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Kew Historical Society Inc
Collection, Helen Bushell Kite Collection, c. 1975 - 2017
Kites created by Helen Bushell, Kew resident for many years, and a pioneer of kite-flying world-wide. Kites are hand-made, mainly by Helen, and many were flown in local parks of Kew. Documents provide some background to the collection, and a set of photographs, which was used in an exhibition at Hawthorn Arts Centre, help to identify the kites and where they were flown. Individual items include: 2019.0047.01 - Make Mine Fly, Vol. 1 - book of instructions for making kites fly 2019.0047.02 - School Kites - book of 14 kite designs 2019.0047.03 - Helen Bushell Reaching for the sky (exhibition catalogue, 2017) 2019.0047.04 - Hansard (Victoria) Documents - statement by Natalie Hutchins, Minister for Local Government 2019.0047.06 - "Evolution" Trefoils - collection of advertisements for kites for sale 2019.0047.05 - Kite event badges on blue cotton sash (20 badges and name-tags) 2019.0047.07- Kite honours and B.A. Deakin plus Original Patents (Australian, British and U.S.) 2019.0047.08 - Helen Bushell, 1922- A Life in Kiting (28 panels mounted on board, showing photographs of Helen Bushell's kites, for exhibition in Hawthorn Arts Centre, 2017) 2019.0047.09 - 1986 Year of Peace Dove - paper pattern (15 copies + dowel rod) 2019.0047.010 - "Peace Dove" pattern August 1995 2019.0047.011 - Collection of drawings, patterns, poem, newsletters, etc. 2019.0047.012 - "Small birds" paper patterns 2019.0047.013 - Remake of old head "Fluted Sled" 2017 HB: nylon kite in heavy cotton bag 2019.0047.014 - Long yellow tail suitable for Rainbow Serpent 1992 2019.0047.015 - Long blue tail for Rainbow Serpent 1992 2019.0047.016 - Moth c. 1975 2019.0047.017 - Hand-held peace dove (used for Helen Bushell's memorial 2017) 2019.0047.018 - "Song for Bill" kite 2019.0047.019 - 7-point clown kite Kites and associated documents belonging to Helen Bushell have local significance for Kew, as many were flown in the area. They have artistic significance in their representation of Australian indigenous, Chinese, New Guinea and other cultural symbols. Among the documents are poems, books on kite-flying written by Helen Bushell, badges and cards from international conferences, and Australian, British and American patents for kite design. One kite shows an aerodynamically-designed keel which helped to improve safety for hang-gliders.Australian Kite Society, Helen Bushell collection of kite-related material, including kites, photographs, documents, badges, etc.australian kite society, helen bushell -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Collection, Wied Collection, 1941-1946
Made or collected by the Wied family during their internment from Palestine to Camp3, Tatura, kept in the family until donated to Tatura Museum.Collection of artifacts made or collected in Camp 3 by German Templer family.costume, accessory, male, clothes -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Melton Uniting Church Misson Collection bin, Unknown
Edna Barrie and unidentified people standing in front of a collection binchurches, local identities -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School - Collection of approx 1020 miscellaneous photographs - unidentified-To be sorted and catalogued
29/4/2023: This record covers 1019 images of RTS related photographs which were scanned in 2020 as part of the RTS project. The physical photos were missing until found in box 02-05-04 Box 2 12/8/2023. Only a few of the physical photos have any annotation The photos were scanned in the 17000's and some 19000's. The digital scans have all been renamed here as 21015-nnnn, but also keeping the original scan ID. The new numbers have not been written on the physical photos. A project to identify the photos is to be undertaken in the future. rts, ringwood tech, esc, eastern secondary college -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Collection, Sawatzsky Collection, 1941-1947
Camp 3 jewellery, made in Camp 3, purchased by Frida Sawatsky for herself and daughter Gisela. Biscuit cutters made by Waldemar Sawatzky.Various items of jewellery and biscuit cutters all made in Camp 3 by German Internees from Palestine.costume, accessory, jewellery, domestic, items, food, preparation -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Collection, Sawatzsky Collection, 1941-1947
Camp 3 jewellery, made in Camp 3, purchased by Frida Sawatsky for herself and daughter Gisela. Biscuit cutters made by Waldemar Sawatzky.Various items of jewellery and biscuit cutters all made in Camp 3 by German Internees from Palestine.costume, accessory, jewellery, domestic, items, food, preparation -
National Wool Museum
Book, Carpet Sample, Brintons Carpets The Bainbridge Collection
A sales sample book for the Brintons carpet range 'Bainbridge Collection', acquired when Brintons' Geelong factory closed.W7189 W7189_2 Page 1 of a history of Brintons Carpets. Page 2 of a history of Brintons Carpets. A list of catalogues/items in the Brintons Collection donated after closure of Fellmongers Road factory in July 2008.Brintons Carpets Finest Australian Woven Carpet Brintons Carpets The Bainbridge Collectionfurnishing, brintons australia pty ltd brintons pty ltd (geelong), sales, samples -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Souvenir - Collection of badges from Koki guests
