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Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.16 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemSTAR Victoria Library – The challenge of community care (1979) [Leaflet] | Improving Mongol babies (1969) [book] | Standing Committee on Health & Welfare – Report on mentally and physically handicapped persons in Australia | [Note – Ethel Temby referred to in Folder Contents list] department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.17 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemOddments [Folder 1] – The American Journal of Psychiatry | Mental health services in Victoria | The Medical Journal of Australia (1947) | Psychiatric case-taking | Alcohol addiction | Manual for medical offices | Adolescence in the psychoanalytic theory (Anna Freud) | The role of the community in mental health centre in prevention | Male section of mental hospital | Aftercare / fieldcare | Groupwork and resocialization of patients department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.18 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemOddments [Folder 2] – Mental Health Act (1959) | Mental health aspects of public health (Stoller) | Child rearing – the ABCs of guiding the child ((Dreikurs) | Aradale [Mental Hospital] newssheet | The mental health of the pre-school child | The role of the family physician in the care of the mentally retarded child | Planning for the trainable child in the classroom day by day | Research trends in mental deficiency | Trends and issues in mental retardation (White House Conference, 1960) | Rights of the Mentally Retarded Persons (United Nations) | A study of congenital mental malformations (Pitt) | Confidentiality | Patients preschool development | Kildonan Homes for Children | Some pointers for professionals | [Journals] – Australian Children Limited | Mental Health Services (1967) | Australian Journal of Mental Retardation (1970) | Mental Health Services Review (1967) [photocopy] | Visitors to Allambie | Introduction to Allambie | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Urban poverty (1969) | The transition from institution to community living (Normalisation) (Fran B) | The unique value of the person | Day facilities for the intellectually handicapped in Victoria department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.19 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemLectures – Child care course (1957) | Certificate of Mental Deficiency Nursing [Complete set of lectures 1-10) | Syllabus for Mental Deficiency Nursing | The training of intellectually handicapped in Victoria (Lecture given at Uni Melb, 1961) | Mental Health Visitors Training Course (1965-6) | The training of specialists in mental deficiency | Role of the social worker in mental deficiency | Occupational therapy in mental deficiency | Art education for slow learners (1954) | Human Relations course (Police Dept.) | The ABCs of guiding the child (Rudolf Dreikurs, 1962) | Training of Cottage parents and staff for small group home | The Nurse in Home Training programs | Welfare workers course – Poverty and retardationdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.20 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemRetarded children [Folder 1/3] – Australian Council for the Mentally Handicapped (Conference, 1965) | Directory of facilities for the mentally handicapped in Victoria | The mentally retarded: community provision and professional responsibilities | Adjustments and process | Magazines - Australian Children Limited; The Australian Journal of Mental Retardation; How retarded children can be helped; The severely retarded child goes to school; The Australian Citizen Limited; The intellectually handicapped child (1967) | A survey of mongolism and congenital abnormalities of the central nervous system in Victoria | Deciding what’s best for your retarded child | Rehabilitation for the adult retardate | The mongoloid baby | Submission for funding to provide temporary and emergency care for intellectually retarded children | What will happen to my child? | Handicapped children (Commonwealth Assistance Scheme, 1970) | Normalization | Art project for the mentally retarded | A study of mongoloid children at home (Higgins & Pitt) | Submission to the Premier’s Committee into Mental Retardation | Submission to the Victorian Committee into Mental Retardation | Community services for mentally retarded in South Australia.department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.21 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemRetarded children [Folder 2/3] – A day centre for mentally retarded | Mental deficiency services in Australia | Australian Children Ltd [magazine] | Magazines - Mental retardation; The sub-normal children’s welfare association; A career for John; Your Down Syndrome Child; A.D.M.I. | Percy Report – Community Attitude to mental retardation | Changed concepts in recreation for the handicapped (Keith Cathcart) | The management of the intellectually handicapped (Brady) | Changes in community attitude (Cathcart) | The Beattie Smith Lectures | A life table for mongols in Victoria | Notes on the aetiology of mongolism | Mongolism – the modern management | Care and disposal of mongoloid defectives | A survey of mongoloid births in Victoria 1942-1957 | Various articles/talks – Nursing of the intellectually handicapped; Children’s Cottages: Psychologist’s office; Day facilities | Hope for retarded children (Eunice Kennedy Shriver)department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.22 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemRetarded children [Folder 3/3] – Normalization and retarded children | A Bill of Rights for the retarded (Hungerford) | Supported services for parents of handicapped children | The child who is different [magazine] | Survey (Victoria, 1966) | Investigation (Stoller) | Community care | Pegasus [magazine/leaflet] | Newsletters: Working Party on services to mentally retarded people and their families | The situation in New York Statedepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.23 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemFamily – Emotional growth in the first year | The impact of the handicapped child on the family | The family and the mentally retarded child (1981) | The mentally handicapped and their families (1977) | The present-day Australian family (Ashburner, 1956) | The first twenty-four months | The