Showing 36 items
matching eric littlejohn
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print and negative, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Eric Littlejohn, 1967-1977
... Eric Littlejohn...Black and white studio photograph of Eric B. Littlejohn...On reverse, "Eric Littlejohn," and, "Photograph... office publicity On reverse, "Eric Littlejohn," and, "Photograph ...Black and white studio photograph of Eric B. Littlejohn, Principal, in the Principal's Office.On reverse, "Eric Littlejohn," and, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department Of Agriculture Ref. No. D.1341.G."e.b. littlejohn, principal, principal's office, publicity -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Eric B. Littlejohn, 1967-1977
... Eric B. Littlejohn...Black and white studio photograph of Eric B. Littlejohn, 2...On reverse, "Eric B. Littlejohn," and, "Photograph..., "Eric B. Littlejohn," and, "Photograph by Information Branch ...Black and white studio photograph of Eric B. Littlejohn, 2 copies.On reverse, "Eric B. Littlejohn," and, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department Of Agriculture Ref. No. D498."e.b. littlejohn, principal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Reading Course 1970 Mr. Eric Littlejohn, 1970
... Reading Course 1970 Mr. Eric Littlejohn... at Advanced Reading Academy Reading Course 1970 Mr. Eric Littlejohn ...Correspondence re E.B. Littlejohn attending course at Advanced Reading Academye.b. littlejohn, course, advanced reading academy -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Staff Photographs, 1967-1977
... eric littlejohn...2 very similar photographs. Eric Littlejohn with staff... Boulevard Richmond melbourne eric littlejohn staff principal ...2 very similar photographs. Eric Littlejohn with staff (Principal 1967-1977.) "Photograph by Information Branch Victoria Department of Agriculture Ref. No. D1655C and D1655D."eric littlejohn, staff, principal -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Prize Giving, 1975
... eric littlejohn...(1) Eric Littlejohn (Principal), student receiving prize... Boulevard Richmond melbourne eric littlejohn principal students ...(1) Eric Littlejohn (Principal), student receiving prize from ?. (2-3) Prize giver. Stamped on reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref No. D993D."eric littlejohn, principal, students, graduation -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 1979
... eric littlejohn..."5 Principals. L-R Eric Littlejohn, Alex Jessep, Les Provan... Boulevard Richmond melbourne principals eric littlejohn alex jessep ..."5 Principals. L-R Eric Littlejohn, Alex Jessep, Les Provan, Tom Kneen, Brian Pell." THKprincipals, eric littlejohn, alex jessep, les provan, tom kneen, brian pell, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 49, 1947
... eric littlejohn...Names listed on reverse, "Bill Nicholls, Eric Littlejohn... Boulevard Richmond melbourne staf bill nicholls eric littlejohn jack ...Staff group. Names listed on reverse, "Bill Nicholls, Eric Littlejohn, Jack Plumridge, Betty Williams, Jim Nowell, Arnold Teese."staf, bill nicholls, eric littlejohn, jack plumridge, betty williams, jim nowell, arnold teese, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document, Eric Bruce Littlejohn, 2010
... Eric Bruce Littlejohn... of Service for funeral of E.B. Littlejohn Eric Bruce Littlejohn ...Order of Service for funeral of E.B. Littlejohnfunerals, e.b. littlejohn -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Notes, E.B. Littlejohn et al, Notes on Photos in Books 1-3, 1990-1991
... eric littlejohn... by Eric Littlejohn April 1990 and Tom H. Kneen in 1990. Both... Boulevard Richmond melbourne eric littlejohn t h kneen a p ...eric littlejohn, t h kneen, a p winzenried, green grows our garden, descriptions of photographs, centenary -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Graduation 1974-1975, 1974-1975
