Showing 560 items
matching official events
Australian Commando Association - Victoria
Book, Lenette Ramsay Silver, The Heros of RIMAU
On September 11, 1944, the British submarine "Porpoise" slipped quietly from Fremantle Harbour, bound for Indonesia. It was carrying the 23 Australian and British members of Operation Rimau who, under the leadership of the remarkable Lieutenant-Colonel Ivan Lyon of the Gordon Highlanders, intended to repeat the successful Jaywick raid of 1943 by blowing up 60 ships in Japanese-occupied Singapore Harbour, 19 days later, the preliminary part of the operation successfully completed, the submarine commander bade farewell to the raiders at Pedjantan Island, promising to return to pick them up in 38 days' time. A handful of Chinese and Malays and the conquering Japanese were the only people ever to see the 23 men again. According to the scant official post-war record, the mission was an utter failure. All of the party were captured of killed - ten of them beheaded in Singapore only five weeks before the Japanese surrender in, it was claimed, a ceremonial execution. The fate of eleven of the others remains officially unknown. After a 31 year search, Major Tom Hall, with the assistance of writer Lynette Silver, has overturned the official version and uncovered the truth. Aided by thousands of Japanese and Allied documents and by the first-hand accounts of several Indonesians and Malays, sole witnesses to the events of 1944, they have established the fate of every member of the party and unravelled the story of "The Heroes of Rimau" - a story that has for 45 years been all but lost, distorted by hearsay and fantasy, by military cover-ups and conspiracy, by official bungling, ineptitude and apathy. This book not only chronicles a feat of extraordinary daring in the face of overwhelming odds - a gripping tale of inspired courage, self-sacrifice and eventual tragedy - it also exposes the appalling sequence of events which has, until now, resulted in the shameful suppression of the truth about one of the most amazing stories to emerge from World War II.Self-government publication comprising 314 pages with some black-and-white photographs.non-fictionOn September 11, 1944, the British submarine "Porpoise" slipped quietly from Fremantle Harbour, bound for Indonesia. It was carrying the 23 Australian and British members of Operation Rimau who, under the leadership of the remarkable Lieutenant-Colonel Ivan Lyon of the Gordon Highlanders, intended to repeat the successful Jaywick raid of 1943 by blowing up 60 ships in Japanese-occupied Singapore Harbour, 19 days later, the preliminary part of the operation successfully completed, the submarine commander bade farewell to the raiders at Pedjantan Island, promising to return to pick them up in 38 days' time. A handful of Chinese and Malays and the conquering Japanese were the only people ever to see the 23 men again. According to the scant official post-war record, the mission was an utter failure. All of the party were captured of killed - ten of them beheaded in Singapore only five weeks before the Japanese surrender in, it was claimed, a ceremonial execution. The fate of eleven of the others remains officially unknown. After a 31 year search, Major Tom Hall, with the assistance of writer Lynette Silver, has overturned the official version and uncovered the truth. Aided by thousands of Japanese and Allied documents and by the first-hand accounts of several Indonesians and Malays, sole witnesses to the events of 1944, they have established the fate of every member of the party and unravelled the story of "The Heroes of Rimau" - a story that has for 45 years been all but lost, distorted by hearsay and fantasy, by military cover-ups and conspiracy, by official bungling, ineptitude and apathy. This book not only chronicles a feat of extraordinary daring in the face of overwhelming odds - a gripping tale of inspired courage, self-sacrifice and eventual tragedy - it also exposes the appalling sequence of events which has, until now, resulted in the shameful suppression of the truth about one of the most amazing stories to emerge from World War II. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Article, Ringwood State School - Mothers Club first Birthday party, 1930
