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Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Frank Ramage
... rsl life member...Photograph of Wangaratta RSL Life Member Frank Ramage taken...Photograph of Wangaratta RSL Life Member Frank Ramage taken ...Photograph of Wangaratta RSL Life Member Frank Ramage taken wearing WW2 Army uniform and slouch hat. Frank joined the C.M.F in 1943 and transferred to the 6th Field Ambulance A.I.F. in 1944 and discharged in 1946. He served in New Guinea and New Britain Frank Ramage joined the R.S.L. in 1956 and was made a Life Member in 1996Black plastic frame containing photocopy of photograph of soldier wearing slouch hat.frank ramage, 6th australian field ambulance, ww2, rsl life member, wangaratta rsl sub branch -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Frank Ramage
... rsl life member...Photograph of Wangaratta RSL Life Member Frank "Rooster... high-country Photograph of Wangaratta RSL Life Member Frank ...Photograph of Wangaratta RSL Life Member Frank "Rooster" Ramage. with Vic Novak and Bruce McIlroy in background left and right respectively. Frank joined the C.M.F in 1943 and transferred to the 6th Field Ambulance A.I.F. in 1944 and discharged in 1946. He served in New Guinea and New Britain Frank joined the joined the RSL in 1956 and became a Life Member in 1996.Black plastic frame with white border mount containing photograph of elderly male smoking a cigarette with two males in background.Roosters's Corner Life Member Frank (Rooster) Ramagefrank ramage, rsl life member, wangaratta sub branch -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Audio - Oral history interview, Peter Cardwell, 2018
... RSL Life Member... Life Member Wangaratta This digital oral history interview ...Interview with Peter Caldwell who talks of his service with the Royal Australian Navy.This digital oral history interview was conducted at Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch on March 21, 2018 as part of the Veterans Heritage Projectpeter cardwell, royal australian navy, rsl life member, wangaratta -
Bendigo Military Museum
... "Womens Auxiliary - RSL - LIFE MEMBER". On rear raised... - RSL - LIFE MEMBER". On rear raised, "Swann & Hudson" Badge ...The recipient is not known and there is no name etc engraved on the rear. There were 6 Life Members of the Bendigo Branch.Badge, metals, colours are blue and red, top has a crown with a membership clip on for the year "1982". Centre is a circular shape with text around, centre is the flag, under is a scroll with the words "LIFE MEMBER". A small gold chain is attached through the scroll area, rear has a pin attachment."Womens Auxiliary - RSL - LIFE MEMBER". On rear raised, "Swann & Hudson"brsl, smirsl, award, life member, wabrsl -
Geelong RSL Sub Branch
Badge - RSL Life Membership, Late 20th century
... member. RSL Badge Life Member On the back - V2526, badge remain ...These badges are issued to members who pay for life membership or those who have been appointed honorary life members.This is an original badge that has been issued to a life member.Badge, white background, blue centre with four figures in gold colour in the centre. Returned and Services League around the blue, Australia in the red ribbon,m Life Member in the attachment at the bottom of the badge.On the back - V2526, badge remain property of the league.rsl badge, life member -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - AWARD, MEDAL, BADGE, PHOTO FRAMED, WW2 to post 1989
... is the "Meritorious Service Medal", see Cat No 8042, The RSL Badge is a Life... to Australia", On RSL badge, "Life Member"... - Service to Australia", On RSL badge, "Life Member" Framed ...John Kerr Barnes. The items relate to "Jack" as he was known. The photo is Jack in uniform, the central Medal/Ribbon is the "Meritorious Service Medal", see Cat No 8042, The RSL Badge is a Life Members Badge. You have to be a Life Member to be awarded the "Meritorious Service Medal". Refer Cat No 8040 for Jacks other awards, Committee/Volunteer work for the Bendigo Sub Branch.Framed Memorabilia, frame is brown timber, item backing green with 4 insets, top is a photo, under is a gold medallion, medal with ribbon, RSL badge.On Medal, "For Merit", On Medallion, "World War11 - Service to Australia", On RSL badge, "Life Member"brsl, smirsl, meritorious, -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Satchell (leather), (estimated); World War 2
