Showing 15 items
matching walter middleton
Victoria Police Museum
Prison record (Walter Middleton), 3 June 1920
... Prison record (Walter Middleton) middleton...In May 1919 Walter Middleton, in the company of Francis...Prison record for Walter Middleton, prisoner registered... melbourne In May 1919 Walter Middleton, in the company of Francis ...In May 1919 Walter Middleton, in the company of Francis William Hawken, assaulted and robbed Mr Le Souef, the Director of the Zoological Gardens. A bag was placed over Mr Le Souef's head by Middleton and Hawken struck him on the head with a weighted object. He was then robbed.Prison record for Walter Middleton, prisoner registered number 35144, giving details of the prisoner, his crimes and the dates and places of his trials.english speaking prisoner, walter middleton, robbery, dudley le souef -
Victoria Police Museum
Prison record (Francis Hawken), 3 June 1920
... of Walter Middleton, assaulted and robbed Mr Le Souef, the Director... of Walter Middleton, assaulted and robbed Mr Le Souef, the Director ...In May 1919 Francis William Hawken, in the company of Walter Middleton, assaulted and robbed Mr Le Souef, the Director of the Zoological Gardens. A bag was placed over Mr Le Souef's head and Hawken struck him on the head with a weighted object. He was then robbed.Prison record for Francis William Hawken, prisoner registered number 35145, giving details of the prisoner, his crimes and the dates and places of his trials.english speaking prisoner, francis hawken, robbery, dudley le souef -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, The Ballarat School of Mines and Industries 1870-1920 Jubilee Booklet, 1920 (estimated)
The first school of Mines in Australia was established at Ballarat in 1870. At the time of its jubilee (1930) the following people were members of the School Council: W.H. Middleton (President), W.T. Humphreys (VP), J.S. Vickery (VP), F. Barrow, Col. W.K. Bolton, William Baragwanath, A.E. Cutter, J.N. Dunn, G. Fitches, W.H. Fleay, F. Herman. W.D. Hill, T. Hurley, K. Kean. J. Kelly, L. Lederman, Mayor of Ballarat, Mayour of Ballarat East, D. Maxwell, M. Martin, R. Maddern, D. Ronaldson, F. Saunders, R. Stephenson, A.O. Stubbs, R.E. Tunbridge. The School Staff in 1920 comprised: Herbert H. Smith, Walter Rowbotham, Reginald L. Cutter, M.C. Young, Hilda Wardle, M. Wiliamson, P.S. Richards, L.H. Archibald, J. Woods, Ken Moss, W. Kenneth, Mrs McIlvena. B. Robinson, S. Rowe, E. Hope-Jones, Miss Abrams, L.St.G.P. Austin, Alfred Mica Smith, J.R. Pound, Herbert R. Murphy, N.H. Junner, Maurice Copland, L.H. Archibald, E.J.A. McConnon, Newton King, D.m. Hull, T.R. Gordon, John M. Sutherland, T.K. Jebb, Dick Richards, C. Tonkin, A.W. Steane, J. Paterson, H.W. Malin, R.V. Maddison, S.M. Mayo, F.A. King, W.H. Steane, T.R. Gordon, T.A. Williams, H. Waldron, G. Black, E.J. McConnon, R.V. Duncan. R. Cutter, E.G. Vawdrey, Hilda WardleWhite stapled booklet - landscape format - 20pp + soft covers with blue writing. Includes an historical sketch of the Ballarat School of Mines. Contains images of the school from around 1920. The history outlined in the booklet follows: 'Ballarat has helped to influence the life and destinies of Australia in many ways, the recital of which would perhaps prove tedious to the citizens of less favoured localities! However, it can be said, without much fear of contradiction, that only less known thought Australia than its fame as a gold field is the reputation won for it by its school of Mines, ... Ballarat was still quite a new place when the School was founded, but a very propserous and popular place all the same, with a go-ahead lot of citizens brim full of the spirit of enterprise which seemsto animate mining populations generally. Money was plentiful, and they launched out into ventures, which later, were to develop and take the place of the gold mines, while what is more to the point, they understood the value of education. the old digging days were passing away. So far as Ballarat itself was concerned the day of the cradle and tin dish had already passed into an antiquity "as dead and distant as the age of the Tubal Caon," said dir redmond Barry on declaring the School open. Mining had become a serious business, and the mining engineer, the metallurgist, and the geologist had become a power in the land. In these circumstances the suggestions to found a School of Mines met with ready acceptance. The late Mr James M. Bickett had the honor of bringing forward the proposition at a