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Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document - Minutes Books, Woollen Mills 1909- 1923 1933-1945, C 1909 C 1933-1945
The minutes book of the Warrnambool Woollen Mill are an important record of the beginnings of one of Warrnambool's major industries for close to one hundred years. They record the struggle in the early days of 1909 and 1910 to raise the capital. Also mentioned is the support which had been given by local people of small means who were prepared to back the enterprise while those with financial means had been rather more reserved. Apart from a Mr Vidler all the initial directors were initially working in an honorary capacity. They lamented the fact that local banks held half a million pounds on fixed interest so there was no shortage of money. The first directors were appointed in March 1909 : Jas. Worland, W H Philpott, G S Mackay, E H Price, S McDonald, J C Beeching, W Rogers ,J Marfell, J Deany, Jas Duirs, Jas. Ponting, H Jessen, S Nettleton, J Blain, J Gooden, Drs. Holmes, Henderson and Powell. Mr J E Bennett was secured as first manager of the mill in 1910 Over the ten year period of this book there is much discussion on possible returns and share prices as well as decisions relating to the operation of and production from the mill. Within four years they were using more yarn than they were producing. Electricity was connected around 1914 and by 1915 shareholders were receiving eight percent return on their investment and were also contributing to the first world War effort by supplying blankets. Assets continued to accumulate and building was also continued with sandstone being quarried from the site and rain water tanks and asphalt floors installed, all contributing to savings. By 1917 The Warrnambool Woollen Mill was considered to be one of the states best investments and it continued to prosper through the years. The second minutes book likewise records similar events and circumstances for the period 1933-1945. This like wise is an interesting period, covering the period of the second World War. In 1955 the Warrnambool Woollen Mill formed a partnership with the Wangaratta Woollen Mills. Dunlop bought the mill in 1968. From that time until its closure in 2000 it had a number of different owners, the last being the Smith Family Industries. These minutes books hold an important information regarding the establishment and early operation of one of Warrnambool's major industries. The mill itself has strong connection to the Warrnambool community and many of the names mentioned as directors and shareholders have held positions within the community as businessmen and city officials. These minutes add another dimension to their contribution to Warrnambool..1Navy blue hard card cover with cloth spine. White label glued to front cover.186 pages.There are handwritten entries in black ink which are interspersed with reports from newspaper. .2 Pale grey cloth cover on early Kalamazoo filing system 612 pages of typed minutes . .1There are dates from 1910 through to 1923. Minutes have been signed by chairman of directors, M Saltau.label on front cover has blue stamp, The Warrnambool Woollen Mill Company. hand written above in black ink "opened 24th March 1909." .2 dated from May 1933 to September 1945. Signatures include M Saltau, James Disckson and Fletcher Jones.warrnambool, warrnambool woollen mill, first minutes book warrnambool woollen mill, minutes book, warrnambool woollen mill 1909, minutes book warrnambool woollen mill 1945 -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Article, Argus newspaper, The propose Seaman's Hospital at Williamstown, 9 June 1852
"A meeting for the purpose of considering the best means of estabishing an Institution of this kind, at the above place was held at the Ship Inn on Monday evening. Charles Ferguson, Esq, being voted to the Chair, briefly stated the intention of the present meeting, and that all must concur as to the necessity of founding same Institution for the relief of the numerous cases daily occuring in this port, amongst so great a number of ships, large at present but small in comparison to what may be expected in a short time. For the last five months ending May 31st, five hundred and eleven vessels en-tered Hobson's Bay, amounting to a tonnage of ninety-five thousand three hundred and seventy-two tons, which, in tho same proportion for twelve months, would give two hundred thousand tons annually and, calculating four men for each one hundred tons, shows that eight thou-sand sailors arrive at this port in the space of a year, for whom, at present, there is no provision made for either sickness or accidents. A lengthened conversation ensued, in th» course of which several instances were pointed out of he great benefit conferred upon the ship ping interest, by the establishment of an hospital at various ports named, and all agreed that such would be a great boon here. After some further discussion as to the wording of the re solution, the following was proposed by Captain Beaseley, and seconded by Captain Goss, «That this meeting is convinced of the necessity exist ing for a Seaman's Hospital, at Williams Town; and that a committee be appointed to draw up a menorial to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, respectfully praying, that a sum of money be placed on the Estimate for the en suing year, fur this purposoe ; and that the memorial be given to William Westgarth, Esq. M.L.C. in order to its presentation, -and that the committee accompany Mr Westgarth at the presenting of the said memorial. This proposi tion was carried unanimously, and the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draw up the memorial: Captain Berzeley (Clifton), Captain Ross (Kashemy), Captain Baker (City of Manchester), Captain Goss (Candahar), Capt Luke (Diana), Captain Nicholson (Calphurnia), Captain Hammach (Cambodia); and for carrying out the above, a meeting is appointed to take place on board the Clifton, this day, at four p.m. A vote of thanks to the Chairman being proposed by Thomas Hunt, Esq, and seconded by A. A. Broadfoot, Esq. the meeting adjourned."With the increase of commercial and migrant shipping, it was made obvious that seamen needed specific attention. The hospital in Williamstown was the first attempt to provide such service.argus, seaman's hospital, williamstown, the ship inn, welfare, captain charles ferguson (1813-1868) -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Glass, jar of Mustard Ointment 'Rawleigh's;, mid 20thC
WT Rawleigh (1870-1952) Freeport USA began in 1889 the direct selling method to sell his products, travelling around on horse and cart in the early days from house to house selling his medicines and other lines. Rawleigh's wide range of products includes: Medicinal, Nutritional, Gourmet, Homecare, Personal Care, Animal & Plant Care Since 1889, millions of families around the world have learned to rely upon and keep Rawleigh's reliable medicines and other products on hand ready for emergencies to relieve sickness, pains, injuries and for their daily needs. By 1920, young Rawleigh had built the biggest manufacturing organisation in the world. Mr Floyd George Rawleigh who was the son of David Rawleigh, W.T.Rawleigh's brother, came to Australia, with Mr Jackson, in 1931 and set up the Rawleighs Company Business . Generations of Australians, Canadians and Americans grew up waiting for The Rawleigh Man to arrive at their front door with his sample case of goodies to add spice to their life and to heal their ailments. In World War II, most Australian soldiers posted overseas carried a tin of Rawleigh Antiseptic Salve in their kits to treat wounds and ward off infection The Rawleigh Man brought to family front doors the best materials money could buy from around the world: spices from Sumatra, Java, China, India, Africa, the West Indies; black pepper from the island of Ponapai; lemon and orange oils from California and Sicily and Vanilla from Madagascar and Java; high grade coffee beans from the Andes. Most of the herbs, roots, barks and buds used in making cough medicines and tonics came from Europe, India, Ceylon, China, North America, the West Indies, Jamaica, Honduras and Asia. From Japan came camphor and menthol for making medicines. From Tavenui, the Garden Island of Fiji, came the food grade coconut oil for Rawleigh's gold medal winning Coconut Oil Soap. Rawleigh products are still only available from Rawleigh men and women who carry on the time-honoured tradition of the Rawleigh company to give individuals a go at developing their own business supplying products to people in their homes. Only now they are also doing it in cyberspace. A clear glass jar with a metal screw lid containing Mustard Ointment made by W.T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. .Melbourne Lid ; Rawleigh’s Front ; Rawleigh’s / Net WT. / 1 ½ oz / COMPOUND / MUSTARD OINTMENT / WILL NOT BLISTER /preferable to Mustard Plaster / MNUFACTURED BY / The W, T. Rawleigh Co Ltd / MELBOURNE. / Left side ; DIRECTIONS …….. , / Right side ; Useful pharmacy, medicines, mustard ointment, w.t. rawleigh company ltd., hospitals, nursing, containers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, melbourne, respiratory diseases -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Certificate, Tribute to Mr W. H. Richardson from Members of the Star of Kew Juvenile Tent, 1887
