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Bendigo Military Museum
Document - Army Topographic Support Establishment: Preferred In-House Option, 1 23 Nov 1993, .2 30 Nov 1994, .3 14 Jun 1995
.1 The Preferred In-House Option (PIHO) proposes to meet the full requirements of the Request for Tender (RFT) by disestablishing Army Survey Regiment and establishing a new organisation which they have named the Defence Topographic Support Establishment (DTSE). It is proposed to locate the DTSE at Bendigo in the GFE facilities offered by the Commonwealth. The DTSE will be staffed by 140 Defence civilians, principally sourced from ex-RASvy members transferring to the Public Service under the provisions of Section 81B of the Public Service Act. Any existing civilian members excess to DTSE requirements are proposed to be managed within the terms and conditions of the Australian Public Service Redeployment and Retirement (Redundancy) Award 1987. Military members who elect to remain in the Service will be subject to redeployment or retraining in accordance with Service requirements. .2 Proposed re-organisation of Product Construction Squadron (PCS). Due to the transfer of Image and capture Sections to Digital Acquisition Squadron wef Jan 1995 it has been necessary to review the structure of those elements remaining within PCS. The review highlighted that there was an imbalance between Mapping and Digital products Troops. This could only be resolved by collapsing these two Troops into one single production element. This would halve the senior administrative personnel needed thus allowing them to be employed in other higher priority technical areas. The proposed restructure of PCS is outlined in Annex A with redundant personnel listed in Annex B. The combined Troop is to be designated "Construction Troop" and comprises 1 Offr and 69 ORs. The role of this Tp would be to perform all digital production. It is further divided into small and Large Format Sections. This division is functionally based and reflects the hardware and software configurations now resident within the Sqn post system upgrade. .3 During the transition period leading to full implementation of the PHIO, the Army Svy Regt and DTSE (later ATSE) will at times operate concurrently whilst Army Svy Regt scales down production and progressively transfers all technical functions to DTSE. army Svy Regt and 4 Fd Svy Sqn will continue programmed production activities until declared operationally ineffective, however a contingency mapping capability will be maintained throughout the period of implementation. Implementation of the PHIO involves a number of related activities including staff recruitment, equipment acquisition and transfer of technical responsibility. This instruction details the coordination of these and related implementation activities. .1 Preferred In-House Option, Army Topographic Support Establishment. Summary of Tender. 10 x pages typed text and schematic diagrams. .2 Proposed reorganisation - product Construction Squadron. 9 x pages typed text and schematic diagrams. .3 Implementation of the Commercial Support Program (CSP) Digital Topographical support to the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Preferred In-House Option 14 Jun 1995. 22 x pages typed text and schematic diagrams. royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army svy reg, army survey regiment, atse -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Report, Paul Jerome, Advisory Committee on a Proposed Convenience Centre and an Alternative Shire Proposal - Eltham Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan - 895 Main Road Eltham, October 1997
On 15 December 1994 the former Shire of Eltham ceased to exist following the Liberal Kennett Government local council amalgamations. A new Nillumbik Shire Council was established with unelected commissioners appointed. That Council sold the former Eltham Shire Council Offices and land at 89S Main Road Eltham to Dallas Price Homes Pty. Ltd. the sale being conditional upon the granting of a planning permit for a petrol station/convenience store, fast food and video outlet. The sale was conditional that if the permit was not granted by 30 August. 1997, the contract could be avoided by either the purchaser or the vendor. The proposed development consisted of a petrol station with undercover fuelling facilities, convenience shopping, a drive through service facility for fast food, an 80 seat cafe, automated banking, a children's play area and retail space. In addition, the proposal included a 200 square metre community facility for Council use, provision of on site carparking over 2 levels for 83 vehicles, and advertising signage. An Advisory Committee consisting of Dimitry Reed and Margaret Pitt was appointed under Section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to hear submissions on the proposal to develop the land at 895 Main Road Eltham, the site of the former Eltham Shire Offices. In September 1996, two applications were made by Contour Consultants Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Dallas Price Homes Ply Ltd, to Nillumbik Shire Council. After extensive notification, the Council received 213 objections and a petition of over 1400 signatures. On October 9, 1996, Nillumbik Shire Council issued Notices of Decision to Grant Permit on Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, cafe/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs. Objectors to the proposals lodged Planning Appeals number 96/40724 and 96/40812 with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on November 1, 1996. The grounds of appeal can be summarised as: inappropriate development, insufficient carparking, traffic and access issues, unsatisfactory design, inadequate permit conditions, the proposal being out of character with the area. and being contrary to the purpose and orderly development of the Eltham Town Centre, excessive noise, lack of consultation and unsuitable signage. On November 13, 1996, the Minister for Planning and Local Government directed the Registrar of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. under Section 41 (1) (a) of the Planning Act 1980, to refer the Appeals to the Governor in Council for determination without a hearing or recommendation by the Tribunal. The Minister for Planning and Local Government called in the Appeals as he considered that they raised major issues of policy relating to the facilitation of development in accordance with the objectives set out in Section 4 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and that determination of the Appeals could have a substantial effect on the achievement of these planning objectives. The Minister required the Advisory Committee to consider the planning merits of the proposed use and development, and to address the issues raised in the objections. The Advisory Committee was required to produce a report providing: • The Committee's response to the matters detailed; • Relevant supporting information for the Advisory Committee's recommendation; and • A description of the proceedings conducted by the Advisory Committee and a list of those consulted or heard by the Committee. In March 1997, elections were held in the Shire of Nillumbik and the view of the new Council to this proposal differed from the view held by the earlier Council Hence the Submission made to the Committee by the Shire was against the decision by the Shire of Nillumbik to issue the Notices of Decision to Grant a Permit. The Recommendations of the Advisory Committee were: i. The cafe and take away food premises are as of right uses and are therefore allowable, but that shop and petrol station are unacceptable uses. A community facility is a discretionary use and is acceptable. ii. A development of the type and scale proposed is totally inappropriate for this land and that the Applications number 96/03376 and 96/0377 for the use and development of the land as a convenience Centre consisting of a petrol station, convenience store, café/takeaway food premises, a retail facility and a community facility, with associated advertising signs, be refused. iii. The land should be rezoned for public purposes and should remain in the community's ownership for community use. Following this, the Minister for Planning and Local Government, the Hon. Robert Maclellan, appointed Mr. Paul Jerome as an Advisory Committee under section 151 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to consider a Convenience Centre and an alternative proposal by Iha Shire of Nillumbik being the Eltham Gateway Community Precinct Concept Plan for the site of the former Shire of Eltham municipal offices at 895 Main Road, Eltham. In summary, the terms of reference for the Advisory Committee required it to: • consider the merits of the Council proposal • examine the merits of both proposals in terms of net community benefit • address the report of the previous Advisory Committee on the Convenience Centre proposal The Advisory Committee inspected the site and considered all the material before It including submissions made by all parties to the previous Advisory Committee and correspondence received by the Department of Infrastructure both before and after that Committee submltted its report. The Advisory Committee also held discussions with the following people: • Cr. Robert Marshall • Cr. Margaret Jennings • Cr. Lex de Man • Mr. Dallas Howgate of Dallas Price Properties, also Dallas Price Homes • Mr. Barry Rochford, CEO, Shire of Nillumbik • Ms. Yvonne Rust, Planning Officer, Shire of Nillumbik • Mr. Gregory Burgess, Architect of the Eltham Library and of Council’s Community Precinct Concept Plan • Mr. Jim Connor representing Mrs Thelma Barkway of the Eltham Senior Citizens Club Having considered all the material before it, the Committee arrived at two basic conclusions. First, the DPP proposal should be rejected because, on its merits, It does not sufficiently satisfy the requirements of the planning scheme which is a statutory document. The planning scheme requires that, before making a decision on the permit applications for the DPP proposal, a range of matters must be considered. It follows that consideration of these matters should Influence the decision. These matters include local policies relating to character and amenity. In particular, these policies seek • to conserve and enhance the bushland/country atmosphere, artistic heritage and strong sense of community of the Eltham Town Centre by ensuring that the design and height of any new development is sympathetic to existing buildings • to achieve a pleasing physical environment within the Eltham Town Centre by encouraging a high standard of architecture and urban design • to encourage Improvement to pedestrian amenity through such facilities as open and shattered rest areas and meeting places, crossing facilities, pedestrian arcades, pedestrian links to car parks and pedestrian weather protection • to reduce conflict between vehicular traffic and pedestrian flows, and • to encourage pedestrian thoroughfares It is submitted, as set out In the main body of this report, that the DPP proposal fails substantially to meet these policies and In so doing does not merit the exercise of discretion In Its favour with the Issuing of a permit. This finding is not offset by the investment and employment attributes of the proposal. They do not override the need to comply with the planning scheme. Second, the Council proposal, on Its own merits, substantially meets all statutory requirements applicable to this site with a possible reservation about car parking and traffic management which need further definition and assessment as the concept is refined. The Council proposal, however, has a serious weakness in that Its financial viability has not been adequately tested. The Committee refers to 'financial' rather than 'commercial' viability in recognition that Council owns the land and may enter into a range of agreements and partnerships to realise its concept some of which may be truly commercial and some of which may involve an element of subsidy arising from Council's involvement as a public body acting on behalf of its community. The Committee concludes that Council should be given the opportunity, within a reasonable timeframe to establish the financial feasibility of its concept and should develop a strategy for the future of Its land asset at 895 Main Road in the event that Its concept for the site cannot be realised. 895 main road, advisory committee, dallas price homes, eltham, eltham shire office, nillumbik shire council, planning application, administrative appeals tribunal -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Lantern Slide, c1900
