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matching ' mansions
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, 84 Orrong Crescent, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for 84 Orrong Crescent as at (28/10/2020) "St. Reliers" at 84 Orrong Crescent is important as an unusually excessively enriched asymmetrical villa residence of the Boom period. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO50 84 Orrong Crescent Caulfield North as at (28/10/2020) An imposing Italianate two storeyed asymmetrical villa with overpainted stuccoed surfaces to the facade, distinguished by their ornate treatment. Unusually rich ornamentation includes the acanthus leaf impost capitals, aedicules with swags and volutes, foliated panels to the frieze, ashlar treatment to the lower level and quoins above. The two storeyed cast iron verandah with timber frieze rail protects a black and white tiled floor. The hipped roof has patterned slates.Page 152 of Photograph Album with two landscape photographs of Bonhurst on Orrong Crescent.Handwritten: 84 Orrong Crescent [top right] / NOW 84 - PREVIOUSLY 120 ORRONG CRESCENT / "BONHURST" [under bottom photo] / 152 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, porch, slate roof, garden, decorative brackets, fanlight, protruding bay, bay window, garden lamp, asymmetrical, bonhurst, st reliers, rendered, orrong crescent, caulfield north, cast iron work, victorian style, mansions, house names, slate roofs, italianate style -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, 32 Queen's Avenue, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO137 32 Queens Ave, Caulfield East as at (30/10/2020) The house at no. 32 Queens Avenue, Carnegie, was built in 1888 and formed one of an identical pair since demolished. It was built for and formed part of a land development scheme undertaken by one of Sir Matthew Davies group of speculative companies known as the Freehold Investment and Banking Company of Australia Ltd. It is historically and aesthetically important. It is aesthetically important (Criterion E) as an unusual terraced building form in Glen Eira that stands apart from its neighbours which were built predominantly after the tum of the twentieth century and which is further distinguished by the cast cement ornamentation applied to the central porch.Page 168 of Photograph Album with one photograph of a house on Queen's Avenue. Handwritten: 32 Queen's Avenue [top right] / 168 [bottom right]trevor hart, cast iron lacework, decorative brackets, chimneys, verandah, porch, cast iron columns, queens avenue, 1880's, sir matthew davies, matthew davies, freehold investment and banking company of australia ltd, cast cement ornamentation, arches, caulfield racecourse, portico, stone columns, full length french windows, fanlight, caulfield, race course, queen's avenue, caulfield east, land subdivision, victorian style, cast iron work, rendered mansions, lead lights, terraced buildings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Regent Street, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. At least 2 of these houses (17 and 84) are contributory properties to HO72 Elsternwick Estate and environs.Page 172 of Photograph Album with four photographs of differerent properties on Regent Street.Handwritten: Regent Street [top right] / 17 [under bottom left photo] / 84 [under bottom right photo] / 172 [bottom right]trevor hart, regent street, elsternwick, houses, mansions, cast iron work, verandahs -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Rose Craddock, Rose Craddock Avenue, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0589 Rosecraddock 4-10 Craddock Avenue and 2-8 Keverell CAULFIELD NORTH as at (30/10/2020) "Rosecraddock" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insight into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. Its importance is enhanced through its long association with the Langdon family and, in particular, Henry Joseph Langdon, founder of H.J. Langdon and Company, China merchants. Victorian Heritage Database HO16 Rosecraddock, 2-8 Keverell Road & 4-10 Craddock Avenue Caulfield North (as of 17/02/2021) A single storeyed stuccoed villa with west facing facade consisting of a parapeted and recessed central section with hipped slate roof and timber posted verandah with cast iron lace. Projecting pavilions have bayed windows and a secondary wing runs north with angled corners and prominent chimney stack. The front entrance is situated at the north end of the central section and is given emphasis by a small hip roof and false pediment to the verandah. Outbuildings include the timber stables with characteristic hay loft gablet and fretted barges to the south-east. Rear additions in brick and timber are of an early date and utilitarian in character. Also see for Significance Statement for the H0589 Victorian Heritage Register listing.Page 174 of Photograph Album with four photographs of Rose Craddock.Handwritten: "Rose Craddock" Rose Craddock Ave. top right] / Neg 197 Nov 1972 [under top left photo] / Neg 209 Nov 1972 [under top right photo] / Neg 196 Nov 1972 [under bottom left photo] / Neg 195 198 Nov 1972 [under bottom right photo] / 174 [bottom right]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, rose craddock, rosecraddock, ringwood, 1850's, henry joseph langdon, h.j. langdon, h.j. langdon and company, china merchants, rosecraddock place, slate roof, return verandah, decorative brackets, keverell road, caulfield north, early victorian style, protruding bay windows, cast iron work, rendered walls, entrances, mansions, craddock avenue -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Rose Craddock, Rose Craddock Avenue, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Rosecraddock as at (30/10/2020) City of Glen Eira Heritage Listing HO16 "Rosecraddock" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insight into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. Its importance is enhanced through its long association with the Langdon family and, in particular, Henry Joseph Langdon, founder of H.J. Langdon and Company, China merchants.There is a separate statement of significance at for H0589 Rosecraddock 2-8 KEVERELL ROAD and 4-10 CRADDOCK AVENUE CAULFIELD NORTH - Victorian Heritage RegisterPage 175 of Photograph Album with three photographs of Rose Craddock.Handwritten: Neg 190 Nov 1972 [under top left photo] / Neg 207 Nov 1972 [under bottom left photo] / Neg 191 Nov 1972 [under bottom right photo] / 175 [bottom left]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, rose craddock, rosecraddock, 1850's, henry joseph langdon, h.j. langdon, h.j. langdon and company, china merchants, rosecraddock place, slate roof, return verandah, decorative brackets, cast iron lacework, keverell road, caulfield north, early victorian style, mansions, protruding bay windows, cast iron work, outbuildings, craddock avenue, gardens -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Presentation Convent, Sandham Street, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Presentation Convent, 28 Sandham Street (as at 1/11/2020) - HO61 City of Glen Eira The "Presentation Convent" is locally significant as a substantial late Victorian villa residence in Elsternwick and for its more recent role in the educational and spiritual lives of the community. Other names: formerly "Cromarty School for Girls", "Chiselhurst". (National Trust entry on VHD mentions an association with Horatio Beauchamp without elaborating.) Currently this is St Joseph's Primary School.