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matching competition school
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Badges, Volunteer Cadet Corps, Late 19th century
These are badges or pieces of insignia that would have been worn on the collar or cap of members of the Victorian Volunteer Corps. This organization was formed in Victoria in 1867 with the object of fostering in young men leadership, discipline, loyalty and initiative through training programs and community service. The Victorian Volunteer Corps was established in Warrnambool in 1868 and units were initially based at the Warrnambool State School and the Warrnambool Grammar School. Later groups were formed in other schools and competed against each other in rifle shooting competitions, marching and parade skills etc. The Warrnambool groups were trained and assisted by members of the local adult Volunteer Corps. Today cadet groups are sponsored by the Australian Army and there is revived interest in Warrnambool in school cadet groups. These insignia items have no known local provenance but are of historical interest as mementoes of the Volunteer Cadet Corps that operated in Warrnambool from the late 1860s through to the early 20th century. .1 This is a bronze-coloured metal badge with gold lettering, a crown on top, a cross with stars in the middle section and laurel leaves around the outer edges. The two clips at the back are for attachment of the badge to a collar or cap. .2 as above except that this badge has been damaged and somewhat flattened. Volunteer Cadet Corps Victoria Pro Deo et Patria volunteer cadet corps,, history of warrnambool -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, c.1955-1987
Combination of three movie films. Movie One (1950s): 00:00 – 13:14 Black and white footage of Diamond Creek firemen practising in Diamond Street in the 1950s for forthcoming demonstrations of abilities. Mentions of Gordon Brandy and Joe Hislop Running out hoses from old hose reels along Diamond Street, Diamond Creek Displays from various brigades running out and connecting hoses. Also scenes from the 1950s of Diamond Creek Fire Brigade competing in various locations around Victoria and Tasmania. Mentions of Brigade members Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett, Ron Kirkbride, Jack Marks, Graham Upton who are prominent in these events. Members of Kyneton Fire Brigade also present. Members competing in running out hose reels, connecting hoses togethers and to hydrants then climbing towers to direct water from hose or at a target hanging above the road. Diamond Creek members identified wearing a diamond on their chest and back. Includes scenes of Scottish pipe bands at the events and significant crowds of spectators. Footage of Mel Stone and Beryl Marks, Stan Redpath and Ron Kirkbride, then Ron Kirkbride and Eric Holt viewing flower displays. Film changes to colour at Diamond Creek oval for practice with fire engine entering oval. Members depicted include Bill May, Jack Sinclair, Jim Cox, Bob Beale, Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett and Captain Clarrie Stone. Reverts to black and white in the 1950s where the Brigade joins forces with the Diamond Valley Community Hospital for a Gala Day on the Diamond Creek Oval. Changes to colour again, possibly same event and scenes of children on bikes and scooters or with prams and carts racing around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his own fire truck. Dart throwing, pony rides. Scenes with Dr Don Cordner, Gus Lyons, Vic Cohn (?) and spinning wheel and Diamond Creek School children entertain a large crowd with Maypole dancing. Movie Two (1950s): 13:25 – 19:00 This black and white film was taken by a TV film crew in the 1950s depicts a typical call out for the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. In this case the careless action of a member of the public throwing a lighted match from a car, which can cause extensive damage. Footage features the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower at Kangaroo Ground before it was modified with a fire spotter’s cabin. Discusses fire spotting operations from the tower. Shows a fire spotter walking around the top of the tower. A fire is detected, and the information is relayed to the nearest fire station, in this case, Diamond Creek. The telephone call is received, and the alarm sounded. Captain Clarrie Stone and firemen May and Shaw leave their workplaces and prepare for action. Scenes of running across the Main Hurstbridge road showing the shops (Shell service station and Chemist prominent). Scenes entering the fire station which has a pictorial warning covering the entire door “Only you can prevent forest fires – If you’re careless – we’re homeless!” Eric Holt pinpoints the location of the fire while Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw take note. The advance vehicle (an FE Holden ute, rego GTE-696) leaves to assess the extent of the fire. Having assessed the fire, Fireman Shaw communicates with base showing radio with call sign VL3JZ. Eric Holt takes the call. In the meantime, Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw undertake some limited action to address the fire. Firemen Bill May, Jim Bates and Hugh Bar (?) man the tanker. A photo portrait of Queen Elizabeth is visible hanging on the wall. They are later joined by Firemen Jim Cox, Eric DeBuse (?) and Jack Marks. The tanker is seen departing the station and diverging off before the bridge. Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw are seen pumping water on the flames with hand pumps when the tanker arrives. The hose is unreeled, and water turned on the flames. Jack Sinclair joins the action. Jim Cox directs water to the high stuff. The fire put out, Jack Marks and Eric DeBuse wind in the hoses and the team head back to town. It’s peaceful again at the memorial tower. Movie Three (1969-1987): 19:14 – 34:34 Colour film “Fired with Dedication”, Country Fire Authority Victoria, produced by I.L. Wadeson, Commentary by A.M. Hem. Credits with CFA Victoria emblem and then placed over a view of an old-style ladder engine. Opens with the scene of a fire engine outside the Diamond Creek Fire Station then various trophies reflecting the competition success of the brigade in various track and disciplined events. Two trophies shown of particular pride to the brigade were for first place in the Torchlight Procession at the State Championships in Mildura in 1986 and also at Swan Hill in 1981. Still photo scenes of ex Captain Clarrie Stone, Brigade Captain for 21 years; ex Captain Jack Marks, 10 years; ex Captain Ian Douglas, 10 years. Cuts to scene of radio control room, January 1969, and news of a fire on the northern side of the township of Diamond Creek. With scenes of flames in bush, the narration explains that until the early 1960s the area was an orchard district which protected the town against the savagery of bushfires. But due to competition from other areas more suitable for orcharding and easier transport to Melbourne the district could no longer remain competitive, and orchards were replaced by grassed areas, which together with the bush areas were a feeding ground for fire. On 8th January 1969, high temperatures and strong north winds, were, with the carelessness of some individual all that was necessary to produce the worst fire the district had seen. Cuts to scene of blackened fields and cattle - Hundreds of hectares of grass land were blackened, and cattle had to be transported to other areas for agistment. Scene of destroyed buildings in the township – 13 houses and the public hall in the town were destroyed as was the theatre equipment which was owned by the fire brigade. The Church of England Hall and bell tower were badly damaged. The whole town could have been burnt out but for the determination, skill, and courage of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Scenes of all that was left of the home on the hill on the west side of the Church of England. Also, the remains of the old Pisy (?) home on the top of the same hill near Lambert Street, and the ruined Crocker home. Cuts to a scene in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s of a house fire in Haley Street attended by the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Although the house was severely damaged, it was saved. Mentions that whilst assistance is appreciated, in some circumstances, those doing so are not properly dressed for fighting fires. Breathing apparatus is a must in structure fire attack. Next scene (either on Mangarook or Coventry oval) showing off four Diamond Creek Fire Brigade efficient and very expensive firefighting units. Features a forward control vehicle Toyota 4WD used for conveying task force personnel to the required areas; a Hino Model 3.2 tanker, diesel powered and carries 3,000 litres of water and has a 16 HP petrol driven pump which delivers 900 litres of water per minute; an International tanker (registration TCM-418) which carries 3,000 litres of water with pumping capacity of 600 litres per minute. The Ford diesel powered pumper (registration MXE-754) is a well-equipped vehicle with a water capacity of 1,000 litres and capable of pumping 1,900 litres of water per minute from the main pump, has many lockers which hose equipment such as breathing apparatus and various types of hose nozzles and foam making equipment. The vehicle carries 360m of 64mm diameter hose which can be laid out from the rear lockers and a portable lighting plant, an Oxy Viva resuscitator to revive smoke inhalation victims and forcible entry tools to gain access to structure fires. Views of the main pump and control panel on the vehicle. As well as the main pump, the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary pump which allows the facility to pump whilst moving. Fire fighters must undergo constant training and hone their skills, Scenes of a training exercise using the pumper to pump from static water. First, the short lengths of suction hose are coupled, a strainer fitted to ensure debris does not foul the pump. Gauges must be constantly monitored to ensure manageable water pressures are maintained. Pressures are normally controlled to allow two fire fighters to work at each nozzle outlet. Two nozzles are tested, one adjustable jet fog type which is used on flammable gasses or within a structure fire to absorb heat. A straight jet nozzle to project water long distances to protect exposed surfaces close to a fire radiated heat. The pumper is quite a versatile vehicle in handling structure fires, but it also carries specialist equipment needed in containing hazardous chemical incidents. Cuts to scene of parade – the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade has with other neighbouring brigades participated in most town fairs and earns the respect of the watching public. It can be seen why this brigade has been so successful at disciplined contests. Views of Plenty Fire Brigade Road Rescue unit which is equipped with the “Jaws of Life” Scenes of athletic competitions – many neighbouring brigades indulge in friendly but keen competition at the Diamond Creek Town Fair. The young are also encouraged to participate in all aspects of Junior Fire Brigade activities and become tomorrow’s generation of volunteer fire fighters. Scene of the 1986 Diamond Creek Town Fair which was the last time veteran Captain Clarrie Stone BEM marched with the brigade. Clarrie was awarded the British Empire Medal for his service to the Country Fire Authority. Also, scenes of vehicles in the parade. Cuts to scene of brigade members in drill formation for inspection by Acting Chief Harry Rothsay (?) on the occasion of the opening of the new fire station extensions on August 29, 1987. Rudy Libel (?) Captain at the time. Scenes of crowds including many dignitaries of neighbouring brigades present including Lieutenant Gordon Grandy (who came down from Queensland for the occasion) and ex-Secretary David Kidd and wife Betty, also ex Captain Clarrie Stone and Mrs Nel Stone, a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary, the Reverend Jock Ryan, son of J.L Ryan, founder of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, Foundation Captain of the fire brigade, Keith Bradbury and Mrs Bradbury. Pauline Dick accepts a community service award for services to the CFA. Recognising over 47 and a half years of service, a presentation is made by Mr Neil Marshall, Acting Chairman of the CFA to ex Captain Clarrie Stone with response by Clarrie. Other members of the official party include Cr. Martin Wright, Shire President Wayne Phillips and local Member of Parliament, Mrs Pauline Toner. Ex foreman John Bennett is presented with a life member’s awards by Captain Rudy Libel. The camera also catches Gwen