... became President of the Red Cliffs RSL and a Life Member... became President of the Red Cliffs RSL and a Life Member ...This item of meorabilia was made by J.G.Murphy while he was hospitalised in the Middle East during the 2nd World War. He later became President of the Red Cliffs RSL and a Life Member of the League for service rendered.Brown leather satchell,embossed with Australian flora and forna, front, back and under flap, there is a carry handle on the top. The front features two Kookaburra like birds, under the flap is a Kangaroo and butterfly and folliage on the back. The seams and handle are hand sewn with 2.5mm leather lacing, and there are press studs to hold the flap closed. There are two internal pockets, stitched with fine cotton thread and the stitching is only visable from the inside. satchell leather, embossed leather, native flora, native fauna, past rsl president, j g murphy, hand made leather work, middle east hospital craft, past presidents, life members, rsl, middle east -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - MEMBERSHIP RECORDS, BENDIGO RSL, C. 1960's onwards
... in the photos is William James Norman Smart Life Member of the Bendigo... in the photos is William James Norman Smart Life Member of the Bendigo ....1) These membership records date from 1961/62 through to 2001/2. .2) These memberships records date from 1961/2 through to 2011. These records were originally in a large black heavy folder. When the Bendigo RSL Office moved from Pall Mall (SMI) in 2007 to the Bendigo District RSL in Havilah Road the records were then digitized and put in these box trays.. The card shown in the photos is William James Norman Smart Life Member of the Bendigo RSL He was Treasurer for 13 years. He on his own raised $250,000 for the RSL Appeals..1) Membership card index, paper, alphabetical order with dividers in a wood tray, rectangular shape, all hand written in blue/red pen. .2) Membership card index, paper, alphabetical order with dividers in wood tray rectangular shape, cards all written in blue/red pen. There is a detached section from the alphabetical listing and unused forms..1) On side of tray, " Old inactive members". .2) On side of tray, "Current members.brsl, smirsl, memberships -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL MEMBERS, March 1988
Members of the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch 1988. From left to right. John Edward Widdison - Fay (Jack) Served on Committee 1958 to 1960, 1963 to 1996, 1998 too 2000, Treasurer for the year 1963. Museum Sub Committee member 1997 to 2015/16 and Museum guide, conducted RSL funerals for many years, served on the Servicemen’s Co - Operative Society for many years until 2000, involved in fund raising, made Life Member in 2015. He was also heavily involved n the RAAF Association with terms as President and Secretary. Culmer John Plant (Jack). Served on Committee 1965 to 1971, 1974 to 1975, 1977 to 1982, 1984 to 1992, President for the years 1969 to 1971, 1974 to 1975, 1980 to 1982, Delegate to the 27 District Board of the RSL, Honorary Organiser of the Bendigo RSL Diggers Day Bowls for 4 years, made a Life Member 1974. Ronald Barton. Served on Committee 1983 to 1992. Refer Cat No 8130P. William James Norman Smart (Norm). Refer Cat No 8131.2P John Kerr Barnes (Jack). Refer Cat No 8040 Henry Maxwell Frances O’Haloran (Max), Served on Committee for the years 1961, 1963, 1971, 1982 to 1992, President for the years 1961, 1963, 1983 to 1992, served as RSL Country Vice President, made Life Member 1990, Served as President of the Bendigo District Servicemen’s Club 1981 to 1992, awarded an MBE in 1982 for his Community involvement. Photograph colour showing 6 members of the Bendigo RSL standing out the front of the Soldiers Memorial Institute Pall Mall Bendigo, gardens behind and in the background is the Myers Building.Stamped on the back, “17 MAR 1988”smirsl, brsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - BENDIGO RSL ANNUAL DINNERS, C.1998 - 2000