meeting of the Ballarat Mining Board in October, 1869. it was agreed to, and the Government, having been approached for assistance, granted a lease of the old Supreme Court buildings at a nominal reantal. A modest sum, including 100 pounds from the Borough Council of Ballarat West, was subscribed by a number of sympathisers, and on the 26th October, 1870, the inaugural address was delivered by Sir Redmond Barry, the first President of the School. Classes were commenced on the 23rd January, 1871. The students at first were mostly adults. They were chiefly men emloyed at the mines, who had the wisdom and energy to devote their spare time to study, and, though their attendance was somewhat irregular, they made very good progress. Old prints which have been preserved show them at work at furnaces, big bearded men of the old-fashioned type of miner. It is interesting to note that among those who gave evidence and encouragement was Sir Roderick Murchison, who many years before had advised Cornish miners to emigrate to Australia to search for gold, and who in 1848 was in possession of gold ore sent from this country. Sir Roderick sent a parcel of books for the library, and gave useful advice as to the curriculum which should be adopted. The Museum, which now contains a most valuable collection of minerals, was one of the first things attended to, and the reports presented to the Council from time to time speak of additions being made from all parts of the world. New equipment was constantly being added to the School, a good deal of assay work was done, and some specimens were sent from the East Indies for examination as far back as 1873. By this time there was a difficulty in providing accomodation for the students who wished to enrol, and the number of instructors had grown from two to four. In 1882 the first building was being erected on what was then part of the gaol reserve. A little more than ten years afterwards a buildnig formerly serving as a Methodist Church was absorbed, while later on, the demand for accomodation increasing, the attack upon the gaol was renewed. The School continued to grow in reputation and size, and became the science centre of the district, and in 1889 a learge new building was opened by Sir Alexander Peacock. Students came from over seas as well as from all the States of Australia, and after going through their courses they took with them the name and fame of the old School to all parts of the globe. School of Mines boys have played a great part in developing the mining fields of Western Australia, South Australia, and africa, while old students who have made a name in their profession are constantly dropping in to see how the old place is getting along. It was not to be expected, however, that the Ballarat School would be left without rivals, its very success inspiring competition. Mining Schools were started in other parts of Australia, and, at the same time, Victoria ceased to hold first place as a mining state. On the other hand there was a great advance in manufacturing, and the demand for technicaly trained men became a great and as insistent as ever it had been for trained mining men. The Council was quick to adapt the school to the new conditions, and the result is seen in the institution, which is one of Ballarat's proudest possession. Instruction is given in all branches of technical work, and the classes are filled with students who are building up for Ballarat a reputation as an industrial centre, which promises to equal that which it formerly held as a mining town. Owing to its bracing climate, its abundant opportunities for recreations, and its accessibilty, Ballarat as a city is an ideal place for educational purposed, and is yearly becoming more and more appreciated throughout the State. The chairman of one of Ballarat's biggests industries claims that the workman can do twice the day's work here that he can do in Melbourne. he was a little enthusiastic over it, perhaps, but it is a well-known fact that the healthy and invigourating Ballarat climate is conducive to both physical and mental activity, and the records of the School provide ample proof of it. One of the most interesting and successful branches of the School of Mines and Industries - if the name be enlarged with the enlargement of its scope - is the Technical Art School. "The City of Statues" has from its earliest days been a stronghold of art. Art schools have flourised here, and in 1905 the Education Department came to the conclusion that the best thing