This lantern slide shows the Ovens District Hospital (also called the Ovens Goldfields Hospital) in Beechworth in approximately 1900. The Hospital was built as part of a community push to develop the infrastructure needed for a permanent town in the 1850s. At the time there was no hospital located between Melbourne and the NSW town of Goulburn and it was recognised that the nature of mining and agricultural work predisposed people to serious injury. The community voted in 1853 to raise funds for a hospital and a voluntary committee elected from people who contributed £2 or more annually determined the organisation's management policies, which aimed to provide care for poor people at rates levied according to the person's means. Ongoing operations of the hospital were primarily supported by Government grants, however. The foundation stone was laid at a site in Church Street at a ceremony held 1st September 1856 which was attended by 2000 people using a locally crafted trowel with a tin ore handle and pure gold blade. The hospital, which was designed by J.H. Dobbyn, cost £2347. The hospital had two wards, a dispensary, apartments for a resident surgeon and the matron, an operating theatre and a board room. Further medical facilities including services to meet the cultural and health needs of the local Chinese community were later added, in addition to a Palladian-style cut-granite face built in 1862-63. It functioned as the region's primary hospital until surpassed by the Wangaratta Hospital in 1910. In the 1940s much of the building materials were salvaged and repurposed, with the exception of the facade which was restored in 1963 by the Beechworth Lions Club and still stands today. The facade featured on the covers of local history volume 'Beechworth: a Titan's Field' by Carole Woods and heritage-focused travel guide the 'Readers Digest Book of Historic Australian Towns'. Lantern slides, sometimes called 'magic lantern' slides, are glass plates on which an image has been secured for the purpose of projection. Glass slides were etched or hand-painted for this purpose from the Eighteenth Century but the process became more popular and accessible to the public with the development of photographic-emulsion slides used with a 'Magic Lantern' device in the mid-Nineteenth Century. Photographic lantern slides comprise a double-negative emulsion layer (forming a positive image) between thin glass plates that are bound together. A number of processes existed to form and bind the emulsion layer to the base plate, including the albumen, wet plate collodion, gelatine dry plate and woodburytype techniques. Lantern slides and magic lantern technologies are seen as foundational precursors to the development of modern photography and film-making techniques.This glass slide is significant because it provides insight into Beechworth's built environment and infrastructure in the early Twentieth Century, around the time of Australia's Federation. It is also an example of an early photographic and film-making technology in use in regional Victoria in the time period.Thin translucent sheet of glass with a round-edged square image printed on the front and framed in a black backing. It is held together by metal strips to secure the edges of the slide.Obverse: Y /burke museum, beechworth, lantern slide, slide, glass slide, plate, burke museum collection, photograph, monochrome, ovens district hospital, indigo shire, north-east victoria, hospital, palladian architecture, granite, community fundraising, community infrastructure, j.h. dobbyn, beechworth lions club, ovens goldfields hospital, chinese community -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Postcard, New Sutherland Home, 28 Drummond Street, Diamond Creek, c.1912
Postcard: Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Saturday 15 June 1912, page 48 ________________________________________ NEW SUTHERLAND HOME. OPENED BY THE PREMIER. A new home for destitute and neglected children, erected for the purpose of carrying on the work of the late Miss Sutherland, was formally opened by the Premier (Mr. Watt) at 28 Drummond-street on Thursday. The new building has been erected at a cost of £1600, of which only £300 has been provided by the Government. A similar sum has been raised by private contribution, but there is still a debt of £800 or £900, which the committee hopes to liquidate shortly - to some extent by means of a sale of gifts, which was 'opened in the building, and will be continued this afternoon and evening. The Premier, in performing the opening ceremony, said the home was a monument to the life work of one of the most distinguished social servants this country had known. (Applause.) Although Miss Sutherland was dead her good work lived on. It was too often true, as Shakespeare said, that "the evil that men do lives after them - the good is oft interred, with their bones." But the statement was contradicted by this noble building, erected for the commemoration of the work Miss Sutherland had instituted. After referring to the good work done by Mrs. Alexander Smith in connection with the building, Mr. Watt said that Victoria owed to the ladies and gentlemen who associated themselves with asylums, refuges, orphanages and homes of this sort a deep and abiding debt of gratitude. (Applause.) With no coercion from the Legislature, or from anyone, these ladies and gentlemen, were endeavouring to organise and keep alive the services that surrounded these institutions. There was no form of organised charity with which he was acquainted that deserved better of the public than this one. (Hear, hear.) Their hospitals, it was true, relieved a vast amount of suffering and affliction, but there was a sacred duty resting on any civilised community to see that those who were forsaken by their natural parents or guardians should not be left absolutely to the mercy of circumstance. The new home, which is intended as a receiving, house for destitute children - prior to their departure for the home at Diamond Creek - has living accommodation for some 20 children, but when fully furnished will accommodate more. It is plainly, but neatly, fitted up, with an abundance of light and air, and of facilities for hot and cold water. Both outside and inside it is an acquisition to the charitable institutions of the city. NEW SUTHERLAND HOME. (1912, June 15). Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), p. 48. Retrieved March 14, 2024, from See also Sutherland Homes for Children Nov 29, 2012 The building was replaced by a much larger building in 1929 See NNT_107tom fielding collection, diamond creek, drummond street, miss sutherland, new sutherland home, opening, sutherland home for children -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Candlestick holder, T. Gaunt & Co, circa 1944
This pair of altar lights is from the St. Nicholas Seamen’s Church, 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria, and was used during religious services there. The Church was operated by the Mission to Seamen organisation. The par of candlestick holders was originally donated by Mrs. R.J. Ewart,as part of the furnishings for the new St Nicholas Seamen's Church in Williamstown, opened in 1944. The candlestick holders were made by T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888 THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. These candlestick holders are significant historically for their origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The connection of the candlestick holders to the Mission to Seamen ighlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support.Candlestick holders or altar lights; pair of two polished brass holders. The wax cup at the top has a scalloped lip, the centre of the stem has a bulbous section, and the base has a cast floral design depicting leaves and grapes. The holders have inscriptions. They were made by T. Gaunt & Co. This pair of Altar Lights is part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. Stamped "T GAUNT & CO."flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church, williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, religious worship, candlestick holder, altar light, r j ewart, church furnishing, church lighting, t gaunt & co -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Candlestick holder, T. Gaunt & Co, circa 1944
This pair of altar lights is from the St. Nicholas Seamen’s Church, 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria, and was used during religious services there. The Church was operated by the Mission to Seamen organisation. The par of candlestick holders was originally donated by Mrs. M. Jackson, as part of the furnishings for the new St Nicholas Seamen's Church in Williamstown, opened in 1944. The candlestick holders were made by T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt's photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. These candlestick holders are significant historically for their origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The connection of the candlestick holders to the Mission to Seamen highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Candlestick holder, polished brass, pair of two. The wax cup has a scalloped lip, the centre of the stem has a bulbous section, the base has a floral design depicting leaves and grapes. Inscribed. Made by T. Gaunt & Co. This pair of Altar Lights is in our St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection.Inscribed "T. GAUNT & CO.."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, candlestick holders, altar lights, mrs. m. jackson, t. gaunt & co., religious service, ladies lightkeepers' auxiliary, mission to seamen victoria, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, religious worship, m. jackson -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Equipment - Barbers’ Equipment, hair clippers steel 'Brown & Sharpe", c1940
1833 Brown & Sharpe was founded in Providence, Rhode Island by David Brown and his son Joseph R. Brown. David Brown retired in 1841 and Joseph Brown formed a partnership with Lucian Sharpe in 1853. During the 19th and 20th centuries, Brown & Sharpe was one of the best-known and most influential machine tool builders and was a leading manufacturer of instruments for machinists (such as micrometers and indicators ) and helped establish: The American wire gauge (AWG) standards for wire; The Brown & Sharpe taper in machine tool spindle tapers; and The Brown & Sharpe worm threadform for worm gears. .Like most machine tool builders, Brown & Sharpe rode a business cycle roller coaster during 1920- 40. After being kept very busy during World War I, builders suffered a slump in the post–World War I recession and depression of 1920–21. The Roaring Twenties brought renewed sales, but then the Great Depression slashed them. The armament-build-up period of 1936 to 1940 again renewed machine tool activity, and then the World War II materiel effort exploded demand, pushing it to record heights and employed 11,000 workers. Brown and Sharpe machine tools were a mainstay of American metal manufacturing until the late 20th Century and could be found in most machine shops and factories that worked with metal. Brown and Sharpe made callipers and micrometers that were essential to products built to fine tolerances. Shortly after World War II, Henry D. Sharpe, Jr. succeeded his father as president of Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company, at which point it evolved into a new and modern company built, or at least designed, to last. The firm stopped producing its old stalwarts: sewing machines, hair clippers, and certain categories of machine tools and employment dropped to 3,500 in 1976. Due to industrial disputes in the 1980’s B&S started focusing more on developing Coordinate-Measuring Machines. The company began to lose money as it shifted production away from machine tools and toward advanced metrology equipment, losing $14.6 million in 1990 and employed only 700. In 1994 Brown & Sharpe acquired DEA of Italy, an established manufacturer of CMMs. In 2001, substantially all of the assets of the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company, including the intellectual property, designs, trademarks, facilities and inventory, were acquired by Hexagon AB, Switzerland, without the acquisition of the Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company itself. A set of manual barbers’ hair clippers with an adjustable wing screw, from Brown and Sharpe, Manufacturing Company Ltd., Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Chrome plated, in fair condition, c1940on Right handle; MADE BY BROWN & SHARPE MFG. CO. POV. R.I. / PAT'D IN GREAT BRITAIN, EN FRANCE, S.G.D.G. / U.S.A. PATENTS JULY 1-79, JUNE 3-84, AUG 23- 92 on top blade ; BRESSANT / TRADEMARK on base of lower blade ; No. 2* barbers, hairdressers, hair clippers, brown and sharpe manufacturing company, providence rhode island, hexagon ab, switzerland, great britain, france, ww1 1914-1918, ww11 1939-1945, great depression 1930, micrometers, tools, precision instruments, brown david, brown joseph r , sharpe lucian, sharpe henry d jnr, american wire gauge standard, sewing machines, metrological tools, worm gears, spindle tapers, screw machines, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, city of moorabbin industries, -
Monash University Museum of Computing History
Ferranti Sirius mainframe computer, 1961
