Showing 206 items
matching stawell school of mines
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Former Stawell School of Mines, c2000
... Former Stawell School of Mines...stawell school of mines...The Stawell School of Mines was established in 1890....Former Stawell School of Mines ... The Stawell School of Mines was established in 1890. stawell school ...The Stawell School of Mines was established in 1890.Former Stawell School of Mines stawell school of mines, schools of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Stawell School of Mines, c1904, c1904
... Stawell School of Mines, c1904...stawell school of mines...The Stawell School of Mines was established in 1890....Photograph of the Stawell School of Mines as depicted... The Stawell School of Mines was established in 1890. stawell school ...The Stawell School of Mines was established in 1890.Photograph of the Stawell School of Mines as depicted in the 1904-5 Stawell School of Mines Prostectus. The image includes the Furnace Room, Lecture Room, Chemical Laboratory, Re Treatment Plant and the Revernertory Furnace Room.stawell school of mines, stawell, schools of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Former Stawell School of Mines (Jacaranda Training Restaurant), 2000
... Former Stawell School of Mines (Jacaranda Training...stawell school of mines... Training Restaurant in the former Stawell School of Mines... stawell school of mines jacaranda restaurant University ...Two colour photographs of a brick building -Jacaranda Training Restaurant in the former Stawell School of Minesstawell, stawell school of mines, jacaranda restaurant, university of ballarat stawell campus -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Archive, Students Workbooks from Stawell School of Mines c1915
... Students Workbooks from Stawell School of Mines c1915...F S Cody Stawell School of Mines... and notes Students Workbooks from Stawell School of Mines c1915 ...Belonging to F S Cody 1915-1919 -1 Building Construction 1915 -2 Architecture 1919 -3 Architecture Notes -4 Building Construction Plumbing 1916 -5 Mechanics 1918 -6 Wooden Algebra Bricklaying Mechanics -7 Chemistry 1918Seven student notebooks plus associated drawind and notesF S Cody Stawell School of Mineseducation -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Certificate - Diploma of Metallurgy Stawell School of Mines, 1907-1908
... Diploma of Metallurgy Stawell School of Mines... grampians Stawell Four School of Mines Cert 1907 and one Department ...Four School of Mines Cert 1907 and one Department of Education Technical Schools Diploma of Metallurgy 1908stawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell School of Mines' laboratory 1902
... Stawell School of Mines' laboratory 1902...Stawell School of Mines Laboratory taken in 1902... grampians Stawell School of Mines Laboratory taken in 1902 Stawell ...Stawell School of Mines Laboratory taken in 1902stawell education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Badge - Cloth Badge, Chris R Martin, 1920's
... with wreath design Stawell School of Mines Fidcia Et Labore...Stawell School of Mines Fiducia Et Labore... grampians Tecnical School Education Stawell School of Mines Fiducia ...Gold Embroidery on Black Background cloth. School Insignia with wreath design Stawell School of Mines Fidcia Et LaboreStawell School of Mines Fiducia Et Laboretecnical school, education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Badge
... Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines... grampians Stawell Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines ...Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines & Industries Badgestawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Badge
... Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines... grampians Stawell Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines ...Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines & Industries Badgestawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Badge, 1916
... Two Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines... grampians Stawell Two Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School ...Two Brass and Blue enamelled Stawell School of Mines & Industries Badgestawell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Documents, Ballarat School of Mines Correspondence Relating to the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1907-1914, 24/12/1907 - 28/08/1914
... stawell school of mines... of Art Director at the Stawell School of Mines... carew-smyth stawell school of mines lilburne pridgeon arthur ...The dates 1907-1914 cover the first eight years of the Ballarat Technical Art School No. 15, a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. This covers that time before the custom built Ballarat Technical Art School opened in 1915.48 pieces of hand and type written correspondence relating to the Ballarat Technical Art School, covering its first eight years. .1) Transferal of money from the Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association to the Ballarat School of Mines for credit to the Ballarat Technical Art School No 15. .3) Letter from Herbert H. Smith reporting on the appointment of Thomas Trengove to the position of Art Director at the Stawell School of Mines, and the appointment of Arthur Lilburne and Pridgeon as student assistants. .5) Application from Arthur M. Lilburne for a position at the Ballarat Technical Art School. .7) Resignation of Thomas Trengrove from the Ballarat Technical Art School so he could take up a position at the Stawell School of Mines, 1908. .9) Correspondence from H.H. Smith concerning expectations. 1908 .10) Report from Herbert H. Smith on the number of Art enrolments at the Ballarat West Art School, the Ballarat East Art School and the Drawing Centre. .8) Correspondence from Henry H. Hall regarding his teaching appointment, 1908 .11) A Report on architectural studies at the Ballarat Technical Art School on Clegg and Miller letterhead. .12) Report from M.C. Young. .13) Report from Arthur Lilburne .14) Reorrt from J.A. Wright, 1908 .15) Report on student numbers from Edith M. Cornell, 1908 .16) Report on classes in Freehand Geometry and Perspective by Fred Foster, 1908 .16b) Report by Decorating and Signwriting teacher John Barber, 1908 .17) Report from Esther and Lily Green from the East Public Library, 1908 .18) Report from Percy Isaac of the Ballarat East Public Library re manual training and Sloyd classes. .19) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1908 .20) Report from Arthur M. Lilburn on the Elementary Evening Classes and the State School Teachers Saturday class, 1908 .21) Report by M.C. Young on drawing classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 ,22) Report by Fred Foster on Freehand Geometry of Perspective classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .24) Report by E. and L. Green on classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .25) Report by Miss Wright on Dresscutting classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .26) Report by John Barber on Signs and Decorating classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .27) Report by Edith Cornell on Millinery classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .28) Report by Percy R. Green on Manual Training ad Carpentry classes at the Ballarat Technical Art School, 1908 .29) Correspondence from Posenby Carew-Smyth and Melbourne Education Department letterhead, 1908, .30) Report on the need for instruction in Decorative Needlework at the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith. Ida Johnston undertook classes from Miss Macgeorge in Melbourne at the suggestion of Posonby Carew-Smyth, and H.H. Smith suggested she be appointed to teach the class, 1910 .31) Report on the Junior Technical School, 1915 .32) Quarterly Report on the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1911 .34) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .34b) Invoice from James Ingram and Son, Booksellers and School Stationers, 1908 .35) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .36) Correspondence from F.N. King seeking employment at the Ballarat Junior Technical