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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1985
They danced all day [Folk Dance Festival] / p1. Elections in Prospect and Central Wards / p1. Community Notices [Clubs and Societies; General, Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&8. Update: Notes from Council - Planning for our City's future [Annual budgets, Kew's Five Year Plan, Paying for it all] /Robin Saunders, Mayor [of Kew] p3. Saving our Billabong / p3. In Brief [Do you deliver the goods; The Bicentenary's a-coming; Plaque for Palmers; Guidelines for Bassinet Scheme; Outer Circle Reserve - Linear Park; Kinder enrolments now; Don't ring Ron [Cook]; Everything for kids in Kew] / p4. The latest on the Occasional Care Centre / p4. Free trees and shrubs / p5. Care-Force Family Support Services / p5. Traffic Management / p5. Burning times [home incinerators] / p5. Youth Page - Under age drinking threatens our kids / Ian Patching p6. Thank you Neighbourhood Watch / p6. Need someone to talk to [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Coming attractions to Kew Community House - Drug awareness seminar, Heart Health Seminar / p7. Gatehouse [Day Centre] to close / p7. Letters: Hands of City Hall [Kew Library] / Stan Meyer p7.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionThey danced all day [Folk Dance Festival] / p1. Elections in Prospect and Central Wards / p1. Community Notices [Clubs and Societies; General, Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&8. Update: Notes from Council - Planning for our City's future [Annual budgets, Kew's Five Year Plan, Paying for it all] /Robin Saunders, Mayor [of Kew] p3. Saving our Billabong / p3. In Brief [Do you deliver the goods; The Bicentenary's a-coming; Plaque for Palmers; Guidelines for Bassinet Scheme; Outer Circle Reserve - Linear Park; Kinder enrolments now; Don't ring Ron [Cook]; Everything for kids in Kew] / p4. The latest on the Occasional Care Centre / p4. Free trees and shrubs / p5. Care-Force Family Support Services / p5. Traffic Management / p5. Burning times [home incinerators] / p5. Youth Page - Under age drinking threatens our kids / Ian Patching p6. Thank you Neighbourhood Watch / p6. Need someone to talk to [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Coming attractions to Kew Community House - Drug awareness seminar, Heart Health Seminar / p7. Gatehouse [Day Centre] to close / p7. Letters: Hands of City Hall [Kew Library] / Stan Meyer p7. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1983
High Street/Cotham Road intersection / p1. Traffic Management Study - Area 6 / p1. Kew Council elections / p1. Not an elephant joke [community newspapers] / p2. Kew–Hathorn C.A.B. [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p3. Family trees [Genealogy] / p3. Little Aths / p3. Kew Hebrew Congregation / p3. Asthma Education / p4. A place of shades [Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery] / Barbara Giles p4. More than a school [Villa Maria Society; St Paul's School for the Blind and Visually Handicapped] / p5. Who is she? [Community Education Officer - Nancy Nankervis] / p6. Toastmasters - who are they? / p6. Art classes [Donald Cameron] / p6. Fundraising [St Paul's Church Hall] / p6. Kew Cricket underway [Kew Cricket Club] / p7. Kew Baptist Church / p7. Coming events / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHigh Street/Cotham Road intersection / p1. Traffic Management Study - Area 6 / p1. Kew Council elections / p1. Not an elephant joke [community newspapers] / p2. Kew–Hathorn C.A.B. [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p3. Family trees [Genealogy] / p3. Little Aths / p3. Kew Hebrew Congregation / p3. Asthma Education / p4. A place of shades [Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery] / Barbara Giles p4. More than a school [Villa Maria Society; St Paul's School for the Blind and Visually Handicapped] / p5. Who is she? [Community Education Officer - Nancy Nankervis] / p6. Toastmasters - who are they? / p6. Art classes [Donald Cameron] / p6. Fundraising [St Paul's Church Hall] / p6. Kew Cricket underway [Kew Cricket Club] / p7. Kew Baptist Church / p7. Coming events / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.1 No.5 : October 1979
