Showing 460 items
matching teacher records
Orbost & District Historical Society
collection of newspaper articles, 1917, 1929, 1934
These articles were collated by Mary Gilbert. Mary Isabelle Gilbert was born in 1905 in Orbost, Australia. She was born to John Gilbert and Annie Cameron Gilbert. She was a teacher historian loved and respected by her family and the wider community.These articles are contemporary records of significant events in the history of Orbost and as such are useful reference tools.A cardboard folder of black and white newspaper cuttings relating to the 1934 floods in Orbost, war photographs and local events and residents. 747.1 is from the February 3, 1934 Weekly Times and is titled, " FLOOD PHOTOS ORBOST". 747.2 is from the Weekly Times, 9 June 1917 and contains war photos and photographs of Orbost - 11 May, 1929.orbost-floods-1934 ww1-photgraphs-orbost-weekly-times -
Orbost & District Historical Society
photograph, C 1900
Club Terrace, situated in East Gippsland, is important as a timber milling centre. The name probably derived from the ‘Ace of Clubs’ mine which operated for a time there and which took its name from the ‘Ace of Clubs’ cattle brand of still earlier days. The school first opened on 1st of February 1900, the teacher being Samuel Beaver. In 1960 the number of children enrolled grew too great for the little one-room school that had served so well. A modern type school of two rooms, built on a new site away from the mills, was occupied at the beginning of the 1961 school year when R. Lawry and his wife were the teachers. Later in the same year the school was officially opened by the DI Cyril Bowden. Also present were B. Evans, MLA, B. May, MLC and several Councillors from Orbost Shire. This school record is of immediate interest and value to the pupils and staff who have learned and taught in the Club Terrace State State School. The record also has a much wider significance, to the community in which the school is situated, as a record and research tool.A black / white photograph of a group of students and their male teacher standing outside a wooden building. It is labelled " Club Terrace State School No. 3343"on back - "about 1898"education club-terrace-state-school -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Biography, Ringwood and District Historical Society, Interview notes - short biography on Miss Daisy Paddock, teacher at Ringwood State School, circa 1970s, c.1970s
Single page of notes/interview record of Miss Daisy Paddock, teacher at the Ringwood State School in Greenwood Avenue (now Federation Estate) - Interview write-up by Ringwood History Group.Transcript: "Miss Janet Daisy Paddock She was an extremely well-liked and well-regarded teacher at the old RW State School in Greenwood Ave (Now Federation Estate). She taught between the years of 1927 until 1941, then again after the war from 1951 until final retirement in 1961. In fact she was so liked that her former pupils formed "The 2997 Club" , which met in her honour every year for a meal (and, of course, their guest of honour). 2997 was the RW SS number. In some of her letters about early life in RW, she recalls the RW Mail being produced and printed in a small wooden building in Adelaide St. [Adelaide St is officially no longer on the RW map but it went from the highway nearly to Mullum Creek, between Melbourne St and Warrandyte Road.^ In fact there is an unmarked 100 metres of road that is on the west side of Officeworks that ends in a roundabout at the bottom of Eastland carpark. I don't believe it is exactly in the same position as the old Adelaide Street but it pretty close. That would put the old Mail office in the vicinity of the Maroondah Council service centre in Eastland.] She also recalls that there were nearly a dam on every corner. In fact, I recall in my 1950s/60s childhood that there were still many dams around. As I previously mentioned, with the RW-Mitcham claybelt, there wasn't much top soil and the orange clay is very fine, so when the banks of the dam get wet, it wass very slippery. I often remember playing around in those dams, as most boys did in those days. A friend and I spied an old bath used to water some horses so after some trial and errors we made it waterproof and fashioned a couple of paddles out of wooden fence pailings. The first launch in the local dam was fine and we managed to manouver through the bullrushes into the middle. The only thing that I forgot about was that I had a d<^ that went everywhere with me and, rather than bark from the bank, he swam over to us and tried to get aboard. Bath tubs are not known for their seaworthness and he tipped us all in the drink. Of course the bath sank like a rock. We scrambled on the bank and he added insult to injury when, as all dogs do, gave the usual shake and sprayed us with water. My mind often comes back to one dam right next to the Croydon pub - that provided water to the Magg's orchard - dug in the usual fashion on about 3 metres deep scraped in the local clay, it was at this dam in the early sixties that a young boy drowned. After that we were pretty careful around dams. Going back to Daisy's memories, she recalls that the kids often started late on Monday mornings as Monday was Market Day at RW. They used to watch the stock being herded into the yards and people getting off the steam trains. Her family home was at Gruyere and her father used to drive to RW market and stop midway at the Burnt Bridge hotel and rest the horses. [I suspect that he may have watered other things besides the horses.] They eventually moved to RW in Thanet St. Miss Paddock still remembers the old RW school at the corner of RW St and Whitehorse Road, it was very small so they built the new school in Greenwood Ave. RW had a population of around 2,(K)0 when Daisy became an Assistant Class Five. She used to walk through the open paddocks, surrounded by bush and orchards. She goes on to say that the bush was alive with wildlife and a natural playground for the children. Miss Paddock was a member of the Soroptomist Club in RW (equivalent to Rotary), active in the church and local community. At our archives, we have a plaque that grac^ the entrance to the school, naming it the Miss Daisy Paddock library, in honour of a great woman in our city." -
Australian Commando Association - Victoria
Mixed media - From Tidal River to Timbered Knoll, Education Package - From Tidal River to Timbered Knoll
This training package was produced by AVA Vic for use within the Victorian educational curriculum for years 10 to 12. It is particularly focused on those students who are attending Wilsons Promontory National Park and undertaking educational activities through the Parks Victoria Education Centre. The eight module program and teachers notes provides a historical workbook for students to gain a better understanding of the role of Tidal River as the initial training location for Australian and New Zealand commandos during World War II and the later military operations that were undertaken by commandos during World War II.Using original World War II footage, supplemented by later official record data this video and training package provides unique material regarding the history of Australian special operations during World War II.ww2, world war ii, independent companies, commando companies, australian special forces, tidal river -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Group, Ringwood Technical School 1963 Prefects