Cox, Jean Ryan and Bessie Layton (?) Provides historic footage of people, places and equipment and a record of the worst fires expoerienced in Diamond Creek in 1969BASF Standard Quality SQ E-180 VHS dubbing (poor quality) of three films Converted to MP4 file format 0:34:38, 1.85GBOn label: "Donation - August 2000 Diamond Creek Unit Old films made up from Fire Brigade shows at competitions - also Kangaroo Ground Tower being used"video recording, diamond creek fire brigade, 1986 diamond creek town fair, a.m. hem, acting chief harry rothsay, athletic competitions, beryl marks, bessie layton, betty kidd, bill may, bob beale, brian laurie, bruce hackett, captain clarrie stone, chemist, church of england hall, clarrie stone, clarrie stone bem, country fire authority victoria, coventry oval, cr. martin wright, crocker home, dart throwing, dave kidd, david kidd, diamond creek, diamond creek fire station, diamond creek oval, diamond creek school, diamond creek town fair, diamond street, diamond valley community hospital, dr don cordner, eric debuse, eric holt, fe holden ute, fire damage – buildings, fire spotter, fire spotter’s cabin, fire station extension, fired with dedication (film), firefighting units, fireman shaw, firemen jim cox, ford pumper, foundation captain, gala day, gordon brandy, gordon grandy, graham upton, gus lyons, gwen cox, haley street, hino model 3.2 tanker, house fire, i.l. wadeson, ian douglas, international tanker, j.l ryan, jack marks, jack sinclair, january 1969, jaws of life, jean ryan, jim bates and hugh bar, jim cox, joe hislop, john bennett, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground tower, keith bradbury, kyneton fire brigade, lambert street, main hurstbridge road, mangarook oval, maypole dancing, mel stone, mildura 1986, mrs bradbury, mxe754 vic registration, neil marshall, nel stone, orchard district, oxy viva resuscitator, pauline dick, pauline toner mp, pisy home, plenty fire brigade road rescue unit, pony rides, radio control room, reverend jock ryan, ron kirkbride, rudy libel, shell service station, shire of eltham war memorial, shire president wayne phillips, spinning wheel, stan redpath, state championships, swan hill 1981, tcm418 vic registration, torchlight procession, toyota 4wd, trophies, vic cohn, victorian bushfires - 1969, vl3jz -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Kilvington Baptist Girls Grammar School
This file contains seven items about Kilvington students. The first item is a copy of Kilvington News December 1994. It includes comments from the Principal about the current school prefects, a photograph of the principal with prefects, as well as reports on awards and school activities. The next six documents include recognition of students’ achievements and integration of boys to Kilvington Grammar and opening news sport complex. Kilvington student wins Glen Eira Rotary Award dated 28/09/2012, Caulfield Leader. Kilvington student receives a perfect VCE score dated 21/12/2010, Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader. Kilvington Grammar decides to open its doors to boys and become a co-educational school. Dated 01/02/2011 Port Phillip/Caulfield Leader. Advertising feature on forthcoming musical production at Kilvington Grammar school of Fame. The school has choreographer Karen Young on board, who appeared in Fame on London’s West End, dated 29/03/2011. Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader. Kilvington students take part in a half day short film workshop on 24 March as part of this year’s Panasonic Kid Witness News short video competition. Article dated 12/04/2012. Caulfield/ Port Phillip Leader. Brief Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader article dated 09/08/2011 mentioning the opening of Kilvington Grammar’s new one million dollar sports complex. Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader.kilvington baptist girls grammar school, leila road, ormond, ngo angela, glen eira rotary youth award, kilvington girls grammar, holper sarah, charlton jon, kilvington grammar, baptist union of victoria, fame, musical events and activities, ling jenny, gall celia, young karen, dancers, mohan bianca, carroll luke, moustra isabelle, hay tia, amoore izzi, bahn jessica, hyams jamie, councillors, glen eira, opray annie -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - McKinnon Secondary College
File contains 4 items: 1) an article from the Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader 01/02/2011 about a trip to India made by year 10 students from the school 2) an article from the Melbourne Weekly Bayside 15/06/2012 about Aimee Liu, a student from the school who received a Premier’s Award in 2011 3) an article from the Caulfield/ Port Phillip Leader 21/06/2011 about the sporting achievements of Nicholas Edwards, a student from the school 4) an article from the Caulfield/ Port Phillip Leader 09/08/2011 about Alex Samulenok, Alistair Ward and Jessica Osburn, three students from the school who performed in the 2011 Victorian State Schools Spectacular.mckinnon secondary college, victorian state schools spectacular, liu aimee, anderson lindsay, edwards nicholas, mckinnon, samulenok alex, caulfield bears, education, ward alistaire, moorabbin saints, schools, osburn jessica, birrell garry, music, choir sport, australian rules football, competitions, premier’s award -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Attwood Family
Two items about the Attwood Family: A seventeen page computer typed copy of the memories of John Attwood, compiled by Colin Smith in January 2002. Includes memories of his childhood, contact and impressions of local identities including Merric Boyd and others; the retailers and business owners in the Murrumbeena area, the trains and railway stations, picture theatres and other businesses. A photocopy of an article taken from the Herald Sun newspaper 06/11/2007. Myra Attwood, wife of John, local business person in Murrumbeena Newsagency; includes brief local history of family and Myra’s personal hobbies, till the time of her death. Also a newspaper clipping of her death notice, unknown source and date.emily street, murrumbeena, elsternwick, railway stations, signal boxes, beena avenue, murrumbeena state school, primary schools, attwood john, attwood myra, attwood rhonda, attwood colin, attwood warren, attwood murray, attwood janine, attwood susan, attwood michael, attwood