What's doing in Kew for October / p1. Keeping Kew beautiful [Parks and Gardens: Alexandra Gardens - Kew; Kew Garden Club; Willsmere Park; Victoria Park; Eglinton Reserve] / p1. Your news is good news / p1. Got some spare time [Henry Pride] / p1. Young people's club [Fitzwilliam Street People's Church] / p1. Fun and fellowship [Kew Uniting Church Youth Group] / p1. Learn to swim next year! / p1. Bring your orchid [Kew Garden Club] / p2. Retired and looking for something to do? [Kew Elder Citizens] / p2. Your help needed [The Kewriosity Sheet] / p2. [Aphorisms] / p2. Songs my mother sang / p2. Recreation courses / p2. Multiple Sclerosis Unit / p2. You you get ideas? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p2. E.P.R.G. (Early Planning for Retirement Group] / p2. Mum - It's for you! / p2. Action for the handicapped / p2. Biggest rug in the world / p2. Council News [City Hall Bookings; Town Planning; Unburnable rubbish; Family Day Care Scheme; Community Occupational Therapist; Kew Community Directory; Come meet your Mayor (Cr Kaye Cole) / p2. Do it yourself duplicating [Copy Shop] / p2. Meals on - tables [Kew Elderly Citizens' Club] / p2.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionWhat's doing in Kew for October / p1. Keeping Kew beautiful [Parks and Gardens: Alexandra Gardens - Kew; Kew Garden Club; Willsmere Park; Victoria Park; Eglinton Reserve] / p1. Your news is good news / p1. Got some spare time [Henry Pride] / p1. Young people's club [Fitzwilliam Street People's Church] / p1. Fun and fellowship [Kew Uniting Church Youth Group] / p1. Learn to swim next year! / p1. Bring your orchid [Kew Garden Club] / p2. Retired and looking for something to do? [Kew Elder Citizens] / p2. Your help needed [The Kewriosity Sheet] / p2. [Aphorisms] / p2. Songs my mother sang / p2. Recreation courses / p2. Multiple Sclerosis Unit / p2. You you get ideas? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p2. E.P.R.G. (Early Planning for Retirement Group] / p2. Mum - It's for you! / p2. Action for the handicapped / p2. Biggest rug in the world / p2. Council News [City Hall Bookings; Town Planning; Unburnable rubbish; Family Day Care Scheme; Community Occupational Therapist; Kew Community Directory; Come meet your Mayor (Cr Kaye Cole) / p2. Do it yourself duplicating [Copy Shop] / p2. Meals on - tables [Kew Elderly Citizens' Club] / p2. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.3 No.3 : September 1981
Home tutors for migrants [Jill Manton] / p1. Harp, Browse and Buy [Harp Browse and Buy Shop; Victoria Schizophrenia Fellowship] / p1. East Kew Uniting Church / p1. Spring-time Fair [East Kew Uniting Church] /p2. Do you know? [Parents of Disabled Persons] / p2. What's doing in Kew for September / p2&3 Women's Recreation Program /p3. Guest to preach at Kew Baptist Church [Rev. Brian Willersdorf] / p3. Minibus drivers and jockeys [Meals on Wheels] / p3. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Church] / p3. Mission Spring Fair [Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver / p3. The gateway to Kew [Charles Grimes Expedition; Johnston Street Bridge; Studley Park Road; Raheen; Campion Hall; Burke Hall; Studley House; Villa Alba] / Elizabeth Mackie p4. Council News - Family and Community Services (FACS) Programme; Community Service Grants; Deafness Awareness Week; ] / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionHome tutors for migrants [Jill Manton] / p1. Harp, Browse and Buy [Harp Browse and Buy Shop; Victoria Schizophrenia Fellowship] / p1. East Kew Uniting Church / p1. Spring-time Fair [East Kew Uniting Church] /p2. Do you know? [Parents of Disabled Persons] / p2. What's doing in Kew for September / p2&3 Women's Recreation Program /p3. Guest to preach at Kew Baptist Church [Rev. Brian Willersdorf] / p3. Minibus drivers and jockeys [Meals on Wheels] / p3. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Church] / p3. Mission Spring Fair [Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver / p3. The gateway to Kew [Charles Grimes Expedition; Johnston Street Bridge; Studley Park Road; Raheen; Campion Hall; Burke Hall; Studley House; Villa Alba] / Elizabeth Mackie p4. Council News - Family and Community Services (FACS) Programme; Community Service Grants; Deafness Awareness Week; ] / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Drawing room ceiling , 'Villa Alba', Walmer Street (Kew), c. 1965
"Villa Alba is of significance for the outstanding late Victorian painted decoration throughout its interior. The consistently high standard of design in the decoration, and high, and at times, superb quality of its execution, the variety of illustrative techniques, the variety of illusionist effects and the hierarchy of treatments between the rooms of the house all contribute to the significance. The decorative scheme is also of significance as a fine example of the work of the leading Melbourne decorators, the Paterson Brothers. It is one of their first interiors to depart totally from the use of pre-prepared wallpapers of repetitive designs and it is a rare and comprehensive extant example of their domestic work. The decorative schemes in the ground