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Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Paperback book, The Box Hill Nursing History Committee, Nurses: the essence of quality care: a history of Nursing at Box Hill Hospital 1956-1991, 2003
... Nurses: the essence of quality care: a history of Nursing...Nursing history...The Box Hill Nursing History Committee... training Box Hill Hospital Nursing history A history of Box Hill ...A history of Box Hill Hospital, especially nursing aspects, from 1956 to 1991Paperback book with light green/blue cover. Title and authors name in black and white print on front cover and spine. Black and white photo of Jean Argent, midwife at Box Hill hospital 1957 to 1992. Back cover has 6 coloured photos of Box Hill badges for nursing graduates. Numerous black and white illustrations withinnon-fictionA history of Box Hill Hospital, especially nursing aspects, from 1956 to 1991box hill hospital, nursing history -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, Katherine Sheedy, The act of nursing: a history of nursing regulation in Victoria, 2012
... The act of nursing: a history of nursing regulation in...Nursing-History... Nursing-History Nursing-law and legislation-Victoria-History ...This book documents an important part of the story of nursing and midwifery in Victoria. the role of registration, training accreditation and monitoring of nurses and midwives has been fulfilled by three bodies in Victoria: the Nurses Board (1923-1957), the Victorian Nursing Council (1957-1994) and the Nurses Board of Victoria (1994-2010).Illustrated book with dust jacket. Book has abbreviated title and authors surname printed on spine in white ink on pale blue background. This pale blue binding extends for 55mm on front and back covers. The remainder of the covers have repeated images of various Victorian Nurses board Badges on a white background. Dust jacket has similar images on pale blue background on spine and extending 55mm on front and back, remainder of back is pale blue. On the front is an image of one person (torso only) holding another's wrist and holding a watch in their other hand and part of a stethoscope is also visible. Title and author's name are printed on front and spine. There is a 9mm wide attached gold satin ribbon bookmarknon-fictionThis book documents an important part of the story of nursing and midwifery in Victoria. the role of registration, training accreditation and monitoring of nurses and midwives has been fulfilled by three bodies in Victoria: the Nurses Board (1923-1957), the Victorian Nursing Council (1957-1994) and the Nurses Board of Victoria (1994-2010).nursing-history, nursing-law and legislation-victoria-history -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, Margaret McInnes, Caring for our children: the history of nursing, Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, 2006
... Caring for our children: the history of nursing, Royal...Paediatric Nursing-Victoria-history... Hospital (Melbourne) Paediatric Nursing-Victoria-history Nursing ...The book is a tribute to the nursing service of the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. From the time of the hospital's opening in 1870, the first nurse training school in 1889, and the transition to tertiary education, up to time of publication in 2006Illustrated book with gold coloured cover with title and authors name on front and spine. Also on front cover is image of Grace Collins (1891-92) on the right with two fellow nurses. On the back cover is the RCH trained nurses' badge (red Maltese cross on gold background inside a white circle) with the motto ' Infirmis Opitulare' (to care for the sick and infirm)non-fictionThe book is a tribute to the nursing service of the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. From the time of the hospital's opening in 1870, the first nurse training school in 1889, and the transition to tertiary education, up to time of publication in 2006royal children's hospital (melbourne), paediatric nursing-victoria-history, nursing-victoria-history -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, Richard Trembath et al, All care and responsibility: a history of nursing in Victoria 1850-1934, 1987
... All care and responsibility: a history of nursing in...Nursing Education-Victoria-History... history of the development of the nursing profession in Victoria ...Commencing with the rudimentary nursing arrangements of the mid 19th century Victoria, this book examines the gradual introduction of new concepts of nursing the sick and revolutionary approaches to the organisation of the nascent profession.Illustrated hardcover book with dustjacket. Book has a maroon cover with abbreviated title, authors names and illustration of a nurse in gold print on spine. Dust jacket is pink with white panels at top and bottom. Title is printed in maroon and black ink on front top panel, and authors names printed in blue ink on bottom front panel. Four portrait sketches of various nurses in small white ovals appear on the pink area of both front and back covers. Abbreviated title and authors names are printed in black ink on spine, along with coloured illustration of nurse.non-fictionCommencing with the rudimentary nursing arrangements of the mid 19th century Victoria, this book examines the gradual introduction of new concepts of nursing the sick and revolutionary approaches to the organisation of the nascent profession.royal australian nursing federation-victorian branch-history, nursing education-victoria-history, nurses-victoria-history -
