Showing 2299 items
matching caulfield melbourne
Federation University Historical Collection
Card, Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup Weights, 1907
... Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup Weights...Horses and weights for the Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup.... Cup and Melbourne Cup. Caulfield Cup and Melbourne Cup Weights ...The 1907 Melbourne Cup was won by Poseidon. Horses and weights for the Caulfield Cup and Melbourne racing, melbourne cup, caulfield cup, weights -
Department of Health and Human Services
Message of Loyalty to Queen Elizabeth II from Shelford Church of England Girls' Grammar School Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria 01/05/1960 - Signed by Sir Dallas Brook President and Sir Edmund Herring Chairman - 2 of 5 photos - Department of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo Collection
... Church of England Girls' Grammar School Caulfield, Melbourne... of England Girls' Grammar School Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria 01/05 ...Department of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo - Empire Youth Day & Royals on Tour CollectionDepartment of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo - Empire Youth Day & Royals on Tour Collection -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Kambrook Road, Circa 1972
... 26 Kambrook Road , Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria...Glen Eira Historical Society 965 Glen Huntly Rd Caulfield ...This page of photographs is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. First 2 images: milkbar and residence corner Kambrook and Balaclava Roads ie south west corner - building named Airdrie 3rd image: - re 26 Kambrook Road and 345 Balaclava Road corner building ie south east corner: A prominently situated two-storeyed complex of late Victorian buildings consisting of "Wybar's Buildings" occupying the Balaclava Road/ Kambrook Road corner and the "Caulfield Bakery" facing Kambrook Road, separated by a driveway from a single storeyed shop. The main building has a comer splay and balustraded parapet with curved pediments, the words "Wybar's Buildings 1887" having been obliterated but "Caulfield Bakery 1887" with the characteristic wheatsheaf surviving in raised cement work. The walls are stuccoed and richly ornamented with bracketed cornices and keystones with masks extending to the Bakery. The main building is further distinguished by the Masonic symbol of the mason's dividers in the pediment whilst the upper level of the bakery is in overpainted brickwork. The single storeyed shop incorporates the bracketed cornice and consoles characteristic of the main buildings and is in other respects a utilitarian structure. 4th image: (on 24/01/2021) - 196 Kambrook Road An imposing late Victorian poly-chrome brick asymmetrical villa with corner verandah and projecting west facing wing with faceted window bay to the facade. Body bricks are red and relieved by cream and black brick banding and by cream bricks to the bracketed eaves. The fretted barge with king post treatment and timber posted verandah are unique in the Municipality and unusual in the metropolitan area and demonstrate an understated appreciation of the emerging Queen Anne mode.345 Balaclava and 26 Kambrook Roads HO91 - City of Glen Eira (on 24/01/2021) "Wybar's Buildings" at the corner of Balaclava Road and Kambrook Road are important as a prominent late Victorian commercial development incorporating a variety of activities including a bakery and possibly a coffee palace, the latter understood to be unique within the municipality, but characteristic of the period. It is a rare complex of its type in Caulfield and is important also as evocative evidence of the late Victorian Land Boom and the creation of a small now defunct commercial centre at this location by the George Wybrow. 196 Kambrook Road HO122 - City of Glen Eira "Glencoe" is situated at no. 196 Kambrook Road, Caulfield North and was built for the boot manufacturer, Robert Bruce Mair, in 1888. It is of historic and aesthetic significance. It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the home of an inner suburban industrialist, notable a boot manufacturer, demonstrating the attraction of Caulfield as a residential location for the manufacturers of the metropolis during the late Victorian Boom period. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) as a very early example of a Queen Anne influenced late Victorian villa, comparing at the State level with ''Woodlands'' (1888), North Essendon, generally acknowledged to be one of Australia's earliest houses to fully exploit this emerging style. The ornamental timberwork is especially expressive of the new architectural fashion and compares with the house at 33 Clarence Street, Elsternwick (1888-89).Page 105 of Photograph Album with two photographs of a milk bar and attached residence, one older photograph of Wybar's Building and another photograph of a house on Kambrook Road (all are landscape).Handwritten: 196 KAMBROOK ROAD / 1970 - GAFFNEY MRS S.M. [under bottom right photo] / 100 [bottom left]trevor hart, kambrook road, victorian style, caulfield north, parapets, wybar's buildings 1887, caulfield bakery 1887, architectural features, painted bricks, balaclava road, george wybrow, shops, milk bars, airdrie, polychrome bricks, verandahs, queen anne architectural style, houses, glencoe, robert mair -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Alma Road, circa 1972
... Alma Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. Church of Christ, 514 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield The Dandenong Road Church of Christ has regional importance as a landmark building along the Dandenong Road. It successfully addresses its triangular site by placing the belltower at the apex, deploying Romanesque and Gothic elements freely and to dramatic effect, heightened by the symbolism of the Cross (compare Robert Haddon's St Stephens in Balaclava Road of 1926).Page 4 of Photograph Album including three black and white photographs of properties on Alma Road. Two photographs are in the top half of the page and the third is in the bottom left hand side.Handwritten in black pen: Alma Road [top right of page] / 325 Alma Road [above top left photograph] / Church of Christ Caulfield North 14 Dec 1972 [above top right photograph] / 323-325 Alma Road [above bottom left photograph] / 4 [bottom right]caulfield north, trevor hart, alma road, houses, churches, church of christ caulfield north, dandenong road, bell towers, romanesque architectural style, gothic architectural style, bi-chromatic brickwork, cast iron work, verandahs, victorian architectural style -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Kambrook Road, Circa 1972
... 26 Kambrook Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. - re 26 Kambrook Road and 345 Balaclava Road corner building: A prominently situated two-storeyed complex of late Victorian buildings consisting of "Wybar's Buildings" occupying the Balaclava Road/ Kambrook Road corner and the "Caulfield Bakery" facing Kambrook Road, separated by a driveway from a single storeyed shop. The main building has a comer splay and balustraded parapet with curved pediments, the words "Wybar's Buildings 1887" having been obliterated but "Caulfield Bakery 1887" with the characteristic wheatsheaf surviving in raised cement work. The walls are stuccoed and richly ornamented with bracketed cornices and keystones with masks extending to the Bakery. The main building is further distinguished by the Masonic symbol of the mason's dividers in the pediment whilst the upper level of the bakery is in overpainted brickwork. The single storeyed shop incorporates the bracketed cornice and consoles characteristic of the main buildings and is in other respects a utilitarian structure. - re 16 Kambrook Road A small late Victorian Italianate villa distinguished by its parapeted window bays either side of a small verandah with encaustic tiled