floor hall, the dining room, the drawing, the vestibule, the stair hall, the upper hall, bedroom 1 and the boudoir are also individually of significance as outstanding examples of Victorian decoration.." (Victorian Heritage Database, 2023)This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers (1905-1973), donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian from the 1960s to the 1970s. Original print monochrome photograph of a section of the drawing room ceiling in 'Villa Alba', Walmer Street (Kew)Annotation on reverse: "Villa Alba ceilings. [Stamp - The Royal Women's Hospital, 212 Cardigan Street, Carlton. With Compliments of Public Relations Office]"dorothy rogers, villa alba museum, paterson bros, interior decoration -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kew Recreation Hall, Wellington Street, c.1950
The Kew Recreation Hall was opened in 1880. For eighty years it was a major venue for concerts, performances, dances and civic events. It was demolished in 1960.This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers (1905-1973), donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian from the 1960s to the 1970s. Front view, from Wellington Street, of the former Kew Recreation Hall. The 1880 weatherboard building has a long covered entrance leading to the gabled facade. A smaller gabled room protrudes from one side of the facade. At this stage, the decorative features: gables, brackets, finials, etc were still preserved. The triple window would have been a major source of light for the interior. It appears to have an upper balcony in front of the window. Annotation verso: "28. Kew Recreation Hall prior to demolition. Built about 1880."dorothy rogers, kew recreation hall, buildings -- wellington street (kew) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Kew Recreation Hall, Wellington Street, c.1950
The Kew Recreation Hall was opened in 1880. For eighty years it was a major venue for concerts, performances, dances and civic events. It was demolished in 1960.This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers (1905-1973), donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian from the 1960s to the 1970s. Oblique view, from Wellington Street, of the former Kew Recreation Hall. The 1880 weatherboard building has a long covered entrance leading to the gabled facade. A smaller gabled room protrudes from one side of the facade. At this stage, the decorative features: gables, brackets, finials, etc were still preserved. The triple window would have been a major source of light for the interior. It appears to have an upper balcony in front of the window. Annotation verso: "Kew Recreation Hall. Built ca. 1880 (Photo prior to demolition in 1960".dorothy rogers, kew recreation hall, buildings -- wellington street (kew) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Entrance hall ceiling , 'Villa Alba', Walmer Street [Kew], c. 1965
"Villa Alba is of significance for the outstanding late Victorian painted decoration throughout its interior. The consistently high standard of design in the decoration, and high, and at times, superb quality of its execution, the variety of illustrative techniques, the variety of illusionist effects and the hierarchy of treatments between the rooms of the house all contribute to the significance. The decorative scheme is also of significance as a fine example of the work of the leading Melbourne decorators, the Paterson Brothers. It is one of their first interiors to depart totally from the use of pre-prepared wallpapers of repetitive designs and it is a rare and comprehensive extant example of their domestic work. The decorative schemes in the ground floor hall, the dining room, the drawing, the vestibule, the stair hall, the upper hall, bedroom 1 and the boudoir are also individually of significance as outstanding examples of Victorian decoration.." (Victorian Heritage Database, 2023)This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers (1905-1973), donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian from the 1960s to the 1970s. Original print monochrome photograph of a section of the entrance hall ceiling in 'Villa Alba', Walmer Street (Kew)Annotation verso: "Villa Alba, Walmer Street (Kew)"dorothy rogers, villa alba museum, paterson bros, interior decoration -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Ceiling , 'Villa Alba', Walmer Street [Kew], c. 1965
