Showing 26 items
matching isobel roberts
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Isobel Roberts.... Wanalta S.S. Mary Brown, Dorothy Nelson, Isobel Roberts, Kenneth... Nelson Isobel Roberts Kenneth McKenzie Frank Brown. Barnedown S.S ...Bendigo Art Gallery, Bendigo Art Society. President: Hon. R H S Abbot, M.L.C., F.R.S.A. Eleventh Exhibition, in the Bendigo Art Gallery, View Street. October 10th to 31st, 1926. Hon. Treas.: C E Bulley. Catalogue Price 6d. The President, Officers, and Committee of the Bendigo Art Society express their pleasure in presenting the representative collection embodied in this Exhibition. Mr John Shirlow, the noted etcher has been good enough to get together a fine showing of works from eminent artists, who have kindly exhibited with a disire to help the Society and to encourage the local artists. The patronage and help of our citizens is earnestly solicited. Fee, for exhibiting or ordinary membership, only 5/- per annum. Should you care to join, the executive officers will only be too pleased to give any information and to receive subscriptions. Joint Hon. Secs.: J Hudspeth, V E Greenhalgh. Fine Art Section. Arists names: Elma Roach, Ida F Knox, H J Honeybone, Edith H Moore, M A Hope, Lady Barrett, G E Parker, D Hinchcliffe, Aileen R Dent, J Hudspeth, J Florence MacGregor, Madge Freeman, C E Bulley, Merle Bulley, Ethel f Crook, L M Sheridan, C G Dunlop, Ena Smith, William H oliver, E Phillips Fox, Ethel Carrick, H Septimus Power, David Davies, Norman Davies, Norman W Penrose, Margaret McCloud, Josephine Van Damme, M E Coverdale, Marion Jones,R W Bugg, L Rowe, Lucy C Newell, Claire Colgan, Charles G Stewart, Alice Newell, V E Greenhalgh, Violet Hambly. Display of Hand-Painted China: H W Tilley, M Jacobs, W McKie, A E Collier, Hilda Veale, Elma Curnow, Jean Cahill, Frank Vaughan. Collection of Australian Art: W D Knox, Esther Paterson, Dora L Wilson, A M E Bale, E F Hooton, John Rowell, Horah Gurdon, Louis McCubbin. Section A (Outdoor Study, any subject, any medium.) Members only: C G Duinlop, J Florence MacGregor, Merle Bulley, William H Oliver, Norman W Penrose. Section B Student's Section. Drawing or Design. Pupils of Schools: Stanley R Millott, Joyce Ranson, Ronald William Forbes, Dorothy Clemens, Lilian J White, Ruby A I Welch, Nancy R Hudspeth, J Honey Church, J G Graham, Ivo Steel. Section C Student's Section. Applied Art. Pupols of Art Schools: Florrie Spencer, Joyce Ranson, Ronald W Forbes, Dorothy Clemens, Lilian J White, Ruby A I Welch, Nancy R Hudspeth, Jean Honeychurch, Annie I Paterson, Isabel Blake, Beatrice Lee, Garnet Capper, Gwen Osborne, Dorothy Olds, Marjorie Crossman, Doris Shaw, Phyllis Paul, Amy Bolton. Section D Plant Form From Nature (Pulils of Schools in Bedigo Inspectorate), North Bendigo: Alan Styles, Ronald Wright, Agnes R Styles, Jean Woodman. Creek View S.S. Beryl Butcher, Grace Gerguson, Ruth Cheatley, Elmore S.S.: George Read, Hazel Farnsworth, Lorna Washington, Keith Gow, Jean Oliver, Robbie Dick. Wanalta S.S. Mary Brown, Dorothy Nelson, Isobel Roberts, Kenneth McKenzie, Frank Brown. Barnedown S.S.: Elsie Read, George Cahill, Maud Nicholas, Leonard Robbins, Benjamin Robbins. Gravel Hill S.S.: Gladys Bamford, Jean Wright, Jean Hosking, Nancy Honeychurch, Norman McLean, Norman Guy, Agnes Stilwell. Violet St S.S.: Alma Worth, G McConville, Harry Elliot. Various Schools: Wm. Hyslop, Ruby Robertson, Hilda Parkinson, Maud O'Connor, Archie L Walker, Hedley Leggo, Jan O Hoy, Edith Cheatley, John Tatchell, Jean Barell, Keith Ashcroft, John Mueller, J Howe, Eric Cohen, Alice Glover, Ivy Morphett, Allen V Horne, Yin On, R W Moon. 2 Copies of catalogue. Black print, 12 pages made up of 3 sheets of paper with 2 staples in centre.Boltons Print, Bendigoevent, exhibition, bendigo art society, bendigo art gallery, bendigo art society. president: hon. r h s abbot, m.l.c., f.r.s.a. eleventh exhibition, in the bendigo art gallery, view street. october 10th to 31st, 1926. hon. treas.: c e bulley. catalogue price 6d. the president, officers, and committee of the bendigo art society express their pleasure in presenting the representative collection embodied in this exhibition. mr john shirlow, the noted etcher has been good enough to ger together a fine showing of works from eminent artists, who have kindly exhibited with a disire to help the society and to encourage the local artists. the patronage and help of our citizens is earnestly solicited. fee, for exhibiting or ordinary membership, only 5/- per annum. should you care to join, the executive officers will only be too pleased to give any information and to receive subscriptions. joint hon. secs.: j hudspeth, v e greenhalgh. fine art section. arists names: elma roach, ida f knox, h j honeybone, edith h moore, m a hope, lady barrett, g e parker, d hinchcliffe, aileen r dent, j hudspeth, j florence macgregor, madge freeman, c e bulley, merle bulley, ethel f crook, l m sheridan, c g dunlop, ena smith, william h oliver, e phillips fox, ethel carrick, h septimus power, david davies, norman davies, norman w penrose, margaret mccloud, josephine van damme, m e coverdale, marion jones, r w bugg, l rowe, lucy c newell, claire colgan, charles g stewart, alice newell, v e greenhalgh, violet hambly. display of hand-painted china: h w tilley, m jacobs, w mckie, a e collier, hilda veale, elma curnow, jean cahill, frank vaughan. collection of australian art: w d knox, esther paterson, dora l wilson, a m e bale, e f hooton, john rowell, horah gurdon, louis mccubbin. section a (outdoor study, any subject, any medium.) members only: c g duinlop, j florence macgregor, merle bulley, william h oliver, norman w penrose. section b student's section. drawing or design. pupils of schools: stanley r millott, joyce ranson, ronald william forbes, dorothy clemens, lilian j white, ruby a i welch, nancy r hudspeth, j honey church, j g graham, ivo steel. section c student's section. applied art. pupols of art schools: florrie spencer, joyce ranson, ronald w forbes, dorothy clemens, lilian j white, ruby a i welch, nancy r hudspeth, jean honeychurch, annie i paterson, isabel blake, beatrice lee, garnet capper, gwen osborne, dorothy olds, marjorie crossman, doris shaw, phyllis paul, amy bolton. section d plant form from nature (pulils of schools in bedigo inspectorate), north bendigo: alan styles, ronald wright, agnes r styles, jean woodman. creek view s.s. beryl butcher, grace gerguson, ruth cheatley, elmore s.s.: george read, hazel farnsworth, lorna washington, keith gow, jean oliver, robbie dick. wanalta s.s. mary brown, dorothy nelson, isobel roberts, kenneth mckenzie, frank brown. barnedown s.s.: elsie read, george cahill, maud nicholas, leonard robbins, benjamin robbins. gravel hill s.s.: gladys bamford, jean wright, jean hosking, nancy honeychurch, norman mclean, norman guy, agnes stilwell. violet st s.s.: alma worth, g mcconville, harry elliot. various schools: wm. hyslop, ruby robertson, hilda parkinson, maud o'connor, archie l walker, hedley leggo, jan o hoy, edith cheatley, john tatchell, jean barell, keith ashcroft, john mueller, j howe, eric cohen, alice glover, ivy morphett, allen v horne, yin on, r w moon. 2 copies of catalogue. black print, 12 pages made up of 3 sheets of paper with 2 staples in centre. -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, 1948
... isobel roberts... emms betty king lorna bellamy girl guides betty forsythe isobel ...Group of girls in the Girl Guide movement in Port Fairy in 1948 (all named)Black and white photograph of a group of girl guides and brownies in their uniformsdawn fox, jan emms, betty king, lorna bellamy, girl guides, betty forsythe, isobel roberts, vivienne manuell, maree mcdonald -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, sepia, 1907
... : Isobel Curnow, Annie Roberts, Isabel Hawkes (Sister in Charge...: Isobel Curnow, Annie Roberts, Isabel Hawkes (Sister in Charge ...This photograph depicts the Sister-in-charge with a group of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS,) Trained nurses, 'Nurses", with their bicycles, which were the first mode of transport purchased by MDNS in 1903. The bicycles enabled their Nurses to visit more patients over a wider area. They are identified as: L-R back row: Trained Nurses Taylor, Steele, Francis, Young. L-R front row: Isobel Curnow, Annie Roberts, Isabel Hawkes (Sister in Charge), Becker. Their uniforms were a grey cotton dress with white collar, cuffs and belt and their was a red Maltese cross on their pith helmets. They gave nursing care to the poor in the inner Melbourne and close surrounding areas (districts). On the 17th of February 1885, just 50 years after Melbourne was founded, a preliminary meeting of ladies and gentlemen who were anxious to form a society to provide "skilled nursing" for the sick poor in their own homes was held in Mrs William McCulloch’s home at Spring Street, Melbourne. At this meeting it was decided “that the association would be called the Melbourne District Nursing Society”, the first Society of its kind in Australia, and “that the special object of the Society shall be to secure skilled nursing for the sick poor in their own homes”. On the 16th of March a Committee was formed to “arrange for engaging one "duly qualified nurse”. On the 1st of May 1885 a Nurse, Mrs. Ferguson, was employed at £100 per annum, and a second Nurse, Mrs. Joanne Cannon, commenced six months later. In that era the term ‘Nurse’ was used even though they were ‘qualified’ i.e. ‘trained’ nurses. They worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care. They provided high quality Trained nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness, fresh air and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed, as well as providing wood and coal in the winter. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. Trained midwives began home births in late 1893 taking midwifery bundles and providing clothes for the babe and mother as needed. As the work increased a third Trained nurse was employed but this was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer and many Nurses only remained with the Society for several months. Permission to use bicycles was given to the Nurses in 1898 and the Society decided to purchase their own in 1903. A business man offered ‘new free wheel’ bicycles at £13 each which included maintenance for one year. Bells and wooden frames were added, at a cost of £5 per frame, so the Nurses could carry extra equipment. Nurses’ bags were strapped to the handlebars. Soup was made for those in need 2-3 times a week and if patients could not arrange to have it collected the soup was delivered by the Nurses on their bicycles. The use of bicycles caused a change in uniform, with white pith helmets, and veils covering them and tied under their chin, now being used. They provided high quality nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered by a Doctor, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. In 1913 a Nurse had her Board and residence, uniforms, bicycles and laundry expensive provided and was paid £50 a year for her first six months. At the end of a year her salary is increased by £5, and later she earns £60 a year. Over the years the nurses complained that their veils became wet in the rain and asked for a change of uniform but this did not occur until 1921. Bicycles continued to be used in inner areas until 1945. Sepia photograph of eight Melbourne District Nursing Society Trained nurses posing with their bicycles in a park; some are partly hidden. Nurse's uniforms consist of long grey dresses with white belts, cuffs and collars and white pith helmets with a Maltese cross in the centre. Oblong leather nursing bags of varying sizes are strapped to five of the bicycles. In the centre is Sister-in-charge – Mrs Hawkes (in white); to her left are 4 Nurses and to her right 3. L-R – Front row – Trained Nurses Curnow, Roberts, (Hawkes) and Becker. Back row – Nurses Taylor, Steele, Francis and Young. Trees and a palm are in the background. The bicycles have two large wire spoked wheels at either end of the black V shape bicycle frame; a rubber tyre runs around the outside of each wheel. The metal handlebars are a horizontal configuration and are attached with a central column into a black vertical column at the front of the V shape bicycle frame which has ‘fork shaped’ thin metal pierces running down either side of the wheel attaching the frame to the central hub of the wheel. The rear wheel is attached the same way to a central column at the rear of the frame which runs up to V shape solid seat. At the bottom of the V of the frame a pedal is attached with a rotating arm on either side of the bicycle and on the right side the rotating arm is attached to a sprocket which has a chain running around it back to a smaller sprocket on the hub of the back wheel. The chain has a thin metal guard over it. There are narrow thin metal mud guards running a short distance above the top of each wheel. melbourne district nursing society (1885-1957), bicycles, nurses, uniforms, mdns, mdns transport, rdns, royal district nursing service, trained nurse annie roberts, sister-in-charge isabel hawkes, trained nurse taylor, trained nurse steele, trained nurse francis, trained nurse young, trained nurse becker, trained nurse isobel curnow -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Heathmont Recollections 2006
... and Betty Ritchie, Ken Roberts, Isobel Robin, Jenny Rose, Joyce... Read, Helen Rees, Alan and Betty Ritchie, Ken Roberts, Isobel ...Plastic covered book with spiral wire spine with four individual street scenes. Published 2006, this is a collection of articles written during the previous decade.CONTRIBUTORS, David Allen, Vera Alsop, Alan and Phyl Blackbell, Myrtle Carruthers, Philip Casan, Mervyn Chivers, Neil Clark, Bambra Cohen, Ross Cowling, Liz and Mick Dexter, Betty and John Evans, Gwen Fairweather, Rod Fraser, Keith and Jean Hardy, Joan Haper, Alison Ingamells, Jim and Garry Jago, Rita Johnson, Bruce Kaighin, Mary Knafelc , Mary Le Get, Marion Marshallsea, Ian and Margaret McKellar, Hec Mclean, Lila McRea, Kaye Moulynox, Doug Muller, Keith Norris, Roy Norris, Beryl Paul, Bessie Penn, Florence Penn, Jill Pump, Russ Read, Helen Rees, Alan and Betty Ritchie, Ken Roberts, Isobel Robin, Jenny Rose, Joyce Rowlands, Frank Secomb, Ian Sharp, Ron Sharp, Estelle Spargo, Pam Spencer, Desi Stevens, Bill and Beryl Waddell, Alan and Kath Washusen, Barry and Elaine Weston, Thelma Wilmot, Gertrude Wilson. -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, firts half 20th century
Alec Cameron was one of the young boys in this photograph. He was the son of Robert Pullar Cameron who was an early settler on the Orbost flats. Alec, (like his sisters, Flora and Penuel) had a beautiful singing voice. He married Annie Nixon and had children, Frank, Wilfred, Dorothy, Alice, Edie and Isobel.This item is a pictorial record of the social life of young people in Orbost in the first half of the 20th century. Children in old photos show us the similarities and differences between their time and ours.A black / white photograph of a group of eleven young boys dressed in different outfits, all holding guns. They are standing outdoors with a wooden building in the background.on back - "Alec Cameron"cameron-alec orbost-youth -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph Album, Kodak, Phillip Island Cemetery, c 1990
The Album was compiled by Nancy McHaffie late 1990's, with the assistance of Edith Jeffery's, with her book "Garden of Memories" and extensive knowledge of Phillip Island. The Cemetery lies back from the road and is surrounded by Manna Gums, rare Peppermint Gums, Blackwoods and other native trees. In all 25 acres of land were set aside as Crown Land in the land settlement of 1868. There are 6.2 acres of wetlands near the cemetery entrance.466-56: Alexander McLardy Sr. The descendants of Alex McLardy came to Phillip Island in the year 1886. A builder by trade, he built a great number of houses and buildings on the Island. He was also the founder of the Guesthouse "Glencoe". At 90 years of age he could still read well without the aid of glasses. He died in 1956 aged 95. Others buried in the double graves are: Robert Alexander died 1926 aged 10 months, Alexander Thomas died 1971 aged 76, Beatrice died 1966 aged 73, Donald Alexander died 1992 aged 64 and Claire Isobel died 1993 aged 61. 466-57: Walter Findlay. Walter's parents George and Mary, came to Australia in 1852. Walter was born in Sale circa 1883. He married Henrieta Kennon and they lived and farmed in Settlement Road, Cowes prior to their shop and residence being built in Warley Avenue, Cowes. The shop carried general merchandise and confectionery. The property was absorbed by Bass Coast Family Medicine on the west side of Warley Avenue. Henrieta died September 1965 aged 84. Walter died July 1965 aged 82.phillip island cemetery, alexander mclardy, walter findlay, nancy mchaffie, edith jeffery -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
9 SNAPE FAMILY PHOTOS: The parents - John T. Snape and Rosina (née Cook) married Christmas Day 1890; the children- Bob (born 1892), Harold (born 1893) and Frank (born 1895); and Margaret ('Madge',née McLaughlin), Bob's wife (secretly married before Bob's embarkation); Cook family (maternal side) portrait; 'Belmiers', the family home in Barkly Street, Essendon, circa WW1 (then and now); Isobel Miers, the Snapes' favourite young cousin after whom the house was named. Uncle Robert Snape, coal-mining engineer, Wales
snape collection -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Group photograph, 1932
Black and white photograph - Group photograph, 1932. From the Weekly Times."Attached to photograph" Boys recognised - 1932 Charles Moulden, Alan Washusen, (?) Bomford, Ian (?), Reg Hill, Les Anderson, Jim Coombs, Stan Wilkins, Bob Prince, Bill Brown, (?) Tasker, Herbert Washusen, John Anderson, (?) Steer, Ted Dufty, Doug Jamieson, Norm Bissett, (?) Flintoff, Ken Ward, Lyndon Peake, Norm Jamieson, David Allen, Norm Hone, Tom Sampson, Fred Johnston, George Gunn, Ray Minahan, Fred Adolphson, Robert Adolphson, Geoffrey Alexander Read. Girls recognised - 1932 Gertie Stoel, Grace Wheeler, Alice Stoel, Enid Washusen, Dass Jamieson, Rosemary Jenkins, (?) Mc Alpin, Thelma Flintoff, Nellie Stevens, Gladys Goudge, Beryl Baker, Win Molden, Jenny Rowe, Isobel Gibbs, Lily Cope, Kathie Jackson, Winnie Wilkins, (?) Stawship, Isobell Young, (?) Robbins, Nancy Izard, (?) Hansey, Val Anderson, Grace Clegg, Mary Beilby, Marge Clegg, Josie Roberts, Mary Young, Jessie Walker, Doris Rutter, Ashley (?), Bessie Penn, Viv Martin, Joyce Read, Betty Adolphson. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood State School - Grade 5A, 1975
Black and white photograph - Grade 5A, 1975."Attached to photograph" Back Row- L to R: Ian Butterworth, David Miller, Ken Baynkhin, Robert Miles, Robert de Keame, Lindsay Dawe, Dante Cellante, Steven Crashaw. 2nd Row- L to R: Jane Woolhouse, Susan Carlton, Bernadette O'Connor, Marie Roses, Erie Law, Connie Nicolopoulos, Joanne Chapman. 3rd Row- L to R: Wayne Bonney, Andrew Roper, Ricky Jenkinson, Phillip Elliot, Michael Beard, Darren Kane, Leslie Tomada, Garry Mathieson. Front Row- L to R: Mandy Faye, Lee Logan, Kerryn Oxley, Francesco Grico, Leanne Clark, Pauline Tobias, Lindy Toomey, Sheridan Oates, Michelle Webb. Teacher: Isobel Marshall -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Barbara Hughes, Nurses on Wheels: A Journey of 100 Years, 2011
... Roberts, First Car, Elsie Isobel Walsh, World War Two, Committee... roberts elsie isobel walsh world war two lena tevenen sr phyllis ...In 2011 the Ballarat District Nursing Society celebrated 100 years of service. They provided home, district nursing and podiatry services across Ballarat and northern Golden Plains ShireBlack hardcovered book wiht blak and red dust jacket. Contents include: Begginings (1911-1921), Matron Annie Florence Roberts, First Car, Elsie Isobel Walsh, World War Two, Committee, Lena Tevenen, Sr Phyllis Dean, New Headquarters, Sister Joan Aked, Stomal Therepy, Staff Freeze, Hospice, Expansion, No Lift Policy, Frances Zala, UNITI, Dereel, Centenary, Excerpts from Annual Reports, 2006 staff, 2008 staff, Ballarat District Nursing Society Life Members, Ballarat District Nursing Society Presidents and Chairpersonsmatron annie florence roberts, elsie isobel walsh, world war two, lena tevenen, sr phyllis dean, new headquarters, sister joan aked, stomal therepy, frances zala, uniti, dereel, centenary, annual reports, ballarat district nursing society, district nursing, nursing -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Student Payments Ledger, 1907-1913, 1907-1913
The Ballarat Technical Art School opened in 1907 as a division of the Ballarat School of Mines.Ledger with brown and blue marbled paper cover and brown tape spine. Names and amount paid listed on each page. Possibly relating to students of the Ballarat Technical Art School.ballarat technical art school, clare elshaug, eileen coglan, alice stanbury, will salmon, ethel owen, isobel cahir, dan daly, a. greening, george archibald, t. davies, alice coltman, mabel fauce, may lakeland, agnes lamb, ethel clegg, john archibald, mary black, lewis charles, may lakeland, elsie cassell, mary heagney, paul lalkeland, myrtke harris, g.c. haymes, v. robinson, ruby payne, rick herbert, herbert hayes, tom harris, floss rowe, g. roberts, clyde foord, nita featherstone, harold smith, ernest morshead, emily lucas, ida holmes, james grogan, rene knight, leslie henderson, robert morgan, rupert robbins, albert perry, h.h. blight, stan blight, h. rowland, george anderson, alex wilson, c. frood, vera sykes, w.n. gent, vera treloar, w. holden, violet astley, percy reece, ed olliver, perry boweall, keith mcmillan, t. hill, eva nankervis, bertha marsh, ruby gates, lizzie till, george webb, roy cooper, w.t. mitchell, c. brelaz, guido brelaz, a. pittard, vera fisher -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Book, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1938-1944, 1938-1945
