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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1988 / January 1989
Household garbage collection / p1. Come and try - recreation for all [Kew Recreation Integration Group Incorporated] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December/January / p2. Christmas Services / p2. [Kew] Conservation Study / p2&7. Carols by Candlelight [Alexandra Gardens] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Summer holiday awareness [Kew Neighbourhood Watch] / p3. [Council] Meeting dates / p3. Christmas cards / p3. [Kew Community] Bus volunteers / p3. Christmas celebrations at Cotham Village / p4. Kew Lions [Club] News / p4. Teenage Holiday Program / p4. Music bookings [Music in the Round] / p4. 'Senior' exhibitors wanted [Senior Citizens’ Centre] / p4. Bicentennial beanstalk - and Jack [Hartwell Players] / p5. Mature aged students find TAFE supportive / p5. Bicentennial Christmas celebrations / p5. New [Kew Community] Directory for families with children / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Children's holiday programs / p6. 25 years for local CWA / p6. Bowls notes [Kew Ladies' Bowls team] / p6. Musical comedy players wanted [Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p6. Long history for local bank [National Australia Bank, National Bank of Australasia] / p7. Special camps for young asthmatics / p7. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p8. Music for children / p8. Better access to gardens for disabled [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. [1989] Kew Festival / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHousehold garbage collection / p1. Come and try - recreation for all [Kew Recreation Integration Group Incorporated] / p1. Rates reminder / p1. Dates for December/January / p2. Christmas Services / p2. [Kew] Conservation Study / p2&7. Carols by Candlelight [Alexandra Gardens] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Summer holiday awareness [Kew Neighbourhood Watch] / p3. [Council] Meeting dates / p3. Christmas cards / p3. [Kew Community] Bus volunteers / p3. Christmas celebrations at Cotham Village / p4. Kew Lions [Club] News / p4. Teenage Holiday Program / p4. Music bookings [Music in the Round] / p4. 'Senior' exhibitors wanted [Senior Citizens’ Centre] / p4. Bicentennial beanstalk - and Jack [Hartwell Players] / p5. Mature aged students find TAFE supportive / p5. Bicentennial Christmas celebrations / p5. New [Kew Community] Directory for families with children / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Children's holiday programs / p6. 25 years for local CWA / p6. Bowls notes [Kew Ladies' Bowls team] / p6. Musical comedy players wanted [Viola Musical Comedy Society] / p6. Long history for local bank [National Australia Bank, National Bank of Australasia] / p7. Special camps for young asthmatics / p7. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p8. Music for children / p8. Better access to gardens for disabled [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. [1989] Kew Festival / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1988
Kew Festival Program [promotion] / p1. Kew Festival Chairman's address / Rhys Williams p2. Festival highlights / p2. Fun Day / p2.Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt p3. Some Festival highlights for the young / p3. Community action [Kew Community Action’s Group / p3.Neighbourhood Watch / p4. Closing the gap [Kew Festival, Kew Seniors' Week] / p4. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p4. Kew Community House / Judy Price p4. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p4. Musical Maestros [Sadko Balalaika Orchestra] / p5. Family Day at Studley Park [Australia's Bicentennial] / p5. Measles isn't child's play / p5. [Kew] Library hours reminder / p5. Dates for March / p6. [Community] Notices / p6. Program [Kew Festival] / p7. Senior Citizens' Week [Program] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Festival Program [promotion] / p1. Kew Festival Chairman's address / Rhys Williams p2. Festival highlights / p2. Fun Day / p2.Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt p3. Some Festival highlights for the young / p3. Community action [Kew Community Action’s Group / p3.Neighbourhood Watch / p4. Closing the gap [Kew Festival, Kew Seniors' Week] / p4. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p4. Kew Community House / Judy Price p4. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p4. Musical Maestros [Sadko Balalaika Orchestra] / p5. Family Day at Studley Park [Australia's Bicentennial] / p5. Measles isn't child's play / p5. [Kew] Library hours reminder / p5. Dates for March / p6. [Community] Notices / p6. Program [Kew Festival] / p7. Senior Citizens' Week [Program] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1987