The Ferranti Sirius is an electronic second-generation transistor computer and is one of three remaining examples of this machine left in the world. It was an important addition to the computing facilities at Monash University in the early 1960s and provided access for computer programming and research for many early computer professionals, academics and teachers. The Ferranti Sirius computer was built in a period of rapid growth in computing technology. The first stored program computers appeared in the late 1940s and used individual designs with valve technology. By the mid-1950s valve technology was replaced by transistors and the first mass produced commercial computers became available. The Ferranti Sirius was announced in 1959 and offered a “small” academic computer. It was designed and built by the English company Ferranti Ltd and sold through a local office of the company in Melbourne. The Sirius was manufactured at the Ferranti Ltd.’s West Gorton, England factory from 1959 to 1963 and, in all, the company produced probably 22 installations although only 16 were actually recorded as sold; this included one at Ferranti’s Bureau in London and one at Ferranti’s Melbourne Bureau. Only 7 were exported and 4 of these 7 were located in Melbourne, Australia. All four were associated with computing at Monash University – the Sirius in the MMoCH collection was purchased by Monash University in 1962, a smaller Ferranti Sirius was used on the Caulfield campus (prior to amalgamation with Monash University) from 1963, the Ferranti company had its own Ferranti Sirius initially temporarily installed at Clayton campus in 1962 and then placed in their office in Queens Road, Melbourne. A fourth computer was purchased by ICIANZ (now Orica) in 1962 and was transferred to Clayton campus in 1967. Only two of these Melbourne examples have survived; one in the MMoCH collection and one at Museums Victoria. There is an example of the Ferranti Sirius in the Science Museum Group collection in the UK as well. The Ferranti Sirius in the MMoCH collection was the first computer purchased by Monash University and it was shipped to Australia to be installed by November 1962. The University had a similar model computer on loan from Ferranti Ltd during the first part of the year and it was returned to the office of the company in Queens Road, Melbourne once the University’s own machine was installed. The computer was placed on site at Clayton campus, Monash University. The computer operated from 1962 until 1972 when it was officially decommissioned. The Ferranti Sirius was sold to Mr Paul Stewart in late 1974 and removed from Monash University. Mr Stewart later donated the computer back to the University in 1988 and it was transferred to the collection of the Monash Museum of Computing History after 2001. The Ferranti Sirius is an electronic second-generation transistor computer and is one of three remaining examples of this machine left in the world. It was an important addition to the computing facilities at Monash University in the early 1960s and provided access for computer programming and research for many early computer professionals, academics and teachers. The Ferranti Sirius is of scientific (technological) significance as one of the early transistor digital computers that transitioned computing from first-generation valve computers to second generation commercial installations. This example of the Sirius is of historical significance in its role as a part of the Computer Centre, Clayton campus, Monash University which provided computing facilities in Melbourne in the early 1960s when there were few installations available for academic, administrative and commercial users. Staff and students were able to undertake investigative research and learn programming techniques. The Computer Centre encouraged the use of the computer across all disciplines and this provided the base to establish computer science as a subject offering and, later, a new department in the University. This growth in computer education eventually culminated in the establishment of the Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University. The Ferranti Sirius in the collection at Monash Museum of Computing History has a main unit with a CPU and memory combined with input/output equipment and one extra cabinet of memory. The Central Processing Unit is a floor-standing unit which contains the computer circuits, power supplies and has a decimal digit display panel and a normal clock. A moveable control panel is placed in front of the Unit (Currently set on a recreated desk/filing cabinet support in the display). The Sirius base unit uses acoustic delay line memory with 1000 word store. An additional 3000 word memory cabinet is set adjacent to the CPU and can be connected to increase the memory. The computer is supported by a range of input/output devices. There is a Ferranti Paper tape reader, located on desk in front of CPU. Red label on front “Ferranti tape reader. Type TR 5. Serial No. 477”. Adjacent to the CPU is a set of Simplified tape editing equipment in three pieces which includes a (1) Table unit with switches on front face. Metal tag on reverse reads “Creed & Co. Model No. S4060. Serial No. 1457. Original Customers Marking GRP7 V706”. The table has a numbered internal tag “Table Serial No. 198579. (2)Creed teletype set on table unit. Metal tag on reverse “Creed & Co. Model No. 75RPR K4M4. Serial No. 5897 Made in England”. (3)Creed paper tape reader set on table unit. This set of equipment could read paper tape and print it, or copy paper tape while allowing it to be edited, or allow a programmer or data preparation person to type and punch a new program or data. It has no electrical connection to the computer. Paper tapes were usually torn off and carried across to the computer. There is also another table unit with switches on front face and changeable setting switch on front right side which holds a Ferranti Westrex paper tape punch set. Label on reverse “Teletype Code BRPE11” This was the Computer’s only output device. BRPE-11 is a teletype model number. -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Photograph - Falls Creek Primary School
Falls Creek Primary School Prior to 1965, couples with small children would move away from Falls Creek due to there being no school facilities in the village. In the mid 60's a few families with school age children established themselves in the village, and a need arose for a school to encourage them to stay. An enrolment of seven children and a building was required before the Education Department could become involved. The Management Committee of the day gifted the families some land (still the site of the Falls Creek Primary School No. 5067) and fundraising began. The original committee consisted of the Steven family (two children), the Lee family (three children), the Caddie family (no children), the Carroll family (no children), and the Alston family (children?). After two years of community based, yet dubious fundraising methods (including weekly gluhwein parties, keg parties and numerous raffles), enough money ($1,300) was raised and an unused SEC building in Mt Beauty was bid on and won. Due to the condition of the road up to Falls Creek, it had to be dismantled and reassembled up the mountain. Unfortunately, the building was delivered to Falls Creek too late into the season to be erected but the following summer, with no money available to hire builders, working bees began, beer was on tap, and BBQs were cooked, and a crude schoolroom with an oil heater donated by Cecil Dobson from Winterhaven was erected. The first teacher hired was an Alaskan woman who agreed to a wage of $10 per child per week. Due to minimal resources the children were sent home at different times of the day in order to warm up and have a meal. Through the winter of 1971 many government departments were lobbied and it was decided that if the building could be finished to the Education Departments standards then they would provide a government endorsed full time teacher. The three main site holders (Bob Lee, Cecil Dobson and Dick Humphries) took out a loan and the school was refurbished and opened as the 'Bob Scott Memorial Hall' in time for the 1972 season. Maree Keele was the first Head Teacher. After three years of fund raising by the school committee the hall was paid off in full. After many years in the original building the Education Department took control of the school, updated the classrooms and provided accommodation for the teachers. In 1982, discussions began surrounding construction of a 'new' Falls Creek Primary School, a joint property with the community and the Education Department. After it was decided that the funds could not be raised fully by the community ($150,000), the Department constructed a new facility and students moved in on 1st July 1985.This image is significant because it represents the school which the Falls Creek Community fought to establish for their children.A framed coloured photo of Falls Creek Primary School under heavy snowIn lower right corner - 1981 Old Primary School Above doorway:- FALLS CREEK SCHOOL No. 5067falls creek primary school, fcps 5067, education falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Photograph - Children at Falls Creek Primary School
Falls Creek Primary School Prior to 1965, couples with small children would move away from Falls Creek due to there being no school facilities in the village. In the mid 60's a few families with school age children established themselves in the village, and a need arose for a school to encourage them to stay. An enrolment of seven children and a building was required before the Education Department could become involved. The Management Committee of the day gifted the families some land (still the site of the Falls Creek Primary School No. 5067) and fundraising began. The original committee consisted of the Steven family (two children), the Lee family (three children), the Caddie family (no children), the Carroll family (no children), and the Alston family (children?). After two years of community based, yet dubious fundraising methods (including weekly gluhwein parties, keg parties and numerous raffles), enough money ($1,300) was raised and an unused SEC building in Mt Beauty was bid on and won. Due to the condition of the road up to Falls Creek, it had to be dismantled and reassembled up the mountain. Unfortunately, the building was delivered to Falls Creek too late into the season to be erected but the following summer, with no money available to hire builders, working bees began, beer was on tap, and BBQs were cooked, and a crude schoolroom with an oil heater donated by Cecil Dobson from Winterhaven was erected. The first teacher hired was an Alaskan woman who agreed to a wage of $10 per child per week. Due to minimal resources the children were sent home at different times of the day in order to warm up and have a meal. Through the winter of 1971 many government departments were lobbied and it was decided that if the building could be finished to the Education Departments standards then they would provide a government endorsed full time teacher. The three main site holders (Bob Lee, Cecil Dobson and Dick Humphries) took out a loan and the school was refurbished and opened as the 'Bob Scott Memorial Hall' in time for the 1972 season. Maree Keele was the first Head Teacher. After three years of fund raising by the school committee the hall was paid off in full. After many years in the original building the Education Department took control of the school, updated the classrooms and provided accommodation for the teachers. In 1982, discussions began surrounding construction of a 'new' Falls Creek Primary School, a joint property with the community and the Education Department. After it was decided that the funds could not be raised fully by the community ($150,000), the Department constructed a new facility and students moved in on 1st July 1985.This image is significant as it is representative of the children who have attended Falls Creek Primary School and their families who work to establish an education facility in Falls Creek.A coloured photo of a group of students gathered outside Falls Creek Primary School No. 5067 held in the Bob Scott Memorial Hall. Children in the photo include:- Phoebe Irwin, Paul Bryce, Sharon Purdue, Matthew Dobson, Tracy Lee, Danielle Humphries, Emma Brown, Kelly Bryce, Tim Scott, Megan Scott, Darren Spargo, David Spargo, Paul Costa, Adrian Costa, Luke (?) Spargo, Charlie Brownfalls creek primary school, bob scott memorial hall, education falls creek, fcps 5067 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Photograph - Children outside Falls Creek Primary School, 1971
Falls Creek Primary School Prior to 1965, couples with small children would move away from Falls Creek due to there being no school facilities in the village. In the mid 60's a few families with school age children established themselves in the village, and a need arose for a school to encourage them to stay. An enrolment of seven children and a building was required before the Education Department could become involved. The Management Committee of the day gifted the families some land (still the site of the Falls Creek Primary School No. 5067) and fundraising began. The original committee consisted of the Steven family (two children), the Lee family (three children), the Caddie family (no children), the Carroll family (no children), and the Alston family (children?). After two years of community based, yet dubious fundraising methods (including weekly gluhwein parties, keg parties and numerous raffles), enough money ($1,300) was raised and an unused SEC building in Mt Beauty was bid on and won. Due to the condition of the road up to Falls Creek, it had to be dismantled and reassembled up the mountain. Unfortunately, the building was delivered to Falls Creek too late into the season to be erected but the following summer, with no money available to hire builders, working bees began, beer was on tap, and BBQs were cooked, and a crude schoolroom with an oil heater donated by Cecil Dobson from Winterhaven was erected. The first teacher hired was an Alaskan woman who agreed to a wage of $10 per child per week. Due to minimal resources the children were sent home at different times of the day in order to warm up and have a meal. Through the winter of 1971 many government departments were lobbied and it was decided that if the building could be finished to the Education Departments standards then they would provide a government endorsed full time teacher. The three main site holders (Bob Lee, Cecil Dobson and Dick Humphries) took out a loan and the school was refurbished and opened as the 'Bob Scott Memorial Hall' in time for the 1972 season. Maree Keele was the first Head Teacher. After three years of fund raising by the school committee the hall was paid off in full. After many years in the original building the Education Department took control of the school, updated the classrooms and provided accommodation for the teachers. In 1982, discussions began surrounding construction of a 'new' Falls Creek Primary School, a joint property with the community and the Education Department. After it was decided that the funds could not be raised fully by the community ($150,000), the Department constructed a new facility and students moved in on 1st July 1985.This image is significant because it includes children who became champion competitors at Victorian State, national and international level.A black and white photo of a group of children on a toboggan outside the Falls Creek Primary. It includes several future champion skiers. From back:- Kate Stevens, Pretty Valley Lodge, World Cup Freestyle representative and Champion; Tracey Lee, Attunga Lodge, Second in the Australian Freestyle and Australian Under Fifteen champion; Matthew Dobson, Winterhaven; Steven Lee, Attunga, three times Olympic and World Cup representative and competed on professional circuit; Chris Losch, Feathertop; Chris Heberle, Le Chalet, Cross Country Champion, eight times Australian Champion; Michelle Caddy, Geilo; Julie Smith: Vicki Losch, Feathertop: Debbie Humphreys, Powerhouse, Scott Caddy, Geilo: Sue Heberle, Le Chalet: Danielle Humphreys, Powerhouse, raced in State Championships and became ski instructor.falls creek primary school, falls creek education, falls creek skiers -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Poster - Poster, Information Board, 5 RAR 1966 - 1967 (1st Tour)