Red hard covered book holding seven volumes of the Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine. The cover of the 1938 magazine was designed and executed by Robert McHutchison. Includes original linocuts, including work by Max Coward. 1940 magzine includes a list of full course students; W.H. Middleton Obituary, artwork by C. Sargeant, Joe Wilkenson, Sheila Moss, Bessie Sargeant, Fifi Malseed, Isobel Boustead, Adeline Hulm, Audrey Janetski, Maureen McRae, Bettin George, Ernest Gribble, William Rowe, Jessie Daniel, Pat Martin, Jean Fisher, Gladys Wakeling, Max Coward. Images include the SMB Magazine committee.ballarat school of mines, white flat, linouts, max coward, robert mchutchison, dorothy woolcock, maureen mcrae, bessie martin, patsy walsh, gladys bilney, elva brimacombe, gilda gude, norma tatlock, audrey janetski, jay martin, betty delima, jeff wilkinson, gordon yorke, g. day, w. edward, a. janetski, ernest gribble, iris leviston, n. roberts, j. pittard, sylvia wyres, e. fisher, a. helm, a. nye, bena lamb, ela brimacombe, thelma morton, verna lynch, yarowee creek, bridge, fruit vendors, h.r. murphy retirement -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo. Direction: Australian Broadcasting Commission. Conducted by Juan Jose Castro. Soloist: Donald Westlake (Clarinet). This series of concerts is arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in Conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Royal Princess Theatre, Bendigo, Thur., 12 Nov. 8 p.m. Programme. Juan Jose Castro. Since he left Australia last November on six months' leave, Mr. Castro has been conducting and holidaying in Europe, and with his wife re-visited South America for the first time in eighteen months. In Italy he corrected the publisher's proofs of his opera, 'Proserpina and the Stranger,' which won the Verdi Prize award by La Scala I 1952, and is now . . . Analytical Notes . . . Personnel of the Orchestra. Conductor: Juan Jose Castro. Associate Conductor: Clive Douglass. First Violins: Bertha Jorgensen (leader), Harry Hutchins (Assistant Leader), Frank Schieblich, Norman Deerson, Paul O'Brien, William Glassford, Ruth Michael, Alex Burlakov. Second Violins: Hyman Lenzer, Robert Pattison, George Paton, Donald Weekes, Marie Bull, Harvey Davis. Violas: Coin Kerr, Mischa Kogan, Marion Ogilvie, Winifred Roberts. Cellos: Don Howley, Henri Touzeau, Valerie Awburn, Ezio Neri. Basses: Guill Fraillon, Frank Cerbasi, Samuel Shiffron. Flutes: Richard Chugg, Leslie Barklamb, Audrey Walklate. Oboes: Jiri Tancibudek, David Woolley. Clarinets: Thomas White, Isobel Carter. Bassoons: Roy White, Gordon Miller, Gordon Grieve, Graham Bickford. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, John Geary. Trombones: Stanley Code, John McGade. Bass Trombone: Harold Willis. Tuba: Ron Stevens. Tympani: Gordon Craig. Percussion: Ernest Lighton, Bert Crawford. Harp: Adrian Bendall. Australian Broadcasting Commission; R J F Boyer M.A., Chairman. E R Dawes, Vice-Chairman. Sir John Medley, KT., D.C.L., L.L.D., M.A. P Vanthoff, M.V.O. The Hon. Dame Enid Lyons, G.B.E. J C Stewart, M W O'Donnell, B.E.C. Charles Moses, General Manager. T S Duckmanton, A./Manager for Victoria. Dorrie O'Neil, Concert Manager for Victoria. Photos: Juan Jose Castro, Donald Westlake. Advertisements: Notice to subscribers; Annual General Meeting for Albury, Bendigo, Shepparton, for 1954. TAA serves the Nation. Country Club, Tailored by Buckwalter. GMH, The whole story from A to Z. Carnegie's, 106 Elizabeth St. b/ Victorian Symphony Orchestra, Conducted by Juan Jose Castro, Soloist: Joan Jones (Contralto). This series of concerts is arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Town Hall, Swan Hill. Programme. Juan Jose Castro, (first 4 paragraphs reads as per 4280a). At the end of his 1953 Australian season, Mr. Castro is in conduct concerts in Italy, Paris and London, as well as being re-engaged for Yugo-Slavia, which he visited for the second time last December. With his wife he had the thrill of experiencing . . . Analytical Notes. Personnel of the Orchestra. Conductor: Juan Jose Castro. Associate Conductor: Clive Douglas. First Violins: Bertha Jorgensen (Leader), Harry Hutchins (Assistant Leader), Frank Schieblich, Norman Deerson, Paul O'Brien, William Glasford, Ruth Michael, Alex Burlakov. Second Violins: Hyman Lenzer, Reginald Bradley, Robert Pattison, Donald Weekes, Marie Bull, Harvey Davis Violas: Colin Kerr, Mischa Kogan, Marion Ogilvie, Winifred Roberts. Cellos: Don Howley, Henri Touzeau, Valerie Awburn, Ezio Neri. Basses: Guill Fraillon, Frank Cerbasi, Milinor Morton. Flutes: Richard Chugg, Leslie Barklamb, Audrey Walklate. Oboes: Jiri Tancibudek, David Woolley. Clarinets: Thomas White, Isobel Carter. Bassoons: Thomas Wightman, Noel Hunt. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, Standish Roberts. Trombones: Stanley Code, John McGlade. Bass Trombone: Harold Willis, Tuba: Ron Stevens. Tympani: Gordon Craig. Percussion: Ernest Lighton, Bert Crawford. Harp: Adrian Bendall. Australian Broadcasting Commission; committee members. Photos: Juan Jose Castro, Cover. Joan Jones, page 4. Advertisements: QANTAS and B O A C , Qantas Empire Airways LTD. (incorporated I Queensland) in parallel with BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION. Coming orchestra dates for: Shepparton & Bendigo. Country Club, Tailored by Buckwalter. Carnegie's 'The House of Pianos'.program, theatre, orchestra, a/ victorian symphony orchestra, royal princess theatre, bendigo. direction: australian broadcasting commission. conducted by juan jose castro. soloist: donald westlake (clarinet). this series of concerts is arranged by the australian broadcasting commission in conjunction with the government of victoria. royal princess theatre, bendigo, thur., 12 nov. 8 p.m. programme. juan jose castro. which won the verdi prize award by la scala i 1952, and is now . . . analytical notes . . . orchestra. conductor: juan jose castro. associate conductor: clive douglass. first violins: bertha jorgensen (leader), harry hutchins (assistant leader), frank schieblich, norman deerson, paul o'brien, william glassford, ruth michael, alex burlakov. second violins: hyman lenzer, robert pattison, george paton, donald weekes, marie bull, harvey davis. violas: coin kerr, mischa kogan, marion ogilvie, winifred roberts. cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, samuel shiffron. flutes: richard chugg, leslie barklamb, audrey walklate. oboes: jiri tancibudek, david woolley. clarinets: thomas white, isobel carter. bassoons: roy white, gordon miller, gordon grieve, graham bickford. trumpets: mervyn simpson, john geary. trombones: stanley code, john mcgade. bass trombone: harold willis. tuba: ron stevens. tympani: gordon craig. percussion: ernest lighton, bert crawford. harp: adrian bendall. australian broadcasting commission; r j f boyer m.a., chairman. e r dawes, vice-chairman. sir john medley, kt., d.c.l., l.l.d., m.a. p vanthoff, m.v.o. the hon. dame enid lyons, g.b.e. j c stewart, m w o'donnell, b.e.c. charles moses, general manager. t s duckmanton, a./manager for victoria. dorrie o'neil, concert manager for victoria. photos: juan jose castro, donald westlake. bendigo, 1954. taa. buckwalter. gmh, the whole story from a to z. carnegie's, 106 elizabeth st. b/ soloist: joan jones (contralto). this series of concerts is arranged by the australian broadcasting commission. town hall. juan jose castro. 1953 australian season, analytical notes. personnel of the orchestra. first violins: second violins: reginald bradley. violas: cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, milinor morton. flutes:. oboes:. clarinets:, bassoons: thomas wightman, noel hunt. trumpets: standish roberts. trombones:. bass trombone:, tuba:. tympani:. percussion:. harp:. photos: juan jose castro. joan jones, qantas and b o a c , qantas empire airways ltd. british overseas airways corporation: bendigo. country club, buckwalter. carnegie's a/ victorian symphony orchestra, royal princess theatre, bendigo. direction: australian broadcasting commission. conducted by juan jose castro. soloist: donald westlake (clarinet). australian broadcasting commission government of victoria., thur., 12 nov. 8 p.m. juan jose castro. mr. castro has been conducting and holidaying in europe, and with his wife re-visited south america in italy he corrected the publisher's proofs of his opera, 'proserpina and the stranger, ' verdi prize award by la scala i 1952, .associate conductor: clive douglass. first violins: bertha jorgensen (leader), harry hutchins (assistant leader), frank schieblich, norman deerson, paul o'brien, william glassford, ruth michael, alex burlakov. second violins: hyman lenzer, robert pattison, george paton, donald weekes, marie bull, harvey davis. violas: coin kerr, mischa kogan, marion ogilvie, winifred roberts. cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, samuel shiffron. flutes: richard chugg, leslie barklamb, audrey walklate. oboes: jiri tancibudek, david woolley. clarinets: thomas white, isobel carter. bassoons: roy white, gordon miller, gordon grieve, graham bickford. trumpets: mervyn simpson, john geary. trombones: stanley code, john mcgade. bass trombone: harold willis. tuba: ron stevens. tympani: gordon craig. percussion: ernest lighton, bert crawford. harp: adrian bendall. abccommittee: r j f boyer m.a., chairman. e r dawes, vice-chairman. sir john medley, kt., d.c.l., l.l.d., m.a. p vanthoff, m.v.o. the hon. dame enid lyons, g.b.e. j c stewart, m w o'donnell, b.e.c. charles moses, general manager. t s duckmanton, a./manager for victoria. dorrie o'neil, concert manager for victoria. photos: juan jose castro, donald westlake. advertisements: notice to subscribers; annual general meeting for albury, bendigo, shepparton, for 1954. taa. country club, . gmh, b/ victorian symphony orchestra, conducted by juan jose castro, soloist: joan jones (contralto). at the end of his 1953 australian season, mr. castro is in conduct concerts in italy, paris and london, as well as being re-engaged for yugo-slavia, . analytical notes. personnel of the orchestra. associate conductor: clive douglas. first violins: bertha jorgensen (leader), harry hutchins (assistant leader), frank schieblich, norman deerson, paul o'brien, william glasford, ruth michael, alex burlakov. second violins: hyman lenzer, reginald bradley, robert pattison, donald weekes, marie bull, harvey davis violas: colin kerr, mischa kogan, marion ogilvie, winifred roberts. cellos: don howley, henri touzeau, valerie awburn, ezio neri. basses: guill fraillon, frank cerbasi, milinor morton. flutes: richard chugg, leslie barklamb, audrey walklate. oboes: jiri tancibudek, david woolley. clarinets: thomas white, isobel carter. bassoons: thomas wightman, noel hunt. trumpets: mervyn simpson, standish roberts. trombones: stanley code, john mcglade. bass trombone: harold willis, tuba: ron stevens. tympani: gordon craig. percussion: ernest lighton, bert crawford. harp: adrian bendall. australian broadcasting commission; committee members. photos: juan jose castro, cover. joan jones, page 4. advertisements: qantas and b o a c , qantas empire airways ltd. (incorporated i queensland) in parallel with british overseas airways corporation. coming orchestra dates for: shepparton & bendigo. country club, tailored by buckwalter. carnegie's 'the house of pianos'. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The family of the late Amy Isobel Huxtable thank you sincerlt for your kind thoughts sympathy which were conveyed to us in so many ways during our recent sad bereavement. Mr Robert H. Huxtable, Violet & Greg Cattanach and their family. On the back: Amy Isobel Huxatable passed away 16th January, 1980person, individual, amy huxtable -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Capital Theatre, Bendigo, Tuesday 16th August 8pm. Australian Broadcasting Commission presents Sir Bernard Heinze. Wayne Rapier - Oboe. These concerts are arranged by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in conjunction with the Government of Victoria. Articles with photos on Sir Bernard Heinze and Wayne Rapier. Annotations. Geelong A.B.C. Subscribers' Committee Members 1966, President: Me J A Brockman. Secretary: Mr J E McClelland. Committee: Miss A France, Miss E Sheridan, Mrs G Brook, Mrs W G L Cartwright, Mrs H C Fallaw, Mrs R H Hoe, Mrs E H Mackintosh, Mrs H G Marfell, Mrs G Penman, Mr and Mrs D O Davey, Mr C P S Billot, Mr Mervyn Callaghan, Mr E A Goding, Mr J L Grant, Mr R Heagney, Mr P H Larsen, Mr F Loxley, Mr N G Schulz, Mr J Phemister, Miss J Cullen. Australian Broadcasting Commission Constituted under the Broadcasting and Television Act, 1942-1965. Commissioners: J R Darling, C.M.G., O.B.E., M.A., D.C.L., (Chairman). E R Dawes, C.M.G. (Vice-Chairman). G Lowndes, O.B.E., M.S.C. H B Halvorsen, M.B.E., F.C.A., F.C.I.S. Miss Rhoda Felgate. M.B.E. J T Reid. Mrs Dorothy Edwards, O.B.E., B.A. General Manager: T S Duckmanton. Manager for Victoria: E A Whiteley, C.B.E., D.F.C., B.A. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Season of 1966) Leader of Orchestra: Leonard Dommett First Violins: Bertha Jorgenson, M.B.E. (Asst. Leader) Paul McDermott, Leon La Gruta, Milton Holden, Brian Beatty, Ronald Layton, Rudolf Osadnik. Second Violins: William Glassford (principal) Alex Burlakov, Charles Reither, Ivan Pietruschka, Robert Pattison, Percy Pledger. Violas: Paul O'Brien (Principal), Madeleine Dietrich, Eric Challinor, William Whittingham. Cellos: Marston Bate (Actg. Principal), Henry Wenig, Henri Touzeau, Valerie Awburn. Basses: Guill. Fraillon (Principal), Marijan Brajsa, John McNeilly. Flutes: Arnost Bourek, Vernon Hill, Allison Langdon. Piccolo: June Lindsay. Oboes: Norman Weiner, Edwin Denton. Cor Anglais: Nancy Simons. Clarinets: Phillip Miechel, Isobel Carter. Bass Clarinet: Eugene Danilov. Bassoons: Jos DeGroen, Rhyll Black. Contra Bassoon: Edward Stoneham. Horns: Roy White, Graham Bickford, Alex Grieve, Jack Raines. Trumpets: Mervyn Simpson, John Schmidli. Trombones: Roger Davies, Jack Glenn. Bass Trombone: John McGlade, Tuba: Ian King. Tympani: Gordon Craig. Percussion: Ernest Lighton, John Seal. Music Writer & Arranger: Robert Hughes. Librarian: Margaret Dixon. Orchestral Manager: Ross Carter. Advertising: Bendson & Hedges. Beethoven's recorded works EMI. ABC-TV Australian Playhouse. Kriesler Master Multi-Sonic. Philips.program, music, melbourne symphony orchestra, melbourne symphony orchestra, capital theatre, bendigo, tuesday 16th august 8pm. australian broadcasting commission sir bernard heinze. wayne rapier - oboe. government of victoria. articles photos sir bernard heinze wayne rapier. geelong a.b.c. subscribers' committee members 1966, president: me j a brockman. secretary: mr j e mcclelland. committee: miss a france, miss e sheridan, mrs g brook, mrs w g l cartwright, mrs h c fallaw, mrs r h hoe, mrs e h mackintosh, mrs h g marfell, mrs g penman, mr and mrs d o davey, mr c p s billot, mr mervyn callaghan, mr e a goding, mr j l grant, mr r heagney, mr p h larsen, mr f loxley, mr n g schulz, mr j phemister, miss j cullen. australian broadcasting commission constituted under the broadcasting and television act, 1942-1965. commissioners: j r darling, c.m.g., o.b.e., m.a., d.c.l., (chairman). e r dawes, c.m.g. (vice-chairman). g lowndes, o.b.e., m.s.c. h b halvorsen, m.b.e., f.c.a., f.c.i.s. miss rhoda felgate. m.b.e. j t reid. mrs dorothy edwards, o.b.e., b.a. general manager: t s duckmanton. manager for victoria: e a whiteley, c.b.e., d.f.c., b.a. melbourne symphony orchestra (season of 1966) leader of orchestra: leonard dommett first violins: bertha jorgenson, m.b.e. (asst. leader) paul mcdermott, leon la gruta, milton holden, brian beatty, ronald layton, rudolf osadnik. second violins: william glassford (principal) alex burlakov, charles reither, ivan pietruschka, robert pattison, percy pledger. violas: paul o'brien (principal), madeleine dietrich, eric challinor, william whittingham. cellos: marston bate (actg. principal), henry wenig, henri touzeau, valerie awburn. basses: guill. fraillon (principal), marijan brajsa, john mcneilly. flutes: arnost bourek, vernon hill, allison langdon. piccolo: june lindsay. oboes: norman weiner, edwin denton. cor anglais: nancy simons. clarinets: phillip miechel, isobel carter. bass clarinet: eugene danilov. bassoons: jos degroen, rhyll black. contra bassoon: edward stoneham. horns: roy white, graham bickford, alex grieve, jack raines. trumpets: mervyn simpson, john schmidli. trombones: roger davies, jack glenn. bass trombone: john mcglade, tuba: ian king. tympani: gordon craig. ernest lighton, john seal. robert hughes. margaret dixon. ross carter. bendson & hedges. emi. abc-tv australian playhouse. kriesler master multi-sonic. philips. -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell High School Form 5 1959 -- Named
Ted Gilbert, Jan Morrow, Adele Brown, Ellen McKay, Carol Pollock, Jan Punchard, Isobel Van Every, Kay Stewart, Dorothy Van Every, Lola Paulett, Alison Murdock, Sandra Faulkner, Kay Neil, Barry Lesley, Phillip Willy, Noel Reeves, Nigel Lampe, Frank Brophy, Robert Sargent, Rodney Eime, Kevin Harris, John Naylor, Frank Allen, Ron Brown.Stawell High School Students Class Photograph 1959 with Stawell High School in background.Names of Studentseducation -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Guildford Cemetery
Headstones from the Guildford Cemetery. Headstones found in the cemetery include: ALFORD Phyllis Edith ANDERSON Phyllis Mary BARASSI Guiseppi, Jemima, Ann Conolly, Carlo Guiseppi, Carlo Guiseppi BAUD Catherine Edith BIRD Axel Jackson BISHOP George F, Elizabeth Futtrel BLACKMORE Lindsay Horace, Thelma Phyllis BLIGHT Edith Ann BLINKHORN Billinge, Amy Clark BOOTH Lyn BOURKE Gordon, Margaret BRANDON Janet Annie BYATT Elizabeth CANEVASCINI Vincenzo CARTER David, Ruth Vida CARTER Frank Noel CARTER Peggy Dawn CARTER Ruth, Strutten CASLEY George Alfred CERCHI Brian Maxwell CHAPMAN Stephen Henry James COX James, Sarah DARROCH Jennifer Anne DARROCH Robert Henry, Madge Annie DAVIES Marlene Kaye DAVIS Mark Richard DELL John, Anna DELMENICO Charles David, Robina May DELMENICO Giuseppe, Margaret DELMENICO Ivy May DELMENICO Jack, Adeline Marie DELMENICO Morris Charles DELMENICO Morris Vivian, Christina DELMENICO Pasqual Levio, Mary Ann DELMENICO Victor Guildford, Daisy Evelyn DELMENICO Victor M, Catherine DELMENICO Angelina (Quadri) DERRETT Edith Ellen DERRETT John William DOWNEY C L DOWNEY John Neville ELLIS Louisa, James, Emily, Edith Mary EMMETT Elsie Victoria, Robert Gordon ENVALL Paul Persson EVANS William George EVANS Florence Jane, William George EVANS John Herbert EWIN George Alton Cedric EWIN - MARTIN Marjorie Patricia FARRELL Lawrence John FLEMING James FOLETTI James Desmond FOLETTI John, Beatrice Emily FOLETTI Joseph, Susan Juliet FOLETTI Nell FOLETTI Virginia, John Alfred FOUND Joyce Lily FOUND Laurence Charles FRANZI Ann, Guiseppi Angelo FRANZI Clifford J, Ivy I FRANZI Marjorie, Harcourt F FRANZI Norman Charles FRANZI Sydney Gladstone, Augustus Lewis FRANZI Walter Edward, Amelia Selina FRANZI Giuseppi, Mary Ann Geeves, Edgar Alberto GALLICIOTTI G D GIBSON Frank D, Irene E GILL Charles Clifford GILL Gordon E, Alma M GILL Henry J E, Jane GLEN Douglas William GLEN Heather Lynette GLEN Winifred, Robert Alexander GLEN Robert Maxwell Stuart GLEN Ronald William GREENING Alfred James, Joyce HARDING Albert HARRIS Baby daughter of Raymond and Gail HARRIS Raymond John Wright HARRIS F D, Olwen Jennett HASSELL Marian HILL Daniel, Ada Maude HILL Isobel Mary, Daniel HILL Louisa Elizabeth, Emilie Jane, Robert, Sarah Jane HILL Frederick T HOLLAND Derek Patrick HOLLAND Anthony HOWLETT Walter , Zillah May HUNTER Bruce Andrew INGRAM Florence Ada KAY Gordon F, Beatrice KELLY Margaret KIDMAN Ann, John William KIDMAN George W, Mary Ann, Charlotte, Thomas KIDMAN Mary Jane, George J, George, Robert KIMPTON Violante O, Albert KINGSLEY Elizabeth KIRKPATRICK Colin McKay KIRKPATRICK Cyril E KIRKPATRICK Israel, Maria KIRKPATRICK Roy D KIRKPATRICK William H, Margaret LEE Annie Isobel (Vosti) LEONI Amy, Celestino LEONI Rosa LOMAS Robert A MANNING Roger Fielding MARSH Anthony Joseph MARTIN Sarah Jane, Wilfred MARTINOJA Filippo, Antonio, Domenica MARTINOJA Margaret McDONALD Ronald, Doris Annie McELHINNEY David G, Charles Galbraith McELHINNEY David Lewis, Mary Dorothy McELHINNEY Emily McGARRIGLE William L McKENDRY James Henry McQUEEN Charles, Olive May MEANEY Albert John, Emma Tomsey MEGEE Kay Leonore MEIN Alma Joan MEIN Ethel Muriel MEIN Eva, Norman D MEIN Florence MEIN Leonard Alvin, Hilda Margaret MEIN Wilfred Gordon MINHINNICK James Henry, Kathleen Dorothy Rose MOLLOY Matilda Seraphina, Richard, Matilda Winifred NICHOLLS G D, William NORTH Henry NORTH Henry, Margaret, Susannah OAKFORD W OLIVER PALLOTT Ernest Hiram PASSALAQUA Albert John, Louisa Emily PASSALAQUA Frederick, Prospero, Mary Ann PASSALAQUA John Antonio PASSALAQUA Laurie, Joyce PASSALAQUA Peter Francis PASSALAQUA Ronald Francis PASSALAQUA Virginia PASSALAQUA Zoe Victoria PASSALAQUA Frank PEDLER Horace Roy, Thelma PERRY Betty May (Simms), Alan Graham PIETSCH Allan William PIETSCH Florence Annie PINCINI Venanzia (formerly Bonetti, Leoni) POOLE Harry, Beryl Lyell POWELL Mary J, John PROWSE William Hubert PYWELL Albert James RALPH George RANKIN Percy, Harriet RASMUSSEN Eileen RAY Arthur Thomas REECE Ernest, Katie ROBERTS David, Lily ROBERTS Hannah Vernon ROBINS Davina B J RUSCONI Jane, John, Carlo, Carlo, William SCOTT Marietta SEWART Isaac, Margaret SHEEN Kenneth, Louisa SIMMONDS Lance Kurt, Rachael Pamela SIMMS Leslie T, Veronica Victoria SIMMS Margaret Jane, Harold Norman SIMMS Thomas, Louisa Emily SMARK Michael Joseph SMITH Annie Ethel SMITH Leslie Victor SOUTHWOOD William, Emily Thorpe STEVENS Clarence David, Ida STEVENS Daphne Jean, Arthur STEVENS Herbert Charles STEVENS Isobel, George STEVENS John, Fanny, Sarah STEVENS Leslie, Elaine STEVENS Mary K, Samuel STEVENS Mavis Ina, Roy Clifford STEVENS Roland Oswald STEVENS Samuel STEWART Charles, Catherine, Philip STEWART Francis, Ann STEWART Francis, Delfina STEWART Francis, Mary STEWART James A, Alice STEWART Leslie William STEWART Mary Madalene STEWART William STEWART William D, Gladys Irene STREETER Margaret Eugenie STREETER W G STURGESS Alan Robert STURGESS Albert John TAYLOR T R THOMAS Lily Ann THOMPSON Edwin James THOMSON - EWIN Kimley THORNHILL Peter Charles THRUSSELL R J - wooden cross TIRINANZI Pasqual TITHER Arthur, Mary Elizabeth TOGNI Angelina May, Massimo TOGNI Mary Caroline, Antonio Battista TRACEY Jacquiline Carol TRANTER Phyllis Elsie, Benjamin Alfred TREVENA George Robert TRUDGEON Eric, Vera May TULLO George TULLO John, Catherine TULLO John, Isabella TYZACK Dorothy Edith, Thomas William Paul TYZACK Harold Gordon, Louisa Caroline TYZACK Helen Adele UDEN Dorothy UNKNOWN Ron UNWIN Edward J, Edward G T VACA Milan, Margaret Mary VERLIN Elizabeth, James VOSTI Antonio Domenico, Victoria Kate VOSTI Brian Joseph VOSTI Giovanni Antonio VOSTI Joseph Charles, Ivy Elizabeth VOSTI William Francis VOSTI Antonio Domenico VOSTI Lucinda Margaret (Keating) WALKER David, William WATSON Mary Ascot (Vosti) WERNER George William WESTBROOK Dawn Frances, Eric Ernest WHARTON Richard, Jane WHARTON Thomas, Mary WHIDBOURNE Joyce Eileen WILLOUGHBY Trevor John WOOD Caroline V, E May WOOD Edwin David, Edna Letitia WOOD Edwin, Madeline WRIGHT Margaret, Annie Jane WRIGHT Reuben, Jessie, Elijah, Olive WYLIE William Abecrombie ZEPNICK Dennyvosti, delmenico, martonoja, sellars, guidlford, guildford cemetery -
Old Castlemaine Schoolboys Association Inc.