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Presentation Convent, 28 Sandham Street (as at 1/11/2020) - HO61 City of Glen Eira A substantial two storeyed stuccoed asymmetrical Italianate villa residence, representative of its period, with two storeyed cast iron verandah and projecting facetted bay with trabeated treatment to the ground floor and round arched upper level windows with distinctive moulds.Page 184 of Photograph Album with one portrait and three landscape photographs of Presentation Convent, Elsternwick. One is an internal fireplace and its mantelpiece.Handwritten: Presentation Convent, Sandham Street [top right] / CHISEL HURST / CROMARTY [under bottom right photo] / 184 [bottom right]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, school, education, presentation sisters, catholic girls college, balcony, verandah, presentation convent, sandham street, victorian villa residence, cast iron frieze, cast iron columns, protruding bay, bay window, 1880's, late victorian, cromarty, chiselhurst, chisel hurst, horatio beauchamp, elsternwick, victorian style, cast iron work, catholic church, mansions, house names, gardens, mantelpieces, fireplaces, streetscapes, cars, cromarty school for girls, st joseph's primary school, st josephs primary school -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Newspaper article from Sunday Age magazine dated 26/01/2014. Gives brief house history and eight photographs of home exterior and interior and shows renovated entrance hall.nithsdale, caulfield north, house names, crouch t.j., ironmongers, italianate style, architectural styles, turnbull rob, turnbull margaret, chambers j.s., flats, mansions, architectural features, victorian style, kambrook road -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Payneswicke, Gladstone Parade, 13, Elsternwick
This file contains 4 items about the 2014 sale campaign for this for this property: 1/Two newspaper ads on Paynewick for the property's forthcoming sale. Includes a brief article on owners who presently own property. These are unsourced but sale was in 2014. 2/Newspaper article from Review Weekly, dated 06/05/14, on property details and renovations 3/3 photos of Payneswick in advertising from The Weekly Review, dated 07/05/2014 4/Article from Domain dated 09/05/2014, two photographs of interior, and selling features for forthcoming auctiongladstone parade, elsternwick, victorian style, architectural styles, mansions, hoffman paula, hoffman eugene, forge suzie, gables, wrought iron work, 'payneswicke', 'payneswick', architectural features, marvellous melbourne, advertisements, land sales -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items relating to the History of Shelford Girls’ School and Kindergarten: 1/1 set of typed notes by Betty Snowball, titled ‘History of Shelford Church of England Girls’ Grammar School’, date unknown. The notes detail the history of the school from 1898 to 1973 including a period from 1922 when boys and girls were enrolled. 2/2 copies of typed notes detailing the history of the school from 1898 to 1982. Author and date unknown.dixon emily miss, shelford church of england girls’ grammar school, ‘shelford’, glen eira road, st mary’s church, seymour road, blundell d miss, homain freda miss, schools, blundell f miss, alison road, langley h.t. canon, green bishop, anglican church, thomas a.m. miss, principals, students, bishops, ‘helenslea’, hood crescent, hood judge, ripley grove, st margaret’s hall, thewlis d miss, foundation stones, criswick wing, criswick mrs, cooper wing, cooper canon, woods f archbishop dr, baddams v.t. miss, baddams wing, cowling c.c. reverend, washington i.i. miss, ida washington library, delacombe rohan sir major general (governor), myers j.m. miss, parents clubs, classrooms, schoolhouses, davies margaret e miss, nicholson mabel miss, the nicholson primary library, st mary’s parish caulfield, caulfield, lloyd c mr, thewlis wing, henderson g mr, henderson mrs, hancock archdeacon, gates, watson normie, scholl reginald sir, gorton john senator, langley canon, langley dean, hone brian sir, caulfield grammar, excursions, construction (events and activities), britten e. miss, halls, theatres, ‘little shelford’, thewlis j.s. miss, coach houses, lofts, festivals and celebrations, primary schools, secondary schools, stables, clergy residences, fireplaces, towers, mansions -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 9 items relating to the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School and its early years there. 1/1 photocopy of a notice advertising a public meeting on 04/12/1922 concerning fundraising for the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School, dated 29/11/1922, publication unknown. 2/1 leaflet requesting donations and gifts for the purchase and fitting out of ‘Helenslea’ for Shelford Girls’ School, dated 04/12/1922, publication unknown. 3/1 photocopy of 2 pages from the ‘St Mary’s Church Chronicle’ dated 16/12/1922., describing Shelford’s history, the purchase of ‘Helenslea’ and related fundraising efforts. 4/1 photocopy of an invitation to Mr & Mrs Reeves to attend the dedication of ‘Helenslea’ for use by Shelford Girls’ School on 22/02/1923. 5/1 photocopy of an article and 5 photographs in ‘Punch’, 01/03/1923, about the dedication of ‘Helenslea’ for use by Shelford Girls’ School. The photographs are of various visitors, staff and students with one showing the front of ‘Helenslea’. 6/1 photocopy of a one-page prospectus including rules for Shelford Girls’ School and Kindergarten with a photograph of the school dated approximately 1922-23. Date and publication unknown. The photograph shows ‘Helenslea’ prior to the alterations done for the school. 7/1 Photocopy of a photograph titled ‘Retrospect’ of the staff of Shelford Girls’ School in 1923 including E.H. Naylor, Rev. James Townsend, A.M. Thomas, D. Champion, P.M. Evans, and L. Fulton. Another photocopy of a second photograph of the school approx. 1923 and a list of teaching staff. Date and publication unknown. 8/2 photocopies of an article from an unknown, undated publication containing an extract from the ‘The Argus’, December 1928 describing the Shelford Speech Night. Also contains several notes about Shelford events and a photograph of the school in 1929. 