The photos are of one of the last Annual Bendigo RSL Dinners held in the SMI, this is most likely 1998/2000. The Dinners moved to the Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc at Havilah Road about 2001. There are a number of easily identifiable members in the photos. .1) Centre Table, Fred Addlem, Kevin Purdon, Kell Howard, Peter Ball. .2) LH table, Joe Boulton, Ernie Jackman, Jack Fay. Fred Addlem, Refer Cat No 8128P for Committee history, he was also a dedicated Museum guide from 1998 to 2003. Kevin Purdon, has been a Museum Guide since 2009 to current, Appeals for many years and delivery to and pick up from schools. Laurie schilling committee member 1992 to 2000, museum guide from 1998 tp 2015. Kell Howard committee member 1976 to 1981, 1985 to 1990. Peter Ball, refer Cat No 8071.3 Joe Boulton, committee member 1999 to 2000, Appeals Officer with his wife Lyn from 2004 to 2012. Ernie Jackman, committee member 1961 to 1962, 1973, Welfare Sub Committee 15 years, Welfare Officer 1997 to 1978, Appeals Officer 1960 to 1994, organised the distribution of parcels to homes and hospitals at Xmas, made a Life Member 1986. Jack Fay, refer Cat No 8129PTwo Colour photographs re Bendigo RSL Annual Dinners taken from different angles showing 3 lines of tables set up. These photos are one of the last Annual Dinners held in the Soldiers Memorial Institute. The photos show the Museum memorabilia around the walls.brsl, smirsl, annual dinner -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, LIFE MEMBERSHIP 1956, National HQ RSSAILA, C.1956
William John TURNER served on the Committee of the Bendigo Sub Branch from 1948 - 1951, 1953, 1955 - 1958, he was Jnr Vice President during the 1953 - 1958 years. His fund raising and other positions are well documented in Cat No 8029 re the submission for the Life Membership. William Turner had pre WW1 military service in the 67th BN Bendigo area as a Cpl in the Machine Gun section for 2 years. He enlisted in the AIF No 3627 in the 8th Reinforcements 21st BN age 19 years 6 months on 10.7.1915, embark for Eygpt 29.12.1915, transfer to 60th Bn 26.2.1916, promoted Cpl 25.3.1916, embark for France 29.6.1916, WIA 24.4.1918 GSW right wrist, rejoin unit 23.7.1918, promoted Sgt, transfer to 59th Bn 25.9.1918, RTA 15.5.1919, discharged from the AIF 22.8.1919. Certificate framed, frame is timber gold colour, certificate backing is maroon, certificate has ornate edge, all print in blue and black with a red seal at the bottom RH corner. At the top is R.S.S.A.I.L.A followed by the RSL logo then the details of the person receiving and signed.Main points; “This is to certify that Mr W.J. Turner has been awarded Life membership of the Returned Sailors, Soldiers & Airman’s Imperial League of Australia for services rendered as a member of Bendigo Sub Branch Vic” “Dated Canberra 21st Day of November 1956, ................Federal President J Neagle General Secretary”brsl, smirsl, life membership -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, LIFE MEMBER 1960, RSL Inter Units Social Club, 28.3.1960
... . Main points; “Inter Units Social Club - Life Members ...The Life Membership relates to William John Turner Bendigo RSL Sub Branch. Refer Cat No 8029 for details of his work and fund raising for the Sub Branch. Refer Cat No 8030 for details re his Committee involvement with Bendigo Sub Branch and his WW1 service history. The Unit Social Clubs listed in an RSL Bendigo Annual report 1946 appear to be 6th, 38th, 57th Bn Associations, Railways Sub Section, Catholic War Veterans Association, POW Association (new member 1947).Framed certificate, frame is timber gold colour, backing for the certificate is maroon colour, certificate has ornate blue edging, RSL logo at the top followed by the details of the certificate, all print in black, signed and dated.Main points; “Inter Units Social Club - Life Members Certificate - Presented to Mr W.J. Turner for services rendered to the above club” “R C. Kuryke President” “H Skinner Secretary” Dated 28.3.1960”brsl, smirsl, certificate. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Letter - LETTER OF THANKS 1969, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch, 18.6.1969
The letter is to William John Turner in appreciation of him conducting the Ritual (ODE) on numerous occasions. Turner is a Life Member of the Bendigo Sub Branch. Refer Cat No's 8029 & 8030 for details of his volunteer/committee work, Life Membership and his WW1 service records.Letter off white colour, letter head of the "Returned Services League of Australia" - Bendigo Sub Branch, all type in black, signed in blue pen. The letter is to "Mr W. Turner" of 121 Barnard St Bendigo."Bendigo 18th June 1969" "President C.J. Plant" "Secretary J.K. Barnes" "Mr W. Turner"brsl, smirsl, letter -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, LIFE MEMBERSHIP 1969, National HQ RSL Australia, C. 11.9.1969
