Showing 2608 items
matching 1871-1872
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card (Series) - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
George Tibbits, University of Melbourne. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional PlanningIndex system that support the research for Beechworth : historical reconstruction / [by] George Tibbits ... [et al]Arranged by street names of BeechworthEach index card includes: street name and number of property, image of property, allotment and section number, property owners and dates of ownership, description of the property according to rate records, property floor plan with dimensions.beechworth, george tibbitsbeechworth, george tibbits -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Map, Plan of Town Allotments Bacchus Marsh [1873]
James Young was a prominent businessman, land owner and public figure in the early colonial period of Bacchus Marsh. After his death in 1871 land remaining from his estate in Bacchus Marsh was sold at auction in 1873. The sale of his estate included the substantial stone residence in Bennett Street which later became known as 'Stone Villa'. The sale of his land in 1873 was conducted by local auctioneer James Crook. 29 allotments were advertised for sale, although the plan for the sale indicated 30 allotments. The sale notice in the Bacchus Marsh Express of 11 October 1873 noted that the allotments were " in the very centre and heart of the most populous and business portion of the township, at the same time being the only remaining portion of the business block available for purchase by public sale, which fact intending purchasers should not lose sight of, as the opportunity cannot occur again". The designation of a new street, 'Bennett Street', shown on the plan, is also indicated in the advertising, "In reference to the main street frontages, opposite the Border Flour Mills. The Auctioneer would also direct attention to the plan, showing the formation of a new thorough fare (Bennett street) leading from Young street into Gell street, thus opening up the township on the high, more healthy, and commanding position so much to be desired for private dwellings".An important cartographic document which indicates an early major subdivision of land in the inner urban area of the Bacchus Marsh township. This subdivision lead to the continuing residential and commercial development of the township of Bacchus Marsh in the later part of the 19th century. The location of two well known demolished public structures, the Free Gardeners Hall in Gell Street, and the Old Mechanics Institute Hall (aka the Buffs Hall), on the corner of Young and Bennett Streets, are also shown on this map.A single page paper map showing 30 blocks of land for sale around 1873 in the vicinity of Bennett Street and Lerderderg Street. Described in contemorary sources as a 'lithographed copy'. No scale is indicated. The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network. land sales bacchus marsh, bacchus marsh victoria maps, james young 1816-1871, bacchus marsh roads and streets, bennett street bacchus marsh -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, A Ton of Class: 100 favourite recipes from the families and friends of Allansford and District Primary School, 2014
This cookery book was produced in 2014 as a school fundraiser. It was purchased at Allansford Cheese World in January 2015 for $15. Allansford school was established as a National School in 1856 on land reserved for the purpose by John McMahon Allan. It comprised two sandstone classrooms -one for boys and one for girls -with an attached pise teacher's residence. In 1872 when the Victorian Education Department was set up existing schools were listed in alphabetical order and given a number. Allansford State School was No.3. The school was enlarged in the late 1800s and again in the early 1920s. In 1994 following the amalgamation of the Allansford, Allans Forest and Naringal schools a new school was built which adjoined the existing buildings. The old buildings were refurbished as administration and staff facilities. John McMahon Allan settled in the area in 1839 with his brother William Osborne Allan. They were the sons of David Allan, Deputy Commissary General during Macquarie's term of government. The brothers divided the station with William retaining the Allandale portion and John naming his portion Tooram. John McMahon Allan was president of the early district Roads Board. In an attempt to recoup some of the heavy losses due to the disastrous Bateman fire of 1854 John subdivided a portion of Tooram at the Hopkins River crossing known as Allans ford. A school reserve was included in this subdivision. Source: McLeod, Graeme & Barbara. Allansford 1855-2006This book has social and historical interest and significance as it is connected to a local school. It provides a snapshot of food and cooking methods in the early 21st cebturyCookery book with full colour cover featuring 8 photographs and drawings of the Allansford Primary School surrounds and pupil activities on. The images are 'stitched' together with a white zig-zag diamond pattern as if a quilt. The foldout cover has an image of the school's centenary memorial gates and a brief history of the school. Inside the foldout are images of the pupils in each of the school's four team houses. The foldout back cover has full colour images of pupils performing at the school concert. A white strip noting 'our values' is included on the inside back cover foldout. Soft cover, 112 pages.allansford school, a ton of class, allansford primary school, a ton of class recipe book -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Bottle, Bottle Rowley, Late 19th century
This marble stopper bottle came from the Warrnambool aerated waters manufacturer, John Rowley. A marble stopper bottle was filled upside down so that as soon as the filling stopped the stopper was forced down to seal the bottle against the rubber ring. Pressure inside the bottle would keep the marble pressed against the top of the bottle. To open the bottle the marble was pressed down where it would fall into the neck chamber below. The marble would stay inside the chamber when the bottle was tilted up for drinking. John Rowley (1837-1893) was born in England and came to Australia in 1856. In 1865 he opened a branch of the Geelong Corio Brewery at the corner of Timor and Banyan Streets, Warrnambool, bottling the beer, not brewing it. In 1870 this business was closed and Rowley developed his soft drinks business which he had established in 1868. In 1872 the business was called the Warrnambool Steam Aerated Works when a steam engine was purchased from Melbourne. By this time the factory was turning out 600 dozen bottles a day. For some time Rowley also had a factory in the Western District town of Hamilton. By the 1880s the Warrnambool factory was occupying half an acre of land, was employing 13 people and manufacturing 20 varieties of drinks. Rowley was active in community affairs, serving four years on the Warrnambool Council and he was on the committees of the Warrnambool Hospital and the Mechanics’ Institute.This bottle is of great interest as it comes from the factory of the prominent 19th century Warrnambool aerated waters manufacturer, John Rowley. This is one of the few bottles we have from the Rowley factory. Cordial manufacturing was an important industry in Warrnambool for over 100 years and John Rowley was a key figure in this industry. This is a marble stopper green-coloured glass bottle. The body is rounded with a round base and it has deep indentations at the top of the body that narrows to form a small chamber. The neck tapers to the top of the bottle which has a moulded glass top and a rubber ring inside the top. A green marble is loose in the neck chamber. Details of the soft drinks manufacturer are impressed into the glass on the side of the bottle. ‘J.S.Rowley’s Aerated Waters Warrnambool & Hamilton’ ‘D. K.’ john searle rowley, warrnambool, cordial manufacturers in warrnambool, history of warrnambool -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Documents, William Ardlie Archives, C 1900-1940
