Showing 2316 items
matching school of design
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Book, Harleigh Severne, Chums: A Tale for the Youngsters, c. 1892
Brown cloth-covered binding. Front cover has pictures of swords, guns and ancors, with lettering and design in gold. Title and author on spine in black lettering. Gilt-edged pages. 312pp.fiction, childrens literature, 1800s -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Tanck's Corner Yarrambat; Centenary Year 1878-1978, 1878-1978
A history of the primary school at Yarrambat, formerly called Tanck's Corner (until 1929), produced for the school centenary 1878-1978. Written and compiled by Eileen Hooper, design and technical advice from Alan White.A full history of the school including reasons for its establishment and a roll call of students from 1878 to 1978, Third reprint (1995) published with assistance of Yarrambat Historical Society100 pages plus addendum to 3rd reprint. Black and white photographs. Pale blue soft cover with photograph of original school building. 2015 copy has addendum with pupil enrolments to 2015.Inscribed inside front cover : "Noel, sincere thanks for your support, YHS members. 9.6.09" Addendum to 2015:item 2359.yarrambat primary school, tancks corner -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Tanck's Corner Yarrambat; Centenary Year 1878-1978: addendum with pupils to 2015, 1978-2015
An addendum to the history of the primary school at Yarrambat, formerly called Tanck's Corner (until 1929), produced for the school centenary 1878-1978. Written and compiled by Eileen Hooper, design and technical advice from Alan White. Lists pupils to 2015.Addendum to the history of the school including a roll call of students from 1878 to 2015.Addendum to 3rd reprint. Black and white photographs. Pale blue soft cover with photograph of original school building. yarrambat primary school, tancks corner -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Facts & Figures, 1967_06
This 64 page booklet was first issued in 1958 and distributed free of charge to customers. It contained such interesting snippets as a list of Kings and Queens of England to population lists and information about the planets. This was a popular item amongst school children.The State Savings Bank of Victoria existed until 1991 when it was taken over by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. It was a major provider of home loan in the post war period.A 62 page booklet issued by the State Savings Bank of Victoria. The outer cover has a dark olive green background colour and has some yellow detail in the design.Some pencil scribbling on inside covers.state savings bank of victoria, ssb -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Retrospective Magazine. Greensborough College Yearbook 2008, 2008_
Annual record of teaching staff, students and events that took place over the year by using both photos and reports. Headmaster / Principal - Mr. John Conway A permanent record of who attended Greensborough College - both student and teacher in 2008 - includes photographs, articles and class photos. Pages not numbered, blue cover, Title "Retrospective Magazine. Greensborough College 2008" in black ink. Contains text, graphics and class photos. Cover designed by Scott Battye.greensborough college, yearbook, retrospective, school magazines -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Medal - Medal - Australian Bicentenary, 1988
Cupro-nickel medal commissioned by the Commonwealth of Australia to commemorate the Australian Bicentenary in 1988, designed by Michael Meszaros and M. Tracey and minted by the Royal Australian Mint in Canberra. This medal was presented to school children to commemorate the Australian Bicentenary in 1988. The obverse was designed by Melbourne artist Michael Meszaros and depicts school children climbing steps with the Southern Cross in the sky and the word 'EDUCATION' below. The reverse, designed by M. Tracey, features the Bicentennial logo, a map of Australia formed by intersecting diagonal lines.bicentennial, education, medal -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Souvenir - Coffee Mug - Portland Special School Portland, C.R. Hose Glassware Pty Ltd, n.d
... Front: 'PORTLAND SPECIAL SCHOOL' Back: Base - Makers stamp... SCHOOL' Back: Base - Makers stamp 'DESIGNED & DECORATED ...Dark royal blue ceramic coffee mug. Gold decal lighthouse, 3 stick figures, Portland Special School. Double gold band on rim. Measurements 9.8 x 11 x Diameter 8.2cmFront: 'PORTLAND SPECIAL SCHOOL' Back: Base - Makers stamp 'DESIGNED & DECORATED IN AUSTRALIA C.R. HOSE GLASSWARE PTY LTD Glass & Ceramic Decorators EST. 1945 CHINA' -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Tanck's Corner Yarrambat; Centenary Year 1878-1978, 1878-1978
A history of the primary school at Yarrambat, formerly called Tanck's Corner (until 1929), produced for the school centenary 1878-1978. Written and compiled by Eileen Hooper, design and technical advice from Alan White. [3rd Reprint made in 1995]A full history of the school including reasons for its establishment and a roll call of students from 1878 to 1978, Third reprint (1995) published with assistance of Yarrambat Historical SocietyLinks: 00141:02357:02359 100 pages plus addendum to 3rd reprint. Black and white photographs. Pale blue soft cover with photograph of original school building. Inscribed inside front cover : "Noel, sincere thanks for your support, YHS members. 9.6.09" yarrambat primary school, tancks corner, eileen hooper, alan white, yarrambat -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Binder Victorian Education 1947, Circa 1947
