day.' A war memorial to the 1914-1918 war was originally erected in Spring Street outside the Victorian Parliament Building (at that time it was the being used by the Australian Federal Parliament, from 1901-1927 when it moved to Canberra). Anzac Day services were held at this memorial in the 1920s and early 1930s. Items were in an envelope with other photos and programmes from different items relating to the Shrine of Remembrance - including discussions on its location and design. Labelled 'Shrine of Remembrance S1 - S14' it was part of an old archive numbering system (S=Shrine), that showed there has been efforts in the past to collect, order and save items of Legacy's history. From articles in Trove: The temporary cenotaph was the original first world war memorial until the Shrine of Remembrance was dedicated in 1937. The cenotaph was a half size replica of the London Symbol of Remembrance in Whitehall. It was made from timber and plaster and was initially meant to only last for the 1926 Anzac day service and be removed. With annual upkeep it remained until at least 1934 when ex-service men proceeded from the incomplete Shrine to the cenotaph on the steps of Parliament House on Anzac day.A record of an Anzac Day ceremony at the old First World War memorial in Spring Street in 1928. Not many photos are available of the original memorial. The size of the march past (reported as 25,000 soldiers) points to the enormous number of Victorians who served in the First World War. Black and white newspaper article about ANZAC Day at the old First World War memorial in Spring Street in 1928.Title: '25,000 Returned Soldiers, Headed By Their Leader, Sir John Monash, Marched Past The Cenotaph On Anzac Day.' Caption: " Scene at Parliament House, Melbourne, where the Governor, Lord Somers, took the salute, as returned Soldiers and Nurses passed, on they way to the Commemorative Service at the Exhibition.'anzac day, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Booklet, The Shrine of Remembrance. A message to all Victorians from The Lieut. Governor The Hon. Sir William Irvine, 1928
A brochure issued by the National War Memorial Committee of Victoria to inform the public about the plans for the Shrine of Remembrance and how they could contribute towards its cost. The Governor of Victoria points out that the need to remember, as 'To forget is to be false to the men who fell, to the cause for which they fell, and to ourselves. Let the whole people join in creating such a Monument as will keep the Names and Memories of the men fresh in the minds of our children's children.' The brochure mentions that the cost of the Shrine was estimated to be £180,000. Of this £80,000 was guaranteed and the remaining £100,000 needed to be raised. It shows that each contribution will be recorded within the crypt as one of those who gave the Memorial to the Nation. It also states 'Each contribution honours our men, redeems our promise that they shall never be forgotten, and helps in presenting to the nation a durable foundation to traditions of patriotism and self-sacrifice, and in the immediate future assists hundreds of worthy returned soldiers who, as a result of the temporary trade depression, are in need of employment. Actually, seven-tenths of the total cost of the Memorial will be expended in wages...' A sample of the type of receipt given to record donations is on page 3. An actual receipt is at 01207. Item was in an envelope with other photos and programmes from different items relating to the Shrine of Remembrance - including discussions on its location and design. Labelled 'Shrine of Remembrance S1 - S14' it was part of an old archive numbering system, that showed there has been efforts in the past to collect, order and save items of Legacy's history. (01181 - 01190, 01206 - 01210).A record of fundraising for the Shrine of Remembrance, this brochure asks Victorians to contribute approximately £100,000 to the building project. There was an effort to record historical events for the "Archive Committee" which collected this and other documents relating to the Shrine together in a file (see items 01181 - 01190, 01026 - 01210)Booklet x 4 pages, about fundraising for building the Shrine, on buff paper with black type and line, shrine of remembrance -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Speech, In Proud Remembrance - from a speech by Colonel A. N. Kemsley, E.D. at a weekly luncheon of Melbourne Legacy, pre 1953
A document containing a speech by Colonel A. N. Kemsley, E.D. at a weekly luncheon at Legacy sometime in the early 1950s. He presented details of the initial building of the Shrine and the changes being made to commemorate the second world war, such as the forecourt and new cenotaph and flagpoles. He mentions the upcoming Anzac Day in 1953. After the first world war there was a decision made to create a memorial. Legatees were involved in the process at various times and capacities. In particular Legatee Kemsley was vocal in idea of a structure over a utilitarian memorial (such as a hospital or a park) - see letter at 01182. These notes include the resolution that passed at the Melbourne Town Hall at a public meeting: "That this meeting of citizens confirm the launching of an appeal by the Lord Mayor to establish a National War Memorial