This collection of papers have come from the offices of William Ardlie a local solicitor. He was born in Moonee Ponds in 1843 and was admitted as an attorney and solicitor of the supreme Court in 1865. From 1867 to 1878 he was in partnership with George Barber and then continued to practise until his late eighties which made him the oldest practising lawyer in Australia. He was involved in local councils and organisations such as the Hospital and Anglican Church.He was associated with several large homes in Warrnambool including Wyton presently the home of Emmanual College Warrnambool. He died in 1933.His son E L Ardlie also practised as a solicitor from the same offices from 1893. A number of the invoices included relate to the Estate of James drought who was a local policeman and owner of a number of properties and operated in various trades such as George Ramsay manufacturer of stoves and chimneys, J Rogers plumber & gas fitter and Christian & Dodds who were carpenters and joiners. There are a number of documents which relate to the Chinese, many of whom operated market gardens along the Merri River. They were a familiar part of Warrnambool from around 1872 until around 1940. The names mentioned in these documents include Ah Foo,Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong. They were reknown for their supply of fresh vegetables to the people of the town. They leased land from John Moore. These documents are a cross section of the types of documents which were used and are still used in the operation of businesses. They provide a social snapshot of people and the business which they conducted with their solicitors in this case William and E L Ardlie who were a long standing legal firm in the district. Another interesting aspect of some of these documents is the leases signed by the Chinese market gardeners who played an important but often overlooked aspect of Warrnambool's aspect.A total of 27 documents which relate to William Ardlie Solicitors 001133.1Policy from The Victoria Insurance Company for office effects, 001133.1.2 Receipt for 11/1 for policy. 001133.2 Renewal Receipt from Messrs Hammond & Richards as agents for Victoria Insurance Co. 001133.3 Renewal Receipt from Messrs Hammond & Richards as agents for Victoria Insurance Co. 001133.4 General rates receipt . City of Warrnmbool. 001133.5 Water rates receipt . City of Warrnmbool. 001133.6 Camperdown Chronicle , Letter re overdue payment 001133.7 Camperdown Chronicle Statement 31/12/1948 001133.8 Transfer of land notice Ben Rogers Mepunga 001133.9 W H Philpott Account for rent Estate R P Thomas 001133.10 George Ramsay account for Mr Walters for stove setting. 001133.11 Archibald Macfarlane & Co account for Estate James Drought for advertising. 001133.12 Letter to E L Ardlie re deed of Keane family arrangements 21/10/1910 001133.13 Letter to E L Ardlie re charges of Keane Estate 14/12/1910 001133.14 Account to E L Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought , repairs.1/08/1906 001133.15 Account to EL Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought1/10/1907 001133.16 Account to William Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.17 Account to William Ardlie from J Rogers re estate Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.18 State Savings Bank Victoria passbook of Margaret Molan 1/02/1937 001133.19 Account to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds repairs to Droughts house 01/07/1905 001133.20 Account to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought for house repairs Darling St1/10/1905 001133.21 Estimate to A A Briggs from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought 06/04/1908 001133.22 Receipt to E L Ardlie from Christian & Dodds for Estate of Drought for house repairs 01/05/1906 001133.23 Lease Indenture 02/06/1922 between William Ardlie andAH Foo re Crown Allotment 144 Wangoom for 70 pounds. 001133.24 Agreement 18/06/1929 Messrs Quing Bow & Sons to Messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong witnessed John Moore. 001133.25 Lease indenture made 18/06/1929 betweenWilliam Ardlie to messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong. 001133.26 Agreement 18/06/1929 Messrs Quing Bow & Sons to Messrs Ah Bing Ah Jing Ah Moon and Ah Seong witnessed John Moore 001133.27.1 Notification to Creditor of issue of stay order farmers Debts adjustment Act 1935 to Ellen C McGinness and Estate of john McGinness 001133.27.2Note re monthly inst of interest Estate McGinness1942 001133.27.3 Estate of j A Bromfield re Estate of McGinness Arrears of Interest1943 001133.27.4 Letter to W Ardlie from The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd24/02/1944 re interest on J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. 001133.27.5 Letter to W Ardlie from The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 25/02/1944 re interest on J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. 001133.27.6 William Ardlie to The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd re Bromfield & McGinness 24/02/1944 001133.27.7 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie re receipts 16/03/1944 001133.27.8 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie re Bromfield & McGinness18/03/1944 Unable to complete enquiries. 001133.27.9 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie 27/03/1944 001133.27.10 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd to William Ardlie29/04/1944 001133.27.11 Estate Sarah Donaldson re accrued Interest 1933-1961 001133.28.1 Indenture between Emily Maria Briggs,Mary Jane Briggs, Frederick William Briggs, Fanny Alethea Briggs, James Alfred Briggs,Lucy Annie Briggs, Arthur Albert Briggs , and Mary Ann Briggs 001133.28.2 Letter re estate of Mary Ann Briggs 001133.1 No 590911 001133.1.2 Signed G Begley 001133.2 Hammond & Richards 43/5 Kepler St Warrnambool 001133.3 Hammond & Richards 43/5 Kepler St Warrnambool 03/03/1934 001133.4 W Ardlie 18/06/1929 Thomas Beattie collector 001133.5 W Ardlie 18/06/1929 Thomas Beattie collector 001133.6 Wm Ardlie signed W A Donald10/08/1949 001133.7 Wm Ardlie 31/12/1948 001133.8 Alexander Ben Rogers 26/05/1950 001133.9 Estate R P Thomas 28/061955. Phone 124 001133.10 .Mr Walters Drought A Ramsay 01/05/1906 001133.11 Estate of the late James Drought 24/05/1906 001133.12 W F Molesworth Re Thomas Keane. Phone 81. 21/10/1910 001133.13 W F Molesworth Phone 81 Thomas Keane14/12/1910 001133.14 E L Ardlie Joseph Rogers 13/08/1906 001133.15 E L Ardlie Joseph Rogers 01/10/1907 001133.16 E L Ardlie 01/07/1908 001133.17 Estate Late Mr Drought 01/07/1908 001133.18 Miss Margaret Molan 001133.29 L Ardlie 01/07/1905 001133.20 E L Ardlie 01/10/1905 001133.21 Mr A A Briggs Christian & Dodds 06/04/1908 001133.22 L Ardlie W Christian 01/05/1906 001133.23 Stamp duty 04/061926 Signed William Ardlie Est Conway Ah Foo 001133.24 Signed John Moore, Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong. 001133.25 Signed William Ardlie, E H Conway, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong, John Moore. 001133.26 Signed John Moore, Charles Quing Bow, Andrew Quing Bow, Ah Bing, Ah Jing, Ah Moon, Ah Seong. 001133.27.1 Ellen C McGinness and Estate of John McGinness James Dickson R R Macfarlane Richard Vincent McGinness, Abraham McGinness, John Ambrose McGinness 14/07/1936 001133.27.2 Note re monthly inst of interest Estate McGinness 1942 001133.27.3 J A Bromfield McGinness 001133.27.4 W Ardlie, The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 24/02/1944 J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage. Syd Jackson 001133.27.5 W Ardlie ,The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd 25/02/1944 J A Bromfield's trust re McGinness mortgage.Syd Jackson 001133.27.6 William Ardlie The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd re Bromfield & McGinness 24/02/1944 001133.27.7 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 16/03/1944 001133.27.8 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie Bromfield & McGinness 18/03/1944 001133.27.9 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 27/03/1944 001133.27.10 The Trustees Executors & Agency Co Ltd William Ardlie 29/04/1944 001133.27.11 Estate Sarah Donaldson 1933-1961 001133.28.1 Miss Emily m Briggs to Mrs Mary Ann Briggs Assignment . Stamped William Ardlie Solicitor Warrnambool. warrnambool,, william ardlie, james drought, christian & dodds, chinese of warrnambool, james a bromfield -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Tool - Chain Drill Attachment, Millers Falls Co, 1900-1931