Honour Board, Fryerstown Primary School
1926 Don’d BARRETT 1927 Harold ROWE 1928 W. B. MURLEY 1929 N. I. SAUNDERS 1930 Frank L. SMITH 1931 Paul A. JONES 1932 John F. HARDWICK 1933 James O. SYMES 1934 Kenneth JONES 1935 Dulcie E. McDONALD 1936 Eileen ROBERTS 1937 Gwen’h SCHONFELDER 1938 Fay DOLAN 1939 John ALLEN 1940 Edna THOMAS 1941 Bernard WRIGHT 1942 Hazel GUEST 1943 Charles WRIGHT 1944 Dawn KAYE 1945 Robert GUEST 1946 Allan DALTON 1947 Lance MOUNSEY 1949 Philip RODDA 1950 Marjorie HORNER 1952 James CATTLIN 1953 Milton MILLER 1954 Wendy J. HAMBLIN 1955 Isobel NOKES 1956 John CHRYSTAL 1957 Helen HAMBLIN 1958 Jennifer BARRETT 1959 Betty LANCASTER 1960 Kevin HADDOCK 1961 Patricia COLE 1962 William BARRETT 1963 Glenda HADDOCK 1965 Kaye McLEOD 1967 Gaye SAUNDERS -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A light blue document titled "Bendigo Teachers' College Graduation Ceremony 1956". Also on the front page is a list of the staff working at the college. On the inside cover is the "Significance of the Ceremony" and the "Order of the Ceremony". A welcome to visitors was given by Mr. F. M. Courtis and the Principal gave the college charge. The signing of the 'Graduation Book' was presented to Mr. A. L. Harris Inspector of Schools, by Miss J. C. Burnett. The final call of the roll for 1956 was given by Mr. C. L. Barker. Congratulations were offered by the Mayor Cr. A .S. Craig and Mr. S. J. Tongway Head Teacher of Gravel Hill State School. Finally the Occasional Address was presented by Mr. J. G. Cannon Chief Inspector of Primary Schools. The next page has a list of the "Students of 1955-56". The back page has the "Principal's Charge". Bolton Bros., Printers, Bendigo. The staff members names are Miss J. C. Burnett, Mrs. F. M. Petri, Miss G. L. Davie, Miss N. L. Hutcheson, Miss E. B. Morris, Mrs C. I. Skehan, Miss B. H. Cowling, Mr. F. M. Courtis, Mr. L. J. Pryor (Principal), Mr. C. L. Barker, Mr. M. Brown, Mr. T. J.McCabe, Mr. G. W. D. Boyd, Mr. N. J. Taylor, Mr. L. A. Hall, Mr. R. L. Strauch and Mr. G. S. Poulsen. The graduating students are - Margaret Carolyn Allinson, Robert Eric Allison, Diane Backhouse, Mary Elizabeth Barbour, Patricia Mary Blake, Peter Brian Cook, Edgar Vincent Crampton, Heather Lorraine Dalrymple, Josephine Margaret Delle Vergini, Roy Stanislaus Dickson, Margaret Isobel Diss, Barry Edwards, Margaret Lorraine Edwards, Edith Dawn Ellis, Graeme Leslie Evans, Dorothea Helen Farrell, Maureen Margaret Forrester, Roma June Hamilton, Carmel Catherine Hart, Esma Olive Haw, Margaret Helen Hogben, Beverley Norwood Hutchinson, Ronald Ireland, Edith Dawn Ireson, Joy Amelia Jeffrey, Valerie Margaret Jones, Noel Charles Kilby, Maxene Shirley King, Dorothy Lorraine Lee, Maxwell John Lovelace, Marie Joan Madin, Margaret Mary Mannes, William Daniel Manson, Janice Renyra Martin, Margaret Dawn Merlo, Anne Mills Moodie, Garry Norman Muller, Janice Nancy McKean, Ronald Walter McKendrick, Norma Maud Neal, Trevor Raymond Oakley, Bruce Peake, Marjorie Peile, Elaine Margaret Plant, Helen Rae Rawiller, Lynette Theresa Reid, Philip William Eric Reid, Geoffrey Rolf Richards, Margaret Rodgers, Anne Marie Sanders, Kenneth Maxwell Sargeant, Pamela Marie Saunders, Jessica Evelyn Scoones, Jean Neilson Shadforth, Beverley Mabel Slade, Nancye Elizabeth Smith, Margaret Eleanor Speers, Elizabeth Stewart, Leon Maurice Thompson, Margaret Gwen Till, Maureen Alma Trimble, George Walter Vincent, John Fairbank Phillip Waddington, Joyce May Walker, Austin Edward Walsh, Anne Elizabeth Warman, Raymond Henry Way, Dorothea Lillian Wearne, Aileen Margaret Weeks, Gordon Raymond Williams, Janice Margaret Wood, Doreen Amelia Worsnop and Marie Ethel Wright.bendigo, education, bendigo teachers' college graduatio, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo teachers' college, bendigo, education, teaching, teachers, students, bendigo teachers' college staff, bendigo teachers' college students, tertiary education, teacher training, history, graduation, graduation ceremony, graduates, graduands -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Artists II (Kew), 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationKHS OrderThe second of two reference files on artists in Kew, this file including research and printed copies of a publication by Elizabeth Mackie, ‘The Artists of Kew’ (self-published 1981 - ISBN 0 9594081 0 X). The publication is attached to this record as a PDF file, but it should be noted that copyright is still held by the descendants of the author, but may be used and quoted for research purposes. One of the copies in the file of the publication is an ex-library copy and includes an index. The other unpublished material/research is held in copyright by the Kew Historical Society Inc. The files include descriptions, addresses and or dates relating to artists mentioned in the file. Within the file, there is also detailed correspondence and notes from and relating to Gwen Walker, Marguerete Mahood, Stanley Ballard, and Kathlyn Margaret Ballard. Index - ‘The Artists of Kew’ (Mackie E, 1981): Louis Abrahams, Edith Alsop, William Nichols Anderson, Louis Anquetin, Dorothy Baker, Alice [Marion Emily] Bale, Kaye Ballard, Stan Ballard, George Bell, Leila Bell, Charles Bennett, A Bolam, Shirley Bourne, Arthur Boyd, John Brack, Louis Buvelot, Donald Cameron, Robert Camm, Sir Hugh Casson, S Cochrane, Alexander Colquhoun, Amalie Colquhoun, Archibald D Colquhoun, Beatrice Colquhoun, Elizabeth Colquhoun, George Colville, Charles Conder, Colin Coulihan, Noel Counihan, David Cox, Sir William Dargie, Isobel Davies, Miss De Mole, L Dunn, Frank Emery, Albert Enes, Alma Figuerola, W H Fitchett, Paul Fitzgerald, George Frederick Folingsby, E Phillips Fox, William Frater, John Frith, Miss Fullwood, Alistair Cameron Gray, Harley Griffiths, Gilda Gude, Nornie Gude, Dora Hake, Elsie Bernard Hall, Robert Hannaford, John Hassell, Carl Hempel, Harold Herbert, June Hobart, Kenneth Jack, Jean Jeffery, Cliff Judge, Lois Kahan, William Kearney, Percy Leason, Bastien Le Page, J Lewis, Norman Lindsay, Percy Lindsay, Sir John Longstaff, John Loxton, Arthur Loureiro, Gordon McCrae, Frederick McCubbin, Herchfield Mack, Alan Martin, Karlis Mednis, Max Meldrum, Bertha Merfield, Anne Montgomery, David Moore, Lillian Morrison, Carl Nelson, Sydney Nolan, Ambrose Patterson, Lawrence Scott Pendelbury, John Percival, John Perry, W Pinderson, Marie Pinschoff, John Piper, J Reverdy, Tom Roberts, James Robertson, John Russell, Jan Hendrik Scheltema, Arnold Shore, Joseph Simpson, Joy Stewart, Sir Arthur Streeton, Jane Sutherland, Ruth Sutherland, Evelyn Syme, Eric Thake, Isobel Thorn, Albert Tucker, Tudor St George Tucker, Isobel Tweddle. Other artists noted in file include: Marguerete Mahood, Leopoldine Mimovich, Julius Wentscher, Tina Wentscher, Sigismonde Zacutti, Napier Waller, Percy Gair, Stuart Warmington, Len Annois, Margaret Baskerville, Clara Southern, Andre Maszaros, Michael Maszaros, Walter Withers, Edith Ussher, Arthur Wills, Douglas Annand, and Gwen Walker.artists - kew (vic)artists - kew (vic) -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Photograph - Portrait, Reg V Brock, Mrs R. Poulston Mayoress 1949 - 50, 1954 - 55, c 1950
Prior to the election of female Councillors and Mayors in the 1960’s, The Lady Mayoress role was one of the few ways women could officially undertake civic duties. Mayoresses made important contributions to their local communities through their charity work and as ambassadors for their region on a state and federal level. They also undertook some Mayoral duties on occasions if if their husband was unavailable. Mayoress Poulston was born Dora Isobel Morgan and was actively associated with many charities including the Baby Health Centre. Mayoress Poulston died in 1965 aged 75 and was born and lived her entire life in the district. Framed, oval photographic studio portrait. Hand coloured detail.ll, Reg Brock / of Bendigo. lr, Mrs R. Poulston / Mayoress / 1949 - 1950 / 1954 - 1955dora morgan, dora poulston, reg brock photographer, robert poulston, city of bendigo mayoress, city of greater bendigo portrait -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, J.A. Hoskin & Son, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1945, 1945
List of Full Course Students' 1945, Editorial, Editor's Notes, News and Notes, End of the War 1939-1945, Obituary, The Literary Society, The Chemical Nature of Women, Fumes from the Lab, Forests - Our Asset and Responsibility, Arts & Crafts Gossip, Sports, Commercial Notes, The Junior TechsMaroon cover with, blue, green and gold lettering, soft covered magazine of 72 pages including advertisements. Artwork Mr Calder - By Eda Woodfield Miss Williams - By Ruth Mole Basil - By Beatrice Burgess Roy - By Eda Woodfield Mac - By Gweneth Speirs Joll - By Marjorie Gray Doug - By Ruth Mole View from the cutters hut - By Marion Beckwith Mr Fairbank - By Ruth Mole Perc - By Ruth Mole Peter - By Eda Woodfield Fritz - By Joan Walter On the track to the cutter's hut - By Joan Walter The cutter's hut - By Ruth Mole Gertie - By Marjorie Gray Bombhead - By Ruth Mole Gwen - By Francis Duffy Marje - By Ruth Mole David - By Joan Walter Skeeter - By Joan Walter Ewan - By Ruth Mole Blue - By Neville Reeve Stanley - By Joan Walter George - By Joan Walter Vic - By Beatrice Burgess Gladys - By Eda Woodfield Olwyn - By Beatrice Burgess Valda - By Beatrice Burgess Betty - By Eda Woodfield June - By Eda Woodfield Stella - By Beatrice Burgess Verna - By Eda Woodfield Valerie - By Eda Woodfield June - By Beatrice Burgess Dorothy - By Joan Walter Beryl - By Joan Walter Noreen - By Ruth Mole Pat - By Joan Walter Valma - By Eda Woodfield Graham - By Gweneth Speirs Johnny - By Joan Walter Charlie - By Beatrice Burgess Raynor - By Marjorie Gray George - By Marjorie Gray Darkie - By Ruth Mole Duck - By Beatrice Burgess Robert - By Ruth Mole William - By Gweneth Speirs Basil - By Joan Walter Wilson - By Joan Walter Schoolbeck - By Ruth Mole Duck Weed - By Eda Woodfield Bas - By Beatrice Burgess Albert - By Ruth Mole ballarat school of mines, magazine, g. curtis, p. edmonds, kevin j. whiter, david t. coburn, peter