by means of a monument and that an executive committee with the Lord Mayor as Chairman with power to add and point sub-committees be formed to carry out the project." Also that 20 sites were selected for consideration in 1921. Although the St Kilda Road site was favoured early on, by 1926 there was pressure to change to a "provision of square" and Cenotaph at the intersection of Spring and Bourke Streets. Legacy Clubs voiced their opposition to this proposal by passing a resolution "That the Melbourne Legacy Club, representative of the returned soldiers in business in this city, whilst welcoming the Anzac Square Scheme as a city improvement, cannot support it as a War Memorial scheme and affirms its support for the Shrine of Remembrance in the Domain as the only War Memorial worthy of Victoria's unparalleled efforts in the Great War." The document was in an envelope with a letter dated 30 April 1971 (01182) that also outlines the efforts Legacy (especially L/- Kemsley) went through to promote the construction of the Shrine of Remembrance over a proposed square. The envelope says 'The Origin of the Shrine of Remembrance p/p Legatees Kemsley and Joynt'. And the initial 'JMBA'?. It was in a file with other documents concerning the Shrine and it's history.A record of the events that led to the construction of the Shrine of Remembrance as noted by a Legatee at the time. There was an effort to record historical events for the "Archive Committee" which collected this an other documents relating to the Shrine together in a file (see items 01181 - 01190, 01206 - 01212)White quarto paper x 8 pages of black type of a speech given by Legatee Kemsley.S6 in red penmemorial, speech, shrine of remembrance, kemsley -
Melbourne Legacy
Pamphlet, The Legacy Club of Melbourne 1927-8 (H2), 1927
A brochure explaining 'A brief account of its history, membership, ideals and activities' The notation H2 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. The brochure lays out the history of the young organisation, it has 146 members in 1927, and clubs had started in Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo and Sydney. Members were all men who had served in the forces of the British Empire during the war. 'The membership is selected and elected, only one representative being admitted from each occupation. An endeavour is always made to secure a prominent representative of each business, profession or trade, thus extending the influence of Legacy throughout the community.' Meetings were held in the Victoria Coffee Palace at 1pm on Tuesdays and included a half hour lecture. The policy and objectives were laid out including to preserve the memory of fallen comrades and to assist their dependents, particularly the children. Also to maintain a spirit of comradeship, and to safeguard the good standing and interests of ex-service men in the community and to assist the the to secure suitable employment. The brochure shows activities as: Employment Committee, Comradeship Committee, a pledge to assist the National War Memorial being established on the Domain site, and for the children the 'Deceased Soldiers' Children's Welfare Committee. A schedule of Boys' and Girls' Classes is included to show the options for the children. Also picnics, Christmas camp, cycle club, and rambles as arranged. There is help for vocational options for the children.This is one of the first documents that pertains to the Legacy Club, it was published in 1927 shortly after it's name change from Remembrance Club.Brochure describing the ideal and activities of the Legacy Club in 1927.Handwritten 'H2' in red pen and 'Page 3' in pencil.legacy promotion, history, founding legatee, remembrance club -
Melbourne Legacy
Pamphlet, The Legacy Club of Melbourne 1923-28 : A brief account of its ideals and works (H4), 1928
A brochure explaining 'A brief account of its ideals and work' in 1928. The notation H4 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. The brochure lays out the history of the young organisation, it has 146 members in 1927, and clubs had started in state capital and Geelong, Ballarat, and Bendigo. Members were all men who had served in the forces of the British Empire during the war. It shows the work of Legacy as : Junior Legacy Club - for sons (aged 9 to 21) of deceased soldiers. Members of the Legacy Club were in constant touch and acted as Big Brothers. Boys' Literary and Debating Branch - approximately 80 boys attended weekly meetings of a debating society at Anzac House. Boys' Physical Training Branch - for the boys physical welfare classes and conducted weekly by a permanent instructor (paid by Legacy). There were 161 boys attending. Also cricket, football, Lacrosse and swimming clubs, all supervised and coached. A holiday camp is held each Christmas at the seaside- 67 attended the previous year at Balnarring (led by Stan Savige). Girls' Physical Training Branch - started in 1927 and now over 120 girls were being instructed by Mrs AM Gilles (the wife of a Legatee). Lending Library of over 400 books. Vocational placements for junior legatees. Meetings were held in the Victoria Coffee Palace at 1pm on Tuesdays and included a half hour lecture. The policy and objectives were laid out including to preserve the memory of fallen comrades and to assist their