As well as the usual Prefects’ duties, their assistance was required for frequent special occasions at the school in its early years, some involving overseas visitors who were given tours of the new school, it being the first co-ed technical school in Victoria and of a unique design. The school, known locally as Ringwood Tech School, Ringwood Tech, Ringy Tech, Ringers Tech, The Tech and RTS, began in 1958 and was hosted at various district schools until 1960, when the new school was completed at Heathmont. It was the first co-ed technical school in Victoria. The school underwent several name and role changes in later years, and finally closed in 2003.Black and White Photograph - RTS Prefects, 1963 Photograph from Ringwood Technical School photo album 21255 labelled “Ringwood Technical School 1963-’64 Class Photos”. (This record was also catalogued as 17091, replaced by this entry)Names: Top row: Patsy Bulstrode, ?, Irene Rye, Elaine Smith, Gary Dewar, Sandra Rudeforth. 3rd row: Robert Tann, Diane Trueman, Tom Derham, Gail Reddish, Trevor Kane, Denise Young, Stephen Alsop, Rosemary Dobrowolski. 2nd row: Ken Washfold, Carmen Powell, ?, Ann Bassett, Terry Keatch, Julie Stephens, John Wilson, Janice Hartley, Gavin Miller. 1st row: Richard Gardner, Derry Truman, Darryl Hodgkins, Principal: Mr E Heard, Teacher: Mr Doug Thomas, Janine Allen, Alan Cornhill, ?. rts, ringwood tech -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Shelves, A. Englander & Searle, Late 19th Century (1898)
This music stand set of shelves is one of many 19th century items of furniture, linen and crockery donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by, Vera and Aurelin Giles. The items are associated with the Giles Family and are known as the “Giles Collection”. Many of the items of furniture, linen and crockery in the Lighthouse Keeper’s Cottage were donated by Vera and Aurelin Giles and mostly came from the simple home of Vera’s parents-in-law, Henry Giles and his wife Mary Jane (nee Freckleton) whose photos are in the parlour. They married in 1880. Henry, born at Tower Hill in 1858, was a labourer on the construction of the Breakwater before leaving in 1895 to build bridges in N.S.W. for about seven years. Mary Jane was born in 1860 at Cooramook. She attended Mailor’s Flat State School where she was also a student teacher before, as family legend has it, she became a governess at “Injemiara” where her grandfather, Francis Freckleton, once owned land. Henry and Mary’s family of six, some of whom were born at Mailor’s Flat and later children at Wangoom, lived with their parents at Wangoom and Purnim west, where Henry died in 1933 and Mary Jane in 1940. THE SHELVES During the years 1869-1935 there were well over 250 registered bamboo furniture producers in Britain. The earliest recorded firm was Hubert Bill of 14 Little Camden St, London N.W., who claimed to have been established in (1869 the first bamboo furniture maker), while Daniel Jacobs & Sons of Hackney Road, London, were still in business in 1915, after 45 years of production. Design, quality, price and methods of construction were fairly consistent throughout the whole period, but it was the imaginative and often eccentric choice of subject matter that marked the differentiation between the various firms. While most produced standard tables, stands and fire-screens, the more adventurous offered for sale items such as Corner shelve units, charcoal barbecue grills and musical tea tables. Shelves were often covered with embossed leather paper designs, at first imported from Japan and then later produced in England. Some firms incorporated the knobbly roots of the bamboo stems into their designs, generally to form feet. Occasionally handles to drawers and cupboards were made with these roots although they were more commonly carved as imitations. Handles were mostly of cheap metal or brass. The ends of the bamboo canes were capped with stamped metal or turned bone, ivory or wooden discs. Methods of construction fell into three categories. First and most common is that of pegging. Bamboo stems being hollow, thick dowels can easily be glued into the joints. Some firms farmed out this work of `plugging' the ends of the canes to part-time workers at home. The second method, that of pinning, was far less satisfactory as bamboo tends to split lengthwise and therefore the jointed pieces eventually disintegrated. The most efficient method was that patented in 1888 (patent No 2383) by the firm of W. F. Needham in Birmingham. It consisted of metal shoes and covers for all joints which were made by wrapping a metal strip around the stems and soldering the overlapping ends. Some joints were further strengthened by a small pin or screw. Needham was by far the largest and most successful manufacturer and their individual and superior method of construction undoubtedly gained them their reputation. A. Englander & Searle of 34 Gt Eastern St and 31 Mare St, Hackney, London, were a firm particularly concerned with methods of construction. Although they seem to have entered the bamboo furniture market at a comparatively late date, about 1898, they produced inexpensive bamboo, aimed particularly at the export trade. The company stated in their catalogue that bamboo furniture “can be exported in one piece or it can be exported in pieces and put together again. The fixing up is much facilitated by a system of marking and numbering. Further, no glue is required for putting together as the screw system only is applied”. This method of construction best fits the Etagere in the Flagstaff collection and it is believed to have been made by A Englander & Searle, exported in a knock down form to Australia, purchased in kit form from a dealer hear and put together by the owner. The Etagere is a significant item as it highlight furniture fashion of the late Victorian era. This item was highly sort after in its time and although mass produced, not many examples remain, so this example is a valuable addition to the Flagstaff collection. It is believed that the construction method used is by a notable and respected maker of bamboo furniture and that its production was aimed at the export market and probably came to Australia in kit form.Bamboo shelves: decorative free standing Etagere comprising three large shelves and one small shelf. Shelves are made of wood used to store either orange or bacon boxes (as there are no knots in the wood, imported from South America and cheap to recycle). Shelves are covered with embossed leather paper. Frame is made from tortoise shell bamboo (brown lacquer applied to simulate tortoise shell appearance). Ends of bamboo canes are covered with metal shoes and fixed with a pin. Other bamboo joints are fixed with round head steel screws. This item is part of the Giles Collection.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, bamboo shelves, bamboo etagere, victorian furniture, furniture, bamboo furniture, embossed leather paper, simulated bamboo, tortise shell, a englander & searle, giles collection, henry giles, tower hill, cooramook, warrnambool breakwater, mailor’s flat, wangoom, 19th century furniture -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Roll of Honor, Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book, c1920