Clunes Museum
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, Judith Bessant et al, The growth of a profession: nursing in Victoria 1930s-1980s, 1991
... Nursing-Victoria-History...A companion book to "All care and responsibility: a history... as it is an important record of the history of nursing in Victoria. It also ...This book is about nurses and nursing in Victoria from the 1930s until the 1980's. It traces the difficult steps that the nursing profession has made towards forging its identity within medicine, improving wages and conditions and the transferring of nurse education into the tertiary sector. The book culminates with the nurses' strike of 1986Illustrated book. Front cover, within a light grey border, has part of title and authors names printed in white on a green background, also on this background are illustrations of nurses' caps in graduating colour shades of green to white. Between the title and authors names is a light pink square offset on a larger dark pink rectangle. On this square the rest of the title is printed in black ink. Abbreviated title, authors and publishers name are printed in black ink on a grey background. On the back cover are printed a synopsis of the book, authors details and publishers name on a grey rectangular background, with a green bordernon-fictionThis book is about nurses and nursing in Victoria from the 1930s until the 1980's. It traces the difficult steps that the nursing profession has made towards forging its identity within medicine, improving wages and conditions and the transferring of nurse education into the tertiary sector. The book culminates with the nurses' strike of 1986nurses - victoria-history, nursing-victoria-history, royal victorian college of nursing, royal australian nursing federation-victorian branch-history -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Miniature Doll Information Booklet, Nursing Through the Ages
... Nursing History... of the history of nursing through the ages. ... of the Dolls in the Collection and a snapshot of the history of nursing ...Booklet from Northern District Nursing School used as a training/education tool for the school. The booklet gives a brief description of each of the Dolls in the Collection and a snapshot of the history of nursing through the ages. A4 size booklet - stapled twice on left hand side. Pink and Black Border with flowers motifs in four corners. Black written list of Dolls on front covernursing history, northern district school of nursing -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Gurna Dixon, Nurses: the essence of quality care: a history of nursing at Box Hill Hospital 1956 to 1991, 2003
... Nurses: the essence of quality care: a history of nursing...; 193 pages; Nurses: the essence of quality care: a history ...During the second World War, in December 1941 at a meeting of the Box Hill City Council, Mr R H L Sparks, the Mayor at the time, presented a detailed report regarding the possibility of establishing a community hospital. Several sites were inspected but by 1942 it was decided that the most suitable was land in Nelson Road, part of the property owned by Mrs Rodgerson who lived in Upton House on the crest of the hill near Thames Street.24.2 cm; 193 pages;non-fictionDuring the second World War, in December 1941 at a meeting of the Box Hill City Council, Mr R H L Sparks, the Mayor at the time, presented a detailed report regarding the possibility of establishing a community hospital. Several sites were inspected but by 1942 it was decided that the most suitable was land in Nelson Road, part of the property owned by Mrs Rodgerson who lived in Upton House on the crest of the hill near Thames hill hospital, mr r h l sparks, mrs rodgerson, upton house, house names, hospitals, nelson road, box hill, mosgiel hospital -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, Valerie Zielinski, Creme de la creme: a history of nursing education at the Geelong Hospital 1896-1996 and beyond, 2004