9/1 photocopy of an undated photograph of Shelford Girls’ School from an unknown publication. Development of the gardens indicates a later date than mary’s church, caulfield, shelford girls’ school and kindergarten, glen eira road, ‘helenslea’, hood crescent, hayman archdeacon, eggleston f.w., fundraising events, public meetings, schools, st mary’s school hall, blundell dora miss, allison road, school committees, mansions, stables, hood justice mr, views, churches, clergy residences, classrooms, halls, langley h.t., st mary’s church of england, moffit graham j, swale. d.h. mr, children, kindergartens, smith ogg and serpell (architects), smith sydney, dodgson miss, falls councillor, prendergast a.i. (churchwarden), slaney f miss, dumas mr, thomas miss, pollard mr, gill miss, beggs f.g. miss, beggs c miss, hollow s mr, irwin t mr, lloyd m.c. mr, graham j.m. mr, fredrickson mrs, langley canon, askew a.j. mr, scales a.w. mr, dixon emily miss, seymour road, stephen george sir, douglas sholto mr, ludbrook e.c. mr, langley mrs, reeves mr, reeves mrs, openings (events), lees harrington mrs, brookes mrs (mayoress), mayors, crotty c reverend, crotty mrs, wells j.s. reverend, wells mrs, scheiger c.p. reverend, scheiger mrs, cole t. reverend, cole mrs, gumas g. mr, gumas mrs, creswick h.e. mr, creswick mrs, askew mr, askew mrs, falls mrs, mowle councillor, mowle mrs, scales mr, scales mrs, welshford smithers t mr, welshford smithers mrs, walker h.k. mrs, lansell clarke mrs, head mrs, slaney miss, moffit graham mrs, whittington mrs, horsley a. mrs, townsend l. reverend, britten a.e. reverend, burns h. reverend, burns mrs, crockett reverend, crockett mrs, mclennan mr, mclennan mrs, mclellan miss, schofield reverend, brain reverend, wagg reverend, reeves reverend, archer f.h., archer mrs, akehurst miss, hoggart mrs, mcgowan mr, mcgowan mrs, chalk a.s. mr, chalk mrs, godley mrs, nattrass miss, gill miss, farmer mrs, biggs mrs, fulton mrs, armstrong mrs, thompson g.h. mr, thompson mrs, hall councillor, hall mrs, murray councillor, murray mrs, robertson h.j. mrs, thomas a.m. miss, education, naylor e.h. miss, townsend james reverend, champion d. (female), evans p.m. miss, fulton l. (female), davidson m.j. miss, allen e miss, smart m mrs, giderson h mrs, dunstan g mrs, forte e mrs, morres t miss, pollard e miss, varley m miss, tuckwell charles, howden l miss, massey ella miss, mitchell m miss, mollison f miss, lascelles k miss, england s.p. mr, miller e miss, smith m miss, speech nights, baker donald bishop, patton councillor (mayor), old girls association, dances and balls, green bishop, scarlett captain, king frank reverend, choirs, hayman archdeacon, awards -
Glen Eira Historical Society
3 items about this person: 1/Two twelve page carbon copied documents, purportedly written by William Letchte, son of George, written in c1935/36. He writes of his jobs as a dairyman, cow minder at the age of ten tears. He recollects streets, people, residences, business and general landscape in the area, as he takes you on a tour of the area. 2/Photocopied photo of Katrina Lechte (nee Bolch?) donated by Ian Lechte, 15 Adrian Street, East Bentleigh. 3/Photocopied copy of first pages and cover of William Lechte’s booklet on ‘Caulfield 1869 – 1935 Memories of the Past’, published by the City of Caulfield, 1992. The Society has the full booklet in its book collection (not yet catalogued as of 07/07/2015).grange road, glenhuntly, glen huntly station, alma road, dairies, caulfield park, swamp, queens avenue, station street, cross street, racecourse, heywood j. g., turf club hotel, dandenong road, royal hotel, koornang road, north road, murrumbeena road, mclaurin archibald, crosbie j. w., poath road, newton mr., hooker mr., peck family robert farmer, dairies, ross murray, rosstown, hansen hans, arnott family, peppin family, ormond station, malane family, fraser simon, overtons, shepherds, spring road, mohlers, brighton cemetery, mall kim, market gardeners, long john farmer, fiedler mr., booran road, reservoir, summers mr., maddocks mr., holland mr., caulfield council, glen eira road, harriman benjamin c., kambrook road, bambra road, princess park, marriott john, hawthorn road, brickworks, hyam mr., cottages, jasmine street, sycamore street, paddy o’briens swamp, arnold tom, london tavern hotel, guess john-grocer, topp mr., poath road, pine trees, colonel le marehand, balaclava junction, chemist shop, bell mr., nicholls mr. william h., wine shop, orme mr., pepperorn mr. john, balaclava road, orchards, harvey mr. robert tailor, schubert mr., blew charlie – gardener, philpott mr. richard b., farquhar mr. william farmer, newing t. r., glen eira road, payne john, brockhoft mr., dickson mr. james, snipe t., bevan mr., mckean family john, murray family, francis mr., hart mr., mcdougall james, brady peter, cad, elsternwick station, webb mr., masters mr. samuel, master street, ford mr., anderson mr. joseph gardener, slaney mr., boxhill mr. richard, post office, newsagent, hotham street, service james, bunn mr., sargood mr., orrong road, arnold tom – dairy, officer mr., grimwade mr., alexandra street, oakleigh hall, degraves mr., wilson samuel, ‘manifold’, house names, miller septimus, alma road, knox mr. james gardener, smith mr., coachman, ‘cumloden’, lange mr., holyrood justice mr., cronin mrs. mary, mcgivenys dairy, ‘belle vista’, lloyd c. d., caulfield council, hughes mr., armstrong j. a., tom healey’s market garden, kooyong road, inkerman road, tom roe’s market garden, mcleod captain, daish captain, plumridger mr. frederick, gardeners, tester mr. thomas, kent mr., kent g., fiddes mr., billings mr., semple mr., fosberry mr., howitt or., merrett mr., orchards, hawthorn road, hines mr., ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., ‘crotonhurst’, webb justice mr., renwick s., ‘garrell’, barry mr., drinsdale family, st. mary’s church, sunday school, newing miss, teachers, stephen justice mr., stephen wilberforce, mount l., grimwade’s, ‘grimwade house’, danby’s, spence mr., venables family, mr. moss’ congregational church, barnhill mrs., porter miss, webb’s, ferguson, orange, police stations, kooyong road, pennington mr., health inspectors, engineers, inkley mr., farriers, mckeon mr., ‘sylverly’, dixon mr. edward, turner mr., marriott robert, ‘ravenhurst’, thompson j. j., wott t., architects, perrin mr. francis, tennis courts, royal parade, sayce mr. joseph j. p., ricketson h., ‘glen eira’, mansions, hospitals, turner mr., evans family, stephens miss, registers, mcculloch lady, convalescent homes, prentice street, edward street, strickland, keany pat, brentwood charlie, fordham lewis, hopetoun gardens, higgins mr. joseph f. engineer, railway construction bill, evans mr., beavis mr., twycross family john, medina captain, cowderoy mr. benjamin, murray mr., moore mr., ‘glenfern’, st. georges road, glen huntly road, cedar street, hunt bill – ‘bandy hunt’, jessamine street, alder street, le page’s store, post offices, balaclava junction, stephens frank, solicitors, parkside street, robinson j., ilbery mr. and family, mclennan mrs., victoria street, savings bank, riddell parade, elworthy mr. richard, butchers, shaw mr. william, armstrong mr., guess’ hotel, sycamore street, bagshaw mr., clack joe, wawn alex, sisson family, north road, younger mr., kooyong road, sheridan joseph, anketell family – john, wren john – carpenter, wills mr. peter, attrills arnold, heffernan family, cox peter, ilbery john, hotham street, glen huntly road, page j. w., bakeries, forests, godfrey mr., blacksmiths, thompson j. j., olive street, cedar street, letchte w., tierney richard, alma road, st. kilda east, murray peter, letchte’ cows – grazing, holland grove, eskdale road, lechte katrina, lechte ian, lechte catherine, lechte warren, lechte stuart, lechte elaine -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Rosstown Railway