Newspaper cutting- Ringwood Mail.Article describing the event held at the School, list of Mothers Club members and other official attendees, and the proceedings that took place. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Bowls Club - The Rt. Hon. R G Menzies, K.C. , Attorney-General, performing the 1932 Official Opening
Black and white photographThe event was to also officially open the 1932/33 season. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official maryborough 1000th customers Presentation ...Presentation to the Maryborough's branch 1000th customers.event, official, maryborough 1000th customers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official civic Kodak 4 photos of an official opening, date ...4 photos of an official opening, date and location unknown. Two of the photos show officials at a stop valve, indicating the turning on of the gas to the area. Another photo shows an official being interviewed by the press at the gates to parkland. The last photo shows a gas bottle fitted with a flame jet in front of the gates to the parkland.Kodakevent, official, civic -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official presentation Kodak 5 photos relating to some kind ...5 photos relating to some kind of an official presentation.Kodakevent, official, presentation -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Gas and Fuel Fashion,food,Fitness. Large gathering of people inside a tent. Possibly some official function most men in suits ladies in dresses and coats. Date and location unknown.event, social, gas & fuel fashion, food, fitness -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - ANZAC MEMORIAL SERVICE, 25 April, 1922
... EVENT Official anzac memorial service Anzac Memorial Service ...Anzac Memorial Service. Lest We Forget. Upper Reserve, Bendigo. Tuesday, April, 25, 1922.At 3 o'clock. Order of Service April 25, 1922. His Worship the Mayor (Cr. J E Holland) presiding. 1. Invocation and Lord's Prayer, Rev W Bennett. (President of Ministers Association) 2. National Anthem 3. Prayer for the King, Queen, and the Royal Family Rev. L W Lee. O! God who rulest over Thy people in love, we beseech Thee to bless Thy Servant, our King, that under him this nation may be wisely governed, and Thy Church may serve Thee in all godly quietness, Grant that the King, the Prince, and the people, being devoted to these with all their hearts, and preserving in good works to the end, may, by Thy guidance, come to Thine everlasting Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 4. Hymn- 'All people that on Earth do Dwell' All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice. Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye before Him and rejoice. Know that the Lord is God indeed; Without ou aid He did us make; We are His flock; He doth us feed. And for His sheep He doth us take. O enter then His gates with praise, Approach with joy His courts unto; Praise, laud and bless His name always, For it is seemly so to do. For why! The Lord our God is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. 5. Prayers Rev W J Holt. Almighty God, who hast tought us in Thy Holy Word to perpetuate the memory of brave men and great deliverance, give to this nation grace not to forget the men who died for their fellow men; keep, we beseech thee, their memory fresh and green in the hearts of Thy people, and make us more worthy of the sacrafices they offered for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. O! Merciful and Loving Father Who dost not willinglu afflict the children of men, but chasten tem for their profit, have mercy upon Thy bereaved and sorrowing servants who mourn for those they have lost in battle (especially those for whom our [rayers are asled). And as Thou dost sanctity muman love and felloship here upon earth, so grant them and us a happy re-union with those whom we love in Thy eternal peace and joy; throught Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen 6. Scripture Lesson- Rev. S E Doman 7. 