to do with them was to place them under the management of the School of Mines Council. A magnificent new Technical Art School was built at a cost of some 12,000 pounds on the site of the old Supreme Court building, and was formally opened on the 23rd July, 1915. The results have not only been justified but surpassed all anticipations. The most comprehensive list of subjects is taught, and this list is constantly added to. Students have flocked to the art School, which may be said to occupy a unique position in Australia, and its record of success is really astonishing. Its students supply art teachers for the newer schools that are being built, and many occupy leading positinos in important business houses. So well is its reputation known that orders are constantly being received, not only from Victoria, but from other States, for honor boards and challenge shields to be designed and made. The most recent addition to the School of Mines and Industries is the Junior Technical School, for which a new building is now being erected on a portion of the gaol site, transferred to the School of Mines Counci by the Government. At the present moment temporary quarters are being occupied. Some students after passing through the Junior School go straight to employment, continuing perhaps to attend the evening trade classes, while others move on to the senior School. In a review of the work of the School of Mines mention must be made of a series of industrial research carried out under supervision of the Principal. One in particular, regarding the suitability of the local ores for the manufacture of pigments attracted much attention, while the experiemtns on the manufacture of white potery from Victorian clayes were considered of sufficient importance by the Federal Advisory Council of Science and Industry to warrant the appointment of a special investigator. The results of these have been most encouraging, and may have far-reaching consequences. The vocational training of returned soldiers also should not be overlooked. The work was taken in hand from the first, before the Repatriation Department gave assistance, and now with the help of the department of the School has become one of the largest vocational training centres in Victoria outside of Melbourne. The soldiers, trained in a variety of occupations, have made remarkable progress, and already considerable numbers have found employment in local workshops and factories. To sum up, the School is divided into the following departments, each well staffed and equipped: - The School of Mines, science, and Engineering; the Techncial Art School, the Boys' Junior Technical School, the Girl's Preparatory Technical Classes, Trade Classes, and the Commercial School. The school of Mines, science and Engineering, comprises the following branches: - Mining, Metallurgy, Geology, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Battery treatments, Cyanide Testing, Smelting, Assays, and Clay Testing from a regular part of the School's work. Students gaining qualifications obtain concession in their courses at the university, should they proceed there to continue their studies. The technical Art school curriculum includes training in all branches of pictorial and applied art, an Architectural Diploma Course, a Draughtman's Course, technical Art teachers' Course, Photography,Ticket Writing, Art Metal Work, Woodcarving, Needlework, and Leather work. The Trade Classes give instruction in Telephone Mechanics, telegraphy, Carpentry, Cabinet Making, Plumbing, Blacksmithing, Fitting, Electric Wiring, and Printing. Numerous Scholarships are offered every year, and altogether students will find few places to equal the Ballarat School of Mines and Industries as a training place for their life's work. One of the first in the continent to be established, its Jubilee finds it still in the front rank, keeping pace with the times, and offering to the youths of this country the means of taking advantage of Australia's teeming opportunities. william, battery, smith, herbert, drawing from the antique, ballarat school of mines botanical gardens, ballarat school of mines, redmond barry, alfred mica smith, james bickett, museum, dick richards, ballarat junior technical school, s m b, ballarat school of mines and industries, ballarat technical art school, model mine, james m bickett, j m bickett, roderick murchison, vocational training rooms, wesley church, methodist church, alexander peacock, lathes, repatriation, repatriatin department, war service, school council, baragwanath, gold mining, mining laboratory, plaster cast, r.w. richards, anniversary, jubilee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat School of Mines Memorandum of Association, 1890, 1890