dependents, particularly the children. Also to maintain a spirit of comradeship, and to safeguard the good standing and interests of ex-service men in the community and to assist the the to secure suitable employment. The brochure shows activities as: Employment Committee, Comradeship Committee, a pledge to assist the National War Memorial being established on the Domain site, and for the children the 'Deceased Soldiers' Children's Welfare Committee. A schedule of Boys' and Girls' Classes is included to show the options for the children. Also picnics, Christmas camp, cycle club, and rambles as arranged. There is help for vocational options for the children. See also 01480 for a copy from 1930.This is one of the first documents that promotes Legacy and summarises its objective and services. Brochure describing the ideal and activities of the Legacy Club in 1928.Handwritten H4 in red pen.legacy promotion, history, goals, objectives -
Melbourne Legacy
Pamphlet, The Legacy Club of Melbourne 1930-31 : A brief account of its ideals and works (H7), 1930
A brochure explaining 'A brief account of its ideals and work' in 1930. The notation H4 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. The brochure mentions clubs had started in the Federal and state capitals, and Geelong, Ararat, Ballarat, Fremantle, Ipswich and Bendigo. Members were all men who had served in the forces of the British Empire during the war. It shows the work of Legacy as : Junior Legacy Club - which had been running for 5 years, for sons (aged 9 to 21) of deceased soldiers. Members of the Legacy Club were in constant touch and acted as Big Brothers. Boys' Literary and Debating Branch - approximately 95 boys attended weekly meetings of a debating society at Anzac House. Boys' Physical Training Branch - for the boys physical welfare classes and conducted weekly by a permanent instructor (paid by Legacy). There were 270 boys attending. Also cricket, football, Lacrosse and swimming clubs, all supervised and coached. 'A permanent camp has been erected at Balnarring East, and this is occupied by the boys at the Christmas vacation under the control of Legatee Stan Savige, and the girls at Easter, with Mrs Gilles in charge. The value of these camps in enabling Junior Legatees to become better acquainted and in the development of character and the Legacy spirit cannot be overestimated'. Girls' Physical Training Branch - started in 1927 and now over 200 girls were being instructed by Mrs AM Gilles (the wife of a Legatee). Lending Library of over 600 books. Vocational placements for junior legatees. Meetings were held in the Victoria Palace Hotel, Little Collins St, on Tuesdays and included an informative lecture. The policy and objectives were laid out including to preserve the memory of fallen comrades and to assist their dependents, particularly the children. Also to maintain a spirit of comradeship, and to safeguard the good standing and interests of ex-servicemen in the community. The brochure shows activities as: Employment Committee, Comradeship Committee, a pledge to assist the National War Memorial being established on the Domain site, and for the children the 'Deceased Soldiers' Children's Welfare Committee. Also picnics, Christmas camp, cycle club, and rambles as arranged. There is help for vocational options for the children. It is mentioned during 1930 which consisted of 'a hospital ward, mess room seating 80, a kitchen and storeroom. Also tent frames and necessary offices are provided and the total value of the building and equipment owned by the Club is our £600.' See also 01478 for a copy from 1928.This is one of the first documents that promotes Legacy and summarises its objective and services. Brochure describing the ideal and activities of the Legacy Club in 1930.Handwritten H4 in red pen.legacy promotion, history, goals, objectives -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Widow Daytrip, 1988
An outing by the widows club to visit a memorial to servicemen and women from the Woodhouse-Nareeb area. The photos show a group of ladies who attended and the plaques and memorial board. The plaque says 'These trees were planted by district people in memory of servicemen and women who died serving their country in the 1939-45 war, including nursing sisters who lost their lives in the java seas and on Banka Island. Dedicated 1978, Sister Jeffery 'Lest We Forget'. The memorial board says 'World War 2 Soldier Settlement Woodhouse-Nareeb area. The settlers served with Navies, Armies, and Air Forces of the British Commonwealth, many of their wives served with the Womens' Auxillaries and nursing services.'A record of the types of activities Legacy provided as a physical and social outlet for widows.Colour photo x 5 of an outing to a memorial in 1988.Photos are marked as 4 December 1988.widows, widows outing, memorial, daytrip -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1996
Photo of wreath laying on Anzac Day in 1996 in Harefield in UK. The photo is of Mr Alf Young and a Bishop from Oxford. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Photo of Mr Alf Young laying a wreath at the obelisk in the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK and two newspaper articles.Handwritten on reverse 'Uxbridge Gazette 1996 Ref C1367B-4'. Handwritten label says '1996 Man in middle a bishop from Oxford, he carried the wreath for me so I could lay same on cenotaph. This photo was taken by local paper. Me on left' (written by Alf Young). One article was titled 'Pupils keep Anzac tradition alive'. The other 'Community honours war dead'. cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1995