An auxiliary tool for use with a breast drill or bit brace, when extra power is needed, or where pressure cannot be easily applied. The drill is automatically fed into the work by an adjustable friction feed which is automatically regulated by the resistance the drill encounters. These were made to fit on breast drills, and used for drilling metal, particularly round sections like a pipe. The chain is run around the object being drilled and gradually tightens as the hole is drilled, maintaining pressure while being a bit easier on the operator. Millers Falls Co. is a tool manufacturing company originally based in Millers Falls, Massachusetts, USA. It was established in Greenfield, Massachusetts in 1868 as Gunn & Amidon by Levi J. Gunn and Charles H. Amidon. Gunn and Amidon, along with a third partner, Henry L. Pratt built a factory in the north of Greenfield. After the Greenfield factory burned down, the company was reorganized as the Millers Falls Manufacturing Co. It merged with Backus Vise Co. in 1872 to form Millers Falls Co. In 1931 Millers Falls tools purchased the majority of the shares of Goodell-Pratt tools and merged with that manufacturer in 1932. In 1962 the company was acquired by Ingersoll Rand. In 1982, Ingersoll Rand sold the Millers Falls business to the newly created Millers Falls Tool Co. The company was head quartered in Alpha, New Jersey. Since 2002 the company trademark has belonged to Hangzhou Great Star Industrial, of Hangzhou, China. The item is associated with a tool manufacturing company established in the mid-19th century that pioneered the development of many types of tools used in many differing trades. The company grew to become a major supplier of tools around the world and today its tools that were produced during the mid-19th and early 20th centuries are now collectable items. Drill attachment with chain No 717 from 1925 catalogue 1/2 socket hole Millers Falls, Massachusettsflagstaff hill, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, chain drill, mast drill, millers falls, drilling attachment, drilling tools -
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RANZCOG)
Tool - Bonney's myomectomy clamp used by Box Hill Hospital labour ward, Down Bros., London
Victor Bonney (1872- 1953) was a gifted and innovative surgeon. One of Bonney’s most notable achievements was his development of a successful procedure for myomectomy. After his wife developed fibroids and had her uterus removed early in their marriage, Bonney took a great interest in the practice of conservatism in surgery. Prior to Bonney, myomectomy “had fallen into disuse because of excessive blood loss during the operating and the infections that commonly followed” (Chamberlain, 'The master of myomectomy') , but Bonney saw an opportunity to revolutionise this practice. In his words: “I set myself to make myomectomy so feasible, successful and safe as to render it a fair alternative to hysterectomy in every case… Excepting only in a very few instances… I have succeeded, and now enter the operating theatre free of the trammels which at one time too often compelled my hand against my heart.” (Bonney, 'The fruits of conversatism') Bonney’s crucial innovation was the development of a new surgical clamp, an instrument which is now referred to as Bonney’s myomectomy clamp. The clamp was ingeniously designed to cut off blood supply to the uterus by compressing the uterine arteries, immediately reducing the excessive blood loss which had previously been associated with the procedure. Although technological advances mean that these are now seldom used, Bonney’s success with this procedure was such that his clamps were regularly used for myomectomy procedures for decades after his death. This instrument was included with other obstetric instruments, mostly destructive instruments, given to RANZCOG from Box Hill Hospital labour ward in February- March 1998. The maternity service at Box Hill Hospital combined with St George's Hospital in Kew to be known as Birralee Maternity Service. These instruments were collected by Julie Collette, Unit Manager, St George's Kew and given to RANZCOG Museum Curator, Susan Barnett. Stainless steel clamp. Scissor type instrument with two sets of finger grips and a locking ratchet mechanism. The blades close to form two apertures which can be selectively decreased in size."DOWN BROS LONDON STAINLESS" upper surface of RH handle; "B.H.H.L. WARD" inner surface of LH, obstetrics -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Showing the flood waters of 1946 around the Band Rotunda in the botanical gardens. Funding for the construction of the Rotunda was bequeathed in the Will of local resident Mrs Annie Williams, who was born in Daylesford in 1872 and died in Kew in 1930. Annie’s Will stipulated that the remaining value of her Estate be spent on erecting a Bandstand in the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens dedicated to the memory of her brother Hugh, a stretcher bearer in WW1 and who died in 1921 after being discharged with health issues, her husband Henry, and herself naturally. There is a plaque dedicated to Annie on the Bandstand She requested that the Bandstand be a replica of the one at Daylesford but by 1933 the value of her Estate had diminished to £76.4/8 which was insufficient to cover a similar design and the Borough Councillors felt it would be too extravagant for the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens. Local builder J.J.McLaren’s tender of £71.15/- was accepted and the octagonal concrete pillared construction was completed with the use of sustenance labour the following year. The Bandstand was opened in December, 1934 with a performance by the Port Fairy Band and local residents enjoying the entertainment and a picnic. In 1934 it was reported that there was some fuss in Council because of the whereabouts of the sum of approximately £3/- , being the amount left over from the build. After some months of debate, in which the Councillors suggested that the Engineer had used the money inappropriately, and to which he responded that the build had cost more than the quote, the matter seems to have ended there An image of the flood waters in the botanical gardens in 1946Black and white photograph of Flood water around rotunda in the gardensflood, river, botanical gardens, port fairy, moyne river, rotunda, bandstand -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
John J. Huntly appears to have been the only licensee of the Royal Oak Hotel, built in 1858. He was a Councillor of the Municipality of Belfast at the time and later became the Secretary of the newly formed Minhamite Shire in 1872. By 1861 D. Smith appears as the licensee of the now named Commercial Hotel. In 1877 it was offered for sale—the building described as “Built of bluestone with slate roof, having a frontage to Bank street of 106 feet, 6 inches. Accommodation consists of twelve bedrooms, eight sitting rooms, bathroom, bar and cellar and detached kitchen also of bluestones, with outside offices. Around this time beside its usual business the hotel had various rooms for visiting doctors and a dentist. Dr. Berncastle, who was associated with the Sydney Eye Infirmary, performed several operations there on those suffering from cataracts. It was the meeting place for the Port Fairy Freemasons, before their Lodge was built in James street, and all the local sporting clubs, at one time or another. The sign on the hotel states "Fitzgerald's Commercial Hotel" more research is being undertaken as to this owner or lessee. The veranda was added in 1900. The name Royal Oak was restored this century, but the name Commercial Hotel can still be seen in the leadlight window over the front entrance. The hotel has now been transformed into apartments and a restaurant called the Oak and Anchor Image of the hotel at an earlier timeBlack and white photograph of Two story bluestone painted commercial hotel with large verandah car at kerbhotel, building, bank street, john j huntly, d smith, royal oak, commercial, fitzgerald, kemp, oak and anchor -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Postcard, The Park Port Fairy
Funding for the construction of the Rotunda was bequeathed in the Will of local resident Mrs Annie Williams, who was born in Daylesford in 1872 and died in Kew in 1930. Annie’s Will stipulated that the remaining value of her Estate be spent on erecting a Bandstand in the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens dedicated to the memory of her brother Hugh, a stretcher bearer in WW1 and who died in 1921 after being discharged with health issues, her husband Henry, and herself naturally. There is a plaque dedicated to Annie on the Bandstand She requested that the Bandstand be a replica of the one at Daylesford but by 1933 the value of her Estate had diminished to £76.4/8 which was insufficient to cover a similar design and the Borough Councillors felt it would be too extravagant for the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens. Local builder J.J.McLaren’s tender of £71.15/- was accepted and the octagonal concrete pillared construction was completed with the use of sustenance labour the following year. The Bandstand was opened in December, 1934 with a performance by the Port Fairy Band and local residents enjoying the entertainment and a picnic. In 1934 it was reported that there was some fuss in Council because of the whereabouts of the sum of approximately £3/- , being the amount left over from the build. After some months of debate, in which the Councillors suggested that the Engineer had used the money inappropriately, and to which he responded that the build had cost more than the quote, the matter seems to have ended there Coloured photograph (hand tinted) of the stand of cypress trees leading to the rotundaThe Park, Port Fairy - No. 3botanical, garden, cypress, tree, rotunda -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Postcard, "The Park", Port Fairy