... eric littlejohn... (1) Graduation Day speeches, Tom Kneen, Eric Littlejohn.... (1) Graduation Day speeches, Tom Kneen, Eric Littlejohn ...(1) Graduation Day speeches, Tom Kneen, Eric Littlejohn seated. Ref. No. 1974(120-1. (20 Student receiving award Ref. No. 1974(120-22). (3) Student holding up Tennis Award Board Ref. No. 1974(120-24). (4) 7 "Rejects" not scanned. (5) Handwritten correspondence from L.T. Metzeling to J.T. Wilcox re photographs..Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture.graduation day, speeches, t.h kneen, eric littlejohn, students, awards, tennis award, l.t. metzeling, j.t. wilcox -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Weekly Times, Principal of Burnley Retires, 1977
... eric b. littlejohn... of a cutting. Article about the retirement of Eric B. Littlejohn...eric b. littlejohn the weekly times principal retirement ...The Weekly Times, September 28, 1977. Two photocopies of a cutting. Article about the retirement of Eric B. Littlejohn as Principal of Burnley College.eric b. littlejohn, the weekly times, principal, retirement, burnley college -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints and negatives, Department of Agriculture, Victoria, Flowers and Plants, 1961-1962
... Eric Bruce Littlejohn... Photo E.G. Littlejohn.' (15) 'Agave Agave-variegated in tub ...21 envelopes marked Department of Agriculture (Vic), 1 empty. Photographs and most negatives. All labelled, mainly flowers and plants. (1) Neg. only, 'Lupinus'.' (2) 'Iris fulva B/G 23/10/61.' (3) 'Iris pseudacorus.' (4) 'Muscari plumosum B/G 23/10/61.' (5) 2 copies 'Erythrinum.' (6) 'Iris sibirica B.G. 23/10/61.' (7) 3 Neg. and 4 photographs 'Green, Variegated Agave.' 'Ref to Mr. Littlejohn.' (8) 'Pebble Mulch,' 'Rock Mulching Rock from Apollo Bay Mentone 23/10/61 ₤22.' (9) 'Gazania B.G. 23/10/61.' (10) Neg. only 'Grevillea hookeriana.' (11) Photograph only 'Hibiscus.' (12) 'Euphorbia Crown of Thorns BG 23/10/61.' 'Euphorbia splendens.' (13) 2 copies 'Greyia sutherlandii 23/10/61.' (14) 3 copies 'Aeonium Grouped with other succulents including Bryophyllum, Dickia, Echevera' 'Jan Jul '62 Photo E.G. Littlejohn.' (15) 'Agave Agave-variegated in tub.' (16) 'Lathyrus odoratus' '(Sweet Pea) on support B.G. 23/10/61.' (17) 'Pelargonium' B/G 23.10.61.' (18) 'Pelargonium.' (19) 'Callistemon coccineus.' 'Return to Mr. Littlejohn Burnley Gardens.' (20) 3 copies 'Aloe.' 'Return to Mr. Littlejohn Aloe.'flowers, plants, lupins, iris, agave, pebble mulch, rock mulch, grevillea, hibiscu, euphorbia, succulents, bryophyllum, dickia, echevera, e.g. littlejohn, pelargonium, burnley gardens, aloe -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Booklet, Eric Bruce Littlejohn, Proceedings of the Sixth International and First Australasian Regional International Congress of Park Administration, 1970
... Eric Bruce Littlejohn... Classrooms 2018 Eric Bruce Littlejohn ...parks administration, e b littlejohn -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture et al, Plants, 1957-1963
... Eric Bruce Littlejohn... prints Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Eric ...Black and white photographs, many labelled. Flowers, trees, propagation, signs, etc. Some for Journal articles. Publicity Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture: (1) 2 copies, C.1768A "Camellias Geraniums." (2) c.1262D "Anemone japonica." ((4) c.1262K "Hibiscus Wilder's White." (5) "Peace." (7) D521A Fruit tree. (8) c.1262E "Helenium autumnale." (9) c.1262I "Gerri Hock?" (12) c.1262F "Golden Ash. " (13) Struck cuttings 05 7.6.57. (14) "Kumquat." (15) Path to Principal's Residence. (16) A479 "Thujopsis dolobrata. Make an excellent tub specimen of the spreading type." (17) A477 "Aucuba japonica variegata. A very good foliage shrub for tubs. Sept '63 Jnl." (18) Struck cutting. (19-22) Arum, different views. (23) 2 copies ? (24) "June garden notes," small tree with roots. (25, 26) Different views ? (27)Pittosporum crassifolium. (28) "For Dec article (This is the one to use) Polyanthus are attractive & easily managed pot plants. (29) 2 copies ? (30) ? (31) Tubers. (32) "Oct Jnl" "Dividing the tubers. This