Historical information - RECHABITES - The Star of Kew Tent, No. 260. This branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites was founded in September, 1882, when the following members were installed as the first officers by the district officers, viz. Chief Ruler, Bro. W. H. Bardwell; Deputy Ruler, Bro. C. Viney; Past Chief Ruler, Bro. J. V. Morgan; Treasurer, Bro. R. Eyre; Money Steward, Bro. A. Brown; Levite, Bro. W. H. Richardson; Guardian, Bro. J. Wathen; Secretary, Bro. T. J. Eaton. Bros. W. H. Bardwell, T. J. Eaton, and F. J. Legge were appointed as trustees. It is interesting to note that three of the foundation members, Messrs. Bardwell, Eaton, and Richardson, and still members of the tent. The first meetings were held in the Mission Hall, but for many years the meeting place of the tent has been the Kew Town Hall. The funds of the tent have gradually accumulated until at the last audit they amounted to £2,097. For many years past the interest on the funds has been more than sufficient to meet all claims for sick pay. The total membership is now 140. The following past secretaries have been mainly instrumental in placing the tent in its present position:-Bros. T. J. Eaton, W. H. Bardwell, C. B. Gray, and C. L. Churcher. The present officers are :- C.R., Bro. R. M. Jones; D.R., Bro. T. H. B. Williams; P.C.R., Bro. C. H. Green; Treasurer, Bro. W. J. Thornton; Secretary, Bro. F. C. W. Hurrell. Junior Branch. A junior branch was founded in 1883, and while its membership has fluctuated considerably according to the enthusiasm of the management, it has been the means of introducing many members to the senior tent. Its membership is now 41. Female Branch. Lily of Kew Tent, No. 20. This branch was formed in October, 1904, and has accomplished good work. Its membership is 38. Much of its success is due to the untiring energy of its secretary, Mrs. J Jaycock. Source: Barnard, FGA, Jubilee History of Kew, Victoria, 1910This document forms part of a large collection of material assembled by the Rogers family of Kew and donated by the family to the Kew Historical Society by Dorothy Rogers or by her sons. The items in the collection have social and spiritual significance and are also historically significant. Items such as this coloured lithograph have a degree of artistic and aesthetic significance as representative examples of the certificate designers art in the 19th Century. A certificate awarded to W. H. Richardson (the father of the historian Dorothy Rogers) by the ‘Juvenile Tent No.157 in appreciation of his role as ‘Superintendent’. The certificate notes that 1887 was the fourth anniversary of the Juvenile Tent. The Star of Kew Tent No. 260 had been formed in 1882 as a branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites. W. H. Richardson was a founding of kew tent no.260, independent order of rechabites, william h richardson, rogers collection, testimonials -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Certificate, Independent Order of Rechabites, Sister Richardson : Member of the Star of Kew Tent, 1915
RECHABITES. The Star of Kew Tent, No. 260. This branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites was founded in September, 1882, when the following members were installed as the first officers by the district officers, viz. Chief Ruler, Bro. W. H. Bardwell; Deputy Ruler, Bro. C. Viney; Past Chief Ruler, Bro. J. V. Morgan; Treasurer, Bro. R. Eyre; Money Steward, Bro. A. Brown; Levite, Bro. W. H. Richardson; Guardian, Bro. J. Wathen; Secretary, Bro. T. J. Eaton. Bros. W. H. Bardwell, T. J. Eaton, and F. J. Legge were appointed as trustees. It is interesting to note that three of the foundation members, Messrs. Bardwell, Eaton, and Richardson, and still members of the tent. The first meetings were held in the Mission Hall, but for many years the meeting place of the tent has been the Kew Town Hall. The funds of the tent have gradually accumulated until at the last audit they amounted to £2,097. For many years past the interest on the funds has been more than sufficient to meet all claims for sick pay. The total membership is now 140. The following past secretaries have been mainly instrumental in placing the tent in its present position:-Bros. T. J. Eaton, W. H. Bardwell, C. B. Gray, and C. L. Churcher. The present officers are :- C.R., Bro. R. M. Jones; D.R., Bro. T. H. B. Williams; P.C.R., Bro. C. H. Green; Treasurer, Bro. W. J. Thornton; Secretary, Bro. F. C. W. Hurrell. Junior Branch. A junior branch was founded in 1883, and while its membership has fluctuated considerably according to the enthusiasm of the management, it has been the means of introducing many members to the senior tent. Its membership is now 41. Female Branch. Lily of Kew Tent, No. 20. This branch was formed in October, 1904, and has accomplished good work. Its membership is 38. Much of its success is due to the untiring energy of its secretary, Mrs. J Jaycock. Source: FGA Barnard, Jubilee History of Kew, Victoria, 1910This document forms part of a large collection of material assembled by the Rogers family of Kew and donated by the family to the Kew Historical Society by Dorothy Rogers or by her sons. The items in the collection have social and spiritual significance and are also historically significant. Items such as this coloured lithograph have a degree of artistic and aesthetic significance as representative examples of the certificate designers art in the 19th Century.A colour lithograph, following a standard Rechabite design recording that Sister Richardson (later the historian Dorothy Rogers) joined the Junior Section of the Star of Kew Tent of the Independent Order of Rechabites on 17 February 1915. The certificate features biblical scenes and figures exhorting ‘Truth and Temperance’ and ‘Love and Purity’.independ, independent order of rechabites, dorothy (richardson) rogers, membership certificates, rogers collection, lily of kew tent, no. 20 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, I.O.R Games Tournament: Kew Rifle Team - Winners, 1913
Extract fro FGA Barnard - Jubilee History of Kew 1910 RECHABITES.-The Star of Kew Tent, No. 260. This branch of the Independent Order of Rechabites was founded in September, 1882, when the following members were installed as the first officers by the district officers, viz. Chief Ruler, Bro. W. H. Bardwell; Deputy Ruler, Bro. C. Viney; Past Chief Ruler, Bro. J. V. Morgan; Treasurer, Bro. R. Eyre; Money Steward, Bro. A. Brown; Levite, Bro. W. H. Richardson; Guardian, Bro. J. Wathen; Secretary, Bro. T. J. Eaton. Bros. W. H. Bardwell, T. J. Eaton, and F. J. Legge were appointed as trustees. It is interesting to note that three of the foundation members, Messrs. Bardwell, Eaton, and Richardson, and still members of the tent. The first meetings were held in the Mission Hall, but for many years the meeting place of the tent has been the Kew Town Hall. The funds of the tent have gradually accumulated until at the last audit they amounted to £2,097. For many years past the interest on the funds has been more than sufficient to meet all claims for sick pay. The total membership is now 140. The following past secretaries have been mainly instrumental in placing the tent in its present position:-Bros. T. J. Eaton, W. H. Bardwell, C. B. Gray, and C. L. Churcher. The present officers are :- C.R., Bro. R. M. Jones; D.R., Bro. T. H. B. Williams; P.C.R., Bro. C. H. Green; Treasurer, Bro. W. J. Thornton; Secretary, Bro. F. C. W. Hurrell. Junior Branch. A junior branch was founded in 1883, and while its membership has fluctuated considerably according to the enthusiasm of the management, it has been the means of introducing many members to the senior tent. Its membership is now 41. Female Branch. Lily of Kew Tent, No. 20. This branch was formed in October, 1904, and has accomplished good work. Its membership is 38. Much of its success is due to the untiring energy of its secretary, Mrs. J Jaycock.Large framed photograph, of the Kew Rifle Club in 1913.I.O.R GAMES TOURNAMENT / KEW RIFLE TEAM WINNERS 1913. / C. Jenkins - A. Smith - L. Carter - J. Pinniger - A. Rowe - W.H. Richardson (Capt)"kew rechabites, w.h. richardson, kew rifle team -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Headwear - White Cartwheel Sun Hat, Clare Ralph, Goullet of Melbourne, c.1970
An article in the Melbourne Age (2 March 1978, p. 25) recorded the retirement of Clare Ralph of Goullet of Melbourne (active 1953-78). "One of Australia's most talented milliners, Clare Ralph, of Goullet, is selling her business because she wants to spend more time in her garden. "I have been in the business for 25 years and last week I turned 60 and so I thought now is the time," Mrs. Ralph said at her Richmond shop yesterday. ... Mrs. Ralph is selling cheaply $10,000 for the label, which also covers sportswear, and tenancy and lease of the premises which have a showroom and workroom. ... Mrs. Ralph is as unpretentious as the relaxed Goullet styling which brought the new concept of millinery to Australia non-hatty hats with none of the "Melbourne Mum" quality so rife at the time. She said she started off making hats rather than dressmaking because she couldn't afford to buy the three yards of material necessary for a dress. "I wanted to get out of the house and so I did millinery night classes at Caulfield Tech." Her first efforts were sun-hats of natural straw which Mrs. Ralph trimmed extravagantly … "gold fishnet and braiding and sparkly jewels all over the crown. "They were ridiculous but a lot of fun," she said. She carted them by train to the city and nervously showed them to a store buyer. After the meeting, she couldn't face taking the samples home again on the train and left them. Before she could collect them, to everyone's amazement particularly Clare Ralph's, they had been sold. "The next thing was people were asking me what I was going to do for winter. I hadn't thought I was in the industry. I just thought I had sold a couple of sun hats and that was marvellous because I needed the money," she said. If the new buyer is interested, Clare Ralph will continue designing hats on a consultancy basis for them, which would be great for all the fans she has collected since those crazy sun-hat days.The Kew Historical Society’s fashion and design collection is comprised of costumes, hats, shoes and personal accessories. Many of these items were purchased or handmade in Victoria; some locally in Kew. The extensive hat collection comprises items dating from the 1860s to the 1970s. Most of the hats in the collection were created by milliners for women. There are however a number of early and important men’s hats in the collection. The headwear collection is particularly significant in that it includes the work of notable Australian and international milliners.Wide brimmed woman’s hat designed by Clare Ralph of Goullet of Melbourne, constructed of white stiffened fabric with a white fabric cord surrounding the crown of the hat.Label: Designed by Goullet of Melbournegoullet of melbourne, clare ralph -- milliner, women's clothing -- hats, headwear -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Headwear - Straw Sun Hat, Goullet of Melbourne, 1960s