John Kerr Barnes. Life Membership is a nomination by the Sub - Branch. Jack as known was first elected to the Committee of the Bendigo Sub - Branch in 1955 and held that position until he was elected to the position of Secretary in 1964 and held that till he retired in 2005 (43 years) the entire time he did this from the Soldiers Memorial Institute which was the HQ of the Bendigo Sub Branch. He then became a Museum guide at the Soldiers Memorial Institute until his death in 2011. He was also involved in fund raising particularly the stall they had at the Bendigo Show and the Melbourne Cup sweep the Branch had. He was also awarded a Life Membership with Gold badge 1988, Meritorious Service Medal 1989 (Highest award in the RSL), RSL Licensed Sub - Branch Hall of Fame 2002, State certificate of Appreciation 2006. He is the highest awarded member of the Bendigo Branch. Jack initially enlisted as V25001 in the CMF then transferred to the AIF as VX116316 at age 19 years on 25.2.1941. At discharge from the Army on 12.6.1946 he held the rank of Pte in 2/1st Australian Motor Ambulance Convoy W/shops.Certificate framed, frame is timber light brown colour, certificate is yellow colour with gold RSL logo at the top followed by details of the award of "Life Membership" of the National Branch of the RSL Australia, all print in black, signed and red seal at RH side bottom."Life Membership has been awarded to Mr J.K. Barnes - Bendigo Sub Branch (Vic)" "Dated at Canberra - eleventh - September 1969" Signed "A.J. Lee" National President. Signed "A.G. Kiyl" (?) National Secretary.brsl, smirsl, life member -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, LIFE MEMBERSHIP 1988, National HQ RSL of Australia, 6.7.1988
John Kerr Barnes. This award is "Life Membership with Gold Badge" a nomination by the Sate President of the RSL (Vic) Refer Cat No 8040 for all Jacks awards, Committee/Volunteer work with the Bendigo Sub - Branch plus his WW2 service.Certificate of Life Membership framed, frame is brown timber, certificate backing is green, certificate yellow colour with gold RSL Logo at the top with "Life Member" under followed by details of the award to "John K Barnes". All print in black, signed in black with a red seal at RH side bottom. A small card insert is at the base coloured with "Presented by"."Life Membership awarded to John K Barnes by the National Executive of the RSL of Australia" Dated "Canberra this sixth day of July 1988" Signed "W Keys" National President. Signed "J.J. Gollings" National Secretary.brsl, smirsl, life member, gold badge -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - REPORT, ENVELOPE, NOTICE 1947, C. Jan 1948
.1) Balance sheet, pages 1 & 2 report by the President cover Membership, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Hospital & Benevolent Home, Govenor's visit, Unit Clubs, 27th District Board, Carnival, Finance, Relief Fund, Building Improvements Fund, Club Building fund, Donations, Appreciations, Obituary, Committee, Pilgrimage to Cross (Mt Macedon), Pages 3 & 4 are detailed Income Expenditure of the 5 Accounts of the Sub Branch. The report also mentions the first Life Membership of the sub Branch to Dr Harold Catford. .3) Letter addressed to B.J. Bubb. This is Bruce John Bubb VX108474 2nd AIF..1) Report and Balance sheet Bendigo Sub Branch for the year 1947, all type in black re the finance and activities of this Sub Branch of the "Returned Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen's Imperial League of Australia, 4 pages folding in total. .2) Letter re yearly membership subscription reminder of the Bendigo Branch that membership is due on the 1st January each year. .3) Envelope, light brown, has green stamp, Sub Branch details and addressed to underlined in red.Main Points, .1) "To be presented at the Annual Meeting of Members to be held at the Memorial Hall on Friday 13th February 1948 at 8pm" .3) "Mr B.J.Bubb White Hills"brsl, smi, rsl, report, balance -
Bendigo Military Museum
Booklet - BOOKLET, RSL NEWS 1960, Wicks Knott Publications, C. 1960
In 1960 the President of the Sub Branch was John William Swatton, served on Committee 1941 - 1960, Snr Vice President 1949 - 1957, President 1958 - 1960, made Life Member 1962. Refer cat No 6719.2P for his service records. Secretary G.F. Osborne, Served as Secretary 1954 - 1960. Treasurer John Edward Widdison - Fay, served on Committee 1958 - 2000, made Life Member 2015. Refer Cat No 8129P for Jack Fay’s RSL involvement.Booklet paper 32 pages, front cover has headline "Bendigo RSL News" with a large colour central RSL Logo depiction, inside covers Committee, reviews, administration, notes from Auxiliaries and Service clubs, Repatriation, War Service homes,, all internal print in red & black. Approx half the booklet is advertising by local Bendigo Business."Official Organ of Bendigo Sub - Branch R.S.L" "Volume 1, Sept - Oct - Nov, 1960 Number 2"brsl, smirsl, booklet -