[Bill Martin, Senior Citizen of the Year ]/ p1&3. Dates for June / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Commentary [Australia's Bicentennial] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor p3. Margaret Sasse's Gym [Toddler Kindy Gymbaroo] / p4. Children's Services / Elizabeth Sullivan p4. [Jubilee] Fountain research tells / Kew Historical Society p5. New home service / p5. New hours [Kew Senior Citizen's Centre] / p5. Open House [ Kew Community House] / Judy Price p6. Film finales [Parenting film nights, St Hilary's Anglican Church] / p6. Immunise soon / p6. Brave Melissa [Golds] fights on two fronts / p7. Car thefts [Kew Neighbourhood Watch] / p7. [Muscular] Dystrophy contact / p7. [Kew] Library / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew PMs [Prime Ministers] / p8. Council Briefs / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fiction[Bill Martin, Senior Citizen of the Year ]/ p1&3. Dates for June / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Commentary [Australia's Bicentennial] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor p3. Margaret Sasse's Gym [Toddler Kindy Gymbaroo] / p4. Children's Services / Elizabeth Sullivan p4. [Jubilee] Fountain research tells / Kew Historical Society p5. New home service / p5. New hours [Kew Senior Citizen's Centre] / p5. Open House [ Kew Community House] / Judy Price p6. Film finales [Parenting film nights, St Hilary's Anglican Church] / p6. Immunise soon / p6. Brave Melissa [Golds] fights on two fronts / p7. Car thefts [Kew Neighbourhood Watch] / p7. [Muscular] Dystrophy contact / p7. [Kew] Library / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. Kew PMs [Prime Ministers] / p8. Council Briefs / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1987
Kew Festival / p1. Kew Festival Program / p2. Commentary [Kew Festival] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. Children's Services update [Kew Children's Services Consultative Committee] / p3. Holiday integration huge success / p3. Profile - Cr Robin Saunders / p4. Keeping you informed - tenancy [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p4. Footy news [Kew Football Club; Kew Rovers] / p4. Goodbye from Rhonda [McCaw] [Kew Community House] / p5. Inner East Home Board Scheme / p5. Dates for March / p6. [Community] Notices / p6. [Kew Festival program of events] / p7. Senior Citizens' Week [program of events] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Festival / p1. Kew Festival Program / p2. Commentary [Kew Festival] / Cr Joe Ormando, Mayor of Kew p3. Children's Services update [Kew Children's Services Consultative Committee] / p3. Holiday integration huge success / p3. Profile - Cr Robin Saunders / p4. Keeping you informed - tenancy [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p4. Footy news [Kew Football Club; Kew Rovers] / p4. Goodbye from Rhonda [McCaw] [Kew Community House] / p5. Inner East Home Board Scheme / p5. Dates for March / p6. [Community] Notices / p6. [Kew Festival program of events] / p7. Senior Citizens' Week [program of events] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1986
Kew Heritage Study focusses on houses [Kew Urban Conservation Study] / p1&8. Municipal elections '86 and Poll on restructure options for Kew / p1&3. Dates for August / p2. [Community ] Notices / p2&8. Commentary - Kew responds to Options Paper [Local Government restructure] / Cr Robin Saunders p3. Profile - Cr Maree Williams / p4. Cheque for Red Cross [Red Cross Appeal] / p4. Meals on Wheels turns 30 [history] / p5. All's fine in the garden at East Kew Primary [School] [theatre performance] / p5. Bicentennial Committee's making plans [Australia's Bicentennial] / p6. Interested in joining Kew Philharmonic? / p6. What do the Senior Cits do? / p6. They're looking for a pianist [Kew Senior Citizens' Centre] / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Kew Community House - A day in the life of the Community House [3rd Term tutors needed; Coming events; Thanks] / p7. The Gatehouse [Day Centre] / p7. Good gardening / Peter Davies p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Heritage Study focusses on houses [Kew Urban Conservation Study] / p1&8. Municipal elections '86 and Poll on restructure options for Kew / p1&3. Dates for August / p2. [Community ] Notices / p2&8. Commentary - Kew responds to Options Paper [Local Government restructure] / Cr Robin Saunders p3. Profile - Cr Maree Williams / p4. Cheque for Red Cross [Red Cross Appeal] / p4. Meals on Wheels turns 30 [history] / p5. All's fine in the garden at East Kew Primary [School] [theatre performance] / p5. Bicentennial Committee's making plans [Australia's Bicentennial] / p6. Interested in joining Kew Philharmonic? / p6. What do the Senior Cits do? / p6. They're looking for a pianist [Kew Senior Citizens' Centre] / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Kew Community House - A day in the life of the Community House [3rd Term tutors needed; Coming events; Thanks] / p7. The Gatehouse [Day Centre] / p7. Good gardening / Peter Davies p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1986
Kew Junction is buzzing / p1. Bold proposal for Kew Junction [Kew Junction Committee] / p1&5. Correction [garbage collection dates] / p1. Dates for June / p2&8. [Community ] Notices / p2&8. Commentary by the Mayor Cr Phyllis Hore - Survey shows that bigger is not always better [Local Government Restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore p3. New faces at Kew Council [Elizabeth Sullivan, Children's Services Officer; Craig Midgley, Integration Officer] / p3&5. In Brief [Recreation Centre update; North Ward meeting] / p4. Profile - Cr Anne Glasson / p4. Calling Kew business people [Group Apprenticeship Scheme] / p5. Safeway expansion / p5. Q Student Gallery opens [Kew High School] / p6. [Kew Citizens'] Band News [Junior Band, Senior Band] / p6. Volunteers needed [Wurundjeri Industries] / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Kew Peace Project gets grant / p7. How Kew became home for Renaissance Dance team [Ripponlea Renaissance Dancers; Helga Hill; St Paul's Anglican Church] / p7. A story with a happy ending [Dietrich Werthauer] / p7. The Probus