An article in the Melbourne Age (2 March 1978, p. 25) recorded the retirement of Clare Ralph of Goullet of Melbourne (active 1953-78). "One of Australia's most talented milliners, Clare Ralph, of Goullet, is selling her business because she wants to spend more time in her garden. "I have been in the business for 25 years and last week I turned 60 and so I thought now is the time," Mrs. Ralph said at her Richmond shop yesterday. ... Mrs. Ralph is selling cheaply $10,000 for the label, which also covers sportswear, and tenancy and lease of the premises which have a showroom and workroom. ... Mrs. Ralph is as unpretentious as the relaxed Goullet styling which brought the new concept of millinery to Australia non-hatty hats with none of the "Melbourne Mum" quality so rife at the time. She said she started off making hats rather than dressmaking because she couldn't afford to buy the three yards of material necessary for a dress. "I wanted to get out of the house and so I did millinery night classes at Caulfield Tech." Her first efforts were sun-hats of natural straw which Mrs. Ralph trimmed extravagantly … "gold fishnet and braiding and sparkly jewels all over the crown. "They were ridiculous but a lot of fun," she said. She carted them by train to the city and nervously showed them to a store buyer. After the meeting, she couldn't face taking the samples home again on the train and left them. Before she could collect them, to everyone's amazement particularly Clare Ralph's, they had been sold. "The next thing was people were asking me what I was going to do for winter. I hadn't thought I was in the industry. I just thought I had sold a couple of sun hats and that was marvellous because I needed the money," she said. If the new buyer is interested, Clare Ralph will continue designing hats on a consultancy basis for them, which would be great for all the fans she has collected since those crazy sun-hat days.The Kew Historical Society’s fashion and design collection is comprised of costumes, hats, shoes and personal accessories. Many of these items were purchased or handmade in Victoria; some locally in Kew. The extensive hat collection comprises items dating from the 1860s to the 1970s. While most of the hats in the collection were created by milliners for women, there are a number of early and important men’s hats in the collection. The headwear collection is particularly significant in that it includes the work of notable Australian and international milliners.Finely woven straw woman’s hat designed by Clare Ralph for her millinery label Goullet [Melbourne]. The hat features a cream ribbon around the base of the crown. Label: Goulletclare ralph -- goullet -- melbourne (vic.), milliners -- clare ralph, headwear, women's clothing -- hats -
Monbulk Historical Society
Ben Simcox
Bennie Simcox first came to the Monbulk area about 1860, following the first important gold discovery at the end of 1858. As the gold rush was short lived Simcox returned to Collingwood but later came back to Monbulk, built himself a hut to live in and become its first known permanent resident. The hut was burnt in the 1913 fires. Monbulk was thrown open to selection in 1894, and that's when the first farmers including Bennie Simcox went into Monbulk. It was a big, timbered country in those days. Once Ben had cleared some of his land he started to grow raspberries on it. He would be up before daylight ready to start picking. Ben also picked for a local family, the Camms to help make ends meet. When Ben Simcox was virtually at the retired stage, he wanted to develop his bit of the gully as a tourist attraction, As his nephew Fred Gay who owned the 10 acres below Ben wanted to farm, he was happy to swap his treed block with Ben. At a time when most settlers were clearing their properties, Ben Simcox, by contrast, cultivated the native plants and planted most of the large trees seen on the property today. And so Nathania Springs was developed as a tourist resort, and a mini-botanical garden. He diverted the natural water supply to form ornamental garden pools stocked with trout and tame native black fish. There were many visitors came to the Dandenongs, Some arriving in motor cars others in converted furniture vans lined with seats or charabancs with the long extended chassis and the open canvas roofs. Identities such as Billy Hughes, Madame Melba would often come to look through Nathania Springs. Bennie sold Nathania Springs to Councillor Ferdinand Thomas Le Juge, a boarding house proprietor and later the town baker in 1909 then in about 1921 Ben’s nephew Fred and his wife and family continued to open Nathania Springs to the public. It was not unusual in around 1924-25 for up to a thousand people a day to arrive at Nathania Springs to go through the gardens. At sixpence a time, that was a lot of money in those days. This photo is part of a collection of historic and social significance of the early settlement of Monbulk. Copies of photographs can be purchased from the Monbulk Historical Society.simcox, nathania springs, monbulk, 1860, berries -
Brighton Historical Society
Doll, Bead doll, c.1937
Made by the cousin of Brighton local Olga Black. The cousin gave her the doll in 1937, when Olga was around seven years old. Olga Maria Black was born in Melbourne in 1930, the daughter of Ithacan migrants Constantine and Toula Mavrokefalos. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Handmade painted wooden bead doll representing a sailor. Cream coloured body and limbs and pink head. The body is made from one long oval bead and the limbs from small round beads.doll, child's toy, childhood, sailor, olga black -
Brighton Historical Society
Waistcoat, 1950s
This waistcoat belonged to Olga Black, a long-time Brighton resident. Part of a Greek national costume, it was designed by Olga in the 1950s, with the silver cornelli work completed by a Collins Street workshop. Olga Maria Black was born in Melbourne in 1930, the daughter of Ithacan migrants Constantine and Toula Mavrokefalos. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Black velvet waistcoat, decorated with silver cornelli work. Pale blue cotton lining. Fastens with hooks and eyes.greece, ithaca, migration, olga black -
Brighton Historical Society
Silk blouse made by Toula Mavrokefalos, the mother of long-time Brighton resident Olga Black. Olga Maria Black was born in Melbourne in 1930, the daughter of Ithacan migrants Constantine and Toula Mavrokefalos. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Cream silk short-sleeved blouse. Hand embroidered around inside of stand collar, centre front panel and sleeve edge in red, blue, black and green floral and geometric design.migration, ithaca, romania, olga black, toula mavrokefalos, toula black -
Brighton Historical Society
Top, circa 1910
This top was made by Toula Mavrokefalos Black (nee Raftopoulos) as a teenager living in Romania. It was intended to be worn under suit jackets. Her daughter, Olga Black, is a longtime Brighton resident. Olga Maria Black was born in Melbourne in 1930, the daughter of Ithacan migrants Constantine and Toula Mavrokefalos. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Long-sleeved top of cream georgette with high round neck. Front features three handmade rectagular lace panel inserts, surrounded with floral cross stitch embroidery in red, blue, black and greentoula mavrokefalos, toula black, olga black, migration, embroidery -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Cooking, SEC Cook Book of Family Favourites, Circa 1950
This SEC cook book was produced circa 1950s when the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme and its Commission was in full swing. The Commission had constructed two settlements, Mount Beauty and Bogong Village to house construction workers and their families in a "closed" community. These "closed" communities were for SEC staff and construction workers only. Entry into these villages was restricted to "SEC pass" carrying construction staff and their families. All facilities such as retail, sporting and other community services was provided by the SEC. This created an isolated community in which limited individual choice or administrative family leeway was available. It was a typical company town (live and work for the company). The Company was in the Kiewa Valley constructing power stations for the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme of Victoria. In one way the individual did not need to be concerned with living costs, educational needs for children, and recreational amenities and therefore "normal" community survival /living methods did not apply. This living, although restrictive, was quite simple. When the scheme was completed, in 1961, marking the end of company town, caused some of the employees, who had enjoyed the "controlled" township environment, a fair degree of angst in having the new 'laissez-faire" controls thrust upon them. This was magnified when both Mount Beauty and Bogong Village became meshed into the Bright Shire, vis-a-vis, local government. This cook book is a prime example of " the company is looking after you" and leave the worrying to us. This environment of a "company town", which creates the atmosphere of minimal personal responsibilities, is still present in a few remote mining towns in Australia at the beginning of the 21st Century.This book is a classical example of the psychological control in which the company had its construction workers families living in. The motto of many companies who had employees in isolated regions was "keep them happy". A happy and contented worker is a more productive worker. This was a period in time (1950s to 1970s) when social psychology was gaining recognition in the Australian workforce as well as internationally. At the end of the construction of all the power stations both the Mount Beauty settlement and the Bogong Village became more integrated into the main stream of rural Australia