j. wilson, john k. leicht, douglas d.g. dean, frank d. daykin, grace lawry, p. maloney, j. mckenzie, percival d. fisher, stanley s. parker, beatrice e. burgess, roy e. mawby, roma sudoltz, peter h. marxsen, lois reynolds, robert j. mckenzie, w. coad, marion a. beckwith, john g. procter, gweneth. speirs, neville f. reeve, dr pound, c. fairbank, f. g. procter, jeanette perkins, john w. jolly, m. berlyn, c. g. fairbank, bill f. carroll, marjorie gray, f. n. reeve, joan waller, winifred m. beckwith, isobel murfett, frank daykin, joy martin, max coward, jack henderson, joe wilkinson, alan wilson, muriel harland, m. fogarty, sylvia williams, t. r. thomas, john p. l. gibbs, t. mccartney, a. s. richards, p. crosby, h. middlin, mr cornell, lois kinnersley, margaret murrell, ouida worthington, i. murfett, ruby gladman, john m. blainey, mina gallie, miss darby, p. moloney, v. eva, lester w. roffey, robert f. swales, john e. ambrosio, mr hillman, neville r. morton, basil j. marshall, lloyd lehmann, lindsay s. pattenden, john middlin, alfred e. temby, a. hyett, willaim g. young, kingsley r. bremmer, william j. hewitt, geoffrey f. stevens, n. black, lucy cooper, valma overall, evelyn ditchfield, b. lancaster, miriam horsey, lorraine saunders, n. hoffman, audrey fry, robert j. murell, colin a. bell, ewan c. jones, d. powell, william j. llewllyn, kenneth s. lindsay, nola dridan, patricia gleeson, winifred stevens, mary cummins, b. sherritt, alison johnson, b. conway, b. vallins, k. dowall, m. grinham, k. eberhard, c. lea, k. george, a. coad, c. eltringham, w. allan, m. silvey, f. jacobson, l. clifton, r. sargent, w. caldow, g. pyke, g. bergin, k. dean, r. bennett, k. hoffman, a. kerr, h. sealey, d. mcconville, p. nunn, d. halson, l. frichot, g. smith, m. mcdonald, w. hon, r. irving, l. drake, c. gedye, g. jukes, a. new, a. smith, k. weybury, c. wilson, p. banfield, a. hughes, g. yeoman, eda woodfield, francis duffy -
Merbein District Historical Society
Photograph, Merbein Girl Guide Company, Mid 1930's
joyce bennett, betty baines, dorothy nice, peggy moulsdale, ida mcginnes, jean blaby, isobel chislett, joyce elmitt, shirely brown, june westerbeck, gwen roberts, irene hopkins -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
A light green document titled "Bendigo Teachers' College Graduation Ceremony 1961". The front page also contains a list of the staff working at the college. They are Mr. S. H. Walters (Principal), Miss J. C. Burnett, Mrs. N. F. Fawdry, Mrs. F. M. Petri, Miss R. E. Manlein, Mrs. D.J. Andrew, Mrs. B. F. Hughes, Miss K. Alexander, Mrs. D. M. Philpott, Miss B. H. Cowling, Mrs. A. J. Coleman, Mr. W. D. Kolle, Mr. F. M. Courtis, Mr. D. A. Newbury, Mr. J. H. Masterton, Mr. C. L. Barker, Mr. T. J. McCabe, Mr. F. G. East, Mr. P. F. Fitzpatrick, Mr. D. O'Brien, Mr. W. J. F. Bernoth, Mr. R. L. Strauch, Mr. M. A. James, Mr. R. E. Wittman, Mr. C. F. Houston, Mr. J. R. R. McLeod, Mr. G. G. Woodfield and Mr. K. C. Coles. The inside cover contains the "Significance of the Ceremony" and "Order of the Ceremony". Mr. F. M. Courtis welcomed the visitors and the Principal read the College Charge. The 'Graduation Book' was presented to Mr. A. L. Harris, Inspector of Schools, by Miss J. C. Burnett. Mr. C. L. Barker presented the 1960-1961 T.P.T.C. graduates to the Principal and Mrs. N. F. Fawdry presented the 1959-1961 T.I.T.C. graduates. Congratulations were offered by the Mayor of Bendigo Cr. F. W. Clayton, J.P. the President of Strathfieldsaye Shire, Cr. G.T. Gleeson and Mr. C. Campbell Head Teacher and Golden Square State School. The Occasional address was presented by Mr. E.C. Kreiger the Assistant Chief Inspector of Primary Schools. The following page contains a list of "Students of 1959-1961 Trained Infant Teacher's Certificate" - Bronwyn Mary Anthony, Helen Rose Argall, Betty Gay Ashby, Edna Rose Attewell, Barbara Christine Bailey, Barbara Isabelle Banfield, Cathleen Mary Banko, Kathleen Margaret Beard, Barbara Anne Beck, Mavis Lynette Brock, Cecily Joan Callister, Kathleen Mary Comer, Alison Jane Currie, Nola Curtis, Margaret Ellen Dowd, Jenifer Lorraine Every, Margaret Jane Ewing, Marie Therese Farrell, Linsey Jean Ferguson, Margaret Esther Fisher, Jean Margaret Fraser, Margaret Ruth Hallett, Elsie Frances Hamilton, Janice Ann Hutchinson, Judith Anne Knopp, Jennifer Mary Ruth Layton, Evelyn Jeanette McKean, Pamela Margaret McMahon, Astrid Norma Magnusson, Jennifer Ann Major, Elaine Joy Maple, Margaret Mary Morrow, Maureen Agnes O'Brien, Geraldine Anne O'Connor, Wendy Nanette O'Neill, Pamela Elsie Parker, Margaret Parslow, Lynette Margaret Pearce, Diane Olive Pell, Gladys Pope, Denise Helen Margaret Potter, Yvonne Joy Puckey, Georgina Mary Rodda, Margaret Agnes Schmidt, Barbara Marion Dorothy Stanton, Rosemary-ann Tipple, Penelope Ann Wallace and Nola Vivienne Williamson. A copy of "Goethe's Nine Essentials for Contented Living" followed this list of students. The back page has a list of the "Students of 1960-1961 Trained Primary Teacher's Certificate" - Ian Roy Aitken, Laurence James Aitken, Daryl Lewis Allemand, Raymond Thomas Arthur, Allan John Attwood, Peter Donald Bavinton, Graham John Bayles, Barry John Cameron, Margaret Suesan Chapman, Elizabeth Rae Clark, Kenneth Clarence Collins, Gavin Ernest Collinson, Terrance Richard Cook, Alan James Daniel, Peter Charles Derrick, Retford John Reuben Dettmann, John William Dicker, Judith Margaret Edwards, Donald Bertram Elshaug, David Forrester, Rodney Robert Foy, Clare Denise Frigerio, Colin David Gaylard, Barry Alexander Gemmell, Anne Isobel Godward, Peter Rodney Goode, John Jefferson Goold, John James Goonan, Ann Merilyn Hamilton, Thelma Grace Hartland, Jennifer Iris Hartvigsen, Bernice Joy Holland, Christopher John Hunt, Marjorie Catherine Iddles, Colin James Jenkins, Darryl Allan Jobling, Marcia Lillette Johnson, Albert Jordon, Janet Laurel Kennedy, John Joseph Kennedy, Malcolm James Kennedy, Frances Marjorie Leach, John Edward Lewis, Ivan James McCarrey, Kerry Francis McCartney, Graeme John McKean, Ian Hamilton McLean, David George Martin, John Russell Meers, Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, Ian Malcolm Morley, Campbell Frederick Muller, Noni Clare Murphy, Patricia Marie Murphy, Anne Mustey, Pauline Elizabeth Norman, Janice Anne North, Joan Margaret O'Callaghan, Margaret Mary O'Connor, William James Ovenden, Gordon Richard Patterson, Lawrence George Pattinson, Marcia Nancy Penrose, Judith Elaine Plant, Peter Alwyn Neville Aloysius Pritchard, Janice Yvonne Reid, David Barry Richards, William Clifford Richards, Geoffrey Roy Rodwell, Glenese Theresa Shanahan, Elizabeth Mary Shaw, Ian Russell Stapleton, Beverley Adeline Stevenson, Ronald John Stone, Nicholas Henry Sulinski, Daryl John Tatt, Brendan Joseph Tinkler, Roy Hamilton Trimble, Kenneth Graham Utber, Beverley June Vickers, Melva Elaine Vinnicombe, John Cornforth Waldron, Bruce Henry Walker, Frederick Robert Weight, Norman James West, Geoffrey Arthur Wigg, Lynette Patricia Wilkinson, Valiant Roy Wojtkiw, Janice Rae Woodcock, Peter Joseph Woods, Aleathea Nola Wootton and Susanne Katherine Yeamanbendigo, education, bendigo teachers' college graduatio, la trobe university bendigo collection, collection, bendigo teachers' college, bendigo, education, teaching, teachers, students, bendigo teachers' college students, bendigo teachers' college staff, tertiary education, history, graduates, graduands, book, teacher training, graduation ceremony -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Isobel Antoinette McDonagh
Isobel Antoinette McDonagh (her first name also spelled Isabel, Isabell, Isabella) was born in Jamaica in 1847, a daughter of Robert & Antoinette McDonagh. In 1851, in Ireland, Isobel and her sister Jane were orphaned after both their parents died within a few months of each other. In 1855 Isobel and her sister came to Australia with their uncle John McDonagh and his wife Martha (née Mathews). Following the death in childbirth of her sister Jane in 1878, Isobel married her brother-in-law Frederick William Mitchell in 1881. She was the mother of Frederick William Mitchell, Robert Harold Mitchell, Albert Earnest Mitchell, Ida Olive Mitchell and Lillian (or Lily) Isabell Mitchell.Painted/modified black and white photograph which has been printed on glass, depicts a young lady with hair drawn back from face and worn in a bun or chignon at the back, wearing a dark coloured dress with a high neck and some trimming on bodice and sleeves. A narrow frill of white lace(?) is visible above the collar. Afterwards Mrs. Frederick Mitchell Several pages from a book have been pasted onto the back of the glass on which the photograph is printed. There is some writing in pencil (arithmetic calculation?) across these pages.isobel antoinette mcdonagh, isobel antoinette mitchell -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Glen Huntly State School No.3703 Grange Road