greg, attwood gerard, black bridge, outer circle railway, murrumbeena newsagency, newsagents, murrumbeena railway station, railway stations, book binders, stevens alf, sykes harold, attwood motors, neerim road, boyd merric, boyd mrs., timber houses, outbuildings, artists, trains, car parks, christie’s woodyard, ferguson cam, railway accidents, ardyne street, north road, dalny road, brett street, barnes family, newspapers, roads and streets, soils, flower growing, market gardens, world war 1939-1945, land subdivisions, air raid precautions, bicycles, drawing, springthorpe park, mass media, murrumbeena shopping centre, butcher shops, grocer shops, green grocers, shoe shops, confectionary shops, barber shops, beck george, bowyer ralph, rennie bill, bookmakers, presbyterian church, methodist church, hanna’s milk bar, sunday school, woodland bill, ssw grocery chain, drays, woodland alec, lee ron, jewellers, bakeries, fish shops, dressmakers, delicatessens, east bentleigh, selkrigs family, pottery, heads’ garage, head lindsay, head doug, head clarry, head ron, murrumbeena road, car retailers, petrol pumps, motor vehicle repair shops, billy one motors, bird mr., real estate agents, w.b. tonks and company, sparrow mr., pidgeon mr., hardware stores, florist shops, murrumbeena post office, tile shops, gardens, murrumbeena chamber of commerce, kiosks, gardeners, carnegie citizens band, spurway nursing home, argosy theatre, cinemas, dance halls, the capri, theatre groups, caulfield council, the blowfly train service, billiard rooms, printers, hammond olsen and company, l.j. miles and company, moody’s real estate agency, paddocks, flats, es&a bank murrumbeena, esanda bank murrumbeena, state savings bank murrumbeena, commonwealth bank murrumbeena, fuel merchants, hobart road, golden fleece service station, quince’s buses, bus services, ardyne street, timber yard, gow mr., railway parade, shell service station, pharmecies, house miss, bicycle shops, barnhill les mr., fliner mr., boot makers, widdop peter, moran and cato’s, grocers, pizza shop, car yards, classic caravan, o’brien kevin, wrought iron work, williams mr., candle making factory, lights, power tom, gates, fences, whitelaw monier tiles, whitelaw bill, hanna rex, dandenong road, cumloden grammar school, independent schools, emmaus rest house, oakdene, house names, taranto bob, hanson cab service, billy one motors, grey mr., horse troughs, horse drawn vehicle, taxis, board roy, buick cars, charleston’s bakery, carnegie, rosstown hotel, corum’s dairy, kangaroo road, reids dairy, dalny road, reid shaver, racehorses, cove’s dairy, wilson street, police, murrumbeena police station, dunoon street, murrumbeena park, footballers, gangs, liberal party, labour party, united australian party, uap, woodland alec, liquor shops, johnson suzanne, singers, taylor squizzy, boyd family, artists, criminals, skase christopher, skase charles, sunaria competition, herald and weekly times, ralph j.w., j.h. ralph butchers, butcher shops, pennington gardens, home units, flats, schrape frank, builder, smith colin, mansions, death registers, hockley myra, esperanto, book keepers, accountants, solicitors -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - E. E. Gunn Reserve
This file contains three items about this Park, formerly known as Ormond Park: An original photograph of E. E. Gunn Reserve Hall. An article from the Caulfield Contact relating to the history of E.E. Gunn Park and the achievements of the committee of management of the Park, dated January/February 1992. An article from The Leader summarising the football competition results, some of which may have been held at E.E. Gunn Park, dated 26 July 2011.e. e. gunn reserve, e.e. gunn park, ee gunn park, ormond park, caulfield south ward, foch street, malane street, ormond, ormond amateur football club, ormond/glen huntly baseball club, ormond cricket club, ormond tennis club, ormond football club, ormond park trust, caulfield, caulfield council, kilvington girls baptist grammar school, e.e. gunn committee of management, barret james, singleton clive, robertson john, gunn ernest edwin, dorothy avenue, newham grove, collegians, de la salle, st. bedes, the tigers, ajax, rupertswood, blieden gary, old camberwell, rombotis john, toolongs steve, glen eira, paterson tom, boyd glenn, demashki mark, the saints, the monds, eltham, elsternwick, albert park, the falcons, the wicks, convery james, hunter justin, power house, prahran/assumption, parks, reserves, playgrounds, sportsgrounds, football, australian rules football, sporting clubs, sports people, clubs, associations, football clubs, sports, recreations, leisure, cultural events, cultural activities, cricket club, baseball club, ovals, playing fields, club houses, scout halls, halls, tennis clubs, athletics, cycling -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman, Miss Eltham, April 1965, Apr 1965
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman parading before the judges, Miss Eltham 1965, Apr 1965
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman, Miss Eltham 1965 with other contestants, Apr 1965
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, The original Miss Eltham 1965 sash, 17 May 2019
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Born digitalalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman in rear playground of Eltham High School, 1959, 1959
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman (left) with Dianne Bell in HMS Pinafore, 1960, 1960
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Rodda Parade looking towards the creek, 1960. Chapman home to the right, 1960
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Joy Chapman at the river junction, February 1962, Feb 1962