This item is from the private collection of George Shirling of Red Onion, Falls Creek. It is a collection of pins, badges and gifts from Koki Guests 1965 - 1969. George Shirling arrived in Falls Creek in 1962. He engaged Phil Nowell to build the original Koki Alpine Lodge which opened in 1965 with 14 beds. George operated the lodge with Michael “Baldy” Blackwell as manager. He also graduated in sport psychology in 1981 and was invited to become team psychologist for the Australian Winter Olympic team which went to Albertville, France, in 1992. He later owned the Red Onion Chalet. George credited the success of Koki to “Baldy” Blackwell. “Baldy” and Phil Nowell started the Trackers Mountain Lodge in partnership during the 1980s. In 1971 George sold Koki Lodge to Sigi Doerr. In 2024 the renamed Koki Alpine resort remains a highly popular destination in Falls Creek. George Shirling passed away on 27th February 2023. He had remained actively involved in Falls Creek and was generous with his time and knowledge, always an amazing supporter of The Falls Creek Museum and Falls Creek Village.This item is significant because it shows the wide range of people who visited Kiki in the 1960s.A collection of badges from guests who visited Koki. They are mainly enamel plated badges in a variety of shapes and sizes. On Sign ITEM No. 69 A Collection of pins, badges and gifts from Koki Guests 1965 - 1969george shirling, falls creek -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Melton Uniting Church Misson Collection bin, Unknown
Bon Barrie had a lifetime association with Melton Uniting Church (and its predecessors the Methodist, Methodist-Presbyterian churches) which extended from childhood when he attended Sunday school until his death in 1985. Member of the Presbyterian Board of Management for more than 25 years in which he held positions of Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, Board member of the Parish Council and Member of the Committee of Management. He was a Sunday school teacher 1933. Ernest W (Bon) Barrie with a group of people standing next to the donation binchurches, local identities -
National Wool Museum
Book, Carpet Sample, Brintons Fine Carpets The Highmont Collection
A carpet sales book for the Brintons carpet design range 'The Highmont Collection', acquired when Brinton's Geelong factory closed.W7190 W7190_2 Page 1 of a history of Brintons Carpets. Page 2 of a history of Brintons Carpets. A list of catalogues/items in the Brintons Collection donated after closure of Fellmongers Road factory in July 2008.Brintons Fine Carpet Finest Australian Woven Carpet Brintons Fine Carpet The Highmont Collectionfurnishing, brintons australia pty ltd brintons pty ltd (geelong), sales, samples -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book - Photo album, The Reynolds/Prior photography collection
The Reynolds/ Prior collection of photographs were snapped by Tom Prior, the Uncle of Ivy Reynolds (her mother's brother) around 1900 and the 60 photos in the album give a fine overview of many of the landmarks of Research and Eltham over 100 years ago. lvy is a much loved pioneer who lived in the family home for many years at 106 Thompson Cres Research. Many today living in our township will know Ivy and remember her sister Margaret. Ivy's father, Ernst Richard Reynolds and grandfather, Richard Reynolds, lived at the same address. Ivy's father Richard worked for Mr. Trail on his property in Research. Reynolds Road is named after the family. Mr Tom Prior (wife Eva) worked at the Melbourne zoo. He was very innovative and made his own camera, using the black cloth hood to exclude the light. The photographs are a reminder of the rural nature of Research and Eltham and its rich heritage. Ivy Reynolds would like to share this history, stories and anecdotes with you. If they are not recorded and presented they are lost. In Andrew Lemon's Book Return to Research, A Centenary History of Research Primary School, there is a chapter-- reminiscing ..... the Reynold's family in Research 1870 to 1989 by Jenny Anderson With this in mind, Ivy would like to present the Reynolds/Prior collection in album form to the Historical Society of Eltham, and also to the Andrew Ross Museum, Kangaroo Ground. Ross McDonald 605 Mt Pleasant Rd Research, Vic 3095 (March, 2006 )The Reynolds family were early settlers in Research. The Reynolds/ Prior collection of photographs were taken by Tom Prior, the maternal uncle of Ivy Reynolds, around 1900 and the 60 photos in the album give a fine overview of many of the landmarks of Research and Eltham over 100 years ago. lvy lived in the family home for many years at 106 Thompson Cres Research. Ivy's father, Ernst Richard Reynolds and grandfather, Richard Reynolds, lived at the same address. Ivy's father Richard worked for Mr. Trail on his property in Research. Reynolds Road is named after the family. Mr Tom Prior (wife Eva) worked at the Melbourne zoo. He was very innovative and made his own camera, using the black cloth hood to exclude the light. The photographs are a reminder of the rural nature of Research and Eltham and its rich heritage. Album of photograps (rteproductions) and A4 photocopy (7 pages) contained in album, the Reynolds/Prior Photograph Collection giving background to collection and notes on photosThe Reynolds/Prior Photograph Collection, Presented to the Eltham District Historical Society, 14 June 2006 by Ross McDonald. A second copy was also presented to the Andrew Ross Museum, Kangaroo Groundreynolds prior collection -