floor. The parapets are balustraded with console enrichment and glazed tiles, the stuccoed surfaces being unpainted. Ornamentation is in other respects undistinguished. - re 9-11 Kambrook Road ... they demonstrate most of the commonly employed aesthetic devices characteristic of the Italianate Style including patterned brickwork, patterned slate roofs, cast iron lace verandahs, ornamental stucco work and ashlar boards... - 345 Balaclava and 26 Kambrook Roads HO91 in City of Glen Eira "Wybar's Buildings" at the corner of Balaclava Road and Kambrook Road are important as a prominent late Victorian commercial development incorporating a variety of activities including a bakery and possibly a coffee palace, the latter understood to be unique within the municipality, but characteristic of the period. It is a rare complex of its type in Caulfield and is important also as evocative evidence of the late Victorian Land Boom and the creation of a small now defunct commercial centre at this location by the George Wybrow. - 16 Kambrook Road HO121 in City of Glen Eira ''Hollywood'' at 16 Kambrook Road is of architectural interest for its pavilions which retain their unpainted parapets and ornamental tiles in the manner of other less imposing examples in the immediate locality possibly linked with the builder George Wybar and his son, who undertook substantial projects nearby. Its association with James Yorston, presumably is Yorston of Dickson and Yorston, important builders and estate developers at Caulfield during the Inter war period is of interest. - re 9-11 Kambrook Road HO152 Normanby Road/Kambrook Road, Caulfield North Statement of Significance: The Precinct is historically significant for its capacity to demonstrate standards of design and building construction in this part of the municipality during the late Land Boom years and especially just prior to the bank collapse of 1891. The housing stock is representative of the standards of amenity excepted by the middle classes of Melbourne society at the time, including artists, (horse) trainers, jockeys, managers, travellers, journalists and the like, also having a functional link with the activities of the Caulfield Racecourse which forms an important element in the history of the Municipality. The row of attached pairs at 5-11 Kambrook Road and 53-67 Kambrook Road is especially significant in this respect in that the narrow allotments are indicative of the owner/developer’s determination to maximise profits at the height of the Land Boom in 1891...Page 104 of Photograph Album with four photographs (landscape) of three different properties on Kambrook Road.Handwritten: Kambrook Road [top right] / WYBAR'S BUILDING 1887/ INC CAULFIELD BAKERY / [under top right photo] / 16 KAMBROOK ROAD / 1970 HIRST MRS J.N.[under bottom left photo] / 11-9 KAMBROOK ROAD / 1970 9-BUCKLAND MRS L.A / 11- ATKINS MRS N.E. [under bottom right photo] / 104 [bottom right]trevor hart, kambrook road, victorian, caulfield north, parapets, wybar's buildings 1887, caulfield bakery 1887, architectural features, painted bricks, balaclava road, victorian italianate style, houses, bay windows, verandahs, glazed tiles, shops, george wybar, builders, james yorston, dickson and yorston, j n hirst, l a buckland, n e atkins, patterned slate roofs, patterned bricks, cast iron work, attached houses -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Murray Street, Circa 1972
... 63 Murray Street, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. 63 and 117 Murray Street houses are extant (Google maps image capture Dec 2018).Victorian Heritage Database - HO131 63 Murray Street Caulfield (as of 14/08/2021) "Marston" at no. 63 Murray Street, Caulfield South, was built by J.E. Guest, a contractor resident in nearby Downshire Road, in 1889-90, presumably as a speculative venture together with the extant house at adjoining No.61. It is aesthetically significant. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) as an exceptionally richly ornamented medium sized Boom period villa in Caulfield South, being unusual in this respect in its locale and comparing with nearby "Sprouston" at 19 Blanche Street (1887). Important contributory elements include the polychrome brickwork, frieze and verandah including the half timbered gablet which would have been stylistically innovative in its day.Page 139 of Photograph Album with two landscape photographs of two different houses in Murray Street. Handwritten: 63 MURRAY STREET [under top photo] / 117 MURRAY STREET [under bottom photo] / 139 [bottom left]trevor hart, garden, verandah, murray street, elsternwick, victorian style, houses, marston, house names, j e guest, verandahs, polychrome bricks, cast iron work, chimneys -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Neerim Road, Circa 1972
... Neerim Road, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. "Edenkillie" was the home of Frederick Jowett, Caulfield's shire secretary and town clerk from 1887 to 1921. The Outer Circle Railway's Oakleigh section opened 1890 and closed 1895. Victorian Heritage database (as of 26/10/2021) HO45 Edenkillie "Edenkillie" at 37 Neerim Road, Glenhuntly, is a substantial two storeyed polychrome brick villa, built for Frederick Jowett, municipal secretary, in 1890. It has aesthetic, historical and social significance. "Edenkillie's" aesthetic value derives from its survival as a substantially intact example of a common villa form expressed in polychrome brickwork. Its historical significance lies in its association with Frederick Jowett, Shire of Caulfield secretary and town clerk for over three decades. Its social significance is derived from the building's ability to demonstrate the kind of lifestyle which a local government administrator could enjoy during the Land Boom.Page 145 of Photograph Album with four landscape photographs from Neerim Road: two photographs of No 37 and two of the Outer Circle Railway Reserve.Handwritten: Neerim Road [top left] / 37 NEERIM ROAD 1OCT 1972 [under top left photo] / 37 NEERIM RD 1 OCT 1972 [under top right photo] / OUTER CIRCLE RAILWAY RESERVE MURRUMBEENA [under bottom left photo] / 145 [bottom left]trevor hart, neerim road, murrumbeena, caulfield, edenkillie, glen huntly, polychrome brick, mansions, frederick jowett, town clerks, shire of caulfield, outer circle railway, railways, parks and reserves, outer circle railway reserve, cast iron work, verandahs, balconies -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Glen Eira Road, Circa 1972
... Glen Eira Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. Page 58 of Photograph Album with four photographs of three different properties on Glen Eira Road.Hand written: Glen Eira Road [top right] / 105 Glen Eira Rd 3rd July 1972 [under top left photo] / 245 Glen Eira Road [under top right photo] / 356 Glen Eira Road [under bottom left photo] / 356 Glen Eira Rd [under bottom right photo] / 58 [bottom right] trevor hart, glen eira road, caulfield north, victorian, streetscape, cars, verandahs -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Hawthorn Road, Circa 1972
... Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. 17 Hawthorn Road, North Caulfield is a contributory building to HO14 Caulfield North and environs, Caulfield North - Heritage Precinct in the City of Glen Eira.Page 83 of Photograph Album with five portrait photographs of 3 different properties on Hawthorn Road. Addresses are handwritten underneath each property.Handwritten: 17 HAWTHORN ROAD [under top left photo] / 17 HAWTHORN ROAD [under middle left photo] / 17 HAWTHORN ROAD [under bottom left photo] / 158-162 HAWTHORN ROAD [under top right photo] // STATE SAVINGS BANK CAULFIELD WEST BRANCH / 144 HAWTHORN RD / WEST SIDE - SOUTH OFF BALACLAVA ROAD [under bottom right photo] / 83 [bottom left] trevor hart, caulfield, hawthorn road, verandahs, houses, shops, banks, state savings bank, caulfield west, caulfield north, tudor style, victorian style -
Clunes Museum
Magazine, EDGAR H. BAILLIE CAULFIELD, 29/12/1934