Bendigo Military Museum
This award was given to Mrs Irene Hudson Bendigo Womens Auxiilary, Bendigo RSL Sub Branch for 40 years service in 1983. She was previously made a Life Member in 1975. Irene was President of the Auxiliary from 1977 - 1979Merit badge, metals, colours are red, blue and gold, at the top in an arch shape is "RSL", centre in a shield design are 3 figures as per the RSL logo, under in a curve shape the word, "Merit", rear has a pin attachment and engraved.On rear engraved, "Mrs I.F. Hudson". At the bottom in raised lettering, "STG SIL".brsl, smirsl, award, merit, wabrsl -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - BADGE, LIFE MEMBER BDSC 1986, Bendigo & District RSL Club, C.1986
The Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club was a Co Operative of the 3 Bendigo RSL Sub Branches. Roy Leslie Thurlow was a tireless worker for the Servicemen's Club, he was President 1984 - 85, 1988 - 89, he was made a life Member of in 1986. With the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch he served on the Committee from 1980 - 93, he was Jnr Vice President 3 years and 4 years as Snr Vice President. Refer Cat No 4688PBadge metal, colours are red, blue and gold. The top section is rectangular shape with the wording "Bendigo and District Servicemen's Club, centre of has 3 figures as per the RSL Logo, a membership pin for the year "1987" is attached. Rear has details and maker. Attached to the badge section via rings has the wording "LIFE MEMBER".On rear, "R.L. Thurlow" - 0004 - 1986"brsl, smirsl, bdsc, life member -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, FRAMED, BDSC 1979, Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club, C. 1979
BDSC - Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club. The Servicemen's Club 73 - 75 Havilah Rd was a Co - Operative of the 3 Bendigo RSL's being Bendigo, Kangaroo Flat & Eaglehawk Sub Branches. In 1977 the Bendigo, Eaglehawk, Kangaroo Flat RSL Co operative Society Ltd was formed with Mr Des Paterson as Chairman and Mr Jack Barnes as Secretary. The Co op owned the facility and the Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club was formed to operate the facility. It was built in 1978 and a liquor license was finally granted in August 1979 and opened. It was officially opened on December 19th 1979 by the Hon R.J. Hamer premier of Victoria. In the year 2000 the premises became the Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch Inc. Des Paterson was also on the of the BDSC Committee until 1984. He was heavily involved in the establishment of the BDSC. With the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch he was elected to Committee in 1973, Jnr Vice President 1974, Snr Vice President 1975, President 1976. Jack Barnes first Secretary refer Cat No 8040. Photograph BDSC. Roy Tayor was Bar Manager, refer Cat No 5687, Arthur Harridge Secretary 1979, Bill Nichols (William Bona) was President from 1978 - 80, he was made a Life member of in 1981. He was acknowledged as the driving force behind the establishment of the Club. With the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch he was elected to Committee 1961, 1966 - 68, 1970 - 72, 1974 - 81 (14 years) He was President 1968, 1972, 1979, 0ne year as Jnr Vice and 4 as Snr Vice President. Refer Cat No 149.Photograph B & W framed brown timber, photo shows 3 x men in suits with beer in hand, they are standing behind a bar, rear has hand written notes on.On rear, " BDSC - Roy Taylor Bar Manager - Arthur Harridge Secretary (79) - Bill Nichols Liquor Licence - formed 77 (Co op) built 78, licence 79 - 8621" brsl, smirsl, bdsc, servicemen's club -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, LIFE MEMBERSHIP BDSC 1986, Bendigo and District Servicemen's Club, C.1986
Roy Leslie Thurlow, refer Cat No 8072 for his complete details re The Servicemen's Club and the Bendigo RSL. Signatures on Certificate, W.R. Barnes was President for the years 1981 - 84, made a Life Member 1985. A.R. Thomson was President for the years 1985 - 87, made a Life Member 1986. Certificate framed black plastic, certificate is cream background all text in blue, signed in blue pen, all set inside a gold ornate outline, the top has "Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club" followed by signed at the bottom, "President A.R. Thomson, Vice President W.R. Barnes""Life membership has been awarded to R.L Thurlow in appreciation of services rendered as a Foundation Member of the Bendigo and District Servicemen's Club - dated Thursday 17th day of September 1986"brsl, smirsl, bdsc, life membership -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - CERTIFICATE, APPRECIATION BDSC 1996, Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club, C.1996