Funding for the construction of the Rotunda was bequeathed in the Will of local resident Mrs Annie Williams, who was born in Daylesford in 1872 and died in Kew in 1930. Annie’s Will stipulated that the remaining value of her Estate be spent on erecting a Bandstand in the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens dedicated to the memory of her brother Hugh, a stretcher bearer in WW1 and who died in 1921 after being discharged with health issues, her husband Henry, and herself naturally. There is a plaque dedicated to Annie on the Bandstand She requested that the Bandstand be a replica of the one at Daylesford but by 1933 the value of her Estate had diminished to £76.4/8 which was insufficient to cover a similar design and the Borough Councillors felt it would be too extravagant for the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens. Local builder J.J.McLaren’s tender of £71.15/- was accepted and the octagonal concrete pillared construction was completed with the use of sustenance labour the following year. The Bandstand was opened in December, 1934 with a performance by the Port Fairy Band and local residents enjoying the entertainment and a picnic. In 1934 it was reported that there was some fuss in Council because of the whereabouts of the sum of approximately £3/- , being the amount left over from the build. After some months of debate, in which the Councillors suggested that the Engineer had used the money inappropriately, and to which he responded that the build had cost more than the quote, the matter seems to have ended there Black and white photograph of the stand of cypress trees with the rotunda in the backgroundThe Park Port Fairy - No 3botanical, garden, trees, rotunda, path -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Funding for the construction of the Rotunda was bequeathed in the Will of local resident Mrs Annie Williams, who was born in Daylesford in 1872 and died in Kew in 1930. Annie’s Will stipulated that the remaining value of her Estate be spent on erecting a Bandstand in the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens dedicated to the memory of her brother Hugh, a stretcher bearer in WW1 and who died in 1921 after being discharged with health issues, her husband Henry, and herself naturally. There is a plaque dedicated to Annie on the Bandstand She requested that the Bandstand be a replica of the one at Daylesford but by 1933 the value of her Estate had diminished to £76.4/8 which was insufficient to cover a similar design and the Borough Councillors felt it would be too extravagant for the Port Fairy Botanical Gardens. Local builder J.J.McLaren’s tender of £71.15/- was accepted and the octagonal concrete pillared construction was completed with the use of sustenance labour the following year. The Bandstand was opened in December, 1934 with a performance by the Port Fairy Band and local residents enjoying the entertainment and a picnic. In 1934 it was reported that there was some fuss in Council because of the whereabouts of the sum of approximately £3/- , being the amount left over from the build. After some months of debate, in which the Councillors suggested that the Engineer had used the money inappropriately, and to which he responded that the build had cost more than the quote, the matter seems to have ended there Black and white photograph of gardens with dividing paths and palm treebotanical, rotunda, gardens, trees, bandstand -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Codd Bottle - Whittaker & Sons, Lemonade, Dunolly
David Gordon Collection. A Codd-neck bottle is a type of bottle used for carbonated drinks. Hiram Codd, an English engineer invented a successful process that he patented as “Codd’s patented globe stopper bottle” in 1872. This type of bottle has a closing design in which a glass marble is held against a rubber seal, which sits within a recess in the lip. The Codd-neck bottle was designed and manufactured with thick glass to withstand internal pressure, and a chamber to enclose a marble and a rubber washer in the neck. The bottles are filled upside down, and pressure of the gas in the bottle forced the marble against the washer, sealing in the carbonation. The bottle is pinched into a special shape to provide a chamber into which the marble is pushed to open the bottle. This prevents the marble from blocking the neck as the drink is poured. The bottles were regularly produced for many decades, but gradually declined in usage. Since children smashed the bottles to retrieve the marbles, vintage bottles are relatively scarce and have become collector items, particularly in the UK. William Whittaker's son Joseph Whittaker operated a cordial factory at Tarnagulla for many years. It was located at the southern end of Commercial Road, and was the last business premises on the eastern side of the road. Joseph Whittaker was a leading citizen at Tarnagulla for many years, and was a leading supporter of sporting activities including cricket and rifle clubs, as well as a strong patron of the fire brigade. He was known by some as Ginger Beer Joe. -
Parks Victoria - Cape Nelson Lightstation
Furniture - Chair, Douglas
The chair’s turned legs and bowed, spindle back are typical characteristics of the popular ‘Douglas’ chair, which descends from the long evolutionary line of ‘Windsor’ style cottage chairs. Also known as ‘Captains’ chairs, they were made on a large scale in England, America and Australia from around the 1860s in various timbers, with seats ranging from heavy pine to cane and in later models, plywood. Australiana expert, Peter Cuffley writes that they were just as much a part of Australia’s frontier experience as they were America’s; Holtermans’ 1872 photographs of the New South Wales gold towns show Douglas chairs, and they appear in illustrations of the exploits of the Kelly gang drawn in the late 1870s. Many Australians now are more likely to associate them with public offices and governments departments’. The chairs met the need for a degree of comfort and tough resilience under rough handling on hard floors. The Cape Nelson chair is known to have been used as a visitor’s chair, presumably in the head keeper’s office. No other examples of nineteenth century style chairs survive among the reliably provenanced furnishings in the five other lightstation collections. The chair complements the lightstation’s nineteenth century office desk and small number of other nineteenth century furnishings in the wider Parks Victoria lightstation collection, the majority of which are domestic items. The Douglas chair has first level contributory significance for its historical value and relative rarity as a lightstation office furnishing.The chair has turned legs and bowed, spindle back . -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Decorative object - Fob sovereign Holder
The first British gold sovereign was minted as long ago as 1489 under the reign of Henry VII. Subsequent monarchs issued their own gold coins until the reign of James I, crowned King of England and Scotland in 1603 when the practice died out. The modern use of the sovereign and half sovereign coins as common currency in Britain began in 1817. In Australia, the Sydney Mint was established as a branch of the Royal Mint in London in 1855. Its primary role, together with the mints of Melbourne (1872-1931) and Perth (1899-1931) was to strike Sovereigns and Half Sovereigns from the gold that had been discovered in the goldfields of Victoria and New South Wales in 1851. During the First World War, the Sovereign - like most gold and silver coins - was gradually withdrawn from general circulation, although special limited issue coins have frequently been minted for special events, such as the Platinum Jubilee and recent death of Queen Elizabeth 11. Sovereign cases were small portable boxes usually in cylindrical shape and made from various metals with snapshut covers to contain the coin. The spring in the base allowed several coins to be stored in a small container. These fob holders were particularly common in the late 19th to early 20th century and were frequently used by men who could then safely carry coins in their suit pockets. This case was used by a member of the Raper family of Wodonga, Victoria. This item is from the Raper Collection donated to the Wodonga Historical Society by Mrs. Jean Raper.A small silver case with a fob attachment designed to hold sovereign and half sovereign coins. Inside the case are 2 circular spring loaded receptacles to hold the coins. The lid is lined with velvet. A clip and fob is attached to the front of the case.currency, predecimal coins -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Administrative record - Mining Reports, Government Printer, Melbourne, Colony of Victoria quarterly and annual mining reports - 1860s 1870s & 1880s, 1865 - 1883