1st Address- The Very Rev. The Dean of Bendigo 8. Presentation of Medals 9. Hymn- Kipling's Recessional. God of our fathers, known of old, Lord of the far-flung battle line, Beneath whose awful hand we hold Dominion over palm and pine- Lord God of hosts, be with us yet, Lest we forget-lest we forget! Far-called, our navies melt away, On dune and headland sinks the fire; Lo, all our pomp of yesterday. Is one with Nineveh and Tyre Judge of the nations, spare us yet, Lest we forget- - lest we forget. If, drunk with sight of power, we loose Wild tongues, that have not Thee in awe Still boasting, as the Gentiles use, Or lesser breeds, without the Law- Lord God of hosts, lest we forget! For heathen heart that puts her trust In reeking tube and iron shard, All valiant dust that builds on dust, And guarding, calls not Thee to to guard, For frantic boast and foolish word, Thy mercy on Thy people, Lord! 10. Address Rev. B W Heath. 11. General Thanksgiving Ven. Archdeacon Haynes. Almighty God, Father of all mercies! We, Thine unworthy servants, do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving kindness to us, and to all men. We bless Thee for out creation, preservation, and all the blessings of this life; but, above all, for Thine inestimale love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope and the glory. And, we beseech Thee, give us that due sense of all Thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we show forth Thy praise, not onlu with our lips, but with our lives; by giving up purselves to Thy sevice, and by walking before Thee in holiness and righteousness all our days; thriough Jesus Christ our Lord; to Whom with Thee and the Holy Spirit ba all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. 12. Nearer My God to Thee. Mearer my God to Thee, Mearer to Thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Though like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness comes over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee. There let my may way appear Steps unto Heav'n, All that thou sendest me In mercy given. Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. Then, with my waking thoughts, Bright with Thy Praise, Out of my stony griefs Berhel I'll raise; So by my woes to be Nearer to Thee. Amen. 13. Last Post. Everybody is requested to rise and stand revernt in memory of our illustrious dead. 14. Benediction. The singing will be led by the Children from the State Schools.Cambridge Pres, Print, Bendigoevent, official, anzac memorial service, anzac memorial service. lest we forget. upper reserve, bendigo. tuesday, april, 25, 3 o'clock. order of service april 25, 1922. his worship the mayor (cr. j e holland) presiding. 1. invocation and lord's prayer, rev w bennett. (president of ministers association) 2. national anthem 3. prayer for the king, queen, and the royal family rev. l w lee. 4. hymn- 'all people that on earth do dwell' 5. prayers rev w j holt. 6. scripture lesson- rev. s e doman 7. 1st address- the very rev. the dean of bendigo 8. presentation of medals 9. hymn- kipling's recessional. 10. address rev. b w heath. 11. general thanksgiving ven. archdeacon haynes. 12. nearer my god to thee. 13. last post. everybody is requested to rise and stand revernt in memory of our illustrious dead. 14. benediction. the singing will be led by the children from the state schools. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official civic Framed certificate from Australasian ...Framed certificate from Australasian Federal Referendum, paper on card under glass and framed with brown timber frame, shades of blue, gold and brown with black lettering, photographs of six state Premiers underneath a coat of arms and showing Victoria's Parliament House. Written on address: 'This is to certify that the question of an Australasian Federal Constitution was submitted to the electors of Victoria on the 27th day of July 1899 and that out of a poll of 163,783 votes, 152,653 were cast in favour of such Federal Australasian Constitution and further, that Alexander M. Dempster voted at the said election'.event, official, civic -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official guides scouts world chief guide's Girl Guides ...Girl Guides & Scouts, Souvenir Programme World Chief Guide's Visit to Victoria. November 21st - December 5th, 1947. Official Programme. Includes Official Programme with activities for the Rally. Inside front cover information on the Girl Guides Association property between Yarra Junction and Warbuton, including a photo. Page 4 photo and wirte up on the Founder Robert Baden-Powell. Page 5 photo and write up on Lady Baden-Powell, GBE. The World Chief Guide. Pages 6 & 7, History of the Girl Guides of Victoria, includes photo of Lady Chauvel, State Commissioner and Miss M McL. Burns, State