These educational publications covering a topical monthly theme and providing a slice "of the era" in general knowledge, was used by schools in Victoria as a basic starting point for a particular level of perceived knowledge. The general articles and extracts contained within, were not targeting a specific gender or socio economic sector but designed for all children at a particular stage of their development. This publication did have a format of: 1st page topical, e.g. ANZAC day scouting (U.N.), one page of regional Victoria, one page of poetry, one page of short stories, one page of world history and the last page of a song, complete with appropriate notes. These publications were produced during the second World War and made special references to it. This publication occurred during a period when the Education Department was highly authoritarian in its approach to State levels of learning. Fragmenting "special" schools like later "New Age" teaching methods and doctrines (home schooling) were repressed with considerable force.This binder full of monthly educational studies was particularly important to "hidden away" rural communities such as in the Kiewa Valley, especially at this point in time (World War II). The teaching methods used by local schools provided the necessary break through required by local school children to stop any adverse knowledge deficiencies due to factors of regional isolation. School children with in the Kiewa Valley would be able to integrate with children from all regions, weather in cities or larger towns. This hard cover (card) binder contains 11 monthly publications produced by the Victorian Department of Education for Grades 7 and 8 in the year 1947. Each issue has 16 pages with the cover page covering the major theme for the month. Each issue is placed within the folder by the folded middle page constrained by a thin cord. This is the only method to contain each monthly edition as they have no clasp or are stapled.The folder"SCHOOL PAPER COVER" underneath and to the left is a sketch of the world (revolving desk top stand) on top of a book and next to this "Name ------------ " underneath "Grade-----------" underneath "School---------" all enclosed by a thin border paper, victorian education curriculum, education news letters, loose leaf educational binders -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Teaching, Handwork for Schools, circa 1944
A text book designed as an aid to teachers in Victorian Primary Schools in the 1940's. It teachers the value of art and handwork as a necessary part of general education.This text book shows the importance and the growing recognition of various hand crafts as part of general education in Victorian schools in the 1940's and also that handcrafts are an integral part of the curriculum, leading towards an improvement in artistic appreciation by raising handwork from the level of manual exercises to that of creative applied art.A hard covered text book, faded blue cover.Front cover: Handwork for Schools, W.R. Dean and H. Jolly, and at the bottom of cover 'Oxford University Press, Leighton House, Melbourne, London: Humphrey Milford.' On the first page, handwritten in red, is a signature 'N. Rodgers' and the title is repeated. The price is marked as 6/6 ( Six shillings, six pence)hand crafts, schools, curriculum, education -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medal, Australian Peace Medal 1919
Awarded to: School Children of the Commonwealth of Australia Other Details: Of the commemorative medals issued to mark the end of the First World War, the most common was the so-called 'Peace' or 'Victory' medal issued to every child in Australia aged 0-14 years (and aged up to 16 if parents were in the armed forces). The medal was designed by Charles Douglas Richardson, better known for his work as a sculptor. Time constraints as well as pressure from the production of other victory medals meant that no single manufacturer could make the 1,670,000 medals. Six were therefore selected: Amor, Stokes, Schlank, Parkes, Angus & Coote (who later withdrew) and Platers. The medals were silvered bronze, with silver issues for special presentations. The Defence Department supplied a red, white and blue striped ribbon and pin. Distribution began in March 1919. Victorian school children received their medals on Friday 18 July and on 'Peace Day' on Saturday 19 July.White metal, circular. Peace with two flying doves on pedestal inscribed, PEACE / 1919 below AUSTRALIA; figure in chains on left and another entangled in bush to right (obverse) Australian sailor and soldier support wreath; above, VICTORY; within, THE / TRIUMPH / OF / LIBERTY / AND / JUSTICE; below on plaque, THE PEACE OF 1919(reverse)peace medal, world war 1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Title Peace of 1919 medalet issued to Australian schoolchildren Object type Medalet Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne Date made 1919 Summary Designed by C Douglas Richardson, 'The Peace of 1919' medalet was issued