Scool due to the resignation of A.W. Steane, 1914 .37) Correspondence regarding the qualifications of F.N. King, including Sloyd at NAAS, Sweden, 1914 Reference from F.V. Burridge of the London County Council Central School of Arts and Crafts (incorporating The Royal Female School of Art), Southamoton Row, London, regarding Francis N. King, 1913 .40) Correspondence on Ballarat Junior Technical School letterhead when it was located at 104 Doveton Street, Ballarat (Dana Street Primary School) from Albert W. Steane. The report mentioned to appointment of R.W. Richards commencing duties as a science ad mathematics master and Francis N. King as Woodwork and Modeling instructor, 1914 .41) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .42) Correspondence on Stanley Mullen Company letterhead requesting a junior (lady) to help in designing and drawing from Needlework, 1914 .43) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914 .44) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith, 1914. The report includes the resignation of Donadl Johnston to take up the position of assistant to Posonby Carew-Smyth. Harold Herbert to travel to England, and Edwin Cannon to to apply his art knowledge commercially. H.H. Smith suggested they be replaced with Ken Moss and Harold Brown .45) Report on the progress of the Ballarat Technical Art School by Principal Herbert H. Smith .46) Hours and duties of the caretaker and attendant at the Ballarat Technical Art School .47) Letter from the J.A. Powell, secretary of the Ballarat West Art School to the Ballarat School of Mines. ballarat technical school, henry j. hall, arthur m lilburn, thomas h. trengrove, herbert h. smith, g.w. clegg, m.c. young, j.w. wright, fred foster, j. barber, etsher green, lily green, p. isaac, e.m. cornell, albert steane, f.n. king, letterhead, ballarat fine art public gallery association, richard maddern, j. powell, j.a. powell, frederick martell, ponsonby carew-smyth, stawell school of mines, lilburne, pridgeon, arthur lilburne, henry hall, edith m. cornell, john barber, east ballarat library, esther green, percy isaac, sloyd, millinery, r.w. richards, frank king, a.w. steane, naas, majorie walker, art needlework, stanley mullen company, donald johnston, ted cannon, edwin cannon, harold brown, harold herbert, art gallery of ballarat -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Realia, c1900-1910
... Artists Palette (White Ceramic) used at Stawell School... School of Mines used by W Telford Memorabilia Realia ...Artists Palette (White Ceramic) used at Stawell School of Mines used by W Telfordstawell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Ballarat School of Mines Correspondence, 1895, 1895
... Stawell School of Mines... * Queensland Museum letterhead * Stawell Technical College and School... School of Mines Stawell Technical College Stephen Richards martin ...A number of letters clipped together with a brass split in. * Rock Specimen from J. Hornsby, Clunes * Bendigo School of Mines Letterhead from G. A. Thomas * J.A. Bickford, Daylesford * Geelong Technical College * Library of Victoria * Australian Museum Letterhead from S. Sinclair * University of Sydney Letterhead from H.L. Barff, Librarian * Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia letterhead * Library, Museum and National Gallery and Victoria * Central Gold Mining Company by John Dunlop * SMB Students asking the Council to strenuously attempt to retain the services of Professor Krause ( Signed by about 70 students) * SMB staffmembers asking the Council to strenuously attempt to retain the services of Professor Krause ( Signed by Dawbarn, Dawson, Daniel Walker. W.E. Bennett, Kerr, Henry J. Hall) * Correspondence from Ferdinand Krause * Telegram from R.T. Vale * Queensland Museum letterhead * Stawell Technical College and School of Mines from W. Matthews j. hornsby, ballarat school of mines, letter card, j.a> bickford, daylesford, south central gold mining company, mining, geelong technical college, geelong technical school, state library of victoria, library of victoria, e.f. pittman, australian museum, alfred meller, e. whatman, university of sydney, richard benham, art gallery of south australia, national gallery of victoria, j.j. lanigan, ferdinand krause, j. flegeltaub, william reid, j.h. crittenden, james gibson, c.j. sayle, f.h. hollway, theo willaims, j. sutherland, p. flegeltaub, maurice hamburger, s. marrow, f. kittelty, a. don, a. bell, james a. gilchrist, j. ronaldson, e. stuck, w.j. whyte, ernest leggo, percy learmonth, kaboonga mining company, smeaton, g. alec thornsol, alex gilfillan, geologist, thomas j. hart, alfred hodgkinson, george t. clarke, a.w. pratt, walter fieder, w. macdonald, queensland museum, r.h. walcoth, stawell school of mines, stawell technical college, stephen richards, martin ford, b. herold, george w. gallagher, broomfield, j. money, smythesdale, john law, great western, mordaunt hall, eight hour procession, model locomotive, arthur kildahl, g. seymour, mt lyell, e.h. parry, d. grassy, aurora gold mining co, j. broomfield, burbury, dawburn, eustace m. weston, english and austrakuab copper co, martin gardiner, william little, david gracey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook, 1899, 1872-1908
... stawell school of mines... school of mines bendigo school of mines stawell school of mines ....1) Scrapbook of newspaper clipping in oversize scrapbook .2) White file of newspaper clippings 1872-1908newsclips, newspaper cuttings, schools of mines, sale school of mines, bairnsdale school of mines, daylesford school of mines, castlemaine school of mines, bendigo school of mines, stawell school of mines, st arnaud school of mines, alfred mica smith, industrial institute, james bickett, redmond barry, ballarat school of mines opening, mining engineering, pottery, charles fenner, pottery classes, maurice copland, plumbing, harold herbert, ballarat school of mines statistics, andrew anderson, j.c. molloy, art schools, ballarat west art school, herbert h. smith, amelia h. troon, martha pinkerton, r.t. vale, david ham, clunes, rivett bland obituary, university of melbourne affiliation, gilbert dawbarn, kernot, james patterson, john rowe, cassilis chlorination, r.w. lamb, j. flegeltaub, tasmanian examination, balarat school of mines museum, latham watson, state school students, w. longstafff, daisy ditchburn, e. grownow, ballarat east art school, art gallery association technical art school, e. guse, j.g. williamson, m.f. williamson, george biknell, print engraving, a.e.c. kerr, a.n.a. fete, hannay electro-cyanide process, james oddie, r.m. serjeant, xrays, roentgen xrays, lizzie drape, mines bill, henry forster, technical education in germany, deeble's patent, p. cohen, deeble's cyanide plant donation, h. rosales, thomas hart, ballarat observatory, robert denham pinnock, isaac james jones, edward ivan rosenblum, samuel ernest figgis, r.w. best, thomas f. morkham, beatrice j. flude, bertha craig, drucilla hopwood, george bird, james galbally, mining exchange, transit theodilite, univerisity of melbourne, affiliation, t.d. wanliss, scrapbook, s.e. figgis, j. dawbarn, gilbert dawbarn, g.g. simpson, brown coal, parwan, bacchus marsh, a. berry, f.m. krause, practical mining, cassilis, tasmanian exhibition, ballarat school of mines dilapidated, thomas bath, cyanide, elextirc rock drills, herbert franklin, frank bruce, henry rivett bland, j.n. dunn, dr pinnick, theo williams, steiglitz gold mines, meredith, a.f. balderson, j.m. bickett, f.j. martell, cosmo newberry, m. lindsay, pyrites, pyrites roaster, blucjer amagamator, ludovico hart, photographer, art gallery association's technical art school, ballarat east school of art, otto riegelbuth, hugh colquhoun, louis lemp, g.a.f. soderstron, e. gude, a.f. tweedie, m.l. tuxen, george h. bicknell, c.v. brind, a.h. troon, r. flohm, c.s. proctor, m. oddie, b.s. williamson, f.h.w. robinson, photography classes, i.g. wittkowski, h.r. murphy, mary browne, technical education, andrew berry, r-ray, xray, watson's focus tubes, rohmkorff coil, treloar, wooster, t.e. molloy, w/m/ acheson, ladies art association, ballarat art gallery association, maud glover, bertha s. williamson, hnery foster, native telurides of gold, eliza kershaw, edith curnow -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Royal Commission, Sources in the history of Victorian Education No.3 Vol 1 & 2 Royal Commission on Technical Education 1899-1901 Minutes of Evidence, 1978
