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Bendigo Military Museum
Domestic object - CLOCK, MANTLE PIECE, Gilbert Clock Co. U.S.A, possible 1918 - 1921
This clock was originally in the front Office of the Soldiers Memorial Institute Bendigo on the mantlepiece of the fireplace. Original donor or date of being placed is unknown. It was last used in 2005 by Jack Barnes OAM who wound it every day he was in the Office, he was Secretary for 43 years of the BRSL. After the renovations to the SMI in 2016 - 18 it was placed on the mantlepiece of the fireplace in what is now called "The Building and RSL History Room"Mantle Piece Clock, timber frame, hinged glass cover over the face is missing, numbers are 1 - 12 on clock face, rear door to the mechanism, a pendulum weight is taped to the inside, no wind up key.On Clock face, "Gilbert". Around clock face, "Made in Winsted Conn United States of America"brsl, smirsl, mantle -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, 100 YEAR HISTORY of BENDIGO RSL, Murray POUSTIE, A Century of Service, 2015
“A Century of Service. The Events, People and Places that shaped The RSL in Bendigo 1915 - 2015 “, By "Murray Poustie". The Author served on the Committee of the Bendigo District RSL from 2003 - 2009. He was Treasurer for 4 years. He also served on a number of Sub Committees, House and Finance, Welfare, Commemorative (Chair of) and the Memorial Walls. He is also Returning Officer and a Sub Branch Historian. Murray was made a Life Member 2019. Within the subjects, brsl, smirsl, a large amount of the information supplied re people, events, life membership, committee, dates/times were from this book. Soft cover book. Cover- cardboard ,red, blue and white print on front, spine and back. Background illustration, blue colour tones. The Memorial Hall, Pall Mall C1924 with image of a soldier on front. The Memorial Hall 2014 with 2 x RSL badges in colour on back. Inside cover- end papers- illustrated collage of images in colour. 239 pages. Paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated block and white photographs, graphs and certificates smirsl, brsl, century, service -
Bendigo Military Museum
Work on paper - NEWSLETTER BRSL 1999, January 1999
This newsletter published in January 1999 by the President Bendigo RSL Alan Holmes is basically an Annual report of the Sub Branch in 1998. The 22 sub headings cover all aspects of the Sub Branch. The one photograph shows Norm Smart with his Life Membership Certificate on the left, on the right is Jack Barnes, Norm was the Treasure BRSL and Jack was the Secretary. Some of the main points are: Membership total 1998 being 797, 40 members had passed on, award of the French Legion of Honour to Jack Locket 108 years old, Anzac Day was a high standard with guest Speaker Ray Wheeler, Annual dinner guest speaker being Warick Johanson, Life Membership awarded to Norm Smart, 97 parcels had been delivered to Members in Care, Appreciation to Jack Barnes, Norm Smart & Peter Ball, 19 Bendigo RSL Members win the Edinburg Bowls Sheild, Museum report by Curator Peter Ball, Appeals report by Malcolm Angus raising in the two Appeals, ANZAC $29,223.35, POPPY $22565.20, List of the full Committee 1998 & next AGM to be February 8th 1999, the first Sandakan service and B.B.Cue to be held on Sunday March 7th at 11.00Newsletter, paper, 4 pages each folded, all print B &W, there are 22 sub headings, two advertisements and one large article re Whats on at the Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club, heading on first page is simply "Newsletter 1999" underlined, one photo showing two RSL Members.brsl, smirsl, newsletter, 1999 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL COMMITTEE 1993, C. 1993