A 190 page book called The Story So Far 1914-2009 – The History of Glen Huntly Primary School No.3703, by Shirley A. Mriams. The book gives a very detailed history of the school’s early history. It includes head teachers/principals and the school’s progress through each decade to 2009. The remaining chapters give 2009 student roll call, citizenship awards, house competition awards, music awards, sporting awards, encouragement, swimming and musical productions, notable past students and teachers, bibliography and sponsors. There are many photos and school plans as well.glen huntly, glen huntly primary school, glenhuntly primary school, mirams shirley a., glenhuntly printing works, printing industry, from the earth fruit and veg., glenhuntly state school, greengrocers, king stephen, king design, alessi libby, principals, mcgowan keith, radio broadcasting, hunt sydney, forbes c., ramsay m., primary schools, glenhuntly state school, jenkin william, bryant a., orames mr, morrison r., christensen t., doggett j., rogers a., fink r., terrill f., mitchell j., cravine e., mcrae w., cooper l., chernside c., silva a.j., dolphin w., crampton colin, wilson wendy mrs, glenhuntly road, glen huntly, clerk's estate, subdivisions, glen huntly clerk's settlement, carnegie school no. 2897, world war 1914-1918, gardens, mothers clubs, world war 1939-1945, poliomylitis, rural training school, traffic signals, films, 'slow bike race', parents and friends association, after school program, fires, 'links' magazine, choirs, disadvantaged schools program, school plays, 'germs', 'garden folk', festivals and celebrations, japanese internship program, 'kids in space', 'dragon girl', 'fish 'n' ships', murals, wendy wilson music award, fetes, lord reserve, carnegie, australian natives association, congregational chuch sunday school hall, martell e miss, garden avenue, grange road, salvation army halls, halls, glenhuntly road, wanalta road, williamson alex, williamson jean, williamson gordon mccrae, school rolls, le brocq john, cockfield douglas r., grogan allen, mathiesson edward, johnston ronald frank, harris george, money neil robert, fraser eric, munro john, hyland hector thos., gibson wilfred john, eliason francis, scarles john robert, wallace andrew, henning george frederick, maryson sydney, petherbridge c., whitfield j., edward lee, queen alexander, carnegie state school, madden frank sir, parliamentary representatives, bank of new south wales, charles ernest, wallace andrew james, hunt chas. hogarth, williams stanley f., tester thomas george, henstridge john, henstridge reginald, johnston travis andrew, nixon alexander, lewis victor, dalton john, arthurs violet grace, browning leslie george, carroll eric harry, dobson keith george, evans george w.m., eyres annie may, hogg lillian, hunt alfred w.m., johnson henry, jones dorothy minnie, love helvic agnes, lyons gordon, lyons vera, parsons eric robert, dickens gordon percy, smith elva beatrice, harry david, westcott harold norton, westcott ormond chs., bremner marie, entertainers, williamson alex mccrae, ransay albert, caulfield town hall, green ethel, hawthorn alice, reynolds emma a., potter thelma, potter phyllis, anderson elsie m., girdwood stella, bastin may, murphy dorothy g., southern mary, mcleod gwen, ezard gladys m., hood emily vera, thorne eileen isobel, robinson noel, monckton marjorie, mrs hannigan's tuckshop, foley children, lord mr., bladin francis, tomlinson jean, jenkins vern, williamson jean, forty alan, rhinefield mr, bennett mary, brabham laurel, swain george, reynolds mille, gill harry, williamson g., cockfield winifred, baird beth, king elsie, challman miss, glen huntly 'drum and file' school band, larkin aircraft supply company, sugarworks swamp, lemans swamp, lyons streets, morgan streets, miller street, lizars linda, brown allan sir, hurie gladys, simpson peggy, royal ave., garden ave., tennis courts, lander h.j., castledine f.r., henning a.s., glen huntly progress association, harboard joan, mullins mr, pountney dorothy, daley beryl, marching clubs, findlay joyce, green lionel, charles ern, bennett mary, shelter sheds, blanchfield mr bakers, donoald mr grocers, walburn rhoda, harris shirley, treyvaud mr, hale maxwell, painter ken, allan mr ('fatty'), proven mr, ross mrs, nye margaret, nally ware beaker, monuments and memorials, graham bruce, 'bulldog drummond', learmonth mary, bullock margaret, o'shea annie, tattersall dawn, jenkins betty, lighton robert, bruce peter, love grace, love family, judd margery, gardiner elsie, gardiner sadie, glen eira dairy, vanston dorothy, barton cynthia, tipping mr, drummond mr, hambly chrissy, shrives kathleen, hutton beverly, miller kenneth deering, callender mr bakers, cook miss, nunn john athlete, andrews ailsa (nee mcgregor), fraser wally, vickers madeline, vickers john, scanlon mr, malcolm miss, brown barbara (nee holland), pepper miss, burns miss, mclaren miss, beadman jim athletics, robinson noel, crompton neal sportsperson, wilkinson graham, neilson ray, byers barry, bryant tony referee, murray bob, burton pam, pappas george, burke b. mrs, neville street, smith harvey, o'donnell mrs, kivlighon mr, grierson wendy, evans yvonne, squires doreen, squires kathy, jenvey stewart, baxter john, coenen eddie maintenance workers, byrne carol, williams pamela, zari austin (nee coenen), furney janet, dodds mrs, mitchell j., bell r., forsyth e. miss, mitchell neil, radio broadcasting, burke m., boatman r., garfield d., harris e. mrs, sherman m. mrs, carolan e., gunthorp b., barnes john, barnes joan, ellis christine, kossatz mr, black miss, lader mrs, franghis peter, parnell dennis, revens ester, young vivian, mclean bernice, tattersal lorna, geddes rae, hocking malcolm, cusworth peter, christie glenn, watt richard, conway gred, hand graham, mcgowan e., parnell j., mcguire n, hare john, prest margaret, forrester david, mitchell eric, cordingley mrs, waterworth mr, cohen mr, rankin fiona, christiansen mr, boatman mr, dougan mrs milkbars, dougan barry, suttie richard, parnell bruce, silverman judy, king jenny, saxon sally, king nicolette, maxwell heather, saxon jill, vincent russell, saxon rosemary, murray bob, saxon david, miller bill, hill sally-ann, hesline sandra, raspberger cynthia, nightingale mrs district remedial centre, smith mrs, district language consultant, robertson gabrielle, mclennan matthew, goloub kin lyn, jarrett mavis, schafer dianne, commerford pip, mcdougall carlene, anderson jack, hawthorne russell, callahan evelyn, zagami maria, bremner elizabeth, braun tiki, berman claudine, briggs margaret, brady sue, shaw melissa, henham ravena, cooper tania, de abrev connie, brodie joanne, macdonald leighan, mccallum margaret, beddoe john, mcdonald mr council employee, clift andrew, ash steven, lowndes nerida, wysocki b., drough h., grossbard j., locke j., cox l., morey l., clifton p., short b., herszberg n., clift debbie, fuk michael, theodosopoulos haria, shrives jean (nee tomlison), forty alan, geiger irit, roach sally, hillis rachael, roache donna, dixon wendy, bayliss curtis, pregnall joy mrs, slocum mrs, nelson glenda, rubinstein morrie, lurkey dianne, mcminn michael, arneil barbara, mick rose, mell and alice, brayton andrea, moorhead k. rev, brownhill e., lolas heather mrs, regan bernie cleaner, hopkins a. mrs, dewar leon, school crossings, darak diana, eddey diana, pregnall max, eppinger rosy, stacy paul, douvitsas chris, maycock kelly, bunyan liza, johansen eva, siaosi jackie, don kerrie, smyth ruth, bruce julie, mcgregor lorraine, mcallister peter, nelson g., knight sue, mackey s., mackinnon julie, mccallum margaret, johannsen j., herzberg n., hall k, jarrett m., johns w., beddoe john, wilson w., dayble l., thomas helen, ogura etsuko, coxon diane, guttman emmy, garg sangeeto, kennedy robyn, coleman heidi, thompson vic, currie sioux, arnold eve mrs, beddoe mr, mckay sara, skilney tamara, zent mandy, sassos eugenia, manvel bill, lewis pam, rothstadt kaye, clerehan jane, watson simon, daw josie, strong helen, craig caroline, devasagayam kenny, bell peter, palanarezuk fiona, suttie mitchell, mirians shirley, prest marg, condon gabrielle, pitkin sigrid, wilson heather, don paul, thursfield william, footballers, ormond junior football club, rothstadt david, bruce julie, fallu jackie, patterson denise, trantor debbie, nakamura nozomi, christensen tanya, james-clark spencer, eppinger rosy, matsumoto minako, osborne cheryle, john beddoe meritorious sporting student award, sunderland pippa, schleiger emma, paulusz chris, hollingworth kyle, griffiths david, cooper cameron, jewel andrew, nannegaril (nick) abhishek, marshall joel, hodden leigh, meyer tony, te hennepe michael, zimbachs trent, chavili praveen, listmangof mark, sampson tim, sayfer daniel, mest jack, crampton colin, crampton andrew, hemming beth, dean deirdre, wong melissa, arneil christopher, friedman adam, sonnberger leonie, mackey suzanne, clarke heather, fernando gyan, horvath eva, horvath melissa, horvath natalie, rowe rebecca, taylor yani, robinson tess, nolan rebecca, hollingworth mamie, trigellis-smith anna, zhou cindy, jenvey olivia, smith yasminka, hemming caitlin, gale elke, johnson christopher, dalton lyndsay, perish james, seddon anna, webster teagan, stratford sachi, zhuang yvette, taylor katherine, tettennepe simon, hu kevin, thursfield oliver, beycher sonny, gavland angelene, fotopoulos daisy, mcclelland letty, king sierra, sargeant kolly, hodden melissa, picking kate, brasic lisa, mcclelland cassie, cummins alexandra, jamieson laura, cashen lanaya, rowe angela, georgiou jonathon, pejovic maja, luv aileen, hoskin yumika, bishop amy, tweed jacqueline, corrales mariana, williams kendall, jewell bethany, friedman sara, golden phoebe, mellios lauren, sayfer charlene, bell daniel, glagovski anton, ring hannah, aldred jasmin, sisson laura, king janine, allen robbie, taylor xavier, trigellis-smith colin, italia paula, tamura naoko, eddy diane, paterson denise, clarke heather, hemming beth, wilson wendy, wallace gaye, moore denis, plumb rochellee, schmauder debra, taylor kathrine, gale elke, taylor yani, sisson laura, fotopoulos daisy, zuccala lyn, smith phyllis, katz lily, sonnberger leonie, quail janine, prest margaret, zhang karen, indukuri gita, prest duncan, prest julieann, dureau sally, hopkins anna, baligod imelda, fallon kerry, bjelanovic danijela, james-clark laura, magnani lisa, phillips kathy, bell hilary, bakshi jasmeet, james-clark spencer, james-clark mason, james-clark stella, fitzgerald kerrie, krawze kamila, czech jon, lee maria, boell jacqueline, schmauder debra, georgiou martha, randles yvonne, smyth ruth, florrimell sean, ryan patrick, rossjohn sian, eppinger rosy, melenhurst bradley, melenhurst ashley, melenhurst christopher, silva katie, richards michael, garner jenny, bucher peter, gleitzman morris author, zhou jun, cook andrew, memorial services, funerals, wendy wilson hall, rossjohn jamie, earls tom, nicholls stephanie, vagner natasha, anderson pam, hall aileen, grose jenny, dalton sue, bejers maya, paterson denise, witte david, lath natalie, dalmau jessica, darras irene, miljus max, moritmitsu ran, zhou yida, barns sue, varbaro bianco, howell alan, lath miss, jacobs john, tinetti amy, maloney matthew, petrovic vida, bruce julie, bonner angie, porter ros, hill andrea, hocking hazel, jozsa zara, wishart jan, guyer noeline, powell bruce, hopkinson judy, mccrae glenys, mccrae