Secreatary. Page 10to 12 Guides own service. Inside rear cover advertising for The State Savings Bank of Victoria. Rear cover Evan Evans Pty Ltd, 680 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, C.1. Manufactures of flags, tents & flys, Haversacks & camping equipment. Appionted Flagmakers to the Girl Guides Association. b/ Letter.Old Mate of mine together we have roughed it through the bush for twenty years and time begins to lay his frosting brush upon the heads. But in our hearts the flowers of friendship grow its fresh as when we planted then in dear old Bendigo. I sigh when ever I think upon - Jack pats along the grub the music of the puddling mill, the cradle and tub, the hurdy gurdies german bands and mistletoe toe, why blow it. You're upset the tea on dear old Bendigo the back of life is sometimes smooth and at other times tis rough. But we must take as it comes this beef is rather tough, I feel a spider on my cheek, I've cought the varment _ 'No' Why bless me, if it ain't a tear for dear old Bendigo.J Batten, Print, Melb.event, official, guides scouts, world chief guide's, girl guides & scouts, official souvenir programme world chief guide's visit to victoria. november 21st - december 5th, 1947. activities for the rally. information on the girl guides association property between yarra junction and warbuton, including a photo. page 4 photo and write up on the founder robert baden-powell. page 5 photo and write up on lady baden-powell, gbe. the world chief guide. pages 6 & 7, history of the girl guides of victoria, includes photo of lady chauvel, state commissioner and miss m mcl. burns, state secretary. page 10to 12 guides own service. advertising: the state savings bank of victoria, evan evans pty ltd, 680 elizabeth street, melbourne. appointed flagmakers to the girl guides association. b/ letter. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official war Lydia Chancellor collection programme ANZAC ...A white paper programme with black print. On the front page are the words, 'Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia. Bendigo Branch Anzac Commemoration Service, In the presence of His Worship the Mayor and Councillors of Bendigo. Wednesday, April 25, 1928.' Inside is the Order of Service.event, official, war, lydia chancellor, collection, programme, anzac day, event, australian army, world war, anzac commemoration service -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official war Lydia Chancellor collection World War 1 peace ...A faded white programme with the following on the front cover, ' Commonwealth of Australia. Peace Celebrations Order of Thanksgiving to almighty God for the blessing of Peace after the War of 1914-18. To be used at Civic or other United Services throughout the Commonwealth of Australia, on Sunday, the first day of Peace Celebrations, 1919, commencing at 3 p.m. By Authority: Albert J. Mullett, Government Printer, Melbourne.' The next seven pages are devoted to the order of service.Royal Historical Society of Victoria stamp, also white label D1711 in blackevent, official, war, lydia chancellor, collection, world war 1, peace, programme, program, event, war -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official literature Lydia Chancellor collection event ...A blue copy of the 'Caltex - Bendigo Advertiser Literary Awards Presentation Night Thursday, February 20. 1986.'On the inside is the actual programme and on the back cover is a description of the awards.event, official, literature, lydia chancellor, collection, event, programme, program, literature, awards -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official war Lydia Chancellor collection Melbourne ...A cream order of service with purple print. On the front cover are the words ' National War Memorial of Victoria. Dedication of the Shrine of Remembrance by His Royal Highness, Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester K.G., K.Y., K.P., G.C.V.O. Melbourne 11th November, 1934. On the inside is the Order of Service and the Dedication Ceremony which continues to the back page. Also on the back page are the words,' Melbourne. Colarts Studios Pty., Ltd. ( W. D. Joynt) Printers 447-9 Little Bourke Street.Label D1713 on front also stamp of Bendigo Branch of Royal Historical Society of Victoriaevent, official, war, lydia chancellor, collection, melbourne, ceremonies, war, shrine