Melbourne Legacy
Functional object, Collection Tin
A collection tin in the shape of an army tin hat. Date that it was used is unknown. They could have been left at shopping centres or other public spaces for the general public to donate loose change.A record of a method of fundraising.Round silver collection tin in the shape of an army tin hat.Stickers saying 'Your donation helps the dependants of Australian veterans who were killed or have since died. Thank you'. Underneath a sticker saying 'Property of Legacy' and 'Call the Fundraising Department at Legacy House on 9663 3564 for collection'.fundraising, donations -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, P W Duckett Collection, c1920
Black & White Photograph of a horse drawn toastrack tram on the Zoo line with many passengers. Photo from the Peter Duckett collection.In ink on the rear "Melbourne "Toastrack" tram on Zoo horse tram line. Neg - PW Duckett collection.trams, tramways, zoo tram, horse trams, toastrack tram -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plant specimen - Pressed Plant Material, Burnley Student collection of Plants comprising 14 Families, 1954-1955
Burnley student assessment pressed plant collection 1954-55Collection of pressed plants bound in hard photo album covers. Burnley student 1954-55 Fred Stephenson hand painted and inked inscriptions for hand pressed specimens generally one or two per page.Burnley Student 1954-55 Fred Stephenson LATER PROP. WATTLEVIEW GARDENS FERNTREE GULLY COLLECTION OF PLANTS COMPRISING 14 FAMILIESpressed plants, fred stephenson, wattleview gardens, burnley student, assessement, plant collection -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew, City of - Municipal Collection, 1994
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing information about the Civic Collection of the City of Boroondra, including policy documents (1997-2002), correspondence from Jill O’Brien relating to the Municipal Collection owned by the former City of Kew (including a reference to the mayoral photographs, 1989,) being returned to be hung in the Kew Library. It is assumed that the latter refers to the small digitised portrait copiescivic collection -- kew historical society -- city of boroondara, collectioncivic collection -- kew historical society -- city of boroondara, collection -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Collection, Maroondah Women's Club Ephemera, 30-Oct-10
Collection of Business and Professional Women's Clubs of MaroondahCollection of approximately 30 papers, memos, member lists, constitution(1982), handbook of Maroondah and various other Melbourne and interstate clubs. There is one photograph of Irene Mascull, Pat Clark and Audrey Lavis, celebrating a birthday at 263 Canterbury Road, Heathmont. -
Gippsland Vehicle Collection
Holden 50 years collection series
Holden, 50 years collection seriescollection, years, holden, series, 50, 50year collection -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Folder, Gustav Pohlig Collection, c.1995
Collected and donated by Gus Pohlig. A collection of photographs, newspaper clippings, drawings, information on POW mail including copies of envelopes sent to and from internees in the Victorian camps during WW2.Black 2 ring folder containing plastic sleeves which have photographs, newspaper clippings and drawingsGustav Pohlig Collectiondocuments, biography -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Ellis Collection, 1948
Black and white photograph of Geelong 38, 1948 in Moorabool St, just south of Malop St. Tram has the destination of Belmont. In the background is Solomons buildings and the Excelsior building. From the ARHS Archives, 2/2006, Ellis Collection. See Reg Item 7209 for negative and laminated print.On rear printed on label in blue ink " Geelong 1948 Ellis Collection ARHS Archive"tramways, trams, geelong, moorabool st, tram 38 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Ellis Collection, 1950
Yields information about the appearance of the Gardens Crossing Loop and tram 19.Black and white photograph of No. 19 at Gardens Loop, as the tram leaves for Mt Pleasant, 1950. Tram stop pole has the stop, section and timetable boards. From the ARHS Archives, 2/2006, Ellis Collection. See Reg Item 7207 for neg and laminated print.On rear printed on label in blue ink " 19 Gardens Loop 1950 Ellis Collection ARHS Archive"tramways, trams, wendouree parade, gardens loop, tram 19 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book - Collection, Valuer General of Victoria, Guide to Property values in Victoria 1988-2006 (16 volumes), 1988-2004