Colony of Victoria mining reports show any Ringwood mine references under Castlemaine District, St. Andrews Subdivision. Noteworthy for Ringwood: - Death of Pierce Boardman, mining manager at New Ringwood Mining Co., accidentally killed when he lost his footing and fell to a depth of 40 feet on 1st January 1879. - William White injured in truck accident at New Ringwood Antimony Tribute Company, 31st March 1882.Boxed collection of soft and hard bound reports including: 1. Quarterly Colony of Victoria reports of the Mining Surveyors & Registrars, Victoria, 1865-1881 - Summary of gold mining statistics for the quarter - Tables showing the yield of gold from certain parcels of quartz raised during the quarter in some of the deepest mines in Victoria with depth of the deepest shafts, levels, cross-cuts, etc. - Estimated yield of gold and quantity of gold exported during the quarter - Gold received and issued from the Royal Mint during the quarter - Summary of yield of gold from quartz, tailings, etc., crushed during the quarter - Summary of yield of gold from washdirt and cement washed and crushed during quarter - Number and distribution of miners on the goldfields of the colony. 2. 1879-82 Hard bound volume - Chief Inspector of Mines Reports to the Honorable Minister of Mines, Victoria. (Includes fatal and non-fatal accident reports, mining operations, and employment statistcs.) Noteworthy for Ringwood: - Death of Pierce Boardman, mining manager at New Ringwood Mining Co., accidentally killed when he lost his footing and fell to a depth of 40 feet on 1st January 1879. - William White injured in truck accident at New Ringwood Antimony Tribute Company, 31st March 1882. 3. Mineral Statistics for Victoria - annual reports for years 1867, 1871, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1878, & 1879. 4. Handwritten study notes.antimony, boardman, william white -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Large framed item. At the centre a photograph of the Bendigo Mayoral Chain designed and manufactured by F. Prescott, jeweller, Bendigo At the right a photo of George Lansell esq. and on the left a photo of J.H. Abbott esq. A list of Mayor is underneath the two photos, starting from the left J.F. Sullivan 1857, J.H. Abbott 1860, J.J. Casey 1861, R. Burrows 1862, G. Aspinall 1869, J. Boyd 1870, G. Aspinall 1873, J.A. Woodward 1874, H.Hattam 1876, E. Neil 1876, A. Bayne 1877, J.A. Woodward 1879, P. Hayes 1880, W.G. Jackson 1881, A. Harkness 1882, S.H. McGowan 1885, P. Hayes 1886, T.J. Connelly 1887, J. Cohn 1888, J.P. Carolin 1889, J,R. Hoskins 1890, J.H. Abbott 1891-92-95. Under the Mayoral chain the words: Bendigo gold fields discovered 1851. Proclaimed municipality of Sandhurst 1855 and city in 1871. Name changed to City of Bendigo in honor of which event cnr. J.H Abbott inaugurated the mayoral chain and the medallion was presented to the City Council by George Lansell esq. To whose implicit belief in the inextinguishable nature of our gold resource and the indefatigable energy in developing them Bendigo manly owes its present prosperity. July 1893, W. Honeybone Town Clerk and signed by F. Prescott.bendigo, council, mayoral chain, from dudley house stored at bendigo art gallery from 2000, returned to bhs 03/02/2023 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan, Melbourne & Metropolitan Board of Works : Borough of Kew : Detail Plan No.1297, 1904
The Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works (MMBW) plans were produced from the 1890s to the 1950s. They were crucial to the design and development of Melbourne's sewerage and drainage system. The plans, at a scale of 40 feet to 1 inch (1:480), provide a detailed historical record of Melbourne streetscapes and environmental features. Each plan covers one or two street blocks (roughly six streets), showing details of buildings, including garden layouts and ownership boundaries, and features such as laneways, drains, bridges, parks, municipal boundaries and other prominent landmarks as they existed at the time each plan was produced. (Source: State Library of Victoria)This plan forms part of a large group of MMBW plans and maps that was donated to the Society by the Mr Poulter, City Engineer of the City of Kew in 1989. Within this collection, thirty-five hand-coloured plans, backed with linen, are of statewide significance as they include annotations that provide details of construction materials used in buildings in the first decade of the 20th century as well as additional information about land ownership and usage. The copies in the Public Record Office Victoria and the State Library of Victoria are monochrome versions which do not denote building materials so that the maps in this collection are invaluable and unique tools for researchers and heritage consultants. A number of the plans are not held in the collection of the State Library of Victoria so they have the additional attribute of rarity.Original survey plan, issued by the MMBW to a sewage contractor with responsibility for constructing sewers in the area identified on the plan within the Borough of Kew. The plan was at some stage hand-coloured, possibly by the contractor, but more likely by officers working in the Engineering Department of the Borough and later Town, then City of Kew. The hand-coloured sections of buildings on the plan were used to denote masonry or brick constructions (pink), weatherboard constructions (yellow), and public buildings (grey). This plan of Kew encompasses the area bounded by Barkers Road, High Street and Stevenson Street. Because of the angle created by High Street, a number of houses on the northern side of High Street are shown. The area is dominated by one of the great original landholdings in Kew, described here as the ‘Findon Paddock’. ‘Findon’, the house from which the name of the paddock was taken fronts Stevenson Street and was clearly a rambling structure. The best-known occupant of Findon was Henry ‘Money Miller’ who bought the house in 1871. Miller was a member of Victoria’s first parliament and assisted in the framing of its constitution. Findon was to be subdivided as early as 1912, when the Findon Subdivision was advertised to be sold by auction. In the plan of the subdivision, the original house is not shown, so, presumably it had previously been demolished. Fincham & Son moved the organ, built by Henry Willis, which was installed in the house, first to ‘Whernside’ in Toorak, and later to the Box Hill Methodist and metropolitan board of works, detail plans, mmbw 1297, cartography, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionPlan of Mining Leases from Rowan Street to Long Gully. Reference J. N. Macartney 2nd Edition Bendigo Goldfields Registry for 1872. Names of Leases are: Moore ?, Ellesmere Co, Bonati & Co, Dennis, Abe Lincoln Co, Lansell & Hunt, Black & White Lead Co, Koch & Hildebrand, Ballerstedt, Lazarus Co No 1, Lazarus Co, Watson, Lazarus Freehold, Lazarus Co No 2, Lazarus Tribute, South Extended Burra, Endeavor Co, Old Chum Co, Burrows and Sterry, New Chum & Victoria Trib, Jackson, North Old Wybrants Chum Co, Myra Co, McLenn, Geary & Co, Western Victoria Hill G. M. Co, Victoria Reef G.M.Co, South Adventure Co, South Try Me Well, W. Rae, Wells Midway, Extended Co, Handy Andy, Moonta Co, Humboldt Co, Adventure Co, Try Me Well, Sterry & Co, Midway, Tudor, Friedman's Reef, Rising Sun, Try Me Luck, Pomponia, Confidence Co, Alfred Co, Advance Co, Prince Alfred Co, Canterbury Co, Platus Co, S. Platus Co, Golden Fleece United, Alfred Co, Iron Duke Co, Victoria Gold Mines Co, Hercules Co and Iron Bark. Notes prepared by Albert, bendigo, mining plan, belle vue no 2, no 2 belle vue new chum & c, j n macartney bendigo goldfields registry 1872, moore ?, ellesmere co, bonati & co, dennis, abe lincoln co, lansell & hunt, black & white lead co, koch & hildebrand, ballerstedt, lazarus co no 1, lazarus co, watson, lazarus freehold, lazarus co no 2, lazarus tribute, south extended burra, endeavor co, old chum co, burrows and sterry, new chum & victoria trib, jackson, north old wybrants chum co, myra co, mclenn, geary & co, western victoria hill g. m. co, victoria reef, south adventure co, south try me well, w. rae, wells midway, extended co, handy andy, moonta co, humboldt co, adventure co, try me well, sterry & co, midway, tudor, friedman's reef, rising sun, try me luck, pomponia, confidence co, alfred co, advance co, prince alfred co, canterbury co, platus co, s. platus co, golden fleece united, alfred co, iron duke co, victoria gold mines co, hercules co, iron bark -