of remembrance, music, programme, program, service, official -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official war Lydia Chancellor collection Australian ...A white document with red and black print. On the front are the words, 'Australian Comforts Fund Victorian Division Welcome to Hon. Lieut. Colonel Stanley Woodburn, C.B.E. Chief Commissioner Australian Comforts Fund Town Hall Melbourne 9th. January, 1920..event, official, war, lydia chancellor, collection, australian comforts fund, programme, program w.w. ii, event, celebration, official, war -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official war Lydia Chancellor collection W.W.II programme ...Brown leaflet with black print. On the front cover are the words ' City of Bendigo Peace Celebration Programme. Sports Ground, Rosalind Park, 19th July, 1919. Speakers: His Worship the Mayor (Cr. A. Dunstan) Sir John Quick Lieut. Col. Adams, V.D., Chap. Col. Crookston. W. Honeybone, Town Clerk A. Dunstan' Inside the leaflet is the actual programme and on the back cover are the Procession Instructions. Cambridge Press.event, official, war, lydia chancellor, collection, w.w.ii, programme, event , celebration, program, peace, war -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official royal visit Document Visit of HRH the Prince ...Copy of a page for the Visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales to Bendigo, 4th June, 1920. Page is pale yellow with a red border 0.6 cm from the edge. Near the top is a crown with three feathery plumes behind it and 'Ich Dien' below. Page is autographed by Louis Mountbatten, C Hamilton, Edward V . Victorian Railways printed on the page.event, official, royal visit, document, visit of hrh the prince of wales to bendigo, victorian railways, lor? mountbatten, edward p, c hamilton -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official celebration Lydia Chancellor collection war ...White paper with blue printing. The title is, 'By Royal Proclamation. Sunday. 6th January, 1918 A Day of Prayer & Thanksgiving throughout the British Empire.' 'The above Proclamation is reprinted from the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. 219 dated Thursday, 20th December, 1917.event, official, celebration, lydia chancellor, collection, war, w.w.ii, programme, program, peace -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
One white sheet of folded paper with the title, '17th Brigade & 3/38 Infantry Battalion. Senior Cadets' Championship Sports Official Programme 3d. Upper Reserve Tuesday, 30th March, 1920. at 1 pm.' A. & A. Brockley Print, Bendigo.program, sporting event, 17th brigade & 3/38th infantry batt, lydia chancellor, collection, athletics, sports, army, event, programme, program, championships -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A small cream programme with red and gold lettering. On the front are the words, ' Programme Town Hall Bendigo. Return Ball. To The Mayor of Bendigo and Mrs. J.J. Curnow. Cambridge Press. 7-7-20.' On the inside is the programme.program, music, city hall, lydia chancellor, collection, programme, event, entertainment, civic mementoes, music, dancing, official -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official music Lydia Chancellor collection invitation ...A cream card invitation from 'The Mayor of Ballaarat East and Mrs. J. M. Kline requesting ' the pleasure of His Worship the Mayor of Bendigo & Mrs. Curnow Company at a Musical Evening to be held in the Alfred Hall. On Thursday, 23rd. July, 1903, at 8 o'clock, p.m. The favor of a reply, addressed to the Town Clerk, Barkly Street, is requested prior to the 16th inst.' Macdonald, Printer Ballarat.event, official, music, lydia chancellor, collection, invitation, ballarat, civic mementoes, entertainment, music -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official civic Lydia Chancellor collection invitation ...An invitation in the form of a cream card with light black print from ' The Mayor (Cr. J. R. Hoskins) and Councillors of the City of Bendigo,) ' requesting the pleasure of Cr. & Mrs. J. H. Curnows' company at a Banquet, at the Masonic Hall at 1.