An Poster, Information Board of 5 RAR 1966 to 1967 (tst Tour). The 5th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment ("Battalion") were the leading element of the First Australian Task Force (1 ATF) and stationed in Vietnam from 1966 to 1967. The Battalion's task was to break Viet Cong control over the central region of Phuoc Tuy Province - an area that communists had freely operated in since 1945. Commencing of the 24th May 1966, the Battalion conducted its first operation codenamed "Hardihood". Their objective was to sweep and clear areas to the north and east of Nui Dat to a distance of 5000 meters, then create a defensive position to enable 1 ATF to establish an operation base. The Battalion conducted eighteen full-lenght operations as well as numerous day and night cordon and search, search and destroy, ambush and clearing patrols conducted at company, platoon and section levels. the Battalion achieved considerable success during Operations Canberra and Queanbeyan in October 1966 when it swept and cleared the Nui Thi Vai mountain. A Viet Cong base consisting of training facilities, a hospital, booby trap factory and several tonnes of rice was located and destroyed. during phase two (Operation Queanbeyan) the battalion discovered complex cave and tunnel systems along with other fixed installations that were vigorously fought for and destroyed by the battalion. Not only di the caves contain large quantities of weapons, equipment and documents but the 274 VC Regiments deputy commanders radio complex. For bravery and leadership, three Military Crosses, one Military Medal and one Mentioned in Dispatches were awarded. The last was awarded posthumously. However, at the completion of the battalion's first tour, the 274 and 275 Viet Cong Regiments remained functional. While the enemy retained the capacity to inflict serious casualities on smaller allied forces, the Battalion and other elements of the 1 AFt were successful in denying the enemy their previous gains. This enabled the South Vietnamese Government to re-establish control of over 96 per cent of the Phuoc Tuy Province during Australia's involvement. Source O'Neill, RJ Vietnam Task, the 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment 1966/67, Melbourne. Cassell Australia Ltd, 19685 rar, 1st tour 1966 - 1967, operation hardihood, 1st atf base, poster, information board, nui dat, nui thai vai mountains, operation canberra, operation queanbeyan, viet cong, 274 vc regiments -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Print - Religious Print, T. Noyes Lewis, The Cross of Glory, Mid to late 19th century for the print, the reframing appears to date from the 1960's
The picture was framed by business, Leighton House, paint and art merchants at 346 Little Collins Street, Melbourne. It was made to order, number 6777. The business was also called The Leighton Gallery of Art and was owned by W & G Dean Pty Ltd. The phone number on the label "MU 8291" indicates that the picture was framed circa the 1960s or earlier, during the time that Melbourne was using 6-0digit alpha-numeric numbers. Below the picture is an excerpt of a hymn "The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns" by Thomas Kelly: The head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now; A royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. The Cross He bore is life and heath, Though shame and death to Him; His people's hope, his people's wealth, Their everlasting theme. This picture was part of the original furnishings of the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This picture is significant through its association with the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen Church in Williamstown, Melbourne, established in 1857. The items in our collection from the Missions to Seamen in Williamstown, Victoria, have historical and social significance. They show that people of the 1800s and 1900s cared about the seafarers’ religious, moral, and social welfare, no matter what the religion, social status or nationality. It had its origins in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The first Australian branch was started in 1856 by the Rev. Kerr Johnston, a Church of England clergyman, and operated from a hulk moored in Hobson’s Bay; later the Mission occupied buildings in Williamstown and Port Melbourne. Picture, print of "The Cross of Glory", rectangular, framed print on matt. It depicts Jesus Christ on a cross with an angel on each side, at his feet. He is wearing priestly robes and a gold crown on top of thorns on his head. In the background there is a rainbow and clouds. The text below the picture includes "From the picture by T. Noyes Lewis". Lines from a hymn are also printed below the picture. The back of the picture has pencilled numbers in three places plus a printed label with the framer's details. "From the picture by T. Noyes Lewis". Backing paper has pencil "6777" in two places. Label has bencil "677-" flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, the cross of glory, print, t. noyes lewis, leighton house, home decoration, religioius picture, church furnishing, w & g dean pty ltd, leighton gallery of art, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, flying angles club, st nicholas mission to seamen church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, 139 nelson place williamstown -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Black and white photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Model Steam Engine
The Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine was purchased as the result of a bequest from Thomas Bath. The 'substantial sum' was used to build an Engineering Laboratory. The Ballarat School of Mines Council minutes of 08 November 1901 record: - Plans for [the] proposed building were submitted ... and ... it was resolved that a temporary building for an Engineering Laboratory be put up.' This laboratory, as an existing building, is first mentioned in the Ballarat School of Mines President's Annual Report of 1901, presented on 28 February 1902, reporting 'the erection of a building 67ft long by 33 ft wide' This report also lists all the equipment that would be accommodated in the Engineering Laboratory, including the experimental steam engine and boiler. The experimental Davey-Paxman steam engine arrived in Ballarat towards the end of 1902. The Engineering Laboratory was opened on 14 August 1903 by His Excellency Sir Sydenham Clarke. This engineering laboratory remained in use till about 1945. By 1944 preparations were under way at the Ballarat School of Mines to expand existing facilities, to be ready for the influx of returned soldiers. A new Heat Engines laboratory was built, this time of brick construction, replacing the previous corrugated-iron shed. In the early stages the steam engine was used to drive an overhead transmission shaft for machinery in the adjacent workshop. Later the steam engine was moved to a space that became the Heat Thermodynamics Laboratory. At the end of 1969 the engine was relocated to the Thermodynamics Laboratory at the then Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (BIAE) Mt Helen Campus. It was donated to Sovereign Hill in 2006. According to the research of Rohan Lamb in 2001 around five experimental steam engines were made by Davey Paxman, and three of these had similar configuration to the Ballarat School of Mines Steam Engine, however, each of these was also unique with different valve arrangements. The list, which was on a scrap of paper in a folio held in the Essex Archives, confirmed that one was sent to India. The Ballarat steam engine can be dated to late 1901 to early 1902. Zig Plavina was responsible for moving the steam engine to Mount Helen, and worked on it as a technician for many years. He observed the following: * The condenser is driven by the low pressure engine. * The following arrangements are possible: i) the high pressure engine alone, exhausting to atmosphere. Condenser not used, crankshaft flanges not coupled. ii) crankshafts coupled, mains pressure (120 psi) steam supplied to high pressure engine, partially expanded steam delivered to low pressure engine (Tandem operation). Choice available re exhaust steam: either to the condenser or to atmosphere. iii) crankshafts not coupled, reduced pressure steam supplied to low pressure engine. Exhaust steam - either to the condenser or to atmosphere. * Valve arrangement - a choice of Pickering cut-off or throttle governor. On low pressure engine - throttle governor only.Black and white photograph of the Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine. On the brake is returned serviceman Norman WIlliam Ludbrook (Diploma Electrical Engineering, 1952). Far right is Roy E. Mawby (Diploma Electrical Engineering, 1950)steam engine, model steam engine, davey paxman, electrical engineering, laboratory, scientific instrument, norman ludbrook, norman william ludbrook, roay mawby, roy e. mawby -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Newspaper - Photocopy
The article shows a photo of the original Hall's Gap Hall and the (then) new Hall, which was built in 1956. The copy has been scanned as two separate images (because it was too large for the scanner). the second image is stored under "Additional Images". HISTORY OF HALL'S GAP HALL: No village, no matter how small, could possibly survive without a public meeting place, and Hall's Gap was no exception, even in 1899-1900. Actually it was the locals of Stony Creek village, as Hall's Gap was known for a short time, who decided to hold a meeting to find out how much interest there was in building a town hall! They soon found out that support was overwhelming, as can be seen by the fact that 14 gentlemen nominated for a position on the committee of four! Several motions were moved at that meeting, mainly with reference to the materials to be used, for instance that no "wattle and daub", but rather slabs of bark and local bush logs be used. The walls were to be constructed of slabs, 6 feet long, 9 inches wide and two inches thick. Uprights were to be 9 feet high and at least 9 inches thick. Sheets of bark, all 32 of them, had to be 8 feet by 8 feet. Tenders for the building materials were called on 9 March 1899 and, 21 days later, McKeon Brothers won the right to supply all the material for the princely sum of 4 pounds 10 shillings. The size of the hall was to be 20 feet by 10 feet. The first hall served the community well for the next thirteen years, being regularly used as a place of entertainment and religious worship. The growing community soon realised the need for a larger venue, with better facilities, so once again the townsfolk rallied to raise funds for a new hall, realising their dream around 1913. In 1921 a schoolteacher was provided by the education department but as there was no school building she was expected to use the hall. Mainly lessons were held in the kitchen as it was much warmer than the hall itself, and it was not unusual for up to twenty children to be taught, ranging in age from 5 to 14 years. It was not until 1928 that an official school was built. 1955-56 were years of great excitement. The Progress Association was in charge of deciding the format for the new hall, and there were many rowdy meetings beforehand. Some members had much more vision than others, and to some the amount of money required seemed astronomical. Two hall committee members resigned over differences of opinion but amazingly it all came together in the end, albeit at a greater cost than had been anticipated. There is only one record of a grant being made for the building,1500 pounds, and it came for the Minister of Public Works. Estimated cost of the building was around 8,000 pounds, and when finally finished it was just slightly over, but bank charges and interest took it to well over 9,000 pounds. An electric light generator was included and lighting installed. The SEC electricity was connected in 1962.A copy of a newspaper article entitled 'The Old . . . and the Present!', which includes two photographs.buildings, halls -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Vase, T. Gaunt & Co, circa 1944