My Recollections of Eltham Past by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) My family of Elizabeth and Alec Chapman moved to Eltham in 1946 into a cottage on the opposite side of the Diamond Creek from where the little train now operates in the Lower Park. At that time Eltham truly was a country town and the Pub was the main meeting place for most inhabitants on a Saturday afternoon in the beer garden. I attended Eltham Primary School where I started as a 4-year-old (my birthday being slightly after the mid-year intake) that happened then. My mother spent a lot of days taking me back to school when I had dismissed myself and walked the one kilomtre home alone. Bremner's Common (now Wingrove Park) was a big attraction with its dam and tad poling which I found much more entertaining than school. (Mrs Bremner ran a Service Station on the site of the current one). Another attraction at this site was the circus that came a couple of times a year. Watching them put up the circus tent was very interesting and even more of an attraction was the feeding of the Lions in cages and the monkeys and elephants among the other animals that are not found in a circus these days. At school then we were provided with hot chocolate at morning recess where the mothers would prepare it in the shelter shed. The only form of classroom heating was an open fire. Worse was the warm milk given in the summer months. By the time I was near finishing at Primary school we used to be able to walk along the Main Road at lunchtime to Mrs. Mitchell's shop to a delicious hot pie. As I recall there was no supervision for this departure from the school grounds. It is interesting that some of the other children I started school with I still have contact with, in fact one is a very good friend although now living in Perth. That is the other thing about Eltham; many who grew up here continue to live in the area. Following primary school, the natural progression was to Eltham High School. There was only the main building at that time and I can remember our first assembly at the front entrance. During the time I was at High School several new class rooms were added and the school hall. I remember the musical plays such as HMS Pinafore and other classical musicals being performed. I also remember countless hours doing marching practice. The main street shops when I was young consisted of the Blue Gum milk bar at the far end, a Grocery store and a shoe maker where Coles currently stands. Opposite there was Lyon's Garage. They also provided a bus service and when we got off the train this little bus would tour the back streets taking each individual to their home, sometimes this could take quite considerable time. There was also a Black Smith next to the Chiropractic Practice opposite Alistair Knox Park, another Milk Bar/General Store on the comer of Bridge Street/Main Road where a shop currently still operates. There was also a Butcher's shop down from the pub opposite Franklin Street. The only doctor was next to the courthouse on the other side of Brougham Street. On Saturday afternoon I was occasionally allowed to go the movies in the Town Hall which also stood on the site of the Coles centre. Often the Fire Alarm would sound and everyone would run outside to watch the fire truck leave with the volunteers clutching on the back. The other attraction during summer of course was the swimming pool which was a small concrete pool filled with water pumped from the Diamond Creek, sometimes it was like a mud puddle so for me the nearer to home Yarra/Diamond Creek junction was a much better option. We swam in the water hole which was quite deep and with fallen trees and sometimes carcasses of cows and kangaroos floating past. As recreation, the churches were another attraction for the Sunday school picnics to Mordialloc in the back of the moving van with benches tied into the back for us to "sit" on. Too bad when we went around a corner! In the early days we had an Ice Man deliver the ice once a week for "refrigeration". The green grocer came around in a horse and cart as did the milkman and the bread was delivered but I constantly got into trouble for eating the middle out on the way from the box it was delivered to in Mt Pleasant road across the paddock. The milkman finally would not come down our street after his horse bolted one morning and took off across the paddock. We also had the "Pan Man" come weekly and whose visit I would avoid. Our nearest shop was where the flower stall is located opposite the Lower Park. It consisted of a Tea Room and Milk Bar. There was a Public Telephone there which was the only contact to anyone else. We were a one car family so my mother’s movements were very limited as the Eltham Station was a couple of kilometres away and a trip to the city was an event. Being an only child growing up was a little lonely however rambling along the creek with my Mum, picking mushrooms and picking cherry plums for jam and the dogs catching rabbits which we ate if we could get them away from the dogs. We also liked to go into the Lower Park during school holidays when the Greek people came to camp and they would sing and dance around the camp fire and it all seemed so different to us as this was early days of immigration. Childhood was relatively simple and carefree and I wish the kids of today had the freedom of my youth and the healthy outdoor lifestyle of the "olden days". SHOW GIRL COMPETITION In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting. It is hard to remember the Eltham I grew up in. The Lyons Garage company bus that actually drove you home (or close to it) when we got off the train at night. The Eltham Hotel on a Saturday afternoon a usual social meeting place where people just sat and chatted. The pictures held in the Town Hall and when the fire alarm sounded all the men just jumped up and ran to help. Suburbia has now swallowed most of that life but thankfully we at least do have the trestle bridge and parkland. Digital file only - Black and white photo print on loan for scanning by EDHSalec chapman, annie bremner, blacksmith, bremner's flat, brougham steet, bus services, circus, diamond creek, dianne bell, doctor bradbury, easter gymkhana, elizabeth chapman, eltham high school, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham public hall, eltham state school, eltham trestle bridge, general store, grace mitchell, ice man, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, milk bar, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, mount pleasant road, pan man, rodda parade, shops, show girl competition, swimming pool, water hole, yarra river -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 79. June 1997 to August 1997