Club of Kew / p8. Deepdene and District Inter-Church Council / p8. You can help the Salvos [Red Shield Appeal] / p8. Caring for cats (dogs and maidenhairs too!) [Animal Feeding Service] / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Junction is buzzing / p1. Bold proposal for Kew Junction [Kew Junction Committee] / p1&5. Correction [garbage collection dates] / p1. Dates for June / p2&8. [Community ] Notices / p2&8. Commentary by the Mayor Cr Phyllis Hore - Survey shows that bigger is not always better [Local Government Restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore p3. New faces at Kew Council [Elizabeth Sullivan, Children's Services Officer; Craig Midgley, Integration Officer] / p3&5. In Brief [Recreation Centre update; North Ward meeting] / p4. Profile - Cr Anne Glasson / p4. Calling Kew business people [Group Apprenticeship Scheme] / p5. Safeway expansion / p5. Q Student Gallery opens [Kew High School] / p6. [Kew Citizens'] Band News [Junior Band, Senior Band] / p6. Volunteers needed [Wurundjeri Industries] / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Kew Peace Project gets grant / p7. How Kew became home for Renaissance Dance team [Ripponlea Renaissance Dancers; Helga Hill; St Paul's Anglican Church] / p7. A story with a happy ending [Dietrich Werthauer] / p7. The Probus Club of Kew / p8. Deepdene and District Inter-Church Council / p8. You can help the Salvos [Red Shield Appeal] / p8. Caring for cats (dogs and maidenhairs too!) [Animal Feeding Service] / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1985
... ; Half-price sale [Kew Senior Citizens' Lions Club Opportunity ...Festival time! / p1. Community notes - General; Half-price sale [Kew Senior Citizens' Lions Club Opportunity Shop]; Support groups; Clubs; Politics / p2&16. Update: Notes from Council - The Kew Community Festival - Growing together / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Garbage! / p4. Kew Community Directory /p4. Human Services in Kew / p4. Kids driving you crazy? [Kew Occasional Care Centre] / p4. Waiting for funding [Full Day Care Centre] / p4. Traffic management / p5. Free trees! / p5. Places available for extended hours kinder! [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p5. Children's' Services Consultative Committee Report [Extensions of services; Children's Services Officers; Play leader; After School Programme; Future directions] / p5. Hamer Court is home / p6. Kew Festival 85 [Festival programme] / p7-10. Kew Community House [Easter eggs; We need you!; Home tutor scheme; What would you like to learn?; City walks; It's Festive time; Raffle; Open House] / p11. Music and movement for pre-school children / p11. Youth Page - It's all happening!; Notes from the I.Y.Y. Committee [[International Youth Year]; Summer Holiday Program / p12-13. Wanted [youth stories] / p13. Kew woman captains Victoria [Ruth Buckstein, Victorian Women's Cricket Team] / p13. Kew Young Liberals / p13. A Street by any other name ... Stawell Street and Sir William Street [William Foster Stawell; D'Estaville] / p14. Memories ... Memories [Kew as I remember it] / p14. Library news / p15. Senior Citizens' Week March 17-24 / p15. CAB [Citizens' Advice Bureau] comes to the Festival / p15. This Kewriosity is being brought to you by - Kew Ranger Guides / p16. English classes for migrants / p16. Letter - Memories for loan? / William Martin p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionFestival time! / p1. Community notes - General; Half-price sale [Kew Senior Citizens' Lions Club Opportunity Shop]; Support groups; Clubs; Politics / p2&16. Update: Notes from Council - The Kew Community Festival - Growing together / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Garbage! / p4. Kew Community Directory /p4. Human Services in Kew / p4. Kids driving you crazy? [Kew Occasional Care Centre] / p4. Waiting for funding [Full Day Care Centre] / p4. Traffic management / p5. Free trees! / p5. Places available for extended hours kinder! [Davis Street Kindergarten] / p5. Children's' Services Consultative Committee Report [Extensions of services; Children's Services Officers; Play leader; After School Programme; Future directions] / p5. Hamer Court is home / p6. Kew Festival 85 [Festival programme] / p7-10. Kew Community House [Easter eggs; We need you!; Home tutor scheme; What would you like to learn?; City walks; It's Festive time; Raffle; Open House] / p11. Music and movement for pre-school children / p11. Youth Page - It's all happening!; Notes from the I.Y.Y. Committee [[International Youth Year]; Summer Holiday Program / p12-13. Wanted [youth stories] / p13. Kew woman captains Victoria [Ruth Buckstein, Victorian Women's Cricket Team] / p13. Kew Young Liberals / p13. A Street by any other name ... Stawell Street and Sir William Street [William Foster Stawell; D'Estaville] / p14. Memories ... Memories [Kew as I remember it] / p14. Library news / p15. Senior Citizens' Week March 17-24 / p15. CAB [Citizens' Advice Bureau] comes to the Festival / p15. This Kewriosity is being brought to you by - Kew Ranger Guides / p16. English classes for migrants / p16. Letter - Memories for loan? / William Martin p16. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1984