"Villa Alba is of significance for the outstanding late Victorian painted decoration throughout its interior. The consistently high standard of design in the decoration, and high, and at times, superb quality of its execution, the variety of illustrative techniques, the variety of illusionist effects and the hierarchy of treatments between the rooms of the house all contribute to the significance. The decorative scheme is also of significance as a fine example of the work of the leading Melbourne decorators, the Paterson Brothers. It is one of their first interiors to depart totally from the use of pre-prepared wallpapers of repetitive designs and it is a rare and comprehensive extant example of their domestic work. The decorative schemes in the ground floor hall, the dining room, the drawing, the vestibule, the stair hall, the upper hall, bedroom 1 and the boudoir are also individually of significance as outstanding examples of Victorian decoration.." (Victorian Heritage Database, 2023)This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers (1905-1973), donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian from the 1960s to the 1970s. Original print monochrome photograph of a section of a ceiling in 'Villa Alba', Walmer Street (Kew)Annotation verso: "Villa Alba, Walmer Street (Kew)"dorothy rogers, villa alba museum, paterson bros, interior decoration -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road-making, Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960).city of kew, public works, road-making, studley park road, tom bentley -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Loading a palm tree from Tara Hall, Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of public works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The palm tree on the back of the Council vehicle was believed to have been taken by Council from Tara Hall and relocated to the Alexandra of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, tara hall -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Transporting a palm tree from Tara Hall, Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of public works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The palm tree on the back of the Council vehicle was believed to have been taken by Council from Tara Hall and relocated to the Alexandra of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, tara hall -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road works in Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The photograph shows two Council of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, road works -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Road works in Studley Park Road, c. 1960
Tom Bentley (1912-1993) was born in Lancashire (UK). From circa 1951, he was the Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for Kew City Council. Until his retirement in the 1970s, he was based at the Kew Council Depot, located in the former MTB Horse Tram Depot on the corner of Disraeli and High Streets, Kew. Accompanying the set of twelve photographs is a 12-page illustrated biography of the Bentley and Plumridge families, separately kept in the 'Bentley' subject file.Duplicate black and white positive print photograph of road works in Studley Park Road, Kew, carried out under the supervision of Tom Bentley, Overseer/Superintendent of Outdoor Works for the City of Kew. The location at which the photograph was taken is believed, by the donor, to be in the vicinity of Tara Hall (dem. 1960). The photograph shows a Council vehicles shifting of kew, public works, studley park road, tom bentley, road works -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Class photograph, Xavier Preparatory School, c. 1965
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.Class photograph. Group of Boys in front of Burke Hall. Xavier Preparatory Schoolburke hall, xavier preparatory school, dorothy rogers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Burke Hall, Xavier Preparatory School, circa 1930, c. 1930
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A panoramic photograph of the grounds of Xavier Preparatory School taken from the vicinity of Studley House, looking north east towards Burke Hall (originally Studley Hall). The foreground to the left of the chapel is an oval known as the Chapel Oval (later known as Studley Oval). The ground to the right front is now known as the Jack Gervasoni oval. The house to the far right (part view) is "Campion".Burke Hall (Xavier Preparatory School) formerly Waverley. Built by Charles Griffiths ca. 1869 (Panoramic view from East [sic]) burke hall, studley hall, xavier preparatory school, kew, studley park, dorothy rogers, chapel oval, jack gervasoni oval, burke hall chapel, studley oval, charles griffiths -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Tara Hall', Studley Park Road