The Ballarat Technical Art School made many honour boards for schools and organisation in Victoria and interstate. Their own was made, but the names were not listed. The Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report for 1921 states: 'It has been decided, for the present, to record the names of our students who served in the warm, in an Honor Book, and to defer the erectin of an Honor Board until we can feel ssured that the Roll is complete. the wide spread occupations of our students has rendered it very difficult for us to secure detailed information of their service. A handsome Honor Book and Case has been designed and executed by the staff ad students of the technical Art School, and the engrossing of the names and military records will be proceeded with as soon as possible. The Technical Art School was quite busy with commissions. The SMB Annual Report of 1918 states: 'under the direction of the Art principal (Mr H.H. Smith), the work of the Art School continues to receive wide public recognition. Handsome Honor Boars have been designed and executed for the Sydney Sports' Club, the St Arnaud High School, the Birregurra State School, the Wendouree State School and the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club. The School also designed the certificates for the Young Workers' Patriotic Guild, the 'Herald" Shield for perpetual competition at the technical Schools' athletic meetings, the "Hansen" Shield for competition among the Northern District High Schools, two metal tablets for the Castlemaine high School, and a certificate for the Grampians Secondary Schools' Association. Numerous Honor Books and Mural cases have also been designed for State Schools.' Over 400 former students and staff of the Ballarat School of Mines served during World War One. The 1920 SMb Students' Magazine said' 'Many students left Australia with the first Contingent, and since then, the School has been represented on every field where Australians have fought, from the first landing at Gallipoli to the decisive victory on the 8 August 1918.' The influence of the school was appropriately shown in the fact that at least 13 of its students were officers in the Australian Mining Corps. The title page has the initials 'D.J.' which most probably stands for Donald I. Johnston, a teacher with the Ballarat Technical Art school from 1920 to 1949. The Ballarat School of Mines World War 1 Honor Book remained uncompleted for more than 90 years. The names of over 400 SMB staff and students who served their country were not inscribed until 2012, despite names, ranks and service records being compiled. A restoration project was instigated as part of the 140th anniversary of the Ballarat School of Mines in 2010. Names were inscribed into the book by Calligrapher Lyn Forrester. The University of Ballarat believed this project is important not only to SMB's history, but the families and descendants of those who served while studying or teaching at SMB. The restoration project involved names being hand written in calligraphy into the Honor Book and was funded with the assistance of the 'Restoring Community War Memorial Grant'. The memorial was designed and made by the staff and students of the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School under the direction of Principal Herbert H. Smith. In 1921 the Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report recorded: "It has been decided, for the present, to record the names of our students who served in the war, in an Honor Book, and to defer the erection of an Honor Board until we can feel assured that the roll is complete. The wide spread occupations of our students has rended it very difficult for us to secure detailed information of their service. A handsome Honor Book and case has been designed and executed by the staff and students of the Technical Art School, and the engrossing of the names and miliatary records will proceed with as soon as possible. The Ballarat Technical Art School and was involved with the design and manufacture of numerous WW1 memorials. When it came time to complete their own memorial, the Principal died, and the Honor Roll must have been overlooked in the confusion that ensued. There have been numerous theories about why the Honor Roll was never completed, one being that it was because the SMB Principal, Maurice Copland, literally worked himself to death organising repatriation classes for ex-soldiers who attended SMB. The Courier of 18 November 1922 said of Maurice Copland: “He put his very best into the work for the welfare of the soldiers; in fact, he did too much for the good of his physique, for he wore himself out in the services of the returned men. If ever there was a war victim the late Mr Copland was one. But for the stress of work entailed by those repatriation classes and the amount of general war work which he performed Mr Copland would probably have been with them today." Understandably, SMB was thrown into some disarray by their Principal's death and the Honor Book was not completed. The University of Ballarat would like to finally honor its SMB war veterans by completing the Honor Book and as a further mark of respect, dedicate the project to Maurice Copland. The Ballarat Technical Art School undertook many honor boards. The Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report 1918 states: "Under the direction of the Art Principal (Mr H.H. Smith), the work of the Art School continues to receive a wide public recognition. handsome Honor Boards have been designed and executed for the Sydney Sports' Club, the St Arnaud High School, the Birregurra State School, the wendouree State School and the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club. The School also designed certificates for the Young Workers' patriotic Guild, the "Herald" Shield for perpetual Competition at the Technical schools athletics meetings, the "Hansen" Shield for competition in the northern District High Schools, two metal tablets for the Castlemaine High School, and a certificate for the Grampians Secondary Schools' Association. Numerous Honor Gooks and mural cases have also been designed for State Schools." The 1920 Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report stated: Public appreciation of the High standard of design and artistic craft work produced by the students of the Art School, under the direction of the Principal (Mr Herbert H. Smith), continues to be demonstrated by the lage number of important commissions entrusted to the school, not only by the public bodies and business firms by the Education Department and public bodies all over the State." "Amongst the important local commissions received during the year was the designing and supplying of the Municipal Council's Address of Welcome Casket for presentation to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the designing and supervising of a large four-light stained glass window for the Lydiard Street Methodist Church, ... and supply numerous honor books, honor boards, etc., for public institutions and school." "The School has been honored by, and has acceded to the request of the Education Department to supply designs for the title page, chapter headings and initial letters for the War Service Book which it is about to publish, Mr F. Tate, director of Education, recognising the students' work in this direction by an appreciative letter of thanks. The Education Department has also been instrumental in directing to the School applications from all parts of the State, including Melbourne, for the School to supply competitive sports shields, honor boards, books and designs for certificates, and various decorative objects. The School has therefor been responsible for much work coming to local Ballarat firms which would otherwise have found its way to Melbourne or other centres. In 2011, as the result of a 'Restoring Community War Memorials Grant' calligrapher Lynton Forrester was commissioned to record over 400 names into the honor book. A red leatherbound Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book. The book includes a title page relating to the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries. The Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book was not finally inscribed with names until 2011-2012. world war one, ww1, ballarat school of mines, world war 1, world war i, honour roll, calligraphy, don johnston, honor book, honor roll, copeland, maurice copeland, honour book, roll of honour, percy coltman, arthur e. tandy, leslie coulter -
