Showing 175 items
matching postmaster
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Former Mitcham Post-master dies, 21/11/1990 12:00:00 AM
Death of Barry Ralston.Death of Barry Ralston. Former postmaster at Mitcham from 1978 - 1983.Death of Barry Ralston. ralston, barry, mitcham post office -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Post Box -- Decomissioned & Mr Eric George -- Postmaster 1989
Post Box and postmaster Mr Eric George 1989Colour Photgrap of A Red Cylindrcal post box with a male in a grey suit with red tie standing next to it stawell -
National Communication Museum
Memorabilia - Honour board, Roll of Honour 1914 - 1918, 1920
This honour board commemorates Victorian Postmaster General's Department workers who served in the First World War. A total of 3,726 employees of the Postmaster General's Department enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War. This represented about one in every five of the total number of men employed by the Department. Many other employees volunteered, but were rejected for health or other reasons, whilst men in key positions could not be spared. This board was displayed at the Spirit of ANZAC Centenary Experience, Melbourne, in February 2016.This honour board was produced by the Postmaster-General's Department and passed through its successor entities until donation to the National Communications Museum in 2018. Its provenance is further supported by the supplementary photograph (VH256) held by the Museum which shows the board in production. The board provides a comprehensive list of the names of Postmaster-General staff across various departments, constituting an important resource for genealogical or social history researchers and a focal point for remembrance by fellow communications workers. The style of the board itself is rare, as it was an unusual practice for honour boards to be hand-lettered on paper.Handpainted paper on linen honour board, perspex glazed with a wooden frame."POSTMASTER GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT / VICTORIA" "ROLL OF HONOR / 1914 1918" "FOR / GOD / KING / AND / EMPIRE"|Headings that precede list of names: "CORRESPONDENCE / BRANCH" "CENTRAL EXCHE" "SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY / POST OFFICES" "TELEGRAPH / BRANCH" "ELECTRICAL ENGINEER'S BCH" "MAIL / BRANCH"pmg, postmaster general's department (pmg), world war 1, ww1, postal workers, honour boards, first world war -
Federation University Historical Collection
Ephemera - Telegram, Postmaster-General's Department, Assay query from Norsman, 31/07/1911
The Ballarat School of Mines undertook assay analysis in their model mine. Gray paper telegraph with 'Commonwealth of Australia Postmaster-General's Department, Victoria, mast. The telegram is from Norseman to the Ballarat School of Mines asking for progress on assay.Typed "28 3/_RP Southern Cross School of Mines Ballarat Informed about year eighteen hundred ninetysix January of february Darold bucknall sent from Norseman sample Cinebar for assay have you record anxious reply Paid" Harvey 10 20 I 21ballarat school of mines, bucknall, norseman, southern cross, assay, mining, mining companies -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Australian Postmaster General's Dept, Course of Technical Instruction and Telegraphy, 1940's -1950's
The Postmaster-General's Department (P.M.G.) of Australia was created in 1901 with Federation taking control over all six Colonies (States) Postal and Telegraphic services within Australia to form the national Postal and Telegraphic services within Australia. The Department was administered by the Postmaster-General. This manual was produced as a syllabus of training for Army Personnel units in P.M.G's Department schools.In war times the postal organisation was a vital link between the services, the community and overseas centres. The Postmaster-General's Department co-operated with service departments in the installation and operation of radio, telephone and telegraph systems. Its laboratories also designed, developed and manufactured vital defence equipment. This item reflects that contribution and history.A 31 pp buff colored book with orange cloth binding. Black print on the front cover - a oval shaped logo with Post Office Communication Australia around a small sketch depicting Mercury, the messenger of the gods below an Australian coat-of-arms. Below that is the title,"COURSE OF TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION TELEPHONY 1".manual-telephony postmaster-general's-training-department instruction-book communications -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Licence, Postmaster General's Department, Broadcast Listener's Licence 1964, 26/11/1964