... Creme de la creme: a history of nursing education at the... training - history A history of nursing education at the Geelong ...A history of nursing education at the Geelong hospital from 1896 up to 2004. Includes hospital training of general nurses and enrolled nurses. Post graduate education is also included, both hospital-based and affiliation with Deakin University. Also included is a history of Geelong HospitalPaperback book with pale mauve cover. Title and authors name in black print on front along with black and white photo of the first class of trainee nurses in 1896. the back cover has a black and white photo of the last Geelong Hospital General Nurse Training Program students - school 387. numerous black and white illustrations withinnon-fictionA history of nursing education at the Geelong hospital from 1896 up to 2004. Includes hospital training of general nurses and enrolled nurses. Post graduate education is also included, both hospital-based and affiliation with Deakin University. Also included is a history of Geelong Hospitalgeelong hospital - history, nurse training - history -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, The close of an era: a history of nursing at the Royal North Shore Hospital, 1887 to 1987
... The close of an era: a history of nursing at the Royal... Hospital) The close of an era: a history of nursing at the Royal ...Illustrated book with dust jacket. Book has a purple cover with full title and authors name in gold on front, authors name and abbreviated title in gold on spine. Dust jacket is cream in colour, with authors name and full title printed in purple ink on front. Authors name and abbreviated title printed in purple ink on spine. Also on front cover is a painting by Kevin Jopson of the entrance to Vindin House (nurses' home at Royal North Shore Hospital) -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Book - Illustrated book, Susan Sherson, being there: Nursing at "The Melbourne" Victoria's First Hospital, 2005
... Nursing-Victoria-History... Hospital-history Royal Melbourne Hospital-Nursing-History Nursing ...The story starts in the 1840's when Melbourne was a small settlement, and funds were raised to care for the sick and poor and interweaves the theme of nursing with the history f Melbourne and Victoria over more than 150 years. It also includes an appendix of all nurses who graduated (RMH and MSN - Melbourne School of Nursing) in the formal training years of 1890-1993Illustrated book with orange toned photograph of Miss jane Bell (Lady Superintendent 1910-1934) with her nursing staff on retirement in 1934, with handwriting overlay on cover. Title and author's name appear in white print on front cover and spine. Hospital crest on base of spinenon-fictionThe story starts in the 1840's when Melbourne was a small settlement, and funds were raised to care for the sick and poor and interweaves the theme of nursing with the history f Melbourne and Victoria over more than 150 years. It also includes an appendix of all nurses who graduated (RMH and MSN - Melbourne School of Nursing) in the formal training years of 1890-1993royal melbourne hospital-history, royal melbourne hospital-nursing-history, nursing-victoria-history, hospitals-victoria -history, melbourne school of nursing-history -
Alfred Hospital Nurses League - Nursing Archive
Booklet - Illustrated booklet, Alfred Hospital School of Nursing, Alfred Hospital School of Nursing 1880-1980, 1980
... Nursing schools-history... Hospital school of nursing Alfred Hospital (Melbourne)-history ...Collection of illustrations, photos, articles and memories relating to the Alfred Hospital school of nursingIllustrated booklet. Silver coloured cover, title in black print on front, along with Alfred Hospital logonon-fictionCollection of illustrations, photos, articles and memories relating to the Alfred Hospital school of nursingalfred hospital (melbourne)-history, nursing-history, nursing schools-history -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Hygeia - Miniature Doll, Nursing Through the Ages
... Nursing History... of scientific medicine. Nursing History Nursing Education Equipment ...Miniature Doll Hygeia - The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Romans believed gods directed physical welfare. Temples were built for priests - physicians. In Greece temples remains of "Asklepios" provided hostels, hospital wards, bath houses, gymnasia. Hygeia symbolized health and panacea. Hippocrates born in 460BC was a great physician and held ideals of ethical conduct and practice. Todays medical students still adhere to this oath when graduation and also laid the foundations of scientific medicine.Miniature Doll - Dressed in Blue Dress with Silver Trim 30 cm tall with name tag. Name Tag Hygeianursing history, nursing education equipment, miniature doll -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Fabiola Roman Matron - Miniature Doll Collection, Nursing through the Ages
... Nursing History... and the poor. Nursing History Nursing Uniforms Northern District School ...Fabiola - Roman Matron - Romans developed an organized medical system and study of hygiene. Roman women pre Christianity were independent owned property and wealth. Fabiola daughter of a great roman family converted to Christianity and became devoted to charitable work among the sick and the poor. Miniature 30cm doll dressed in long light blue sarong type dress with matching blue headwareName tag - Roman Matronnursing history, nursing uniforms, northern district school of nursing, miniature dolls -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - St Johns Ambulance Brigade Miniature Doll, Nursing Though the Ages
