Showing 462 items
matching city halls -- victoria
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: G.E. Ogilvy: CURA Social Justice and the City Project 1987/88. All related documents bound in manila fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action (cura), uniting church, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Kate Shaw et al, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Bayside Views - A Collection of critical perspectives on the Bayside Development, 1988
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY'S chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside Views - A Collection of critical perspectives on the Bayside Development, a book of essays on Bayside issues, 1988 - funded by the Justice in the City projectSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, centre for urban research and action (cura), uniting church, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen, ewan ogilvy -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Victorian Auditor General's Office - Special Report No. 18: Bayside Development, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Victorian Auditor General's Office - Special Report No. 18: Bayside Development - blue/green soft cover bookSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Pamphlet, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Beacon Cove - A Future for Princes Pier, 1990s
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: 'Beacon Cove - A Future for Princes Pier' - promotional brochure for development of Princes Pier (Mirvac Beacon Cove Stage 2)Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, mirvac -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Notice, Conditions for loans, State Savings Bank of Victoria, 1924
State Savings Bank of Victoria - Conditions for loans for dwelling houses for suburban areas 1924built environment - domestic, banking, local government - city of port melbourne, state savings bank of victoria, garden city -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - General Manager, State Savings Bank of Victoria to Town Clerk, Port Melbourne re contract of sale for houses, 20 Jun 1924
Letter from General Manager, State Savings Bank of Victoria, to Town Clerk, Port Melbourne re contract of sale used in connection with Housing Act -built environment - domestic, banking, local government - city of port melbourne, state savings bank of victoria, garden city -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Binder, Bayside Open Planning Forum, Aug 1992
Donor Pat HAWKINS participated in forum which she described as 'the most democratic thing I have ever done'Large, white, plastic binder of material relating to the Bayside Open Planning Forum, a consultation process to set a direction for planning for the 'Bayside' site, 6 - 10 August 1992. Open to the public day and night for four days, incorporating large public meetings pklus opportunity for individuals to convey their ideas to a team of town planners. Refer photos 1505.01-.08.pencil sketch inside front coverbuilt environment, town planning, public action campaigns, local government - city of port melbourne, bayside open planning forum, f patricia (pat) hawkins, beris campbell, paul merain, major projects victoria -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Aerial view of first Bank Houses in Garden City, 1927
Photographic copies from black and white aerial photograph of the building of the first State Savings Bank Houses in Garden City 1927, showing also Graham Street State School, Princes Pier, Graham Street and Williamstown Road, west wing of Station Pier ("Rotomahana" at pier)built environment - domestic, fishermans bend, garden city, education - primary schools, melbourne harbor trust - port of melbourne authority, state savings bank of victoria, graham street state school, port melbourne primary school, bank houses -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Planning brief, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving VictoriaFrom Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Port Melbourne Bayside project Environmental Effects and Draft Development Brief March 1986All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Main report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One: Bayside Project EES Statement Vol.1, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Port Melbourne Bayside project Environmental Effects Statement for SCDC proposal Volume 1 Main Report July 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Technical Appendices, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One: Bayside Project EES Statement Vol.2, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside project Environmental Effects Statement for SCDC proposal Volume 2: Technical Appendices July 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - SCDC Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Sandridge City Development Corporation report on hydraulic model testing and comp. modelled traffic estimates September 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, transport - motor vehicles, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - SCDC Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Extra photocopies of all documents in 1390.06, bound only with bulldog clipAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, tom roper, evan walker -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Two: Bayside EES Hearing Transcripts, CSV and Ministerial Advisory Committee Submissions, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bound file of EES Inquiry transcripts and CSV and Ministerial Advisory Committee reports, including Ministerial briefing 22.06.1987 to 05.10.1987Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'; 'Áttachment 2' on first pagetown planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, terry chumbley, linton r lethlean, peter atkins, david spokes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Two: Bayside Press Cuttings, 1987