by the Defence Department to school children throughout Australia to commemorate the signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty in 1919. The medals were originally suspended from a narrow piece of red, white and blue striped cotton ribbon. This medalet is associated with one of the children of Lance Corporal Giles Daniel, 1st AIF. Born in Ballarat, western Victoria on 16 December 1870, Giles Felix Daniel moved to Oakleigh, Victoria aged 15. A member of the Victorian permanent forces, he served as a corporal (regimental number 8) with the First Victorian Mounted Infantry Company, part of the first Victorian Contingent to the war in South Africa in 1899. This unit was one of the first Australian formations to see action during the Boer War. It was largely drawn from serving members of the Victorian forces. Demoted to private following a Court Martial on 19 November 1900, Daniel returned to Australia in December of the same year. During the First World War, he was again one of the first to enlist, joining the AIF on 19 August 1914, and becoming Lance Corporal number 32 with the First Divisional Signals Company. He served with this unit during the Gallipoli campaign and until his return to Australia on 11 April 1916. Silver-plated brass Circular medalet with a plain edge and integral suspension loop. The obverse features a symbolic female figure of Peace, holding a sword and standing on a plinth marked 'PEACE 1919'. Behind her flies a dove, and at her left and right feet are two figures freed from their shackles. The reverse features a central panel surrounded by laurel leaves, surmounted by the King's Crown with the word 'VICTORY' over the rays of the rising sun. A sailor and a digger stand at ease on either side of the panel on which is cast 'THE / TRIUMPH / OF / LIBERTY / AND / JUSTICE'. Below the leaves is a very small panel with the words 'THE PEACE OF 1919' and the manufacturer's name.peace medal 1919 -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Sash and Rosettes Tartan
Early athletics year 11 school championships Kiewa Valley School Carnival circa 1920 - 1950s Historical and social significance of school based physical development of children through dedicated sports programs. An integral part of child development and socialising within the formal school environmentSash made from fine cotton weave with Scottish highland tartan. Width 12cm and sides fine stitched. Pattern (Royal Stewart) running length of ribbon.Two rosettes of same material 9cm diameter with three 3cm wide ribbons attached lengths 16cm, 20.5cm and 28cm The "Glen" designHighland clan to be identified sash, rosettes, school foot races -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Chemistry, Elements of Chemistry, first printed 1887 this item 1921
This item is a good example of a pre 1960's school science reference books. It contains sketches of experimental apparatus and not colored photographs of later text books. Although the sketches are very instructional they do not show the various colours obtained when mixing some compounds. The history of reprints demonstrates the quality of the information and the ease of study for students using this book. The era of this publication was a time when sources for knowledge in schools was restricted to mainly school books and teacher demonstrations. The student in the 2 Millennium has a far greater reference source available e.g. the internet. This book is significant to the Kiewa Valley as the Davies family (Tas Davies, penned on the first page), belong to the early settlers of the valley. The book acknowledges that although the region was relatively isolated up to the mid 1900s, the good teaching methods of local schools did not suffer in this rural area. This region was not in the backwaters of scholarly development and modern progressive thought. As with "school of the air" distances in rural areas, between centres of learning and recipients, became irrelevant provided that the social stimulant to learn exists. The "local school" mind set within rural areas was, even before the improvement of the communication "explosion" of the early 1900s followed by the internet facilities of the late 1900s, the greatest drive in cutting the anomalies between city and rural learning facilities. Government decentralising higher education facilities into regional centres (Wodonga - Albury) provided greater access for the learned mind.This item (book) has a faded red colour, hard cover with black print and rectangular design. Within this design is an encircled double "M" and "&" (in the left inverted V of the M) and a "Co" (in the right inverted V of the M). On the front cover "MACMILLAN'S SCHOOL CLASS BOOKS CHEMISTRY" and on the spine "ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY" underneath "REMSEN" and at the bottom"MACMILLAN & Co"school, chemistry, text books, science experiments -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Cooking, Mount Beauty Souvenir Cookery Book x2, Circa 1962