This pair of brass altar vases is from the St. Nicholas Seamen’s Church, 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria, during religious services there. The Church was operated by the Mission to Seamen organisation. Each vase is inscribed with the donors' names and the year of presentation - Margaret R. Pearson 1944, Mrs B Raybould 1944, - and the maker's name T. Gaunt & Co. The two donors presented the vases to St Nicholas Seamen's Church in Williamstown as part of the furniture and furnishings for the new church that officially opened in 1944. T. Gaunt & Co. engraved on both vases. T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, is a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt's photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This par of vases is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The connection of pair of vases to the original donation to the Mission to Seamen highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Vase: pair of two polished brass altar vases, round, pear-shaped, bulbous body on a round pedestal, two neck rings and flared lips. Inscriptions on both vases in script around the base. Made by T. Gaunt & Co. One was presented to the church by Margaret R Pearson and the other presented by Mrs B. Raybould in 1944 The vases are part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Engraved on the 625.1 "Presented By Margaret R. Pearson 1944." Engraved on 625.2 "Presented By Mrs B. Raybould. 1944." Both engraved "T GAUNT & Co"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church, williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, brass vases, metal craft, brassware, altar vase, church vase, mrs r raybould, margaret r pearson, t gaunt & co, church furnishing -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Black and white, Ballarat School of Mines Model Steam Engine
The Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine was purchased as the result of a bequest from Thomas Bath. The 'substantial sum' was used to build an Engineering Laboratory. The Ballarat School of Mines Council minutes of 08 November 1901 record: - Plans for [the] proposed building were submitted ... and ... it was resolved that a temporary building for an Engineering Laboratory be put up.' This laboratory, as an existing building, is first mentioned in the Ballarat School of Mines President's Annual Report of 1901, presented on 28 February 1902, reporting 'the erection of a building 67ft long by 33 ft wide' This report also lists all the equipment that would be accommodated in the Engineering Laboratory, including the experimental steam engine and boiler. The experimental Davey-Paxman steam engine arrived in Ballarat towards the end of 1902. The Engineering Laboratory was opened on 14 August 1903 by His Excellency Sir Sydenham Clarke. This engineering laboratory remained in use till about 1945. By 1944 preparations were under way at the Ballarat School of Mines to expand existing facilities, to be ready for the influx of returned soldiers. A new Heat Engines laboratory was built, this time of brick construction, replacing the previous corrugated-iron shed. In the early stages the steam engine was used to drive an overhead transmission shaft for machinery in the adjacent workshop. Later the steam engine was moved to a space that became the Heat Thermodynamics Laboratory. At the end of 1969 the engine was relocated to the Thermodynamics Laboratory at the then Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (BIAE) Mt Helen Campus. It was donated to Sovereign Hill in 2006. According to the research of Rohan Lamb in 2001 around five experimental steam engines were made by Davey Paxman, and three of these had similar configuration to the Ballarat School of Mines Steam Engine, however, each of these was also unique with different valve arrangements. The list, which was on a scrap of paper in a folio held in the Essex Archives, confirmed that one was sent to India. The Ballarat steam engine can be dated to late 1901 to early 1902. Zig Plavina was responsible for moving the steam engine to Mount Helen, and worked on it as a technician for many years. He observed the following: * The condenser is driven by the low pressure engine. * The following arrangements are possible: i) the high pressure engine alone, exhausting to atmosphere. Condenser not used, crankshaft flanges not coupled. ii) crankshafts coupled, mains pressure (120 psi) steam supplied to high pressure engine, partially expanded steam delivered to low pressure engine (Tandem operation). Choice available re exhaust steam: either to the condenser or to atmosphere. iii) crankshafts not coupled, reduced pressure steam supplied to low pressure engine. Exhaust steam - either to the condenser or to atmosphere. * Valve arrangement - a choice of Pickering cut-off or throttle governor. On low pressure engine - throttle governor only.Black and white photograph of the Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine installed at the Ballarat School of MInes. steam engine, model steam engine, davey paxman, thomas bath, experimental steam engine -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine, c1902
The Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine was purchased as the result of a bequest from Thomas Bath. The 'substantial sum' was used to build an Engineering Laboratory. The Ballarat School of Mines Council minutes of 08 November 1901 record: - Plans for [the] proposed building were submitted ... and ... it was resolved that a temporary building for an Engineering Laboratory be put up.' This laboratory, as an existing building, is first mentioned in the Ballarat School of Mines President's Annual Report of 1901, presented on 28 February 1902, reporting 'the erection of a building 67ft long by 33 ft wide' This report also lists all the equipment that would be accommodated in the Engineering Laboratory, including the experimental steam engine and boiler. The experimental Davey-Paxman steam engine arrived in Ballarat towards the end of 1902. The Engineering Laboratory was opened on 14 August 1903 by His Excellency Sir Sydenham Clarke. This engineering laboratory remained in use till about 1945. By 1944 preparations were under way at the Ballarat School of Mines to expand existing facilities, to be ready for the influx of returned soldiers. A new Heat Engines laboratory was built, this time of brick construction, replacing the previous corrugated-iron shed. In the early stages the steam engine was used to drive an overhead transmission shaft for machinery in the adjacent workshop. Later the steam engine was moved to a space that became the Heat Thermodynamics Laboratory. At the end of 1969 the engine was relocated to the Thermodynamics Laboratory at the then Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (BIAE) Mt Helen Campus. It was donated to Sovereign Hill in 2006. According to the research of Rohan Lamb in 2001 around five experimental steam engines were made by Davey Paxman, and three of these had similar configuration to the Ballarat School of Mines Steam Engine, however, each of these was also unique with different valve arrangements. The list, which was on a scrap of paper in a folio held in the Essex Archives, confirmed that one was sent to India. The Ballarat steam engine can be dated to late 1901 to early 1902. Zig Plavina was responsible for moving the steam engine to Mount Helen, and worked on it as a technician for many years. He observed the following: * The condenser is driven by the low pressure engine. * The following arrangements are possible: i) the high pressure engine alone, exhausting to atmosphere. Condenser not used, crankshaft flanges not coupled. ii) crankshafts coupled, mains pressure (120 psi) steam supplied to high pressure engine, partially expanded steam delivered to low pressure engine (Tandem operation). Choice available re exhaust steam: either to the condenser or to atmosphere. iii) crankshafts not coupled, reduced pressure steam supplied to low pressure engine. Exhaust steam - either to the condenser or to atmosphere. * Valve arrangement - a choice of Pickering cut-off or throttle governor. On low pressure engine - throttle governor only. Black and white photograph of an experimental steam engine which was produced for the Ballarat School of Mines. It was designed for experimental purposes, such as testing of efficiency, etc. The laboratory which housed the steam engine was lit with gas lighting. davey paxman experimental steam engine, model steam engine, davey paxman, steam, thomas bath, thermodynamics -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Plaque - Commemorative, circa August 1947
This commemorative plaque was made for the round, stained glass window titled “Christ showing the helmsman the way” that was originally installed at the St Nicholas Seamen’s Church in Williamstown. The window was donated as a memorial to the members of the Merchant Navy whose lives were lost in the Second World War, 1939-1945. The donor was the Williamstown Lightkeepers Auxiliary, an independent ladies association working with the Williamstown Missions to Seamen (re-named the Mission to Seafarers in the year 2000). The window was officially dedicated on December 14, 1947 by Geelong's Anglican Bishop, Rt. Rev. J.D. McKie. In the early months of 1948 this bronze plaque was also placed in the chapel above the altar. The Williamstown St Nicholas Seamen’s Church ceased operation in 1966. In 1979 the Victoria Missions to Seamen donated this round, stained glass window and the memorial plaque to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, along with many other items and furnishings. These items have been used to simulate the Williamstown Mission and Chapel as much as possible. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN The Missions to Seamen was an Anglican charity that served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centres in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857 as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’ in an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This plaque is significant for its connection with the round Sanctuary window above the altar in the chapel at Flagstaff Hill. The window was originally installed at the chapel of the St Nicholas Seamen’s Church in Williamstown in 1947, and is listed on the Victorian War Heritage Inventory No. 196973 as an object of significance. The plaque is also significant for its recognition of the members of the Merchant Navy who lost their lives in service to our country during World War II. The plaque is important for its connection with the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and Missions to Seamen, which were dedicated to supporting seafarers from all over the world. The funds the group raised helped to furnish the St Nicholas Seamen’s Church in Williamstown, including the Sanctuary window, pews, carpets and hangings. These items are now part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown Collection at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. Plaque: rectangular brass commemorative plaque. Each corner has a round hole. Inscription impressed into the metal and filled in with black paint. It is now part of the Williamstown Missions to Seamen Collection. “IN MEMORY OF THE MEMBERS / OF THE MERCHANT NAVY WHO WERE LOST / IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1939-1945 / FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH / THE WINDOW ABOVE THE ALTAR / WAS ERECTED BY THE WILLIAMSTOWN / LIGHTKEEPERS AUXILIARY / 1947.”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, lightkeepers auxiliary, ladies harbour light guild, 139 nelson place williamstown, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, e. s. & a. bank williamstown, christ directing a sailor, christ showing the helmsman the way, quartermaster’s hand on the wheel, stained glass window, church window, religious window, sanctuary window, memorial window, war memorial window, victorian war heritage inventory, victorian heritage database, merchant navy ww2, 1939-1945, anglican church, bishop mckie, flying angel club, williamstown lightkeepers' auxiliary, ladies' harbour lights guild, commemorative window, memorial plaque, merchant navy, ww ii -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Two catalogues from Ringwood Timber & Trading circa 1960s
Two catalogues of goods to sell, from Ringwood Timber & TradingEditorial of 15201b includes a short history of the company. In 1937, Mr S Coopersmith and son, Frank (the present Managing Director) started a fruit case manufacturing business in North Melbourne under the name of The Cooper Case Co. The business flourished, and in 1940, recognising the possibilities in and around Ringwood, an old bush sawmill and an area of land on the Maroondah Highway, were secured. Subsequent purchases have since increased this area to approximately 15 acres. It was decided to widen the activities and scope of the business and two new firms were formed. Cooper Sawmilling Co., which operated a modern sawmill, and Ringwood Timber & Trading Co., which handled the output of the sawmill and introduced builders' and general hardware lines to meet the demands of this rapidly expanding area. As Ringwood grew, so too did the organisation which was created to serve it. The principals studied timber and hardware merchandising trends overseas, and after considerable investigation the new building on Maroondah Highway was completed in 1956. Today, acclaimed as one of the most modern mills and hardware stores in the Southern Hemisphere, combining up to date machinery and handling equipment together with unique drive-in facilities and a self-selection centre. Ringwood Timber & Trading Co. are proud to offer a service unparallelled to home builders. In conformity with modern commercial practice the various firms have since been incorporated under the Victorian Companies Act and the latest accounting methods and office equipment have been installed to provide an efficient and virile administration to control the entire manufacturing and trading activities. We have a staff of over 220 personnel, each trained in their particular field to provide you, our valued client, with expert advice, quality merchandise and second-to-none service to enable you to fulfil every need in and around your home. -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Containers, matchbox 'Redhead' with matches, 20thC