Richmond & Burnley Historical Society
Petition, Richmond Churches Petition regarding Sunday Icecream Vendors 1908
The scroll describes the concerns of the Churches of Richmond against the Street Icecream Vendors who are threatening the sanctity of the Holy Sunday. Each denomination organsied for each of their Sunday School Teachers to sign the petition and these where pasted together to form a Sroll. The Scroll provides an indication of the sizes of the Sunday Schools and the number of Churches in the area in 1908. The petition to the City of Richmond was intended to introduce a By-law to prevent Sunday Trading in the municipality of Richmond. A combined record demonstating the collaboration between Richmond Churches to form a residents action group to combat the threat of Sunday Vendor Trading. The scroll has a record of the names and addresses of the hundreds of School Teachers from each demonination in 1908. A petition to the Richmond City Council From local churches protesting about the Sunday Trading by Icecream Vendors and the impact on the Holy Day. The petition contains signatures of Sunday School Teachers from each particpating denomination. The petition is presented as a paper scroll fixed to a wooden rod. (July 1908)Signatures of Sunday School Teachers and Leaderschurches, scroll, petition, richmond council, sunday school, icecream vendors, congregational church, central methodist church, baptist church, north richmond church of christ, balmain church of christ, burnley methodist church, richmond congregational church, burnley congregational church, st stephens church of england richmond, richmond presbyterian church, burnley presbyterian church, local action groups -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items relating to the life of Richard John Gainey: 1/One copy of a Parliament of Victoria record of Richard Gainey giving brief details about his life, occupations and army service in World War One. Author and date unknown, accessed 02/03/2012. 2/ Research notes by Anne Kilpatrick, 15/08/2014, giving Richard Gainey’s address in Caulfield.gainey richard john teachers, charitable organisations, aitkin evelyn alice, world war 1939-1945, caulfield, world war 1914-1918, soldiers, keeron street, exservice organisations, elsternwick, gould league of bird lovers, returned service people, parliamentary representatives -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Program, Booklet, Newspaper Cuttings, Map, Quad Sports B.T.C., S.M.B., F.S 1961 and magazine, 4 October 1961
The Diploma Course at the Ballarat School of Mines usually took four years to complete hence the title of the booklet "Your Four Years with Us".Program: Cream card, A4 size, folded in half to make 4 page program. Booklet: 8 cream pages plus cover with image of Ballarat School of Mines on front 7 small newspaper articles Map of SMB in black ink on cream paperProgram: Front: 1961, "Quad" Sports, B.T.C, S.M.B., F.S. printed in black ink. "Michael Whiteside SMB" handwritten on top right hand corner. Inside: Starting time, Event, Records, First, Second, Third, Time or Distance typed with three handwritten names, Michael Whiteside SMB, Philip Lockyer SMB, Judith Christensen BTC and time handwritten 2 Min 8.2 Sec for Men, 880 yards event. Back: Signatures handwritten on back. A KING & Sons Ballarat logo bottom at back Booklet: Michael N Whiteside SMB signature in blue ink on top right hand corner of cover. Inside cover: "This book was stolen from Michael N Whiteside handwritten in blue ink Map has lines drawn from building 3 to 10 to 15 to 14 to 7 with various numbers in circles hand drawn. ballarat teachers' college, school of mines ballarat, ballarat school of mines, quad sports, 1961, philip lockyer, michael whiteside, judith christensen, sports program, program, sports, lake relays, city oval, stewart house, barry house, track events, bob norton, technical schools' regatta, lake wendouree, geelong technical college, gordon institute of technology -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Honour Board (hanging bookcase), Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book and Bookcase, c1920
The Ballarat Technical Art School made many honour boards for schools and organisation in Victoria and interstate. Their own was made, but the names were not listed. The Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report for 1921 states: 'It has been decided, for the present, to record the names of our students who served in the warm, in an Honor Book, and to defer the erection of an Honor Board until we can feel assured that the Roll is complete. the wide spread occupations of our students has rendered it very difficult for us to secure detailed information of their service. A handsome Honor Book and Case has been designed and executed by the staff and students of the Technical Art School, and the engrossing of the names and military records will be proceeded with as soon as possible. The Technical Art School was quite busy with commissions. The SMB Annual Report of 1918 states: 'under the direction of the Art principal (Mr H.H. Smith), the work of the Art School continues to receive wide public recognition. Handsome Honor Boars have been designed and executed for the Sydney Sports' Club, the St Arnaud High School, the Birregurra State School, the Wendouree State School and the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club. The School also designed the certificates for the Young Workers' Patriotic Guild, the 'Herald" Shield for perpetual competition at the technical Schools' athletic meetings, the "Hansen" Shield for competition among the Northern District High Schools, two metal tablets for the Castlemaine high School, and a certificate for the Grampians Secondary Schools' Association. Numerous Honor Books and Mural cases have also been designed for State Schools.' Over 400 former students and staff of the Ballarat School of Mines served during World War One. The 1920 SMb Students' Magazine said' 'Many students left Australia with the first Contingent, and since then, the School has been represented on every field where Australians have fought, from the first landing at Gallipoli to the decisive victory on the 8 August 1918.' The influence of the school was appropriately shown in the fact that at least 13 of its students were officers in the Australian Mining Corps. The title page has the initials 'D.J.' which most probably stands for Donald I. Johnston, a teacher with the Ballarat Technical Art school from 1920 to 1949. The Ballarat School of Mines World War 1 Honor Book remained uncompleted for more than 90 years. The names of over 400 SMB staff and students who served their country were not inscribed until 2012, despite