is necessary to ensure that one eye is left etc." (33) Divided tuber. (34) Aucuba in pot. (35) ? (36) "Thuja plicata aurea a good tub plant of pyramid form." (37) "Buxus sempervirens. he English Box makes a neat, compact, low hedge." (38) "Cupressus torulosa is useful for a high narrow hedge for screening." (39) Sign giving information about different fertilizer treatments. (40) Sign comparing yield of Jonathons & Democrats with fertilzers. (41) "Russell Lupins." (42, 43) Different views ? (44) Soil profile in hole. (45) "Cyclamen is a good subject flowering over winter period." (46) "Cyclamen." (47) "Chabbads? & Malmaisons are suitable for bedding & make good cut flowers." (48) A478 "Seedlings." (49) A487 2 copies Roses in vase. (50) C.1767.E "Angophora 5-6 years." (51) C.1769.C "Jan '60 Jul. Ginko biloba Maidenhair Tree." (52) C.1768.C "Thuja plicata aurea, Golden Willow, Pinus radiata." (53) C.1762.I Vegetables. (54) A512 ?. (55) C.1767.C 2 copies "Eucalyptus torquata." (56) C.1769C 2 copies "Eucalyptus ficifolia." (57) C.1769.C 2 copies "Callistemon lanceolata( Bottle Brush.) (59) C.1769.B 2 copies "Pepperomias." (58) C.1769.F 2 copies "Melaleuca styphelioides (Paper Bark Tree.) (60) C.1769.D 2 copies "African Violets." (61) C.1768.F 2 copies "Pelargonium." (62) C.1768.B 2 copies "Tilia europea (Linden Tree.) Department of Agriculture Biology Branch: (6) Neg No 06 24.11.59 "A struck cutting of Rhododendron var. Alice. For a rhododendron this popular & beautiful variety strikes readily." (13) 05 5.6.57 Struck cuttings. No provenance: (3) "Araucaria excelsa, ?, ?, Metrosideros tomentosa." (10) "Thuja rheingold." (11) "Border of Geraniums (zonal Pelargoniums." (14) "Kumquat." (15) Path to Principal's Residence." (18) Struck cuttings. (19-22) Different views of Arum. (23) 2 copies ? (24-26) "June garden notes." Small tree with roots. (27) "Pittosporum crassifolium." (28) "For Dec article (This is the one to use) Polyanthus are attractive & easily managed pot plants." (29) 2 copies ? (30) ? (31) Tubers. (32) "Oct Jnl Dividing the the tubers. This is necessary to ensure that one eye is left etc." (33) Divided tuber. (34) Aucuba in pot. (35) ? (36) "Thuja plicata aurea a good tub plant of pyramid form. (37) "Buxus sempervirens. The English Box makes a neat, compact, low hedge." (38) Cupressus torulosa is useful for a high narrow hedge for screening." (39) Sign in Orchard giving information about different fertilizer treatments. (40) Sign in Orchard comparing yield of Jonathans and Democrats with fertilizers used. (41) "Russell lupins. (42-43) Different views ? (44) Soil profile in hole. (45) "Cyclamen is a good subject flowering over Winter period." (46) Cyclamen. (47) "Chabbads? & Malmaisons are suitable for bedding & make good cut flowers." flowers, trees, propagation, signs, camellias, geraniums, anemone japonica, hibiscus, fruit trees, principal's residence -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, 49, 1947
... eric littlejohn..., Eric Littlejohn (absent), James Lesley, Jack Tarrant, Arnold... nowell bob grant betty williams bert manners eric littlejohn ...Staff group.Names listed on reverse, "Bill Nicholls, Cliff Newell, Frank Ellery, ?, Ted White, Jim Newell, Grace Fraser, Jack Plumridge, Jack Nowell, Bob Grant, Betty Williams, Bert Manners, Eric Littlejohn (absent), James Lesley, Jack Tarrant, Arnold Teese, Wm Ross, T. Kneen, Ray Harding."staff, bill nicholls, cliff newell, frank ellery, ted white, jim newell, grace fraser, jack plumridge, jack nowell, bob grant, betty williams, bert manners, eric littlejohn, james lesley, jack tarrant, arnold teese, wm ross, t. kneen, ray harding, e. m. gibson collection -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Colour slides, Burnley Views, 1966-1991