environment. Development of tourism in the region opened up not only interaction with a greater cross section of the ever expanding type of Australian but also the overseas based non rural culture tourist or immigrant. It allowed the intermingling of ideas in a non company controlled environment. The Mount Beauty and Bogong Village has, and even up to the 3000 Millennium, the same housing construction, as was built by the SEC. There has only been a very gradual change to modern domestic architectural home styles. This SEC cookbook has a folded cover with two staples at the spine, securing eight double sided pages. The white pages contain black print and sketches(3), and one black and white photograph (of the author). The front cover is mainly orange in colour with a gradual fading into yellow(at the top). The cover is approximately 210 g/m2 in thickness and each page is approximately 90 g/m2 thick. Front cover: top of page "SEC Cook Book of Family Favourites", in the middle a sketch, black on orange background, of a smiling mother walking from the kitchen to the dining table with a steaming rolled roast and vegetables in one hand and a gravy pot in the other. The furniture and decor relates to the 1950s. Below this sketch is printed"SEC TESTED RECIPES NO. 16" Inside cover: on top of the page is a black and white sketch of a pineapple, apple pear fish with scales, bunch of grapes with leaves a pork roll (head of pig one end and a roll ending on the other, on top of this food arrangement rests a fruit pie. Below this sketch are printed in black print the books contents.The first side of the first page is a black and white photograph Mary Dunne, the SEC Home Service supervisor who provided a signed foreword. The inside back cover has a promotional segment detailing a black and white photograph of a smiling (and happy) couple in the foreground with an electric stove in the distance. The written motto below this photograph is" to Live better -and save money they'll join the Power People. "the new tariff is(1960s) - First 75kWh --6 cents per kWh Next 435 kWh---2.3 cents per kWh Balance --1.7 cents per kWh The rate per killowatt-hour for the final block drops from 2.1 cents to 1.7 cents --a reduction of recipes circa 1950s, domestic food, sec victoria cook books, recipes circa 1950s -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Craft - Ship Model, Sovereign of the Seas, Made between 1930-1955
This meticulously hand crafted ship model is one of the most intricate and challenging projects for a ship modeller to create. Jim Williams took up the challenge, choosing to make all of the components by hand, following a plan of the ship rather than purchasing a pre-made kit. He even made his own tools specifically for working with this model. The “Sovereign of the Seas” 1637-1697 - The magnificent ship “Sovereign of the Seas” was ordered by Charles I of England, who desired a giant Great Ship to be built. It was built by Peter Pett under the guidance of his father Phineas, the King's master shipwright, and launched with 102-guns at Woolwich Dockyard on 13th October 1637, as the Navy’s second three-decker first-rate ship. It was the most extravagantly decorated warship in the Royal Navy, bought with the help of a special 'Ship Money' tax imposed by the King. Soon afterwards the ship was remodelled and cut down to a safer and faster ship. Over the ship’s lifetime it was renamed “Commonwealth”, then in 1650 it became simply “Sovereign” then again after a rebuild in 1660 it was named “Royal Sovereign”. By 1642 the ship’s armament had been reduced to 90 guns. In 1651 Sovereign was made more manoeuvrable by reducing the upper works. It served throughout the wars of the Commonwealth and became the flagship of General Robert Blake. It was involved in all of the great English naval conflicts fought against the United Provinces and France and was referred to as 'The Golden Devil' by the Dutch. By 1660 the armament was changed attain to 100 guns. After the English Restoration, it was rebuilt as a first-rate ship of the line, with flatter gun decks and 100 guns, and most of the carvings were removed. During the First Anglo-Dutch War, in a secret session on 21 October 1652, the States-General of the Netherlands announced reward money for the crews of fire ships that succeeded in destroying enemy vessels; the Sovereign was singled out with an extra prize of 3000 guilders to sink or ruin it. Although repeatedly occupied by the Dutch, the Sovereign was retaken every time by the British and remained in service for nearly sixty years as the best ship in the English fleet. The Sovereign was in regular service during the three Anglo-Dutch Wars, surviving the Raid on the Medway in 1667. After a second rebuild in 1685 the Sovereign was relaunched as a first-rate ship of 100 guns, before taking part in the outset of the War of the Grand Alliance against Louis XIV of France, venturing into the Irish Sea, and later participating in the Battle of Beachy Head in 1690 and the Battle of La Hougue. At this time she was more than fifty years old. It was the first ship in history to fly ‘royals’ above the topgallant sails and a top gallant sail on the jigger-mast. The Sovereign eventually became leaky and defective with age and was laid up at Chatham when, on 27th January 1697, the famous ship caught fire, burning to the waterline. Jim Williams, the model’s maker - Jim (James Bernard) Williams was born in 1888 at The Forth in Scotland. He lived in Tasmania for some time and enlisted to fight in France in WW1. After the war he moved to Warrnambool, Victoria, where he worked at the Cramond & Dickson clothing store until the Great Depression in the 1930’s. He was later employed at Fletcher Jones Menswear, where he worked for 27 years until just before his death in 1959. Jim was a passionate ship model builder. He worked on his model ships between 1930 and 1955, including The Endeavour and The Sovereign of the Seas, which was one of the most intricate historic ship models to build. He had a table set up in a bay window and worked on them on and off using a jeweller's eye glass on the finer pieces. Jim’s long-time employer, Fletcher Jones, knew of Jim’s hobby and skill as a ship model builder and requested Jim to describe the model, Sovereign of the Seas, with the view of putting it on display. When the model was finished there was a full article and photo in The Standard newspaper. Jim described his work on the ship mode “Sovereign of the Seas” in correspondence to his then employer, Fletcher Jones. The document gives us an insight into his skill, patience, and regard for replicating the details of the original ship. Some of the details are: "In making the model the time taken to make certain items might be of interest. For instance "The Great Lantern" on the stern, four weeks, a similar time for the figurehead of St George & the Dragon. "The lower shrouds three to each side about six weeks & the rigging as whole several months. There are nearly 300 blocks and pulleys ranging from nearly 1 / 16 inch in diameter. Dead eyes were bored with 3 to 5 holes. To do this needles of different sizes, set in handles & ground to wedge ends were used. Glass cut and ground to shape were used windows. All gun-port covers (74) hinged. "All guns and anchors made of wood. Nothing for the model was purchased ready-made; everything hand made." Jim’s family donated the ship model along with many associated tools, accessories and papers. The model represents the Sovereign of the Seas. The Royal Navy ship of the line launched in 1637 has a significant British maritime heritage. These days the Sovereign of the Seas still remains one of the most intricate historic ship models to build, representing to the model enthusiast a true challenge to the art of model shipbuilding. The model of Sovereign of the Seas in Flagstaff Hill's collection is an exemplary example of a ship model built and hand crafted from a plan with the making of every item on the model, not a model kit with prefabricated parts. It was made by a local Warrnambool man Jim Williams as a leisure activity in the mid 20th century. The hobby and craft of ship model making has resulted in visual representations of the changes in maritime technology and advances in world-wide navigation. Ship model of HMS Sovereign of the Seas, a 17th century British warship. The handmade model is in wooden framed, airtight glass case. All components were hand crafted. Many of the tools used were made by the model maker, Jim Williams. An inscribed plaque is within the case. Inscribed on plaque "SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS / 102 GUNS - 1634"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, model ship, vessel sovereign of the seas, jim williams, james bernard williams, the forth tasmania, freda williams, heather williams, phyllis bowditch, fletcher jones staff 1936, 17th century sailing ship, cramond and dickson, sovereign of the seas, royal sovereign, sovereign, charles 1, ship model -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Princess Mary Gift Tin, 1914