names, ranks and service records being compiled. A restoration project was instigated as part of the 140th anniversary of the Ballarat School of Mines in 2010. Names were inscribed into the book by Calligrapher Lyn Forrester. The University of Ballarat believed this project is important not only to SMB's history, but the families and descendants of those who served while studying or teaching at SMB. The restoration project involved names being hand written in calligraphy into the Honor Book and was funded with the assistance of the 'Restoring Community War Memorial Grant'. The memorial was designed and made by the staff and students of the Ballarat School of Mines Technical Art School under the direction of Principal Herbert H. Smith. In 1921 the Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report recorded: "It has been decided, for the present, to record the names of our students who served in the war, in an Honor Book, and to defer the erection of an Honor Board until we can feel assured that the roll is complete. The wide spread occupations of our students has rended it very difficult for us to secure detailed information of their service. A handsome Honor Book and case has been designed and executed by the staff and students of the Technical Art School, and the engrossing of the names and miliatary records will proceed with as soon as possible. The Ballarat Technical Art School and was involved with the design and manufacture of numerous WW1 memorials. When it came time to complete their own memorial, the Principal died, and the Honor Roll must have been overlooked in the confusion that ensued. There have been numerous theories about why the Honor Roll was never completed, one being that it was because the SMB Principal, Maurice Copland, literally worked himself to death organising repatriation classes for ex-soldiers who attended SMB. The Courier of 18 November 1922 said of Maurice Copland: “He put his very best into the work for the welfare of the soldiers; in fact, he did too much for the good of his physique, for he wore himself out in the services of the returned men. If ever there was a war victim the late Mr Copland was one. But for the stress of work entailed by those repatriation classes and the amount of general war work which he performed Mr Copland would probably have been with them today." Understandably, SMB was thrown into some disarray by their Principal's death and the Honor Book was not completed. The University of Ballarat would like to finally honor its SMB war veterans by completing the Honor Book and as a further mark of respect, dedicate the project to Maurice Copland. The Ballarat Technical Art School undertook many honor boards. The Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report 1918 states: "Under the direction of the Art Principal (Mr H.H. Smith), the work of the Art School continues to receive a wide public recognition. handsome Honor Boards have been designed and executed for the Sydney Sports' Club, the St Arnaud High School, the Birregurra State School, the wendouree State School and the Ballarat Old Colonists' Club. The School also designed certificates for the Young Workers' patriotic Guild, the "Herald" Shield for perpetual Competition at the Technical schools athletics meetings, the "Hansen" Shield for competition in the northern District High Schools, two metal tablets for the Castlemaine High School, and a certificate for the Grampians Secondary Schools' Association. Numerous Honor Gooks and mural cases have also been designed for State Schools." The 1920 Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report stated: Public appreciation of the High standard of design and artistic craft work produced by the students of the Art School, under the direction of the Principal (Mr Herbert H. Smith), continues to be demonstrated by the lage number of important commissions entrusted to the school, not only by the public bodies and business firms by the Education Department and public bodies all over the State." "Amongst the important local commissions received during the year was the designing and supplying of the Municipal Council's Address of Welcome Casket for presentation to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the designing and supervising of a large four-light stained glass window for the Lydiard Street Methodist Church, ... and supply numerous honor books, honor boards, etc., for public institutions and school." "The School has been honored by, and has acceded to the request of the Education Department to supply designs for the title page, chapter headings and initial letters for the War Service Book which it is about to publish, Mr F. Tate, director of Education, recognising the students' work in this direction by an appreciative letter of thanks. The Education Department has also been instrumental in directing to the School applications from all parts of the State, including Melbourne, for the School to supply competitive sports shields, honor boards, books and designs for certificates, and various decorative objects. The School has therefor been responsible for much work coming to local Ballarat firms which would otherwise have found its way to Melbourne or other centres. In 2011, as the result of a 'Restoring Community War Memorials Grant' calligrapher Lynton Forrester was commissioned to record over 400 names into the honor book. A Victorian Blackwood World War I Honor Board holds a red leatherbound Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book. The book includes a title page relating to the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries. The Ballarat School of Mines Honor Book and case was not finally inscribed with names until 2012. world war one, ww1, ballarat school of mines, world war 1, world war i, honour roll, calligraphy, don johnston, honor book, honor roll, copeland, maurice copeland, honour book, roll of honour, percy coltman, arthur e. tandy, leslie coulter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat College of Advanced Education Annual Report, 1980
In 1980 M.B.John was Council President. In 1980 the School of Arts moved into their new building, 1870 Founders Hall was financed - at a cost of $800,000 - from the proceeds of the SMB Centenary Appeal, and was completed late in 1980. Extensive work was carried out on the Student Residences and the former Education Department Hostel in Victorian Street. The amphitheatre adjacent to the eastern side of the Education Buildings was constructed, together with the nearby disabled ramp. Negotiations with the Shire of Buninyong were continued for access to the campus from the Green Hill Road. Following the creation by Act of Parliament in 1978 of the Victorian Post-Secondary Education Commission (VPSEC) amendments to the same Act early in 1980 made provision for the repeal of the VIC and SCV Acts. From mid-December 1980 these latter two bodies ceased to exist when the provisions for repeal of their Acts were proclaimed. The Victorian Institute of Colleges had been set up in 1965 to aid in the co-ordination and development of a number of non-university tertiary institutions that affiliated with it from 1965 on to become Colleges of Advanced Education. In taking up this role which had been spelt out in 1964 by the martin Committee, the VIC broke new ground in a whole range of operations. It became responsible for the physical development of new building programmes and new campuses from many of its colleges, for the procurement of operating