... stawell school of mines... theodore fink stawell school of mines daylesford school of mines ...The Fink Report was important for the social, economic and educational history of Victoria. It gave an insight into a broad cross section of Victorian life at the turn on the century. Eight staff from the School of Mines Ballarat were interviewed as part of the Royal Commission.Two books with orange/yellow covers outlining the Royal Commission into Technical Education in 1899 -1901 .1 has 256 pages .2 has 579 pagesStamped withdrawn on front cover and first page and UB stamped on the side.victorian education, royal commission, technical education, andrew anderson, gilbert dawbarn, thomas hart, frederick martell, richard middleton, alfred mica smith, robert pinnock, walter wynne, ponsonby carew-smyth, maude glover, herman h. schlapp, william knox, frederick paul, herbert h. smith, william macdonald, theodore fink, stawell school of mines, daylesford school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Trav Munro, Through the Lens: A Photographic Journey Through the University's Historic Landscapes, 2016, 2016
... former stawell school of mines... mace former stawell school of mines jacarandah restaurant ...Brown soft covered books featuring beautiful photographs featuring Federation University's historic landscape, and items from the Federation University Historical Collection. federation university, federation university historical collection, historic campuses, enrolment book, ballarat east plan, ballarat schhol of mines associates boards, assay kilns, stained glass, former ballarat gaol, smb campus, leather tools, camp st, arts academy, former ballarat post office, post office gallery, mace, federation university mace, former stawell school of mines, jacarandah restaurant, ballarat mechanics' institute -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, School of Mines Students 1907 with Mr W. W. Telford in the rear, second from the right
... On the back: Stawell School of Mines Skene Street Stawell... Education On the back: Stawell School of Mines Skene Street Stawell ...School of Mines Students 1907 with mortar and Pestle and Forge Tongs. Rear second from right is W.W. Telford.Black and white photograph of eight young males, four standing, four seated. Six of the men are holding tools of trade used in training - mortar and pestle, tongs etcOn the back: Stawell School of Mines Skene Street Stawell Rear, 2nd from right Mr. W.W. TELFORDstawell education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Realia, 1880
... . Used by Mr R Telfords at Stawell School of Mines. Inscribed... Instruments in Wooden Box. Used by Mr R Telfords at Stawell School ...Engineering Draftsmen's Drawing Instruments in Wooden Box. Used by Mr R Telfords at Stawell School of Mines. Inscribed J.W. Mitchell Stawell March 15th 1888stawell, education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Draft Horse and Dray with students from the Stawell School Mines in Skene Street c1900
... School of Mines Skene Street c1900... School of Mines Skene Street c1900 Stawell Education Draft Horse ...Students with Draft Horse and Dray in front of Stawell School of Mines Skene Street c1900stawell education -
Federation University Historical Collection
Image, Clay Clames Mr T's Time
... School so he could take up a position at the Stawell School... could take up a position at the Stawell School of Mines, 1908 ...Thomas Trengrove resigned from the Ballarat Technical Art School so he could take up a position at the Stawell School of Mines, 1908.Image of Ballarat School of Mines Ceramics Teacher, Thomas Trengrove.thomas trengrove, ballarat school of mines, clay, ceramics, pottery -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 68, March 1995 to May 1995
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age ad other region papers over the period of 11 March 1995 to 11 May 1995.Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, ballarat region's workskill, workskill olympics in hairdressing in ballarat, return of paddle steamer, ararat secondary college adopts charter, smb training restaurant, smb horticulture complex, certificate in food processing introduced, plan to relocate senior campus, luke loader pastoral apprentice of the year, students protest workcover policy, closer links with uni needed, geoffrey blainey re writing, program to help child care students, permaculture, early ties with geology, dan daly gold medallist, play therapy in hospital, smb campus link-up, fire threat at smb, james hare apprentice chef, ballarat uni grows, smb maintains record, proposed tafe campus for stawell, education in the 90's, push for rail centre, volunteers vital to community, mining to much more, doug cowles obituary, smb and grampians national park -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 79. June 1997 to August 1997
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age and other region papers over the period of 7 June 1997 to 5 August 1997. Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, nathan holliday, nrma top apprentice, scott brady, ballarat's gallows mystery solved, federal tafe plan worries smb head, memorial plaque to hanged men, freighter's engineering traineeship, tafe merger creates super-college, smb agrees to merger, wimmera tafe rejects merger, new evidence points to remains' location, peter bailey to compete in youth skills olympics, switzerland, merger official, course on providing a home away from home, roy schrieke retires, descendant against memorial, peter bailey gold medallist, skill olympics in st gallen, excellent results for ballarat region, aquaculture course, historic sites listed, henry sutton, reverse tafe decision, stawell times-news, more host families needed, david belford award winner, city yearning for cultural heart, corporate learning, gold medal for peter bailey, competition on apprentice funding'play revisits our history, town and gown debate, viticulture traineeship program, one tafe division, career in food, row looms over staff offers, jeff kennet cuts, new attitude to education, victorian primary industries board apprenticeships, rural studies department -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 80, August 1997 to October 1997
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age and other region papers over the period of 6 August 1997 to 18 October 1997. Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, mature-age students, quicker cheaper degrees, real estate students honoured, leisandie bongkakae of vanuatu, first international graduate from smb, smb appreciation night, staff reject offer of 10%, student waiter of the year, graham paynter, rural training council of australia, stacey dekker wins award, apprenticeships fail to meet needs, smb staff say no to cynicism, claxton monument and fountain, "red cordial" theatre production, peter vanderkley earns award, food handling course at smb, farmers join computer courses, vineyard trainees, work skills awards switzerland, ararat community college, ceramics of neville french, open day at university of ballarat, craftsmanship awards at smb, corey hefferman, brett overington, anthony sanders, simon overall, george johns, mayor james coghlan, women's access celebration, daniel james, leoda atkinson, training awards, uni staff to vote on new agreement, assessment centre, zali crosbie on english-teaching trip to kenya, yoshinori fujimoto survivor of earthquake, creativity a winning trait, state training board, taste of scotland to ballarat, cyber career, loclan hemley, stawell campus opening, andrea bateman wins award, decade of change in tafe -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Inward Correspondence to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1910