... Nursing History... Brigade. Nursing History Nursing Uniforms Northern District School ...St John Ambulance Brigade in 1099 the Order of St John of Jerusalem began. Both men and women nursed on a large scale. Both the Knights and Ladies were pledged to the service on mankind. Ther Emblem the eight pointed white cross is still worn by members of the St John Ambulance Brigade. Miniature 30cm doll dresses on blue gown and long matching blue cape. Red insignia front of dress.Dame of Order of St Johnnursing history, nursing uniforms, northern district school of nursing, miniature dopll -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Sisters of Charity Miniature Doll, Nursing Through the Ages
... Nursing History... History Nursing Uniforms Northern District School of Nursing ...Sisters of Charity St Vincent de Paul. In 1638 St Vincents de Paul and Mademoiselle de Gras taught simple nursing procedure to young peasant women. They worked in the home hospital and battlefield. Their duties were arduous no pain relief was known and they were exposed to infection. In the 20 century the sisters of St Vincents De Paul are working worldwide nursing teaching caring for orphans the aged lepers. They shared in advances in medical science.30cm Miniature Doll dressed in bright blue shimmering dress with matching capeName tag Sisters of Charitynursing history, nursing uniforms, northern district school of nursing, miniature dolls -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Sairey Gamp Miniature Doll, Nursing Through the Ages
... Nursing History.... Nursing History Nursing Uniforms Nursing Education Equipment ...Mrs Sairey Gamp - English Monasteries declined in 1405 the Chruch was said to have one third of English's wealth. Henry VIII dissolved the Monasteries despite their record of charitable and medical work and took over most of their property. This left large numbers of helpless sick and poor to die. For the next 300 years there was no nursing class "hospitals" were overcrowded (sometimes 6 people to a bed) and were dirty. Nursing was carried out by women of low character and morals. Charles Dickens satirized nursing conditions with the character of Sairey Gamp. Nursing had sunk to the lowest level.30cm Miniature Doll -Checked Apron over stripped skirt. Purple spotted top with orange and white scarf. Wool type cardigan and hat. Holding mop or duster in hand.Name Tagnursing history, nursing uniforms, nursing education equipment, northern district school of nursing -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Blue Nurse Uniform on Miniature Doll - School 1(1950) to School 7 (1951), Nursing Through the Ages
... Nursing History... health forced her resignation. Nursing History Nursing Education ...Northern District School of Nursing commenced in 1950. During the early years of the School, student nurse wore a simnple blue dress with white shank buttons. This uniform was worn from School 1 (22/3/1950) thought to School 7 (24/4/1951). The Foundation Dean of the School was Nancy Winifred long who continued in this role until 1974 when failing health forced her resignation.30 cm Miniature Doll wearing blue dress with white shank buttonsName tagnursing history, nursing education equipment, nancy long -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Present Day Nurse Miniature Doll, Nursing through the Ages
... Nursing History... cape. This uniform continued through to 1972. Nursing History ...In 1951 the Modern Day/Present Day Nurse uniform was selected complete with apron and red cape. This uniform continued through to 1972. 30cm Miniature doll dressed in blue dress white apron and red cape.Name Tagnursing history, nursing uniforms, northern district school of nursing, miniature dolls -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Teaching aid - Doll, Nursing Through the Ages
... Nursing History.... Nursing History Nursing Uniforms Northern District School ...In 1972 Designed Noeline King designed a new uniform for the Northern District School of Nursing. Yellow and White dress with a yellow jacket. 1st worn by School 80 (31/07/1972) Students nurses wore this distinctive uniform in wards and were affectionately known as "Yellow Canaries"The Uniform was worn to the forced school closure in July 1989 as a result of transfer of nursing education into Colleges of Advanced Education. School 108 (4/8/1986) was the final school. 30cm Miniature Doll - Yellow and white dress with yellow jacket. Worn 1972 - 1986Name Tagnursing history, nursing uniforms, northern district school of nursing -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Nurses' Home