On 15th December 1909, Bryant & May, Australia’s first match factory at Church Street, Richmond, Victoria. was opened by The Honourable Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister of Australia, and Mrs. Deakin. It was heralded by the first Commonwealth Government of newly-federated Australia because the government of the day was anxious to encourage secondary industry and pledged tariff protection of local manufacturers. The building was constructed in 1909 as the Empire Works to a design by prolific Melbourne architect William Pitt and was purchased soon after by British safety match manufacturer Bryant and May, who significantly expanded the building, adding another level and the landmark clock tower. Bryant and May were unique in that they operated as a model factory, providing workers with conditions and amenities that even today seem generous. These included a dining hall and sports facilities such as a tennis court and bowling green which were constructed in the 1920s. Bryant and May ceased Australian match manufacture in the early 1980s as a result of import competition. Their iconic Redheads matches are now imported from Sweden. The complex has since been converted for use as offices and showrooms but is extremely well preserved. It is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Bryant and May was a United Kingdom (UK) company created in the mid-nineteenth century specifically to make matches. Their original Bryant and May Factory was located in Bow, London. They later opened other match factories in the United Kingdom and Australia, such as the Bryant and May Factory, Melbourne; and owned match factories in other parts of the world. Bryant and May survived as an independent company for over seventy years, but went through a series of mergers with other match companies and later with consumer products companies. To protect its position Bryant and May merged with or took over its rivals. In 1971 the Northern Ireland factory, Maguire & Patterson closed down following a terrorist attack.. In the 1980s, factories in Gloucester and Glasgow closed too leaving Liverpool as the last match factory in the UK, until December 1994. . The registered trade name Bryant and May still exists and it is owned by Swedish Match, as are many of the other registered trade names of the other, formerly independent, companies within the Bryant and May group. Two French chemists, Henri Savene and Emile David Cahen, proved in 1898 that the addition of phosphorus sesquisulfide meant that the substance was not poisonous, that it could be used in a "strike-anywhere" match, and that the match heads were not explosive. British company Albright and Wilson, was the first company to produce phosphorus sesquisulfide ( Red Phosphorous) matches commercially. The company developed a safe means of making commercial quantities of phosphorus sesquisulfide in 1899 and started selling it to match manufacturers. Matches were first produced by Bryant & May in Australia in 1909. The Redhead name applies to the red striking heads of the matches which were introduced to Australia in 1946. The logo on the matchbox depicted the head and shoulder of a redheaded woman and has had four major updates since that time with a number of special issues depicting birds, animals and notable persons also produced.The Bryant & May Ltd factory in Church St Richmond is a listed building and has been converted to apartments following the closure of the Company 1980. Bryant & May's Ltd were influential in fighting against the dreadful disease known as Phossy jaw which was caused by white phosphorus used in the manufacture of the early matches. They were also the object of the 'Match Girls Strike' in London 1888, which won important improvements in working conditions and pay for the mostly female workforce working with the dangerous white phosphorus. The public were slow to purchase these safety matches because of the higher price .A box of safety matches with unused matches made by Bryant & May Pty Ltd , Richmond Victoria Australia. The tray containing the matches slides inside the open ended cover.. The striking patch is on both sides of the cover. Av. CONTENTS 50 MADE IN AUSTRALIA / Brymay / 1/3 / Safety Matches / Redheads / a colour picture of a Kookaburra / Laughing KOOKABURRAsafety matches, bryant & may pty ltd, phossy jaw disease, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, lights, lamps, tobacco, white phosphorous, phosphorus sesquisulfide, swedish match pty ltd, pitt william, savens henri, cahen emile david , richmond victoria, -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Manufactured Objects, safety matches 'Redheads' 2015, c2015
This is a current example of the 'Redhead' logo used by Bryant & May Ltd Richmond,Victoria, Australia c 1946 - 1980 On 15th December 1909, Bryant & May, Australia’s first match factory at Church Street, Richmond, Victoria. was opened by The Honourable Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister of Australia, and Mrs. Deakin. It was heralded by the first Commonwealth Government of newly-federated Australia because the government of the day was anxious to encourage secondary industry and pledged tariff protection of local manufacturers. The building was constructed in 1909 as the Empire Works to a design by prolific Melbourne architect William Pitt and was purchased soon after by British safety match manufacturer Bryant and May, who significantly expanded the building, adding another level and the landmark clock tower. Bryant and May were unique in that they operated as a model factory, providing workers with conditions and amenities that even today seem generous. These included a dining hall and sports facilities such as a tennis court and bowling green which were constructed in the 1920s. Bryant and May ceased Australian match manufacture in the early 1980s as a result of import competition. Their iconic Redheads matches are now imported from Sweden. The complex has since been converted for use as offices and showrooms but is extremely well preserved. It is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. Bryant and May was a United Kingdom (UK) company created in the mid-nineteenth century specifically to make matches. Their original Bryant and May Factory was located in Bow, London. They later opened other match factories in the United Kingdom and Australia, such as the Bryant and May Factory, Melbourne; and owned match factories in other parts of the world. Bryant and May survived as an independent company for over seventy years, but went through a series of mergers with other match companies and later with consumer products companies. To protect its position Bryant and May merged with or took over its rivals. In 1971 the Northern Ireland factory, Maguire & Patterson closed down following a terrorist attack.. In the 1980s, factories in Gloucester and Glasgow closed too leaving Liverpool as the last match factory in the UK, until December 1994. . The registered trade name Bryant and May still exists and it is owned by Swedish Match Industries as are many of the other registered trade names of the other, formerly independent, companies within the Bryant and May group. Two French chemists, Henri Savene and Emile David Cahen, proved in 1898 that the addition of phosphorus sesquisulfide meant that the substance was not poisonous, that it could be used in a "strike-anywhere" match, and that the match heads were not explosive. British company Albright and Wilson, was the first company to produce phosphorus sesquisulfide ( Red Phosphorous) matches commercially. The company developed a safe means of making commercial quantities of phosphorus sesquisulfide in 1899 and started selling it to match manufacturers. Matches were first produced by Bryant & May in Australia in 1909. The Redhead name applies to the red striking heads of the matches which were introduced to Australia in 1946. The logo on the matchbox depicted the head and shoulder of a redheaded woman and has had four major updates since that time with a number of special issues depicting animals, birds and notable persons also producedThe Bryant & May Ltd factory in Church St Richmond is a listed building and has been converted to apartments following the closure of the Company 1980. Bryant & May's Ltd were influential in fighting against the dreadful disease known as Phossy jaw which was caused by white phosphorus used in the manufacture of the early matches. They were also the object of the 'Match Girls Strike' in London 1888, which won important improvements in working conditions and pay for the mostly female workforce working with the dangerous white phosphorus. The public were slow to purchase these safety matches because of the higher price An empty box of 'Redheads' safety matches made in Sweden for ST-Group, Springvale, Victoria, Australia c2015. The tray for the matches slides inside the open ended cover. The striking patch is on both sides of the cover. The matches have been removed. Matches were first produced by Bryant & May in Australia in 1909. The Redhead name applies to the red striking heads of the matches which were introduced to Australia in 1946. The logo on the matchbox depicted the head and shoulder of a redheaded woman and has had four major updates since that time with a number of special issues depicting animals, birds and notable persons also produced. Bryant and May ceased Australian match manufacture in the early 1980s.Top of cover ; Redheads / 45 safety / matches . Logo ; head & shoulders of a female with red hair Base of coverMade in Sweden / Redheads (R) is proudly marketed / by ST- Group Australia. / 718 Princes Highway Springvale Vic. 3171 / .............../ Readheads is a registered trademark / of Swedish Match Industries AB. / Complies ith European / Match Standard EN 1783-1997-SAF/ WARNING; / KEEP OUT OF REACH / OF CHILDREN. STRIKE / GENTLY AWAY FROM BODY . / barcode.redheads safety matches, safety matches, bryant & may pty ltd, phossy jaw disease, early settlers, moorabbin, bentleigh, cheltenham, lights, lamps, tobacco, white phosphorous, phosphorus sesquisulfide, swedish match pty ltd, pitt william, savens henri, cahen emile david , richmond victoria, match girls strike 1888, -
Vision Australia
Photograph (Item) - Image, Plaque to commemorate official openings at the and of Kooyong Centre in 2000 and 2001
The buildings at Kooyong have undergone various re-modelling and redesign over the years. These plaques commemorate the dual activities taking place at the Kooyong Centre, as it strove to adapt to the increasing need for technological support and the changes in information, day centre and supports needed by the blind and vision impaired community. These plaques were located in the corridor between reception and the day centre, but were dismantled during renovations in 2018.This plaque commemorates the start of construction of Vision Australia Foundation's information and technology facilities and was unveiled by Mr D R Argus AO, Patron Vision Australia Foundation, Chairman, Centenary Appeal in recognition of all who made this development possible for the lasting benefit of people who are blind or have severe sight loss. 27 March 2000, Malcolm Daubney, President. John Cook, Chief Executive Officer. This plaque commemorates the official opening of Vision Australia Foundation's Kooyong Centre by John Landy, AC, MBIE, Governor of Victoria, 11 October 2001. Building Donors: Don Argus, AO - Appeal Chairman, Shirley Admans, Amcor Limited, Aspect Consulting Pty Ltd, Atalina Nomines Pty Ltd, Robert Bosch (Aust) Pty Ltd, The William Buckland Foundation, Cadbury Schweppes Australia Ltd, Terry Cocks OAM, Coles Myer Ltd, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Consolidated Paper Industries, John & Beverley Cook, The Craftsman Press Pty Ltd, Norma Crook, CSR Limited, Malcolm & Beverley Daubney, Don Draffin, Sir Andrew & Lady Fairley Foundation, Ford Motor Co. of Australia Ltd, Fortis Australia Ltd, Gandel Charitable Trust, Harold Gration, Dept of Health & Community Services, Peter Isaacson Publications Pty Ltd, Kayarem Pty Ltd, Kooyong Auxiliary, Kooyong Fair Committee, Lady Joan Law-Smith, Elaine Leahy, Eve & Lewis Lustig, Henry Malycon, Ann Miller, John Moule AM, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, AC DBE, Sidney Myer Fund, National Australia Bank, Pacific Dunlop Ltd, Raleigh Paper Co Pty Ltd, Lady Catherine Ramsay, Rothschild Australia Ltd, Shell Australia Ltd, Slade & Partners, Springfield Auxiliary, Ian Roach AO, Rotary Club of Albert Park, Rotary Club of Hawthorn, The Top Opp Volunteers, Sir Donald & Lady Trescowthick Foundation Ltd, Graham Upton, John Wall OAM, John Wicking AM, Ian & Beverley Wilson, Woodside Petroleum australia foundation, nameplates -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), VideoCAM, Eltham Woods Children's Resource Centre Opening (Series 69, Item 5), 5 Mar 1988