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age and other region papers over the period of 7 June 1997 to 5 August 1997. Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, nathan holliday, nrma top apprentice, scott brady, ballarat's gallows mystery solved, federal tafe plan worries smb head, memorial plaque to hanged men, freighter's engineering traineeship, tafe merger creates super-college, smb agrees to merger, wimmera tafe rejects merger, new evidence points to remains' location, peter bailey to compete in youth skills olympics, switzerland, merger official, course on providing a home away from home, roy schrieke retires, descendant against memorial, peter bailey gold medallist, skill olympics in st gallen, excellent results for ballarat region, aquaculture course, historic sites listed, henry sutton, reverse tafe decision, stawell times-news, more host families needed, david belford award winner, city yearning for cultural heart, corporate learning, gold medal for peter bailey, competition on apprentice funding'play revisits our history, town and gown debate, viticulture traineeship program, one tafe division, career in food, row looms over staff offers, jeff kennet cuts, new attitude to education, victorian primary industries board apprenticeships, rural studies department -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Gladstone Procter Collection, Scott's For Snap Shots, Collection of Gladstone Procter photographs and motorcycle Licence, c 1910 - 1920
Frederick Gladstone PROCTER (1898-1977) The Ballarat Technical Art School was well known for its art metal work which was applied to product, interior and commemorative designs. Students undertook many commissions. A small jewellery and enamelling class was also introduced in 1922..1 Sepia photograph with the words; Be your own draughtsman, learn your trade thoroughly, classes held at Prahran Technical School. with a photo of a student. . 2a & 2b Two Small black and white photogrpah of metal box .3 portrait photograph of Gladstone Procter with pipe in his mouth .4 Sepia photograph of mantlepiece with ornaments & clock .5 Black and white photograph of trophy on stand .6 Black and white photogrpah of chandelier .7 Postcard sent by Gladstone to his father with photograph of Gladstone on the front. .8 Black and white photograph of inside Methodist Church 1932 Burnbank St .9 Photograph of four young men including Glad and Roy Proctor. Has been clipped to oval shape. .10 Photograph of Glad and Roy Procter and ? sent to Glad's Grandmother Jess 16th April 1917 .11 Photograph of School of Mines Cadet team Glad is centre front - Sepia .12 Photograph Sepia, including Glad and Roy Procter .13 Photograph of Gladstone shaking hands with another man .14 Motorcycle drivers licence issued to T.R. Procter .4 F.G. Procter stamped on the back. .5 Barnes the Chemist Warnambool, stamped on the back .7 To Dad With Love from Glad. Taken at Bailey's Prahran written in lead pencil on the back. .8 March 20th 1932, Meth Ch Burnbank Street written in lead pencil on the back .9 Written on the back in lead pencil far right Glad Proctor to his left Roy Proctor .10 Written on the back in lead pencil from Glad to Jess G. Mother 16/4/17 L-R Roy, Glad, ? .11 Written in lead pencil on the back, School of Mines Ballarat, Cadet Team 1916, South Street Competitions, Second Place, Beaten by High School Ballarat by 9 points. Glad centre front. .12 L-R Glad, Roy Proctor written on the backfrederick gladstone procter, ballarat technical art school, roy procter, photographs, motorcycle licence, school of mines ballarat, cadet team, methodist church -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Honour board, BGSA Athletics 1960 - 1975
... Ballarat Girls School Association (B.G.S.A) athletics competitions... Ballarat Girls School Association (B.G.S.A) athletics competitions ...This board honours a school's contribution to the annual Ballarat Girls School Association (B.G.S.A) athletics competitions. Clarendon Presbyterian Ladies' College won the accolade consistently from 1963 - 1970. paralleled the BPSA (Ballarat Public Schools Association) which morphed to become coed in the mid 70s, when College and Grammar became coed, retaining the BPSA acronym. BPSA became the present BAS. Varnished solid wood board with gold lettering and decorative top edging.clarendon-presbyterian-ladies-college, b-g-s-a, sport, honour-board, athletics, -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Flag Day - Army Survey Regiment Versus School of Military Survey, 10.10.1986
These photographs were taken at Flag Day, an annual sports competition between the Army Survey Regiment and the School of Military Survey, at Bendigo on the 10th of October 1986. The two RASvy units took turns each year to host the event. The day competition usually comprised basketball, cross country, golf, sailing, squash softball, tennis, touch football, tug-of-war and volleyball. The evening competition often included darts, carpet bowls, hookey, quoits and snooker. The scoreboard in the background in photo .11P indicated an emphatic victory for the Army Survey Regiment.This is a set of 13 photographs of Flag Day, Army Survey Regiment versus the School of Military Survey, at Bendigo on the 10th of October 1986. There are more photographs available on 35mm negatives and 35mm positive proofs. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1986, Ian ‘Rock’ Thistleton. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: CPL Dave Cook, unidentified (x4), CPL Peter Johnson, unidentified. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: CPL John Smith, Peter Tuddenham, John ‘Stormy Tempest, unidentified, Pat Drury, Mick ‘Buddha’ Ellis, Trevor Roddam, Paul Richards, Warren ‘Waldo’ Shirley. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: unidentified (x2). .5) - Photo, black & white, 1986, Eddy Jacobs - No. 13, Paul Baker – with ball, Brian Fauth – 2nd from right, Daryl South - No. 7. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1986, Rick van Der Bom. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: Leah (Hoffman) Peppler, unidentified, Stu Thaxter. .8) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: SGT Mick Gillham, unidentified (x3), Phil Meagher, Barry Hogan, Jim Walker, Daryl South, WO1 Trevor Osborne, CPL Michelle Griffiths, CPL Sherri (Dally) Burke, SPR Avril (Bray) Lloyd. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R foreground: SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, CPL Eddy Jacobs .10) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, Mark Donnelly, Paul ‘Hutch’ Hunter, Andy Lucas, foreground unidentified, Lyall Camp, CPL John Martin, SSGT Bob Scaddan. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: CO SMS LTCOL Jim Corless, CO ASR LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, RSM WO1 Jeff Lynch, SGT Wayne Rothwell. .12) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: LTCOL Clem Sargent, RSM WO1 Jeff Lynch, CO ASR LTCOL Don Swiney MBE, SGT Wayne Rothwell. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1986, L to R: LTCOL Clem Sargent, RSM WO1 Jeff Lynch, SGT Wayne Rothwell, CO ASR LTCOL Don Swiney MBE.1P – annotated with ‘10 Oct 86 I. Thistleton’ .2P to .13P –No personnel are identifiedroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Ballarat Clarendon College