This cookery book was printed in the early 1960s for the purpose of obtaining the necessary funds for the construction of the Mount Beauty swimming pool. The advertisements within this book covers local traders of this time frame, for example, the Bogong Hotel which is no longer operational. the culinary measurements are in Imperial measures(pounds and ounces). The book has sections for continental dishes and sweets (Australian flavour), special dishes for Lent, cakes (farmhouse fruit cake), jams, marmalades (home made), marrow and apple chutney. Some of these recipes are early 20th Century related and in the 2000s are not sought after. The food "take away" lifestyle has been responsible for the demise of a lot of the recipes in this book. The swing away from home grown produce has been not only a lifestyle change but also the faster pace of living in rural areas. The specialisation and redefined development of the local produce store (previously provided everything the rural shopper needed) was a forced move due to larger and cheaper city born fresh food supermarkets. Although there are still some local produce store within the region these will in time vanish. This cookery book was produced just after Mount Beauty was released from an SEC "closed" community in 1961(see KVHS 0134) and the town then had to fend for itself. This book was compiled and produced because the town needed a swimming pool (which possible would have been provided had the SEC still been responsible). The book demonstrates the strong rural psyche of rallying together for the good of all and united for something which would be of benefit to all. The period 1961 to the 1970s was one of great change for Mount Beauty. The SEC protective cage was a blessing for some but a goal for others. The independence that was gained after the SEC left provided for a drastic "make over" in regards to the facilities provided for the "locals" and that for the tourists. An increase in tourist related industries such as snow skiing in winter, hang gliding and gliding, mountain bike rallies, bush walking and horse riding, all of which have supply outlets in the town, has provided a more cosmopolitan atmosphere. These activities and the greater interaction with populations outside of the region has reduced the "hermit" type feel of the town psyche.This recipe book consists of eighty nine pages in black and white print. It contains black and white sketches, recipes of local domestic cooks and advertisements covering local traders. The cover is approximately 280 g/m2 in weight and the pages are at 90 g/m2 in weight. The cover has a design in the style of Abstract Expressionism (period 1950-1960s) of identifiable (clock,jug,fruit,window) and abstract objects in tints of blue and shades of black. This was designed by Cheryl Ryder of the Mount Beauty High School, under supervision of Mr I Baker (Art Teacher)On the foreword(page two and page three) "Mt. Beauty Souvenir Cookery Book First Edition" . This foreword was presented by Rosa Kinnear, President, Ladies' Auxiliary 2nd copy - no inscriptionrecipe, cooking, food, domestic, kitchen, local history, comfort food, pioneer cleaning methods -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Document, Steam Cylinder Horizontal Engin, 1919
This drawing was produced by Ron Uebergang in 1919 at the Warrnambool Technical School. Members of the Uebergang families have been in the Warrnambool/Allansford area since the early 1850s. Ronald Uebergang (1903-1971) was born in Warrnambool, the son of Ernest Uebergang and Mary Watson. He lived at the family property, Hopkins Hill, and went to Allansford State School and Warrnambool Technical School. He was mechanically-minded, fond of music and dancing and a keen photographer. He married Myra Hall and they ran a dairy farm at Hopkins Hill and later went in for grazing beef cattle. Warrnambool Technical School was established in 1913, firstly at a Timor Street site and later at Caramut Road. Today it is called Brauer College. This drawing is of considerable interest as it was produced by Ron Uebergang. Members of the Uebergang families have been prominent in the Warrnambool/Allansford area since the early days of the district’s establishment. It is also important as a good example of the type of work produced by students from Warrnambool Technical School in its early years. This is a1919 drawing of a Steam Cylinder for a 45 HP Horizontal Engine. The drawing is half the full size of the cylinder. The drawing is on a white card with the sketches done in black and red ink. The card has a heavy black margin around the edges drawn in black ink. The drawing shows a Sectional Plan and a Half Side Elevation with the Cover Plate Removed. The card has the signature of Ron Uebergang. Attached by a metal clip to the card are four pages of measurements and plans of the steam cylinder. These are in black and red ink. Three of these pages have become partly detached. ‘Designed by R. Uebergang’ ‘Drawn by R. Uebergang’ ‘Date 1/12/19’ ronald uebergang, warrnambool technical school, history of allansford, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Drawing, Warrnambool Tech .1 Fly Wheel.2 Bevel Wheels R Uebergang, 1919