pitfield, stawell, j. roberts, telegram, d.c. newham, mitta mitta, douglas brigetoche, dressmaking, ballarat technical art school, h.h. smith, consiston park snake valley, j.a. dawoon, a.h. walsh, pitfield plains, public library, state library of victoria, letterhead, e. lat. armstrong, g. elder, education department, h.l. langdon and co, the working men's college, robert aikins, macquarie steam brick yards, james dewar, mieklehouse, felton gramwade and co, a.b. humphrey, gordon, c. brennan, ballarat school of mines barkly street branch, l. eddy, sebastopol, w. brittain, west london scientific apparatus co, g. bell and sons -
Federation University Historical Collection
Badge, Technical School Badges
Numerous Badges from Victorian Technical Schoolsbadge, techncial school badges, daylesford technical school, stawell technical school, horsham technical school, glenroy technical school, warragul technical school, st paul's technical school, ballarat school of mines, numismatics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Film - Microfilm Rolls, Microfilm of the Ballarat School of Mines Minute Books, 1870- 1883, 12/2020
The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870, the first of its kind in Australasia. It later became a part of the University of Ballarat , then Federation University Australia.A roll of microfilm containing digitised images of each page of the first four Ballarat School of Mines Minute Books. 26 October 1870 ... The originl intention of the founders of the School - as per resolution of the Mining Bord was to hold the School at the Mechanics Institite Ballaarat and to have special rooms in that building set apart for this purpose. The reasons for this was that the Mechanics Institute had already rooms which could be used for these purposes and the pupils had easy access to the Libary and Museum belonging to that instituions, but after more mature consideration it was deemed advisabke to establish an indpependent institution and obtain a seperate buidling for the School. His Honor J.W. Rogers suggested that an effort should be made to obtain from the Government a lease of teh Old Court House at a pepper corn rent. The building at that time being out of repait and not used by the Government ...ballarat school of mines, minute books, annual report, microfilm, former ballarat circuit court, redmond barry, james flude, mining laboratory, james bickett, william stawell, judge rogers, constitution, mining board of ballarat, duncan gillies, william mclennan, ballarat mechanics' institute, judge warrington rogers, pepper corn rent, harrie wood, professor mccoy, james mcculloch, john alexander macpherson, williammclellan, master, arithmatic, mensuration, surveying, drawing, book-keeping, algebra, euclid, mining, chemistry, somerville learmonth, somerville livingstone learmonth, robert lewis, j.m. bickett, walter cotchett, usher, john cumming, philip russell, andrew anderson, a.h. king, william robertson, band of hope and albion consols, robert gibbs'james mcdowall, r.w. newman, jphn edward bakman, thomas gray, borough council of clunes, h.r. caselli, henry richards caselli, borough council of ballarat west, f.c. downes, l.s. christie, j.d. wanliss, francis summers, thomas whitelaw, h.b. de la poer wall, library donations, roderick murchison, robert brough smyth, museum donation, j.e. crocker, p.c. fitzpatrick, opening address, j.f. usher, edwin trenery, c.s. reeves, t.d. wanliss, john edward bathman, architect, robert davidson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Zelda Martin, Central Victorian Goldmining towns - Boom Towns or Ghost Towns?, c1996
Zelda Martin was a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne.[.1] 4th item in light blue display book titled Research Approach/Overview of Chapters/Confirmation of Canditure/Chapters1,2,3&4 of proposed thesis. *Twenty-seven page article on Victorian goldfields towns titled: Central Victorian Goldmining Towns - Boom Towns or Ghost Towns. The article was written during the author's PhD study. It outlines the context methodology, and resources and the chapters of the proposed thesis: (1) Central Victorian Goldmining Towns - The Context (2) Contemporary Views of the Factors Necessary for Town Growth (3) Outward Manifestations of Town Growth (4) The Trappings of Government (5-9) The Main Towns and Their Hinterland. [.2] 5th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter 1 of proposed thesis titled 'Pick, Shovel and Tin Dish Mining.' Covers in Section A: Central Victoria - Pre 1851: Aborigines in Central Victoria, Squatters, and Government. Section B: The years 1851-1854: The Early Gold Rushes, Government Reaction, Township Surveys, Legislation, Town Development, Local Government and Early Settlement. [.3] 6th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *2A of proposed thesis titled 'Contemporary Views of the Factors Necessary for Town Growth'. Similar information to Chapter 1 plus extra re towns and maps. Sections: Introduction, Context of Place - Geographical Towns Listed, The Context of Time - Pre1851 Aborigines, Governance of Port Phillip, The Squatters, The Villages of Central Victorian Highlands, Conclusion, Condensed Version of Chapter2B. [.4] 7th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter2B of proposed thesis. Sections: Area of Research, Schools, Banks, Newspapers, Progress Association, Town Development - Sandhurst (Bendigo), Ballarat, Castlemaine,, Maryborough, Ararat and Stawell. [.5] 8th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter 3 of proposed thesis titled 'Outward Manifestations of Town Growth'. Sections: Introduction, Contemporary Writing, Educationalists, The Bankers, The Townsfolk, Current Theory, General Theories of Urban Development, and Conclusion. [.6] 9th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *Chapter 4 of proposed thesis titled 'Trappings of Government' Sections: Introduction, Early Government Attitudes to Mining and Town Development, Law and Order, Township Surveys, Legislation, Local Government, Transport and Communication, The People and Lobbyists. [.7] 10th item in Light Blue display book as above item. *'The Rise and Fall of Central Victorian Goldmining Towns'. Includes a map showing main Goldfields, a table showing towns and villages at two points in time - 1857 and 1871; a Bibliography of Primary and Secondary Sources. [.8] Resource No1. Black display book titled Local Towns 1 : Alma: *Brief history *Directory *Maps Amphitheatre / Mountain Hut: *Brief History Post Office Directory Ararat: *Brief History *Post Office Directory 1869 - Alphabetical Listing by Occupation *Ararat - Prominent Citizens of 1858 *Langi-Morgala Museum Avoca: *Brief History *Excerpts from 'Avoca The Early Years', Margery and Betty Beavis; pg1 - Beginnings; pg11 - The Midas Touch; pg25 - Local Gold Escorts; pg27 - A Town is Born; pg51- The Administration of Justice; pg53 - The Ways of the Law; pg61 - News of the Day; pg65 - A Time to Play; pg72 - Land Ownership *Post Office Directory (Bailliere's) 1869 *Tourism Map and Information of area *Historic Avoca - A 5.5km Tour *Avoca & the Pyrenees Region - information pamphlet Ballarat: *Early History of Ballarat - Ballarat Historical Society, Publication No.1: origin of the name; Ballaarat - the Beginning; Fabulous Yields from the Ballaarat Goldfield; *Streetscape Lydiard Street. *Hand drawn map showing Leigh River, Old Portland Bay Road, plaque on road to Colac; etc. *Newspaper article re 'The Theatre Royal' ( which stood in the vicinity of the current Owen Williams store) - 'The News'15/04/1998 *Article - 'Ballarat's Mechanics' Institute Lives On' Ballarat Courier, 14/09/1985 *Article - Standing the Test of Time' The News 17/11/1993 re The Mechanics Institute & picture of the Reading Room *'Ballarat a Study of a City, Phyllis Reichl, pub. Nelson, 1968; no.3 place, time and people field studies series *Investigator Vol.33 No.2, 1998 Geelong Historical Society. Article on pg75 describes Ballarat in 1861 *Folded poster - 'Ballarat 100' a history of telegraph communication, pub. Telecom. Beaufort (Fiery Creek): *Brief history *Post Office Directory [.9] Resource No.2 Black Folder Titled Towns cont.No2 Bendigo (Sandhurst): *'Family & Local History at the Bendigo Library - 1851-2001 150 years of gold'. *Bendigo Government Camp in 1853 illustration; key to sketch and names of