.1) Roneoed 17 page copy of the Ballarat School of Mines Memorandum of Association on foolscap paper. The certificate of association is signed by H. Hoskin, and the legal document was prepared by Thomas Matthews Paul of Nevett & Nevett. A number of men were listed, along with their addresses, as being desirous of forming the Memo of Association. The names are Andrew Anderson, Richard Taylor Cale, James Milihinch Bickett, Richard Madden, Horatio Arthur Nevett, John Nankilville Dunn, George Buchanan, Samuel Ernest Figgis, Frank Herman, James Thomas, James Thomas Mitchell, William Morrison, Robert Scott, James Dyer Woolcott, James Lonie, Robert Ernest Williams, Walter Henry Cornell, William Henry Middleton, Henry Robert Salmon, Joseph Stanley Vickery, George Henry Fitches, William Henry Sewell, .2) Roneoed copy of the Gordon Institute of Technology Memorandum of Association on foolscap paper.andrew anderson, richard t. vale, james bickett, richard madden, horatio a. nevett, john n, dunn, george buchanan, samuel figgis, frank herman, james thomas, thomas mtichell, william morrision, robert school, james d. woolcott, james milihinch bickett, horatio arthur nevett, john nankilville dunn, samuel ernest figgis, james thomas mitchell, william morrison, robert scott, james dyer woolcott, james lonie, robert ernest williams, walter henry cornell, william henry middleton, henry robert salmon, joseph stanley vickery, george henry fitches, william henry sewell, thomas m. paull, constitution, ballarat school of mines, w.h. middleton, henry salmon, joseph vikery, george fitches, thomas paill -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Memorandum and Articles of Association of the School of Mines and Industries Ballarat, 1908, 1908
The Ballarat School of Mines was the first technical school in Australia. It was established in 1870.21 page soft covered, brown printed booklet with white card glued along the spine. It includes a certificate of Incorporation under the 1890 Incorporations Act.ballarat school of mines, constitution, establishment, h. hosken, andrew anderson, richard tayler vale, james millhinch bickett, richard maddern, horation arthur nevett, john nankivalle dunn, george buchanan, samuel ernest figgis, frank herman, james thomas mitchell, william morrison, robert scott, james dyer woolcott, james lonie, robert ernest williams, walter henry cornell, william henry middleton, henry robert salmon, joseph stanley vickery, george henry fitches, william henry sewell, vale, anderson, bickett, figgis, vickery, technical education -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Assay and Analysis Ledger, 1887-1890, 1887-1890
The Ballarat School of Mines had a 'Model Mine' that was used to teach students. Practical work was undertaken for a fee, supervised by laboratory superintendents. Copies of assays undertaken are compiled together in this book. Leatherbound ledger with transfer copies assay reports from the Ballarat School of Mines. Those seeking assaying work from the Ballarat School of Mines are listed in alphabetical order in the front of the ledger. The ledger contains 543 pages. .2) Foolscap assay report on foolscap Ballarat School of Mines letterhead, and signed by Alfred Mica Smith, Superintendent of Laboratories. The report was on eight samples of Quartz submitted by R.C. Morgan, Scotts, Hotel, Melbourne .3) Assay report on Ballarat School of Mines letterhead, dated 14 August 1985, and signed by Andrew Berry, Registrar. The assay was supervised by Professor Alfred Mica Smith, and undertaken for James Burke, Broken Hill, New South Wales. .4) Assay report on Ballarat School of Mines letterhead, dated 18 August 1988, and signed by Alfred Mica Smith, Superintendent of Laboratories. The assay was undertaken on samples of Limonite submitted by James Burke and others, Broken Hill, New South Wales. The report includes information the the Ballarat School of Mines museum and the search for geological specimens from all Australian colonies for the collection. .5) A 'rough' assay report on samples of stone submitted by H. Major Senr, Wilcannia, New South Wales. 