In November 1914, an advertisement was placed in the national press inviting monetary contributions to a 'Sailors & Soldiers Christmas Fund' which had been created by Princess Mary, the seventeen year old daughter of King George V and Queen Mary. The purpose was to provide everyone wearing the King's uniform and serving overseas on Christmas Day 1914 with a 'gift from the nation'. The response was truly overwhelming, and it was decided to spend the money on an embossed brass box, based on a design by Messrs Adshead and Ramsey. The contents varied considerably; officers and men on active service afloat or at the front received a box containing a combination of pipe, lighter, 1 oz of tobacco and twenty cigarettes in distinctive yellow monogrammed wrappers. Non-smokers and boys received a bullet pencil and a packet of sweets instead. Indian troops often got sweets and spices, and nurses were treated to chocolate. Many of these items were despatched separately from the tins themselves, as once the standard issue of tobacco and cigarettes was placed in the tin there was little room for much else apart from the greeting card All boxes, irrespective of recipient, contained a Christmas card and a picture of the Princess. Those which were not distributed until after Christmas were sent out with a card wishing the recipient a 'victorious new year'. The wounded on leave or in hospital, nurses, and the widows or parents of those killed were also entitled to the gift. Prisoners of war at the time had theirs reserved until they were repatriated. Great efforts were made to distribute the gifts in time for Christmas, and huge demands were made on an already stretched postal service. More than 355,000 were successfully delivered by the deadline. As time pressed on, a shortage of brass meant that many entitled personnel did not receive their gift until as late as the summer of 1916, and in January 1919 it was reported that 'considerable' numbers had still not been distributed. Orders for brass strip were placed with the USA, who were not yet involved in the war, and a large consignment was lost with the ship 'Lusitania'. As so much brass was being consumed in the production of weapons and munitions, the quality of the boxes which were manufactured late on was poor, being of a plated inferior alloy, when compared with the earlier pure brass examples. When the fund finally closed in 1920, almost £200,000 had been donated for the provision of more than two and a half million boxes with contents. The 'tin' is approximately 5" long by 3¼" wide by 1¼" deep with a double-skinned, hinged, lid. The surface of the lid depicts the head of Princess Mary in the centre, surrounded by a laurel wreath and flanked on either side by the 'M' monogram. At the top, a decorative cartouche contains the words 'Imperium Britannicum' with a sword and scabbard either side. On the lower edge, another cartouche contains the words 'Christmas 1914', which is flanked by the bows of battleships forging through a heavy sea. In the corners, small roundels house the names of the Allies: Belgium, Japan, Montenegro and Servia; France and Russia are at the edges, each superimposed on three furled flags or standards. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
letters, 1910
These letters were received by Henry James of Orbost. Henry James (1860-1932) was a well-known identity in the Orbost district. He was a stock agent and auctioneer who helped to establish the seed bean industry in Orbost. He was the second secretary of the Snowy River Shipping Co. as well as a shire councillor and prominent member of MUIOOF. They concern a fund established to raise money to bring the three sons of Jennings Carmichael to Australia. A committee established by Henry Gyles Turner, a a notable Australian banker and historian, was formed to raise funds to bring the boys to Australia. Grace Elizabeth Jennings Carmichael (1867-1904), poet and nurse, was born on 24 February 1867 at Ballarat, Victoria, daughter of Archibald Carmichael, a miner from Perthshire, Scotland, and his wife Margaret Jennings, née Clark, from Cornwall, England. . She was educated at Melbourne and while still a child went to live on a station at Orbost, and grew up close to the bush she came to love so much. In 1888 she went to Melbourne to be trained as a nurse at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, and in 1891 published a small volume of prose sketches, Hospital Children. Having qualified she obtained a position on a station near Geelong, and subsequently married Francis Mullis. She contributed verse to the Australasian, and in 1895 Poems by Jennings Carmichael was published. She lived for a time in South Australia and then went to London, where she died in poor circumstances in 1904. Her husband, Henry Mullis, was last recorded in the workhouse in Woolrich, but then disappeared leaving the three children- Geoffrey 7 yrs, (Thomas) Clive 5 yrs & 4 year old (Archibald) Keith and one year old (Rupert) Wyatt, destitute & were sent to the Northampton workhouse, (Thomas ) Clive dying in 1906. In 1910, a group of Carmichael's admirers, discovered the whereabouts of her children, where a public fund was established to bring the children to Australia, the Victorian Government giving them free passage, arriving in Victoria in October of 1910. The children were placed in private homes and took on their mother's single name of Carmichael. In 1910 a small selection of her poems was published, in 1937 a plaque to her memory was unveiled at Orbost in the Mechanics Institute ( reg. 554), and a year later a replica was placed in the public library at Ballarat. Two of Jennings Carmichael's sons were present at the ceremony.Jennings Carmichael, a leading Australian poet spent much of her childhood in Orbost.Several letter written to H. James concerning the Jennings Carmichael Children's Fund. Stapled to one letter is a typed article about the Jennings Carmichael Children's Fund written by Frank a. Russell. The other letter is a three page stapled handwritten letter from St Oswald's, Ormond College, seeking information about Jennings Carmichael.james-henry jennings-carmichael correspondence -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Badge - Legacy Appeal badge, A.J. Parkes, 1966
This Legacy badge is one of a set of badges collected by Dr W R Angus from the organisations in which he was involved. The badge was made by A.J. Parkes of Brisbane, an Australia-wide firm that has been making badges for over a century. The $2' and "£1" (one pound) embossed on the back dates the badge dates the badge to the year 1966 when Australian money was in the process of converting from pounds and pence to decimal currency's dollars and cents. It is interesting to note that the dollar sign "$2" has two vertical lines through the 'S', but the Australian currency sign for a dollar has only one vertical line. The badge may have been produced before the date of decimal conversion, which began on February 14th, 1966. A J Parkes may have ordered the badges before the published use of the dollar symbol. The set of badges is now part of Flagstaff Hill’s comprehensive W.R. Angus Collection, donated by the family of Dr W R Angus, surgeon and oculist. The W.R. Angus Collection: - The W.R. Angus Collection includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) and Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. It includes historical medical and surgical equipment and instruments from the doctors Edward and Thomas Ryan of Nhill, Victoria. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1927 at Ballarat, the nearest big city to Nhill where he began as a Medical Assistant. He was also Acting House surgeon at the Nhill hospital where their two daughters were born. During World War II He served as a Military Doctor in the Australian Defence Forces. Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool in 1939, where Dr Angus operated his own medical practice. He later added the part-time Port Medical Officer responsibility and was the last person appointed to that position. Both Dr Angus and his wife were very involved in the local community, including the planning stages of the new Flagstaff Hill and the layout of the gardens there. Dr Angus passed away in March 1970.This badge is significant for connecting Doctor Angus to organisations that he supported. It is also historically significant for representing Australia's conversion to decimal currency. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The Collection includes historical medical objects that date back to the late 1800s.Legacy Appeal badge; an oval-shaped metal and enamel badge, white enamel on gold, with the Legacy symbol of a flaming torch in the centre. It has a vertical stick pin and inscriptions on the back. It was made by A.J. Parks, Brisbane. The badge was given to a donor of $2 (£1 or one pound) to Legacy. This badge is part of a set of badges collected by Dr W R Angus. the set represents organisations that he was involved in, and is part of the W.R. Angus Collection.Embossed: "PARIVETTE 77-“ "A J PARKES" "BRISBANE" "£1" (one pound) "$2” (2 dollars) flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, badge, legacy badge, organisation badge, a.j. parkes, donor's badge, £1 badge, $2 badge, 14th february 1966, australian decimal conversion, brisbane, legacy appeal, w.r. angus collection -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard, G. Lelong, The Sugar Manufacture, Somme, France, c1917, c1917
This postcard was sent from France during World War One WW1 to Violet Holmes [mother and aunty of other WW1 soldiers], by the son of a neighbouring Ascot Tourello District Family, the Wrigley Family. Violet inherited "Sauchieburn" an Ascot property on the death of her husband William Holmes in 1914. On her death this property was to be left to their 4 children and administered by a relative till the youngest child turned 27. As young boys, Violet's husband William, and his brother Henry, lived with their Aunt Catherine Coghill and Uncle William Coghill at ‘Sauchieburn’ Ascot. The Coghills had no children of their own. He and his brother Edward started a stock and station business at Clunes. Henry and Violet Holmes subsequently inherited "Sauchieburn" from Catherine (nee Holmes) and William Coghill, direct descendants of the Coghills Creek, Ascot, Tourello pioneer settler Captain William Coghill [Jane Dyer, May 2024] Catherine and her brother Edward Carter Holmes drowned at sea.This is an extract from the Korumburra Times, Wednesday June 6, 1956: The fated travellers wrecked off N.S.W. ‘On May 29th, 1886 in bright moonlight the Ly-e-Moon, the pride of the Australian coastal fleet, broke her back on the treacherous rocks of Green Cape, off the NSW coast. Eighty souls perished within range of the beacon rays of the lighthouse, including representatives of the earliest families ever to settle in Poowong. The passengers. On the main deck, Mr Edward Holmes, a Poowong grazier and former owner of ‘Wombalano’. He had sold this property with the object of going to Queensland and settling there. The proceeds of sale amounting to 1,200 pounds in gold sovereigns were under lock and key in the Purser's Office. Mr Holmes, although advanced in years, had unformed plans to invest his money in some Queensland