part of the Richard Carter CollectionCollection of 16 books from the Office of the Valuer general with data and analysis of property values in Victoria by City and by Shire. With maps of local government. 1988-1994 A4 in size reducing to a slightly smaller size 1996-2006. Originals not kept - only scanned pages of City of Ringwood and Maroondah City Council PDFed. Refer to Victorian Government websites (, and others for Excel downloads and further details. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School Victoria. Trip to NSW and Queensland c1978
Collection of photographs from school trip to NSW and Queensland c1978. Students mostly not identified. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Collection, Ceramics of Viola Annie Ayling (1911–1990), 1950–1970
Viola Annie McVicars (1911–1990) was born in Korumburra on 29 April 1911. At the age of 21, she married William John Ayling (1909–1995). After their marriage in 1932, they moved to Kew, initially to 81 Tennyson Street, and later to 180 Pakington Street. A professional tailoress, Viola Ayling was also a talented amateur potter, creating her ceramics at her home in Pakington Street, where she had an internal studio and a handmade, wood-fired brick kiln in her backyard. Following her death in 1990, her studio pottery passed to her daughter, and following the daughter’s death, to her granddaughter. This piece of glazed earthenware is part of a collection of 15 functional and decorative ceramic items donated by Viola’s granddaughter to the collection in 2024.Parent file of the items in the Viola Annie Ayling collection of 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s ceramics. This parent file includes digital copies of a photograph of the ceramicist and also of her home at 128 Pakington Street, Kew, in 1951 where she practiced her art.128 pakington street -- kew (vic.), ceramics -- victoria (australia), viola annie mcvicars, viola annie ayling -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Stephenson Collection, 1938
Black & White Photograph of W 327 in Swanston St at Lonsdale St, mid 1920's. Details on the rear that it was from the Stephenson Collection Preston Workshops. Side on view.In ink on the rear " M&MTB W 327, Keith Kings stamp - S-R 143 - Swanston St at Lonsdale St City, mid 1920's. Copy ex Stephenson Collection Preston Workshops.trams, tramways, w class, swanston st, tram 327 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment - Equipment - Photographic, ZILLES COLLECTION: Collection of Photographic Equipment
Collection of photographic equipment used by Zilles Printers. Collection of equipment - negative holders, developing trays - enamel and plastic, globes, thermometer, tongs - metal and plastic, metal frames, measuring cups, Ilford on plastic developing trayzilles printers, photographic equipment, developing trays, image holders, tongs, thermometer, wooden negative holder, darkroom safe light, globes, negative holders, darkroom -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 1 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 2 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 3 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 4 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph - Collection, Ringwood Technical School 2010 Reunion Photographs - Record 5 of 6
Photographs from Ringwood Technical School Reunion. Note: If anyone in these photographs does not want their image to be visible on the Victorian Collections public website, please email [email protected] with a request to remove that photo. This Reunion was held at York on Lilydale, Lilydale, Victoria on March 27 2010, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school commencing in February 1960 in the newly-completed building as a co-educational campus. Prior to that it had operated on two separate, temporary campuses until the new school was ready: - at Ferntree Gully Technical School in 1958 for 100 Form 1 boys, then the following year in spare rooms at Lilydale State School for 200 Form 1 and 2 boys - at Box Hill Girls' Technical School in 1959 for 100 Form 1 girls The Reunion was organised by Joan Pickford, helped by several other past students. Joan worked exceptionally hard to organise the reunion and the materials displayed on the night. The beautiful RTS banner that we all walked past in the school's main corridor all those years ago, was there in all its glory - the only RTS relic that wasn't showing its age on the night. It was a great event and well-attended. The noise of people chatting and swapping stories was deafening. Some of the 1958-59 original students, and teachers from the1960s onwards were there. People brought along their photos and memorabilia. Some wore their ties and badges which still fitted after all those years. One former prefect wore his old blazer, which must have shrunk in the wardrobe but reminded many of us of those carefree times at school.. Best of all was the re-kindling of memories, and renewing and consolidation of friendships started at the school all those years ago. (This background provided by Liz Seaton, September 2022) This record contains 10 of the 57 photographs taken at the RTS Reunion 27 March 2010. Records 21009-1 to -6 contain the full collection. The photographs were copied from a CD provided by Photographer Belinda Dinami. rts, ringwood tech