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matching nursing sister
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c. 1967
... by a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister who is working... is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister who is wearing... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister who is working in the RDNS ...This photograph depicts Post-Natal care being given by a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister who is working in the RDNS Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care (DIMC) section of the Service. The photograph is taken in the home of the mother and baby and the Sister is in the process of putting the baby onto the Baby scales to ascertain the babe's weight. Sisters employed in the DIMC section of RDNS gave Post-natal care to both the mother and her newly born babe when they were discharged early from hospital. This photograph was taken in the year following Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) being granted Royal patronage in 1966 and becoming Royal District Nursing Service. The Sister is wearing the the same grey uniform frock used by MDNS but the badge on her peaked cap has changed from a red Maltese cross to a metal round silver badge with a royal blue circle around the edge with the words 'Royal District Nursing Service' in white capital letters running inside the blue circle.The centre of the badge is divided into three sections; a silver rising sun top and bottom, and a thick royal blue horizontal central strip with 'RDNS' written in large white capital letters. This uniform continued to be worn until 1971 when it changed colour and style. In August 1893 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), commenced a Midwifery Service with Nurse Fowler, who trained in a Hospital and was qualified in General nursing and Midwifery nursing, being the first Midwife employed. Mothers were assessed for suitability of a home birth, or if they required delivery at the Women’s Hospital. The Midwife worked in conjunction with the Doctors at the Women’s Hospital and if a complication arose the patient was transferred to their care. Following birth they gave Post-Natal care to both the mother and babe. In 1898 the service ceased due to lack of funds but recommenced in 1906, and in the August 1925 Annual Report the number of MDNS home births was recorded at 478. MDNS built the After-Care Home and an Anti-Natal Clinic was opened in 1930. The last Ante-Natal clinic was held there in December 1951 and the MDNS Midwifery service ceased in February 1952. In 1964 MDNS commenced a Post-Natal service with General and Midwifery trained MDNS Sisters working from a room at Footscray Hospital, and visiting early discharged Footscray Hospital maternity cases at home. Now as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), this service was extended to a Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres and visiting early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give post-natal care to the mother and babe. Many Sisters working in this area had a Certificate in Infant Welfare as well as their General and Midwifery Certificates.In the right rear of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister who is wearing a white gown over her uniform, and wearing her grey peaked hat with the RDNS badge visible, looking down at a baby she is about to weigh. The baby has sparse dark hair, is wearing a white singlet and is crying. The Baby scales, which are sitting on a table in front of the Sister, are white with a rectangular base and curved sided tray on the top. The Sister is standing behind the scales, and is supporting the babe's body with her right hand and holding baby's legs with her left hand as she lowers babe fully onto the scales. On the left of the photograph, the mother, who has long dark hair with a hair scarf holding it back, and is wearing a striped frock, is siting on a chair with her arms crossed at her waist, and is smiling at her babe as she observes proceedings.. Photographers Stampmdns, melbourne district nursing society, melbourne district nursing service, rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns domiciliary postnatal service, dimc -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Digital image from a photocopy, Isabel and Shirley Mair, 1931, Original: c1931
... / nursing her young sister / Shirley Inez Mair / 1931"... pencil: "Isabel Lilian Mair / nursing her young sister / Shirley ...These are the youngest two children of Dave and Lily Mair. Geoffrey, Beryl and Gwynne were born while they lived in East Melbourne. Isabel may have been born in Mont Albert after they moved to Louise Avenue. Shirley was born after they moved to 20 Barton Street, Mont Albert. The children attended Mont Albert Central School. Isabel Lillian (1921-1997) and Shirley Inez (1928-1968). This is part of a large collection relating to the Deakin, Mair and Young families.This is part of a large collection relating to the Deakin, Mair and Young families with many connections to Surrey Hills and Mont Albert.A black & white image of 2 young girls seated in a garden setting; the younger one is in the lap of the other and is holding a bunch of flowers.On a label adhered to the top of the original: "Isabel & Shirley Jan. 1931" Rear in lead pencil: "Isabel Lilian Mair / nursing her young sister / Shirley Inez Mair / 1931"isabel lillian mair, shirley inez mair, children -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 1967
... Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Meisser...Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Meisser is visiting Mrs. Lata ...Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Meisser is visiting Mrs. Lata to attend to the nursing care she requires in her home. She is greeting Mrs. Lata on her veranda and is observing her interaction with her dog. Sr. Meisser is wearing her RDNS uniform of a grey cotton short sleeve frock with a small white arched material logo with 'Royal District Nursing Service' in blue capital letters emblazoned on it, attached to the upper sleeve. She is wearing her grey peaked hat. This had a metal RDNS logo attached to the centre front. Sister Meisser worked from the RDNS Moorabbin centre.From its earliest years when the Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) began to wear uniforms, the chosen colour was grey, though the style changed throughout the years as fashions changed from the late 1800s through to the 1970s. Their Trained nurses (Nurses) firstly wore long grey frocks and a white cap with a long white tail hanging from the centre back. When bicycles were introduced the headgear changed to a white pith helmet adorned with a red Maltese cross in the centre front. This was held on with a veil going over the hat and tied under the chin. Over the years there were complaints that the veils became wet in the rain and they asked for a change of uniform, but this did not happen until 1921. Later the Nurses complained their skirts became wet when riding their bicycles in the rain and asked, when raining, to be able to wear breeches and gaiters. This was granted provided they wore aprons when attending patients. It was not long before the uniform changed to a shorter length grey frock, red cardigan, grey coat and grey brimmed hat; later changed to a peaked grey hat. This uniform was used when MDNS was granted Royal patronage in 1966 and worn until 1971 when the uniform changed to a blue V necked frock over a short sleeve white blouse in summer and a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey herringbone V neck tunic style frock made of winter material in the cooler weather. Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Meisser, of Moorabbin Centre. She is standing on the left of the photograph; has short dark hair and is wearing her grey uniform with peaked hat and black shoes, and is holding her rectangular nursing case. She is standing on the veranda of Mrs. Lata's brick home, and is smiling as she observes, to her right, Mrs. Lata, who has grey curly hair and is wearing a light coloured floral frock. Mrs. Lata is sitting in her wheelchair and with her left hand is patting her pale coloured Labrador dog who has a dark collar and is sitting to her right. Mrs. Lata is in front of her security door which has a white door frame. The house has a white lantern shaped light attached to the wall on the left hand side of the photographPhotographer's stamp and the word 'Publicity'royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns uniform, moorabbin centre, mrs lata, sister m. meisser -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Equipment - Photograph, colour, c.1950