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Balaclava Road, Circa 1972
... 6 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.Page 22 of Photograph Album - five black and white photographs of different styles of houses (2 photos for 2 houses and 1 for the last) with addresses written under each photograph and Balaclava Road written on the top right hand side.Hand written Balaclava Road [top right of page] / 6 BALACLAVA ROAD [under top left photo] / 6 BALACVAVA ROAD [ beside top right photo] / 73 BALACVAVA ROAD [under middle left photo] / 73 BALACVAVA ROAD [on top of middle right photo] / 239 BALACVAVA ROAD [under bottom photo] / 22 [bottom right]trevor hart, caulfield north, balaclava road, cars, mansions, houses, verandahs, cast iron work, balconies -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Hawthorn Road, Circa 1972
... Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. 23-29 Hawthorn Road Caulfield North are contributory buildings to HO14 Caulfield North and environs, Caulfield North - Heritage Precinct in the City of Glen Eira.Page 82 of Photograph Album with four landscape photographs of street views of two sets of properties on Hawthorn Road. Addresses are handwritten underneath each property.Handwritten: Hawthorn Road [top right] / 28-34 HAWTHORN ROAD 3 Sep 1972 [under top left photo] / 23-29 HAWTHORN ROAD [under top right photo] / 23-29 HAWTHORN ROAD 3 Sep [under bottom left photo] / 23-29 HAWTHORN ROAD [under bottom right photo] / 82 [bottom right] trevor hart, caulfield, hawthorn road, victorian, cars, terrace houses, cottages, streetscapes, caulfield north -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Labassa, 4 Manor Grove, Circa 1972
... ) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within...4 Manor Grove , Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. HISTORY:-- From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Labassa as at (26/10/2020) Labassa, Caulfield is one of Melbourne's most lavishly decorated nineteenth century mansions. It resulted from the extensive remodelling in 1890, of an earlier house, known as Sylliott Hill, which was begun in 1862-3 for lawyer, Richard A. Billing. The land at the corner of Balaclava and Orrong Roads was first acquired in 1854 by William Lyall, transferred to his partner, John Mickle, in 1859, who also acquired the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road, and the three allotments were conveyed to Billing. His first eight-roomed house was extended significantly in 1873 into a twenty-roomed house by architects Crouch and Wilson, who were possibly also responsible for the first house. This reflected Billing's success as a barrister, and he resided at this property until his death in 1882. In 1883 prominent Melbourne businessman, Alexander William Robertson, leased the Sylliott Hill property from Billing's widow, and in 1885 he purchased the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road. He purchased the Billing's property in 1887 and renamed the 6.31 hectare property, Ontario. In 1889-90, Robertson commissioned the German born architect, John A. B. Koch, to extensively remodel the house into a thirty-five roomed mansion. The existing house was extended and altered, largely resulting in the nineteenth century mansion as it now appears. After Robertson's death in 1896, the house was tenanted until it was eventually sold to the mining millionaire, John Boyd Watson, in 1904. He renamed the property Labassa and carried out repair and re-decoration work to the house. In the early twentieth century, many large estates were subdivided into smaller allotments as the demand for land grew and it became difficult to maintain such large estates. After Watson's death in 1911, portions of the Labassa estate were offered for sale, with Mrs Watson retaining a 1.73 hectare portion containing the house. In 1913 forty-six allotments were auctioned at Labassa Estate, with the formation of Labassa Grove and Ontario Street to the east of the property. Labassa was first recorded as containing flats in 1923 and in the late 1920s, the owner, Robert Hannon, built a red brick block of flats adjacent to the house. Subdivision continued, until the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) purchased the house in 1980 and subsequently purchased adjoining sites, one to the south-east in 1984 (house demolished in 1988) and to the west in 1988. Labassa as it now stands is substantially as it appeared when Koch completed the work in 1890. The original two storey house was transformed into a French Renaissance style mansion, with the addition of a two level L-shaped arcaded verandah and two prominent terminating bays to the south and the east. The building is of unpainted cement render with dressed bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet and steep, slate covered, flat topped mansard roofs behind. A truncated conical roof is a feature of the south bay and a helmeted head is incorporated in the parapet over the east bay. The main south and east facades incorporate many cast cement details, including sculptures, elaborate cornices, swagged Corinthian columns and caryatid consoles flanking the entrance porch, as well as pink marble panels and imitation marble, or scagliola, on curved surfaces. At the rear of the building is a two storey wing and a single storey cottage, the former being connected to the main house by a tower. This section of the house was constructed in 1873. The estate at its peak included stables (1873), conservatory (probably 1890) and a tennis pavilion (probably 1890). All of these outbuildings survive, with the stables and conservatory being converted for residential use after 1922. Internally a range of decorative treatments remain from the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, both from the Robertson and Watson periods of occupancy. These include wallpapers, ceiling decoration, chimney pieces, mouldings, joinery and decorative glass. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0135 Labassa 2/2A Manor Grove Caulfield North as at (26/10/2020) HOW IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural, aesthetic and historical significance to the State of Victoria. WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural significance as the most prominent example of a small number of houses built in Australia in the French Renaissance style. It is of further note due to the German interpretation of the style and the use of Hellenistic sources, via Germany. It is exceptional for its lavish treatment externally, including marble, scagliola, caryatids, swagged columns, mansard roofs and ornamental cresting. Labassa is of architectural significance as the most important surviving example of German architect, John Koch's domestic work. He undertook a large variety of work in Melbourne, including a number of houses, however Labassa is the most lavish example of his work. Labassa is of aesthetic significance for its outstanding assemblage of late nineteenth and early twentieth century European style interior decoration, which remain remarkably intact. These include a trompe l'oeil ceiling, painted ceilings, embossed imitation leather and other papers, chimney pieces, ceramic tilework, oak parquetry and stained glass, including a tripartite window by Ferguson and Urie, probably dating from the 1873 period. Labassa is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the wealth acquired by a number of prominent Victorian families in the second half of the 19th century. The early development of the property, Sylliott Hill, was due to the wealth acquired by Richard Billing, barrister and fifth Victorian to be appointed Queen's Counsel in 1878. The significant development in 1890 of Ontario, is illustrative of the wealth of Alexander Robertson, a partner in Cobb and Co., a director of Goldsborough Mort & Co., and a pastoral speculator. John B. Watson, whose father had acquired great wealth from the goldfields of Bendigo and subsequently invested in city and country properties, was the third