This file contains four items: 1/A black and white photocopy of a letter dated either 07/08/1889 or 09/08/1889, from Robert Lundon to an unidentified recipient discussing an agreement reached between the author – on behalf of the recipient – and Soon Hang Hi in regard, in regards to the allotment known as Webber’s. The agreement is outlined in the letter in what appears to be Chinese characters, and includes the marks of Robert Lundon and Soon Hang Hi. File note from Joy Wu states that the calligraphy is not Mandarin or traditional Chinese. 2/Three sheets of hand-written working notes with information taken from the Victorian Government Gazette on THE ROSSTOWN AND MURRUMBEENA LAND COMPANY LIMITED, THE ROSSTOWN JUNCTION RAILWAY AND PROSPERITY COMPANY LIOMITED, and THE ROSSTOWN JUNCTION, ELSTERNWICK, AND OAKLEIGH RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED, covering dates between 1887 and 1894. The notes concern meetings and creditors claims relevant to the companies, with reference numbers for the information source. Date and author of the notes are not recorded. 3/A black and white photocopy of the a partial map of the Rosstown Railway and surrounding area, undated. The map includes the names of landholders in the areas of Brighton, Garden Vale and Elsternwick, as well as other railway lines present in the region. 4/A fold-out map and guide of the Rosstown Rail Trail, including a brief general history of Caulfield as well as a more extensive biography of William Murray Ross and the Rosstown Railway. The map marks and describes significant sites along the trail, including photographs of some of these sites, provided by DF Jowett.documents, correspondence, webber’s, lundon robert, chinese characters, ethnic communities, signatures, text, settlements, taxes, fraser john grieves, lovell r.h., price davies, meetings, communication activities, soon hang hi, commercial events and activities, the rosstown and murrumbeena land company limited, victorian government gazette, bulmer richard, parry john, osment henry, shareholders, creditors claims, the rosstown junction railway and property company limited, finch and best, lawyers, the rosstown junction elsternwick and oakleigh railway company limited, cameron w.c., phillips p.d., garden vale, elsternwick, elsternwick railway station, rosstown, rosstown railway, thomas street, bay street, kooyong road, melbourne and brighton railway, hawthorn road, bambra road, caulfield and frankston railway, booran road, grange road, koornang road, murrumbeena road, north road, north road railway station, east brighton railway station, south road, railway routes, railway lines, railways, land transport, murphy j., caulfield, hamilton t.f., dane p., holloway, webb, ailee john, payne t.b., brodie chas, dane john, o’neil h., mccombie john, mcmillane a., smyth c.d., cooper, ebden, landholders, jeffrey j.d., gill j., balcombe a.e., cooper h., mcnab j., white j., sutherland j., greeves a.f.a., newton m.c., chamley f.b., fowler j., inglis p., grant t., stooke j., swanson g., cochrane c., adams e.b., mccombie thas, keyes robert, brighton cemetery, burials grounds and graveyards, war-ein road, were j.b., holland j., mcmahon c., winter t.l.m., dendy henry, mitchell w., jackson s., were j.e., wickham francis dawe, bryant jane, east brighton railway station, railway stations, maps, allotments, land titles, roads and streets, rosstown rail trail, city of glen eira, tourism, trains, tourism information bureaus, tours, pamphlets, elsternwick railway park, oakleigh junction, princes park, ee gunn reserve, packer park, sites, jowett d.f., weickhardt i.g., return to rosstown: railways land sales and sugar beet ventures in caulfield, land sales, walking trails, ross william murray, transport objects, locomotion, walking, cycling, driving, sports, country mansions, people, caulfield john, builders, construction and demolition workers, occupations, careers, professionals, topography, geology, landforms, horticulture, market gardens, primary industry workers, city of caulfield, mood kee, pennington harold, annual general meetings, caulfield town hall, glen eira city council, carnegie, carnegie station, rosstown station, people by circumstance, migrants, sugar beet, sugar beet mill, sugar beet industry, mills, factories, sea beach lines, bent thomas, parliamentary representatives, neville street, miller street, lemann’s swamp reserve, koornang park, cane sugar industry, breweries, rabbit processing plants, health establishments, hospitals, food production establishments, abattoirs, thieves, social problems, vagrants, theft, squatting, financial economics, debt, finance industry, insurance companies, company managers, bentleigh, ross leila, the grange, leila road, wild cherry road, financial trouble, mortgages, gisborne street, archibald street, riddell parade, victoria railways, glen huntly road, clarence street, college street, gladstone parade, parrell street, aileen avenue, seaview street, drion estate, land subdivisions, dover street, sussex street, landfill, marara road, booran road, woodville avenue, dorothy avenue, ormond park, royal avenue, ormond railway station, oakleigh road, melten avenue, miller street, munro avenue, lord reserve, neerim road, toolambool road, the rosstown hotel, rosanna street, murrumbeena crescent, commercial establishments, the national bank, rosstown road, kangaroo road, poath road, freda street, hughesdale kindergarten, oakleigh council, hughesdale community centre, civic establishments, galbally reserve, plaques, warrigal road, out and about brochures -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains four items 1/Two copies of a twenty-four page booklet titled CITY OF CAULFIELD CENTENARY 1857-1957, created by the Caulfield City Council and printed by Peter Isaacson Pty Limited, Melbourne. The booklet details important aspects of Caulfield’s history including council procedures, the Caulfield Road District Proclamation, the first election and a summary of 100 years of local government with a description of the present Caulfield in 1957. The booklet also includes several pictures of various Caulfield landmarks and people including one of Caulfield City Councillors (11 men and 1 woman). Also one photocopied version of this booklet. 2/Eleven pages of typed notes for the City of Caulfield Centenary booklet. All notes are undated and incomplete. Two pages titled NOTES on THE HISTORY and PROGRESS OF THE CITY OF CAULFIELD, author unknown. Three and a half pages titled THE STRUCTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN VICTORIA, author unknown. Five pages titled 100 YEARS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT – EARLY CAULFIELD, by Mrs A. P. Bell. 3/A typed letter to Miss V. Webb-Langdon from the Town Clerk H.G. Nelson, acknowledging her contribution to historical details for the Caulfield Council’s Centenary booklet, dated 24/12/1957. 