... eric littlejohn... for the 1991 Centenary of the College. Eric Littlejohn, ? Tom Kneen... eric littlejohn t.h. kneen dookie agricultural college garden ...Contributor: T.H. KneenBox of 30 slides. Dates printed on slides. May 1966: (1) Rose Garden (now Herbaceous Border). (2) View from outside PRI towards Administration Building showing roses. (3) View of young trees? (4) View from Administration Building towards PSL. Dec 1966: (5) Yarra Boulevard with Burnley Campus on left. (6) View of greenhouses from Yarra Boulevard. Sept 1967: (7) Demonstration of root system of ? (8) Demonstration of root system of a strawberry plant. (9, 10) The Kneen children sitting in a felled tree. (11- 13) One of the Kneen girls by the Luffmann Ponds. (14,15) Principal's Residence with blossom tree. (16) Back of the Administration Building. (17) View of trees at Burnley? (18) Back of the Administration Building. (19-24) Inside Nursery. (25) Unveiling of plaque presented by the Burnley Horticultural Past Students Association for the 1991 Centenary of the College. Eric Littlejohn, ? Tom Kneen. (26) Float advertising Dookie Agricultural College.rose garden, administration building, trees, yarra boulevard, greenhouses, root system, strawberry plant, kneen family, children, luffmann ponds, principal's residence, nursery, burnley horticultural past students association, eric littlejohn, t.h. kneen, dookie agricultural college, garden views, plaque -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Burnley Horticultural College Staff 1975, 1975
... eric littlejohn... Angus, Barry Dimelow, Eric Littlejohn, Laurie Metzling... mccure bruce angus barry dimelow eric littlejohn laurie metzeling ...Black and white photographs. 8 copies, 7 enlarged. Staff group standing and seated in the Burnley Gardens. On reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department Of Agriculture Ref No. 1975 (247-1). L-R Back: Rob Hardy (Hardie), Frank Cazley (Casley), George Jackson, Danny ?, Anne ?, Sandra Burridge (Burrage), Paul Harper, Clarry Anderson, Fairlie Siddle, Jill ?, Paul Norquay, Jim Taylor, Dennis Urwin. Front: John Kane, Ken James, Ian Nisbitt (Nisbet), Ian McCure, Bruce Angus, Barry Dimelow, Eric Littlejohn, Laurie Metzling (Metzeling), Edward Marriot(t), Minette Russell (Russell-Young), George Grumont, Geoff Olive. Absent: Bill Nichols (Nicholls), Freida Wannemacher, Mandy Dick, Barry Hatfield, Kieth(Kieth) Emonsen (Emonson)."rob hardie, frank casley, george jackson, sandra burrage, paul harper, clarry anderson, fairlie siddle, paul norquay, jim taylor, dennis urwin, john kane, ken james, ian nisbet, ian mccure, bruce angus, barry dimelow, eric littlejohn, laurie metzeling, edward marriott, minette russell-young, george grumont, geoff olive, bill nicholls, freida wannemacher, mandy dick, barry hatfield, keith emonson, staff, 1975 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Burnley Horticultural College - Staff 1974, 1974
... eric littlejohn... Metzling (Metzeling), Barry Dimelow, (V.P.), Eric Littlejohn... mccure george grumont bill nicholls barry dimelow eric littlejohn ...Black and white photographs. 6 copies, 3 enlargements. Official Staff photograph. Group seated and standing in the Burnley Gardens.On reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. 1974 (99-1) to (99-3)." On reverse of enlargement, "Burnley Horticultural College - Staff 1974. Back l-r: Clarry Anderson, George Jackson, Eric Gay, Edward Marriott, John Kane, Fairly Siddle, David Walker, Sandra Burridge (Burrage), Rick Taylor, Rosemary Hall, Jim Edwards, Rob Hardy (Hardie), Dennis Erwin, Eddy Moore, Frank Casly (Casley). Front L-r: Geoff Olive, Ian McCure, George Grumont, Bill Nicholls, Laurie Metzling (Metzeling), Barry Dimelow, (V.P.), Eric Littlejohn (Principal), Jack Farrance, Ian Lee, Minnet(te) Russel (Russell-Young), Ken James, Paul Norquay."burnley horticultural college, staff, 1974, clarry anderson, george jackson, eric gay, edward marriott, john kane, fairly siddle, david walker, sandra burrage, rick taylor, rosemary hall, jim edwards, dennis erwin, eddy moore, geoff olive, ian mccure, george grumont, bill nicholls, barry dimelow, eric littlejohn, principal, jack farrance, ian lee, minnette russell-young, ken james, paul norquay, frank casley, laurie metzeling, rob hardy -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Black and white and colour prints, Staff Photographs, c. 1990