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 13th November, 1901, in honor of the visit of His Excellency, The Governor General, and Lady Hopetoun, To open the Victorian Gold Jubilee Exhibition. R.S.V.P. To Town Clerk, Bendigo, before 5 p.m. Saturday November 9th.'In blue ink 'Cr. & Mrs. J. H. Curnow's Company'event, official, civic, lydia chancellor, collection, invitation, civic mementoes, entertainment, victorian gold jubilee exhibition -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official painting Lydia Chancellor collection Australian ...An invitation in the form of a card with black print. ' The Opening of the First Parliament of the Commonwealth.' 'By Tom Roberts. The honor of your presence is requested at the Queen's Hall, Parliament House, on Friday next (13th inst.) at Three o'clock, to view the progress of the Picture prior to its departure for London. John Rowe for Australian Art Association Pty. Ltd.' Handwritten in black ink are the words 'His Worship the Mayor of Bendigo & Lady.'event, official, painting, lydia chancellor, collection, australian art, art work, australian history, history, painting, tom roberts, politics, australian politics, australian parliament, event -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A brown invitation with a red border which is an official invitation to the Mayor of Bendigo and Mrs. S.H. McGowan's Reception at City Hall, Bendigo. Dated 20th December, 1899. On the inside cover are the words ' Christmas Greetings, 1899.' The next page contains the musical programme for the evening.civic mementoes, invitation, lydia chancellor, collection, civic mementoes, programme, invitation, event -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newcastle District Bowling Association Banner -Official Goodwill Tour to Victoria 1952 / silk screen banner on yellow silk to commemorate the Official Goodwill Tour to Victoria 1952/ showing bowling balls , city hall & 'Nobbys' , gold fringe on bottom and painted wooden ends on hanger.flags, events, newcastle district bowling association -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - AUSTRALIA DAY DOCUMENTS, 1983 TO 1984, 26/01/1984
... EVENT Official celebration Australia Day Bendigo Municipal Band ...Australia Day documents, 1983; 1984. a. Two pages from Bendigo Advertiser Wed 26th January 1983; b. page showing program for 'Australia Day Ceremony' 1984 (location of ceremony not specified; Council sponsored event? Bendigo Municipal Band/CEO Mr R Burton/Mayor - Cr. P D Mansell. Includes Naturalization Ceremony.Advertiserevent, official, celebration, australia day, bendigo municipal band. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official country fire authority Official Opening ...Official Opening of the Bendigo Urban Fire Station and Northern Zone Complex by Mr R M Greenwood, M.Eng.Sc., B.E.E., Dip.E.E., Dip.M.E., F.I.E.Aust., Chairman of Country Fire Authority. Saturday, March 23rd, 1985. Northern Zone Complex Staff: Assistance Chief Officer: A Graham. Regional Officers: W Walker, R Morrall. Deputy Regional Officers: D Barber, J Ray. Typist Clerks: H Harrison, A Connelly. Bendigo Urban Fore Brigade: Station Officer in Charge: M Gray. Station Officers: J Chapman, J Clark, R Ellis, S Knight, R Langridge, K Pinner, D Vecht, E Walder. Volunteer Officers: Chairman: Geoff Flack. Foreman: J Turner. Apparatus Officer: P Sheers. Secretary: L Rodda. Senior Firefighters: J Absalom, R Allott, L Anglin, P Brereton, P Brown, B Cole, A Dennis, G Ellis, J Griffiths, A Harrington, R Lindsay, A Hartland, J Meagher, G Monro, T Nolan, W Watters, J Wellard. Firefighters: R Barry, A Boromeo, A Crosthwaite, A Hand. Volunteer Firefighters: P Bouwmeester, M Bracey, E Carruthers, D Dunlop, G Ellis, M Ellis, I Ellis, George Flack, I Johnson, C Lapsley, P Mundy, G Nadort, M Nabbs, J Phillips, T Rosewall, R Schintler, B Sandlant, G Watson, R Watt, R Wee Hee. Reserve Firefighters: D Anderson, P Barker, P Chapman, C Clayton, S Guest, D McCarroll, A Maes, S Pearson, M Ruff, N Wastell, G Wilkinson, D Dean, A Rogers. Life Members: Perc Terrill, Max Ellis, George Ellis, Ron Wee Hee, Stan Price, S/O Vin Lapsley (retired). Ladies Auxiliary: President: Mary Dillon, Secretary: Ruth Turner, Treasurer: Karen Watt. J Clark, T Graham, M Gray, M Gray, Y Yore, M Letts, J Nadort, J Vecht, M Lapsley, D Dunlop, A Flack, L Graham. Junior Brigade Members: M Graham, G Hore, T Hore, D Spiers, A Hore, P Holloway, S Turner. Short History on the Bendigo Fire Brigade which was established on 1st May 1899, taking the form of an amalgamation of the 3 