The chapter on Tara Hall formed the introduction to 'Lovely Old Homes of Kew' by Dorothy Rogers.This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A photographic reproduction of a plate published by H. de C. Kellett in 1891. The original photographer was J.F.C. Farquaher. The photograph shows Tara Hall (the Byram) in Studley Park Road. The house was demolished in 1960.Tara Hall. Built 1888 (see story). Taken from old faded photo. Not printed. Tara Hall now demolished - taken from old faded photo of Clifton House. [sic]byram, goathland, tara hall, dorothy rogers, studley park road (kew) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Wimba', Cotham Road, J E & B L Rogers, c.1965
'Wimba' is of significance as one of the key nineteenth century houses of Kew and for remaining in a substantially intact state. Although probably built some time earlier, the first mention in the Rate Books of the property later known as 'Wimba Lodge' appears in the entry for 1870 when the property, owned by John Sharpe Denbigh, a civil servant, was given an N.A.V. of £72 2. Denbigh did however occupy a house in Cotham Road in 1863, and it is possible that was the same premises'. The house was occupied by Denbigh until at least May 1876 when the 'family residence...' \ 'as auctioned to Carlington George Edmund Marston 5, a chemist of Smith Street, Collingwood. At the time of the auction the house was described thus: The residence and grounds of the late J.S. Dendigh, situate in the most elevated part of Cotham Road Kew. The grounds comprise an area of 4a Or29p or thereabouts, and have a frontage to Cotham-road of 4 chains. The house has two large rooms in front, with 6ft hall built of brick, bay and side windows (plate glass), four rooms of wood behind with slate roofs, bathroom and closets, detached kitchen and servant's room, large shed with washing boiler, pantry and cellar under, brick and cement tank, and the Yan Yean laid onto house and grounds, cowshed, pigstye, &c, the whole securely fenced. First class orchard and flower garden. The paddocks laid with English grasses and drained... .' (Sanderson P, City of Kew Urban Conservation Study, Volume 2, 1988)This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.The front entrance of Wimba in Cotham Road, Kew. The entrance is flanked by two polygonal bay windows, and a verandah with a concave corrugated iron roof returns around three facades, and accentuates the projections of the windows. The solid render parapet is very ornate and tall for the date of construction. It has panels of decoration along it and is surmounted by a number of render urns. The image was used by Dorothy Rogers in 'A History of Kew' (1973), facing page 144.Wimba ca. 1860 built by J.S. Denbigh (has been altered).wimba, kew, dorothy rogers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, ' Tara Hall,' Mansion home in Studley Park Road, demolished 1960
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical SocietyA view of Tara Hall from Studley Park Road, originally photographed by J.F.C. Farquhar in 1891 for the photographic album 'Kew: Where We Live', published by Henry Kellett. This image of the mansion has been used in a number of publications. The house was demolished in 1960.tara hall, goathland, byram, ramsden, dorothy rogers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print, FGA Barnard, Athenaeum Hall & Kew Town Hall, 1910
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A photographic copy of a book plate made for the historian Dorothy Rogers which was first published in the 'Jubilee History of Kew' (1910) by F.G.A. Barnard"Athenaeum built 1860. 1865 purchased & Town Hall built around it. Later a new front was added as in picture - note old lamps - At present under demolition for Safeways Store"athenaeum hall, walpole street, kew town hall, walpole street, dorothy rogers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Programme, Combined Service of Thanksgiving, Kew Home and Family Week, 1953, 1953
Arthur Henry Dear was an employee of the City of Kew, acting as Hall Keeper of the Kew Recreation Hall in Wellington Street, and later the new Kew City Hall in Cotham Road. The Arthur Dear Collection contains memorabilia - tickets, programmes, invitations - as well as his identification badge. Items in the collection dates from the 1940s to the 1960s. The Kew Recreation Hall (Wellington Street) and later the Kew City Hall (Cotham Road) were major locations in suburban Melbourne in the postwar period for civic and private events including theatre productions and exhibitions. The Arthur Dear Collection (in conjunction with the scrapbooks compiled by Marion Tilley) provide a comprehensive snapshot of performing arts in Kew during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. The collection includes valuable data about performances, performers, directors etc., during this period. Programme issued by The World Council of Churches - Kew Branch, for a Combined Service of Thanksgiving during Kew Home and Family Week on Sunday 26 April 1953. The programme has a photo of the Royal Family on the cover. Kew Home and Family Week took place from Monday 20 April until Sunday 26 April 1953. arthur dear collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Programme, United Service, Kew Home and Family Week, 1953, 1953