... eric littlejohn..., Eric Littlejohn. (9) John Rayner. (10) Nick Bailey. (11) Alex... lindholm eric littlejohn alex campbell ala hires michael green ...Collection of 110 photographs and some negatives, mostly colour. Some ID photographs, some at functions or taking classses. Identified by Ala Shtrauser, Ross Payne, Andrew Smith. Found in James Pearson's former office 2015 by Ross Payne. (1) Peter McSweeney, Kevin Blaze, Ross Payne, Ed Smart, Phil Kenyon, Paula Cave, John Delpratt, Peter May, Ian Winstone. (2) Geoff Olive, Ian Winstone, John Brereton, John Delpratt, Ross Hall. (3) Peter McSweeney, Nick Bailey, Phil Kenyon, Brian Shields, Geoff Olive, Ian Winstone, John Brereton, John Delpratt, Ross Hall, James Hitchmough, David Aldous. (4) Geoff Connelan, Jamie Pearson, Ross Payne, Ed Smart, Peter May, James Hitchmough, Nick Bailey, Ross Hall, Catherine Jaggs. (5) James Will, Bata Thomas. (6) John Delpratt, John Rayner. (7) Phil Mayle, James MacIntyre (student), James Will, Jayne Lindholm. (8,19) David Aldous, Eric Littlejohn. (9) John Rayner. (10) Nick Bailey. (11) Alex Campbell. (12,13) Ala Hires (Shtrauser). (14) Michael Green. (15) Ross Hall, Peter McSweeney, James Hitchmough, Kevin Blaze. (16,44) Brian Shields. (17,18) Kylie Cannon, Karen Geyeregger, Nick Osborne, Jim Pleasance. (20) John Delpratt. (21) Ian Winstone and student working on Student Gardens. (22) Geoff Olive, Ed Smart. (23) Robina Duggan, Michèle Adler. (24) Catherine Jaggs, Peter May. (25,26) Mark MacNamara, Kelvin McKenzie, Ruth Beilin, Ed Smart. (27) Rosemary McConell, Elizabeth Hill. (28) Fred Taylor, Mike Nechwatal. (29) Claire Scott, Nick Bailey, Ross Hall. (30,66) John Brereton. (31) Rosemary McConell, Mark MacNamara. (32) Mike Nechwatel, Bata Thomas, Graham Sterry. (33) Geoff Olive, Phil Tulk. (34) Ed Smart, Ruth Beilin, Ian Winstone. (35) James Will with students. (36,37) Peter McSweeney. (38) Alex Campbell, Jamie Pearson, Ross Payne. (39) Geoff Connellan. (40) Richard Green, Darryl Gibbs. (41) John Rayner, Karen Geyeregger. (442) Ross Payne. (43) Jamie Pearson, Jim Pleasance. (45-49) Claire Scott. (50-54) Ian Winstone. (55) Michelle Dall, Kylie Cannon, James Will, Catherine Jaggs, Nick Bailey, Jamie Pearson, John Brereton, Peter May, Rosemary McConell, Ed Smart, Greg Moore, Ian Winstone, David Aldous, Brian Shields "Sept 1990". (56) Brian Shields, Peter May, Kelvin McKenzie, Fred Taylor, Phil Tulk, Richard Green, Graham Sterry, Ross Payne "Sept 1990". (57,58) James Will, Jill Kellow 1987/88 on Grampians excursion with Associate Diploma students staying in Shearers' quarters. (59,60) James Will, John Delpratt. (61,62) Denise Johnstone. (63-65) Michèle Adler, Ian Winstone, Greg Moore, Jenny Leereveld, Geoff Connellan, Catherine Jaggs, Rod McMillan, Peter Esdale, Peter Sheppard, Nick Bailey, James Hitchmough, Rosemary McConnell, David Aldous, Ruth Beilin, Clive Sorrell, Tony Westmore, Peter May, Ivo Dean, Kevin Blaze, James Will, Ross Hall, Peter McSweeney, Ed Smart, Phil Kenyon, John Delpratt, John Brereton, Geoff Olive, Darryl Gibbs. (67) David Aldous, Greg Moore, Brian Shields, Peter May. (68,69) Preparing Landscape Shed 1990's. (70) Building Quad 6. (71) Leigh Stone. (72) Pruning Day. (73,74) Staff Group , Jim Davis, Principal. (75) Peter Esdale. (76) Tess Hernan. (77) Ruth Beilin. (78) Alex Campbell. (79) Ala Hires (Shtrauser). (80) Karen Geyeregger. (81) Catherine Jaggs. (82) Mark MacNamara. (83) Peter McSweeney. (84) David Aldous. (85) Cassandra McLean. (86) Barry Dimelow. (87) Phil Tulk. (88) Corinne Leadbeatter. (89) Cinnamon Evans. (90) Martin Stevens. (91) Ian Winstone. (92) Tony Westmore. (93) Robyn Middleton. (94) Alan Shanks. (95) Robin Haylett. (96) Mike Wilson. (97) Gail Murphy. (98) Tanuja Ali. (100) Julie Cocksedge. (101) Sheh-Mae Ho,. (102) Kerry Pantzopolous. (103) Michele Dall. (104-107) James Pearson. (108) Ross Payne. (109) Robina Duggan. (110) Meg Probin, Michèle Adler, Graham Sterry. Found