Historical information

The photos are of one of the last Annual Bendigo RSL Dinners held in the SMI, this is most likely 1998/2000. The Dinners moved to the Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc at Havilah Road about 2001.
There are a number of easily identifiable members in the photos.
.1) Centre Table, Fred Addlem, Kevin Purdon, Kell Howard, Peter Ball.
.2) LH table, Joe Boulton, Ernie Jackman, Jack Fay.
Fred Addlem, Refer Cat No 8128P for Committee history, he was also a dedicated Museum guide from 1998 to 2003.
Kevin Purdon, has been a Museum Guide since 2009 to current, Appeals for many years and delivery to and pick up from schools.
Laurie schilling committee member 1992 to 2000, museum guide from 1998 tp 2015.
Kell Howard committee member 1976 to 1981, 1985 to 1990.
Peter Ball, refer Cat No 8071.3
Joe Boulton, committee member 1999 to 2000, Appeals Officer with his wife Lyn from 2004 to 2012.
Ernie Jackman, committee member 1961 to 1962, 1973, Welfare Sub Committee 15 years, Welfare Officer 1997 to 1978, Appeals Officer 1960 to 1994, organised the distribution of parcels to homes and hospitals at Xmas, made a Life Member 1986.
Jack Fay, refer Cat No 8129P

Physical description

Two Colour photographs re Bendigo RSL Annual Dinners taken from different angles showing 3 lines of tables set up. These photos are one of the last Annual Dinners held in the Soldiers Memorial Institute. The photos show the Museum memorabilia around the walls.