... Nursing Society Trained nurses, (Sisters), in their equipment...Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke ...Auric syringes were carried by the Melbourne District Nursing Society Trained nurses, (Sisters), in their equipment bags.Used for syringing ears this model was used during the 1950s . The Sisters of the Melbourne District Nursing Society used equipment to administer care, as directed by a Doctor, to patients in their own homes.The Auric Syringe has a glass graded barrel surrounded by a metal casing, and has a metal plunger and a metal cone shaped aural attachment narrowing at the end. The syringe is sitting on a cotton protective bag.royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns equipment, mdns, melbourne district nursing society -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 15 05 1967
... The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister is leaving.... In the centre is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister... District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister is leaving Headquarters, 452 ...The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister is leaving Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, to administer nursing care to patients in their own homes. The Sisters nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. The Sister is driving an Australian built Holden car of the 1960s which, along with the other parked Holden cars are part of the RDNS fleet of vehicles. From its inception in 1885 the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. From the early days the Nurses taught the importance of good hygiene, cleanliness, good nutrition in the prevention and curing of disease and in maintaining good health, as well as giving advice and support to the patient and their carers. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s Doctor. District has had various modes of transport over the last 130 years. At first the Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded bicycles, public transport, District cars, the use of a Motor Auxiliary, nurses own cars, and even a motorcycle were used, and all these forms were intermingled until RDNS had its own fleet of vehicles. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the nurses travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) building at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne was originally called 'Airlie', the childhood home of Stanley Melbourne Bruce, the Prime Minister of Australia 1923-1929. RDNS, then named Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) moved into this building as their Nurses Home and Headquarters in 1953. MDNS was given Royal patronage in 1966 and continued to occupy the building until 1996. 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. In the foreground of this black and white photograph are three cars on St. Kilda Road passing Arthur Street on their left. In the centre is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister sitting at the driving wheel of her RDNS grey Holden car in Arthur Street, at the corner of St. Kilda Road. Behind the car are two round poles inset in the nature strip near the kerb; the pole on the right holds the street signs 'Arthur St' which points to the left of the photograph, and 'St Kilda Rd' points towards the number '452' attached to a square concrete column and metal spiked fence running down the right of the photograph behind the nature strip. In the background of the photograph is the corner view showing two sides, part in Arthur Street and part in St. Kilda Road, of RDNS Headquarters which is a large white two storey Italian style building, which has arched Arcadia on the ground floor, and an arched Arcade on the second floor; a flat roof with two chimneys is seen. A garden with trees can be seen running in front of both sides of the building and behind the cast iron spiked fence. In Arthur Street, to the left of the large building is a two storey white building with a tiled roof. It has a white solid fence in front of it Parked at the kerb in front of this building, and the section of RDNS large white building in Arthur Street, are three other RDNS grey Holden cars. Parts of a large trees are seen on the left and right of the photograph.Photographers stamp. Quote GE 46rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns headquarters -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph, Sisters Quarters Garden, Original 1942, copy 1989
... WW2 Internment Camp hospital nursing staff garden... Tatura the-murray WW2 Internment Camp hospital nursing staff ...WW2 Internment Camp hospital nursing staff garden at sisters quarters, Tatura Hospital Camp 1, May 1943 (Army huts). Foam backed copy in folder.Black and white photograph of the gardens in front of a hut in L shape. Dark door on left hand hospitals, camp 1, internment camps, tatura -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
British War Medal 1914-20
... in the AIF Nursing Services (Sister) enlisting on, 16/08/1916... in the AIF Nursing Services (Sister) enlisting on, 16/08/1916 ...This object relates to Gertrude Eveline MUNRO. She was born on 1/01/1882 in Ballarat, VIC. Gertrude Eveline served in the AIF Nursing Services (Sister) enlisting on, 16/08/1916 in Ballarat, VIC before being killed in action on duties with the AANS 42nd GEN HOSP as a AN&MEF Non-Commissioned Sergeant (SGT) on 10/10/1918. Gertrude Eveline MUNRO was not a prisoner of war. Her next of kin is A MUNRO (Father). Getrude Munro was awarded the Victory Medal, British War Medal.first world war (ww1), 1914 - 1918, medals, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
Victory Medal
... in the AIF Nursing Services (Sister) enlisting on, 16/08/1916... in the AIF Nursing Services (Sister) enlisting on, 16/08/1916 ...This object relates to Gertrude Eveline MUNRO. She was born on 1/01/1882 in Ballarat, VIC. Gertrude Eveline served in the AIF Nursing Services (Sister) enlisting on, 16/08/1916 in Ballarat, VIC before being killed in action on duties with the AANS 42nd GEN HOSP as a AN&MEF Non-Commissioned Sergeant (SGT) on 10/10/1918. Gertrude Eveline MUNRO was not a prisoner of war. Her next of kin is A MUNRO (Father). Getrude Munro was awarded the Victory Medal, British War Medal.first world war (ww1), 1914 - 1918, medals, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 01.05.1974
... currently receiving nursing care from RDNS Sisters working... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Ellen Anderson, who has... receiving nursing care from the RDNS Trained nurses (Sisters ...Sister Ellen Anderson is the Supervisor of the Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS) Footscray Centre. She is wearing her RDNS uniform of a short sleeve white blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style dress. Sr. Anderson is showing two Student nurses from Western General Hospital the map with the areas covered by Footscray Centre. The map had different colour pins to identify streets where patients lived who were currently receiving nursing care from RDNS Sisters working in these areas (districts).During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures Students went to a RDNS Centre and each Student accompanied a Trained nurse (Sister) for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced after discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 Student nurses who received field experience with RDNS. From its inception as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, their Trained nurses (Nurses) worked in specific areas, 'districts'. The first Nurse worked east and west, between Victoria Parade and Flinders Street and, north and south, between Spencer Street and Spring Street. When a second Nurse was employed they divided this area at Elizabeth Street so each Nurse could attend to patients in the same area giving continuity of care. As the Society expanded, becoming Melbourne District Nursing Service, then, with Royal patronage, Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) many Centres were opened throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area and outer suburbs. The District nurse's areas (districts) grew and were divided within Shire boundaries for e.g. Knox 1, Knox 2, Knox 3, Knox 4, within the area of the Shire of Knox. A map covering the Centre’s Districts was attached to a wall, and its different colour pins identified streets where patients lived who were currently receiving nursing care from the RDNS Trained nurses (Sisters) working in these areas (districts).On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Ellen Anderson, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a short sleeve white blouse under a dark V neck tunic style frock. She is standing side-on, towards the right of the photograph, and with her left hand is pointing to an area on a large map attached to the wall in the background. To her right, is a Student nurse who is facing Sr. Anderson, and looking at the area on the map. Under her white nurses cap, she has her long dark hair drawn back, and is wearing her hospital uniform of a short sleeve checked dress with white collar and cuffs; a nursing watch is attached to its upper left; her hands are clasped in front of her. To her right, is a male Student nurse who has collar length straight dark hair, and is wearing white trousers and a short sleeve white top with pens in the left upper pocket. He is looking at the areas on the map.. Barry Sutton MA 77 informationroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, rdns centre, rdns district map, sister ellen anderson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, coloured, c.1985
