Showing 30219 items
matching ballarat goldfield
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for trignometry Grade I, Physics Colleges, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, b. whittington, trigonometry, physics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for metal Working (Turning and Fitting), 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, e. mcconnon, metal working, turning and fitting -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Electricty and Magnetism I, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, j.m. sutherland, electricity and magnetism -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Electricity Technology, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, j.m. sutherland, electical technical ii -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Electricity Technology III, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, j.m. sutherland, electrical technology -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Dressmaking, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, j.a. wright, dressmaking -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Botany, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, botany -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Mining, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Geology Grade I, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, geology -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Geology Grade II, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark green spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, geology -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Mineralogy Grade I, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, mineralogy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Mining Geology, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, mining geology -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Mineralogy II and Petrology II, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, thomas hart, t.s. hart, mineralogy, petrology -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Building Construction, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, buidling construction, henry j. hall -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Practical Geometry, Plane and Solid, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark green spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, henry j. hall, practical geometry -
Federation University Historical Collection
Painting - Illumination, john Sands Limited, Illuminated Address Presented to William Crabb of the Beacon Gold Mine, 1899, 05/1899
William Crabb was later a well respected manager of the Victoria United GMC, Ballarat after leaving the Bucca Bucca region in Queensland.Digital copy of an illumination presented to William Crabb, mine manager at Beacon Gold Mine, Bucca Bucca. We also wish to record our appreciation of the interest you have always shown in the progress of the District, and more particularly the Mining industry. As a Mine Manager, we have found you to be equitable and just to your Employees, whilst at the same time faithfully serving our Employers. We know that you have always had the welfare of your men and the District at heart, and we are as heartily sorry at our loss, which your departure necessitates." (signed) William S Bryce James Demming Thos. G. Fraser, A. Griffith, A. Moncrieff, John Parry, N. Danvers Power, H Skinner, G. Strathen, Trevor W. Alley, William Peter J.P., James Marles, Joseph Smith and 45 others.illumination, william crabb, victoria united gold mine, beacon gold mine, upper bucca bucca, william s. boyce, james dennings, thomas f. fraser, a. griffith, a. moncrieff, john parry, n. daery-porter, h. skinner, c. strather, trever w. alley, william peter, james marles, joseph smith -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Plaque for the Opening of the Ballarat School of Mines Amenities Building, 1981, 1981
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Plaque for the Opening of the Ballarat School of Mines Amenities Building by Governor of Victoria Sir Henry Winneke.School of Mines & Industries Ballarat Amenitues Building was officially opened by His Excellency The Hon Sir Henry Winneke K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B.E., K.St. J., O.C. Governor of Victoria on 7th October 1981 G.H. Beanland K.J. Flecknoe Principal Presidentballarat school of mines, amenities building, building, henry winneke, graham beanland, ken flecknoe -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Former Wesley Church Ballarat Plaque, c1959
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Colour photographOriginally the Wesley Church built in 1856. This building was purchased by the School of Mines in 1883, when it became the museum. In 1859 it was converted into the E.J. Tippett Recreation Hall.buildings, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, former wesley church, ballarat school of mines museum, e.j. tippett recreation hall -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Memorial Stone
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Colour photographThis Memorial Stone was laid by The Honble William A. Watt M.L.C. Premier of Victoria June 5 1914 W.H. Middleton Presidentbuildings, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, william a. watt, premier of victoria, w.h. middleton, plaque, memorial stone, foundation stone -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Library Plaques, c1970s and 1980s