enterprise. In the meantime he would visit his married daughter and [his] two sons, who had previously settled in Queensland. With him on board was his widowed sister Mrs Coghill who had also accepted an invitation to go north. News of the shipwreck, means of communication being slow, did not reach Korumburra for nearly a week. By then all hope had been abandoned for the missing. Relations and friends thronged the Melbourne shipping office, but the answer was always the same - All passengers unaccounted for were presumed drowned. Black and white postcard of a sugar refinery in The Somme, France. The name of the town has been scrubbed out in purple pencil by a censor during World War One. The back of the card is written on in pencil,Written on back of card: Dear Violet, received photos and letters and thank you for forwarding same. Are we having lovely spell of weather. This morning is quite warm and pleasant. The photo of you all standing in front of your house is a good one and you all look to be getting enough to eat. Mother looks as if she it getting stronger after her severe illness. Your concert party will be broken up through the Vale girls leaving but you should have no difficulty in finding volunteers to fill the ranks. By all of your letters you are all looking forward to the day we return 9as we are). I wouldn't like to bet too much that we would be home by this time next year [ ? ] by the way fritz is fighting lately he would very much like to get [peace?] I think we will give him all he wants this summer. J. Waller was here last night is looking well. With best wished to you all. I am sincerely. [W.Wrigbee? Wrigley]somme, la suererie, chatham family collection, amiens, france, world war 1, postcard, ly-ee-moon, william coghill junior, ascot victoria, pioneers of ascot, shipwreck -
Sunshine and District Historical Society Incorporated
A meeting was held on 18th August 1947 at the East Sunshine Community Hall with the aim of forming a motor cycle club. The name BRAYBROOK MOTOR CYCLE CLUB was decided upon "as it would cater for riders and non-riding members in all surrounding districts". The first President was Don Minahan with Bert Watson as Secretary. They had been members of the Auto Cycle Union whose members became dissatisfied with the prize money awarded, so the Victorian Motorcycle Association (VMCA) was formed. The President of the VMCA (Mr. A. Clarke) attended the meeting on 3rd September 1947 which was held in the Hall behind the Sunshine Theatre. This became the regular meeting place. The new Braybrook Club affiliated with the VMCA joining clubs from Altona, Coburg, Essendon, Newport and Preston. Membership mostly came from recreational motor bike riders looking for more structured competitive riding experience and enjoyment. The club conducted its events on Sunday afternoons and as sport at that time was not permitted on Sundays, they overcame that obstacle by seeking a silver coin donation (pointing out that "two bob" was expected). The events were mainly dirt scrambles over open land which today is known as "off road". The favourite sites were Sunshine's ample open spaces such as Glengala Road and McIntyre Road, as well as Arundell Road (Keilor) and Laverton. For track racing experience the club formed a very basic dirt track on the open land in Glengala Road west of the original Sunshine Golf Club, which was very popular on Sunday afternoons for both riders and spectators. In the early 1950's Motorbike and Sidecar races were also witnessed on some Sundays, on a track near the corner of McIntyre and Furlong Roads, North Sunshine. During 1950 the Braybrook members voted in favour of allowing the Sunshine Club to amalgamate with them and form the BRAYBROOK AND DISTRICT MOTORCYCLE CLUB. The merger took place at the meeting on 10th July 1950 when office bearers were elected. The club disbanded in the mid 1960's due to the massive residential development occurring in the Sunshine district, and so activities were merged with the Newport Club. The above information is mainly compiled from Sunshine Advocate articles published on 29/8/47, 12/9/47, and 30/6/50, and from written details supplied by Mr. J. N. Willaton. Further details or corrections from interested readers are welcome.The Braybrook and District Motorcycle Club has not existed in its own right for several decades. The sticker depicting the club crest serves as a historical reminder that the club was once part of the local recreational scene.Dark blue, silver, and clear plastic sticker on right hand top corner of glass plate that previously was a side window of a car. Sticker has been left on the glass in case removal may damage it. BRAYBROOK AND DISTRICT MOTORCYCLE CLUB.Braybrook and District Motorcycle Clubmotorcycle club, sticker, club sticker, braybrook and district motorcycle club, braybrook -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Headwear - Wool Felt & Jersey Hat, Ann Austin of Melbourne, 1960s
Ann Austin of Melbourne was the name of a Melbourne millinery house. Thelma Prentice was one of the partners in the house, and the chief designer/milliner. Very little information about the millinery house and the milliner are available online but there is an interesting article, published in the Brisbane Courier Mail on 8 October 1949 which describes the influence of French style on fashion and design in Australia. The article by Lucy Gough recounts the views of Thelma Prentice who had just returned from the Paris fashion shows. "Australian millinery toes line with Paris From LUCY GOUGH LONDON, October 7 (Special) Australian hats can compare very favourably with those designed in Paris, and are considerably cheaper, says Miss Thelma Prentice, partner in a well-known Melbourne millinery firm, who has just completed six months' visit to England and the Continent. An ordinary hat, Miss Prentice said, would cost at least £15 from any of the top Paris houses. Australia could achieve the same effect for a lot less money. Miss Prentice went to all the Important dress shows as well as the millinery houses in Paris, because she believes that millinery is an accessory to fashion and to obtain the best idea of new trends hats must be shown with frocks to get a complete follow-through and tie-up between the two. At their packed shows, with standing room only, Path and Dior were selling hats they designed, faster than many well known Paris millinery houses, Fath's favourite line was the becoming 'wing treatment,' which he achieved by a profile flattering side swing of material jutting out almost 10 inches from the face. This was completely different to the side drape already seen in Australia. Dior, as a direct contrast, was specialising in skull hats, which almost followed the hair line, to show very little hair at the back of the head. His cocktail hats were heavily sequinned and beaded. Every model was designed exclusively for short hair, and Miss Prentice, whose own hair is beautifully short cut by a Paris hairdresser, said that French mannequins' hair was so abbreviated at the back it was almost a semi-shingle. Hats generally she found were plain, with sharply angled self trimming, and black one of the most popular colours." The hat was donated by Kathleen Gervasoni, a resident of Kew, and during the 1970s a Mayoress of the former City of Kew. The Kew Historical Society’s fashion and design collection is comprised of costumes, hats, shoes and personal accessories. Many of these items were purchased or handmade in Victoria; some locally in Kew. The extensive hat collection comprises items dating from the 1860s to the 1970s. While most of the hats in the collection were created by milliners for women, there are a number of early and important men’s hats in the collection. The headwear collection is particularly significant in that it includes the work of notable Australian and international milliners.High crowned hat made of burgundy felt with decorative pink jersey turban folds attached to the side by clusters of pink beads. The hat was designed by Thelma Prentice of the ' Austin of Melbourne' millinery house. Label, inside centre crown, woven in black on white polyester: *ann austin / OF MELBOURNEmilliners, hats, ann austin of melbourne, thelma prentice, australian fashion - 1960s, kathleen gervasoni -
Brighton Historical Society
Skirt, late-nineteenth century & 1950s
This skirt belonged to Olga Black, a long-time Brighton resident. The linen used for the skirt were woven by Olga's great-grandmother Efstathia in the late-nineteenth century with flax grown on the island of Ithaca. In the 1950s, Olga made the fabric into a skirt, embellishing it with hand embroidery. Olga Maria Black was born in Melbourne in 1930, the daughter of Ithacan migrants Constantine and Toula Mavrokefalos. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Ankle-length full cream linen skirt with multi-coloured cross stitch embroidery featuring mountains, birds and trees. Fullness is pleated into wide waist band. Left side opening. The fabric widths have been whipped together by hand probably at the time the cloth was woven in the late-nineteenth century. The skirt is machine stitched.skirt, linen, hand woven, embroidery, ithaca, migration, greek diaspora, olga black -
Brighton Historical Society
Jacket, Bolero, c.1948
This bolero is part of a Greek national costume from the Peloponnese. Long-time Brighton resident Olga Black wore it to the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games to represent her Greek heritage. She remembers the stands at the MCG being full of migrants wearing their traditional national costumes. Olga Maria Black was born in Melbourne in 1930, the daughter of Ithacan migrants Constantine and Toula Mavrokefalos. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Red velvet bolero decrated with gold stitching and braid. Lined with red satin. Stand collar which fastens with two metal hooks and eyes. bolero, jacket, greece, ithaca, migration, olympic games, 1956 olympic games, olga black -
Brighton Historical Society
Nightgown, circa 1900