... driven by Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters to visit... District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters to visit patients ...This white Toyota Corolla is one of the fleet of cars driven by Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters to visit patients in the community to administer nursing care. 1985 was the centenary of the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society; founded in 1885; the Society was given Royal patronage in 1966 and became the Royal District Nursing Service. The Coat of Arms shown on the car was granted by the College of Arms in London in 1970. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Coloured photograph of the side on view of a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS).white Toyota Corolla sedan displaying the RDNS Coat of Arms on the upper centre of the front door. The car is the same width all over and the flat bonnet joins to a sloping large front windscreen. on the side, at the level of the windscreen are two windows, above the metal body work of both doors. The roof runs from the top of the windscreen to the rear of the vehicle where it joins with a short back window which sits above a short boot. Part of the front grill and headlights either side of it are seen, and a bumper bar below this. A black tyred wheel with solid hub cap is seen under a wheel arch in the body work, at the front and rear of the district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns crest, rdns transport -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photographs, Frank Collection of copies of Camp 3 Photographs
... unofficially by a nursing sister. 5. Copy of photo of Frank family... Jurgensen), taken unofficially by a nursing sister. 5. Copy of photo ...Collection of photographs from camp 3, Palestine Group. 1. Christmas decorations. 2. Copy of photo of Erich & Gretl Frank sent by Gretl Frank to her grandfather in Cyprus, 01.06.1947. 3,4. Copy of photo of Gretl Frank & Helga Bulach (now Jurgensen), taken unofficially by a nursing sister. 5. Copy of photo of Frank family & Egar Clauss, an engineer working in Persia and brought for internment without his family. 6.Back: Roland & Berti Frank with Heidi & Ursula in front. Mrs. Emma Frank holding Erich and Mr Kurt Frank, Gretl in front. 7 Kindergarten Class- Ursula Frank; Gretl Frank & Anne Marie Blaich. 8 Doster; Waltraud Guenther; Wally; Nelly Edelmaier; Ilse Frank; Ingebord Graze; Heidi Frank & Gudrun Doster. 9 Gretl's school class with Herr Baer. Back: Walter Krafft; Peter Auer; ? ; ? ; ? ; ? ;Gretl Frank; Ursula Frank; Gerda Baer; ? ; Traude Hoefer; Eleonore Hahn. Front row not identified. 10 Waltraud Guenther; ? ; ? ; ? ; Doster; ? ; ? ;Heidi & Isse Frank. 11 Wedding of Otto Frank & Gertrud Beilharz. 12 Group including Harald Graze and Eberhard Guenther. 13 Group including Ulrich Krafft? 14 Official photograph 809. 15 Back: Roland Frank; Gudrun Heider (Frank); Heider (her husband); Jone Frank; Isolde Frank; Kurt Frank.| Front: Berti holding Ursula; Heidi; Bete Frank (mother of Isolde & Gudrun); Gretl Frank & Emma Frank.Copies of mainly 10 x 8 cms. sepia photographs -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Ellisonn's nursing cape (ie. Phillip Ellison's sister). Nursing.... Phillip Ellison's sister). Nursing uniforms and badge worn ...Shield shaped with a tiny .25 cm crown at the top (Red enamel and brass). Below the crown is blue enamel with the words BLOOD DONOR in gold coloured lettering. The lower section has a red cross on a white background. An enclosed "pin fastener" on the back of the badge. (Has been attached to the collar of Merryn Ellisonn's nursing cape (ie. Phillip Ellison's sister). Nursing uniforms and badge worn by Merryn Ellison. (Daughter).numismatics, badges - civil, blood donor badge -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1980
... This photograph depicts a Royal District Nursing Service... District Nursing Service (RDNS) DIMC Sister J. Wan, who has short... This photograph depicts a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr ...This photograph depicts a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr.) visiting Mrs. Hodginson and babe in their home. Sr. Wan is weighing baby Tamara as part of the Post-Natal care she is giving. A nurse who is doing her Hospital training is visiting with the Sister and observing. RDNS had a Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres which visited early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give Post-natal care to the mother and babe. Sr. Wan is wearing her RDNS summer uniform of a short sleeve white blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock and a dark blue cardigan. In August 1893 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), commenced a Midwifery Service with Nurse Fowler, who was trained in a hospital in General nursing and Midwifery nursing, being the first Midwife employed. Mothers were assessed for suitability of a home birth or if they required delivery at the Women’s Hospital. The Midwife worked in conjunction with the Doctors at the Women’s Hospital and if a complication arose before or after birth the patient was transferred to their care. Following birth, the Midwife gave Post-Natal care to both the mother and babe commencing with visits twice a day. In 1898 the service ceased due to lack of funds but recommenced in 1906, and in the August 1925 Annual Report the number of MDNS home births was recorded at 478. MDNS built the After-Care Home and a pioneering Anti-Natal Clinic was opened in 1930. The last Ante-Natal clinic was held there in December 1951 and the MDNS Midwifery service ceased in February 1952. In 1964 MDNS commenced a Post-Natal service with General and Midwifery trained MDNS Sisters working from a room on the ground floor at the Footscray Hospital Nurses quarters, and visiting early discharged Footscray Hospital maternity cases at home. Later, as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), this service was extended and renamed as Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres and visiting early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give Post-natal care to the mother and babe. Many of the RDNS Sisters who worked in DIMC also had their Infant Welfare Certificate, though Midwifery trained nurses also visited. On the right of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) DIMC Sister J. Wan, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing a white gown over her uniform, with the white collar and sleeves of her dark cardigan seen. She is laughing as she holds the top ring of hand held baby scales in her right hand; the bottom of the scale has a metal hook which has a sling attached to it with four cotton 'ropes'. Baby Tamara is supported in the sling which is just resting on a sheep skin and bunny rug covered metal framed change table. Sr. Wan has her left hand on the sling. To the left of the photograph is Tamara's smiling mother, Mrs. Lynda Hodginson, and in the centre of the photograph is observer Nurse Sheehan. Mrs. Hodginson is wearing a striped dress with a V neck, and has dark shoulder length hair. Nurse Sheehan has short dark hair and is wearing a white uniform and dark cardigan. A nursing watch is attached to the right hand side of her uniform. Part of a landscape picture can be seen on the wall behind her. A small white fluffy rabbit sits on the left hand side of the change table. Baby Tamara has sparse dark hair and is sucking on a dummy.Photographer's stampmdns, melbourne district nursing society, melbourne district nursing service, royal district nursing service, rdns, mdns midwifery, rdns domiciliary postnatal service, dimc, tamara hodginson, nurse sheehan, sister j. wan, mrs lynda hodginson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1967
... Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister J. Rignall using ...Sister Rignall is undergoing In-service education at RDNS and is wearing the grey RDNS uniform of that era.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses who trained through the Hospital training system were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with nurses receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in this In-service Education and established the MDNS, later called RDNS, Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior trained nurses received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. Many programs were run at RDNS, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin did a Post Basic Course in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister J. Rignall using the Library facilities at RDNS. Sister Rignall has short curly hair and is wearing her short sleeve grey uniform frock; the RDNS insignia is seen at the top of her left sleeve. She is standing and looking down at a book she is holding. Shelves of library books are seen running behind her on her left hand side.Photographers Stamp and Quote No. GW 94melbourne district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, rdns library, sister j. rignall -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Albert Telfer White (1918) collection
... to meet with his aunt Rose Douglas, an Australian Army Nursing... to meet with his aunt Rose Douglas, an Australian Army Nursing ...Significant items relating to Albert Telfer White who entered Ballarat College April 1912 and left December 1918. Albert was born 29 June 1897 at his home 'Ashford Vale" farm, Cuthbert's Road, Cardigan. Albert, a second generation Australian, was the fourth son and sixth of eleven children born to dairy farmer John White and his wife Elizabeth, nee Douglas. Albert attended Bunker's Hill State School prior to enrolling at Ballarat College. After College he obtained employment with the engineering firm Ronaldson and Tippett in Ballarat. Following his eighteenth birthday Albert enlisted in the AIF in Ballarat with the rank of Private, No 2012. He embarked for the Middle East with 23rd Battalion on 26 August 1915 and was 'taken on strength at the Gallipoli Peninsular 25 October 1915". On 10 January 1916 Albert was posted to Alexandria, Egypt and during this time he was able to meet with his aunt Rose Douglas, an Australian Army Nursing Sister. This was a great comfort to his family. Albert was sent to France 19 March 1916 and transferred to the 22nd Battalion. He was mentioned in dispatches for 'good and gallant conduct' 5 August (1917?). Albert was hospitalised 30 March 1918, rejoined 22nd Battalion 3 June 1918, wounded in action 3 October 1918 but died of wounds at Rouen 10 October 1918. news of his death was received by his family n Australia just prior to the armistice. Albert Telfer White's sacrifice is commemorated at Ballarat College, Avenue of Honour Ballarat (Tree 1214), Ballarat Shire Honour Avenue Learmonth (Tree 163) and the Australian War Memorial Canberra. (These notes provided by family November 2016)Collections of items including: Bayonet, Carl Eickhorn, Solingen, (29.A.159 engraved on handle) Trench shovel The ANZAC book 1916 (flyleaf inscribed: No 2012 / Pte A T White / H Quarters / 22nd Battalion / 6th Inf Brigade / France) Gallipoli medal with documentation First World War Mothers’ and Widows’ Badge Next of Kin Memorial Plaque (Death Penny) and accompanying letter from King George V Imperial War Graves Commission documentation and photograph Australia Graves Services In Memory card and photograph Documentation relating to Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour, Learmonth Memorial Wall, Ballarat and Learmonth Avenues of Honours Documentation from the Australian Army Records office Documentation relating to Military Medal, 1914/15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal (whereabouts unknown, November 2016) Portraiture of Albert Telfer White as a child, as a young adult (civilian dress), in full kit (A I E F formal), and at camp 1915 Portraiture of sisters Cis, Addie, Bessie, Evelyn (with personal inscriptions) Four postcards (one with letter from Albert ‘at sea’ to his mother - undated) Death notice (unreferenced newspaper clipping) Biographical and family relationship details Photocopy of The White Family 1906 showing (standing) Adeline, Leslie, Harold (father), Muriel (mother), William; (seated) Albert, John (Grandfather), Elizabeth, Allan, Elizabeth (Grandmother), Evelyn (baby) and Benjamin The ANZAC book 1916 (flyleaf inscribed: No 2012 / Pte A T White / H Quarters / 22nd Battalion / 6th Inf Brigade / France) Gallipoli medal: engraved on reverse: A T WHITE Embossed lettering on death penny: ALBERT TELFER WHITE Handwritten on reverse of portraits: Lovingly yours / Cis / 21/11/17; your / loving sister / Addie; your loving / sister / Evelyn; Yours lovingly / Bessie Handwritten on back of postcard of ship H M A T 'Anchisis' 14.3.16: Dear Mother, I am sending you a card / of the boat we are on. Our deck is right / on the back. I have marked it with an X. / We are not allowed to put the date on or / where we are. I am sitting on the deck now / holding the card in my hand so it is hard / to write. We are together yet haven't been / separated Bill, Matt and myself. Haven't / had anything to do. I will write a couple / of letters now. Albert Handwritten on back of postcard photograph of Albert at camp: 30th September 1915 / Dear Mother / There is a studio at the / camp so Matt and I got our Photos / taken yesterday morning, & got them/ this morning. I am sending / Ciss one of Matt.albert-telfer-white, ballarat college, world-war-one, avenue-of-honour -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Honour Board - Framed Roll of Honour, St. Hilda's Church, Everton
... during the First World War including Nursing Sister Alma Louisa... during the First World War including Nursing Sister Alma Louisa ...St Hilda's Church Everton, WW1 Roll of Honour - contains 16 names of members of the Everton Community in Victoria who served during the First World War including Nursing Sister Alma Louisa BENNETT (1890-1922) who trained at Melbourne General Hospital. She moved to Western Australia and continued nursing until the advent of World War 1. She immediately sought to enlist but was not granted her request until 1916 and was eventually sent for nursing duties in India. Her arrival coincided with the first convey of wounded after the fall of Kut in Mesopotamia. She was immediately given charge of a ward at Victoria Hospital. The following year she was appointed Matron of the hospital ship "Herefordshire" which transported sick and wounded soldiers from the mouth of the Tigris River to Bombay. Her next appointment was to the 34th Welsh Hospital at Deolali 150 miles from Bombay. The hospital was huge and she took charge as Matron. After 17 months at Deolali BENNETT was awarded the Royal Red Cross Medal First Class one of the highest distinctions in the British Nursing Service. When peace was declared she travelled to England where she continued to nurse in an Army Hospital. During her stay she was invited to Buckingham Palace where she was presented with Red Cross Medal by King George V. BENNETT returned to Victoria and was invited to join the nursing staff at Melbourne's Epworth Hospital with prospects of becoming Matron. Ill health intervened and she died in September 1922. Item said to be made by the family of Gilbert and Richard Heywood both KIA and listed on honour roll.St Hilda's Church Everton Honour Roll contains 16 names of members including Nurse BENNETT, from the Everton Community in Victoria who served in WW1 Carved timber frame and mounting with 16 names in gold coloured paint listed in two columns."St Hilda's Church Everton' "Roll of Honour" "The Great War 1914 to 1918" Sister Bennett/Heywood G/Heywood R/Levett W/Lowry F/Mason T.A/Mason E.H/Mason H.G/MacKay M/Morrison J/Morrison W/Norman W/Rickards R/Steens C.T/Ward C/Welch J.everton, 1914-1918, roll of honour -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 23.05.1967