The medal was awarded to Trooper John Garbutt of the Prince of Wales Victorian Volunteer Light Horse (Ballarat) in 1880 for attaining fourth prize n the sword competition. In 1862, the units of the Mounted Volunteer Corps in Victoria were formed into a single regiment known as the Victorian Volunteer Light Horse. This title changed again in 1863, to the Prince of Wales Victorian Volunteer Light Horse ( Hussars ). In 1870 a uniform was adopted that was based on the British 19th Hussars. Troops were based at various times at Geelong, Ballarat, Kyneton, Bendigo, Castlemaine and Dandenong, as well as metropolitan Melbourne. In 1885, most of the Cavalry were incorporated into a newly formed Victorian Mounted Rifles. ( John Garbutt was Principal of Ballarat College 1877 - 1909. He was educated at Geelong National Grammar School and in 1860 was the first dux of the college. He was educated at Geelong National Grammar School and in 1860 was the first dux of the college. Fist class Honourman Arts and Laws at Melbourne University 1866; Two years a master at Geelong College; seven years master and three years senior master at Scotch College, Melbourne. Mein's 1964 History of Ballarat College states: 'To summarise, it may be fairly claimed that the College's War Record in 1914-1918 would have reflected great credit on a school with ten times its numbers...Some of the credit of the college war record must be attributed to the influence of Major John Garbutt, M.A. who was Principal of the College for 33 years...Nearly all the old Collegians who distinguished themselves in the war had been trained by him. Silver coloured maltese cross medal with decorative link attached to top and engraved on both sides. The medal was awarded to Trooper Whyte of the Prince of Wales Victorian Volunteer Light Horse (Ballarat) in 1877. Face: P.W.V.V.L.H. / BALLARAT TROOP / SWORD COMPETITION / 1880 Verso: 4th PRIZE / Trooper garbutt ballarat-college, principal-john-garbutt, prince of wales victorian volunteer light horse, medal, 1880, principal -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Program, Ballarat College Athletic Sports 62nd meeting
... -house-competitions honorary-stewards judges school-records ...Athletic Sports were held annually and featured both current and old collegian contribution. The programs listed officials, school records, preliminary events and the day's program with name of competitors and space for recording place-getter's names. The program also listed the names of students in their house groupings. Small booklet; heavy card with red printing cover; Handwritten on front cover: David L Karmouche Buninyongathletic-sports, ballarat-college, 1945, inter-house-competitions, honorary-stewards, judges, school-records -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Program, Ballarat College Athletic Sports 63rd meeting
... -house-competition honorary-stewards judges school-records ...Athletic Sports were held annually and featured both current and old collegian contribution. The programs listed officials, school records, preliminary events and the day's program with name of competitors and space for recording place-getter's names. The program also listed the names of students in their house groupings. Athletic Sports were held annually and featured both current and old collegian contribution. The programs listed officials, school records, preliminary events and the day's program with name of competitors and space for recording place-getter's names. The program also listed the names of students in their house groupings. Handwritten on front cover: David L Karmouche / Buninyongathletic-sports, ballarat-college, 1946, inter-house-competition, honorary-stewards, judges, school-records -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Perpetual Cup awarded to the winning school in the U-17 Lap of the Lake competition 1957 - 1977 and 1980. Ballarat Clarendon College won the trophy 1980 only. Large double-handle plain silver cup with lid on melamine base; inscribed silver plaque around base; inscriptions on front and verso of cup bowl;Face of bowl: THOMAS / JEWELLERS / CUP Verso of bowl: SCHOOLBOYS / LAP OF LAKE / U-17 Plaque on base: WINNERS / 1957 - 1980 -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Henry Youle Hind (10/11/1894 - 15/05/1979), son of Henry Dalzell Hind and Alice Louise nee Evans, Victoria Ave, Ballarat. He entered the school in 1910 as a 16yo (peer year 1912). The Senior Cup was a prestigious award for the winning athlete at the Ballarat College annual sports program. From 1884 College Cups were donated by the Old Collegians Association for the outstanding athlete amongst ‘present boys’ and ‘past boys’. It is obvious from written records Two cups were awarded to students – a Junior Cup and a Senior Cup. One cup was awarded to the outstanding Old Collegian athlete each year. This particular trophy was returned to the school and used as a House competition Cup in the Senior Boys Boarding House during the 1980s. After 1980 the trophy was removed from the Boarding House by persons unknown but returned during the 1990s. After repair in 2003 the Senior Boys Boarding House used it as a perpetual Trophy until 2005. The Hind family contacted the school and requested a photograph of the trophy in 2005. Large, silver, double-handled trophy; ornate engraving and fluting on silver stem, handles and cup; light wooden stand with blank plaque attached; small engraved plaque on stand also. Inscribed on face of bowl: Senior cup / 1911 / Presented by / O B C A / H Y Hind Inscribed on rear of bowl: Ballarat College cresthenry-youle-hind, ballarat-college, senior-cup, boys-boarding-house, house-competition -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Marching was a part of the CPLC athletics program. As part of the combined athletic meetings, marching contests occurred. Clarendon won in 1964, 1966 (shared) and 1968. The school houses also participated in an inter-house competition. Sir A W Nicholson served as a Council member from 1950, Treasurer 1959-1966 and Chair 1966-1973. He was agenerous donor to the school. The Nicholson library in the Junior School was named after him also Tall silver cup with double half-handles on melamine standInscribed on face of trophy: A W Nicholson Trophy / FOR / Marching / 1963 Sloss / 1964 Walker / 1965 Cairns / 1966 Walker / 1967 Sloss / 1968 Walker / 1969 Kennedy / 1970 Walker / 1971 Walker / 1972 Cairns / 1973 Slosssir-arthur-w-nicholson, clarendon-presbyterian-ladies-college, marching, athletics -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Trophy, Junior tennis champion