Bendigo RSL Sub Branch Committee 1993, the photo was taken in the old meeting room now the Building and RSL history room SMI, BMM. Standing at rear, Ted Kennedy, Frank O’Connell, Cliff Richards, Bill Scholtens, Jack Barnes, Alan Holmes, M Beams, Laure Schilling, Les Waters. Sitting. Jack Colston, Max O’Haloran, Jack Fay, Norm Smart, Fred Addlem. Not present Cliff Clohesy, Ian Bates. Committee history re the above as per listed. Kennedy 1993 to 1997, 1999 to 2000. O’Connell 1993 to 1999. Richards 1992 to 2017 President 2002 to 2017. Scholtens 1985 to 1987,1989, 1993 to 1997, 2001 to 2002. Barnes refer Cat No 8040. Holmes 1993 to 2001, President 1997 to 2001. Beams 1992 to 1993, Schilling 1992 to 2001. Waters 1985, 1988 to 1995. Colston 1979 to 1996, 1999 to 2000. O’Haloran 1961, 1963, 1971, 1982 to 1992, President 1961, 1963, 1983 to 1992. Fay 1958 to 1960, 1963 to 1996, 1998 to 2000. Smart 1985 to 2002 refer Cat No 8131.2P. Addlem 1982 to 1996, 1998 to 2000. Clohesy 1981 to 1991, 1993 to 1996 President 1993 to 1996. Bates 1990 to 1997, 1999. Photograph colour showing 14 men sitting/standing at the end of a table. On the rear is text in red pen.On rear, “C Clohesy away, I Bates away, Committee 1993”brsl, smirsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL MEMBERS, March 1988
Members of the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch 1988. From left to right. John Edward Widdison - Fay (Jack) Served on Committee 1958 to 1960, 1963 to 1996, 1998 too 2000, Treasurer for the year 1963. Museum Sub Committee member 1997 to 2015/16 and Museum guide, conducted RSL funerals for many years, served on the Servicemen’s Co - Operative Society for many years until 2000, involved in fund raising, made Life Member in 2015. He was also heavily involved n the RAAF Association with terms as President and Secretary. Culmer John Plant (Jack). Served on Committee 1965 to 1971, 1974 to 1975, 1977 to 1982, 1984 to 1992, President for the years 1969 to 1971, 1974 to 1975, 1980 to 1982, Delegate to the 27 District Board of the RSL, Honorary Organiser of the Bendigo RSL Diggers Day Bowls for 4 years, made a Life Member 1974. Ronald Barton. Served on Committee 1983 to 1992. Refer Cat No 8130P. William James Norman Smart (Norm). Refer Cat No 8131.2P John Kerr Barnes (Jack). Refer Cat No 8040 Henry Maxwell Frances O’Haloran (Max), Served on Committee for the years 1961, 1963, 1971, 1982 to 1992, President for the years 1961, 1963, 1983 to 1992, served as RSL Country Vice President, made Life Member 1990, Served as President of the Bendigo District Servicemen’s Club 1981 to 1992, awarded an MBE in 1982 for his Community involvement. Photograph colour showing 6 members of the Bendigo RSL standing out the front of the Soldiers Memorial Institute Pall Mall Bendigo, gardens behind and in the background is the Myers Building.Stamped on the back, “17 MAR 1988”smirsl, brsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
The two men in the photo are Bendigo RSL Members, Jack Fay on the left, Ron Barton on the right. Information supplied has a date of 1993 with. Refer Cat No 8129P for their RSL involvement.Photograph colour showing two men sitting with table, RSL raffle sign, to the left is the RSL Xmas stocking for the raffle. Place is Manchester Buildng in Pall Mall Bendigo virtually opposite the Soldiers Memorial Institute Building Bendigo RSL HQ. brsl, smirsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
Print - PRINT, FRAMED, "The Landing of the ANZAC's 25 April 1915"
This item was originally hanging over the double doors inside the Billiard Room of the Soldiers Memorial Institute pre being a Museum in 1998. After the renovations to the SMI 2016 - 18 it was placed on the other side of the double doors in the foyer. It is not clear when this item came to the SMI but it was many years prior to SMI becoming a museum.Very large framed black and white print of a painting of " The Landing of the Anzacs, 25th April, 1915" from original by Charles Dixon R.I 1915. Title - Presented to White Hills Reading Room by Vernon Rymer ESQ, November 14th, 1921. Frame - heavy timber, dark brown stain with gold painted inner edge, glass front. Mount - Off white cardboardBelow print/painting - Block printing - title of painting " THE LANDING OF THE ANZACs 25 April 1915 , Presented to White Hills Reading Room by Vernon Rymer ESQ" brsl, smirsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, Ordnance Factory Bendigo, C.1986
This item is on display in the Bistro area of the Bendigo District RSL Havilah Road. Refer Cat No 8173.2 for an actual propellor in the same venue. Due to the position and light a good photo was not possible.Framed colour photo, brown timber frame with photo in a white inset, the photo shows a ships shaft and propellors under going a 300 hour spin test inthe Ordnance Factory Bendigo, under the photo is a description detail of the test procedure, where built and for which RAN ships.brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, Unknown