resident to impact on the house, particularly the interiors. The Labassa estate is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the development that occurred in such suburbs as Caulfield in the 1880s due to the land boom, its proximity to Melbourne and the establishment of the Melbourne to Gippsland railway in 1879. It is also illustrative of an estate which succumbed to the pressures of subdividing in the early twentieth century, as properties became difficult to maintain and demand for land close to the city grew. It was typically divided into flats in the 1920s and was used as such for about sixty years. It is of historical significance for its associations with the remnants of the earlier estate which remain extant. These include the stables, conservatory (H2005) and tennis pavilion which all remain on separate sites. Also significant are the remains of early electrical wiring and fittings. Labassa was one of the first houses in Caulfield to be electrified and some of the original wires remain. [Online Data Upgrade Project 2004]Page 128 of Photograph Album with four photographs (two portrait and two landscape) of Labassa.Handwritten: "Labassa" 4 Manor Grove [top right] / Neg 232 8 Oct 1966 [under bottom right photo] / 128 [bottom right]trevor hart, bracketed eaves, slate roof, bay windows, decorative brackets, caulfield north, labassa, richard a. billing, balaclava road, orrong road, sylliott hill, william lyall, crouch and wilson, alexander william robertson, ontario, 1880's, john a. b. koch, mansion, john boyd watson, labassa grove, french renaissance style, l-shaped arcaded verandah, bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet, flat topped mansard roofs, conical roof, elaborate cornices, corinthian columns, caryatid consoles, marble panels, imitation marble, scagliola, tower, conservatory, stables, tennis pavilion, mouldings, decorative glass, caryatids, swagged columns, ornamental cresting, trompe l'oeil ceiling, embossed imitation leather, oak parquetry, stained glass, tripartite window, triple window, ferguson and urie, 1870's, flats, 1920's, electric wiring, 1860's, verandahs, curved windows, arched windows, italianate, terraces, gargoyles, ornamentation, ornate entrance, la bassa, manor grove, st kilda east, victorian, cast iron work, john koch, richard billing, architects, electrification, john mickle, land subdivision, mrs watson, labassa estate, robert hannon, national trust of australia (victoria), sculpture -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Labassa, 4 Manor Grove, Circa 1972
... ) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within...4 Manor Grove , Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. HISTORY:-- From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Labassa as at (26/10/2020) Labassa, Caulfield is one of Melbourne's most lavishly decorated nineteenth century mansions. It resulted from the extensive remodelling in 1890, of an earlier house, known as Sylliott Hill, which was begun in 1862-3 for lawyer, Richard A. Billing. The land at the corner of Balaclava and Orrong Roads was first acquired in 1854 by William Lyall, transferred to his partner, John Mickle, in 1859, who also acquired the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road, and the three allotments were conveyed to Billing. His first eight-roomed house was extended significantly in 1873 into a twenty-roomed house by architects Crouch and Wilson, who were possibly also responsible for the first house. This reflected Billing's success as a barrister, and he resided at this property until his death in 1882. In 1883 prominent Melbourne businessman, Alexander William Robertson, leased the Sylliott Hill property from Billing's widow, and in 1885 he purchased the adjoining allotment in Balaclava Road. He purchased the Billing's property in 1887 and renamed the 6.31 hectare property, Ontario. In 1889-90, Robertson commissioned the German born architect, John A. B. Koch, to extensively remodel the house into a thirty-five roomed mansion. The existing house was extended and altered, largely resulting in the nineteenth century mansion as it now appears. After Robertson's death in 1896, the house was tenanted until it was eventually sold to the mining millionaire, John Boyd Watson, in 1904. He renamed the property Labassa and carried out repair and re-decoration work to the house. In the early twentieth century, many large estates were subdivided into smaller allotments as the demand for land grew and it became difficult to maintain such large estates. After Watson's death in 1911, portions of the Labassa estate were offered for sale, with Mrs Watson retaining a 1.73 hectare portion containing the house. In 1913 forty-six allotments were auctioned at Labassa Estate, with the formation of Labassa Grove and Ontario Street to the east of the property. Labassa was first recorded as containing flats in 1923 and in the late 1920s, the owner, Robert Hannon, built a red brick block of flats adjacent to the house. Subdivision continued, until the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) purchased the house in 1980 and subsequently purchased adjoining sites, one to the south-east in 1984 (house demolished in 1988) and to the west in 1988. Labassa as it now stands is substantially as it appeared when Koch completed the work in 1890. The original two storey house was transformed into a French Renaissance style mansion, with the addition of a two level L-shaped arcaded verandah and two prominent terminating bays to the south and the east. The building is of unpainted cement render with dressed bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet and steep, slate covered, flat topped mansard roofs behind. A truncated conical roof is a feature of the south bay and a helmeted head is incorporated in the parapet over the east bay. The main south and east facades incorporate many cast cement details, including sculptures, elaborate cornices, swagged Corinthian columns and caryatid consoles flanking the entrance porch, as well as pink marble panels and imitation marble, or scagliola, on curved surfaces. At the rear of the building is a two storey wing and a single storey cottage, the former being connected to the main house by a tower. This section of the house was constructed in 1873. The estate at its peak included stables (1873), conservatory (probably 1890) and a tennis pavilion (probably 1890). All of these outbuildings survive, with the stables and conservatory being converted for residential use after 1922. Internally a range of decorative treatments remain from the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, both from the Robertson and Watson periods of occupancy. These include wallpapers, ceiling decoration, chimney pieces, mouldings, joinery and decorative glass.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0135 Labassa 2/2A Manor Grove Caulfield North as at (26/10/2020) HOW IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural, aesthetic and historical significance to the State of Victoria. WHY IS IT SIGNIFICANT? Labassa, Caulfield is of architectural significance as the most prominent example of a small number of houses built in Australia in the French Renaissance style. It is of further note due to the German interpretation of the style and the use of Hellenistic sources, via Germany. It is exceptional for its lavish treatment externally, including marble, scagliola, caryatids, swagged columns, mansard roofs and ornamental cresting. Labassa is of architectural significance as the most important surviving example of German architect, John Koch's domestic work. He undertook a large variety of work in Melbourne, including a number of houses, however Labassa is the most lavish example of his work. Labassa is of aesthetic significance for its outstanding assemblage of late nineteenth and early twentieth century European style interior decoration, which remain remarkably intact. These include a trompe l'oeil ceiling, painted ceilings, embossed imitation leather