... District Nursing Service, (RDNS) Sister in her RDNS grey car... Nursing Service, (RDNS) Sister in her RDNS grey car driving up ...This photograph shows the typical road conditions encountered by RDNS District Sisters during their days work visiting patients to administer nursing care. From its inception in 1885 their Trained nurses (Nurses) of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. District Nursing has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as MDNS, the Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used; bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take their Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until, having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles by the mid 1960s. In many areas there were unsealed roads, in various conditions, which the Sisters negotiated to reach their patients to give care. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the nurses travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS) Sister in her RDNS grey car driving up the lower section of a hill on a dirt road. The car's rear black Victorian number plate, with 'JPH - 516' written on it can be seen. Dust is rising on either side of the car. In the foreground the road runs downward to a dip and then up the hill; trees are along either side of the road, and dirt and stones are seen on the side of the road in the left foreground. Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 95rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 11.05.1971
... Nursing (RDNS) Sisters, four only partially seen, walking along... Royal District Nursing (RDNS) Sisters, four only partially seen ...Mr. John Rossiter is the Minister of Health of Victoria. The RDNS Sisters are wearing their uniforms of grey dresses, red cardigans and grey peaked hats. The RDNS badge on their hats are made of metal with a royal blue circle containing the letters "Royal District Nursing Service". The inner section is divided in three parts; the upper and lower sections are silver and the centre section has the capital letters RDNS written in royal blue across it.Black and white photograph showing seven Royal District Nursing (RDNS) Sisters, four only partially seen, walking along a footpath with Mr. John Rossiter. Mr. Rossiter, who is in the centre of the photograph and group, has balding dark hair and is wearing a white shirt, striped tie, and a dark striped suit with a white flower in the button hole on his left lapel; a corner of a white handkerchief is seen in the left pocket of his jacket. The full view of three RDNS Sisters can be seen wearing their uniforms of a grey frock and dark cardigan and grey peaked hats with a round badge in the centre. In the background are some cars on the road, lamp posts and some trees. A white fence and a brick house with a tiled pitched roof is seen in the right hand side background.Photographers stamp. Quote No. KG 48royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns uniform, mr john rossiter -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1974
... Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley and seventeen... Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing ...Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley is the Principal Nurse Educator at RDNS and is giving a lecture to RDNS Sisters in the Education Department at 452 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne. She is wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock with the RDNS insignia on the upper left.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley and seventeen (some partly hidden), Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters. The bulk of the photograph shows the front view of three rows of RDNS Sisters sitting at tables which have books and sheets of paper on them. The Sisters are wearing a variety of day clothes. In the right foreground of the Photograph is a table containing papers, and standing to its right, facing the group, is the back view of Sr. Rowley, who has short dark hair and glasses. She has her left hand on a sheet of paper on the table. She is wearing her RDNS uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a dark tunic style frock. In the rear of the photograph a brick fireplace can be seen with some books and a vase of flowers on the mantelpiece. On the right is a long curtain, some lockers and an open wooden door with glass panel. Some of the Sisters named are:- Ann Greenwood, Judy Peter, Ethel Fullarton, Barbara Lovell, Shirley Lewis, Jane Ball..Barry Sutton Stamp. Quote LY 68royal district nursing service (1966-2017), rdns, rdns education, sister ethel fullerton, sister barbara lovell, sister shirley lewis, sister jane ball, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister ann greenwood, sister judy peter -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 22.06.1977
... Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters worked from... Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters worked from this, their rented ...Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters worked from this, their rented Collingwood Centre at 98 Charles Street, Collingwood, which opened in 1977. The Sisters left each morning taking any sterilized equipment needed with them to carry out their nursing visits in a specific area (district), They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for re-sterilization, and contact other medical and community personal as necessary. From its inception as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, their Trained nurses (Nurses) worked in specific areas, 'districts'. The first Nurse worked east and west, between Victoria Parade and Flinders Street and, north and south, between Spencer Street and Spring Street. When a second Nurse was employed they divided this area at Elizabeth Street so each Nurse could attend to patients in the same area giving continuity of care. Gradually over the years, Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966 when they received Royal patronage, opened Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area and outer suburbs with Heidelberg Centre opening in 1971. Their Trained nurses (Sisters) left from these Centres each morning to carry out their nursing visits in a specific area (district), taking any sterilized equipment needed with them. They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for sterilization, and contact other medical and community personal as necessary. Through its expansion quality of care was not lost, the RDNS nursing staff gave best practice care in many fields of nursing and to people of many cultures with their patients ranging in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly. Some of the care provided was – Post-Natal care, Diabetic Care, Wound Care, Giving of injections and medications, Catheterizations on children and adults, Stoma care, Dementia care, Palliative Care, General care, Rehabilitation, Spinal care, Cystic Fibrosis care, Haemo-Oncology care, Home Enteral Feeding care, and IV therapy at home. Assisting with rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. Black and white photograph showing the front facade of the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Collingwood Centre. It is a Victorian style, single story, light coloured painted concrete faced building built around the 1870s. To its left is the front wooden door with a small central glass section in the upper center, and a wire door in front of this. To its right is an Electricity Department meter attached to the wall, and under this a large "98" and to its right, and a little lower is an attached rectangular white sign, with black capital letters, saying "Royal District Nursing Service" and below this in smaller letters "Collingwood". To the right sits a long sash window with dark frame. At either end of the building white concrete face extensions, with embellishments, support a corrugated iron straight veranda roof, with wrought iron embellishment attached to its outer edge. This sits above the window and door and runs along the building protecting the small porch. Above this, along the building, is deep decoration, including a row of concrete balusters and above and central is a concave shell shaped structure. A short dark metal spiked fence runs along the edge of the narrow garden bed. In the foreground the footpath and part of a road can be seen. A small bare tree can be seen on the left hand side of the building and a small bush on the right hand side.Photographer stamp. Quote No. DO 66royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns centre -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Medal, 1914-15 Star