As per the explanation the HMAS Sydney II was launched in Sept 1934, sunk by the German Raider Kormoran on 19 November 1941, the wreck was discovered in March 2008. This item is on display inn the Bistro area of the Bendigo DRSL in Havilah RoadPhotos framed, the frame is timber Brown colour, at the top is the main photo of the ships crew on the decking of the HMAS Sydney II, centre is an explanation of the “Sydney’s building, commissioning and fate, at bottom LH side shows the “Sydney” at sea, the RH photo shows “Sydney” in front of the Sydney Harbour Bridge“HMAS SYDNEY”brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Furniture - TABLES, MEETING ROOM BDRSL, Red Dog Furniture, Post 2008
The centre Timbers under the glass tops came from the old Passchendaele Barracks building in Mollison Street Bendigo. The old building dated back to 1916. The building Depot was closed down and dismantled with the unit based there moved out to the new “Multi User Depot in Junortoun”. The tables were made in Bendigo and placed in the new Meeting Room of the Bendigo District RSL in Havilah Road which was named “Kokoda Room”. In another round of renovations to the Club the two tables were placed in the Soldier's Memorial Museum Pall Mall now Bendigo Military Museum. One was placed in the old Meeting room which at that time was part of the Museum, the second was placed in the old kitchen which had been converted into an BDRSL Office. With more renovations the two tables were returned to the Bendigo District RSL in a new meeting room. The two computer insets for cabling was then put into the tables. .1) .2) Two tables solid construction brown stain colour, the top has in inset of Timbers narrow a lighter brown stain laying across the width dimension, a glass top sits over these Timbers level with the heavy outside frame. Each table has an inset centre to accomodate computer cabling. There is a small plaque on each table.On the small plaques, “ Original Timbers from Passchendaele Barracks Bendigo”.brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc -
Bendigo Military Museum
As the plaque states it is a depiction of the Australian Army over a 100 year period from 1901 - 2001. This item is on display in the Bendigo District RSL Havilah Road..Framed images of the Australian Army over 100 years, frame is brown timber with a gold edge, background is green with a Rising Sun center top, in top LH corner is the Australian flag, central is a intermixed depiction taken from photos of the history of the Australian Army with a larger colour depiction of a modern soldier to go with the time 2001.Under this is a oval shape with a map of the World centre on each side of the map is 3 rows of campaign ribbons from 1901 -2001. At the bottom on the frame is a small plaque with text in Black.On the plaque,, “The Australian Army 1901 - 2001 - The Spirit - Ordinary people, extraordinary service”brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Memorabilia - OPERATION OKRA, Post March 2017
Operation Okra was an Australian Defence Force contribution to the Military intervention against Islamic State. It was part of Joint Task Force 633 in the Middle East. Its initial stated aim was to Combat ISIL (ISIS) threat in Iraq. The commencement date was August 31st 2014.Framed Memorabilia, frame is brown timber, centre is an Australian Flag folded in a diamond shape, there is 3 posters around the flag, scattered around the items are various items of memorabilia from the Operation, at the bottom is a small plaque with details of the memorabilia and donor.On the plaque, “Presented to the Bendigo District RSL by Flight Lieutenant Naomi Holmes Air Task Group, Operation Okra, September 2016 - March 2017”brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - MINUTE BOOK, BENDIGO RSL, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, C.1949 to 1953
These minutes cover the period 20.6.1949 through to 7.12.1953. This Minute Book and others were scanned and printed into A4 size in new leather bound volumes. Refer Cat No 8122.5Minute book, hard cover with soft leather light brown binding, on the book end in red & black “Minute Book”, all entries are typed in red & black, hand written signatures are in pen. The entries cover monthly general meetings, committee meetings, executive meetings, special meetings plus receipt & expenditure lists..brsl, smirsl, minute -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - MINUTE BOOKS, 1960-2000 BENDIGO RSL, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, C. 1974 to 2000