Photos of Legacy staff member Susie Howard visiting Mr Alf Young at the Australian Military Cemetery in St Marys Church yard, Harefield in UK. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and fallen World War 1 soldiers in the UK.Colour photo x 5 of Susie Howard visit to the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK and an article in The Answer.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, susie howard, answer -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1993
Photo of an Anzac Day service in at the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK. The local school children march to the cemetery to place wreaths. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and fallen World War 1 soldiers in the UK.Colour photo x 2 of Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK and 2 articles in The Answer in 1993.Photo of school children has hand written 'Australian Cemetery 1993 Harefield' and a sticker of Mr R G Neil photographic historian.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, answer, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1994
Photo of an Anzac Day service in at the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK. The local school children march to the cemetery to place wreaths, there is a parade of flags, a service and a choir. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Colour photo x 4 of Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK.02064.1 Handwritten on reverse 'Australian Cemetery 1994'. 02064.2 Handwritten on reverse 'Church Hill Harefield 1994' and label that says 'Children on their way to the Anzac Service 1994. Somewhat different to the first parade. The church is always full' (written by Alf Young). 02064.3 Handwritten on reverse 'Australian Graves 1994 Harefield 114 in total, including nursing sister Dickinson'. 02064.4 Handwritten on reverse 'Australian Cemetery 1994'.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1995
Photos of the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK where Anzac Day services are held every year. Also miscellaneous documents that were sent to Legacy by Mr Alf Young. These include a booklet about St Mary's Church as it contains information about the cemetery and a copy of a pen letter from a school child at the school to a child in Australia. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Colour photo x 5 of Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK and an article in The Answer in 1995. Also a booklet about the church and a copy of a pen letter from a school girl.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, answer, church -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1995
Photo of an Anzac Day service in at the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK in 1995. The local school children march to the cemetery to place wreaths, there is a parade of flags, a service and a choir. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Colour photo x 7 of Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK in 1995.02065.1 Label attached says '1995 Entrance to the cenotaph'. 02065.2 Handwritten on reverse 'Australian Cemetery 1995'. 02065.3 Handwritten on reverse 'Australian Cemetery 1995'. 2 have stickers of Mr R G Neil photographic historian. 02065.4 Handwritten label '1995 Me in centre with two visitors'. 02065.5 Handwritten label '1995 an older child placing flowers'. 02065.6 Handwritten label '1995 Children arrive to place their flowers on graves' 02065.7 Handwritten label '1995 The first time the Anzac graves have had an Australian flag on each one (114)'.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1996
Photos of an Anzac Day service in at the Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK in 1996. The local school children march to the cemetery to place wreaths, there is a parade of flags, a service and a choir. Legacy provided flags for the headstones. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and fallen World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Colour photo x 8 of Australian Military Cemetery in Harefield UK in 1996.02066.2 Handwritten label 'Military and MPS laying wreaths'. 02066.4 Label '1996 Choir and vicar before wreath laying'. 02066.5 Label 'The Lord Mayor placing his wreath'. 02066.6 Label '1996 Me going to put wreath on for Melbourne Legacy'. 02066.8 Label '1996 Some graves with flags which you sent'.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1919