and other papers, chimney pieces, ceramic tilework, oak parquetry and stained glass, including a tripartite window by Ferguson and Urie, probably dating from the 1873 period. Labassa is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the wealth acquired by a number of prominent Victorian families in the second half of the 19th century. The early development of the property, Sylliott Hill, was due to the wealth acquired by Richard Billing, barrister and fifth Victorian to be appointed Queen's Counsel in 1878. The significant development in 1890 of Ontario, is illustrative of the wealth of Alexander Robertson, a partner in Cobb and Co., a director of Goldsborough Mort & Co., and a pastoral speculator. John B. Watson, whose father had acquired great wealth from the goldfields of Bendigo and subsequently invested in city and country properties, was the third resident to impact on the house, particularly the interiors. The Labassa estate is of historical significance as an illustrative example of the development that occurred in such suburbs as Caulfield in the 1880s due to the land boom, its proximity to Melbourne and the establishment of the Melbourne to Gippsland railway in 1879. It is also illustrative of an estate which succumbed to the pressures of subdividing in the early twentieth century, as properties became difficult to maintain and demand for land close to the city grew. It was typically divided into flats in the 1920s and was used as such for about sixty years. It is of historical significance for its associations with the remnants of the earlier estate which remain extant. These include the stables, conservatory (H2005) and tennis pavilion which all remain on separate sites. Also significant are the remains of early electrical wiring and fittings. Labassa was one of the first houses in Caulfield to be electrified and some of the original wires remain. [Online Data Upgrade Project 2004]Page 129 of Photograph Album with three landscape photographs of Labassa. One of the photographs is of Labassa's drive and gates.Handwritten: 4 JUNE 1910 / SALE JUNE 28 1910 "LA BASSA' / "AUSTRALASIAN" FORMERLY "ONTARIO"/ RES OF JOHN B WATSON / 15 ACRES 3 ROADS [under bottom left photo] / 4 JUNE 1910 [under bottom right photo] / 129 [bottom left]trevor hart, bracketed eaves, intricate lacework, slate roof, bay windows, decorative brackets, caulfield north, labassa, richard a. billing, balaclava road, orrong road, sylliott hill, william lyall, crouch and wilson, alexander william robertson, ontario, 1880's, john a. b. koch, mansion, john boyd watson, labassa grove, french renaissance style, l-shaped arcaded verandah, bluestone plinths, balustraded parapet, flat topped mansard roofs, conical roof, elaborate cornices, corinthian columns, caryatid consoles, marble panels, imitation marble, scagliola, tower, conservatory, stables, tennis pavilion, mouldings, decorative glass, caryatids, swagged columns, ornamental cresting, trompe l'oeil ceiling, embossed imitation leather, oak parquetry, stained glass, tripartite window, triple window, ferguson and urie, 1870's, flats, 1920's, electric wiring, 1860's, verandahs, curved windows, arched windows, italianate, terraces, gargoyles, ornamentation, ornate entrance, la bassa, manor grove, st kilda east, gates, cast iron work, richard billing, architects, john koch, electrification, victorian style, drives, john mickle, land subdivision, mrs watson, labassa estate, robert hannon, national trust of australia (victoria), sculpture -
Orbost & District Historical Society
magazine, Table Talk, August 1 1934
... Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ...This magazine was published as a souvenir to commemorate the centenary of European settlement in Victoria, 1934A 104 page soft covered magazine relating to Melbourne's first 100 years. It contains stories about the settlement of early Melbourne, businesses, land purchases and advertisements. The front cover has a brown background and a colour reproduction of a painting titled Pioneers by W. B. McInnes.tourism recreation history melbourne magazine table-talk -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Ercildoune (576), Inkerman Street, Circa 1972
... 576 Inkerman Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. Vol 1 Caulfield's Building Heritage by Dr Geulah Solomon states that Ercildoune was the home of Sir Samuel Wilson and later, Arthur Knox. Knox is likely the person who subdivided the land, creating Ercildoune Street.Page 100 of Photograph Album with two photographs (landscape) of Ercildoune and two photographs (one landscape and one portrait) of two other houses on Inkerman Street.Handwritten: "Ercildoune" (576) [top left] / Inkerman Street [top right] / 138 INKERMAN ST [under bottom left photo] / LABASSA GROVE CORNER OF INKERMAN OPPOSITE ERCILDOUNE [under bottom right photo] / 100 [bottom right]trevor hart, east st kilda, ercildoune, mansions, towers, gardens, bloomsbury, inkerman road, labassa grove, attic houses, porches, inkerman street, caulfield north, st kilda east, sir samuel wilson, arthur knox, ercildoune street, house names -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Bureel (Kooyong Road), Circa 1972
... 331 Kooyong Road, Caulfield South, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From: Glen Eira Heritage Management Plan 1996 by Andrew Ward In 1856, John Allee, a builder from Brighton, purchased C.A. 37 on the south-west corner of Glenhuntly and Kooyong Roads. The land comprised just over 45 acres. By 1863, Francis John Sidney Stephen, a lawyer and cousin of J. Wilberforce Stephen, owned most of lot 37. By 1866, Stephen had a built a "small mansion" named ''Burreel". It was a brick house and Stephen lived there until 1882. By 1884, Mrs Buxton of Hillside Terrace, East Melbourne, had purchased the property. Richard Buxton, a gentleman was listed as occupant and the house described as "brick, eight rooms". NAV was £300. Richard Buxton continued residency in 1887 however in 1888, George Allen, music seller, became occupant. At that time the house had thirteen rooms on twenty-three acres of land. Twelve people lived there and NAV was £920. In 1900, Daniel Luxton, stock and sharebroker and the Honourable John Taverner, M.H.A. leased the property. Fourteen people lived there. Mrs Buxton continued as owner. By 1910, ownership had passed to Mrs Mary Neate, who converted the house to a nursing home. The land had been subdivided by 1913 and sold by ''Buxtons Estate". Burreel Avenue, Baxter, Buxton and Hoddle Streets were created. "Burreel" was rated to Burreel Avenue and stood on lot 13 with frontages to Burreel Avenue and Kooyong Road of 198' and 214'. The house had ten rooms. NAV was £60. Mary Neate, a nurse, continued as owner/ operator of ''Burreel" nursing home in 1927. At that time there were sixteen rooms and fourteen residents. NAV was £100. Mrs Neat remained there until 1947. In 1948, the house was turned into apartments. In the 1980's, the Alexander family purchased it and restored it to a private residence.Burreel 331 Kooyong Road, ELSTERNWICK VIC 3185 - Property No B4950 National Trust This is a large and substantially intact example of the grand villas of nineteenth century Melbourne. The bulk of the house most probably was built in 1866-1868 for Francis John Sidney Stephen, a prominent and highly regarded Melbourne solicitor and a member of an illustrious legal family. Stephen conducted a lucrative private practice and in 1845 was appointed first solicitor to the City of Melbourne; a position he held until his death in 1895. He took an active part in the development of Caulfield and was Shire President in 1874 and 1877. He was a resident at Burreel from 1868 to 1882. The house has evolved in stages, the rear wings possibly remaining from a house built during the 1850s. The existing ornate cast iron verandah was probably built between 1882 and 1888 during the residence of Richard Buckhurst Buxted, a notable boom period auctioneer and real estate agent. George Allan, the founder of Allan's