Showing 94 items
matching historic advertisements
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Semco, Semco smocking instruction book, 1950s
... historic advertisements.... historic advertisements smocking embroidery hand sewing semco ...Front cover of "Semco smocking instruction book". An example of 1950s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for smocking of garments. Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric. An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front cover of a bookhistoric advertisements, smocking, embroidery, hand sewing, semco -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Semco, Semco smocking instruction book: sample pages, 1950s
... historic advertisements.... historic advertisements smocking embroidery hand sewing semco ...Sample pages from "Semco smocking instruction book". An example of 1950s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for smocking of garments. Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric. An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of ample pages from a bookhistoric advertisements, smocking, embroidery, hand sewing, semco -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Paragon Art Needlecraft, Smocking Simplified, 1940s
... historic advertisements.... historic advertisements smocking embroidery hand sewing paragon art ...Front and back covers of "Smocking Simplified". An example of 1940s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for smocking of garments. Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric. An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front and back covers of a bookhistoric advertisements, smocking, embroidery, hand sewing, paragon art needlecraft -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Paragon Art Needlecraft, Smocking Simplified: sample pages, 1940s
... historic advertisements.... historic advertisements smocking embroidery hand sewing paragon art ...Sample page from "Smocking Simplified", showing a line drawing of two small girls wearing smocked dresses. An example of 1940s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for smocking of garments. Smocking is an embroidery technique used to gather fabric. An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of sample page from a bookhistoric advertisements, smocking, embroidery, hand sewing, paragon art needlecraft -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements ...Front and back covers of "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. The back cover is an advertisement for Nock and Kirby Ltd, a Sydney based retail store. An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front and back covers of a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nock and kirby, nsw cookery teachers association -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Aeroplane Jelly: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science ...Advertisement for Aeroplane Jelly from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This Aeroplane Jelly advertisement tells of the health benefits of eating the jelly, its vitamin content and that it is made in Australia.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, aeroplane jelly -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Berlei: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science nsw ...Advertisement for Berlei (foundation garments) from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This Berlei advertisement is for corsetry that was popular at the time. Also on this page is an advert for War Bonds, to support the war effort in World War 2.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, berlei, war bonds, world war 2 -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Cadbury's Bourneville Cocoa: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements.... historic advertisements domestic science nsw cookery teachers ...Advertisement for Cadbury's Bourneville Cocoa from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This Cadbury's Bourneville Cocoa advertisement includes a recipe for chocolate cake.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, cadburys bourneville cocoa, chocolate cake -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Gold Medal Milk: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science ...Advertisement for Gold Medal Milk from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This Gold Medal Milk advertisement is for tinned condensed milk. The page includes an advertisement for Soyer's Baking Powder.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, gold medal milk, condensed milk, baking powder, soyers baking powder -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Laurel Kerosene: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science ...Advertisement for Laurel Kerosene from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This Laurel Kerosene advertisement claims that Lauren Kerosene is good for cleaning, heating, cooking and lighting.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, laurel kerosene, kerosene -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Lea and Perrins Sauce: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... advertising through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic ...Advertisement for Lea and Perrins Sauce from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. Lea and Perrins Worcestershire Sauce is still available today.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, lea and perrins, worcestershire sauce -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Lustre Lingerie: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements...-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science nsw cookery ...Advertisement for Lustre Lingerie and Slumberwear from "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This advertisement for Lustre Lingerie and Slumberwear claims it is suitable for all ages - 'big and little sisters'.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, lustre lingerie -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, McCall's "Dressmaking made easy": in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... advertising through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic ...Advertisement for McCall's "Dressmaking made easy" in "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This advertisement for another book McCall's "Dressmaking made easy" was available from David Jones in Sydney.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, mccalls, dressmaking, david jones -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Metters Cooker: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science ...Advertisement for Metters Gas Cooker in "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This advertisement is for a Metters Gas Cooker or stove.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, metters, gas stoves -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Patons and Baldwins' Knitting Wool: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... Plenty Lower Plenty melbourne Advertisement for Patons ...Advertisement for Patons and Baldwins' Knitting Wool in "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This advertisement is for Patons and Baldwins' Knitting Wool and knitting books.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, knitting patterns, patons and baldwins knitting wool -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Steelo steel wool: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science ...Advertisement for Steelo in "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This advertisement is for Steelo steel wool used for cleaning saucepans.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, steelo, steel wool -
Greensborough Historical Society
Advertisement - Digital Image, NSW Cookery Teachers' Association, Vincent's A.P.C.: in Domestic Science Handbook, 1942_
... historic advertisements... advertising through 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic ...Advertisement for Vincent's A.P.C. in "Domestic Science Handbook: for use by the pupils of domestic science schools". An example of 1940s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. This advertisement is for Vincent's A.P.C., a drug containing aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine, used to 'relieve pain and nervous depression'. It was banned in Australia in 1979 due to possible kidney complications.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, nsw cookery teachers association, vincents apc, pain relief -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Shell Company of Australia, Here's how for householders, 1948_