4/A handwritten letter and a handwritten note regarding the acquisition of notes for the Caulfield Centenary booklet. The letter is dated 03/08/2006 and the note is dated 09/02/ of caulfield centenary, caulfield road district, sinclair a.j.g., city hall, war memorials, gamble h.a., machin l.r., bunny f.c.d., caulfield park, koornang reserve, parton e.m., sims h.e., thomson w.r., gunn e.e., yorston j.s., wallace g.e. mrs, green w.c., jenner e.r., ward boundaries, dandenong road, queens avenue, normanby road, station street, bond street, glen eira road, orrong road, poath road, north road, booran road, nepean highway, glen huntly road, glenhuntly road, inkerman road, hotham street, nelson h.g., fullard w.r., mackley g.j., ellis k.i, crosbie m.r., nutting b.i., body j.h., pritchard r.j., guildford l.t.g., lund l.m., street h.c., reynolds a.w., elections , political processes, local government, springthorpe reserve, greenmeadows gardens, business and finance, roads and streets, caulfield racecourse, east caulfield reserve, mackinnon reserve, hawthorn road, balaclava road, murrumbeena road, lempriere avenue, victoria street, koornang road, lord reserve, lyons street, murrumbeena reserve, kangaroo road, ormond park, beatty crescent, foch street, packer reserve, oakleigh road, leila road, prices park, bambra road, riley reserve, playgrounds, town hall, maternal and child health centres, truganini road, grange road, senior citizens centre, barkley sir henry, moore david, handasyde gilbert, caulfield school room, harris g.w., semple john, dempsey william, brooks w.a., wilson thomas, lyall william, murrum murrumbeen lifestyle, ‘greenmeadows’ house, lempriere family, aboriginal culture, ‘rippon lea’ house, caulfield john, ‘slaney’s’ home, alma road, paddy’s swamp, racecourse hotel, caulfield technical college, bevan mr., ‘grosmont’, hart john, railways, mansions, ‘rosecraddock’, langdon h. j., caulfield cup, ‘crotonhurst’, webb judge, ‘kilwinning’, service james, ricketson henry, ‘glen eira’, house names, garden vale, ross william murray, ‘ross’s folly’, outer circle railway, caulfield grammar school, davies j. henry, lagdon william, grimwade f.s., loyd charles du plan, hope george, ‘airdrie’, kooyong hill, market gardens, dairies, lady talbot milk supply, jenner family, o’niell college, presentation sisters, glenferrie road, grimwade frederick sheppard, grimwade alice, ‘harlston’, grimwade house, ‘saint aubin’s’, ‘st. aubin’s’, ‘caulfield hall’, caulfield john p.t., st georges road, caulfield military hospital, nursing homes, health establishments, dover street, sports and recreations, rosanna street, ‘cantala’, health services, parks and reserves, community services, town planning, local government finance, local officials and employees -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - National Trust Register
This file contains two items relating to historic buildings in Glen Eira listed on the National Trust Registry: 1/A fax, sent to Gladys Vallati on 02/03/1995 from the National Trust of Australia listing buildings on the Trust’s registry in the Glen Eira area, as well as their addresses and status on the register (5 pages). (Additional photocopy taken for preservation purposes). 2/A typed list of buildings in the Glen Eira area (mainly Caulfield) which are on the National Trust list, including address, approximate date of construction and status on the register. Date of production of the list is unknown. (6 pages).neerim road, poplar grove, avoca grove, balaclava road, orrong road, bambra road, glen eira road, hood crescent, hawthorn road, glenferri street, glenhuntly road, glen huntly road, kambrook road, kooyong road, lirrewa grove, manor grove, north road, pearson avenue, seymour road, alma road, craddock avenue, dandenong road, lyndoch avenue, orrong crescent, hotham street, nagle avenue, inkerman street, iknerman road, sandham street, selwyn street, st. georges road, willow street, grange road, station place, railway parade, alexandra street, wood crescent, elizabeth street, halstead street, mavho street, tucker road, mckinnon road, nepean highway, wheatly road, uniting church carnegie, athole, st stephen's uniting church caulfield, st aloysius' catholic church, halstead, st mary's anglican church caulfield, caulfield town hall, anseln, the glen, woolamai, caulfield house, caulfield hospital, lirrewa, labassa, fairfield hall, bellecourt, bagatelle, myoora, rosecraddock, adam and eve - karl duldig, the family - karl duldig, caulfield primary school, septimus miller memorial chapel, brighton cemetery, hopetoun gardens, state savings bank elsternwick, anderson organ, hopetoun private hospital (melrose), rippon lea, ripponlea, burreel, o'neill college, lisbon house, elsternwick club, merkin-schutze organ, presentation convent, duldig mural - kadimah cultural centre, glenmoore, craigellachie, st james the great, glenfern, grimwade house, dacre, trinity congregational uniting church glenhuntly, alnwick, holmwood, new alexandra, joscelyne organ, smith organ, fincham organ, st george's bentleigh, mckinnon progress hall, wurlitzer organ, moorabbin town hall, christ anglican church, st mary's jubilee school, st stephen's presbyterian church, elsternwick congregational church, st mary's church of england, former metropolitan fire brigade station no. 31, st mary's jubilee church, belle court, trinity congregational church, heatherbrae, carnegie, caulfield, caulfield north, caulfield south, elsternwick, glen huntly, glenhuntly, murrumbeena, st kilda east, bentleigh, mckinnon, moorabbin, ormond, national trust of australia, national trust register, houses, churches, schools, organs, vallati gladys, mansions -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - National Trust Register
This file contains two items about the activities of the National Trust of Australia: 1/The minutes of a Property Managers’ Meeting, held on 26/11/1996 at 11 AM at Mulberry Hill, Baxter. Of particular note in the minutes is a discussion of Labassa’s funds, and that new volunteers have been sent out to Rippon Lea (8 pages). 2/The programme of events conducted by the National Trust in April and June 1997, sent to Mr and Mrs. AJ Campbell, and containing a booking form. The programme includes several events held in Glen Eira, including at Labassa and Rippon Lea.national trust of australia, national trust register, labassa, rippon lea, ripponlea, glenmoore, manor grove, caulfield, orrong road, hotham street, elsternwick, st. georges road, houses, mansions, barnes lesley, hare joan, dobson lynette, campbell aj mr., campbell aj mrs., chesney lois, heathcote richard, white lorraine, bantow jennifer, granville fiona, montell lindy, cuoldy nola, simpson dorothy, campbell felicitie, heeley g. kevin, fabini margaret, pimm marjory, robinson heather, lear marie, slack ray, slack trish, robinson bruce, wilson pamela, thompson norma -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - MCKINNON