funds from the Commonwealth, for the accreditation of new courses of study, for the first non-university degrees to be awarded in Australia and so on. The Former Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (the tertiary division of the School of Mines) was affiliated with the VIC from the outset and its progress towards a new status, rapid growth and vastly improved physical resources was closely linked to and dependent upon the efforts of the VIC. The similar co-ordinating authority - The State College of Victoria - was established in 1973 to similarly foster the autonomous development of the former teachers colleges. its early work was highly influential in the transition of the Ballarat Teachers' College into the State College of Victoria at Ballarat. On the merging of the BIAE and the SCVB in 1976, the new college continued under the co-ordination of the Victorian Institute of Colleges. The major contribution made to the progress and stature of became the Ballarat College of advanced Education by both the VIC and SCV, and their Councils and officers, over the formative years of rapid change and evolution is acknowledged and recorded with appreciation. Such efforts by the two central authorities have markedly assisted in bringing the College to the present point where its accumulated experiences and traditions provide a sound basis on which it can confidently and responsibly exercise the greater autonomy gradually passing it. Purple soft covered book of 47 pages. Contents include: development of a Nurse education course, College organisational Structure, Role of Head of School, resignation of Norman Baggaley, appointment of R. Macgowan, opening of Business Resource Centre, Librarianship, resignation of M.J. Sandow-Quirk, E.A. Widdop, J. Leeuwenburg, Thelma Rungkat, Erica Myers, former Acting Head of School John Mildren elected to the Federal seat of Ballarat, Ray Watson, Resignation of A.C. Burrow, return of W.J. Vermeend, P.L. McCarthy, P.R. Calder, J.A. Fulcher, L.E. Taylor, L.J. McGrath, Teaching Resource Centreballarat college of advanced education, bcae, mt helen, mount helen, sandow-quirk, widdop, leeuwenburg, rungkat, myers, burrow, vermeend, mccarthy, calder, fulcher, taylor, victoria street -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Victoria Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid, 1911-1919, 1910-1919
Black hard covered book with red spine, holding Victorian Education Gazettes for one calendar year. .1) 1910 .2) 1912 .3) 1911 .4) 1914 .5) 1918 Images: Open Air Classroom Black Rock; Open Air Classroom, Jeetho, Gippsland; Open Air Nurses bedroom, Mildura; Gym at Canterbury School ; Babies and Nurses at Melbourne Foundling Hospital; Camp at Portland; Alexander Peacock Opens a Melbourne School; Unveiling Major Mitchell Memorial at Mt Arapiles; Agricultural Plot; School Interior; Swimming Drill; Graham Dux Prize Board; Bathing Place; Classroom with blackboard and pictures; Major Mitchell's Map; Melbourne, Derbyshire; Market Place Melbourne; The Blackwood; World War One Send-off at The Athenaeum; Scarsdale Old Boy's logo; Sloyd articles for the Field Hospital; World War One; Gifts for Transport to the Wharf; soldiers; ANZAC Day; ANZAC Day Medalion .5) 1915: Education Department's War Relief Fund, William Park obituary, Closer Settlement Act 1912, Agriculture, needlework, Swimming and Life Saving, explorers, Gregory Blaxland, Matthew Flinders, Composition, Geography, potatoes, onions, gardens, Needlework for Infants, Iona and Staffa, Trained Primary Teacher's Course, Electricity, Electrical Technology, hygiene, Arbour Day, Horticulture, Wattle Day, Bird Day, Technical Schools, Landing at Gaba Tepe, Evils of Alcohol, Old Boys of Scarsdale, Belgium, Teachers' College Images: The British at War, The Sonnet, History and Patriotism, Male Swimming Teachers Summer School at Geelong, Women Swimming Teachers at Port Fairy, Buln Buln State School, Burwood East State School, needlework plans, methods of Rescue and Resucitation. plan of the journey of Gregory Blaxland, Macquarie House, teachers killed (William Ross Hoggart, Stanley Robert Close, William Roy Hodgson, Campbell McDiarmid Peter, William Henry Dawkins, William Hugh Hamilton, Frederick McRae Neal, Vernon Brookes, Frank J. Olle, Alfred J. Collins, Ernest R. Fairlie, William J. McLaren, A.E. Smith, Thomas Patton, Francis W. Kemp, Frederick G. Hall, Rupert O. Hepburn, Woolston J. Govan), Frederick Harold Tubb VC, Botanic Gardens Red Gum, Shelter Pavillions, Head of Wheat, Australian Commonwealth Flag, Iona Cathedral, Drawing exercises, ANZAC Madallion, School Rolls of Honor .6) 1916 - Nature Study, war relief, school gardening, horticulture, singing class, geography of the war, School Rolls of Honour, Ponsonby Carew-Smyth, Astronomy, ANZAC Day, Empire Day, Arbor Day, "Some Suul of Goodness in Things Evil" by Frank Tate, War Relief Gardeners' League, ANZAC Day medallion, Solar System, Abolition of German Schools in Victoria, ANZAC Avenues, avenues of honour, Geography of the War: The West, War relief and handwork, Victorian State Schools Horticultural Society, Patrick Maloney obituary, formalin lamps, Victoria League of Victoria, Wonwondah East Roll of Honor Images - Teachers killed (John Clarke, A.C.H. Jackson, Alexander Robertson, Noel Gambetta, Ralp E. Leyland, Laurance J. Woodruff, Walter E. Cass, Percy D. Moncur, Thomas M. Carmichael, Edward G. Brain, Reginald N.F. Woods, George E. James, William Colvin, David Dobson, Stanley L. Robinson, Charles Allen, G.E. James, H.F. Curnow, Franl L. Cousins, James R. Thompson, Henry H. Campbell, George E. Read, Ernest D. Morshead, Wilfred S. Merlin, Henry R. Wright, George B. Webb, Noel Nicholas, David H. Thomas, Charles A. Levens, Thomas R. Fenner, John M. Daniell, P.J. Larkin, Ralph Smith, Philip Ormsby), school rolls of honour, Swimming Instructors at Queenscliff, The Southern Sky, Map of the North Sea and its Littorals, Easter School of Horticulture at Oakleigh, Map of the Eastern Front, Map of Mesopotamia, Map of the War Area in the Egyptian Campaign, leeches for the Melbourne Hospital .7) 1917 - Swimming and Life-Saving, Childre's FLower Day, Education Department's War Relief Fund, State War Council, Horticulture, Bird Day, Swimming, Growing Chicory at Cowes Images - Teachers killed during World War One (G.M. Nicholas, William C.W. Spencer, J.W.C. Profitt, Ivon C. Bromilow, John Colwell, Robert W. Campbell, Arthur P. Bourchier, Francid G. Houston, Claude N. Harrison, Edgar Williams, Leslie A. Stevens, Charles E. W. Chester, Stanley R. Green, Walter Baker, Arthur G. Scott, Harry L. Swinburne, Horace W. Brown, Arnold Bretherton, Edward W. Jenkins Aubrey Liddelow, Ewen A. Cameron, Edmund R. Lyall, John H. Martin, Harry Bell, Frank L. Nicholls, Melville R. Hughes, Edwin W. Hauser, Walter S. Filmer, Walter G. Barlow, Henry A. Donaldson, Edward H. Jones, Walter W. Raw, Alfred W. Dean, Wiliam Lea, Frederick G. Drury, J.T. Richards, Norman G. Pelton, Lance-Corporal Doran, Kenneth F. McKenzie, William F. Robertson, Wiliam Jarrott, Norman Graham, George G. Paul, Victor Green, Arthur William Rennie, Alfred J. Glendinning, Robert B. Liston, Eward P. Toll, George Jones, Errol E. Rodda, Christian P. Christensen, Charles F. Sydes, H.G. Clements, Norman C. Fricker, J.M. Romeo. Eric N. Lear, Thomas J. Bartley, Norval Birrell, Frederick H. Tubb. J.T. Hamilton Aram, Arthur Wilcock, William M. Conroy, Alex. H. Miller, Patrick J. Cunningham, Charles S. Mitchell, John R. Maddern, James