This nightgown was made by Vasiliki Raftopoulos around 1900 for her daughter Toula's trousseau. Born in Ithaca, Toula's family migrated to Romania when she was only a baby. In 1914, Toula emigrated to Australia with her husband Constantine Mavrokefalos, where their daughter Olga Black was born in 1930. Olga is a longtime Brighton resident. BHS holds a collection of garments and textiles made by the women of Olga's family, spanning four generations. Constantine first emigrated to Australia in 1902, returning to Greece circa 1912-13 to serve his home country in the Balkan Wars. Toula's family had left Ithaca for Romania when she was only six months old, but she happened to be visiting the island at the very time that Constantine arrived, fresh from the war. Within three weeks they were married, and when Constantine returned to Melbourne in 1914 his new bride came with him. Constantine had trained as an accountant, but his qualifications were not recognised in Australia. Changing his surname to the Anglicised "Black", he started off working in his older brother Dionysios's cafés before going into business on his own. In 1917 he opened the Paris Residential Café at 54-56 Swanston Street, which offered both dining and accommodation. The business saw some years of success, but did not survive the Great Depression. Constantine died in 1944. Olga's mother Toula learned to sew as a child, while growing up in the Romanian village of Brila. She developed her skills making lace and embroidering items for her trousseau. Some of the linen she embroidered had been woven from flax on Ithaca by her own grandmother, Efstathia. During the Depression, when money was scarce, Toula embroidered at home, doing work for a factory in Flinders Lane. Using a cotton reel, a threepence and a sixpence she created and embroidered designs on hundreds of blouses. Olga spent her preschool days sitting at the table where her mother worked. Toula would involve Olga by allowing her to help choose the colour combinations. Toula lived with Olga in Brighton until her death in 1976. Olga inherited her mother's sewing skills. She re-invented some of Toula’s trousseau nightdresses and skilfully altered other clothing, making dresses which she wore around Brighton for many years.Women's white cotton nightgown, long with three quarter sleeves. Cotton lace on front and sleeves. Front fastening buttons. Pintucked with eyelets around neck.nightgown, toula black, toula mavrokefalos, vasiliki raftopoulos, olga black, 1900s, trousseau -
Brighton Historical Society
Cape, Opera cape, circa late 1920s
This velvet opera cape was worn by Agnes Emmeline "Dot" McCowan (nee Iredell, 1887-1969) to a reception for English aviatrix Amy Johnson in her North Road home in the early 1930s. Amy Johnson achieved worldwide fame in 1930 when she became the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia. Dot was the fourth child, and only surviving daughter, of Dr Charles Lesingham Maynard Iredell and Frances Keziah Iredell (née Hill), both formerly of Regents Park, London. Her parents had arrived in Australia in 1885 after Charles, a medical specialist, lost his money and house in the financial crash of 1880. In Melbourne, Charles established a reputation as an ear, nose and throat specialist and counted Dame Nellie Melba among his patients. Dot was schooled at Fairlight College in St Kilda. After falling from a tree at the age of twelve, she developed curvature of the spine. While recuperating, she took a correspondence course in theory and harmony of music with the Royal College of Music, London. She continued to pursue music after her recovery, ultimately winning an international scholarship to study piano and singing in Leipzig, Germany, but did not take up the offer due to her father's objections. She instead remained in Melbourne, where she put her skills to use as a music teacher. After her first fiancé disappeared at sea, Dot found happiness again with George Drummond. George owned a substantial property in Manjimup, Western Australia, and the couple planned to settle there after the wedding. It was not to be. Like many Australian men, George was killed in action on the Western Front during the First World War. It had become customary in George's wealthy family to give each son's bride a gift of one thousand pounds. Though Dot and George were never able to marry, the family nevertheless honoured the custom, and between their generous financial gift and her own teaching income, Dot was able to buy a well-appointed home at 9 North Road, Brighton for herself and her parents. The house remained in the family for many decades. In 1923, at the age of thirty-six, Dot met and fell in love with Alexander James McCowan. They were married on 28 February 1924; the reception was held in the North Road house.Salmon pink velvet opera cape with a padded collar and long fringe. Fastens at collar with a pair of circular metal clasps engraved with floral designs and accentuated with purple enamel. Silk lining.agnes emmeline iredell, agnes emmeline mccowan, opera cape, 1920s, 1930s, amy johnson -
National Wool Museum
Throw, 2017
Anlaby’s sheep are born, bred and shorn at their farm located in South Australia. The wool is then scoured at Michels in Adelaide, combed and turned into Tops at Cashmere Connections in Bacchus Marsh, and then Spun and Woven at a historic mill in Scotland named Johnstons of Elgin. Sewing is completed by artisan seamstresses and packaging is from a local Adelaide family business. Established in 1839 just North of the Barossa Valley in South Australia, Anlaby is the oldest continuing merino sheep stud on mainland Australia. Fredrick Dutton employed Alexander Buchannan to bring sheep to the buoyant market in Adelaide from Goulburn NSW. Several others speculated on possible successes, including Buchannan and a flock of 18,000 sheep were walked overland. The trek took nine months. During this time the Adelaide market prices had collapsed. Having found land with a spring of sweet water, Dutton decided to keep his flock of 5,000 stud sheep and purchased a small parcel of land that is now called Anlaby. The property prospered and Buchannan was employed as manager for the next 25 years. At its height Anlaby covered 250sq miles – 160,000 acres and employed 70 men. The first bale of wool from South Australia to be auctioned in London came from Anlaby. The Anlaby stud also provided the foundation ewes for the well-known Bungaree merino stud in 1841. With prosperity came a large house and gardens for Buchannan in 1861. Anlaby was inherited by Henry Dutton from his uncle in 1895. Squire Dutton, as he was known, continued to grow the family’s fortunes and spent his money expanding the grand home and creating a magnificent 10-acre garden. Today the Anlaby merino stud continues and both the house and garden are undergoing significant restorations. Wool continues to be one of the most important elements at Anlaby. It was the source of great wealth in the past and is now directly tied into Anlaby’s future. Anlaby makes beautiful woollen scarves, lady’s wraps, exquisite throws and small range of baby blankets. From the moment a lamb is conceived and through its entire lifecycle Anlaby look after nutrition and quality of life. Twice a year the sheep are shorn and the wool using minimal treatment is washed, combed, spun and woven into the Anlaby product range. This attention to detail results in the buttery softness distinctive of the exclusive woollen range.Throw came with packaging and information card which reads ANLABY in large capital lettering at the top and bottom of either side of card. Throw is white with green edging of 15cm on two edges. Within this edging is the sewing of a tree in white.Wording: ANLABY Pure Anlaby Merino Wool Oldest merino stud on mainland Australia Made in Australia Card. Wording: ANLABY Certificate of Authentication THIS CERTIFICATE AUTHENTICATES THE PRODUCT TO BE 100% AUSTRALIAN AND MADE FROM PURE MERINO WOOL PRODUCED EXCLUSIVELY AT THE ANLABY MERINO STUD IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA THE ANLABY FLOCK (REGISTERED NUMBER 102) IS THE OLDEST CONTINUOSLY OPERATING MERINO STUD IN MAINLAND AUSTRALIA. THE MERINO FLOCK AT ANLABY MAINTAINS A GENETIC LINE STARTED IN 1839 THIS PRODUCT IS PART OF THE LIMMITED EDITION RANGE PRODUCED AT ANLABY. IN 2014 WE CELEBRATED ANLABY’S 175TH ANNIVERSAY ANLABY Reverse. Wording: ANLABY PURE NATURAL WOOL THE SHEEP GRAZE AMONGST THE GUM TREES ON THE ROLLING HILLS OF ANLABY. ANLABY SHEEP ARE CHARACTERISTICALLY BIG BODDIED AND BRED TO FLOURISH IN THE WARM AUSTRALIAN CLIMATE. OUR WOOL IS MINIMALLY TREATED AND THE PRODUCTS ARE MADE IN SMALL RUNS UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF THE OWNERS. WE BELIEVE IN SUSTAINABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FARMING AND MILLING PRACTICES. THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL RESULTS IN THE BUTTERY SOFTNESS DISTINCTIVE OF THIS EXCLUSIVE WOOLLEN PRODUCT. WITH CARE THIS IS A TREASURED ITEM FOR THE NEXT GENERATION. ANLABY, merino sheep, south australia, wool processing, wool processing textile finishing -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Textile - Altar Cloth