These drawings have been produced by Ron Uebergang at the Warrnambool Technical School in 1919. Uebergang family members were pioneer settlers in the Warrnambool area in the early 1850s. Ronald John Uebergang (1903-1971) was born in Warrnambool to Ernest Uebergang and Mary Watson. Ron Uebergang lived at the family property, Hopkins Hill at Allansford and went to Allansford State School and Warrnambool Technical School. He was mechanically minded, a good photographer and fond of music and dancing. He married Myra Hall and was a dairy farmer at Hopkins Hill and later grazed beef cattle. Warrnambool Technical School was established in 1913, firstly at a Timor Street site and later at Caramut Road (today it is known as Brauer College). These drawing are of considerable interest as works produced by Ron Uebergang. Uebergang family members have been prominent in the Warrnambool-Allansford area since the pioneering days of the district. The drawings also are good examples of the type of work produced by Warrnambool Technical School students in its early years.These are two designs and drawings by Ron Uebergang produced at the Warrnambool Technical School in 1919. They are drawn on white card using black and red ink. The scale of the Flywheel is three inches to one foot and the Bevel Wheels are one-third full size. The drawings are edged with heavy black lines. The two sheets have the signature of Ron Uebergang. There are also four pages of handwritten notes on the Flywheel and Bevel Wheels.‘Designed by R. Uebergang’ ‘Drawn by R.Uebergang’ ‘Date 4/1/19’ (on Flywheel sheet) ‘Date 27/5/19’ (on Bevel Wheels sheet) warrnambool technical school, ronald uebergang, history of allansford -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, Woman's World, c1960
Vintage Australian book for the homemaker c1958. The book is published prior to granting of equal pay, affirmation of women's rights, acceptance of working mother and career woman as the norm . The book reinforces the socially accepted concept of the married homemaker and mother as perceived at the time, now the idealised concept is questioned. At the time of publication and reprints this book was envisaged to empower women. Whether' a teenager, career woman,a young married or mother' as a 'guide, philosopher, and friend' The editor Alleyne Jukes was born in Warrnambool to Charles and Mary Jukes of the Floral Farm Warrnambool. She attended Braemar Grammar School and Warrnambool High School. She lived and worked in Melbourne as a journalist and secretary living in St Kilda and Elsternwick 1949, Bentleigh 1954, Oakleigh 1963. In 1961 she gathered together a number of writers and consultants to produce Woman's World, a book designed as the woman's Bible to enable her to have access to expert advice and information about home and outside work fields.The book was hailed at the time at the time as the only work of its type produced entirely for Australian conditions and was an immediate success appealing to a wide range of readers. A similar subject book of smaller size and format has been sighted 'The People's Home Library', 1910 reprinted in 1923 by RC Barnum published by The Oceanic Publishing Company. A Library of three practical books, Medical 478 pp, Home Recipe 238 pp and Home Stock 315pp.This book is a guide for everything from how to answer a telephone correctly to sorting out marital problems. A reference guide for how to be a complete and successful young woman. Courses on Beauty, Fashion, Poise and Personality, Cooking,Every Wise Woman, Love and Marriage, The Home, The Family and Interests and Hobbies. This book has significance for Warrnambool as Alleyne Jukes was born in Warrnambool and has strong family connections to the district.A hardback reference book 'Woman's World' with a cream vinyl binding of flecked fabric outside cover and spine. Gold gilt lettering for the title and a gold gilt rose motif on the front; gold gilt lettering and publisher's name on the spine; plain back cover. The endpapers are repeated of black and white pen ink drawings showing the roles of women on varying splashes of a vairety of mono-coloured backgrounds. A general index on page 602 plus cooking index page 606 and dressmaking and sewing index page 607. The 607 pages are printed on thick, gloss white paper for 64 pages and coarser, white matt paper for the remainder. The table of contents lists a pictorial Introduction and nine chapters (courses) 'that is a 'bible' to the woman 'cares' and is vital to her as her femininity'. The editor has a heading "WOMAN" The Unacknowledged Specialist" and signed with her printed signature...Alleyne Jukes.' No dedication included although a text from Proverbs.alleyne m jukes, woman, self improvement, 'bible', warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Lettering Book, Halstead Press Pty Ltd, The Australian Lettering Book, 1945
... errors, compass points. Especially designed for use in Australian..., compass points. Especially designed for use in Australian Schools ...Author Herbert Newell. Alphabets of varied fonts, headings, flourishes, plans, numerals, sketch maps, scrolls, shading, common errors, compass points. Especially designed for use in Australian Schools, offices of Lawyers, Architects, Surveyors, Engineers, Engravers, and Draughtsmen. Table of contentsThe author is a teacher of show card and ticket writing at Sydney Technical College. Book used by many students and offices. Note by the publishers provides standards for the correct form of the characters. Light brown light card cover with black ink font and border patterns. 32 Cream pages with black ink. Two staples. Hand written name on top of outline black border S. R Coleston. Price 3/9warrnambool, lettering book, angus & robertson limited, s.r. coleston, herbert newell -
Orbost & District Historical Society