music store, was another important occupier from 1888 to 1991. Bureel's essentially residential quality has been retained and the interior has been well preserved. The significance of this building does not rest in any single unusual outstanding architectural feature, or in its association with a particularly prominent member of society in the past, but rather in the consistent integrity of both the interior and exterior, which results in the survival of an outstanding example of this type of residential building and its associations with two notable citizens. Classified:11/08/1990Page 113 of photograph album with 1 photograph of Burreel in its garden.Handwritten: Bureel [top left] / 113 [bottom left]trevor hart, caulfield, caulfield north, kooyong road, thomas king, mansion, 1860's, bureel, burreel, francis john sidney stephen, city of melbourne, shire president, 1850's, verandah, nursing home, john allee, ornamented corner stones, new orleans manner, plaster rendered, mrs luxton, vincent willis, alexander family, victorian architectural style, ornate cast iron work, lawyers, brick houses, richard buxton, richard buckhurst buxton, george allen, george leavis allan, allans music, daniel luxton, john taverner, mary neate, buxtons estate, land subdivision, mary neat, gardens -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Royston, Kooyong Road, Circa 1972
... 240 Kooyong Road, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. Vol 1 of 4 "Caulfield's Heritage" p34 states that this mansion was demolished in 1972.Page 114 of Photograph Album with four colour photographs (landscape) of different views of Royston in its garden.Handwritten: "Royston" Kooyong Road / 240 KOOYONG ROAD / 1939 - SLATTER - MISS MAY EDITH ALICE. [top right] / 114 [bottom right]trevor hart, caulfield north, kooyong road, 1860's, villa residence, victorian, mansion, ornamented corner stones, royston, renwick, curved windows, timber verandahs, return verandahs, bay windows, may edith alice slatter, may slatter, balconies, polychrome bricks, abandoned buildings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Royston, Kooyong Road, Circa 1972
... 240 Kooyong Road, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created as part of a project from approximately 1966-1972 by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. This album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia Victoria and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Photographers Jenny O’Donnell and Trevor Hart, members of Caulfield Historical Society. Some photographs are older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated. Vol 1 of 4 "Caulfield's Heritage" p34 states that this mansion was demolished in 1972.Page 115 of Photograph Album with two colour photographs (one portrait and one landscape) of different views Royston in its garden.Handwritten: 115 [bottom left]trevor hart, caulfield north, kooyong road, 1860's, mansion, ornamented corner stones, royston, renwick, curved windows, ruins, bay windows, victorian architectural style, polychrome bricks, abandoned buildings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Lirrewa, 1-3 Lirrewa Grove, Circa 1972
... 1-3 Lirrewa Grove, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Lirrewa - HO39 Tarqua and Stables, 1-3 Lirrewa Grove Caulfield South (as at 26/10/2020) "Tarqua", now "Lirrewa", is situated at nos. 1-3 Lirrewa Grove, Caulfield South, and was built in 1886 for Montague William Langdon, son of the merchant Joseph Henry Langdon of nearby "Rosecraddock". It is historically and aesthetically significant. It is historically significant (Criterion A) as one of the Langdon family residences, comparing in Glen Eira also with "Rosecraddock" at 10 Craddock Avenue (1857) and "Hengar" at 356 Glen Eira Road (1889-90). It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) for its capacity to demonstrate the stylistic influences prevailing at the time especially for substantial residences. At "Tarqua", the design acknowledges the prevailing popularity of the Italian Style in the shallow hipped roof form and symmetrical facade as well as the picturesque Gothic Revival style demonstrated especially by the use of pointed arches, fretted barges and the battlemented parapeted section. This latter style was particularly attractive to persons of means on account of its English precedents, the combination of influences being skillfully handled in this instance.Page 120 of Photograph Album with six photographs (all landscape) of views of Lirrewa, mostly including its garden.Handwritten: "Lirrewa" 1-3 Lirrewa Grove [top right] / 120 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, lirrewa, tarqua, 1880's, montague william langdon, italian style, shallow hipped roof, symmetrical facade, gothic revival, pointed arches, fretted barges, battlemented parapet, terraces, boom era, single storey, timber roof brackets, frieze, gables, cast iron ridging, lirrewa grove, cast iron work, caulfield, arches, parapets, gardens, houses, victorian style, caulfield south -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Lirrewa, 1-3 Lirrewa Grove, Circa 1972
... 1-3 Lirrewa Grove, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for - HO39 Tarqua and Stables, 1-3 Lirrewa Grove Caulfield South as at (26/10/2020) "Tarqua", now "Lirrewa", is situated at nos. 1-3 Lirrewa Grove, Caulfield South, and was built in 1886 for Montague William Langdon, son of the merchant Joseph Henry Langdon of nearby "Rosecraddock". It is historically and aesthetically significant. It is historically significant (Criterion A) as one of the Langdon family residences, comparing in Glen Eira also with "Rosecraddock" at 10 Craddock Avenue (1857) and "Hengar" at 356 Glen Eira Road (1889-90). It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) for its capacity to demonstrate the stylistic influences prevailing at the time especially for substantial residences. At "Tarqua", the design acknowledges the prevailing popularity of the Italian Style in the shallow hipped roof form and symmetrical facade as well as the picturesque Gothic Revival style demonstrated especially by the use of pointed arches, fretted barges and the battlemented parapeted section. This latter style was particularly attractive to persons of means on account of its English precedents, the combination of influences being skillfully handled in this instance.Page 121 of Photograph Album with one landscape photograph of Lirrewa - external view of a bay window.Handwritten: Lirrewa [top left ] / 121 [bottom left]trevor hart, verandah, lirrewa, tarqua, 1880's, montague william langdon, italian style, shallow hipped roof, symmetrical facade, gothic revival, pointed arches, fretted barges, battlemented parapet, ornamented parapets, terraces, boom era, timber roof brackets, frieze, gables, cast iron ridging, lirrewa grove, bay window, cast iron work, lead lights, houses, victorian style, caulfield, caulfield south -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Heatherbrae, 73 Neerim Road, Circa 1972
... 73 Neerim Road, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Heatherbrae HO46 (as at 28/10/2020) "Heatherbrae" at 73 Neerim Road, Glenhuntly, is a substantial Victorian residential complex made up of two principal construction stages (pre 1876 and c. 1890) and outbuildings including stables. It is aesthetically, historically and socially significant. Its aesthetic value is demonstrated by the manner in which the two periods of construction survive, the earliest being of greater architectural interest on account of its tower and facade treatment, the latter phase adopting a common villa form. The importance of the complex is heightened by its intact state and surviving outbuildings. "Heatherbrae's" historical significance lies in its link with locally known business man and Shire of Caulfield councillor, John Charles Holland. Its social value rests on its ability to demonstrate a past lifestyle.Page 142 of Photograph Album with four photographs (three landscape, one portrait) of Heatherbrae on Neerim Road.Handwritten: "Heatherbrae" 73 Neerim Road [top right] / 142 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, chimneys, decorative brackets, cast iron columns, return verandah, garden, 1870's, intricate lacework, neerim road, booran road, 1880's, 1890's, mansion, john c. holland, bluestone foundations, italianate, iron roofed balcony, cast iron balustrade, balcony, ornamented pediment, mosaic tiles, cast iron lookout, flagpole, george f griffiths, mcgowan, tower, caulfield, heatherbrae, cast iron work, victorian style, john holland, porte-cochere porches, lead lights, george griffiths, mansions, stables, councillors, outbuildings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Heatherbrae, 73 Neerim Road, Circa 1972