Jack Colston was a great worker and supporter of the Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club. This certificate was given to Jack in 1996. He was made a Life Member of the Club previously in 1987. With the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch he served on the Committee from1979 - 2000, 20 years, He was involved in Appeals for many years. He served in the RAAF in WW2.Certificate framed, timber black & gold. Certificate is blue background with all text in yellow, at the bottom a depiction of two hands shaking."In Appreciation - Bendigo & District Servicemen's Club and Committee - would like to show their Appreciation to - Mr Jack Colston - For his dedication to the Servicemen's Club over a number of years"brsl, smirsl, bdsc, appreciation -
Bendigo Military Museum
Document - DOCUMENTS, APPEALS - WELFARE REPORTS 1975, 1977, Welfare/Appeals Officer, C.1975 - 1977
Both reports re Appeals being "ANZAC Tokens and Poppy Appeal" both topped the $2,000.00 mark which was a first, something they were striving for to reach that mark. Welfare details a number of areas they dealt with. The Appeals & Welfare Officer was Ernest Alfred Jackman. He served on Committee of the Bendigo Sub Branch in 1961 - 62 and 1973. He was on the Welfare Sub committee for 15years and Welfare Officer 1975 - 78. He was the Appeals Officer from 1960 - 1994. He was made a Life member in 1986.Both documents paper all print in text, single sided both have two sections, top is Appeals and bottom Welfare relating to the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch for the years 1975 & 1977."Ern Jackman - Welfare - Appeals Officer"brsl, smirsl, welfare, appeals -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - FUNERALS LIST BENDIGO RSL, C.1965 to 2008
RSL Funeral services conducted by the Bendigo RSL Sub Branch and Bendigo District RSL Sub Branch for their departed members. .1) The first entry in the book is 27.10.1965 and the last on 27.12.2008. A large amount of the entries were written by Jack Barnes OAM during his 43 years as Secretary of the Sub Branch. (Refer Cat No 8040). The vast majority of the funerals were conducted by the President at the time, Committee members or members who were heavily involved with the Sub Branch. It's virtual who's who of Presidents, Life members and notables. 1988 saw the most funerals conducted during that year being 60, other figures varied from mid 20's to mid 50's per year. One notable funeral Volunteer was John Balsillie MBE. (Refer Cat No 118.5) Between 2.1.2007 - 27.12.2008 there was 80 funerals with John conducting 78 of them. There is an interesting addition of one funeral by Jack Barnes on 31.1.1968 was that it was (111 degrees). .2) The list on the sheet with a note, "For Cindy" who was the BDRSL Office Person at the time. these were for 2007, there was 19 on the sheet with only 9 in the book, 7 of the names have a red tick beside. The sheet was written by John Balsillie. John had conducted funerals for many years pre 2007 and for more years after. .1) Exercise book, cover red & white with green text central of front, section of front page missing, pages are blue ruled lines, columns added in red or blue pen, 3 columns per page with year at the top, columns have the deceased persons name, funeral date, person who conducted the RSL funeral, some pages the persons unit served with has been added. all entries are hand written on red or blue pen. .2) Sheet of paper with hand written names in blue pen with month and date, some have a red tick beside.On front on a white sticker "Funerals" in black texta pen. Hand written in blue pen, "27.10.1965 to 27.12.2008". Inside front cover in blue pen by Jack Barnes, "Bugler as from Sept 84 - Les Warren 40 Story St Bgo phone 43007". In red pen, "Took Bugle to polish etc 5 ? 84"brsl, smirsl, bdrslinc, funerals -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - XMAS STOCKING ROSTER BRSL 1998, C.1998