... kew home and family week, kew recreation hall... and family week, kew recreation hall Programme issued by The World ...Arthur Henry Dear was an employee of the City of Kew, acting as Hall Keeper of the Kew Recreation Hall in Wellington Street, and later the new Kew City Hall in Cotham Road. The Arthur Dear Collection contains memorabilia - tickets, programmes, invitations - as well as his identification badge. Items in the collection dates from the 1940s to the 1970s.Programme issued by The World Council of Churches - Kew Branch, for a United Service during Kew Home and Family Week on Sunday 26 April 1953. The programme has a photo of the Royal Family on the cover. Kew Home and Family Week took place from Monday 20 April until Sunday 26 April 1953. arthur dear collection, kew home and family week, kew recreation hall -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan, Sydney Arnold Best & Co, Field Place, Kew, c.1929
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.An unnamed subdivision in Studley Park including five lots for sale in Studley Park Road, Highfield Grove and Tara Avenue. Unidentified on the plan, but clearly existing, are the Henty family mansion of Field Place and Tara Hall in Studley Park Road. The first attempted subdivision of Tara Hall was advertised in 1927 in which Lots 5, 6 and 7 in this plan were also advertised. Unusually, Lot 2 in Studley Park Road was created from the northern part of the Henty mansion, rather than Tara Hall. In the subdivision, lots were advertised at varying prices, with the highest price for land being Lot 2 in Studley Park Road. The plan notes that only one villa is to be allowed on each allotment.subdivision plans - kew, field place subdivision -- studley park – kew (vic.), highfield grove – kew (vic.), tara avenue – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Students of Xavier Preparatory School, 1960s
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.An undated school photograph of the students of Xavier Preparatory School in Nolan Avenue, Kew. The photograph is taken outside the entrance to Burke Hall (earlier named Waverley, then Studley Hall).studley hall, burke hall, xavier preparatory school, dorothy rogers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia, MUIOOF: Port Phillip District/Yarra Yarra District Honour Board, 1930
The MUIOOF Lodge was located in Union Street, Kew. The Lodge was established in 1863. It was demolished in the early 1990s.The Lodge Board lists the names of representatives of many of Kew's pioneering families. The Board was donated to the Society when the Hall was demolished. MUIOOF Lodge Board - Yarra Yarra District, Loyal Kew Lodge No. 5093 Port Phillip District till 1888 / Yarra Yarra District from 1888 Past Grands [listed] W.Woolard 1864 to A.E. Martin 1990 Maker marks - [Painted on back panel] "Lodge Board - Written by Bro. J. Kleiner, Signwriter 432 Burwood Rd. Glenferrie March 1930".[Engraved on pediment] "G.E. Gosbell, Woodcarver 1955". muioof (kew), yarra yarra district, port phillip district, j. kleiner, manchester unity independent order of oddfellows, w. woollard, d. gray, g. taylor, d. dannock, e.g. backwell, s. conder, j.h. joyce, r. summers, r. clulow, w. morris, f. fanhauser, j. waters, w. butson, a. dalton, t.g. jellis, j. watson, w. howieson, a.h. alexander, w.h. perry, a.r. studd, t. greenhill, w.a. hunt, w. maslen, t. eakins, h. ellis, a. geoffrey, j. priestman, t.e. morrisjamieson, c.h. bryan, g. hinchcliffe, t. foley, a.j. conder, s. clapham, a. cornish, f.j. fauvel, e.m. bond, h. co, j.g m. moller, e. hillier, w. finucane, w.e. bristow, v. geoffrey, a. hill, j.t. studd, h. de c. kellett, a.j whittaker, e. foley, e.f. fordred, p.j. ridgeway, j. barnard, h.a. ingham, h. woollard, j.w. fuller, e. mclean, p.g. pearce, f. walsh, h. fryar, h. salisbury, h. woolard, h.c. cox, a.j. watson, w. holt, f.t. james, e.c. parry, g. lees, h.o. ada,s, g.c. barclay, g.h. mockridge, g. philpott, j. corser, a. lilburn, w.p. wheeler, t.e. morri, r.r. clarke, h.d. sisson, w.r. harle, w.g. gray, j.d. newman, c.w. laidler, e.a. rae, a.a. homes, a. mcconachie, h.f. woollard, p.g. gallop, h.c. nelson, l.n. graebe, e.w. firth, n. rae, r.j. kelly, j. donaldson, f.t. jmes, c. till, t.j. doyle, s.m.f