A Broadcast Listener's Licence was issued by the Commonwealth of Australia, in Melbourne via the Postmaster General's Department. In this era (1960s) 'free to air' radio required the payment of a licence fee. The fine for operating unlicenced equipment was up to 100 pounds.Although the address on the licence is Garden City, Mrs Bray is a long-time resident of GreensboroughLicence, black text on buff licences, telecommunications -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Licence, Postmaster General's Department, Television Viewer's Licence 1964, 26/11/1964
A Television Viewer's Licence was issued by the Commonwealth of Australia, in Melbourne via the Postmaster General's Department. In this era (1960s) 'free to air' television required the payment of a licence fee. The fine for operating unlicenced equipment was up to 100 pounds.Although the address on the licence is Garden City, Mrs Bray is a long-time resident of GreensboroughLicence, black text on buff card.telecommunications, television licences -
Merbein District Historical Society
Document, Postmaster-General's Department (Rental Private Mail Box receipt), 14 Dec.1957
post office, j.j. rogers -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Date Stamp Record Book, Postmaster General's Department, Date Stamp Impression Book, Linton, 1974
Book was used at Linton Post Office between 11 September 1974 and 30 May 2000.Date stamp proof book contains specimen impressions of new dates, these were made after the date on the "cancellation stamp" (used to create postmarks) had been manually altered each day. Contains impressions of two different stamps, one reads "Linton Vic", the other "Linton Vic-Aust".date stamps, linton post office, documents and records -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper clippings
Newspaper report of retirement of Jack Voerworg, San Remo Postmaster - detailing family's postal history.Two smiling men in suits at top of news item. Jack Voerworg and Don McCrae - headed "not the end, the beginning". Retirement of San Remo Postmaster Jack Voerworg after 48 years, being congratulated by Don McCrae, Bass Shire Councillor.local history, documents, newspapers, commercial development - san remo, postmaster, newspapers san remo -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Breach notice from Postmaster General to Postmaster, Sandy Creek (1860), 23rd February, 1860
Donald Clark Collection. Breach notice sent from Postmaster General to the Postmaster of Sandy Creek (Tarnagulla) regarding information to be included in monthly statements. Original, not copy.tarnagulla, sandy creek, postmaster, post office, postal regulations -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Breach notice from Postmaster's Secretary to Postmaster, Sandy Creek (1860), 19th April, 1860
Donald Clark Collection. Breach notice sent from Postmaster's Secretary to the Postmaster of Sandy Creek (Tarnagulla) regarding taking of money and provision of adequate postage stamps. Original, not copy.tarnagulla, sandy creek, postmaster, post office, postal regulations -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Telegram, Telegram from Minister for the Army to Mrs. Roddy, 5:MMMM, 1941 (estimated)
A hand written telegram from the Minister for the Army to Mrs. J. Roddy to inform her of the capture of VX8007 A.J. RoddyCOMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA POSTMASTER GENERAL's DEPARTMENT/ RECIEVED TELEGRAM/ Typed section of Telgram: FUNDS MAYBE QUICKLY, SAFELY AND/ECONOMICLY TRANSFERRED BY/ MONEY ORDER TELEGRAM/ PLEASE TURN OVER./ RECIEVED TELEGRAM./ The first line of this Telegram contains the following/ particulars in the order named/ Office of Origin, Words, Time Lodged, No/ (hand written)Melbourne, 36/1, 9a, 12 , 2./ Top right hand corner: T.G. 42 (not stamped)/Office Date Stamp/sent at...../Ch'nl No..../ By ....(all of which have no markings)/ Mid Document: Remarks. This message has been recieved subject to the/post and telegraph act/ and regulations./ The time received at this office is shown at the end of this message./The date stamp indicates the date both of lodgement and of reception/ inless otherwise shown after the particulars/ of the time lodged.// Beside this is: TO (hand written) Postal acknowledgement/ Personal/ Mrs. J. Roddy 20 Emily St/Merbein 6365.// Under this handwrittten in ink: Distre 1319 To inform you that/ VX8007 A J Roddy Previously/ reported missing is now reported/ Prisoner of War Interned Carinthia/ Minister for the Army/ 9.25 ww11, pow, a j, roddy, vx8007, 1941, carinthia -
Anglesea and District Historical Society
Postal Note, 1933
Australian Postal Note made out to the Postmaster at Hamilton to pay Miss H.M. Thomson - four shillings, at any time within six months from the last day of the month of issue on account of the Postmaster General. The purchaser must fill in the office of payment and names of payee.232512 VICTORIA / COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA / To the Postmaster at . . . . . . . Hamilton / Pay .. . . . . . . Miss H.M. Thomson / FOUR SHILLINGS / POUNDAGE / THREE HALF PENCEpostal note, money order, postmaster general -