Government officers stationed there *Excerpts from 'Bendigo and Vicinity' Adolph Haman *The Bendigo Goldfield Registry - pgs 1-7 Introduction *Excerpt: 'Breaking the Grip' *Excerpt: The Most Go-Ahead Place *Excerpts from 'History of Bendigo' - anti license agitation; laying out of town; proposed railway; gold calls and dividends; the Sandhurst Municipality; journalism *Bibliography Blackwood: *Excerpts from 'Aspects of Early Blackwood - The Goldfield, the Landmarks, the Pioneers' Alan J Buckingham and Margaret F Hitchcock, JG Publishing,1980 Buninyong: *A Brief History *Investigator Vol1 No.2 Feb 1966 Geelong Historical Society. Pg3 - Article re gold escort route - Mt Alexander to Adelaide - (see a simple monument on the Western Highway a few miles out of Horsham. Pg 15 - Ballarat Excursion - re the finding of gold. *Three articles published by Buninyong and District Historical Society Inc: (Magpie Exploration; Finding Gold In The Green Hills; Magpie Exploration; Burnt Bridge to Cargarie to Mt Mercer) *Copies of newspaper articles/items *Buninyong Street Directory Carisbrook: *In the Beginning There Was Carisbrook *The History of the Carisbrook Racecourse Carngham / Snake Valley: *Brief History *Directory Castlemaine: *Directory 1865-1866 - Alphabetical and Street *Poster - Castlemaine A Contemporary Guide "The Great Centre" 1866 - A Contemporary Guide to the Fascinating Past *Pamphlet - Castlemaine District Community Hospital *Map - Castlemaine, Maldon & Surrounding Districts *Map and Information - The Dry Diggings Track - a 55kl walk among historic goldfields relics ( Castlemaine Fryerstown Vaughan Mt Franklin Hepburn Daylesford) *Postcard - Former Court House *Directory 1867 - Alphabetical, Trade [.10] Resource No.3 Grey folder Titled Towns 3 Creswick to Maryborough Creswick: *Brief History *Booklet - "Creswick Cemetery Walk" *Booklet - The Buried Rivers of Gold Heritage Trail Creswick *Creswick Historical Museum Information Sheet *Chronological History of Creswick *Alphabetical Directory of the Borough of Creswick *Creswick's Creek Directory 1856 *Historic Creswick Walking Tour *A Brief Account of the Schools of Creswick - Past and Present *100 Years of Railway Travel in Creswick *The Berry Deep Leads *The Spence Home at Jackass Gully in the Creswick State Forest ( William Guthrie Spence - Pioneer) *The New Australian Mine and the 1882 Disaster *Creswick District News, Issue 7, July August 1999 *The Creswick Miners Walk - Information and Map *Maps Chewton: *Brief History *Directory Clunes: *Brief History *Clunes Street Directory Daylesford: *Brief History *Notable Bushfires in Daylesford District Over More Than a Century - "Black Thursday" 1851; 1862; 1899; the Disastrous Hepburn Fire of 1906; 1939; 1944; 1969. *Post Office Directory -Daylesford and Hepburn Dunolly / Inkerman: *Brief History *Directory *Pamphlet - Goldfields Historical Museum *Pamphlet - Historic Dunolly - Victoria's Best Kept Secret *Map of Gold Workings at Dunolly Area - showing where the main gold rushes occurred *Brief History - Inglewood *Directory - Inglewood - Name Occupation, Dwelling Kingower: *Brief History *Directory - Name / Ocupation / Dwelling Linton / Happy Valley / Piggoreet: *Brief History *Directory - Lintons McIvor: *"A History of the Shire and the Township of Heathcote" by J.O. Randell Majorca: *Brief History *Official Post Office Directory 1869 - Name / Occupation/ Address Maldon (Tarrangower): *Brief History Part 1 *Brief History Part 2 *Post Office Directory *List - Alphabetical Order by Names plus Business and Trade (Tarrangower Times Oct/1858) *List - Alphabetical Order by Trade plus Name and Business *Directory - Name / Occupation / Dwelling Maryborough: *Worsley Cottage - built by Arthur Worsley, a contractor in stonework in 1894 [.11] Resource No. 4 Blue Display Book titled Towns 4 Moliagul to Stawell Moliagul: *Brief History *Moligul Legislative Assembly (Voting?) List - Names and Occupations *Moliagul Victorian Post Office Directory 1868 - Name / Ocupation / Address / Comments *"The Welcome Stranger" gold nugget *The Sunday School *The Welcome Stranger Discovery Walk - information and map Moonambel (Mountain Creek) Redbank *Brief History *List of names extracted from advertisments of the Pioneer and Mountain Creek Advertiser 16/02/1861. *Bailliere's Directory 1869 - Alphabetical List of Name / Occupation / Place St Arnaud: *Brief History Sebastapol: *Brief History *Directory 1869 - Alphabetical by Name; plus occupation and address. Browns and Scarsdale: *Brief History *Browns Street Directory - Name and Occupation Smythesdale: *Brief Description *Smythesdale Street Directory -Name and Occupation Stawell (Pleasant Creek) *Brief History *Victorian Official Post Office Directory - Name /Occupation / Dwelling *Chronology - 1841-1920 *Production of gold statistics - 1879 - 1900 *Big Hill *Extracts from "The Golden Years of Stawell". Chapt 1 - Stawell's Coming Out. Capt. 2 - The Gold Rush. Caapt.3 - Cradle of Democracy. Chapt.4 - The Reefs Becomes Stawell. Chapt. 5 - Rushing In. Chapt.6 - The Pioneers. Chapt 7 - The Decade of Optimism. [.12] Resource No. 5: Blue Display Book titled 'Towns Steiglitz to the The Golden Triangle. Steiglitz: Brief History Victorian Post Office Directory 1869 *Map of Steiglitz *List of maps relevant to Steiglitz history *Information 6 tables of data from "Reports of Mining Surveyors Talbot (Back Creek) Brief History Taradale: Post office Directory 1869 - Name/Occupation/Street. Also list in alphabetical order by Occupation Taradale *Chronological Reference to Taradale Mines *Water - The Coliban System of Waterworks *Joseph Brady *The Syphon Tarnagulla (Sandy Creek) *Brief History *Tarnagulla Businessmen Cameos to give depth to advertisments in 'The Tarnagulla Courier' various issues 1864-1871 *Directory - Name/Occupation /Address *List - Name/Business/Trade Wedderburn (Koorong) *Brief History *List - Name/Occupation The Golden Triangle: *The Early Rushes - Wedderburn / Moliagul / Sandy Creek - Tarnagulla / Jones Creek - Waanyarra / Kingower / Dunolly - Goldsborough / Inglweood *Census of 1857 - Population / Occupations *1858-1871 - A Time of Consolidation- Wedderburn / Moliagul / Sandy Creek- Tarnagulla / Arnold *Census 1871 - Population *Information gleaned from the census data - Demographics / Population / Occupations / marital / Birthplace / Religion / Literacy/ Occupation and Housing Cameos *Graphs - Birthplace of settlers /Male-Female Ratio / Married males / Children under 15 as Percentage of Population / Religion *Census 1857 - Statistical data *Maps *Bibliography [.13] Resource No. 6 - Black Display Book Information and Research in Central Victoria including: *Banking - Research from ANZ Bank Archives *Institutions - also includes articles listed from the Ballarat Times Newspaper *Australian mining History Association - A.M.H.A. Bibliography *Australia's Mining History * Bibliography - Land Surveys Victoria - *1853 Administration (Statistics and Other) includes: schools / ministers of religion / police / military / local administration / licences for sale of spirits / distances between various Victorian gold fields. * Victoria Government Gazette (Copy) - N0. 