5) A 'rough' assay report on sample quartz drillings from quartz reef submitted by H. Morris, Egerton, and an sample of quartz and pyrites for determination by Professor Krause submitted by R.M. Serjeant. ballarat school of mines, a.c. allan, brittania g.m. co., s. body, black horse company, john m. bickett, william bell, james barker, w. bliss, w. bailey, william barrou, w.h. batten, w. bechervaise, band and albion, budd bros, charles barker, i. cahir, a. chamber, w. cahill, james coglan, d. clarke, a.w. dobbie, john dosett, john dunstan, j.a. evans, l. eggleton, charles forbes, d. fitzpatrick, e. ford, michael goold, j. graham, john greenwood, james hayes, ed hardy, arthur harvey, george hodges, john hall, jubilee gold mining company, krause, luplau, lempiere, mt lyell co, john law, ed meadway, john murray, j.h. middleton, c.m. miles, m. muir, e. mcmillan, w. mcdougall, c. napier, w.r. nicholls, napier freehold, w.b, ochiltree, oakleigh gold mining company, dr pinnock, c. quin, james ross, c.b. retallack, e. rowlands, royal standard, linton, frank rabling, william russell, charles soloman, f. selby, w.j. scott, sulieman pasha co, south clunes united, h.w. sinclair, george selby, e.h. schroeder, horsham, e.w. spain, c.h. sheary, sir henry loch gold mining company, a. sutherland, saxon consols, j.b. triggs, h. townsend, harold turnley, c. taylor, melbourne, c. thorpe, a. vandenberg, charles walker, charles wilson, thomas wellington, a. wynne, r. warne, e. wattis, john wood, walter warner, armidale, c. winterbottom, w.l. willliams, j.c. young -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Invoices, 01/07/1895 - 05/05/1899
The invoices glued into the scrapbook relate to purchases from the Ballarat School of MinesA very large dark green hard covered volume with read leather face spine and corners. Black ornamental bands across the spine. Leather strap with buckle for securing covers when not in use. Plain pages of brown "wrapping paper". Receipts glued to pages, folded and then numbered consecutively by hand i blue pencil. First receipt No. 996 (01 July 1895), numbering restarts after 1000 (three times). Last receipt is No. 155 (05 May 1899).invoices, ballarat school of mines, tunbridges, pringle, receipts, w. hamer, plumber, eyres brothers, j.h. trotman, g. batchelor, n. guthridge, w. doepel, frank fiscalini, huddart, barker and co., a. gaunt, h. wardle and son, turron & mcgavin, e.e. campbell, g.f. hocking, william sutherland, f. vale, victoria insurance company, r. collie & co., walter cornell, john fiscalini, mcvitty & co, j. miller & co, a.g. corbett, ben franklin printing works, middleton & morris, melbourne glass bottle works co, eldon chambers, e.l. stubbs, j. jones, firewood, mrs soderstrom, museum, ballarat school of mines museum, hill & paine, h. hebestadt, f.w. commons, sculptor, cherry & robins, alex e. monsbourgh, alex purdie, andrew cant, ballarat star, frederick martell, goodfellows, evening echo, a.h. powell, phillately -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, First Term, 1909, 1909
Table of Contents: Editorial, The Graduate's Problem, An Interesting Nevada Cyanide Plant, To the Students', Easter Geological Camp, New Methods for the Volumetric Estimation of Lead, New Students', Obituary, Answers to Correspondents, Mount Morgan Mine, Tin Dredging at Tingha, N.S.W., History Repeats Itself, Proverbs Modernised, Notes on the Iodide Estimation of Copper, Students' Association Rules, Sports and Pastimes, A Scientific Wooing, Past Students, Old Boys, News and Notes, Editorial Notes. Peach coloured booklet of 24 pages.ballarat school of mines, students' magazine, w. e. figgis, t. sim, a. campbell, reginald callister, s. leathes, v. tucker, mitchell, c. corrie, l. middleton, w. geldard, whittington, professor smith, a. c. hesselmann, w. t. sawyer, leslie coulter, sutherland, william baragwanath, v. millington, v. booth, f. retallick, r. roberts, h. caulfield, a. kisler, e. henry, h. jordon, o. cornell, f. fricke, j. lacey, j. f. phillips, obituary, william charles kernot, william j. lamb, robert b. lamb, oliver jaeger, david w. bonar, james w. hawthorne, francis solly, richard e. cowles, percy r. osborne, john adam, george e. sander, walter white, j. r. booth, frank green, william e. figgis, harry r. kofoed, d'oliveyra, b. h. bennetts, r. e. cowles,, w. b. tucker, g. evans, e. heighway, f. h. inglis, o. w. williams, r. ingram-moore, g. h. davenport, d. cameron, arthur elton tandy, l. c. courbould, h. bieske, w. kingston, w. g. sides, t. lennon, h. valentine, h. hall, h. wilkins, g. h. reid -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Booklet, S. L. Vale, Printer, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1927, 1927