The minutes of the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch Committee. .1) The first entry s on 22.2.1960 and the last on 3.12.1974. .2) The first entry is on 33.2.1975 and the last on 2.12.1991. .3) The first entry is on 3.2.1992 and the last is on 4.12.2000. A note on the last minutes 4.12.2000 hand written by the then Secretary Jack Barnes OAM & highlighted in in pink states this was the last meeting of the Bendigo RSL prior to becoming Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc. These minutes were scanned and reprinted into the Volumes in Cat No 8122.5Three Binder Folders containing Minutes of the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. .1) February 1960 - December 1974. These Minutes are a mixture of typed and hand written which there is only a small amount. All the minutes are in plastic sleeves. .2) February 1975 - December 1991, all type in black with several inserts to minutes on pink paper. .3) February 1992 - December 2000, all typing in black with underlining in red.brsl, smirsl, minute book -
Bendigo Military Museum
Financial record - ACCOUNT BOOKS BRSL, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, 1962 - 1974
Income and Expenditure Account books for the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. .1) This is listed under three Acc's for the years 1962 - 1965 General Acc, Relief Acc and Club Building Patriotic Acc. .2) This is listed under four Acc's for the years 1966 - 1970. General Acc, Relief Acc, Club Building and Repatriation Acc. .3) This is listed under four Acc's for the years 1971 - 1974. General Acc, Relief Acc, Club Building and Repatriation Acc..1) Book, grey cover with blue lines like a jigsaw puzzle, ruled blue lines with vertical red and blue lines, entries are a mixture of blue and red pen. Inside the front cover is a list of 6 people who have been issued keys to the office. .2) Book, green covers, ruled blue lines with vertical red and blue lines, entries in blue pen, minimum in red. On the inside cover is a list of 6 people who have been issued with keys to the Bendigo RSL Office (6) and safe(3). .3) Book, red covers, blue ruled lines with red and blue vertical lines, entries are in blue pen, minimum in red pen. Inside the front cover pasted in a large yellow envelope with the following. Two A4 typed copies of the "Presidents Annual report for 1973". One A4 typed copy of the "Presidents Annual Report for 1974" Eleven hand written notes on medium sized paper re "Treasurers report for 1974" Account book sheets folded containing 5 pages written on for the year1973. Account book sheets folded containing 2 pages written on for the year 1973. Three sheets typed regarding Bonds with ANZ Bank. Measurements are an average of the three. .1) On the front Cover, "Graphic Analysis Book, 32 sets". .2) On the front cover "Collins Analysis Book 700 series".brsl, smirsl, account -
Bendigo Military Museum
Financial record - ACCOUNT BOOKS BRSL, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, 1975 - 1982
Income and Expenditure Account books for the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. .1) Three Acc's are listed, General Acc 1975 - 1979, Club Building 1980 - 1982, Relief Patriotic 1980 - 1982. .2) Three Acc's are listed, Relief Acc 1975 - 1979, Club Building 1977 - 1979, General Acc 1980 - 1982..1) Book, Red cover, blue ruled lines with red and blue vertical lines, entries in blue pen, a small amount in red. Inside the front cover pasted in a large yellow envelope with two copies of different cheques to a local Football Club 1980, one letter from ANZ bank re a new term investment 1980. .2) Book, red cover same as .1) and same lines and entries. .1) On front cover in black texta, "Club Bldg, Welfare, General, suspense" .2) On front cover in black texta faded, "Relief, Club, Suspense"brsl, smirsl, account -
Bendigo Military Museum
Financial record - ACCOUNT BOOKS BRSL, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, 1983 - 2003