This altar cloth is representative of ecclesiastical linen in use in the early to mid-20th century. It is decorated with the Mariner's Cross symbol, connecting it to the history of the early Christian church. The cover for the cloth shows the respect the maker had for the cloth and what it stands for. The Mariner's Cross symbol also makes it appropriate as an altar cloth for the St Nicholas Seamen's Church at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. Mariner’s Cross symbol and what it symbolises The symbol of an anchor that also looks like a cross is called the Mariner’s Cross (also called the Anchored Cross or Cross of Hope). It looks like a ‘plus’ sign with anchor flukes at the base and a ring at the top. The anchor is one of the earliest symbols used in Christianity and represents faith, hope and salvation in times of trial. The Mariner’s Cross is linked to the scripture in Hebrews 6:19, which says “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil”. This particular Mariner’s Cross also has the letter ‘X’ under the post of the anchor. In Greek, the language of the New Testament, the word for Christ is ‘Christos’, which begins with the Greek letter ‘X’ or ‘Chi’. Together, the elements on this Mariner’s Cross - anchor, cross and ‘X’ - symbolise to the Christian that Jesus Christ the Saviour gives security and safety, hope and salvation. Many church organisations still use various forms of the Mariner’s Cross. This design is also known as the Anchored Cross or Cross of Hope. The Missions to Seamen organisation The Missions to Seamen is an Anglican (Church of England) charity that has been serving the world's seafarers since 1856. It was inspired by the work of Rev. John Ashley who, 20 years earlier, had pioneered a ministry to seafarers in the Bristol Channel in Great Britain. When Ashley retired because of ill health, others determined that the work should continue, and they founded the Missions to Seamen. It adopted as its symbol a Flying Angel, inspired by a verse from Revelation 14 in the Bible. Today there are over 200 ports worldwide where the Missions to Seamen has centres and chaplains. A Missions to Seamen’s Club offers a warm welcome to sailors of all colours, creeds and races. A sailor can watch television, have a drink and a chat, change money or buy goods from the club shop or worship in the Chapel. In Victoria, the Missions to Seamen still has clubs in Melbourne, Portland and Geelong. The altar cloth is representative of the ecclesiastical linen in use in the early to mid-20th century, when the original St Nicholas Seamen's Church was opened in Williamstown, Victoria. The Mariner's Cross embroidered onto the altar cloth gives it a connection with the early Christian church and with the Missions to Seamen. The fine hand stitching and embroidery is an example of traditional handcraft skills used over the centuries and still continuing in use today.Altar cloth, white linen, with custom made white cotton cover. The long rectangular cloth has the symbol of a Mariner's Cross (anchor and cross) embroidered with white silk thread on each short end. The wide hems are hand stitched. The cover has two white tape ties and embroidered text in blue silk thread. On cloth: symbol of (anchor with an 'X' stitched behind the centre of it). On cover, text "FLAGSTAFF/ HILL" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, altar cloth, church linen, ecclesiastical linen, mariner’s cross, anchor cross, cross of hope, symbol of christianity, anchored cross -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Article - Newspaper Articles
Article One - Image of Private Wally Atkinson from Barmah, Victoria a descendant of Murray tribe. Article Two - Mealtime - image of aborigines at meal time Article Three - Swingtime - image of aborigines practisiing latest hits on gum leaves - members of gum leaf band have raised much money for local hospital,comfort funds. Article Four - Goanna Soup? image of Pte E Foster and Cook H L Harvey with "Myrtleford Mary" camp mascot (goanna) Article Five (on rear) - Canteen - image of aborignal squad at canteen. Aboriginal soldiers formed a special all volunteer platoon at No 9 Camp Wangaratta in Victoria from late 1940 until February 1941. No 9 Camp was set up at the Wangaratta Showgrounds to allow the formation of the 2/24th Australian Infantry Battalion prior to leaving for Egypt. Major Joseph Albert Wright a WW1 Light Horse veteran was in charge of this platoon the only Aboriginal squad in the Australian Military Forces at that time. The soldiers from Lake Tyers enlisted at Caulfield between June and July 1940 include Harold Cornelius HAYES VX 48217 DOB 2/4/1916 Enlisted 25/7/40 Discharged 22/3/1941 Edward FOSTER VX48218 DOB 25/5/1921 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 Noel Ernest HOOD VX48194 DOB 3/1/1919 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 Edward Leslie MULLETT VX48199 DOB 30/6/1910 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 Samuel Richard RANKIN VX48201 DOB 23/7/1910 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 Stewart HOOD VX47351 DOB 23/1/1903 Enlisted 18/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 William GORRIE VX48208 DOB 22/11/1921 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 David John MULLETT VX48195 DOB 10/6/1919 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 Arthur Alexander (Tom?) MULLETT VX48198 DOB 25/11/1914 Enlisted 25/7/1940 Discharged 22/3/1941 Images relates to the "special platoon" based at No 9 Camp Wangaratta as being the Australian Army's first all Aboriginal Unit formed in 1940. The soldiers were all volunteers mainly from Lake Tyers in Victoria. In addition to normal army training they performed guard duty at the Army Hospital and Camp. They formed the Gum Leaf Band and led the troops at community singing and assisted in Methodist Church services. Four black and white newspaper articles adhered to cream paperno 9 camp wangaratta, aboriginal platoon, 1940 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Audio - Audio Compact Cassette Tape, Audio Recording; Jock Read with Diana Bassett-Smith, 1990s
Oral history interview with Jock Read (1915- 2010) conducted by Diana Bassett-Smith of Eltham District Historical Society. Peter Bassett-Smith and possibly Gwen Orford also in attendance. The interview includes discussion of Jock's family history and connection to Eltham, including his attendance at Eltham State School starting 1921, childhood memories including games he played, memories of Eltham High School, recreational activities, milking, money earned, local transport, neighbours, effect of the Depression, local shops, involvement with the Church of England and more. Recording contains significant amount of noise. 0:00 Introduction including the clarification of Jock's name as Frances and backstory of his parents being from England 3:15- 5:00 Commences talking about home life and childhood 3:38 Talking about family immigrating to Australia His father immigrated to Australia when he was 6 4:05 Jock was born in and lived with his parents in Brunswick before moving to Eltham during the 1920s 4:55-7:44 Permanently moved to Eltham and started at Eltham Primary School in 1921 Talking about books used at school, and games played at school such as marbles, cricket and football 8:45 Moved into Eltham High School after finishing at Eltham Primary 9:50 Week and weekend activities including: Milking cows and doing milk runs on horseback before school 13:15 Most common mode of transport was using horse drawn vehicles and walking 14:50 Discusses impact of depression on family: Father had previously started a business but the depression had a large impact on that 16:10-18:00 Facilities that Jock had • Used hurricane lamps and candles- no electricity • Woodfire • Milk and bread were delivered • Greengrocer- George Bird? 25:22 Left Eltham high school in 1930 26:00 Begins discussing involvement with the church of England 31:46 Electricity did not come to Eltham until 1926 Jock described it as an exciting event 33:00-34:00 Describing the rented house, he was living in- small wooden cottage 35:00 Discussion around starting a mail run round areas of Eltham 38:40-42:35 Enlisted in the navy during WW2 • Navel cadets in 1934 • HMAS Vampire • Served as a seaman gunner Audio Compact Cassette Tape ACME C90 XHG Converted to MP3 file; 55.1MB, 0:42:35audio cassette, audio recording, diana bassett-smith, eltham, jock read, oral history, read family, elham primary school, eltham high school, eltham primary school, 1920s, brunswick, depression, church, st margaret's church, housing, ww2, second world war -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Lyon, 2014
ADA LAURA LYON Ada Laura Apted was born in 1898 at Queenstown, Victoria the daughter of William Ernest Apted and Sarah Ann Watts On the 2 July 1923 she married David Andrew Lyon at Panton Hill Vic. The Lyon family are well known for the fleet of small buses they ran out of their Eltham Garage. In the interim years between becoming married and moving to Eltham (census records indicate they were there in 1931) they lived in several other suburbs including Doncaster and Ivanhoe At the conclusion of World War 2 the citizens of Eltham decided that a memorial should be made to those of the district who had given their lives during the war. Whilst there had been earlier discussions in 1943 by a body of Eltham Women under the title of "the Women's Auxiliary of the (proposed) Eltham War Memorial Trust'' the first official steps were made on the 27 March 1945 in a meeting by the citizens of Eltham under the title of the Eltham District Progress Association. At this meeting one of the first agenda was the appointment of a committee called "The Eltham War Memorial Trust''. Another was to decision that the Memorial should include: A Baby Health Centre, A Children's Library, And a Pre-School Centre From the inception of the project Mrs Ada Laura Lyon worked tirelessly as a member of the Women's Auxiliary to raise money for the memorial. At the election of the officers of the Trust Council in 1961 she was elected as one of the three Vice Presidents. On the 27 September 1962 Ada suddenly passed away. The news of her death was reported at the following Trust meeting. The President Mrs Morrison voiced the feelings of all present that Ada had done so much for the Trust since its inception and had received the satisfaction of seeing the completion of the three units of the War Memorial Trust which had been her goal. On Tuesday 31 August 1965 the Diamond Valley Mirror reported that on the 28 August 1965 the Eltham War Memorial was transferred from the Eltham Memorial Trust to the Shire of Eltham. A special tribute was paid to the late Mrs Ada Lyon a foundation member who made the Trust her life. A memorial plaque (the sundial) was unveiled in her memory. Ada Lyon was interned at Eltham Cemetery on the 28 September 1962. She was survived by her husband David (who passed away on the 25 November 1975) and their two children Betty and Ian. Eltham Methodist Memorial Section Grave 204. [Author: Jim Allen c.2014] Folder of information on Lyon family. Contents: 1. Ada Laura Lyon (nee Apted) - biography written by Jim Allen (1 A4 page)biography, ada laura lyon (nee apted), david andrew lyon, eltham war memorial trust, sarah ann watts, william ernest apted