wills, w.l. smith, h. mcallan, h.a. morgan, a. kinns, w.r. adams, c.h. jones, g.h. carter, m. prout, a.w. bishop, k.c. hemmings, e.k. sparls, l.m. harle, j.m. prout, l.e. watts, d.b. adams, f.u. woolard, a. macrae, n.l. gration, d.h. vickers, m.h.m. alister, t.a. till, r.w. bent, j.w. woolard, a.e. woolard, r.h. harle, jean harle, l.o. adams, d.h. lloyd, k.w. harle, d.g. mclean, p.s. pearse, v.l. profitt, f.c. marks, m.h. mcalister, j. newman, e.m. savory, a.f gration, c.g. teasdale, e.k. sparkes, a.j. scott, w.h. savory, t.r. holland, g.t. smith, d. adams, s. rowe, t. bentley, l.e. fegan, m.j. fiander, g.n. bentley, j.l. oakley, h. brierley, b. oakley, m. j. fiander, w. humphries, a. weingardt, c. nunn, d.a. adams, s.p. clark, s. evans,, s. clugston, d.c. mitchell, a.e. martin, g.n bentley, l.b. murrell, t.b. will, d. murrell -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, The Galleon Press, The Pickwick Portfolio, Vol.1 No.1, 1904
Pickwick Clubs were established around the world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, inspired by the first novel of Charles Dickens. A Kew branch was formed in 1897 and lasted until c.1912. Its membership was drawn from a number of notable Kew families. The club published two booklets, the first in 1904 and the second in 1912. In addition to holding meetings, club members performed in productions of Shakespearian plays in the Recreation Hall in Wellington Street Kew. Members of the club adopted pseudonyms based on characters in Dickens' novels.Literary publication of of artistic (literary) significance recording the social and cultural activities of a group of residents of Kew and its environs that operated from 1897 to c.1912. Copies of volume 1 are held by the State Libraries of Queensland and New South Wales.Contents of The Pickwick Portfolio, Vol.1, No.1 - Frontispiece [Illustration] Pickwick Portfolio / Mark Tapley (Alice Bale); Foreword / Mantalini (Mr A. Barlow); D. Copperfield (Mr H. Brown); Sonnet to celebrate Pickwick Club's birthday's eight and to congratulate it on its happy fate / John Jarndyce (Mr G. Bell); A new planet / Mikawber (Mr H. Mollard); The melancholy heart / Samuel Weller (Mr P. Vines); Time / Florence Dombey (Miss C. Turner); A day in Japan / Miss Moucher (Dr G. Halley); His yellow affability / Mark Tapley (Alice Bale); A tragedy / N. Nickleby (Mrs J.T. Dill, nee Miss Pullar); Bill Sykes [Illustration] / (Micawber (Mr H. Mollard); The norseman's song / Pickwick (Rev W. Slack); The maker of the soul / Squeers (Mr N. Brown); Glory / Jingle (Mr H.M. King); My first conquest / Agnes Wickfield (Miss A. Vines); The mosquito / D. Copperfield (Mr H. Brown); The blind baggage / Mantlini (Mr A. Barlow); The Pickwick Tree [Illustration] / Mark Tapley (Alice Bale); The freedom of life / Toots (Mr W. Shum)fictionthe pickwick club - kew, literary clubs, pickwick clubs, charles dickens -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Booklet, Arbuckle, Waddell & Fawckner, The Pickwick Portfolio, Vol.1 No.2, 1912
Pickwick Clubs were established around the world in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, inspired by the first novel of Charles Dickens. A Kew branch was formed in 1897 and lasted until c.1912. Its membership was drawn from a number of notable Kew families. The club published two booklets, the first in 1904 and the second in 1912. In addition to holding meetings, club members performed in productions of Shakespearian plays in the Recreation Hall in Wellington Street Kew. Members of the club adopted pseudonyms based on characters in Dickens' novels.Literary publication of of artistic (literary) significance recording the social and cultural activities of a group of residents of Kew and its environs that operated from 1897 to c.1912. Another copy is held by the State Library of New South WalesContents of The Pickwick Portfolio, Vol.1, No.2 - Frontispiece / Mark Tapley (Alice Bale); Editorial; To Pickwick / John Jarndyce (Mr G. Bell); A sonnet / BarkisThe Pickwick Portfolio being the magazine of The Pickwick Club, Kew, Vol.1, No.2 January 1, 1912 (Mr McCowan); Nikko / Barnaby Rudge (Mr H. Gaze); The lady or the tiger? / Nathaniel Winkle (Mr J.A. Richardson); Why? / Alfred Jingle (Mr H.M. King); The autobiography of Richard Pitt Cobden Slugger / Sam Weller (Mr P Vines); A new natural history; A kerosene tin / Wardle (Mr Veitch); Peter, or butt me no butts / Henrietta Boffin (Mrs J.A. Richardson); Laughter: can it be cured? / Cap'n Cuttle (Mr E. Vines)fictionthe pickwick club - kew, literary clubs, pickwick clubs, charles dickens -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Publicity Photograph, Herald Feature Service, Inspection of Architectural Models for a New Kew City Hall, circa 1959, 1959