The Beechworth Burke Museum Research Collection
Card - Index Card, George Tibbits, Ford Street, Beechworth, 1976
Property - Ford Street, Beechworth - Section 2, Town Allotment 6 - (Note: also 2-6-1 Electrical Contractors, 2-6-2 Lodge and 2-6-3 Beechworth Dairy) - 100' x250' Ownership details and history - 28 Oct 1853 - W.H. Neuber 1861 - Galbraith, Andrew - Faulkner George, unlisted, J.S. Clark. land 22'x165', shop 32'x20' glass + deal fr. 2 stories, WB + sh. Bakery 25'x20' slabs + bark. Stable 20'x10' WB + do. 1861 - Steel, William, unlisted, J. Manson. land 11'x140' shop 10'x33' plate glass & cedar front, slabs + sh. Back 10'6"x34' WB + sh. 1861 - Joel, Abraham, unlisted, J. Manson, land 11'x140' shop 10'x33' plate glass + cedar front, slabs + sh. bark, 10'6"x34' WB + do. 1861 - J. Manson, unlisted, same, land 22'x25' (in rear) stable 14'x14' slabs + bark 1861 - George Gammon, unlisted, same, land 22'x165' shop 14'x31' glazed front. deal + WB slabs + sh. Kitchen 15'x12' store in rear 20'x10' do + bark 1863/4 - Eveleigh, J.L. (A. Galbraith in '63-'63) J.S. Clark land + prem as 1861. 1863/4 - Hall, Algernon, J. Manson. land + prem as 1861 1863/4 - Faulkner, baker & confectioner, J. Manson, land + prem as 1861 1863/4 - Manson, John as 1861 1863/4 - Gammon as 1861, Kitchen 15'x12' bk. resid. 24'x12' 1866 - Raphael, Julius, Tobias, Sally, tobacconists, J.S. Clark, land 22'x165 shop 20'x38' bk. bldg. glass fr. + sh. rf. Kitch. in rear 14'x12' WB = sh. Do. Stable 20'x10' slabs + bark. £115 1866 - Cunningham, James & Robert, ironmongers, John Manson, land 22'x165' shop 20'x33' plate glass + cedar fr. slabs + sh. rf. prem in rear 21'x34' WB + sh. rf. £110 1866 - Gammon, George, Druggist, same. land 22'x165' prem. 30'x20' + 24'x12' bk. bldg. 2 stories with plate glass + cedar shop front + sh. rf. Kitchen 15'x12' WB + sh. rf. 1871 - Brown, John, Barber etc. J.S. Clark. land + prem as 1866 £75 1871 - Cunningham, J&R, ironmongers, same. land + prem as 1866 + stable 13'x8' slabs + bark £96 1871 - Gammon, G. Druggist, same land + prem as 1866 £144 1876 - Walton, Wm. Tailor, Mary Clark. prem as 1866 exc. kitch 16'x12' + 20'x10' 1876 - Cunningham, J&R, ironmongers, same land 22'x165' prem 20'x30' deal fr. bk walls sh. roof Do. in rear 34'x21. WB + sh. rf. stable 20'x20' WB + ir. rf. £90 1876 - Gammon, George, Chemist, same land + prem as 1866 exc. no. 24'x12' bk £120 1884 - Armstrong, John, Draper, Mary Clark. shop 1884 - Cunningham Js. Ironmonger, same shop 1884 - Gammon, G. Chemist, same, shop + dwelling 1889 - Armstrong, as above £45 1889 - Cunningham, JS. as above. Cunningham, J&R, shop, prem + land £70 1889 - Gammon, G. Chemist, smae shop, dwelling pr. l. £80 1899-1900 - Armstrong. One shop owned, other ....? one 1900-1901 - Armstrong. double shop 1900 - Armstrong, John, draper, same shop + store £110 1900 - Bowen, Wm Johnston, Chemist, Kate Gammon, Sh. DW + L £65 1906 - Armstrong, Draper, same S+L £110 1906 - Bowen, Wm. Johnston, Chemist, Kate Gammon, shop, prem + land £65 Sect. 2, Town Allot. 6 - Note: 2-6-1 Electrical Contractors, 2-6-2 Lodge and 2-6-3 Beechworth Dairy Architectural Index Card - Brian Pump and Tony Dugan - Photographers beechworth, george tibbits -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1943
This is a photograph of Councillor William Cumming who represented South Riding 1895-1911 and 1921 - 1943. William Cumming was a prominent Orbost identity. He was born in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, in 1866 the son of William Cumming and Mary Ann Montgomery. He came to Australia, at the age of 20, in 1890 and to Orbost in c.1890. He farmed at Bete Bolong and during WW1 ran a butcher's shop on his farm. He was a shire councillor of the Orbost Shire Council and served as a South Riding representative for 38 years. He was a keen Newmerella football supporter, a member of the Orbost Bowling Club as well as a director of the Orbost Butter Factory. Cumming was married to Ellen Louise Mundy (b1880, d1945) and they had three children ( Harold, William and Gordon). Information from Lori Fellows (Grand-daughter) April 2020: William Cumming. My paternal grandfather born in Ballymena Northern Ireland. Came to Australia aged 18. Married Ellen Mundy on 25/08/1902. This photo taken during his time as Orbost Shire Council President. Father of Harold, William and Gordon. Died in Orbost 24.11.1950. William Cumming (1866-1950) arrived in Australia in 1884 on the "Orient". His brothers David (1868-1932), John (1870-1920) & Samuel (1871-1953) arrived in 1887 on the "Orizaba". On the passenger list Samuel is listed as David. Also my grandfather was Chairman of Directors of the Dandenong Bacon Factory [later Australian Bacon Co]....he raised pigs on the farm at Bete Bolong, that supplied the butchery on the farm and also the Dandy Bacon Factory. This item is associated with the Orbost Shire Council. The shire covered an area of 9,347 square kilometres and existed from 1892 until 1994 when it became part of the East Gippsland Shire Council. It is associated with William Cumming who was a prominent Orbost identity.A black / white head and shoulders portrait of a moustached man in a suit.On back - "Cr W. Cumming, South Riding"cumming-william orbost-shire-council -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, c. 1917
This photograph features a woman and a man, both older, seated together on a bench at Benalla railway station, c.1917. The woman on the left, wearing a hat and face veil is Mrs Kelly (Ellen Quinn Kelly), Ned Kelly’s mother and the man beside her is Ned Griffiths. Born in 1832 in Ireland, Ellen married John ‘Red’ Kelly, an ex-convict who also originated from Ireland, in 1851. She met Kelly after emigrating to Australia with her parents. Ellen and John Kelly had 7 children, the eldest of these is the infamous Bushranger Edward "Ned" Kelly. John Kelly died in 1866. Ellen had 7 children to care for and not much money so she relocated the family to Greta where she had relatives. Ellen remarried in 1874 to a young George King, an American originally from California. The couple married in Benalla and together they had 3 children. Ellen and King's children would later adopt the surname Kelly after George disappeared in 1877. Ellen spent three years in prison for the assault of Constable Fitzpatrick (an incident surrounded by mythology and uncertainty). She later passed away in her early 90s on the 27th of March 1923 at Greta. In this photograph, Albert "Ned" Griffiths wears a hat, full suit, and glasses. He is Ellen Kelly's son-in-law from his marriage to her daughter Grace Kelly. Ned Griffiths was born in 1871 and died in 1939. He married Grace Kelly in 1889 in Benalla and together the couple had nine children.This photograph is part of the Burke Museum "Kelly album" which includes a significant collection of photographs and artefacts connected to Ned Kelly and the Kelly Gang. Ned Kelly and his gang have become ingrained in Australian popular culture and thus many museums, art galleries and private collections house material connected to the Kelly story which allows the events and people to be researched and interpreted. Individuals like Ellen Kelly played an essential part in the Kelly story which have been adapted for popular culture. The study of these individuals through their images and records can help researchers to correctly interpret their involvement with Ned Kelly and the Kelly gang.Original sepia rectangular photograph developed on matte photographic paper, mounted on board.Reverse: (Top half of reverse) Mrs Kelly/Mother of Ned Kelly And Mr Ned Griffiths her/ Son in law – husband/ Of Grace Kelly/ (Down right side of lower half of reverse) 855-184-1kelly album, ellen kelly, ned griffiths, photograph, grace kelly, mourning attire, ned kelly, mother, son-in-law, the kelly gang, burke museum, sepia photo, mounted photo, victoria, benalla, australia, 1917, benalla railway station -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, late 19th - early 20th century