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor organisation of Federation University Australia.Black and white photographThis building was officially opened on 4th July, 1978 by E.J.T. Tippett, M.B.E. in whose honour the library was named thus commemorating dedicated service since 1934 as a member of the Council of the School of Mines and Industries Ballarat Stamp Battery The stamp battery for treating gold ores was first intriduced in California. A heavy iron stamp is raised on a cam and let fall so that its weight causes the quartz which is held in the mortar box. This three head battery was installed in the mining laboratory of The School of Mines, Ballarat in 1898 and crused many hundreds of tons of quartz. It was reected on this site to commeorate the centenary of the School of Mines in 1870. School of Mines & Industries Ballarat Established - 1870 Stage one of The Vocational Skills Centre was officially opened by The Hon. Robert Fordham M.P. Minister of Education on 29th April 1983 P.R. Shiells K.J. Flecknoe Principal President The School of Mines and Industries Ballarat Established - 1870 This plaque commemorates the opening of the Hairdressing School on 9 March 1983 by Peter Cutter, B. Comms, M. Ed. General Manager - Programs, TAFE Board School of Mines and Industries Ballarat Ltd Land Laboratory officially opened by Dr D.F. Smith Director of Agriculture on 12th November 1980. School of Mines & Industries Ballarat Amenities Building was officially opened by His excellency The Hon. Sir Henry Winneke K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., O.B.E.. K. St. J., O.C., Governor of Victoria on 7th October 1981 G.H. Beanland K.J. Beanland Principal President This room is known as the Yates Geological Centre in recognition of a professional lifetime of service from 1920=1962 as' head of Geology in The SChool of Mines and Industries Ballarat by Harold Yates M.Sc Plaque presented by former students This stone was laid by The Hon. Alexr J. Peacock Minister of Public Instruction April 14th 1899 Abdrew Anderson, Presidentbuildings, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, premier of victoria, plaque, e.j.t. tippett library, tippett learning research centre, smb library, ballarat school of mines library, e.j. tippett, smb foundation stone, smb stamp battery plaque, geology centre - yates, yates geological centre, smb amenities building opening, smb land laborarory opening, smb hairdressing school opening, smb vocational centre (stage 1) opening, smb e.j. tippett library opening, former ballarat gaol national trust plaque, former ballarat supreme court national trust plaque, smb buildings - administration national trust plaque, foundation of technical education in australia, ballarat school of mines foundation stone, yates geology centre, amenities building, land laboratory, former ballarat gaol, former ballarat supreme court, courthouse theatre, stamp battery, stamper battery, centenary, anniversary, mortar box, peter shiells, ken flecknoe, vocatonal skills centre, haidressing school, peter cutter, museum building, former wesley church, henry winneke, graham beanland, harold yates, alexander peacock, andrew anderson, a building, administration building -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Plaque for Stage One of the Vocational Skills Centre, 1983, c1983
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Colour photographSchool of Mines and Industries Ballarat Established - 1870 Stage one of The Vocational Skills Cente was officially opened by the Hon. Robet Fordham M.P. Minister of Education in 29th April 1983 P.R. Shiells K.J. Flecknoe Principal Presidentbuildings, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, premier of victoria, plaque, vocational skills centre, stage one of the vocational skills centre, robert fordham, peter shiels, ken flecknoe -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Plaque for the L.F.J. Hillman Recreation Centre, 1984, c1984
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Colour photographThis building was officially opened on 3rd August, 1984 by L.F.J. Hillman in whose honour the recreation building is names thus commemorating dedicated service to The School of Mines and Industries Ballarat K.J. Flecknoe P.R. Shiells President Principalbuildings, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, premier of victoria, plaque, ken flecknoe, peter shiells, hillman recreation centre, l.f.j. hillman -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Plaque for the Ballarat School of Mines Hospitality Facility, 1988, c1984
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Colour photographThe School of Mines and Industries Ballarat limited Established 1870 This plaque commemorates the official opening of the hospitality facility on the 15th April 1988 by The Honourable Ian Cathie MP Minister Assisiting the Minister for Education with Responsibility for Training and Post Secondary Education. K.J. Flecknoe P.R. Shiells President Principalbuildings, ballarat school of mines, smb campus, premier of victoria, plaque, ken flecknoe, peter shiells, hospitality facility, ian cathie -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Technical Schools Second Grade Certificate for Drawing Ornament from a Cast in Light and Shade, 1930, c1984
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Black and white photographAssociates of the Ballarat School of Mines :Lists names 1989-1964ballarat school of mines, smb campus, ballarat technical art school -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Joan Kirner, c1990s
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Colour photographs of Joan Kirnerballarat school of mines, joan kirner, premier of victoria, plaques, visitors -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Millinery, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark bluespine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, dressmaking, edith m. cornell, edith cornell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Mechanics, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark green pine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.d. gilchrist, mechanics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Applied Mechanics Mechanics, 1908, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with purpile spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.d. gilchrist, mechanics, applied mechanics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Mine Surveying, 1909, 1908
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark green spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, mine surveying, a.d. gilchrist -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Land Surveying, 1909, 1909
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.d. gilchrist, land surveying