The original Kew Town Hall offices were located in Walpole Street, Kew. Before 1960, even though it had been much discussed over a number of decades, Kew did not have a 'civic hall'. When required, events such as balls, exhibitions or theatrical events were held in the Kew Recreation Hall in Walpole Street. A new City Hall was to be opened by Sir Robert Menzies in 1960. It was located beside the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road. It is now used as the Kew Library. Cr Hugh George Ferguson (at right) was born in June 1900 in Williamstown. After his family moved to Kew, they lived in Fernhurst Grove while his future wife’s family lived in Fellows Street. He married in 1940 and subsequently joined the Australian Imperial Forces. After the war he worked as a Billeting Affairs Organiser for the Dutch Government, resettling migrants in Australia. He also worked in advertising as an account manager, and was campaign director for Arthur Rylah is Victorian politics. He organised the first major trade fairs at the Royal Exhibition Buildings after the Second World War, including a World Trade Fair. He built a home in Brougham Street and represented North Ward on Kew Council from 1952 to 1968. He was elected Mayor for the 1959-60 term. He died in 1975, aged 75, and is buried in Boroondara Cemetery.An item of historical interest donated by members of the Dods family in 2006. The Dods-Ferguson Collection includes a number of items once in the possession of the families related to or descended from two mayors of Kew: Cr. Hugh Ferguson and Cr. Frederick Dods.Publicity photograph of two men and a woman inspecting architectural models for a new Kew City Hall. The man at the right of the photograph is Cr Hugh George Ferguson, Mayor of Kew 1959-60. The Hall, now occupied by the Kew Library, was opened by The Hon H.E. Bolte MLA, Premier of Victoria in 1960.Herald Sun Feature Service / Hugh G. Ferguson & Associates / New Kew City Hall. kew city hall, hugh g. ferguson & asociates, architectural models - kew, cr hugh george ferguson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E Barnes, Kew Becomes a City, 1921, 1921
This is a smaller version of the large framed photograph donated to the new City of Kew by Cr Wishart. The framed photograph was hung in the Walpole Street Town Hall. Presumably, each of the Councillors in the portrait was presented with a smaller version.This photograph was donated by a descendant of the Kellett family. This picture, like it framed counterpart, is historically significant as a record of a major civic event in Kew's history. It is also aesthetically significant as the last official photograph taken by the photographer Josiah Earl Barnes before his death in the same year.Kew Becomes a City, 1921. Small photograph mounted on card of the official portrait of the Mayor and Councillors of Kew in 1921. Josiah Earl Barnes, the photographer, posed the group in front of the Jubilee Rotunda in the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew. At the centre of the group in mayoral robes is the then mayor of Kew, Cr. F.G.A. Barnard. This was to be the last major commission by the Council for J.E. Barnes, who had been responsible for creating the series of 19th Century portraits of former mayors that was displayed in the Kew Town Hall in Walpole Street.J. E. Barnes / Photoj.e. barnes, kew (victoria), kew city council, alexandra gardens, f.g.a. barnard -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Choir, Kew Baptist Church, c.1923
The first Baptist church in Kew was wooden and erected in St John's Parade in 1854 and was enlarged in 1859. A brick church was later erected in Cotham Road in 1882 and was later named Newnham Hall after Reverend Newnham. In 1921 land was purchased in Highbury Grove at a cost of 602.00. Messer's E & F Ratten donated 6 feet of land beside this new purchase which allowed for a frontage 79 feet. The Foundation stone of the current church was laid on 14 October 1922 by Councillor F.R. Patten J.P. The church was opened on 9 June 1923.A rare item from an outstanding and diverse photographic collection, assembled by members of the Christian and Washfold families of Kew.Photographic positive on mounting board. interior of Baptist Church in Highbury Grove with seated congregation in foreground and serried ranks of children and adults at front. Probably the church choir at the opening of the church in 1923. The photo is encased in a grey bifold cardboard outer with a crest on the front. The photo is protected by a sheet of watermarked cellophane. washfold family, kew baptist church -- highbury grove -- kew (vic.), churches -- kew (vic.), christian-washfold collection