... , an Australian Army Nursing Sister. This was a great comfort to his..., an Australian Army Nursing Sister. This was a great comfort to his ...The 1914–15 Star was authorised in 1918 and was awarded for service in specified theatres of war between 5 August 1914 and 31 December 1915. A recipient of the 1914 Star could not also be awarded the 1914–15 Star. Albert was born 29 June 1897 at his home 'Ashford Vale" farm, Cuthbert's Road, Cardigan. Albert, a second generation Australian, was the fourth son and sixth of eleven children born to dairy farmer John White and his wife Elizabeth, nee Douglas. Albert attended Bunker's Hill State School prior to enrolling at Ballarat College. After College he obtained employment with the engineering firm Ronaldson and Tippett in Ballarat. Following his eighteenth birthday Albert enlisted in the AIF in Ballarat with the rank of Private, No 2012. He embarked for the Middle East with 23rd Battalion on 26 August 1915 and was 'taken on strength at the Gallipoli Peninsular 25 October 1915". On 10 January 1916 Albert was posted to Alexandria, Egypt and during this time he was able to meet with his aunt Rose Douglas, an Australian Army Nursing Sister. This was a great comfort to his family. Albert was sent to France 19 March 1916 and transferred to the 22nd Battalion. He was mentioned in dispatches for 'good and gallant conduct' 5 August (1917?). Albert was hospitalised 30 March 1918, rejoined 22nd Battalion 3 June 1918, wounded in action 3 October 1918 but died of wounds at Rouen 10 October 1918. news of his death was received by his family in Australia just prior to the armistice. Albert Telfer White's sacrifice is commemorated at Ballarat College, Avenue of Honour Ballarat (Tree 1214), Ballarat Shire Honour Avenue Learmonth (Tree 163) and the Australian War Memorial Canberra. (These notes provided by family November 2016)Part of a greater A T White CollectionThe 1914-15 Star is a four pointed star of bright bronze, ensigned with a crown. The obverse has crossed gladius, overlaid with an oak wreath that is ensigned with the cypher of King George V. A scroll bearing the legend 1914-15 is centrally placed across the crossed blades. The 1914-15 Star ribbon has the red white and blue colours of the Empire, in shaded and watered stripes.Engraved on a scroll in the centre of the medal front: '1914-15' The oak wreath is ensigned with the cypher of King George V. The back of the medal is engraved: 2012 / Pte A T White / 23/BN. A.I.F. albert-telfer-white, medal, world war one, 1914-15 star -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1930
... a District Nursing division and these Sisters only worked... and these Sisters only worked in the community giving nursing care ...The Matron and Sisters in this photograph worked in the Melbourne District Nursing Society After Care Home, (later called Hospital) full time and administered nursing care to patients who ranged in age from babes to adults. The Society also had a District Nursing division and these Sisters only worked in the community giving nursing care to patients in their homes.The Melbourne District Nursing Society were pioneers in recognizing the need for premises where patients too ill to be in their own home, but not ill enough to go to hospital, was needed, and the Society built, then opened, the After-Care Home in 1926, (from 1934 called After-Care Hospital), for these patients, and patients from Hospitals. Many children were nursed there, some long term during the Polio epidemic and the Society employed two School Teachers. The Society now ran two divisions, the After-Care with its own Sisters and nurses, and the District division. The Society were the first in Melbourne, in early 1928, to recognize some patients leaving the After-Care, and many at home, needed further social care and they set up ‘Almoners’ from their committee to visit these patients and be intermediaries in getting them social assistance. It was late the following year before the first training of Almoners took place in Melbourne. In 1930 the Society employed a full time kindergarten teacher to visit poor children in their homes. That year the Society were pioneers in opening an Ante-Natal Clinic at the After-Care, setting a high standard with equipment, keeping records, and providing leaflets with instructions in how to keep healthy during pregnancy, what complications to look for and what to do when labour commenced. In 1934 the Society were pioneers again when they opened the first Women’s Welfare Clinic in Melbourne giving advice on birth-control, at first attended by their own patients, but then accepting patients from public hospitals until their own clinics were opened. A trained Almoner was employed by the Society in 1934, doing a great deal of work with Midwifery patients, but she resigned after twelve months due to the amount of work. Due to a lack of trained Almoners, the Society employed a Social Service Officer at the After-Care who successfully gained better housing from the Housing Commission for families living under unsuitable conditions.A black and white photograph of Matron and twelve Trained nurses (Sisters) standing at the front entrance of the Melbourne District Nursing Society After Care Home, In the front of the portico is the Matron and four Sisters. Matron is dressed in a white long uniform dress and white veil over her short dark hair, and is wearing white stockings and white shores. To her right are four Sisters. Behind them are five Sisters, one standing between the left pair of round columns of the portico and the others to her right finishing just before the second set of columns. Two Sisters are to the left of the left hand column in front of the brick wall of the building. A short brick wall runs from the column to the building and hides the lower half of these Sisters. All the Sisters are dressed with white long aprons with white belts, which are covering their uniforms, only their dark grey sleeves and white collars can be seen. They are wearing white veils covering most of their short dark hair, grey stockings and black shoes. At the top of the portico can be seen the words 'District Nursing Society'. Part of the two story brick building can be seen behind the group; two long windows are visible on the upper and lower sections. To the right of the building some shrubs and a tree can be seen.nurses, after care hospital, uniforms, after-care home, melbourne district nursing society, mdns, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, c.1970
... This photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS... This photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr ...This photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr.) Moira Coates doing Liaison work at St. Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne. Miss C. Healy is St. Vincent's Home Care Supervisor and she and Sr. Coates are discussing plans with Miss E. Monks for the future care she requires following her discharge from hospital. Sr. Coates is wearing the RDNS uniform of a royal blue dress with white piping around the peaks of the collar. An RDNS logo is on its upper left. She is wearing a darker blue jacket.Liaison had occurred between Doctors and the the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Trained nurses (Sisters), but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, co-ordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the Hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital.In the left foreground of this black and white photograph is Miss C. Healy who has collar length dark hair and is wearing a hospital uniform dark cardigan over a white blouse and dark skirt. She is sitting on a kitchen style chair and has an open folder; a pen in her right hand is poised over a white sheet of paper. She is smiling and looking to her left at Miss E. Monks who is resting in a bed in front of her. Standing to her right, and at the head of the bed, is RDNS Sister Moira Coates who has short dark hair. and is wearing a dark jacket over a dark colour dress with white piping on the collar peaks. Her identity card is clipped on the right hand pocket. She is smiling at Miss Monks and has her left hand on an RDNS leaflet which Miss Monks is holding. To her right is Miss Monk who has short dark hair and wearing a light coloured nightdress. She sitting up supported against pillows on a hospital bed which has the top section raised. She is looking at the RDNS folded leaflet; two photographs and writing can be seen on the front cover. White bedclothes cover most of Miss Monks body. Drawn curtains are seen in the left rear of the photograph and some switches and a name card are seen behind the bed. Barry Sutton. LJ93 and namesrdns, royal district nursing service, rdns liaison, rdns uniform, sister moira coates, miss c. healy, miss e. monks -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1990