family and the young handicapped child (1977)department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.24 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemGeneral social work – Role of the psychiatric social worker | Social work practices | Social work and social action | Meeting of Departmental social workers working in the field of intellectual handicap | Submission for domiciliary services | White House Conference on children and youth (1960) | Talks | Role of the social worker in Institution for intellectually handicapped children (1953) | Conferences | Job description | Social workers and bureaucracy | Community organisation of social planning | Social work school planning in Illinois | Visits of observation – writing reports | Psychotherapeutic drugs – a guide for social workers | Visiting services – social work | General social work items | [AASW + notes (handwritten)]department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.25 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemKew Cottages Parents’ Association {Folder 2/2] – Training centre child adoption scheme | KCPA Constitution etc.department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.26 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > Item[Half torn pages and single pages – Incomplete writing | Interesting bits and pieces]department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.28 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemReports – Mental Hygiene Authority (1953, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1961) | Mental Health Authority (1963, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1976) | Kew Mental Hospitaldepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.29 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemKew Cottages – Letter re Kew Cottages Parents’ Association | State rethinks plans for the disabled (Newspaper clipping, 1987)department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (sub-series) - Irena Higgins : Fol.30 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemUniversity of Melbourne (Department of Pathology) – Hysteria; The significance of Piaget for child psychiatry | University of Illinois – Psychological development (1966) | Canadian Institute – Experiments in mental hospital organization (1958)department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.31 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemMental Health – Training sessions | Occupational therapydepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.32 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemMental Health – Psychosis | Schizophrenia and childhood | Testing (and telling people results) | International classification of mental disorders | State schools for the mentally retardeddepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.33 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemMental Health – Disfunctional parenting | Relatives | Psychosis in parenting | Infantile autism | Serious mental illness in children | The psychotic child | Schizophrenic syndrome in childhooddepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.34 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemMental Health - [includes Ethnic Community Council] – Migrants and mental healthdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.35 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemMental Health – Social workers: functions | Psychologists | Psychiatric treatment team | Nurse-patient relationships | Student nurse in a mental hospital | Role change and adjustment in mental hospitals | Social work in a psychiatric settingdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.36 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemMental Health – Dementia | Carnsworth – Garoopna | Mental health problems with ageingdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.37 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemVolunteering – Article by a volunteer | Blind | Kew Cottages-Janefield | Conference (1979) | AASW Conference | Mental health – Intellectual disability | Geelong | Training programs | Kew Cottages-Janefield-Sunbury | Visiting services auxiliaries | lecture by Dr Brady | Discussion document from University of Melbourne department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.38 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemLetters – [often including names and addresses] – Letters from volunteers | Letters from children at Kew Cottages | Letters to and from social worker (Irena Higgins) re work issuesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.1 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemKew Cottages: Introduction | Mental Retardation in Victoria: an historical perspective (1963) | Chronology of Kew Cottages | Kew Cottages Children's Training Centre | Work Evaluation Sheet for training purposes | History of Kew Cottages 1871-1986 | Kew Children's Cottages [booklet] | Social Work Department [including history of Children's Cottages] | Organising Playground Activities [letters] | Map of Kew Cottages | Role of the Social Worker [notes] | Notes for Student Groups (1968) [incl. reel-to-reel inside] | Annual Report for 1967 | Play Centre [letter] | Writing re Training of Children | Admission Procedure | 'Residential Care of the Retarded" (Seminar 1974) | Report on the Children's Cottages (1979) | Kew Cottages 1887-1987 Centenary Xmas Cardsdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.3 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemSundry items: Sexuality and the law in Australia (People with an intellectual disability) | About your child who is Mongoloid (PH) | A study of Mongoloid Children (IH & PH) | A study of children with Mongolism need in the home compared to those reared away from the home | The intellectually handicapped child | Social history proforma | Intellectually handicapped children - education & training | Community Services and unmet community needs - a well rounded program for the retarded | Australia Citizen Ltd (magazine re mental retardation) | Aspects of rehabilitation 1964 (occupational therapy) | Need for a special unit for the assessment and treatment of intellectually disabled | Adolescents with social and or psychiatric problems | Training and recreational (activities of residents at Strathmont Centre) | The need of additional community facilities for intellectually handicapped children | Report - 1966? | The handicap of cerebral palsy.department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (collection) - Irena Higgins : Fol.4 Disability & Mental Health, 1951-2008