Fire Brigades in existence in Bendigo. . . Back cover 2 photographs original Bendigo Station and new Bendigo Station.event, official, country fire authority, official opening of the bendigo urban fire station and northern zone complex by mr r m greenwood,, b.e.e., dip.e.e., dip.m.e., f.i.e.aust., chairman of country fire authority. march 23rd, 1985. staff: assistance chief officer: a graham. regional officers: w walker, r morall. deputy regional officers: d barber, j ray. typist clerks: h harrison, a connelly. bendgio urban fore brigade: station officer in charge: m gray. station officers: j chapman, j clark, r ellis, s knight, r langridge, k pinner, d vecht, e walder. volunteer officers: chairman: geoff flack. foreman: j turner. apparatus officer: p sheers. secretary: l rodda. senior firefighters: j absalom, r allott, l anglin, p brereton, p brown, b cole, a dennis, g ellis, j griffiths, a harrington, r lindsay, a hartland, j meagher, g monro, t nolan, w watters, j wellard. firefighters: r barry, a boromeo, a crosthwaite, a hand. volunteer firefighters: p bouwmeester, m bracey, e carruthers, d dunlop, g ellis, m ellis, i ellis, george flack, i johnson, c lapsley, p mundy, g nadort, m nabbs, j phillips, t roasewall, r schintler, b sandlant, g watson, r watt, r wee hee. reserve firefighters: d anderson, p barker, p chapman, c clayton, s guest, d mccarroll, a maes, s pearson, m ruff, n wastell, g wilkinson, d dean, a rogers. life members: perc terrill, max ellis, george ellis, ron wee hee, stan price, s/o vin lapsley (retired). ladies auxiliary: president: mary dillon, secretary: ruth turner, treasurer: karen watt. j clark, t graham, m gray, m gray, y yore, m letts, j nadort, j vecht, m lapsley, d dunlop, a flack, l graham. junior brigade members: m graham, g hore, t hore, d spiers, a hore, p holloway, s turner. short history bendigo fire brigade established 1st may 1899, amalgamation of the 3 fire brigades in existence in bendigo. . .2 photographs original bendigo station new bendigo station. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official 150 yrs of victoria Special Meeting ...Notice Paper for Special Meeting of the Bendigo City Council to be held in the Old Chamber, Town Hall, Bendigo on Monday, 26th November, 1984 at 7.30 p.m. To Commemorate Victoria's 150th Anniversary. City of bendigo (picture of City Emblem) Cr. Joseph Patrick Pearce, J.P. Mayor 1984-85. Council Summons You are hereby summoned to attend a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Bendigo, to be held in the Old Council Chamber, Town Hall, Lyttleton Terrace, Bendigo, on Monday the 26th day of November, 1884, at 7.30pm., for the transaction of the business specified in the Notice Paper. R. J. Burton Acting Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer. Members of the Council Barkly Ward: Peter David Mansell, J.P., Edna Mary Hall, Richard Anthony Clarke. Darling Ward: Anthony Vincent Duble, Joseph Patrick Pearce, J.P., Norman Francis Quin. Sutton Ward: Michael Anthony Currie, Robert Terrance Cox, Rodney James Fyffe. Acting Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer: Raymond J. Burton, A.A.S.A., A.A.I.M., A.I.M.M. City Engineer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Colin C. Campbell, L.G.E., Dip. C.E., M.I.E. Aust. Deputy City Engineer: Geoffrey N Maguire, L.G.E., Dip. C.E., M.I.E. Aust. Assistant Town Clerk: Martin A. Sheean, A.A.I.V., Dip. Management. Business 1. 2. 3. Declarations under Section 181 of Local Government Act 1958. 4. Notice of Motion - His Worship the Mayor, Cr. J. P. Pearce. 5. Reports: Acting Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer. (a) Bendigo Regional Photographic Library - Status Report. (b) 150th Anniversary Project - Landscaping Lake Weeroona. (c) Refurbishment of the Bendigo City Hall. (d) 150th Anniversary Year activities in Bendigo. 6. Naturalisation Ceremony. 7. Presentation of 150th Anniversary Flag to representative of the Mall Management Committee. 8. Bendigo's Heritage - Council to meet with Mr. Andrew Ward, Advisor to the Bendigo Heritage Committee. 