Roadknight, Harry Arundel, Jack C. McKellar, duncan M. McKellar, George S. Manfield, Edgar C. Holmes, George A. Young, Raymond A. Gardiner, William B. Bell, William Opie, George R. Scott, Richard V.B. Vine, Herbery S. Marshall, Hugh St Omer Dentry, George B. Fullerton, Harry Oulton, Iva F. Morieson), School Honor Books, Drawing, Presentation of 30,000 pounds to the British Red Cross at Melbourne Town Hall .8) 1918 .9) 1919 - Photographs of World War One soldiers from the Education Department, Margaret Montgomery Memorial, 1918 Act relating to State School Teachers, State Scolarships, Victorian State Schools' Horticultural Society, Pneumonic Influenza, Spanish Flu, epedemic, swimming and life savinfJunior cadet training, vacancies in Fiji, School Committees, Arbor Day, Arbour Day, Henry Harding of Yinnar, Planting Trees and Shrubs, Juvenile Crime, The use of 'Get', Soldier-Teachers from Overseas in Congress London, Australia's Effort in the War, Military, Working Bees, Tree Planting, fence building, Welcoming Home a Returned Soldier, Avenue of Honour planting, Discipline, Unveiling an Honor Board, School gymnasium, school tennis court, E. E. Crogger grave at Aldershot, The School Honor Book. War Relief Fund, Commonwealth War Record, Caulfield Military Hosptial, ANZAC Day Pilgrimage, Jimmie Panikin, Donald Fraser, Arthur Mee, Card Sun Dial, Balboa Day in Honolulu, William Hamilton, Alfred Jackson, The Backward Child, Flies, Language Teaching and Learning, Spelling, The Education of the Adolescent, victorian education gazette, education gazette and teachers' aid, sloyd, william a. cavanagh, james i froebel, school, education, world war one, memorials, alfred williams, exploration and settlement, cadets, australian naval college, bernard o;dowd, birds, swimming, drawingempire league, eucalypts, paper in history, forestry, arbor day, identification of trees, forestrey museums, fiji, gravel hill school band, horticulture, hygiene, gould league of bird lovers, life saving, la perouse, bandin, j. holland, w. hamilton, charles sturt, principles of archimedes, james holland, william hamilton, scarsdale old boys' reunion, foundling home melbourne, montessori education, open air schools, james hughes, marie corelli, flinders sydney harbour, major mitchell's map, tooth brushing, r.h.s. bailey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and White, Harold Herbert of the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1919
Harold Brocklebank Herbert (16.09.1891-1945) Harold Herbert was one of the first pupils at the school starting in 1891, commencing as a 15 years old he studied Applied Design and Architecture at the Ballarat Technical School of design attached to the Ballarat Fine Art Galery, transferring to the Ballarat Technical Art school attached to the Ballarat School of Mines. He was a certificated Art Teacher with the Victorian Education Department. His talents were identified by Ballarat’s Ponsonby Carew-Smith who rose to become Art Inspector with the Victorian Education Department. His teaching career included being appointed Principal of the Sale Technical Art School in 1898. Harold Herbert undertook further studies in England returning to Ballarat with all new entrepreneurial ideas. He worked at the Ballarat Technical Art School between 1915-19. Harold Herbert was involved with the design of the Ballarat Arch of Victory, and was responsible for the reproductions in ‘The Education Department’s Record of War Service. Had been principal of the Sale Technical Art School since 1898, and had undertaken further studies in England returning to Ballarat with all sorts of entrepreneurial ideas. In 1924 the Ballarat School of Mines Students’ Magazine reported “We are perfectly safe in claiming on behalf of our school, that no institution of its kind has turned out a greater number of men and women students who have since “made good” while some have achieved enviable prominence in the world of art. Amongst these later, the most brilliant is Harold B. Herbert whose work is so widely and justly appreciated throughout Australia and whose achievements are watched by his old school with the greatest pride. He commenced at the School when he was about 15 years of age, and followed a course of training very similar to what most students are doing the most valuable qualities shown by him during his career as a student were a passion for drawing and a capacity for taking pains, so essential in all artwork. He was appointed as Assistant Art Teacher at Ballarat on completion of his course, and later assistant in the office of Art Inspector. All of his spare time was devoted to out-door sketching and commercial drawing and he showed an ability in practical design for various crafts quite equal to the ability he has since displayed in depictive art. His return to this School as senior master and his departure to devote himself entirely to fine art are quite recent happenings with which all students are familiar. The wonderful exhibition he held in Melbourne on return from a sketching trip abroad has place him amongst the leading artists of Australia. Upon his death in 1945 the Ballarat School of Mines Student's Magazine recorded: "The death of the famous water-colour artist, Harold Herbert, will be a distinct loss to art in Australia. he was educated at the Ballarat Art School which it was situated in Sturt Street, and the gave promise of becoming a famous artist then. his talents were recognised, and in water-colour work he quickly made a name for himself. his landscapes in water-colour are in the principle galleries of the world, and many of them are to be found in the Ballarat gallery and in other provincial galleries. In 1941 he was appointed official war artist for the COmmonwealth, and he served in the Middle East and Syria. Exhibitions of his war pictures have been seen at different times in Melbourne."Portrait of a young man in a suit. He is Harold Brocklehurst Herbert, staffmember of the Ballarat Technical Art School (a division of the Ballarat Technical Art School). The photograph is a detail of the Ballarat School of Mines Magazine Committee, 1919. ( herbert, harold b. herbert, harold brocklebank herbert, ballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, art, arch of victory -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Black and White Photographs, Photographs relating to runner and Olympian Tony Benson
As of 2016 Tony Benson is the last Australian to win the 5000m at one of the major meets (now called Diamond League). That year Tony Benson was undefeated in Europe something no Australian has done since. He was also undefeated in the USA in early 1972 and probably would have medalled in Munich 1972 except for an incurring a hamstring injury 10 days before the race AND not being able to find the team medical doctors until some 16 hrs after the injury due to them being away from the village. Despite running with a torn hamstring Tony Benson broke Ron Clarke's Australian Olympic record for the 5000m but had no 'kick' and finished 7th in the heat. None of those who made the final had ever beaten Benson. Kip Keino and Tony Benson became friends. Keino received the first ever Olympic Laureate Award by the IOC at the Rio opening ceremony in 2016. Five images from the Collection of Tony Benson. .1) Tony Benson runs during the Ballarat Teachers' College Lap of the Lake, 1962 .2) Ballarat Teachers' College Athletics, 1963 .3) Ballarat Teachers' College Athletics, 1963. Lecturer and coach Peter Fryar hand out the oranges. .4) Ballarat Teachers' College Tennis Team, 1963 .5) Tony Benson defeating the great Kip Keino at the 1971 Stockholm Grand Prixtony benson, olympics, olympic games, running, ballarat teachers' college, peter fryar, olympian, football, tennis, athletics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat Teachers' College Intercollege Sport Record, 1963-1976, 1963-1976