Bendigo Military Museum
Document - POSTAL MONEY ORDER COUNTERFOILS, Postmaster General, 1945
Counterfoils were kept by the sender of Postal Order money during WW2. Part of the collection of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC RAAF. Refer cat No 3536P for his service details.Collection of five postal money order counterfoils, rectangular shape, blue and black printing on the front in spaces provided, each is for a differant amount, 5/-, 3/-, 2/-, 6d, and 5/- (Schillings and pence).1) hand written in blue ink, “OHQ RAAF Cig fund, Kingsway No 8/2/45. .2) hand written in black ink, “OHQ RAAF Cigarette fund Kingsway No 26/3/45”souvenir, memorabilia, postage documents -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - HANDBOOK, His Majesty's Postmaster General et al, Wireless & Telegraph Operators, 1932
Khaki coloured soft cover with black print. At the bottom is a symbol of His Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 123 pages plus annexes. Illustrated advertising. Text regarding signals, morse code & message procedures.books-manuals/reference/military/signals, wireless -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
card, Postmaster General's Dept, Philatelic Exhibition Ringwood Library 1972 - card, 1972
Card provides the date of the Exhibition in RingwoodCard relating to a Philatelic Exhibition at Ringwood library June 1972 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Album, Prime Minister's Office et al, Folder with letters and envelopes addressed to Henry Sutton regarding minerals for wireless transmission, 1911
Henry Sutton is a talented world-wide accepted inventor with inventions relating to the telephone, photography, wireless, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles as well as many more inventions. Henry was also one of four brothers that ran the Sutton's Music Store after the death of their Father Richard Sutton. Henry Sutton taught Applied Electricity at the Ballarat School of Mines in 1883 to 1886.Folder containing typed letters and handwritten envelopes addressed to Henry Sutton regarding minerals for wireless transmission.Postage stamps minerals, wireless transmission, commonwealth of australia, henry sutton, prime minister, argus, post master general, justinian oxenham, w. forster woods, charles e. bright, hon. andrew fisher, malcolm shepherd, letterhead, peter g. tait -
Federation University Historical Collection
Album, Prime Minister's Office et al, Folder information pertaining to Henry Sutton's involvement with RACV, 1911
Henry Sutton is a talented world-wide accepted inventor with inventions relating to the telephone, photography, wireless, cars, motorcycles, and bicycles as well as many more inventions. Henry was also one of four brothers that ran the Sutton's Music Store after the death of their Father Richard Sutton. Henry Sutton taught Applied Electricity at the Ballarat School of Mines in 1883 to 1886.Folder of information pertaining to Henry Sutton's involvement with RACVhenry sutton, racv, sutton's racine, cycling, motor cars -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Broadcast Listener's Licence, Postmaster General's Department, Commonwealth of Australia, 1940s
Broadcast Listener's Licence No 11780 for G M DAViIS, 279 Graham St SC7 18.07.1947. Port Melbourne date stamp is 18 July 1946.families, communication - radio, business and traders, george marcus (mark) davis, george washington davis, carl davis, tommy lahiff, vern hookey -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Melbourne Metropolitan Postal District System, 1936
96 page book of street addresses throughout Melbourne used by Post Office Communicationsnon-fiction96 page book of street addresses throughout Melbourne used by Post Office Communicationspostal services, street directories, mitcham post office -
National Communication Museum
Equipment - Morse key, Postmaster-General's Department, circa 1920
A telegraph or Morse key, sends a series of electrical signals down a telegraph line or via radio frequencies; the signals are interpreted as Morse code, a binary form of language constructed of 'dots and dashes', combinations of which correspond to letters of the alphabet. The motion of the key acts to complete an electrical circuit between the sender and receiver, producing a short pulse 'dot' or longer 'dash,' the space between the code indicates a broken current or wave.Device used to transmit telegraphic messages in Morse code through the manipulation of electric signals. The metal 'key' sits in a central bracket on which it moves up and down aided by a spring, controlled by an operator pushing the black Bakelite knob on the protruding end of the device. The motion presses the key onto a circular metal disc, completing the circuit and sending an electrical pulse to the receiver. The apparatus is secured to a wooden base with wires attached to the terminals; a cut out section of the base suggests wires may have entered through this area, attaching to a battery.Printed ink on base: "PMG"telegraph, telegraphist, morse code, mechanisation -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Ephemera (item) - Telegram, Commonwealth of Australia-Postmaster-General's Department, 17-02-1945