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s, bound file: 'Bayside' press cuttingsAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, ewan ogilvy, barry pullen -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Two: Submissions, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: bound fille containing submissions from Community Services Victoria, Port Melbourne City Council, ALP, Port Melbourne Citizens Action Group, correspondence, minutes and notes from meetings attended etc.Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy', additions to titletown planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three: Notice of Referral to Administrative Appeals Tribunal, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Notice of Referral to Administrative Appeals Tribunal May 1988; Mayor, councillors and Citizens of Port Melbourne vs Minister for Planning and Environment re EPS Amendment RL22; bound in blue fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - File, Bayside Project Bill, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside Project Bill documents including VP Hansard, copy of Act and of memorandum (a and b) plus related correspondence and documents, bound in clear fileSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee - Report on Social Impact Work for major Developments Jan 1988, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Stapled photocopies of Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee - Report on Social Impact Work for major Developments Jan 1988Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Legal record, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Port Melbourne Bayside Development Development Agreement - contract of sale, 1987
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Stapled photocopies of Port Melbourne Bayside Development Development Agreement - contract of saleRust marks from bulldog clip top front cover. Signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Magazine - Port of Melbourne Quarterly, 1982
July-Sept 1982 issue of the Port of Melbourne Quarterly, covering shipping, various issues within the port and on page 15 a story on the 'City of Port Melbourne - Gateway to Victoria'melbourne harbor trust - port of melbourne authority, transport - shipping -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Ministry of Planning & Environment, South Melbourne's Heritage, Dec 1988
Based on "City of South Melbourne Urban Conservation Study". Covers 1930s - 1960s.Paperback, illustrated guide to the history and development of South Melbourne "South Melbourne's Heritage" A4 sized book with coloured cover and blurred style picture of two women and children on Kerferd road pier in 1890s. Victoria Hotel in background. Book contains small black and white photos of buildings with descriptionsemerald hill, town planning, heritage, city of south melbourne -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Notice Paper for Centenary Commemoration Meeting of City of Port Melbourne Council 12th July 1960, 12 Jul 1960
The Notice of the Meeting of the Port Melbourne City Council was for the purpose of celebrating the Centenary of the Incorporation of the Borough of Sandridge. this name was changed to the Borough of Port Melbourne in 1884,and to the Town of Port Melbourne in January 1983. In May 1919 the City of Port Melbourne was Gazetted & remained as such until Amalgamation in 1994 . Mayor, Councillor Lesley Stanley Turner ,was in the chair and the meeting attended by His excellency the Lieut-Governor of Victoria, Lieut-General The Hon Sir Edmund Herring.Cream coloured folded Notice Paper with City of Port Melbourne logo & details of the city's Centenary Council Incorporation event. local government - city of port melbourne, local government - borough of sandridge, local government - borough of port melbourne, local government - town of port melbourne, leslie stanley turner -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Postcard, W.T.P, Railway Pier, Melbourne, Victoria, c. 1900
Railway Pier opened in 1852 with the building of the Hobson's Bay Railway linking the city to Port Melbourne. In 1923 in was re-built as Station Pier.Postcard of Railway Pier with shed on left in front of 2 ships . A 4 masted ship lies on the opposite side below the Finger Pier.Cr L S Turnerpiers and wharves - railway pier, transport - shipping -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Postcard, Railway Pier, Melbourne, Victoria, c. 1900
Railway Pier opened in 1852 with the building of the Hobson's Bay Railway linking the city to Port Melbourne. In 1923 in was re-built as Station Pier.Sepia postcard of Railway Pier with shed on left in front of 2 ships . A sailing ship lies on the opposite side below the Finger Pier. A steamer being towed away from the pier by a tug .piers and wharves - railway pier, transport - shipping -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Admission ticket Victoria's 150th Anniversary Celebrations, November 1985
The dance was held on Friday 8th November 1985 at the Port Melbourne Town Hall to celebrate the wind up of Victoria's 150th anniversary celebrations. Cost of admission was $5.00 which included a light supper. White admission ticket with green printing for a 'Grand Old Time Dance' at the Port Melbourne Town Hall.celebration - ball, local government - city of port melbourne, victoria 150 anniversary, port melbourne town hall -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Souvenir - Souvenir teaspoons from City Port of Melbourne
David Graham was the last Town Clerk for the city of Port Melbourne.Two metal teaspoons with coloured City of Port Phillip Victoria logos. local government - city of port melbourne, david graham -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Souvenir - Boxed set of souvenir cufflinks and tie pin with City Port of Melbourne logo, Brim Melbourne, c.1990
David Graham was the last Town Clerk for the city of Port Melbourne.Blue velvet box containing a pair of cufflinks and tiepin with coloured City of Port Phillip Victoria logos. local government - city of port melbourne, david graham -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Film - Video Recording - Digital, Luke Savage, Broad Path: Melbourne High School and the Beginning of State Secondary Education, 24 Nov 2020
Digital video recording of PMHPS meeting held on 24 November 2020. Luke SAVAGE, Honorary School Archivist, Melbourne High School, talks about the origin of the school and state secondary education which both began in 1905 with the opening of the Melbourne Continuation School (renamed Melbourne High School (MHS) in 1912) it was the first of a number of High Schools across Victoria that opened academic secondary education to many Victorians for the first time. Located in the city and co-educational, the school split, with the boys moving to South Yarra and the girls after a peregrination to Albert Park as Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School. Luke also looks at connections between the school and Port Melbourne.luke savage, melbourne high school, education - secondary schools, mac.robertson girls high school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Pamphlet, Port Melbourne Garden City Extension
The State Savings Bank of Victoria transformed an area of Fisherman's Bend by creating Garden City. This 1927 pamphlet described the area and outlined the loan conditions. A small range of building designs had been developed based on designs used in England and Scotland for workmen's homes.1927 pamphlet issued by the State Savings Bank of Victoriabuilt environment - domestic, garden city, state savings bank of victoria