bill file, early 20th century
Ossie Green was a retired primary school principal living in Marlo. He wrote many historical books including Marlo The Township; The Plains The Cape. Mrs Green was a McKeown from Marlo. McKeowns had large land holdings around Marlo for farming.This item is an example of a commonly used item in the late 19th -early 20th century. It reflects a time when accounts were made of paper and retained as records by households. Black cast iron billfile. Ornate design with large spike.bill-file ornaments-metal green-ossie mckeown -
Orbost & District Historical Society
household items, 1935-1960s
These items are from the estate of Norma Adelaide Scott (nee Johnston) ,January 2, 1925 - May 18, 2018 (93 years old) who died in Orbost. Norma was part of the Morris family who came to Newmerella in 1888, had land on Grandview Road and on the flats. Mr Morris had been a school teacher at Lake Tyers Mission before coming to Orbost. "Bobs y’r Uncle" was a nursery rhyme game designed by Frank H. Simpson for John Waddington Ltd. in 1935. The game was especially designed for children. The cards had scenes from nursery rhymes and six cards were needed to make up each rhyme in a set. Games turned out to become an important part in the progress of Waddingtons, who eventually acquired the rights to Monopoly in the UK, and then published Cluedo, opening the way for their supremacy in the toy industry These items are examples of common household items used in an Orbost family in the first - mid 20th century.3228.1 is a wooden tray with handles. The tray is lacquered and hand - painted with green leaves and orange flowers. 3228.2 is a brush with a curved wooden handle, lacquered and decorated in a similar pattern of green leaves and flowers. 3228.3 is a small wooden tray, lacquered and hand -painted with green leaves and yellow flowers. It is a rectangular shape with raised edging attached on the four sides. 3229.4 is a pack of cards in a red box with a cartoon type drawing of a man wearing a checked coat and hat holding two dogs on leashes.3228.5 is an orange / white cardboard box containing a pair of nylon stockings: box labelled " 'KOLOTEX/ Free-n-eezy" stockings.3228,5 - in orange and white print - "KOLOTEX/ Free-n-eezy/ Clings/ 40 denier/ SEAMLESS/ S-T-R-E-T-C-H" and in black - "NEW guaranteed never to ladder"scott-norma cards-playing hosiery-kolotex-stockings trays-wooden household -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Group, Ringwood Technical School 1963 Prefects
... in Victoria and of a unique design. The school, known locally... co-ed technical school in Victoria and of a unique design ...As well as the usual Prefects’ duties, their assistance was required for frequent special occasions at the school in its early years, some involving overseas visitors who were given tours of the new school, it being the first co-ed technical school in Victoria and of a unique design. The school, known locally as Ringwood Tech School, Ringwood Tech, Ringy Tech, Ringers Tech, The Tech and RTS, began in 1958 and was hosted at various district schools until 1960, when the new school was completed at Heathmont. It was the first co-ed technical school in Victoria. The school underwent several name and role changes in later years, and finally closed in 2003.Black and White Photograph - RTS Prefects, 1963 Photograph from Ringwood Technical School photo album 21255 labelled “Ringwood Technical School 1963-’64 Class Photos”. (This record was also catalogued as 17091, replaced by this entry)Names: Top row: Patsy Bulstrode, ?, Irene Rye, Elaine Smith, Gary Dewar, Sandra Rudeforth. 3rd row: Robert Tann, Diane Trueman, Tom Derham, Gail Reddish, Trevor Kane, Denise Young, Stephen Alsop, Rosemary Dobrowolski. 2nd row: Ken Washfold, Carmen Powell, ?, Ann Bassett, Terry Keatch, Julie Stephens, John Wilson, Janice Hartley, Gavin Miller. 1st row: Richard Gardner, Derry Truman, Darryl Hodgkins, Principal: Mr E Heard, Teacher: Mr Doug Thomas, Janine Allen, Alan Cornhill, ?. rts, ringwood tech -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Australian Copy Book Fifth Grade, 1920's
This copy book is for the practice of copperplate handwriting and was used at the Orbost School. It was not until the mid-20th century that Australian schools were investigating the modern cursive styles being taught overseas. Writing slates and slate pencils had been a commonplace item of everyday life in colonial Australia. Slates were generally only used by school children in the most junior grades By Class III, however, school children in Victoria had normally passed beyond the need for slates in shaping letters and used ink and copybooks instead. Writing slates often continued to be used for arithmetic exercises. the use of slates was discontinued mainly because paper became cheaper and writing on paper was deemed to be more hygienic.This item is an example of a school text book commonly used for the practice of handwriting in most primary schools in Australia. It shows a style of handwriting not commonly used today. The Cameron family is significaant in the history of Orbost.A school handwriting copy book. It contains examples of copperplate writing for copying and practice. On the front cover there are drawings of a kangaroo, emu, platypus and echidna in each corner. The book is titled "AUSTRALIAN COPY BOOK FIFTH GRADE No. 4". It is designed for use in all states and New Zealand. Inside a banner is "small hand proverbs geography commercial terms". All print is black.on front cover: Jean Cameron Inside front cover: Jean Cameron 1924, J.M. Ralston 1924handwriting education cameron -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Commonwealth Australia 1951, Commemorative Commonwealth Medal