... collections held by the Department of Health & Human Services ...Irena Higgins (1951-2014) > Barbara Higgins (2015) > Kew Historical Society (2015)Professional papersCollection > Series > Sub-series (folder) > ItemWaiting Lists - Correspondence, referrals, reports at Cottages and Sunbury | Letter to Dr Brady | Letter from Dr Dax to Irena Higgins | Referrals | Waiting lists | Letter re centre in Colac | Interim Report on the Analysis of the waiting list for residential training centres of the Victorian Mental Health Authority | Some action taken | Sunbury waiting lists.department of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential servicesdepartment of health (vic.), mental hygiene authority (vic.), mental health authority (vic.), health commission of victoria, community services victoria, department of health and community services, department of human services, kew cottages, kew children’s cottages, kew training centre, kew residential services -
Expression Australia
Book, Aural Rehabilitation Course - Submission to TAFE Accreditation Board for Accreditation
The Aural Rehabilitation Certificate course was instituted at Burwood in 1976, this submission September 1985 Amended July 1986This course is significant as at the time government services for hearing impaired people was provided through the National Acoustics Laboratories, however only those people under 21, over pensionable age meeting the asset test, war veterans, or those bearing full health benefit cards were eligible to receive services and all others needed to find their own way to assistance. The Victorian Government recognised this deficiency and provided funding through the Health Commission for all those not previously eligible. It was recognised that to get maximum value from the funds it was essential that personnel administering its use be properly trained.Spiral bound, 29.5cmHx21cmW, 53 pages -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Booklet, "Caulfield 78"
This “Caulfield 78” Community booklet contains relevant emergency telephone numbers of the time. The booklet contains information on council services, the Caulfield Town Hall, resources and contacts pertaining to health, men/women/children, elderly, employment, government policy, councillors, council, committee members, statistics and the environment. The front of the booklet has information about the location of council at Town Hall, and introduces the services which can be looked up in the community directory section of the booklet. Rectangular booklet titled "Caulfield 78", some fading and creasing on the cover. -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, Mass Chest X-Ray Service 1951 all persons over 12 years of age, 1951
stawell, medical, health -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Dr Roberta Donaldson
Identified as Dr. Roberta Donaldson of "Luxmee", 4 Windsor Crescent, Surrey Hills. Dr. Donaldson was in practice in Surrey Hills for 50 years. After graduating in medicine at Melbourne University she was at the Royal Childrens Hospital when she decided to go to India as a member of the Zenana (?) Medical Women's Bible Group. She spent three years there but became ill and had to return home. It took a year or more to recover her health. Her uncle Thomas Emerson of Kent Road, Surrey Hills, talked her into commencing a practice at Surrey Hills which she did in Blackburn Street early in the 1920s. Within a short time she took over Dr. Navroji (Neville) Gandevia's practice in Windsor Crescent. Her sister Agnes joined her and their mother Amelia took over the care of the household enabling both sisters to concentrate on their practices. Her father had been a doctor at Linton, near Skipton and her brother was a doctor in Skipton. The practice ceased in 1970, Dr Roberta having given 50 years of service as a gynaecologist in Surrey Hills.A black and white photograph of a lady wearing round wire rimmed glasses. Her dark hair is pulled back from her face. She is wearing a satin-look top and a string of pearls.windsor crescent, house names, surrey hills, doctors, royal children's hospital, kent road, blackburn street, 'luxmee', dr roberta donaldson, thomas emerson, dr agnes donaldson, dr navroji (neville) gandevia -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Baby Health Centre in the Surrey Gardens, 1982, 1982
The Baby Health Centre opened in the Surrey Gardens in 1930 on the site previously occupied by the screen for outdoor pictures. Previously during the 1920s it had operated in the room underneath the rotunda in the Surrey Gardens. The room was also shared by other groups including the Surrey Hills Progress Association (SHPA). The SHPA raised 200 pounds to provide the materials for the building, which was built by voluntary labour under the leadership of Ralph Hayes, a local builder. The foundation stone was laid by Mrs A Latham, Mayoress of Camberwell on 31 March 1930. There is a bottle containing the names of the committee members sealed in the pillar behind the memorial stone. The centre was managed by a committee until 1975. Maternal health nurses associated with the centre included Sister D Thompson, Sister Newnham, Sister Kelsell, Sister Barker, Sister Sharp and Sister Bolton. Ref: Mrs D Lancashire - a long-serving member of the committee. The site of the Surrey Hills Maternal and Child Health Centre was moved to 18 Verdun Street, adjacent to the pre-school, in accord with Council policy to co-locate services and from a concern regarding solo staff working in relatively isolated locations. The building was included in the heritage overlay protecting the gardens and was refurbished by Council for community use. The cairn commemorates the work of Cr Albert Ernest Vine who was a Camberwell Councillor from 1926-1934 and 1937-1944; he was also Mayor on 1940-41. There is a photo of him in Mayoral robes in the City of Boroondara Library Service collection.Black and white photo of a timber building with a tiled roof and a brick veranda supported by brick and concrete pillars. In front of the baby health centre is a small cairn.surrey gardens, baby health centres, monuments and memorials, surrey hills progress association, cr albert ernest vine, sister d thompson, sister d. newnham, sister kelsell, sister barker, sister sharp and sister bolton, mrs a latham, ralph hayes, mrs d lancashire