This yearly effort was conducted from 12.11.1998 - 12.12.1998. At the bottom of each page are details re pick up and delivery of tickets and stocking. The raffle was conducted from 3 different selling points. The names on the roster are a who's who of the RSL at the time, except for two names all the sellers were WW2 era members being a list of President current, ex Presidents, Life members, Committee and notables. The hand written notes were by Jack Barnes OAM. Refer Cat No's 8130P & 8220.Bendigo RSL Xmas stocking raffle roster, 4 pages all white, first two pages are typed in black, one is for the morning roster and one the afternoon, pages 3 & 4 are a handwritten version getting the final ready, text in blue pen with some in red. All are stapled together.On first page in red pen, "98"brsl, smirsl, stocking, xmas, 1998 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Mixed media - SCRAPBOOK BENDIGO RSL, 1967 - 1972
This scrap book has been divided into 4 parts with different Cat No's to give better coverage of the articles & photos. There are 3 photos in the book that were loose in other material as well and are covered in Cat No's 8094, 8148.2P, 8149P. some pages have been cropped to give a better view. Page 1. The article covers the award of a Life Membership to Samuel John Ryan for his years and work in Committee, Executive, Welfare and State Council. Sam as known served on the Committee of the Bendigo RSL from 1963 - 1968, 1970 - 1973, President 1964 - 1967, Snr Vice President 1973. He was made a Life member in 1968, awarded the BEM (British Empire medal) in 1973 for his untiring RSL Volunteer work. Page 2a. Shows people in attendance at a Remembrance Day Service 11th hour, 11th day, 11th month in Bendigo, year unknown. The man on own with the Cross is Sam Ryan President Bendigo RSL Page 2b. Shows two unknown men with and ANZAC Appeal poster. Page 3a. The Winston Churchill Memorial Appeal from the Bendigo angle, from the left Sam Ryan Bendigo RSL President, The Mayor Cr N.J. Oliver and Mr R.. Shelmerdine National Deputy President and Victorian Chairman of the Appeal. Page 3b. On the left is Mrs H. Morey President of the Bendigo RSL Ladies Auxiliary, centre is Mrs W. Waters being presented with a Life Membership of the Auxiliary by the President of the Bendigo RSL Jack Plant. the year was 1969. Page 4a. Poppy Appeal shows Mr H. McDougall Committee Bendigo RSL selling Poppies pre Remembrance Day to Mrs S. Reilly and Mrs J. Johnson. Mr Ernie Jackman Appeals Officer states he is very happy with the results. Mr McDougall served on Committee Bendigo RSL from 1964 - 1969. For Ernie Jackman refer Cat No 8133.2P. Page 4b. A brief service "Battle of Britain" service held at the Soldiers memorial Institute, Mr Ray Rood (Foreground) read a message from Lord Tedder Marshall of the RAF. The men left to right are: Mr R.R. Anderson, Mr F Wright, Mr R.V. Brock, Mr A. Ramage and Mr G. Baker. Page 5a. Article re Bendigo RSL Appeals re nearly 500 collectors set to start tomorrow morning. On the right Mr Sam Ryan President Bendigo RSL handing out Authorisation sheets and Receipts to area captains. From the left, Messrs E.J. Bass (Air Force Association), R Patterson (Bendigo Jaycees) Aenior Constable A Booth (Police)and Mr J. Hall (YM Vikings) Page 5b. Presentation of two "Easy Chairs" to the Repatriation Centre Bendigo Base Hospital, From the left E. Jackman (Appeals Officer) J.T. Sullivan Snr Vice President, A.l. Nelson (Welfare Officer) J.K. Barnes (Secretary) S.J. Ryan (President) and Cr Alec Craig (President of the Hospital Management Committee). Patients trying out the new Easy Chairs are Mr V. Steinhauser and Mr R. Pearson. Page 6a. Presentation of Life Membership to H.A.W. Morey (Bert) by the State President of the RSL Brigadier W.H. Hall at the Bendigo RSL Annual Dinner in 1967, to the left of Bert Morey is Sam Ryan President of Bendigo RSL. Bert Morey joined the RSL back in 1921, became a member of Bendigo RSL in 1923, served on the Committee from 1938 - 1960, Snr Vice President 1958 - 1960. Page 6b. Bendigo RSL Annual Dinner 6.7.1968. The New President Mr W.B. Nicholls was unable to attend, the Snr Vice President C.J. Plant deputised for him. From the left front row, J.K. Barnes Secretary, S.J. Ryan Immediate Past President, C.J. Plant, The Mayor Cr R.W. Cambridge, D.J. Osborn Jnr Vice President. Back Row, J. King Treasurer, John Osborne & D. Mattiske representing the State President and Mr T.M. Stephens Deputy Commissioner Repatriation Department.Spiroflex sketch book with blank white pages used as a scrapbook with newspaper cuttings and photos relating to the Bendigo RSL, all are pasted in except one with stick tape, all photos are B & W, newspaper cuttings have turned a brownish colour. Page 1 inside cover, article re the award of a Life membership. Page 2. Article with two pictures and text re Remembrance Day, picture re poster for the Anzac Appeal. Page 3. Two articles with pictures re the Churchill Appeal and a Life Membership. Page 4. Articles with pictures re Anzac Appeal and Battle of Britain. Page 5. Two articles with pictures re Appeals and Welfare. Page 6. Two articles with pictures re Life Membership and RSL Annual Dinner.On Page 6 top article in blue pen, "67", on bottom article in red pen, "6.7.68"brsl, smirsl, scrap book -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS, 38TH BN, POST WW1, C. 1921 - 1940