Copies of photos of the No 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital set up in the ground of Harefield Park during the first World War. They were wooden huts. Also the graves of the deceased soldiers in the Australian Military Cemetery in 1919 in Harefield's St Mary's churchyard. Plus two photos of the Mansion at Harefield one in 1917 and one from 1927. Harefield Park was owned by Australian couple, Letitia Billyard-Leake (born Letitia Leake) and her husband Charles Billyard and their 4 children. The family donated their property, Harefield Park, to the Australian Government for use as an Australian-run hospital. The family moved off the property and lived nearby to help run the hospital. Letitia and her daughter, also named Letitia, ran the canteen while Charles Billyard organised activities and was a hospital board member. (from research from Carol Grbich and John Berger). During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Black and white photos x 4 of the Harefield Hospital and area from 1917 to 1927.02067.1 Printed on front 'Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Harefield No 1. 1914-1918'. Handwritten on reverse 'Harefield Park 1917'. Handwritten label 'Hospital as it was 1916-1918'. 02067.2 Handwritten on the reverse 'Part of the old Australian cemetery 1919'. Handwritten label 'The grave on the left "Private Wake" was the first grave in the cemetery'. 02067.3 Printed on the front 'The Lake, Australian Hospital Harefield Park, Mdx.' Handwritten on reverse 'Harefield Park 1917'. Handwritten label 'The lake in front of the mansion 1917'. 02067.4 Printed on the front 'Harefield Park' and 'Coles Watford'. Handwritten on reverse 'The Mansion, 1927 Harefield Park'. All four have a sticker of Mr RG Neil, the photograph historian that provided the reprint.cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony, hospitals -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1918
Copies of historic photos from Harefield during World War 1. They are of the funerals of a soldier and Nurse Dickinson. They were both buried in the Military Cemetery in Harefield. During World War 1 the Australian Auxiliary Hospital No.1 was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch. The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave and attend the service on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Black and white photos x 2 of funerals in Harefield in 1918.One is printed on the front 'Military Funeral, Harefield' and on a label on reverse says 'Soldiers funeral on a gun carriage 1918. High St Harefield.' Other is labeled as 'Cortage of Nurse Dickinson's funeral June 1918, Village Green, Harefield.'cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Harefield UK, 1921
Copies of historic photos of school children going to the Anzac Day ceremony in Harefield UK taken in 1921. The Headmaster of the school, Mr Jefferies, arranged for the children to participate in the annual Anzac Day service at the Military Cemetery in the village. During World War 1 the No 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital was stationed at Harefield Park in Harefield, UxBridge, Middlesex UK. 111 Australian soldiers and one nurse from the hospital are buried at St Mary's Church, Harefield. This became an Australian Military Cemetery with individual headstones and an obelisk and arch.The headstones which are of a scroll design unique amongst Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries were chosen by the staff and patients at the hospital. The arch was erected by the CWGC. Anzac Day services are held there and the local school became involved with the headmaster, Mr Jefferies, bringing the school children to lay flowers on every grave on Anzac Day. This started in 1921 and has continued until at least 2021. One school child who attended was Mr Alf Young, he made contact with Legacy in the 1990s and sent photos of the Anzac Day Services and the cemetery. Legacy responded by sending Australian flags for the school children and also Legatee John Cohen met with Mr Young when in London. Melbourne Legacy staff member Susie Howard also visited Mr Young and the cemetery in 1995. Mr Young provided historical photos and information of the area to Legacy. He was featured in the widows' newsletter The Answer many times and his death was announced in The Answer in April 1997, he was 85. Many of the photos he provided were labelled as coming from Mr R G Neil, Photographic historian from Harefield. He holds copyright over those photos.A record that Legacy helped support remembrance of Anzac Day and fallen World War 1 soldiers buried in the UK.Black and white photos x 2 of school children attending Anzac service in Harefield in 1921.Handwritten label on reverse says '1921 The first Anzac day organised by Mr Jefferies Headmaster Harefield School.' Other is labeled as 'Mr Jefferies, headmaster, (heading the children) St Mary's Churchyard 1921' with an additional label saying 'Beginning of the first parade. This was Mr Jefferies, Headmaster of schools idea to have this parade, and has been held every year since. My 2 sisters and I were in this parade.' (written by Mr Alf Young).cemetery, harefield, alf young, memorial, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Captain Philip E Potts, 1919
A photo of Captain P E Potts in Charleroi, Belgium in 1919. The note on the back mentions he was part of a 2nd Division concert party that helped raise funds to erect a war memorial in Mont St Quentin. Mont St Quentin was a site of a major battle in 1916 where 3000 Australian soldiers died in 3 days. Another photo from Charleroi in 1919 is at 01900 and Captain Potts may be one of the officers in the front row. The photo may have fallen out of an album of newspaper clippings and photos compiled to thank Legatee Philip E Potts when he was leaving Melbourne in 1928. L/ Potts was president of Legacy in 1927-28. The album was compiled by Legatee Frank Doolan.A record of a tribute to a past president.Black and white photo of Captain P E Potts in 1919.Handwritten on reverse 'Charleroi Belgium __ 1919' in black ink and 'Capt PE Potts O/C / 2nd Div Concert Party / 'The Dinkum Diamonds' / which raised £370 in Charleroi for the St Quentin War Memorial'philip e potts, charleroi, past presidents -