this is a photograph taken at the original jetty at Tabbara on the Brodribb River used by Samuel Richardson who established his mill in 1882. There was a constant demand for timber to supply the growing townships of Orbost , Marlo and surrounds. It was at this mill that the original paddle steamer Curlip was built. More information in "Curlip" by May Leatch. Helena Warrem (1871-1962) was a self-taught photographer who became both the local press correspondent and a producer of humorous trompe l'oeil postcard images. Helena Warren was a thirty-two year old settler living on a small mixed farm with her husband, William, at Newmerella, near Orbost in Gippsland, Victoria, when she bought her first camera, an Austral Box quarter-plate. Her family says she was entirely self-taught, like many women photographers who started out with nothing but the instructions on the packets of film and chemicals. In over fifty years practice she graduated from the total novice, who opened all her first mail order plates in bright sunlight and ruined them, to a competent photographer who became both the local press correspondent and an inveterate producer of humorous trompe l’oeil postcard images. Helena Francis Warren (nee McKeown) was married to William John Warren and lived in Newmerella. She supplied the photos for the Back-To-Orbost celebration book in 1937 and also designed the Back-To-Orbost badge. She was known for her soft toy making. (by Ivy Rodwell in from Personalities and Stories of the Early Orbost District by Mary Gilbert).This photograph is a pictorial record of a typical family activity in the late 19th - early 20th century in the Orbost area, The clothing and manners are reflective of that time, This photograph also has significance in its association with Helen Frances Warren, a popular Orbost identity who was well known as an accomplished photographer and needleworker,A black / white photograph of a family group seated on a wooden jetty. There is a man on the right with a fishing rod. A man is standing next to woman holding a teapot and cup and saucer. On the left a woman is sitting and holding a baby on her knee. The rest are sitting or kneeling with a picnic cloth spread in front of them. There are bottles, jars, plates and cups on the cloth. on back - "The Warren Family Tabara Jetty"tabbara-jetty warren-family-orbost recreation-picnic -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, Harnisch & Co, 1876-1918
The design of this pair (RN 758 & 759) is based on Thonet’s No. 18 chair, which was originally produced in 1876 by Thonet, and is still one of the best-selling designs for café and restaurant owners. It is elegant, sophisticated and durable. The label notes the design as “AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE vorm” which translates to “solid curved sandals shape”, a good description for the back of the chair. The chairs have marks, paper labels and symbols on them that show that the maker was Harnisch & Co., Neuschler (also called Banská Bystrica) Furniture Factory in Neuschol (Beszterczebanya), Hungary, privileged makers for the Imperial and Royal Austrian-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918. Bentwood chairs are made by a process of wetting wood in water, bending it into curved shapes, then allowing it to dry so that the shape becomes permanent. This process originated by Michael Thonet, who had been given the right to bend wood into desired curves by the Austrian Courts in 1842. In 1856 he was granted a 13 year patent to manufacture chairs and table legs of bent wood treated by steam or boiling water. In 1859 his company Gebruder Thonet produced his original design. Thonet’s early designs also featured hand carved or laminated wooden seats. His Model No. 14 produced in the 1850’s, was his most popular design. After Michael’s death in 1871 the family went on designing and producing chairs. The No. 18 chair was produced in 1876, one of a group of chars with back inserts consisting of curves and loops of bentwood. These bentwood chairs are believed to be associated with the either the original Warrnambool Town Hall or the Toc H Group in Warrnambool. The Warrnambool Town Hall played a significant role in the both the local government and the social events of local and district areas. It was a place for Council meetings, community events and entertainment, theatrical and musical.Chair, bentwood, 'French Bistro Chair' with a floral pattern carved in seat. Backrest has inverted U shape inside that extends to the seat. Supports on either side of backrest's base join to back of seat. Legs have a wooded bracing ring. Marks are embossed into rim under seat. Paper label, cream with black print, on rim; Right side of label has the symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label. Made by NEUSOHLER FABRIK FUR MOBEL, AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE, vorm. HARNISCH & Co, NEUSOHL (BESZTERCaZEBANYA) UNGARN ' Hand written under seat "T H" in black paint, "T H " in white chalk.Marks; pressed into rim under seat is "3", and "Crown [over] (N)", Paper label, cream with black print, on rim; Left side has Mark “N inside circle under crown”. Right side has symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label “Trade – K.u.K.- Mark / NEUSOHLER FABRIK FUR MOBEL/ AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE, vorm. HARNISCH&Co / NEUSOHL (BESZTERCaZEBANYA) UNGARN ' Hand written under seat "T H" in black paint, "T H " in white chalk. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, bentwood chair, café chair, restaurant chair, thonet design chair, neusohler fabrik fur nobel, k.u.k. approved manufacturer, hungry, harnisch & co, k.u.k., public hall chair, toc h -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Chair, Harnisch & Co, 1876-1918
The design of this pair (RN 758 & 759) is based on Thonet’s No. 18 chair, which was originally produced in 1876 by Thonet, and is still one of the best-selling designs for café and restaurant owners. It is elegant, sophisticated and durable. The label notes the design as “AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE vorm” which translates to “solid curved sandals shape”, a good description for the back of the chair. The chairs have marks, paper labels and symbols on them that show that the maker was Harnisch & Co., Neuschler (also called Banská Bystrica) Furniture Factory in Neuschol (Beszterczebanya), Hungary, privileged makers for the Imperial and Royal Austrian-Hungarian Empire 1867 – 1918. Bentwood chairs are made by a process of wetting wood in water, bending it into curved shapes, then allowing it to dry so that the shape becomes permanent. This process originated by Michael Thonet, who had been given the right to bend wood into desired curves by the Austrian Courts in 1842. In 1856 he was granted a 13 year patent to manufacture chairs and table legs of bent wood treated by steam or boiling water. In 1859 his company Gebruder Thonet produced his original design. Thonet’s early designs also featured hand carved or laminated wooden seats. His Model No. 14 produced in the 1850’s, was his most popular design. After Michael’s death in 1871 the family went on designing and producing chairs. The No. 18 chair was produced in 1876, one of a group of chars with back inserts consisting of curves and loops of bentwood. The popularity of the Bentwood chair, even now, is due to its versatility and timeless quality. Its style, whether varnished or painted, suits any room in the house. The lightweight chairs are also popular for café and restaurant seating, as well as for public gatherings. They can be easily moved around and grouped in a variety of ways to suit any occasion.Chair, bentwood, 'French Bistro Chair' with pattern carved in seat. Backrest has inverted U shape inside that extends to the seat. Supports on eitherside of backrest's base join to back of seat. Legs have a wooded bracing ring. Marks; pressed into rim under seat. Paper label, cream with black print, on rim. Right side of label has symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label. Made by Harnisch & Co.Marks; pressed into rim under seat is "3" and "4", and "Crown [over] N", Paper label, cream with black print, on rim; Left side has Mark “N inside circle under crown”. Right side has symbol of Heraldic Shield. Text on label “Trade – K.u.K.- Mark / NEUSOHLER FABRIK FUR MOBEL/ AUS MASSIV GEBOGENEM HOLZE, vorm. HARNISCH & Co / NEUSOHL (BESZTERCaZEBANYA) UNGARN ' Hand written under seat "T H" in black paint, "T H " in white chalk. flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, bentwood chair, café chair, restaurant chair, meeting hall chair, thonet design chair, harnisch & co, k.u.k., neusohler fabrik fur nobel, approved manufacturer, neusohl (besztercazebanya) ungarn -
Glen Eira Historical Society