Brief typed history of McKinnon settlement taken from Moorabbin A Pictorial History 1862-1994 by John Cribben. Includes photocopied pages of railway gates, five land estate flyers and an article from the McKinnon Progress, undated.mckinnon, cribben john, crop production, markets, farmers, elster creek, mcmillan archibald, thomas street, centre road, wheatley road, vineyards, south road, ormond, brighton, moorabbin, irish, immigrants, bentleigh, priests, hanrahan pierce, hanrahan johanna, caroll michael, caroll catherine, howes eliza, howes john, howes edward, shanahan denis, shanahan ellen, gould james, gould catherine, howes george, bignell road, jasper road, tucker road, mcguiness family, quinn family, halinan family, malane family, inns, the gardeners arms, mckinnon hotel, bent james, bent thomas, tickets of leave, murray road, were nicholas, sargood family, ripponlea, mansions, elsternwick, st. stephens’ common school, church of england, school houses, evelyn street, st. john’s anglican church, telegraph offices, post offices, state schools, manchester road, north road, nicholls buildings, rivers frank, rivers ray, shops, pridgeon mr., elm grove, sobrin mr., clark misses, greaves bakery, armitage mrs., rout mr., tunnicliffe mrs., lance’s milk bar, johnson’s hardware shop, stiringer mrs., white horrie, robinson’s, mcinnerney’s flower shop, jean darling’s cakes, wyles jim, mckinnon progress association, glen orme avenue, ormond theatre, theatres, lester harry, the plaza, railway crossing, railway gates, wright street, nichols l., builders, pine grove, halls, st. elmo estate, patterson station estate, patterson road, brewer road, purton road, clee hill estate, railway park, hawthorn grove, wattle grove, elm grove, learys estate, manchester road, selkirk avenue, masters estate, lancaster street, moylan street, moorabbin railway crossing -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Balaclava Road, 91, Caulfield North, 'Miami'
An undated page from the magazine Noel Jones and Associates Property Review featuring' Miami', Balaclava Road, 91, Caulfield North. On one side is a large colour photograph (230mm x 195mm) of the front of the house and on the reverse are three small colour photographs (all 60mm x 75mm) of different rooms. Includes a brief description of the house and details of the interior design. The house was to be auctioned on 25/09, year', balaclava road, caulfield north, mansions -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - AUSTRALIAN BI-CENTENARY 1788-1988
This file contains a photocopy of an article in the Bi-centenary 88 Newsletter Vol7 No3, October 1987 referring to the mansion Labassa. The article states that the Labassa Mansion will receive funding under the A Gift to the Nation program – a Bi-Centenary project.houses, mansions, labassa, historic buildings, historic events, festivals and celebrations, australian bi-centenary, business and finance, grants, a gift to the nation -
Glen Eira Historical Society
1/A newspaper cutting from The Argus 12/07/1927 (a print-out of same from Trove), praising the virtues of demolishing former mansion ‘Rozelle’ and erecting a ‘score’ of pretty modern villas from Balaclava Road directly into Green Meadows Gardens, a public reserve. Article describes modernity of homes in great details and the streetscape vistas (1 photo included) including road and pathways. 2/A Caulfield St Kilda Leader, dated 25/08/1993, article with Caulfield residents George and Edna McKaige wanting a planning amendment ‘with teeth’ to protect their Lempriere Ave streetscape. Andrew Ward, Heritage Architect, identified Lempriere Ave as one of Caulfield’s significant areas, because of its Interwar streetscape.east st kilda, ‘rozelle’ mansions, balaclava, land subdivision, balaclava road, georgian style, spanish mission style, orrong road, greenmeadows gardens, lempriere avenue, leadlight, mckaige george, power and telegraph lines, triple-fronted style, interwar streetscape, mckaige edna, ward andrew, caulfield council, elsternwick, welsh heather (councillor), councillors, akehurst jeff, caulfield heritage watch, spencer david, johnson john dr., ‘kilwinning’, george h., peterson william mrs., ‘melby’, ‘springfield’, rose-watt miss, ‘rozelle’, ‘cressy house’, meadow street, smith wallace m., heron herbert l., ‘goathland’, ‘melbe’, wright james, marsh malcolm reginald, house names, melby avenue, springfield avenue, goathlands street, kilwinning court, heritage studies, town planning -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains two items pertaining to Emmaus Rest Home: 1/A series of emails exchanged between local resident Mark Upton and John O’Callaghan of the Glen Eira Historical Society, dated 30/01/2008 and 31/01/2008, regarding the history of a derelict property situated at 41 Murrumbeena Road. In the first email, Upton refers to the property of ‘Oakdene’ Aged Care Facility and inquires as to whether the Society possesses any information on it. The next day, O’Callaghan replies that he will investigate. Later that day, Upton recommends O’Callaghan some information on the property he unearthed via Joanne (Jo) Antoni, Executive Assistant at Churches of Christ Community Care. The property turns out to have originally been a private residence owned by the Birtchnell family, sold on 24/01/1945, eventually acquired by the Church and converted into an aged care facility which closed on 16/07/1999 2/Three black-and-white photographs. Two of the photographs portray a resident of the Home, Mrs. Armstrong, and a staff member of the Home, Sr. Johnston, in a bathroom operating a shower. These photographs contain writing on the back identifying the persons. The remaining one portrays Mrs. Armstrong and another, unidentified resident of the Home seated in a bedroom. This one also contains writing on the back, but specifying the name only of the facility. None of the photographs are dated.emmaus, emmaus rest home, emmaus home for the aged, churches of christ community care, antoni joanne (jo), new cumloden grammar school, atkin william t., betheden, waghoo road, ‘oakdene’ aged care facility, carnegie, murrumbeena, upton mark, o’callaghan john, murrumbeena road, neerim road, dandenong road, birtchnell family, birtchnell james, birtchnell elizabeth, birtchnell harold, birtchnell olive, birtchnell kingsley, oakdene crescent, clay will h., johnson sr., armstrong mrs., anglican church, nursing homes, retirement homes, mansions, clocks, fires -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - McKinnon