in Jamie Pearson's former office 2015.functions, classses, ala shtrauser, ross payne, andrew smith, james pearson, peter mcsweeney, kevin blaze, ross payne, ed smart, phil kenyon, paula cave, john delpratt, peter may, ian winstone, geoff olive, ian winstone, john brereton, john delpratt, ross hall, nick bailey, phil kenyon, brian shields, james hitchmough, david aldous, geoff connelan, catherine jaggs, james will, bata thomas, john rayner, phil mayle, james macintyre, jayne lindholm, eric littlejohn, alex campbell, ala hires, michael green, peter mcsweeney, kylie cannon, karen geyeregger, nick osborne, jim pleasance, students, robina duggan, michèle adler, mark macnamara, kelvin mckenzie, ruth beilin, rosemary mcconell, elizabeth hill, fred taylor, mike nechwatal, claire scott, graham sterry, geoff connellan, richard green, darryl gibbs, michelle dall, catherine jaggs, greg moore -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Staff Photograph 1973, 1973
... eric littlejohn... mccure bruce angus barry dimelow eric littlejohn laurie metzeling ...Black and white group photograph of staff members in 1973, seated on chairs and standing in front of the Administration Building. 2 very slightly different poses. See B91.184 for names.On reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No.(6,7)." staff, 1973, rob hardie, frank casley, george jackson, sandra burrage, paul harper, clarry anderson, fairlie siddle, paul norquay, jim taylor, dennis urwin, john kane, ken james, ian nisbet, ian mccure, bruce angus, barry dimelow, eric littlejohn, laurie metzeling, edward marriot, edward marriott, minette russell-young, george grumont, geoff olive, bill nicholls, freida wannemacher, mandy dick, barry hatfield, keith emonson, 1973 staff group -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Staff Group, Unknown
... Nicholls (Field Superintendent), Eric Littlejohn, Jack Plumridge...), Eric Littlejohn, Jack Plumridge, Betty Williams, Jim Newell ...Black and white photograph. Staff group standing in the Ornamental Garden identified by T.H. Kneen 10 June 1992 as L-R: Bill Nicholls (Field Superintendent), Eric Littlejohn, Jack Plumridge, Betty Williams, Jim Newell, Arnold Teese.On reverse,"3 236."staff, bill nicholls, field superintendent, e.b. littlejohn, jack plumridge, betty williams, jim newell, arnold teese -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, E.B. Littlejohn, 1977
... Black and white photograph of Eric Bruce Littlejohn seated...(444-4)." Black and white photograph of Eric Bruce Littlejohn ...Black and white photograph of Eric Bruce Littlejohn seated in the Principal's Office. Photograph taken on his retirement as Principal in 1977.On reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department Of Agriculture Ref. No. 1977(444-4)."e.b. littlejohn, retirement, 1977, principal, principal's office, publicity -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Athol Shmith Studio Illustrative Photograhy, Students Working in Vegetable Field, c. 1943
... Bishop" (identified by Eric Littlejohn 5 February 1992.) ..., Student is June Bishop" (identified by Eric Littlejohn 5 February ...(1) Note by T.H. Kneen 26 February 1992, Student is June Bishop" (identified by Eric Littlejohn 5 February 1992.) (1) 2 female students working in a field of beans. (1) On reverse, "Athol Shmith Studio Illustrative Photography 124 Collins Street, Melbourne, C.1. Cent. 27. No. 10383 Position E.", "June Bishop." female students, beans, athol shmith studio, june bishop, vegetable field, orchard, students working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, Woman's Day, Oh the Flowers That Bloom in the Spring Tra La!, 1070
... eric b. littlejohn...woman's day eric b. littlejohn magnolia principal's ...Interview with Principal Mr. Littlejohn in "Woman's Day" September 7, 1970 p7. Photograph of magnolia with a glimpse of the Principal's Residence.woman's day, eric b. littlejohn, magnolia, principal's residence, students working outside -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, College photographs, E.B. Littlejohn, 1977