Editorial, Fumes from the lab, A trip to Geelong, Arts & Crafts gossip, The Duke and Duchess visit the school, Echoes of the past, A brief description of the rubber industry, Sport, The Junior Techs, A Brief Description of the Rubber Industry, The Troubles of a Wireman, Herald ShieldGreen soft covered magazine. Articles include J.N Rowell, Procession, Rare Metals, Excursion to Geelong, The Duke and Duchess Visit the School, A glimpse of Rabaul. Advertisements include: Maclurkin Motors (Morris) T.J. Haymes, C. Marks & Co., Ballarat Gas Company, Fred. A. Reed (Tobacconist), Wallace Butter Factory, Richards & Co. Studio, Neptune Radio Co, Golden City Vulcanising Co., H. Wardle and Son, J.A. Holland Cycles, Ballarat Radio Co, Drew & Wood, Isaac Abraham, Stansfield and Smith, C.P.A. Taylor, Thornton Studios, Wattle Tea Rooms, Black Cat Tea Rooms. Images include: John N. Rowell, Ballarat School of Mines Procession, sketcj of the Ballarat School of Mines Gardens by Graham Hopwood)Signed on first page by " Harold Jolly".ballarat school of mines, magazine, j. n. rowell, w. g. mchutchison, colin hunt, f. waistcoates, f. v. middleton, c. a. schache, ernest h. schache., rowell, mchutchison, c.a. schache, erenst schache, harold jolly, j.r. pound, n. nicholls, rabaul, new guinea, mica smith scholarship, past students' association, port arthur, mount lyell, queenstown, paper-making, rubber industry, wireman, ernest schache, e. van beek, australian football, thompson shield, graham hopwood, a. t. morrison, e. van beck, g. dimsey, g. inglis, l. hillman, j. nuir, j. johnson, b. saunders, dr. j. r. pound, h. jolly, a. proctor, j. walters, h. wardle and son, john rowell, j.n. rowell, w.g. mchutchison, colin hunt, f. waistcoates, f.v. middleton, ernest h. schache -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, St Patrick's College Annual Magazine, 1914, 1914
St Patrick's College is a Catholic bous secondary school in Ballarat in the Christian Brothers tradition,School Magazine of St Patrick's College, Ballarat. Includes a boarders' Roll Call. Articles include: Ireland's Freedom, The Catholic Federation, Dr Daniel Mannix Images: Physics Laboratory, Sloyd and Manual Art Room. Senior Public Class, Commercial Class, Intercollegiate Athletics, Orchestra, Rev. Dr Higgins, Br Keniry, J. Guinane of the Irish National Forresters, Gerald O'Day, P. Ryan, Frank Keys, L. Bartels, G. Hickey, T. Keys, O. Daly, J. Wolf, A. McKean, T.H. Jenkins, Football Team, Dr Devine, J. Sowersby, Chemistry Laboratory, Gerard Little, Rev. J. McHugh, Andrew Mulquiney, Bernard Heinz Advertisements: Ballarat Trustees, Heinz Brothers Butchers, Middleton and Morris, National Trustees, F. Cannon Hairdresser, G. Werner & Co, Clegg, Miller and Morrow, Rowlands, Gordon Brothers, Loreto Convent, St Alysius Junior Boys' School Portland, Coghlan Boase and Co, Briant's Red Shop Tea Rooms, Ballarat Supply Stores, Stephen Wellington furnishing undertaker, W. Cornell, Eden Photographs, W.E. Longhurst Bread, Sacred Heart Boarding School, St Anes' Ladies' College Geelong, Ballarat Brewing Company, J.S. Young Suit Builders, George Smithm, Kearns Brothers Fish and Oyster Saloon, T.G. Skewes Pharmacy, J.A. Reynolds Wal paper Wahehouse, Walter Gude Music Teacher, Snows, Auldana Wines, J. Ewins Book Store, Cowdell, Tonner and Ellis, Richards and Co, Kruse's Fluid Magnesia, Jago's Ballarat Boot Palace, R.J. Miller Undertaker, W.C. Thomas and Sons Flour Millers, Broadbent Bros, W.E. Thomas American Dentist, Harry Davies and Co., Permewan Wright, William P. Linehan, Tyler's Clothing Arcadem C. Marks and Co, Coad and Hewitson Chaff patrick's college ballarat, daniel mannix, rev. dr higgins, br keniry, j. guinane, irish national forresters, gerald o'day, p. ryan, frank keys, l. bartels, g. hickey, t. keys, o. daly, j. wolf, a. mckean, t.h. jenkins, dr devine, j. sowersby, gerard little, rev. j. mchugh, andrew mulquiney, bernard heinz, ballarat trustees, heinz brothers butchers, middleton and morris, national trustees, f. cannon hairdresser, g. werner & co, clegg, miller and morrow, gordon brothers, loreto convent, st alysius junior boys' school portland, coghlan boase and co, briant's red shop tea rooms, ballarat supply stores, stephen wellington furnishing undertaker, w. cornell, eden photographs, w.e. longhurst bread, sacred heart boarding school, st anes' ladies' college geelong, ballarat brewing company, j.s. young suit builders, george smith, kearns brothers fish and oyster saloon, t.g. skewes pharmacy, j.a. reynolds wal paper warehouse, walter gude music teacher, snows, auldana wines, j. ewins book store, cowdell, tonner and ellis, richards and co, kruse's fluid magnesia, jago's ballarat boot palace, r.j. miller undertaker, w.c. thomas and sons flour millers, broadbent bros, w.e. thomas american dentist, harry davies and co., permewan wright, william p. linehan, tyler's clothing arcade, c. marks and co, coad and hewitson chaff cutters, loret oconvent portland -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Book, St Patrick's College Annual Magazine, 1930-31, 1930-1931