Brief typed history of McKinnon settlement taken from Moorabbin A Pictorial History 1862-1994 by John Cribben. Includes photocopied pages of railway gates, five land estate flyers and an article from the McKinnon Progress, undated.mckinnon, crop production, markets, farmers, elster creek, thomas street, centre road, wheatley road, vineyards, south road, ormond, brighton, moorabbin, irish, immigrants, bentleigh, priests, bignell road, jasper road, tucker road, mcguiness family, quinn family, halinan family, malane family, inns, the gardeners arms, mckinnon hotel, tickets of leave, murray road, sargood family, ripponlea, mansions, elsternwick, st. stephens’ common school, church of england, school houses, evelyn street, st. john’s anglican church, telegraph offices, post offices, state schools, manchester road, north road, nicholls buildings, shops, elm grove, greaves bakery, lance’s milk bar, johnson’s hardware shop, robinson’s, mcinnerney’s flower shop, jean darling’s cakes, mckinnon progress association, glen orme avenue, ormond theatre, theatres, the plaza, railway crossing, railway gates, wright street, builders, pine grove, halls, st. elmo estate, patterson station estate, patterson road, brewer road, purton road, clee hill estate, railway park, hawthorn grove, wattle grove, elm grove, learys estate, manchester road, selkirk avenue, masters estate, lancaster street, moylan street, moorabbin railway crossing, archibald mcmillan, john cribben, pierce hanrahan, johanna hanrahan, michael caroll, catherine carroll, eliza howes, john howes, edward howes, denis shanahan, ellen shanahan, james gould, catherine gould, george howes, james bent, thomas bent, nicholas were, frank rivers, ray rivers, mr sobrin, mr pridgeon, misses clark, mrs armitage, mr rout, mrs tunnicliffe, mrs stiringer, horrie white, jim wyles, harry lester, l nichols -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Service Family
This file contains three items Printed article on James Service from the Australian Sketcher, dated 13/03/1880 Printed article from Victorian and Its Metropolis, by Sutherland, undated Handwritten article on James Service, one short summary taken from Cannon-Land Boomers (page 31) undated. Additional paragraph noting “Servicton” named after him. Handwritten undated list of properties held by James Service from 1876 to 1872, from Rate Books possibly.service james, politian’s, merchants, premiers, kilwinning, house names, mansions, hotham street, balaclava road, james service and co., caulfield north -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Wallace, John Alston
This file contains four items. Short hand-written notes on Hon. J. Alsten Wallace’s business activities, including a note on his marriage to the second daughter of Thomas Monahan taken from Cooper’s St Kilda Typed notes with hand-written annotations on QUAT QUATTA, the house bought by John Alston Wallace c. 1875-6. The document details the interior and exterior of the house, and mentions renovations and its use for wedding receptions. Also noted is information on Wallace’s place of birth, migration, marriage, number of children and the date of his wife’s death, taken from the Australian Representative Men Vol. 1. A hand-written list of John Alston Wallace’s properties, author and date unknown Hand-written listing and directory notes regarding John Alston Wallace’s properties, taken from MEMOIRS OF A STOCKMAN by Harry Peck. Date and author unknown.wallace john alston, wallace john, wallace j. alston, wallace j.a., wallace theresa, wallace mrs, monahan theresa, quat quatta, glenhuntly road, staniland grove, elsternwick, gold mining, mines and mining, house names, mansions, members of parliament, selwyn street, horne street, dickens street, officials, millar. m, pugh alfred, glen eira road, architectural features, caulfield rate books, davies j.h., riddell mrs c., lawford c.c., young geo, pasco crawford, elsternwick railway station -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Lempriere Family
Five items about the Lempriere family: 1/Two pages of handwritten (unsigned and undated) research noting their land holdings, taken from the rate books over period 1858-1892. It shows us that John Thompson Lempriere was also Mayor in 1903. 2/Two pages of handwritten (unsigned and undated) notes about Thomas Henry Lempriere and William Geo Lempriere. 3/Photocopied photograph of 'Greenmeadows' on Lemprieres' cow paddock – undated and unknown. 4/Copy of article written by Michael Collins Perse from The Sydney Morning Herald 12/01/2009 on Michael Raoul Lempriere, 'Wool Industry Leader', 11/11/1936-01/10/2008, a descendant of Caulfield's Lempriere family. The article gives a short history of the family involvement in the wool industry. A short family tree history and more about Michael's early life and then his own family and business life. 5/A reprinted family tree from the Australian Dictionary of Biography for the Lempriere family by Justin J Corfield.lempriere thomas h., greenmeadows house, lempriere james, balaclava road, lempriere t.e., hotham street, lempriere john thompson, inkerman street, lempriere carlotta, lempriere mary, lempriere estele, lempriere jane, orrong road, lempriere william, george lempriere, monteiro d’almedin charles charles, stables, outbuildings, graziers, mansions, caulfield common school, committees of management, st marys, blake & riggall solicitors, ratebooks, greenmeadows, cow paddocks, lempriere michael raoul, lempriere bros, lempriere pty. ltd., lempriere peter, lempriere rozel, lempriere william henry, lempriere kathleen, lempriere audley raoul, sportspeople, greene adelaide, lempriere geoffrey, dougall diana, lempriere william, lempriere ben, australian council of wool buyers, federation of australian wool organisations, lempriere lisa, lempriere kristine, persse michael collins -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Burreel
This file contains one item. 1. Auction leaflets for two periods of sale, 5 April and 30 April, years unknown, possibly 1990’s. Articles give same photograph of home, sketch of home and interior plan layout. Also includes history of Burreel to 1982/1983.burreel, biggin and scott, auctions, biggin kevin, lawson graeme, elsternwick, victorian style, mansions, stephen francis, glenhuntly road, buxton family, allen george, music, neate mary, nursing homes, alexander enid, cellars, bricks, bluestone, slate, verandas, fireplaces, plaster moulds, cool stores, gas lighting, cast iron works, architectural features, gardens -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Robertson, Alexander William
Contains one item about 'Labassa', called 'Ontario' when owned by Alexander William Robertson: 1/One copy of a thirty-two page colour book, published by the Friends of Labassa and The National Trust in 2004. The book details the history of Labassa (and its owners) as a place for social gatherings and entertaining of Melbourne society of the late nineteenth century, and its letter use as flats and a boarding house. Extensively illustrated with colour photographs, architectural sketches and plans, the book LABASSA: A GRAND VICTORIAN MANSION details Labassa’s architectural significance Please refer to file 1113Y for the other copy of this book. For further information about Labrassa please refer to file 1113.labassa, ontario, sylliott hill, caulfield north, friends of labassa, manor grove, national trust of australia (victoria), balaclava road, orrong road, caulfield, mansions, cobb and co., amatil ltd. (limited), alcoa of australia ltd. (limited), lyall william, mickle john, billing richard annesley judge, robertson alexander william, watson john boyd ii, koch john augustus bernard, hammond victoria, palmer lee, davis kingsley, groenhout chris, worrall bronwyn, balderstone sue, biarujia ian, cassidy darien, davidson rodney ao obe, forge warwick, lewis miles dr., sagazio celestina dr., billing mary, billing williamina, billing richard junior, watson flora kate, robertson eva, robertson nina, robertson emily, robertson john, australian-german association, bicentennial gift to the nation, ferguson and urie, crouch and wilson, tangent design, midas printing (asia) limited (ltd), flats, architectural features, architectural styles, auctions, land sales, land subdivision, architects, lawyers, judges, coaches and carriages, businesspeople, german community, victorian style, grants, voluntary workers, property development, construction (events and activities), gold mining, theatrical productions, stairs, stained glass, settlements, graziers, verandas, cast iron work, marble, balconies, bell towers, towers, bay windows, panoramic views, bedrooms, servants quarters, billiards rooms, rooms, fireplaces, sculpture, servants, marvellous melbourne, land use, depression 1890s, photography, photographers, entrance hall, domestic life, cultural events and activities -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album, Caulfield Historical Society Photograph Album 1972, 1972