General Account Income/Expenditure books for the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch which flow on into the early years of Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc. .1) For the years 1983 - 1988. .2) For the years 1989 - 1996. Front cover in texta says "1997" .3) For the years 1998 - 2003. Refer Cat No's 8020 & 8073P for the formation of Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc .1) Book, green covers, blue ruled lines with red and blue vertical lines, entries in blue pen, a small amount in black pencil. .1) Book, green covers, blue ruled lines with red and blue vertical lines, entries are in blue pen and black pencil. .3) Book, green covers, blue ruled lines with blue and black vertical lines, entries are in blue pen and black pencil. Measurements are an average of the three..1) On front cover in black texta pen, "General A/C 83 - 88". Printed in gold, "Analysis Book Collins 800 series" .2) On front cover in black texta, "1989 - 1997". Printed in gold same as .1) .3) On front cover pasted on a sheet of white paper with typed, "GENERAL ACCOUNT", in pencil on, "1998 - 2003"brsl, smirsl, accounts -
Bendigo Military Museum
Financial record - ACCOUNT BOOKS BRSL, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, 1987 - 2003
Account books Income/Expenditure for the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch which flows on into the early days of Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc. .1) Three Acc's listed, Club Building Fund 1983 - 1999, Welfare Patriotic Fund 1987 - 1999, Bissett Acc 1994 - 1999. .2) Three Acc's listed, Building Patriotic Fund 2000 - 2003, Welfare Patriotic Fun 2000 - 2003, Estate Bissett, 2000 - 2003. Refer Cat No's 8020 & 8073P for the formation of the Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc..1) Book, green covers, blue ruled lines with red and blue vertical lines, entries are in blue pen and black pencil. .2) Book, dark green covers, blue ruled lines with blue and black vertical lines, entries are in blue pen and black pencil..1) On front cover in black texta, "Club Bldg, Welfare ..............". In gold print "Analysis book Collins 800 series". .2) On front cover in gold print, "Collins 800 Analysis book 27 money columns - 13245"brsl, smirsl, accounts -
Bendigo Military Museum
This plaque was placed at 18 - 22 High Street Eaglehawk which was the HQ off the Eaglehawk RSL Sub Branch. Refer Cat No 8110 for the Sub Branch History.Plaque granite construction rectangular shape with gold inscriptions relating to the donation of the building to the Eaglehawk RSL Sub Branch by Mathew’s Bros during WW2“24.4.43”brsl, smirsl, ehrsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
This building was a Nissan Hut which was opened in 1957 and was then the HQ of Eaglehawk RSL Sub Branch. Refer Cat No 8110 for the Sub Branch History.Plaque granite construction rectangular shape with gold inscriptions relating to the official opening of the Eaglehawk RSL Sub Branch in 1957.“12.10.1957”brsl, smirsl, ehrsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - MEMBERSHIP RECORDS, BENDIGO RSL, C. 1960's onwards
.1) These membership records date from 1961/62 through to 2001/2. .2) These memberships records date from 1961/2 through to 2011. These records were originally in a large black heavy folder. When the Bendigo RSL Office moved from Pall Mall (SMI) in 2007 to the Bendigo District RSL in Havilah Road the records were then digitized and put in these box trays.. The card shown in the photos is William James Norman Smart Life Member of the Bendigo RSL He was Treasurer for 13 years. He on his own raised $250,000 for the RSL Appeals..1) Membership card index, paper, alphabetical order with dividers in a wood tray, rectangular shape, all hand written in blue/red pen. .2) Membership card index, paper, alphabetical order with dividers in wood tray rectangular shape, cards all written in blue/red pen. There is a detached section from the alphabetical listing and unused forms..1) On side of tray, " Old inactive members". .2) On side of tray, "Current members.brsl, smirsl, memberships -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - ENLISTMENT RECORDS, BENDIGO WW2, Municipal Association of Victoria - Enlistment records, C. 1939 - 45