9. Presentation of Council donation to representatives of the Bendigo Youth Choir and the Bendigo Youth Symphonic Band. 10. Invitation extended to visitors to view displays in the Committee Room: - historic photographs exhibited by the Bendigo Regional Photographic Library. - 150th Anniversary display material. - documents from the City of Bendigo Archives. At the conclusion of the Council Meeting, guests are invited to assemble in the Main Hall of the Town Hall to hear a performance by the Bendigo Youth Choir & the Bendigo Youth Symphonic Band. Notice of Motion At the special meeting of the Bendigo City Council to be held in the Old Council Chamber, of the Town Hall 7.30p.m. 26th November, 1984, I propose to move: re Victoria's 150th Anniversary ''That the Bendigo City Council forward a letter under seal to the Premier, The Hon. John Cain, M.P., advising that the City of Bendigo rejoices Victoria's 150th birthday, that the City congratulates the State Government on the manner in which it has sponsored and co-ordinated the activities. . . Bendigo's Calendar of Events at a Glance 1984 November, December. 1985 January through to and including November. Markings: signature of Mayor Joseph Patrick Pearce.event, official, 150 yrs of victoria, special meeting of the bendigo city council old chamber, town hall, 26th november, 1984 commemorate victoria's 150th anniversary. city of bendigo city emblem cr. joseph patrick pearce, j.p. mayor 1984-85. council summons lyttleton terrace business specified in the notice paper. r. j. burton acting town clerk and chief executive officer. members of the council barkly ward: peter david mansell, j.p., edna mary hall, richard anthony clarke. darling ward: anthony vincent duble, joseph patrick pearce, j.p., norman francis quin. sutton ward: michael anthony currie, robert terrance cox, rodney james fyffe. acting town clerk and chief executive officer: raymond j. burton, a.a.s.a., a.a.i.m., a.i.m.m. city engineer and deputy chief executive officer: colin c. campbell, l.g.e., dip. c.e., m.i.e. aust. deputy city engineer: geoffrey n maguire, l.g.e., dip. c.e., m.i.e. aust. assistant town clerk: martin a. sheean, a.a.i.v., dip. management. business declarations under section 181 of local government act 1958. notice of motion - his worship the mayor, cr. j. p. pearce. reports: acting town clerk and chief executive officer. (a) bendigo regional photographic library - status report. (b) 150th anniversary project - landscaping lake weeroona. (c) refurbishment of the bendigo city hall. (d) 150th anniversary year activities in bendigo. naturalisation ceremony. presentation of 150th anniversary flag to mall management committee. bendigo's heritage - council mr. andrew ward, advisor to the bendigo heritage committee. presentation of council donation to representatives of the bendigo youth choir bendigo youth symphonic band. invitation visitors view displays: - historic photographs by bendigo regional photographic library. - 150th anniversary display material. - documents city of bendigo archives, performance by the bendigo youth choir & the bendigo youth symphonic band. notice of motion at the special meeting of the bendigo city council to be held in the old council chamber, of the town hall. 26th november, 1984, i propose to move: re victoria's 150th anniversary ''that the bendigo city council forward a letter under seal to the premier, the hon. john cain, m.p., city of bendigo rejoices victoria's 150th birthday, city congratulates state government which it has sponsored and co-ordinated the activities. . . bendigo's calendar of events at a glance november1984, to november 1985. markings: signature of mayor joseph patrick pearce. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official civic Invitation to Mr & Mrs J B Young ...Invitation to Mr & Mrs J B Young to a reception at Exhibition Building Melbourne in celebration of the opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901 to meet their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall & York. Paper mounted on card under glass in an ornate gold frame. Printers mark Julian & Howard Ashton Del.1 & framers label on back reads, D.G.Coope. New Lead, Mitchell St Bendigo.event, official, civic -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... EVENT Official civic An invitation to Mr & Mrs J B Young ...An invitation to Mr & Mrs J B Young to the 1901 opening of the Parliament of the Commonwealth from Edmund Barton Prime Minister, framed under glass in an ornate gold frame, showing a female figure on a white horse & other figures in period costume. Printed by Sands & McDougall Limited Melbourne.event, official, civic