... historic advertisements... 'how-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science shell ...Front cover of "Here's how for householders". An example of 1940s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front cover of a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, shell company of australia, household hints -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Shell Company of Australia, Here's how for householders: Sample pages, 1948_
... historic advertisements... aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements ...Sample pages from "Here's how for householders". An example of 1940s advertising through sewing and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for many aspects of household management, interspersed with advertisements for useful items. Inside front and back covers are advertisements for Shell products, the company publishing this book.. There is also an advertisement for Pennant Kerosine (kerosene)An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of sample pages of a bookhistoric advertisements, domestic science, shell company of australia, household hints, pennant kerosine, kerosene -
Greensborough Historical Society
Booklet - Digital Image, N Z Transfer Company, Tip-top Transfers, Book 1: Sprays, 1959_
... historic advertisements...-to' books. historic advertisements domestic science tip top ...Front cover and sample page from "Tip-top Transfers, Book 1: Sprays". An example of mid century sewing and homemaker books. In this booklet, iron-on transfers are provided to be applied to garments or other fabric. The design can then be embroidered over the transfer. This edition contains flower designs, or sprays.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front cover and sample page of a booklethistoric advertisements, domestic science, tip top transfers, embroidery, sewing -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Northern Bakeries, Recipes made with bread, 1953_
... historic advertisements.... historic advertisements recipes bread bakeries tip top bakeries ...Covers and sample page from "Recipes made with bread". An example of 1950s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for recipes using bread, interspersed with advertisements for bakeries, including Tip Top Bakeries throughout Melbourne's suburbs.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front and back covers of a book with sample page.historic advertisements, recipes, bread, bakeries, tip top bakeries -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Taylor, Law et al, How to decorate a cake: by Anne Anson, 1954_
... historic advertisements...-to' books. historic advertisements recipes cake decorating tala ...Covers and sample page from "How to decorate a cake: by Anne Anson". An example of 1950s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions are given for decorating cakes, including advertisements for decorating suppliest. The sample shows "Tala" brand decorating equipment.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front cover of a book with sample pages.historic advertisements, recipes, cake decorating, tala -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Sunbeam Corporation, Sunbeam Frypan instruction manual, 1959_
... historic advertisements... 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books. historic ...Covers from "Sunbeam Frypan instruction manual". An example of 1950s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions and recipes are given for using a Sunbeam controlled heat electric frypan. The back cover shows examples of other Sunbeam appliances.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front and back covers of a book.historic advertisements, recipes, electric appliances, electric frypans, sunbeam appliances -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book - Digital Image, Sunbeam Corporation, Sunbeam Removable Control Appliances: instruction manual, 1965_
... historic advertisements... of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books. historic ...Covers from "Sunbeam Removable Control Appliances instruction manual". An example of 1960s advertising through cooking and homemaker books. In this book, instructions and recipes are given for using various Sunbeam Removable Control Appliances, such as frypans, and deep fryers. The back cover shows photographs of Sunbeam deep fryers.An example of mid 20th century advertising through 'how-to' books.Digital copy of front and back covers of a book.historic advertisements, recipes, electric appliances, electric frypans, sunbeam appliances, deep fryers -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Book - Digital Image, Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Co, Colonial Mutual Life Cookery Book: cuts of meat, 1932_
... historic advertisements... An example of early 20th century advertising recipe books historic ...A page from "Colonial Mutual Life Cookery Book". This page contains cuts of meat - pork and veal - and several curry recipes. An example of 1930s advertising through cookery and homemaker booksAn example of early 20th century advertisingDigital copy of page of a bookrecipe books, historic advertisements, cookery books, colonial mutual life, meat cuts -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Advertisement - Digital Image, Laurel Kerosene, 1930s
... historic advertisements... historic advertisements "the leader" small corner books laurel ...Advertisement from "Selected recipes from "The Leader" small corner books" (1930s). This advertisement is for Laurel Kerosene and gives many uses for kerosene that are no longer common in the 21st century, such as refrigeration, cleaning, lighting, heating and cooking.An example of early 20th century advertisingDigital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, "the leader" small corner books, laurel kerosene -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Advertisement - Digital Image, Sausetta Blended Spices, by Fowlers Vacola, 1930s
... historic advertisements...Advertisement from "Selected recipes from "The Leader ...Advertisement from "Selected recipes from "The Leader" small corner books" (1930s). This advertisement is for Sausetta Blended Spices, by Fowlers Vacola, used for flavouring home made sauces.An example of early 20th century advertisingDigital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, "the leader" small corner books, sausetta blended spices, fowlers vacola -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Book - Digital Image, Selected recipes from "The Leader" spare corner books, 1930s
... historic advertisements... advertising the leader recipe books historic advertisements fowlers ...Front and back covers of "Selected recipes from "The Leader" small corner books". The back cover is an advertisement for Fowlers Vacola bottling outfits.An example of early 20th century advertisingDigital copy of front and back covers of a bookthe leader, recipe books, historic advertisements, fowlers vacola -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Advertisement - Digital Image, Janitor Cleanser, 1930s
... historic advertisements... historic advertisements "the leader" small corner books janitor ...Advertisement from "Selected recipes from "The Leader" small corner books" (1930s). This advertisement is for Janitor Cleanser, "a universal cleanser for kitchen, laundry and all household chores".An example of early 20th century advertisingDigital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, "the leader" small corner books, janitor cleanser -
Greensborough Historical Society
Photograph - Advertisement - Digital Image, Fowlers Vacola, 1930s
... historic advertisements... advertising historic advertisements "the leader" small corner books ...Advertisement from "Selected recipes from "The Leader" small corner books" (1930s). This advertisement is for Fowlers Vacola and shows a variety of bottles and caps used in the Fowlers Vacola system.An example of early 20th century advertisingDigital copy of advertisement from a bookhistoric advertisements, "the leader" small corner books, fowlers vacola