60th issue / p1. "Woodlands Avenue" to accomodate 3YO's [Kew Pre-School Support Group; East Kew Baptist Church] / p1. [Kew] Community Festival extended / p1. Books and games for children / p2. 68th Anniversary Hyde Park Uniting Church / p2. Seniors & Lions / p2. Kew [Daytime] Garden Club / p2. Action Programme [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p2. Hyde Park Uniting Church Fellowship / p2. Mayoral Column [Council Budget] / p3. A foster family's experience [Inner East Foster Care] / p4. Volunteer helpers needed / p4. Aspects of alcohol use in the community / p4. Kew Citizens' Band / p4. Youth Pages - Welcome [Kew appoints full time youth worker - Ian Patching; International Youth Year 1985; Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Summer - a time for recreation / p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update - Report from Consultative Committee / p7. Traffic management / p7. Things to do in Kew / p8. Occasional Care Centre / p9. Library news / p9. Tipping facilities / p9. Senior Citizens' Activity Groups in Kew / p9. Kew/Hawthorn Citizens' Advice Bureau / p10. Kalker Montessori Kindergarten / p10. The Billabong Club / p10. Australian Labor Party / p10. Kew Garden Club and Native Plant Group / p10. Parents of Gays / p10. Kew Community House Annual Report [Glendonald; Elderly; Youth; Unemployed; Single parents; Counselling?; Citizens Advice Bureau; Churches; Mural; Courses & Activities; Drop-in Centre; Volunteers] / Mary Scomazzon p11-12. Kew Community House Youth Group / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fiction60th issue / p1. "Woodlands Avenue" to accomodate 3YO's [Kew Pre-School Support Group; East Kew Baptist Church] / p1. [Kew] Community Festival extended / p1. Books and games for children / p2. 68th Anniversary Hyde Park Uniting Church / p2. Seniors & Lions / p2. Kew [Daytime] Garden Club / p2. Action Programme [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p2. Hyde Park Uniting Church Fellowship / p2. Mayoral Column [Council Budget] / p3. A foster family's experience [Inner East Foster Care] / p4. Volunteer helpers needed / p4. Aspects of alcohol use in the community / p4. Kew Citizens' Band / p4. Youth Pages - Welcome [Kew appoints full time youth worker - Ian Patching; International Youth Year 1985; Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Summer - a time for recreation / p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update - Report from Consultative Committee / p7. Traffic management / p7. Things to do in Kew / p8. Occasional Care Centre / p9. Library news / p9. Tipping facilities / p9. Senior Citizens' Activity Groups in Kew / p9. Kew/Hawthorn Citizens' Advice Bureau / p10. Kalker Montessori Kindergarten / p10. The Billabong Club / p10. Australian Labor Party / p10. Kew Garden Club and Native Plant Group / p10. Parents of Gays / p10. Kew Community House Annual Report [Glendonald; Elderly; Youth; Unemployed; Single parents; Counselling?; Citizens Advice Bureau; Churches; Mural; Courses & Activities; Drop-in Centre; Volunteers] / Mary Scomazzon p11-12. Kew Community House Youth Group / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1984
Street trees in Kew [Carol Frank-Mas & Associates, Landscape Architects Report] / p1. Community [Gamblers Annymousl Action Programme; Save the Children Fund; Kew Garden Club; Native Plant Group; Kew Baptist Church; Hyde Park Fellowship; Film afternoon; Toy Library; Kew Junction Traders - advertising] / p2. Raoul Wallenberg Gardens / p3. Kew Recreation Centre / p3. Kew Historical Society / p3. Kew Community House / p4. Youth Pages [New Youth Centre for Kew; Unemployed? / p5. International Youth Year 1985 [What is it? So..., In Kew! Plans] / p6-7. [Youth] Talkback / p7. Things to do in Kew [&] A bit further afield [Kew Drop-in; After school activities; The Gap; Teen Club; Community House] / p8. Mayoral Comment - "Villa Alba" / Cr Jill O'Brien [Mayor of Kew] / p9. Community Directory updates / p9. Sahara Yoga [Centre] / p10. Community artists / p10. Highbury Grove Playgroup / p10. Kew Senior Citizens' Centre / p10. Powerlines and street trees / p11. Kindergarten enrolments / p11. Immunisation sessions / p11. Roadworks / p11. Drivers needed [Kew Community Bus] / p11. Domestic noise / p11. C.A.B. [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p11. Kew (Daytime) Garden Club / p11. Kew people for nuclear disarmament / p11. H.K.C. Activities Centre / p11. Children's Services in Kew [Occasional Care Centre; Children's Services Officer; Full-Time Day Care Centre; Three Year Old Kindergarten; After School Programme; Extended Hours Kindergarten] / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionStreet trees in Kew [Carol Frank-Mas & Associates, Landscape Architects Report] / p1. Community [Gamblers Annymousl Action Programme; Save the Children Fund; Kew Garden Club; Native Plant Group; Kew Baptist Church; Hyde Park Fellowship; Film afternoon; Toy Library; Kew Junction Traders - advertising] / p2. Raoul Wallenberg Gardens / p3. Kew Recreation Centre / p3. Kew Historical Society / p3. Kew Community House / p4. Youth Pages [New Youth Centre for Kew; Unemployed? / p5. International Youth Year 1985 [What is it? So..., In Kew! Plans] / p6-7. [Youth] Talkback / p7. Things to do in Kew [&] A bit further afield [Kew Drop-in; After school activities; The Gap; Teen Club; Community House] / p8. Mayoral Comment - "Villa Alba" / Cr Jill O'Brien [Mayor of Kew] / p9. Community Directory updates / p9. Sahara Yoga [Centre] / p10. Community artists / p10. Highbury Grove Playgroup / p10. Kew Senior Citizens' Centre / p10. Powerlines and street trees / p11. Kindergarten enrolments / p11. Immunisation sessions / p11. Roadworks / p11. Drivers needed [Kew Community Bus] / p11. Domestic noise / p11. C.A.B. [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p11. Kew (Daytime) Garden Club / p11. Kew people for nuclear disarmament / p11. H.K.C. Activities Centre / p11. Children's Services in Kew [Occasional Care Centre; Children's Services Officer; Full-Time Day Care Centre; Three Year Old Kindergarten; After School Programme; Extended Hours Kindergarten] / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kew Elder Citizens' Club, Lyons 'Mountain Grand' Warburton, Unknown, 1978