... 73 Neerim Road, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Heatherbrae HO46 as at (28/10/2020) "Heatherbrae" at 73 Neerim Road, Glenhuntly, is a substantial Victorian residential complex made up of two principal construction stages (pre 1876 and c. 1890) and outbuildings including stables. It is aesthetically, historically and socially significant. Its aesthetic value is demonstrated by the manner in which the two periods of construction survive, the earliest being of greater architectural interest on account of its tower and facade treatment, the latter phase adopting a common villa form. The importance of the complex is heightened by its intact state and surviving outbuildings. "Heatherbrae's" historical significance lies in its link with locally known business man and Shire of Caulfield councillor, John Charles Holland. Its social value rests on its ability to demonstrate a past lifestyle. Page 143 of Photograph Album with 2 landscape photographs of Heatherbrae on Neerim Road - paving insignia and side view.Handwritten: "HEATHERBRAE" 73 NEERIM ROAD [top] / STABLE [under bottom photo] / 143 [bottom left]trevor hart, chimneys, cast iron columns, return verandah, garden, 1870's, neerim road, booran road, 1880's, 1890's, mansion, john c. holland, bluestone foundations, italianate, iron roofed balcony, cast iron balustrade, mosaic tiles, cast iron lookout, flagpole, george f griffiths, residential villa, caulfield, heatherbrae, victorian style, cast iron work, stables, outbuildings, john holland, george griffiths, councillors, mansions -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Grimwade House, Orrong Road, Circa 1972
... 67 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation HO54 Grimwade House, former Harleston stables, outbuilding, garden, gate and Picconia excelsa tree. as at (28/10/2020) ''Harleston'', now "Grimwade House", is situated at no. 67 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North, at the Orrong Road corner. It was built for Frederick, later Sir Frederick, Grimwade, to the design of architect Thomas Watts in 1875. Today the complex has been incorporated in the Melbourne Grammar Junior School campus. It retains not only the main house but also the stables and mature garden setting with driveway and gates. It is historically, aesthetically and socially significant.From Victorian Heritage Database citation HO54 Grimwade House, former Harleston stables, outbuilding, garden, gate and Picconia excelsa tree. as at (28/10/2020) It is historically significant (Criterion A) as the former home of prominent business man, speculator and benefactor, Sir Frederick Grimwade. Both Grimwade and his house are exemplars of the commercial enterprise of the Boom period and the amassing of personal fortunes with which it is associated. It is aesthetically significant (Criterion E) as an imposing yet stately large house of its time, the classic Italian form with comer verandah terminated by projecting wings being most distinctively seen in this instance. It is enhanced not only by the garden setting but also by the delicate cast iron verandah spandrels, stained glass work and stencilled ceiling in the music room. It is socially significant (Criterion G) on account of the value placed on it by the community associated with the Melbourne Grammar Junior School since its inception on this site in 1911.Page 154 of Photograph Album with five photographs (4 landscape and one portrait) including Grimwade House, gates and a tram shelter.Handwritten: Grimwade House (Melbourne Grammar Prep School) / incorporating "Harleston" Orrong Rd. S.E cnr Balaclava Rd [top right] / 154 [bottom right]trevor hart, verandah, porch, slate roof, garden, grimwade house, grimwade, harleston, sir frederick grimwade, thomas watts, orrong road, balaclava road, melbourne grammar, melbourne grammar junior school, italianate, cast iron verandah spandrels, stained glass, stencilled ceiling, mgs, m.g.s, school, grimwade family, jessie grimwade, gates, palisade style fence, cast iron spears, stone plinths, melbourne grammar prep school, victorian style, cast iron work, caulfield north, gardens, cars, tram services, outbuildings, stables, trees, picconia excelsa tree -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Orrong Road, Circa 1972
... 284 Orrong Road, Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages.Victorian Heritage Database No. 70 Orrong Road is important as an exceptionally ornate Boom style villa residence in the terraced form and in this respect is rare in Caulfield. Its architectural value is enhanced by its intact state and by the manner in which its bold architectural expression is carried through into the hallway and staircase. Victorian Heritage Database - National Trust local significance 284 Orrong Road Caulfield A house designed by Harold Desbrowe Annear in 1917 and believed to have been the first "all electric" house in Melbourne. It has been extensively altered.Page 164 - four photographs of 2 different houses on Orrong Road. The top left photo is in colour while the others are in black and white.Handwritten: Orrong Road [top right] / Lisborn House [ (ed. correct name is LISBON HOUSE), under top left photo] / Lisborn House [under top right photo] / [under bottom right photo] / CORNER ORRONG ROAD AND PEARSON AVENUE / HOUSE BY DESBROWE ANNEAR [under bottom left photo] / 164 [bottom right]trevor hart, orrong road, lisbon house, lisborn house, elsternwick, pearson grove, st kilda east, caulfield north, terrace houses, cast iron work, verandahs, balconies, parapets, arches, cars, streetscapes, attic houses, desbrowe annear -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Rose Craddock, Rose Craddock Avenue, Circa 1972
... 4-10 Craddock Avenue, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for H0589 Rosecraddock 4-10 Craddock Avenue and 2-8 Keverell CAULFIELD NORTH as at (30/10/2020) "Rosecraddock" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insight into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. Its importance is enhanced through its long association with the Langdon family and, in particular, Henry Joseph Langdon, founder of H.J. Langdon and Company, China merchants. Victorian Heritage Database HO16 Rosecraddock, 2-8 Keverell Road & 4-10 Craddock Avenue Caulfield North (as of 17/02/2021) A single storeyed stuccoed villa with west facing facade consisting of a parapeted and recessed central section with hipped slate roof and timber posted verandah with cast iron lace. Projecting pavilions have bayed windows and a secondary wing runs north with angled corners and prominent chimney stack. The front entrance is situated at the north end of the central section and is given emphasis by a small hip roof and false pediment to the verandah. Outbuildings include the timber stables with characteristic hay loft gablet and fretted barges to the south-east. Rear additions in brick and timber are of an early date and utilitarian in character. Also see for Significance Statement for the H0589 Victorian Heritage Register listing.Page 174 of Photograph Album with four photographs of Rose Craddock.Handwritten: "Rose Craddock" Rose Craddock Ave. top right] / Neg 197 Nov 1972 [under top left photo] / Neg 209 Nov 1972 [under top right photo] / Neg 196 Nov 1972 [under bottom left photo] / Neg 195 198 Nov 1972 [under bottom right photo] / 174 [bottom right]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, rose craddock, rosecraddock, ringwood, 1850's, henry joseph langdon, h.j. langdon, h.j. langdon and company, china merchants, rosecraddock place, slate roof, return verandah, decorative brackets, keverell road, caulfield north, early victorian style, protruding bay windows, cast iron work, rendered walls, entrances, mansions, craddock avenue -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Rose Craddock, Rose Craddock Avenue, Circa 1972