Elizabeth (Betty) Ann Speak attended Clarendon Presbyterian Ladies College 1937 - 1938. She won the Junior Tennis Champion in 1938. Betty worked as a telephonist at Coleraine Post Office after leaving CPLC in 1938. In 1949, she married Leslie James Steff from Konongwootong. They had two daughters. In 1967 Betty returned to work at the Coleraine Post Office and worked for 17 years, moving to the Hamilton PO after the Coleraine PO closed around 1980. She continued to play tennis throughout her adult years. Daughter Gwenda Steff, who donated the trophy to the school in 2016, says 'Mum was passionate about her tennis. She had a formidable backhand shot that few could return. She played Saturday afternoon competition tennis up until her late 40's and she instilled her love of the game into both my sister Margaret and myself. Mum was always too humble to acknowledge her amazing abilities - both on and off the tennis court. But this is an early public acknowledgement of her skills.'Medium silver cup with double handles and silver base and stem on melamine standEngraved on face of cup: C P L C / Junior Tennis Champion / 1938 / BETTY SPEAKbetty-speak, sports, tennis, trophy, 1930s -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Trophy, Inter-House Swimming Cup
Clarendon PLC held its first inter-house swimming sports on 23 February 1966. "Each house held its trials before school during the previous week. the programme included diving, free-style, back-stroke, brest-stroke and relay events for seven age groups. The final points in 1966 were Sloss 98, Kennedy 52, Walker 46, Cairns 27. Outstanding individual efforst were recorded for Gaye McLennan, Sally Sloss and Bronwyn Cottman. Following the sports themselves came the 'House Swim' where everyone had the chance to gain a point for her house by swimming one length in a specified time. The House Swim Cup was won by Cairns House. These sports were really held as a trial but because of their success they will be continued as a regular school function". (The Touchstone December 1966 p.30)Tall plain silver cup with lid and doubles handles on melamine base; engraving on face of cupEngraved on face: CLARENDON P.L.C. / INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING CUP / 1966 SLOSS / 1967 SLOSS / 1968 WALKER / 1969 CAIRNS / 1970 CAIRNS / 1971 WALKER / 1972 WALKER / 1973 WALKER / 1974 WALKER / 1975 WALKER / 1976 KENNEDY / 1977 WALKER / 1978 KENNEDY / 1979 WALKER / 1980 KENNEDYinter-house-competitions, swimming -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Medal, c1887
Arthur Ernest Albert Dawson entered Ballarat College 4 August 1886. The 1887 Ballarat College Sports program lists Arthur's name against Hurdles, Flat Race, and High Jump. Unfortunately the medal is undated. The intriguing inscription 'Twice Second' may refer to Arthur's competition for the College Cup, a highly valued Athletics Prize. The school does not hold sufficient records from this era to confirm any further details. The medal was donated to the school by Arthur's great-nephew, Ken Dawson, in 2019. The medal has social significance. It reveals the very high value placed on sports involvement at the school from its earliest beginnings. Ornate silver medal Inscribed around school crest on front: Ballarat College Inscribed on medal verso: A Dawson / Twice Secondarthur ernest albert dawson, college cup, athletics, medal, 1880s, dawson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Gazette, 1968, 1968
Red hard covered book with Red spine. It holds each Education Gazette for gazette, aborignal advancement league, accident register, anzac fellowship scheme, art teachers association of victoria, ballarat girls' high school golden jubilee, o.e. nilsson, education week, epileptics and swimming classes, frank tate memorial lecture, handwriting in primary schools, fountain pens, jewish holy days, national gallert of victoria education program, needlecraft, nuffield foundation grants, pen friends, pioneers' day, poster competition, railways concession fares, h.n. muntz, school garden, swimming and life saving, swimming classes for teachers, tramways concession tickets, victorian state schools band association, victorian state schools horticutural society, fireworks, wet days -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from W Phelan & Sons Pty Ltd re Phelan Model Home Competition, 1958
Letter to Ballarat Junior Technical School from the Advertising Manager at Phelan & Sons Pty Ltd reminding them of the closing date for the Model Home Competition - 14th August. A letter has also been sent to each entrant and requesting him to advise the school instructor of his progress before 7th August. The school will be contacted to see if the models will be ready or an extension of time needed.1 page, typed.Letterhead of company in orange ink Signature of F R Holland in blue penballarat junior technical school, head master, l garner, model home competition, advertising manager, f r holland, w phelan & sons -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Black and White Photograph, Richards & Co, Ballarat Junior Technical School Cadets, 1918, 1918
This photograph was given to the the donor by the family of E. Reeves. The Ballarat Junior Technical School Senior Cadet team won competitions at Stawell, Colac, Maryborough, St Arnaud, Mildura, South Street 'A' gradeA group of Ballarat Junior Technical School cadets pose for a photograph. They have '71' on the front of their slouch hat. ballarat junior technical school cadets, cadets, 71 regiment, e. reeve, south street competitions