... (vic.) senior citizens clubs -- kew (vic) club tours Framed ...The orthodox version of the origins and history of the Kew Elder(ly) Citizens’ Association was established by Cr. W. D. Vaughan in his book Kew’s Civic Century (1960), when he wrote that: "When Mrs. C. H. Simpson was Mayoress in 1952 she set up the Elderly Citizens’ Association to care for the needs of ages persons in Kew. The idea was strongly supported and a start was made by providing social afternoons for elderly folk at Southesk. Visiting sick people in their homes, providing firewood where needed, and other activities were undertaken by the Association. The aid of Council was sought to further the work. It was decided that a social unit for elderly folk be established at Southesk." (p.126-7). In the following pages, he describes in detail Council’s role in formally establishing the Association. This ‘official’ version was reasserted in the later Thematic Environmental History of the City of Boroondara (2012). However the origins and gestation of community of organisations is rarely straightforward. In 1965, five years after Vaughan’s book was published, the author of East Kew Women’s Club : Twenty Years : 20-7-1945-30-7-1965, writing about the period July 1947 to July 1950, described the role the Club played in establishing the Kew Elder Citizens Association. The author wrote: "At a meeting of the Kew Community Aid, the plight of many elderly people in Kew who were dependent on pensions was raised and in order to ascertain their needs the practice was begun of serving morning tea at the Masonic Hall in Walpole Street, where pensions were then paid. From this beginning the Kew Elder Citizens Association was formed in Kew with wide support, and Club members gave willing support on the committee, in helping serve afternoon tea and in entertainment." (p.4) Photographic evidence also leads to questions about Vaughan’s version of events. A framed photograph in the Society’s Collection shows a Public Meeting to form the Kew Elder Citizens Association in a room at Southesk a year earlier in 1951. Whatever version of the origins of the Association is correct, a later framed photograph in the Society’s collection shows the opening of the completed Clubrooms of the Kew Elder Citizens at South Esk by the Hon. E.P. Cameron M.L.C, Minister of Health, on 12 November 1956. The Association is still active in Kew and is currently located at Hamer Court, opposite the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery in High Street, Kew.Framed and titled black and white photograph taken on the occasion of a visit by members of the Kew Elder Citizens Club to Lyons "Mountain Grand" Warburton, in February groups -- kew (vic.), senior citizens clubs -- kew (vic), club tours -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Finalists in the 'Queen Competition' at Southesk, Kew Elder Citizens' Club, 1967
... citizens club kew senior citizens centre inc. southesk miss knox ...The orthodox version of the origins and history of the Kew Elder(ly) Citizens’ Association was established by Cr. W. D. Vaughan in his book Kew’s Civic Century (1960), when he wrote that: "When Mrs. C. H. Simpson was Mayoress in 1952 she set up the Elderly Citizens’ Association to care for the needs of ages persons in Kew. The idea was strongly supported and a start was made by providing social afternoons for elderly folk at Southesk. Visiting sick people in their homes, providing firewood where needed, and other activities were undertaken by the Association. The aid of Council was sought to further the work. It was decided that a social unit for elderly folk be established at Southesk." (p.126-7). In the following pages, he describes in detail Council’s role in formally establishing the Association. This ‘official’ version was reasserted in the later Thematic Environmental History of the City of Boroondara (2012). However the origins and gestation of community of organisations is rarely straightforward. In 1965, five years after Vaughan’s book was published, the author of East Kew Women’s Club : Twenty Years : 20-7-1945-30-7-1965, writing about the period July 1947 to July 1950, described the role the Club played in establishing the Kew Elder Citizens Association. The author wrote: "At a meeting of the Kew Community Aid, the plight of many elderly people in Kew who were dependent on pensions was raised and in order to ascertain their needs the practice was begun of serving morning tea at the Masonic Hall in Walpole Street, where pensions were then paid. From this beginning the Kew Elder Citizens Association was formed in Kew with wide support, and Club members gave willing support on the committee, in helping serve afternoon tea and in entertainment." (p.4) Photographic evidence also leads to questions about Vaughan’s version of events. A framed photograph in the Society’s Collection shows a Public Meeting to form the Kew Elder Citizens Association in a room at Southesk a year earlier in 1951. Whatever version of the origins of the Association is correct, a later