... Nursing History... History Nursing Information new Hostel building Copyright ...New hostel at NDSN - new building commenced in July 1968 seated Pauline Smith - Mildura Student. Standing Lois Baker - Castlemaine studentNurses Home (New Hostel) Building commenced July 1968. Black and White Photo of 2 females in nurses uniforms. One is sitting on a single bed and the 2nd nurse is standing at the head of the bed adjusting a radioCopyright - Bendigo Advertiser newspapersnursing history, nursing information, new hostel building -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 76 - August 1970
... Nursing History... 29 Nurses - 2 males 27 female Nursing History Nursing Uniform ...School 76 August 1970 29 Nurses - 2 males 27 femaleBlack and White Photo - 29 Nurses - 2 males sitting in the middle of the bottom row.nursing history, nursing uniform -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 71 - Lister House
... Nursing History...), Dianne Lane (Williams), Marg Jacka (Judd) Nursing History Nursing ...Photo of School 71 at Lister House. Various photos of nursing events on Nurses Margaret Boyle(Coad), Julie White(Burnett), Chris Lindrea (Forbes), Dianne Lane (Williams), Marg Jacka (Judd) 1 x Black and white photo 4 rows of nurses. 4 x photos Photo 1 - 2 females on steps of Lister house Photo 2 - Single female in nurses uniform Photo 3 - 5 females in casual dress. Photos 4 - 5 females in nursing uniforms middle bottom row female seated.No writing on back of main photo. Names on back of all smaller 4 photos.nursing history, nursing uniform, nursing information -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - Nr Kay Wilson School 77
... Nursing History... 1971. Castlemaine Student Nursing History Nursing Information ...School 77 Nursing Student Kaye Wilson holding a small child. Photos is taken 1st Feb 1971. Castlemaine StudentBlack and white photo. Nurse is wearing glasses and hair is tied back with cap on head. Child is wearing a 2 piece outfit. 3 photos of same.writing on back with detailsnursing history, nursing information -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 77 February 1971
... Nursing History... Nursing History Nursing Information Black and White photo - 4 rows ...School 77 February 1971 - 60 Nurses - Sourced by Paula DoolanBlack and White photo - 4 rows of nurses- 2nd row from bottom has 2 males in the middle - 60 Nursesnursing uniform, nursing history, nursing information -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 78 1971
... Nursing History... promotion - 1971 Nursing Information Nursing History Nursing ...School 78 - 1971 Sr E Simpson (Fraser) with Nr Cathryn Lillie - Prac drawing up promotion - 1971 Two Black and white proof photos of student nurse and nursing sister. I promotional photo with writing on the back. Names have been written on back of promotional photo. Photo of Nr Cathryn Lillie- and Sr E Simpson (tutor) nursing information, nursing history, nursing uniforms -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 77 February 1971 - 60 Nurses
... Nursing History... 75 - with patient on bike. 02/02/1970 Nursing History Nursing ...Nr Janis Hart - School 75 - with patient on bike. 02/02/1970Black and white proof with 2 photos of nurse with child one with child on right and one with child on left. Black edging separating proofsNames written on back of photonursing history, nursing information -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 78 - Lecture Room
... Nursing History... and K. Dodson discussing skeleton. 1971 Nursing History Nursing ...School 78 - Photo in Lecture Room of Sister E Simpson and 2 Trainee nurses C. Lillie and K. Dodson discussing skeleton. 1971Four black and white proof photos. 3 females with skeleton. 2 x2 photos of same scene. 1st photos all standing 2nd photos 2 standing one sitting.Numbers 7014 - 29.30 40 41 on back. Names written on each proof. Sister E Simpson and Nurses C Lillie and K Dodsonnursing history, nursing information -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 78 Student
... Nursing History... in old Library taking book from shelf. 1971 Nursing History ...School 78 Nr K Dodson in old Library taking book from shelf. 1971 Three Black and white proof photos. Two photos of nurse standing at library shelf with book in hand - landscape. One photo portrait with nurse standing a library shelf taking book from shelf in Old Library 1971 - Nr K Dodson.Numbered on back 7014 - 23,31,34. Names and details on backnursing history, nursing training -
Northern District School of Nursing. Managed by Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Photograph - School 78 First year nurse
... Nursing History... Cathryn Lillie holding a baby( Susan Dixon) Nursing History ...School 78 1971 - Nr Cathryn Lillie holding a baby( Susan Dixon) Three photos. Two black and white photos of nurse holding a child (one seated, one standing) Third photo is a proof taken in front of a large window with nurse holding a child. Cathryn Lillie - 1971 photo holding baby (Susan Dixon). Writing on back . Leo A Hughes Photogtrapher Eaglehawknursing history, nursing training