116, 12/12/1854 includes: Gold Felds Commission of Enquiry & No. 85, 15/09/1854 - Addresses presented to the Lieutenant Governor (Sir Charles Hotham) during his tour through the Gold Fields of Victoria,1854. Addresses on behalf of : the people of Bendigo; Members of the Church of England, Bendigo; Members of the Wesleyan Church on the Bendigo Gold Fields; Bendigo Gold District General Hospital; the Bendigo Prospecting Association; Committee of the Bendigo Local Exhibition; Bendigo District Medical Association; Coloured Americans Resident at Bendigo; German Inhabitants of Bendigo; Landowners, Inhabitants, and Miners of Castlemaine; Inhabitants of Forest Creek; Inhabitants of Heathcote and Gold Miners of McIvor; Residents and landholders of the District of Bacchus Marsh; Inhabitants of Kilmore and Vicinity. *Gold Fields Correspondence 1853: letter from Lieutenant Colonel Valiant, (Officer commanding the Troops in Victoria) to the Lieutenant Governor re threatened disturbance at Sandhurst (Bendigo) regarding the Gold License Fee. * Extracts from a book "Victoria" re Gold Fields Commission of Enquiry involving mainly Ballarat and Castlemaine and a chapter titled 'A Tour to the Victorian Gold-Fields' *Lists of central Victorian newspapers - listed by date published 1851to 1874; by first date available to State Library. *A list of cities and towns showing County, population in 1861 &1871, and municipal status. [.14] Resource no.7. Black display book. *Reference: Papers presented to Parliament Victoria - 1859-1860 4 volumes - relevant sections copied. Contains information on Branches of Government. General / Finance / Gold / Gazette / Commission and Warrant / Statistic. *Gold Fields Act. In accordance with the Act the gold fields are divided into six districts - Ballaarat, Castlemaine , Sandhurst, Avoca, Ararat, and Beechworth.. Official staff in each gold district consists of a Resident Warden, Wardens, Wardens' Clerks, Bailiffs, Chinese Protectors, Chinese Interpreters, and Mining Surveyors. *Gold Receiver *Gaols *Police magistrates and Clerks of Petty Sessions, etc. *Field Branch *Immigration and Emigration Overland - Chinese - 1859 *Population on the Goldfields *The Geological Survey - The Government Geologist is assisited by staff from four branches - the office Branch; the Publishing Branch; the Field Branch and the Museum Branch. *Commission to Enquire Into Sludge dated 10/02/1859 (Some sections copied) - Report to the Honorable Chief Commissioner of Public Works, Melbourne re the mode of carrying the sludge from the puddling mills in Sandhurst without interfering with the drainage of the town and the roads in the neighbourhood. [.15] Resource No.8: Camel display book titled Resource No. 8. Aborigines *Lists of book titles - +"Readings in Victorian prehistory" +"The Aborigines of Port Phillip" +Aboriginal languages and clans" +"A History of the Port Phillip District" +"Langi Ghiran 1: Aboriginal Rock...." +"Koorie History: sources for aboriginal studies in the State Library of Victoria", ed. Tom Griffiths, Melb. Friends of the State Library, 1989 +"The Public Lands of Australia Felix"; settlement and land appraisal in Victoria1834-91 with special reference to the Western Plains", J.M.Powell, Melb. Oxford University Press 1970 +*Bibliography of the Victorian Aborigines' from the earliest manuscripts to 31st December 1970, Massoa, Aldo, Melb. Hawthorn Press, 1971 +"Aborigines in Colonial Victoria, 1836-1886", M.F. Christie, Sydney University Press, 1979 +"Urban and Industrial Australia: readings in Human Geography" ed J.M. Powell, Melb. Sorrett Pub. 1974 *Extracts: -Processes of Pioneer Settlement - The Squatting Occupation of Victoria, 1834-60. J.M. Powell -Areal Variations in the Class Structure of the Central-Place Hierarchy. P. Scott - Volume1 and Volume 2: Notes Relating to the Habits of the Natives of Other Parts of Australia and Tasmania. Compiled from various sources for the Government of Victoria by R Brough Smyth. John Curry, O'Neil, Melb. 1st pub. Melb. 1876. p31-45 - Numbers and Distribution of the Aborigines in Victoria -Victorian Aborigines 1835-1901 - A Resource Guide to the Holdings of the Public Record Office, Victoria; published by the Government Information Centre 1984. *History of the Aboriginal Artefacts Displayed in the Daylesford Museum. F. G. Powell (4 page pamphlet) *Letter to Zelda Martin from Peter Lovett, Cultural Officer, Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co- Operative, 05/02/1997 *Map: Ian Clarke Victorian Tribunal Boundary Map - Clans of Central Victoria. *Victorian Rock Art and Mythology - Article about Mount Langhi Ghiran and myths of the Tjapwarong people. *Two Aboriginal myths relating to the Grampians - 'The Monster Emu' / 'The Aquisition of Fire', by the Aborigines in the Grampians Areas *Article titled (chapter 8) Ballarat - information re camping sites in the region. Lake Wendouree / Lake Burrumbeet (includes a myth) / Mt Bunninyong / Lal Lal / Pitfield / Mount Elephant / Mount Egerton / Meredith / Lake Goldsmith / Lake Learmonth / Ercildoune *Notes on the Aborigines of the Wider Ballarat Region plus European names=Aboriginal names. John Morris 26/07/1995 *Role of Aborigines in Town Development in Central Victoria. Mentions Native Police Force est. in Port Phillip 1842 and Central Board for Aborigines est. 1860 *The Grave of King Billy. (Frank Wilson) Pamphlet. *Camping Places in Central and Northern Victoria. Article re Lake Burrumbeet site. *Programme for the Unveiling of Memorial Cairn for Edward Stone Parker 1802-1865. Note portrait not accurate. Accurate portrait is available in the book "A Successful Failure A Trilogy The Aborigines and Early Settlers", Edgar Morrison, Graffiti Publications, 2002. * Large envelope addressed to Mr G Netherway containing newspaper cuttings regarding the life of Edward Stone Parker, the unveiling of the Memorial Cairn as mentioned above, articles titled 'Episodes from Our Early Days' (Edgar Morrison, Yandoit)- The Black's School, A School At Last and The Final years. Also a typed page titled 'Historical Background to E.S.Parker's Career. Includes an interesting tale titled 'When the cat lay doggo' re laying power leads for the unveiling ceremony at the memorial site. [.16] green display folder titled 'Research Aids' *List of references to Commissioners' & W'ardens' Reports (formerly held at La Trobe Library Archives, now at Public Records Office [PRO]). Indicates town referred to / date of report / name of camp if different to town. * Archive information re Anglican Records *Movement around the Goldfields - Miners and Storekeepers - usefulness of newspapers in providing information - areas covered - Castlemaine, Maldon, Ararat, Stawell, Tarnagulla, Dunolly. *Port Phillip /Victoria Directories 1839/1867 - Chronological list of Directories included in this series. *"Notes on the History of Local Government in Victoria" A.W. Greig Melb. University Press 1925 - Photo-copied extract p5-p40. (Source - Deakin University Library) - Introduction by W.Harrison Moore. Section 1 - Development in New South Wales Before Separation. Section 2 - Development in Victoria After Its Separation from New South Wales. Hand written notations: 'roads, markets, and local government 1855 on' ;'opportunity of squatters in parliament' and 'opportunities of matters in parliament p33' * Notes on the Establishment of Surveyor General's Department 1851and Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey. * Newspaper articles from The Argus, 1849, re the discovery of gold in the Pyrenees region. * Excerpt - a report on schools - A.B.Orlebar, Inspector; re the need for permanent school buildings rather than tents. *Excerpt from - 'Approaches to Urban History', Sean Glynn: The Case for Caution * Except from - 'The Urban Sprinkle', Weston Bate: Country Towns and Australian Regional History *Reference- 'The History of Land Tenure in the Colony of Victoria', John Quick. References the Haines Land Bill, land tenure and Land Leagues. [.17] Light blue envelope folder titled 'Birtchnell's Ballarat, etc. Directory 1862 *Contains various directories for Smythesdale, Buninyong, Clunes, Brown's and Creswick. [.18] Red envelope folder no.2 titled Victorian Gazetteer *Selected pages from 1869 Victorian Gazetteer on A4 paper (with a handwritten note questioning if some pages are from 1868 Victorian Gazetteer as appears to be different sizes - A3 pages.) Information includes locations and descriptions of towns, hotels, banks, communications and populations. (Does not include names, residences and occupations) [.19] Red Envelope folder titled Bailliere's Official Post Office Directory 1868 (or1869 or a mixture of both?) *Preface *Contains a selection of pages of towns highlighted in yellow in the the index *Work on this directory was commenced in 1867. *Information includes: Municipalities - mayors and councilors; lists of towns naming male inhabitants and their occupations. [.20]Yellow manila folder titled Post Grad Seminar Presentation 1996 *Gives some background to Zelda Martin's proposed thesis and why she chose the topic Gold Mining Towns Boom or Bust [.21] A3 display book - No. 1A * A list of 'Relevant Newspapers collected: The Tarrangower Times and Maldon Advertiser (first