framed photograph in the Society’s collection shows the opening of the completed Clubrooms of the Kew Elder Citizens at South Esk by the Hon. E.P. Cameron M.L.C, Minister of Health, on 12 November 1956. The Association is still active in Kew and is currently located at Hamer Court, opposite the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery in High Street, Kew.Historic early photograph from the archives of the Kew Elder Citizen's ClubFramed photograph of six women who it is presumed were the candidates or finalists in a competition to be the Queen of Southesk. At this time, Southesk in Cotham Road was home to the Kew Elder Citizens Club, now known as Kew Senior Citizens Centre Inc.Front mount: "Queen Competition 1967 - South Esk - Won by Mrs Harkansee." Reverse: "L-R: -. Miss Knox, Mrs Emmerson, Mrs Higgins, Mrs Moyle, Mrs Harkansee"kew elder citizens club, kew senior citizens centre inc., southesk, miss knox, mrs emmerson, mrs higgins, mrs moyle, mrs harkensee -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Elder Citizens' Club, Cast of 'Cinderella', Kew Elder Citizens' Association, 1976
The Kew Elder Citizen's Association was formally established in 1952. During its initial years it met at South Esk in Cotham Road. Later the Club moved to its current headquarters in High Street.Framed photograph of a theatrical performance of 'Cinderella' by the Kew Elder Citizens' Club in 1976. Handwritten insert below photograph: "Cinderella - Cast, 1976 / Arthur Sharpe; The Prince - Hec Camm; Fairy Godmother - Bill Humphries; Step-sisters - Wally Tustin, Ralph Preston, George Driver; Compere - Alma Westcott".kew elder citizens' club -- association, community groups -- kew (vic.), kew senior citizens, theatre -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Original Members at Southesk, 1956
The Kew Elder Citizens Club Rooms at 'Southesk' were officially opened by the Hon EP Cameron MLC on 12 November 1956. The Club met at the Council-owned 'Southesk' until 1963 when new club rooms were opened at the corner of High and Childers Streets in 1963.One of a seminal group of photographs and documents (invitations) relating to the formation of the Kew Elder Citizens club at Southesk in the 1950s.Annotated black and white photographic positive of eleven women standing in the garden of Southesk on the corner of Cotham Road and Charles Street, Kew. Apart from the handwritten annotation on the front there is no other information on the obverse or reverse of the photograph. It is assumed, given the clothing and age of the women that this was a group of members of the Kew Elder Citizens Club. Individuals within the group have not yet been identified.Original Members at Southeskkew elder citizens, kew senior citizens, southesk -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 75th Annual Report 1970 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1971
Articles in annual report include: branch committees, President's report, finance report, balance sheet, hospital homes, blind citizens community centre, welfare, auxiliaries, senior staff, life governors, historical and current photographs of Ballarat, Bendigo, Brighton and the Blind Citizens Community centre, establishment of an ophthalmological clinic at Elanora, demand for more nursing beds and funding for nursing support, need for hostel accommodation for short stay or respite for carers, renaming of Brighton Blind Home to Elanora, 20 bed nursing wing to be opened at Mirridong next year, a second block of flats facing Glenferrie Road has been purchased due to demand for expansion at Kooyong Blind Citizens Community Centre, plan for a memorial garden with a sensory section in front of the club house, appointment of a hairdresser at Kooyong and two holidays at Cumberland House in Lorne have been organised and were a huge success1 volume of text and photographsassociation for the blind, elanora home (brighton), mirridong home (bendigo), kelaston home (ballarat), annual reports -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Codling Collection 01 - Wodonga Civic Centre
Miss Olive Codling was a Foundation Member and a Life Member of the Wodonga Historical Society. Many of her prize-winning photos are held in the Society Collection. She also held a range of roles and committee positions in a wide range of Wodonga community organisations. These included the Horticultural Society, the Wodonga Arts Council, the Wodonga Camera Club and the Wodonga Lapidary Club. Wodonga Civic Centre - In the late 1960s the area in Wodonga between Hovell and Havelock Streets was zoned for civic purposes. By 1969 Melbourne architect Bruce Marshall had designed the civic centre which included a library, theatre and senior citizens' rooms. The main hall had a seating capacity of 1,000 people but could be divided by a sliding door. into smaller areas. It also included meeting rooms and kitchen facilities. The Civic Centre was officially opened by the Honorable Sir Henry Bolte, K.C.M.P., M.P., Premier of Victoria who was accompanied by the Honorable R. J. Hamer E.D., Minister for Local Government. The Shire President was Cr. James A. Terrill, J.P. This image records an important stage in the development of local government and civic buildings in Wodonga, Victoria.A series of black and white images showing the constriction and opening of the Wodonga Civic centre.wodonga businesses, high st wodonga, melba theatre -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains six items pertaining to the Caulfield Central RSL: 1/A page to which is attached a black-and-white photograph (date, source and photographer unspecified) of the Caulfield Central RSL, outlying garden and Australian flag. Some writing on the rear identifies the subject. 