... he is made a life member of the RSL.... he is made a life member of the RSL. Photographs 38th Bn post ...Items in the "Swatton" collection. .1) Jack Swatton, 2nd from left front row. .2) front row 5th from the left. John (Jack) William Swatton. His first connection with the Australian Military is with the Universal Conscription scheme pre WW1. On 1.7.1913 he is alloted to D Coy 67th Bn (Bendigo) Regt No 671 as part of quota 1895 (Year of his birth) He then enlists in the AIF on 10.7.1915 No 4905 age 19 years in 15th Reinforcements 7th Bn AIF. Embark for Eygpt 7.3.1916, embark for France 2.6.1916, Transfer to 48th Bty 12 F.A.B 17.4.1916, transfer to 24th F.A.B 15.6.1916, Transfers to 43rd Bty 11th F.A.B 25.1.1917, detached to Ordnance Works Viviers Hill 15.2.1917, Promoted Bombadier 10.12.1917, attends 2nd Army Artillery School, promoted Corporal 16.3.1918, promoted Sgt 17.6.1918, promoted Bty Sgt Major 15.12.1918, awarded MID 31.12.1918, embark for Australia 11.5.1919, discharged from the AIF. Post WW1 he enlists in the 38th Bn (CMF Bendigo) in 1921, he is Commissioned as an Officer in Sept 1929, from that date till 1940 he is the CO of the BN. The same year he transfers to the 8th Bn CMF. Besides his Mention in Despatches (WW1) he is also awarded the Long Service and Efficiency decorations. On 25.4.1942 he enlists in VDC age 46 years No V362516 in the 15th BN Volunteer Defence Corp for part time duty with the rank of Lt Col, His appointment is terminated on 19.12.1945. In 1941 he is elected to the Committee of the Bendigo RSL, serves as Snr Vice President 1949 - 57 then President 1958 - 60. In 1962 he is made a life member of the RSL..1) Photograph B & W showing 21 Officers of the 38th BN standing outside a building. .2) Photograph sepia tone showing 20 Officers of the 38th Bn in three rows in front of a tent.photographs, 38th bn, post ww1, passchendaele barracks trust. -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Certificate - Award, R.S.L. Llife Menbership Awarded to Ken Simons
This award was presented to Mr Ken Simons on the 18th October 2013 by Major General DAVID McLACHLAN AOThis life membership has been award to Mr Ken Simons in appreciation of services rendered as a member of the Victorian Branch.Rectangular shaped certificate.Life membership of the returned & services league of Australia awarded to Mr Ken Simons. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, 100 YEAR HISTORY of BENDIGO RSL, Murray POUSTIE, A Century of Service, 2015
“A Century of Service. The Events, People and Places that shaped The RSL in Bendigo 1915 - 2015 “, By "Murray Poustie". The Author served on the Committee of the Bendigo District RSL from 2003 - 2009. He was Treasurer for 4 years. He also served on a number of Sub Committees, House and Finance, Welfare, Commemorative (Chair of) and the Memorial Walls. He is also Returning Officer and a Sub Branch Historian. Murray was made a Life Member 2019. Within the subjects, brsl, smirsl, a large amount of the information supplied re people, events, life membership, committee, dates/times were from this book. Soft cover book. Cover- cardboard ,red, blue and white print on front, spine and back. Background illustration, blue colour tones. The Memorial Hall, Pall Mall C1924 with image of a soldier on front. The Memorial Hall 2014 with 2 x RSL badges in colour on back. Inside cover- end papers- illustrated collage of images in colour. 239 pages. Paper, cut, plain, white. Illustrated block and white photographs, graphs and certificates smirsl, brsl, century, service -
Bendigo Military Museum
... First life member of the Bendigo RSL. Dr Harold R. Catford... goldfields First life member of the Bendigo RSL. Dr Harold R. Catford ...First life member of the Bendigo RSL. Dr Harold R. Catford, refer Cat No. 8048.Photograph- black and white full length portrait photograph of DR. H.R. Catford. Name in black print.Handwritten on mount below photograph in black ink, "Late Dr. H.R. Catford/ Foundation President."framed item, photograph, portrait, rsl