published 1858) Includes dates 1858-1867. The Mount Alexander Mail. Includes dates 1854-1866 The Tarnagulla Courier. Includes dates from1864-1871 Dunolly and Burnt Creek Express. Includes dates from 1862-1871 * Selection of newspaper pages from The Mount Alexander Mail 1854 to 1856, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.22] A3 display book - No. 1B * Selection of newspaper pages from The Mount Alexander Mail 1857 to 1866, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.23] A3 display book -No. 2 * Selection of newspaper pages from The Tarnagulla Courier 1864 to 1871, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.24] A3 display book - No. 3 *Selection of newspaper pages from The Tarrangower Times (and Maldon and Newstead) Advertiser 1858 to1867, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided to that community. [.25] A3 display book - No.4 * Selection of newspaper pages from The Dunolly and Burnt Creek Express; and The Dunolly and Betbetshire Express 1862 to 1871, mostly showing advertisements for businesses and services provided for that community. [.26] A3 display book - No.5 Includes: * Bryce Ross's Diggings Directory. Includes instructions for using this directory. This directory was used by "all persons having connexion or desiring to communicate with 'working parties, private friends, or Stores at the Diggings." As a directory for each area wwas completed it was published in each month's issue of Bonwick's "Digger's Magazine." Years c1852/1853. This Directory commences first at the head of Forest Creek. Includes a directory for Bendigo and Ballarat. Of interest at the end of the Bendigo and Ballarat directory is a list of the number of storekeepers, butchers, doctors, smiths, eating houses, lemonade sellers and chapels. * The Castlemaine Directory and Book of General Information Comprehending Glass's Model Calendar for the Two Years 1862 and1863. "zelda martin, victorian goldfield towns, bendigo, castlemaine, ballarat, maldon, stawell, ararat, maryborough, creswick, avoca, heathcote, banks, bank of australasia, union bank of australia, government camp, sandhurst, water supply, tarnagulla, talbot, back creek, mountain creek, police court, carisbrook, dunolly, thompson's foundry, charles clacy, anthony trollope, robert cecil, mount alexander, urbanisation, national schools, education, govenrment, industry, railway, transport, settlement, land settlement in central victoria, steiglitz, joseph brady, the new australian mine, berry deep leads, william guthrie spence, creswick state forest, arthur worsley, worsley cottage, the welcome stranger, moliagul, moonambel, redbank, st arnaud, sebastapol, brown's, scarsdale, clunes, chewton, daylesford, bushfires, inkerman, inglewood, kingower, lintons, happy valley, piggoreet, mcivor, majorca, tarrangower, taradale, the coliban system, the syphon, sandy creek, wedderburn, koorong, arnold, jones creek, waanyarra, the golden triangle, census 1857, blackwood, buninyong, durham lead, magpie, carngham, snake valley, alma, amherst, daisy hill, amphitheatre, mountain hut, beaufort, fiery creek, counties, population, gold fields commission of enquiry1854, william westgarth, gold license fee, lieutenant colonel valiant, administration of the victorian gold fields, commission to enquire into sludge 1859, e.s. parker, edward stone parker, edgar morrison, mount franklin protectorate, dja dja wurrung, memorial cairn, franklinford, mt franklin memorial cairn, jajowurrong, dja dja wurung, tjaowarong, wothowurong, assistant protectors, daylesford museum, buluk, rock art - grampians, aboriginal mythology - grampians, aborigines, first nations people, mount franklin, aboriginal artifacts, lake burrumbeet, native police force, central board of aborigines, yandoit, commissioners' reports, wardens' reports, port phillip/victoria directories 1839-1867, local government - victoria 1853/1854, surveyor general's department - 1850's, victorian schools 1850's, a.b.orlebar, haines land bill, william charles haines, wilson gray, land tenure, land leagues, victorian gazetteer, the tarrangower times and maldon advertiser - 1858-1867, the mount alexander mail 1854-1866, the tarnagulla courier 1864, dunolly and burnt creek express 1862-1871, bryce rose's diggings directory, the castlemaine directory 1862-1863 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, University of Ballarat, Everyone@UB, 2001
The University of Ballarat in 1998 comprised the Mt Helen Campus, SMB (Ballarat School of Mines) Campus and the Horsham Campus. It's current name is Federation University Australia. In 1998 Everyone@UB was a monthly staff newsletter edited by Peter Baird in consultation with Don Moconachie.A series of monthly bulletins covering all University of Ballarat campuses. .1) University merger, John Bailey, Michael Adermann, Vice-Chancellor, Jenny Nemeth, Katherine Birkin, Rowena Coutts, Ballarat Technology Park, Ron Wild .2) Chancellor appointment, Chancellor retirement, Geoffrey Blainey tribute, David Caro, Katherine Birkin, Arno Besse, George Murdoch, Bullarook, Stephen Kemmus, Neville French, ceramics, Tristan Smith, Horsham, Arnhem Land film, Ararat, Kerry Cox, anorexia, salary packages, University of Ballarat Brass Band, Natalie Radomski, becoming a university. Images: Geoffrey Blainey, David Caro, David James, Katherine Birkin, Arno Besse, George Murdoch, Geoffrey Blainey, Stephen Kemmis, Neville French, John Ackland, Richard Jardine, Glen Auld, Dennis Arne, Andrew Kotsonis, Kerry Cox, Suzanne McLaren, Marcia Pope, Rosemary Green, Leonie Otago, Natalie Rodomski .5) October 1998 - Carolyn Taylor, misogyny, Horsham campus building under construction, David Caro, Miranda Kerr, Martin Westbrook, Iain Reid, virtual monitors, teaching practice, Joanne Knight, John Pidgeon, Sally Buckland, arsenic, Ian Rae, Bob Allan, Patricia Cartwright, Matthew Baker, Sundru Sivamalai, Janine Smith, Pat Mann, International Student Market Research, Steve Mennen, Copyright, internet to the outback, Charters Towers, Engineering students, Darryl Dyason, Andrew McDougall, Dianne Jacono, Ross Morgan, Keith Boast, Cranbrook Academy of Art (Detroit), Helmut Stenzel, Mt Helen vegetation, Jan Bedggood, Ann-Maree Haintz, Kathleen Lakey, Adrienne Ryan, Fiona Schmidt. .11) Phil Candy, flexible learning, strategic planning. .12) diving, Reconciliation, Learning City, Student residence, Alex Rubinov, Graduate Centre, Ceramics, horse, Wimmera, tree regeneration, student poverty, UB museum, David Manterfeild, Heather Hatfeild. Redundancy, video conferencing Images: Steve Matthews, Craig Holloway, Peter Pilven, Sneha Kirubakaran, Phil Honeywood, Kerry Cox, David Manterfield, Martin Westbrooke, Ram Karan, Barry Jones, Gael Ramsay, Jenny Hargave, Heather Hatfield. .16) Jeff Kennett, Honorary Doctorate, Technology Park, Mary Atkinson, Ian Wright, Internet, Disability Action Plan, Robert Munt obituary, Sandra Stepcich obituary, Virginia Fenwlon, East Timor, Centre for Environmental Management, Wayne Jolly, 130th anniversary, Craig Hurley, Barry Wemyss, John Murray, Tori Power, Grant Curnow. Images: Vivienne Witwer, Claire Hetherington, Ian Wright, Virginia Fenelin .17) Broadband, AARNet, David James Retirement, wetlands, Debbie Eagles, Centre for Rural and Regional Health, numeracy, nursing, Sue Turale, Max Palmer, Camp Street, Arts Academy, library, SMB scholarship, Landcare, Mallee pipeline, Verna Barry, Alice Mills, Marian Brown, .18) Fiji, Texans, Greenhill, Robert Whitson, Ian Clark, Abororiginal history, Yuille St, Peter Baird, Martin Westrbrook, Robert Allen, Arts Academy, John McGrath, Phil Ruglen, 3BBB, John Ferrier .21) Beverley. Lassiter, Vice-ChAncellor appointment, Kerry Cox, Craig Hurley, Barry Wemyss, Ceramics, Bill Pryor, University Games, Olympics, Broken Hill, Alex Rubinov, Jonathan Halls, Dare to be different, Wayne Muir, Student Union Refit. Images: Wayne Muir, Alex Ruminov, Kerry Cox .22) December 2000 - nursing, David James, Phil Candy, John McLean, Debbie Eagles, brewery, brewing, Meredith Sussex, Lyn Faneco, TAFE,Joy Nunn, ARC, mosaics, Timor, Alfredo Pires, Centre for Rural and Regional Health, diabetes, kangaroos, Murray-Darling, Leagher Homestead, David Welch, Joy Nunn, Jill