2/A typewritten letter, (1 page) dated 1946 (no date more specific than that specified), from the Chairman & Honorary Treasurer of the Caulfield Central RSL Appeal Committee (name unspecified) to the Mayor of Caulfield (name also unspecified), imploring the latter for a donation of $20,000 dollars for purposes of constructing a Memorial Hall to eulogize servicemen killed during WWII. Some rough working notes on rear side. 3/A flyer, undated (although presumably published in 1950), printed by Peter Isaacson Pty. Ltd., advertising a concert presented by the Ugly Ugly Man (Frank M. Beard) and the Malvern Tramways’ Harmonica Band to be held at Caulfield Town Hall on 06/06/1950 to assist the Welfare Funds of the Caulfield Central RSL and the Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen’s Mothers’ Association. Also contains an advertisement for a drapery business called Tallents. 4/The annual report of the Caulfield Central RSL, for the period 1952 – 1953. Contains announcements of the annual general meeting and annual elections, the President’s report (in which he principally discusses the club’s charity work and sporting activities), the subcommittee staff roster, the sportsmen’s honour roll, the annual accounts (e.g. balance sheet, income & expenditure statement) and the roster of nominees for office in the committee of management election. 5/A typewritten letter, (1 page) dated 26/11/1982, from Max Brian Blair, Treasurer of the Caulfield Central RSL, to Mr. R. Ballantyne, Secretary of the Caulfield Historical Society, thanking him for his donation to the RSL. 6/A photocopy of an article titled ‘RSL pays $30,000 to buy off objector’ (from the Sunday Herald, by Mary-Anne Toy, dated 16/09/1990), about the Caulfield Central RSL paying local resident Mr. Chris White to withdraw his objection to the RSL’s intention to re-allocate its clubrooms, and the consequent response of the relevant authorities.caulfield, caulfield central returned servicemen league (rsl), ex-service organisations, clubs and associations, returned servicepeople, armed forces, soldiers, aged people, senior citizens centres, mayors, city of caulfield, war memorials, blamey thomas general sir, white t. w. group capt., gullett h. b. major, beaurepaire frank sir m.l.c., kennedy j. a. m.l.c., warner a. g. m.l.c., michaelis archie m.l.a., dennett a. h. lt.-col. m.l.a., don john capt. m.l.a., reid h. squire m.l.a., brooks w. r. cr., packer j. t. cr., parton e. m. cr., prior p. l. cr., morris t. w. cr., sinclair a. j. g. cr., sims h. e. cr., smith h. c. h. cr., smith james e. cr., tyers s. w. cr., webster harold cr., yorston j. s. cr., briggs r. jas., disney j. s., donath h., llewellyn evans, goddard s. a. padre, lynch p. j., nilsen oliver j. cr., pidd padre a. t., robinson norman, reece harold j., wootton harold s., wallace gordon w., nelson harold g., halls, concerts, musical events and activities, fundraising events, bands, musical ensembles, sailors soldiers and airmen’s mothers’ association, ‘the ugly ugly man’, beard frank m., malvern tramways harmonica band the, caulfield town hall, tallents, drapers, glenhuntly road, glen huntly road, elsternwick, peter isaacson pty. ltd melbourne, annual reports, financial documents, fisher s. w., finch f., williams f., salmon j. e., mallyon v. k., woods w., mayne t. v., lanyon r. j., rowney w. p., williams j. d., pepper e., bathurst t., patterson r., nuzum e. j., phillips e. v., turner g., hawthorn road, byrne l. j., eva a. r., bunny c. l., hoy c. a., orken a., hiam s. f., rawson n. l., coleman g. h., cohen a. s., mason j., goode l. p., nelson h. g., crosbie m. r., mcsweeney t., westley g. de v., greeves c. g., festivals and celebrations, community services, social services, service clubs, ladies auxiliary, returned servicewomen’s section, blamey house, social sub-committee, sport, sporting clubs, tennis, golf, billiards, table tennis, lawn bowls, thompson peter, cricket, children’s health bureau, family welfare bureau, buley doug mr., tomlins m. i., lang a. r., kendall h. i., ford c., munro w., gordon h., rowe s., green j. h., o’brien j., ring t., anderson g. j., croft r. m., jones p. j., la cerf g., roper i., lawrence f., eustace r. c., hanley a., moore a., strachan w. d., gilbert w. f., blair m. r., scriven e. g., miller j. l., hosking b. e., cheeseman r. n., summers s., croy l. w., mclatchie s., williams stan, hattersly cliff, day alf, rawson noel, johnson alby, banham bill, kersey b., williams s., jones a., witten f., waters r., dash r., meldrum i., grant j., haggar l., nightingale n., hallett r., somers r., young g., rawson n., croft r., barton m., o’grady w., cooper p., manton j., sutcliffe a., maver a., challender d., hunt a., parrott e., leicester j., westwood a., rae alex, smith harry, forbes jimmy, johnson jack, higgins w., fink s., hall s., ross m., anderson h., fleming j., bottoms a., peek e., stark j., mathews e., gursansky l., morres r., alenson j., holland i., wallace p., craig h., lucas j., smith h., bretel l., berryman p., reid a., swann j., tully f., henderson g., fields w., johnson j., gloster p., tennat j., boyd a., butterworth k., chapman k., curran j., elkington a. b., evans w., mckenzie d. a., nicol a. b., thompson w., wanliss t. w., watson g. j., williams g., yeomans p., mcgowan h., o’connor k., atherton