The records from "J - Z" are missing. The records are Department of Labour ones used in the re establishment of returning Service personal from WW2 in the Bendigo area. The card shown in the photos is John Edward Widdison - Fay. Jack as he was known was the longest serving Volunteer in the Bendigo RSL with 57 years service. Refer also Cat No 8129P for RSL involvement.Wooden tray with enlistment card records, brownish colour, all text and typed entries in black. They are in alphabetical order from A - I. At the end are two "W" names and 4 miscellaneous names with pen entry. Each card has No, name, rank, address, next of kin and enlistment date.On front of box in green Dymo tape, "ENLISTMENTS"brsl, smirsl, enlistments -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - VOLUMES, BDRSL MINUTES
On the spine in gold on all "Bendigo RSL Sub - Branch", on three, "Committee Minutes, on one "Annual reports" and last, "Annual General Minutes". The years to each specific volume. When the History of the Bendigo RSL was being compiled by Murray Poustie the original foolscap documents were put together and then reprinted in these volumes in A4 size. Refer Cat No 8093 re the history Bendigo RSL Sub Branch..1 - .3) Three leather bound volumes with brown spine and corner covers, front and back face green, on the spine is text in gold. These are the minutes of the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch from 1960 - 2000 being 1960 - 74, 1975 - 91 and 1992 - 2000. .4) Same leather volume these being the Annual Reports of the Sub Branch from 1964 - 2000. .5) Same leather volume these being the Annual General meetings from 1949 - 2014. Each has a black book mark ribbon. As well each is slightly different in thickness size.brsl, smirsl, volumes -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL SHOW STALL, Possibly late 1970's
Bendigo RSL Sub Branch Show Stall fund raiser. .1) Photo, the man on the left is Jack Plant, centre is unknown, man on the right is believed to be Norm Smart. .2) Photo, On the left Norm Smart, unknown, Jack Barnes, unknown. .4) Photo, the man is unknown. Refer Cat No 8129P for Jack Plant. Refer Cat No 8040 for Jack Barnes Refer Cat No 8120.2P for Norm Smart.Four photographs colour square shape re the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. .1) Shows the RSL sign, numbers and Lucky envelopes being "10 Cents" .2) Shows 3 men behind the counter and one outside with white waist bag on. .3) Shows the prizes in racks. .4) Shows one man behind the counter."Bendigo RSL Sub Branch", "Lucky Envelope 10c"brsl, smirsl, show stall -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL ANNUAL DINNERS, C.1998 - 2000
The photos are of one of the last Annual Bendigo RSL Dinners held in the SMI, this is most likely 1998/2000. The Dinners moved to the Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc at Havilah Road about 2001. There are a number of easily identifiable members in the photos. .1) Centre Table, Fred Addlem, Kevin Purdon, Kell Howard, Peter Ball. .2) LH table, Joe Boulton, Ernie Jackman, Jack Fay. Fred Addlem, Refer Cat No 8128P for Committee history, he was also a dedicated Museum guide from 1998 to 2003. Kevin Purdon, has been a Museum Guide since 2009 to current, Appeals for many years and delivery to and pick up from schools. Laurie schilling committee member 1992 to 2000, museum guide from 1998 tp 2015. Kell Howard committee member 1976 to 1981, 1985 to 1990. Peter Ball, refer Cat No 8071.3 Joe Boulton, committee member 1999 to 2000, Appeals Officer with his wife Lyn from 2004 to 2012. Ernie Jackman, committee member 1961 to 1962, 1973, Welfare Sub Committee 15 years, Welfare Officer 1997 to 1978, Appeals Officer 1960 to 1994, organised the distribution of parcels to homes and hospitals at Xmas, made a Life Member 1986. Jack Fay, refer Cat No 8129PTwo Colour photographs re Bendigo RSL Annual Dinners taken from different angles showing 3 lines of tables set up. These photos are one of the last Annual Dinners held in the Soldiers Memorial Institute. The photos show the Museum memorabilia around the walls.brsl, smirsl, annual dinner -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO SANDAKAN SERVICE, 7.3.1999 and 12.3.2000