... view of Royal District Nursing (RDNS) Sister Marilyn Harper... was given by Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters ...RDNS Sister Marilyn Harper is giving medication via a syringe and tube to a male client..Medications ordered by Doctors in Hospitals was given by Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters to patients in their own homes. Specialized treatments were taught to RDNS Sisters by the RDNS Education Department. At times RDNS Sisters visited hospitals to learn special techniques which were to be used to care for the patient after their discharge. The RDNS Education department ran many programs for their staff including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and a Community Nursing Education Program extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the rehabilitation ward.On the left of the black and white photograph is the side view of Royal District Nursing (RDNS) Sister Marilyn Harper, who is smiling. She has drawn back long curly hair and is wearing a white patterned short sleeve blouse under a dark V neck tunic style frock. Her right arm is extended onto a piece of equipment resting on top of the bedclothes of a male client who is lying in bed. Her left hand is holding a partly emptied syringe which is attached to a clear coloured tube attached to the man. The male client, whose head and shoulders are resting on a boomerang pillow on his bed, has short dark hair and is wearing a tartan shirt and cardigan over a white T-shirt. He is holding an upright filled syringe in his left hand. In the background you can see part of the wooden bedhead and part of a picture on the pale coloured wall behind it.Courtesy of the 'Western Independent'royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns care - medication, sister marilyn harper -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white:, c.1922
... Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Sisters standing at a tram... on the hat band. Each Sister is carrying a square nursing case ...This photograph depicts the style of uniform worn by the Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) at that time. It shows part of a Cable Tram being the type of Public transport used by the Trained nurses to visit their patients. This group of Trained nurses are about to board trams to commence their visits to MDNS patients who require nursing care in their homes.District Nursing has had various modes of transport over the last 130 years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1955. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Nurses to patients, and some nurses used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one nurse in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until, having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles.A slightly fuzzy black and white photograph which shows six Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Sisters standing at a tram stop wearing uniforms of full length coats and grey brimmed hats bearing a Maltese cross insignia on the hat band. Each Sister is carrying a square nursing case with a thick handle on the top. Part of a Cable tram, with a 'Spencer Street' sign attached to the top, is on the right of the photograph. Two of the Sisters are about to board the tram. Four Sisters are standing by the 'tram stop' sign. A line of leafless tree are seen behind the Sisters, and white terraced houses are in the background.public transport, mdns, uniforms, melbourne district nursing society, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 01.05.1974
... are doing their nursing training. Trained nurse (Sister) Nan Deakin... their nursing training. Trained nurse (Sister) Nan Deakin, RDNS Nurse ...This black and white photograph is taken in the Education Department at the Western General Hospital where the Student nurses are doing their nursing training. Trained nurse (Sister) Nan Deakin, RDNS Nurse Educator, is checking information written by one of the Student nurses following a lecture she gave the students on Community Nursing. Following their time in the Education Department, the Student nurses will go to an RDNS Centre to receive education in the field from an RDNS Sister working in the community. During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures Students went to a RDNS Centre and each student accompanied a Trained nurse (Sister) for a week observing and gaining knowledge on all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced after discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 student nurses who received field experience with RDNS.This black and white photograph shows a group of eight female Hospital Student nurses, some partly hidden, and one male Student nurse, sitting randomly in a group about the room; each at a small metal framed, white wooden top table. The tables have books, printed sheets and white sheets of paper on them. The female Student nurses are wearing white nursing caps and checked uniforms with white collars and cuffs. They have a variety of hair styles, some with long hair drawn back. Standing to the right, in the centre of the group, is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Nurse Educator, Sister Nan Deakin, who has short dark hair and is wearing glasses. She is wearing her RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a dark V neck tunic style dress with the RDNS logo on its upper left. She is looking down at a sheet of paper held by one of the Student nurses, who has short wavy dark hair. The nurse is holding the sheet of paper with both hands and is looking at it. The rear group of four students appear to be in discussion. The others are looking at sheets of paper on their tables. The male Student nurse, in the left foreground, has short dark hair and is wearing a white uniform. Closed dark concertina doors are in the background.Barry Sutton MA 79royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, western general hospital students, sister nan deakin -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.1975
... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters doing their book work in an RDNS... Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters doing their book work in an RDNS ...This photograph is taken in the work room in a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Centre. The Sisters are writing up patient histories after giving nursing care to them in their homes during the day.Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), had Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Their staff arrived at the Centre each morning to collect their work load and any messages, and then drove to their particular area (district) to give care to their patients. At the completion of the day they returned to their Centre where they wrote up the care they had given to each patient in the appropriate history folder. They also filled out forms to be sent to the RDNS Liaison Sister at the appropriate hospital when a patient was going to outpatients so the doctor would have a progress report. The Sisters also contacted other Medical and Community personal as necessary from the Centre. The RDNS cars were also kept at each centre, where they were collected each morning and returned after the Sister's community visits. Coloured photograph of a group of eleven Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters doing their book work in an RDNS Centre. Two of the Sisters are wearing the summer RDNS uniform of a royal blue V necked tunic style dress over a white blouse and a dark blue cardigan. The others are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey herringbone winter material V necked tunic style frock. Some Sisters are partly hidden. They are sitting at tables which have open patient history books and papers on them.In the rear are papers attached to walls and on the left a Venetian blind is covering a window.royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns uniform, rdns centre -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1973