Shire of Eltham Archives: Series 69, Item 5 Video opens with panning view of completed kinder from Frank Street followed by images of the centre under construction then opening day speeches. Introduction and welcome by Mandy Press (Executive Officer, Shire of Eltham) with speeches by the Hon. Pauline Toner, Member for Eltham and Shire president, Cr. Alan Baker. The Hon. Pauline Toner acknowledged Shire President Alan Baker and her parliamentary colleagues Vin Heffernan, Neil Brown and Bob Halderson and Councillors; three levels of Government which led to the achievement of the kinder, and gave special thanks to the Council and parents for the forward planning to accommodate children from babyhood to school with childcare, kinder and baby health facilities all combined in one facility in the middle of parkland in a residential area. Shire President Cr Alan Baker then followed to formally open the centre. The site had been identified in early 1985 at that stage only as a pre-school but with an opportunity to develop, the additional services were driven by Cr Baker. Though a very long name, its simple message is "Care for Kids." Designed by architect Neil Biggins of Clark, Hopkins and Clark. Cr Baker stated that the theme of "people living in the environment" was very much encapsulated by the facility. Cr Baker informed that the construction of the facility had led to some concerns with a reduction in open space and potential traffic generated to the facility and those users of the facility were asked to ensure their use is sensitive to the local residents. Cr Baker talked about the financial costs and how the Federal grant funding was no longer as plentiful as previous and that the Victorian Government had come to the assistance thanks to Pauline Toner covering some other costs as well as the ongoing running costs of around $40,000. The Federal Government contributed $233,000 out of a childcare component rather than preschool. Cr Baker thanked Mandy Press again as well as Shire Engineer, John Stanton. Cr Baker also acknowledged Ed Latanzio who was in charge of the project, along with his colleague Alan Lansdowne; Gary Bartlett and his team for the exterior surroundings to the facility. He mentioned that Neil Biggins the architect had said not many Shire Councils show the same commitment to the exterior surroundings as the interior which was a credit to the Council and Gary Bartlett. He also thanked Bev Vern, Council's preschool advisor who assisted in developing the programs; Grant Roberts from Federal Office of Childcare for assisting the Cooperative in setting up the funding program; the builders George Takola and George Apted; Michelle Matello who undertook the needs analysis that identified another preschool was required; Cathy King who assisted in the development of the childcare program; Pat Grundy and Susan Forbes, Council officers who assisted with the development of the services and the members of the preschool committee. In addition, local residents and in particular Helen, Peter and Chris who advised Council of their concerns and worked with Council to overcome these issues; members of the Interim Steering Committee and the Directors of the Childcare Co-op. Cr Baker stated that the Co-op nature of the facility and the location of the three services under one roof was unique and the task of the programs was to be led by Annie, Dianne and Lynn Afternoon tea and activities followed the unveiling of the plaque. The video shows some of the children's entertainment and their engagement as well as interior and exterior views.VHS Video cassette Converted to MP4 file format 00:26:02; 302MBshire of eltham, video recording, shire of eltham archives, eltham shire council, alan lansdowne, bev vern, bob halderson, cathy king, clark hopkins and clark, councillors, cr. alan baker, ed latanzio, eltham, eltham woods childcare co-operative, federal government, federal office of childcare, frank street, gary bartlett, george apted, george takola, grant roberts, john stanton, mandy press, michelle matello, neil biggins, neil brown, pat grundy, pauline toner, people living in the environment, susan forbes, victorian government, vin heffernan -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Commemorative, The Victorian Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown, circa 1944
This framed document titled "The Victorian Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown" shows a list of donors of significant items to the St Nicholas Missions to Seamen's Church in Williamstown when the new building opened in 1944. The organisation ceased in 1966 and the furnishings were later donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool by the Missions to Seamen Victoria. The transcription of the document is as follows: The Victoria Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church, Williamstown To the Glory of God List of Gifts Altar - Mrs. and Miss J.R. Schutt Cross - Mrs. R.J. Ewart Chalice and Paten - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylor 1 Pair Altar Lights - Mrs. R.J. Ewart 1 Pair Altar Lights - Mrs. M. Jackson Sanctuary Lamp - Miss C. Roberts Rerebos - Miss. M. Breaks, in memoriam Miss. L.A. Breaks Sanctuary Window - Victoria Missions to Seamen Lightkeepers' Auxiliary Missal - Mrs. R.J. Ewart Missal Desk - Mrs. R. Hodgkiss Altar Vases - Mrs. R. Kaybould Bible - Mrs. R.J. Ewart Sanctuary Chairs - Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Twist Credence Table - Mrs. F. Clark Altar Dish – Mrs L. Clark Font - Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Dyble Prayer Desk - H.M.H.S. "Centaur" Reed Organ - "Joy Club for Fighters" Collection Plates - Mr. D. MacKae Hymn Board - St. David's Musical Society, Brighton Pews, Carpet and Hangings - Williamstown Lightkeepers' Auxiliary Bell - Mrs. A.L. Feenes THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This document is significant through its association with the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen Church in Williamstown, Melbourne, established in 1857. The document is socially significant as it connects the community of Williamstown with the St Nicholas' Missions to Seamen and represents the importance of the church to the community. The items in our collection from the Missions to Seamen in Williamstown, Victoria, have historical and social significance. They show that people of the 1800s and 1900s cared about the seafarers’ religious, moral, and social welfare, no matter what the religion, social status or nationality. It had its origins in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The first Australian branch was started in 1856 by the Rev. Kerr Johnston, a Church of England clergyman, and operated from a hulk moored in Hobson's Bay; later the Mission occupied buildings in Williamstown and Port Melbourne. Document titled "The Victorian Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown". The document is a list of gifts originally given to the St Nicholas Seaman's Church in Williamstown, Victoria. The document is mounted in a decorative wooden frame with glass cover. This is one of the original items in our ‘St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown Collection’.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, framed document, donations to st nicholas seamen's church williamstown, 139 nelson place williamstown, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, mission to seafarers, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, flying angel club, mrs. and miss j.r. schutt, mrs. r.j. ewart, mr. and mrs. percy taylor, mrs. m. jackson, miss c. roberts, miss. l.a. breaks, miss. m. breaks, victoria missions to seamen lightkeepers' auxiliary, mrs. r. hodgkiss, mrs. r. kaybould, mr. and mrs. f.h. twist, mrs. f. clark, mrs l. clark, mr. and mrs. c.v. dyble, h.m.h.s. "centaur", "joy club for fighters", mr. d. mackae, williamstown lightkeepers' auxiliary, mrs. a.l. feenes, st. david's musical society brighton -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Colour photograph, Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine in the Mount Helen Workshop, c1994
The Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine was purchased by the Ballarat School of Mines as the result of a bequest from Thomas Bath.The Davey Paxman Experimental Steam Engine was purchased as the result of a bequest from Thomas Bath. The 'substantial sum' was used to build an Engineering Laboratory. The Ballarat School of Mines Council minutes of 08 November 1901 record: - Plans for [the] proposed building were submitted ... and ... it was resolved that a temporary building for an Engineering Laboratory be put up.' This laboratory, as an existing building, is first mentioned in the Ballarat School of Mines President's Annual Report of 1901, presented on 28 February 1902, reporting 'the erection of a building 67ft long by 33 ft wide' This report also lists all the equipment that would be accommodated in the Engineering Laboratory, including the experimental steam engine and boiler. The experimental Davey-Paxman steam engine arrived in Ballarat towards the end of 1902. The Engineering Laboratory was opened on 14 August 1903 by His Excellency Sir Sydenham Clarke. This engineering laboratory remained in use till about 1945. By 1944 preparations were under way at the Ballarat School of Mines to expand existing facilities, to be ready for the influx of returned soldiers. A new Heat Engines laboratory was built, this time of brick construction, replacing the previous corrugated-iron shed. In the early stages the steam engine was used to drive an overhead transmission shaft for machinery in the adjacent workshop. Later the steam engine was moved to a space that became the Heat Thermodynamics Laboratory. At the end of 1969 the engine was relocated to the Thermodynamics Laboratory at the then Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education (BIAE) Mt Helen Campus. It was donated to Sovereign Hill in 2006. According to the research of Rohan Lamb in 2001 around five experimental steam engines were made by Davey Paxman, and three of these had similar configuration to the Ballarat School of Mines Steam Engine, however, each of these was also unique with different valve arrangements. The list, which was on a scrap of paper in a folio held in the Essex Archives, confirmed that one was sent to India. The Ballarat steam engine can be dated to late 1901 to early 1902. Zig Plavina was responsible for moving the steam engine to Mount Helen, and worked on it as a technician for many years. He observed the following: * The condenser is driven by the low pressure engine. * The following arrangements are possible: i) the high pressure engine alone, exhausting to atmosphere. Condenser not used, crankshaft flanges not coupled. ii) crankshafts coupled, mains pressure (120 psi) steam supplied to high pressure engine, partially expanded steam delivered to low pressure engine (Tandem operation). Choice available re exhaust steam: either to the condenser or to atmosphere. iii) crankshafts not coupled, reduced pressure steam supplied to low pressure engine. Exhaust steam - either to the condenser or to atmosphere. * Valve arrangement - a choice of Pickering cut-off or throttle governor. On low pressure engine - throttle governor only.davey paxman experimental steam engine, model steam engine, steam, thermodynamics laboratory, thomas bath, bequest -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Bendigo Saleyards Relocation Study - Planning Report and Environment Effects Statement for the City of Bendigo by A E Huefner & Associates Pty Ltd in association with Meldrum Burrows & Partners. Book has a light brown cover with black plastic binder spine. Green and yellow pages separate some sections. The front cover has a sketch of a stock transport with a pig, sheep and cattle behind gates. Contents include: Introduction, Summary, Recapitulation on the Feasibility Report which includes The Need for Action, the Site and Existing Uses Adjacent to the Site, The Proposal which includes Concept, Project Description, Components, Siting of Facilities, Land Clearing, Earthworks, Darainage, Buildings and Structures, Roads and Pavements, Services, Landscaping, Soil Profile and Construction Programme. Invironmental Effects which include Visual Impact Dust, Odours, Effluent, Effluent Treatment System, Traffic, Artificial Lighting, Noise, Operational Failures and Nature Conservation Effects. Statutory Planning Considerations which includes Zoning Controls and Suggested Procedure for Initiating I.D.O. Amendment. Appendices are: A.- Copy of Tit;e, B - Soil Investigation, C - Acoustic Assessment and D - Suggested Draft Amendment to Shire of Marong I.D.O. Contains a photo of the area - View of the Site, looking South and a number of drawings. Copies of various Council Reports referring to the Saleyards Relocation Project. It has a bright yellow cover and a hard plastic type spine. Mentioned in the reports is the cost to bring the old saleyards up to standard and list of improvements. Reports are as at 16th July, 1984. Mustard coloured book with plastic spine titled Bendigo Saleyards Relocation Study Feasibility Report by Meldrum Burrows & Partners in association with A E Huefner & Associates Pty Ltd and Acil Australia Pty Ltd dated September, 1983. Items mentioned are: Introduction, Summary, Background, Role in Livestock Marketing for the Bendigo Saleyards (Acil Australia Pty. Ltd., Saleyard Relocation: Strategic Considerations, Financial Implications and Conclusion. Appendix 1: Estimation of Livestock Population in Catchment Area. Drawings in Fig 1 Existing Bendigo Saleyards and Surrounding Land Uses, Fig 2 Catchment Area for Bendigo Saleyards 1983, Fig 4.1 Estimated Sheep Populatiuon in Catchment Area 1976 - 77 to 1981 - 82, Fig 4.2 Estimated Cattle Population in Catchment area 1976 -77 to 1981 -82, Fig 3 Possible Saleyard Relocation Areas, Fig 4, Directions from which access to possible Saleyard Locations would be obtained - Estimated percentage of sheep to cattle stock, Fig 5 Possible Saleyard Locations - Northern Area, Fig 6 Possible Locations of Saleyards - Inner West, Fig 7 Possible Locations of Saleyards - Outer West. Considerations were made as to renovate the existing saleyards or to move them elsewhere. Effluent, transport and stock movement, and condition of the yards were a problem.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - bendigo saleyards relocation study - planning report and environment effects statement, a e huefner & associates pty ltd, meldrum burrows & partners, city of bendigo, state electricity commission, mal styles, bendigo college of advanced education, n j fieldew, pryce goodale & duncan pty ltd, p b swift, shire of marong -