Both photos were taken at Strathdale Park in Bendigo, one on 7.3.1999 & 12.3.2000 at the Annual Sandakan Commemoration Service. The first year it was held was in 1999, a memorial with names had been erected in the park. .1) The men in white shirts are Norm Smart and Jack Barnes. Refer Cat No's 8131.2P, 8040. .2) The two men are Jack Barnes and Jim Disken (James Cecil VX151742)Two colour photographs relating to the Bendigo RSL Sandakan commemoration. .1) Shows two men in white shirts with several others in the background park setting. .2) Shows two men standing in the park with a brick building in the background..1) On rear in blue pen, "Sandakan Commemoration Sund 7.3.1999". .2) On rear in blue pen, "Strathdale Park Bendigo Sandakan Commemoration service 12.03.2000 - L - R John K Barnes OAM Sec Bendigo RSL - Jim Disken. Both late of Kerang". brsl, smirsl, sandakan, -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - 38th BATTALION BATTLE HONOURS, C. Jan 1999
The Officer in Uniform was Major Phil Chapman OC of 15th Transport Sqd based in Bendigo in the old Passchendaele Barracks depot in Mollison Street where the Battle Honour board was held. The other in civilian clothes is Cliff Richards who was Junior Vice President of the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch at the time. The photo relates to the Board being donated to the Bendigo RSL Museum in the SMI building in January 1999. The 38th Battalion AIF was known as Bendigo's own, raised in Bendigo in 1916 for service in the Great War. Due to its size it was placed high up in what was the Billiard Room in the Museum. After a major renovation to the BDRSL Inc Club in Havilah Rd in 2013 it was then placed over the foyer front entrance. Due to another up grade it was placed in storage for awhile and is now on display in the rear foyer patrons entrance. Refer Cat No 8176.Photograph colour showing one person in military uniform and another in civilian clothes, the Officer is steadying the 38th Battalion Battle honours board.On rear in black pen, "Jan 99 C Richards Jnr Vice - Major Chapman OC 15th Tpt Platoon".brsl, smirsl, 38th -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL DEBUTANTE BALL, Reg Brock, C. August 1947
The date on the photograph states "approx 1946", actually 1947. The Bendigo RSL conducted Annual and Debutante Balls for many years as a fund raiser. The following article appeared in the Argus; “Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 14 August 1947, page 8 ________________________________________ 12 debutantes presented at Bendigo Ball Early Victorian posies which matched the pastel flowers in their hair were carried by the 12 debutantes who came out at the Annual RSL Ball at Bendigo Town Hall last night. The debutantes, who were presented to Lieut-General and Mrs V. A. H. Sturdee, were Eileen Clarke, Daphne Green, Norma Knopp, Doris Purtell, Inez Somerville, Eileen Simpson, Joy Taylor, Olive Tope, Judith Waters, Elvie Walker, Patricia Young, and Dorothy Herbert. The official party included Cr and Mrs D. W. Streader, Mayor and Mayoress of Bendigo; Cr and Mrs. McEwen, Mayor and Mayoress of Castlemaine; Major-General Rankin, MP, and Mrs Rankin; Mr Galvin, Minister for Lands, and Mrs Galvin; and Colonel Lansell MLC, President of Bendigo RSL.” Photograph B & W on light cream backing board. There are 12 young men, 12 Debutante girls, 2 Flower girls and 1 female Chaperone. Text has been written on the front in blue pen and black pencil.In blue pen and black pencil, "RSL Deb Ball approx 1946", In black pencil, "Bruce back row 7th from left, Olive 2nd back row from left", in black pen, "Reg Brock Bendigo"brsl, smirsl, debutante -
Bendigo Military Museum
Painting - FRAMED WATER COLOUR, post 1998
The painting is of John Henry Lockett (Jack) Refer Cat No's 8143, 8144, 8145.10P for awards and service history.Framed water colour portrait painting showing a man sitting with walking stick, in the background is a frame with a soldier in. The frame is gold with a black streak, painting is set in a white backing with a gold edge. under is a brass plaque with details.On plaque, "John Henry (Jack) Lockett OAM - 1891 - 2002 - On loan courtesy of the Lockett Family"brsl, smirsl, painting lockett -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, MEMBERSHIP 1980, Vic State Branch RSL, C.1981
Framed certificate, frame is timber brown colour, no glass in frame,certificate is yellow colour, all print in blue and black, RSL logo at top followed by the details of the Achievement.Main points, “Certificate of Achievement Bendigo Sub Branch” “For Commendable increase in Membership- Winner Country group 501 - 1,000” “Bruce Ruxton State President” “..................... State Secretary” “Dated 1st July 1981”brsl, smirsl, membership