This medal was awarded to the school children of Australia in 1951 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Federation of Australia. The design was chosen after a competition, with the valuable cash prize of two hundred guineas. It was won by John Wolfgang Elischer for his depiction of a man hand-sowing wheat. The wheat has grown to represent the seven States of Australia on the other side of the medal. Elischer was an Austrian sculptor and an Associate of the Royal Academy.Fifty Years of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901 - 1951.This medal was awarded to the school children of Australia in 1951 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Federation of Australia. The design was chosen after a competition, with the valuable cash prize of two hundred guineas. It was won by John Wolfgang Elischer for his depiction of a man hand-sowing wheat. The wheat has grown to represent the seven States of Australia on the other side of the medal. Elischer was an Austrian sculptor and an Associate of the Royal Academy. This is a round medal and is bronze in colour. On the front is a man throwing seed on the ground with the dates, 1901-1951, and on the back the words, "FIFTY YEARS COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA". along with a carving of the sun and seven ears of wheat representing the States and Territory.1901, 1951, commonweath australia medal -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Peace 1919 Medal, Medal Peace 1919, 1919
Awarded to: School Children of the Commonwealth of Australia Other Details: Of the commemorative medals issued to mark the end of the First World War, the most common was the so-called 'Peace' or 'Victory' medal issued to every child in Australia aged 0-14 years (and aged up to 16 if parents were in the armed forces). The medal was designed by Charles Douglas Richardson, better known for his work as a sculptor. Time constraints as well as pressure from the production of other victory medals meant that no single manufacturer could make the 1,670,000 medals. Six were therefore selected: Amor, Stokes, Schlank, Parkes, Angus & Coote (who later withdrew) and Platers. The medals were silvered bronze, with silver issues for special presentations. The Defence Department supplied a red, white and blue striped ribbon and pin. Distribution began in March 1919. Victorian school children received their medals on Friday 18 July and on 'Peace Day' on Saturday 19 July.To commemorate the end of World War 1.Round white metal medals issued to mark the end of WW1. On the front "PEACE 1919", and on the reverse, "VICTORY", middle of the medal "THE TRIUMPH OF LIBERTY AND JUSTICE". on the bottom "THE PEACE OF 1919". With a plain edge.Peace with two flying doves on pedestal inscribed, PEACE / 1919 below AUSTRALIA; figure in chains on left and another entangled in bush to right (obverse) Australian sailor and soldier support wreath; above, VICTORY; within, THE / TRIUMPH / OF / LIBERTY / AND / JUSTICE; below on plaque, THE PEACE OF 1919(reverse)world war 1, peace, victory medal australia -
Cheese World Museum
Book, Amazon Design & Printing, Allansford 1855-2006, 2006
An update of the earlier book 'Allan's Ford: Allansford' by original author Graeme McLeod. The original book was produced to mark the 125th Anniversary of Allansford and its school and the update for the 150th Anniversary of Allansford Primary School. The book records the history of Allansford from its settlement by the Allan brothers in 1839 with an overview of the development of the town, the school and the surrounding small schools which became a part of Allansford & District Primary School, businesses, sport and recreation, public buildings, some pioneer families and John Murray MP and Premier of Victoria.This is the only record of the town of Allansford and provides an overview of the history of Allansford and its development.Blue covered paperback book with blue text for title 'Allansford 1855-2006'. An image of the shop and houses is superimposed on a washout of the same image.allansford, mcleod, graeme, mcleod, barbara, pioneer families, commercial businesses, industries, education, public buildings, sport & recreation, allan family, tooram, allandale -
Australian National Surfing Museum
Book, Andrew Crockett, Switch-foot (surfing art music), 2005