Federation University Historical Collection
Pamphlet - Promotional brochure, Bachelor of Visual Arts, Graphic Design/Multimedia, c1999
Promoting the Graphic Design/Multimedia program being offered by the University of Ballarat at the Mt Helen Campus. Promoted course as "one of the smallest and arguably the best three year programs of its kind in Australia and the South Pacific region." The brochure lists student awards received including Platinum and Gold in the AGFA International Young Designer Contest, 1999; two meritorious awards in The Art Directors Club Student Awards, New York, USA 1999; Graphis New Talent 1999; two Gold in Souther Cross Packaging Awards, 1998. At time of publication, the School of Arts, Visual Arts reportedly had 210 students with majors in Graphic Design/Multimedia, Ceramics/3D, Painting, Drawing, and Multidiscipline. Minors studies included Printmaking, Photography, 3D, 2D, and Graphic Communication. ___ Course aimed to train "independent, flexible thinkers". The course promised to "Promote creativity, originality and imaginative thinking; Develop self-directed learners, displaying initiative in the formation of ideas and the confidence to construct personal responses; Develop appropriate conceptual, technical and professional skills; Develop the student's critical process: ability to undertake research, and to make informed decisions; Clarify thinking, concepts and understanding and deep knowledge, attitudes and skills enabling the designer to respond to community needs." Studio and working environment described as "one open space with working facilities for approximately 75 students across 3 year levels. The area is divided up into work stations where 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students intermix, allowing a natural interaction. These workstations are configurations of six, consisting of two students from each year level. This reinforces the area's ongoing development with an open ethos and cross-level delivery and learning. This maximises the use of information in order for it to be applied throughout all levels of the learning process, whilst allowing a natural mentor arrangment to be developed for all first year students, " "The open ethos approach also encourages students and staff to freely express their opinions in relation to design via cross-level critiques, whilst allowing for a liberal arts approach and structure to the development of the creative process." "Emphasis is placed on experimentation, innovation, expression and the development of the individual's design philosophies, concepts and style." Also notes the 24 hour access Macintosh laboratory, with 34 Power Macintosh computers, ratio of one for every 2.5 students. Each with a Fujitsu Dyna Magneto Optical drive for file storage and transport. Two Sharp scanners, Phaser Dye-Sublimation Extra Tabloid colour printer and Ricoh A3 colour printer. Two large format printers. Digital and video cameras. Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat; QuarkXpress; Macromedia Freehand; Pagemaker; Premier; Director; 3D Extreme; Sound Eidt, Shockwave, Infinite 3D and After Effects. Approx 4.5 staff, "all of whom are practicing designers. They have a full understanding of industry requirements and trends which assists in the development of industrial contacts when specialists are required." Prospective students interviewed in late Nov/ early Dec, face to face. Present a "comprehensive folio of work", academic records, references. "Selection is determined by the perceived potential of the student, their motivation and reason for study within the field as well as their previous experience in the Visual Arts. Folio work should be representative of the individual's ideas and abilities. Qualities of importance are: originality, innovation, imagination, experimentation and a competent display of the basic skills associated with visual arts [evidence of drawing skills should be included]." Demonstration of GD/MM computer skills an advantage. Students also asked to bring sketch books. Promotional brochure for prospective students. 8pp Double fold brochureuniversity of ballarat, federation university, graphic design, multimedia, bachelor, degree -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Ink bottle, MABIE TODD & Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd, Second half of 19th Century or first half of the 20th Century
A Brief History Of Mabie Todd Ltd The company originated in America from the beginnings during the 1860s when a Mr. Todd and a Mr. Mabie began making pencil cases and pen holders in New York. Later they were joined by the Bard Brothers who made Gold nibs and by 1873 the company of Mabie Todd and Bard were established in New York. By 1878 the first patent was filed for the design and manufacture of a fountain pen, achieved under the design leadership of one William Washington Stewart. The first Swan fountain pen followed just 6 years later in 1884 with an over-under feed with ink delivery assisted by a twisted silver wire. This same year an office had been established in the UK with a showroom in Cheapside, London. The UK was being supplied with a steadily increasing supply of pens from New York and by 1905 new, larger showrooms were established in High Holborn. By this time the Swan pen had become synonymous with fountain pens at large. In 1906 the name of Bard was dropped in the US and the UK company subsequently adopted the title Mabie Todd & Co. New York. In 1907 British production began, using imported nibs from New York and whilst the company in the UK flourished, the business in the US started to diminish under stiff competition from new manufacturers.. By 1915 manufacturing was doing well in England from a factory in Weston Street, London and the New York company agreed to sell the rights to all European and Colonial business to Mabie Todd & Company Ltd of England. From then onwards, the development of the range mostly followed, rather than led the interests of the markets they were supplying. Even during the First World War the business continued to flourish. with factories in both London and Liverpool. At the end of 1919 a new expansion plan saw the establishment of a new Headquarters in Oxford Street, London. Throughout this period, some components were continuing to be imported from America, but gradually these diminished and during the 20s and 30s manufacturing facilities were expanded and by the end of the 1930s Mabie Todd were in full production, manufacturing pens in its London factory, gold nibs in Birmingham and ink in Liverpool. Another new headquarters grew out of this period of abundance and market domination. when in 1936 they moved into Sunderland House in Mayfair, London, a highly prized mansion building. Disaster struck early in the Second World War. Its prestigious Sunderland House headquarters was destroyed during the blitz, followed by destruction of its main factory in Harlesden, North London. Some machinery was saved and able to be used at another factory premises in the City, but like many other 'non essential' manufacturing, the main production was centred on wartime components such as rocket fuses and ammunition. After The War, in 1945 they moved out of their City premises to Park Royal and eventually in 1946 proper fountain pen production was resumed. In 1948 the company decided to go public. But at the time they had no plans to enter into the market for the now growing interest in ballpoint pens, the result was the beginning of their slide into obscurity and subsequent demise. They became Biro Swan in 1952 following a large share purchase by Biro Pens. Even though at this time they had just launched their new high profile Calligraph range to join the competition for the new market associated with a craze for italic writing, fountain pen manufacture under the new company was to suffer a lack of real support. The restyled ranges of 1956 failed to ignite market interest and with diminishing quality, the end of the Mabie Todd story was inevitable. After 80 years of Swan pens, the book was closed.This bottle of ink would have been supplied to schools. After a child was deemed old enough to progress from just using slate and board, he/she would have been supplied with a pen shaft made of wood and with a very basic metal nib. The ink bottle would be used to fill up the individual inkwells. This operation would have been conducted by the teacher him/herself, or by an older pupil under the close eye of the teacher.Ink bottle clear glass with 'Swan Ink' paper label. Has rusted screw on top & black ink inside.Label has 'Mabel Todd' manufacturer's logo at top,; 'Swan Ink' name clearly shown; 'Made in England' printed clearly; and 'Mable Todd & Co Ltd, London & Liverpool' printed at base of label.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ink, bottle, mabie todd ltd -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Artwork, other - Window, Brooks, Robinson & Co, Christ Showing the Helmsman the Way, circa August 1947
This round, stained glass window, titled "Christ Showing the Helmsman the Way", was installed in the St Nicholas Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria. The window was referred to as the Sanctuary Window and was installed in the chapel above the altar. This memorial window has significance as a part of Victoria's War Heritage and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database. The window was donated to St Nicholas Seamen’s Church as a memorial to the members of the Merchant Navy whose lives were lost in the Second World War, 1939-1945. The donor was the Williamstown Lightkeepers Auxiliary, an independent ladies association working with the Williamstown Missions to Seamen (the Missions to Seamen organisation was re-named the Mission to Seafarers in the year 2000). The window was officially dedicated on December 14, 1947 by Geelong's Anglican Bishop, Rt. Rev. J.D. McKie. In the early months of 1948 a bronze plaque was also placed in the chapel above the altar. It recognises the lost souls of the Merchant Navy during World War 2, as well as the donor of the window, the Williamstown Lightkeepers Auxiliary. The inscription impressed on the rectangular bronze plaque, 20.4 x 10.2cm, is as follows: “IN MEMORY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MERCHANT NAVY WHO WERE LOST IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 1939-1945 FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. THE WINDOW ABOVE THE ALTAR WAS ERECTED BY THE WILLIAMSTOWN LIGHTKEEPERS AUXILIARY 1947.” The Williamstown St Nicholas Seamen’s Church ceased operation in 1966. In 1979 the Victoria Missions to Seamen donated this round, stained glass window and the memorial plaque to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, along with many other items and furnishings. These items have been used to simulate the Williamstown Mission and Chapel as much as possible. The round space that formerly displayed the window can still be seen at the back of the old St Nicholas Seamen’s Church, previously the ES&A bank, in Williamstown. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This stained glass window is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It was donated to the Mission by the Lightkeepers Auxiliary (Ladies Harbour Lights Guild, which was formed in 1905). The Missions to Seamen organisation had its origins in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The first Australian branch was started in 1856 by the Rev. Kerr Johnston, a Church of England clergyman, and operated from a hulk moored in Hobson’s Bay; later the Mission occupied buildings in Williamstown and Port Melbourne. The connection of this window the Mission to Seamen and the Ladies Harbour Lights Guild highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. This memorial window has significant as a part of Victoria's War Heritage and is listed on the Victorian Heritage Database, Heritage Number 196973.Window, stained glass, circular, with reinforcing bars. The window represents Christ showing the helmsman the way. It shows a man in blue knitted jumper holding onto a ship's wheel, looking over his right shoulder. Behind him stands a man in a white robe pointing to his right and looking to his left, his left hand gesturing to pause. The background has various shapes and patterns of blue glass, bordered by two arcs, the outer one is white, the inner one is red. This beautiful window is in our St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection and was brought to Warrnambool from the original St Nicholas Seamen’s Church in Williamstown. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, mission to seafarers, lightkeepers auxiliary, ladies harbour light guild, 139 nelson place williamstown, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, e. s. & a. bank williamstown, christ directing a sailor, christ showing the helmsman the way, quartermaster’s hand on the wheel, stained glass window, church window, religious window, sanctuary window, memorial window, war memorial window, victorian war heritage inventory, victorian heritage database, merchant navy ww2, 1939-1945, anglican church, bishop mckie, mrs musther, brooks robinson & co, flying angel club, williamstown lightkeepers' auxiliary, ladies' harbour lights guild, commemorative window