Melbourne Legacy
Letter, To Robert Bowring from Rob C. Allison, 2000
A file copy of a letter sent from Legatee Rob Allison to Robert Bowring (6th November 2000) in answer to a request regarding the origins of the first Dawn Service. Legatee Rob Allison signed himself as the Chairman, Advisory Tradition and History Committee. To research his response he consulted the AWM and summarised the content in the letter and enclosed four articles. Unfortunately the four articles sent to Robert Bowring are not included here. L/- Rob Allison makes reference to information obtained from Dr Richard Reid (historian at the Australian War Memorial and then the Commonwealth Branch of the Department of Veterans Affairs). Also Rob Allison makes reference to Lyn Witheridge (Australian War Memorial and later with the Centenary Federation Secretariat). He was addressing the rumour that there was a Dawn Service held in Albany WA in 1914 when the first convoy in WW1 from Australia was about to sail from Albany. The letter also makes reference to a gathering at Toowoomba QLD on Anzac morning 1919, however that rumour suggest that flowers were placed on returned soldiers graves, L/- Allison cast doubt about the placing of flowers on graves of returned service personnel, because only Major General Bridges and the Australian Unknown Soldier were the only two WW1 troops killed in action, to be returned to Australia.A record that members of the public approached Legacy with questions about military and post war history. Legatee Allison made an effort to research and base his reply on evidence.White paper with black type, a facsimile of a letterTelephone No 61395620309 top right.research, world war one -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Harrap, Allenby : soldier and statesman, 1946
A biography of general AllenbyIndex, ill, maps, p.370.non-fictionA biography of general Allenbyworld war 1914-1918 - personal recollections, great britain - foreign relations - egypt -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Cassell and Company, The Anzac book: written and illustrated in Gallipoli by the Men of Anzac, 1916
Created by soldiers under enemy fire and in extreme hardship, the illustrations, stories, cartoons, and poems were intended as a Christmas and New Year diversion for soldiers facing a harsh winter in the trenches on Gallipoli.Ill, p.164.non-fictionCreated by soldiers under enemy fire and in extreme hardship, the illustrations, stories, cartoons, and poems were intended as a Christmas and New Year diversion for soldiers facing a harsh winter in the trenches on Gallipoli. world war 1914-1918 - personal recollections, world war 1914-1918 - campaigns - gallipoli -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Australian War Memorial, Soldiering on : The Australian Army at home and overseas, 1942
The Australian army in various theaters during World War TwoIll, p.199.non-fictionThe Australian army in various theaters during World War Twoworld war 1939-1945 - australia, world war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Australian War Memorial, Jungle warfare : with the Australian Army in the South-West Pacific, 1943
Most of the items in this volume were received in a competition for stories, verse and drawings, with this competition showing a better representation from the Women's Services than in previous years. Previous titles include: Active service, Soldiering on and Khaki and green.Ill, p.208.non-fictionMost of the items in this volume were received in a competition for stories, verse and drawings, with this competition showing a better representation from the Women's Services than in previous years. Previous titles include: Active service, Soldiering on and Khaki and green. world war 1939-1945 - australia, world war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Australian War Memorial, Stand easy : after the defeat of Japan, 1945, 1945
Stories and anecdotes from Australian soldiers involved in the war against JapanIll, p.206.non-fictionStories and anecdotes from Australian soldiers involved in the war against Japanworld war 1939-1945 - personal narratives - australia, world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - pacific area -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, F H Johnston, The Australian soldier : a portrait, 1943
A description of the Australian soldier fighting in Greece, Syria and Egypt during the Second World WarIll, p.102.non-fictionA description of the Australian soldier fighting in Greece, Syria and Egypt during the Second World War soldiers - australia - pictorial works, world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - north africa -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Alex. M'Kinley & Co, Hello, soldier! : khaki verse, 1919