... 4-10 Craddock Place, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for Rosecraddock as at (30/10/2020) City of Glen Eira Heritage Listing HO16 "Rosecraddock" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insight into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. Its importance is enhanced through its long association with the Langdon family and, in particular, Henry Joseph Langdon, founder of H.J. Langdon and Company, China merchants.There is a separate statement of significance at for H0589 Rosecraddock 2-8 KEVERELL ROAD and 4-10 CRADDOCK AVENUE CAULFIELD NORTH - Victorian Heritage RegisterPage 175 of Photograph Album with three photographs of Rose Craddock.Handwritten: Neg 190 Nov 1972 [under top left photo] / Neg 207 Nov 1972 [under bottom left photo] / Neg 191 Nov 1972 [under bottom right photo] / 175 [bottom left]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, rose craddock, rosecraddock, 1850's, henry joseph langdon, h.j. langdon, h.j. langdon and company, china merchants, rosecraddock place, slate roof, return verandah, decorative brackets, cast iron lacework, keverell road, caulfield north, early victorian style, mansions, protruding bay windows, cast iron work, outbuildings, craddock avenue, gardens -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Rose Craddock, Rose Craddock Avenue, Circa 1972
... 4-10 Craddock Place, Caulfield North, Melbourne, Victoria... VIC 3162 melbourne This photograph is part of the Caulfield ...This photograph is part of the Caulfield Historical Album 1972. This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. From Victorian Heritage Database citation for HO16 Rosecraddock 4-10 Craddock Avenue and 2-8 Keverell CAULFIELD NORTH as at (30/10/2020) - the City of Glen Eira Heritage listing "Rosecraddock" is regionally important as a surviving large villa from the early Victorian (1850's) period, offering insight into the lifestyles of the privileged in Caulfield at that time. Its importance is enhanced through its long association with the Langdon family and, in particular, Henry Joseph Langdon, founder of H.J. Langdon and Company, China merchants. There is a separate statement of significance at for H0589 Rosecraddock 2-8 KEVERELL ROAD and 4-10 CRADDOCK AVENUE CAULFIELD NORTH - Victorian Heritage RegisterPage 176 of Photograph Album with four photographs of Rose Craddock.Handwritten: "Rose Craddock" Rose Craddock Ave. [top right] / Neg 204 Nov 1972 [under top left photo] / Neg 193 Nov 1972 [under top right photo] / Neg 208 Nov 1972 [under bottom left photo] / Neg 194 Nov 1972 [under bottom right photo] / 176 [bottom right]trevor hart, chimneys, porch, rose craddock, rosecraddock, 1850's, henry joseph langdon, h.j. langdon, h.j. langdon and company, china merchants, rosecraddock place, mansion, slate roof, return verandah, decorative brackets, cast iron lacework, keverell road, caulfield north, early victorian style, protruding bay windows, cast iron work, gardens, craddock avenue -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Album page, Seymour Road, Circa 1972
... 85 Seymour Road, Elsternwick (prev Caulfield), Melbourne...Glen Eira Historical Society 965 Glen Huntly Rd Caulfield ...This album was created in approximately 1972 as part of a project by the Caulfield Historical Society to assist in identifying buildings worthy of preservation. The album is related to a Survey the Caulfield Historical Society developed in collaboration with the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) and Caulfield City Council to identify historic buildings within the City of Caulfield that warranted the protection of a National Trust Classification. Principal photographer thought to be Trevor Hart, member of Caulfield Historical Society. Most photographs were taken between 1966-1972 with a small number of photographs being older and from unknown sources. All photographs are black and white except where stated, with 386 photographs over 198 pages. As at 22/08/2021, 51 Seymour Road is included in the HO179 Beemery Park Precinct which C204glen Amendment seeks to add to the Glen Eira Planning Scheme (amongst others). This is not yet finalised. Bellecourt (so named in 1989 according to Andrew Ward's Heritage Study) was originally named Beemery.Victorian Heritage Database HO62 Bellecourt 85 Seymour Road ELSTERNWICK (as of 22/08/2021) "Beemery" at 85 Seymour Road, is an imposing ltalianate villa with arcaded asymmetrical facade built in 1891 for Charles Langdon. It has aesthetic, historical and social significance. Its aesthetic value rests with the facade which is highly representative of a not uncommon villa form of the late Victorian period. Its historical value derives from its association with the Langdon family in Caulfield (compare "Rosecraddock", "Tarqua" and "Hengar"). Its social value derives from its ability to demonstrate a lifestyle in late Victorian Caulfield.Page 190 of Photograph Album with four photographs of two different properties on Seymour Road.Handwritten: Seymour Road [top right] / 51 [under top left photo] / 51 [under top right photo] / 85 [under bottom left photo] / 85 [under bottom right photo] / 190 [bottom right]trevor hart, elsternwick, seymour road, late victorian, caulfield, beemery, bellecourt, house names, langdon family, charles langdon, cast iron work, verandahs, polychromatic brickwork, italianate style, arched balconies -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Page 1 of folder D-F, Caulfield Municipality Photo Slide Collection, c.1976 - c.1994
... ie former City of Caulfield, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia... of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick ...The photographs for the slides are believed to have been taken by the inaugural Editor for the Caulfield Contact - the official newspaper of the former City of Caulfield from 1976-1994. The Editor was also Council's Community Liaison Officer and she (and her successor) took many photographs of official events and Council-related services and locations in connection with both these official roles. The City of Caulfield was the Municipal Council for an area of the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, including Brighton East, Carnegie, Caulfield, Elsternwick, Gardenvale, Glen Huntly, McKinnon, Murrumbeena, Ormond and St Kilda East. Credit: Glen Eira Historical Society - This item was digitised and made available through the Glen Eira Heritage Digitisation Strategy 2019-2023. Glen Eira Historical Society acknowledges the support of Glen Eira City Council. Caulfield’s Meals on wheels project started in 1958 and was run by volunteers. By 1974 Caulfield Council assumed responsibility for the administration of the service which by then was the largest in Victoria, supplying 300 meals each weekday. By 1987 with a combination of both paid and volunteer staff up to 136,000 meals were distributed each year to individual homes and to various clubs and organizations. Page 1 of slide album D to F, in a polypropylene slide sleeve containing 19 x 35mm colour slides. A sample of 8 images from this page is included. meals on wheels, glen eira city council, local government, caulfield city council, caulfield council, city of caulfield, council services, brighton east, carnegie, caulfield, elsternwick, gardenvale, glen huntly, mckinnon, murrumbeena, ormond, st kilda east, caulfield municipality photo slide collection