School Magazine of St Patrick's College, Ballarat. Includes a boarders' Roll Call. Articles include: Ballarat Still a Golden City, What Shall I Be? Images:S.P.C. From the Air, Senior Dormitory, A Scene in the Botanical Gardens, Ballarat, dining rooom, Christian Brothers' Novitate and Training College, Strathfield, N.S.W. Advertisements: Ballarat Trustees, Heinz Brothers Butchers, Middleton and Morris, National Trustees, F. Cannon Hairdresser, G. Werner & Co, Clegg, Miller and Morrow, Rowlands, Gordon Brothers, Loreto Convent, St Alysius Junior Boys' School Portland, Coghlan Boase and Co, Briant's Red Shop Tea Rooms, Ballarat Supply Stores, Stephen Wellington furnishing undertaker, W. Cornell, Eden Photographs, W.E. Longhurst Bread, Sacred Heart Boarding School, St Anes' Ladies' College Geelong, Ballarat Brewing Company, J.S. Young Suit Builders, George Smithm, Kearns Brothers Fish and Oyster Saloon, T.G. Skewes Pharmacy, J.A. Reynolds Wal paper Wahehouse, Walter Gude Music Teacher, Snows, Auldana Wines, J. Ewins Book Store, Cowdell, Tonner and Ellis, Richards and Co, Kruse's Fluid Magnesia, Jago's Ballarat Boot Palace, R.J. Miller Undertaker, W.C. Thomas and Sons Flour Millers, Broadbent Bros, W.E. Thomas American Dentist, Harry Davies and Co., Permewan Wright, William P. Linehan, Tyler's Clothing Arcadem C. Marks and Co, Coad and Hewitson Chaff Cutters.Written on first page Walsh, Vectis South, patrick's college ballarat, rev. dr. foley, rev. dr higgins, br keniry, thomas walsh, j. guinane, irish national forresters, gerald o'day, p. ryan, frank keys, l. bartels, g. hickey, t. keys, o. daly, j. wolf, a. mckean, t.h. jenkins, dr devine, j. sowersby, gerard little, rev. j. mchugh, andrew mulquiney, bernard heinz, ballarat trustees, heinz brothers butchers, middleton and morris, national trustees, f. cannon hairdresser, g. werner & co, clegg, miller and morrow, gordon brothers, loreto convent, st alysius junior boys' school portland, coghlan boase and co, briant's red shop tea rooms, ballarat supply stores, stephen wellington furnishing undertaker, w. cornell, eden photographs, w.e. longhurst bread, sacred heart boarding school, st anes' ladies' college geelong, ballarat brewing company, j.s. young suit builders, george smith, kearns brothers fish and oyster saloon, t.g. skewes pharmacy, j.a. reynolds wal paper warehouse, walter gude music teacher, snows, auldana wines, j. ewins book store, cowdell, tonner and ellis, richards and co, kruse's fluid magnesia, jago's ballarat boot palace, r.j. miller undertaker, w.c. thomas and sons flour millers, broadbent bros, w.e. thomas american dentist, harry davies and co., permewan wright, william p. linehan, tyler's clothing arcade, c. marks and co, coad and hewitson chaff cutters, loreto convent portland -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Royal Commission, Sources in the history of Victorian Education No.3 Vol 1 & 2 Royal Commission on Technical Education 1899-1901 Minutes of Evidence, 1978
The Fink Report was important for the social, economic and educational history of Victoria. It gave an insight into a broad cross section of Victorian life at the turn on the century. Eight staff from the School of Mines Ballarat were interviewed as part of the Royal Commission.Two books with orange/yellow covers outlining the Royal Commission into Technical Education in 1899 -1901 .1 has 256 pages .2 has 579 pagesStamped withdrawn on front cover and first page and UB stamped on the side.victorian education, royal commission, technical education, andrew anderson, gilbert dawbarn, thomas hart, frederick martell, richard middleton, alfred mica smith, robert pinnock, walter wynne, ponsonby carew-smyth, maude glover, herman h. schlapp, william knox, frederick paul, herbert h. smith, william macdonald, theodore fink, stawell school of mines, daylesford school of mines -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mick Walsh, Mick Walsh Stawell Studio Colour Negatives, 1975 to 1986
