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matching myrtleford state school 955
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
School Photograph, J. Check, Myrtleford State School 955, 1922, Circa 1922
... Myrtleford State School 955, 1922...Myrtleford State School 955... families attending the school. Myrtleford State School 955 School ...This whole of school photograph depicts the school pupil population in the "prosperous twenties". The pupils have been congregated against the external wall on the SE side of the school outside the Head Master's office and pupil's cloakroom. This is one of several photographs taken in 1922; others feature composite groups of classes. The photograph records the post-war school population at its peak in 1922. The following year,St. Mary's Convent School would commence and numbers at Myrtleford State School 955 would decline for the rest of the decade. The coverage of the whole school population provides a snapshot of all families attending the school.A monochrome photograph of the whole pupil enrolment at the Myrtleford township schoolSchool and Photographer name inscribed: "State School Myrtleford, 1922" "J. Check"myrtleford state school 955 -
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
School Photograph, T. Foxcroft, Empire Day Celebrations, 1915, May, 1915
... Empire Day Myrtleford State School 955 Alice O'Donnell... State School 955 participated in honouring Empire Day each May... at Myrtleford State School 955 in 1915, celebrating Empire Day. Pupils... at Myrtleford State School 955 participated in honouring Empire Day each ...Early in 20th century, a small group of girls at Myrtleford State School 955 participated in honouring Empire Day each May by "dressing up" to represent Britannia. This select group of girls celebrates the might of Britannia in the first full year of World War 1. It reflects the type of celebrations schools were expected to participate in at that time and for some years to come. Alice O,Donnell, the tallest, centre pupil in the group, was to lose her life on the Australian Hospital Ship "Centaur" when it was sunk by a Japanese submarine off the Queensland coast in May, 1943.A monochrome photograph of a small group of pupils at Myrtleford State School 955 in 1915, celebrating Empire Day. Pupils include from left: Isobel Robertson, Linda Croucher, Rene Johnson, Alice O'Donnell, Agnes Collins, Dorrie Peters, Madge O'Donnell. Photograph is inscribed: "T. Foxcroft, photo"empire day myrtleford state school 955 alice o'donnell -
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
School Bell, Circa 1885
... Glasgow Myrtleford State School 955... State School 955, Elgin Street, Myrtleford and rang there until... at Myrtleford State School 955, Elgin Street, Myrtleford and rang ...The bell was installed in the late 1880s at Myrtleford State School 955, Elgin Street, Myrtleford and rang there until the school relocated to a new site in early 1939. The bell followed the pupils to O'Donnell Avenue, but was dismantled and placed in storage in the 1950s. This bell is tied to the early daily life of state schooling in Elgin Street, from the commencement of the decline of gold mining in the district until immediately before the outbreak of World War 2. It is also related to the daily lives of children who participated in the "consolidation" of state schooling at O'Donnell Avenue and the development of "higher elementary" education.Large complete brass school bell with steel tongue.Inscription: "C. Wilson & Co., Founders, Glasgow, A.D. 1885"school bell c. wilson & co., glasgow myrtleford state school 955 -
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
Print of Oil Painting, Menin Gate At Midnight 0r Ghosts of Menin Gate
... to Myrtleford State School 955, 1929... to Myrtleford State School 955, 1929 Print of oil painting depicting ...Across Australia, many government establishments displayed this print, acknowledging the sacrifices made in World War 1. Each state school was presented with a framed copy.This print hangs in the old school building in which it was originally presented in 1929. It is exhibited near the doorway of the Museum's room of military artefacts.Print of oil painting depicting ghosts of Australian soldiers in vicinity of Menin Gate, battlefield in France, World War 1."Menin Gate at Midnight" by Will Longstaff, 1927 Presented to Myrtleford State School 955, 1929menin gate print of painting -
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
Portrait of Soldier, Talma & Co, James E. Matthews, 60th Battalion, Killed in Action, 19 July, 1916, Circa 1915
... attended Myrtleford State School 955; his death is recorded.... James attended Myrtleford State School 955; his death ...Private James Edward Matthews (3174) was one of four first cousins living in the Myrtleford district killed during World War 1. He was in the 60th Battalion, A.I.F. action at Fromelles, France, and was killed in action, aged 19 years, on July 19,1916. He was the son of Richard and James Matthews of Myrtleford and has no known grave, but is "Remembered with Honour" at V.C. Corner, Australian Cemetery and Memorial, Fromelles. James attended Myrtleford State School 955; his death is recorded on honour boards at the Uniting (formerly Methodist) Church, the school honour board and at the Soldier's memoral Square. A memorial window at the church includes names of the four cousins.The portrait reminds viewers of the youth of many A.I.F. volunteers, the outcome of actions such as that at Fromelles in 1916 and the impact on families in small communities. It also relates to the ongoing search for identifiable remains of those personnel without a known resting place. Framed original sepia photograph, head and shoulders, of World War 1 soldier in full dress uniform.James E. Matthews, 60th Battalion, Killed in Action, 19 July, 1916. Photography: Talma & Co., Melb.james matthews 60th battalion fromelles -
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
Memorial Plaque, Memorial Plaque Factory, "Dead Man's Penny", Circa 1921
... . Born in 1891, he was a former pupil of Myrtleford State School... of Myrtleford State School 955 and was one of four first cousins killed ...The "Dead Man's Penny" of Private George Matthews (24/1744) is a district link to the First World War. George enlisted with the Otago Regiment, New Zealand Expeditionary Force as a rifleman. Born in 1891, he was a former pupil of Myrtleford State School 955 and was one of four first cousins killed in action and recorded in a memorial window and honour board at the Uniting (formerly Methodist) Church, the Soldier's Memorial Square and on the State School Honour Board. George's parents, John and Mary Matthews,received the plaque in a pack, together with a letter and commemorative scroll from King George V. George Matthews is buried at the Caterpillar Valley (N.Z.) Memorial, France, having died on October 1, 1916, aged 25. The memorial plaque links local family tragedy to world conflict. It represents the impact of such events must have had on small town communities. George Matthews' enlistment in New Zealand is an indicator of the migratory nature of men involved in gold mining after the decline of the industry in Victoria and New South Wales in the late 19th centuryA World War 1 memorial plaque issued to next-of-kin of all British and Empire service personnel who died as a result of the war. They were round and cast in bronze, hence their similarity to the much smaller penny coin. The plaque includes an image of Britannia, holding a trident and standing with a lion. Britannia holds an oak leaf above the deceased's name, which is recorded without rank. Two dolphins swim around Britannia, symbolizing sea power, and at the base a second lion is tearing apart the German eagle. Around the picture a legend reads: "He died for freedom and Honour"Name engraved: GEORGE MATTHEWSmemorial plaque dead man's penny george matthews -
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
Wedding Gown
... was a teacher at Myrtleford State School 955 from 1870-76, where ...This gown was worn by Ellen Harvey Cundy (1857--1939) on her marriage to Thomas Davenport Wood on January 23, 1878. It was the first marriage at St. Paul's Church of England, Clyde Street, Myrtleford. The gown was made by the bride's mother, Marrianne CundyThis is the first bridal gown to grace the former timber church building. Both the Cundy and Wood families were prominent locally, having settled at Waterloo/Barwidgee Creek/Myrtleford area in the 1860s. Marianne Cundy was a teacher at Myrtleford State School 955 from 1870-76, where the gown is now housed.Hand-made cream patterned wedding gown, circa1878, long-sleeved and complete with gown, cundy, wood,