beverly, james margot, barns tony, barns joan, ryan ann artist, jenek alex, jozsa olivia, woods caitlin, ledda daniel, cook andrew, rossjohn bevan, aunavarapu ashray, loveas paul, beiers mariel, allan gemma, squires rhoda, squires garry, squires terry, squires lesley, squires rhonda, squires doreen, squires peter, squires kathy, king sierra, king tynan, king mackenzie, king harrison, king shuyler, allen robbie, allen jessica, allen samantha, dale sheridan, dale caroline, dale elliot, dale taylor, dale clark, woodards carnegie auctioneers, roberts ruth, mckenzie's ward, glenhuntly fruit supply, ceudet and kubeyde, subway glenhuntly, alessi libby mrs, manuel bill mr, bruce julie ms, jacobs john mr, paterson denise mrs, thompson vic mr, sonnberger leonie mrs, sassos eugenia mrs, witte david mr, krauze maila ms, tinetti amy ms, bower jessica mrs, fitzgerald kerrie mrs, eppinger rosie mrs, vagner natasha mrs, zent mandy mrs, james-clark laura mrs, fallon kerry mrs, grose jenny mrs, bonner angie mrs, miriams shirley mrs, petrovic vida mrs, maloney matthew mr, bakshi jameet mr, smyth-kinyua ruth mrs, fitzpatrick tom mr, watson scott mr, theodore kate ms, porter ros ms, hill andrea ms, howell alan mr, schauder emma mrs, jozsa george mr, bitmead claire mrs, bader linda ms, jacobs john mr, bhuteja raza, rossjohn bevan, christensen lara, dale clark, chong aldwin, barns-dunne genevieve, guy cleo, georgiou demetrius, allen gemma, arunachalam elanthendral thiruavani, chau samantha, foldvari miro, gade saathvika, ghafari mohid, jones alvin, korres johnny, margaritis evan, pickering finley, schauder daniel, shah hisha, shermis-fox dalvin, thorat sahil, zhong emma, arunkumar mitali, baxi vaasu, bhadra rushil, chevalier stefanie, bitmead rose, cooper brittany, jozsa zara, croes sonny, gil harnoor, koika akito, gitein iris, matthews benjamin, moses lior, gupta anushka, nematy keanu, jaiswal sanjana, makwana yash max milius, o'donoghue romy, patel vishesh, nalamati anushka, paul aaron, obsioma jarred, pavlich nicola, rizk taran, schauder ben, shah vansh, stuart isobel, yadavalli sriprada, sharma shreya, tut nyajania, zhao max, abeyesekerea gail, attanayake nikeesha, behl shaurya, desai noopur ankoor, espinosa daphne, kansara kesha, kantheti sai rithvik, malakar ishan, manion freya, mohammed zoheb, morimitsu ran, moshe sarit, peri varsha, reutskiy yael, ryan harrison, shah jahanvi, wallis hannah, woods liam, bhuteja raza, belyuga lachlan, chen linda, bikovsky alexander, das sanchali, bitmead william, ghafari malaika, cherukuihota ritish, jenek alex, chintala aditi, lvovsky jeremy, dumnounkan nicky, mazzocchi ashleigh, el shorbagy hanna, mohammed zeeshan, foldvari phoebe, nekkadapu prava, gill armann, obsioma joseph, harper tyler, pickering jasper, kanapathippillai noah, pronina anja, kat jemma, pudikova veronika, king schuyler, reutskiy nicole, nikitin daniel, rossjohn bevan, o'connor finnian, schauder hannah, parsons zoe, shaked natalie, shang alexander, sharmila ajit aaditya arya, shulz david, siah sunny, singh gab, woods caitlin, wallis eliza, yang jee, zhong michelle, zhang alan, zhou stella, zhang betty, arjuna vicknan, arunachalam thirumagal, bahambhani yog, christensen lara, dale clark, hoenig tess, jozsa olivia, knelle louise, kwon minchol, lin angelina, milyus sophie, modi dhriti, morimitsu rin, moses nikol, noh yuhan, raghav devrath, rule darcy, tran cindy, trivedi namit, vayenas christina, vaz adonis, vortman david, allan liam, annavarapu ashrey, attanayake akeshi, capicchiano rose, chilakamarri nikhil, davis oliver, forti kate, guo maggie, guy cleo, james zoe, jenek ada, kalra pravav, king harrison, lin angelo, lin anita, melenhorst bradley, melenhorst christopher, metzler jessica, moses tomer, perelman michael, ryan patrick, wheatley nathaniel, allen gemma, bailey crystal-lee, gan tina, georgiou demetrius, ghafari kainat, grigorian nick, hackshaw chris, howell benjamin, kuznetsov ilya, luo eileen, luo elaine, margaritis mary-anne, melenhorst ashley, morimitsu rui, omer-cooper james, ozgur batuhan, salathiel matthew, vayenas paulina, wang qi wei, ward monica, arabena. brittany, bader-mcdowell alexander, barns-dunne genevieve, beiers mariel, chilcott rose, chong aldwin, cook andrew, dale taylor, dalton eamon, durant demeke, horn jade, iker korkhan, kat mariana, kwon so hyun, ledda daniel, loucas paul, panchal rajvi, ragozin vadim, reyer emma, song alex, varbara sovan, zhou james, robertson angela, henkul roland, hannagan cassie, rice elizabeth, ryan tammy, stacey paul, mason rebecca, ammendola marcella, moore m., copey n., priesner m., cotterell d., cohn adam, don paul, don kerrie, hanley alison, mckechnie brian, gowland rebecca, te hennepe daniel, schleiger emma, zimbachs trent, rowe rebecca, taylor katherine, beycher sonny, halliburton andrew, dureau thomas, dureau nicole, thursfield alexandra, allen courtney, willis isabelle, zhou jun, james-clark stella, melky michelle, willis ruby, earls tom, srinivasan lakshmi, zhou yida, te hennepe daniel, meyer tony, leiken nikita, thompson alex, te hennepe simon, johnson christopher, vassilopoulos michael, irwin christopher, asaturov gary, rossjohn sian, sangangum watsana, varbaro bianca, mitchell, hume, batman, brown robyn, maxwell jennifer, mclean jill, culpin howard, jones dennis, archer ?, lester phillip, taylor jennifer, anderson judith, ? bronwyn, hall robyn, powlett john, clark ross, taylor christine, booth peter, turner ian, porter larry, turner diane, anderson diane, scott megan, mclean david, christie donald, wishart philip, mottrim joan, christie coleen, travis bicki, watt elizabeth, richards michael, peet marily, sutherland fiona, ziegenbien kay, lester judith, kostamarkis con, yeoman keith, hastings ronald, ? mark, coenen zari, young vivian, young carolyn, weber elizabeth, child gary, cooper stephen, robertson james, ross dean, ? eve, cooper anne, saunders bruce, yeaman peter, wilkinson dawn, armstrong jeffrey, hill gregory, morris steven, suttie richard, silverman judy, king jenny, silverman sharon, broadmore janine, martin dean, smith robert, frommer ruth, saxon rosemary, justus heidi, o'keefe sue-ellen, robertson angela, young natalia, pigounis anthony, brodie anthony, henkul roland, duncan neil, cooper tania, brodie joanne, meerkin naomi, henham rowena, moulds adam, butterworth richard, kellis nick, tapai michael, goodwin sonia, clift debbie, hannagan shannon, marley kara, ceki tibor, ellis shaun, charleworth stewart, can bergeijk richard, schroor briony, leticq jeanette, davidson angela, kakos vicki, collins darren, mcfarlane matthew, adley hassan, agar james, rakonjac mileva, lowndes nereida, grimster jane, ? laurenne, mcdonell terry, clift andrew, perry timothy, rice martin, weir lisa, devasagayam briony, chatila nancy, melland alice, rakonjac nik, mcdonald brett, collins michael, rose darren, ryan tammy, rice elizabeth, hannagan cassie, mason rebecca, douvitasa chris, chivers scott, siaosi jack, stacey paul, moore matthew, coles lisa, diggins sebastian, barboussas costa, moulds johanna, brett travis, mcminn johanna, soloma tim, copey nicole, kakos peter, rontoyannis evan, mcdonald scott, pregnell ian, lowndes jared, kapetanos diane, ivkov srdjan, palamarczuk rosemary, cotterell diane, tonta amelia, craig caroline, yeun joseph, yusuf alham, quon kane, fiek peter, pitkin meryl, yarovsky julie, mckay sara, koger saskia, slocum tom, meyer sean, dunn nathan, vickers anthony, don paul, mason lulu, stanton bronwyn, hanley alison, don kerrie, kennedy chad, callaghan matthew, ghosh suvro, teteira jay, sargent kelly, hollingworth marnie, lack orry, wheeler ashley, trigellis-smith anna, hoskin tim, barda david, nolan rebecca, kulikov simon, kirkpatrick ryan, schleiger rudi, becker thomas, de lisle justin, taylor katherine, gale elke, te hennepe simon, ring hannah, stratford sachi, taylor yani, parish james, aldred jasmin, sisson laura, thursfield oliver, fotopoulos daisy, hoskin yumika, trigellis-smith colin, corrales mariana, soyfer charlene, moore vanessa, halliburton andrew, glagovski anton, johnson christopher, wheeler joel, taylor xavier, chapman jessica, ledda alexander, rowe angela, jewell bethany, goluguri pradeepthi, bell daniel, golightly callum, graham emily, mckechnie ellen, james-cark spencer, byrne david, parker natalie-lee, loucas david, pappas michael, gamble laurence, dureau thomas, loriot christina, drinozcky chloe, ring caitlin, robertson mitchell, pleysier yvonne, boghikian emie, sisson matthew, sanchez zanetta, rowe daniel, saunders john, cox josh, barda nick, dureau nicole, lenkiewicz justine, jamieson emily, mclaughlan kate, carpenter tess, vassilopoulos michael, jewell clare, gavnoudias james, matthews laura, georgiou costa, dale caroline, gamble kate, beiers hannah, james-clark mason, richardson zoe, thursfield alexandra, hosking kenta-neville, dounias theodore, annavaparu ramya, sinclair chloe, nolan megan, king tynan, tomlinson michael, allen courtnay, florrimell sean, ong kenny, foley patrick, gale emily, saunders alice, rowe michelle, willis isabelle, vassilopoulos alexandra, johnson bradley, borley genevieve, irwin christopher, earls thomas, matthews jessica, mudumbi venkatesh, lenkiewicz alice, king mackenzie, dounias christopher, beiers maya, dick alastair, levy matthew, srinivasan lakshmi, adams joshua, singh mia, borley natalie, varbaro bianca, christensen jade, willis ruby, sinclair emma, allen samantha, rossjohn sian, borley morgan, bader-mcdowell jeremy, chettimadda gopala kr yashas, anguswamy manoj, nekkadapu sankeerth, dalton kieran, allan tristan, gandham anoohya, arabena brittany, melenhorst ashley, vayenas paulina, dale taylor, bader-mcdowell alexander, omer-cooper james, reyer emma, kuznetsov ilya, metzler jessica, beiers mariel, forti kate, james zoe, annavarapu ashrey, ryan patrick, davis oliver, ilker korkhan, mcgowan keith, thursfield william, gribbin andrew, walsh-howling damien, scanlon alan, mitchell neil, brown allan, bruce peter, murray robert (bob), christensen tanya, de kretser jan, bremner marie, bayliss curtis, wheeler reece, symons red, de zilwa nick, byers gary, crompton neil, wilkinson graham, nilsson ray, bryant tony