Blee, Maryanne Coutts, positive discrimination, Theresa Saunders, Imelda Crebbin .23) March 2001 - Nancy Lange, Paul Lambeth, Yvonne Button, Don Pennell, Natalie Radomski, Marcia Pope, McKinnon Walker, Marc Brodie, TAFE, WorldSkills, Horticulture, Ararat, Website, library, Leeanne Pitman, Liz Hartmann, nursing, Miranda Walker, Ciaran Pier, Anxiety Disorders, volcano, brewing, beer, Peter Aldred, Rob Greig, Jeremy Smith, Alice Mills, Geoff Burgess, .24) May 2001 - Graduations, Talia Venn, Stephen Carthew, Honory Doctorate, Steve Monaghetti, Heather Moore, Brendan O'Brien, Bill Pryr, Terry O'Brien, Carole Wilson, Carolyn Taylor, rape law reform, Federation at the Ballarat School of Mines, Work Skills, Debbie Eagles, Sue Purtle, Longerenong, Mohair, Early Childhood, Horsham, Kerry Cox, Willy Hobbs, David Firth, Kim Durban, BAPA, maryanne Coutts, Ewen McDonald, butterflys, Fukuoaka INstitute of Technology, Jane Wilkinson .25) Wayne Robinson, Neil McAdam retirement, Anne Beggs Sunter, nursing, Eileen Sellers, Hannelore Best, international nursing, Francis Adams, copyright, Roy Taylor, Wendy Bolger, unplugged, Horsham, Robert Irvine, Horsham graduations, Anxiety Clinic, Carole Wilson, Heart Mat, University of Ballarat Mission, Diabetes, Emelia Martinez-Brawley. Images include Wayne Robinson, Anne Beggs Sunter, Eileen Sellers, Hannelore Best, Phil Candy. Meg Tasker, Roy Taylor, Wendy Bolger, Robert Irvine, Angus McLachlan, Roger Castleman, Stephen Roberts, Philip Smith, Bob Allen, Rob Greig, Dennis Jeandet, Carole Wilson, Doug Lloyduniversity of ballarat, ballarat school of mines, wetland, broadband, david janes, smb, kennett, leadership, eagles, centre for rural and regional health, microwave, turale, arts academy, camp street, library, landcare, mallee, mallee pipeline, barry, verna barry, mills, brown, palmer, caro, geoffrey blainey, blainey, birkin, besse, kemmis, adermann, ackland, jardine, auld, mclaren, pope, green, otago, radomski, honorary doctorate, munt, stepcich, wemyss, rubinov, muir, everyone@ub, robinson, horsham, stawell, ararat, fukuoaka, taylor, moneghetti, coutt, hatfeild, westbrooke, karan, bailey, james, nemeth, wild, de bono, texas, sharpam, fiji, clark, ruyg, kropp, sugget, baird, allen, westbrook, rural health, stacpoole, mcgrath, ruglen, ferrier, manterfield, pilven, michael adermann, tafe, mount helen vegetation, dennis arne -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, University of Ballarat Annual Report, 2001, 2001
The University of Ballarat was established by the University Act 1993 and came into existence on 1 January 1994. The Act was amended in1997 to provide for the merging of the University with The School of Mines and Industries Ballarat Limited and the Winnera Institute of TAFE, and the establishment of a Technical and Further Education Division in addition to a Higher Education Division. The merged institution came into existence on 01 January 1998., creating five University campuses in Central and Western Victoria, situated at Ararat, Ballarat city, Horsham, Mount Helen and Stawell.Black and white soft cover book featuring a detail of the former Ballarat Post Office, now the University of Ballarat Post Office Gallery. Contents include: David Caro, Kerry Cox, Wayne Robinson,Terry Lloyd, Vicki Williamson, Robert Hook, Dennis Murray, Robert Irvine, Camp Street Arts Precinct, State Revenue Office, Peter Ryan. Information and photographs of the following recipients of University of Ballarat Honorary Doctorstes: William Pryor, Steve Moneghetti, Catherine Freeman. PhDs were conferred upon Heather Moore, Brendan O'Brien, Mikhail Andramanov, Terrence O'Brien, Caroline Taylor, Emelia Martinez-Brawley, David Behm, Carole Wilson, Leeanne Pitman, Talia Venn, John McDonald, Martin Westbrooke, Alex Rubinov, Jenny Blitvich, IBM Global Services, Australasian International Beer Awards, Clare Gervasonidavid caro, kerry cox, wayne robinson, terry lloyd, vicki williamson, robert hook, dennis murray, robert irvine, camp street arts precinct, state revenue office, peter ryan, university of ballarat, annual report, establishment, university of ballarat establishment, robert hoock, camp st, arts academy, sidney morris, honoraray doctorate - william joseph pryor, honorary doctorate - steve moneghetti, carole wilson, heather moore, terrence o, brien, brendan o'brien, s. caroline taylor, emilia martinez-brawley, david behm, colin lankishear, harry rothman, nancy lange, paul lambeth, philip candy, neville french, leeanne pitman, talia vern], norman falzon, john mcdonald, martin westbrooke, alexrubinov, jenny blitvich, australasian international beer awards, clare gervasoni, jill blee, simon molesworth, arts academy under construction, buildings, honorary doctorate - catherine freeman, cathy freman, steve moneghetti -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Indenture Between Robert M. Serjeant, Joseph Flude and the Trustees of the Ballarat School of Mines regarding Letters of Patents for the Benefit of the Ballarat School of Mines, 1877, 04/03/1875
... cuthbert ballarat school of mines trustees William Stawell John ...R.M. Serjeant was listed as a mining manager and Joseph Flude as a metallurgist. In 1875 they were both living in Ballarat. The patent number is A.D.1875, 4th March. No 2031. According to the patent the hearth of the furnace is in the form of a cone revolving horizontally. The feed is supplied to the apex of the cone by an archimedian screw. The crown of the furnace comprises a double covering or roof with an intermediate chamber for receiving heated air. The inner covering is pierced to admit of the heated air being brought into contact with the pyrites on the face of the revolving hearth. The discharge of the roasted substance is affected by means of a scraper at the base of the cone. It was claimed that this was a new mode of introducing heated air, and the exclusion of flame during the operation of roasting pyrites. The self-acting charge and discharge of the furnace and the peculiar construction of the hot air chambers, and the use of perforated bricks through which the supply of air is affected were also new. ( From the Goulburn Herald, 14 September 1878 "A feature connected with the school of mines is the yet unfinished pyrites works. The extraction of the gold from pyrites and the utilization for commercial purposes of other substances connected with pyrites are peculiarly important to Ballarat, because were a simple and inexpensive method devised there are millions and millions of tons of quartz that would then be made remunerative. With this thought in their minds two scientific gentlemen invented the school of mines self-acting rotatory furnace. This, for lack of funds, has not been completed as yet, but the amount in hand for the purpose is daily increasing, and it will eventually be an accomplished fact. It is in contemplation also to erect machinery shops in connection with the school, and it is purposed to con struct a steam-engine to do at once the work of the pyrites treatment and the ma chine room. A model shaft and mine too are being prepared for on the reserve, so that practical mining of the most thorough character may be taught on the ground.'Large indenture on red bordered vellum. The indenture was regarding a patent for the benefit of the Ballarat School of Mines. Letters Patent for an Invention for Roasting Pyrites to be called 'the Ballarat School of Mines self-Acting Pyrites Furnace" to Robery Malachy Serjeant and Joseph Flude. The large document is on a vellum type paper complete with stamps and seal. The document is signed by Acting-Governor William Stawell. Inscriptions and Markings Written on verso: "Date of Patent 4th March 1875 No 2031 Letters Patent for An invention for roasting pyrities to be called "The Ballarat School of Mines Self-acting Pyrities Furnace" to Robert Malachy Serjeant and Joseph Flude Melbourne, Victoriaballarat school of mines, serjeant, r.m. serjeant, robert m. serjeant, flude, joseph flude, patent, barry, redmond barry, rogers, judge rogers, bland, rivett henry bland, john airy, warrington rogers, establishment, indenture, legal, cuthbert, ballarat school of mines trustees, william stawell, john warrington rogers