... Black and white studio portrait of Eric .B. Littlejohn... Boulevard Richmond melbourne e.b. littlejohn retirement 1977 ...Black and white studio portrait of Eric .B. Littlejohn seated at a desk with a bookshelf behind him. Photograph taken on his retirement as Principal in 1977.e.b. littlejohn, retirement, 1977, principal, publicity -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Burnley Speech Day 1968, 1968
... On reverse, "Burnley Speech Day 1968 L-R Geoff Downes, Eric.... littlejohn barry dimelow vice-principal principal publicity ...Geoff Downes speaking on Speech Day.On reverse, "Burnley Speech Day 1968 L-R Geoff Downes, Eric Littlejohn, Barry Dimelow (Vice-Principal)," and, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department Of Agriculture Ref. No. D.1448.H."speech day, 1968, geoff downes, e.b. littlejohn, barry dimelow, vice-principal, principal, publicity -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Xmas Break-up 1941, 1941
... in middle, Betty Williams against tree, Eric Littlejohn standing... Boulevard Richmond melbourne Identified by E.B. Littlejohn: Bob ...Identified by E.B. Littlejohn: Bob Whitehead, Peter Shatton, Lyle Tonkin, Fred Schneeberger, Jowel? Kenyon seated in middle, Betty Williams against tree, Eric Littlejohn standing in shade at right."Black and white photograph. Group of students seated and standing around tables on the lawn. One of a group of photographs.On reverse, "Xmas break-up 1941."christmas break-up, 1941, e.b. littlejohn, bob whitehead, lyle tonkin, fred schneeberger, jowel kenyon, betty williams, peter stratton, m. e. williams, r. j. whitehead, student group 1941 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Athol Shmith Studio Illustrative Photograhy, Students Working in Vegetable Field, 1943
... Bishop" (identified by Eric Littlejohn 5 February 1992.... Bishop" (identified by Eric Littlejohn 5 February 1992. Students ...2 copies black and white photograph. As for B91.144(1). No. 1083 Position D. 2 female students working in a field of beans. On reverse, "Athol Shmith Studio Illustrative Photography 124 Collins Street, Melbourne, C.1. Cent. 27. No. 10383 Position E.", "June Bishop." Note by T.H. Kneen 26 February 1992, Student is June Bishop" (identified by Eric Littlejohn 5 February 1992.female students, athol shmith studio, orchard, june bishop, beans, students working outside, vegetable plots -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Athol Shmith Studio Illustrative Photograhy, Student Using Cultivator, 1943
... ." Further consideration by Eric Littlejohn suggests that the student... during the War years." Further consideration by Eric Littlejohn ...Note by T.H. Kneen 26 February 1992, "?Pre WW2-note dress-jodhpurs-but could be a Land Army Girl during the War years." Further consideration by Eric Littlejohn suggests that the student at work is Jane Lorimer 1941 graduation. (Also see B91.141, B91.143-146)Black and white photograph. Female student using 3-pronged cultivator between rows of vegetables.On reverse, "Athol Shmith Studio Illustrative Photograhy 125 Collins Street, Melbourne, C.1. Cent. 27. No.10383 Position G."female students, 3-pronged cultivator, vegetables, athol shmith studio, jodhpurs, land army girl, jane lorimer, student working outside, orchard -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Students and Staff in the Library, c. 1955
... may be Bill Nicholls (Field Superintendent)." Eric Littlejohn...)." Eric Littlejohn 26 February 1992 thought second from left ...Note by T.H. Kneen 5 March 1992, "Student at right is Robert Weller (1956). Male figure at right facing both shelves may be Bill Nicholls (Field Superintendent)." Eric Littlejohn 26 February 1992 thought second from left is Lloyd Davies (1955).Black and white photograph. Students and staff working in the Old Library in the Administration Buildingstudents, robert weller, bill nicholls, field superintendent, lloyd davies, staff, old library, administration building