A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the St. Kilda Rail office on 19th February, 1945, and was from someone named Muriel.A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the St. Kilda Rail office on 19th February, 1945, and was from someone named Muriel.marysville, victoria, australia, mount kitchener house, mt kitchener house, kitchener house, accommodation, miss j. briggs, telegram, commonwealth of australia, postmaster-general department -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Ephemera (item) - Telegram, Commonwealth of Australia-Postmaster-General's Department, 17-02-1945
A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the St. Kilda Rail office on 17th February, 1945, and was from someone named Dottie.A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the St. Kilda Rail office on 17th February, 1945, and was from someone named Dottie.marysville, victoria, australia, mount kitchener house, mt kitchener house, kitchener house, accommodation, miss j. briggs, telegram, commonwealth of australia, postmaster-general department -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Ephemera (item) - Telegram, Commonwealth of Australia-Postmaster-General's Department, 19-02-1945
A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the RAAF 5200 office on 19th February, 1945, and was from someone named Muriel.A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the RAAF 5200 office on 19th February, 1945, and was from someone named Muriel.marysville, victoria, australia, mount kitchener house, mt kitchener house, kitchener house, accommodation, miss j. briggs, telegram, commonwealth of australia, postmaster-general department -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Ephemera (item) - Telegram, Commonwealth of Australia-Postmaster-General's Department, 19-02-1945
A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the Melbourne office on 17th February, 1945 by someone named Betty.A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the Melbourne office on 17th February, 1945 by someone named Betty.marysville, victoria, australia, mount kitchener house, mt kitchener house, kitchener house, accommodation, miss j. briggs, telegram, commonwealth of australia, postmaster-general department -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Ephemera (item) - Telegram, Commonwealth of Australia-Postmaster-General's Department, 19-02-1945
A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the Melbourne office on 17th February, 1945.A telegram that was sent to a Miss J. Briggs c/of Mt. Kitchener House in Marysville on the occasion of her birthday. The telegram was sent via the Melbourne office on 17th February, 1945.marysville, victoria, australia, mount kitchener house, mt kitchener house, kitchener house, accommodation, miss j. briggs, telegram, commonwealth of australia, postmaster-general department -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Circular from Deputy Postmaster General, Improper Use of Earth-Wire Contention For Circuit, 23rd March 1870
Donald Clark Collection. A circular from the Deupty Postmaster General with title Improper Use of Earth-Wire Contention For Circuit. Relates to operation of the telegraph. Original, not copy.tarnagulla, sandy creek, postmaster, post office, postal regulations, telegraph -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, L. L. Vale Post Office, 1889
A reproduced article from The Reporter, Box Hill, 8 Aug 1889.A reproduced article from The Reporter, Box Hill, 8 Aug 1889 outlining the meeting between Nunawading Councillors and the Postmaster General to change the name of the L. L. Vale Post Office to Vermont.A reproduced article from The Reporter, Box Hill, 8 Aug 1889.l. l. vale, city of nunawading, vermont, mount pleasant -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Telephone, Postmaster General (PMG) issue 1940-1970
Telephone used in all households as standed issue for the Postmaster General (PMG) from the 1940's.Black bakerlite telephone with dial face and hand set, with long connection cord.On base PMG 300 S.T.C. 51 S1/90 Old Telephone No JW1503 Face: ABFJLMUWXY {listen before calling} pull dial round to stop and let go.