A book of poetry and humour from the First World warIll, p.131.fictionA book of poetry and humour from the First World warworld war 1914-1918 - humour, world war 1914-1918 - poetry -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Jarrold & Sons, The blinded soldiers and sailors gift book, 1915
A collection of short stories on various topicsIll, p.226.non-fictionA collection of short stories on various topicsanthologies, world war 1914-1918 - gift books -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - ARMY SERIES, 1941-1944, "The Military History and Information Section" by the Board of Management of The Australian War Memorial, Canberra, "SECOND AIF, AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES, VOLUNTEER DEFENCE CORPS", 1941 - 1944
For this series please refer to Cat No's 9546.7, 9547.4, 9548.4, 9548.5. Items in the collection of "William John Sullivan", VX 57829. Refer Cat No. 9523P for his service details.1 - 7. Hard cover books with dust covers. All pages cut, plain white paper. Illustrated in black and white and colour photographs, painting, maps, sketches and diagrams. All end papers are illustrated. 1. "ACTIVE SERVICE", 1941, green buckram, black print font and spine. Silhouette illustration of a soldier in uniform. Dust cover - white colour print, front and spine illustration sculptured figure of soldier on yellow/green colour background 129 pages. 2. '"SOLDIERING ON", 1942, Green buckram, black print front and spine. Illustration "Rising Sun Badge". Dust cover - white colour print, front and spine. Illustration Black and White sketch of soldiers in action, mustard colour background. 200 pages. 3. "KHAKI AND GREEN" 1943. Green buckram, dark blue colour print front and spine. Dust cover brown and white colour print front and spine. Green and brown colour background, 204 pages. 4. '"JUNGLE WARFARE" 1944. Green buckram, dark blue print front and spine. Illustrated - small sketch of a soldier. Dust cover, white colour print, front, spine. Illustrated green, orange and white two soldiers at rest. 200 pages. 5. "STAND EASY" 1945. Teal buckram, dark blue colour print, front and spine. Illustrated soldier with hands in the air. Dust cover - red colour print front and spine. Illustrated colour sketch of a soldier holding globe of the world, beige background, Back - photograph of Australian War Memorial in Canberra. 208 pages. 6. "ON GUARD" 1944. Green buckram, black colour print front and spine. Illustrated black ink sketch drawing of a soldier. light green background. 172 pages. 7. '"SIGNALS", Green buckram, dark blue print front and spine. Illustrated AUSTRALIAN CORPS OF SIGNALS CREST. Dust cover - white and purple print on front and spine. Illustrated purple figure on globe. 196 pages. book series, aif, ww2, william john sullivan -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Poster - Framed poster, HMAS Sydney in Korean waters 1951-1952
Reproduction print of HMAS Sydney in Korean waters launching Hawker Sea Fury fighters. Sydney was a Majestic-class light aircraft carrier operated by the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). She was built for the Royal Navy but was not completed before the end of World War II. The carrier was sold to Australia in 1947, completed and commissioned into the RAN in 1948. From late 1951 to early 1952, she operated off the coast of Korea during the Korean War, making her the first carrier in the RAN, to see wartime service. The Donor, Errol DREHER served with the RAN on board HMAS Sydney during the Korean War.HMAS Sydney was the first of three conventional aircraft carriers to serve in the RAN, and operated as the navy's flagship during the early part of her career. Retasked as a training vessel following the 1955 arrival of her modernised sister ship, HMAS Melbourne, Sydney remained in service until 1958, when she was placed in reserve as surplus to requirements. The need for a sealift capability saw the ship modified for service as a fast troop transport, and recommissioned in 1962. In 1965, she sailed on the first voyage to Vũng Tàu, transporting soldiers and equipment to serve in the Vietnam War. 25 voyages to Vietnam were made between 1965 and 1972, earning the ship the nickname "Vung Tau Ferry". Sydney was decommissioned in 1973, and was not replaced. Brown timber frame containing blue poster with image of ship and plane at seaHMAS Sydney in Korean waters 1951-1952 Painting by Roy Honisett, courtesy Australian War Memorial Royal Australian Navy 75th Anniversaryhmas sydney, korea, royal australian navy -
St Kilda Historical Society
Ephemera - Program - religious service, St George's Uniting Church East St Kilda Memorial Service, 1996
Annual memorial service in memory of those who died in war service, including former minister Rev Andrew Gillison, MA, who served as Chaplain for overseas service in World War I and died at Gallipoli in 1915 while attempting to rescue a wounded soldier. Held on 25 August 1996.The memorial service was followed by a lunch, a tour of the Army Depot, 2nd/10th Medium Regiment Artillery, 8 Chapel Street, East St Kilda, and then a concert back at the church later in the afternoon.Pamphlet of three cream coloured pages, folded and printed on both sides in black. Unbound. Illustration of the church on the front. rev andrew gillison, 14th battalion aif, 2/14th army battalion