File contains 3 items: 1/Original handwritten notes by Leo J Harrington (VR Melbourne) and T O’Callaghan titled ‘Victorian Railways to ‘62’. Notes include dates of electrification of lines, station openings, valuations, railway station names and their origins. Reference to council minutes regarding request to change the name of Elsternwick station to Caulfield in June 1871. 2/Original newspaper article from ‘The Age’ dated 10/06/1978 by Graeme Davidson titled ‘A case study of Railway politics’. Article refers to a publication called ‘Return to Rosstown, Railway, Land Sales and Sugar Beet ventures in Caulfield’ by D. F. ‘Return to Rosstown’ recounts the story of the Rosstown Junction railway and its creator, William Murray Ross. Tells of Ross’ life since coming to Australia from Liverpool and how he prospered as a land speculator owning large tracts of land in Caulfield, the sugar mill and his plans to operate a railway. 3/Original newspaper article (and image) from ‘Moorabbin Standard’ dated 25/11/1981, titled ‘Centenary train to carry mayors’. Article reports that a special train will run from Spencer Street Station to Mordialloc railway Station on Saturday 19/12/1981 to celebrate the centenary of the railway line to Mordialloc. Story mentions that in 1881, the Caulfield to Mordialloc line was a single track and that passengers can also board the special train at Caulfield Station. Image is of steam train with red ‘tait’ carriages (undated).victorian railways, caulfield, glenhuntly, glen huntly, elsternwick, carnegie, murrumbeena, ormond, steam train, glenhuntly road, glen huntly road, ripponlea, north road, rosstown, rosstown junction railway, ross william murray, railways, trains, south caulfield, grange road, railway stations, mirrambeena, caulfield city council, sugar mill, electrification. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Wally Hoersch of J&V Warren-Smith Auto, 1991
The land along the eastern side of the Union Road shops between Montrose Street and the railway line was originally owned by the Zeplin family. It was subdivided in 1914 and offered for sale as individual sites. Building did not occur until after WW1 and after the creek across Union Road had been barrelled. The photo was taken in the office of the garage which was built at 145 Union Road in 1925. It has had continuous use as a garage since then. Originally there were petrol bowsers on the footpath. The façade of the building is remarkably the same as it was in 1925 when David Denholm was the first proprietor. He remained until c1950 and was followed by Benchley Motors P/L, then Spenden Motors P/L. John and Val Warren-Smith purchased it in c1980. In 2019 their family, including Philip and Glenn Warren-Smith and 2 of Philip's sons, still operate it as J&V Warren-Smith Auto Service. The man on the phone is Walter Kurt (Wally) Hoersch. Warmly regarded and often mistakenly thought to be Philip's father, he was not a member of the family. Wally had an interesting background, not known to many. He was born in the German Templer colony of Sarona in Palestine. It had been established in Ottoman Palestine in 1871 and is now a suburb of Tel Aviv. In July 1941, 188 people from Sarona were deported to Australia on the Queen Elizabeth. Wally's family were amongst them. They were interned in Tatura in Central Victoria until 1947. Wally lived in Mont Albert North and later Templestowe; he died on 21/7/2002.The Union Road shopping strip was assessed for heritage protection by Lovell Chen in June 2011 (Surrey Hills and Canterbury Hill Estate Heritage Study: Union Road Commercial Precinct Citation). Within this report two buildings were mentioned as, unusually, still performing their original role. These were Dartnell’s Pharmacy at 376-378 Canterbury Road (contributory) and the motor garage at 145 Union Road (contributory). This is one of a number of 3 images taken in 1991 which document the interior and function of the building.A colour photo of a man sitting behind a desk in an office on the phone. There is another man standing behind him to his right.john warren-smith, val warren-smith, philip warren-smith, glenn warren-smith, walter hoersch, wally hoersch, j&v warren-smith auto, union road, businesses, garages, benchley motors p/l, spenden motors p/l, -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - James Trewartha
James “Jinger” Trewartha was a well known cricketer in the Bendigo District Cricket Association in the 1890s, playing for the Long Gully Cricket Club. James was born in 1871 in Sandhurst to Abraham and Sarah (nee Traverton) Trewartha. He was the second eldest son with seven brothers and five sisters. In the late 1880s the family moved to Milroy Street, Ironbark. James and his brother Albert played in the BDCA premiership teams of 1896/97, 1897/98, 1898/99, 1900/01, 1901/02. Long Gully Cricket Club 1894 – 95. Long Gully joined the BDCA. James Trewartha was first recorded playing in the BDCA. He took an outstanding 8 wickets for 10 runs in one match. 1897 – 98 Trewartha played in a Bendigo XVIII against an England XI. Trewartha won the BDCA Bowling Average. 1898 – 99 Trewartha won the BDCA Bowling Average. At the 1899 annual banquet of the L.G.C.C., James Trewartha was presented with a gold watch and chain, subscribed for by the District’s cricketers. (10866.1) 1901 – 02 Trewartha won the BDCA Bowling Average. 1903 – 04 Last record of Trewartha playing in the BDCA. 1904 – 05 Long Gully left the BDCA. James Trewartha never married. He moved to South Melbourne in 1910 to live with his mother and sister Mary Ann (Polly) Angwin. James Trewartha died on 9 September 1926 when hit by a train. He is buried in Fawkner Cemetery. Black and white photograph of James Trewartha mounted on dark brown board. the photograph shows a man standing in front of a backdrop showing a bridge and foliage. The man is dressed in cricket whites (shirt and trousers) with a striped tie and cricket cap. Embroidered on the cap "L.G.C.C. 1897 - 8 PREMIERS"Written in pen on the back of the photograph "J. TREWARTHA LONG GULLY C.C.long gully cricket club, j trewartha, james trewartha, cricket, jinger, "jinger" trewartha, bdca, bendigo district cricket association -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Garden Hill, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Kangaroo Ground, 3 February 2008
The original house was built around 1850 was one of Kangaroo Ground's earliest homes, part of which remains today. Built by Scottish farmer Andrew Harkness who acquired the property in 1849 at the top of the hill with magnificent panoramic views as far as Kinglake, the same year he married Sarah Oswin. The property was known as Garden Hill from at least 1865. Andrew and Sarah had four sons and five daughters. Harkness was a founder of the Kangaroo Ground School and one of the first to suggest establishing the Eltham District Road Board (1858-71) of which he was a member, the pre-cursor to the Shire of Eltham (1871-1994). He was also a Trustee of the Kangaroo Ground Cemetery. His daughter Fanny married farmer Alexander White who purchased the property in 1893. Alexander White died in 1906 and ownership transferred to Fanny White. Son, Robert White was a Councillor of the Shire of Eltham at the time the Shire acquired two acres of land on the adjacent property from the Mess brothers for the creation of the Shire of Eltham Memorial Park (1921) in which the Shire of Eltham War Memoirial tower was erected (1926). Fanny White donated a small section of land from the Garden Hill property to facilitate entry access to the park. The White family sold the property to Sir Herbert Gepp in 1925. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p29This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, kangaroo ground -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Peter Pidgeon, Bridge Street, Eltham, 2 Aug. 2022
Comparison photo: 00780 Part of a presentation by Peter Pidgeon to the Society, 13 August 2022 showcasing a series of photographs taken by John Henry Clark over the period 1895 to 1930. John Henry Clark was the youngest of three boys born to William Henry Clark (1823-1877) and Maria White (1843-1914). He and his brothers, William Charles Clark (1872-1945), Clement Kent Clark (1874-1912) operated a photography business (Clark Bros.) from 25 Thomas Street, Windsor near Prahran during the period c.1894 to 1914. Following death of Clement in September 1912 and their mother in 1914, the Clark Bros business appears to have dissolved, the premises demolished, and a new house was under construction in 1915. John set up business independently in 1914 operating out of 29 Moor Street, Fitzroy where he is registered in the 1914 and 1915 Electoral Rolls. By 1916 John had relocated to Eltham where he continued his practice as a photographer and took many of the early images around the district of Little Eltham. Around 1930 John changed professions and opened a small cobbler's shop in 1931 near the pond opposite Dalton Street adjacent to the Jarrold family cottage. He never married and continued his profession as a bootmaker from this little shop, maintaining a close relationship with Mrs Jarrold for the rest of their lives. His bootmaker shop remains today beside the Whitecloud cottage and is one of only three remaining shops in the area from the early 20th century.Comparative photo taken 2022 with one taken from same location over 100 years earlier by noted local photographer J.H. ClarkBorn Digitaleltham, j.h. clark photo (2022), main road, bridge street