Switch-foot is a classic publication out of Australia 2005. This 210 page hardcover book has many of the immortal surfing images from the golden era in surfing from photographers such as Albe Falzon, George Greenough and Jack Eden. Stories from: George Greenough looking at his simple genius and his movie magic with ‘Dolphin Glide’ and ‘Behind the Scenes.’ The unmasking of the truth behind Peter Drouyn, 12 legends of the Lens (images from the golden era) The telling of Dick Van Straalen’s story and his current relationship with Dave Rastovich The art of Harry Daily Global surf travel with Colas Thomas Campbell drops by Rasta and friends music with the exploration into the mystery of the art of jamming Discussions about sustainable surfcraft production with Tom Wegener, the unveiling of new school talent within music and photography and also talking to important leaders in the field of classic surfing to gather information on surfboard design, single fin surfing and fin dynamics. Music from low pressure sound systems in the story titled ‘the art of jamming’ A significant publication that explores art, photography and music in surfing culture.Switch-foot (surfing art music) is a hard copybook of surfing photography with a black cover featuring 5 art panels and one panel with text. 'Switch-foot surfing art music'.ISBN 0-646-45057art, surfing, jack eden, switchfoot, music, surf photography, alby falzon, george greenough, peter drouyn, dolphin glide, dick van straaleen, jim banks, peter crawford, mark richards -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Short Course Program, VIOSH: Hawthorn Institute of Education, Short Course - Occupational Safety and Health in Educational Institutions, March 1983
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. Details of the short course to be offered through Hawthorn Institute of Education. designed for Departmental and Area Safety Co-ordinators and School Safety Officers. The course outlines the role of safety officers, course dimensions and focus, general aims, course format, staffing, certification and assessment, course fees, course outline, seminar outline and contacts. An application form provides the dates the sessions will be conducted and costs applicable. Seven A4 sheets, typed. Comments in pen on introductory letter. Letterhead for Hawthorn Institute of Education. Signature of Peter Brereton, Assistant Director. Note from J B (Jack Barker). Note from Derek Woolley to Dennis (Else)viosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, hawthorn institute of education, departmental safety co-ordinators, area safety co-ordinators, school safety officers, peter brereton, assistant director, jack barker, director, derek woolley, dennis else, short course -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Ephemera, Preparatory Technical School of Girls, c1919
The aims of the School was "To provide a Technical Training which will prepare girls for their future life's work. This school provides a continuity of study between the Primary and Senior Technical School (School of Mines) classes. This supplies a long felt want in giving a preliminary training for Technical Art, Craft, Commercial, and Industrial Education. It must, however, be distinctly understood that these Preparatory Classes do not fully qualify girls in any of the subjects, but rather discover their aptitude for some line of technical work and thoroughly prepare the to specialise in that particular branch.Prospectus for girls technical education at the Ballarat School of Mines and the Ballarat Technical Art Schoolgirls education, ballarat technical girls' school, ballarat school of mines, ballarat technical art school, commercial, leatherwork, photography, ticket witing, wood carving, drawing, metal work, lithography, dressmaking, millinery, industrial design, scholarships, shorthand, typewriting, ceramics, bookbinding, french polishing, wood inlay -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Sports Image, Ballarat School of Mines Inter-Technical School Athletic Champions, 1919, 1919
The Ballarat School of Mines Athletics Team of 1919 were the inaugural winners of the Inter Techncal Athletics Competition known as the Herald Shield. The team is photographed with a repouse shield which was made by the Ballarat Technical Art School (a division of the Ballarat School of Mines) The 1919 Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine reports: "One of the most successful gathering ever witnessed in Ballarat took place on the City Oval on Saturday 9th, when the Technical Schools of Victoria particiapted in their first combined school sports. This event was the first of its kind ever promoted, and provided an interesting and exciting display of athletics. Last yeat the Junior Technical Schools of Victoria competed for the "Winner Cup" for pepetual competition, in which Swinburne Technical School was the successful winner. This latter competition proved such a success that it was decided to incorporate with the senior Technical Schools, and form an association to encourage sport throughout the Technical Schools of the State. This was achieved by the generous response of the proprietors of the "Herald," who kindly presented a handsome shield to be known as the "Herald Shield' for pepetual competition for the Senior Technical Schools of Victoria. This, by the way, was designed and executed at our own Art School. ..." David McGrath later played 0 game and kicked 6 goals for Fitzroy Football Club in the Victorian Football League (later Autralian Football League).A black and white image of the first inter-technical school Champions in Athletics. Back Row left to right: R.S. Dale, N. Hay, D.G. McGrath, F.M. Larkin Front Row left to right: R. Fleming, W.P. O'Halloran, D. Miller, W. Shttock Front: H.G. Wakelingn. hay, d.g. mcgrath, f.m. larkin, w.p. o'halloran, d. miller, w. shttock, r.s. dale, r. fleming, h.g. wakeling, w. shattock, david gullen mcgrath