... ballarat teachers' college sports softball football tennis ...Large leather bound book listing members of the Ballarat Teachers' College intercollege Sports Teams, and the winners of each event.ballarat teachers' college, sports, softball, football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, squash, badminton, hockey, ten pin bowls, golf, swimming, inter colege sports -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The Riverside Press, Silent and Oral Reading
Mary Egan who died on April 4th, 1981, spent 23 years as a greatly-respected lecturer in English curriculum at the Ballarat Teachers College, State College of Victoria and Ballarat College of Advanced Education. 306 page red covered book used by teachers when teaching reading.Stamps on first page - Ballarat Teachers' College and This book is the property of Ballarat Teachers' College. Any persons in unauthorised possession is liable to prosecution. Every borrowed book must be recorded.mary egan, ballarat teachers college, state college of victoria, ballarat college of advanced education, education department victoria, george g. harrup, clarence stone -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Ringwood Technical School-Gene Young (Nee Lancaster): Recollections 1967 - 2005, and some Teacher and Student contacts
Handwritten Recollections (2 Pages) of Gene Young's time as student at RTS, and then as Student Teacher and Teacher. There are also several pages of Teacher and Student contacts Gene has kept in touch with. Both documents are scanned and attached but marked Private and can only be accessed at the Archives or by request after RDHS obtains permission. Also several photocopies of Staff groups in various years which are in other VC records so not rescanned here. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Edcation Department, The Education Department's Record Of War Service, Victoria - 1914-1919, Circa 1920s
Tan hard cover book with gold embossed title, compiled as a record of the work done by the schools of the Education Department of Victoria to assist the national cause during the years of the Great War.This book, published to keep before teachers and children examples of service and sacrifice in a great cause, is presented to the Ringwood School. It should be kept in an honored place as a source of guidance and inspiration for successive generations. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Edcation Department, War Service Record 1939-1945 - Education Department, Victoria, 1959
Blue hard cover book with gold embossed title and Coat of Arms.Foreword by Alan Ramsay, Director of Education, includes: Shortly after the First World War there was published "The Education Department's Record of War Service" - a book that has an honoured place in all our schools. ... This book is the record of the part played by the teachers and children in our schools during the Second World War of 1939-1945 ... It tells the story of the schools' war effort in those critical years when war came very close to our shores and when everyone was called on to bear a share of the war effort. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 1 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 2 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 3 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 4 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 5 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 6 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains the last 7 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2002. School sports: the Bendigo Senior Secondary College athletes of 'Z' team in 1941. ? Kent, G. Salathiel, Cardwell McQuillan (teacher), West ?, Ron Warren, Gavin Semmens, Alf Morris, Mr. J. Muntz (teacher), Bill Simmie, Eric Paynter, Reg Schleiger (captain), Jeff Shelton, Bob Smith, Lionel Murray, Jack Meagher, Robert Taylor. Mr. Schleiger won the 100 and 200 yards and broad jump championship events, and his high jump record stood for 20 years. Last Saturday 's Bendigo the way we were photo was incorrectly dated 1926 rather than 1936. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A brown folder titled "The Value of History 2". A teaching plan with which to teach the contribution of history to students. From the files of Mr. L.J. Pryor former Principal of Bendigo Teachers' College. Donated to Education resource Centre for archival use in 1992. Also included is a small booklet titled "Record of Lessons" with the name Fred East Past Lecturer, Bendigo Teachers' College.bendigo, education, bendigo teachers' college, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo, bendigo teachers' college, teaching, teachers, history, history - study and teaching, mr. l.j. pryor, male, individual, person, education resource centre, curriculum -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photocopy of a published page, marked as Eightieth Anniversary, relating to records as showing Golden Square as the first place in the Bendigo area at which the gospel was preached. On arriving from South Australia in 1852, attracted by the news of gold in the area James Jeffrey widely known later as Jimmy Jeffrey, a preacher who noticed that the sanctity of the Sabbath was being ignored, with normal chores and entertainment being the order of everyday. In short, little regard was shown for religion and there were no ministers. With a tree stump as his pulpit Jimmy began service by singing a Methodist hymn heartily, attracting a band of diggers to listen, with continuous services in Golden Square taking place ever since. Jeffrey continued with similar activities with increasing interest and attendances. Beginning with a tent surrounded by a fence a disused shed was bought and relocated to the site and was the finest building in the district. Late in 1852 the first real Church was erected in place of the shed and the tent. Enthusiasm and numbers of attendees swelled and in 1859 Reverend Joseph Dare and Robert Lisle and other church leaders purchased land (for 30 pounds) and had the foundation stone for a new Church building was laid by Reverend Daniel J.Draper on19th of April 1859 with Divine Service and Public Worship conducted from 11th December that year by Reverend Mr Draper. A collection on the day raised 262 pounds. The foundation stone for the present Church was financed by Richard Allingham laid on 5th January 1870. The first minister who went to the district was Reverend Mr Symonds who was stationed at Forest Creek near Castlemaine. Reverend Richard Hart was the first minister stationed at Golden Square. Embedded in the article is an image of Jimmy and Mrs Jeffrey. On the reverse of the article is a copy of a drawing by Reverend Aswel Aptel circa 1853.fra margolden square methodist church, wesleyan church, mamouney, church, richard allingham reverends jimmy jeffrey, william robert lisle robert draper, william taylor, symonds, j dare, chapman, hilson t raston, richard hart, wm shaw. g a pethard, robert saunders. reverse side a sketch of the church circa 1853 by aswel aptel. james cox (sec) mrs foot (teacher).