r., batson s. s., bull e., fletcher a., gorman s. c., hall w., jellett l., lesar h., mather r., nelson n., ratford d., rowe p., turner w. j., wehsack f., williams s. c., wilson a., carter w., forbes i., purvis l., datson r., jackson e., wolstencroft w., smith c., mitchell r., harward j., gillespie ray, hill wally, parkinson w. g., greeves colin mr., water stan mr., selleck f. p., luckins l., andrews f., young v. l., king e. j., mccutcheon j. o., grenfell d. j., hurley c., shand a. r., yeates l., hogue h., mather j., wardrop j., lyons a. m., ross a. r., bradley t., walker r. n., cox f. c., mornane j. s., fletcher a. e., mcneil j. g., rose n., lyons l. j., trevorrow g., wright d. e., walker r., maxwell j., hutchinson j. c., mclean r., caulfield historical society, ballantyne r. mr., blair max brian, toy mary-anne, ruxton bruce mr., administrative appeals tribunal, caulfield city council, white chris mr., northcote avenue, independent church of australia, marsden ian mr., mccutcheon mr -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Banner - Kew Elder Citizens Association banner
The Kew Elderly Citizen's Association was formally established in 1952. During its initial years it met at South Esk in Cotham Road. Later the Club moved to its headquarters in High Street. During the period of its existence, the club changed its name a number of times It finally became known as the Kew Senior Citizens.Handmade and painted canvas banner in shades of blue with a golden cord with tassels. The banner represents the symbol of the Kew Elder Citizens Association: a forget-me-not in the centre with laurel leaves below. "KEW / E.C.A."kew elderly citizens association, kew elder citizens, kew senior citizens, community groups -- kew (vic.), banners -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Senior Citizen's Centre, 1989
Built on part of former Primary School pine plantation.Colour photograph of Lakes Entrance Seniors Club Rooms at Coates Road, showing a brick building with hip roof. Ramp to side entry, main entry on east side. Tambo Shire Offices on hill in background. Lakes Entrance Victoriacommunity facilities, recreation -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, Seior Citizens Lakes Entrance Victoria, 1994
... Entrance Victoria Clubs Senior Citizens Black and white photograph ...High Tea at the Senior Citizens Centre Coates Road Lakes Entrance VictoriaBlack and white photograph showing Shirley Hancock President welcoming Dame Phyllis Frost 1994clubs, senior citizens -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains five items of newspaper articles pertaining to the Caulfield RSL: 1/A pamphlet titled ‘A Chance to Honour – The Men Who Saved Australia’, date and parent organisation unspecified, advertising a presentation ceremony and film screening of Chris Masters’ documentary The Men Who Saved Australia to take place on 21/10/2005, to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of WWII. Included are two sepia photographs of the 39th Victorian Battalion – the first of them travelling up the Kokoda Track and the second of them parading after being relieved by the 7th Division – and one colour photograph of Michael Danby MHR, Federal Member for Melbourne Ports, attending the 2005 Anzac Day service in Port Melbourne. 2/A clipping from the Caulfield/Glen Eira Leader (Titled ‘Conflict of war continues’, dated 09/11/2010, and authored by Jenny Ling) advertising the year’s Remembrance Day service to be held by the Caulfield RSL on 07/11/2010/ Special tribute is to be paid to service persons killed in Afghanistan. (There exists a discrepancy between the date offered for the article, which is written on the page to which the clipping is attached, rather than the clipping itself, and the date offered for the event, which is written in the clipping itself. The event is described as taking place before the publication of the publication of the article advertising it. Presumably, the date offered for the article, written on the page to which the clipping is attached, is erroneous). 3/A clipping from the Caulfield Leader (titled ‘Our True Anzac Spirit’, dated 19/04/2011, and authored by Jenny Ling) noting that the New Zealand national anthem is to be played alongside Advance Australia Fair at all RSLs across Victoria on Anzac Day following lobbying by the Caulfield branch. Included is a colour photograph of New Zealand sub-branch vice-president Danny Allen and president Sam Smith standing in front of the New Zealand flag. 4/A clipping from the Caulfield Leader (titled ‘Veteran’s Vivid Memory’, dated 08/11/2011, and authored by Jenny Ling, consisting of a short biography of WWII veteran Eric Sparks. Included is a colour photograph of Sparks. 5/A clipping from the Melbourne Weekly Bayside – Your Community Voice (titled ‘Sun Up and Two-Up’, dated 18/04/2012, author unspecified) noting a visit to the Caulfield RSL by WWII veteran John Supple, and advertising a service to be held by the RSL on 25/04/2012. Included is a colour photograph of Supple outside the RSL.caulfield, caulfield returned servicemen league (rsl), exservice organisations, clubs and associations, returned servicepeople, armed forces, soldiers, aged people, senior citizens centres, st. george’s road, elsternwick, anzac day, memorial services, moore alan ‘kanga’, danby michael mhr, masters chris, ling jenny, sammon jason, larkin bob, gutnick dovid, remembrance day, blore jeff, mcbean jon, allen danny, smith sam, stewart mark, spark eric, spark eric ‘ned’, elder vin, supple john