... District Nursing (RDNS), Sister Betty Harris, who is standing side... and white photograph is Royal District Nursing (RDNS), Sister Betty ...The photograph is taken in the car park at Royal District Nursing Service ( RDNS) Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne. Sr. Harris is assisting to load the bassinet and the other nursing equipment into the RDNS Van for Mr. Pincher to deliver to the appropriate RDNS Centre or to patient's homes. In 1971 the Commission shop donated a Van to Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), to be used by the Maintenance crew for delivery of equipment and transporting goods and documents between RDNS Centres and Headquarters. It was also used for transporting Maintenance staff, and the equipment they required, to do maintenance work at RDNS Centres as needed. The Commission Van was kept at the RDNS Service Centre at Chessell Street, South Melbourne. From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, known as the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, equipment was loaned and demonstrated to patients, and their family members, to enable them to care for their loved ones in their home. In the 1970s RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught RDNS staff the correct transferring techniques, including the use of a hoist when this became available. RDNS staff taught and used these techniques in patient’s homes to undertake safe transfer of the patient and to reduce physical strain on RDNS Sisters and family members. Each RDNS Centre had a room or shed where equipment for loan was kept, and Headquarters also kept additional equipment which could be transported to Centres as required.On the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing (RDNS), Sister Betty Harris, who is standing side-on in front of the open door of a white Van. She wears glasses, has dark curled hair, and is smiling, as she has her arms outstretched with her right hand under a white bassinet as she passes it to Mr. Pincher who is standing in and leaning out of the opening of the Van. Mr. Pincher has wavy light colour hair and is smiling at Sr. Harris as he is holding the other end of the bassinet. He is wearing a dark cardigan over a white shirt. On the far left of the photograph, part of an RDNS car is seen and in front of this part of a walking frame. A pair of wooden crutches lean against the open Van door and a wheelchair and a 4 pronged stick are to the right of Sr. Harris. Behind them part of the Van with part of a window in its upper area are seen. Sr. Harris is wearing her RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style frock.rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns equipment, rdns uniform, sister betty harris, mr pincher -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.06.1971
... District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister E. Anderson, who has short... Sisters to any poor families whom they visit to administer nursing ...RDNS Sister E. Anderson is Supervisor of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Footscray Centre and Mrs. J. Simpson is the coordinator of RDNS Auxiliaries. They are admiring items from auxiliaries and other interested friends which will be distributed, as required, by RDNS Sisters to any poor families whom they visit to administer nursing care.From its inception in 1885 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), held functions to gain finances to run the Society. They also asked the public for donations, ranging from food items to linen for bandages, bed linen, blankets, clothes, including baby clothes, etc to assist in the care of their patients. The public generously responded. Each year the President made a special appeal for donations at Christmas time for food and gifts for the MDNS sick poor. Out of this evolved, in 1925, the first MDNS Auxiliary in the Eastern Suburbs. This extended to Auxiliaries throughout the suburbs who worked to donate money and ‘gifts in kind’ to assist MDNS to continue their work, and to furnish wards in the After-Care Home. Before the District Division of MDNS had its own fleet of vehicles, a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 where the general public, when available, provided their car, and drove Sisters to visit patients who lived a distance away. This was disbanded in 1971 when the, now named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), had its own fleet of vehicles. The Jessie Henderson Auxiliary ran a Kiosk and Library with all profits to the Society for 20 years. By 1950 there were fourteen auxiliaries who continued to hold functions when the District division separated from the After-Care Hospital and became Melbourne District Nursing Service, which, with Royal patronage, became RDNS in 1966. A Council of Auxiliaries, with Mrs. J. Simpson at its head, and which comprised of two delegates from each auxiliary, was formed in February 1968 to work for District. There were nine auxiliaries in 1970. They continued to run into the 2000s, but the numbers of auxiliaries reduced over the years, as well as the number of members in each auxiliary as the members aged, so this form of support ceased.On the rear left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister E. Anderson, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a long sleeved grey frock, with a white name badge on the upper left; parts of RDNS insignia are seen on the top section of each sleeve. On the right rear is Mrs. J. Simpson, who has her long dark hair drawn up and is wearing a light grey coloured frock with white lapels, cuffs and a white pocket, all with dark piping. They are both holding baby items and looking at knitted and other donated items which are laying on tables in front of them.Photographers stamp. Quote No. KH 74melbourne district nursing society, melbourne district nursing service, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, mdns auxiliaries, rdns auxiliaries, ellen anderson,, j. simpson, -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Grave of Sarah Jane Procter, Eltham Cemetery, Victoria, 5 April 2021
... to Nursing Sister and returned on HMAT Ulysses transporting wounded... to Nursing Sister and returned on HMAT Ulysses transporting wounded ...Nurse Sarah Procter stretched the limits by enlisted on 12 August, 1915 at 45 years of age, the maximum acceptable age. A sister, Mrs J H Treloar (Amelia) in Hamilton was given as next of kin. Her Attestation shows she had 13 years nursing experience, having earned her Certificate at Stawell Hospital, served for one year with the Women's Hospital with the balance with private amenities. The Embarkation Roll lists her residential address simply as Brunswick - there is no Attestation or other material surviving to suggest a more specific address. She embarked from Melbourne on board RMS Morea on 24 August, 1915 and like many the served in Egypt in 1915, her record is a little hazy, but it appears at in January, 1916 after serving with No. 2 AGH, she was promoted to Nursing Sister and returned on HMAT Ulysses transporting wounded back to Australia. Nurse Procter embarked again on 4 April, 1916 to re-join her unit. She arrived in England 30 December after further service at Alexandria and was initially assigned to No. 2 A.A.H, then at Southall, She was transferred just a few weeks later to No. 1 AAH at Barefield where she remained until February, 1918. She proceeded to join No.5 AGH at Rouen, France in May, 1918; she returned to England on 23 November, 1918 after spending a month off duty with general debility and on return was admitted to South Kensington hospital with rheumatism. She was released around a fortnight later and at the same time promoted to the rank of Sister. Perhaps because of her age, she embarked for Australia soon afterwards and was assigned to No. 11 AGH at Caulfield from 9 February, 1919 until her appointment was terminated on 3 May. Born Stawell, Protestant, Sarah Jane Procter died at 75 years of age in a private hospital in St. Kilda, on 6 July, 1945 as the result of an accident and was interred in Eltham Cemetery. Her National Archives are held as Procter, AWM files as Proctor, the former is correct. (Brian Membery for Wikinorthia) Sarah Jane Procter never married and served in WW1. She enlisted at 45, but said she was only 40 on the enlistment papers. Sarah is buried in CE Monumental Section Grave 182. She was born in Stawell in 1869 and died accidentally in Heidelberg 1945. She lays next to an older brother, George Charles Alfred Procter, born 1865. died 1935 in grave CE 181. In Loving Memory of Sarah Jane Proctor Late Sister A.I.F. Died 6th July 1945 aged 76 years Blessed are they that die in the Lord For their works do follow them.Born Digitaleltham cemetery, gravestones, proctor, george charles alfred procter, sarah jane procter