Negatives from Stawell Photographer. Discarded from Penna Print Ararat. Son contacted and gave approval for Stawell Historical Society to keep them. Only those of a non personal nature scanned. W Pianta Baby Megan Cooper & Rickard Ararat Trots Janet Evans John Shalders 40th Val Wortley 80th Birthday Great Western Cup 1984 Dianne Freeberg & David Wortley Caffrey Family Stawell Motel Dunn Bros New Reservoir Aug 1983 McCanns Val & Max Kennedy & Family Bigmore Family Coopers Cars Walters Wedding Bauer Girls Watchom Leigh McClure Coopers Car Middleton Reunion Carol Cunningham & Rodney Clarke Sue Dunmore Sisters RSL Baby Show 1983 Della Bessingham 4-11-83 Stawell Show 1983 Chas Mangle Cousins Grave Delzotta Car Whelan Pigeons Sharon Hustler & Cliff Naeff Colour negatives of families, weddings and other. Nineteen Lever Arch Folders Mick Walsh 52 Patrick Street Stawellphotography -
Melbourne Legacy
Instrument - Violin, The Changi Violin
This violin was played by VX30301 Dvr Roy Arnel, as a member of the Australian Imperial Force Concert Party, in the Changi POW camp, Singapore from 1942-1945. It is claimed that the violin, in its case was thrown over the wall by a Chinese civilian. Roy Arnel, a South African by birth enlisted on 7 June 1940 at Royal Park, Melbourne and served with 2 AASC Company as a driver. He was captured by the Japanese Imperial Army at the fall of Singapore in February 1942. There was more than one concert party in Changi as indicated on the rear of the violin. The details of the Dutch, British and American Concert Parties scratched in to the varnish. There are the some well known names scratched into the violin including: The English author and cartoonist, Ronald Searle; Australian entertainer, Frank Rich; and Australian Author, Russell Braddon. Mr Arnel died in 1982 and the violin was presented to Melbourne Legacy for preservation, safe keeping and display. Further research found that one of the AIF comedians, Harry Smith, had a catch phrase, 'You'll never get off the Island' which became almost the watchword of the prisoners throughout the captivity. That ties with the phrase etched around the outside of the violin, "We'll never get off the island."A very valuable piece of equipment brought back from World War II now on display in Legacy House function room.Violin (00078.1): Violin case (00078.2): Bow (00078.3): Bag of violin parts (00078.4):Around the edge of the instrument's body: "We'll never get off the island" On the front body of the violin: "AIF concert party"; "P.O.W. camp Singapore" Names inscribed on the front body of the violin in columns from left to right: Ray Tullipan, Fred Stringer, Herb Almond, L Jacques, Keith Harris, Jack Garrett, Dave Goodwin, H Sabin, Fred F Brightfield, Jack Boardman, Ern Warne, Ern Banks, T Hoffman, Roy P Arnel, Harold W Reid, W Middleton, Douglas Matthews, Bob Picken, Harry Smith ('appy Harry), Ted Druitt "VIOLIN PLAYED BY" VX30301, (DVR) R S Arnel AIF Concert Party in POW Camp Selerang and Changi Gaol Singapore 1942-1945; T Mack O.C and Producer Harry Tennall; Jack Smith; Walter W Dains; Keith C Stephens; C E Trotter; W Sullivan, Syd Piddington; John Nibbs; Doug Peart; John Wood; Jack Geoghegan; Berry Barton; Barney Bolton; Tom Hussey; Kim De Grey; Clarrie Barker; Ron Caple; Russ Bradon; Bernard McCaffrey; Bart Galbraith; Charles Wiggins; Stan “ Judy” Garland. Rear of Violin has inscriptions top to bottom, left to right. Hans???en; Dutch Concert Party; H.S. Van der Linden; M Bark; B Freunbusch; F Horguine; H. J. Hurgarden; Lt H. J. Scholer (Violin); H.A.F. Pet; M Van Dyk; W J Witte; G H Fransen; E Ewig; M Ruwart (Hypnotist); A V Korem(Dancer) C N Rob (Violin) C H Kuipers (Guitar); W C Emmenes (Cellist) L H R???? (Violin) British Concert Party Alex????; P Holland ( “ Dutchy” Accordian); Wray Gibson :AH!; E J Bawer (Drums); Clem (Lofty) Relf(Clarinet); Bill Williams (Piano); Ken Luke; Ronald Searle; Charles Dobman “Good Luck”; Dan Harts(”Professor”); Gil Mitchell ( Violinist); John Fitzgerald; E Botor (Tenor Horn); Ronald Lewis; Ronnie Horner; Robin Wilbury; Jack M Wood ( Producer); Denis A S Houghton (Bass); C J Buckingham; Stan Mesurier; E B Dobson USA Concert Camberts Party Don Smith; Owen Baggett; Denis Roland; Stan Willner; Albert “ HAP” Kelley (Trombone); Joe Manella; Charles Kelleher. Internal manufactures tag “ “Excelsior” Brand Specally made for the Tropic and reputed for good ton and workmanship Made in Czechoslovakia”changi violin, pow