This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated.Photo album of buildings in Caulfield circa 1972 compiled alongside a project to assist National Trust Australia (Victoria) in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. All photos are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. Label on front is longstanding but not original or confirmed.caulfield, photographs, photo album, trevor hart, jenny o'donnell, jenny odonnell, caulfield historical society, glen eira historical society, carnegie, caulfield east, caulfield north, caulfield south, elsternwick, murrumbeena, st kilda east, houses, mansions, churches, schools, halls, shops, post offices, cinemas, town halls, hotels, banks, vicarages, bridges, gates, convents, bowling clubs, fire stations, roads and streets, caulfield historical album, 1970's, national trust of australia, city of caulfield, glen eira city council, national trust of australia (victoria) -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Balaclava Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.Page 22 of Photograph Album - five black and white photographs of different styles of houses (2 photos for 2 houses and 1 for the last) with addresses written under each photograph and Balaclava Road written on the top right hand side.Hand written Balaclava Road [top right of page] / 6 BALACLAVA ROAD [under top left photo] / 6 BALACVAVA ROAD [ beside top right photo] / 73 BALACVAVA ROAD [under middle left photo] / 73 BALACVAVA ROAD [on top of middle right photo] / 239 BALACVAVA ROAD [under bottom photo] / 22 [bottom right]trevor hart, caulfield north, balaclava road, cars, mansions, houses, verandahs, cast iron work, balconies -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Halstead, Bambra Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.From the Victorian Heritage Register Database - Citation for Halstead, 23 Bambra Road as at (as at 12/10/2020) Halstead is believed to be the oldest standing residence in Caulfield constructed in 1857 with subsequent additions during the 19th Century. The house was built for and owned by James Dickson, a stock agent, until his death in 1880. Although on a much reduced parcel of land, Halstead is one of the few remaining remnants of Caulfield when it was an area of mansion houses occupied by town residing squatters, professional and business men. It is important for its place in the socio-economic history of south eastern suburban Melbourne, the inland pattern of development stretching from Malvern through Murrumbeena. Architecturally the single storey building displays a history of alteration and addition. Its main front presents with a single storey cast iron verandah across the full width, including the two pavilion wings at each end. Located towards the rear on the Halstead Street side is the substantial three storey tower with its Mansard roof and cast-iron balustrade which makes the house clearly visible from Halstead Street and Bambra Road. Because of internal alteration the importance of the building relates to the exterior only of the main house. Halstead is believed to be the oldest standing residence in the city of Caulfield. "Halstead" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insights into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. The later tower is of architectural interest for its use of Medieval Romanesque enrichment.Page 32 of Photograph Album with four photographs of the exterior of this double storey house, focussing on different angles for the house's tower.Hand written: "Halstead" Bambra Road [top right] / 32 [bottom right] trevor hart, caulfield north, bambra road, 1850's, halstead, james dickson, mansion, villa residence, cast iron verandah, pavillion wings, halstead street, victorian, tower, balustrading, decorative brackets, mansard roof, brick, cast iron, slate roof, curved windows, single storey mansions, streetscapes, medieval romanesque style, slate roofs, gardens, cast iron work -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Halstead, Bambra Road, Circa 1972
This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.From the Victorian Heritage Register Database - Citation for Halstead, 23 Bambra Road as at (as at 12/10/2020) Halstead is believed to be the oldest standing residence in Caulfield constructed in 1857 with subsequent additions during the 19th Century. The house was built for and owned by James Dickson, a stock agent, until his death in 1880. Although on a much reduced parcel of land, Halstead is one of the few remaining remnants of Caulfield when it was an area of mansion houses occupied by town residing squatters, professional and business men. It is important for its place in the socio-economic history of south eastern suburban Melbourne, the inland pattern of development stretching from Malvern through Murrumbeena. Architecturally the single storey building displays a history of alteration and addition. Its main front presents with a single storey cast iron verandah across the full width, including the two pavilion wings at each end. Located towards the rear on the Halstead Street side is the substantial three storey tower with its Mansard roof and cast-iron balustrade which makes the house clearly visible from Halstead Street and Bambra Road. Because of internal alteration the importance of the building relates to the exterior only of the main house. Halstead is believed to be the oldest standing residence in the city of Caulfield. "Halstead" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insights into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. The later tower is of architectural interest for its use of Medieval Romanesque enrichment.Page 33 of Photograph Album with one landscape photograph of the exterior of Halstead, taken from the street.Hand written: 33 [bottom left] trevor hart, caulfield north, bambra road, 1850's, halstead, james dickson, mansion, villa residence, cast iron verandah, pavillion wings, halstead street, victorian, tower, balustrading, decorative brackets, mansard roof, brick, slate roof, curved windows, single storey mansions, cast iron work, medieval romanesque style, slate roofs, gardens